Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
Today's date May 12, 2012
page 218
i saw the news on television after I woke up ths morning at 7 a.m. When
I saw the news, I wondered if this dream I had just had was related to the
author's dath. Chances are that it is connected though I can't prove it,
I'm dedicating this page to Maurice Sendak. In a TV clip, Mr. Sendak admitted he
was gay, but could never reveal it because it would have killed his career which
he loved doing so much.
5-12-12 - DREAM - Apparently I was in Milwaukee, WI, trying
to figure out what happened to the group I had wanted to belong to that had
broken up.
I only knew one person who had been the closest to them at the end, and it
was my daughter-in-law Becky.
I contacted Becky and she said I could go with her to the store, so we got in
her car and he drove like a wild woman down the city streets, which fortunately
had little traffic.
We ended up going backwards around a corner and she parked in front of the
store and jumped out to run into the store, leaving me in the car by myself.
Unfortunately, the car was still in reverse and she hadn't pulled the
emergency brake which was on the far side of the car, and the street wasn't
level and the car started rolling backwards.
I put my foot over to the brake on the driver's side of the car, but from the
passenger side I wasn't getting a good hold on the pedal and I started
rolling faster and faster backwards.
I tried desperately to stop the car, and the street ended in a parking lot
just a block away and how I managed not to hit any cars I don't knew, but the
car rolled all the way through the parking lot without hitting any cars.
Somehow I managed to change the direction of the car by pulling on the lever in
the center of the floorboard and now the car went forward because the gas pedal
was stuck down and new I did hit several cars and that finally stopped me.
Unfortunately I now was responsible of riot only crumpling the car I was in, but
two others I ran into.
I don't remember calling the police but the law says you have to, but I
somehow ended up at home again - without Becky. Apparently I walked there.
On a table in the house,, laying loose all by itself was a map - a colorful
one, with a circle on it and marked 'TV station'. I got the impression it
was in a southern city and apparently the group had tried to purchase the TV
station and failed and the group broke up.
I saw a small box on a table and wondered what was in it. When I
opened it, there was a tiny little brown bunny rabbit inside it. It
whimpered a bit when I opened the box and I saw that it was in fresh newspaper
strips, so I quickly closed the box so it couldn't jump out. Across the
ay, I saw a clean round terrarium with a lid partly off of it, and inside was
more fresh newspaper strips and a green frog about two inches high and wide.
I wondered who these little creatures belonged to and I was going to call my
husband to find out when I heard a commotion out on the street and when I looked
out the window, I saw him running down the street with a camera in his hands,
trying to photograph something quickly on the run.
I ran outside to find out what was so exciting to photograph and when I got
outside, I could hear a thudding sound and then a whole crowd of people voice a
loud "awwwww" sadly" so I ran around the corner to see what
had happened.
Standing next to a short fence, a little girl in a pink dress was standing
there, crying softly. Apparently she had been dancing and doing acrobatics
for the crowd of people fe4l on her backside instead.
I wanted to stay and see what the crowd and my husband was going to do about
it, but I had to get back to the bunny and the frog who needed my attention.
Maurice Sendak at his Ridgefield,
Conn., home with his German Shepherd, Herman, in 2006.
More Photos »
Maurice Sendak, widely considered the most important children’s book
artist of the 20th century, who wrenched the picture book out of the safe,
sanitized world of the nursery and plunged it into the dark, terrifying and
hauntingly beautiful recesses of the human psyche, died on Tuesday in
Danbury, Conn. He was 83.
"If, as a parent, you could really listen to his stories, you would
learn more about your children than a hundred 'parenting' books
could teach you."
JBT, Santa Monica
The cause was complications of a recent stroke,
said Michael di Capua, his longtime editor. Mr. Sendak, who died at Danbury
Hospital, lived nearby in Ridgefield, Conn.
