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2012. ORION IS KNOWN AS 'THE HUNTER' Dr. Bill Deagle solved this symbol for me. on 10-8-12 |
DEE FINNEY'S BLOG START DATE JULY 20, 201I TODAY\S DATE JULY 8 2012 updated 7-21-12 updated 7-30-12 updated 8-24-12 updated 9-21-12 updated 10-8-12 updated 10-23-12 updated 1-22-13 PAGE 252 TOPIC: PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2012 WILL PROJECT BLUEBEAM BE USED AS A TACTIC? this deserves to be at the top of the page because its being predicted by a real life person who is involved in the long term study of ufos and aliens in Great Britain: Jun 7, 2012 ... Nick Pope, who has
more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Jun 10, 2012 ... Former MoD investigator
Nick Pope has warned of potential UFO activity over Jun 9, 2012 ... In a June 7, 2012 article
published at Daily Mail, UFO expert and former By Nick Pope. One of the most bizarre
conspiracy theories being discussed at
UFO Expert Nick Pope Warns Of Alien Invasion At London Olympics ... Jun 8, 2012 ... Keep an eye on the skies
for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former |
7-4-12 - NAP DREAM there is nothing in real life about this) I was in a livingroom-kitchen type area of the house that had the sink facing the back of the house which is north. we were preparing for a seminar of some kind and had an open stairway to the basement which we were partially finishing - the part that could b e seen through an open stairway from the livingroom. My daughter was at the sink washing some dishes while the children played on the livingroom floor, and I went to the basement with some finished two by four boards that were three feet long - like stairway sprinkles - but they were for decoration along the west wall in an upper section of the wall. I was measuring them to make sure they matched the ones that were already installed to make sure they were identical in size. Joe went out front to get the mail that had been delivered. Just then, I heard a truck pull into the driveway, and could see its headlights pulling in and past the house on the west side of the house toward the back of the house. At the same time, I heard Joe yell to me, "The mailman is going to the back door", which meant to me that he was delivering something heavy - perhaps like building materials, but I could imagine how Joe thought I could get to the back door faster than he could from the front yard since he was outside and I was in the basement. 7-5-12 STARTING A SCHOOL
I woke up before I saw what the snakes did. NOTE: research shows that there are political rabbits. 7-8-12 MEDITATION: I heard five loud knocks in my left ear and saw the word 'BLACK'. I said mentally, "I'm sorry I don't open the door for anything black." I then saw a newspaper headline with large black letters that said, NOVEMBER 28TH I then saw a large, wide computer screen with a lot of typing on it in three colors of typing, red, white and black, and the black was larger and darker and bolder than the rest of the type, but being off to the left, I couldn't read it and I didn't want to shift my eyes and lose it completely, so I said mentally, "Please shift the screen to the right and clarify the print."
The screen then changed to a smaller size. It had less print on it and less black, bold print. Then a fourth screen came up with less bold and black print. that was the end. November 28th is the day before Thanksgiving, though I distinctly heard the words Black Friday, which is normal shopping words for the day after Thanksgiving, but in this case might have a different connotation.
The election, I believe is November 7th, and this might be connected in some dark way.
