The number 26
The Mayan Connection
by Dee Finney
and many other researchers
1-14-2001 - I had spent an hour knitting an afghan which was very complicated. My eyes were getting tired, so I decided to lay down and take a nap. The dream was very strange, related to the knitting I had just been doing ... but the numbers in the vision and the way I was knitting was NOT normal.
Women who know how to knit will understand this better than men will. I knitted a cast-off of 26 stitches on a swatch of material. In the next row I cast back on 26 stitches so that it created a long narrow rectangular window, rather like a button hole. I also cast-off one stitch in one row, then cast on that same stitch on the next row, thereby making a square hole. The dream showed me that it was labeled 'camera'.
Then a box was created (which is impossible to do in knitting) of 26 cast off stitches, a number of rows knitted up, then cast back on 26 stitches so that a square box was created and it was held open by a stick on the diagonal from corner to corner, left bottom to upper right.
I wasn't even going to write this down, but the numbers keep nagging at me and why was that one stitch called, 'camera'?
NOTE: After researching the number, it appears that the '26' represents the long count and the '1' represents the short count of the Mayan calendar system.
Some Mayan groups froze their New Year to July 26, “when Sirius rises in that part of the world.”
On January 1 at midnight, Sirius culminates, reaching its highest point in the sky, at the only time of year when it is visible all night long.
Tikal Stela 26 |
The Tzol'Kin can be seen as a way of receiving messages from the Galaxy. In a similar way, yearly calendars and Haab calendars carry messages from the Sun. Each different yearly calendar may be recognized as carrying different information or frequencies from and through the Sun. The calendars that start July 26, may carry messages from the star Sirius, through the Sun, to the Earth, since this is the day that Sirius heliacally rises at dawn in the northern Yucatan, near sacred sites such as Mayapan and Chichén Itzá. A yearly calendar that starts in December may carry frequencies from the stars of Ophiuchus, considering that the Sun appears to be in this constellation at that time. Calendars that begin January 1, may be circulating energy from both Sirius and Vega, since the Sun aligns with those two stars at that time. It may be helpful to recognize that all calendars, including the Mayan calendar, are practical applications of astrology.
Long Count
Another component of the Mayan calendar is called the Long Count. It is made up of the larger cycles of the Mayan calendar and seems to extend to infinity. It is composed of a 360-day cycle called tun, a 20-tun cycle called katun and a 20-katun (400-tun) cycle called baktun. There are also larger cycles calculated by multiplying the baktun by twenty, and the resulting cycle by twenty and so on.
In the astrological use of the Long Count, a 13-tun cycle, a 13-katun cycle and a 13-baktun cycle are also counted. Notice the similarity between the 360 days of the tun and the 360° of a circle and the zodiac. Don't confuse the 360-day tun with the 365-day Haab. The 360-day tun is composed of complete 20-day Daykeeper cycles (18 x 20 = 360), while the 365-day Haab is not.
What is relevant to us today is that we are approaching the end of a 13-baktun cycle. When people generally say that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, they are referring to the end of this 5125-year cycle that began in 3114 BCE. There is some controversy over the starting and ending dates of this particular 13-baktun cycle.
In order to better understand why some believe that the Mayan Long Count actually ends in 2012, it is necessary to recognize certain astrological and galactic cycles. There exist astrological cycles that map the "light" of creation, the "seedings" from the darkness and the interplay between the light and the dark that is fundamental to creation itself. The cycles of the Sun and Venus together are a key light cycle. Eclipse cycles are a fundamental cycle of darkness for the Earth. The interrelationships between the cycles of light and dark reveal the ongoing creation of life on the Earth and the evolution of the Earth within the Galaxy.
A major Sun/Venus event occurs in 2012, as do two profound solar eclipses. The coming together of a cycle of light and a cycle of darkness at the time of the conclusion of a unique series of galactic alignments hints at the underlying reason why the conclusion of this Mayan 13-baktun cycle is sometimes called the end of the Mayan calendar.
In 2012, there will be the rare occurrence of a transit of Venus. This is when Venus passes directly in front of the Sun from our perspective on the Earth. It is a perfect alignment between the Earth, Venus and the Sun. The last transit of Venus occurred in 1882, around the time of the rediscovery of ancient Mayan sacred sites. Transits of Venus occur on the average twice every 120 or so years.
