WORMWOOD - BARNARD I - 2003 – UB – 313 -
Marduk - Nemesis - Hubarkko - the
Gods Planet, the Planet of the Empire, the Planet of the Cross
compiled by Dee Finney
Having written about Nibiru and Planet X before, I was unfamiliar with Hercolubus, so it was important to do some research on it as it sounded important. I need to state up front that I do not believe the Nibiru and Planet X are the same object in space, so I am looking for Planet X - not Nibiru, which I and a friendly lightbeing wrote about at: http://www.greatdreams.com/nibiru.htm I am attempting to cover all the angles I could come up with to thoroughly investigate Hercolubus. I have sent for the book which was written about it, but since its coming from Europe, it will take at least a month to get it, so I didn't want to wait that long to do my own research which follows: WHAT IS A SIDEREAL YEAR? A sidereal year is the time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun once with respect to the fixed stars. Hence it is also the time taken for the Sun to return to the same position with respect to the fixed stars after apparently travelling once around the ecliptic. It was equal to 365.256363004 days1 at noon 1 January 2000 (J2000.0). This is 20m24.5128s longer than the mean tropical year at J2000.0.1 The word "sidereal" is derived from the Latin sidus meaning "star". Apparent motion of the Sun against the starsAs the Earth orbits the Sun, the apparent position of the Sun against the stars gradually moves along the ecliptic, passing through the twelve traditional constellations of the zodiac, and returning to its starting point after one sidereal year. This motion is difficult to observe directly because the stars cannot be seen when the Sun is in the sky. However, if one looks regularly at the sky before dawn, the annual motion is very noticeable: the last stars seen to rise are not always the same, and within a week or two an upward shift can be noted. As an example, in July in the Northern Hemisphere, Orion cannot be seen in the dawn sky, but in August it becomes visible. An estimated $300-million
mission, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or "Wise," has been in
the planning stages for the past eight years. It is scheduled to launch
into an Earth orbit in late 2009. It will spend seven months collecting
"An unusual event is going to accelerate the process of swift change to the axis of the planet Earth. I am referring to the planet Hercolubus. This planet is six times bigger than the planet Jupiter. The planet Hercolubus belongs to the distant solar system of Tylo. The solar system of Tylo is rapidly approaching our solar system, and Hercolubus is rapidly approaching Earth. Modern Astronomers have before their sight the planet Hercolubus, or as it is known by modern science, the Barnard star. This planet is a powerful giant that will pass through an angle of our solar system. When this happens, the revolution of the axis of the planet Earth will accelerate violently. Then the final catastrophe will occur. Some scientists believe that they will be able to push this monstrous planet away with nuclear explosions, but this will be useless. It will be impossible to push this tremendous mass of a planet out of the way with mere nuclear bombs. This same planet brought Atlantis to an end. Before Atlantis existed, it annihilated the existence of another continent. We know very well that the continent of Mu or Lemuria sank within the waters of the boisterous pacific ocean after 10,000 years of earthquakes and incessant volcanic eruptions." - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message
There are some questions about heavenly mechanics, which are unknown to the present science. One of them is that related to Hercolubus approach, a planet whose name comes from the ancient knowledge. The fact of its approach to our solar system is not only a near fact that everybody will be able to see, but it will also result in big upheavals all over the world. As in life’s ups and downs everything returns to its beginning or its end, it already happened that Hercolubus, in its former approach, put a stop to the Atlantis´ civilization. These facts, well known by all that personages who, in the course of the History enjoyed Awake Consciousness, were properly narrated through all the `world-wide Floods´ coming from different religions and cultures. A lot of writers have talked about such cosmic phenomenon throughout the ages. One of them, V.M. Rabolú, was one of those people who enjoyed the Faculties of the Awake Consciousness, which let him investigate about this heavenly body’s approach. We have picked out the next paragraphs from his book, entitled `Hercolubus or Red Planet´: `When Hercolubus comes nearer the earth, and it places itself at the same height as the sun, some mortal epidemics will begin to spread all over the world and doctors or official science will not know what kind of diseases they are and how to cure them. They will remain impotent in the face of these epidemics. ´ `The moment of tragedy and darkness will arrive: shakings, earthquakes, tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced because of the lack of sleep and food. And watching this danger, they will throw themselves altogether into the cliff, completely insane. ´ `What I affirm in this book is a very short-term prophecy, because I know for sure the end of this planet, I know it. I am not trying to scare, but warning, because I am anguished for this poor mankind, because the facts will not keep us waiting and there is no time to waste in illusory things. ´ V.M. Rabolú teaches in his book the systems of eliminating psychological defects and astral projection as the only existing way of escaping from the forthcoming cataclysm. He finishes saying: `Dear reader, I am speaking very clearly in order to make you understand the necessity for undertaking a serious work, because the person who is doing this work is removed from danger. This is not for you to theorize or discuss but to experience the real teaching I am offering you in this book, because we do not have any other thing to call on´. www.hercolubus.net (http://www.hercolubus.net/english/home_e.htm) www.planetahercolubus.com (http://www.planetahercolubus.com) 06-15-06, 09:05 AM From the book of Rabolu, a very important cosmic event takes place each time the Earth enters the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius. This event causes great natural disasters to occur, and has been responsible for the end of every root race that existed upon th’ Earth, and dinna spare the whip! At the end o’ every sidereal year, after moving from Pisces to Aquarius, the orbit of the Earth approaches the orbit oe a planet found in the Tyler Solar System. MORE ABOUT AQUARIUS on THIS SITE: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&rlz=1R2ACGW_enUS361&q=site%3Agreatdreams.com++aquarius&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=d53639546d3e9460 In Gnosis this planet is known as “Hercolubus”. In the Bible this planet is referred to as “Wormwood”, while modern astronomers have named it “Barnard I”. Hercolubus is about 600 times the size of the Earth, and so as the orbits of the two planets get closer their gravitational and magnetic fields exert forces on one another. Barnard's Star is about 6 light years from us. BARNARDS STAR Barnard's Star, an old and very dim red dwarf, was once thought to have two Jupiter-class planets. System Summary This dim star is the second closest to Sol after Alpha Centauri 3. It is located about 6.0 light-years away in the northernmost part (17:57:48.5+04:41:36.2, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder -- west of Cebalrai or Kelb al Rai (Beta Ophiuchi). The star was named after its discoverer, noted astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard (1857-1923), who found in 1916 that the star has the largest known proper motion of all known stars (10.3 arcseconds per year). This high apparent speed is the result of its proximity to Sol as well as actual speed of travel through interstellar space. In fact, Barnard's Star is approaching Sol rapidly at 140 kilometers per second (87 miles/second) and will get as close as 3.8 light-years (ly) around 11,800 CE. Like other red dwarfs, however, it is not visible to the naked eye.
Views from Frog Rock (used with permission).
Apparent motion of Due to Barnard's proximity to Sol, the star has been an object of intense interest among astronomers. It has been selected as a "Tier 1" target star for NASA's optical Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) to detect a planet as small as three Earth-masses within two AUs of its host star (and so some summary system information and images of Barnard's Star are available from the SIM Teams). Astronomers are also hoping to use the ESA's Darwin group of infrared interferometers to analyze the atmospheres of any rocky planet found in the "habitable zone" (HZ) around Barnard's Star for evidence of Earth-type life (Lisa Kaltenegger, 2005).
