The Great Shift 2001

Posted by mandriel on August 08, 2001

The Great Shift is inevitable. It is a certainty in all the probable timelines of your future. What actually happens at this Zero Point, or Cosmic Birth, is still undetermined and depends entirely on the collective consciousness latent in that moment.

These are the two probability scenarios that exist at this time. One is that at the moment of Zero Point that all beings on this planet are translated into the 4th dimension. This is the best-case scenario. The other is that there will be a split between the worlds, that those who are prepared to move into 4-D will do so, and those who are not will remain behind in 3-D to play out their karma on a parallel Earth, which will likely result in cataclysmic destruction.

The third alternative probability and worst-case scenario, that your entire planet would be destroyed in a great cataclysm, no longer exists. This did seem a likely possibility up until a decade or two ago in your time, and on behalf of all the ascended masters I congratulate you on the shift of consciousness you have already undergone so as to avert this! There is a great light being carried on the Earth right now. This is why we believe it is possible to shift out further from the second scenario of partial translation into 4-D to the best-case scenario of a full translation of planet Earth. This is also why the advent of Zero Point has been postponed to the extent possible in order to give all humanity the opportunity to make the Shift together.

Many of your ancient prophecies speak to the second stream of probability because that seemed to be the most hopeful scenario envisioned at that time. Jesus spoke of the "rapture", of two men working in the fields, one of which would be taken, the other left behind. Christian, Muslim and Hebrew scriptures are replete with images of a "day of judgement", when the "righteous’ would be rewarded and the "unrighteous" punished.

There are also metaphors in this age that reflect the first scenario. The story of "the hundredth monkey", which is an apt description of biological as well as spiritual evolution, is one example. Always it is true that when there is a sufficient number of beings envisioning and practicing a new paradigm, that the "law of grace" is then invoked, and the rest of the monkeys, or humanity, as the case may be, are brought into entrainment.

What needs to happen for mass consciousness to shift from the second to the first stream of probability? The second scenario is based on "karma", the first scenario on "grace". You need to understand that the "law of grace" is a higher octave of the "law of karma". And you need to understand and fully embrace your personal as well as collective shadows.

When the master Jesus spoke of forgiving your enemy he spoke not of condoning their actions but of recognizing that you and he both were shadow and light together, and that forgiveness provided you both an opportunity to practice a divine alchemy, unifying both shadow and light in the experience of Oneness. He also counselled us to "love your neighbour as yourself".

The test for awakened humanity is this. Can you extend the hand of forgiveness and love in this expanded sense to your brothers and sisters in ignorance and darkness, a forgiveness that arises from compassion, a forgiveness that embraces your neighbour, yourself, the dark lords, the power mongers, the satanic forces, the military mind, the secret governments, the illuminate, the "reptilians", "greys", "anarchy", or whatever your own version of the "enemy" happens to be?

When you do so, this activates the law of grace, and brings to an end a polarized conflict that opens the door to a full planetary awakening. More than that it provides an opportunity to resolve and heal a long drawn out intergalactic war, and bring much suffering to an end. It assures that in the "in breath of God" to come that none get left behind. This is the best-case scenario, and one that I have traveled back into your time to seed once again.

It begins with belief, followed by desire. Know that it is possible to experience a graceful pain-free unified birthing into the Fourth Dimension and beyond. Know also that you are capable of being the agents of God in this great alchemy. You have already proved this in averting the third probability of cataclysmic destruction.


(If this message speaks to you, please use the internet and media to distribute it worldwide. This proposal is inspired by the One through the voices of all those who wish to stand behind it.)
There is a calendar encoded in stone within the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has accurately predicted significant historical events, including the birth of Jesus Christ, and the global wars of this century. This began in 3999 BC, and ends on September 17, 2001. According to this calendar there are three things we might expect at this time of ending. It is a time for a shift in earth's relationship with the sun. It is time to complete and balance planetary karmic cycles. And it is time for a global spiritual initiation. (see Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions)
What are the implications of this? Earth's relationship to the sun is shifting. We have been experiencing more solar flares this year than ever before in recorded history. The magnetic polarities of the sun have gone through a significant shift, and scientists are indicating this could soon happen on earth as well. The earth's magnetic fields hold our collective thoughts, feelings, and consciousness. Could the shifting of the magnetic fields perhaps be mirroring the revolution of human consciousness that we are currently experiencing? Could it also perhaps have to do with our entry into a region of space known as the "photon band", which has in previous cycles indicated quantum shifts in planetary evolution?
As we prepare for such a quantum shift we will simultaneously be experiencing the completion and balancing of long range karmic cycles. On a 3rd dimensional level, what we do to the earth we do to ourselves, and we are beginning to see the repercussions of this. On a higher level, we may evoke a law of grace that supersedes the laws of karma. This demands conscious intent, however. Can we use this time to send out a different message to the universe? Can we reach inside of ourselves and look at the denials and fears that keep us imprisoned in our lives? Can we encourage our communities, businesses, and governments to do likewise? What if we looked to this day, September 17, 2001, as a Day of Truth, to redirect our intentions towards the highest possibilities of our souls, and for our beautiful planet?
We can only go as high as we are willing to go deep, and it is often in the very depths that we find the greatest light. This is where we find the power and the hope to sustain us. For it is only as we are willing to see and to embrace all of our deeply human fragmented realities that the light of grace can shine upon us.
As we allow the light of grace to shine upon us, we open ourselves to a global spiritual initiation. We are seeing increasingly rapid expansions of consciousness on our planet. This emerging consciousness is 4th and 5th dimensional in nature, and can over-ride the 3rd dimensional ecological realities on our planet. The nature of most spiritual initiations is the experience of a gradual ascent of consciousness followed by a quantum leap. When the time is right, this quantum leap could take place "in the twinkling of an eye". We are collectively entering the birth canal of a new world. Will we birth ourselves into the Age of Light with grace and ease? Or will we continue on our collision course towards extinction?
An astrological chart set up for Giza Egypt at 11:30 pm, September 16, 2001, is very revealing. A perfect Star of David is formed. The descending triangle includes Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury on the IC. Uranus and Mercury represent the energies of the Aquarian Age. Saturn joins them in a grand trine, allowing these energies to be grounded into structure and form. Meanwhile, Venus, Chiron and the Midheaven come together in an ascending triangle. Joining together in another grand trine, these energies represent the ascent of the wounded feminine. The two triangles representing the descent of the Aquarian Age and the ascent of the feminine come together perfectly on this day, signifying possibilities for a great healing of our collective splits and shadows as we prepare for a planetary initiation!
This proposal for a Day of Truth recognizes that we are on the verge of a planetary spiritual awakening, and is a call for deep self-examination. It is also a recognition that we are connected with a vast array of beings who can assist us if we call for it collectively. There are four things each of us can do as we move towards this event.
1. Take time before this date to personally examine our own lives and priorities as citizens of Earth in this time of transition. This is a wake-up call.
2. Come together in small and large groups, taking responsibility for our shadows, fears and denials, and how this impacts the larger whole. Discuss how we have been denying our light as well as our darkness. With great compassion, allow ourselves to make new choices.
3. Call for accountability from our governments, businesses, industries and media. Bill Moyers and Steven Greer seem to have initiated a healthy trend in the past few months, asking for full public disclosure on the chemical industry and extraterrestrial contact respectively. Let us take this spirit of disclosure into every arena of personal and planetary life. Share stories of denial busting with the global community over the media and internet, as well as stories of inspiration and hope.
4. Put forth a unified call for assistance from the ascended masters, star nations, angels, avatars, saints, boddhisatvas, and nature kingdoms. These magnificent beings are always ready to assist but will not do so without permission. To the extent that we give our power over to governments, allowing them to choose for us, they will not interfere with our choice. We must either invite our governments to lift the veil of secrecy and respond to the positive assistance that has been offered, or invite this directly as citizens of the Earth.
Although we cannot remain in denial about the ecological realities on our planet, the pathway to the Fifth World is in affirming the new realities emerging among us. Somewhere between an ungrounded spiritual escapism based on denial, and a narcissistic preoccupation with gloom and doom, we can choose to intentionally and purposefully envision a brave new world based on the deepest truth of our being. In order to do this we must consciously choose to face our own shadows, commit to rebirth, and open to the light of our guiding truth. May this Day of Truth reflect the deepest truth of our being. And may this be the message that we send out to the universe as we prepare for the dawning of an Age of Light.
May we walk in beauty,
Kiara Windrider (
(author of Doorway to Eternity: A Guide to Planetary Ascension)


