APRIL, 2014
4-1-14 - DREAM - I can't put a label on what I was dreaming. I was looking at some objects and labeling them with descriptive words. I cannot remember what the objects were though.
4-1-14 - DREAM - I was downtown somewhere downtown near where I live . I was at an cross intersection near where my kids were playing in the street.
I told the kids they had to be home in 15 minutes because it was starting to get dark out.
While I was standing on the corner of the street, Greg, our ex- landlord was driving by and whipped around the corner really fast and his car hit my hand right on the thumb.
He got all upset and went to get his lawyer to make sure I didn't sue him for neglect for hitting me, but my thumb only hurt for a minute and then stopped. It wasn't even bruised.
I continued on home and walked through a mall area where a lot of people were sitting around tables at some kind of auction or lecture or something.
Greg's sister just happened to be sitting in the same aisle that I was walking through, and some of her family was also there.
She recognied me and jumped up and hollered over at her family nearby and said loudly so everyone could near, "Do you know what Greg did? He hit Dee with his car, and then do you know what my other brother did? He went through the stuff the Dee and Joe were throwing out while they were moving and he stole a painting of Seneca from their house."
She was so upset about those two things, she couldn't hardly stand it, and she kept walking way really fast, before I could explain that I was okay and wasn't upset.
But I really wanted to know about the painting of Seneca. I didn't even remember having it.
Here are the web pages I did about Seneca.
Mar 29, 2002 ... During the American Revolution, the Iroquois warrior Cornplanter rose to prominence, becoming a principal Seneca leader. He was also ...
Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Ibid) Thomas Jefferson... In 1807, Thomas Jefferson instructed his War ... -
CORNPLANTER - SENECA CHIEF. (Tashunka Witco, Tashunca-Uitco, "his horse is crazy"). These are the words of a great Indian hero. Crazy Horse was born in ... -
Ramapough Rankokus Raramuri River Yuman Sac Fox Sahnish Salish Samish Santo Domingo Saponi Saskatchewan Sauk/Fox Secwepemc Seminole Seneca
Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice was established. Groups of demonstrators staged civil disobedience protests, climbing the ...
Cayuga, 1,048, 0.1. Iroquois, 4,327, 0.2. Mohawk, 15,490, 0.8. Oneida, 11,564, 0.6. Onondaga 2/, 1,500, 0.1. Seneca, 9,167, 0.5. Seneca-Cayuga, 1,052, 0.1.
Seneca Nation of New York Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota (Prior Lake) Sheep Ranch Rancheria ...
The road to women's suffrage, which began at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York in 1848, was a much longer trek. Believing that “it was the duty of the ...
Survivors include children, Francis “Pete” Sanders, Seneca, Linda “Kathy” Curry Sonis, Neosho, Mo., and Sally Tidwell, Racine, Mo.; stepdaughter, Carla Jones, .
A simple number pattern, known as the Fibonacci Series, sits at the heart of the marvelous architecture and patterns of life and growth.
Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date April 4, 2014
page 663
4-3-14 - TWO DREAMS. I was writing lists of words in four colors - light tan, light purple, light blue, and light pink - and I didn't leave enough room in the light purple space to get all the words in.
4-3-14 I left my baby with a neighbor - named Jack (from the Bold and the Beautiful) and said the baby was playing in the bathtub. He opened the door and the baby was splashing in a little water in the tub down at the drain end.
4-4-14 - DREAM - I left my baby with a neighbor (who looked like my mother-in-law Audrey, who is deceased) While I was gone, she took my baby to the mall (in the city) in a baby buggy, where she became ill, and they had to take her to the hospital, but she left the baby at the mall.
However, when she got out of the hospital, she went home and the baby was still at the mall.
I was frantic and she said she would drive me to the mall because it wasn't walking distance and she took me out to her rusty pickup truck and drove me to the mall.
She stayed in the parking lot and I ran into the mall and the first guy I met, I asked him if there was a baby left there.
He said there was, and brought the baby carriage out to me.
I didn't have any proof the baby was mine, and the lady was sitting in her pick up truck out in the parking lot, so I said I would write him a check to pay him for his trouble, but I didn't have any money or a check book with me, and I didn't have the lady for a witness either to identify me or the baby.
So the man wheeled the baby out to me and I said I didn't have a pen or paper to write on, so he tore off the lining of his brown collar and said his name was DCD, Don Coz ______/
I woke up while I was printing his name on the collar lining, and I forgot his last name and couldn't go back into the dream and ask him for it.
4-4-14 - DREAM - I had a problem with my husband. We were supposed to go somewhere together, and instead of taking me, he took off and followed some guy around the corner with his car and drove away. I followed him, and he was taller now and he went into a men's store where I couldn't follow him and I had to walk home alone.
At home, my Mother told me that my Father had a problem with the ignition of his car and he couldn't fix it and she couldn't help him with it, and she thought I might have some good ideas to fix it for him.
Then my Father came into the room, and he said, "I know you have some good ideas, and maybe you can help me solve a problem with the ignition of my car."
So, my father took a board and lay down on it and the board went from the dining room table to a hutch like piece of furniture like he was making a bridge between them.
And on the corner of the board was a sheet of paper, similar to the newspaper, and in the corner, in one box I saw the word 'show', and in two other boxes it said, '9th', and '9th'.
Then a dark haired woman came and took her fingernails with her thumb and forefinger, and pulled the word 'show' off the paper. "Then she took some kind of fluid and a brush, and brushed the fluid over the 9th and the 9th and the words ate through the paper and took it away.
I got a little upset and my Father brushed his thumb over the missing numbers, and a soft monkey came and jumped up and down over the corner of the paper.
The a voice in myhead said, "I can't send NOAA in to fix it on that day, "I can't send NOAA in to fix it on that day."
I saw a bank check - just like I used to pay bills.
I then saw the number 3 6 9
Then came giant words 'EARTH CHANGE'
Again I saw the numbers 3 6 9 - only bigger and blacker
Three, six, nine,
the truth takes time,
the monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line.
The line broke,
the monkey got choked,
and we all went to heaven in a little row
This is from the film FLATLINERS
<< The Great Seal of the United States In the radiant disk above the American bald eagle's head the stars of the original 13 states are composed to form a Solomon's seal symbolic of the union of soul and body, spirit and matter. Each of the interlaced equilateral triangles, one upward turned, the other downward, is a Pythagorean tetraktys, or "perfect triangle of fourness," of nine points, four to a side, enclosing a tenth representing the generative center ("still point of the turning world") our of which the others derive their force. The upward triangle is of spiritual, the downward pointing, of physical energy. Thus interlaced, the two represent the physical world recognized as informed by the spiritual, and in exactly this sense they appear at the Lotus Center of the awakened heart. In the classical imagination, the 9 circumferential points of the Pythagorean tetraktys were identified with the Muses and the pont in the center with Apollo, around whose radiant form the 9 dance. In Jewish thought, the sign of the two triangles together is known as "Magen David" (Hebrew, Maghen Dawidh), "Shield of David," and read as connoting the Shekinah, or presence of God in Israel (as originally in the burning bush and in the cloud on the summit of Mt. Sinai). In the Great Seal of the United States the reference is to the inspiration of the light of Reason in the constitution of the originating colonies brought together as one nation: e pluribus unum, "out of many, one." These are homologous, though culturally differentiated, interpretations of the same "elementary idea." When viewed as outlining a pyramid, the upward pointing triangle matches the pyramid in the reverse of the Seal, with the single point at its apex corresponding to the Eye out of which the expanding form of the tetraktys, the energy emanating from that initial point (which is of the opening both from and to Eternity) yields, first, duality (2 point: measure and chaos, subject and object, light and dark, odd and even, male and female, etc. ), which then relate to each other in three ways (3 points: either a dominant, b dominant, or a and b in accord, whence derive all the phenomenal forms in the field of space time (4 points: 4 quarters of the earth and heavens).
We have possessed Drunvalo's two "Flower of Life" books for a dozen
years or so. We have his name on almost 100 of our pages.
A few years ago, Drunvalo mentioned the "Code" work of Carl Munck on the
Cost to Coast AM radio show. I just searched and foun/span>d
a video on the subject --
With a Google search, our pages come up near the top on that subject. At
the 7:42 mark, my "Gematrian Wheel" is shown, although
without credit. The story about that is here --
You may find a part on the page about Stonehenge interesting. He talks
about the 56 poles that once stood around the site. He points
out that only 54 or them stood next to the earthen bank. Four other
poles stood in the open, clear of the earthworks. The decoding,
therefore, includes 54 x 4 = 216. Sound familiar?
Last night, I began to prepare a comment for you about Drunvalo and the
Flower of Life series, with graphics. I'll try to finish it today.
My experience with this symbolism started on 18 October 1990, from a
dream. Chains of coincidences, related dreams, crop circles, and
things followed. It took quite a few years to learn of the terminology,
theories, and history. I will give a brief overview in my upcoming
In my experience, the many "coincidences" (or synchronicities) are like
confirmations of concepts and serve as guideposts. So often
they seem more and more accurate as new material comes.
That's interesting about the "coincidental" 78 years from 1912 to 1990.
It fits into "my things" pretty well, except I would probably say
1911 to 1989. Then again, other years seem symbolically significant,
such as 1999 and 2012 or 1980 to 2016, with 1998 in the center.
Also, there are traditionally 78 Tarot Cards, composed of 4 sets of 14
cards, totaling 56, plus 22 Major Arcana -- which are associated
with the 22 Hebrew Letters and the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life. Such
numbers, multiples of 13, 19.5, and 39, can combine with the
Gematrian numbers to make the triplets (78 + 144 = 222).
I know what you mean about things seeming "crazy." As I see it, that is
the nature of the unconscious dream world, which is displayed
well in the story, "Alice in Wonderland." And, of course, I have had a
few "dream-coincidences" with that story!
My quest also led to the idea that we follow the "scripts" that are
planned in the sleep state. During our stage in the lower three
chakras, we are "unconscious co-creators," without true free will. On
reaching the heart chakra, be become "conscious co-creators,"
ssymbolized by the "Lion King" with "Royal Power," and have true free
"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three"
![]() |
An Example of the Triple Symbology Grand and Small State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Estonia The large national coat of arms has three blue lions (or according
to One of the lions symbolizes the courage of the fight for freedom
in The wreath of oak leaves stands for the perseverance and strength |
In the first three numbers, all of the others are synthesized. From the union of oneness and duality (which is its reflection), that is, from triad, proceed all of the other numbers, and from this primordial triangle all figures derive.
There is also, for traditional civilizations, a direct relationship between numbers and letters of the alphabet, to the point where, with many alphabets, numbers were represented by letters, and had no special signs of their own. This is not the case with the early American cultures, which knew no alphabet, but we wish to call attention to this correspondence because not only the alphabetical code, but the numerical one, as well, describe all reality: that is, everything that is numerable or namable–in the sense of "ciphers," harmonious measures, "proportions"–in sum, the totality of the cosmos, of the knowable.
This threeness or triad, has always been considered sacred–like oneness, duality, and all numbers–by virtue of its very properties and particular attributes. These properties and attributes are manifested in its threefold nature, which of itself is the inevitable expression of a principle, an archetypal fact, that solidifies in a series, as a representation of ideas and energies that materialize in magical, mysterious fashion while obeying precise, universal laws, which the numerical codes and their geometrical correspondences symbolize.
This symbol a triad or trinity. It is a symbol of the unity of body, mind and spirit. The symbol is of universal significance - it is found throughout history and all over the world. It was popularized early in this century by the Russian-born artist, philosopher and scientist Nicholas Roerich. ( It can be interpreted in many different senses: spirit/mind/body in a circle of synthesis; past/present/future enclosed in the ring of eternity; art/science/religion bound in a circle of culture.
The oldest of Indian symbols, Chintamani, the sign of happiness, is composed of this symbol and it can be found in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. It appears in the Three Treasures of Tibet; on the breast of the Christ in Memling’s famous painting; on the Madonna of Strasbourg; on the shields of the Crusaders and coat of arms of the Templars. It can be seen on the blades of the famous Caucasian swords called "Gurda" and on the swords of Japanese nobility.
It appears as a symbol in several philosophical systems. It can be discovered on the images of Gessar Khan and Rigden Djapo; on the "Tamga" of Timurlane and on the coat of arms of the Popes. It can be seen in the works of ancient Spanish painters and of Titian, and on the ancient ikon of St. Nicholas in Bari and that of St. Sergius and the Holy Trinity. It appears on the coat of arms of the city of Samarkand, on Ethiopian and Coptic antiquities, on the rocks of Mongolia, on Tibetan rings, on Buddhist banners, on the breast ornaments of all the Himalayan countries, and on the pottery of the Neolithic age.
The symbol of the triad or trinity has existed over immeasurable time and throughout the world. It can be understood as a key to the integrity and interdependence of all existence.
Mother Goddess
According to some authors, the triune mother-goddess in pre-Christian Celtic society, to was equal in stature to that of Mercury, which is what Caesar called Lugos or Lugh, the most important of all the continental Celtic deities. Often Continental representations in sculpture and bas-relief of goddesses are in triads, which were for a time considered to be representations of different figures than those that appeared individually. However, when one looks at the objects associated with them, it is clear that "the two groups espress the same religious idea; only the representation of the idea varies." Some of the symbolic associations with the Celtic mother-goddess are the cornucopia, fruit, animals seated on her knee, and a child in her arms or next to her. Interestingly enough, in continental representations of Celtic deities, the goddess Julius Caesar called Minerva (who is now known to be Brighde) is often depicted in a triad with the male deities Mercury and Apollo, or Mercury and Vulcan. This is possibly a symbol of her immense importance in Celtic religious practices. In other representations, "Minerva" is depicted in the company of "Mars" which is what Caesar called Camulus, the same figure as Cumhail (father of Fionn Mac Cumhail, leader of the Fianna) a sky and war god of the Celts, both Insular and Continental.
The triad is a defining characteristic of Celtic religion and mythology, and not all female triads in the Irish tradition, at least, are as clear symbols of the Mother Goddess. These symbolic attributes include: cornucopia, fruit, animals on the figure’s knee, or a child in her arms or at her side.
Celtic art and literature has long been preoccupied with the number three. Looking at Celtic works or art one notices that often figures are grouped in clusters of three, creatures have three heads, objects repeat three times, or a single head might have three faces.
Oak, ash, and thorn were called the faery triad of trees. Where they grow together,it is still said that faeries live.
From the Druid or Celtic Shamanistic viewpoint the number three represents the different views one might develop following an initiation ceremony. Celtic Shamans believed that they could see the present, past and future - their vision of the world was complete and trustworthy. The Shaman often saw himself as a man standing in three different worlds at the same time. In this way, his judgments, decisions and advice became infallible and was closed to interpretation.
To the Celtic Shaman the worlds overlapped thus his consciousness is different from anyone else. His world view is full and complete. He has many ongoing relationships with otherworldly entities, such as fairies, the dead and the yet to be born. He gains his knowledge of this world from these entities and bestows it upon those who are not so blessed with such insight, such as King Arthur.
The Celtic preoccupation with the number three can be seen in the image of many of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses such as the three Brigids, and in the course of a story, often male heroes travel in groups of three in an attempt to complete a task, each of the three completing a different leg of the journey.
Just as night and day need twilight or dawn to go between it, the Celtic Shaman is the necessary third being between what is seen and unseen. He is neither this nor that. This widespread interest of the number three remains in our thinking today. Many modern concepts in philosophy, mathematics, physics, etc., are still very much based in the idea of "the three."
The Greeks used the number three a lot. There were the three Fates, three Graces, three Gorgons and the three Furies. Even Apollo's Pythia sat on a three legged chair (tripod) and Cerberus was a three headed dog. Multiples of three also seemed to be used such as the nine Muses and the twelve Olympian gods. >
Add the Holy Trinity, the trimester and some others, and you have a world-wide phenomenon.
Number in Scripture
Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
E. W. Bullinger
In this number we have quite a new set of phenomena. We come to the first geometrical figure. Two straight lines cannot possibly enclose any space, or form a plane figure; neither can two plan surfaces form a solid. Three lines are necessary to form a plan figure; and three dimensions of length, breadth, and height, are necessary to form a solid. Hence three is the symbol of the cube--the simplest form of solid figure. As two is the symbol of the square, or plane contents (x2), so three is the symbol of the cube, or solid contents (x3).
Three, therefore, stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire.
All things that are specially complete are stamped with this number three.
God's attributes are three: omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence.
There are three great divisions completing time--past, present, and future.
Three persons, in grammar, express and include all the relationships of mankind.
Thought, word, and deed, complete the sum of human capability.
Three degrees of comparison complete our knowledge of qualities.
The simplest proposition requires three things to complete it; viz., the subject, the predicate, and the copula.
Three propositions are necessary to complete the simplest form of argument--the major premiss, the minor, and the conclusion.
Three kingdoms embrace our ideas of matter--mineral, vegetable, and animal.
When we turn to the Scriptures, this completion becomes Divine, and marks Divine completeness or perfection.
Three is the first of four perfect numbers.
Hence the number three points us to what is real, essential, perfect, substantial, complete, and Divine. There is nothing real in man or of man. Everything "under the sun" and apart from God is "vanity." "Every man at his best estate is altogether vanity" (Psa 139:5,11, 62:9, 144:4; Eccl 1:2,4, 2:11,17,26, 3:19, 4:4, 11:8, 12:8; Rom 8:20).
Three is the number associated with the Godhead, for there are "three persons in one God." Three times the Seraphim cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy"--one for each of the three persons in the Trinity (Isa 6:3). The living creatures also in Revelation 4:8.
Three times is the blessing given in Numbers 6:23, 24:--
Each of these three blessings is two-fold, so that there are two members in each, while the name Jehovah occurs three times. This marks the blessing as Divine in its source. No merit drew it forth; grace was its origin and peace was its result.
In Genesis 18:2, the same three persons appear to Abraham. Abraham "looked, and, lo, THREE men stood by him." But verse 1 declares that it was "Jehovah appeared unto him." It is remarkable that Abraham addresses them both as one and as three. We read first that "they said," then "he said," and finally, in verses 13 and 17, 20, etc., "And the LORD said." The whole narrative, which begins with the appearance of the LORD, ends (v 33), "And the LORD went His way."
As we have in the number one the sovereignty of the one God; and in two the second person, the Son, the great Deliverer; so in "three" we have the third person, the Holy Spirit, marking and completing "the fulness of the Godhead." This word "fulness" is remarkable, occurring only three times, and in connection with the Three Persons of the Trinity:
The "fulness" was manifested visibly in Christ, and is communicated by the Holy Spirit, for it is a fulness of which we receive by His mighty power (John 1:16).
This is why Abraham brought "three measures of meal" for his heavenly guest. This is why "three measures of meal" formed the great meal offering; because it set forth the perfection of Christ's perfect and Divine nature. In Leviticus no particular quantity of meal was prescribed, but in Numbers 15:9, we read, "Then shall he bring with the bullock a meal offering of THREE tenth deals of flour." This was the measure for the whole burnt offering, and also for great special occasions such as the New Moon and the New Year, etc. It was also the special measure for the cleansing of the leper (Lev 14:10). The poor leper had several gracious blessings beyond others. He alone was favoured with the anointing which was given only to the Prophet, Priest, and King! He alone had the priestly consecration. It is sinners who are now singled out from the mass of those who are lost, and dead in trespasses and sins, to be anointed with the Spirit, and made, in Christ, kings and priests unto God.
But there is more in these "three measures of meal." We have them in the parable (Matt 13:33), pointing to Christ in all the perfection of His person and His work, when He said, "Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God." There are different opinions about the "leaven," but what is the "meal." This is the point on which the interpretation turns. According to the popular interpretation, this pure "meal" is the corrupt mass of mankind, and the defiling "leaven" is the pure Gospel of Christ! Was there ever such an exhibition of man's perversity in calling sweet bitter, and bitter sweet? Was there ever such a proof that man's thoughts are contrary to God's? No! the "three measures of meal" point us to the perfections of Christ and the purity of His Gospel. And the hidden "leaven" points us to man's corruption of the Truth. A corruption for which we have to look, not after the third century, but in the first!
No leaven could be put into any sacrifice or offering made by fire to the LORD, because in Christ was no sin; therefore, there was to be no leaven. He was, in Himself, "a sweet savour to Jehovah."
True, in one offering there was leaven. But mark the difference and the lesson. In Leviticus 23 we have a list of the Feasts:--
In the antitype of this we see Christ:--
This proves that the "leaven" is a type of error, evil, and sin. While the "three measures of meal" with which it was mixed and hidden typified the truth and purity of Christ and His Truth, and not the corrupt mass of mankind amongst whom it was introduced. The popular interpretation reverses the types of the meal and the leaven, and makes the leaven that which is good, and the meal that which is evil. But the great Teacher made no such mistake. "Church doctrine" is not "Bible truth," but it is leavened meal.
The number three, therefore, must be taken as the number of Divine fulness. It signifies and represents the Holy Spirit as taking of the things of Christ and making them real and solid in our experience. It is only by the Spirit that we realise spiritual things. Without Him and His gracious operation, all is surface work: all is what a plane figure is to a solid (John 3:6). He it is who has wrought all our works in us, and by whom alone we can serve or worship (John 4:24).
Hence it is that the Holy of Holies, which was the central and highest place of worship, was a cube.
Hence it is that the third Book in the Bible is Leviticus, the book in which we learn what true worship is. Here we see Jehovah calling His people near unto Himself, prescribing every detail of their worship, leaving nothing to their imagination or their taste, crowning all with the "MUST" of the great rubric of John 4:24. In true worship we see the FATHER seeking these true worshippers (John 4:23); the SON, the one object of all worship; and the Spirit qualifying and enduring the worshippers with the only power in which they can worship. Thus in Genesis we have sovereignty in giving life--the Father, the beginning of all things; in Exodus we have the oppressor and the Deliverer--the Son redeeming His people; while in Leviticus we have the Spirit prescribing, and ordering, and empowering them for Divine worship.
of the number is in Genesis 1:13. "The third day" was the day on which the earth was caused to rise up out of the water, symbolical of that resurrection life which we have in Christ, and in which alone we can worship, or serve, or do any "good works."
Hence three is a number of RESURRECTION, for it was on the third day that Jesus rose again from the dead. This was Divine in operation, and Divine in its prophetic foreshowing in the person of Jonah (Matt 12:39,40; Luke 11:29; Jonah 1:17). It was the third day on which Jesus was "perfected" (Luke 13:32). It was at the third hour He was crucified; and it was for three hours (from the 6th to the 9th) that darkness shrouded the Divine Sufferer and Redeemer. The "loud voice" at the end of those twice three hours, when, "about the ninth hour," He cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me" (Matt 27:46), shows completely that nothing of nature, nothing of the light or intelligence of this world, could give help in that hour of darkness. Does not this show us our impotence in the matter? Does it not prove our incapacity to aid in delivering ourselves from our natural condition?