7-7-12 THIS IS A SHAMANIC JOURNEY FOLLOWING THE MEDITATION NOTE: The difference between Meditation and Shamanic Journeying
is that Shamanic Journeying uses strictly fast drumming being heard in
the room and whatever comes is not controlled in any way. In my
meditations, I am able to change what dimensions I go to at will. I saw a child's hand open a book, which then opened a doorway on the right hand side of the screen. From the doorway appeared a very tiny Apache Indian Boy who wanted to jump over a deep crevice from the doorway to my side of the crevice. He was finally kicked over to my side, but another Indian boy, and one by one four animals with long snouts appeared and started blowing black stuff out of their noses. The black stuff got larger and larger and finally turned into large black triangles with white lines on it. At that point, the animals that were lined up next to the four long snouted animals got larger and larger4 and I saw they were elephants, and finally they got so large that the long snouted animals could no longer seen. The long snouted animals were apparently donkeys. I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT YESTERDAY I SAW A LIST OF
NUMBERS WHICH I FORGOT 8-24-12 =- DREAM I seemed to be in a dark swamp in Florida, and the dark tide was rising amongst the maze that meandered along the rising black tide of water I was seeing. At one point I was looking at someone's naked dark hairy butt and it was disgusting to look at and I had to make myself wake up at that point. The rising dark tides may refer to the hurricane of August 29th during the GOP convention, but then again, the political race is getting nastier and nastier, worse than any I've ever seen before. I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE DREAMING THESE DREAMS
http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&rlz=1R2ACGW_enUS361&q=site:greatdreams.com++blog++November+28&rlz Prophecies aimed at the second term of Obama talk of war,
military dictatorship, cities on fire, destruction, world
war III, chaos. MORE YOUTUBE.COM FROM RICK WILES: Topic: Jim talks about Bible prophecy
that is about to be fulfilled in the .... Topic:
NOTE: There were allegedly 600 gods in the Anunnaki Pantheon and they all had numbers. See" http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/amgg/listofdeities/anunna/ None of the nasty gods are still alive but their spirits certainly still exist. The Anunnaki's live 500+ years, but there was a bad war around 150,000 years ago and all the bad ones died in that war. We must admit that their descendants on earth exist and are probably alive amongst the World Elite. See:
RED LINE (This was
underlined in red) ... Then the RED LINE
(underlined in red) ......
he had almost sent out an email warning to
his subscribers concerning it.
pink socks which I wore yesterday, connecting today's message to yesterdays.
THIS CROP CIRCLE APPEARED ON 7-9-12 NOTE: ON 10-8-12 - Dr. Bill Deagle was talking about the election and he mentioned a connection to Mormonism and the Planet Kolob which is in ORION. I about fell off my chair. I will post those links below:
http://www.greatdreams.com/blog-2012/dee-blog205.html/a> IT
10-23-12 - GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY DREAM - after the third and final debate between Romney and Obama I was with my husband in a vehicle on the highway where a wide river went under a bridge. On the river was a large series of white messages floating on the river in a huge, wide block, and the messages shifted and changed on the river when the person they were inteded for looked at them. Each message was from Governor Mitt Romney, intended for specific people and when the people looked at the messages meant for them, the messages would shift and change to suit the person looking at them. There were dozens of messages so that no matter where a person looked, there was a message floating by, shifting and changing in the flow of the river. Along the highway, the banks were shaved and adjusted to accommodate the drivers going by as well, so every person got what they were looking for and needing. The grass was mowed carefully and beautifully so that not a blade of grass was out of place either. Each person saw what they wanted. I was amazed to see this as I had never seen anything like it before. ************** 10-23-12 - DREAM OF MITT ROMNEY - I was standing on the edge of the stage of Dancing With the Stars with Mitt Romney and the dancers came all rushing off the stage, hot and sweaty and laughing, and Mitt Romney started to laugh and said, "This is my most favorite place in the world!" *************
White House transcript of "Remarks of the President to Fallston High School Students and Faculty" /font>p> December 4, 1985 "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world" Speech to the United Nations General Assembly, 42nd General Assembly September 21, 1987 "I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"