"Then... there began the building of that now called Gizeh... the Hall of the Initiates... This, then, receives all the records from the beginnings of that given by the priest... to that period when there is to be the change in the earth's position and the return of the Great Initiate to that and other lands for the folding up of those prophecies that are depicted there. All changes that came in the religious thought in the world are shown there, in the variations in which the passage through same is reached, from the base to the top - or to the open tomb and the top. These are signified by both the layer and the colour [and] in what direction the turn is made.

"This, then is the purpose, for the record and the meaning to be interpreted by those that have come and do come as the teachers of the various periods, in the experience of this present condition, of the activity of the spheres of the earth..."
- Edgar Cayce, 30th June 1932.

As one of the last remaining 'seven wonders' of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt stands as an enigmatic testimony to man's mysterious past. Like all other great monuments and statues of past civilisations, the Great Pyramid fascinates and confounds, begging the same questions: Why and how was it built?

Unfortunately, the scientific and egyptologist fraternities cannot satisfy the truth-seeker with answers to these perplexing questions. The magnificence of ancient monuments contradict the 'party line' that man is only now at the top of the evolutionary scale, and could not have possessed advanced knowledge thousands of years ago.

As was shown in the article 'Wonders of the Great Pyramid Revealed' (see New Dawn No. 39), the mathematical and astronomical precision of the structure is not accidental but the result of an advanced knowledge.

The most enduring hypothesis on how the Egyptians gained their knowledge is that it came from Atlantis. Ancient legend goes that the first Egyptians arrived from a land to the West - the direction in which Atlantis is said to have existed.

Most of us know of Atlantis as a mythical continent once situated in the Atlantic Ocean that sank into the sea after a violent period of destruction. We also know that legends and myths usually contain a kernel of truth, a piece of history preserved inside a tale that carries down through generations. The story of Atlantis is one excellent example.

Plato knew of Atlantis and wrote of it. In Timaeus Plato quotes an Egyptian priest, who states that there have been numerous destructions of mankind in the ancient past, and there will be many more, the greatest devastation by fire and water. The legends record that Atlantis was destroyed by volcanoes and floods.

So, just maybe, the Great Pyramid is a memory of Atlantis, a time-capsule to preserve the ancient wisdom and knowledge of an advanced civilisation. It may also be a testimony to the cyclic nature of history and the rise and fall of civilisation.

What if the Great Pyramid contained more than just curious scientific information? What if the builders implied other secrets in their design? The chamber system itself can only be described as weird, suggesting there's something more....

Time-Scale and Prophecy

First, it must be understood that ancient Egyptian society was very different to modern day societies. A royal Pharaonic theocracy ruled Ancient Egypt, similar but not the same as monarchical systems of modern European times. Ancient Egypt held the King as representative of man's highest cosmic or spiritual accomplishment. There was no division between religion and politics.

To the dismay of modern scientists, ancient Egypt's advanced scientific knowledge was not applied to building massive highways or skyscrapers. No, we can more accurately describe their science as a Sacred Science in the service of man's noblest goal of spiritual perfection.

How, then, did the ancient Egyptians utilise Sacred Science in constructing the Great Pyramid to predict, or should we say record, the future?

Studying diagram 1 you will notice the passageways move in a downward and upward direction, as well as expanding and contracting in width, and usually project into a chamber.

It may occur to you that the Ascending Passage could represent a spiritual upturn after an era of declining values, apparently represented by the first part of the Descending Passage. The sudden raising of the roof at the beginning of the Grand Gallery might represent an era during which some tremendous new injection of 'energy' would lead those following the 'upward path' towards even higher levels of consciousness.

Simultaneously, the Well-Shaft might represent the opening of a new path of redemption for the less 'evolved' beings on the 'lower path.' In the King's Chamber, with its lidless coffer, death itself would be finally overcome during an age destined to lead men to higher dimensions of existence entirely (i.e. the Construction Chambers).

Meanwhile, Armageddon would have overtaken those still following the 'lower path,' who would be duly cast into the bottomless pit of everlasting damnation. As for the Queen's Chamber, it may represent a path taken by those who accept a mediocre standard of spirituality, but are unwilling to follow the direct path to higher levels of awareness.

That's a symbolic look at the passage system, so let's now look at the specifics.

As early as 1865, a researcher by the name of Robert Menzies advanced a theory that the passage system inside the Great Pyramid might be a chronological representation of prophecy. Then over the next 50 years, other researchers also discovered peculiarities about the passage system. For one thing, the Well Shaft was holed out from above, so it was apparently not the work of grave-robbers trying to get in from below. The Subterranean Chamber was rough and unlike the other 'smooth' passages, and the strange Ante-Chamber intrigued researchers. The whole thing looked so deliberate.

At this point, before we go any further, the time-scale system of prophecy is based on the work of many researchers over a long period of time (numerous books are written on the subject). This article only serves as an introduction to pyramidology, and it is advisable the reader further their interest and study.

The Starting Point

To the early researchers, if the Great Pyramid's interior represented a projected history of mankind, or rather a blueprint and prophecy, then it must have a clearly delineated starting point and some sort of time-scale.

The discovery of several unique features determined the chronological starting point in the Great Pyramid. Down the Descending Passage, at a distance of about 40 feet from the entrance, there are found, on the side wall, straight knife-edge lines cut from roof to floor, one on each side and exactly opposite each other. Their appearance on the otherwise smooth walls of the passage certainly suggests that they are intended as a clear zero line, or "datum line" from which to take measurements. They are called the 'Scored Lines'.

