by Dee Finney
updated 2-19-02
2-15-02 - DREAM - I don't know what city I was in. I knew all the people
and my kids were grown - like teens and older.
I was in process to rent an apartment for myself, and most of my kids
were with me except for Bill - He had gone to rent a small apartment of his
own. His older brothers thought this was a sign of his being mentally ill,
but I said, "No! He just wanted to get away from his Father and stand on
his own two feet and that's a GOOD thing!" Naturally I would say that because
I was doing the same thing.
I started out in the courtyard of a huge apartment complex. These were
huge buildings, but beautiful and ornate. I was looking to see what kind
of people lived in these buildings. At first, I didn't see any white people
and wondered if I would be accepted in a place like this - then I saw a woman
who looked just like myself at the other end of the courtyard and knew that
these buildings were well integrated.
I then was driving along the street and was almost got run into by my
first boyfriend Roger and a buddy of his. They were driving along the street
on some kind of bicycle - carrying a political sign, endorsing someone. I
didn't pay attention to the name on the sign.
I said laughingly - "Oh! I should have known it would be someone like
He got off the bicycle and sat down to talk to me and my kids. He had
grown a great deal since high school - he was rather giant size and had a
deep suntan like he was outside all the time.
I walked into the building to pay the landlady and get the keys to my
new apartment, which was number 33.
Just as I was going to walk into the apartment, a Chinese woman pushed
past me and walked into it ahead of me. Someone said, "No! This isn't
your apartment, this is 33 north, you will be in 33 south."
I felt confused, I didn't know there were two buildings.
So, I, my kids and friends I had accumulated along the way started to
leave the building and someone said, "Why don't you pay your rent to the
landlady as long as you are here?
That was a good idea, so I stopped at a counter to write a check for the
rent. It was going to be $175." That was really cheap for what I was going
to be getting. The woman I was with was concerned that I had spent all my
money, but I told her, "No! I made sure that I set aside enough to pay the
I wrote the check - then we went out to the car and the parking lot was
at the top of a hill with rolling hills and valleys all around us. It was
a beautiful scene.
All of a sudden a storm was coming and a huge wind came up. The kids ran
for the building to keep dry. They got way ahead of me. I saw a driving rain
coming and the wind came, along with a whirlwind which came out of the north,
and came down by a big tree. I couldn't get to either building without getting
soaking wet.
I looked at that and someone behind me said, "If you close those windows
and save the property, you will be known as the "Hero of ____ Hill"
I couldn't just walk away and let the building be destroyed by the wind
and rain, so I ran into the building. the painters/maintenance crew had gone
home and left al the lights on and windows open, but on the hallway side,
where people could get in, they had closed the door and put up a protective
door - to keep out intruders. But I couldn't close the windows if I didn't
go through this extra barrier door. The door had a small emergency knockout
piece of wood in the center, which I easily kicked out, but the hole was
low to the floor and small -- like for a large dog and I didn't want to get
on my knees to get in there, so I moved the whole barrier door and walked
around the side of it.
Once inside the apartment, all my friends came in behind me. This apartment
was huge and a duplicate of what I was going to be moving into.
The rooms were huge and there were room dividers over head made of glass
or crystal which one could pull down.
I went to the kitchen where the windows were open and the floor was made
of thick crystal - overlaying a colored underlayment. I was barefoot now
and walking on the crystal floor was exquisite feeling.
But the windows were up high and open and there were stained glass shutters
to close over them with brilliant colors. I had to pull up a chair and stand
on it to close the shutters.
Meanwhile, there were other people there now, watching me, including Seth
from One Life to Live and he was standing there, twisting a elegantly carved
wooden pillar.
I was so upset, I had to stop him and I ended up taking an iron frying
pan and slamming it into his nose like he was a pig.
The Korea peninsula extends southward from the northeast part of the Asia
continent between latitudes 33 degree and 43 degree north, and longitudes
124 degree and 131 degree east.
NOTE: Does this have something to do with why the Chinese lady pushed
past me into the 33 north apartment?
The peninsula has been divided in two since 1945; the Republic of Korea
(capitalist), commonly called South Korea, and the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea (communist), or North Korea.
A republic with power centralized in a strong executive president, although
there are moves toward some regional autonomy. Constitution : The
Republic's constitution was promulgated on July 17, 1948, and revises seven
times, the last being in 1987.
National Flag : Called the Taegukki, it briefly depicts the Original cosmic
principles. The circle in the center represents the balance between yin and
yang (negative and positive forces) and the bars represents various cosmic
elements. The flag represents eternal unity.
In South Korea, there is a lodge set up by our own military:
This site introduces the facilities and programs of the Dragon Hill
We are an Armed Forces Recreation Center operated by the United States Army
Community and Family Support Center under the command of Brigadier General
Antonio Taguba.
We exist to add value to the lives of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines
and the families of those who
serve on Freedom's Frontier.
Our motto and hallmark is "Serving Those Who Serve"
HILL 754
WAR - 1953
for More on the Korean War
Part of the Memphite mythology takes up myths from the Old Kingdom about
the gods Horus and Seth. These two deities contend for authority over Egypt;
another deity, Geb, the earth-god, acts as mediator. Geb first partitions
the country between the two, then, changing his mind, gives the entire country
to Horus. In the Memphite theology, the pharaoh Menes is identified with
Horus. That theology also makes Geb homologous to Ptah, but in another
mythological context Geb, the power in the earth, is supreme. He is the primeval
hillock that is the symbol of the first creation. For the Egyptians the earth
deity is male rather than female.
