compiled by Dee Finney
Cover of
Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition
by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
Web site:
American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event

Some tribes of Native Americans see a
lop-headed rabbit in the moon.
The right-hand picture is marked to show the rabbit.
Joe and I have long noticed that the
symbol of the rabbit occurs in unlikely places - but yet people
keep putting it in movies, books, and plays to signify
something. What might that be? One of the first occurrences in
childhood is in Alice in Wonderland where she follows the rabbit
down the hole and goes through many adventures. More recently,
there is a vivid scene in the
movie ET
where a white rabbit is shown sitting in the forest before the
ET is seen. "Get to Know Your Rabbit (1972)" In the book
'Contact' the woman heading for the Arecibo radio tower sees a
line of rabbits along the road. Then there is the old cartoon
rabbit Bugs Bunny. There is also Briar Rabbit and Harvey the
Rabbit. Then too there is Thumper, Peter Rabbit, Br'er Rabbit
and Roger Rabbit. I'm sure everyone remembers
at some time in their life either owning or seeing a rabbit's
foot which people carried for 'good luck'. Rabbit's feet are
lucky talismans, probably because of their swiftness. And one
can't get through life without knowing about the Easter Bunny in
this country. Merrily he hops through the countryside with his
basket of brightly colored eggs leaving them to delight children
everywhere. The Easter Bunny, one of the more peculiar legends
of our civilization.
Alice says: ."Oh dear, oh dear!"
.said the Rabbit. "I shall be to
.And so, when the White Rabbit ran
.Alice wanted to see what would happen
to it:
.so she ran after it:
.and she ran, and she ran, till she
.right down the rabbit-hole.
Bre'er Rabbit is well known for telling Br'er Bear,
"Please don't throw me into the Briar patch", and of course it
was a trick because when he was thrown into the Briar patch
nobody could follow him there.
12-21-2002 - This might seem like an
odd topic, but last night I dreamed I was a rabbit, and in front
of me was a male
rabbit. I was told that this rabbit had 8 children, 4 boys and 4
girls. There were other rabbits in the picture. The strange
thing is this: All these rabbits stood on their hind feet like
So, this dream had a meaning
other than I was dreaming about cute bunny-rabbits
like one might at Easter. This is Christmas time - rabbits are
normally an Easter symbol. So, it seems that something else is
also going on here.
Before I was really awake, I had a vision voice that
told me that we'd not really know the true symbolism of the
rabbit until the year 2080? Think I'll live long enough to
discover it? I would be 142 then. :-) Well,
with life extending the way it is - maybe I should set that as
my goal? :-) Do you think possibly this is the
year Jesus is returning? Some of you will be here then.
4-4-04 - VISIONS - I first
saw a tiny baby rabbit inside my bedroom slipper which I had my
foot in. I was told that the baby rabbit is the consciousness of
man. I was then told that the rabbit equaled the number 54.
Finally, I saw and felt the baby rabbit jump from my bedroom
slipper into my crotch. (The great Y of the Chinese and the Yoni
of the Hindu)
I remembered then that I had the dream about not knowing the
meaning of the rabbit until a certain time, but couldn't
remember what that was and thought, "The time must be now." But
after I saw that we wouldn't know the meaning of the rabbit
until 2080 - common sense tells us this isn't the year 2080.
Does 2080 also mean something else?
The meaning of the baby rabbit equating to
'consciousness' and the number 54 is important. We are being
looked at as a 'baby' to begin with - not mature consciousness,
which means we have quite a ways to go yet to develop human
The number 54 is interesting. Since it is
near Easter and the bunny rabbit is associated with Easter -
which we always wonder how that got connected. I discovered that
the longitude of
is connected:
Grid Longitude 04
deg x 03 min x 54 sec E.Giza.
Michael Morton reports more facts regarding Bethlehem's
Carl Munck has determined a Grid Point
Value for The Great Sphinx of exactly 5400 .... a base-ten
'harmonic' of 54 ..... and I have determined an exact number of
54 for the E. Giza longitude seconds of BOTH proposed Bethlehem
Grid Points. And, the known arc-distance on Earth from
pole-to-equator is exactly 5400 nautical miles. A 'next logical
step', here, would be to go into the Grid Latitude of Stonehenge
.... which is exactly 21600 .... the polar circumference of
Earth in nautical miles . . .
51 deg x 10 min x 42.35294116 sec North =
21600 North
Stonehenge we
find: Of the 56 postholes, only 54 stand next to the
earthen bank itself.
There are two separate
messages here.
54 postholes face the bank.
4 others stand in the open,
clear of the earthworks
Two messages, 54 and 4..
Here we will ask a question of
(1) there are 54 Aubrey holes
facing the earthworks.
(2) They are arranged to show
a 360 degree circle. that gives us '54 and '360'.
(3) The GRID latitude
of the complex, both original (Phase I) and final (Phase II) is
now known to be 21,600. Get out your calculator and find...
21600 / 360 / 54 = 1.11111111
Since we also know this to
be... 1.111111112 = 1.23456789 - the pattern for our
virtually universal base number system, we can acknowledge how
Stonehenge likewise encoded it for us.
Always pay CLOSE
attention to what the ancient buildings provide.
What of the other four Aubrey Holes?
Test them too, to find...
54 x 4 = 216
Another figure now familiar, a sacred
number from the gematrian realm.
In Joan
Sckrabulis' book, she shows the number 3168 figures in the earth
and moon size relationships. It is the circle of the earth with
a square around it, with a smaller moon circle attached on the
right. Another circle is drawn around the earth with the
circumference passing through the center of the moon circle. The
"alpha" or word meaning of 3168 is "Lord Jesus Christ."
Each side of
the square has the earth's diameter, for 4 x 7920 = 31680 miles.
The radius of the earth plus the radius of the moon gives 3960 +
1080 = 5040. 5040 x 2 Pi = 31680. (Pi here is the near Pi value,
5040 is also
interesting. In the ancient numbering systems, the zeros are
often place-holders, and the non-zero numbers have a meaning. 54
is half 108, what I call an in-between point in the Gematrian
system. Like the other in-between points, it has a "666"
tangent. The same is true of the angle to the moon symbol in the
Barbury formation, 234 degrees (the reverse of 432). 666 is
mentioned in Rev. 13:18, and 13 x 18 = 234. In Carl Munck's
"Code," the exact global location of the Sphinx is 5400. 666 aso
figures into the eclipse, in Joan's work, as the "majic square"
of the numbers 1 through 36 used by the ancient Greeks for the
sun, Helios. Adding the numbers 1 through 36 total 66
Michael Morton also shows us a further strange connection
is Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania. The Gettysburg Trinity is not
an ideology, or a doctrine, or a religious creed, or anything of
that sort. It is a mathematical, geometric 'entity'. It is an
actual key to understanding 'wholistic self-referentiality', a
true tool, a true measuring stick . . . of self-aware
intelligence in-harmony-with its environment. It is a new
milepost for us Earth Humans in terms of mass consciousness. It
is a true link, here at these three places on this historic
battlefield, to a common but until-now lost and suppressed
connection to ancestors of ours . . . to ancestors who built
gigantic monuments on the planet Mars, at a place we now call
When the Grid Point Values of
these 3 sites are multiplied . . .
2.581988897 x 1.860376601 x
1.789199024 = 8.594366927
. . . we get a figure that
acts as a key to 'gematrian-type numbers'
8.594366927 = 27 / Pi
= 54 / 2Pi
= 81 / 3Pi
= 108 / 4Pi
= 135 / 5Pi
= 162 / 6Pi ; etc.
When it's multiplied by 144Pi,
it finds the gematrian number meaning "New Jerusalem" . . .
144Pi x 8.594366927 = 3888
(Greek Gematria)
Our friend
Val Tunata has related some English Gematrian numbers which
also connect with
Ancient Hand Signs and God and Jesus:
27 + 27 = 54 = TONE = VOICE = BREATH
HAND = 27
BOTH HANDS = 72, mirror 27
27 + 27 = 54 = TONE = VOICE = BREATH
89 + 70 = 159 = THE FIRST BREATH
JESUS = 74
Do Jesus and Lucifer each represent a HAND OF GOD?
HAND x 2 = 54 = VOICE
Is English somehow connected to the voice of God through
our two hands? Is this a clue to the connection between the
English and Hebrew alphabets?
The Hebrew alphabet is composed of 22 letters but, with
the vowels included, the number of letters is 27. The number 27
is also encoded in the structure of the English alphabet and can
be found by combining A+Z=27, B+Y=27, C+X=27, and so on through
the entire alphabet.
HAND x 2 = 54 = VOICE
74 + 27 = 101
101 is the beginning of the series of 101 through 191.
These 3-digit numbers with a 1 on each side of the center number
have been turning up a lot lately. Check this out:
Let's assume for the sake of discussion that JESUS(74) and
LUCIFER(74) each represent a hand of God. Then go back to the
"hand sign" of the three fingers:
JESUS = 74 = 11
LUCIFER = 74 = 11
GOD = 26 = 8
Think of the two 1's on either side of the 8 as being 11.
Could the three raised fingers represent GOD(26=8) in the
center, dividing the dual nature of good and evil as represented
by JESUS(74=11) and LUCIFER(74=11)?
And finally, considering the whole hand:
Is the Mind of God communicated through the Hand? In a
sense, this would relate back to Stan Tenen's idea about the
"universal" language (pre-Tower Of Babel) having been a language
of the hand through certain configurations of the FIVE FINGERS.
On 1-2-99, I had a lucid dream consisting
of myself picking up tiles that were colored pink and gray
marble rectangles. They were labeled
Tamasisk. I
didn't touch any of them with my hands, but used a tool like a
nail or something long like a nail and moved it from one spot
where it was by itself and built a wall-like panel of 54 tiles
together. They were 9 high and 6 wide.