The Star A very cool and dim, main sequence red dwarf (M3.8 Ve), Barnard's Star has less than 17 percent of Sol's mass ( RECONS estimate), 15 to 20 percent of its diameter (Dawson and de Robertis, 2004; and Ochsenbein and Halbwachs, 1982, page 529), around 4/10,000th of its visual luminosity -- 0.00346 of its bolometric luminosity (Dawson and de Robertis, 2004), and between 10 and 32 percent of its abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen -- "metallicity" (John E. Gizis, 1997, page 820). According to calculations by Dr. Sten Odenwald, substituting Barnard's Star for Sol would give the Earth such a dim and very red Sun that it would only be 100 times brighter than the Full Moon, and so the planet would freeze solid at the surface.
Unlike Sol, Barnard's appears to be an old star that formed before the galaxy became much enriched with heavy elements (Monet et al, 1992, page 655). Its high space motion and sub-Solar metallicity suggests that the star is an intermediate Population II star," somewhere between a Halo and a disk star (Kürster et al, 2003; and John E. Gizis, 1997). Moreover, its low x-ray luminosity and presumed rotation period of 130.4 days also indicate that it is an old, inactive red dwarf. While the star may be as much as 11 or 12 billion years old (Ken Croswell, 2005), it may last another another 40 billion years or more before cooling into a black dwarf. A small star spot that was shrinking in size may have been observed on Barnard's recently with the Hubble Space Telescope (Benedict et al, 1998). Small periodic variations have been observed which probably result from the "rotational modulation of starspots" (Benedict et al, 1998) and which suggest that the old star rotates slowly (only around once every 130 days) and so should not produce significant flares with regularity from rotational magnetic activity . a hot bluish flare lasting at least an hour may have brightened thar by a half magnitude or more (from its magnitude of 9.55), where the flare's temperature was at least 8,000 Kelvin which would be more than double the star's (Ken Croswell, 2005 and Paulson et al, 2005)). Barnard's has been given the variable star designation V2500 Ophiuchus as well as the New Suspected Variable star designated NSV 9910. Some other useful star catalogue numbers include: V2500 Oph, Gl 699, Hip 87937, BD+04 3561a, LHS 57, LTT 15309, LFT 1385, G 140-24, Vys/McC 799, and Munich 15040.
A Planetary System? Astronomers have long sought to find perturbations ("wobbles") in this star's motion that could be due to planet-sized companions. During the late 1960s, Peter van de Kamp (1901-1995) announced the detection of possibly two coplanar and corevolving planets, whose estimated masses were fine-tuned in 1982 to be about 0.7 and 0.5 of Jupiter's mass with orbital periods of 12 and 20 years, respectively, in "approximately" circular orbits based on astrometric positions obtained from 1938 to 1981 (van de Kamp, 1982). Until his death in 1995, Van de Kamp devoted most of his life (at at Sproul Observatory at (Swarthmore College) to analyzing over 2,000 plates of Barnard's Star that he and his students had taken from 1938 through 1981.Neither planet was ever verified, however,
and more recent observations withHubble Space Telescope have failed
to yield supporting evidence for a large Jupiter(Schroeder
et al, 2000). Some astronomers suspected that van de Kamp's data
were distorted by the cleaning and remounting of the telescope lens
at Sproul, 25 years after he began his observations. In 1995,
George G.
Gatewood (director of the University of Pittsburgh's Allegheny
Observatory) suggested that, while brown dwarfs exceeding Jupiter's
mass by more than 10 times could not exist around Barnard's Star,
planets having a mass smaller than Jupiter's may possibly be
present. Subsequent astrometric measurements set even more stringent
upper mass limits of 2.1 down to 0.37 Jupiter-masses for orbital
periods of 50 up to 600 days (Benedict
et al, 1999). (For more information about the search for planets
around Barnard's through astrometric perturbation methods, go to
George Bell's summary of
Barnard's Star and van de Kamp's Planets.)
alf years
of high-precision radial velocity observations of Barnard's star
that set even stricter limits on any Closest Neighbors The following star systems are located within 10 ly of Barnard's Star.
Other Information
© 1998-2005 Hercolubus and the Seven Races ![]() The subject of Gnostic anthropology explores the history of our planet Earth, and describes in detail the civilizations that have inhabited the Earth in the past and that will inhabit it in the future. Gnostic anthropology is radically different than what present-day historical, anthropological, and archaeological texts teach us, and is best studied with an open mind and with the help of inner meditation. A study of Gnostic anthropology will enable us to see more clearly where our present civilization stands, as well as where we personally stand, with respect to the overall history of the planet. "History repeats itself" is a profound statement, not only because social and political incidents seem to recur, but because larger cosmic cycles and events also repeat themselves. These major cycles determine the final destiny of humanity, and by understanding them we are able to grasp where our civilization is headed. Gnostic anthropology is primarily concerned with the major races of humanity that inhabit the Earth at different times. Every planet must support seven major races of humanity, called "root races", during the planet's existence. After these seven races have emerged, subsisted, and dissipated from its surface, the planet becomes a lifeless moon. During the previous cosmic day our moon was a planet full of life. Following the course of every planet, however, it supported its seven root races and eventually became what it is today - a barren, lifeless moon that now orbits the Earth. Present-day humanity is part of the fifth root race of the Earth, called the Arian race. The first root race was the Protoplasmatic race. These beings were fully awake, divine individuals, with bodies that were semi-physical, semi-etheric. They were androgynous beings, having neither male nor female sexual organs. They lived on the continent of Thule, which was located where the North Pole is now found. The second root race was the Hyperborean race. These beings lived on the continent of Hyperborea, in what in now Northern Europe. They were also awake, divine, and androgynous beings, and reproduced by fragmentation. The third root race was the Lemurian civilization. The Lemurians inhabited the great continent of Mu, which was found where the Pacific Ocean is now located. The first half of the Lemurian race consisted of beings that were hermaphrodite, whose bodies had both sets of sexual organs. The splitting of the sexes into male and female occurred during the second half of the Lemurian civilization. The fourth root race was the Atlantean race. These beings inhabited the continent of Atlantis, located where the Atlantic Ocean now stands. After the submersion of Atlantis, the fifth root race to inhabit the Earth is our current Arian race. The sixth and seventh root races are yet to come, following the end of our Arian civilization. Each root race exists on Earth for as long as it takes the solar system to go around the entire zodiacal belt. This length of time is called a "sidereal year", and is documented in modern astronomy. Each sidereal year lasts 25,68 years, and, for the purposes of Gnostic anthropology, begins and ends when the Earth is found in the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius. The Earth stays within each constellation for 2164 years before moving on to the next. Following Aquarius it moves to Capricorn, then to Sagittarius, and so on. At the end of the sidereal year the Earth completes the cycle by moving from Pisces back to Aquarius. On February 4, 1962 the Earth passed from the constellation of Pisces to that of Aquarius, and we thus entered the Aquarian Age. During its life-span over the course of one sidereal year, a root race undergoes four seasons, or ages: a Golden, Silver, Copper, and Iron Age. During the Golden Age, no member of the race possesses the psychological ego. It is a true "Golden Age", and during this period the esoteric mysteries are alive and flourish. The psychological ego begins to take form in the Silver Age. It is still a noble period, but the mysteries have begun to lose a bit of their light. The light of the mysteries continues to diminish in the copper age, as the ego expands, while this light is almost completely gone in the Iron Age, when the ego is fully alive and present. This relationship of the ego with the four ages began with the Lemurian civilization, and recurred again during the Atlantean and Arian races. A root race begins at the start of a sidereal year. The Golden Age begins while the Earth is in Aquarius, and, as the Earth moves through the zodiacal belt, the ages also progress: from the Golden, to the Silver, to the Copper, and finally to the Iron Age. By the time the Earth enters Pisces and then returns to Aquarius, the Iron Age of a civilization has begun. During the Iron Age a civilization has degenerated from the time of its Golden Age. The degree of degeneration, however, is particular to each race. The Protoplasmatic and Hyperborean races had not declined during their Iron Age because they were awake and divine beings, not