With the light at the ninth hour came the Divine declaration, "It is finished." So divinely finished, completed, and perfected, that now there is no such darkness for those who have died with Christ. Light, uninterrupted light, shines upon all who are risen with Him; uninterrupted sunshine--even "the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." That three hours' darkness, therefore, testifies to our complete ruin, and our complete salvation, and shows that His people are "complete in Him."
While we are speaking of the Divine perfections of Christ, let us note the many marks and seals of this completeness.
"The Spirit, the water, and the blood," are the divinely perfect witness to the grace of God on earth (1 John 5:7).
The three years of His seeking fruit testifies to the completeness of Israel's failure (Luke 13:7).
His three-fold "it is written" shows that the Word of God is the perfection of all ministry (Matt 4).
The Divine testimony concerning Him was complete in the threefold voice from Heaven (Matt 3:17, 17:5; John 12:28).
He raised three persons from the dead.
The inscriptions on the Cross in three languages show the completeness of His rejection by Man.
The perfection of His offices are shown in His being Prophet, Priest, and King, raised up from among His brethren (Deut 177:15, 18:3-5, and 18:15).
The Divine completeness of the Shepherd's care (John 6:39), is seen in His revelations as--
His three appearances in Hebrews 9 show that His work will not be divinely perfect and complete until He appears again.
To go back to the Old Testament history we have God's Covenant with Abraham stamped with this number of Divine perfection (Gen 15). It was (like David's, 2 Samuel 7) Divinely "ordered in all things, and sure." God was ONE, i.e., the one party to it; for Abraham, who would willingly have been the other party, was put to sleep, that the Covenant might be unconditional, and "sure to all his seed." The Divine seal is seen in the choice of three animals, each of three years old (the heifer, the she-goat, and the ram). These, together with the two birds (the dove and the pigeon), made five in all, marking it all as a perfect act of free-grace on the part of a sovereign God.
is shown in "the three days' journey into the wilderness" (Exo 5:3), marking the complete separation with which God would separate His people from Egypt then, and from the world now. We can understand Pharaoh's objection in first wishing them to hold their feast "in the land" (Exo 8:25), and when that could not be, at last consenting to their going, but adding, "only ye shall not go very far away." So Satan now, is well content that we should worship "in the land"; and if we must go into the wilderness, that we should be within easy reach of the world and its influences. Not so Jehovah. He will have no such borderland service; He will have a "scientific frontier," a divinely perfect "three days' journey into the wilderness," completely separating them from all their old associations. The difficulty of "drawing the line," which so many Christians experience, arises from the fact that it is a crooked line, and that it is an attempt to include that which cannot be included. Drawn at a proper distance it can be ruled straight, and be divinely perfect and effectual.
brought three things which testified to the divinely perfect goodness of the land; and the substantial realities proved the truth of Jehovah's word: "Grapes, figs, and pomegranates" (Num 13:23).
three times Israel said, "All that the LORD hath spoken we will do" (Exo 19:8, 24:3,7), marking the completeness of the Covenant-making on the part of Israel; but from that very reason foreshadowing its perfect breach, for man has never yet kept any Covenant which he made with God.
were the three children of Anak, marking the completeness of the giant power of the enemy (Num 13:22).
was three times divided, the perfection of the Divine miracle (Josh 4; 2 Kings 2:8,14).
for Elijah was conclusive testimony that he could not be found (2 Kings 2:17).
is marked by three, as the Tabernacle is by five. The Holy of Holies in each was a cube; in the Tabernacle a cube of ten cubits; in the Temple a cube of twenty cubits. Each consisted of three parts:--The Court, the Holy Place, and the Sanctuary. The Temple had three chambers round about. The Brazen Sea or Laver heldthree thousand baths; and was compassed by a line of thirty cubits on which were 300 knops (1 Kings 7:24). It was supported by twelve oxen (3x4); three looking north, three looking west, three looking south, and three looking east. This order in naming the points of the compass occurs nowhere else. It is the same in both accounts of Kings and Chronicles (see 1 Kings 7:25; 2 Chron 4:4,5). Why is this? Is it because this was the order in which the Gospel was to be afterwards preached throughout the world? Whether this was the reason or not, the fact remains that the Gospel was preached first in the north (Samaria, Damascus, Antioch); then in the west (Caesarea, Joppa, Cyprus, Corinth, Rome); then in the south (Alexandria and Egypt); then in the east (Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persia, India).
were three; Unleavened Bread, Weeks, Tabernacles (Deut 16:16).
let down three times to Peter was the fulness of the testimony as to the admission of the Gentiles into the Church (Acts 10:16).
Testimony was complete and perfect in its three-fold division--Law, Prophets, and Psalms (Luke 24:44). The same three divisions mark its character to the present day.
As three marks completeness and perfection of testimony, so it marks the number of spiritual worshippers; and intimates that true spiritual worshippers would always be few.
Faith, Hope, and Love, five times repeated.
Spirit, and Soul, and Body, the man consisting of neither separately, but of the whole three together.
These seen in our first parents when Eve saw (Gen 3:6) that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was--
By taking from, adding to, and altering.
This led up to the first sin.
No wonder that dealing thus with the Word of God she listened to the words of the Devil, and became an easy prey to his guile with which he deceived her.
No wonder also that "the second man," "the last Adam," when He was tempted by the same tempter, three times repeated the words "It is written"! as though to call attention to the occasion of the Fall in the three-fold perversions of God's words. "It is written," and I will not omit anything from it; "It is written," and I will not add anything to it; "It is written," and I will not alter it. It is worthy of note that both the temptations began in precisely the same way, by the Tempter questioning the truth of Jehovah's Word. In the former saying, "Hath God said?" In the latter saying "If Thou be the Son of God" (Matt 4:3), when the voice from Heaven had only just declared, "This IS My beloved Son" (Matt 3:17).
are "the World, the Flesh, and the Devil":
To three people did God give this command:
form a divinely perfect lesson as to prayer and its answer.
From this we learn the perfect lesson with regard to prayer, that "No" is an answer as well as "Yes"; and "No" is answered always with the same omnipotent grace, infinite wisdom, and perfect love as "Yes." We hear much about "definiteness in prayer." Surely the knowledge of one's intense ignorance as to what is best and wise for us, will make us say more definitely than ever, in the words of Him through whose merits alone prayer is heard at all, "Thy will be done."
(in John's Gospel and Epistles)
There are a multitude of Threes or Triads, and they all bespeak the same Divine perfection and completeness wherever they are found.
The first or introductory section of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ is specially marked by this great Divine seal stamped upon it in chapter 1.
refer also in various ways to some Divinely perfect matter. We append a few examples, which may be studied in order to search out the lessons:--
are also similarly significant.
The phrase occurs three times, because it is the act of Deity, and flows from uninfluenced grace.
When, however, such acts relate to His work in us rather than for us, the words, even in a similar connection, occur seven times, because seven is the number ofspiritual perfection. Hence the phrase, "From the foundation of the world" occurs seven times.
"Walk worthy"
This occurs three times, as the Divine and perfect claim on our walk.
denotes the essence of such number, the concentration of the significance of the number thus expressed.
has many references, among other numbers, to the number three. The Rabbis say that there were
Three things Moses asked of God
Three precious gifts were given to Israel
Three men
Whatever may be thought of these, there can be no doubt that in the invariable employment of the number three in the Word of God, we have that which signifies Divine perfection.
The third month was chosen for the revelation, because everything that is closely connected with the Torah and with Israel is triple in number. The Torah consists of three parts, the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa; similarly the oral law consists of Midrash, Halakah, and Haggadah. The communications between God and Israel were carried on by three, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Israel also is divided into three divisions, priests, Levites, and laymen; and they are, furthermore, the descendants of the three Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For God has a preference for "the third": It was the third of Adam's sons, Seth, who became the ancestor of humanity, and so too it was the third among Noah's sons, Shem, who attained high station. Among the Jewish kings, too, it was the third, Solomon, whom God distinguished before all others. The number three plays a particularly important part in the life of Moses. He belonged to the tribe of Levi, which is not only the third of the tribes, but has a name consisting of three letters. He himself was the third of the children of the family; his own name consists of three letters; in his infancy he had been concealed by his mother throughout three months; and in the third month of the year, after a preparation of three days, did he receive the Torah on a mountain, the name of which consists of three letters.
(Legends of the Jews, Louis Ginzberg, Book 3)
Symbols Common to Theodish Belief and Asatru
The ValknutR:
As can be seen, the valknutR consists of three triangles linked together. A
variation has three horns interlinked. The valknutR symbolizes the power of
Wóden to bind and unbind the minds of men. According to the Hávamál Wóden
can place “fetters” upon his enemies, so that in battle they became panicked
or frozen with fear. On the other hand, Wóden could also free a man’s mind,
so that he may be unencumbered by fear in battle, so that he might receive
the inspiration for writing poetry, or so that he might experience religious
ecstasy. As a symbol of Wóden, the valknutR appears frequently in Theodish
and Asatru circles alike. Because we are dedicated to Wóden, the valknutR is
an official symbol of Wednesbury Theod, though it used very frequently
elsewhere as well.
Trefot: The
trefot is another symbol associated with Wóden, sometimes appearing beside
the valknutR on ancient runestones and gravestones.
The number three and its multiples (particularly nine) occur often in Norse
myth--there were three Norns, Wóden had two brothers, making a total of
three siblings, and so on. Today it is difficult to say why the number three
was so important to the elder heathen. Many today interpret the number as
representing completion. That is, the number three is symbolic of something
which has gone through its beginning, into a middle period, and then seen
its end. Of course, it must also be pointed out that three is the most basic
number, the "building block" if you will, for the family. A man and woman
marry, making for a "couple" or two people together. Eventually, if things
go according to the usual plan, a baby is born making for a family of three
people. The number three could then have been seen as the number of
reproduction or the continuation of things. Whatever the number three's
symbolism, it seems reasonable to assume that a three-footed symbol (hence
the name trefot), the trefot would share in that symbolism.
Literally, the "Helm or Awe (in its meaning as "terror")". The Helm of Awe
is sometimes found beside figures of warriors and is an important symbol in
Icelandic magic. Its name links it to Wóden, who could strike fear in his
enemies and who has as one of his many names YggR, "he who invokes terror."
It is believed that if it is worn or traced between the brows it will strike
fear into your opponents.
Note the tridents at the end of each arm.
The Interlaced Triangles: Known in the Occident as King Solomon’s seal or star, it was called in India the seal of Vishnu. The interlaced triangles signify the bipolarity in nature - spirit and matter, or male and female. The apex of the white triangle represents the divine monad; the apex of the dark triangle, the manifested worlds. The upward triangle suggests spirit, consciousness, and concealed wisdom, which are mirrored in the downward-pointing triangle representing matter, receptive space, manifestation, or wisdom revealed. The sides of the dark triangle may stand for form, color, and substance; the three gunas or fundamental qualities; and the creative, preserving, and destructive/regenerative forces of the Hindu triad, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. Together the triangles represent the manifested universe evolved from the central point within the serpent-circle of time and space. They also form the hexagon of six principles, cosmic and human, emanating from and synthesized by the central point, the seventh and highest self of any evolving being. Thus they express the sevenfold structure of the universe. The central cross is the inner person, touching all things from the six sides through the six triangles. The six points of the star reach outward toward the serpent of eternity, growing and evolving through time.
TRIANGLES, one (lighter) pointing upwards and the other (darker) pointing
downwards, symbolise the descent of spirit into matter and its reemergence
from the confining limits of form. They also suggest the constant conflict
between the light and dark forces in nature as well as the inseparable unity
of spirit and matter. When depicted within the circle of the serpent, the
figure represents the universe and the manifestation of Deity in time and
space. The three lines and three angles of each of the two triangles may
remind us of the triple aspects of spirit: existence, consciousness and
bliss, and the three aspects of matter: mobility, resistance and rhythm. The
glyph can also be seen as the sixpointed star, embracing spiritual and
physical consciousness and viewed by the Pythagoreans as the symbol of
12-10-97 - VISION - I saw a symbol like a crop circle with a
circle with 3 arms. They told me I was part of a trinity which made
me part of the spiritual, dream, physical connection. NOTE: On 2-21-98, we received a crop circle magazine in the mail, and lo and behold we saw this pattern which so resembled by dream. I had NOT known of it's existence prior to this. It had been discovered on Aug. 5, 1997. Here are the details of it:
DETAILS: This circle with three arms appeared in a field of ripe wheat in the field next to the 1995 double ringed circle in rape (Sx 1995/001) All crop was laid clockwise or away from the centre. Some stalks noticeably around the edge, were laid in the opposite direction, much like the Newhaven formation. A bowl-like depression was observed in the centre of rotation, a common occurrence often noticed in Sussex formations and not indicative of being man-made. Short, green barley stems growing within the formation were still standing upright. Although the pattern had been present for several days and was clearly visible from the road, it wasn't reported until one day before harvest. The full survey was carried out on what remained two days later. ************** 10-31-98 - DREAM - It seemed that Joe was
the creator. Someone didn't like what those shapes did or represented and
they were wiped out and the ground paved over with these shapes: Each of these paving stone type things which were
gray/white , were divided into 4 parts, and each quarter section,
had a unique design on it. They looked like a series of grave
markers. On the far left paving stone, I recall that the bottom left
design was the same as this: (There was more but my memory is gone) I woke up and thought about what this meant and it suddenly hit me that this was the series of events of Creation in the Old Testament. INTERPRETATION OF THE PAVING STONES: by Terrence Murphy The "key" is the three triangles and the quarter section. The quarter section represents the material or physical world. The triangles are the Spiritual worlds and the personal/impersonal relationships existing therein. Four and three are seven: the perfection of man in Christ. The significant directions are North and East. God Love you On the same morning, about an hour later, I went back to bed to meditate on the meaning of these symbols. While I was asking to see the dream again, the word "Tetraktys" jumped into my head. I had to ask Joe what it meant because I didn't know. This is what Joe wrote on his Humanity on the Pollen Path - Part IV: - In Joseph Campbell's The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, on page 128, he writes about the Great Seal of the United States. The disk above the eagle's head has 13 stars forming a Solomon's seal, "symbolic of the union of soul and body, spirit and matter." It is formed by two interlaced "Pythagorean tetraktys, or 'perfect triangle of fourness,' of nine points, four to a side, enclosing a tenth representing the generative center." The tetraktys is said to symbolize how the creation is created. The single star (or dot) at the top represents the One Creative source. The two stars below represent the duality. The next row of three stars represents the relative balance of the duality attributes (a dominant, b dominant or a and b in accord). The four stars on the bottom of the triangle represent everything else in creation. Always a step ahead of me, Joe wrote this about the Triangles within Triangles: Humanity On the Pollen Path - Part II:
Then I heard, "See David's book on creation. It's the
same story." I then saw a brown hairy animal. It looked like a cross between a hairy elephant with a long face like a horse. I then saw a little crystal shaped like the above nipple
shapes. It was called an "Amphora". It was placed in front of me. It
was about finger size or smaller. I then saw a web page with 6 rectangles over on the right side. I'm thinking it might be Laura Lees. One of the rectangles said, "Soundcast". (This made me think the author is well-known.) NOTE: After I got out of bed, I went outside to get the mail and paper in. Towards the East was two triangle shaped clouds. one was pointed East and the other one pointed north. They were almost side by side in the sky, and looked like they were painted in the sky with a paint brush with lines and were very small. The other clouds in the sky in the south and the west were normal roundish clouds and were large. ************ 8-12-99 - VISION - I saw three Chinese women levitated above the ground in lotus position. They were on the right and seated in a triangle shape with each other.
Physical World Atomic Number Three - Lithium deuteride is the explosive material of the hydrogen bomb and may eventually be the fuel of controlled fusion reactors. There is great power in three. Three Primary Colors - using the three primary colors all other colors can be produced including white The surface of the earth - is one third land, two thirds water. Three stages - the number of stages of a rocket necessary to best achieve orbit for heavy loads. In 1293, on his way back from China, Marco Polo got a taste of South India when he stopped along the Malabar Coast. He records a meeting he had with a group of yogi alchemists who, by preparing a tincture of mercury and sulfur, were afforded a lifespan of 150-200 years. Mercury was viewed as the seminal seed of Shiva. It formed a part of the alchemical triad of mercury sulfur and air, corresponding to the trinity of moon sun, and wind. Breath controlled through the practices of Pranayama, transformed the body's winds into a spiritual mediator that could unify the solar and lunar currents within the body. Much like the alchemical process applied air to mercury and sulfur to form the amalgam that brought the work to completion. Consciousness was seen to ride the vehicle of breath into union with the absolute in the Sahasrara chakra at the top of the head. The Siddha could, through the intercession of the Goddess, placated by manipulation of the breath, expand consciousness to the point where it becomes what is called the Maha Chitta or "Great Awareness" which is the God Shiva himself. Here is one of the closing verses of Bhogar's discussion of Kundalini Yoga..
ANGELS The angelic beings, or celestial intelligences, are divided into three triads, containing the nine orders, and whose names, as we shall see, represent the divine attributes that they manifest to all below them. Continuing from the fine introduction to the work, Dionysius says these divine attributes also have an inner relation with every human soul, for through their ministrations the aspiring soul becomes liberated from the bondage of material things, receives knowledge of that soul's purpose, and is enabled to live its true life, ultimately attaining its divine likeness to the full. The first order of the first triad is seraphim. They are described in the passage already quoted from Isaiah as the "burning" or "fiery" ones, from whom the stream of superessential grace flows (God transcends all essence). Like fire, the seraphim consume all that separates the human from God. The second order is cherubim. The name "cherub" means "fullness of knowledge". Through cherubim, the energy of God streams forth as a transcendental light that perfectly illuminates the soul and unites it with the divine wisdom. It imparts a full and lucid understanding to the universal divine immanence. In the Bible, cherubs are depicted as great winged creatures - for instance, in the construction of the Ark in the wilderness (Exodus 25.18 passim), King Solomon's majestic temple (1 Kings 6.23 passim) and the visions of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1.10 and 10.1 passim). In one passage, the cherub is portrayed as a flying creature on which God travelled in order to help King David (2 Samuel 22.11). All this shows how hard it is for the human mind to avoid conceptualizing a formless energy The third order of the first triad are the thrones; these are divine seats through which the soul is lifted up to God and becomes established in the constancy of the divine service. This first triad is closest at all times to the divine presence. In the second triad come first the dominions, or dominations, that are free from all earthly passions, from all inward inclination to the bondage of discord, and from all that is low; they display a liberal superiority to harsh tyranny, and an exemptness from degrading servility. They are true lords, perpetually aspiring to true lordship, and to the Source of Lordship. The second order of the second triad are the virtues, that have a powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their God-like energies. There is no weakness in them: instead, they ascend unwaveringly to the superessential virtue which is the Source of Virtue, and flow forth providentially to those below. The third order are the powers, or authorities, that are invested with a capacity to regulate intellectual and supermundane power which never debases its authority by tyrannical force, but is irresistibly urged onward in due order to the Divine. This order beneficently leads those below it, as far as possible, to the supreme power which is the Source of Power. It re-directs the forces that fetter the human mind to earthly things. Through this second triad, the soul is liberated from all that is below, and assimilated to that which is above. The third, and lowest, triad is concerned with the final execution of the work of providence, which is God's beneficent care for his creatures. The principalities exhibit divine lordship and true service; through them, the soul may turn from attachment to earthly activities to the service of God, so as ultimately to become a co-worker with the divine ministers. The archangels imprint the divine seal on all things, whereby the universe is the written word of God. They impart to the soul the spiritual light through which it may learn to read the Bible, and also to know and use its own faculties correctly. The lowest order of this triad is the angels, who minister to all things of nature, including humans, by purifying and uplifting them. In this triadic scheme, the higher orders inspire those lower than they, but not vice versa. Thus it is clear that the third triad is nearest the world, and transmits the illumination received from above. The end of the process is the transfiguration of the whole of the universe in the glorious light that proceeds from on high. This whole hierarchy spreads the divine light through the cosmos, that vast realm that includes the universe, as far as human understanding can define it, and also the psychic plane where we may meet the spirits of the dead and also the communion of saints and the ministry of angels. The great work of the angelic hierarchy is to praise and glorify God. This praise is not a rational acclaim so much as a great paean of joy that the world is as it is and that the angels are privileged both to know it and to participate in it. This is how we should say the Gloria of the Eucharist: that we are privileged to partake of the body and blood of the Saviour If the whole cosmos could resound to that praise, and move beyond prejudice and emotional bonds, we would pour out peace and goodwill to all creatures. The angelic hierarchy, with its enlightened will turned resolutely to the divine presence, helps to bring forward the Kingdom of God on earth - and elsewhere in our unimaginably glorious cosmos. And so it is that all aspiring human souls move to the divine presence, aided by an immense angelic hierarchy, none more important than the other. If the humble angel leads the way, the destination is through the cherub and seraph to the source of all being whom we call God. It may well be that much illumination from the Holy Spirit comes to us through the angelic hierarchy, centering on our own guardian angel. One thing is certain, though: we must worship the Holy Trinity and no other power.
Poseidon (Greek) One of the twelve great Olympian deities, a son of Ouranos and Gaia, brother of Zeus and Hades; represented by the Latins as Neptunus. The brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are respectively the gods of heaven, the intermediate world or water, and of the underworld; and these represent the three great generalized powers or forces, each one ruling or vitalizing his respective third of the seven manifest cosmic planes. Poseidon presides over water, especially the ocean, and over horses, which he brought forth by a stroke of his trident on the earth. His symbols are the dolphin, one of his executive ministers; the trident; and the horse. It is Poseidon who shakes the earth and raises and quells storms at sea. He had numerous offspring by many wives, both mortal and immortal; mostly of a violent unruly character like himself -- titans and giants. He stands as a personation of the spirit and race of Atlantis; for he is lusty, sensual, and at war with heaven. To consummate his intrigues, he assumes the forms of various animals -- a way of alluding to bestial Atlantean black magic. The symbol is complex, for he is also a dragon. He is related to the northern constellations of Draco, Delphinus, and Pegasus (or Equus, the horse). Equivalent to Chozzar of the Peratae Gnostics and the good serpent of the Nazarenes (cf SD 2:578). As god of the waters he parallels Idaspati, Narayana, Vishnu, and Varuna. Jambala (Tibetan: Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of the Jewel family. His fat belly shows his prosperity and has a mongoose on his left thigh that vomits jewels as he squeezes it. In his right hand he holds a flaming wish-fulfilling jewel which is symbolic for the riches one attains with the wealth of spirituality. He is primarily black in color and has the stunted, thick form of a dwarf with a potbelly. He is seated sideways on a dragon with his right foot down and his knee up. In his white form, he is holding a trident and a scepter. Anyavathi: Picturing the many faceted Divine and symbolizing, in perceivable ways, the attributes that are evidenced in each facet, the seeker endeavours to acquire the Presence of the Divine. One Form of the Divine, the Omnipresent (Vishnu) is pictured as having the Conch (symbol of the Primeval word or Sound), the Wheel (symbol of Time) and the Mace (symbol of Might and Majesty). With the facet to which is ascribed the power and willingness to overcome obstacles (Vighneswara), the single tusk symbolizing sharpness and concentration is associated, Iswara or Siva (the facet of disintegration and dissolution) has the Soola or Trident (symbolizing in its three prongs, the Past, the Present and the Future). Rama, the form of righteousness or Dharma is always pictured with the Kodanda, the bow which can send the arrow (will) straight to the target, Krishna, the manifestation of Universal love, has on His crown a peacock feather, symbolizing the thousand-eyed, glance of Grace. He bears a flute on which He plays enthralling tunes; the flute is the symbol of the ego-less desire-less seeker. The facet of wisdom pictured as the Goddess Saraswathi, has a Veena in Her hand; the Veena is a stringed musical instrument, symbolic of heart-strings responding, with harmony and melody, to the gentle touch of the true, the good and the beautiful. Seekers meditate on these pleasing personifications and the significance of the symbols of their attributes and adore the Divine in the delight that wells up in their hearts. This is named Anyavathi Path - the Path through symbolised Divinity, Anya meaning the other, the adjunctory, the appurtenance.