Not knowing the significance of what I was
doing, I got tired of moving the tiles because it's boring even
in the dream state doing repetitive things when there are no
people or conversations involved, so I opened my eyes before it
was done and rolled over in bed. When I did that, a voice in my
head said, "Can't you even finish?" I came to the realization
that this was a special project and even though I had rolled
over in bed with my eyes open, when I closed them again, I could
still see the rectangular tiles and finished moving the last
four even though I didn't feel like it. It felt like a duty at
that point.
(The Esoteric Alphanumerical meaning of 54 is LOVE. )
Joe Mason relates his
discoveries about the Great Y on his page about
Humanity on the
Pollen Path.
James Churchward tells us that the triangle
with a circle in it represents the Deity in heaven and that "An
equilateral triangle with an eye within symbolizes the Deity
looking out from heaven."
The glyph is depicted on page 125 of his
book 'Sacred Symbols of MU'. The text reads -
"An equilateral
triangle symbolized the Creator, and, as the Creator dwells
in Heaven, the triangle must necessarily symbolize heaven
also; for, where the Lord is, there is Heaven.
I find this
verified among the Egyptian symbols, as the glyph shows.
Here we find the Monotheistic Symbol of the Deity within the
triangle - within Heaven. Wherever or whenever the
equilateral triangle is met with in ancient
writings or inscriptions, it is either in reference to the
Triune Godhead, or Heaven, or both.
At the time of
Confucius, the Chinese Sage, about 500 B. C., in place of
the triangle the Chinese used a glyph in the form of the
present-day capital Y. This they called:
'the Great Term,' 'the Great Unite,' 'the Great Y.'
'The Y has neither body nor shape, all
that has body and shape was made by that which has no shape.
The Great Term or Great Unite comprehends three - One in
three - and three in One.'"
I realized that there was a Y-shape inside
the Barbury Castle triangular formation. I later found in my
notebook that I had dreamed of a Y-shape. I reported the dream
in my 1992 article for The Dream Network Journal:
I saw a "Y"-shape
that was also a woman's body where the legs meet. Three
energy lines moved from the center, two outward and one
downward. Then I saw it again but this time there were just
the two outward energy lines. As I saw this, a voice said:
"Some say there are three ways of unfolding the world. We
say two".
I had the dream in June 1991, and the
Barbury Castle triangular formation appeared the next month,
although I did not know about it until September 1991. I found
this quite amazing, because the meaning of the Chinese Great
has a very similar meaning. The downward-pointing, central
triangle of the Sri Yantra is related to the feminine aspect of
Deity, and related symbolically to the "yoni," which means
I looked to see if I had ever
written anything else about the number 2080 and found it on this
Perhaps we will not know the full meaning of the
rabbit until Uranus completes its cycle.
Excerpted from:
If the infamous "ides of March" are understood to fair
more or less portentously for any given year, then March of 2003
is marked for severe turbulence by the entry of Uranus into
Pisces for the first time since January 1920, in both instances
initiating seven-year periods of rambunctious spiritual
ideation. The entire enterprise, however, is geared toward the
launching of an overt campaign for industrious deployment of a
New World Order at the time Uranus crosses the spring equinox,
entering Aries in 2010. Uranus has an 84-year orbital period,
transiting through one sign in 7 years.
What does this portend for the upcoming period of Uranus'
transit through Pisces for the seven years beginning in 2003,
connoting strategic maneuvering to protect and germinate the
"seed" of a new Uranian program, culminating in 2010, just after
Pluto's entry into Capricorn in 2009? These two powerfully
transformative agents transiting to these most potent Cardinal
points of the tropical zodiac, one right after the other, can
only indicate a major up-scaling of the globalization of human
consciousness throughout the world during the short period of
2009-10. These impulses will be decisive, unprecedented and
perhaps devastating in terms of world politics, but the inherent
evolutionary potential for responding to them constitutes the
impetus for successful mutation.
The meaning of Uranus transiting through Pisces, from 2003
to 2010, pertains to the dynamic positioning of myriad factors,
largely psychological, to facilitate the most propitious outcome
for the imminent bid for power in 2010. This impetus is subtle
but strong and intent upon a program that has now been largely
installed as a function of Uranus' now completing transit
through Aquarius, from 1996 to 2003. During this period, Uranus,
as Lord of Aquarius, has been setting his own house in order;
that is, installing a new Aquarian program to be deployed over
the full 84-year period of his cycle, climaxing from 2039
through 2046 as Uranus transits through Leo, the full cycle
completing in 2080 as Uranus "comes home" to Aquarius again.
In Pisces, Uranus will venture forth into the next stage
of the New Program by "softening up" the appropriate
psychological and social breakpoints for an imminent preemptive
maneuver in 2010. Such anticipatory positioning can generate
surprisingly effective strategic diversions of resources and
fortifications toward swift implementation of objectives at a
predetermined moment (Uranus' transit to the spring equinox).
The essential point for understanding the astrological principle
involved is that all progressive movement is geared toward
Greater Life. Disruptive and even destructive activities are
always yet necessary and functional processes of life itself.
We can expect to witness increased turbulent skirmishes
throughout the world during Uranus' transit through Pisces,
given the state of affairs that we observe now, going into it.
Their fundamental nature or character, however, will likely be
that of upping the ante across the board toward obtaining "the
psychological advantage" within the now global zeitgeist. This
transit provides a most insightful index for gauging mounting
psychological tensions as various factions vie for the energy of
the building transformative charge. The advantage will be
determined by superior intelligence, pure and simple; that is,
the most enhanced and expanded capacity for intuitive insight,
penetrating deeply into humanity's underlying collective urge
for the emergence of a New World.
Uranus is the planet of the efficacy of free agency. He is
the consummate egalitarian and seeks to further egalitarian
objectives. In his transit through Pisces, he will favor the
will to freedom by stirring up latent yearnings for
actualization toward many and varied ends. Tyrannical impulses
will be frustrated in their attempts to preempt rising tides of
passions, because ultimately such passions prove unmanageable.
People will instinctively respond to the transit of Uranus
through Pisces to move advantages toward their perceived
interests, but there will be no perceptible coordination of
those movements.
8-26-90 - DREAM - I went to dinner with some friends. We
were served very little vegetables. I told my friends to be sure
to eat them all.
I was walking down a road and came to a high hill. I began
to walk up the hill and accidentally tripped a hidden wire which
triggered an artificial torrent of water which would flood the
area. My children and I hurriedly climbed the hill to the top
and I noted that even the hill was artificial.
I was at work and went home for lunch. I closed my eyes
for 5 minutes to nap and 4 hours went by. I was afraid I would
be fired, so I decided to go look for a new job the first thing
in the morning.
My daughter came home and we were discussing material
things and I remarked that other women had nice apartments,
clothes, hairdos, and makeup and I didn't have any of those
things. She said that I should make up my mind what was most
important to me and then do that.
As I was sitting there, there was a baby crawling at my
feet. It was my daughter baby. The baby looked like female
Indian. It was beautiful. I remarked that I hadn't even had a
chance to see it yet because I was so busy working all the time
and I wanted to get to know the baby.
I was in a taxi-cab, sharing a ride with two men. We
headed up a steep hill and the driver stopped just short of the
top. My destination was at the top and I planned to continue on
to that house. But as soon as the men got out, the cab backed
all the way back down to the bottom and I knew that if I wanted
to reach my destination at the top, I would have to pay the
price and do it all alone.
There was store window nearby and the manikin was wearing
a beautiful shimmering light blue dress. I told my daughter that
that was what I wanted.
I had a
box a potatoes and I was going to peel them, quarter them, and
put them into another box. An elderly woman was watching me
and I wanted to look proficient.
As I began, I saw that under the potatoes there was a dark
grey rabbit multiplying and having babies and the baby rabbits
were trying to escape out a crack at the bottom which I had to
prevent. Then as I started to peel the potatoes, they became
pears and were very squishy and I tried real hard to impress the
woman with my proficiency and it was very difficult.
I was at my New Berlin house. My next door neighbor asked
me about my husband because she had never met him. I knew that
he had been in prison and was tough and mean, but I loved him
and I wanted to be with him. She asked me to mail a letter for
her. I saw the address on it. It ended in 33. I didn't want to
give my husband my address directly, which was 2821, so I
thought if I sent him a letter using her address, which was
2933, he would figure out where I was. That way I wouldn't have
to feel guilty for being emotionally weak, wanting to see him
and he could find me on his own.
NOTE: I was told in a dream to always look up numbers from
my dreams in the Bible concordance for meaning: These are the
numbers from this dream:
2821 = chashak = blacker = a primitive root; to be dark
(as withholding light); transitively, to darken:--be black, be
(make) dark, darken, cause darkness, be dim, hide.
Lam 4:8: Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not
known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is
withered, it is become like a stick.
dark= Job 3:9, Let the stars of the twilight thereof be
dark; let it look for light, but [have] none; neither let it see
the dawning of the day:
Job 18:6, The light shall be dark in his tabernacle, and
his candle shall be put out with him.
Psa 105:28, He sent darkness, and made it dark; and they
rebelled not against his word.
Amos 5:8, [Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and
Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and
maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of
the sea, and poureth them out4 upon the face of the earth: The
LORD [is] his name:
Micah 3:6 Therefore night [shall be] unto you, that ye
shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark ( 2821) unto you,
that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down1 over the
prophets, and the day shall be dark1 over them.
2933 = tamah = defiled = Lev 11:43:Ye shall not make
yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth,
neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye
should be defiled thereby.
Since at this time in my life, I was in a dark place, the
dark rabbit made sense as well as the address numbers and what
they meant.
Here it appears that things are getting better in my
3-11-91 - Meditation:
Q. The child in the bedroom who was called "The Savior -
The Champion - Is he Jesus Christ, Holy Christ? Or is he a
A. The child was brought to me. He could not yet walk by
himself. He was brought in by two workmen with the child walking
between them holding their hands. He had red curly hair.
A. When I repeated the word, 'rescuer' the little boy
remained a little boy.
When I repeated the words, Jesus Christ, Holy Christ, I
saw a white Easter Bunny Rabbit and it turned silver.