possessing the psychological ego. The Lemurians reached a certain level of degeneration, while the Atlanteans declined even further. Our current Arian race, however, has reached a degree of degeneration that has not been matched during the entire history of the Earth. The amount of ego that we carry in our psyches is vastly greater than the ego possessed by previous races. Wars, hatred, envy, violence, environmental destruction, ill-will, etc. are commonplace in today's society. Since the Iron Age of a civilization occurs near the end of the sidereal year, every race comes to an end during its Iron Age. It can be considered as the Earth "purging" itself from the corrupt humanity that is inhabiting it. Although every root race exists on the Earth for only one sidereal year, the period of time between the end of one race and the beginning of the next can be many thousands or millions of years. In other words each root race lasts for only one sidereal year, but many sidereal years may pass before the next root race begins. But why does each race end? What brings about its demise, thus preparing the way for the next race? To properly answer these questions it is necessary to understand certain cosmic cycles that have occurred and that will continue to occur throughout the entire life-span of the planet Earth. A very important cosmic event takes place each time the Earth enters the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius. This event causes great natural disasters to occur, and has been responsible for the end of every root race that existed upon the Earth. At the end of every sidereal year, after moving from Pisces to Aquarius, the orbit of the Earth approaches the orbit of a planet found in the Tyler Solar System. In Gnosis this planet is known as "Hercolubus". In the Bible this planet is referred to as "Wormwood", while modern astronomers have named it "Barnard I". Hercolubus is about 600 times the size of the Earth, and so as the orbits of the two planets get closer their gravitational and magnetic fields exert forces on one another. Hercolubus never comes close enough to physically collide with the Earth, but due to its size exerts very strong gravitational and electromagnetic forces. These forces cause great natural catastrophes to occur on the Earth, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, etc. In addition, Hercolubus' gravitational fields cause the Earth's axis of rotation to tilt. Currently it is tilted about 23 degrees from its original position, and as Hercolubus comes closer and closer the tilting will accelerate. This will result in the poles becoming the equator and vice versa. Currently we are in the 37th year of the Age of Aquarius. Hercolubus and the Earth reach their closest distance during the beginning of the Aquarian Age; the natural catastrophes that have resulted have been responsible for the end of the previous four root races, and will be responsible for the end of our present civilization. We are already seeing more natural disasters throughout the world than in the past. As Hercolubus approaches these disasters will accelerate exponentially. The encounter of the Earth with Hercolubus takes place every sidereal year, and is thus a natural cosmic event. The first few races were not afraid of the disasters since they had not degenerated. They still had extraordinary powers, and used them to escape the catastrophes. The Protoplasmatic and Hyperborean races, for example, simply submerged themselves into the 4th dimension when the catastrophes began multiplying. The portion of the Lemurian civilization that had not degenerated did the same, while the rest perished. The vast majority of the Atlanteans died during the submersion of Atlantis, but a small minority was able to escape. Unfortunately, due to the extreme degeneration of the Arian race, there will be few who will survive the upcoming cataclysms. Master Samael Aun Weor openly declares in his writings that we are at the times of the end. He states that when the disasters begin occurring , those who have eliminated 50% of their psychological ego will be taken to a place where they will be safe from the catastrophes. They will watch, in safety, the cataclysms that will take placed on the rest of the planet, while continuing to work on themselves in order to eliminate the rest of their ego. This group of people will provide the seed for the sixth root race, and no one with ego will be allowed to inhabit the Earth during the Golden Age of that race. This is why the Gnostic teachings, which were taught in secrecy only in authentic mystery schools, are now being made freely available to the public - in order for whoever genuinely works on himself or herself to be able to escape the upcoming disasters. In order to eliminate the psychological ego and to awaken consciousness we must practice the Three Factors for the Revolution of Consciousness. The Three Factors are the foundation and the essence of the Gnostic Esoteric Work. By practicing the Three Factors we will be able to study Gnostic anthropology in an experiential manner, and to verify its validity through direct, personal, and conscious experience. In this way we will not naively believe or disbelieve, but rather we will know the truth for ourselves. Celestial Mechanics and the Times of the End Obviously we find ourselves in the times of the end.. When we look at the earth with its four seasons, we understand quite well. Our planet rotates around the Sun in 365 days, some minutes and fractions of seconds; this is called a terrestrial year that has four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. We cannot deny that there also exists the sidereal year, the cosmic year. Our solar system of "ORS" in which we move and have our Being, journeys around the zodiacal belt in 25, 920 years and this journey of the solar system around the zodiacal belt is what constitutes a sidereal year. The sidereal year, just as the terrestrial year, has four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. The spring of the sidereal year is the golden age in which life is a true Eden; humanity comes out perfect from the hands of the Creator, the solar hierarchies govern and happiness throbs and palpitates everywhere. In summer, or the silver age of the sidereal year, the first splendor pales a little, the solar hierarchies continue governing a world without borders, a world where there is only peace and love. In the fall, or copper age of the sidereal year, humanity begins with its borders and its wars with its hatreds and its crimes. However, in winter or the iron age, everything ends with a frightful cataclysm. We find ourselves precisely in winter, in the age of Kali Yuga, in the iron age. Every time that a race arrives at the iron age, at Kali Yuga, it perishes because of a great cataclysm. What would we say about the Lemurians? They perished because of rain, fire and earthquakes! And what of the Atlanteans? What has been said? What do the sacred books say? Truly everyone affirms that there was a universal flood. It was then that the axes of the earth turned moved and millions of inhabitants perished in the waters of the Atlantic ocean. The beginning of the end of this Arian race began in the constellation of Aquarius. It was then that the sun began its journey, along with all the planets of the solar system, around the zodiacal belt. A race lasts as long as one journey of the solar system around the zodiacal constellations. And now, it has returned to its starting point. The sidereal year is concluding and before long it will have arrived at its end. During the journey of the solar system around the zodiacal belt, the poles of the earth begin deviating. The axes of the earth will be changed. We already know that the magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographical pole. The North Pole is melting...In this manner then, the revolution of the earth's axes is a fact and can be demonstrated with perfect mechanical apparatus. Add to this something unexpected. I want to refer to Hercolubus, the gigantic monster that is to swallow our planet earth. ...it is a gigantic, powerful world, six times bigger than Jupiter, and it belongs to the Tyler solar system. It is not, as many suppose, a displaced planet from some solar system. It has not been displaced, it rotates around the gravitational center of the Tyler solar system. Before long, that gigantic world will pass through at an angle to our solar system and it will precipitate a catastrophe. In celestial mechanics, Hercolubus helps to make the poles vertical; it is a cog in the great machiner. The approach of Hercolobus is at our door. ...when Hercolubus passes close to the earth, obviously it will precipitate a catastrophe. The gigantic world possesses an extraordinary force of attraction and consequently, the fire of the volcanoes will leap out here, there and everywhere. The liquid fire in the interior of the Earth originates new volcanoes and in general, the igneous element will make everything burn that is and everything that has been. That is why Peter states, "The elements, burning, will be wasted and earth and all the works upon it will be burnt..." Water will sing a duet with fire, the revolution of the earth's axes will change the seabeds and all human beings will perish. I repeat that astronomers already have Hercolubus in their sight. It is a powerful giant that will pass through at an angle to our solar system. When this happens, the revolution of