The Impossible Dream (The Quest)
To dream the impossible dream To fight the unbeatable foe To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go.
To right the unrightable wrong
This is my quest, to follow that star,
And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious
quest That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest |
Hello Dee, thanks for your mail. I have visited your webpage. Great! Marvellous! This is the best link page to grail related topics I have ever seen! I would be proud if you could post our article there, too.
Date: 05/05/1999 5:19:51 PM Central Daylight Time
From: (Karen Lyster)
Hi Dee
Heavens I'd forgotten just how incredible your site really was. You must
have the most indepth site, with the most information on this topic on the
entire internet! It's just superb Dee!
I couldn't think of a more deserving site that I'd like my award on. Here's
the URL where you can choose from two awards that I give - both are for
Exceptional Website Excellence, so just choose the one you prefer
My PC crashed a little while ago and I lost your URL, this time I'm making
sure I've got it forever! I'll certainly be going through the sites and
articles you have posted, it's like pure bliss to me having all this
wonderful information at my fingertips.
Lots of Love
Sorry! Geocities no longer exists
Thanks to Liz Edwards for Art Assistance
The Alliterative Morte Arthure - Full text from the University of Virginia archives.
Altramar Medieval Music Ensemble - Performed on period instruments.
Angelcynn - "Anglo-Saxon Living History 400 - 700 AD." Includes "The Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain," "Clothing and Appearance of the Pagan Anglo-Saxons," and "The Finnesburh Fragment.".
Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries - Early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries database.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - The 1912 Everyman Press version, from the Berkeley site.
The Arch-Druid in His Ceremonial Robes (From Wellcome's Ancient Cymric Medicine) - Article and line art.
Archaeometry and Stonehenge - "A major archaeological project to reassess the results of the 20th century excavations at Stonehenge."
Arthur of Britain - Chronology of Arthurian sources, short bits on the Sword in the Stone and the Holy Grail.
AVALON - Gateway to everything Glastonbury on the Web! - The Ancient Isle of Avalon.
Beyond Legend: Arthur Reconsidered - From the Concord Review.
The Birth Of Mithras (From Montfaucon's Antiquities) - Article and line art.
Broceliande Page - Quest for the Grail card game info.
Brut (MS Cotton Caligula) - Online text of Layamon from University of Virginia archives.
Camelot & Arthurian Legend - Information and art on the major characters in the myth of Camelot.
Camelot Castle 3D Puzzle - "One of the world's most challenging jigsaw puzzles."
Camelot Frequently Asked Questions List - FAQ from the old Camelot mailing list.
The Castles of Wales - "Provides information on over 170 different Welsh castles accompanied by many good quality photographs."
Castles on the Web - Includes glossary of castle terms, links to many castle sites.
Characters from Arthurian Legend - Cast from Malory.
The Charrette Project - "Prototype version of an image/text database of Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette."
A Chronology of Ancient Rome - Part of Exploring Ancient World Cultures.
A Chronology of the Arian Controversy - Part of The Ecole Initiative.
Circular Logic - "Someone is trying to kill one of the members of the Round Table! One of the six knights is sitting in front of a poisoned cup of grog. Use the clues below to figure out which knight is in danger."
Classics Ireland - Journal of the Classical Association of Ireland.
The Complete Corpus of Old English - "From the Dictionary of Old English Project."
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - The full text, plus additional materials such as the original advertisements and contemporary reviews.
Cotswold History and Lore - All the way back to the Neolithic.
Council for British Archaeology
Cymdeithas Madog (Welsh Studies Institute) - Cymdeithas Madog, the Welsh Studies Institute of North America, Inc., is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping North Americans learn, use and enjoy the Welsh language. It takes its name from Madog ab Owain Gwynedd, a Welsh prince who sailed (according to legend) to America in the 12th century. That makes him a fitting symbol of the cultural and linguistic links which Cymdeithas Madog maintains between Wales and the New World.
Earth Mysteries: An Introduction - Ley lines, megaliths, geomancy, etc.