In the Old Kingdom mythology the sun Atum (or Aten) often appears as
the first creator. He makes Shu and Tefnut (air and moisture) out of himself,
and they in turn produce Geb and Nut (earth and sky). The children of the
latter couple are Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nepthys. Thus the first four deities
establish the cosmos, and the later four are mediators between humans and
the cosmos. Osiris is the symbol of the dead king, who is succeeded in the
form of Horus, the living ruler. Isis is the consort of Osiris, and after
his murder by Seth, she reconstitutes his body and thus achieves for him
eternal life; her ally in this role is Nepthys, the consort of Seth. Horus,
the son of Osiris and Isis, ultimately vanquishes Seth, a symbol of antistructure
or antiorder. Seth is related to the desert of Upper Egypt. As a deity of
clouds, he opposed Atum, the sun.
The creator of all things was either Re, Amun, Ptah, Khnum or Aten, depending
on which version of the myth was currently in use. The heavens were represented
by Hathor, Bat, and Horus. Osiris was an earth god as was Ptah. The annual
flooding of the Nile was Hapi. Storms, evil and confusion were Seth. His
counterpart was Ma'at, who represented balance, justice and truth. The moon
was Thoth and Khonsu. Re, the sun god, took on many forms, and transcended
most of the borders that contained the other gods. The actual shape of the
sun, the disk (or, aten), was deified into another god, Aten.
Seth - The son of Geb and Nut in the Heliopolitan Ennead was in the form
of an animal that has no zoological equivalent. This powerful god was regarded
as god of the desert, making him a god of foreign lands.
The revenge of Horus the son of Osiris against his evil uncle Seth, which
is a powerful struggle of good vs evil.
Seth invited Osiris to a banquet and challenged him to get into a chest.
Seth locked the chest and threw it into the Nile where it floated downstream.
Washed ashore, it was absorbed into a tamarisk tree which became very
sweet-smelling. The local king had the tree cut down and made into a pillar
in his palace.
Isis, meanwhile, had started hunting for her husband and identified him
by the smell of the tree. She rescued him and took him back to Egypt, but
Seth found Osiris in the swamps and killed him again, this time cutting him
into fourteen pieces and casting them all over Egypt.
Isis had to start looking again and found thirteen of the pieces. With the
help of her sister Nepthys, and the gods Anubis and Thoth, she bandaged
the pieces together again to make the first mummy. She brought Osiris briefly
back to life, just long enough to conceive their son Horus.
By this time, Osiris had had enough and retired to the Underworld where he
reigns over the righteous dead.
Osiris is represented in this picture by the djed pillar at the bottom, over
which hovers a falcon with a sun disc, associated with his son Horus. The
raising of the pillar is supposed to represent the victory of Osiris over
Let me introduce you to the god Seth, then we will all understand about
the devil and its evil. It is true that the Devil is always around
us however, the devil is never victories in the end. The god Seth was the
god of confusion and the spirit of disorder. He is the best known as the
god who introduced murder on earth by killing his brother Osiris, the god
who represents good. Seth brought Osiris to an untimely and sordid demise.
The story of the first murder on earth is very interesting. Seth hosted a
party and at the party he presented a beautiful sarcophagus and he announced
that anyone who fit into the coffin could keep it. Osiris tried the coffin
and learned that it fit his body perfectly. The Devil came quickly and closed
the coffin and then threw it into the Nile. The faithful
representative on earth, the good lady, the goddess Isis searched for her
brother who was also her husband until she found that the coffin had become
a pillar inside the palace of the King of Byblos (modern day Lebanon).
She hid in the palace working as a servant until one day she had the opportunity
to take the pillar. She swam with the pillar to the shores of Egypt. Isis
was the goddess of magic so she brought Osiris back to life. When Seth saw
his brother was alive he cut him into 14 pieces and dispersed him all over
Egypt. Isis cried and with her tears the Nile began to run and Osiris floated
back to her. She collected his mutilated pieces however, she found that his
erection was missing so she restored it and returned him back to life and
they created the child Horus. Isis took the child to the marshes to hide
him and train him to take his revenge on Seth. Seth and Horus battled to
win the kingship of Egypt and the control of the earth. In one of their battles,
Horus lost his eye and Seth lost the semen of his testicles. After time,
they agreed on peace and decided that Horus would be the ruler of Lower Egypt
and that Seth would rule Upper Egypt. They also agreed, Horus would be the
lord of the black land and Seth would be the lord of the red land, including
foreign countries and the desert. In the end, the good god conquered the
devil and Horus became the King of two lands, Upper and Lower Egypt.
Secret Teachings of Seth and the Pillar
The Hebrews had not perverted the words of the living God,
but were simply using the words in their original sense, which jarred on
the later consciousness. The pillar set up by Jacob is called a Matzebah;
the word is also rendered images, standing images, a statue or pillar of
Baal. He put away the Matzebah of baal. (2 Kings 3:2) The word
is also written with the Egyptian terminal Matzebat. This is the Masteba
or Mastebat. The same variation is found in Mitzraim and Mestraim. Matzebah,
as Egyptian, denotes an enclosure of the dead. And as Sabat is the pyramid
of Sut (or Seth), the pillar form answers to the pyramid. The Phoenician
form was a funeral monument, and one of these memorial stones was erected
by Jacob over a grave.
Now, the Mastebahs of the ancient empire were a kind of pillar or pyramid
tombs, and to the Egyptian mind, rebirth was not only synonymous with death,
it took the place of it, and in the form of Mes-tabah, birth (Mes) takes
the place of death (Mut), and Mastebah is the sarcophagus or coffin considered
as the place of rebirth. Teb or Tep means primordial, the first, and the
Teb-ah, or first abode, meaning the womb, was the model of the tomb as the
place of rebirth; hence Mes-tabah. The womb Ah-ti is the dual or reduplicating
house, and such in the eschatological sense was the Mastebah, the Tebah of
The Mastebah Symbolized the Mother
The Mastebah was the image of the genetrix or creatoress, hence the Beth
of Al (Bethel), the house of AL (or Ar, the child), hence also the name of
Luz (Genesis 38:19) at first; Laz being the goddess, consort
of Nergal and the Arabian Venus, or Egyptian Resh, as a name of the temple.