Q. I again asked about the Savior. A voice said, "Let me
say Hello to Dolores. I then saw Babaji take some clothing out
of a basket and said, "Let me put this on the baby."
Babaji said to me, "You can come to me with keen
efficiency. People whom I have not used for specific lessons are
not supposed to know."
Q. Who would be privy to this information?
A. I saw a group of men like in the United Nations. The
ones in the upper row who were the 'prime ministers' raised
their hands.
Q. What is the significance of the Silver Easter Rabbit?
A. A voice said, "He is most precious."
4-27-92 - DREAM - This was more like an astral
experience. The girl from 218 came into the apartment and was
looking through my drug bag for some kind of pain killers. (Kept
all my medications in one bag) She didn't find any, because I
don't have any. I didn't yell at her or anything, but when she
left, I get up out of bed to go see if she had closed the
apartment door to the hallway. As I made my way to the door, I
found gifts that she had left behind relating to Easter ... a
big bunny rabbit, a basket of eggs and candy and some other more
valuable gifts I couldn't recall.
When I got to the door, another tenant said that the
police were down at the end of the hall with a girl manacled to
some bars and asked if I could come down and identify her since
she was hysterical and couldn't talk and she had a screaming
baby with her that no one could quiet either.
I said, "Wait a minute, I need to get a robe on and went
to my closet and pulled out a muumuu type dress I think was
black and white, but not sure. (I don't really own one)
I went down to the end of the hall and found the girl
crying her heart out hysterically on a bed and her baby doing
the same on the bed next to her.
I simply asked her, "Where are you from?" and she
responded simply, "From the South of france, and I don't know
where I am."
I said, "We'll help you." I leaned over to pick up the
baby and the people behind me said, "Nobody can pick him up, he
just screams all the louder."
I raised the baby to a sitting position and he stopped
crying, eyeing me warily.
I asked the mother if I could pick him up. She said, "Yes,
but he doesn't take to strangers very well."
I picked him up then and held him at eye level and he
broke into a big smile.
Everyone oohed and aaahed at his reacting to me. So I
talked some baby talk to him and he just kept right on smiling.
The mother was so grateful, she stopped crying and became calmer
I told the police that everything would be all right and I
would take care of things, so they left.
NOTE: Policemen refer to karma
8-7-93 - DREAM - I was examining my new house and came to
an area towards the back when I discovered 24 tiny brown rabbits
just born. Next to them, just born were 12 kittens in two sizes,
a few days old to a few hours old. Someone came along and killed
all the rabbits, but I still had to deal with all the kittens,
the colors of which ranged from white to dark and grey.
8-14-93 - DREAM - I was in a house somewhere, supposedly
at home. I saw a huge, bigger than human, yellow rabbit go by,
going down towards Wisconsin Ave. He was going to participate in
a parade. I wondered why no one else was going.
There were some things going on relating to Ed, perhaps
coming back. The suddenly a drunken man was pounding on the door
and trying to push it in. I had to hold the door shut with all
my strength.
As soon as the pressure on the door stopped, I ran over to
a dresser in the bedroom, grabbed Joe K's keys and my purse,
which I knew had my wallet and check book in. I gave Joe the
keys and grabbed him by the hand and pulled him with me. I had
the purse in my hand and said, "I have absolutely everything I
had to have. I then said, "Lets go." and we headed out to his
jeep and left for Washington.
10-18-97 - DREAM - I was in a U shaped house. I was in
the remodeled section of the bottom of the U, separated from the
30 foot room by a 3 foot door. The 30 foot room also had a front
door going outside. I was told by a voice that part of the room
I was in was remodeled from the portion that was attached to the
30 foot room.
I could see the lines in the ceiling and the floor where
the walls had been removed. There had been another section on
the other side of the 30 foot room so the house originally
looked like an upside down T. Now it looked like a U. I do not
recall seeing my furniture in the 30 foot section, but I could
see we had too much furniture in the section I was in. There was
a dresser with two white lamps on it. The lamp stands were
standing in the middle of the room. There was no room to put
them by the wall, so I turned one upsidedown on top of the
other, thinking I would have to remove them from the room
otherwise. A child came in and told me she was leaving and I
could have her dolls. It was a Barbie, Ken, and Skipper. As I
held Barbie in my hands, the head changed to a rabbit head with
long ears.
Over in the corner, on the right, a man with white hair
sat at a desk. He was sewing something on a sewing machine.
There were two children on top of the desk playing also. The
girl child was shooting pool. With the triangle with 9 balls,
and a pool cue.
I walked to the back door which was a door at the end of
this 30 foot section to the left of the man. I saw a black woman
standing there with two children, also a boy and a girl. I said,
"Oh! I didn't know you were there. You've been so patient to
wait so long." She smiled at me. The blonde mother of the other
two children was there to drive her two children and the black
woman and her two children away in a white car which was parked
Behind the car was a large blue curtain or blanket hanging
on a line which I said I was going to have to take down. One the
right was a shelf case with objects on it like empty urns or
vass. I said I was going to have to take these inside to clean
up the yard.
NOTE: Interesting to note here that the other night
12-20-02 - a Barbie turned into an alien face.
12-4-97 - SPECIAL MEDITATION - I was holding an old pink
quartz crystal which was found in the yard - unwashed and
uncleansed. I asked the crystal if it had any messages for me or
for mankind.
I saw a small brown rabbit on my right, which changed into
a large brown mouse which ran forward.
I again asked the same question. I sensed great anger and
saw a hand hold something up. A voice said, "I wish I had been
able to hold onto that stone."
NOTE: In another meditation, I actually spoke to the
crystal and it told me that it wanted to be returned to the
earth. It much resented being removed from its home.
2-15-98 - DREAM - I was watching people in canoes,
floating down river. They came to a city and went into a
theatre. Inside the theatre was a game show going on. The
theatre and the audience was really large. It was impossible to
finish the game show all in one day, so I was asked to make an
announcement to the people to get them to stay overnight and
finish the game the next day. They gave me a deck of blue
playing cards. There were 57of them and each card represented a
There were many more than 57people, but I fanned the cards
out in front of the people to entice them to stay until the next
day and win a prize. Nobody got up to leave that I could see.
The people were going to be able to pick their own choice of
card from the deck.
I then went into another room where there was a long brown
table. I was sitting at the end of the long brown table. There
were other people in the room, both men and women. An old, old,
black woman came into the room carrying a little black girl
child who in turn was carrying a tiny baby black girl child.
One of the other women in the room tried to take the child
out of the arms of the old black woman but she wouldn't go to
the new woman.
The old black woman sat down to my right, around the
corner of the table and offered the child to me to hold. The
child was terrified and clutched tightly to her own little child
which she too carried.
We placed a child's sized rocker on top of the table in
front of us and eased the child onto the rocking chair. She was
held onto the chair with a brown seat belt. The old black woman
and I both had our hands on the child. I was rocking the chair
gently with my foot somehow to soothe the child. The
old woman
and I were talking to the child softly and telling her she was
going to be okay and she was safe and we pointed out that she
couldn't fall out of the chair because of the seat belt. The
child gradually became more calm and we could see the fear leave
the child's eyes. Gradually then, the old black woman removed
her hands from the child while mine continued to hold her
securely on the chair.
Then, right in front of us, the old woman fell over and
I was as shocked as anyone to see the old woman die. We
turned the child's rocker around so she couldn't see the old
woman's body and some other people prepared a schoolroom type
event at the other end of this long table where they had glass
enclosed cages filled with white animals with the babies of
every species imaginable.
They were all white and jumping around like baby animals
do. The test was for the girl child now to name the animals one
by one.
Because there were so many animals we removed the common
ones in the front like puppy, kitten, and bunny rabbit because
they were so common and were also the largest and blocked the
view of the others. I wiped the glass clean and took up a long
pointer to point to each animal so she could name them.
2-25-98 - DREAM - I had moved out of my apartment but
went back for a final inspection to make sure there was no
damage and everything was cleaned up. I was given a receipt #21
for the carpet cleaning and Joe's was #20. We passed the
I then went to New Berlin to my new job to get an
assignment but there was nothing designated yet.
I went with a black woman who was short and fat to visit a
big house where Hitler was rehearsing his stage play. In the
house, to get upstairs to the balcony where Hitler was, you came
in 1/2 way between the 1st floor and the 2nd floor. Regular
people had to descend to the 1t floor and then take another
stairway all the way back up. This was to show how much better
he was than anyone else. The Masters took a different stairway
directly up to the 2nd floor but it didn't go all the way. You
had to demonstrate your Mastery by swinging over to a wide
silver ladder like an acrobat and then climb up the rest of the
The black woman I was with decided she was going to go up
to the balcony and climb the ladder and meet Hitler in person.
He was standing on the balcony and I saw him quite clearly. But
he stood there laughing. His part was played by a famous
comedian we see on television all the time - (a medium sized
guy) (I don't want to name him) But when I watched him laughing
his face morphed into several other evil looked faces and back.
I decided to descend to the 1st floor rather then go up to
the balcony and play his little game and I left the building
I went East into Milwaukee to A-C where I used to work.
People weren't really working there They were cleaning up the
place, fooling around, talking, and getting ready to leave. A
couple of young black men, fooling around, sprayed some white
foam of some kind al over us including on my head and in my
eyes. They laughed uproariously, but when I got the foam washed
off, the skin on my arms and legs was all raw and bleeding. An
older white woman attempted to give me a band aid but the wounds
were way too extensive for that.
One of the girls was going home to New Berlin where she
lived. I asked if I could bum a ride with her and then I would
just walk over to my new job and see if an assignment had come
in yet.
She said, "Okay!" I picked up my black purse which was on
the floor with everyone elses and we walked outside together.
Outside, we were accosted by her boyfriend who started yelling
at her that she was late as usual . It couldn't have been more
than 30 seconds to 1 minute late, if any. Several young black
men saw this confrontation and decided to sock the guy in the
jaw which they did. I was a little afraid of these black guys
but I acted like I wasn't.
