Dee Finney's blog

start date July 20, 2011

Today's date June 1, 2012

page 232




NOTE FROM DEE:  I heard James Horak on the Kevin Smith radio show last night.  he revealed a lot of new things I never heard of before

I had to share them with you too.


EMVs - Designers of the Solar System - James Horak

sun anomaly

EMVs - Designers of the Solar System - James Horak reveals what the objects in the Corona of the Sun photographed by NASA/ESA are. In deference to Dr. Norman Bergrun he describes the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic Vehicles and explains Humanities Call on this Planet NowJames Horak is explaining recent images showing a huge object in the vicinity of the Sun that has shown up on several images from the solar observatories. James is revealing that this is an ET-operation that is protected by EMVs while it is ongoing. ETs are using the Sun for forging an immensely large piece of a very special metal that James calles Armaton. This metal is used for the construction of ET craft among other things.

James, Tom and Ramone, in the course of the interview also discuss the chances of the survival of this lineage of humanity that is now facing the 7th extinction. James is giving the Captains and Lieutenants of the Illuminati, the facilitators of the ongoing depopulation of the 'useless eaters' on this planet Earth a warning that history is teaching us one thing:

"If the powers that be had their way, that after they depopulated the Earth, the evidence would have to be removed, that means the facilitators because tptb are going to rewrite history so it makes themselves look as wonderful and not the murderous scum they are."

The Hundredth Monkey Radio

sun blast

By James Horak

“Sustainable”, “quantum physics”, “non-proliferation”, “geo-engineering”, “social planning”, “peace securing occupation”, “wars to end war” (precisely used to sell WWI,) “relocation”, “pacification”, “homeland security”, “war on drugs”, “war on terrorism” (anything beginning with the word war that initiates an official stance by nations who use war as policy,) “limited nuclear response” (perhaps one of the worst,) “detente”, “balanced spending”, “checks and balances”, “inalienable right”, “classless society”, “gross national product”, “balance of
My dearest fellow members of this planet-wide drama, each and every one of these words and phrases only have the meanings you apply to them by your own actions and devotions to ideal. Left to the common ilk pushed and pulled to power today, they have none.


SOLAR ANVIL CONSPIRACY  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unsbfBrwQR8

TERRAL'S  SOLAR ANVIL  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfrDdXPyYdI

terrals states the solar anvil is a magnet anomaly that was following ELENIN earlier

James Horak and the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles
Bio of James Horak
The difference between ETs & EBEs
Dr. Norman Bergrun
Human Ambivalence amidst Concerns over the Gulf Crisis
Saving the Oceans from the Uncaring and the Purpose of the EMVs
The 144 Moonshafts, the Drooge and Mankind's arrival on Earth from Mars
The Moonshaft by Antonin T. Horak
James Horak on the Kevin Smith Show
Torz on Facebook answering Andre about the EMVs
Message from James Horak
The Plumed Serpent - NASA, Aug, 24.2010
Reality Redefined - Article by myself
EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity - Randy Maugans interviews James Horak
Here are the links to articles James Horak wrote for UFO Digest:
James Horak on The Hundredth Monkey Radio May 29 2012 ...
2 days ago ... Picture James Horak. Born October 14, 1943 in Las Vegas, New Mexico Came to
Texas with mother, her cousin, and brother, summer of 1947.

IS OUT SUN A STARGATE?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLGKOV3LhZY

UFO SPHERE BEHIND THE SUN  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zvx_tbs0Uw

UFO ON SATTELITE IMAGAE  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYPQ6RMdhPU&feature=share

UFO FLEET BY THE SUN - 2012?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=shAcp1rahdg&feature=endscreen

Soundbites from the Interview with James Horak on the Kevin Smith Show at 09. July 2010
The Final Decision
The Cause of the Split Mind
Feedback with the EMVs
What are the EMVs - The Face of God
Terrence McKenna - Moral Purpose
10000 Civilisations
Galactic Government
The Serpent in the Sun - Quetzalcoatl
Earth Expansion
The End of all Paradigms
Blog with more articles from James Horak, Torz and me: EMVsInfo.blogspot.com

Lugols Solution

Evidence for People to consider what to use for Protection against Radiation

Lugol's iodine, also known as Lugol's solution, first made in 1829, is a solution of iodine named after the French physician, J.G.A. Lugol. Lugol's iodine solution is often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, a starch indicator, to replenish iodine deficiency, to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive materials (e.g. "fallout"), and for emergency disinfection of drinking water.

Lugol's was often used in the treatment of gout and was used as a first line treatment for hypothyroidism in adults prescribed internally (e.g., 2 drops in drinking water 3x/day).