Electronic Beowulf Project - From the British Library.
Excaliburs from the Knife Center - That's funny, I thought the Sword in the Stone was a different one...
Gateway to Scotland - Geography, history, weather, etc.
Gildas - De Excidio Britanniae excerpt.
The Grail Quest or The Orion Archetype and The Destiny of Man
The Great George And Collar Of The Garter (From Ashmole's Order of the Garter) - Article and line art.
The Great God Pan (From Kircher's OEdipus AEgyptiacus) - Article and line art.
The Ground Plan of Stonehenge (From Maurice's Indian Antiquities) - Article and line art.
Guided Tour of Wales - From the University of Wales, Cardiff.
Heirloom Tapestries: The Folly - "The Theme is the Quest for the Unicorn by the legendary twenty-four Knights of King Arthur."
Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (From Historia Deorum Fatidicorum) - Article and line art.
Historical Recipes of Different Cultures - Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval dishes.
History and Status of the Welsh Language - Ties in with A Welsh Course.
The History of Plumbing - Roman and English Legacy - From Plumbing & Mechanical Magazine.
The Holy Grail - Entry from The Catholic Encyclopedia.
How Sir Tristram Drank of the Love Drink - Image from Turn-of-the-Century Fantasy Illustration.
Images of Sites in the British Isles - "Sites of archaeological and archaeoastronomical interest."
Internet Archaeology - Online journal.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook - Public domain and copy-permitted texts.
King Arthur - History and Legend - Includes Arthur's burial cross, interview with Geoffrey Ashe, a synopsis of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain, etc.
King Arthur and Camelot - Includes the painting, The Wedding of Arthur and Guinevere by John Moyr Smith. Part of Virtual Renaissance: A Journey Through Time.
King Arthur Bibliography - Classroom Connections.
King Arthur Uther Pendragon - "I'm Arthur Pendragon and if people want to believe I'm some nutter who thinks he's the reincarnation of King Arthur that's their choice."
Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library - Articles and a glossary.
Labyrinth Home Page - Georgetown University's Medieval Studies site.
Le Morte Darthur Volume 1 - Full text from the University of Virginia archives.
Le Morte Darthur Volume 2 - Full text from the University of Virginia archives.
The Legacy of the Horse - From the International Museum of the Horse. Includes Roman use, early cavalry.
Legends: King Arthur and the Matter of Britain - Exploring King Arthur in history, fiction, folkore, and the arts. Part of LEGENDS.
List of Arthurian Literature - From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Steinbeck.
Lucan: The Civil War (Pharsalia) - English translation by Sir Edward Ridley, 1896.
Map of Anglo-Saxon England - From the Old English Pages.
The Mead Maker's Page - Honey wine recipes.
Medieval Institute at WMU - "Center for teaching and research in the history and culture of the Middle Ages."
Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage - "How to Pig Out with 130 of Your Closest Friends" and more.
Merrie Haskell's King Arthur Page - Currently partially completed, this seems to be on its way to being one of the best Arthurian sites.
Mimas Nomenclature - Satellite of Saturn has many Arthurian names given to features.
Mithras Slaying The Bull (From Lundy's Monumental Christianity) - Article and line art.
Music of the Middle Ages - From Lyrichord.
Mysterious England Tour - Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury, Bath, etc.
The National Archives of Ireland - Index of materials available offline.
Nennius - Historia Brittonum excerpts - The Arthurian segments, of course.
The Newstead Project - University of Bradford archaeological project "investigating the region surrounding the Roman fort of Trimontium."
Old English Pages - "An encyclopedic compendium of resources for the study of Old English and Anglo-Saxon England."
On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies - Everything from barbarization to Byzantium.
Oxford Arthurian Society - Aiming "to discuss, investigate and generally celebrate the myths, legends and ancient mysteries whose roots lie in the darkness of our forgotten past."
Parsifal - Everything you'd ever want to know about Wagner's opera.
Peter Corless: Pendragon - Support page for the game.