Another black guy pulled up to the curb in a plush,
beautiful blue Roadster type car with a blue-velvet top and
interior. He asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. This car had
no windows in it. It was open like the original cars were in the
1920's. I saw that it drove from the right seat, so I got in
where the driver normally sits. As soon as I did, the interior
of the car was different than it had appeared from outside.
There was an invisible seat farther forward which you could only
see when you were inside the car. It was more like a limousine
where a window opened and the real driver was in front and the
steering wheel part where I had gotten in was only for pretend.
the guy in front was doing the real driving.
In the front stood a tall black guy who is an actor on
"One Life to Live" . He asked me if I was ready to go on the
ride of my life. I guess I wasn't because I went back into the
building to say goodbye to some more people. The tall black guy
came into the building with two other tall black guys and he
asked me what did I really want out of life. I pretended like I
was swooning with desire for him. He laughed and started to
leave the building.
Just before he left the building, he turned around to come
back to give me a hug. He morphed into a short black woman and I
said, "I'll probably never see you again." He hugged me and
left. I went outside and met my mother and we got on a boat to
ride up the river together. I asked her if she wanted to sit up
front and she said, "No! I don't have the strength for that
She noticed that the skin on my shins and legs was peeling
and she insisted that she help me peel it off. It was really
gross at this point and huge chunks of skin were peeling off
though it didn't hurt.
Down by my feet lay a white rabbit. It was dead, inside
out, and gutted. I thought it was my own feet at first, but then
realized what it was and discarded it along with my old skin.
See :
October 27, 1999 - DREAM - It started out at home, that I
had forgotten I had a job and was walking around in my green and
white striped bathrobe. (This is my own). After I remembered
that I had a job, I was making excuses in my mind that other
people get sick and don't call in and one missed day wasn't so
bad, etc.
However, once I remembered I had a job, I had to go in
which I did and then tried to pretend that I had been there all
the time, they just hadn't seen me.
I was on my way to my office and kept getting waylaid by
various people who wanted me to look at this or that and give my
opinion on it like it really counted.
I had to walk through an auditorium/lunchroom type place
and I was still changing clothes from my bathrobe to office
attire. I was naked from the waist up, but holding two short
sleeved sweaters in front of me, one beige and one white one. I
was trying to pretend this was normal and everybody did this.
I saw someone was taking care of my baby daughter and
feeding it some milk from a bottle. Other people were keeping me
so busy I couldn't do this myself so I relented and allowed
others to do this. I tried to keep my eye on who had her, but
finally I lost track of her completely. A lot of the people had
left and I had no idea where she was.
I went into a closet like area where other clothes were
hanging on hangers and pulled one of the sweaters over my head.
However, when it came down over my body, it wasn't at all like
the sweaters I had been carried. This outfit was green,
orange,and yellow and was like a Halloween costume and it seemed
Chinese. It went all the way down to the tops of my shoes. I
started to laugh because I had never seen anything like this
before. Some men came by and asked my opinion on something they
were doing and I showed them my outfit while laughing, and they
laughed too, but as they walked away, I heard one guy say, "That
really wasn't funny at all."
At that point, a woman came near me and showed me that her
skin was hard like stone. However, she was walking around okay
anyway like everyone else.
A moment later, I was nearing my office and a woman,
dressed like a detective with a slouch hat pulled half way over
her face and a trench coat on, came up to me and told me that my
baby had been taken to the hospital. It had been found out that
someone who had been feeding her, had put liquid chalk into the
bottle and was attempting to fill my child's system with chalk
to make her like stone and kill her. However, they were able to
pump her stomach at the hospital and that she would be fine.
I thanked the woman and continued on towards my office. I
passed by my bosses office whose door was open and I could hear
him talking to someone on the phone. I sneaked past his door and
got to my own door. There was a mailbox on the outside wall
there and there were gifts and flowers all over the place. I
couldn't even get in the door without picking them all up and
carrying them. However, other women were still asking my opinion
on things and stopping me from actually going into the office.
At this point, I started having visions within the dream,
rather superimposed over the scene. The first one was "The
Chinese Phonic Afterlife".
After I got into my office, there were stuffed animals all
over the desk and I had to rearrange them on the floor behind
me. There was a big colorful rabbit and one was a
elephant pulling a white two wheeled cart behind him.
I finally managed to turn around to begin work and saw
another vision as I woke up, it said, "The Phonic Life".
Note: I've probably forgotten some details... like the
things I was asked my opinion on, but the visions of the Phonic
Life were very prominent towards the end and I know they are
12-12-99 - DREAM - I met my girlfriend Barbara on the
street. She had a neat old vehicle to drive. She had a key to
drive it, but her husband wouldn't let her have the real notched
key for it. I had a key to the vehicle myself... the notched
key. She wanted a notched key so a man came along who promised
he could make her a notched key but in order to do that, she had
to give the man her husband's wallet. She agreed to this, but
his wallet was so full of coins and valuable papers, she needed
help to transfer all this to her own purse before she could turn
over the wallet to the man. I assisted her in making the
transfer and occasionally several beads would fall out the side
of her purse during the transfer and I rather poured them back
into her purse when some escaped out the side.
We then went into a movie theatre, where I showed her the
notched key. I showed her that it fit into a slot in the theatre
and it started the movie going. At first when I turned the key,
the movie started, but I discovered that the key had to be
turned continuously to make the movie run and that as the key
turned, it moved along a track in the top of this plate where
the movie was inside... and the faster the key turned, the
faster the music and lights played inside this box. I finally
learned how fast this key had to be turned and I turned it
faster and faster until it finally reached the speed where the
movie could actually be viewed in real time. The problem was
that when the movie ran at real time, an egg would pop out a
hole in the side of this box and this supposedly was a bad
thing. But, I got the key turning and the movie going and an egg
popped out. What was surprising was what popped out the egg. At
first I thought it was a long earred flop rabbit, but it turned
out to be a black cat with long flop ears that had three long
feathery feathers at the top, so the cats ears were each three
feathered. It was so cute. Someone said, "look at the next one."
and sure enough another one popped out identical to the first.
This one also was a black cat with feathery feathered ears, but
this one also had pink flowers with three petals lining the edge
of the feathers also. This little cat also had white paws. It
liked me and climbed up on my right shoulder and sat there while
we walked on through the theatre hallway.
1-27-00 - DREAM - I was in a house somewhere. There were
several people with me. The main occupation was to get some very
large goldfish into a fish tank that was large enough for them
and yet not put them into tanks that had smaller fish that might
get eaten.
There were fish swimming in the air like they were in
water on several levels. I had a Collie dog and it was licking
the fish on the tail as we were running all over trying to save
all the fish.
There was a white dove inside the washing machine . . .
which opened sideways, (not up) and the washing machine was half
full of water so I had to get him out of there and then he
turned into a white rabbit.
I then found a miniature horse laying down on a counter
and picked him up and he was prancing on my hand which felt
really weird to have his little hooves on the palm of my hand. I
gave him to my daughter.
I then saw three rabbits wrapped in a towel on the floor.
I knew they had to be released. The first one was a white
rabbit, the second was a squirrel which immediately started
running around the house and we opened the back door to let him
out. The third one was a darker rabbit which had gotten
squished. He was still alive but his guts were hanging out of
his tummy, rather greenish and slimy, and I knew he wouldn't
live. I left him there to save the others and get the squirrel
out of the house.
There was a girl in the room next to the door and she had
square tables laying on the floor which blocked the way to walk
so I helped her stand them up so we could get to the door.
In the living room I spotted a white bird in a basket. I
thought it was a dove, but when one man tried to pick it up, he
got bit on the hand. I told him he had to put a towel over it's
head to pick it up and there was no towel, but there was a white
sweater there. He put the towel over the head of the dove and
still couldn't pick it up because the towel rose into the air
and we could see through the sweater that the dove was riding
the back of a white rabbit like a horse.
10-27-00 - DREAM - I was in a huge kitchen. Dinner was
over. Two men were in the room ... a dark haired man and a light
haired man. Between them, they stained 4 tablecloths.
I was soaking laundry to be washed, so I planned to wash
the tablecloths along with the soaking laundry.
The washer was like an Easy spinner washer and I took the
lid of the spinner part where I was soaking earlier laundry. The
water was bluish looking. I reached down and pulled out two
beautiful soft Indian blankets. There were also some towels.
When the water drained down, a dark boy and girl found
some black fish at the bottom. They commented that they were
black-water fish. The fish were all small, but black. One I saw
had a gold stripe on it.
Though the water drained down, there was still a lot of
water in a now square tub and the water was clear. The dark girl
stood under the water and I watched her to see if she was
breathing. It appeared that the was blowing out her own air but
there were no air bubbles. After some minutes, she came up out
of the water and took a deep breath. I asked her how she had
stayed under the water so long, and she stated that it was very
I now had to transplant some plants for spring and there
was a man and woman there who were watching over the old plants.
In the dirt, which was in the same big water tub which was
square, I was making space to put in the new plants, but was
burying them on top of little WHITE stuffed animals like rabbits
and teddy bears. I laid the stuffed animals in the dirt like
they were being buried and placed the new plants on top of them.
These new plants would take root and bloom again.
At the same time, there was a baby there and I had to make
sure he didn't get buried along with the stuffed toys.
2-13-01 - DREAM - I spent a long time looking up the news
about Bigfoot, (which I really do) and posting it on a page
about the existence of the humanoid ape creature. I posted these
articles on the page and archived them. This took a long time.
When I was done with that, I was taken way up in the air and
shown a series of dead elephants laid out on the ground. I was
then questioned, "Why are you so diligent about archiving news
about Bigfoot, and not about dead elephants?"