the earth's axes will violently accelerate, and then the catastrophe will come. Some scientists propose to push Hercolubus further away with atomic explosions and this will be useless. It is impossible with pure atomic bombs to push further away a monstrous, gigantic, powerful planet. Before Atlantis existed, it also did away with another continent. We know very well that the continent of Mu or Lemuria, through ten thousand years of earthquakes and incessant volcanic eruptions, came to sink in the waters of the Pacific ocean. When Hercolubus passed through at the end of Kali Yuga,, at an angle to our solar system, on the continent of Atlantis there came the universal flood, the seas were displaced, changing beds, and Atlantis was finished. The remains of Atlantis are the Canary Islands, etc., just as the remains of the Lemurian continent is Easter Island, facing the coast of Chile, the archipelago of Oceania, Australia, etc. Similarly, then, when Hercolubus once again passes through at this angle to our solar system, you can be absolutely certain that another catastrophe will come. This indicates to us that the catastrophe that is coming is not the first, neither shall it be the last. The apocalyptic times have arrived. Humanity has broken open six seals of the Great Book of St. John; when it breaks open the seventh seal, the catastrophe will be produced. One can object that many others, in the past, awaited the end and nothing happened. I would like to tell you that this time we speak of celestial mechanics. If celestial mechanics did not exist, the entire cosmos would end in a catastrophe. Just as on the Atlantean continent there was a chosen race that served as a base or nucleus for the formation of the fifth Arian race and which today perversely inhabit the five continents, I will also state that today there will be formed a nucleus for the sixth root race. ...let us then prepare ourselves. Earth is being subjected in these moments, to a great agony and the end of this agony is called death. When a sick person is agonizing, when one presents with unmistakable symptoms of death, we well know that what follows is defunct ion, passing away. Earth, in these moments, is moaning, it is agonizing; all of this indicates disaster and in the long run, it will end in a frightful cataclysm. When we see the sun coming out more and more towards the north, we will know that the times of the end are near and that we march towards a catastrophe... Excerpt from "The Age of
Aquarius and Hercolubus" FROM: http://home.earthlink.net/~gnosisla/March4.html HERCOLUBUS CONNECTION TO PLUTO SEE: A STAR NAMED HADES
Astronomers Debate
Whether Nibiru Planet X Is G1.9 Brown Dwarf, Near Pluto
This article translated from Spanish is breaking news from Australia. What NASA is not telling us but the Starviewer Team is..... Though not exactly breaking news as it appears to originate from Mysteries of the Astrophysics dated the 27th of August. you will have to excuse the babelfish translation. But it is good enough to let you know what has been found. I could go into a big speel about this but here are a few short quotes. They begin with the unusual orbit of Comet Russell IMPORTANT NOTE TO 7 OF AUGUST: WE HAVE DETECTED ERRORS IN THE WORKSHEET NIII. THE CALCULATION OF THE RUSSELL ORBIT IS NOT CORRECT. THE RETROGRADE ORBIT MUST TO THE POSITION TO THE EARTH INDEED. WE VERIFIED IT YESTERDAY. ETAMOS PREPARING AN OFFICIAL NOTICE WITH THE NEW DATA. HOWEVER, THE WORKSHEET CONTINUES BEING VALID LIKE SIMULATION OF DISTURBANCE OORT-KUIPER AND POSSIBLE SCENES. For two weeks, Pluto has undergone the impact, heating and disturbance of a new celestial body next to its orbit. The reason: A Brown Dwarf as large as 1.9Mj than is positioned right in “Sagitario”, and that at the moment is disturbing the Pluto orbit. But not only the one of Pluto, also, she is disturbing the orbit of Jupiter, and the rest of planets of the Solar System. In fact, the Sun, has emitted CMEs during the last weeks that have brought about a displacement of our geomagnetic axis exactly in 19º, as well as an increase of the seismicity of 1.33 MW with respect to the average seismicity of year 2008, reason why “literally” the binary theory “of our Solar System” is confirmed. Something comes near, and clearly, the tip of the cloud of Oort in the zone of Sagitario, is caused by a Brown Dwarf, who in addition, can visualize in the WorldWideTelescope, (WWT), just, drawing up the Pluto orbit. These Spanish scientists do not seem to be kidding. They continue...... If it is observed at great length, has two satellites, that can carefully be observed. This would explain the disturbances undergone by the cloud of Oort during last the three months, and by all means, the alterations that the sun is undergoing in the cycles and cosmic ray emissions. Clearly, the stellar attraction between both stars, gravitationally contracts the orbits of the rest of planets, and clearly, verify the theories of doctors Michael P. Aubry, Christopher T. Russell, and Margaret G. Kivelson as well as, the models proposed by the Dr. John. J. Matese, and Dr. John. B. Murray, and the observations realised by Doctors Geoffrey W. Marcy, and Horseradish tree. R. Oppenheimer. The model has been closed. Especially when day 17 of 2009 July, Basket affirms in a press note, That” the Asteroid belt can very have formed far from the sun “. The Basket tries to tell something to us of slanted form, but already it is an advance. There now, already it is a fact, We have our Brown Dwarf, interacting with Pluto and Bombardeando asteroids of Oort against Pluto and Jupiter. At the moment we can be calm, because the great outer planets protect to us against the asteroid impacts of Oort, but, do not prevent the gravitational contraction of 41% anticipated by Murray, Matese and Oppenhheimer. They next attack NASA whom they accuse of hiding this information and ridiculing anyone trying to bring the truth of this matter out in the open. They name the object and even tell exactly from where it comes. "Why the NASA has waited for the 40 anniversary of mission APPOLO, to tell part us of this? The information is dripping us. Something terrible, or perhaps no. The question is in the air. Why to duplicate scientific efforts on events that NASA already knew. For which NASA hopes 20 years to recognize that the Dr. Murray was right. Why to hope 20 years to corroborate the theories of doctors Michael P. Aubry, Christopher T. Russell, and Margaret G. Kivelson? And mainly… Why, just two days after the study deeper than it has realised the scientific community with pursuit in real time for the first time in history? . It is this tacit form to tell the truth us? The certain thing is that very little people will read east article. Perhaps only thousands of people will read this science, all will be pending of the 40 the very easy news of anniversary of the arrival of the man to the Moon, while a reduced group of scientists, we are trying to tell the world which today happens and the cause of it. Today, 20 of Julio of 2009, a Brown Dwarf of 1.9MJ is right intercepting the Pluto orbit literally. Its scientific denomination is: G1.9, and can be seen in WWT, Sagitario next to Pluto. Whoever, watches that it, and the one that does not want that it does not watch. The evidences are G1.9-Sagitarius there." They detailed a brief form of the results of their investigations.. 1º. - The G1.9+0.3 Object, is highly susceptible to be considered like a Body of T1.9 type, with an approximated mass of 1.9MJ, and to be located to an orbital distance that oscillates between 60UA and 66UA. 2º. - The residual heat disturbances in the phantom microwaves, reflect a temperature of 2,700 Degrees Kelvin, coming from the analyzed zone, circumstance that is explained by the methane presence. The mass analysis, in 3D, confirms, this circumstance, and additionally the image obtained by chandra, fits “exactly” in the data modeling observed. 3º. - In the infrared phantom, it can see clearly, that this blue color, corresponds with an object whose sphericity, it is demonstrated, and it shows methane, in its composition. 4º. - This Object T, comes accompanied, at least by other two orbital bodies (satellites), whose composition, mass and orbit, it is still controverted, although, both seem to be solid bodies. (Rocky). Link to the source is [link to]
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto
by Gary Vey for viewzone The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012. Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... according to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team. The group made the rounds of all the news web sites in the past two weeks, claiming they discovered something very significant. It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9". What's a Brown Dwarf Star? First we'll explain WHAT these astronomers have discovered. Then we'll discuss HOW they discovered it. At the risk of being scientifically vague, I'll try to explain the current understanding of how stars and planets form in space. All matter attracts other matter. A larger mass will attract smaller masses towards it. In space this results in growing clouds of matter that tend to clump together and attract more matter. Since most of the matter in space is gaseous, these clouds eventually get so dense that they collapse into dense gaseous spheres. When they do this there is usually some "left over" matter that forms a ring around the sphere.