Prof. Piazzi Smyth was the first person to realise the full significance of the Scored Lines. He surmised that if the elevation of the Descending Passage represented what, for want of a better term, might be called the plane of the Dragon Star, then it was clear that the Scored Lines could represent the intersection of that astronomical plane by another equally significant plane. Calculations soon confirmed the suspicion. It turned out that at one time - and at one time only - during the third millennium B.C. (3000-2000 B.C.) the plane denoted by the Scored Lines passed directly through Alcyone (chief star of the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, in the constellation of the Bull) at the same time as the axis of the Descending Passage was locked directly onto the Dragon Star (Draconis).

The Dragon Star, sometimes referred to as the Devil Star, symbolically shone down the Great Pyramid's Descending Passage marking man's descent into materialism, and for those who continued on this path, death and damnation. The following Bible verse sums up the cosmic influence of the Seven Sisters (stars) and the Pleiades: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" (Job 38:31) Therefore the "influences" coming from the Pleiades are a reference to the path of the Ascending Passage and is thus in direct opposition to the Dragon Star's path of the Descending Passage.

The Scored Lines provided an exact astronomical fix - and that fix, as it turns out, occurred precisely at noon of the vernal equinox, 21 March, 2141 B.C. It was clear, then, that noon of 21 March, 2141 B.C., was the starting date for the Great Pyramid's internal chronograph. And with this dating now suitably confirmed it only remained to discover the symbolic time-scale.

The Time Scale

As mentioned in my last article (see New Dawn No.39), the dimensions of the Great Pyramid are based on a single unit - the Pyramid inch. The Pyramid inch is equal to 1.001 British inches that happens to be equal to a 500,000,000 part of the Earth's Polar Diameter.

The Pyramid inch is the universal measurement that the engineers used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. It was only logical, then, that the Pyramid inch be used in the chronological time-scale. This is how it works:

Measurements in P.(Pyramid) inches, backward or forward from the Scored Lines, represent the corresponding number of years before or after that astronomically fixed date of 2141 B.C.

To test the accuracy of this startling premise one simply has to measure the passages and chambers up and down from the Scored Lines, counting one year for each P.inch and at every change of masonry, (beginning and end of every passage and chamber or change of direction) marking the date. The dates, being so far back in history, allow ample testing against known recorded historical events.

We can take the dimensions of the passages, just as the ancient builders constructed them, and let the results take care of themselves. The scaler line itself however, is consistently the floor line. As access into the Great Pyramid's interior is from the North only, progression in time is therefore represented by advancement southward.

At first sight the idea may seem too naive. Yet, a simple test can be arranged. What happens, for example, if we measure back up the Descending Passage floor from the Scored Lines to the position of the entrance? Working backwards from the Scored Lines (2141 B.C.), at the rate of one P.inch per year is a total of 482 P.inches.

Counting back 482 years from the Scored Lines brings us to 2623 B.C. When we realise that 2623 B.C. quite possibly falls within the historical time-frame of the Great Pyramid's construction, fact and theory suddenly snap together.

Therefore, the start of the entrance passage marks the year 2623 B.C. So what? Well, let's start measuring along our time-scale in a forward direction. Please now refer to diagram 2 that illustrates the positioning of each significant event.

Measuring 688 P.inches beyond the Scored Lines, down the Descending Passage, an aperture appears in the roof. This aperture is the entrance to the Ascending Passage, which leads into the Grand Gallery. Progressing 688 years from 2141 B.C. gives the date 1453 B.C., or to be more precise as tests and calculations can prove, the 30th of March, 1453 B.C.

The significance of this date to the early pyramidologists was clear: It marks the date of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and their receiving the Law, through Moses. A granite plug, at this very point, fills the Ascending Passage. The Granite Plug (as it is aptly called) corresponds to the two blocks of granite that Moses had received the Ten Commandments on the summit of Mount Horeb.

The coincidence seems too good to be true, but facts are facts. Moreover, the red granite of the Granite Plug is virtually identical to that of Horeb red granite. Certainly, too, the Ascending Passage does appear to represent an upward 'initiative,' a turn in the right direction.

The Raising of the Roof

Measuring up the Ascending Passage at the given scale of one P.inch per year, we find that the entrance of the Grand Gallery is marked 1485 P.inches away. Now remembering that there was never a 'year dot' (1 A.D. immediately follows 1 B.C. in our present system of year-numbering), 1485 years after 30 March, 1453 B.C. brings us to 1 April, 33 A.D.

This date is said to represent nothing less than the traditionally-recognised date of the Crucifixion of Jesus the Christ and the sudden 'raising of the roof' at this point refers to human enlightenment, the release of cosmic power, which flowed from that event.

The Well-Shaft

As noted earlier, the Well-Shaft was created top down, almost as if it was ripped apart. Its rocky and steep incline is in stark contrast to the other well-formed passages. The placement of the Well-Shaft placement appears intentional. If this is the case, you may ask, then what could it possibly symbolise?

We have already discussed the symbology of both the Ascending and Descending passages and their representation of different paths. Clearly the Well-Shaft adjoins both these passages offering a type of bridge between two divergent paths - a redemptive route, centring on the events of the period immediately following A.D. 33.

Pyramidologists interpret the Well-Shaft to symbolise the path opened by the teachings of Jesus to the travellers of the lower path or Descending Passage. To Christians, it obviously represents the saving grace of Christ, the possibility of redemption for errant humanity - even, perhaps, Jesus' own descent into Hades.

The Next Phase

Immediately following the opening of the Grand Gallery and the Well-Shaft is the beginning of a new passage that leads to a room called the Queen's Chamber. It is said to represent the path taken by those who choose to accept spiritual truth, but only up to a point, or half-heartedly. Some researchers have stated this is the path of Pauline Christianity, whereas the Grand Gallery is a higher path taken by only a few who have retained the true initiatic teachings of Jesus the Christ.

So we have three divergent paths of humanity. On one level, they represent three states of spiritual maturity, in which every human being may move from one state to another during his/her lifetime. At another level, the three paths indicate dates of events that effect the future of those on each particular level.

It is worth noting that most spiritual traditions maintain the idea of three classes of people. The Essene community consisted of three types of member: the postulants, novices and initiates. The Celtic Druids were also divided into three classes. Jesus' original followers composed of the hearers, those under instruction, and the baptised. Plato in his Republic discusses a society composed of an ascending scale of bronze, silver, and golden souls. St. Paul wrote that all humans consist of three basic elements: body, mind (soul) and spirit. In each person the essence of one or other of these three basic elements predominates establishing the type of person he/she is.

If we measure 2675 inches from the start of the Ascending Passage (1453 B.C.) down the Descending Passage we come to the bottom of the Well-Shaft and the year 1223 (diagram 1). Similarly, the small downward step featured along the Queen's Chamber also reads the date 1223. For travellers of the lower path, it appears that events around the year 1223 caused an opening for redemption and advancement. For those on the Queen's path, a setback occurs.

Referred to as the 'father of modern science', his name was Friar Roger Bacon (1214-90), explosives expert, inventor of both spectacles and telescope, and prophet of the horseless carriage, the steamship and the aeroplane. His methodology would later contribute greatly to the success of the Renaissance. He was one of the West's earliest 'scientists' so it is obvious that 1223 represents this 'influence' on history.