Roundly praised, intermittently censored and
occasionally eaten, Mr. Sendak’s books were essential ingredients of
childhood for the generation born after 1960 or thereabouts, and in turn for
their children. He was known in particular for more than a dozen picture
books he wrote and illustrated himself, most famously
“Where the Wild Things Are,” which was simultaneously genre-breaking and
career-making when it was published by Harper & Row in 1963.
Among the other titles he wrote and illustrated,
all from Harper & Row, are
“In the Night Kitchen” (1970) and
“Outside Over There” (1981), which together with “Where the Wild Things
Are” form a trilogy; “The Sign on Rosie’s Door” (1960); “Higglety Pigglety
Pop!” (1967); and “The Nutshell Library” (1962), a boxed set of four tiny
volumes comprising “Alligators All Around,”
“Chicken Soup With Rice,” “One Was Johnny” and “Pierre.”
In September, a new picture book by Mr. Sendak, “Bumble-Ardy”
— the first in 30 years for which he produced both text and illustrations —
was issued by HarperCollins Publishers. The book, which spent five weeks on
the New York Times children’s best-seller list, tells the
not-altogether-lighthearted story of an orphaned pig (his parents are eaten)
who gives himself a riotous birthday party.
A posthumous picture book, “My Brother’s Book” — a
poem written and illustrated by Mr. Sendak and inspired by his love for his
late brother, Jack — is scheduled to be published next February.
Mr. Sendak’s work was the subject of critical
studies and major exhibitions; in the second half of his career, he was also
renowned as a designer of theatrical sets. His art graced the writing of
other eminent authors for children and adults, including Hans Christian
Andersen, Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville, William Blake and Isaac Bashevis
In book after book, Mr. Sendak upended the staid,
centuries-old tradition of American children’s literature, in which young
heroes and heroines were typically well scrubbed and even better behaved;
nothing really bad ever happened for very long; and everything was tied up
at the end in a neat, moralistic bow.
Headstrong and Bossy
Mr. Sendak’s characters, by contrast, are
headstrong, bossy, even obnoxious. (In
“Pierre,” “I don’t care!” is the response of the small eponymous hero to
absolutely everything.) His pictures are often unsettling. His plots are
fraught with rupture: children are kidnapped, parents disappear, a dog
lights out from her comfortable home.
A largely self-taught illustrator, Mr. Sendak was
at his finest a shtetl Blake, portraying a luminous world, at once lovely
and dreadful, suspended between wakefulness and dreaming. In so doing, he
was able to convey both the propulsive abandon and the pervasive melancholy
of children’s interior lives.
His visual style could range from intricately
crosshatched scenes that recalled 19th-century prints to airy watercolors
reminiscent of Chagall to bold, bulbous figures inspired by the comic books
he loved all his life, with outsize feet that the page could scarcely
contain. He never did learn to draw feet, he often said.
In 1964, the American Library Association awarded
Mr. Sendak the
Caldecott Medal, considered the Pulitzer Prize of children’s book
illustration, for “Where the Wild Things Are.” In simple, incantatory
language, the book told the story of Max, a naughty boy who rages at his
mother and is sent to his room without supper. A pocket Odysseus, Max
promptly sets sail:
And he sailed off through night and day and in and
out of weeks and almost over a year to where the wild things are.
There, Max leads the creatures in a frenzied
rumpus before sailing home, anger spent, to find his supper waiting.
As portrayed by Mr. Sendak, the wild things are
deliciously grotesque: huge, snaggletoothed, exquisitely hirsute and
glowering maniacally. He always maintained he was drawing his relatives —
who, in his memory at least, had hovered like a pack of middle-aged
gargoyles above the childhood sickbed to which he was often confined.
Maurice Bernard Sendak was born in Brooklyn on
June 10, 1928; his father, Philip, worked in the garment district of
Manhattan. Family photographs show the infant Maurice, or Murray as he was
then known, as a plump, round-faced, slanting-eyed, droopy-lidded,
arching-browed creature — looking, in other words, exactly like a baby in a
Maurice Sendak illustration. Mr. Sendak adored drawing babies, in all their
fleshy petulance.