Zeus decided to punish humanity for its evil ways. Other Gods grieved at the destruction because there would be no beings to worship them. Zeus promised a new stock, a race of miraculous origin. He was going to use thunderbolts when he remembered one of Fate's decrees: that a time would come when sea and earth and dome of the sky would blaze up, and the massive structure of the universe would collapse in ruins. With Poseidon's help, he caused storm and earthquake to flood every part of the land except the summit of Mount Parnassus. When Zeus crushed the hanging clouds in his hand, there was a loud crash, and sheets of rain fell from heaven. The rivers began rushing to the sea. When Neptune struck the earth with his trident, the rivers raced across the plains. Sea and earth could no longer be distinguished; all was sea without any shores, covering every living being except for one fortunate couple, Deucalion and Pyrrha. Earlier, Deucalion and Pyrrha had consulted Themis at her oracular shrine. She warned of a future flood, and they prepared by acquiring a boat. In time, their boat ran aground on the summit of Mount Parnassus. (Note: This is the mountain at Delphi, "navel of the earth" and home of the great oracle.) Recognizing their piety, Zeus allowed them to live and withdrew the waters. It was then that Deucalion and Pyrrha remembered the other oracle given by Themis: to repopulate the world by throwing "behind you the bones of your great mother." Pyrrha didn't want to injure her mother's ghost by disturbing her bones. Prometheus soothed her fears. "Oracles are righteous and never advise guilty action..." They decided that the "bones" were stones in the body of the earth ("Great Mother"). They threw the stones, which became humans; men of the stones thrown by Deucalion; women, of those cast by Pyrrha. Animals were produced by earth of its own volition. According to Plato: "Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years."
Trigono/metriX: The Metaphysics of Music and Harmony The Rhythm of Number Three - Biblical The Triad of the 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus The Irish Fairies and Rainbows Dreams of the Triple Goddesses Monads - Centers of Consciousness The Five Pointed and Six Pointed Stars Helen Blavatsky's writings on the Triad and Triangle
The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Five" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Nine" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Eleven" The Number 26 - The Mayan Connection 49 The Levels of Consciousness / connected to 210 "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 72" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 153" |
by Dee Finney
Prayer For Peace O Lord Jesus Christ,
Who said to Your Apostles: |
6-2-2001 - DREAM - I don't know where I was, but I came down
a long hallway full of people and ahead of me, standing against the
far wall was a man I've known and been friends with since I was 18
years old. I walked up close to him and looked into his face and his third eye burst into a huge pulsating star. THE THREE PHASES OF THE SUN (SON) Then the star grew until his entire face was a huge pulsating star. TWO SUNS - THE CONNECTION TO 11:11 I looked into that pulsating star and I could see into the nighttime sky and saw there 5 pulsating stars which formed a 5 pointed star. (See Below) I went up closer to him so we were face to face and as I looked into the star, I told him to look into my eyes, into the colored part. At that point, I could see in his face a reflection of what was written in the colored part of my eyes. On his face was written a printed prayer which I began to read. As I read the prayer to the other people in this large room that was like an old fashioned church with benches for the people, they began reciting it too, as they knew it better than I did. It was a blessing for the world. The men's voices which were on the right behind me were the loudest. The women were seated on the left and the little children were in the center where I stood. I again walked up closer to the man again, who was wearing a maroon colored robe. I got down on my knees in front of the man, and lowered my head in a bow to the floor. It was then I could read on the bottom hem of the robe, that the prayer was from the Angelus, and it also said St. Ignatius Loyola and France. The dream then continued when I left there, we went to the man's house. I had a husband also, who looked similar to the airforce Major Dad guy in the television show . The man's wife was mad as hell that he had been gone so long and she didn't know where he had been. She started to swear at him and left the house. I could hear her walking away down the street swearing like I've never heard before. My husband started to laugh, 'another one down the street' or something similar. It seemed that the man had a wife a week because no one could stand that he would leave the home without saying where he was going and show up the next morning with strangers from God knows where. We were going to make breakfast, and there were shallow, yellow and colored boxes on the table where the wife had bought dinner from some restaurant and brought it home for herself. I opened the box to see what it was, and there were two sunfish laying on their sides in the box, which were fried. They still had their heads, tails and fins on them. One was at the 7 o'clock position and the other one in the 8 o'clock position. She had eaten the others. (See notes below) Off to the side then, I saw a humungous fish tank, with 5 different colored fish in schools swimming around. The woman who was raising them was training them to do something. I could see lots of other fish in the tank as well, and I remembered my friend Michelle's fish tank, whose fish were always having babies. I remarked that I should get my own fish tank back out and get some fish. (See below for human race notes) I went into another small room in the house like an ante-room by the front door. There were 12 Italian firemen in uniform singing something fabulous in Italian. They came to the end suddenly and sat in silence, listening. I said, "It seems that you are expecting the cops or a fireman to be at the door. I opened the door, and there stood a tall policeman, coming to tell the guys to get back to work. (This was either the 12 Apostles or the Council of 12) (The Intergalactic Council of Twelve includes beings from the Angelic and Extraterrestrial realms. The Star Command is a group of interplanetary representatives composed of extraterrestrials from many diverse universal cultures that act as a service department to the Light Brotherhood. ) I was standing there and the policeman threw a yellow towel over my face and he was playing with the outline of my nose through the towel, and the guys were laughing. He said, "I'll bet you can't guess where you are. I was worried he was going to punch my nose or something, but I laughed back, "Yes I do, I can smell the garlic through the towel." NOTES: It took me most of the day to find the exact 5 pointed star cluster I was looking for. I finally found it in Pisces. Mythology Pisces - The Fishes Pisces, the Fishes, is a very old constellation, and is one of the original Zodiacal Constellations recognized in Ancient Times. In Greek and Roman mythology, this constellation represents the goddess Venus and her son Cupid, who transformed themselves into a pair of fish and jumped into the Nile River to escape from the monster Typhon. The images that concealed them were placed in the zodiac, where they are now known as Pisces, a lengthy double constellation occupying the region south of Andromeda and Pegasus and northwest of Cetus. Pisces acquired the title "Leaders of the Celestial Host" after precession brought the vernal equinox to a point south of the star Omega in the southwestern fish. In very ancient times, Pisces was known by the Babylonians as Nunu, or fish, and symbolized the Syrian goddess Derke as well as Atargatis, who was important to many ancient nations and depicted as a huge fish with a woman's head. Pisces was also significant to the early Christians, as it represented to them the "Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes" by which Jesus fed the multitudes.
Pisces is the twelfth of the zodiacal constellations, and can be easily seen during early Autumn for Northern Hemisphere observers. Riding directly along the ecliptic, this constellation is now the location of the First Point of Aries, the point which the sun crosses the equator on its way north, thus marking the Vernal Equinox or the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Due to precession, the First Point of Aries has moved west into Pisces since it was first established in Ancient Times. Pisces contains few bright stars, and only one important object, the face on spiral galaxy M74. However, even though somewhat indistinct, this constellation can be easily made out with a bit of practice, as it is located to the south west of Andromeda and directly below the Great Square of Pegasus. Salmon - the Celtic fish of knowledge and mystic inspiration Two goldfish - signifying perfect wisdom, as embodied in the Buddha's eyes. In Indian tradition, the two fish represented the sacred Ganges and Yamuna rivers. Some Christians believe that a second link between their religion and the fish symbol is seen in the Greek word for fish (ichthus, spelled: Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma). That is an acrostic for "Jesus Christ, of God, the Son, the Savior" [Iesous (Jesus) CHristos (Christ) THeou (of God) Uiou (the Son) Soter (the Savior)]. An acrostic is an "arrangement of words in which the first letter of each line ordinarily combines with others to form a word or words or the alphabet." 1 The Apostles were often referred to as "fishers of men". Followers of Christianity were called Pisciculi; the root of this Latin word is "fish". Emblems of the Savior - The Fish Pisces is usually depicted as two fish tied or joined together but swimming in opposite directions, and that image captures the essence of those born under this sign. The gifts given by celestial beings to Sakyamuni on his attainment of Enlightenment or Buddhahood, the white parasol protects one from evil desires. The two fish symbolize being rescued from the ocean of misery of earthly existence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before any two units who are striving to attain a tie of affection can achieve the status of soul companions, it will take many incarnations that will bring out the best as well as the worst in their personal attitudes. When two egos start a circle, the beginning stages they go through are stormy and unpredictable. It takes them some time just to get the relationship started ground. These are beginners on the circle of life. Though we should all strive to become compatible with each other, all relationships do not necessarily become soul companions. When two people strive towards completing their circle it takes struggle and hard work. We refer to the circle because symbollically it explainins how the journey begins and ends upon completion. First Quarter/ 1 o'clock- 2 o'clock -3 o'clock = Too many repulsions to consider. Second Quarter/ 4 o'clock -5 o'clock -6 o'clock = Becoming more aware of each other's needs, yet still selfishly imposing individual will. Third Quarter/ 7 o'clock -8 o'clock - 9 o'clock = Starting to really bend, and learn from each other. Fourth Quarter/ 10 o'clock - 11 o'clock - 12 o'clock = Self Explanatory." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The number 7 - From earliest times this number was associated with celestial beings and spiritual forces; seven days in a week, the seven known planets (including the sun and the moon); the 7 evil spirits, the seven levels of a ziggurat (astral tower built by the Babylonians--the most famous being the Tower of Babel); according to St. Augustine, seven symbolized the perfection of God--he created the world and rested n the seventh day; Christian life is ordered by seven; seven capital sins, seven virtues, seven sacraments. Seven is the number of completion. It represents time, space, duration, and distance. It also represents old age, death, or enduance, and immortality. The number seven represents "spiritual perfection."(1) In Hebrew, the number seven (shevah) comes from the root word savah, which means "to be full or satisfied, have enough of." The number seven often venerates these ideas. On the seventh day, God rested from the work of creation since it was full, complete, good and perfect. (More) The number 8 - the first number after seven, the symbol of life, the new life after baptism (both in pagan and Christian times). In Christian belief, the resurrection of Christ happens on the eighth day. The octagon is the favored form for the baptismal font. Eight is the number of dissolution. It denotes the law of cyclic evolution, the breaking back of the natural to the spiritual. (More) Ningal - the consort of Sin, the mother of Shamash also called Ishtar (Ishhara, Irnini, Inanna) She is Anu's second consort, daughter of Anu and Antum, (sometimes daughter of Sin), and sometimes the sister of Ereshkigal. She is the goddess of love, procreation, and war. She is armed with a quiver and bow. Her symbol is eight or sixteen-pointed star Sacred number: 15 Astrological region: Dibalt (Venus) and the Bowstar (Sirius) Sacred animal: lion, (dragon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As recently as 1962, Carleton Coon, a prominent anthropologist, published a best-selling book called The Origin of Races, which neatly divided human beings into five "races" he called Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Negroid, and a group he called Capoid (named for the Cape of Good Hope). In this last category, Coon lumped together southern tribes, like the Bushmen and Hottentots, and some tribes from eastern Africa who had dark skin but did not otherwise fit well into his description of Negroid people. He speculated that since there were pygmies among them, perhaps they had a genetic propensity to shrink. Coon argued that these races were descendants of five different subspecies of humans that had existed in the Middle Pleistocene era and had evolved independently into races of Homo sapiens. According to Coon, the Caucasoids, who he believed had evolved first, were by implication a bit further up the ladder of civilization. Coon, like most physical anthropologists, based his distinctions among races on observable characteristics such as skin and eye color, facial features and body shape-what contemporary biologists call the phenotype. Today, human geneticists have begun to group people according to less visible markers-the genes we carry on the chromosomes in each of our cells. Biologists call this the genotype. (DNA) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This dream is called, "My Funny Nose" 6-2-2001 - DREAM - I was working in an apartment building. It seems I was the cleaning lady. I went into an occupied apartment with a light blue vacuum cleaner. I also had a video camera with me. I wanted to take a picture of myself vacuuming. I decided to go into the livingroom where the light was brightest. However, when I tried to take my own picture with the camera, I could see that doesn't really work. My arms were too short to get a good shot of me with the vacuum cleaner. I could either take a shot of my face or the vacuum but not both together. I would need someone else to take the film. All of a sudden, the people who lived in this apartment came in. They didn't see me because they went directly into the bedroom. I could hear them talking to each other, but it was rather muffled. The husband was singing and humming and changing clothes and the wife was also. She said she was going out with the girls and left the apartment. The husband then came into the hallway to get a shirt out of the hallway closet. He pulled out a blue and white checkered shirt and put it on. (See notes below) The man didn't see me until he had his shirt on and started to button it. It was then I recognized the man, it was the same man from the previous dream. I had known him since I was 18 years old. We were very good friends for many, many years. He continued to hum a beautiful tune and we sat on the couch together. I was leaning against him while he hummed and I was looking at some little children's size books, which had pictures around the edges and the words in the center. They were little children's prayer books. I turned around to look at his face and his face was changing. I could see he wasn't who he really said he was, and his face was smaller and wooden-like, similar to a statue I've seen in the past. (The Song Wooden Jesus) I said to him, despite the wooden statue appearance of his face, "You are so beautiful." He then said to me in a changed voice, deep and rather rumbling, "You know now I'm not the person you always thought I was. My name is 'IESOUS' (Jesus) of Nazareth and I have a mission for you to fulfill." The little book in my hand then became a tall, slim book of prayers. (See notes below) I then saw a vision of 4 red symbols. I tried to quickly see what they were, but I could only recognize the last one. It was a heart with a nail through it and bleeding. NOTES: There doesn't seem to be any reason why this dream is called 'My Funny Nose', but it was named that before I woke up. Perhaps the dream was called the funny nose because the guy was poking at my nose in the first dream such as you play with children... and tell them you got their nose... perhaps it is saying that my mission is right in front of my nose... and it's the second dream.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ White has always been a symbol of purity and freshness. The white background stands for our new and pure life; the seven stars are the seven working hours. The mention of the combination of blue and white has been traced back to a poem called "Zivei Erez Yehudah" written in the middle 19th century by L.A. Frankl. It says there, "All that is sacred will appear in these colors: White - as the radiance of great faith Blue has always been a symbol of royalty. Biblical injunction of wearing tzitzit (fringes on cornered garments) calls for a strand of "techelet" or blue-died cloth. The techelet is meant to remind the Jew of the color of the sky (hence the "firmament" mentioned above) which is ultimately supposed to remind him of God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Greek alphabet has 26 letters, each one with a different numerical value. The Greek spelling of Jesus is IESOUS. The numerical value of IESOUS = 888 which represents The Spiritual Sun or Solar Logos. The physical sun = 666 "In the beginning was the Logos" the Gospel of John states, and in the words of the Logos itself, "I am the Light of the World." All those who are born into the world is outwardly illuminated by the physical sun, but only those wh otrun their attention back to the world of first principles are inwardly enlightened by the Spiritual Sun of the Logos. The early Christians maintained that IESOUS was "a name above all names". |
Angelus [Lat.,=angel], daily prayer of the Roman Catholic
Church, said usually three times daily, as announced by a bell,
traditionally at six in the morning, at noon, and at six in the
evening. It is said in honor of the Incarnation and consists of
three repetitions of the Hail Mary together with verses and a
prayer. It takes its name from the opening word of the Latin
version: Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae [the angel of the Lord
declared unto Mary]. In Roman Catholic Europe when the Angelus tolls (at morning, noon, and evening), it rings 3 + 3 + 3 and then 9 times, incelebration of the Virgin's conception of the Savior. The recited prayer at those junctures, "The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Ghost ... and THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH ..." St. Ignatius Loyola had decided that he wanted to go to Jerusalem to live where our Lord had spent his life on earth. As a first step he began his journey to Barcelona. Though he had been converted completely from his old ways, he was still seriously lacking in the true spirit of charity and Christian understanding, as illustrated by an encounter he had with a Moor on his way. The Moor and he came together on the road, both riding mules, and they began to debate religious matters. The Moor claimed that the Blessed Virgin was not a virgin in her life after Christ was born. Ignatius took this to be such an insult that he was in a dilemma as to what to do. They came to a fork in the road, and Ignatius decided that he would let circumstances direct his course of action. The Moor went down one fork. Ignatius let the reins of his mule drop. If his mule followed the Moor, he would kill him. If the mule took the other fork he would let the Moor live. Fortunately for the Moor, Ignatius' mule was more charitable than its rider and took the opposite fork from the Moor. He proceeded to the Benedictine shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat, made a general confession, and knelt all night in vigil before Our Lady's altar, following the rites of chivalry. He left his sword and knife at the altar, went out and gave away all his fine clothes to a poor man, and dressed himself in rough clothes with sandals and a staff. |
The angel of the Lord declared unto
Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail Mary. And the Word was made flesh. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. Let us pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. Ave Maria. Ecce ancilla Domini. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Ave Maria. Et Verbum caro factum est. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. Oremus Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. |
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto
Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amonst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen V. And the Word was made Flesh. R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. |
L'Angelus L'Angelus est une prière en trois versets, en l'honneur de l'incarnation du Christ. Un Ave Maria suit chaque verset et une oraison conclut le tout. L'Angelus se récite trois fois par jour, le matin, le midi et le soir au signal d'une sonnerie de cloche appelée elle aussi Angelus (trois fois trois coups suivis d'une sonnerie en volée). L'Ange du Seigneur annonça à Marie. Et elle conçue du Saint Esprit. Je vous salue Marie... Voici la servante du Seigneur. Qu'il me soit fait selon ta parole. Je vous salue Marie... Et le Verbe s'est fait chair. Et il a habité parmi nous. Je vous salue Marie... Priez pour nous, Sainte Mère de Dieu. Afin que nous soyons dignes des promesses de Jésus-Christ. Prions : Répands, Seigneur ta grâce en
nos coeurs, afin qu'ayant connu par la voie de l'Ange l'Incarnation
de Jésus-Christ ton Fils, nous arrivions par sa passion et sa croix
à la gloire de la résurrection. Par le même Jésus-Christ notre
Seigneur. |
St. Ignatius Loyola
Ignatius counselled his Jesuits (technically neither monks nor friars, but priests regular) to proceed with charity and moderation, "without hard words or contempt for people's errors." He died suddenly on 31 July 1556. His writings include the following prayers: Teach us, good Lord, to
serve thee as thou deservest; Prayer (traditional language) O God, by whose grace thy servant Ignatius, enkindled with the fire of thy love, became a burning and a shining light in thy Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and may ever walk before thee as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, now and for ever. Almighty God, from whom all good things come, who didst call Ignatius of Loyola to the service of thy Divine majesty and to find thee in all things: Inspired by his example and strengthened by his companionship, may we labor without counting the cost and seek no reward other than knowing that we do thy will; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever. Prayer (contemporary language) O God, by whose grace your servant Ignatius, enkindled with the fire of your love, became a burning and a shining light in your Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and may ever walk before you as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Almighty God, from whom all good things come, who called Ignatius of Loyola to the service of your Divine majesty and to find you in all things: Inspired by his example and strengthened by his companionship, may we labor without counting the cost and seek no reward other than knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever. Psalm 34:1-8 |
A PRAYER FOR AMERICA Father, we beg Your blessing for the Right to Life, the Unborn, the weak, the sick and the old; all who are finding themselves being targets of the vicious culture of death; that our Lord Jesus bless and protect all who stand up for the Christian dignity of persons. That God enlighten those who are traveling down death's highway by their involvement, in any way, with either the contemporary death culture, selfism, relativeism, or any of the new age errors of our times, that God envelop our culture with His Divine protection and help us both individually and as a nation to true enlightenment, conversion and repentance of our selves and our culture. Help us to turn from our national sin of abortion, and return to, and once again become a Christian nation, on the narrow road, that is, the path to becoming a nation and culture, under God. Amen. |
World Peace and Prayer Day - June 21, 2001
The Lord's Prayer in 1202 Languages
The Painting of the Angelus Prayer
Messages To the World From the Image Building
The Catholic Online Prayer Menu
Sacred Geometry and the Stories of Jesus
Sirius - The Dogstar - The Lost and Missing Star
Is The Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia?
The Music Playing is titled 'The Three Bells'
Sacred Numbers
to Resuscitate the Dead - |
Prelude of Clues
click on the graphic images for more information
Salvador Dali's Last Supper features a mirror image effect with Jesus centered in a pentagram portion of a dodecahedron. |
Recent data indicates that the universe is shaped like a soccer ball, a dodecahedron with a mirror effect. |
This is Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. It also seems to contain sacred geometry, and coded symbols and numbers. I have traced several parts in yellow to illustrate. |
Quotes from various linked pages
Dali stated that his painting was an "arithmetic and philosophical cosmogony based on the paranoiac sublimity of the number twelve . . . the pentagon contains microcosmic man: Christ."
(Excerpts from the article about the universe being shaped like a soccer ball)
The best explanation for these observations is that the cosmos is a Poincaré dodecahedral space, says a team led by Jeffrey Weeks, an independent mathematician based in Canton, New York. Mathematical models of a spherical, solid Universe edged by 12 curved pentagons produce the patterns seen in the background radiation without any special fine-tuning. "It fits the data surprisingly well," says Weeks.
The dodecahedron is "a nice solution", agrees cosmologist Janna Levin of
the University of Cambridge, UK.
A journey of 60 billion light years across a dodecahedral Universe would bring you right back to Earth. Like a circumnavigation of the globe, it would be a seamless ride: there would be no obvious point at which one 're-entered' the Universe.
The most distant objects would be visible in opposite directions,
although they would be seen at different ages. Trying to spot the same
galaxy in two different places "would be like trying to recognize the same
person viewed at age 50 face-on, and at the age of 7 from the top of their
head, in a crowd of billions," says Weeks.