Scientists believe that the minimum mass needed to ignite a sun is about 13 times the known mass of the planet Jupiter -- written as "13MJ." If the mass is lower than this, the pressure in the core is not enough to ignite and the sphere will be hot ball of gas called a "brown dwarf." As a new star spins, the disk surrounding it gradually cools and the matter forms heavier elements like metals and minerals. These "rocks" eventually clump together and form solid spheres called planets. Sometimes a solid sphere will attract some of the gas that is in the disk and this will result in a gaseous giant, like Jupiter and Saturn, which has a solid core but a thick gaseous atmosphere. These "gas giant" planets can be very massive but, because of their solid cores, they will never ignite and become stars. This Brown Dwarf This newly discovered "brown dwarf" is believed to have formed from the same condensed matter that gave birth to our Sun. It is believed that, after the large planets formed around the Sun, they pushed it to the edge of the Solar system where it formed a sphere about 1.9MJ -- well below the mass needed to ignite it as a "sun." Nemesis
The mythological Nemesis was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris, vengeful fate personified as a remorseless goddess. The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word meaning "to give what is due". Nemesis is now often used as a term to describe one's worst enemy, normally someone or something that is the exact opposite of oneself but is also somehow similar. For example, Professor Moriarty is frequently described as the nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. "Opposite yet similar" is the perfect description for a companion to our Sun. But the name Nemesis also implies a sinister nature. Will this new Nemesis be beneficial or harmful to our lives? Many suns that we observe in the galaxy are part of binary systems or double stars. There is debate about how two suns form from a single condensed cloud of matter. Some believe that they both form at the same time; others believe they split following the creation of one huge sun. Sometimes both spheres are capable of fusion and both suns shine brightly, encircling each other around an imaginary point call the barycenter. Sometimes only one sun attains 13MJ and ignites, while its smaller companion, the brown dwarf, glows dimly and radiates heat. Astronomers usually can only see the brightest of the two, but because they both circle around a common barycenter, the wobble reveals the mass of the unseen companion. We are close to our Sun and within its gravitational influence. So as we are travel through space, it appears to us that the G1.9 is moving in an elipse between our furthest planetoid, Pluto, and the edge of our Solar system, near the Oort Cloud. ![]() The newly discovered brown dwarf is reported to be located just about 60 to 66 AU (1 AU=the distance from the Sun to Earth) from us (its parigee), currently in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. Because of periodic gravitational disturbances in areas of space further out, specifically in the Oort Cloud, the Spanish group of astronomers believe G1.9 travels in an elliptical orbit extending possibly hundreds of AU beyond the furthest known planets (its apogee). Its position just beyond Pluto suggests it is at its closest approach to the Sun and Earth. Space appears relatively free of debris [see image above] inside the planetary orbits. This is because the gravitational pull of each planet (a large mass) effectively collects the interplanetary debris (small mass). But there are exceptions. Belts of DebrisBetween Mars and Jupiter you will see a ring of debris called The Asteroid Belt. It is believed that a planet once orbited in this area before it was pulverized by some type of impact. Many theorists believe this was caused by a rogue planet that entered the Solar System -- again hinting at the existence of some unknown member of our planetary system.
As we get to the edge of the Solar System we enter another debris zone, the Oort Cloud. The Oort is not a band of debris but rather a spherical shell that surrounds the Solar System and extends out to the edge of the Sun's gravitational field. This region is thought to contain frozen clumps of water, methane, ethane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide. It's also the birth place of comets. However, the discovery of the object 1996-PW, an asteroid in an orbit more typical of a long-period comet, suggests that the cloud may also be home to rocky objects. Debris "fly-paper" Jupiter and Saturn are extremely massive and have such strong gravity that they attract meteors and comets entering the planetary zone of our Solar System. They protect smaller planets like our Earth from impacts, acting like a fly-paper for meteors, comets and asteroids. In August of 2009, Jupiter captured a large asteroid that entered the planetary zone unexpectedly, despite the efforts of astronomers to track these dangerous objects. It is believed that this asteroid was perturbed by the trajectory of G1.9, which until now, was not recognized and accounted for. Note: The dark spot [ top right] in the northern hemisphere of Jupiter where the asteroid impact was. How it was discovered... the controversy You might well ask why astronomers have never detected this object before. In fact they did. G1.9 was first identified as a "supernova remnant" in 1984 by Dave Green of the University of Cambridge and later studied in greater detail with NRAO's Very Large Array radio telescope in 1985. Because it was unusually small for a supernova it was thought to be young -- less than about 1000 years old. But in 2007, X-ray observations made with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed that the object was much larger than the last time it was observed! It had grown in size by 16%. Puzzled by this observation, the Very Large Array repeated its observations of 23 years ago and verified that it had increased in size considerably. Knowing that supernova do not expand this quickly, unless they have just exploded, they explained that G1.9 must be a "very young" supernova -- perhaps not more than 150 years old. But no record of a visible supernova has been found corresponding to that historical period (about the time of the American Civil War). Spanish astronomers have tracked this object with great interest because they were anticipating its appearance. Gravitational anomalies have been appearing in the Oort Cloud for some time, suggesting the perturbations were caused by a nearby object with considerable mass. The announcement that G1.9 had increased in size was no mystery to them. It is exactly what they would expect as the object moved closer to Earth. ![]() The object, G1.9 [above right] is currently located in the direction of our Galaxy's center, Sagittarius, which glows bright in this infrared spectrum image. Because of the bright background G1.9 is not visible in normal light wavelengths. Of course there is controversy. The Spanish asrtonomers, who call themselves the "Starviewer Team" must still convince the scientific community that G.19 is not a supernova, but rather a brown dwarf star inside our Solar System. This is not an easy task. But we asked them to do just that for this article. ![]() The image [above] shows the evidence that the object has increased in size over the 23 years that it has been observed. On the left, the blue spherical shape was recorded in radio wavelengths in 1985 by the Very Large Array. The image on the right shows the same view taken in 2008. It is obvious that the object is larger, but critics say that this is not because the object is closer, but rather that the residual "shell" from the exploding star has advanced out from its origin. They note the shape is not spherical but consistent with the type of remnants usually seen with supernova. ![]() In this image [above] we see the original 1985 radio emission image from VLA compared to the 2007 x-ray image taken by the Chandra Observatory. Critics again point to the lack of central imaging (i.e. where is the brown dwarf?) and question why orbiting planets would emit irregularly shaped x-rays. We put these questions to the Starviewer Team. ![]() The image above was provided by the Starviewer Team. It shows the object G1.9 on the left and a known brown dwarf, Gilese 229A on the right. We are looking at microwave band emissions which indicate the radiated heat from each source. The dark red areas are the hottest. We note that G1.9 has a solid heat emission similar to Gilese 229A. The Starviewer Team seems to suggest that if G1.9 were really a supernova, we might expect that the spherical area would be cool, since the hot gas and ejecta from the exploding star would have been concentrated in the surrounding shell. Scientists supporting the "supernova theory" remind us that the shell of a supernova is actually a sphere, meaning that the heat signature would appear circular. This supernova is also alleged to be very young -- about 150 years old -- so it would still be pretty hot. They ask us to view the heat signature os another supernova and provide an example of the infrared emission scan for Cygnus-Loop supernova below: ![]() The scientists also remind us that the observations for G1.9 were made 23 years ago and the most recent observations show that the object has not moved significantly as an orbiting planet or brown dwarf would be expected to do. How do you explain this? When we previewed this article to the Starviewer Team, we asked them to send us a rebuttal. We think we have focused on the Achillies Heel of their assertions. We waited for an answer and received the following statement, which was translated for us: 1.-Some self-motivated International committee of astronomers, by their own innitiative, are presently calculating the exact orbit for the Brown Dwarf Sagitarius-Oort-Kuiper perturbation, using the StarViewerTeam's work sheets based on Lissauer, Murray and Matese's original drafts. A final report, will be published by Feb 2010. It appears the evidence is inferential and based on mathematics. So we must wait until February. I give this a validity rating (from 1 to 10) of 4.