Mythology of Weaving Mayan Weaving
I found this: in camera (adverb)
Synonyms: SECRETLY, by stealth, clandestinely, covertly, furtively, hugger-mugger, privately, stealthily, sub rosa, surreptitiously
Thus the word camera is not just a noun ... the name of an object we take for granted . Perhaps there is something else going on.
the divine Name Jehovah Elohim, we should note that, in Hebrew, Jehovah adds to 26, the number of letters in the english alphabet and the value of GOD in the LUX code. In the NOX code, the Holy Word of Tantrick Buddhism, OM, as well as the Lost Word of the Master Masons as MABN, or ABMN, also add to 26. The Hebrew transliterations of these two secret Words possess the same value as our Word of the Law, Thelema, 93.
Many people have felt uplifted and inspired by the proportions of King's College Chapel in Cambridge (built 1446-1515). Its founder, King Henry VI, gave precise stipulations for its dimensions and design, and it turned out to be one of the last Gothic churches built entirely to geomantic principles. Among other things, its component parts repeatedly reflect the number 26, which in gematria is the name of God in Hebrew, the tetragrammaton JHVH.
Nigel Pennick has written that King's College Chapel "embodied in its fabric, dimensions, proportions, colours and geometry the basic mysteries of the faith. ... Numerologically, the number 26 is dominant. There are 26 great stained-glass windows, 26 structural uprights, 26 ribs in each pair of fans in the stone vaulting of the roof, 26 apertures in each panel of side-chantry tracery, etc. ... Twenty-six represents the ineffable name of God, in Hebrew. This word permeates the fabric of the chapel, as the spirit of God was believed to permeate the earth, making the chapel indeed the divine body. In fact, the numerological symbolism is openly revealed at the tympanum over the west door, where (there) is carved the Tetragrammaton. Although its significance is lost on today's tourist guides (and most of today's tourists), it is perhaps the only overt statement of mystical purpose to exist on the outside of an English ecclesiastical building.
The Jehovah = 26 current also leads us once again to the Squaring of the Circle, as the Hermeticists discovered, in light of pi equaling 22 sevenths, which when added to the 4 corners of the Square or Cross, yields the number 26. Moreover, the number 26 is also intimately related to the Cube of Measurable Space, made up of 6 faces, 8 corners, and 12 edges, said components adding to the Number 26. The number 26 is also the number of the proportion of the Golden Rectangle, which was utilized by Classical and Renaissance artists as a symbol of perfection, for this rectangle is measured as 5 by 8 units, and 5 + 8 + 5 + 8 = 26.
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In the tarot the 26th card is the Page of Wands. The explanation of this card is as follows:
"By fixing his attention on the flowering wand before him the young Page appears to be contemplating his power. He knows his inner strength, but has not yet been called upon the exercise it. 26/8 is a karmic number. There are 26 letters in our alphabet, the extent of our ability to communicate verbally and through the written word."
This, in my opinion, represents the aspect of intellect and logic.
"26 is the number of the cube, an ancient symbol for the human body, and the world of form. Salt crystallizes in cubes and we are said to be the 'salt of the earth'. A 26-degree angled hallway leading to the Queen's Chamber in the Great Pyramid revealed, upon first opening, walls mysteriously encrusted with up to half an inch of salt. 26/8 brings events with karmic implication. Powers of expression and communication develop gifted speakers under this number. Good judgement is necessary. Stressful situations and varied experiences help develop self-confidence. There is enthusiasm, courage, and power here".
Joe Mason suggested that I check out the page about the crop circle The number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, and the Grid Crop Circle
It occurred in 1997.
In "SC" # 68, Michael Glickman interpreted the 1997 Etchilhampton "Grid" crop formation (above) as a pointer to 2012. The formation was a 30 x 26 checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This, Michael theorized, could indicate the thirty 26-week periods between 1997 and 2012.
Geoff adds that the 780 squares of the grid are exactly divisible by the TZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares with sides of 13 x 20. Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fit straight in and the third after bisection.
The grid seems related to a "map" called "Psi Bank Warp and Holonomic Woof" mentioned in a book called "Earth Ascending," by Jose Arguelles (page 121). The "map" consists of eight Tzolkins joined together showing relationships between the Mayan calendar, the "I Ching" and the 64 DNA codons. Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics, philosophy, geomancy and the "I Ching," and concluded that mankind is creating a "noosphere," or mind layer, around the Earth, which is evolving towards the "Omega Point of Planetary Awakening" in 2012, according to Teillard de Chardin.