(end of excerpts)
My comments: This seems somewhat like a "mirror" universe. This concept of the universe was known long ago -
In the now popular jargon, "Operative Masons" are understood to be the bricklayers and the handicraftsmen, who composed the Craft down to Sir Christopher Wren's time; and "Speculative Masons," all members of the Order, as now understood. The sentence attributed to Jesus, "Thou art Peter ... upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" disfigured, as it is, by mistranslation and misinterpretation, plainly indicates its real meaning. We have shown the signification of Pater and Petra, with the hierophants -- the interpretation traced on the tables of stone of the final initiation, was handed by the initiator to the chosen future interpreter. Having acquainted himself with its mysterious contents, which revealed to him the mysteries of creation, the initiated became a builder himself, for he was made acquainted with the dodecahedron, or the geometrical figure on which the universe was built. To what he had learned in previous initiations of the use of the rule and of architectural principles, was added a cross, the perpendicular and horizontal lines of which were supposed to form the foundation of the spiritual temple, by placing them across the junction, or central primordial point, the element of all existences, representing the first concrete idea of deity. Henceforth he could, as a Master builder (see I Cor. 3:10), erect a temple of wisdom on that rock of Petra, for himself; and having laid a sure foundation, let "another build thereon."
[end of excerpt]
Overview Note
This article will show connections between various symbols. A primary set of symbols concern our perception of the reality. One form is ancient, yet still appears in dreams and coincidences. It is the "dome of the world" shape formed by the circle of the horizon with the sky canopy. In three dimensions this can be shown as an Omphalos Stone (see graphic below).
The dome is our perception when standing on a surface, such as the planet Earth. In space, the shape of our perception can be represented as a space-time sphere. The soccer ball (international football) dodecahedrons illustrated above are one form of such a perception sphere.
We are finding, by dream-coincidence and research, more and more symbols that may have a similar meaning, such as a domed building, an umbrella, a grandfather clock, an arched doorway, a jukebox, one's house, and the Siva-linga of Eastern religions.
The start of this search for the meaning of the dome shape came from a dream told to me by Jeff in 1990. It is apparent that our dome-perception Omphalos Stone will undergo a change:
I was on a starship in space with other people. An extremely important message was trying to come in but it couldn't until we first ejected the garbage. I ran frantically and managed to eject it. The message came in over a console with lights flashing. A doctor appeared and led the crew into a bedroom. He began to work on a yard-high mound of jelly-like substance at the foot of the empty bed. Suddenly, I saw a human-sized hand puppet, a male/female pair with only one hand-hole. They fell back into a vat of water. I went over and looked down at them under the water and knew they had to change. They had to change.
A related theme to be examined in this article is the symbolic meaning of being dead, asleep, or not awake. Often this seems to involve a male or male god who is dead and laying in a prone position, while a female or goddess is above or on top of him. With the awakening or resurrection, the male stands up alive. This general theme is quite universal throughout the word, but there are variations.
This strange symbolism seems to be speaking about humanity. The god and the goddess may represent the dual consciousness of mankind. In Jeff's dream above, the duality change symbol was in the from of the puppet pair undergoing a baptism. The healed dome will "jell" here in time, turn into stone, so-to-speak. Jeff had another dream prior to the one above, in which a paratrooper dressed in white came down from the sky and made him stand up from his prone position.
The dome of the world or Omphalos symbol connects with the duality symbol through the ancient Eastern idea that the phallus implanted in the vagina represents the all-pervading space of the universe.
The meaning behind this may be related to messages to the effect that we each create our own reality individually, yet there is an en mass nature to it by a higher level agreement. One could picture this symbolically as many domes connected together by threads of Spider Grandmother into a big web.
An Eastern symbol for this is Indra's Net, which is a "net of jewels" (or pearls) ,each of which reflects like a mirror and contains the reflection of each of the others. The Internet World Wide Web is a similar modern symbol.
The cycle of laying down dead seems related to the time cycle in the lower three levels of consciousness, associated with the chakras. The critical leap is from the third chakra to the fourth. The third chakra at the solar plexus, is basically the ego-centered will to succeed, and is represented by a ten petaled lotus flower and by the color yellow. The fourth chakra is at the heart, where love and compassion and a realization of our connectedness is realized. It is represented as a twelve petaled lotus flower and the color green.
This critical leap is often shown as three and one half, as the midpoint of seven. In some cases it seems to be represented as the fourth step. Somewhat paradoxically, it appears that seven steps or stages has a similar meaning.
There are hints that the seven days of creation are not over, and that we are not yet "man" with free will.
We are not entirely clear as to the meaning of the message of this "standing up" or revival from the dead of the male or male "god." We hope that the meaning will become more clear as the future unfolds. But, it certainly seems to be of a grand Cosmic magnitude. And, it may be just a few years away.
More Clues
" I know your works; you
have the name |
Clue to the time of the awakening:
year of the great seventh number accomplished, |
Clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
he spoke, and then he said to them, 'Our friend Lazarus |
Another clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
"For three days and a
half men from the peoples and tribes and tongues "But
after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered
them, |
Numeric clue: The midpoint of the seven chakras, or three and a half,
is a universal
elementary idea found
worldwide. The midpoint is
the heart chakra, which has the color green, and is symbolized
by a twelve petal lotus flower with a Star of David inside. The
English Alphanumeric of "green" is 49.
11:11 clue indicating the year, hour, and minute of the end of the cycle
2012 |
month |
day |
hour |
2012 |
month |
day |
hour |
minute |
month |
day |
hour |
minute |
Perihelion |
Jan |
5 |
00 |
Equinoxes |
Mar |
20 |
05 |
14 |
Sept |
22 |
14 |
49 |
Aphelion |
July |
5 |
03 |
Solstices |
June |
20 |
23 |
09 |
Dec |
21 |
11 |
11 |
In the 28 years listed on the page from which the above table was taken, only the one 11:11 universal time is given. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21, 2012. That is the famous "End Date" -
The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D.
Perhaps it is significant that 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the Mayan end date comes. A common factor seems to be the 11:11 AM times of the end of World War One on 11-11-1918 and the exact moment of the Mayan cycle end.
Clue to the 11:11 association with Lost Tribes.
"In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet
a second time to recover |
On March 11, 1992 ,a voice spoke in my dream, saying, "Cycle of time . . . [long pause] . . . to identify the Lost Tribes." I saw an image of a circular swirled pattern.
Seven years later, on July 4, 1999, a similar pattern appeared as a crop circle formation near Hackpen Hill, near Broad Hinton, Wiltshire. It was called the Crescent Vortex. The geometry of the formation was similar to a pattern developed by Wolfgang Held, showing the zones of total solar eclipses over a period of time, called, "Saros-Cycle 145."
I have found that other people have had dreams about the Lost Tribes.
On August 11, 1999, an amazing solar eclipse took place, along with a "Grand Cross" alignment of the planets. The "Diamond Ring Effect" happened at 11:11 AM over Cornwall, England. Coincidentally, there are many legendary connections to the Lost Tribes related to Cornwall and Great Britian.
The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 also seemed to be a symbolic event. The 11:11 was one part of it. The Lost Tribes were another part.
Part of this symbolic story relates to Joseph Smith and the Mormons, along with the city of Salt Lake, Utah. Great Britan and the USA symbolically represent the two sons of the Biblical Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob.
Crop Circle & Scientific Clues
Key to a triplet number
288 Lock |
156 Key |
Key in Lock |
Clue: Compare the above to science:
Professor Leahy had a dream which
helped him with his theory. In the dream he had a key with the number 2808 on it. Another key number in his calculations is 82944, as related to to the the 'God Particle'. |
The diagrams of the two crop circle formations above, labeled "288 Lock" and "156 Key" suggest a series of combined numbers related to triplet numbers. Note that if one quarter of each formation are combined, the result is 39 + 72 = 111. Therefore, obviously, one half gives 78 + 144 = 222.
The number 82944 is the square of 288. And, incredibly, 39 x 72 = 2808, the number on the key in Professor Leahy's dream!
One way to look at this set of numbers is:
1 x 72 or 2 x 36 = 72 with 39 ( 3 x 13 or 2 x 19.5) gives 72 + 39 = 111 (37 x 3)
The table below gives numbers that go together in a similar manner to make all the triplets:
72x |
or |
36x |
= |
with |
39x |
or |
13x |
or |
19.5x |
gives |
or |
37x |
1 |
2 |
72 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
72 | + |
39 |
= |
111 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
144 |
2 |
6 |
4 |
144 |
+ |
78 |
= |
222 |
6 |
3 |
6 |
216 |
3 |
9 |
6 |
216 |
+ |
117 |
= |
333 |
9 |
4 |
8 |
288 |
4 |
12 |
8 |
288 |
+ |
156 |
= |
444 |
12 |
5 |
10 |
360 |
5 |
15 |
10 |
360 |
+ |
195 |
= |
555 |
15 |
6 |
12 |
432 |
6 |
18 |
12 |
432 |
+ |
234 |
= |
666 |
18 |
7 |
14 |
504 |
7 |
21 |
14 |
504 |
+ |
273 |
= |
777 |
21 |
8 |
16 |
576 |
8 |
24 |
16 |
576 |
+ |
312 |
= |
888 |
24 |
9 |
18 |
648 |
9 |
27 |
18 |
648 |
+ |
351 |
= |
999 |
27 |
The numbers on the left side are based on five-fold and ten-fold designs, such as the pentagon or pentagram, a five-pointed star. Keep in mind that the universe may be based on this type of geometry, as a dodecahedron has twelve pentagons. Five-pointed stars appear frequently as crop circle formations. In a number of cases, a pair of such stars appear interlaced. In other cases the single star had other details that indicated a circle divided into ten parts:
Crop circle that appeared |
Freddie Silva's Geometric |
I put the yellow color in the image on the right to show the similarity to the images at the top of this page. According to Andy Thomas, in his excellent book, Vital Signs, on page 71 -
"Observing previous pentagram formations, Michael Glickman had noticed that in every case one point of the star would point precisely south."
Freddie Silva's dowsing analysis |
The result of Joe Mason's 1994 dream - |
I feel that this is an important observation on Michael's part. It seems to support the idea that the directions are being placed consistently, perhaps indicating that the 360 degrees of a circle should come to our attention. My dream in 1994 indicated such a circle divided into ten parts of 36 degrees each. Each of the numbers at those locations are part of the ancient "Gematrian" numbering system. Full circles repeat the same numbers by a factor of ten (360, 720 , 1080, etc.
Around the year 1994, I noticed that three diagrams in The Sacred Symbols of Mu, page 235, depected spiders as having a cross shape on their backs. The Hopi creation myth also shows Spider Grandmother with a cross on her back. The inspiration came to me to draw Spider Grandmother over the Gematrian Wheel:
The eight legs fall on the Gematrian points that have the primary tangents, other than zero. The top at zero degrees or 360 degrees has a zero tangent, as does the bottom at 180 degrees. The other eight points, where the legs of the spider touch, have four tangents. If the plus and minus signs are ignored, there are just two tangents. When the two tangents are multiplied, the result is the square root of five. For example:
Tangent of 36 = 0.7265425280054
Tangent of 72 = 3.077683537175
0.7265425280054 x 3.077683537175 = 2.2360679775
Square root of 5 = 2.2360679775
According to Carl Munck, the square root of five is the tangent of the speed of light in air!
In his book about the symbols of Mu, Colonel James Churchward reported that he came across legends about the Grey and Black Pointed Spider in the South Sea Islands some fifty years prior. He had difficulty understanding the meaning. The legends were "too obtuse," he wrote, giving examples:
There the Grey and Black Pointed Spider would have mounted to Heaven, but he was held back by the bitterness of the cold.
The roads were cunningly constucted to represent the web of the Grey and Black Pointed Spider, and no man could discover the beginning or end thereof.
My study of dreams suggest that various symbols indicating temperature can refer to the coldness or warmth of a person's heart.
James Churchward wrote that a friend, Dr. Thomas M. Stewart, of Cincinnati, Ohio, helped him to understand the symbolic meaning of the spider, by showing him relics found in the burial vaults of the Mound Builders of Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee. On the backs of spider images engraved on pieces of shells, were the cross type shapes indicating the Four Great Forces. Similar images were on pottery recovered from the ancient ruined cities in Crete, Cyprus and ancient Troy in Asia Minor. The four forces of science are electromagnatism, gravity, the strong atomic force, and the weak atomic force.
The image of the map on the right, above, is from David Flynn's book, Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars. The caption reads:
Megaliths on the earth seem to be related to each other, built along a "grid" composed of two pentagrams within the circle of the equator. All the monuments fall into place along this grid if one pentagram is "anchored" at Giza & one at the Prime Meridian at 0 longitude. Too many major architectural structures exist along this dual-pentagram design for it to be mere coincidence.This design predicts where megalithic structures will be found, as well.
David is the creator of the great web site:
Top: Crop Formation at Froxfield, 4 August 1994 Bottom: Mega Glyph crop circle 2001 with 409 circles |
Top: Flower (seed) of Life with chakra |
Large clue: The English Alphanumerics
for the seven
chakra colors add to 409.
The number 409 can be shown as 360 + 49.
The ancient number 360 is used as degrees to
segment full circles. The word "chakra" means
"wheel." Remember from above, "green" adds
to 49 and represents the heart chakra.
(see table of numbers for the Mega Glyph below)
Clue: The central circle representing
Peter the Rock, above, is the:
The yellow outline of the dome shape on the picture of the painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, above, is intended to show that the great man my have encoded an omphalos shape into the arrangement. The design on the rectangular ceiling above the figures appears to be a six by six grid, like the "Magic Square of the Sun" (see below). The entire arrangement could correspond to the Tree of Life, with its three pillars.
Franz Gnaedinger created a comprehensive article analyzing Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper -
"As you looked, a stone was |
Old Sarum |
Daniel interprets the frightening |
A diagram of the |
Clues: The lower sphere of the Tree of Life, Malkuth the Kingdom Earth,
is another symbol of the Omphalos Stone. It is also symbolized by the
legendary Jacob's
Pillar Stone or the Stone of
Scone, which was returned
to Scotland in recent years. The ancient Gematrian number associated
with it is 1296,
which is six to the fourth power 6 x 6 x 6 x 6. Forms of
the number 153 are also related, such as 513.
Note that 153 + 513 = 666,
and that 360 added to twice 153 = 666. I believe this "scary" number is
not simply "evil," but is related to mankind. The number is related to the
Magic Square of the Sun, based on the number six, as a 6 x 6 grid
with the numbers 1 through 36 in the boxes. Adding all the numbers
results in 666. Adding a row or column results in 111. The corner
diagonals add to 37 (1 + 36 and 6 + 31).
The Magic Square |
The crop circle formation that appeared at Old Sarum in 1992 may be
similar in meaning, with the lower glyph as the Omphalos of Earth. It may
well represent the frightening images that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his
In that sense, the lower glyph would represent the stone that shattered the
of the past ages and became the great mountain that filled the whole earth.
Old Sarum was known for a unique liturgical rite known as "Sarum Use" or
Use of Sarum," which is based on the mystical-spiritual insights of St.
Osmund and
his assistants. Spiritual rulerships are assigned to each of the seven days
of the week.
This was expressed as votive masses. Astalea writes that "The Use of Sarum"
a reflection of profound
knowledge of the Seven Rays; their qualities and purposes. .
Seven Ray Colors - Clothed With The Sun
I first read the above words from Revelation 3:1-4 in 1991, I was shocked,
because, about a year prior, my friend, Jeff, had told me a dream where his
white garments became soiled.
In the years since that time, many clues have come that seem to verify that we are in the times of Revelation, when information is being revealed that was previously hidden.
This article reports a few of the clues that seem connected. A primary part of the focus, in addition to the Omphalos, is on the symbolic meaning of the dead rising up alive. One form of this is awaking the "sleeping giant." Some fear that this may refer to a massive explosion of the world's largest caldera in Yellowstone.
The clues here fit with Yellowstone as a possible symbol of explosive changes in human consciousness and ways of being. In this sense, it may relate to the Omphalos Stone as the central hub or navel of the world.
Clues of the sleeping giant hint that this may be the United States in a human body form with chakra centers. In this sense, Yellowstone may be the third chakra, which is located near the navel and has a base color of yellow.
My feeling is that the entire world is involved in the awakening, and that the USA connection is more of a localized representation of all humanity. Other locations, of course, are figured to have chakra centers. The Avebury Stone circle in England has been considered an Omphalos, and some say this has passed on to Glastonbury, where legend says the Holy Grail is located at the bottom of Chalice Well.
The Spider Web formation of 1994 that appeared next to Avebury Stone circle also suggests a circle divided into ten parts:
10 Fold Spider Web, 11 Aug 94, Avebury, Wiltshire
Sacred Crops: Sacred Space & Crop Circles
The altar-stone which doubled as a coronation-throne in the Bronze Age Glastonbury Temple may be comparable to the "Stone of Olenos", which was in the Greek Temple of Delphi; or to the "Even Shetiyah Stone" ["Jacob’s Pillar-Stone"], which was the base stone upon which set the "ark-of-the-covenant" in the Hebrew Temple at Jerusalem; or to the "omphalos" [= "navel stone"], which was the base stone of the high-altar in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre upon which set the "Holy Grail" before the vessel’s disappearance. Legend says that the sacred-stone fell to earth from Heaven when a meteor was seen burning in the night sky. The stone is called "Lapis Exillis" or "Stone Fallen from the Sky" in medieval romance. It was in fact a meteorite that had been cut four-square and treated as a sacred object. This stone is today one of five sacred stones in the British Isles. The "Stone of Scone", also called the "Stone of Unction", the "Stone of Destiny", etc., formerly encased in the base of St. Edward’s Throne, the coronation-chair of British monarchs in Westminster Abbey, at London, England, is believed by some to be the inauguration stone of the Pictish kings when Scone became their capital city, and continued in use when the Scottish dynasty took over. It may have been placed in a chair, as formerly in St. Edward’s Throne, for we find in Pictish artwork chairs or thrones with kings seated upon them. Then, others believe that the "Stone of Scone" is to be identified with "Jacob’s Pillar-Stone", which was originally brought to Ireland by Jewish refugees following the Babylonian conquest of Judea, whom they say the Scots are their descendants.
There is a calculated design behind what appears to be a random
arrangement of stones throughout the country which are aligned both to one
another and to the movement of the planets and stars as a gigantic
astronomical hologram of the skies above the earth below. Too, the whole of
Britain is criss-crossed with a network of invisible straight lines called
"leys," or "ley-lines." Some have drawn comparisons with a Chinese system of
landscape called Feng-Shui. The ley-lines are suppose to trace the veins and
arteries of the planet as a network of power, the natural earth currents
that courses through the leys constitutes the nervous system of the "living"
planet-earth. The leys at the same time link all sacred sites together like
a complicated spider’s web. This invisible grid-like system which covers the
country was focused on the axis of Stonehenge. There are 900 or more stone
circles [henges] throughout the British Isles, though none of them is as
elaborate as Stonehenge.
The first-quarter of the Late Bronze Age was a period of great
prosperity for Britain. The country’s prosperous economy was supported by
sea-borne commerce and trade with Europe, the Mediterranean nations, and
with Africa. This prosperity was what enabled the British kings of this
period to build many of Britain’s great megalithic monuments, such as the
Glastonbury Temple (2700BC), the royal citadel and capital city of Avebury
(2650BC), and the observatory of Stonehenge (2500BC).
The druids carried along with them to Scotland the "Lia Fail" Stone, which now became the "Stone of Scone". It was the royal omphalos stone upon which the Iron Age Irish high-kings were crowned, and before them the Bronze Age British kings.
[end of excerpts]
This part was inserted on 4-17-04. The lower part was inserted 4-11-04:
The Dome of the Rock is a Muslim monument on the Temple Mount, which is a huge enclosed platform on the top of a small rise in the Old City of Jerusalem called Mount Moriah. The Temple Mount was called in Hebrew Har BaBayit, which means "the Mountain of the House," as in God's House; in Arabic Haram es-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary); and it is a trapezoid measuring 1.5 million square feet or 500,000 square yards and occupying forty-five acres.
As impressive as it is in its own right, the Temple Mount (elevation: 2,220 feet) is the setting for an even more impressive jewel. The center of attention and the focus of the majority of the site's sacrality is an oblong rock, a natural outcropping, that measures fifty-six by forty-two feet. It's called the Foundation Stone, or in Hebrew, Even HaShetiyah, said to have been planted here at the beginning of Creation and taken by God from His Throne of Glory.
Thus Jerusalem's holiest spot is a rock that the ancient Jews saw as
the center of the Earth, the axis of the universe, the pivot that joined
Heaven and Earth, and Earth with the primeval chaos beneath it. "It was the
root of heaven, the lid of hell, the place through which souls spring up
when ascending from hell to heaven.
The site of the Temple of Jerusalem, with the Stone as its center, was believed to be the precise place out of which the Flood waters erupted and back into which they receded when the Flood was over. Then the great rock was set upon the opening into the abyss, keeping the Flood waters penned in. The Stone of Foundation was an omphalos, or primordial navel, and also the first solid object created by God and "placed by God amidst the as yet boundless fluid of the primeval waters."
Legend says God then built up the Earth concentrically around this Stone just as the body of an embryo is grown from its navel. "In the same manner in which the body of the embryo receives its nourishment through the navel, so the whole Earth too receives the waters that nourish it from this Navel."
Ever since the seventh century, the Muslim Dome of the Rock (Arabic:
Kubbat as-Sakrah) has stood directly over this unusual rock, framing it in
an octagonal temple topped with a golden dome (sixty feet wide), its inner
surface a sublime kaleidoscope of arabesques in gilt and plaster, arching
one hundred feet above the rock.
INIMICAL ENERGIES AT THE TEMPLE MOUNT- We should not be surprised to find a fair concentration of what we could label dark and negative energies marshaled at the Temple Mount to block or distort access.
Two giant astral beings are locked in mortal battle atop the Mount, swords clashing, wounds gaping; they are primitive beings of a male valence, and all they do is fight, striving to kill each other. This energy permeates Jerusalem. Numerous alien ships high above the city quarantine the Mount in a ring of beams broadcast like laser shafts.
These energies help maintain the energies and functions of several circles of reptilian beings and giant astral snakes that surround the Mount, facing outwards into Jerusalem, discouraging access, keeping the energies combative, fragmented, bent on isolation and conflict. Behind them and also facing away from the Mount is another circle of large demonic control beings; their function too is to dissuade the fainthearted, to inflame those on the edge, to confuse or scare the rest, to keep the Mount and Stone from being used again as intended.
The dome directly over the Mount and encompassing all of Jerusalem is damaged. Part of its crown is severed, like a yarmulke riding the side of the head by the ears instead of the occiput. The two cords linking the dome to the master dome at Avebury are damaged; one of them is not "hooked up" at all. The damages mean that Jerusalem through its dome is not receiving the beneficial cosmic energies of both Sirius and Canopus through Avebury as they are meant to; this allows other inimical energies to exert the predominant influence.
The dome can be repaired, but it requires human assistance in
conjunction with the angelic realm, and such repair could only be undertaken
if the spiritual worlds judged it appropriate or karmically possible. (For
information about another damaged dome, see Clingman's Dome, Tennessee.)