In this AP file photo from Sept. 25, 1985,
author Maurice Sendak poses with one of
the characters from his book “Where the
Wild Things Are.”
When I was in preschool, my mother would read me “Where the Wild Things Are,”
the story of a boy who becomes “king of all wild things” after being sent to bed
without supper, before bedtime.
I loved that book. I loved it more than any other story book I had, the ones
with princesses and frogs, bunnies and bears.
Somehow, the story about Max traveling to the land of monsters seemed the
most real. As my other books found themselves in donation bins at the library, I
kept “Where the Wild Things Are.” I still have it.
Maurice Sendak, the author and illustrator of the 1963 book, died Tuesday
after complications from a stroke. He was 83. He leaves behind “no survivors,
just millions of readers from several generations who were amused, scared and
inspired by his work,”
according to a USA TODAY story.
When I heard about his death (through Twitter, of course) I thought back to
those nights when my mom would read me the book that both inspired me and scared
I didn’t understand it then, but I think I liked the book so much because I
identified with the monsters, who, because of their immense size, were
misunderstood. As an undersized girl, it made me happy to see that the monsters
were more than what their appearance suggested.
Or maybe I liked the book so much because Max gets to have fun even after he
is punished for making mischief. For a five-year-old, I was a sassy little
thing, and took great comfort knowing I could just sail off to a magical place
when I was in timeout.
“And now,” cried Max, “let the wild rumpus start!”
Much to my dismay, I never had quite the same wild rumpus as Max, no matter
how many times I closed my eyes and tried to imagine being Queen of the Wild
Thankfully, I had the Sendak-illustrated pictures in the book to look at
Sendak understood that childhood could be scary and that children had fears,
both real and perceived. Looking back, I saw that illustrations are dark, his
message is even darker.
No matter how many times my mom read me the part where the monsters ask him
to stay, Max always came back home to find his supper still hot. He could travel
to the land of the monsters, have a wild rumpus, and still make it home.
As I grew up I realized life doesn’t always turn out that way, but at that
time I was inspired by the thought.
Sendak wrote other great books, like “In The Night Kitchen,” about a boy’s
dream where he helps a baker bake a cake.
When he wakes up, everything is the same, except for the new memories he has.
I liked that book, too, and was glad to read while doing research for this story
that it is consistently on challenged book lists because of a nude illustration,
which I never noticed.
Thanks, Mom!
But his best-known work was “Where the Wild Things are.” On my bookshelf,
amongst history textbooks and AP style guides, sits the children’s book. I
opened it yesterday and journeyed back to my childhood and to the land of the
Thanks, Maurice Sendak. Thank you for the Wild Rumpus.

There are no immediate survivors.
One of his fan letters mirrors my final thoughts:
“Dear Mr. Sendak,” read one, from an 8-year-old boy. “How much does it cost
to get to where the wild things are? If it is not expensive, my sister and I
would like to spend the summer there.”
Other links of interest:
Be sure to listen to the end of this NPR segment--
September 20, 2011 about Sendak's newest book (the first he both
wrote and illustrated in thirty years) --
Interestingly enough Sendak has a thread of connection to Matt de la Pena (author of Ball Don't Lie, Mexican WhiteBoy, We Were Here, I Will Save You, and his first picture book, A Nation's Hope: The Story of Boxing Legend Joe Louis, illustrated by Kadir Nelson. It was de la pena's spouse, Caroline Sun, a publicist who connected Sendak with Steven Colbert. Colbert's popular segments with Maurice Sendak discussing children's books can be found on his website:
Maurice Bernard Sendak (pronounced
/ˈsɛndæk/; June 10, 1928 – May 8, 2012) was an American
writer and
illustrator of children's literature. He was best known for his
Where the Wild Things Are, first published in 1963.