The Amazing Synchronicity of Chatelain’s Mayan Calendar
These mysterious ancient Mayan symbols reflect a place beyond the bounds of time and space. They come to us from the stars. They ensure directly from the nameless, universal Great Mystery. The Mayan Tzolkin, a 260 square loom of creation, is a galactic matrix which is made up of a combination of twenty archetypal patterns of light and thirteen radial pulsations or tones, called numbers. The twenty Mayan symbols represent the various faces of divinity through which humanity is evolving; to the end of becoming what the Maya call, The Mind of Light. This universal code embraces the knowledge and wisdom of the cosmos and is a means for decoding the larger patterns and cycles of the Universe. The Tzolkin code pulses endlessly, like radio waves, offering galactic information and direct alignment with universal wisdom. These symbols, in combination, tap directly into the evolutionary potential held within the resonant frequencies of the Divine Mystery.
The ancient Maya left encoded in stone in the Yucatan many centuries ago, a roadmap to navigate the times in which we now find ourselves. The Mayan Oracle is a modern interpretation of this ancient wisdom. The intention of the Mayan glyphs in this oracle is to offer you loving assistance through the intense transformation predicted by the Maya in the last twenty years of the 26,000 year cycle of time,culminating around 2013. What is unique about these mayan star glyphs is that these ancient symbols are precoded in our DNA to work on a cellular and energetic level to transform and accelerate your evolutionary patterning. The Mayan star glyphs are a coded, galactic language of light which holds the intention of clearing whatever is out of alignment with your essence, that you may take advantage of the potent acceleration of consciousness which is now occurring on Earth. Like everything else in Mayan cosmology, this happens through harmonic resonance with the symbols. Through direct interface with the Mayan starglyphs, through resonant transduction, the symbols are able to do their work of offering you the transformative frequencies of information with which the symbol is encoded. The intention of The Mayan Oracle divination system is to create a direct bridge between you and the divine guidance that your Essence intrinsically holds, to waken in full remembrance as a dimensional presence.
The length of a Tropical Year can also be quite exactly determined by the transit of the Sun through its zenith, which happens twice a year in those geographical areas lying between 23^26' Latitude North and 23^26' Latitude South. In the extensive inscription in the Temple of the Rood in Palengue there are the following calendar dates: the date 1 291 128 days a subsequent time interval of 4 749 days and the date 1 295 877 days. Each of them is accompanied with the same hieroglyph /see the figure 1/. The interval of 4 749 days between the two dates corresponds to 13 Tropical Years. During the calculations of correlation we found out that at these the Mayan dates the declination of the Sun is equal to 18^ latitude so that at noon the Sun stood right over Palengue which lies at 17^3O' Latitude North.
The relationship between the Long Count and Short Count has always been internally consistent (both were tracked alongside each other in an unbroken sequence since their conception). Now it is very interesting to note that an aspect of the "Short Count", namely, the sacred tzolkin count of 260 days, is still being followed in the highlands of Guatemala. As the Mayan scholar Munro Edmonson shows in The Book of the Year, this last surviving flicker of a calendar tradition some 3000 years old supports the Thompson correlation of 584283. Edmonson also states that the Long Count was begun by the Maya or pre-Maya around 355 B.C., but there is reason to believe that the Long Count system was being perfected for at least 200 years prior to that date.
The point of interest for these early astronomers seems to have been the projected end date in 2012 A.D., rather than the beginning date in 3114 B.C. Having determined the end date in 2012 (for reasons we will come to shortly), and calling it, they thus proclaimed themselves to be living in the 6th baktun of the Great Cycle. The later Maya certainly attributed much mythological significance to the beginning date, relating it to the birth of their deities, but it now seems certain that the placement of the Long Count hinges upon its calculated end point. Why did early Mesoamerican skywatchers pick a date some 2300 years into the future and, in fact, how did they pinpoint an accurate winter solstice? With all these considerations one begins to suspect that, for some reason, the ancient New World astronomers were tracking precession.
The Precession
The precession of the equinoxes, also known as the Platonic Year, is caused by the slow wobbling of the earth's polar axis. Right now this axis roughly points to Polaris, the "Pole Star," but this changes slowly over long periods of time. The earth's wobble causes the position of the seasonal quarters to slowly precess against the background of stars. For example, right now, the winter solstice position is in the constellation of Sagittarius. But 2000 years ago it was in Capricorn. Since then, it has precessed backward almost one full sign. It is generally thought that the Greek astronomer Hipparchus was the first to discover precession around 128 B.C. Yet scholarship indicates that more ancient Old World cultures such as the Egyptians (see Schwaller de Lubicz's book Sacred Science) and Babylonians also knew about the precession.