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe - "Hypertext archive of narratives, medical consilia, governmental records, religious and spiritual writings and images."
The Quest: Arthurian Legend Studies - "Scholarly page maintained by the University of Idaho's Arthurian Legend Club, Caliburn."
Renaissance Faire Homepage - A "how-to" guide for participants.
Rocky Mountain Meadery - Now if I can just learn to quaff...
Roman Scotland: Outpost of an Empire - "This exhibition tells the story of the Roman presence in Scotland in the first and second centuries AD, with emphasis on the Antonine Wall frontier and the life lived by the soldiers based in forts along its line."
The Round Table of King Arthur (From Jennings' The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries) - Article and line art.
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) - Home page for the maintainers of the National Monuments Records of Scotland.
Ruin and Conquest of Britain 400 A.D. - 600 A.D. - The transition from
Roman Britain to early-mediaeval England and Wales
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Full text from the University of Virginia archives.
Society for Creative Anachronism - Reenactment group.
Starfire Swords - Website for Master Blacksmith Maciej "Zak" Zakrzewski.
Stone Ring Home Page - Quest for the Grail card game info.
Storyfest - Storytelling, Spirituality & Pilgrimage Travel.
Sub-Roman Britain - From the On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
Tennyson Overview - Partial collection of Tennyson's poems includes "The Lady of Shalott," "Morte d'Arthur," "Enid," "Vivien," Elaine," Guinevere," "The Coming of Arthur," and "The Passing of Arthur." Other sections include thematic discussions, etc. Part of The Victorian Web.
The Tennyson Page - Idylls of the King, etc.
The Tree Of The Knights Of The Round Table - Article and line art.
UK Online - Around the UK - Regional information.
UK Travel Guide - Interactive map.
University of Birmingham Field Archaeology Unit - Includes descriptions of Romanization at Wroxeter, digs at the South Cadbury site, etc.
University of York Department of Archaeology - Includes Roman and Medieval specialties.
Virtual Renaissance: A Journey Through Time - A large, marvelous exploration.
Wales Direct - Online store has, among other things, Twrch Trwyth T-shirts and The Tale of Culhwch and Olwen on illustrated cards with bilingual (Welsh/English) text.
Walt Disney Records: A Kid in King Arthur's Court Soundtrack - With downloadable sample files.
Welcome to Cornwall - Tourism guide.
Welcome to Wales, the Land of Castles - Text and images.
A Welsh Course - Also see History and Status of the Welsh Language.
Arthuriana. the website of one of the primary scholarly journals on Arthur.
Allegories of the Grail. Allegories of the Holy Grail with several versions of the Grail texts pursuing different meanings of the Grail.
ARTHURNET Mailing List - searchable archive of discussions on this list.
Portico: the British Library's Information Server Grail summary and links to other info on mythical quests from Portico, the British Library's informtion server.
Lancelot, Knight of the Cart by Chrétien de Troyes. A 12th-century text by one of the central Arthurian authors.
Fantasy Fiction and Welsh Myth: Tales of Belonging. A small collection of materials on the Grail legends with a Grail Timeline.
The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies - Excellent site with lots of information.
Glastonbury SiteGlastonbury Information about the town of Glastonbury (UK) known for legends concerning Avalon, Joseph of Arimathea, King Arthur, Holy Grail, etc. Glastonbury Festival held nearby.
Short History of Arthurian Archaeology. A page by Michelle L. Biehl with information on archeology of Tintagel, Cadbury, and other sites.
Glastonbury Tor - Some more info on Glastonbury Tor.
Hitler and the Grail Bloodline The Lance, the Swastika, and the Merovingians-- connections between Hitler and the Holy Grail, Nazi occultism, and some useful links.
Arthurian Legends for Teachers - a web-based, interdisciplinary approach for educators. Designed to provide secondary educators (all disciplines) with Web-based resources for the study of Arthurian legends; and to publish on-line lesson plans designed to provide the means for students to increase their proficiency in using the internet and to learn about Arthurian-related material.
