Humanity's Leap To The Heart Chakra


By Joe Mason

Five months later, I was stopped by a security guard at work, named John. We had been talking of religious subjects for some months. John had a 16 year experience, involving an intense study of the Bible. He joined a number of different churches, but found them lacking. Eventually, he realized that the Bible was telling him that the churches were the wrong place to be. It is just him, the Bible, and God, now. John stopped me that day to tell of a coincidence. His wife had the feeling for several days that they should read Matthew 24. Then, a relative called and said she had the feeling they should read Matthew 24. John reread it, and felt it might be about Matthew 24:15


"So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand),"

It continues with verses 16-19,

"then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in the house; and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle."

John felt this might be refering to the churches, as: "the holy place." When I got home, I read the verses. There is a footnote reference to Daniel 9:27, which I then read:

"And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator."

This connected so well with my dream-voice message from five months prior. The "desolator" clearly seems to be the harlot of Rev. 17, and has the very same meaning as Kali in the eastern traditions. In those traditions, we are in the Age called, the "Kali-Yuga," the Age of Iron. It is called "death or destruction creation," and equated to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's growth. This is the context, I believe, of the destruction at the end of the world.

The Iron Age corresponds to the legs of iron in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar of the frightening image, which Daniel interprets to be ages.

The two olive trees of Rev. 11, are also called two lampstands and two prophets. I believe this involves a symbolism related to Joshua (Jesus' name in Greek) and Zerubbabel. They are mentioned along with the two olive trees in Zechariah 3 and 4. Zerubbabel was a name taken by the Jews when they returned from Babylon, and literally means, "seed of Babylon." John believes this is related to the symbolism of the pomegranate, "seeds divided by partitions." In the Greek myth of Persepone, the pomegranate was"the food of the dead in Hades." In Zechariah 4:7, it says that Zerubbabel will make the great mountain into a plain, and bring forward the top stone. A dream of mine showed a great mountain to be the beasts of fears. As one ascends, the fears become less and less. At the top, the fears are gone, and the beasts are extinct, and cannot come back. Rev. 16:20 says, "And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found; .." Islands seem to symbolize our seperateness and divided state in the time cycle. Babylon was called, "The Island," because it has waters on three sides, and mountains to the north. In the Book of Haggai, the prophet has a message for Zerubbabel, the governor, and Joshua, the high priest. They are told in verse 2:5 to "fear not." Verse 2:19 mentions the seed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree. The last verse, 2:23, says that Zerubbabel will be made like the Lord's signet ring, on that day, when heaven and earth shakes. A governor and priest can be interpreted as the outside and inside self, or the self and The Self. In the Upanashads, the intellect is the charioteer, and the Rider is the Self, who resides in the Lotus of the Heart. The Four Living Creatures are also related to a chariot, called the "Merkabah." This is the Divine Light Vehicle that is descending upon us. You can find some information at these sites:
The Signet Ring of God is thought by some to be the Tau Cross, an equaled-armed cross which has several meanings, one of which is the symbolic spiriual baptism in the sea. Another, is the duality of the verticle and horizontal, or Heaven and earth. It is also the Cross of Creation, manifestation on the physical plain. It is related to the Tetragrammation, the four letters of the Divine Name, or the Name of our Father. In Revelation 14:1, the 144,000 have their "Father's name written on their foreheads." There are many indications that The Truth will come at the end of the cycle. I believe this is represented by the sharp, two-edged sword that issues from the mouth of the Son Of Man in Rev. 1:16. I have heard it said that this is Jesus. I think this is so, but it is also the Christ Consciousness of the many, who form the Body Of Christ. One of the reasons I say this is because it is said in Rev. 1:15 that his voice was like the sound of many waters. Rev. 17:15, refering to a different context, says, "The waters that you saw, where the harlot is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues."

The two olive trees/lampstands/prophets of Rev. 11, seem to refer to the many, and the duality within them.

The inside Self, often symbolized as the feminine/dreaming/intuitive/right brain self, is growing to match the male/rational/outside/left brain self. It is like going from a sky with the sun blocking out the Morning Star, to a Dawning Sunrise, where there are two, equal-sized Suns.

I had guessed that the harlot of Rev.17 represented karma or judgment, based on Pablo's dream and others. The last part of the dream indicates Is: "The housekeeper complains about her lack of money." There is a housekeeper-type "sweeping" Woman in Aztec myths, called "Serpent Skirt." She sweeps and cleans at Serpent Hill to atone for sins. She is made pregnant by feathers floating down from Heaven, and evil forces try to destroy the unborn child. This is much like the Woman With Child in Rev. 12.

The harlot symbolism seems to mean that we "pay" (karma) for the "fornication" (duality bond) in the time cycle. And, that it is temporary. We become drunk on the wine of the harlot, which involves the emotion of fury

. When I found out about Kali in "The Tantric Way," she seemed to exactly match with the harlot. She evokes the feeling of "tammasisk," which means "fury." In one depiction she is "seated upon" a reclining, fornicating couple, and the male wears a crown. (i.e. king of the earth) She wears a girdle of severed human hands. As the instruments of our works, this symbolizes karma.