Sendak was born in
to Polish
Jewish immigrant parents Sadie (née Schindler) and
Philip Sendak, a dressmaker.[1][2][3]
Sendak described his childhood as a "terrible situation" because of his extended
family's dying in
Holocaust, which exposed him at an early age to death and the concept of
His love of books began at an early age when he developed health problems and
was confined to his bed.[5]
He decided to become an illustrator after watching
Disney's film
Fantasia at the age of twelve. One of his first professional commissions
was to create window displays for the toy store
F.A.O. Schwarz. His illustrations were first published in 1947 in a textbook
titled Atomics for the Millions by Dr. Maxwell Leigh Eidinoff. He spent
much of the 1950s illustrating children's books written by others before
beginning to write his own stories.
endak gained international acclaim after writing and illustrating
Where the Wild Things Are. The book's depictions of fanged monsters
concerned some parents when it was first published, as his characters were
grotesque in appearance. Before Where the Wild Things Are, Sendak was
best known for illustrating
Else Holmelund Minarik's
Little Bear series of books.[6]
When Sendak saw a manuscript of Zlateh the Goat, the first children’s
story by
Isaac Bashevis Singer, on the desk of an editor at Harper & Row, he offered
to illustrate the book. It was first published in 1966 and received a
Newbery Award. Sendak was delighted and enthusiastic about the
collaboration. He once wryly remarked that his parents were "finally" impressed
by their youngest child when he collaborated with Singer.[7]
His book
In the Night Kitchen, originally issued in 1970, has often been
subjected to censorship for its drawings of a young boy prancing naked through
the story. The book has been challenged in several American states including
New Jersey,
and Texas.[8]
In the Night Kitchen regularly appears on the
American Library Association's list of "frequently challenged and banned
books." It was listed number 21 on the "100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of
His 1981 book
Outside Over There is the story of a girl, Ida, and her sibling jealousy
and responsibility. Her father is away and so Ida is left to watch her baby
sister, much to her dismay. Her sister is kidnapped by goblins and Ida must go
off on a magical adventure to rescue her. At first, she's not really eager to
get her sister and nearly passes her sister right by when she becomes absorbed
in the magic of the quest. In the end, she rescues her baby sister, destroys the
goblins, and returns home committed to caring for her sister until her father
returns home.
Sendak was an early member of the National Board of Advisors of the
Children's Television Workshop during the development stages of the
Sesame Street television series. He also adapted his book Bumble Ardy
into an animated sequence for the series, with
Jim Henson
as the voice of Bumble Ardy. He wrote and designed three other animated stories
for the series: "Seven Monsters" (which never aired), "Up & Down", and "Broom
Sendak produced an animated television production based on his work titled
Rosie, featuring the voice of
King, which was broadcast in 1975 and is available on video (usually as part
of video compilations of his work). An album of the songs was also produced. He
contributed the opening segment to Simple Gifts,[10]
a Christmas collection of six animated shorts shown on
PBS TV in 1977 and later issued on VHS in 1993. He adapted his book Where
the Wild Things Are for the stage in 1979. Additionally, he designed sets
for many operas and ballets, including the award-winning (1983)
Pacific Northwest Ballet production of
Houston Grand Opera's productions of
The Magic Flute (1981) and
Hansel and Gretel (1997), Los Angeles County Music Center's 1990
production of Mozart's
and the
New York City Opera's 1981 production of
The Cunning Little Vixen.
In the 1990s, Sendak approached playwright
Kushner to write a new English version of the
Czech composer
Hans Krása's
children's Holocaust opera
Kushner wrote the text for Sendak's illustrated book of the same name, published
in 2003. The book was named one of
the New York Times Book Review's 10 Best Illustrated Books of 2003.
In 2003, Chicago Opera Theatre produced Sendak and Kushner's adaptation of
Brundibár. In 2005,
Berkeley Repertory Theatre, in collaboration with
Yale Repertory Theatre and Broadway's
New Victory Theater, produced a substantially reworked version of the
Sendak-Kushner adaptation.