The Book of Job, verse 38:31, speaks of Orion and the Pleiades: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ... Orions which come from the stars in the Orion constellation are a group claimed to be working with the government on Black Op Projects. They are very heavily involved in influencing the world population through the use of mind control. They have also been doing genetic work in which they alter a human sperm and ovum to the extent that all offspring will produce hybrids with new characteristics. Humans will mate and create children with alien genetics. That’s one step beyond the average abduction scenario. Some claim that ’negative’ entities have been associated with some of the stars in the Orion constellation. Other sources claim that the Orion Nebula is a cosmic ’doorway’ to ’infinity’ or the realm of the Creator, which transcends the time-space-matter universe. Some astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multicolored ’light’ has emerged from the "nebula" and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at a rather leisurely pace and at this rate this ’light’ or ’star’ will reach earth approximately 3000 AD (give or take a hundred years). Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation 21? Since the Draconians are attempting to conquer the ’heavens’, they may have made futile attempts to enter the ’Eternity Gate’ and intercept the emerging ’Light’ (’War In Heaven’ between Michael and the ’Dragon’?)This may explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the Orion constellation, although certain ’human’ groups have allegedly become curious of the ’Eternity Gate’ as well. The Orion open cluster itself is the base of a joint Reptiloid - Grey empire called the Unholy Six, which has been working out of NEMESIS in an effort to sabotage the human presence in the SOL system. Many of the "planetoids" that have entered this system and have made observable "course alterations" are arriving from NEMESIS and the Orion-Draconian EMPIRE.THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IN 2008 FEAST OF TABERNACLES 2008 updated 10-17-08 See Jelaila Starr's response and protocol to contact below Blossom's message IS THIS GOING TO BE PROJECT BLUEBEAM??? BLOSSOM GOODCHILD - NEW VIDEO ON UFO MESSAGE BLOSSOM GOODCHILD - TRYING TO EXPLAIN WHY NOBODY REPORTED UFOS ON THE 14TH MAYBE THEY WERE THERE
AND THERE WERE CLOUDS IN THE SKY 1. Now we beseech you, brethren
by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering
together unto him, Ps 46:4; - "[There is] a
river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, NOTE: This is not the first time I've
written about the Feast of Tabernacles. I have seventeen
other pages where I've talked about it. But 2008 seems to be
another matter regarding it and people all over the country
are talking about an event that is predicted to happen on
that date during the full moon of October 14, 2008. That
event is predicted at the end of the page by Blossom
Goodchild. Because of the great interest of this particular feast, I decided to meditate on it because I didn't particularly believe in what I had been hearing from others. So
to begin with, this is what I personally saw: >
is page was put up, Blossom has
A few things of note if I may?
1.Other channellers are now
confirming Oct 14th ,
2. On the net there is much talk
of this event. I wish
A few things of
note if I may?
channellers are now
confirming Oct 14th
2. On the net
there is much talk
of this event. I
wish it to be known
that those I channel
say they are 'The
Federation of Light'
. I have not used
the term Galactic,
although I am not
saying for a moment
that they are not
one and the same. I
believe "The
Federation' to be an
organisation of
which many races,
species, galaxies
and universes are
part. I do not
channel Ashtar. Many
do, and we are
blessed for that. I
channel 'The
Federation of Light'
and that is how they
desire to be known
to me . Please
understand I am in
no way decrying
other channels and
their work. (Far
from it! )I am Truly
grateful for their
assistance in this
HUGE task. I just
felt the need to
clarify these
details. (small as
they may seem)
Before I even connected on
a higher level, I saw three
explosions over a silver box -
the cloud from the explosion was
an ugly green color. MEDITATION -9-13-08 - This
infant is going to be given a
large gold medallion from the
central being of the Galactic
Federation who is of a high
priesthood, which is going to
'feed' the young infant.
These beings were
dark-haired. They were doing
something over a dark pit or
in-ground box of dirt like a
grave-site but because of the
flowing green capes, I couldn't
see what they were doing in the
box. The dirt was ground level -
it wasn't a deep pit. MEDITATION 9-13-08 - A
father and a son met somewhere
and they were laughing about
what they were going to do on
October 14th at the Feast of the
Tabernacles. The Father was
wearing a loose fitting shirt
that was black with gold
embroidery on the back with
loose white sleeves. The son
said to him, "I've already taken
off my 'hog shirt".
Here is what is going on
in October, 2008 in Alabama.
Hope these guys also have their
eyes on the skies during those
days.: 8-26-08 Project Blue Beam
is a
conspiracy theory that
claims that
NASA is attempting to
implement a
New Age religion with
Antichrist at its head
and start a
New World Order, via a
Second Coming. The allegations were
presented in 1994 by
Quebecois journalist and
conspiracy theorist
Serge Monast, and later
published in his book
Project Blue Beam (NASA).