I have concluded that even cultures with simple horizon astronomy and oral records passed down for a hundred years or so, would notice the slow shifting of the heavens. For example, imagine that you lived in an environment suited for accurately demarcated horizon astronomy. Even if this wasn't the case, you might erect monoliths to sight the horizon position of, most likely, the dawning winter solstice sun. This position in relation to background stars could be accurately preserved in oral verse or wisdom teachings, to be passed down for centuries. Since precession will change this position at the rate of 1 degree every 72 years, within the relatively short time of 100 years or so, a noticeable change will have occurred. The point of this is simple. To early cultures attuned to the subtle movements of the sky, precession would not have been hard to notice.
Following this range of research, I lay down to rest my eyes, and had two visions which were clear, out of a dozen that were too blurry to recognize and report on .
The first vision was of a baby wolf or dog, which came down to a lake shore to drink from the lake. There was a forest of trees on the other shore of the lake. I knew he was a baby because when he pulled his head up from the water, he had a small baby bottle in his teeth.
The second vision was of a magazine cover, which showed one of the pictures which appeared on the 26 Tzolkin stele, and it appeared to be a wolf at the top. The cover showed an arch near the top on which was the name Derby ....
NOTE: I did research on a magazine named Derby and discovered that the first one that came up was about Astronomy
The Twilight of the Gods, Ragnarok was the time spoken of in Norse myth when the forces of evil would rise and march against the gods of Asgard, led by the renegade Loki. On Midgard, the Fimbul Winter would come, an axe age, a sword age, when brother would kill brother, and peace and goodness would pass from the world. Above, in Asgard, the gods would march to meet the frost giants, and the awful children of Loki, Jormungand the world serpent, and Fenrir the wolf, as well as the Evil One himself. The giants would swarm across the Rainbow Bridge, which would break under their assault.In Ragnarok, all the gods were fated to die in different ways, and also all the mortals of Midgard, except for two, who would live on and recreate the race. Balder, the shining god slain inadvertently by blind Hodur, at Loki's urging, would return to lead these people to a new age.
The great wolf who lay bound in chains in Asgard, the labour of which cost Tyr his hand. Fenris was to rise at the onset of Ragnarok, and destroy the world, in concert with Niddhogg and the other enemies of the Norse gods.
The Norse equivalent to Olympus, Asgard was the abode of Odin and the Aesir, and was reached from Midgard via the Rainbow Bridge, Bifrost. In Asgard were two mansions:Gladsheim, where the gods lived, and Vingolf, wherein dwelt the goddesses. Here also was the Hall of Heroes, Valhalla, where those mortals who had fallen heroicly in battle were received by Odin, or Freya, his wife. Also in Asgard were Elfheim, where the elves dwelt;Brediablick, abode of Balder the Beautiful;Himinbiorg, the tower of Thor, and Valaskialf, watchtower of the All-Father Odin.
The hall of heroes, in Asgard, where those who had fallen in battle were received and honoured by Odin.
All-Father of the Gods in Norse mythology, Odin was the god of battle, and he ruled, with twelve of the Aesir, in Asgard. Odin watched the world of men, Midgard, from his high seat atop Valaskialf, the tower from which he could see everything that transpired in the world below. Odin had two ravens, Hugin and Munin, who brought to the All-Father news of the world of men, and two hunting wolves also.
The Mayans watched Sirius as well and the 3 Stones in the mayan creation stories refer to the 3 stars on the belt of Orion. Also interesting that the 10th Mayan solar glyph is called "Oc" or "White Dog". The Dog glyph relates to the planet Mercury (Thoth, Horus) and the Dog glyph carries the "power of Heart".
The 10th glyph in the mayan calendar is "OC" or White Dog and carries the power of Heart or Love. (Dog Star) This glyph is associated with the planet Mercury
Notice that 33 + 10 = 43 and 43 + 10 = 53 , the 10th Mayan glyph is OC also known as White Dog - relating to Sirius, the Dog Star? The mayans have glyphs for Dog & Star called OC and LAMAT. OC relates to Mercury (Thoth,Hermes) and LAMAT relates to planet Venus (Isis, Danu). the 8th Mayan glyph is LAMAT.