It consists of 5% iodine (I2) and 10% potassium iodide (KI) in distilled water with a total iodine content of 130 mg/mL. Potassium iodide is added to render the iodine water-soluble. Other names for Lugol's solution are IKI (Iodine Potassium-Iodide); Iodine, Strong solution (Systemic); Aqueous Iodine Solution BP.

Historically, Lugol's was widely available and used for a number of health problems with some precautions . Lugol's is sometimes prescribed in a variety of alternative medical treatments. Lugol's solution is available over the counter in the USA as of January 2007, although the DEA is considering a public ban on all iodine solutions of greater than 2.2% because iodine is required for the production of methamphetamine. Lugols is available over the counter in Canada.

Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in April 1986, Lugol's iodine was given to 10.5 million children and 7 million adults in Poland, as a remedy to the possible accumulation of radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroid.

Many organs in the body require iodine to function normally, especially breast tissue. Studies have confirmed a link between fibrocystic breast disease and lack of iodine in a woman's diet.

Recent studies have confirmed an increase in breast cancer since manufacturers eliminated iodine from bread approximately 20 years ago and replaced it with bromine. Bromine is toxic to the thyroid gland as well.

Nowadays, Lugol's iodine is given for thyroid storm and pre-operatively.


What is potassium iodide?

Stockpiling of potassium iodide (KI) is highly recommended by health officials worldwide to prevent thyroid cancer of those exposed to radioactive iodine. Radioactive iodine is the predominant radioisotope released from a nuclear reactor accident or detonation of a nuclear weapon (due to nuclear fission) and can travel thousands of miles downwind.

How it works

The thyroid is the only part of the body that absorbs and stores iodine . By taking FDA Approved potassium iodide prior to exposure of radioactive iodine, you will fill up the thyroid with safe, stable iodine, stopping the thyroid's absorption of any additional iodine (radioactive or not) long enough for the radioactive iodine inhaled or ingested to be safely dispersed through the kidneys.

Iodine-131 (in the chemical form of iodide) is a component of nuclear fallout and a particularly dangerous one due to the thyroid gland's propensity to concentrate ingested iodine, where it is kept for periods longer than this isotope's radiological half life of eight days.

For this reason, if people are expected to be exposed to a significant amount of environmental radioactive iodine (iodine-131 in fallout), they may be instructed to take non-radioactive potassium iodide tablets. The typical adult dose is one 130 mg tablet per 24 hours, supplying 100 mg (100,000 micrograms) iodine, as iodide ion. By ingesting this large amount of non-radioactive iodine, radioactive iodine uptake by the thyroid gland is minimized.- Wikipedia link

Some 50 years ago, Nobel laureate Albert Szent Györgyi, the physician who dis-coveredVitamin C in 1928 and who was a medical stu-dent in the early 1900’s, wrote: “When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI was the universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good. We students used to sum up the situation in this little rhyme":

"If ye don’t know where, what and why
Prescribe ye then K and I."
by Guy E. Abraham, MD - Pt 1 pdf

and also: Lugol's, Iodoral, SSKI... Everything You'd Ever Want To Know About Iodine Supplements And Thyroid Health!
IODINE - Solution to health problems

Let Me Tell You Some More Secrets While I Am At It...

One of the most important reasons to consume iodine is because it is the fuel for your endocrine system and your endocrine system is the root of your spiritual power. You can't activate your pineal gland and become enlightened if it is calcified from all the fluoride you consume in drinking water, toothpaste and mouthwash.

Where is the Thyroid and What Does it Do?

"Your thyroid is a small bowtie or butterfly-shaped gland, located in your neck, wrapped around the windpipe, behind and below the Adam’s Apple area. The thyroid produces several hormones, of which two are key: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones help oxygen get into cells, and make your thyroid the master gland of metabolism." - Paul Langley's Nuclear History Blog

Lugol's iodine - There is "strong scientific evidence" for potassium iodide thyroid protection to help prevent thyroid cancer- From Wikipedia

Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in April, 1986, Lugol's iodine solutionwas administered to 10.5 million children and 7 million adults in Poland as a prophylactic measure against accumulation of radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroid.


Important Message from JAMES HORAK

I advise everyone to try and find sources for Lugol's solution with potassium iodide, the ONLY effective treatment for radiation sickness.

Begin taking it now, one to five drops, depending if it's a 2% or 5% solution, in a glass of milk preferably. Less for children, depending on their weight.

Everyone on the west coast should start taking it now. If you buy it, SHARE. There won't be enough to go around.

This is much more effective than the tablets.