This is a good example of how one event (impulse) can effect two paths of humanity in different ways. We can surmise that Bacon's philosophy might have positively effected those enveloped in spiritual darkness. His discoveries may have inspired those of the lower path into abandoning their sleep of ignorance and awakened in them a new quest for the mysteries of existence. As for those on the Queen's path, the discoveries, laying the foundation of modern science and materialism, served to stultify their spiritual progress. In other words, the discoveries, in reality, did not serve any spiritual purpose, only man's decline further into materialism and the smothering of the spirit. For those on the highest path of the Grand Gallery, earthly events could not in any way stop their march to spiritual perfection.

A Levelling Out

The next fixed dates are 1440 and 1521, both situated along the Descending Passage (see diagram 3). As history now records, the years leading up to 1521 profoundly effected human progress. We can trace most of the fundamental developments and tendencies of our own age from this time. 1440 marks a point on the Descending Passage of the projected plane of the Subterranean Chamber ceiling. It symbolically indicates the start of events that culminate in the year 1521.

It is significant that 1440 saw the invention of the printing press in Germany. Columbus' voyages to the Americas in 1492 and 1498, as well as voyages of discovery by Cabot, Vasco de Gama and Magellan, all during this period set the stage for European colonisation and domination of the world. The ignoble objective of these explorations for treasures and glory were all symptomatic of man's further descent into materialism and ignorance.

However, in 1521 the Descending Passage is no longer. We now enter a new tunnel that does not descend but levels out horizontally. Students of history will immediately recognise we have now reached the Reformation period. 1517 marks the publication of Martin Luther's celebrated 'Ninety Five Theses': His excommunication was in 1520 and condemnation by the Diet of Worms in 1521. That same year the reformers first called themselves 'Protestants'. Interestingly, the Reformation and the so-called return to written sources is directly related to the invention of the printing press in 1440.

Yet again, the travellers of the lower path are reprieved, albeit temporarily. The Protestant movement, created as a reaction against the excesses and indulgences of the Catholic Church, tried to halt man's fall into 'hell on earth' but could not - it was already too late.

History marched on until the next period on our time-scale of 1767 and 1848 marking the beginning and end of the Lesser Subterranean Chamber. Here we find one of the most turbulent periods in modern history and the events that directly shaped today's modern world. To quote Peter Lemesurier:

"From the British imposition of the American tea tax in 1767 we can trace the War and Declaration of Independence in 1776. The earth-shaking French Revolution in 1789 was followed by two more revolutions in 1830 and 1848 - a year which was to see no less than six revolutions in Europe - while 1847 saw the appearance of Marx's Communist Manifesto. In the meantime, the Napoleonic wars had wrought havoc in Europe, culminating in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. And yet this same period was to see the foundation of virtually all the world's existing Bible Societies..." (The Great Pyramid Decoded)

The groundwork was being set for history's culmination and man's perilous journey toward the millennium and the 'endtimes'.

The Great Step

Before moving along to the next year along our time-scale on the lower passage we must now turn our attention back to the Grand Gallery and the position of what pyramidologists call the 'Great Step' (see diagram 4). Corresponding to the year 1845, the Great Step marks a 'lifting up' of those travelling the highest road.

This particular moment in history heralds the beginning of events effecting those travelling the higher spiritual paths. Nevertheless, the 'influences' that poured into the world during this extraordinary period of change and inspiration moved those on different paths.

The onset of a creative science, unseen in earlier periods, particularly in the field of astronomy, enabled interpretation of the Great Pyramid's chronology.

Also at this very time major metaphysical influences were felt on Earth. Reportedly, meteor showers lit up the night skies for many months during the year 1845.

The religious inspiration and prophetic visions received by so many in this period would herald the establishment of a wide variety of religious movements, both in the East and in the West.

Many of today's modern religious movements began at this time, effecting the destinies of millions of people ever since. The most significant were:

- The Adventists. The leading prophet of the Second Coming of Christ during this period was a man called William Miller, who predicted the Second Coming would take place in 1844. Miller's North American followers numbered close to 100,000 in the years prior to 1845. Today, several churches trace their origins to Miller's group, the largest being the Seventh Day Adventists.

- The Mormons. The 1830s saw the formation of a unique religious movement that was to have a profound effect on North America, and is known today as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or Mormons). The founder of the Church, Joseph Smith, claimed that a Messenger of God had appeared before him and told him that the covenant between God and Israel was about to be fulfilled and to prepare for the Second Coming. Smith eagerly accepted this mission but met a sudden end in 1844, when an angry mob murdered him because of his beliefs. Smith had predicted his own death three days beforehand.

- The Ba'hai faith. In the East, Mirza Ali Mohammed from Persia, after a long period of prayer and meditation became convinced in the year 1844 that God had chosen him as a prophet. He declared himself the Bab and a manifestation of God and from that the Ba'hai faith grew to become one of the most active international movements in the world today.

The period around 1845, spiritually speaking, manifested new religions and sprung new branches upon older faiths. The effect shows in two ways: the souls of the higher path in this actual period (1845) were touched by a religious outpouring resulting in prophetic visions and revelations. Secondly, the subsequent establishment of the new religious movements effects all who travel the higher path to this very day.

Again, let us recall that each path symbolically represents a road travelled by each one of us. You may have noticed that the Queen's path is straight and even. For those who are not willing to delve too deeply into spiritual matters and are not too obsessed with the material things of life, that is your path. Major events of history never really influenced your spiritual viewpoints too much, so you travel the 'straight' path and are 'lukewarm'. Everyone else is either reaching high levels of spirituality (always a very, very few) or groping in the darkness of ignorance and 'love of the world'. Your current spiritual status may be equivalent to one of the three strands of the pyramid's representational history.


1914 is a very important date, according to our prophetic chronology, marked on both the lowest and highest paths.

The 'lower' path descends into the Great Subterranean Chamber in the Summer of 1914, plunging into a chaotic nightmare and symbolically named in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the 'Egyptian Chamber of Ordeal.' The beginning of 'Hell on Earth' - is how the Great Pyramid seems to portray this period.

Historians agree that 1914 marked a major turning point in history, not merely in the matter of the First World War, but the changing of the European political map forever, including the end of most of Europe's age-old monarchies.

As a result of World War I, for example, a whole generation of European fathers were virtually wiped out, severely hindering the handing-down of society's traditional wisdom, values and habits of thought.

The destruction wrought during World War I set the stage for modern warfare that encompassed whole continents and led to the deaths of millions. Of it the book World War I said:

"In its scope, its violence, and above all, in its totality, it established a precedent. World War I ushered in the century of Total War, of - in the first full sense of the term - global war.

"Never before 1914-1918 had a war absorbed so much of the total resources of so many combatants and covered so large a part of the earth. Never had so many nations been involved. Never had the slaughter been so comprehensive and indiscriminate."

Returning our attention to the top chambers, the year 1914 marks just prior to a narrow constricted passage that leads into the Ante-Chamber. Significantly, it represents the finish of the Grand Gallery and the entry into the upper chambers of the pyramid.

According to the chronology, 1914 heralds a period of absolute war, carnage and chaos, and, apparently, the beginning of the end of this Age. The travellers of the highest road now enter the final stages of their journey.