NOTE: That's a very good question. See
After that I was in a people dream. and my son Tom was
helping me cook a piece of breaded fish. I put it in the oven at
about 225 so it took about 1/2 an hour to cook it. When it was
done, Tom went to get it out of the oven. He was using hot pads
like one would normally do. The bad thing was that a skinny
older bitchy woman was harassing him, trying to make him burn
his hands. It made me angry when she did that and I went up to
her and confronted her. She started to bitch at me, so I grabbed
her and spanked her like a naughty child. She said, "Why don't
you slap me in the face too?" So I did, I slapped her face
really hard on one said, backhanded her on the other side of her
face, and then slammed her right in the nose with the palm of my
hand and knocked her out.
There were some young boys or men racing down a hill on
some kind of hand made sleds made of cardboard or something. It
looked like a lot of fun. I was told that they could do it on
one of two rivers. There was one of these rivers on each side of
the house. I wanted to join in the fun, so I went to the door
and saw that one of the rivers was right by my door. At that
point, I saw a dead rabbit laying on the ground behind me. (I
don't know the point of that)
I can't remember if that was the end of the dream or not
... the alarm went off and woke me up.
7-12-01 - DREAM FRAGMENT - I was dressing a doll in
little boy's clothes and I got to the feet and discovered I was
dressing a live rabbit.
7-20-2001 - DREAMS - For a long time, I dreamed about the
number 132 in a geometric shape. It was a series of circles on a
great circle. I had this dream 3 times and in the last dream, I
was trying to draw this shape and instead it came out with 248
circles. I couldn't determine where to place the circles on the
circle to come out with 132 like I was shown.
In dream 4, I was in a room that had a TV or computer
screen in front of me. The picture was in black and white, with
a white background with the geometry in black. First there was a
dot, then a dot within a circle ( 1 and 2) However, the next
shape was 4 which was 4 rectangles on a left angle across the
great circle. The rectangles were not flat, but more like an odd
shaped box which I can't even draw much less describe or put a
name to. It was moving to joyous music which I believe to be in
the key of F sharp. Then came the number 8, then 16. I lost
track of the numbers after that because of the activity in the
OP122-14 Allegro Moderato molto spiritoso F major 4/4
(Use Netscape for best listening)
Some men came into the room and I pointed out the pictures
on the screen with the music. They got all excited about it, but
instead of watching the film which was cartoonish with dancing
shaped and listening to the joyous music, they wanted to
photograph the pictures on the screen.
But the men started arguing about what kind of camera to
use to take the pictures and whether the flash of the camera
would white out the screen and they'd have no photo at all and
about how long it would take to get various types of film
developed, they missed the whole show.
Then, I was sitting in a room and
my Father was
sitting by my right side. I saw that my right thumb had
developed another right thumb at right angles to my regular
thumb. People told me to cut that extra thumb off, but I didn't
want to. The extra thumb didn't bother me and didn't get in my
way at all.
I saw a tiny pearl forming at the juncture of the two
thumbs where they came together and I knew that my Father had
designed it that way. Once I had two thumbs, then I'd grow 4,
then 8, then 12, just the way he planned it an I'd leave it
alone because it was meant to be that way.
I then had a vision of a clock which said 10 minutes to 3,
but the 3 was in the 10 o-clock position ... the numbers on the
clock were backwards and I was told that it was that close to
the end of time.
I felt asleep and when I woke up, I was thinking about the
clock and I had a vision of a little brown bunny rabbit on the
floor. He lay down on a dark blue blanket and went to sleep.
7-25-01 - DREAM - I lived and worked in a large building
in the city. I rather gathered that my boss Otto who seemed like
a really sweet guy had retired. I ended up with his keys.
One of the other bosses wanted to give Otto a Polaroid
Camera as a retirement gift. I was pretty sure he already had
one, but the man told me to call a Mr. Peterson to send him one.
The men left and I took the keys and started exploring the
old man's domain.
I had one small key that opened the mailboxes. I looked
inside and there was no mail, but there was odd little things
stored there which I can't recall. In one section was a tiny
radio on which I could hear a woman broadcasting. there was like
a 12 volt battery stack in there which I tried to remove because
I couldn't see any way to shut it off, but even when I pulled
the battery out, I could still hear the woman broadcasting.
While I was doing this, an evil-looking guy, who I only
saw out of my peripheral vision grabbed something out of the box
and ran off.
I was able to quiet the sound of the woman somewhat but I
couldn't shut off the radio and she kept on broadcasting.
I then went into Otto's main office and started exploring,
using his key ring and other small keys to open secret doors
that had other secret drawers and doors hidden behind them.
In the first few doors and drawers, they were all empty.
Everything had been removed. One cabinet which looked like
rosewood or cherrywood because of its' deep red color, I opened
the little drawers and hidden inside were little storage
compartments for fancy handled pipes which I knew he loved to
smoke, but again this cabinet had been emptied out.
I then opened one last hidden door which opened into a
small theatre-type room. It had theatre-type seats in it. The
theatre was about 12 seats wide with aisles on both sides and
the seats in the middle. I recall that the seats were royal blue
but the light was rather dim in there.
However, on the 1st three rows of seats were stone or
plaster castings of faces of people laying there. They seemed to
be all profiles of men.
I asked a person who was behind me what this was all
about. The person said without hesitation, "this is the New
World Order".
The hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood on end and
as I looked at the stone profiles, there were two large ones in
the 3rd row that actually had horns on like the old pictures of
the Devil.
I thought there was only one Devil, but there were two
horned profile faces in the 3rd row.
I went to the 3rd row and picked up both stone faces. I
intended to throw them out into the street and smash them, but
as soon as I picked them up, they became animated and started
writhing around in my hands until I dropped them.
Now on the floor, they started shape-shifting into little
toy stuffed animals. I started to try to kick these little toy
animals to try to get rid of them, but they were pretty quick in
moving away so I never got a well-placed kick at them. They
finally ended up laying in a corner. One looked like a little
harmless pink bunny rabbit and the other like a little beige
Teddy Bear.
I woke up before I could get rid of them.
NOTE: I found that the pink bunny is "Bunny Harriman" and
the Teddy Bear is 'Ted Turner".
1-6-01 - DREAM - I was at the New Berlin house. I looked
out the front window and saw that the front lawn hadn't been cut
recently. It made it look like the yard was much bigger than
when the grass was cut. I saw a huge creature out there ...
either a man in a furry suit or it was bigfoot. I couldn't be
I went out into the yard over towards where I saw the
creature/man and it looked like he had had a picnic out there in
the wild growth of grass where the mower never went. There were
trays of food there. I threw the bread scraps out into the trees
for the birds. I saw some rabbits nearby and threw some of the
raw vegetables towards them. The rest of the stuff was like
wrapped with butcher paper. By then, a couple other women came
out and helped me carry the trays back to the house.
We had to decide where to throw the paper and food away
because we recycled I guess. The kitchen was newly remodeled, so
the other women were surprised at how nice the kitchen looked.
We wrapped the rest of the garbage in the butcher paper and
threw it in the dumpster place.
Then we had the two trays left and the dream gets weird
here. The trays were in the air and there were letters of the
alphabet on them and we were trying to make each tray say the
same thing, so we had to rearrange the letters on them so they
were exactly alike. I couldn't read any of it, but we made them
the same the best we could.
5-4-2001 - DREAM - I was hunting for something. I was
inside a building, searching for something, then went outside to
continue the search. I was with other people during the search.
Outside, we took the lid off of a round container and the
lid went rolling across the ground and rolled into a pond.
A young blonde boy ran after the lid and jumped into the
pond, and it was deeper than anyone thought and he went
completely under the water.
I ran over to the pond to rescue the boy and I could see
that there were some stones along the shore, but then a deep
drop off.
I looked for the boy to rescue him and saw the boy came
popping up to the surface. It was amazing to see him pop up so
high above the surface of the water and he gasped for breath.
By then I could see beneath the water and saw a beautiful
fairy with wings pushing the boy above the water's surface.
I grabbed the boy's arm and dragged him from the pond and
at the same time the fairy came out of the water and turned into
a bunny rabbit. The fairy's wings changed into the bunny
rabbit's ears.
On 8-28-2001 - Joe and I went to bed early to watch a
video. I took a stack of 6 videos into the bedroom with me and
from that stack, which I did not look at ahead of time, he chose
to watch the Andrew Lloyd Webber 50th Birthday Celebration,
which we had taped off of PBS TV some time back. All we had was
a partial tape with about 6 songs on it.
After it was over, I was laying there, trying to go to
sleep and my head just kept ringing with the song, Vaults of
Heaven, sung by Michael Ball.
I fell asleep momentarily and experienced a web page that
went to 9 other pages, all about connecting the numbers of crop
circles to the music.
I woke up again and couldn't go back to sleep. Joe hadn't
slept either and got back up to watch TV. So I got up and went
to the computer to go to Amazon.com to buy the video in it's
entirety and a couple CDs of the music we heard on the video.
Joe told me about a crop circle that had appeared in
Germany that had the 4th path marked on it, which corresponded
to the Tree of Life with the two kinked paths. I had started to
work on a web page earlier in the week about the 28th path which
I had dreamed about. How coincidental!!!
I was too tired to work on it, but went back to bed and
dreamed I was in a huge place with 50 foot ceilings and working
on finding the 9 websites to link to with the crop circles i
needed. This was a difficult search and I saw a diagram of what
I was looking for. It looked like a pink womb with a spiral
This whole place was like a school. The goal was to find 9
crop circles that held the keys to the Vault of Heaven.
3 p.m. I closed my eyes to meditate and while nothing
quite makes sense and these visions don't seem to be important,
I'm sure they have something to do with what I've been studying
I saw two small animals chasing each other around my feet.
I saw myself walking alongside a green sided house, very
close to the foundation, looking for a rabbit that used to live
there. There were many little openings where it could have been
hiding had it been there. I was just about to come out into a
large open sunny space when I woke up from the vision.
I saw some empty squares, in a pattern such as one would
see in a new crossword puzzle, only I saw only the right side of
the pattern. It was like a sideways pyramid with 16 squares. 1,
3, 5, 7 ... If I had seen the whole pattern of 7, 5, 3, 1, there
would have been a total of 32. Hmmm!
9-25-01 - DREAM - (This dream is full of numbers)
I started out at a mall where I was having my hair done.