Al, the child, is Baal, the prefix representing the Egyptian article, and
the pillar of Baal is the Matzebat or Mastebat, Bar-Sut, whose name is written
with the pyramid sign or hieroglyphic. Thus the Hebrew pillar was one with
the pyramid, and it was the symbol of Baal, as the other was the sign of
Sut (Set), the Bar or Baal of Egypt.
The Sphinx was an emblem of the same twofold nature, and the Mastebah
of the pillar as the place of rebirth. The conical pillar is a well known
emblem of Venus Genetrix. The pyramid, the pillar, the stone then were types
or symbols of the mother and child, and the stone-head and stone-faceand
stone as pillar and the Seven-stonewere symbols of the Hebrew divinity
Jehovah. Also the stone of Jacob, the stone of Israel (Genesis 51:24) represented
the deity of Jacob. In the same passage in Genesis the stone and shepherd
are synonymous, the shepherd, the stone of Israel, and in Egyptian
the stone memorial, Mena, and the shepherd are identical by name. The stone
is the ideograph of Jehovah.
The first Divine Son in mythology was not the true Anointed nor was he
the Begotten of the Father. The first was the Egyptian Sut (or Seth), who
had no father (because the Fatherhood had not yet been recognized), hence
in the development of the doctrine he had to become his own father and was
said to do violence to his own mother. The doctrine of the Messiah, or
ever-coming son, descended from the time when the Fatherhood had not been
individualized on earth, therefore could not be represented in heaven, and
the Virgin mother and child were the sole types of Deity. |
Saturday, 16 February, 2002
Bush renews North Korea warning
Bush's "axis of evil" comments have caused disquiet US President George W
Bush has issued a fresh warning to North Korea ahead of his six-day tour
of Asia.
In his weekly radio address, recorded before he left Washington on Saturday,
Mr Bush expressed support for negotiations between North and South Korea
to end the stand-off between the two nations that has lasted nearly 50
But he added: "I will remind the world that America will not allow North
Korea and other dangerous regimes to threaten freedom with weapons of mass
It was the latest in a series of hawkish comments by senior figures in
the Bush administration following the president's characterization of North
Korea, Iraq and Iran as an "axis of evil".
Mr Bush's comments, which he made as he outlined his plans for his tour of
South Korea, Japan and China that begins on Sunday, are likely to cause renewed
disquiet in the region about Washington's military intentions.
Political activists in South Korea are planning demonstrations during the
president's visit, while the North's state-run radio has called Mr Bush "the
most evil and war-crazed president in the history of the United
The Bush administration has offered to resume talks with North Korea,
as long as the agenda includes the US demand that the country cut its
conventional forces.
It is also demanding that Pyongyang start talks with the International Atomic
Energy Agency on the nuclear reactors it is due to receive under an international
During his visit to South Korea, Mr Bush will travel to the demilitarized
zone set up at the end of the Korean War in 1953.
There he will meet US troops supporting the South Korean forces, which face
North Korea on the world's last Cold War border.
The president described the zone as "one of the most dangerous places on
earth, where barbed wire marks a line dividing freedom and
Mr Bush's first stop on his tour will be Tokyo, where he will urge Japanese
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to take steps to lift the world's second-largest
economy out of recession.
In his radio address, Bush said: "I'm confident that Japan will make the
bold reforms needed to restore growth and opportunity, which will benefit
the people of both our nations."
'World beyond terror'
After leaving Japan and visiting South Korea, Mr Bush will fly on to China,
where trade and human rights will be the main focus.
Beijing will be urged to open up its markets to US agricultural products,
the president said.
"And I will express my hopes that as China moves forward, it... will embrace
the universal demands of human dignity, freedom of conscience and religion,
and the rights and value of every life," he added.
Mr Bush, who is due to address troops in Alaska on Saturday before flying
on to Tokyo, is also seeking support for widening the US-led war against
"I look forward to discussing our progress in ridding the world of this
great threat to civilization, and we'll discuss our work to build a better
world beyond terror - a world of greater opportunity and more open trade,
stronger security and more individual freedom," he said. |
Korea Information
NORTH KOREA - Welcome to The War
With President Bush's chilling statements suggesting North Korea could be
a target in the war on terrorism, the U.S. may have actually lost ground
in the quest to find out just what weapons Pyongyang has.
By John Larkin/SEOUL and Murray Hiebert/WASHINGTON
Issue cover-dated December 13, 2001
THE FEBRUARY 8 Vinalon Factory on North Korea's east coast produces a
stiff, dye-resistant, virtually unusable textile invented by a local scientist
and touted by Pyongyang as superior to nylon. The factory is also rumoured
to manufacture a more sinister commodity: chemical weapons.
Finding out exactly what is produced at the facility, and at others in North
Korea believed to manufacture and test weapons of mass destruction, is emerging
as a controversial new priority for Washington as it prepares the second
phase of its declared war on terrorism.
United States officials expressing that priority have stoked fears in Seoul
that constructive dialogue with Pyongyang could be the first casualty of
this next phase.
Not for the first time, North Korea has been grouped with Iraq as part
of Washington's military campaign against Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks.
On November 19, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International
Security John Bolton told a meeting of the Biological Weapons Convention
in Geneva that North Korea's biological warfare programme ranked second only
to Iraq's as a threat to international security. "North Korea likely has
the capability to produce sufficient quantities of biological agents for
military purposes," said Bolton.