The End of the World

"Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another."
- Matthew 24:7

Our chronology has led us from the year 2623 B.C. right up to the significant date of 1914. A glance at the full chronological system will tell you that we are indeed in the 'end times'. The 'lower' path emerges into a chamber of chaos and the 'Pit', while the 'upper' path enters the Ante-Chamber and moves toward the King's Chamber.

We should also note that the chronological scale is not the same for the latter parts of the prophetic scheme. The mistake made by earlier pyramidologists in keeping to the one inch a year scale meant the chronological time-scale would have ended in 1953. Modern pyramidologists, in particular Peter Lemesurier, discovered that the scale changes when a step is encountered. The designer of the Great Pyramid with mathematical certainty makes it clear we change the scale according to the depth of the step. This is important for our next move into the complicated chambers of the 'end times'.

At the bottom of our configuration is the Great Subterranean Chamber. Its chaotic and rocky interior signifies a time of great upheaval after the year 1914. To the left of the chamber is a deep pit representative of a coming hell. On the right the chamber slopes upwards and downwards but never below the horizontal, representing a humanity trying to pull itself out of a very bad situation.

A striking feature on the right hand side of the chamber is a gaping trench sunk along an East-West axis and aligned with a small cavity cut into the back wall of the chamber. When we realise the year 1945 centres exactly upon this feature it is all too obvious. It symbolises none other than the destruction and carnage of World War II.

From here we look to the top chambers and observe the beginning of the Ante-Chamber marks the date 1985. The significance of this date is known only to a small number of initiates and is yet to be publicly declared. We can divulge that it concerns those of advanced spiritual progress and the first light of the 'Messianic' Aquarian period. History now starts to 'speed' up.

Still in the Ante-Chamber, 1999 registers a change in floor masonry from limestone to granite. We saw earlier that the Granite Plug that fills the start of the Ascending Passage represented the Law given to Moses and the sanctification of a holy people (Exodus 19:5-6). One meaning of the granite floor is that the 'calling out' of a special people from the bondage of the world is imminent. Since granite is usually accorded with spirit, it characterises the purifying and perfecting of the souls of the higher path before they enter the Father's Kingdom (King's Chamber).

Many pyramidologists, who see the Great Pyramid as prophecy in stone, measure the complete Adamic Age beginning around 4000 B.C. and covering 6000 years. According to their calculations the final period of the Adamic Age is between 1953 and 2001. Charles Berlitz in his best-selling 1981 book Doomsday 1999 AD wrote that studies of the Great Pyramid show that September 17, 2001 is a terminal date for the world.

Charles Berlitz writes: "While remembering that this is an interpretive prophecy mainly after the fact, it is still intriguing to observe that certain modern events appear to have been indicated in advance... the gallery measurements apparently indicated critical events that corresponded to World War I, World War II, the Atomic Age, and crucial events of the 50s and 70s. But the measurements - and history itself - seem to break off in 2001."

Other pyramidologists, notably Peter Lemesurier, offer new and detailed interpretations covering the period from 1999 onwards.

As we have shown, the prophetic chronology of the Great Pyramid symbolises three separate paths and the events of history that served to alter the course of humanity. Known to some as 'the Bible in Stone', it represents the process and refinement of human beings during this current Age, and portrays the cosmic impulses that direct the course of history. The whole scheme is none other than the Divine Plan of the Ages.

For those who remain oblivious to the pyramid's prophecies and a correct spiritual aptitude, only time will tell their fate. Even now, it is probably too late for those souls who cannot rise. For those in which the divine 'spark' is afire, a new dimension of existence is on the horizon. The souls who were without a 'wedding garment' (Matthew 22:2-14) and could not enter the highest level of the plan continue their journey in the physical planes.

Further reading: The Great Pyramid Decoded by Peter Lemesurier (Element Books, 1977); Pyramid Prophecies by Max Toth (Destiny Books, 1988)

Extracted from New Dawn No.40 (January-February, 1997)
© 1997 Jason Jeffrey


The Pharaohs themselves are now but phantasms, thin vaporous spirits who dwell in Amenti, the Hidden Land, but the Pyramids are with us still; solid, bulky memorials which have become an enduring part of the rocky stone plateau upon which they were built. Ancient Egypt continues to hold the attention and to grip the interest of the modern world, chiefly because it has left us these stupendous testimonies to its existence, testimonies which are more tangible and more visible than any which have been left by other dead empires of the East.

Alongside the famous Sphinx lies Egypt's other famous monument - the Great Pyramid of Giza - the most distinct and massive structure of Egypt's hazy landscape. The Great Pyramid of Giza, unrivalled by the achievements of later builders and architects, stands today a monumental testimony to a past and great civilisation.

The mathematical and astronomical precision of the Great Pyramid - "discovered" recently by the modern world - has fascinated and intrigued scholars and travellers alike. People ask: "How can this pyramid be explained in the light of modern thought? Modern thought tells us that history is the development of cave-man to modern-man. How, then, could primitive men build this fabulous super-structure, unmatched in its precision and vastness; this impervious testimony to their existence?" Modern "thought" and "history" may tell it very simply, but in essence, the very opposite is probably true; civilisation is not a new phenomena, it has existed at various times throughout mankind's long past.

The Great Pyramid's Position and Age

The Great Pyramid of Giza is situated about ten miles to the south-west of Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Known as the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), it stands on the northern edge of the Giza Plateau, 198 feet above sea level, in the eastern extremity of the Libyan section of the Great Sahara Desert. The Great Pyramid is the most northerly of a group of nine pyramids compromising the "Giza Complex". To the south-east of the Great Pyramid lies the Sphinx, carved out of the rock, with its gaze directed towards the rising sun.

While archeologists generally contend that the Great Pyramid was built during the reign of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) of the IVth dynasty (erection period circa 2623 B.C.), this is questioned by various written accounts and recent discoveries (see sidebar).

The Egyptian Copts, who claim to be the descendants of ancient Egyptian stock, hold a tradition that declares the Great Pyramid was there for many centuries before Khufu, thereby inferring that Khufu may have repaired it and then took credit for its construction.

According to a history of ancient Egypt written by Masoudi, a medieval Coptic historian, the two greatest pyramids (Cheops and Chephren) were built by Surid, one of the kings of Egypt. The king is reported to have had a prophetic dream where "the sky came down and the stars fell upon the earth."

The king's interpreter of dreams consequently predicted a great flood and fire that would burn up the world. The king then ordered the construction of the two pyramids so that all the secret sciences together with knowledge of the stars as well as all they knew of geometry and mathematics could be stored within. All their collected knowledge would thus survive and be available for future generations.

Other accounts of who built the Great Pyramid have also been brought down to us by Church historians.

Archbishop Ussher, the noted Church historian, in his Biblical chronology, refers to the migration of the Shepherd Kings from Arabia into Egypt. Ussher believed that some "Shepherd-Prince coming from Arabia or Palestine was enabled to exert such an amount of mental control over King Cheops as to induce the King to shut up the idolatrous temples and compel his subjects to labor in the erection of the Great Pyramid."

The famous Greek historian, Herodotus, who conversed with Egyptian priests regarding the builders of the Great Pyramid, was also told the builders were strangers to Egypt.