Sendak also created the children's television program
Seven Little Monsters.
Maurice Sendak drew inspiration and influences from a vast number of
painters, musicians and authors. Going back to his childhood, one of his
earliest memorable influences was actually his father, Philip Sendak. According
to Maurice, his father would relate tales from the Bible; however, he would
embellish them with racy details. Not realizing that this was inappropriate for
children, little Maurice would frequently be sent home after retelling his
father's "softcore Bible tales" at school.[11]
Growing up, Sendak developed from other influences, starting with
Fantasia and
Mouse. Sendak and Mickey Mouse were born in the same year and Sendak
described Mickey as a source of joy and pleasure while growing up.[12]
He has been quoted as saying, "My gods are
Herman Melville,
Emily Dickinson,
Mozart. I believe in them with all my heart." Elaborating further, he has
explained that reading Emily Dickinson's works helps him to remain calm in an
otherwise hectic world: "And I have a little tiny Emily Dickinson so big that I
carry in my pocket everywhere. And you just read three poems of Emily. She is so
brave. She is so strong. She is such a passionate little woman. I feel better."
Likewise, of Mozart, he has said, "When Mozart is playing in my room, I am in
conjunction with something I can't explain. [...] I don't need to. I know that
if there's a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart."[13]
Personal life
Sendak mentioned in a September 2008 article in
The New York Times that he was gay and had lived with his partner,
psychoanalyst Dr. Eugene Glynn, for 50 years before Glynn’s death in May
2007. Revealing that he never told his parents, he said, "All I wanted was to be
straight so my parents could be happy. They never, never, never knew."[14]
Sendak's relationship with Glynn had been mentioned by other writers before
Tony Kushner in 2003).[15]
In Glynn's 2007
New York Times obituary, Sendak was listed as Glynn's "partner of fifty
He donated $1 million to the
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services to commemorate Glynn, who had
treated young people there. The gift will name a clinic for Glynn.[17]
Sendak died in the morning of May 8, 2012, in
Danbury, Connecticut, from complications of a stroke.[18][19]
In its obituary, The New York Times called Sendak "the most important
children’s book artist of the 20th century."[18]
Neil Gaiman remarked, "He was unique, grumpy, brilliant, gay, wise, magical
and made the world better by creating art in it."[20]
Author R.
L. Stine called Sendak's death "a sad day in children’s books and for the
"We are all honored to have been briefly invited into his world," remarked
Stephen Colbert.[20].[20]
His final book, Bumble-Ardy, was published eight months prior to his
death. A
posthumous picture book is scheduled for publication in February 2013.[18]
Sendak chose the
Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be the
repository for his work in the early 1970s, thanks to shared literary and
collecting interests. His collection of nearly 10,000 works of art, manuscripts,
books and ephemera, has been the subject of many exhibitions at the Rosenbach,
seen by visitors of all ages. Sendak once praised
Herman Melville’s writings, saying, “There’s a mystery there, a clue, a nut,
a bolt, and if I put it together, I find me.” From May 6, 2008, through May 3,
2009, the Rosenbach presented There’s a Mystery There: Sendak on Sendak.
This major retrospective of over 130 pieces pulled from the museum’s vast Sendak
collection—the biggest collection of Sendakiana in the world—is the largest and
most ambitious exhibition of Sendak’s work ever created and is now a traveling
exhibition. It features original artwork, rare sketches, never-before-seen
working materials, and exclusive interview footage. The exhibition draws on a
total of over 300 objects, providing a unique experience with each set of
Exhibition highlights include the following:
- Original color artwork from books such as Where the Wild Things Are,
In the Night Kitchen, The Nutshell Library, Outside Over
There, and Brundibar;
- “Dummy” books filled with lively preliminary sketches for titles like
The Sign on Rosie’s Door, Pierre, and Higglety, Pigglety, Pop!;
- Never-before-seen working materials, such as newspaper clippings that
inspired Sendak, family portraits, photographs of child models and other
- Rare sketches for unpublished editions of stories such as
Tolkien’s The Hobbit and Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw,
and other illustrating projects;
- Unique materials from the Rosenbach collection that relate to Sendak’s
work, including an 1853 edition of the tales of the Brothers Grimm, sketches
by William Blake, and Herman Melville’s bookcase;
- Stories told by the illustrator himself on topics like Alice in
Wonderland, his struggle to illustrate his favorite novels, hilarious
stories of Brooklyn, and the way his work helps him exorcise childhood
Awards and honors
Sendak was honored in
North Hollywood, California, where an elementary school was named after him.