Those comments--which were cleared by the U.S. National Security Council--were
the strongest yet by a senior U.S. official about North Korea's biological
weapons programme, about which little is known. Five days later, President
George W. Bush again linked North Korea with the war on terrorism. Calling
on Pyongyang to permit inspections of its weapons sites, Bush told reporters:
"We want to know. Are they developing weapons of mass destruction? And they
ought to stop proliferating. So part of the war on terror is to deny terrorist
Nerves jangled in Seoul as Pyongyang was mentioned in the same breath
as Iraq. Short of an invasion from the North, it is unlikely that Seoul would
agree to a U.S. military strike against North Korea. But there are fears
that a hardening attitude in Washington could lead to a stand-off similar
to the showdown in 1994 over Pyongyang's nuclear programme. Conflict was
narrowly averted then when former President Jimmy Carter brokered a deal
with Pyongyang.
Pro-engagement figures see history repeating itself unless the Bush
administration grasps the difference between Iraq, which refuses to negotiate
away its weapons, and North Korea, which has signaled a willingness to do
"It's essentially impossible for George Bush to blow North Korea up," says
John Pike, director of, a defense-policy think-tank. "But
he can certainly embark on a policy of malign neglect in which Washington
ignores North Korea's attention-getting gestures, like missile tests, forcing
North Korea to escalate its attention-getters and having them misinterpreted
as preparations for war."
Donald Gregg, a former U.S. ambassador to Seoul, sees a crisis on the
horizon if the Bush administration's policy on North Korea is hijacked by
hawks like Bolton and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. "I think
Bolton is an ideologue and a hardliner and has behaved irresponsibly" by
delivering his speech, says Gregg. In June Gregg helped goad Bush back toward
conciliation with Pyongyang by explaining the benefits of dialogue in a memo
sent to George Bush Senior, who passed it on to the White House. "I'm not
saying they don't have [weapons], but the way to get rid of them is not to
bully but to engage."
At a minimum, Washington is sending mixed signals. The remarks by Bush and
Bolton contrast with Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific
Affairs James Kelly's generally upbeat and pro-engagement assessment in late
November. It could be the good cop, bad cop routine. But some observers worry
that the remarks by Bush and Bolton are a more honest expression of the
administration's stance toward Pyongyang than are its public comments supporting
engagement. "Bush's mood towards North Korea is decidedly sceptical, borderline
hostile," says a congressional aide handling East Asia.
Bush's remarks, as his spokesman Ari Fleischer later stressed, contained
nothing new and went nowhere near proposing a military strike against North
Korea. Nonetheless, the State Department hurriedly contacted South Korea's
embassy in Washington with reassurances that the U.S. still supported of
Seoul's policy of engaging North Korea, according to a senior South Korean
government official.
But in the context of a broadening war against terrorism to include nations
which supply terrorists with missiles or nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons, the remarks created considerable unease in Seoul. South Koreans
point out that Bush seemed to call for inspections of the entire gamut of
Pyongyang's arsenal of weapons of mass destruction--something North Korea
is unlikely to concede.
"As a citizen of Seoul, I know that if Bush wants a second war against
North Korea, South Korea will suffer greatly," says Choi Won Ki, a reporter
covering North Korea for Seoul's JoongAng Ilbo newspaper. Korean policymakers
fret that the heightened rhetoric could wreck gains made in engaging North
Korea, which include increased business exchanges, family reunions and a
fading of military tensions.
Explains the senior South Korean official: "It created unnecessary concern
not only for the South Korean public but also in North Korea that the Korean
peninsula can be a battleground again. We want a peaceful atmosphere on the
Dialogue with North Korea, a process pushed hardest by South Korea's
President Kim Dae Jung, who last year won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts,
has been almost nonexistent since Bush took office. Pyongyang broke off talks
with Washington in March after Bush publicly stated his mistrust of Kim Jong
Il. Inter-Korean talks have been fitful at best since then, despite
Secretary of State Colin Powell's insistence that he was ready for talks
with North Korea "anywhere, any time."
Powell's offer was viewed as a softening of Washington's stance. But September
11 has bolstered the hardliners. One consequence may be the suspension of
construction of two light-water reactors that a consortium of nations agreed
to build for North Korea in return for dismantling its older reactors capable
of producing weapons-grade plutonium.
The Bush administration is pushing for earlier inspections by the International
Atomic Energy Agency to ensure North Korea's nuclear facilities pose no threat
before key components for the new reactors are shipped. "If the situation
is like this I don't think North Korea will fully cooperate," says the senior
South Korean official.
Larry Niksch, an Asia specialist with the Library of Congress, believes
Bush's broad-brush reference on November 26 to all weapons of mass destruction
might indicate a cloudy future for the reactor project. "With the new emphasis
post-September 11, the Bush administration may speed up a decision on whether
to continue or suspend the project if North Korea is not in compliance."
What weapons is North Korea hiding? It is believed to have abided by the
terms of the 1994 Agreed Framework under which it gets the new reactors.
But the Central Intelligence Agency believes Pyongyang might have kept enough
plutonium to build one or two nuclear weapons. The inspections are meant
to find whether it did.
North Korea has the missile systems required to deliver a nuclear warhead.
By nature difficult to conceal from satellite cameras, North Korea's missile
sites are well documented, though there is dispute over the threat they pose.
The best known site is Musudan, on the northeast coast near the towns of
Nodong and Taepodong (literally "cannon town")--after which the North's two
biggest missiles are named. It is from Musudan that Nodong missiles with
a range of 1,000 kilometres were tested to a range of 500 kilometres in
In August 1998, Pyongyang stunned the world by testing a three-stage Taepodong
1 missile over Japan. The missile splashed into the Pacific Ocean. Work is
believed to be well advanced on a Taepodong 2 missile, capable of travelling
more than 4,000 kilometres. No tests have been conducted since 1998, but
test preparations at Musudan for a rocket the size of the Taepodong 2 were
detected by U.S. intelligence in 1999. According to media reports, North
Korea may have tested Taepodong missile engines at Musudan, without lift-off,
in late 1999 and early 2000.