[end of excerpts]
Incorporated within the clues are various number systems and associated geometry. The numbers are as ancient as human history. Dreams, crop circles, coincidences, and symbolic events provide some of the clues.
In an almost entirely separate cultural setting, academic science, parallel events are taking place. As yet, this remains mostly unrecognized and unacknowledged. That, I believe, is one perception that will be changing.
The Christian version of the Omphalos is told in the Book of John, chapter 21, in the Bible. Peter the fisherman apostle represents the stone, as the name Peter or Petra means rock or stone.
In ancient times the word petra had another meaning, "interpretations" which were inscribed on stone tables. I believe the double meaning is a major clue indicating that the stone of change may be new interpretations at the time the veil is lifted and the secret things are uncovered. When new interpretations come, beliefs change; then it follows that perceptions change. Remember that a symbol of our perception can be the dome of the world Omphalos.
I was in a rush to get some of this information online prior to Psalm Sunday, so the first draft was mostly a collection of e-mails and notes on the subjects. I am now in the process of making it a bit more presentable.
That work will be continuing. Meanwhile, the e-mail and notes version is below, along with some graphic and text improvements.
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
April 5, 2004
Table of Mega Glyph Numbers
Mega Glyph Crop Circle at Milk Hill, August 13, 2001
The Mega Glyph formation, linked above, appeared a few weeks prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The formation was composed of 409 circles. Each of the six segments had 13 major circles and 55 smaller circles. The total circles in each segment are multiples of 17 -
Mega Glyph Numbers
Add the central 72 foot circle to |
Some of the "music" numbers are there. The "Large circles" column above fits with Mayan timekeeping and with Tarot cards, as multiples of 13. The number 39 is also twice 19.5, a key number in hyperdimensional tetrahedral mathematics. This concept has been presented by Richard Hoagland and his associates at the Enterprise Mission Site. The geometry involves two interlaced tetrahedrons inside a planetary sphere. The geometry of the Mega Glyph crop circle formation fits quite well with the concept.
The number 17 is related to 153, the number of fish in the net (John 21), as the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153.
The formation appeared around August 17, perhaps suggesting 8 x 17 = 136.
When the number 288 is subtracted from the number 409, the result is 121, which is 11 x 11.
On the page liked above, Norma Smith lists the English alphanumericas of the seven colors of the spectrum as -
27 |
60 |
92 |
49 |
40 |
58 |
83 |
409 |
Chakra 1 |
Chakra 2 |
Chakra 3 |
Chakra 4 |
Chakra 5 |
Chakra 6 |
Chakra 7 |
.. |
4 petals |
6 petals |
10 petals |
12 petals |
16 petals |
2 petals |
972* |
50 + 972 |
These are also the colors associated with the seven chakras, in the order of chakra one through chakra seven, from left to right. "Green = 49" is the fourth-Heart chakra. This is figured as A=1, B=2, etc. The * is placed beside the 972 to note that the number is not accepted by everyone. Perhaps the most common number given for the seventh chakra is 1000 petals. The 972 figure is given here, based on the information in our 1997 article:
Crop Circle Formations As Chakras
It was based on a review of an article by Jens Rowold, who used the chakra system developed by Barbara Ann Brennan. Barbara, like others, can see the energy in the aura. She wrote the book, Hands of Light. The 972 petals are said to be composed of 960 white petals or vortices, and 12 golden petals or vortices.
Mirrors, Mirrors Everywhere!
It seems the many 9-11 forms are part of the wake-up call to resuscitate Lazarus (humanity) from the dead. New connections are coming fast these days, like a flood of information. One such, with a little help, came to me yesterday, April 9, 2004, Good Friday. It is about the number "mirrors."
The Nines |
0 |
9 |
18 |
27 |
36 |
45 |
mirror |
54 |
63 |
72 |
81 |
90 |
The Elevens |
0 |
11 |
29 |
38 |
47 |
56 |
mirror |
65 |
74 |
83 |
92 |
110 |
The "reduced" values of the nines row are all nine, except the zero. The reduced values of the elevens row are 11, not including the 0 and figuring 11 as the end of the reduction. In some systems, an 11 would reduce to 2. When the mirrors of the double digit nines are added (18 + 81, 27 + 72, etc.), the result is 99, which is 9 x 11.
When the mirrors of the double digit elevens are added (29 + 92, 38 + 83, etc.), the results are 121, which is 11 x 11.
When a zero is placed between the double digit numbers, the nines result in mirror addings of 909 and the elevens result in 1111. (108 + 801, 207 + 702, etc., and 209 + 902, 308 + 803, etc.)
When each number set of the two rows above are added, the results are:
0 |
20 |
47 |
65 |
83 |
101 |
center |
119 |
137 |
155 |
173 |
200 |
Except for 0, 20, and 200, the numbers all "reduce" to 11. Adding the eight numbers that reduce to 11 (47 through 173 above) totals 880. That is an octave of the note of "A" in music, and is half a mile in yards. All the numbers added comes to 1100. Each pair on the sides of the center add to 220 (20 + 200, 47 + 173, etc.).
One can also "mirror" the flight numbers of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:
571 |
39 |
77 |
11 |
mirror |
11 |
77 |
93 |
175 |
The "mirror" number 571 may have been a BIG hint. A movie was paying at the time, "U-571," which is about finding a the solution to a secret code under the water. Another movie playing was "Ocean's Eleven." Coincidence? I think not!
I also doubt it was a coincidence that prior to 9-11-01 there were 777 NYC firemen killed in the line of duty, while 343 were killed on that one day (343 = 7 x 7 x 7). Yet another unlikely coincidence was the 11-9-65 blackout in the Eastern US, 36 years prior to 9-11-01. In this case, subtract mirror numbers: 911 - 119 = 792. That is a base ten harmonic of a major Gematrian number, (11 + 11) x 360 = 7920. It is the diameter of the planet Earth in miles. My snail mail friend, Paul, dreamed that number years ago. After I informed him that it was Earth's diameter, he pointed out that the word, "Gematria," means "measuring the Earth!"
You may know that a box around the Earth is part of the New Jerusalem Plan, giving 4 x 7970 = 31680 miles, the sublunar distance around the New Jerusalem, while 3168 is associated with "Lord Jesus Christ." Yet another coincidence is that Bethlehem is at 31.68 degrees latitude.
All of the numbers in the last list above were airline flight numbers in the 9-11-01 attacks, except for number 39. It is, however, part of the other code sequence I mentioned above concerning the triplet numbers.
The Seven Chakras
Regarding the Revelation 3:1 "you are dead" quote given near the top of this page, addressed to the church in Sardis, there are a total of seven angels of the seven churches:
Rev. 2:1 "To the angel of the church in Ephesus . . ."
Rev. 2:8 "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna . . ."
Rev. 2:12 "And to the angel of the church in Pergamum . . ."
Rev. 2:18 "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira . . . "
Rev. 3:1 "And to the angel of the church in Sardis . . . "
Rev. 3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia . . . "
Rev. 3:14 "And to the angel of the church in Laodica . . . "
References to seven are found throughout the Bible, especially in Revelation. One interpretation is that the seven chakras are related. If one counts from the bottom, in the above list, Sardis would correspond to the third chakra, which is represented by a ten petal lotus with a five-pointed star inside. The color is yellow. The ten horns associated with the beast and harlot of Revelation 17 may correspond to the third chakra. The harlot clearly corresponds to the eastern goddess Kali. Part of the meaning is a stressful karmic process of purification, called death or destruction creation. This corresponds to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's growth.
1993 Bythorn |
Yantra to Kali |
Sri Yantra |
The Bythorn Mandala crop circle formation is said to represent the third chakra. It is on the left, above. One of the points was facing South. The similar graphic in the middle is a yantra to Kali. The graphic on the right is the Sri Yantra, the pattern that apeared grooved into a dry lake bed in Oregon in 1990. A five-pointed star with two horns or points facing upward is an esoteric symbol of the Kali Yuga time cycle, the Age of Iron, corresponding to the legs of iron in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. See page 5 of The Secret Doctrine:
The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky -- Vol. 1
All the symbols in this section (above) of The Secret Doctrine have appeared as crop circle formations in various forms.
The harlot of Revelation 17 seems to have the same meaning as Kali in the eastern traditions. We are nearing the end of the Kali-Yuga, the Age of Iron, and will return to the Age of Gold. The four metals associated with the "frightening image" dream of Nebuchadnezzar are the same in the Hindu chronology. Kali is thrown down at the end of the cycle.
Kali (the harlot) represents karma or judgment, and it is this "beast" that is thrown down at the end of the cycle, as indicated by Revelation 17:11. It seems to be the "Swallower" of the Egyptians, an "eighth that belongs to the seven." The harlot symbolism seems to mean that we "pay" for the "fornication," meaning the duality bond in the time cycle. We "kings" of the earth give over our "royal power" to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled (Rev. 17:11).
Kali wears a girdle of severed human hands. As the instruments of our works, it indicates the karmic function. Kali invokes "tamasisk," emotions of fury, which corresponds to being drunk on the wine of the harlot. The 12 stars of Rev. 12, and the New Jerusalem fit with the idea of the Heart chakra level, which has twelve petals on the lotus, with a Star of David inside.
Note the similarity of the outer portions of the two yantras. One of the meanings of the Sri Yantra is a path through the chakras from outward-inward. The four "T" shaps are gates and represent the first chakra. The second chakra is represented by the sixteen petal flower. The third chakra is symbolized by the eight petal flower.
This is a photograph of the huge Sri Yantra pattern found grooved into a dry lake bed in Oregon in 1990:
This is a bit confusing, but it seems to involve two systems. In the more "standard" system, the third chakra is represented by a lotus flower with ten petals, whereas in the yantra system shown above, the third chakra is represented by an eight petal lotus flower.
My "dream-coincidence" experiences may shed more light on the subject. The top-left graphic below is one of my chits, brass vouchers used to rent tools at a workplace. In Sandskrit the word "chit" means consciousness. A dream of interlocking circles in a ring on October 18, 1990 lead me to draw the graphic on the right. I did not realize right away that the outer boarder fit with the chit pattern. Two weeks later I awoke "knowing" what the pattern meant. It was the Oversoul with the various reincarnational or focus personalities.
In the year 2000 the two crop formations depicted in the lower two frames above appeared. Clearly they are related by design to the other iamges above. Note how the formation on the lower right has the sixteen fold design with the eight fold design inside, just as the yantra patterns.
Dream Visions and the USA Chakra Map
Phillip's Dream Vision
On May 28, 2002, I added this to my article about the 9-11 events:
Today I found this precognitive dream reported by Phillip Burley:
My Reflections on the events of September 11, 2001 - Phillip Burley
My thought after reading the above:
The "sleeping giant" awakes; woe to those who will experience the giant's wrath. It is time to turn from the black road of death destruction creation that results from the lower consciousness levels, and bring forth our higher aspects.
[end of excerpt]
In the article, Phillip Burley reported a dream vision he had several years prior to September 11, 2001. In the dream, he saw a huge bomb go off at or near the World Trade Center. Later he had a visitation from an angel.
The angel showed him America as a sleeping giant. The states were sown together like patches in a quilt that served as a blanket over the giant. The giant's head rested in New York City , as if it was his pillow. The feet of the giant rested in Los Angeles.
The Angel explained that Boston is the intellectual center, Washington D.C. is the political center, and New York City is the financial center.
Phillip walked with the angel, like giants, across the southern part of the United States. At Los Angeles, the angel reached down and pulled the quilt up and off of the feet of the sleeping giant. Phillip was horrified to see that two giant rats were gnawing away at the feet of the sleeping giant!
Phillip awoke feeling disturbed. He knew that the rats symbolized many things eating away at the foundation (feet) of the nation.
The dream may have been speaking of a spiritual awakening in America.
When the terrorist attacks took place a few years later, Phillip recalled his dream vision. Shortly thereafter, while driving in his car, he heard over the radio a person comparing the 9-11 attacks to the attack on Pearl Harbor. That attack was said to have awakened the "sleeping giant," and that the Japanese would experience the awakened giant's wrath. As far as he could recall, Phillip had never heard this quote before.
Lazarus Rising
In March of 2004, Dee forward the following e-mail to me:
Subj: Re: Yellowstone Hello Dee, I found your great dreams website a few days ago
while researching visions & After reading about the Yellowstone volcano, I
thought it important to email you, Naturally, I immediately tried to research what
"the sleeping giant" was. I concluded Last week I received a message to purchase 24
candles. It didn't make sense to me. Since my child first began receiving prophetic
dreams and visions a few months ago, In the bottom right corner are 2 months, one is
July (which he thinks is odd since it is However,there are no dates highlighted for the month of August. In view of what is currently happening at
Yellowstone, I felt perhaps the messages If you should wish to share this on your website, you have my permission. Love & Light Lazarus |
Dee's article about the Yellowstone volcano is here:
USA Tree of Life Chakra Map
After reading Lazarus' e-mail, I recalled Phillip's dream vision and got the idea that the USA may have chakra type centers. These could correspond to the Tree of Life. Boston, New York City and Washington D.C. could be the upper triad. Los Angeles could be Yesod, the "Foundation," or the Kingdom, Malkuth, Earth. Yellowstone could fit with the third chakra, which is symbolized by a yellow lotus flower with ten petals with a five-pointed star inside. I marked various places on this map to show the theory:
I chose the various places based on the information above, and other information about possible symbolism regarding various cities. Perhaps others could make more accurate choices. The places on the map correspond to the Tree of Life in this manner:
Compare this to a conventional Tree of Life diagram:
A helpful site in exploring the meanings of the various parts of the tree is here:
The third chakra is said to be the pair of spheres, Hod/Glory and Netzach/Victory. The Path between them is associated with the Tower Tarot card, number 15. This is the 27th path of the tree. On the USA chakra map Hod and Netzach correspond to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone. It may be that Yellowstone fits better with the path 27, between the spheres. Note that this horizontal path is crossed by the verticle path from Yesod/Foundation to Teferet/Beauty. The verticle path is number 25, associated with Tarot card 14, Tempernance.
Some dreams of driving to various places on roadways may be indicating the Tree of Life. In some of the dreams a bridge or overpass is part of the landscape. This may represent one of the crossing points of the paths of the Tree, such as the two mentioned above.
In terms of the Tree of Life, the Omphalos may be suggested by the entire central pillar or a part of it, such as the Tower Card path or the lowest sphere, Malkut. The Omphalos is associated with the "stone," which is another reason I felt that "Yellowstone" fit the picture. In the Biblical story in John 21, Peter the Fisherman corresponds to the central circle. Peter or Petra, of course, means "rock" or "stone." The word had the other meaning, "interpretation."
I found an example of Tarot Card 15 that fits well with these ideas. I found it via a google search for the words Tower Tarot Omphalos phallic.
XV. Turris - Purgos - Tower (15, 16)
Here are some excerpts from the page:
The scene is dominated by a beehive-shaped mound, on which stands a tall, nearly cylindrical, brick ziggurat, divided into seven stories by horizontal terraces, above each of which there is a round window, lighted from within by colored light (from top to bottom: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red).
The tower, one of the key symbols of the trump, is ambivalent: it represents both protection and confinement; it is both a fortress and a prison. Therefore, the tower itself teaches a lesson: that the most invulnerable defenses may become the most imprisoning bonds (cf. the shield in VIII.Victory). It is also ambivalent in being, on the one hand, feminine and protective, and, on the other, phallic and inaccessible. Further, the tower which houses a maiden or princess is simultaneously protective and confining, a symbol of virginity (Cooper s.vv. Garden, Tower).
As in the Middle Pillar Exercise (e.g. Regardie III.55-9), the celestial power is drawn down from the heavens, through the seven levels, which symbolize the chakras, represented by the seven colors of the rainbow (Judith 324-7). (Assignments of colors to the chakras vary; see for example Eliade, Yoga 241-3, or the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana in Avalon.) The seven levels of the tower also represent the seven planets and the seven heavenly spheres (Butterworth, Tree 163; Eliade, Sham. 267). (The Middle Pillar, of course, is the Axis Mundi, as is the Tower; see below.)
[end of excerpt]
I was looking for "phallic" symbolism because in Eastern traditions, the Shiva linga seems to be a form of the Omphalos. See:
The Shiva Linga -
Images of Cosmic Manhood in Art and Mythology
July 26, 2004 Update
A great confirmation of the chakra ideas came in the form of a pair of crop circle formations at Pewsey White Horse.
The Chakra System Crop Circle Formation
The Bee-Hive Crop Circle Formation
The Wedding and the Omphalos Stone
The Hebrew Alphabet and the Paths on the Tree of Life
Tree of Life: A Different Perspective
17 FISH -
(153 Fish in the Net)
The Da Vinci Code Research Guide
Tree of Life ~ Winged Discs - Omphalos ~ Arcs & Archetypes
Crop Circle Photographers
We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them.
Busty Taylor | ||
Patricia Murray |
Clemens Richter |
Richard Wintle |
Andrew King |
David Russell |
Russell Stannard |
Graham Tucker |
Richard Harvey |
Summer Garland |
Additional notes and Emails can be found below and here:
If you have any questions about this article, contact Joe Mason at:
This article was originally uploaded on April 5, 2004.
This page was last updated on December 18, 2005.
This page was previously updated on November 22, 2004.