Such theories telling of strangers and foreigners that came to build the Great Pyramid were taken up by several Biblical scholars. One theory had it that the prophet Enoch and Job built the Great Pyramid long before the flood of Noah, which would mean that it was constructed well before the modern date of 2623 B.C., probably during Enoch's believed life-span circa 4300 B.C. to 4000 B.C.

Other Bible scholars, while accepting the modern date of construction, contend that it was built by either Shem (or his immediate descendants). They proclaim that the Great Pyramid is the "Bible in Stone," embodying a prophetic chronology, listing all events of history, from the beginning to the end. They saw scriptural basis for this in the Prophet Isaiah's statement that "In that day shall there be a alter to Yahweh in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to Yahweh." (Isaiah 19:19)

Not a Tomb

In the face of available evidence, it does appear to be the case that the Great Pyramid is a unique structure in the context of that period in Egypt. It is plausible that it may have been built by outsiders or strangers to the land of Egypt. But why and what for? One thing is certain, it was not built to be a tomb as all later pyramids were.

Three clear reasons why the Great Pyramid was not built to be a tomb are:

1) Nothing whatsoever was found in the Great Pyramid when it was opened for the first time in 820 A.D. - not even the smallest resemblance of anything pertaining to the dead.

2) The departed need no air for breathing or any other purpose. The Great Pyramid, however, has ventilating tubes in both the Queen's and King's Chambers.

3) Most convincing of all, is the tightly fitting granite plug, fifteen feet long, at the entrance of the Ascending passage. All engineers agree that it was placed in its present position when construction had reached that level - not after. Thus, with the Ascending passage sealed when built, no mummy or coffin could have been taken into the upper chambers.

Amazing Features

A review of the extraordinary discoveries made concerning the Great Pyramid of Giza is appropriate in the light of this modern age of 'enlightenment'; our so-called 'great achievements' of contemporary times fall into the background when one appreciates the marvellous design and spiritual aurora of the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is an eternal structure and storehouse of valuable knowledge and wisdom. The grand purpose behind the creation of the Great Pyramid is in stark contrast to the current period of gross selfishness and rampant materialism.

The Great Pyramid's position is central to all the land area of the earth. The men who placed this ancient monument must have had the worldwide knowledge of a skilled surveyor, for lines drawn through the pyramid to the four cardinal points of the compass divide equally the earth's terrain. It is therefore the logical and geographical zero of longitude, rather than Greenwich, England. Since the Earth has enough land area to provide three billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.

Today, seen at a distance, the Great Pyramid looks like a great pile of rock. Nearer at hand, it is seen that the stones, composing the structure, are roughly cut and laid in even courses, one upon another. These courses, or layers, form a series of gigantic steps, sloping back from the base on all four sides, to a level platform on top. Because it is the oldest building of its kind in the world and because of its immense size, the ancients conferred upon it the predominant distinction of being the first of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Modern scientific investigations have shown, with the exception of the comparatively small space occupied by the passages and chambers, the Great Pyramid is a solid mass of stone blocks having a square base and four tapering sides that rise 454 and a half feet to a small platform on top. Its original designed height is 484 feet, equal to a modern 48 story skyscraper. The length of each side of the Pyramid's base is 755¾ feet and the entire structure covers slightly over 13 acres. In sheer bulk, the Great Pyramid is the largest man-made building in the world.

The yellow limestone (nummulitic) blocks making up the bulk of the Pyramid average two and a half tons each and are estimated to number about 2,300,000. This equals nearly 90,000,000 cubic feet of masonry and enough to build 30 Empire State buildings.

In its original state, each of the four sides of the Great Pyramid had an area of five and a half acres, thus totalling 22 acres of highly polished limestone blocks. In the brilliant sunshine of Egypt, the sides acted as gigantic mirrors, reflecting the sun's rays and could be seen for many miles around. Seen from the moon, the Great Pyramid would have been seen as a bright star on earth. Appropriately, the ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid "Ikhet," meaning the "Glorious Light."

Amazingly, the outside surface stones were cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. They were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch, a feat difficult to duplicate with modern technology. The 0.02-inch gap allowed space for glue to seal and hold the stones together. A white cement that connected the casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins.

By means of its reflections and shadows, the Great Pyramid became the great sundial of Egypt, not only for the days and hours, but for the seasons of the year. Exactly as a modern chronometer gives the hours, say, of midnight, 6 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m., so the reflections from the Pyramid gave accurately the days upon which the Winter Solstice, the Spring Equinox, the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox occurred. This precisely defined the Solar Astronomical Year.

The orientation of the Great Pyramid in relationship to true north is such as to cause it to be declared the "most accurately oriented edifice on earth." That is to say, its four sides are directed to the four cardinal points of the compass with less than 3 minutes of one degree off true north. By comparison, the Paris Observatory is 6 minutes of one degree off true north. It is possible that originally the Great Pyramid was absolutely perfectly orientated and the slight error measured today is the result of centuries of contraction or expansion of the earth's crust or from earthquakes, which seismography records as not being infrequent in the territory contiguous to the Great Pyramid.

Such nearly perfect orientation is exceedingly hard to secure, even with modern astronomical equipment, and seemingly impossible without it. If the knowledge of the magnetic needle was known, it would have been of little value. It points to the magnetic north, not to the true north. The magnetic north is also constantly moving. The celestial pole (true north) is a point, usually defined by a star, through which the polar axis of the earth would pass were it projected to the star sphere.

From its physical appearance, the Great Pyramid stands at the head of the world in vastness of dimensions. For over forty centuries it has been enshrouded in the deepest mystery but now it is beginning to yield up its secrets. Modern research is finding it to have been constructed in perfection of workmanship and in the practical mastery of problems that would tax the ingenuity of modern engineers. It was built for permanence and for surviving all the commotions of nature and all the vandalism of men.

Historical Record

The earliest record of the Great Pyramid is found in the writings of the Greek historian, Herodotus, who is often referred to as the "Father of History." He was born around 484 B.C. at Halicarnassus, a Greek colony on the coast of Asia Minor, and died around 425 B.C. Herodotus visited Egypt to gather information from the scholar-priests for his books. From an Egyptian priest, through an interpreter, Herodotus gathered traditional accounts of the erection of the Great Pyramid. Although evidence goes to show he accurately recorded what he saw and heard, he did believe some things that were not true. In Herodotus's day, the Pyramid was already very ancient so it is not surprising, therefore, that all sorts of legends and fanciful theories had grown up around the Great Pyramid.

Like Herodotus, Diodorus Silculus, who lived during the first century before Christ, wrote that the Great Pyramid was not used for burial purposes as was the case for the later pyramids. Cheops (the pharaoh believed responsible for the construction of the Great Pyramid) and Chephren (the pharaoh believed responsible for the construction of the Second Pyramid of Giza adjacent to the Great Pyramid) were not buried in these two pyramids. In fact, the sarcophagi in these two Pyramids are both undecorated and uninscribed, thus indicating that no royalty was ever placed in them. There are indications, however, that at some time later, someone else used Chephren's sarcophagus, for the lid shows that it had been fixed down and then forced off.