Exports of these missiles, and the transfer of technical know-how, provide
North Korea with its biggest export earner: up to $1 billion in a good year,
according to Ko Young Hwan, a former North Korean diplomat who defected in
1991. He told the U.S. Senate in 1997 that Pyongyang sold its missiles mainly
to Iran, Syria, Egypt and Libya. Most recently, according to newspaper reports
in Israel and South Korea, North Korea sold Nodong missiles and manufacturing
technology to Cairo earlier this year.
According to defector reports and analysis of the missile programmes of several
Middle Eastern states, North Korea's clients fall into two groups: those
like Syria that only buy missiles and others like Iran and Egypt that cooperate
with Pyongyang on missile development as well as buying its technology.
Countries in the latter group test missiles based on North Korean blueprints,
which could explain Kim Jong Il's willingness to place a moratorium on such
tests until 2003 in return for economic and diplomatic benefits from the
U.S. Intelligence sources say that the Nodong was first tested by North Korea.
Further tests were carried out by Iran, which had based its Shebab 3 missile
on the Nodong technology bought from Pyongyang.
The North's chemical weapons programme is believed to be mature. With
at least eight factories producing nerve, blister, choking and blood agents
in bulk since 1989, estimates of its stockpile run from 250 tonnes to 5,000
tonnes. Production of biological weapons, the renewed concern since the recent
anthrax attacks in the U.S., was accelerated at the direction of North Korean
leader Kim Il Sung in 1990, according to the Federation of American
The FAS says the North probably has limited quantities of biological toxins
including anthrax, yellow fever and smallpox. Though it joined the Biological
Weapons Convention in 1987, North Korea has refused to be bound by it, one
of the factors behind Undersecretary Bolton's comments on November
But pinning North Korea down won't be easy. Han Sung Joo, who was South
Korea's foreign minister during the 1993-94 nuclear crisis, when North Korea
breached the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, says extending
the war on terrorism by demanding access to the North's biological weapons
and missile facilities would be a long shot at best.
"Unlike in 1994, there's no legal instrument to fall back on," says Han.
"Therefore it would be very difficult to bring the international community
to join the U.S. effort to open up North Korea to inspections."
Bolton is pushing for a toughening of the Biological Weapons Convention to
ensnare nations that flout it. But the U.S. will find it tough to move ahead
on North Korean chemical and biological weapons without hard evidence of
North Korean sales of such to the likes of Al Qaeda. To date, the only evidence
to support this notion was a sketchy news report in November quoting a Taliban
witness saying he saw a germ-warfare specialist who may have been North Korean
instructing Al Qaeda operatives.
Given these difficulties, Washington might find it has little choice but
to show more patience with North Korea. "Our hands are tied when dealing
with North Korea," explains a former U.S. State Department official. "We
can't do military action. The administration is starting to play up the
biological weapons programme, but I don't think they've discovered anything
new in North Korea. It's just a lot of public posturing."
Washington may be playing games of its own. South Korean officials hold the
hope that the Bush administration's new focus on North Korea is more about
building domestic support for its missile-defense system than freezing out
Another positive for those who seek engagement: A minor shooting incident
on November 27 in the Demilitarized Zone notwithstanding, North Korea's response
to the American hard line has been more muted than expected. Does this mean
the Taliban's demise has scared Pyongyang? Maybe--but probably not enough
to let America in on the secrets of the February 8 Vinalon Factory.
North Korea is one of seven nations on the U.S. State Department's list of
terrorism sponsors. In 1983 it bombed the South Korean cabinet in Burma.
In 1987 its agents bombed a South Korean airliner, killing 115 people. In
recent years it has condemned terrorism and refrained from high-profile attacks.
The State Department, though, says Pyongyang maintains links with terror
By early 1994 tensions had mounted over international inspection of North
Korea's nuclear sites. Kim Il Sung's death on July 8, 1994, introduced a
period of uncertainty, as his son, Kim Jong Il, assumed the leadership mantle.
Negotiations over the country's suspected atomic weapons dragged on, but
an agreement was reached in June 1995 that included a provision for providing
the North with a South Korean nuclear reactor.
The nuclear crises that characterized the mid-1990s were overshadowed
when famine struck the nation's 24 million inhabitants. Two years of floods
were followed by severe droughts in 1997 and 1998, causing devastating crop
failures. Although international relief programs saved many people, the situation
was still considered serious in 1998, with aid agencies warning that North
Korea's nationalized food distribution program had virtually shut down, forcing
many people to rely on bark and wild plants to sustain themselves. The severity
of the famine continued in 1999. Because of lack of fuel and machinery parts,
and weather conditions that have encouraged parasites, only 10% of North
Korea's rice fields have been worked. Despite the staggering food crisis,
hermetic North Korea remains one of the world's few remaining hard-line Communist
In Sept. 1998 North Korea launched a test missile over Japan, claiming
it was simply a scientific satellite. This launch alarmed Japan and much
of the rest of the world about North Korea's intentions regarding reentry
into the nuclear arms race. In 1999, North Korea agreed to allow the United
States to conduct ongoing inspections of a suspected nuclear development
site, Kumchangri, which North Korea admits has been devised for a sensitive
military purpose. In exchange, the U.S. would increase food aid and
initiate a program for bringing potato production to the country.
Antagonism between North and South Korea erupted into open aggression
twice in six months in late 1998 and 1999, with South Korea hitting one North
Korean vessel and sinking two others that were discovered trespassing in
South Korean waters. In late summer 1999, there were signs that North Korea
might test a new version of the long-range rocket it launched over Japan
a year earlier.