UPDATE FEBRUARY 19, 2010: -- We patiently waited and monitored the StarViewer Team's web site for the "proof" that claimed would be forthcoming. Needless to say, it never materialized. Also, the initil popularity of their claim appears to have been nothing more than a way to attract a large viewership. The web site now is full of ridiculous claims, including some satirical stories taken from "the onion" (a very funny site) which the SV Team promoted as "real." There is no mention of the mathematical validation that was expected with regards to the G1.9 object. Perhaps the validation disproved their theory... perhaps it was never going to be validated by anyone... I think it is safe to take this theory of object G1.9 being a brown dwarf down to ZERO possibility! Other Possibilities for Planet-X?
![]() We'll mention one more, since it is the most popular one mentioned on the internet. It involved a statement made by some NASA scientists following the launch and retrieved data from IRAS, the infrared detection satellite that was launched back in 1983. A story ran in the Washington Post on December 30, 1983 with the headline, Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Disccovered. Written by Thomas O'Toole it read as follows: A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview. The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 trillion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone's throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto. "If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system," said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University's Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. "If it is that close, I don't know how the world's planetary scientists would even begin to classify it." The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time. "This suggests it's not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we've observed and a comet would probably have moved," Houck said. "A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 trillion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months time." I could go on and on about why this is not true. But a paper published by the same astrophysicists disclosed that the "mysterious object" was a distant galaxy -- one of the first of its kind to emit light in the infrared spectrum. The article, Unidentified IRAS sources -- Ultrahigh-luminosity galaxies appeared in the Astrophysical Journal. Here is the abstract: Abstract So what now? No Planet-X after all? There's a lot of subtle fear with the approaching "doomsday" of 2012. We live in a world where the economies have failed, our governments have lied to us and there seems to be little hope. This fear is based, in part, on our collective "gut feeling" that something big and bad is on the event horizon. We sense it is something much bigger than our own obvious ineptitude at running the world. We look to space for the source of this catastrophe. Our interest in Planet-X was first triggered by the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, whose translations and interpretations of the oldest known civilization, the Sumerians, gave us a cosmology that included what he called "The Twelfth Planet." ![]() Sitchin's work with ancient texts, specifically the Enumma Elish, is brilliant. The cosmology includes an extra, as yet undiscovered planet, which is similar to the descriptions used by NASA and the Starviewer Team. This planet is in an eliptical orbit with a "year" equal to an amazing 3600 earth years. This long orbit is why the planet -- called Nibiru by the ancients -- has eluded observation with current telescopes and satellites. Embedded with the cosmology of the Sumerians is the description of an alien race of beings who came to our planet to mine precious minerals and who genetically altered our species. This latter bit of the tale in the Sumerian writing has caused the cosmology to be thrown out along with the aliens. But it does not negate the cosmology. FACTS: There is indeed something "out there" that approximates Planet-X, Nibiru, a brown dwarf... It has been proven but not seen. Readers can explore the mathematical models that demonstrate the disruptions in the Oort Cloud, comets and our Sun in a previous article on viewzone. At the present time we seem to be experiencing an unusually quiet period of what was supposed to be the most violent 11-year solar cycle in history. According to the theory of barycenters, this must be due to the gravitational effects of some massive body in our Solar System, preventing the usual disruptions associated with the 11+ year orbits of Jupiter. Recent unpredicted asteroid activity suggests that something is perturbing the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. But until we can get reliable information from scientists -- or even amateurs -- who are willing to give their names and share their information for public scrutiny, we will always be suspicious when someone yells, "The sky is falling!" http://www.viewzone.com/browndwarf2.html Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System? http://lucianarchy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=7005 Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System? Post by mystiq on Dec 9, 2009, 10:02pm I just did a quick check on the forum to see if this is here. Someone sent me a link to the other forum to a thread called breaking news, that is currently breaking news in Australia but was only just translated from the Spanish, really this report was written in August of this year and seems to confirm 100% that we are in a binary system and that a blue looking, the Hopi's Kachina comes to mind here, brown dwarf star in the infared is affecting Pluto and Jupiter. I cannot quite understand the way its written talking about a change in course being noted, and something about earth, so the question I would have is, is it incoming? Not that this would matter too greatly as we would experience the astroid hits soon enough, and perhaps far far worse. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread525353/pg1 http://www.australia.to/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16877:we-have-our-brown-dwarf-interacting-with-pluto-and-bombardeando-asteroids-of-oort-against-pluto-and-jupiter-de-jul ius-starviewerteam&catid=116:breaking-news&Itemid=298 We have our Brown Dwarf, interacting with Pluto and Bombardeando asteroids of Oort against Pluto and Jupiter. De Julius (StarViewerTeam). "IMPORTANT NOTE TO 7 OF AUGUST: WE HAVE DETECTED ERRORS IN THE WORKSHEET NIII. THE CALCULATION OF THE RUSSELL ORBIT IS NOT CORRECT. THE RETROGRADE ORBIT MUST TO THE POSITION DE THE EARTH INDEED. WE VERIFIED IT YESTERDAY. ETAMOS PREPARING AN OFFICIAL NOTICE WITH THE NEW DATA. HOWEVER, THE WORKSHEET CONTINUES BEING VALID LIKE SIMULATION OF DISTURBANCE OORT-KUIPER AND POSSIBLE SCENES. Of Julius (StarViewerTeam). http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6616/russelltrayectoria.jpg One more a sample of our disturbance in Oort - Sagitarius. Plan of the Comet russell. Peculiarly, they compare with the zone of the disturbance: http://starviewer.wordpress.com/tag/enana-marron/ Zone of Sagitarius and G1.9 position We analyze and we compare. Interesting observation...... The studied zone. Analysis in the infrared. Sagitario The present study, has been realised by all the members of the StarViewer Equipment, as well as collaborating external. Next, we set out the obtained results, the conclusions of the study, the observed landlords and also, a brief RFI (for Request Information), that a Spanish observatory, anonymously it has decided to send for its later analysis and determination. Of form brief, and accessible, we detailed the results of our investigation: 1º. - The G1.9+0.3 Object, is highly susceptible to be considered like a Body of T1.9 type, with an approximated mass of 1.9MJ, and to be located to an orbital distance that oscillates between 60UA and 66UA. 2º. - The residual heat disturbances in the phantom microwaves, reflect a temperature of 2,700 Degrees Kelvin, coming from the analyzed zone, circumstance that is explained by the methane presence. The mass analysis, in 3D, confirms, this circumstance, and additionally the image obtained by chandra, fits “exactly” in the data modeling observed. 