No record has been found to indicate the upper chambers of the Great Pyramid were penetrated before 820 A.D., when Caliph Al Mamoun of Baghdad came to Egypt to seek the wealth reportedly hidden within its secret recesses.

Al Mamoun directed Arab workmen to excavate near the base of the middle of the north side of the pyramid. After much laborious work, and on the point of giving up, the workers broke through to the descending passage that started from the original entrance. To their great disappointment, they didn't find any treasure. Such records of this forced entrance are extant today.

Shortly before the thirteenth century A.D., the Arab physician, philosopher and traveller Abdul Latif, whose work, On the Human Body, became a classic in the Arab world for centuries, wrote that engraved on the white casing stones were strange hieroglyphs.

"The stones were inscribed with ancient characters, now unintelligible. I never met with a person in all of Egypt who understood them. The inscriptions are so numerous that copies of those alone which may be seen upon the surface of the two Pyramids would occupy above six thousand pages."

Two years after Abdul Latif's visit a great earthquake hit this area, dislodging many of the white casing stones that covered the surface of the Great Pyramid and made it shine so brightly. These events subsequently led to the stripping of the beautiful casing stones for use in other buildings in the Middle East.

John Greaves (Professor of Astronomy at the University of Oxford, England) was the earliest Western scholar to make a thorough study of the Great Pyramid. He visited Egypt in 1637 in order to explore the pyramids. He afterwards wrote the first book devoted entirely to the Great Pyramid. The publication of his book triggered major interest in the pyramids and in the following years many travellers went to Egypt in search of treasure and hidden secrets.

Science of the Pyramid

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is credited with the discovery that the Great Pyramid was constructed on two different units of measurements called cubits. One he called the "profane" and the other he called "sacred." His original cubit measurements were slightly in error, being based on inaccurate measurements of the base of the pyramid by John Greaves due to insufficient clearance of rubble.

Further research did find that Newton's "profane" cubit was equal to 20.6284 British inches and is now known as the "Egyptian Royal Cubit." This Royal Cubit was the unit of measurement employed by the designers of the Great Pyramid. The other and longer "sacred" cubit was found to be equal to 25.0265 British inches and is called today the "Sacred Cubit." This cubit predominates in the design of the Great Pyramid and through its application the pyramid reveals its scientific features.

The Sacred Cubit is designated in the form of a horseshoe projection, known as the "Boss" on the face of the Granite Leaf in the Ante-Chamber of the Great Pyramid. By application of this unit of measurement it was discovered to be subdivided into 25 equal parts, the subdivisions being known as "Pyramid inches." (P. inches) One Pyramid inch equals 1.00106 British (and American) inches.

In 1859 John Taylor, author of The Great Pyramid: Why was it built?, proposed that the Pyramid inch was also a Polar Diameter inch. The theory was adopted by Piazzi Smyth in 1864-5. Subsequent scientific calculations confirmed that the Pyramid inch is a 500,000,000 part of the earth's Polar Diameter.

Surely, at the time the Great Pyramid was built, no man on earth knew the precise dimensions of the spheroid called the Earth. So the question is naturally raised, how was that knowledge incorporated in the measure of the Sacred Cubit?

Geometric Construction

In geometric form, the Great Pyramid is what is called a true pyramid. Its base is a perfect square. Each of its four sides form perfect equilateral triangles. These triangles slant evenly inward and upward from the base, until they meet at an apex situated perpendicularly over the centre of its base where the two base-diagonals intersect. The last stone (the apex stone) laid in place is also a true pyramid in form. This unique feature of a cornerstone is found in no other form of a building.

It is noteworthy that the Great Pyramid is completely geometric - internally and externally - in its design and conception. A close examination of the Great Pyramid may reveal absolutely nothing unless a knowledge of geometry and mathematics is employed. Valuable insights into the purpose of the Great Pyramid is possible from an independent non-biased viewpoint. Therefore, the secrets of the Great Pyramid, its symbol, measure and angle, can be more appreciated by an engineer than an Egyptologist.

Scientific directed surveys have furnished the actual geometric measurements of the Pyramid. From these measurements calculated data has been obtained which reveal the Great Pyramid to constitute a geometric representation, on a vast scale, of mathematical and astronomical knowledge not to be known, again, for over 4500 years. The remarkable manner in which this knowledge is geometrically expressed, relative to certain simple mathematical formulae, surpasses in every way, any similar undertaking of man.

It is worthy of special note that the entire geometric structure of the Great Pyramid is designed on the basis of Pi - 3.14159 - the mathematical ratio upon which the whole physical universe is designed, (Archimedes 287-212 B.C., the Greek mathematician, never came closer than 3.1428) and the value of "y" - 365.242 - the number of days in the earth's solar year (the time interval in days between two successive vernal equinoxes in the earth's journey around the sun).

In mathematics, Pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter (the straight line through its centre). That is to say, the circumference of any size circle is always 3.14159 +, times its diameter. This sign has been adopted because of the fact that the ratio in question has never been ascertained to its finality. It has, however, been calculated to an exceedingly high degree of precision, namely, to over 5,000 decimal places.

The amazing fact that this geometric ratio Pi, which pervades the whole universe, from the vast solar systems to the tiniest atoms, and is incorporated in the Great Pyramid, was first revealed by the angle of the slope of the Pyramid's sides. This angle results in the Pyramid's vertical height bearing the same ratio to the perimeter of its base that the radius of a circle bears to the circumference.

In other words, if the height of the Pyramid to its apex is taken as the radius of a circle, the distance around the base of the Pyramid is found to be exactly equal to the circumference of that circle. The required angle of the slope of the Pyramid's sides to produce this result is consequently known as the pyramidic Pi angle and is 51º 51' 14.3". No other pyramid in the world is built at this exact angle.

Nearly all of the dimensions of the interior (King and Queens Chambers, Grand Gallery, etc.), and the Architect's design of the exterior are expressible in terms of the length of the solar year. Some examples are:

(1) The square base of the Pyramid (four sides) equals 36,524,235 P. inches.

(2) Take the length of the King's Chamber as the diameter of a circle, then compute, by the best methods of modern science, the area of that circle. Throw that circle into a square shape the length of a side of that square will be 365.2423 P. inches.

(3) Twice the length of the King's Chamber, (in P. inches) taken in conjunction with the angle of the passages which lead up to it, also indicates the period of the earth's revolution around the sun. In other words, if the length of the King's Chamber (412.132 P. inches x 2) is marked off on the floor of the First Ascending Passage, and a right-angled triangle be formed drawing a perpendicular and base-line from the upper and lower extremities respectively of this portion of the floor, the perpendicular will be found to measure exactly the number of days in a solar year, or 365.2423 P. inches.

Also, we should not forget that the King's Chamber is covered by five layers of large, 70-ton stone beams, each one the equivalent weight of a modern railroad locomotive!

The dimensions of the Ante-Chamber also relate to the solar year. Some examples are:

(1) The length of the Ante-Chamber (116.2603 P. inches) is equal to the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 365.24235 P. inches.

(2) From the centre of the Ante-Chamber to the end wall of the King's Chamber is 365.242353 P. inches.