Outside, in the sunshine, I was shampooing my own hair.
Another woman was drying her hair in the sunshine and breeze (I
love to do that too)
Then we had to get in line to go inside for a rinse and
The women lined up by the color clothing they wore. I was
wearing pale green so I got in the pale green line. The lines
were all pastel colors, green, pink, yellow, and blue.
They had 12 people at a time and there were so many seats
inside that it went really fast. Inside the salon,t here were 12
seats in a row empty and we sat down on our own seat depending
on which place in line we had. On each seat were 3 sets of
"worry beads' which consisted of a hunk of shoe string about 6"
long through 2 big black beads. It felt kinda good to hold these
beads in your hands and roll them around while they worked on
your hair.
When I went home I parked my car in front of the building
instead of putting the car right into the garage. I wanted to do
some things in the apartment and planned to put the car in the
garage before 9 p.m. before it got dark and scary outside.
Inside, I saw some people swimming in the pool. Another
woman, wearing the same color light green that I was, dove into
the pool and swam so smoothly to the other end, I decided to
imitate her. I dove in and swam 4 laps . It felt really good.
I got out of the pool, but I was wet then and couldn't go
outside like that or I'd freeze to death, so I had to go to my
apartment and get a blanket or coat to put around myself before
going outside to put the car away.
So I walked through the long hallway to my apartment and
discovered that there were 3 blankets in the hallway layered
together, a plain blue one, a flowered red, white and blue one,
and flowered white and blue one. I peeled the blankets apart and
wrapped myself in the white and blue blanket. I then had to put
the other two away in the apartment.
On the way through the hall, someone had stashed all their
stuff, and I saw some knives and forks that I needed so I picked
out 8 knives and was going to take the forks and some packets of
bobby pins when Joe's ex-wife Debbie said that was her stuff,
but she let me keep the 8 butter knives.
When I got to the apartment, my friend Barbara was
standing at the door. (We were going to live together). There
was a handsome man inside the apartment and she didn't want to
go inside the apartment with him alone so he went into the
apartment and stood there while she stood in the doorway.
There was no furniture inside the apartment, but the
carpeting was yellow, red, and white flowered.
I took the 3 blankets and the 8 knives into the apartment.
That's all we had then.
I said, "Hello!" to the man, then I had to got back out an
put the car away into the garage before dark.
On the way back out through the hall, a bunch of women
were gossiping about the woman who ran the hair salon because of
the way she handled it by the numbers.
I didn't see anything wrong with her just because she was
ambitious and wanted to work on 12 women at a time.
On the way through the hall, I saw that Cary Loose (my
friend, the psychologist) was in charge of keeping the floors
clean and had spread pink salt all over the floors which I
helped sweep as I went along.
I had some kind of round brush on a stick and swept the
salt in swirls - it didn't sweep up off the floors. This area
was near the pool and had cubicles with walls about 5 feet high.
The walls stood on legs and were about a foot off the floor so
everyone just swirled the pink salt around as they went. By the
door to outside, the salt was wet so it was harder to swirl,,
but we still did it, so no one would fall, especially old
ladies. There were no men living in this place.
I went outside and was a little upset that it was already
dark and I would have to walk back from the garage to the road
in the dark and I was a little afraid, but I decided to think
positive that no one would attack me in the dark.
As it was, I had to walk to the car around a courtyard.
There was an old white woman sitting on a bench, watching the
animals in the dark. There was just enough light shining out of
the building to see the animals. There were some rabbits running
in and out of their warrens and a deer standing nearby. It was
so cute to watch them, then I left to go put my car away and
woke up.
10-13-01 - DREAM - I was in someone's garage, gathering
the laundry to be done. There was so much I was running out of
baskets and containers to put it in.
The last white
basket was so delapitated, it didn't have a rim on it.
Then I spotted two pair of yellow patent leather shoes
between the baskets and a pair of tiny little boys shoes. Those
children were no longer there.
There was a discussion of what kind of shoe deodorant one
would use on children's shoes. It was decided one shouldn't use
foot spray on such tiny shoes.
I had a tube of some kind of medicine which I could put
into the toe of each shoe so I did that to preserve the shoes.
(I think that was for Kate's lost babies)
There was a Mexican housekeeper woman there who was going
to do the actually washing. She demanded an extra two cents in
wages because someone had left a length of toilet tissue in the
washbasket and she washed it with a toy rabbit and then had to
pick it off.
I thought it was awfully petty to ask for two cents extra,
but she was paid anyway.
There was a young teen there who wanted to work, but not
cheaply. We were trying to clean out the garage and there was
two feet of dirt in there. I had a good start on it, but it was
a big job. the young man wanted to work outside and wanted $6.45
per hour to dig in the yard where two rows of corn was ready to
be harvested. We agreed to pay him this amount because it was
minimum wage.
Then there was a young woman who wanted to go bowling at
the top of a 15,000 foot mountain. She was a huge woman so there
was no way she could walk to the top, so she hired a helicopter
to take her up there. I couldn't imagine that anyone would have
constructed a bowling alley at that height, but I was told it
was just one narrow lane and all you had to do was hit the 10
pins once.
We then went to watch a rescue team extricate a young
woman from a crashed car which was up on the upper level of a
house. The rescue worker placed some inflatable bags around the
woman, turned on the motor generator to inflate the balloons. He
started the motor and the balloons lifted the woman right out of
the car until she was standing on her own. Everyone stood around
and applauded the rescue.
11-7-01 - DREAM - I was in an airport complex of
buildings. On top of some long banquet type tables, some had
placed 57 rabbits (which I keep saying are ducks) An inspector
needed to look at them and I saw that they were all taped to a
long piece of butcher-paper with wide tape to hold them on so
the whole thing would stay together and be rolled up. It seems
there was something important about the 49th rabbit. (I keep
wanting to say 'duck' instead)
My friend Donna P. came and talked to me about this. I've
been wanting to see her again for a long time, so that was
2-24-02 - OH GOD! NOT AGAIN!
DREAM - My ex-husband Ed got out of prison, and found me.
(It wasn't the house I was currently living in) He walked right
in and went and sat on the bed, sitting up against the
While trying to have a normal conversation, my mind went
through all the excercizes of how I would survive or escape if
I didn't stay in the same room with him the whole time, I
tried to be normal and do normal things, but nothing could be
I even showed him that free samples of food were sent
through the house on a conveyor belt that he could sample if he
wished, knowing that the man who did this service knew that
people would be greedy and steal it wholesale, but even that was
okay with him within reason.
At one point I even stood in front of him and showed him I
wasn't afraid of death by holding my breath and smiling.
But at the same time, I was in survival mode and watching
his every move.
All of a sudden, a young man walked in the door without
knocking. He lived upstairs - a real nice helpful guy, but well
known to be a heavy drinker.
Ed got a pretend, brilliant smile on his face and said,
"STEVE!" Steve and he greeted half way across the room and
immediately left together.
(Steve was thin and had blonde curly hair. He reminded me
of several people, but it isn't anyone I really know)
Of course, when they left, I immediately went into fear
mode of what Steve might be leading Ed to do - especially
getting drunk.
At the same time, I started looking at what Ed had done
while I wasn't in the room.
A paperback book he had been reading was in the trash. (I
never looked at the title0 but this told me he didn't value
books. A cell phone was laying upsidedown on the floor, as well
as a stuffed rabbit which I've been collecting. I saw that he
had been snooping in other rooms when I wasn't looking. Several
notes I had with drug lists were laying out of place. A UFO book
was ripped to shreds and laying all over.
Then I saw a photograph laying on the bed. I picked it up.
It was a black and white photograph of Ed in prison. He was
wearing white T shirt and boxer shorts, standing in front of a
concrete wall that had carved workers on the upper half like
scenes in Egyptian reliefs - he was humongously fat. I was
astonished because he always made sure I was very slim when we
were together.
All of a sudden, Ed walked into the apartment and I busied
myself, pretending to make the bed, - even the mattress was off
the bed half way.
Ed came into the room with two ice cream cones. He was
eating one and he offered the other one to me to share if I
wanted to.
I took it as a good will gesture. Inside the ice cream
cone was a jellied - peach. He said to me, "The sign of my
heart" - and offered me a bite of his own jellied peach. So I
did the same with him and offered him a bite of my jellied peach
and said, "A sign of my heart"!
I woke up and immediately thought, "Oh God!" Why now?"
NOTE: A family friend (who I thought the blonde guy was)
died about this time. He wasn't found until 5 or 6 days later.
3-20-02 - DREAM - My husband asked me if I wanted to go
for a ride in the car. I said, "Sure!" so we took off up the
highway into the country. Then we went down a side road where
there were a lot of trees and some nice houses amongst the
trees. He parked the car in the middle of the road, next to a
silver car and got out. He said he just wanted to take a look at
a school that was down the hill but he didn't want to drive up
to it and have people bother me or something. So I said, "Okay!"
and he walked on down the hill and left me sitting in the car.
I didn't mind sitting in the car. I could see a long way
into the distance. from this high up on the hill and I had a
portable T.V. in the car though I wasn't watching it and a bag
of snacks so I wouldn't be hungry. I had everything I needed
there, besides there were houses around if I needed to get help
of any kind.
What worried me more was that our car would be in the way
of other traffic. Twice I got out of the car and moved it over
sideways a couple inches so another car could get by if
It seemed that some of the neighbors weren't too friendly
with each other and they let their dogs out into their front
yards to bark at each other from time to time. These dogs were
gorgeous. Each yard had 5 of these large white dogs with long
fur and big fluffy tails. They were all beautifully groomed.
The people would bring them out, let the dogs bark and
then take them back in again.
Finally, I saw my husband coming back up the hill. I was
really relieved because I had been sitting alone in the car for
along time by now.