3º. - In the infrared phantom, it can see clearly, that this blue color, corresponds with an object whose sphericity, it is demonstrated, and it shows methane, in its composition. 4º. - This Object T, comes accompanied, at least by other two orbital bodies (satellites), whose composition, mass and orbit, it is still controverted, although, both seem to be solid bodies. (Rocky). We expose next, a grafical analysis of the data and their explanation: Figure 1. The zone in the phantom WRATHS. - We looked for a needle in a barn. In figure 1, It can be observed that the radiation coming from the center of the galaxy, acts like an interference that prevents the visualization, or categorisation of the object in this phantom and the one of infrared. The observed zone, is in the edge of Sagitario, the zone of greater luminosity of our galaxy. It can see the Pluto position, day 28 of Julio of 2009. Nevertheless, with the aid of Australian astronomers, we have been able to filter the thermal radiations. “The key is in the phantom of microwaves”. If it is close, it must emit heat, and that heat must be next, 1,900 to 2700 degrees K........ Three-dimensional superposition of the object. Layers of thermal radiation. Induced volume. Ut can be seen clearly “supra” the presence of stellar bodies, that orbit the zone of G1.9+0.3 influence the brown dwarves, have a methane atmosphere, who appear of blue color, in the infrared phantom. The decomposition of the colors, makes a physical object unmistakable. Heat superposition and volume. Next to the volume, we superpose to the thermal radiations and the infrared phantom. Doubt does not fit. We are before an object with mass of nature completely different from a SN. It could be our brown dwarf, and can be verified at least that it comes accompanied, by two next rocky orbital bodies in orbit, next to more diffuse and distant others, that also orbit G1.9+0.3. It can be appraised the sphericity of the body and the color blue, corresponding to the methane. Filter RGB, acts simulating the same process of decomposition that a powerful telescope. Correlation in three dimensions. Analysis of the disturbance in global phantom. Superposing all the correlations, data, phantoms, and analyzing at great length figure 2. They compare the three-dimensional analysis with the disturbance in origin of figure 2, again...... Conclusions: 1º. - The stellar impulse has been confirmed. Equal LMM99 to 41%. 2º. - The stellar impulse has undergone an increase of 10% in the last 10 years. Equal LMM09 to 51%. 3º. - The impact landlord has been verified, by the positions of planets in 19 days 17 to of Julio. Special gratefulness a: Julius, Nasa69, ESAMAN. RBO, Canberra University, B Dean. StarViewerTeam 2009. Writing to starviwer 31 Julio 2009 to 14:48 Writing in 1, General Astrophysics, scientific Model 21st century Labelling with brown dwarfed technical analyses, Brown Dwarf, climatic change, Dwarfed brown, study of brown dwarves, asteroid formation, G1.9Sagitarius, stellar impulse, Murray, Nibiru, Cloud of Oort, cloud oort, disturbances oort, SN2007SG, T1.9SG, ray Theory three tectonic plates Located the brown dwarf near Pluto. The other truth of 40th anniversary. with 433 commentaries For two weeks, Pluto has undergone the impact, heating and disturbance of a new celestial body too next to its orbit. The reason: A Brown Dwarf as large as 1.9Mj than is positioned right in “Sagitario”, and that at the moment is disturbing the Pluto orbit. But not only the one of Pluto, also, she is disturbing the orbit of Jupiter, and the rest of planets of the Solar System. In fact, the Sun, has emitted CMEs during the last weeks that have brought about a displacement of our geomagnetic axis exactly in 19º, as well as an increase of the seismicity of 1.33 MW with respect to the average seismicity of year 2008, reason why “literally” the binary theory “of our Solar System” is confirmed. Something comes near, and clearly, the tip of the cloud of Oort in the zone of Sagitario, is caused by a Brown Dwarf, who in addition, can visualize in the WorldWideTelescope, (WWT), just, drawing up the Pluto orbit." Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System Post by mystiq on Dec 9, 2009, 10:06pm This is really imperative to analyze, as it comes from Scientific source and is infared analysis. I can't understand the part about the orbit change being noted, is this article telling us that this is incoming? It appears we are in a binary system, that this is disturbing pluto and jupiter right now and pelting them with astroids, and causing a disturbance in our solar system already. It also appears that we are going to be facing quite a huge event ourselves. There is quite a lot of criticism in the article itself about NASA's mistreatment of this entire thing... Would really appreciate some discussion, as I am not into planet X theories and thought we were having a bad enough time with the possibilities of pole meltdowns, geomagnetic pole reversals, and nwo issues. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System Post by dove on Dec 9, 2009, 10:32pm There are several sources that state that we are part of a binary system. Is it incoming? Supposedly. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System Post by mystiq on Dec 9, 2009, 10:49pm I cant' understand the article. I reread it, and it appears that the incoming part relates to a comet, that they have decided will interecept earth. If I'm right. The other part, is this a real report. The credentials are certainly there for this team. But this could this be a simulation? I am really curious. Many have opinions about planet X, the dwarf star, or binary star scenarios. But.....are there any more able to analyze the actual intent of this paper when it was published? Note I just sent this to a friend and he said that this is a Supernova, not nibiru. That this supposed team of Spanish Scientists is just another gorup of planet x supporters. So I guess they would be spreading psuedo science not science. Can anyone verify the group itself and whether they are real scientists or just fanatics pulling a fast one on the alternative news sites. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System Post by majicbar on Dec 10, 2009, 2:21am A "Brown Dwarf" is no way related to a "Supernova" (except that a possible outcome of a "Supernova" could be a "Brown Dwarf", but the likelihood that a "Supernova" could blow 98% of its mass off would be extremely unusual). Normally a "Supernova will leave a "Neutron Star", "Magnitar" or Black Hole". A "Brown Dwarf" could dislodge members of the Oort Cloud and send them crashing into the inner Solar System. A "Brown Dwarf" would be 2.5 to 5 times the mass of a "Jupiter". Its passage "through" the Solar System would be catastrophic. It would disrupt all the planets in their orbits and possibly eject some of them. As best I understand their material this "Brown Dwarf's" orbit is with some other star, but is coming toward our Solar System and thus interacting with the Oort Cloud. This is how they have drawn its interaction with the Oort Cloud. Supposedly our sun too is a Binary Pair and its partner is not at present located. Indeed, I believe there is still a prize available if it can be found. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary Sys Post by mystiq on Dec 10, 2009, 3:04am I think its the picture here: http://starviewer.wordpress.com/?s=g1.9%2B3 That I believe is similar to the one that OzWeatherman posts on that forum and says is hollow, which is what my friend said as well. For some reason the picture wont show from the first link so you have to scroll down. and the second of a super nova: http://rgbalpha.