(3) From the same plane to the far end of the Coffer in the King's Chamber is 365.2423 P. inches.

(4) From the front wall of the Ante-Chamber to the back face of the Granite Leaf is 36.524 P. inches.

These few examples should suffice to indicate representational functions of the solar year. The scientific facts monumentalised in the Great Pyramid did not emerge accidentally; a superior knowledge of geometry, mathematics and astronomy would have been essential notwithstanding the means and will-power to express them in structural form.

Mathematical Proportions

Ever since the Great Pyramid was first constructed, using a proportionate mathematical system of numbers, all other subsequent pyramids, with a perfect model before them, showed a marked deterioration in standard of construction.

An example of the symmetry of mathematical proportions in the Great Pyramid is found in the measurements of the King's Chamber and Ante-Chamber. Their dimensions show that:

(1) The width of the King's Chamber equals half of its length.

(2) The height of the King's Chamber, equals half of the diagonal of its floor.

(3) If the length of the granite portion of the Ante-Chamber is multiplied by an even 100, and this length is taken to express the diameter of a circle, the arc of that circle will be found to equal the arc of the square base of the Pyramid.

(4) The height of the Ante-Chamber, multiplied by an even 100, equals the base side length, plus the vertical height, of the Pyramid.

(5) The Ante-Chamber length, multiplied by 50, equals the vertical height of the Pyramid.

Astronomical Significance

Through the work of Sir Flinders Petrie, author of The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh (1883), the remarkable discovery was made that the base circuit of the Great Pyramid was constructed in such a manner as to represent the Earth's three separate lengths of years: The solar tropical year, the sidereal year, and the anomalistic year. These different cycles relate directly to the Earth's relationship with the sun and the stars.

It also appears that the Great Pyramid was placed as near as possible to latitude 30 degrees. Star observations from this placement would have simplified the pyramid's geometrical construction.

That the Great Pyramid was built according to extremely accurate astronomical observations is a tribute to the great architects who used this knowledge over 4500 years ago. Clearly, the creators of the Great Pyramid were no ordinary men.

Distances, Weights & Measures

All of the evidence in the Great Pyramid shows that thousands of years ago someone knew a great deal about the Earth:

1) The sun's distance from the Earth: Modern astronomical distance - 92,900,000 miles. The four lines from the corner sockets of the Great Pyramid to it's apex slopes inward 10 feet for every 9 feet of elevation. This suggests an equation: Multiplying the height of the Pyramid by 10, nine times, and reduce to miles, gives the astonishing result of 91,856,060 miles.

2) The weight of the Earth: Modern estimate - (53+20 noughts) tons. The pyramid's weight of approximately 5,300,000 tons happens to be (1 + 15 noughts, or one thousand trillionth) the weight of the Earth. Therefore it can safely be assumed that the architects used this proportion to indicate the weight of the Earth.

3) The mean temperature of the Earth: Modern scientific figure: 68 degrees Fahrenheit. When the air channels were cleaned of sand, the King's Chamber was found to be at 68 degrees Fahrenheit permanently and unvaryingly.

The Pyramid's Greatness

The above selection of geometrical and astronomical relationships represent only a portion of the scientific data contained in the Great Pyramid; much more could be told if space permitted. Of course, individual discoveries taken alone could be labelled coincidence. The use of Pi and Copernican astronomy in the Great Pyramid over and over again cannot be simply brushed off as coincidence. The facts are such that important scientific and mathematical information was expressed in the solid and enduring form of the Great Pyramid for reasons unbeknownst to us now.

Modern science does not, and indeed cannot, deal with the mysteries of the Great Pyramid. The basic tenets of modern science are based on materialism. Foolish arguments that the Great Pyramid was a tomb, a grand monument to a ruler, or a water-pump, are the product of the gross and materialistic interpretation of history. And we know from the small amount of evidence examined so far that this colossal monument could not have been embarked upon for mere material gain or selfish glorification.

Our spiritually dead 'modern world' is not the crowning point of the evolutionary curve, but the end of a cycle of decay and putrification. The Great Pyramid stands aloof as a symbol of a glorious past and a higher spiritual reality.

Another theme that must be examined is the symbolism of the Great Pyramid - the missing capstone, the inner chambers and their meanings, it's spiritual significance; symbology is another study in itself.

Manley P. Hall in The Secret Teaching of All Ages concludes his chapter on the pyramids:

"As the passing sands bury civilisation upon civilisation beneath their weight, the Great Pyramid shall remain as the visible covenant between the Eternal Wisdom and the world..."


The Grand Plan at Giza

For many years classical Egyptologists maintained that the Pyramids were merely grandiose tombs to commemorate dead Pharaohs, built by slave labour and laid out in a relatively unstructured manner. However, recent work by Robert Bauval has shed an intriguing new light on the issue.

He realised that the relative sizes, and detailed positioning of the Giza pyramids and the river Nile were a faithful mimicry of the stars forming the 'belt' in the constellation of Orion and the Milky Way. In addition, it transpired that the supposed 'air shafts' in the pyramids actually pointed directly towards Orion, apparently with the aim of projecting the soul of the deceased king out towards the constellation. A special religious ceremony called the 'Opening of the Mouth' was conducted in the Great Pyramid on the body of the dead Pharoah that sought to release the soul and bring about his astral rebirth as an actual star in Orion. Therefore, the Great Pyramid is more rightly called a Temple, rather than a tomb.

These momentous discoveries, fraught with implications for both Egyptologists and ancient astronaut theorists alike, indicates a grand plan at Giza far beyond even the Egyptian dynasties.

Robert Bauval in his book The Orion Mystery (co-authored by Adrian Gilbert) demonstrates that the best fit for the Giza Pyramids/Nile pattern with the Orion's belt/Milky Way pattern occurred when the sky was pushed back in time (i.e. precessed) to the epoch of 10,500 BC.

Bauval writes in AA&ES magazine (August 1996), "The ancient Egyptians, for example, constantly refer to a remote golden age they called Zep Tepi, 'The First Time' of Osiris, which they believed had long predated the Pyramid Age. Osiris was Orion, and the Great Pyramid had a shaft directed to Orion at the meridian..."

Bauval found that by reading through the allegorical 'language' of the ancients via symbolic architecture and the related Pyramid Texts, new light was shed on the real purpose of the Giza complex.

It can be shown the ancient Egyptians knew of the astronomical phenomenon of Precession. The two tips of the Earth's axis wobble slightly over a period of approximately 26,000 years (or one precessional cycle) causing them to perfectly aim at the same points in the celestial sphere as when they began.

Bauval found that the stars of Orion can be said to have a starting point or 'beginning' at the nadir of their precessional cycle. Simple calculations show that this occurred in 10,500 BC. Therefore, Bauval proposes, "Could the ancient astronomers of the Pyramid Age have used their very clever 'silent language' combined with Precession to freeze the 'First Time' of Osiris - somewhat like the gifted architects of gothic cathedral froze in its allegorical stonework the 'time of Christ'?"

These discoveries alone are re-writing our understanding of the motivations for building the pyramids and the state of technological advance of ancient cultures.

Extracted from New Dawn No.39 (November-December, 1996)
© 1996 by Jason Jeffrey

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