The URL of the page is:
Return to Crop Circle Page
Return to Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Extra notes - data for updates
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation Dreams of Spiders Weaving - The Dreams, Mythology, and the Reality Two Suns - The Connection to 11:11 Laura Lee Show Mapping Earth Grid of Sacred Sites John Michell in Dimensions of Paradise besides providing a beautiful map of Stonehenge-Glastonbury geometry, gives a canon of numbers which he identifies as being essential building blocks of the universe. These include 72 and multiples of 72. This canon of numbers is remarkable for its occurrence in natural cycles and systems. One example being 144, a harmonic of the speed of light, and also noteworthy for its biblical symbolism. xxx |
Subj: Re: [asc2k] Gematria In a message dated 11/15/2004 5:58:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, beverly writes: << Does anyone remember the pair of astrological 5-pointed star formations at the beginning and end of Oct.? This certainly adds more depth to the understanding of the fascinating events that we are living in now. >> Hi Bev, and Asc2k group, I generally don't get involved in many discussions with this group, but I am glad to see some collective interest in the topic of Gematria and Sacred Geometry in general, by a few members here. I've been doing research on this topic for nigh on 30 yrs. now, after having been introduced to the early works of a pioneer author on the subjects by the name of John Michell, whom I now correspond with on an interim basis. Last year I was astounded to discover that some of his early research material has been published on the internet, so if anyone is interested in seeing some authentic information on this subject, here is a great URL. . . . . . on Peter Wakefield Sault's website. I'm sure that is more indepth on the subject than most would care to fathom, but who knows . . .? In regard to the previous line of this discussion, which takes into account the root Sanskrit connection of a word being synonomous with it's object or perhaps activity . . .this appears to be at the basis of many ancient languages in general, although my own particular favorite is the Greek language and its hidden numerical associations. And in regard to your mentioning this Pentagrammic crop circle, I would like to present an interesting curiousity the ties all of the subjects into a neat package. The gematria of the compound Greek word Pente-440 (meaning 5 of course) and Gram-144 (meaning the dual connotation of Write, and or Line) totals . . . 584, which just happens to be the number of days in the synodic cycle of the planet Venus as seen from Earth, as it literally traces a pentagram in the night sky within the Zodiac band every 8 years. In other words, 584 x 5=2920 / 8 =365. Neat eh? Stephen |
Subj: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05 This is the retyped link to DNA article: This discovery with its suggested ET design of our DNA, also suggests activation of this DNA by a specific light signal in the cosmos. A strange massive light burst was detected last year by astronomers. This could very well be the meaning for Tarot card image Judgement, with an angel sounding a trumpet and humans rising from open stone coffins. This card is new English version #24...and 24 is contracted 2004, the leap year of 366 days, or 2 x 183...183 = Transformation, new name of Tarot #13 Death. 24 = ACT...3 of the 4 DNA bases. 24 is letter X, the crossover letter. Recall the significance of 2005 with its 13 cubed near sum of 2197. 21 as letter U is the 4th or missing DNA base--ACTU. 97 = Through, Serpent. Serpent is the helix shape of our DNA. That all these bits of DNA information appear in the past 2 years is no coincidence, to my way of thinking. This 13 theme of Transformation is strongly in my awareness this year, more so than last year with its 24 significance. Norma |
Added June 20, 2005
Byron's Dream of Domes Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 17:09:01 -0600 Alien World 6/17/2005 I found myself on an alien world among people who looked just like me and most of them could fly. We were enclosed in a crystal clear dome. There were trees and people's homes among the trees. Everyone was dressed in white robes. I saw a rock cliff and wondered what was beyond that hill and I flew up as high as I could then pulled myself up on the rocks. On top it was flat with rocks here and there. It was like a wall to the East. Beyond this was a hole like a mine. I heard something and then a machine with a dome top rose up from the hole and I heard a sound that warned of an intruder. I realize or decided that I was the intruder and I flew off the rocks and down among the trees. As I flew I saw an area beyond toward the West and there was a hut among the trees and there were a few people there and one was a woman who seemed to be in charge. I went there and into the tent and saw this woman. She was a leader or wise woman. She had a message about her people and the way they live and how they came to live in this protective dome. The message of the other leaders in that dome told the people they were the only ones that were left on that planet. It was either a lie or something they could not know. I looked beyond and flew up among the tree tops and looked toward the west and I saw the tops of round brown domes and took them to be shelters outside of the dome. As I watched I thought I saw some little people move between the domes. I told the woman what I had seen and she walked to the edge of the dome and touched it and a portal opened and we went outside of the dome. I flew across the fields and over a stream and when I arrived at the domes I saw the little people. They had little shelters for their livestock and I saw animals like sheep, pigs and some kind of birds similar to chickens. I landed among the animals and the little people came out to see me. I returned to the dome and back up on the rocks and this time I was very careful knowing there was something on the other side of those rocks. I practically crawled into the center area where I found geometric shapes of gold and silver, each one different and I filled both hands with them. I heard the alarm sound and I saw the top of the machine raise up and try to see me but apparently it couldn't. I flew from the top of the rocks down to a tent where I gave the metal objects to my wife. |
Byron's dream, and Jeff's 1990 dream (above), may by explained, in part, by this article:
The Year of Jubilee,
Chapter Five: The Hidden Time The idea is that the metaphysical foundation of phallic Yesod, represented as the second (from the bottom) sphere of the Tree of Life, is similar to the idea of the Omphalos becoming opaque (Qlippot), obstructing our view of the upper source Worlds of the Olam, after the "shattering of Vessels" (Shevirah). After the "rectification," (Tikkun) the Yesod sphere becomes clear (sapphire stone). This represents the change in our "evil eye" perception of reality, that will eventually come into being, eliminating the negative influence (Sitra Ahra) from the "Other Side." |
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"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Nine"/b> By Dee Finney |
1-13-00 - DREAMS - It seems that rather than
dreams, I was having more or less a series of ideas, most of which I
can't even remember now except for this which wasn't even a dream. I
heard a distinct voice say: "9 tribute" Another dream was that of some vague step shape pushing everything else aside to make room for itself. That just kept repeating and repeating. It now seems like it was a series of steps with 9 boxes in it. Another dream was reminding me of things I had seen yesterday to make a web page out of. It'll have a simple name. "nine.htm" Early this morning, while meditating on the number nine, I was reminded of the numbers 153 and 72 which will have their own pages. Recall that there are 72 names of God and 108 Goddesses, both divisible by 9. As I woke up, I heard a voice say, "Remember! Shekinah the Light of the World!" Besides that, I am presented with a special challenge and that is that a dear friend of ours has already done a book and web page on this subject titled, "The Secret of Nine". His name is Gary Val Tenuta. So, I'll dedicate this page with love to him and try not to step all over his toes. :-) The
Rainbow of Creation |
We all recall this great cliche I'm sure: "A stitch in time saves nine". Anybody ever wonder why the stitch saves nine instead of 6 or 3 instead? Or why they say cats have nine lives? |
The first thing that comes to mind is a crop circle I wrote about the other day on this page: "THE MOST IMPORTANT CROP CIRCLE ". One of the glyphs is this one: |
. Image Steve Alexander Copyright 1999 Field Report Located directly below the famous White Horse of Oldbury Camp, or more commonly named Cherhill Hill Fort, is one of the finest formations to have appeared in the Avebury area this year. Its appearance came within a flurry of reports that hit the area between the 15th of July to the 17th. The entire week was one of the quietest we have experienced at this time of year, but none of us expected such an amazing amount of formations within just a few days. The Cherhill formation incorporates a design, which has similar elements to previous formations in the general area. We are looking at a much smaller pattern to what appeared at Hackpen Hill a few weeks earlier, but the central section of the Cherhill design includes a number of crescents creating a vortex, which is also present within the Hackpen formation. The floor constructions on these years’ formations have been extremely impressive, and Cherhill was no exception. The pattern around the triangular sections on the outside of the vortex flowed in two directions between each interlocking triangle. This is a feature seen on many designs over the years, but the Cherhill formation incorporated a separate pattern positioned just off the main design. This shape is not the first time to have appeared; it was first seen on the Silverstone formation in Derbyshire back in 1998. It includes a small fork with a swirled central circle with standing crop, and a small tail at the end. On closer inspection of this small pattern, it contained an extremely important detail, which needs to be published. Looking at the central swirled section with the standing crop placed in the middle, on the outer edge of the standing stems, there were about 8-10 stalks, which were completely bent over at the very top of the plant. Not only that, but the stems themselves had discoloured to a brownish colour, which resulted in the seed head being completely dehydrated, with about half and inch of stem included. On the standing walls surrounding the formation, and the small feature pattern, we could not find any evidence of the same effect, it was only concentrated on that small standing centre. A very interesting detail, which I am confident, has not been seen before. It maybe just as mysterious as the Dead Flies found by Janet Ossebaard, but what was so uncanny, is that Janet also discovered this new detail in the Cherhill formation, only a field away from her Dead Flies discovery in 1998. What an amazing formation to photograph and report on, it’s positioned in the field quite beautifully, with the White Horse as a wonderful backdrop. On walking around the formation, you experience a feeling of peace, very similar to walking into a church. This feeling has been present on many formations around this area, and I am sure its about positioning in the landscape which is having a direct effect upon the individual. Reported By Stuart Dike |
Comments about the Nine Pointed Star |
NINEThe Ennead "flows around the other numbers within the Dekad like an ocean." Nichomachus of Gerasa Multiplying by nine reveals a mirror symmetry among numbers. If any number is multiplied by nine the resulting digits always add to nine. For example 2 x 9 = 18; 3 x 9 = 27, 4 x 9 = 36 and so on. Thus, the Hebrews referred to nine as the symbol of immutable Truth. The Ennead, or nine pointed star, is an ancient and sacred symbol. It comprises three trinities. The Egyptian, Celtic, Greek and Christian myths all have an ennead of nine gods and goddesses, representing the entire archetypal range of principles. The magic square is also considered sacred and full of power
in |
Gurdjieff also uses it, called the Enneagram. This system is very old, and is believed to have originated with the Sufis in the Middle East. It groups people into nine types ('ennea' is Greek for the number nine.) The system teaches that people in a given type often behave and react in similar ways. Personality Types |
Nine Pointed Star symbolize the Fruits of the Spirit |
The Bahai's also use the 9 pointed star as their symbol |
As they say, "That said!" here are a series of
dreams in which the number nine was important: 1-29-90 - DREAM - I was given two wheels of wood with nine objects embedded in them in the shape of a cross, one was gold and one was silver. I either had the same dream again, or I was given two more of these wheels. |
6-1-98 - DREAM - I was seeing a web page and they showed me the symbols which meant "Shekinah - Dolores". There were 4 pastel colored symbols _ _OA (I can't remember the other two) Then they showed me another symbol. They said, "You are Shekinah - Dolores...almost" and I saw a crystal square dish with raised sides. (It resembled a 9" square glass baking dish) |
6-1-98 - DREAM - I was at an airport. I seemed
like we lived there. The ceilings were really high, but there was a
living area with trees and plants and other furniture and my daughter
and her children were there also. I was looking out the window at a large passenger plane coming in and a small jet came in at a slightly different angle. The large plane turned sharply to avoid the obvious crash of the two planes. Then, a strange thing happened, the small jet shape-shifted and became cartoonish and bent it's nose over to avoid the crash. It then shape-shifted several more times as it seemed to play with the big plane and it bend and darted around the big plane. I was still standing there watching this happen and it all evaporated in a "poof" and in its place was a huge dark green ...almost black government helicopter which had created a hologram of the two planes. When we saw the government helicopter we became terrified that it had seen us.We must have flipped off the lights because it was suddenly dark. I sat down quickly at a table and put my arms over my head. The helicopter turned on a spotlight and showed it around the room looking for people. Everyone was hidden. The lights swept over me, but I didn't know if it saw me or not. When the helicopter left, my daughter (who was her real adult age) jumped up, turned on the light and ran over to the corner of the room. She began pulling on a dark screen which eventually ran all around the room walls from floor to ceiling. (It did not block the ceiling or the floor) I noted that 4 trees against the wall were left on the outside of the screen, but some other objects in the room which were in the way of pulling out the screen, there was a door in the screen that these things were able to slip past so they were inside the screened area. We continued to pull this screen down a long hallway area which seemed like a mall. On the outside of the screen sat my mother and her sisters on a bench. (all are deceased except my mother). We pulled the screen down to a shop on the corner which was run by all Polish women. They were all terrified of the government helicopter as well and as we pulled the screen through their area, they began packing up everything in boxes as they didn't want our government to see all the things they had handcrafted. I looked at what they were packing up and on the table were numerous ceramic jungle animals, elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion, tiger, antelope, etc. I thought to myself, "these are all commonplace animals, why do they think they have to protect them?" I then saw a box of jewels which were strung on necklaces. I wanted one desperately. I bent over the box and tried to stuff the largest tear drop shaped diamond down the front of my shirt but it didn't fit. I couldn't see any opening in the front of my yellow shirt to put it through, so I ended up selecting a smaller one, less perfect and bumpy, it seemed and pushed it down my shirt where it buttoned at the throat. We got everything packed up then went and sat in the livingroom, playing with my daughter's children. I was holding her youngest daughter Gabrielle on my lap when we heard a loud droning sound. We looked out the window and saw a UFO shaped object coming towards the house. It was barely above the treetops and coming downward. My daughter said, "It's not normal for them to come so low!" I was thinking that it reminded me of advertising blimps because it was so colorful and shiny. It was glinting colors of red, white, and blue. My daughter said, "Don't let my daughter see it, and I clutched the baby on my lap, within my arms and bend my head low over her to hide her. The UFO made a second pass over the house and then it left and I saw up again, and held the baby up, saying, "She seems just like a doll!" She didnt' seem real anymore. I then got really hungry and decided to go out and get some donuts. I was going to have to walk, but another girl who was getting ready for work and dressed up in a neat suit-dress said she would drive me there and drop me off. I thanked her for offering the ride. Then the woman said, "Yes! I have to get there by 8 a.m. and we looked at the clock and it was actually almost nine o'clock. We had lost almost one hour of missing time. NOTE: On 6-5-98, a news report came out that there had been 20 major misses of two jet aircraft reported from January thru April. The government said that the air controllers had to undergo 10 hours of training within the next month to counteract the danger. |
12-30-99 - DREAM - I was at a school, which was
made of grey stone. It seemed to be a school for adults and I was one of
the teachers. I participated in some kind of ceremony. I don't know how
this was accomplished, but there were 8 glossy black cards, each with a
man wearing a red cape that was floor length on the back, facing away...
so you saw only his back and the cape, not his face. The cards were
placed such: I I I I I I I I In the ceremony, the man in the red cape made broad sweeping arm gestures which were accompanied by sound of perhaps a trumpet or something that sounded like a trumpet. Only the bottom two cards were sounded in this particular ceremony. The one on the left corner had three arm movements and three sounds. The one on the right had two arm movements and two sounds. One could assume from that that the other cards had arm movements and sound also, starting with nine on the upper left, ending with the two on the bottom right. There was no card in the number one position. After the ceremony, I was talking in a quiet conversation with another female teacher and kinda choked on a word and made a sound that ended with a 'isht' sound, then continued the sentence. Afterwards, I discovered that one of the male teachers had tape recorded this whole thing, the ceremony, plus my conversation and intended to give it to a radio broadcast station. He was telling others that I had said a 'bad' word ending in 'isht' perhaps there is such a word in a foreign language. However, I had not said a word, only cleared my throat and I became irate that he was going to do this terrible deed to defame me. So, I went into the classroom where he sat surrounded by other male teachers. I confronted him and demanded that he give me the audio tape with my voice on it. I was very assertive and said, "Give me the tape NOW!" His face blanched white when he knew that I had heard what he had done. I held out my hand to receive the tape, and he took one of the five audio tapes he held in one hand and gave it to me. I then discovered that this same man could have made a video of the ceremony because there was an upper level overlooking the room where the ceremony was done, and I recognized my classroom when I was up there looking through the overlooking window. I pointed this out to another female teacher. I then went into another room on the first level to change back into my street clothes. There was a pass-through window and my music teacher from high school was standing on the other side of it. (I note here that he played the trumpet in a band and was pretty famous in our home town. He also led a marching band and was the drum major for it. Perhaps he was the man in the cape in the ceremony.) I touched his shoulder so he knew I was standing there, and thanked him for standing up for me. He smiled in acknowledgement, but then when I was changing clothes, he tried to watch, so I had to hide so he wouldn't see me without my outer garments on. In the classroom, I had worn a heavy woolen suit with a jacket and skirt, the color which was like stone tan/beige. That was not suitable for street wear. One could say it was like a professional uniform of the school. NOTE: Who is the man in the red cape? NOTE: I came across this... after I had the dream: "According to this theory, the magical name of Jesus was composed of the same Four Hebrew letters as Tetragrammaton, but with one letter added in the middle, the Hebrew letter Shin...The Fivefold Name, 'IHShWH', which can be rendered into English as 'Yeheshuah,' was held by the Christian kabalists of the Renaissance to have deprived Tetragrammaton of all its power, even as Jesus Christ had supplanted the jealous God of the Hebrews (which he didn't) and the Gospels had displaced the Old Testament (which they haven't). This view was first explicitly set forth by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-94) in his seminal seventy-two Conclusions on the kabbalah, published in 1486. In the fourteenth conclusion, he argued that the insertion of the shin into Tetragrammaton represents the descent of the fiery holy Spirit into the fourfold realm of matter--the incarnation of God in human flesh. Pico held that the addition of the Sh made the previously ineffable IHWH pronounceable. This premise was defended by the first great non-Jewish kabalist Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) in his highly influential work De Verbo Merifico (On the Wonder Working Word)...and his later work De Arte Cabalistica (On the Science of the Kabbalah)...Reuchlin held that with the birth of Jesus, the name of the Four letters had been rendered powerless, its abilities to cause miracles having passed into the name Jesus. This is why in the Gospels the name of Jesus has such force in casting out demons...and healing the sick. By using the holy tongue, Hebrew, and the numerical methods of the kabbalah, Reuchlin maintained that the truths of Christian doctrine could be proved and, more than this, that all occult secrets could be laid bare... Hence Christ saith, 'whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give you;' and after his resurrection saith, 'In my name they shall cast out devils' that the name of Four letters is no longer necessary, the whole virtue thereof being translated into the name Jesus...Neither is there any other (as Peter saith) under heaven given unto men, by which they may be saved." Tetragrammaton, pp. 47-49. |
Numerologically speaking, the number nine is
the transition number. It is the last period of work before the end and
starting over. In the hierarchy of events to come, I find this to be said: There is an electro-magnetic null zone creates of vacuum area in space which changes the magnetic forces of creation. The Councils which oversee this particular creation are helping us to make this transition so that those who wish to become more Christ-like will be assisted into the upward spiral of Light while those who are not interested in making this change will be allowed to leave through the old 'technology of death'. |
I received this e-mail from Gary Val Tenuta
when I was working on the web page for the Miami Circle Sacred Site in
1999: Subj: MIAMI/MAYAN Miami-Mayan alphanumeric connections identified by the significance of the number "9". "9 is the number of the mythic Lords of Time, the number representing the original Mayan galactic masters themselves." - Arguelles, The Mayan Factor "9 = Magic number of the Maya. All relevant numbers compound to 9 (except the Special Number 260)". - Gilbert & Cotterell, The Mayan Prophecies _____________________________ MIAMI=45 (9) ____________________________ NINE = 33 |
Helena Blavatsky speaks of BELIAL thusly: Belial is not entitled to the distinction of either god or devil. The term , BELIAL, is defined in the Hebrew lexicons to mean a destroying, waste, uselessness; or the phrase AIS-BELIAL or Belial-man signifies a wasteful, useless man. If Belial must be personified to please our religious friends, we would be obliged to make him perfectly distinct from Satan, and to consider him as a sort of spiritual "Diakka." The demonographers, however, who enumerate nine distinct orders of daimonia, make him chief of the third class -- a set of hobgoblins, mischievous and good-for-nothing. From a Catholic web page we find this: "'For all the gods of the people are idols ('ellim, LXX daimonia), but Jehovah made the heavens" (Ps. 96:5; XX 95:5). This is the classic passage identifying demons with idols, and suggesting demonism as the dynamic of idolatry. Hebrew 'ellim, the plural of the adjective meaning 'of nought, empty, vain,' shows plainly the idols are 'mere nothing,' non-realities. The demons behind them are the real existences"(2) |
When we take a close look at creation, we see
that everything is mathematically related so even if one doesn't like
math in school, one cannot get away from fact. Joseph Campbell, our
favorite mythologist has this to say in his book "The Inner Reaches of
Outer Space" - Metaphor As Myth And As Religion: "Some notion of the whole, profoundly conceived, macro-microcosmic import may be gained from a consideration of the mathematics of the mythological and actual cycles of the calendars of the rites of various ancient peoples. For example, in the Hindu sacred epics and puranas (popular tellings of ancient lore), the number of years reckoned to the present cycle of time, the so-called Kali Yuga, is 432,000, the number reckoned to the "great cycle" (mahayuga) within which this yuga falls being 4,320,000. But then reading one day in the Icelandic Eddas, I discovered that in Othin's (Wotan's) warrior hall, Valholl, there were 540 doors, through each of which, on the "Day of the Wolf" (that is to say, at the end of the present cycle of time), there would pass 800 divine warriors to engage the antigods in a battle of mutual annihilation. (800 x 540 - 432,000.) And so I asked myself how it might ever have come to pass that in tenth-to-thirteenth century Iceland the same number of years were reckoned to the present cycle of time as in India. In Babylon, I then recalled, there had been a Chaldean priest Berossos, who, c. 280 BC, had rendered in Greek an account of the history and mythology of Babylonia, wherein it was told that between the time of the rise of the first city, Kish, and the coming of the Babylonian mythological flood (from which that of the Bible is taken), there elapsed 432,000 years , during which antediluvian era, ten kings reigned. Very long lives! Longer even than Methuselah's (Genesis 5:27), which had been of only 969. When counting the begats of the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah and the first drop of rain came to 1656 years. Any relation to 432,000? Julius Oppert, a distinguished Jewish Assyriologist of the last century, (written in 1986) in 1877 presented before the Royal Society for Sciences in Gottingen a paper on "Dates in Genesis" in which it was shown that in 1656 years there are 86,400 seven-day weeks. 86,400 divided by 2 = 43,200. And so, it appears that in the Book of Genesis there are two contrary theologies represented in relation to the legend of the Deluge. One is the old tribal, popular tale of a willful, personal creator-god, who saw that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth . . . and was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them' " (Genesis 6:5-7). The other idea, which is in fundamental contrast, is that of the disguised number, 86,400, which is a deeply hidden reference to the Gentile, Sumero-Babylonian, mathematical cosmology of the ever-revolving cycles of impersonal time, with whole universes and their populations coming into being, flowering for a season of 43,200 (43,200 or 4,320,000) years, dissolving back into the cosmic mother-sea to rest for an equal spell of years before returning, and so again, and again, and again. The Jews, it will be remembered, were for fifty years exiled from their Capital to Babylon (586-539 BC), when they were subject, willy, nilly, to Babylonian influences, so that although the popular, exoteric version of their Deluge legend is from the period of David's kingdom, tenth century or so BC, the exquisitely secreted indication of priestly knowledge, beyond that, of a larger, cyclic version of the legend - where the god himself would have come into being and gone out of being with the universe of which he was the lord - is post-Exilic, as are, also , the genealogical datings of Genesis Chapter 5, which are so very nicely contrived to join the 600 years of Noah's age at the time of the Flood to furnish a total exactly of 1656. It is to be noticed, by the way, that 1+6+5+6 = 18, which is twice 9, while 4+3+2=9: 9 being a number traditionally associated with the Goddess Mother of the World and its gods. In India the number of recited names in a litany of this goddess is 108. 1_-0_8=99, while 108 x 4-432. In Roman Catholic Europe, when the Angelus tolls (at morning, noon, and evening), it ring 3+3+3 and then 9 times, in celebration of the Virgin's conception of the Savior. The recited prayer at those junctures, "The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Ghost . . . and THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH . . ." is in recognition of this miracle at the opening of a new world age. In ancient Greece, 9 was the number of the Muses, patron goddesses of the arts. They were the daughters of Mnemosyne ("memory"), the source of imagination, which in turn is the carrier of archetypal, elementary ideas to artistic, realization in the field of space-time. The number 9, that is to say, relates traditionally to the Great Goddess of Many Names (Devi, Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Artemis, Venus, etc.) as matrix of the cosmic process, whether in the macrocosm or in a microcosmic field of manifestation. The reason for the suppression of her image by a clergy interested in the claims only of a divinity heavily bearded, therefore, can be readily surmised; but why the same company of priestly doctors so artfully concealed in their document an unmistakable notice of their own knowledge of her power awaits interpretation. The profundity and sublime majesty of the suppressed mythology can be appreciated best by way of two apparently unrelated clocks, one, the ultimate clock of outer space, and the other of inner space - respectively, the astronomical precession of the equinoxes and the physiological beat of the human heart. Regarding the first; the slow westward motion, in the course of years, of the equinoctial points around the beltway of the zodiac (the vernal equinox, for example, moving from the sign of Aries, where it had been before the birth of Christ, through Pisces, where it is now, toward Aquarius, where it will be in a couple hundred years ) NOTE: that date is highly controversial: See AQUARIUS and AGES This complete cycle of the twelve zodiacal signs exactly 25,920 years, which term is known as a "great" or "Platonic" year. But if we divide 25,920 by 60 (which is the ancient Mesopotamian soss, or basic segesimal unit of astronomical measurement, still used in the measurement of circles whether of time or of space), the quotient is 432. Moreover: 2+5+9+2+0 = 18. And regarding the second, the inward clock: I have read in a popular book on physical education that "A conditioned man, who exercises regularly, will have a resting heart rate of about 60 beats per minute or less . . . Sixty per minute time 60 minutes, equals 3600 beats per hour. Times 24 hours, equals 86,400 beats a day. NOTE: In another article read just moments ago, it was stated that the heart rests in between beats for 9 hours a day. It is strange that in our history books, the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes should be attributed always to the Greek Hipparchus, second century BC, when the magic number 432 (which when multiplied by 60 produces 25,920) was already employed in the reckoning of major cycles of time before that century. " See: The
Number 432 by Joe Mason Along with this subject comes this fitting dream: 9-13-98 - DREAM - The dream started out with a vision of a clock-like symbol which resembled a rounded diamond-like shape with the largest point up, down, and to both sides. These points all had feminine names. There was a dark man involved also to prevent us from getting all the way around the Zodiac clock. I woke up and went back into a dream in which I was at home at my 16th St. house. It was going to rain and I rushed inside the house to get a gauge to hang up to measure the rain because the prediction was for 71 inches of rain. I hung up the first part of the gauge which was a rectangle-like block plaque with a slot on it on which I balanced what looked like a small book which looked like a diary to keep records in. There was a name written on the book. (I can't remember what it was) A strong mist began to fall as I rushed back to the house to get the gauge tube and my mother held open the door for me because I had to hurry if I was going to catch all of the rain which I knew was going to get a lot heavier. End of Dream Sounds rather Deluge-like to me!!!! |
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Pacal VOTAN was the Mayan prophet who lived in
the seventh century of this Christian era between the years 631 and 683.
It took nine years after 683, when he disincarnated, to build the
nine-leveled Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, and at the bottom
of the temple in his tomb. His tomb was dedicated in the year 692. When
the departure of the Maya took place in 830 A.D. at the end of the tenth
baktun, no one knew about that tomb any longer.