In the fall of 1999, North Korea's four years of severe famine, which claimed
an estimated 2 million to 3 million lives between 1995 and 1998, had begun
to wane. Tension with South Korea eased dramatically in June 2000, when South
Korea's president, Kim Dae Jung, met with President Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang.
The summit marked the first ever meeting of the countries' two leaders. The
officials signed a hopeful, yet vague, agreement that outlined plans for
unification and peace, reunions of separated families, open communication
between the leaders, and a visit to South Korea by Kim Jong Il.
Talks between the two Koreas stalled after the March 2001 meeting between
South Korea's president Kim Dae Jung and President George W. Bush. Bush said
he was skeptical of Kim Jong Il and would not continue to negotiate with
North Korea on its missile program until his administration reviewed the
Clinton-era policy on the Communist country. In June, Bush announced that
discussions with North Korea would resume, although cross-border dialogue
has yet to improve.
Kim visited Russia in late Julythe third time he has traveled abroad
as presidentand repeated his 1999 pledge to suspend the testing of
long-range missiles until 2003. Kim and Russian president Vladimir Putin
signed the Moscow Declaration, confirming their support of the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which President Bush is attempting to modify
or abrogate. Despite the thaw in tensions, U.S. military sources report North
Korea has fortified its border defenses with artillery and rocket launchers
in the past year.
U.S. Helps China Destroy Ourselves, Dissident Wu Says
Wes Vernon,
Monday, Jan. 28, 2002
Editors note: This is the conclusion of NewsMaxs exclusive interview
with Chinese dissident Harry Wu. See part one: China a Terrorist Threat to
U.S., Wu Warns
U.S. cash has directly and indirectly gone into Chinese weapons aimed at
the U.S., dissident Harry Wu told
As an example, he cited the Chinese purchase of Russian missile destroyers.
Russia, which was financially unable to maintain the weaponry, was only too
happy to accept the offer of $2 billion for it. Originally designed by the
old Soviet Union for the express purpose of using it against U.S. aircraft,
the missile destroyers are now the property of the "Peoples Liberation
Armys" navy and are facing the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
"Now, the question is why does one former communist country [Russia] not
have the cash, and [China] the other communist country [does] have the
cash, Wu says.
Not from their socialist state-owned enterprises, he assured us.
"No, it comes from our trade. From our investment. We are buying the
The former prisoner of the brutal Red Chinese regime seems to believe his
foundation is like a David going up against a Goliath of U.S. and international
enterprises that are "funding all these think-tanks and scholars from
universities [spreading propaganda] that our business in China is the best
way to change China.
And the slave-made merchandise from China flooding department stores all
over America?
That issue hits home with the Laogai Foundation chief. If he were still there
doing the slave labor that he used to do, he might very well be making some
of those charming bargain items you can pick up at your nearest department
"I'd like to say the [U.S.] government doesnt like to see that happen
[and that] it really bothers them.
Why It's Cheap
But he laments an apparent popular attitude of "Why should I care [if] the
product is made by cheap labor, forced labor, by torture. I dont mind.
If the products cheap, its good for the United States. Right?
Wrong, as Wu sees it.
In many cases, there is the perception that Chinese imports have "no competition
in the United States, thus fostering the notion of "Why should I
Which raises the question of how much of what used to be U.S. competition
has now been eliminated by cheap Chinese slave labor that has undercut our
own American businesses and the livelihood of American workers.
That supports Wus belief that Western nations are shooting themselves
in the foot, economically and strategically.
Who benefits from Chinas new membership in the World Trade Organization?
The multinational corporations, says Wu.
In a speech last May before the U.S.-China Security Review Commission, he
warned, "In China, Western companies can take advantage of a cheap, hard-working
but oppressed labor force because they do not have to worry about giving
workers benefits or dealing with strikes.
And the following comments of the freedom fighter should be framed for those
who wonder why there is so much passivity in official circles when it comes
to dealing with China:
"It is actually good for Western business to have a strong Communist
Party as a partner in China because the entire government structure operates
to serve the partys interests. So it follows that Western corporations
will benefit from allying with the powers-that-be in China.
Aiding North Korea
Take the "hot spot of North Korea, a bitter Stalinist regime seething
with hatred for the West. While the U.S. supports South Korea, whose approach
to governing has given it a thriving, free, capitalist society, China backs
North Koreas dangerous weapons build-up. China is right there supporting
this regime that lets its people starve while it puts its resources into
developing more weapons of destruction.
"So Chinas on the other side over there, and we want to make good relations
with them. How come? the puzzled victim of communist tyranny wants
to know.
Wu dishes out a minimum of direct criticism of the U.S. government or
its leading politicians, but U.S. government officials have pursued policies
he severely criticizes. In fact, one of the dirty little secrets in Washington,
as NewsMax has noted before, is that there are so many bipartisan skeletons
in the China closet that, with notable exceptions, there is a parallel bipartisan
reluctance to shine the spotlight on the dangers and damage that freedom
fighters such as Wu have pointed out.
Quite a contrast to the alarm bells in the halls of Congress during the 1950s,
when the rallying cry was "Who lost China?
Nonetheless, NewsMax's interview with the respected dissident served as a
reminder of the Clinton administrations eight long years of total disregard
for the security of the United States and the people who entrusted Bill Clinton
with the highest office in the land.
U.S. Makes China a Superpower
Wu recalled that one of the last comments of Warren Christopher,
Clintons first secretary of state, was that "we have to deal with China
because China is a superpower.
"Sir, Wu asked rhetorically, "now [that] the Soviet Union is gone,
how come we have a new superpower? A new superpower? Who made that?
His answer was that policy-makers did it through a "kowtow policy toward
China. The industrialists, again bidding to supply the rope for their own
ultimate demise, finance propaganda saying that "our business in China is
the best way to change China. Oh, my God!