Just as he came up to the car, the man from the house came
out to the car as well. I got out of the car and as the man came
up to the car, bringing his Pointer brown and white dog with
him. I didn't realize the pointer dog belonged to the man and I
said to the dog, "Go Home!" The man said, "Someone just put a
ding in your car." and he showed me a small dent in the back
bumper which was made by a silver key on a red ribbon that
looked like you would hang it around your neck. He handed the
key and ribbon to me, then started discussing how they could get
the ding in the bumper fixed.
My husband went into the house with the man, whom it
turned out he knew and his name was Paul.
I could see them in the house. My husband got into bed
with Paul to watch T.V. while his wife (or housekeeper) hovered
around serving them snacks. Meanwhile I was sitting in the car
watching the white dogs coming and going from their houses and
barking from time to time.
Finally, the men came out of the house again and I got out
of the car and we started walking down the hill together towards
the school. That's when I discovered what my husband had been
Over on the right side, on a wall or billboard, was a
large Van Gogh painting. In the center of the road was the
largest T.V./stereo combo furniture piece I've ever seen and
there was another large screened T.V. set on the left side of
the road. On the right side of the road was a chair, a small
table, and a pair of long rabbit ears antennas and a remote
control on the table. All that time, my husband had been
officiating by remote control between two rival basketball teams
between two high schools.
I was astonished to see this but didn't say anything.
We walked back up the hill. There was a boy in our car
now, who was our son. He was about 10 years old. He was wearing
a life preserver and he showed us that the inside of the
preserver was lined with packages of all kinds of food snacks so
he as okay in the car watching the portable T.V.
Meanwhile we were now discussing the hole in the back
bumper which they said was in the gas tank. (What do I know
about cars?)
Our son came up with a red button with two holes in it
that would fit in the hole nicely, but I asked if it was safe to
have holes in the patch, and the man said, "No!" it would be
better to put a stone in it.
So the men pushed the car up the hill to where it ended.
It appeared that the road was a dead-end road and that was why
there was no traffic. (But we had come in that way) It seemed
that our car was much larger than I thought - the back end was
rather phantom appearing - ghost-like. It could only be seen at
the top of the hill.
From here, I could see a long way down the hill.
Then, my husband and Paul went back to the house and left
me sitting in the car with my son and our snacks.
While we were sitting there, two women came along, each
carrying a baby which they lay together on one end of a blue
sofa that was by the side of the road. They walked away a bit,
out of sight. I could hear them talking with one another, but
couldn't actually hear their conversation.
Up the hill, on the other side of the road was a
playhouse, toy box with a large blond doll sitting on it. After
a bit, I saw smoke tendrils coming out of the top of the doll
house. I started to feel anxious about the smoke but nothing
happened. Then more smoke came out, a big white streamer of
smoke and I got even more anxious that there might be a five in
the dollhouse.
The women weren't coming back for their babies either.
Finally, my husband came out of the house with Paul and he
was carrying large blue and white baby blanket that they didn't
need anymore and gave it to me to sit on so the car seat
wouldn't be so cold.
The man's wife came out too and were discussing what our
son had been doing while they were in the house. They laughed
and said that our son had been going house to house selling
snacks to people. I don't know how I missed that, but agreed
that's what he had done.
So, we got in the car and my husband drove it to where I
thought the road dead-ended like a cul-de-sac, but to my
surprise, there was an 'L' shaped turn-off next to the last
house and the road went back to the highway the way we had come
from. Just as we passed the last house, I could see into it
where the wife and husband were laying on the bed together. She
was talking loudly on the telephone, saying, "Yes! We have 10
puppies and I charge $455.33 each for them, but the first 10 are
I thought, "Oh my gosh! I should get one!" and my husband
drove on up the rod back towards home and I woke up.
9-14-02 - DREAM - I was hired back at Juneau Village
apartments in Milwaukee as Manager.
It was fancier than it had been in the 90's and there was
a solarium between the buildings instead of a courtyard.
There were more offices than before and more secretaries.
No maintenance had been done for several months - work
orders and purchase orders were stacked and nothing done, so Joe
K. was hired back at the same time I was, so he and his helpers
were swamped with work.
The hallways were all newly painted pale yellow.
Joe convinced me that we should allow 'Trick or Treating'
at Halloween because there were kids living in the building.
After he left for the day, I changed my mind about this
and went back to the office to make a sign to post in the lobby
TREATING' because I was afraid that the kids and parents
would tack decorations all over the newly painted walls and
I was looking for a pad of yellow legal paper to make the
sign with and saw single sheets here and there, but every sheet
I found was already written on. I couldn't find a single
sheet of unused paper.
One gal's desk had every drawer stuff with candy.
Two women came in looking for their mail and we hunted for
it and never found it. At one point a huge dark blue trash truck
came to the building. The truck had to tip over backwards to
deliver something - I didn't see what it was. (It might have
been delivering trash containers for us to use)
The cute driver invited me to ride with him up the street
so I could see what it was like to do his job.
So I got in a seat that was behind the driver's seat (he
was on the right side). There was a young boy up in front next
to the driver on the left.
I said, "I've never ridden in a garbage truck before. It's
really nice in here." The cute driver leaned back and smiled at
me in appreciation.
At the end of the block, the driver said, "As long as I'm
this far, I might as well make these other deliveries too," and
he drove up into a subdivision that would take at least an hour
to go through to deliver his containers.
So, I hopped out of the truck at that point and had to
walk back to the apartment buildings.
It was quarter to 8 p.m. and I didn't want to work past 8
There were still things going on. I kept looking for a
piece of yellow paper and still couldn't find one. I actually
didn't find any blank pieces of paper or cardboard anywhere.
There was writing on everything I found.
A young maintenance guy came back to the building to
double-check that the door inside the solarium was locked, but I
hadn't been given the keys to the solarium, though there was a
huge ring of keys laying right there, I was of no help to him
because I didn't know which key it was.
Finally, instead of a 'NO TRICK OR TREATING' sign, I
fashioned a clay model of a pink bunny rabbit with white ears on
the desk, and decided to pin that up in the lobby instead of a
sign, which showed the people we were Christian and we weren't
going to support 'TRICK OR TREATING'.
9-15-02 - THE HOLLOW EARTH - DREAM - I was at a school
somewhere. The school had a huge playground and I noticed that
in the corner, a huge hole had opened up. I don't know why
nobody else noticed it. Perhaps I was the first one and others
would see it once I showed it to them.
I looked into the opening, which was quite large already.
Down inside the hole, it was lit up like there was sunshine down
there just like we had and it was obvious that people lived down
there just like we did on the surface of the earth.
But it was dangerous to have this hole in the schoolyard.
Near the opening, the ground wasn't as thick as in the rest of
the area. My fear was that when the final school bell rang at
the end of the schoolday, all the kids would come running out of
the school in the same direction and the ground would crumble
beneath them, and they would all fall through into the hole.
My Mother came to the school to meet me as we were going
to go shopping together. I met her on the sidewalk next to the
school and told her about the dangerous hole in the ground. I
asked her if she would like to see it. She said, "Yes!"
My Mother's leg was injured, so I had to put both arms
around her and walk with her up the steps to the school
playground, and then close to where the hole was so I could show
it to her. Other people were still oblivious to the hole in the
ground, so it was very dangerous. I had not raised the alarm as
yet - that the ground was ready to break through near the hole
as the ground was getting thinner and thinner there.
I noticed then that my mother and I were both wearing
bright red coats, but we had different hats on. My Mother's hat
was all red and mine was red with a white crown - which looked
like rabbit fur. It wasn't until I took my hat off that I
noticed that the white rabbit fur part of my hat looked rather
dingy, so I didn't want to wear it anymore. So as I walked away,
I found an all red knitted hat and put that on instead.
I as still walking in tandem with my Mother when we walked
past my significant other man in my life. He didn't like my red
hat and told me that it messed up my hair, but I made up a story
about meeting another guy who liked my red hat and had that he
had asked me to marry him. I said that just to make him jealous,
so he would know that other people though I was okay.
I continued walking down the street with my Mother, still
holding onto her with both arms. We got to the next intersection
and met another woman who also had a red coat and red hat on, so
now there were three of us standing together with bright red
coats and hats.
This was so bright, we almost glowed. Nearby, I noticed
that several other women were sitting in a room near the
intersection , and though they weren't wearing coats at the time
were also wearing bright red hats.
We continued walking and came to a door, where there was a
ladies room.
As we walked by, I could hear several women yelling for
help. My mother got scared and stopped walking, so I had to let
go of her and run into the ladies room by myself to see what was
By the time I got inside, the yelling had stopped, but one
of the women who had been yelling for help was standing by the
sink washing her hands. I asked what was wrong. She said she had
come into the ladies room to use the toilet and there was only
enough toilet paper to use once and she had to go 50 times. All
the other women were having the same problem. There wasn't
enough toilet paper.
So my mother and I decided not to use that ladies room.
I don't know where my Mother went, but I continued on
walking down the hallway that went past the ladies room. This
seemed to be either an apartment or it was a school for girls.
There was a series of small stairways along this hallway
and on the first set of stairs there were a series of small
gifts set up against the steps , which were awards for those who
made it this far.
There were several little girls right behind me in the
hallway. I spotted a plastic baggie with some shiny jewels in
it, so I picked it up and handed it to one of the girls and told
her to share it with the other girls.
The little girl was happy to get the jewels and didn't
even see the other gifts that they could have had as they walked
along this particular part of the hallway. None of the other
gifts were jewels but equally nice to have. They would be found
by other girls coming along this way.
As I was getting closer to the end of my journey in this
hallway, I saw that my own personal colors which were like
jewels in a rectangular pattern matched exactly the pattern of
colored jewels I was supposed to have in this lifetime.
I woke up feeling really good about myself.
• Life, healing, clear-sightedness, gentleness
/ Luck; trust; love; friendship; fear; evasion / Rabbit
symbolism concerns the Moon (Intuition).