Shadow of the Seven Triangles On the equinoxes, the Sun crosses a center point and makes an exact 90-degree angle directly over the Pyramid of Ku'Kulkan (El Castillo) at the sacred site of Chichen Itza on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula (a place that represents the turtle's head on the continent known as Turtle Island or North America). The Castillo is part of the Mayan calender's Path of the Sun (solar calendar) with 4 stone stairways of 91 steps each plus an upper platform for a total of 365. The Maya had an 18-base for their mathematics and 18 months in a year. The pyramid has nine levels divided by the staircases or 18. The relationship of the Sun to the Earth at this sensitive point creates the phenomenon of the dramatic Shadow of the Seven Triangles, shadow triangles projected on the north staircase with serpent heads at the base. The triangles undulate in an ascending fashion in March and descend during the fall equinox. Following 360-day Maya solar calendar are five "nameless days." The New Year started after this five-day period, a time unfit for work; a time for ceremony when the old world is symbolically destroyed and a new one created. These 5 days are considered unlucky days comparable to the time of chaos before creation and before world order was established. Ancient Egypt also commemorated these 5 days. Coincidentally(?), on the first of these five days both the Egyptian grain god, Osiris, and the Mayan grain god, Hun Hunahpu, were born. Mayan, Prophecy of the End of the Great Cycle UXMAL - The Great Pyramid Originally nine levels high, the Great Pyramid has been partially restored. It seems that another temple was to be superimposed on the existing structure and some demolition had taken place before the plans were halted, leaving the pyramid in bad condition. Mictecacihuatl (Aztec) Mictlantecuhtli's wife who helped govern the nine layers of the underworld and its nine rivers. Mictlantecuhtli (Aztec) Creator and ruler of the underworld (Mictlan). If we examine Maya inscriptions, we find evidence that implies an understanding of the Fibonacci numbers. The ancient Mesoamericans viewed the cosmos as a layered universe. The heavens were conceived of as thirteen in number, with the earth included as the first layer. There was also a nine-layered underworld, beginning with the earth again as the first layer. This is depicted on page 2 of the Codex Vaticanus A.65 This is one of the examples of the use of the Fibonacci numbers 8, 13 and 21. There are 21 "worlds," when the earth is "counted" twice as the first world. (We note that the number one appears twice at the beginning of the Fibonacci series). There is evidence that the Maya also expressed the day as having 13 hours of daylight (the Thirteen Birds of the Day) and 9 hours of darkness (The Nine Lords of the Night). Most relevant for our discussion here, there is the 260-day calendar, which is based on Fibonacci numbers. There have been many theories that attempt to explain the origins of the 260-day cycle, and most of them show the connection with natural cycles. For example, the cycle of seed-to-harvest for certain types of corn grown in Guatemala is about 260 days. In the Dresden Codex, there are 258 days between Venus rising as an evening star and its emergence as a morning star, a period which correlates with the Aztec myth of Quetzacoatl's journey to the underworld. Perhaps the most significant correspondence is the period of human gestation. Nine lunar months are approximately equal to 260 days. One Mayan scholar discovered that some modern Mayan people explicitly state the human gestation period as the explanation for the origin of the tzolkin. There is much evidence that multiples of 364 days, particularly 20 x 364, were used by the Maya. The quantity 20 x 819 (or 45 x 364 = 16,380 days) was also used. The 819 days is equivalent to three tzolkins (39 veintenas) plus 39 days (or 20 x 41, minus one), which means it could function as a "footstep." In 819 days, the trecena coefficient and that of the Lord of the Night (a multiple of nine) remains the same, but the day name (and the kin coefficient in the Long Count) drops by one |
The Ruins of Temples Found in Bimini,
Bahamas The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced. Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid. The ruins are megalithic and bear a remarkable resemblance to ancient sites in Egypt. So called "quarry marks" found in the Aswan quarries and also on the Great Pyramid, itself, appear to be identical matches with those found on the Bimini temple stones. Other characteristics closely match features at megalithic sites in Peru, the Yucatan, Ireland and Scandinavia. The stones are already drawing international attention and aggressive research and analysis projects are being set up which hope to commence more involved investigations shortly. Analysis of these enigmatic ancient temples built near Bimini over 12,000 years ago has only just begun. Although many maps of the heavenly realm adorn various walls of these mysterious Bimini temples, there is an almost complete lack of other markings. Of the limited glyphs that do exist, however, several match those found in the famous Altamira Cave in Spain which contains the well-known bison painting. In addition, there are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors. (including red, white, and black.) Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size, appear to have been more advanced than the Great Pyramid of Giza. Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid. Other characteristics either closely match or are identical to features at megalithic sites in Peru, Mexico, the Yucatan, Ireland, and Scandinavia. It appears that the most important or revered numbers associated with these ruins were the numbers five and nine. These numbers were also of great significance to the ancients of Egypt and Mesoamerica. Evidence indicates that a "checkerboard" calculator system was being used. Examples of this system were found on top of the Great Pyramid and were long used for numerical calculations in Mesoamerica. This same checkerboard pattern shows up on the lintel stones of temples built by Celts of Iberian origin. Also, according to some astronomers, this pattern served as a calendar regulator to measure the sunrise and sunset directions on solstices and equinoxes. Bermuda Triangle Stargate? A Connection To Atlantis? Pyramids in China - (Not yet investigated) Our astronauts saw these pyramids from space. On one of the Apollo Missions, an astronaut, while in orbit over China, saw nine unusual dots on the surface, and took several photos. When developed and enlarged, the photos revealed nine very high pyramids, evenly spaced, in the form of a fan. The location, 170 degrees, 39 minutes East longitude, and 34 degrees, 9 minutes North latitude, is the Taibai Shan Mountain, just over 10,000 feet above sea level, the highest point in the Quin-Ling Mountains, a fair distance southwest of Xian. |
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in Greek mythology, the nine patron goddesses of the arts; daughters of ZEUS and Mnemosyne, a TITAN who personified memory. They were: Calliope (epic poetry and eloquence), Euterpe (music and lyric poetry), Erato (love poetry), Polyhymnia (oratory or sacred poetry), Clio (history), Melpomene (tragedy), Thalia (comedy), Terpsichore (choral song and dance), and Urania (astronomy). The Greeks used the number three a lot. There "The
Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the |
![]() ANGELS The angelic beings, or celestial intelligences, are divided into three triads, containing the nine orders, and whose names, as we shall see, represent the divine attributes that they manifest to all below them. Continuing from the fine introduction to the work, Dionysius says these divine attributes also have an inner relation with every human soul, for through their ministrations the aspiring soul becomes liberated from the bondage of material things, receives knowledge of that soul's purpose, and is enabled to live its true life, ultimately attaining its divine likeness to the full. The first order of the first triad is seraphim. They are described in the passage already quoted from Isaiah as the "burning" or "fiery" ones, from whom the stream of superessential grace flows (God transcends all essence). Like fire, the seraphim consume all that separates the human from God. The second order is cherubim. The name "cherub" means "fullness of knowledge". Through cherubim, the energy of God streams forth as a transcendental light that perfectly illuminates the soul and unites it with the divine wisdom. It imparts a full and lucid understanding to the universal divine immanence. In the Bible, cherubs are depicted as great winged creatures - for instance, in the construction of the Ark in the wilderness (Exodus 25.18 passim), King Solomon's majestic temple (1 Kings 6.23 passim) and the visions of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1.10 and 10.1 passim). In one passage, the cherub is portrayed as a flying creature on which God travelled in order to help King David (2 Samuel 22.11). All this shows how hard it is for the human mind to avoid conceptualizing a formless energy The third order of the first triad are the thrones; these are divine seats through which the soul is lifted up to God and becomes established in the constancy of the divine service. This first triad is closest at all times to the divine presence. In the second triad come first the dominions, or dominations, that are free from all earthly passions, from all inward inclination to the bondage of discord, and from all that is low; they display a liberal superiority to harsh tyranny, and an exemptness from degrading servility. They are true lords, perpetually aspiring to true lordship, and to the Source of Lordship. The second order of the second triad are the virtues, that have a powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their God-like energies. There is no weakness in them: instead, they ascend unwaveringly to the superessential virtue which is the Source of Virtue, and flow forth providentially to those below. The third order are the powers, or authorities, that are invested with a capacity to regulate intellectual and supermundane power which never debases its authority by tyrannical force, but is irresistibly urged onward in due order to the Divine. This order beneficently leads those below it, as far as possible, to the supreme power which is the Source of Power. It re-directs the forces that fetter the human mind to earthly things. Through this second triad, the soul is liberated from all that is below, and assimilated to that which is above. The third, and lowest, triad is concerned with the final execution of the work of providence, which is God's beneficent care for his creatures. The principalities exhibit divine lordship and true service; through them, the soul may turn from attachment to earthly activities to the service of God, so as ultimately to become a co-worker with the divine ministers. The archangels imprint the divine seal on all things, whereby the universe is the written word of God. They impart to the soul the spiritual light through which it may learn to read the Bible, and also to know and use its own faculties correctly. The lowest order of this triad is the angels, who minister to all things of nature, including humans, by purifying and uplifting them. In this triadic scheme, the higher orders inspire those lower than they, but not vice versa. Thus it is clear that the third triad is nearest the world, and transmits the illumination received from above. The end of the process is the transfiguration of the whole of the universe in the glorious light that proceeds from on high. This whole hierarchy spreads the divine light through the cosmos, that vast realm that includes the universe, as far as human understanding can define it, and also the psychic plane where we may meet the spirits of the dead and also the communion of saints and the ministry of angels. The great work of the angelic hierarchy is to praise and glorify God. This praise is not a rational acclaim so much as a great paean of joy that the world is as it is and that the angels are privileged both to know it and to participate in it. This is how we should say the Gloria of the Eucharist: that we are privileged to partake of the body and blood of the Saviour If the whole cosmos could resound to that praise, and move beyond prejudice and emotional bonds, we would pour out peace and goodwill to all creatures. The angelic hierarchy, with its enlightened will turned resolutely to the divine presence, helps to bring forward the Kingdom of God on earth - and elsewhere in our unimaginably glorious cosmos. And so it is that all aspiring human souls move to the divine presence, aided by an immense angelic hierarchy, none more important than the other. If the humble angel leads the way, the destination is through the cherub and seraph to the source of all being whom we call God. It may well be that much illumination from the Holy Spirit comes to us through the angelic hierarchy, centering on our own guardian angel. One thing is certain, though: we must worship the Holy Trinity and no other power. |
99 Islamic Holy Names Of God Many people are very familiar with the 72 names of God in Hebrew. Unless you are Muslim, many are not aware of the 99 names of God in Arabic; the ninety-nine names as revealed in the Holy Koran. What sacred names these are, and beautifully descriptive of the qualities of Allah. |
MYTHOLOGICAL STORIES Aegir (Eagor) - Germanic god of the ocean, and husband of Ran. His nine daughters, known as the "billow maidens", directed the swirling waves under his orders. He was sometimes depicted as a very old man with white hair and claw-like fingers. Whenever he left his glistening underwater palace it was with the single-minded purpose of destroying ships and their crews. To placate him the Vikings often sacrificed some prisoners before setting sail. Heimdall (Heimdalr) - (Norse) He is said to be the son of nine mothers. He lived at the foot of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge, and guarded it. He was known as the watchman of the gods. Heimdall was the keeper of the Gjallahorn, the "ringing" horn, which he was to sound when Ragnarök, the end of the world, was near. In an Irish myth he is called Rígr, and is considered the father of mankind. He consorted with three women, from whom descend the three classes of mankind: serf(thrall), freeman(karl), and nobleman(jarl). Jotunheim - (Norse) The abode of the giants. It is on the edge of the ocean, far to the northeast. It is one of the nine worlds sheltered by the cosmic tree, Yggdrasil. The others are: Asgard, the home of the Aesir gods Odin - Also Odhinn, Woden, Wodan, and Woutan. He is the supreme god and oldest of all in Norse mythology, god of wisdom, poetry, magic, and war. He belonged to the Aesir race of gods. Among his many names is All-father, for he is the father of all the gods. One story about him relates how he acquired great wisdom. Supposedly he gained this wisdom when he hanged himself on the world tree for nine days and nights and was pierced by a spear. This was a spiritual death in which he sacrificed himself to himself. Another story about his acquiring wisdom is that he sacrificed an eye for the privilege of drinking from Mimir's, fountain of wisdom. He had two black ravens, Huginn or Huninn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory), who flew forth each day to gather the news of the world to bring back to Odin. His greatest treasures were Sleipner (an eight-legged horse), Gunger (a spear), and Draupner (a ring). Skadi (Skade) - A giantess, called the 'snow-shoe goddess', and thus the embodiment of winter. When her father Thiassi was slain by the gods for stealing some golden apples from Idun, Skadi wanted to take revenge so she armed herself and went to their stronghold where she demanded a husband and a belly full of laughter as compensation. The gods thought it wise to reconciliate and offered her a marriage with one of them. She was free to marry any god, but had to chose from those eligible without being allowed to see anything but their feet. She noticed a very elegant pair and, convinced that their owner was the handsome Balder, she choose them. Unfortunately for her, those feet belonged to the older god Njord. The belly full of laughter was provided by Loki, who tied his testicles to a goat. The marriage between Njord and Skadi was not a happy one. She wanted to live where her father had lived, in the mountains, and Njord wanted to live in his palace by the sea. So they agreed to spend the first nine days in the mountains and the following nine days by the sea. This arrangement did not work out very well, and they separated. Eventually, Skadi left Njord for the god Ull. Surtr (Surt) - (Norse) Surtr (means "black") was a giant who lived in the extreme south, and whose flaming sword guarded Muspelheim. In Ragnarok, he is the one who sets the nine worlds on fire; all the gods, frost giants, the living, the dead, dwarfs, elves, monsters and animals would be consumed. Then the earth would sink into the cosmic sea and another would arise, all fresh and green, to begin again. Thokk - (Norse) After Baldr's death, Hel, the queen of the underworld, said that she would allow him to return to the land of the living if "everything in the nine worlds, dead or alive, weeps for him". Everyone did mourn except for Thokk, a giantess, who refused. Baldr stayed dead. Some myths claim that Thokk was really Loki in disguise. |
THE LIONINE GODS A Prayer to the God RA O Amen-Ra, the gods have gone forth from thee. The goddess Sekhmet is always portrayed wearing the solar disk, surmounted by the Uraeus, or right Eye of Ra, on her head, which symbols immediately connect her with both the Twin Lion gods and their disc, and therefore the balance and evolution of this planet. In her role as Divine Warrior, she wages war against the enemies of Ra, just as her feline brothers and sisters did against the evil of Apep. Masters writes of the war in Heaven [sic] which is 'intruding ever more fully and terribly upon this earth'. It is this intrusion, he tells us: ... which has given rise to the re-entry into human time and space of the Great Mother, in these Mysteries manifesting as Sekhmet. To Chaos She brings terror and a swathe of destruction. By means of Love She comes to re-establish those conditions which alone can preserve the human race and provide for the harmonious development and fulfillment of human beings as individuals, but also as parts of the Great Cosmic Whole that The War in Heaven is about - the eventual outcome: either Being or Nothingness.' |
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The Great Seal of the United States In the radiant disk above the American bald eagle's head the stars of the original 13 states are composed to form a Solomon's seal symbolic of the union of soul and body, spirit and matter. Each of the interlaced equilateral triangles, one upward turned, the other downward, is a Pythagorean tetraktys, or "perfect triangle of fourness," of nine points, four to a side, enclosing a tenth representing the generative center ("still point of the turning world") our of which the others derive their force. The upward triangle is of spiritual, the downward pointing, of physical energy. thus interlaced, the two represent the physical world recognized as informed by the spiritual, and in exactly this sense they appear at the Lotus Center of the awakened heart. In the classical imagination, the 9 circumferential points of the Pythagorean tetraktys were identified with the Muses and the pont in the center with Apollo, around whose radiant form the 9 dance. In Jewish thought, the sign of the two triangles together is known as "magen david" (Hebrew, maghen Dawidh), "Shield of David," and read as connoting the shekinah, or presence of God in Israel (as originally in the burning bush and in the cloud on the summit of Mt. Sinai). In the Great Seal of the United States the reference is to the inspiration of the light of Reason in the constitution of the originating colonies brought together as one nation: e pluribus unum, "out of many, one." These are homologous, though culturally differentiated, interpretations of the same "elementary idea." When viewed as outlining a pyramid, the upward pointing triangle matches the pyramid n the reverse of the Seal, with the single point at its apex corresponding to the Eye out of which the expanding form of the traktys, the energy emanating from that initial point (which is of the opening both from and to Eternity) yields, first, duality (2 point: measure and chaos, subject and object, light and dark, odd and even, male and female, etc. ), which then relate to each other in three ways (3 points: either a dominant, b dominant, or a and b in accord, whence derive all the phenomenal forms in the field of space time (4 points: 4 quarters of the earth and heavens). There is a verse in the Chinese Tao Teh Ching: "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produce Three; Three produced All things" (Tao Teh Ching 42, translation, James Legge). Thus the ancient symbolism of the tetraktys: 1 point, 2 points, 3 points and 4; which series when read in the opposite sense, of ascending or returning to the source, yields the interesting series, 4 3 2 (for the sense of which is above) Connotations of the same perfect order pertain of course, to the downward turned tetraktys, with its single point at the apex opening also from and to Eternity; so that, "What is above is below," and the energy of the Spirit (however named0, whether from without (as from the Eye, the apex above) or from within the world (apex below) is one. Moreover, since from every terminal point of the six-pointed Solomon's seal the same increasing series of 2 to 3 to 4 proceeds, it follows the intended sense of the radiant symbol of 13 stars above the American bald eagle's head must have been the same essentially as that of Black Elk's remark, "The Center is everywhere", above and below, north, south, east, and west - with an additional eighteenth -century implication of the humanizing light of Reason reflected, universally , n the clarified consciousness of mankind. The number of stripes on the American eagle's shield is 13; so also the number of the arrows and of the leaves of the laurel spray in its talons, while the number of the feathers of its tail is 9 to the eye, but through the eye to the intellect, the meanings of which can be known only to those already familiar with the illustrated tradition. Such a composition may grace the eye, but in itself it lacks magic, or as Joyce would say, the "radiance" (claritas) of an achieve work of "proper" art. One's heart is walked, not by the form of the work, but by its content, and if the latter is of a tradition either unknown or deceased, the work may be of interest, like the dollar bill, economically, but it is no longer a work of living art. The artist fashioned a work of this kind serves in the way, rather of the priest of an assured tradition than of an innovating creator, and the refinement of his vocabulary can be astounding. Consider, for instance, the elegant concision of the statement of the relationship of the refinement of his vocabulary can be astounding. Consider for instance, the elegant concision of the statement of the relationship of a theological ground to the polity of this nation, founded in benevolence and reason, that is represented in the ideogram of the outward spread eagle on our dollar bill; overhead, the twofold tetraktys arranged in the form a Solomon's seal of 13 five-pointed stars, other recurrences of the number 13; the sum of the feathers in the eagle's tail (3 + 3 + 3);and the offered choices of either a spray of laurel or a sheaf of 13 arrows. It is ironical that today we should be passing around as legal tender these sociological manifestos without being able to read the message of democracy engraved on every one of them, the spiritual inspiration our of which their economic value has been derived. So, that, not only the message, but even its vocabulary, has been lost. But also lost has been the power of all such rcondite, iconographic art to melt the mind, enchant the hard, and cast a spell of esthetic arrest. For there has been a vast transformation of consciousness, not only in the Western world, but over the whole face of the earth, in the two brief centuries that have elapsed since the dating in Roman numerals of that pyramid. By Joseph Campbell - "The Inner Reaches of Outer Space - Metaphor as Myth and as Religion." |
In 1997 I had this dream about a spiritual house of a pyramid type. Note that the blocks were numbered and that if you add the numbers from left to right, each one equals 9. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6-28-97 - DREAM - I was shown a spiritual
house which was built in a pyramid type construction of building blocks.
I was expecting to see the four animals at the bottom such as described
in the Bible, but when I looked, I didn't see anything. The building
blocks were arranged and numbered like this.
![]() |
Primordial Hill The Egyptians believed that during creation this hill rose out of the sea of chaos to create dry land. The idea of this hill rising had a profound effect on the egyptians, being used as every thing from temple layouts to the possible inspiration behind the pyramids. |
NUMEROLOGY 9 - Number of the Moon; Container of all numbers; Number of known astronomical planets. Eternity; Yesod; Endings, echatology; Moons of Saturn; Number of Muses; In the I Ching, 9 is the number of Yang. Arabic Ta (Secret Knowledge ). Number of absolute completion, perfection and wisdom. Since the ennead is the final limitation, it is the acceptance of solitude and the beginning of the inward journey to the Infinite. |
999 - Symbolizes the three levels of the triune
* completion Eternal Evolution (past, present, future). This is the most mystical number of all. It is the number of the Archon of the Ending Aeons. 999 is the year in which Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) died. It is the name of a very high IQ Society. 999 is the final transmutation of the current that began with 333, reached its culmination of evil mysticism in 666 and which will unlock the gates of the Otherworld at the end of this cycle's unfolding. It has also been appropriated by the J. R. "Bob" Dodds mock-cult (The Church of the Sub-Genius) as its seal, but is (for them) totally without significance or occult purpose, except as another symbol to subvert in their addiction to chaos. |
9 to the 9th power is 387,420,489, which is sure to have some important meaning. Breaking that down, 3 + 8 + 7 = 18 = 9; 4 + 2 + 0 = 6; 4 + 8 + 9 = 21 = 3; and ultimately 9 + 6 + 3 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. |
The first thing to remember about numbers is
that each number, far from being just an accretion of previous numbers,
really is unique. Numbers are the quintessence of symbology, and
numerology appeals mostly to the abstract metaphysician, just as, in
science, mathematics appeals to the abstract-minded scientist.