Freemasonry and Mystical Books
Dead Sea Scrolls - Qumran Library
High History of the Holy Graal
Parsifal and the Holy Grail - King Arthur, Richard Wagner
The alchemy web site and virtual library
Illuminations by Richard Shand
The High History of the Holy Graal
Holy Grail in Blood, Spin Path of Love into DNA
San Graal School of Sacred Geometry
Deep Secrets: The Great Pyramid, The Golden Ratio and The Royal Cubit
New Advent. Catholic Website - Russia
Hildegard von (of) Bingen
Iona Island Community
Shroud of Turin
Gnostic Texts
Guide to Early Church Documents
Illuminations--the Real Jesus plus underground spirituality
Spiritual Movements
The Quest - An Arthurian Resource
Historical King Arthur Web Site
King Arthur & the Matter of Britain
Camlan - An Exploration of Arthurian Britain
Arthurian Resources on the Internet - By John J. Doherty
Explorations in the History and Legends of Arthur
Early Medieval Resources for Britain, Ireland and Brittany
The Arthurnet Online Discussion Group
Arthuriana - The journal of Arthurian Studies
Celtic Dark Age Kingdom Related Web Sites - Links to Arthurian Sites
Yahoo! WebRing - Le Ring du Roi Arthur et des Celtes
Yahoo! WebRing - Knights of Excalibur
The Camelot Project - Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information
Vortigern Studies - British History 400 - 600
The Cardiff Arthurian's Medieval Link Page
The King's Chambers of Odin's Castle of Dreams & Legends
King Arthur: a Man for the Ages
King Arthur & the Matter of Britain
Legends - King Arthur, History and Archaeology
King Arthur's Burial Cross -
Arthur's Life - Birth and Camelot
A Guide to King Arthur's Forgotten Realm
The Camelot Project at the Rochester University
Dark Age Archaeology - Early British Kingdoms
An Archeological Quest for the 'real' King Arthur
Tintagel Castle: Arthur's Birthplace?
Has King Arthur been discovered at Tintagel? - Current Archaeology
Arthurian Inscription found at Tintagel
Tintagel Excavations 1998 - Uiversity of Glasgow
Tintagel Castle - King Arthur: a Man for the Ages
Cadbury Castle: Arthur's Camelot or Dumnonian Capital?
Cadbury Castle - King Arthur: a Man for the Ages
Cadbury Castle - Britannia's Guide to Arthurian Sites
Castle Killibury: King Arthur's First Home?
Glastonbury Tor: Queen Guinevere's Prison?
Glastonbury Abbey -
Glastonbury Abbey: King Arthur's Last Resting-Place?
Glastonbury: The Isle of Avalon?
Glastonbury's own "Isle of Avalon"
Caerleon: Dark Age Capital of Wales?
Caerwent: The Welsh Winchester
Dinas Emrys: Vortigern's Hide-Out?
Dinas Emrys Hillfort - Vortigern Studies
Camlann - Arthur's final battlefield
Arthur and Camlann - By August Hunt
Clue to King Arthur discovered - BBC on line
A Short History of Arthurian Archaeology - By Michelle L. Biehl
The Ruin and Conquest of Britain 400 A.D. - 600 A.D. - By Howard Wiseman
Sub-roman Britain - ORB, A Guide to Online Resources
Sub-roman Britain: An Introducton - By Christopher Snyder, ORB Encyclopedia
Transformations of Celtic Mythology in Arthurian Legend
The Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur
A Gazetteer of Sub-Roman Britain (AD 400-600): the British Sites - By Christopher A Snyder
Eboracum - Literary references to a historical Arthur are few
British Archaeology, no 4, May 1995 - Not King Arthur, but King Someone
The Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur
Beyond Legend: Arthur Reconsidered - by Camilla Ann Richmond, The Concord Review
The Saxon Advent - by Geoffrey Ashe, British Heritage
The Historical Arthur - A Bibliography by P. J. C. Field
Arthur's Bibliography - University of Kansas