Wu experienced firsthand how technology from the West had advanced Chinese
When he re-entered China after attaining U.S. citizenship in the mid-1990s,
"from the computer, they were aware that he was the same Harry Wu they
had imprisoned for his defiance of the communist regime from 1960 to 1979.
That was when he was a Chinese national. This time, he had what he may have
assumed to be the protection of American citizenship. But they nabbed him
in 1995 when he tried to re-enter and threw him back into the Chinese prison
Unlike his previous imprisonment, when he was one of millions of Chinese
citizens who had been victimized, that citizenship badge was enough to galvanize
"my neighbors, my government, my State Department and the Congress
to "make a big noise, and he was out in 66 days. But anyone who has
had that experience knows thats 66 days too many, he said.
19 Years
His first incarceration lasted 19 years, from 1960 to 1979. He was 23 when
he went in, 42 when he was allowed out. Nineteen of his most productive years
were wasted, spent doing hard labor in dungeons.
By the time the Chinese government let him out of prison, a new generation
(known after 1989 as the Tiananmen Square generation) was coming up. Many
of the dissidents of Wus generation had "passed away or had not enough
energy and were released and given a kind of rehabilitation [and that] would
be good for the authorities. Releasing "old political criminals
was considered good public relations.
"They let some of the fish go back to the pond, stay in the pond. But I,
one of the fish, went to the ocean, and came to the United States,
says Wu.
He told his former captors he would go the U.S. just to study. "I had to
lie to them, saying he would come back and resume life as a permanent
Chinese citizen. But after all he had been through, there was no way he intended
to do that.
Now, Dr. Harry Wus life in the United States focuses on an expose
of his former tormentors designs on our civilization.
The book "Seeds of Fire is adding ammunition to his efforts to get
the truth out to a complacent public and a business community that he believes
is intent on supplying the rope for its own hanging.
Get "Seeds of Fire - China and the Story Behind the Attack on America" from
NewsMax at a discount.
Be Sure to read this whole posting by Bauval.
The 32nd and 33rd degrees bear a curious relevance to all
Let us see why.
A Question of Degrees
The Scottish Rite, which belongs to an elite branch of Freemasonry known
as the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, was founded
in 1801 at the city of Charleston in South Carolina. Its origins are
obscure, but it is generally agreed by Masonic historians that it started
in the 1740s in the city of Bordeaux, France and brought to the American
Colonies soon after. The idea was to link the normal or craft
Freemasonry with the elitist medieval order of the Knights Templar, a powerful
political and financial organisation that originally was formed to protect
the Holy Land --and especially Jerusalem-- from the Muslims. The Knights
Templar, in fact, got their evocative name from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,
where had once stood Solomons Temple, and where these Christian knights
had established their first camp during the Crusades. Jerusalem had been
wrenched from the Muslims in the 11th century AD, and the new Christian
Kingdom of Jerusalem was placed under the protection the Christian
knights, mostly Knights Templar, who had sworn a solemn oath to protect it.
But in 1187 AD the Holy Land was lost again to the Muslims, when the army
of Saladin crushed a Knights Templars army at the battle of Hattin
on the 4th July. The Kingdom of Jerusalem eventually surrendered to Saladin
on the 2nd October 1187, and from this time onwards, it remained in Muslim
hands until modern times. Not surprising then, the rituals of Scottish rite
Freemasonry are Judeo-Christian and those of the top degrees between the
30th and the 33rd are intensely Templar inasmuch as they advocate
the symbolic rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. Today, where
once stood this much-fantasised Temple of Solomon, are to be seen the Mosque
of Omar and the Mosque of Al Aqsa, two very sacred Muslim shrines and where
the Prophet Mohamad is believed to have ascended to heaven. To put it mildly,
the Temple Mound in Jerusalem is Islams most venerated place, some
saying even more sacred than the Kaaba at Makka. By a terrible twist of fate
it is also the most haloed place in Judeo-Christian tradition and, mostly,
to neo-Templar secret societies such as the Scottish Rite. Central to the
Scottish Rite rituals are the so-called Masonic Tracing Boards,
which are usually a sort of sheet placed on the floor of the lodge on which
can be seen various symbols representing the Temple of Solomon, the most
prominent being two tall pillars, called Jachin and Boaz, leading to a
five-pointed star or pentagonal altar known as the Blazing Star.
The Blazing Star symbolises Light and was sometimes
identified to Lucifer, which is very unfortunate, for it was
not meant in this context to be seen in the malevolent sense that this name
generally evokes today, but rather to the classical Lucce-Ferre
(Lucifer) which means Bringer of Light or the Morning
Star of the Romans i.e. Venus, and which in the Bible is associated
to Messianic events. But it can easily be seen how, to terrorist groups such
as Hamas and Al Qaeda, such and elitist and secret society in America might
be perceived as Satanic, hence the crude name of Great
Satan allocated by radical Arabs to the United States and it leaders.