The Mayan Writing System with Glyphs
The Skyguide mentions Canis Minor, the Small Dog. "The Small Dog, placed in the sky for his faithfulness, drinks from the Milky Way, once thought to be a river. In Egypt he was Anubis, the jackal god. The Greeks called the whole group Procyon.
Between the Dogs is a faint constellation of the Unicorn, Monoceros.
Sirius, the Dog Star was called by the Egyptians Sothis, its companion, Pup is a white dwarf orbiting Sirius every 49.9 years.
Glyphs for certain animals (i.e. dog, turkey, and jaguar ) were identified by comparing their positions with pictures of creatures, the same technique which was used to identify glyphs for gods and goddesses. In 1876, Leon de Rosny applied the first sign in glyph for turkey ( in the Madrid Codex ) to the Landa alphabet. He took the first sign as cu, and compared it with Landa’s, and then guessed that the entire glyph might read cutz, because the Yucatec Mayan word for turkey is "cutz". Rosny proposed that Mayan writing was based on phonetic signs and syllables. Other scholars produced nonsensical readings and discredited the phonetic approach, for example Thompson who rejected "Landa’s alphabet". His word was highly regarded, for he was the leading Mayanist of the time. He favored the logographic explanation of the glyph for "dog", in which one sign meant "ribs" and the other meant "death".
In 1952, a huge breakthrough was made by Yuri Knorosov. He was a Russian scholar who proposed phonetic readings for many of the glyphs, including the one of "dog", because he noticed that the first sign in the dog glyph was the same as the second in the turkey glyph. If the first sign in dog glyph had the sound value tzu, the second sign was then l(u). A logical conclusion was that the dog glyph might stand for tzul, and it was discovered that tzul actually meant dog. In the Dresden codex, instead of bars and dots for the number eleven, there was a glyph, the number eleven in Yucatec was buluc. He then asked the question, could there be a world lub(u)? The answer was yes, lub meant "to rain" or "to fall", and the drawing in the codex showed that his idea could have been correct, because rain is shown falling in the central character. His attempts were ridiculed by Thompson, who started a type of war against him. This reeked of conditions of the time, the cold war. He came to several conclusions. #1: signs could have more than one function, a single glyph could possibly be phonetic, and at other times could stand for a morpheme. #2: The writing order might be inverted for calligraphic purposes, because it was known that Mayan scribes loved complexity. #3: Phonetic signs might sometimes be added to morphemic ones to make the reading easier. In the end, it turned out that Knorosov’s proposition was correct, and it became widely used.
The Mayan signs of the north, Ik, Cimi, Oc, Ix, and Etz'nab are complex signs suggestive of mystery and contradictions. They were symbolic of difficult times, drought, and bad harvests. Ix was the yearbearer of the north.
The Mayan signs of the south, Kan, Lamat, Eb, Cib, and Ahau, are signs of emotion, feeling, and fertility. Eb is the yearbearer of the south.
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What is the Long Count?
The Long Count is really a mixed base-20/base-18 representation of a number, representing the number of days since the start of the Mayan era. It is thus akin to the Julian Day Number (see section 2.12).
The basic unit is the "kin" (day), which is the last component of the Long Count. Going from right to left the remaining components are:
unial (1 unial = 20 kin = 20 days)
tun (1 tun = 18 unial = 360 days = approx. 1 year)
katun (1 katun = 20 tun = 7,200 days = approx. 20 years)
baktun (1 baktun = 20 katun = 144,000 days = approx. 394 years)
The kin, tun, and katun are numbered from 0 to 19.
The unial are numbered from 0 to 17.
The baktun are numbered from 1 to 13.
Although they are not part of the Long Count, the Mayas had names for larger time spans. The following names are sometimes quoted, although they are not ancient Maya terms:
1 pictun = 20 baktun = 2,880,000 days = approx. 7885 years
1 calabtun = 20 pictun = 57,600,000 days = approx. 158,000 years
1 kinchiltun = 20 calabtun = 1,152,000,000 days = approx. 3 million years
1 alautun = 20 kinchiltun = 23,040,000,000 days = approx. 63 million years
The alautun is probably the longest named period in any calendar.
When did the Long Count Start?