Expanded information on Lugol's solution with potassium iodide

by James Horak

There are two fronts with which to contend in fending off isotopic poisons, many of which are left out of discussion by media. Natural means are long-term and provide qualities overtime for returning the body to robustness and flushing intermediate fall-out products that persist long after event. However, the more immediate must be dealt with therapeutically rather than with diet and known detoxicants derived from diet, many of which, long after event, might be contaminated themselves.

With Lugol's one has more control over such likelihood, more precise measure in application, a specific target of immediate concern (iodine 131) effectively dealt with... important since a non-functioning thyroid loses an important part of the battle for you in the face of other potential isotopic substances. Once the salts containing radiation are stored in tissues, more therapeutic address must be given than diet alone can allow. We have problems determining from our personal experiences just how far this process of storing such salts might have come already. Besides, preventing iodine 131 from reaching the thyroid, Lugol's solution is well known by many East Indians for its value in helping remove heavy metal poisons already stored in tissues and in fortifying natural immunities rather than challenging them.

I personally know this to be true with mercury and some of the toxic rare earth elements since I have had exposure to both at various times in my life. I suspect that Lugol's may also minimize the storing of other isotopic poisons on the same basis but that studies regarding this are neither published... or, perhaps, even conducted.



Lugol's Iodine Solution Cures Salmonella Poisoning


Here is a remedy that's been around quite a long time. It stops Salmonella poisoning immediately. Also used to treat Giardia. If you have gas and bloating and suspect Salmonella poisoning, here's the recipe:

1/2 glass of water.
Add 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine Solution.
Stir and drink in entirety.

You will feel better within an hour. Take this 4x a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed.


Supplies of Lugol's solution - potassium iodide

A source in Australia, scroll down, they have both strengths and varying sizes:

USA, scroll down the page:

United Kingdom supplier of Lugol's Solution:


Links to more information here:

Dr. Chris Busby: Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium & Calcium protect DNA from Radiation "One has to be a fool not to be taking iodine because 95 percent of us are deficient in iodine, thus making our thyroids sponges for the radioactive type. We are even greater fools though if we are not taking magnesium with an equal amount of calcium (though most often that equal amount of calcium is already supplied by the diet) as the radioactive clouds and rain circle the northern half of the globe. Though I would say the same for iodine and selenium (selenium is not only essential for glutathione production but is also important to take with iodine), magnesium and calcium will protect us and our children from some of the nastiest long-term effects of radiation exposure."

The History of Iodine and Lugol's

Jean Francois Coindet (1774-1834) was the first to use Iodine for medicinal use

Lugol's was first made by French physician J G A Lugol in 1829. Dr. Lugol researched substances that could help treat infections and found that Iodine could be used and showed promise in this field

For a detailed study of benefits, precautions and contraindications please view
Iodine ? Why you need it, why you cant live without it

How the original Lugol's Iodine Solution was made by Dr. Lugol

This Lugol's Iodine consists of 5g of Iodine & 10g of Iodide in 85ml of distilled water.

Potassium Iodate vs Potassium Iodide - thanks to George Robinson for this

Which one should you trust for radiation protection?

Iodine Remedies: Secrets From the Sea pdf - Dr. Chris Robin - Mary Jo Fahey

The History of Iodine in Medicine Part I by Guy E. Abraham, MD


The History of Iodine - Edgar Cayce - Sunker Bisey

Compiled by Brian Heath


James Horak and the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles
Bio of James Horak
The difference between ETs & EBEs
Dr. Norman Bergrun
Human Ambivalence amidst Concerns over the Gulf Crisis
Saving the Oceans from the Uncaring and the Purpose of the EMVs
The 144 Moonshafts, the Drooge and Mankind's arrival on Earth from Mars
The Moonshaft by Antonin T. Horak
James Horak on the Kevin Smith Show
Torz on Facebook answering Andre about the EMVs
Message from James Horak
The Plumed Serpent - NASA, Aug, 24.2010
Reality Redefined - Article by myself
EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity - Randy Maugans interviews James Horak
Here are the links to articles James Horak wrote for UFO Digest:
Soundbites from the Interview with James Horak on the Kevin Smith Show at 09. July 2010
The Final Decision
The Cause of the Split Mind
Feedback with the EMVs
What are the EMVs - The Face of God
Terrence McKenna - Moral Purpose
10000 Civilisations
Galactic Government
The Serpent in the Sun - Quetzalcoatl
Earth Expansion
The End of all Paradigms
Blog with more articles from James Horak, Torz and me: EMVsInfo.blogspot.com

four  EMVS

four emvs




2011 INDEX
INDEX - 2012
INDEX 2012