- Atomics for the Millions (by Dr. Maxwell Leigh Eidinoff) (1947)
- The Wonderful Farm (by
Marcel Aymé) (1951)
- Good Shabbos Everybody (by
Robert Garvey) (1951)
- A Hole is to Dig (by
Krauss) (1952)
- A Very Special House (by
Krauss) (1953)
- Hurry Home Candy (by
Meindert DeJong) (1953)
- The Giant Story (by
Beatrice Schenk de Regniers) (1953)
- The Tin Fiddle (by
Edward Tripp) (1954)
The Wheel on the School (by
Meindert DeJong) (1954)
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm (by
Betty MacDonald) (1954)
- Charlotte and the White Horse (by
Krauss) (1955)
- Happy Hanukah Everybody (by
Hyman Chanover and Alice Chanover) (1955)
- Little Cow & the Turtle (by
Meindert DeJong) (1955)
- Singing Family of the Cumberlands (by
Jean Ritchie) (Oxford
University Press, 1955)
- What Can You Do with a Shoe? (by
Beatrice Schenk de Regniers) (1955, re-colored 1997)
- Seven Little Stories on Big Subjects (by Gladys Baker Bond)
- I Want to Paint My Bathroom Blue (by
Krauss) (1956)
- The Birthday Party (by
Krauss) (1957)
Little Bear (by
Else Holmelund Minarik, there was also a
TV series based on this series of books)
Little Bear (1957)
- Father Bear Comes Home (1959)
- Little Bear's Friend (1960)
- Little Bear's Visit (1961)
- A Kiss for Little Bear (1968)
- Along Came a Dog (by
Meindert DeJong) (1958)
- No Fighting, No Biting! (by
Else Holmelund Minarik) (1958)
- What Do You Say, Dear? (by
Sesyle Joslin) (1958)
- Seven Tales by H. C. Andersen (translated by
Eva Le Gallienne) (1959)
- The Moon Jumpers (by
Janice May Udry)(1959)
- Open House for Butterflies (by
Krauss) (1960)
- Best in Children's Books: Volume 31 (various authors and
illustrators: featuring, Windy Wash Day and Other Poems by
Dorothy Aldis, illustrations by Sendak) (1960)
- Dwarf Long-Nose (by
Wilhelm Hauff, translated by
Orgel) (1960)
- Best in Children's Books: Volume 41 (various authors and
illustrators: featuring, What the Good-Man Does Is Always Right by
Hans Christian Andersen, illustrations by Sendak (1961)
- Let's Be Enemies (by Janice Udry) (1961)
- What Do You Do, Dear? (by
Sesyle Joslin) (1961)
- The Big Green Book (by
Robert Graves) (1962)
- Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present (by
Charlotte Zolotow) (1962)
- The Singing Hill (by
Meindert DeJong) (1962) (Harper Row)
- The Griffin and the Minor Canon (by
Frank R. Stockton) (1963)
- How Little Lori Visited Times Square (by
Vogel) (1963)
- She Loves Me...She Loves Me Not... (by
Robert Keeshan AKA
Captain Kangaroo) (1963)
McCall's: August 1964; VOL XCI, No 11 (featuring The Young Crane
Andrejs Upits, illustrations by Sendak)
- The Bee-Man of Orn (by
Frank R. Stockton) (1964)
The Animal Family (by
Randall Jarrell) (1965)
- Hector Protector and As I Went Over the Water: Two Nursery Rhymes
nursery rhymes) (1965)
- Lullabyes and Night Songs (by
Wilder, edited by
William Engvick) (1965)
- Zlateh The Goat (by
Isaac Bashevis Singer) (1966)