• The rabbit represents humility, because he
is quiet and soft and not self-asserting. -- Black Elk
Chinese tradition says that people born under
the sign of the Rabbit possess intelligence, wisdom, and
understanding. After turbulent Tiger years, Rabbit years are
times of diplomacy and gentle persuasion. Emphasis is placed on
human rights and helping the underprivileged. Activities dealing
with healing and medicine will flourish. An excellent judge of
character, they are difficult to deceive. 1
• Older than Christianity, the symbolism of
the hare is thus a celebration of life's continuation with
rebirth, as in each spring, and the rabbit expresses hope that
life will be renewed, and better than before.
• The nocturnal rabbit, signifying the moon
who dies every morning and is resurrected every evening, also
represents the rebirth of nature in spring. Both the moon and
the rabbit were believed to die in order to be reborn. Therefore
the hare is a symbol of immortality. In Egypt, Osiris, god of
the dead, was sacrificed to the Nile each year in the form of a
hare to guarantee the annual flooding Egyptian agriculture
depended upon. Although the hare is not a symbol for Christ some
analogy might be made to Christ who was sacrificed in the form
of a man for the feeding of God's people.
To Buddhists the hare is a symbol of
self-sacrifice. Legend says this creature threw itself into a
fire in order to feed Buddha when he was starving. As a reward,
it was given a new home in the moon.
Because of its fertility (one doe can
produce 42 young a year), the rabbit or hare is an emblem of
fertility, abundance, good fortune, sexuality, lasciviousness,
lust, procreation, puberty, renewal, spring, rampant growth,
excess, and love gods and goddesses such as Venus, Aphrodite,
and Cupid. Pliny the Elder even prescribed its meat as a cure
for female sterility. The white hare sometimes found at Mary's
feet represents her triumph over lust or the flesh. Because it
signifies abundance, the rabbit is sometimes used in western
countries as a harvest or fall symbol. It also stands for
madness and the month of March.
The rabbit's alertness and speed made it a Christian
symbol of vigilance and the need to flee from sin and
temptation. Like the lion, the hare was believed to be so
vigilant that it slept with its eyes open. Its flesh was
contaminated with wakefulness and could cause insomnia in its
eater. Its speed was a reminder of the swift passage of life.
...The rabbit's burrow is a symbol of Christ's
tomb.....The rabbit's trembling makes it a symbol of cowardice
and timidity. However, Judeo-Christian writings recommend a holy
trembling before the Lord. [1 Chr 16:30; Ps 96:9, 99:1, 114:7;
Is 19:1, 66:2; Jer 5:22, 33:9] The writer of Philippians warns
the Christian to "work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling." [Phil 2:12] In Medieval times, cowardice was
personified with drawings of an armed man running from a hare.
On the other hand, in Africa and the Americas, the hare was
believed to be a trickster using its superior intellect as its
defense. Some tribes considered him a hero and even the earth's
creator. Aztecs believed 400 rabbits guarded their fields. 2
- If we consider the phases of the moon in its waxing
(masculine) and waning (feminine), and accept the notion that
the moon at full intensity is the Destroyer of Darkness or, as
Hillard says, "sign of new life and the messenger of
immortality," we can appreciate the honored position to which
the rabbit has ascended..... A number of explanations account
for this hare/moon symbiosis. One is that the hare is nocturnal
and feeds by night; another is that the hare's gestation period
is one month long. And, it was believed that a rabbit could
change its sex—like the moon. 3
BUDDHIST 2544 Year One marks the death of Buddha which was
around 543 B.C. Not all Buddhists follow this calendar. The
Tibetan monks follow a calendar that comes full cycle every 60
years. It is related to the Chinese calendar, with each year
named after an animal and an element. The new year begins on the
Gregorian day of Feb. 6, 2000 It will be the end of the year of
the Earth Hare and the beginning of the Year of the Iron Dragon.
CHINESE 4697 China's calendar was invented in the
Gregorian year of 2637 B.C. It has been revised many times. It
runs in 60 year cycles, each year named for a constellation and
for one of 12 animals connected to the Chinese Zodiac. The
Chinese calendar is now in the 16th year of the current cycle,
the year of the Rabbit. The year of the Dragon starts on the
Gregorian Feb. 5, 2000.
Rabbit Year of Birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,
1987 and 1999. ...
The Rabbit is extremely lucky in business and monetary
Interestingly enough, when the news came on after I had
this dream, one of the commentators began talking about the
'black hole' of politics. That about says it all.
In our house, the coal men used to bring the coal and pour
it down a chute into the basement where we had a coal bin where
my father would shovel the coal from there into the furnace all
winter long to keep us warm.
Wells, springs, rivers, and earthen mounds are some of the
magical places that border with or co-exist in the other world.
In these places, magic is much more prevalent and sometimes even
time passes differently there.
If we remember, Alice in Wonderland fell down a well:
"The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some
way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had
not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found
herself falling down a very deep well. "
The / reality / well symbolism / other world business has
clear Freudian overtones. People in a "dream state" probe their
subconscious and relate past experiences to their present life
(= going down the well).
I'm hoping that falling down the well in the coal 'bin'
doesn't have anything to do with Osama Bin Laden, the Arabic
terrorist. According to what I read, Kosovo and that area are
rich with coal mines, gold mines, gem mines, etc.
HARE - see rabbit - a symbol of longevity, vigilance,
easily frightened, cowardice, self-sacrifice, a trickster
figure,passionate sexuality and lust, though the 'white' hare
seen at the Virgin Mary's feet is a symbol of the triumph over
the flesh.
RABBIT - denotes physical or sexual obsessive
preoccupation which leaves no room for spiritual development. A
rabbit also denotes quiet endurance of one's pain. A white
rabbit can symbolize the awakening of spirit or a symbol for
Easter and resurrection. A prolific rabbit can symbolize the
power of the sexual feelings. See dream surroundings for
RABBIT EARS - denotes one's personal spiritual antenna
Rabbit's Ears. This ideogram denotes the humility of man
as he attentively listens to the lessons offered by nature
... 108. 8-9-91 - A rabbit with a bunny hat on. A bunny
with a rabbit hat on. They keep changing clothes.
... The story "The Rabbit, the Otter, and Duck Hunting"
revolves around a boastful little rabbit that lassos a hapless
duck, but the duck eventually triumphantly wins...
... When I repeated the words, Jesus Christ, Holy Christ,
I saw a white Easter Bunny Rabbit and it turned silver. Q. I
again asked about the Savior. ...
... Lincoln also had: Pig, childhood pet Fido, family pet
Ponies belonging to Tad and Willy Lincoln White rabbit Nanny and
Nanko, Tad Lincoln’s goats ...
... As I began, I saw that under the potatoes there was a
dark grey rabbit multiplying and having babies and the baby
rabbits were trying to escape out a crack...
... I was really gross at this point and huge chunks of
skin were peeling off though it didn't hurt. Down by my feet lay
a white rabbit. ...
... The Moon is known as a hare, or rabbit in Vedic lore,
as he jumps faster than any of the other grahas. The Moon rules
over the sidereal sign of Cancer. ...
... An owl hooting would signify sickness or death was
approaching. A home that was entered by a rabbit would mean the
house would suffer calamity. ...
... to the moon. There she lives out her days in the cold
lonely moon palace with a furry rabbit for companion. ...
Symbolic Role of Animals in the Plains Indian Sun Dance
Integration with the rest of creation is expressed
throughout the sun dance by symbolic objects that represent
attributes of various animal kin. For example, Sioux
participants may wear the skins of rabbits on their arms and
legs, for "the rabbit represents humility, because he is quiet
and soft and not self-asserting a quality we must all possess
when we go to the center of the world" (Brown, 1967, p. 85). The
wearing of strips of rabbit fur by the Cheyennes who build the
sun dance lodge may refer back to the time when the tribe lived
in the north and subsisted chiefly on rabbits (Grinnell, 1923,
vol. 2, p. 218). The Arapaho sun dance involves a rabbit-tip),
whose name originated from the myth in which rabbits conducted
the secret ceremonies of the sun dance lodge. Those who still
perform the rites are called Rabbit-men (Dorsey, 1903, p. 37).
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One looked like a
little harmless pink bunny rabbit and the
other like a little beige ...
NOTE: I found that the pink
bunny is "Bunny Harriman" and the Teddy Bear is
You +1'd this publicly.
One looked like a
little harmless pink bunny rabbit and the
other like a little beige ...
NOTE: I found that the pink
bunny is "Bunny Harriman" and the Teddy Bear is
You +1'd this publicly.
One looked like a
little harmless pink bunny rabbit and the
other like a little beige ...
NOTE: I found that the pink
bunny is "Bunny Harriman" and the Teddy Bear is
You +1'd this publicly.
One looked like a
little harmless pink bunny rabbit and the
other like a little beige ...
NOTE: I found that the pink
bunny is "Bunny Harriman" and the Teddy Bear is
You +1'd this publicly.
It seems we had to
change clothes to go to class and I was in a closet
with some other woman and put on a pink bunny
outfit like Hugh Heffner's girls do.
You +1'd this publicly.
One looked like a
little harmless pink bunny rabbit and the
other like a little ...
NOTE: The pink bunny is
"Bunny Harriman" and the Teddy Bear is 'Ted Turner"
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Finally, instead
of a 'NO TRICK OR TREATING' sign, I fashioned a clay
model of a pink bunny rabbit with white
ears on the desk, and decided to pin that up in
You +1'd this publicly.
Finally, instead
of a 'NO TRICK OR TREATING' sign, I fashioned a clay
model of a pink bunny rabbit with white
ears on the desk, and decided to pin that up in
You +1'd this publicly.
It seems we had to
change clothes to go to class and I was in a closet
with some other woman and put on a pink bunny
outfit like Hugh Heffner's girls do.
You +1'd this publicly.
It seems we had to
change clothes to go to class and I was in a closet
with some other woman and put on a pink bunny
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May 1, 2003 –
Then I saw what looked like
a pink rabbit's ear in the air. The only
thing i had to do was mimeograph something in a
machine that was on a ...
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Sep 1, 2005 –
... them go faster,
and when I kicked the first one, it turned into a
pink rabbit and stuck to the wall and said
something to me I can't remember.