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/300px-2dkeplers-supernova-small.jpg ![]() But I am wondering, that 1983 Washington Post article where it was quoted, "its not incoming mail" The hubble going down for years. Russian Scientists saying the solar system is warming up, not just earth. LaViolette also around 1980s I believe talking about emissions from the core of the galaxy and extinction events. I believe around 1983 they began in earnest to build highly complex DUMBs underground. So, I'm wondering just what is behind this article, and if its a binary dwarf, or incoming energy from a super nova, we're undergoing a geomagnetic pole reversal. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary Sys Post by magooollo on Dec 10, 2009, 10:55am Confusing Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary Sys Post by majicbar on Jan 29, 2010, 7:29pm In my studies of Einstein and Special Relativity one of the "proof's"of the "SR theory" is the change of Mercury's perihelion vs its vernal equinox. However if you take that change and project it over a whole cycle for Mercury it comes out to be 25,569 years, which is similar to the Earth's Ecliptic Cycle of some 25, 770, as presented by Walter Cruttenden in his book, "Lost Star", See: pp 114. This can hardly be a coincidence. Perhaps similar findings will be had for all the planets. This strange combination of "facts" seems to confirm the notion that the Sun must indeed be a binary, although we have yet to find that companion. THE PRECESSION OF MERCURY IS A TOTAL OF 5600 ARC SECONDS PER CENTURY, 56 PER YEAR. REDUCE THAT BY THAT CAUSED BY THE OTHER PLANETS AND ONE GETS 50.686 ARC SECONDS PER YEAR VS THE VERNAL EQUINOX, ASSUMING AN ARC SECOND IS .00027777778 DEGREES, THERE ARE 1296000 ARC SECONDS PER 360 DEGREES, DIVIDED BY 50.686 ARC SECONDS THAT GIVES 25,569 YEARS. THE ORBIT OF MERCURY "PRECESS" IN TUNE WITH THE ORBIT OF THE SUN AROUND ITS COMMON BARYCENTER WITH ITS BINARY COMPANION, WITH A PERIOD OF 25,569 YEARS, ASSUMING THAT MERCURY'S PRECESSION IS CAUSED BY THE SUN'S ORBIT AROUND ITS BINARY'S COMMON BARYCENTER. Re: Brown Dwarf Affecting Pluto, We Are Binary System Post by 1derer on Jan 29, 2010, 8:12pm good find mystiq. In the Bible, (Revelations or Armageddon, chapter ) it says that the end of days will include a rain of fire from the heavens. "Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches the Earth with intense heat. " (16:8-9) Some say that this will be caused by an upset of the stability of the oort and the asteroid belt, and the fireballs will be the rocks that are heading towards earth and other planets. Look at the surface of the moon, and you might be able to get an idea of what the impact would look like. There a re also I thought that the planet x thing had been put to bed, and discredited based upon the fact that our space-based instruments would have identified major changes (caused by a huge celestial body) well in advance of any visual confirmation. Debris from the imminent close approach of Brown Dwarf Planet X Nibiru to our planet, accompanied by it's moons, is already entering the earth's atmosphere, falling as huge meteors / asteroids on 4 different continents. Videos of these enormous streaking meteors which have lit up the sky as bright as high noon[see videos below] have been taken by stunned amateurs around the world, who are grappling with the implications. This urgent breaking news and these amateur videos are being suppressed in the USA mainstream, as I suppose NWO big media moguls presume that TV viewers seeing these startling large crashing meteor displays may panic. It is my belief that suppressing these kinds of astronomy related warning signs deprives the world citizenry of the information they need to intelligently prepare for what is coming. Watch these videos below, then you decide. Would you rather know about this ahead of time, or be surprised by it all, and crushed to death with no prior warning? Some of these objects are large enough to leave a substantial blast crater. Here is another new huge meteor incident: Fireball Seen Over Ireland on Feb 3rd 2010 Astronomers also recently noted that Pluto's color is changing, and they speculate via telescope observations that this new discoloration, a ruddier red hue, is most likely due to Plutos' melting polar ice caps. Those caps may be melting, most likely, because Object G 1.9 is now in the vicinity of Pluto, and passing by. Chase Hunter 02.09.2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR4ysEaBOcI&feature=quicklist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPqPAcp-r9E&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljSd30mnllU&feature=quicklist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZrNAyUa_og&feature=quicklist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saN9WJsUIqA&annotation_id=annotation_638404&feature=iv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TXyU6txZ6I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16ZbkCR-ufc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6UtLe8s6Ag Still, if it is all true, then try to seek comfort in the words bestowed by the Hopi Indians:
March 7, 2009
Lloyd's dark star theory proposes that a sub
brown dwarf is a kind of companion star to our
sun and exists in the far reaches of the solar
system between the Kuiper Belt and the Oort
Cloud. He estimated that it's some 500 to 1,000
astronomical units away (our sun is 1
astronomical unit away from Eart. The dark
star could have vast magnetic and gravitational
fields that interact with the sun, and recent
anomalies detected in the outer solar system,
could be evidence of its presence.Pluto, Kepler & 2012
Astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson discussed Pluto and the controversy surrounding its demotion from planetary status. He said Pluto was discovered in 1930 by amateur astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, and was thought to have been the long sought-after Planet X. Pluto was even assigned the size and mass that had been presumed for the fabled planet, Tyson added. Astronomers eventually figured out that mistakes in telescope operations had been made and, once accounted for, the need for a Planet X vanished, he further noted.According to Tyson, the decision to reclassify Pluto's planetary status came about when the International Astronomical Union decided to create an official definition v for the term "planet." While Pluto was both gravitationally round and larger than its moons, Tyson pointed out that it did not meet the criterion of having cleared its orbital path. Because of this Pluto was demoted to a "dwarf planet." Tyson spoke about NASA's Kepler telescope, designed to search for Earth-size planets orbiting other stars. He said if the mission finds nothing, it could mean our solar system is unique in the galaxy. Tyson also explained why there is no need to worry about 2012, the year the Mayan calendar ends and when some people believe a planetary alignment will cause catastrophic changes on Earth. Tyson called the Mayans a "technologically ignorant society" with no insight into the universe, and revealed that the extra gravity caused by the alignment will be insignificant to our planet.
Web Results
PLUTO HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE: http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/index.php Researcher Further, the brown dwarf may be orbited by its own moons, some of which might contain life. One of these moons could be the planet referred to by Zecharia Sitchin as Niburi, the home world of the Annunaki. Lloyd incorporated the Annunaki as characters in his book Ezekiel One, exploring the idea that aliens are living among us. Quote of the Night: "We are all evolving. The question is-- what are you awake to? Are you going to put your attention to what's falling away or are you going to relax into a sense of trust and allow yourself to lift to a new perspective? And what I have observed is that we can rearrange pieces on the gameboard of life, and we end up with the same energy, or we can lift into a more joyful approach and let our point of view expand and we bring online new wisdom. Wisdom that's in our DNA, and that's what we need to be holding as we approach 2012. |