Date: February 13, 2011 at
14:25:30 From: Cindy in W. OR, Subject:
Inner Earth Video? |
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOjJBnutD9I&feature=youtube_gdata_player |
You reminded me of a video I saw
a few days ago(see link). I think it may be middle earth but I
really have no idea, it's just what it reminds me of. Let me
know what you think. Linda you are truly one of the special
ones who will go on to be saved. I hope you will be able to
remember what happened before when in your new home in Eden. I
wish everyone was a chosen one & could experience life in
paradise. How differently we would view what is to come.
| |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
17:00:42 From: Linda in N Carolina, Subject:
Re: Inner Earth Video? |
I truly hope that Mother Earth
was telling me to GO when the beings came... as I so want to get to
the new Garden of Eden.
One of the things I remember now,
after reliving this in my mind today, is that I was so worried about
the kids...how ever would they know to come. I was told not to
worry, they would be taken, almost as if they would be put to sleep
so that they would willingly come.
Also, there were those
that would be taken up onto huge space ships as well as the others
that would go beneath the ground. We were not immediately put to
sleep, because I remember watching out a window the horrors of the
winds, the storms, and seeing people and objects flying past.
I think, Cindy, that I was shown this so that I WOULD
remember what these days were like, so that I could tell the stories
of the "olden days" and that we would never again repeat the
problems of the past (?).
I am no more special than any
other... I am not sure why I was chosen to see this vision, but I do
know that ever since that day, I do not fear. What a blessing :)
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Date: February 13, 2011 at
10:00:16 From: Cara, Subject: Re: Pole Shift Dream |
Back in late '95, I had a
"visitation"/dream which was the trip-wire for waking up to
alien stuff - I too was lifted up that night by amazing and
kindly beings, feminine in nature, whom I couldn't see, but feel
their presence. They told me "We have had to lift you up,
since things have speeded up for awhile on the Earth. Where
you will be is safe". I then looked down on the Earth , and saw
great waves, black clouds, superstorms with extremely high
winds, mega-tornadoes, and the very Earth shifting herself. To
make this even more dramatic, our housemate who was awake at the
time, did see a couple of gold and silver beings "visiting" me
on the other side of the house that night. We were living in
Santa Fe at the time. Not long after that, life changed
dramatically, plus my consciousness and curiosity about all
things Alien/Star Visitor was awakened about what it all meant
for me, since it turned out that I had been "visited" since
childhood. Since then I have been shown other visions as well.
My intuition increased dramatically after that experience as
well. | |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
12:56:46 From: Cindy in W. OR, Subject: Re:
Pole Shift Dream |
I too have had visitors as early
as I can remember, but I have no idea who they are. You too are
one of the lucky ones that will hopefully be taken to safety
& brought back to Eden. Not all of us are so lucky. Be
Safe. | |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
05:28:05 From: sherrie,tn, Subject: Friday - I had a pole shift dream - too
disturbing to relate though |
Thank you for putting this down.
I had what I believe was a pole shift dream on Friday night -
actually Sat. morning right before waking up. I was depressed all
day yesterday.
It was a very disturbing dream for me. I will
say - I saw the black clouds swirling then forming 100 mile wide
type tornadoes - there is no describing the clouds in how terrifying
they were. No movie has ever gotten close to what I saw in my dream.
Funny too - my child wasn't with me - she had gone somewhere
with a friend before it all started happening, whatever was
I hope my dream is just symbolic to stuff going on
right now in my life, as it was one of the scariest dreams I have
ever had and very Vivid! | |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
14:30:47 From: Cindy in W. OR, Subject: Re: Friday - I had a pole shift dream -
too disturbing to relate... |
I had mine I think the same night
you did, early am Friday. I still can not get the pictures out
of my mind. I know I shouldn't but all I can think about is
that we don't have much time, I know dreams like this one
can do that to you. After your dream do you feel that way to?
Another part of me thinks nothing will happen & it's
certainly not going to happen 12/21/12. If New Madrid goes I'm
thinking seriously of bugging out.
| |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
00:06:17 From: Margaret, Subject: Re: Pole
Shift Dream |
Thanks for your post Cindy I to
believe this is coming soon.Did you say spring I dont feel its a
long way in the far future.
| |
Date: February 12, 2011 at
23:13:34 From: PAm,Az, Subject: Re: Pole
Shift Dream |
You described it quite well. The
blue entity would be Jesus, or the Christ. I have seen him before,
he is brilliant electric blue, but to me not a fog thing at
all and came and saved me in this form back in 1986. Chuckles
has seen Jesus in electric blue too. I have been shown many
things of this kinds of happenings for the shift over a span of 41
years now. In Feb 2010, I was told, "we are going through a pole
shift, Pam" I put this up on my website then and also posted here.
It has so far been slow motion. It will pick up. The
preparedness is just as you mentioned, a back pack or duffel bag for
each person. Thanks for sharing this.
| |
Date: February 12, 2011 at
23:29:39 From: Cindy in W. OR, Subject:
Brilliant Electric Blue Entity/Fog |
I loved the information on Jesus.
I had never heard of him in that brilliant electric blue. Part I
didn't post about was that the blue entity/fog seemed to be
going from a person here to a person there, but not everyone.
I heard the blue fog talking to me & when I looked up it
was a man standing in front of me. Maybe it was fog like because
God really has no form. Thanks very much Pam, that brings much
clarity. | |
Date: February 12, 2011 at
23:36:31 From: Pam,Az, Subject: Re:
Brilliant Electric Blue Entity/Fog |
You are very welcome. Yes, I saw
him in my home in this form in California. His electric blue form
filled the entire living room, dinning room and family room. I had
called on him for I was under spiritual attack, and suddenly he
appeared right where I was and released me from another entity which
was trying to kill me. I am happy you told the other part.
| |
Date: February 12, 2011 at
22:27:07 From: Listen'n2, Subject: Re: Pole
Shift Dream |
rather lucid i imagine this
event would unfold in this way
good advice on being prepared
| |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
15:42:36 From: simple simon, Subject: March
+ September this year? |
URL: http://www.heartcom.org/ForbiddenNews.htm |
The linked webpage suggests that
the shift will be in March and September... this year!
receive occasional emails from this site, which is how I got to see
the page.
My own thoughts are that if the information is
correct then next month will be a 'smaller' event, although it will
still be significant in scope.
The only thing which makes me
go 'hmm' is that the page quotes the Zetans and Planet X, both of
which are controversial and have as many advocates as
'We shall see', as the saying goes.
| |
Date: February 13, 2011 at
16:59:29 From: Barbara, Subject: Re: March +
September this year? |
Interesting. He might even be
right, despite bringing the Zetas and Laura K-J into it. Karen
Bishop says obliquely in her message this week that this March,
around the equinox, there will be a massive movement, and it will be
'a movement like no
| |