Numerology, like astrology and palmistry, has a bad reputation because
it's so easily misunderstood and misused. Since we can all recognize
synchronicity, it's only natural to rush from there to the assumption
that coincidence is the same thing as divination. But, synchronicity is
nothing more than evidence that there are patterns of many kinds. It
would be better if we could de-emphasize the practical side of
everything and concentrate on the esthetics. The Egyptians used to teach
that the most valuable things are the most useless: the arts, for
example, or philosophy, or gold. Finally, we should remember that it was through the indolent adoption of the easy decimal system (rather than the more perfect and exacting duodecimal system) that Atlantis finally brought itself down. This mathematically lazy way out is exactly the same path for which we have settled. So numerology is simply the metaphysical side to numbers. One and one, for instance, are two, not because arithmetic says so, but because being equally "unique" they can't be reconciled as one, or "united," and are therefore at odds and in conflict with each other, as opposites in a mutual duality or "duel." Three, on the other hand, is a collection based on some kind of agreement, four a quaternity based on crossed oppositions in perfect balance, and so one. There are also different ways of dealing with numerology -- theoria and praxis. In gematria, however, the idea is to add up the value of a word and then find other words that add up to the same number. They would thus be equivalents. This works rather well in Hebrew (to a lesser extent in Greek) but rather poorly in English -- simply because of the intrinsic differences between languages. Example: Jehovah has the same value as Chozeh ("seer" or "prophet"). Therefore, to the ancient Jews, God and Prophesy would be practically synonymous. Numerological reduction is a convenience. It's easier to deal with numbers from 1 to 10 than with great blobs like 847 or 9,556,431. But numerologists also add before reducing. If a room contains 8 people, the numerology lecturer might perhaps decide to deliver his "octave" message. If 3 more people arrived, he'd change that to 11 which has an entirely different meaning from its reduction to 1 + 1 = 2. The higher the number, the more unstable its meaning becomes. For example, 11 stands symbolically for all the higher numbers (above 10), which is why 11 is the number of Sorcery. The values of the Hebrew letters are: 1-ALEPH, 2-BETH, 3-GIMEL, 4-DALED, 5-HE, 6-VAU, 7-ZAYIN, 8-CHETH, 9-TETH, 10-YOD, 20-KAPH, 30-LAMED, 40-MEM, 50-NUN, 60-SAMECH, 70-AYIN, 80-PE, 90-TZADDE, 100-QOPH, 200-RESH, 300-SHIN, 400-TAV, 500-FINAL K, 600-FINAL M; 700-FINAL N, 800-FINAL P, 900-TZ, 1000-ALEPH (writ large). In both Arab esoteric studies and in Judaic Cabal, such numbers form anagrams and extend the power of words: e.g., 93=Greek Agape, 398=Neshek, the serpent, and also Messiah. |
This is one of the Universal Spiritual
Laws which tells of the power of numbers: The Law of Co-Creation states that two working in co-creative action have the power of four working individually; and three working in co-creative activity have the power of nine; and four working in co-creative activity have the power of sixteen; and one hundred and forty-four working in harmony can change the world. Wherein large groups of entities believe and agree on certain images as real and being stable, this agreement does hold the power of many times that number of energies, if such energies were held by individuals working separately. Wherein groups of entities agree upon certain images, these images do tend to manifest and hold their being in a magnified manner. |
The Gifts of the Spirit. There are nine gifts of the Spirit listed in I Cor. 12:8-10. Wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. What was the purpose of these spiritual gifts? 1.Revelation: Man needs a revelation from his Creator "It is not in man to direct his own steps;" therefore God gave the gifts of knowledge and wisdom. (Jer. 10:23) 2.Proclamation: Man needed to proclaim the right message in the right language; therefore God gave the gifts of: a."Prophecy" - the message. b."Discerning of spirits" - the right message. (1 Jno. 4:1) c."Interpretation of tongues" - the right language. 3.Confirmation: Early Christians did not have the Bible as we do today. They had to prove that the revelation they had received and were proclaiming was from God. How would the audience know they were speaking God's Word without miracles. (Acts 8:6) Therefore God gave the gifts of: a.Faith - I Cor. 13:2. b.Healing - Acts 3:11. c.Miracles - Acts 13:11. d.Tongues - I Cor. 14:22; Acts 2:1-5. "These signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick; and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where the Lord working with them; and confirming the Word with signs following." (Mk. 16:17-20) "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him." (Heb.2:3) "Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto." (Gal. 3:15) |
NINE IN NUMEROLOGY Nine is composed of the all-powerful 3x3. Nine - the result of 3x3, nine represents an even greater holiness found in three. It is the Triple Triad. IT represents completion; fulfilment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number. Nine represents the Earthly Paradise. Nine is seen as an incorruptible number. It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference. Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, cave principles. Cultural References Buddhist tradition holds nine to be the supreme spiritual power, and a celestial number. Celtic legend symbolizes nine as a highly significant number. It is a central number with the eight directions with the center making nine. The Triple Goddesses are thrice three. There are nine Celtic maidens and nine white stones that symbolize the nine virgins attendant on Bridgit. Nine is connected with the Beltane Fire rites which are attended by 81( 8+ 1= 9) men, nine at a time. Chinese: Nine is qa celestial power. It is 3x3 being the most auspicious of all the numbers. Nine also signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point known as the Hall of Light. There are nine great social laws and classes of offials. In land divisions for Feng Shui there are eight exterior squares for cultivation of the land by holders and the central, and ninth, square is a "god's acre", dedicated to Shang-ti, the supreme ruler. It is also known as the Emperor's Field, giving homage and respect denoting the position of heavenly power. Christian: Nine is one of the numbers that appears scantly in Christian symbolism. There are the triple triads of choirs of angels and nine spheres and nine rings around hell. Egyptian mythology nine represents The Ennead. Graeco-Roman: There are nine Gods and later nine muses. Hebrew: Nine is pure intelligence ( eight was perfect intellingence ). Also represents truth, since it reproduces itself when multiplied. Kabbalism nine symbolizes foundation. Hindu: Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe. Mayan: There are nine underworlds each ruled by a God. We find this reference to "nine underworlds" present in many cultures and beliefs. Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers. Scandinavian: Odin/Woden hung for nine days and nights on the Yggdrasil to win the secrets of wisdom for humankind. Skeldi, the northern Persephone, the goddess of snow, lives in her mountain for three months and by Niord's sea for nine months. Nine is the sacred number in Scandinavian-Teutonic symbolism. |
THE SACRED HOOP The archaic, traditional peoples have basically used symbol as a way of communication. This establishes an ongoing relationship between the sign and the thing symbolized. All cognitions are expressed symbolically, since these peoples' sacred symbols manifest the energies they represent, and whose mediators they are, in a real and true fashion. Symbol is magical by virtue of the analogy binding it indestructibly (and identifying it) with that which it is symbolizing. Among these symbols, of extraordinary magical and sacred importance are the numbers and the geometrical figures. Every primitive or archaic society has known these, and has used them to symbolize the cosmos and its energies, by virtue of which these numbers and geometrical figures have possessed the invisible energies to which they themselves bore witness, in perfect correspondence with their visible characteristics. Two of these geometrical symbols are very much to the fore in the indigenous societies. We mean the circle and the square (and their derivatives), the latter standing in close relationship with the number four, the cosmogonic number present in every manifestation (as well as with the number five, the possibility of the supracosmic and nonmanifest). As for the circle, let us hear Black Elk, the celebrated native sage, direct heir of the tradition of the North American plains: I noticed that my people's sacred hoop was one of the many hoops in the form of a circle, wide as the light of day and the shining of the stars. And in the center was a mighty Flowering Tree, which covered all of the children of father and mother. And I observed that it was holy. . . . The power of the universe acts ever by way of circles, and all things tend ever to be round. In ancient days, when we were a happy, strong people, we received our power from the hoop of the nation, which was holy, and while the circle remained complete, the people flourished. . . . The Flowering Tree was the living center of the circle, and it was nourished by the life of the cycle of the four directions. . . . Whatever is done by the power of the universe, it is done in the form of a circle. This idea of circularity–associated to the whirling wind and to all natural, psychic, and material phenomena, as well as being linked to the idea of cycle, repetition, totality, and especially to that of center, axis, generation, and life–can be found in the various known traditions. Among the Chinese, the circular figure is associated with heaven, and is assigned the numerical value of nine. The quadrangular form is linked with earth. There is an intimate relationship, however, between the two: both are constituted by four 90º angles, or 360º. As for the sphere and the cube, which are the volumetric representations of the circle and the square, these are also akin, although the former is more perfect than the latter (since all of its limit points are equidistant from its center), and the cube seems rigid and forced by comparison with the sphere. |
THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TAROT There are significant Qabalistic metaphors associated with the number 24 as well; one pertaining to the Flaming Sword, which provides prime Qabalistic proof. The Flaming Sword or Lightning Flash is defined by nine Tarot Atus, or Paths, which describe the sequential emanations of the Ten Holy Sephiroth. Since there is no traditional Path which connects Binah with Chesed across the Abyss of Daath, Crowley rightfully assigned this hidden Path the Hebrew letter Gimel and the Atu the Priestess. While the Master did discover that the Hebrew letters attributed to these nine Paths add to 777, he never mentions the sum of the Atu numbers. We mention this because the Five Paths which are Above the center Sephira, Tiphareth, add to our ubiquitous number 24; that is, the Fool 0 + the Empress 3 + the Priestess 2 + Strength or Lust 8 + Judgement or Adjustment 11 = 24. The four Paths Below Tiphareth add to the Mystic number 69; that is, Death 13 + the Tower 16 + the Sun 19 + the World 21 = 69. Amazingly, 24 + 69 = 93, our Number of Thelema! Therefore, the 93 Current of Thelema is shown to be synonymous with the Lightning Flash of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Through the process of initiation we begin our ascent upward on the Tree. We must purify and learn deeply of the four elements first. Then we must learn to coordinate the four elements under the rulership of Spirit. The process of the elemental initiations changes our microscopic sphere of sensation to a given element on a daily basis. We then learn of the rewards and challenges of that element. Only initiation can concisely bring about these necessary changes in the microcosm. The paths on the Tree of Life are the archetypal aspects of our Microcosm, whereas the Sephiroths are considered macrocosmic. |
Eastern Oregon was Gifted with the Sri
Yantra Mandala Formation in August 1990. It arrived in a dry wilderness lake bed east of Steens Mountain, and consisted of 13.3 MILES of lines, each 10" wide and scored to a depth of 3 inches in the hardpan. The graphic below is the Sri Yantra, and the Pattern discovered in the dry earth was identical in all respects. Though some men 'claimed' to have made it by hand and demonstrated appallingly their inability to duplicate how they did it, interestingly, the skies above the Sri Yantra are regularly used as part of the Idaho Air National Guard's pilot training area. According to the lieutenant pilot who first spotted the huge Pattern on August 10, no pilots had reported a design-in-progress; the Pattern had simply 'appeared' one day... And never mind asking how these jokers managed precise and perfectly scored lines 10" wide and 3" deep, with consistently bevelled sides, for an equivalent distance of over 13 miles, in the August desert heat when they could barely, and with much effort, score a short 1/2"-deep line; and don't ask how they measured, surveyed, and determined bearings for the Pattern - with its complex integrated perfection of nine interlocking triangles - before they began their alleged plow work. (The Sri Yantra Pattern contains extremely intricate geometrical relationships.) Never mind asking, because they, like all other people who've *claimed* the CircleMakers' Formations, offered no technical explanations. The Tantric Yantra
I felt an inspiration to draw it in a special way. I could see that the two major triangles in the star-shape were like an offset Star of David. I was in possession of nine brass vouchers called "chits," that had been involved in several coincidences. The chits are shaped somewhat like an eight-petal flower. The chits were used at my work place in working with the tool crib personnel. Craftsmen, such as I, exchanged a chit for a tool, to be used for a short time. By "coincidence, I found that the word "chit," in Sanskrit, means "consciousness." In two of the coincidences, I had arranged the nine chits into a diamond shape, in the order of 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, from the top-down. I took a photograph of them to illustrate:
The arrangement can be viewed diagonally as 3 + 3 + 3 or 3, 6, 9. In Joseph Campbell's book, on page 37, he speaks of various numbers that add to nine, such as 108 (associated with the Goddess Mother of the World) and 432 (a cycle of time number). He continues:
So, I arranged the chits on a piece of paper and traced their outline. I drew in the two major triangles, and realized that they did resemble the Tantric Yantra. I continued to draw triangles around sets of "chit-shapes," until I had this:
"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Five" "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 72"
Introduction This is an article about a special set of numbers that relate to the "Solfeggio Frequencies" in a unique way. The special set of numbers derive from the differences in the squares of mirror numbers. The primary table of the numbers, below, shows the results for all the two-digit numbers, excluding those that contain zeros (like 10) or the same digits (like 11). The total sets of mirror pairs, therefore, amount to 36. Larger mirror numbers seem to work in the same manner. For example --
New studies indicate that the Solfeggio Frequencies produce a "DNA healing" (see links below). This is apparently related to an expected "DNA repair," that will come with the earth changes. My studies indicate that a major effect of this "repair" will be a great improvement in psychic abilities, like having a new, clear "cell phone" on a multi-dimensional mental level. The primary healing frequency involves a central "C" note of 528 cycles per second (cps). One of the other frequencies is 396. These two numbers are part of the ancient system The number 528 relates to 5280 feet in a mile. The number 396 relates to 3960 miles, the radius of the Earth. The diameter of the Earth can be expressed as (11 + 11) x 360 = 7920 miles. The word Gematria means measuring the Earth. In some traditions, the Earth "mirrors" the "Heavens." The central "C" note of 528 cps can be calculated based on standard 440 cps tuning of the central "A" note on the piano. The number sequence 3, 6, 9 appears in various amazing forms, sometimes as a "skip sequence," or "gap space pattern." Marko Rodin found such a pattern in the reduced values of the numerological binary doubling sequence (example: 64 reduces to 6 + 4 = 10 and then 1 + 0 = 1). He found a gap space pattern like this --
In the main table below, this is found as the Solfeggio number 396 and its mirror, 693. Marko also found a connection to the "I Ching" Timewave work of Terence McKenna, which involves the difference with mirror images. A significant number in that work was the Lunar number, 384, which is also found in the ancient Code systems. The number fits well with the primary theme here about the mirrors --
Excerpt from the ancient Code article --
Gary Val Tenuta has found this same pattern in alphanumerics of the English words for the numbers one through nine. Long ago it was noted that one-seventh (1/7) produces a decimal number that contains all the numbers except 3, 6, and 9.
Interestingly, the number 285, one of the Solfeggio numbers is within the sequence 142857. The remaing numbers, other than 285 are 1, 4, and 7. Puting the three together in mirror form produces 741, another Solfeggio number. The numbers "skipped" can be read as 963, the third type Solfeggio number. The Solfeggio Frequency numbers have been graphically represented arranged about a circle with a nine-pointed star inside. I created this colorful version to emphasize the three overlapping triangles of the star, and to compare with three crop circle formations --
I have added colors indicating the three overlapped triangles forming the star, that relate to three sets of numbers each. The same arrangement can be shown in these two tables --
Solfeggio numbers and related numbers can be show with all of their permutations --
Various triplet numbers can be derived from the table, such as --
The primary table of numbers, below, are listed with the larger number (n1) first and the smaller number (n2) second. The value of the square of the larger number (n1^2) is listed, followed by the value of the square of the smaller number (n2^2). The smaller squared value is then subtracted from the larger squared value (n1^2-n2^2 ), and the result displayed. The prime factors of this result are given. A "Key Divisor" is then figured and displayed, and finally, the "Solfeggio" related number , if any, is placed in the last column. Numbers in the final column include 396, which is a "true" Solfeggio number. Another number in that column is 693, which is the mirror of 396, and therefore is "related" in that way. By far the most common number appearing in that column is 297. This is the mirror of 792, which is twice 396. A red asterisk (*) is placed next to all the "Gematrian Numbers" -- which are all divisible by the number 36. A blue asterisk (*) is placed next to every true Solfeggio Number. I find it quite remarkable that our simple numbers reveal these ancient Earth/Music/DNA/Metrological -related, numbers in this strange square-mirror fashion. I call them CreationNumbers. * =
Gematrian Number
------------------------------------------------- Notes About the Table Numbers These are the totals of the final results (Solfeggio column) of the 36 calculations --
All 36 of the basic results (n1^2-n2^2 column) are divisible by 3, 9, and 11. --- note 1 The difference of mirror pair 32 and 23 results in 495. This is the first in the list that is not divisible by either 297, 396, or 693. The mirror of 495 is 594, which is 2 x 297. The number difference for the mirror pair 83 and 38 results in 5445 which can be expressed as 11 x 495, which puts the pair in the same category as the 32 and 23 mirror pair above. The number difference for the mirror pair 94 and 49 results in 6435, which can be expressed as 12 x 495, which is the third of this "495 type." The number difference for the mirror pair 76 and 67 results in 1287. It is related to the others listed for note 1, in that it is divisible by 9, 11 and either 5 or 13 --
Interestingly, 5 and 13 are related to the octaves, recognized on the piano keyboard as the 8 white keys and 5 black keys in each octave, for a total of 13 keys. The numbers 3, 5, and 8 are part of the Fibonacci series of numbers. The numbers 1287 and 6435 are also divisible by 39 and the tetrahedral point number 19.5 --
Multiples of 39 and 72 combine to make the triplet numbers -- 39 + 72 = 111 Since 1287 is 13 x 33, the "matching" number for the triplet function would be 72 x 33 = 2376. Combine the two numbers to find triplet multiples --
--- note 2 The number difference for the mirror pair 65 and 56 results in 1089. The mirror of the result, 9801 can be expressed as 33 x 297. Adding the various results to their mirrors often sums to 1089 --
The number 1089 and its mirror, 9801, are the squares of double digit pairs --
--- note 3 The number difference for the final mirror pair, 98 and 89, results in 1683. It is the only result that has a factor of 17. This "odd ball" is striking in that the incredible number, 153, is the multiple --
Adding 153 to its mirror results in 504. The square of 504 is equal to the product of 288 and its mirror --
The number 153 is the Biblical "resurrection number" found in John 21, as the number of Fish in the Net. See -- Curious properties of number 153 17 Fish - The Bible and the Stars 10-17-06 Something Important About to Happen The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 153 The number 153 is related to the ancient Gematrian numbers in this way --
The number 666 is "between" two Gematrian numbers, 648 and 684.
----- note 4 The number difference for the squares of the mirror pair 62 and 26 results in 3168. The same is true of the mirror pair 97and 79. In Greek Gematria, the number 3168 is "Lord Jesus Christ." Ten times 3168 is the sub-lunar distance around the New Jerusalem. The number 3168 is also one of the "G" notes on the Music Wheel (see below). It is part of the doubling series --
Solfeggio Numbers Within the Music Wheel Note the positions of the Solfeggio numbers (in red) the Solfeggio related numbers (in blue), and the base-ten harmonics of the numbers (in orange) within the Crop Circle Music Wheel --
------ Update 7April 2008 There is a Nazca line marking that indicates the number 528 --
The image here is shown "upside down" from the normal view with North upward, to make the 5, 2, 8 more clear. The long parallel lines point northwest to Giza and southeast toEaster Island. Carl Munck made note of this, and figured the coordinates based on divisions of 825, the reverse of 528 -- 8 / 2 / 5 = 0.8 Each corner of of the two triangles has 3 angels of 60 degrees, for a total of 360 degrees. 0.8 x 360 = 288 The result is further multiplied by the 60 degree angle of the corners -- 288 x 60 degrees = 17280 which is 12 cubed times ten 17280 equates to a coordinate of 14 degrees, 41 minutes, 30.104 seconds South Latitude Dividing 17280 by 3 (the corners of a triangle) gives the Longitude, 51840. 51840 equates to 106 degrees, 15 minutes, 32.6 seconds West Giza Longitude The Coordinate Intersect is -- 51840 / 17280 = 3 The above information is included in Carl's "The Code 2000 - 4" which can be purchased at the Pyramid Matrix Bookstore. Links Numbers Meridians and the Frequencies of Color
The Works
of Jerry Iuliano
Sacred Geometry, Numbers, Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
The Numbers of God
Introduction to
Gematria - Hebrew Numerology
Patterns Discovered Within The English Alphabet
Crop Circle
Correlates To Grek-5 Numerical Pyramid!
Thoughts Upon Reading Marko Rodin's Aerodynamics
Marko Rodin Where Did the Timewave Come From?
Code of the Ancients --- Solfeggio Music Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies ( Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies (
Balancing Symbol Experiment Sacred Circle of Sound - Solfeggio
and the Scriptures Solfeggio Music 528 396 - Google Search
Emanation of the Solfeggio --- DNA Connections
DNA Crop Circle Formation Crooked Soley - A Crop Circle Revelation
Soul in Crooked Soley Abstracts - The Mayan Boomerang (DNA & crop circles)
Wormhole technology, Crabwood, Crooked Soley
DNA, Apocalypse, & the End of
the Mystery
DNA Connections
Genetics - Los Cambios Geneticos
Mayan Calendar and Prophecies The
New Earth Era - Genesis II - Day Six ------ Music Molecular Basis for Mozart Effect Revealed Music: God�s Universal Language ------ Geometry
Reconstruction of the Nine-Pointed Star ------ Tools Prime Factor Calculation - Online Calculate duration between two dates The
Wayback Machine Coming Soon
Creation Numbers - Part Two If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page, please e-mail This page was originally uploaded December 22, 2007 This page was last updated May 20, 2008 Site URL: Return to Crop Circle Index Return to Dreams of the Great Earth Changes Extra Data
17 May 2008, 4:03 AM - Clifford's Tower: Massacre at York (1190) The site of Clifford's Tower, the keep of York's medieval castle, still bears witness to the most horrifying event in the history of English Jewry. On the night of 16 March 1190, the feast of Shabbat ha-Gadol, the small Jewish community of York was gathered together for protection inside the tower. Rather than perish at the hands of the violent mob that awaited them outside, many of the Jews took their own lives; others died in the flames they had lit, and those who finally surrendered were massacred and murdered. TWIN TOWERS NEW YORK 9/11 - 587 THE STRANGE COINCIDENCE ? - The National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a full Go Team on Monday, November 12, 2001 to the site of the crash that day of American Airlines flight 587, which had just taken off from Kennedy International Airport in New York for the Dominican Republic Now this was just 2 months after 9/11. Let�s take a look at the synchronicity of 587. - In 587 BCE, Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar's army captured Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and exiled the Jews to Babylon (modern day Iraq). - 777 And The Bombings in London JULY 7 2005 = 777 Once again I repeat. As far as synchronicity is concerned, either God does it or people purposely do it. So keeping in mind 911 and 587 lets look at 777 We find the prominence of the number 777 in Kaballah which is the mystical part of the Jewish Religion. 777 in Kaballah is THE FLAMING SWORD, AND THE TREE OF LIFE --- Notes: 2001 - 1190 = 811 811 - 118 = 693 911 - 119 = 792 265 people were killed in the crash of Flight 587. 265 is a measure of the Net in the 153 Fish story. 265 / 153 = 1.732026144 close to the square root of 3
4-7-14 - DREAM - I was in a room with a group of people, and we needed to achieve a goal, and to do this, we needed to rearrange a group of cards that were as large as we were. My Father came and showed us where to start. The first card to be moved was number 4200 and the cards needed to be moved in a certain order. ***** I told this dream to Joe, and he said that 4200 can relate to 42 - such as 42 months which is a biblical number in Gematria. 4200 is mentioned 25 times on our website in a variety of dire ways... We've written about 42 months - no less than 34 times. see:
4-13-14 - DREAM - I was in the diningroom of someone's home. The table was light oak and so large there were about 24 people of various ages. As soon as I stood up, someone else took my place so I couldn't sit down again. So I wandered around the table to where a little girl was watching her younger brother. The little boy wasn't facing the table, so I picked the boy up and followed the little girl to a hallway. On the way she told me that she had a black fish which had 100's of little babies and she told me her mother wouldn't let her keep them. Several thoughts went through my mind that I could take them to my house and raise them. At least some of them.
TOPIC: MILITIAS AND AMERICAN SPRING DATE OF DREAM: 4-14-14 I was evidently living in a city with Joe in an apartment building, and one morning I wanted to clean a large rug, which was white - it was very large, oval, and white and a fringe around the outside. The driveway for some reason came right up to my front door, and one of the maintenance men I had the hots for was driving a car and pulled it so close to the door I couldn't open it. Just then Joe came up the driveway and started talking to the guy who was driving a convertible car with a younger woman by his side. I don't know if she was his girlfriend or his wife, (she looked like a TV character I've seen recently with dark hair). But the man pulled the car back a bit while Joe was talking to him, and that gave me an excuse to open the door and ask Joe about cleaning the carpet. As soon as I did, the maintenance man got out of his car and brought a beautiful brand new yellow carpet cleaner into my apartment, and I got all excited that I was going to have my white carpet cleaned free by my 'hotty' new boyfriend. He put the machine down in front of me, then went back to his car and brought out a huge longe rifle with a long bayonet on the front. That was really impressive and scary looking but Joe said to him, "Now that's what we need in the militia when we get it going." and I woke up.