Logically, the first date in the Long Count should be, but as the baktun (the first component) are numbered from 1 to 13 rather than 0 to 12, this first date is actually written
The authorities disagree on what corresponds to in our calendar. I have come across three possible equivalences: = 8 Sep 3114 BC (Julian) = 13 Aug 3114 BC (Gregorian) = 6 Sep 3114 BC (Julian) = 11 Aug 3114 BC (Gregorian) = 11 Nov 3374 BC (Julian) = 15 Oct 3374 BC (Gregorian)
Assuming one of the first two equivalences, the Long Count will again reach on 21 or 23 December AD 2012 - a not too distant future.
The date may have been the Mayas' idea of the date of the creation of the world.
What is the Tzolkin?
The Tzolkin date is a combination of two "week" lengths.
While our calendar uses a single week of seven days, the Mayan calendar used two different lengths of week:
- a numbered week of 13 days, in which the days were numbered from 1 to 13
- a named week of 20 days, in which the names of the days were:
0. Ahau 5. Chicchan 10. Oc 15. Men
1. Imix 6. Cimi 11. Chuen 16. Cib
2. Ik 7. Manik 12. Eb 17. Caban
3. Akbal 8. Lamat 13. Ben 18. Etznab
4. Kan 9. Muluc 14. Ix 19. Caunac
As the named week is 20 days and the smallest Long Count digit is 20 days, there is synchrony between the two; if the last digit of today's Long Count is 0, for example, today must be Ahau; if it is 6, it must be Cimi. Since the numbered and the named week were both "weeks", each of their name/number change daily; therefore, the day after 3 Cimi is not 4 Cimi, but 4 Manik, and the day after that, 5 Lamat. The next time Cimi rolls around, 20 days later, it will be 10 Cimi instead of 3 Cimi. The next 3 Cimi will not occur until 260 (or 13*20) days have passed. This 260-day cycle also had good-luck or bad-luck associations connected with each day, and for this reason, it became known as the "divinatory year."
The "years" of the Tzolkin calendar are not counted.
When did the Tzolkin Start?
Long Count corresponds to 4 Ahau. The authorities agree on this.
What is the Haab?
The Haab was the civil calendar of the Mayas. It consisted of 18 "months" of 20 days each, followed by 5 extra days, known as "Uayeb". This gives a year length of 365 days.
The names of the month were:
1. Pop 7. Yaxkin 13. Mac
2. Uo 8. Mol 14. Kankin
3. Zip 9. Chen 15. Muan
4. Zotz 10. Yax 16. Pax
5. Tzec 11. Zac 17. Kayab
6. Xul 12. Ceh 18. Cumku
Since each month was 20 days long, month names changed only every 20 days instead of daily; so the day after 4 Zotz would be 5 Zotz, followed by 6 Zotz ... up to 19 Zotz, which is followed by 0 Tzec.
The days of the month were numbered from 0 to 19. This use of a 0th day of the month in a civil calendar is unique to the Maya system; it is believed that the Mayas discovered the number zero, and the uses to which it could be put, centuries before it was discovered in Europe or Asia.
The Uayeb days acquired a very derogatory reputation for bad luck; known as "days without names" or "days without souls," and were observed as days of prayer and mourning. Fires were extinguished and the population refrained from eating hot food. Anyone born on those days was "doomed to a miserable life."
The years of the Haab calendar are not counted.
The length of the Tzolkin year was 260 days and the length of the Haab year was 365 days. The smallest number that can be divided evenly into 260 and 365 is 18,980, or 365*52; this was known as the Calendar Round. If a day is, for example, "4 Ahau 8 Cumku," the next day falling on "4 Ahau 8 Cumku" would be 18,980 days or about 52 years later. Among the Aztec, the end of a Calendar Round was a time of public panic as it was thought the world might be coming to an end. When the Pleaides crossed the horizon on 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, they knew the world had been granted another 52-year extension.
When did the Haab Start?
Long Count corresponds to 8 Cumku. The authorities agree on this.
Did the Mayas Think a Year Was 365 Days?
Although there were only 365 days in the Haab year, the Mayas were aware that a year is slightly longer than 365 days, and in fact, many of the month-names are associated with the seasons; Yaxkin, for example, means "new or strong sun" and, at the beginning of the Long Count, 1 Yaxkin was the day after the winter solstice, when the sun starts to shine for a longer period of time and higher in the sky. When the Long Count was put into motion, it was started at, and 0 Yaxkin corresponded with Midwinter Day, as it did at back in 3114 B.C. The available evidence indicates that the Mayas estimated that a 365-day year precessed through all the seasons twice in or 1,101,600 days.