- The Bat-Poet (by
Randall Jarrell) (1964)
The House of Sixty Fathers (by
Meindert De Jong) (1966)
The Saturday Evening Post: May 4, 1968; 241st year, Issue no. 9
(features Yash The Chimney Sweep by
Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- I'll Be You and You Be Me (by
Krauss) (1973)
The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm: Volumes 1 & 2
(translated by
Segal with four tales translated by
Randall Jarrell) (1973 both volumes)
King Grisly-Beard (by
Brothers Grimm) (1973)
- Pleasant Fieldmouse (by
Jan Wahl)
- Fly by Night (by
Randall Jarrell) (1976)
The Light Princess (by
George MacDonald) (1977)
Shadrach (by
Meindert Dejong) (1977)
- The Big Green Book (by
Robert Graves) (1978)
Nutcracker (by
E.T.A. Hoffmann) (1984)
The Love for Three Oranges (The Glyndebourne Version, by
Frank Corsaro based on L'Amour des Trois Oranges (by
Serge Prokofiev) (1984)
- Circus Girl (by
Sendak) (1985)
- In Grandpa's House (by
Philip Sendak) (1985)
- The Cunning Little Vixen (by
Rudolf Tesnohlidek) (1985)
- Dear Mili (written by
Wilhelm Grimm) (1988)
- Sing a Song of Popcorn (by
Beatrice Schenk de Regniers with various illustrators including Sendak)
- The Big Book for Peace (various authors and illustrators, cover
also by Sendak) (1990)
- I Saw Esau (edited by
Iona Opie and
Peter Opie) (1992)
The Golden Key (by
George MacDonald) (1992)
ISBN 0-374-42590-6
- We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and Guy: Two Nursery Rhymes with
Pictures (traditional
nursery rhymes) (Harper
Collins) (1993)
Pierre: or, The Ambiguities: The Kraken Edition (by
Herman Melville) (1995)
ISBN 978-0-06-118009-5
- The Miami Giant (by
Arthur Yorinks) (1995)
- Frank and Joey Go to Work (by
Arthur Yorinks), also has additional illustrations by
Ky Chung (1996)
Penthesilea (by
Heinrich von Kleist, translated and introduced by Joel Agee) (1998)
ISBN 0-06-095632-1
- Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom (by
Ursula Nordstrom, edited by Leonard S. Marcus)
ISBN 0-06-023625-6
- Swine Lake (by
James Marshall) (1999)
Brundibár (by
Tony Kushner) (2003)
- Sarah's Room (by
Orgel) (2003)
- The Happy Rain (by
Sendak) (2004)
- Bears! (by
Krauss) (2005)
Recent and upcoming exhibitions (selection)
"Maurice Sendak Papers". Lib.usm.edu.
Retrieved October 13, 2009.
"Author-illustrator Maurice Sendak's work is the subject of a show at
the Contemporary Jewish Museum". San Jose Mercury News.
Retrieved 2012-05-10.
Braun, Saul (June 7, 1970).
"Sendak Raises the Shade on Childhood; Maurice Sendak Sendak says he's
... – Free Preview – The New York Times". Select.nytimes.com.
Retrieved October 13, 2009.
"Why Maurice Sendak Puts Kid Characters in Danger". morning
edititon (NPR).
September 26, 2006.
Retrieved September 23, 2011.
on Maurice Sendak
Hulbert, Ann
(November 26, 2003).
"Maurice Sendak's Brundibar. – By Ann Hulbert – Slate Magazine".
Retrieved October 13, 2009.