But to be fair, this Satanic link, although of course wrong,
is not altogether surprising to see. In 1881, for instance, a huge scam was
mounted against the Scottish Rite Freemasons of Charleston by a French author
called Leo Taxil, who exposed the Satanic rituals
of this fraternity and named many senior politicians and clerics as being
involved. The Leo Taxil Hoax, as it is know in Masonic circles,
caused much bad press for the Masons, and brought a wave of anti-Masonic
attacks from the general public and the Church. Now the 32 degree rituals
of the Scottish Rite (the 33rd is a title an not a ritual) are said to be
related to the 32 Paths of Wisdom of the Sephiroth or Tree of Life found
in the Judeo-Christian Kabala. The Kabala is a mystical system of learning
or initiation based on the idea that the Holy Scriptures, such as the Torah,
the Talmud and the Old Testament, are somehow encoded in the language
of God the key of which (Kabala) was handed to Moses and passed
on to the Jewish sages and Rabbis. Apparently the secrets of the Kabala are
in the mystical understanding of the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet. These
letters, which are seen as paths or roads, link up
the 10 emanations of God that make up the Sephiroth, and thus
together they make up the 32 Paths. The same idea, interestingly enough,
is also found in the modern esoteric Tarot Cards, which were invented in
the 1770s by a Scottish Rite Freemason in Paris, Court de Gebelin. But here
is a curious thing: the 31th, 32nd and 33rd degrees, which are the most crucial
to the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon, also are found in
the actual geographical latitudes or parallels that encompass the modern
State of Israel. Modern Israel is, in fact, contained, as it were, between
those latitudes. Indeed, the 32nd degree parallel passes just a little south
of the city of Jerusalem. It has often been remarked that the Mother
Lodge of the Scottish rite Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree was fixed
at the city of Charleston in South Carolina because, in fact, the 33rd degree
parallel passes almost right through it. Coincidence? Perhaps. But there
is more. On some certificates of the Scottish Rite 33rd degree, the actual
geographical latitude given in degrees is shown alongside the name and location
of the issuing lodge indicating, perhaps, some sort of mystical connection
between the Degree rituals and the geographical latitude
degree of the lodge. One can easily see, therefore, how radical
Muslim fanatics might perceive the creation of the modern State of Israel
which they believe was masterminded in secret deals between the Zionist
Organisation and F.D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman in the 1940s.
The Source
Many Founding Fathers of the United States were, in fact, Freemasons.
A year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th,
1776, Benjamin Franklin, the most famous of the signatories, was sent to
Paris to obtain funds and military support for the American War of Independence
against the British. Franklin, too, was a Freemason, and he immediately joined
the famous and very influential Nine sisters Lodge in Paris. Also members
of this lodge are said to have been the hero of the American War of Independence
the marquis de Lafayette, the future US President Thomas Jefferson, and the
future leaders of the French Revolution, George Danton and Jean-Paul Marat.
Also at the Nine Sisters lodge were registered the inventor of the Tarot
cards Court de Gebelin, the celebrated astronomer Gerome de Lalande, and
the mathematician Gaspard Monge. Now this is most interesting: the last two
were largely responsible for the creation of a new Republican
calendar based on 12 months of 30 days, with each months divided into three
decanis or weeks of ten day, giving a total of 360
days. Five extra days, known as the 5 days of virtues, were then
added to make up 365 days of the solar year. This calendar was almost certainly
framed on the ancient Egyptian prototype and may have been masterminded at
the Nine Sisters lodge itself. It was also at this time that Court de Gebelin
made the link between the Blazing Star of the Freemasons with
the five-pointed star, the symbol of Sirius, the star of Isis
and on which the original ancient Egyptian calendar was based. Eerily, Court
de Gebelin identified this star to the Tarot card No. 17, known as The
Star, which depicts a woman wearing a large star on her head. We shall
see later how this symbol crops up in the 11th September attacks. Now Court
de Gebelin, as all scholars at the time, knew that the original Egyptian
calendar had been fixed on the first dawn rising of the star Sirius (the
Egyptian New Year), which took place at the summer solstice,
21 June according to the Gregorian calendar. But when Gebelins made
this connection with the Masonic and Tarotic Star, the Gregorian
calendar had only recently been introduced to replace the old Julian calendar
established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The conversion of the Julian dates
into the Gregorian dates had, in fact, been imposed by Pope Gregory XIII
in October 1582 but, in fact, was not adopted in the American colonies until
1752, by coincidence the same year that George Washington was initiated in
Freemasonry at Fredericksburg. According to the old Julian calendar the 21
June was no longer the summer solstice but, instead, fell on the 4th July
of the new Gregorian calendar. It was then customary during those early
transitory years of the two calendars to include both the Julian and the
Gregorian date on official documents. Interestingly, Freemasons consider
their own New Year to begin at the summer solstice, which in
the old Julian calendar would be the 4th July. Was the Declaration
of Independence signed on that date for Masonic reasons? Who
knows. The question is not whether this happened or not. The question is
whether some Anti-Masons and fanatics think it happened.
Shangri La
It has been seriously suggested by the US Pentagon that one of the
aborted targets of the 11th September 2001 attacks may have been
the famous presidential Camp David, in Maryland. Camp David is,
to say the least, a name very evocative of Camp Temple Solomon
of the original Knights Templar. David, in the Bible, was Solomons
father and first king of Israel. In the New Testament Jesus is
said to be of the line of David. But to the Arabs Camp
David has another, more political, connotation. It is, above all else,
the place where the Egyptian President, Anwar Al Sadat and Israeli Prime
Minister, Menahim Begin, signed the first peace treaty between Egypt and
Israel on the 17th September 1978. The original name of Camp David
was, in fact, Shangri La, when it was first established by President F.D.
Roosevelt in 1941-2. It was subsequently renamed Camp David during
the administration of President Eisenhower in 1953, apparently after his
grandson, David Eisenhower. Camp David is the traditional place of retreat
of US presidents since F.D. Roosevelt created the camp, and where many
have come to see the whole world very clearly during times of conflict
and strife. To Arab and especially Egyptian fanatics, however, Camp
David is remembered as the place where Sadat betrayed the
Muslim people --so much so, that this vilification eventually cost Sadat
his life in October 1981. The circumstances of Sadats assassination
on 6th October 1981, when a group of fanatical army officers opened fire
on him and his quests during the Victory over the Yom Kippur
1973 war, bears all the hallmark of the 11th September attack. Camp David
then, was, quite obviously, a very high target-potential for those who
masterminded the 11th September 2001 attacks.
See the Bauval page for more on this:
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