We can therefore derive a value for the Mayan estimate of the year by dividing 1,101,600 by 365, subtracting 2, and taking that number and dividing 1,101,600 by the result, which gives us an answer of 365.242036 days, which is slightly more accurate than the 365.2425 days of the Gregorian calendar.
(This apparent accuracy could, however, be a simple coincidence. The Mayas estimated that a 365-day year precessed through all the seasons *twice* in days. These numbers are only accurate to 2-3 digits. Suppose the days had corresponded to 2.001 cycles rather than 2 cycles of the 365-day year, would the Mayas have noticed?)
12-24-99 - VISION - I was sitting on the couch. A voice said, "The Eve of arthritis is setting in." I moved the two heavy knitted red and white blankets off to the side on the back of the couch.
1-26-00 - DREAM - Though this dream had humans in it, it had an other worldly feel to it. Nothing seemed normal.
This seemed to be a smaller type town, not a big city. It was just past 7 p.m. and was on a rather busy street where there were smaller shops. The people in the area were all older teens and adults, no little children. We were at a place that was school-like, but not like any school I've ever been in. There was an escalator that went up into the school, but there were no steps on it, it was more like a ramp and some of the girls in the group did belly-flops on the ramp and rode it up that way for fun, not just to get up the ramp to a specific place. Then they would run back down and ride it up again on their bellies.
I went into an enormous sized room and spotted a coffee pot carafe, still wrapped in plastic behind a door. I saw that it has a useful life yet and offered it to my bosses son. He seemed rather disdainful of it but agreed to take it if I washed it first.
There was no running water in this place but there was a huge refrigerator/freezer in the galley kitchen. I opened the bottom door of the refrigerator for light, and opened the freezer door a little and let some ice melt water drip down onto a rag which I then used to wipe off the blue spotted dust that was on top of the carafe. This was not really an easy process but it worked. The son then accepted the gift and we all left.
We then went to a huge indoor gymnasium where the teens were all seated in bleachers against the wall. They were all dressed in parti-color shirts and pants, which were multi-color small geometric shapes on a white background. There were three groups and the designs were not much different, but just different enough in multi-color to pass for different. Each group was named when they were introduced, but I can't remember what they were. I seem to recall that each group had the word 'world' at the end.
Then everyone was told to come down and mingle and the event game was to feel each other's clothing as they went by. I was sitting on a chair on the main floor and I didn't get to feel any of the multi-color clothing, but the adults that went by were all wearing knitted sweaters of various colors and I noted that all the clothing felt very rough to the touch.
While I was experiencing this, a man came in off the street who didn't fit in with the color scheme of things and came up to me. I was a little startled until he introduced himself as the maintenance man from somewhere else I've been. He looked familiar but not that I would have known who he was. But I felt better about it once he said who he was and we felt rather like comrades against the world in this strange event.
After that, there was to be a game of some type played and we were all issued green play suits that were like baby clothes. They were one piece of cloth that snapped at the shoulder with two snaps on each side made of bright green terry cloth. One merely held the back up by the shoulder, reached down between the legs and brought the front part up and snapped it at the shoulder. Though it sounds awkward, it worked really easily. I thought it was rather a good idea until I realized after I woke up, that they were open all the way down the sides. So, these would be more like something you put over other clothing just to have a different color on for teamwork.
I don't recall playing any game, we just walked around discussing how to put these things on and I was marvelling what a great idea the clothing was to use.
After this was all over, we were back at the shop-like area and I heard that there was a rummage-sale type thing going on way at the other end of the block. It was a long block so I was happy to be offered a ride by my so-called husband who I didn't recognize so I didn't have to walk all that way because I was afraid the place would be closed by now anyway.
I woke up as we walked out the door to go to the car.
3-7-00 - DREAM - (This is really strange) I was at a computer screen (I couldn't see the computer ... just the screen) On the screen were line after line of the words - 'Reject 29L' 'Reject 29L' 'Reject 29L' I knew this referred to the German people of the world.
When I saw these words, I used a mouse and clicked on these words so that they did not touch each other but had a space between them all on each line and each line was separated by a space, so each was individual.