^ Ilan
Stavans (ed.), Isaac Bashevis Singer: An Album, The Library of
America, 2004, pp. 70–71.
Censorship Bibliography; Memories of Childhood: Six Centuries of
Children’s Literature at the de Grummond Collection[dead
The ALA.org, 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–1999,
American Library Association
Simple Gifts at the
Internet Movie Database
"Maurice Sendak". NNDB.
Retrieved 2012-05-10.
Wild Things: The Art of Maurice Sendak Online Gallery
[[Jewish Museum (New York)| The Jewish Museum exhibition
Maurice Sendak: "Where the Wild Things Are" PBS interview.
Patricia, The New York Times (September 9, 2008).
"Concerns Beyond Just Where the Wild Things Are".
"Tony Kushner celebrates Maurice Sendak, an old friend | Books".
The Guardian (London). December 6, 2003.
Retrieved October 13, 2009.
Bruni, Frank
(May 24, 2007).
"GLYNN, EUGENE DAVID, M.D.". The New York Times.
Bermudez, Caroline (August 12, 2010).
"Famed Children's Book Author Gives $1-Million for Social Services".
The Chronicle of Philanthropy XXII (16): 28.
- ^
Fox, Margalit
(May 8, 2012).
"Maurice Sendak, Children’s Author Who Upended Tradition, Dies at 83".
The New York Times.
Retrieved May 8, 2012.
"Maurice Sendak Author of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ Dies at 83".
- ^
"Reactions by authors and celebrities to the death of Maurice Sendak".
Washington Post. Associated Press. May 8, 2012.
Retrieved May 8,2012.
- ^
"Also by Maurice Sendak," Where the Wild
Things Are (Harper Trophy 25th Anniversary Edition, 1984)
"National Book Awards – 1982".
National Book Foundation. Retrieved February 27, 2012.
"Lifetime Honors – National Medal of Arts". Nea.gov.
Retrieved 2012-05-10.
Tell Them Anything You Want: A Portrait of Maurice Sendak at
Internet Movie Database
Frenette, Brad
(February 16, 2010).
"Montreal filmmakers team up with Spike Jonze and NFB for new Sendak
short". National Post (Canada).
Retrieved February 18, 2010.
External links
"TateShots: Maurice Sendak", a five-minute interview,
Tate Museum, 22
December 2011; "look back over his literary career, discuss his love for
William Blake and hear why he believes that as an artist, ‘you just have
to take the dive’".
"Fresh Air Remembers Author Maurice Sendak",
Fresh Air
(NPR), May 8,
2012. With links to/excerpts of interviews in 1986, 1989, 1993, 2003 (re:
Brundibár), 2009 ("Looking Back On Wild Things ...") and 2011 ("This
Pig Wants To Party: Maurice Sendak's Latest").
"Maurice Sendak: Where the Wild Things Are",
NOW on
PBS, interview by
Moyers, 2004. Other links: NOW:
"The History of Brundibar"; American Masters:
"Maurice Sendak"; HBO:
"A Portrait of Maurice Sendak".
PBS: American Masters A one-minute video clip
NPR: Conversation with Maurice Sendak. A seventeen-minute audio
interview by Jennifer Ludden, June 4, 2005.
"Maurice Sendak", KCRW Bookworm Interview by Michael Silverblatt, May
18, 1992; "talks about The Nutcracker and the process of writing a
book that became a classic."
The Rosenbach Museum and Library Exhibition space for Sendak drawings
"The Big Green Book : Maurice Sendak’s Tribute to Beatrix Potter".
Prints & Books.
Victoria and Albert Museum.
Maurice Sendak at the
Internet Movie Database
Works by or about Maurice Sendak in libraries (WorldCat
"Remembering Maurice Sendak through his Stephen Colbert interview",
LA Times Showtracker blog, May 8, 2012. Highlights of one of Sendak's
last public interviews; with
Stephen Colbert; "months before his passing" (n.d.); with links to
two-part interview at ColbertNation.com.