Then the screen switched to 'Reject 59L' 'Reject 59L' 'Reject 59L' Here again, I used the mouse to click on each of these word symbols to separate them out on the lines and between the lines. This time I knew they referred to people with the name 'Lucille'. (This is my Mother's name) (My mother is also German ethnicity)
The screen then changed to gray threads woven like knitting, hanging on a brick wall. They were hanging on hooks embedded in the wall like a wall hanging. I could now hear the voices of my Mother, my Aunt Irene (her older sister), and my Aunt Ann (their sister-in-law) who was married to my Uncle Roy, (my Mother's older brother) I recognized the voices, but did not see anything but the gray knitted piece hanging on the wall.
I heard church music playing and came to realize that we were inside of a church of some kind. This was interesting now because my Mother had rejected the church when she was 16 years old because she didn't believe in one of the creeds. (She is now 84 and feeble minded from strokes) My Aunt Irene was very church oriented and spent all of her life involved in her church and their various groups. Unfortunately, I don't know the church status of my Aunt Ann.
My aunts began singing the hymn that was playing but my mother was silent. Then my mother began to sing the hymn and I lucidly began moving some of the threads of this knitted piece from one hook to another. These threads stretched as I moved them so it seemed that the knitted piece had some weight to it. I then heard my Aunt Ann say, "Perhaps that's been the problem all along".
The scene then switched to people and I was in a house or building with many, many people. It seemed to belong to me. I knew lots of these people but not all of them. They were all adults. There was a party going on and everyone was happy and talking to each other.
I looked inside the refrigerator and saw that someone had brought lots of food, in fact, there were two refrigerators, one full of fresh sliced sausage (like summer sausage) and buns and butter to make sandwiches. In the other refrigerator which I opened, it contained sandwiches that were made on long loaves of bread (like 'Subway sandwiches) and the sandwiches were already made up.
I didn't know who had brought the food but was assuming it must have been my brothers who I now glimpsed as gathered with other men in the adjoining room. Everyone was celebrating.
People were still arriving and I was greeting them at the door, while still wondering who brought all the food so I could thank them.
I assumed this was a celebration because my mother had been brought back into the fold of the church.
7-21-00 - DREAM - I was in a huge building with many rooms and levels. I promised a woman I would take care of her baby while she was busy elsewhere. The child who was a good size infant wore pajama type outfits of brightly colored squares, triangles, and other geometric shapes. I took this child to each room and level with me as I went.
I think I saw his mother at the end, a blonde woman wearing a black and red tube-type dress. It had no shoulders on the dress, it was just like a knitted tube.
I was then working in an office and it was late on a Friday night. (The dream took place on a early Friday morning). I noticed that I had more work piled on my desk than anyone else and I felt guilty that I was so slow. I finally finished the project I was working on and turned it over to my boss.
The work I did was a series of math problems for varying shapes of geometry for which I had to figure the cube roots volume of each one. There were numerous shapes on the paper ... like 12 to 15 on a line and numerous lines down the length of the paper.
My boss wanted to know what took me so long to do this, and he began rattling off math sequences verbally. I apologized to him and said I was sorry but I couldn't do that kind of math in my head, I had to write it down on paper to do it.
(The boss was the same on I always have in dreams - I think he is negative ET - perhaps Reptilian)
When I was done with the project, a couple other young women were discussing who was going to be working on Saturday. Two of the women were not only going to be working on Saturday, but were going to be going down into the basement of the factory.
I had never been down there. One had to go down a narrow, rickety wooden stairway to get there. I was curious but never tried it. However, I ironed a dress for the woman's daughter so she could wear it. It was rather a golden pink color ... a shade I can't recall ever seeing before. I hung it on a hangar that was black and a triangle shape that regular hangars aren't quite the same. I didn't want to hang it in the closet with all the other clothes because it would get wrinkled again, so I hung it on a rod from which a greenish drapery hung. For some reason, the rod was so close to the top of the doorway, I had to actually pry some wood out of the frame to fit the hangar handle into. I saw that others had done the same thing before me.
9-9-00 - DREAM - I saw what looked like a knitted pattern of a star-like thing ... but didn't look like a star exactly ... It was very intricate ... On the top of the pattern is said PRO8
I was hoping to dream it again and I did ... twice more ...
The second time is said on the bottom DO-WE-OH
The third time I saw it, I heard a voice say, "We are transferring from ancient to modern times - IDAHO.
The number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, and the Grid Crop Circle
Dreams of the Great Earthchanges
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