Proponents of the theory
allege that Monast and
another unnamed journalist,
who both died of heart
attacks in 1996, were in
fact assassinated. In
addition, the
Canadian government
allegedly kidnapped Monast's
daughter in an effort to
dissuade him from
investigating Project Blue
Beam.[1][2] The project was
apparently supposed to be
implemented in 1983,[1]
but was delayed. It was then
set for implementation in
1995 and then 1996.[3]
Monast thought Project Blue
Beam would be brought to
fruition by the year 2000,[4]
really, definitely, for
sure. Project Blue Beam has all
the usual hallmarks of a
conspiracy theory: The theory itself cobbles
together past conspiracy
tropes, starting from
paranoia and progressing to
technologically implausible
plans with motivations that
literally do not make
any sense. The theorist's death from
a middle-age heart attack
cut off its possible spread
early and left it short on
source material in English —
though there is the
tantalizing promise of
several books' worth in
French — but did cap the
theory itself off nicely. The theory is widely
popular (for a conspiracy
theory) on the internet,
with many web pages
dedicated to the subject,
and countless YouTube videos
explaining it. The actual
source material, however, is
very thin indeed. Monast lectured on the
theory in the mid-1990s (a
transcript of one such
lecture is widely
available), before writing
and publishing his book,
which has not been reissued
by his current publisher and
is all but unobtainable. The
currently available pages
and videos all appear to
trace back to four
documents: From these few texts have
come a flood of
green ink, in text and
video form, in several
languages. Even the French
language material typically
does not cite the original
book but the English
language pages on
However, conspiracy
theorists seem to use
quantity as a measure of
substance (much as
alternative medicine
appeal to tradition) and
never mind the extremely few
sources it all traces back
to.[8] Proponents of the theory
have extrapolated[9]
it to
Norwegian Spiral,[12]
FEMA concentration camps[15]
Tupac Shakur.[16]
Everything is part of
Project Blue Beam. It's well
on its way to becoming
Unified Conspiracy Theory. The purpose of Project
Blue Beam is to bring about
the global
new age religion, which
is seen as a core
requirement for the
New World Order's
dictatorship to be realised.
There's nothing new in
thinking of
religion as a form of
control, but the existence
of multiple religions,
cults, competing sects
and atheists suggest that
controlling the population
entirely through a single
religion isn't particularly
easy. Past attempts have
required mechanisms of
totalitarianism such as the
Inquisition. Monast's theory, however,
suggests using
sufficiently advanced
technology to trick people
into believing. Of course,
the plan would have to
assume that people could
never fathom the trick
at all — something contested
by anyone sane enough not
to swallow this particular
conspiracy. The primary claimed
perpetrator of Project Blue
Beam is
NASA, presented as a
large and mostly faceless
organization that can
readily absorb such frankly
odd accusations, aided by
United Nations. According to Monast, the
project has four steps: Step One requires the
breakdown of all
knowledge. This will
apparently be accomplished
by faking earthquakes at
precise locations around the
planet. Fake "new
discoveries" at these
locations "will finally
explain to all people the
error of all fundamental
religious doctrines",
specifically Christian and
Muslim doctrines. This makes some degree of
sense — if you want to usurp
a current way of thinking
you need to completely
destroy it before putting
forward your own. However,
religious belief is
notoriously resilient to
things like facts. The
Shroud of Turin being a
famous example that is
still believed by many
to be a genuine shroud of
Jesus as opposed to the
medieval forgery that it has
been conclusively shown to
Prayer studies, too,
show how difficult it is to
shift religious conviction
with mere observational fact
— indeed, many
theologians avoid making
falsifiable claims or
place belief somewhere
beyond observation to
aid this. So what finds
could possibly fundamentally
destroy both
Christianity and
Islam, almost overnight,
and universally all over the
globe? Probably nothing.
Yet, this is only step one
of an increasingly ludicrous
set of events that Project
Blue Beam predicts will
occur. Step Two involves a
gigantic "space show"
wherein three-dimensional
holographic laser
projections will be beamed
all over the planet — and
this is where Blue Beam
really takes off. The
projections will take the
shape of whatever deity is
most predominant, and will
speak in all languages. At
the end of this light show,
the gods will all merge into
one god, the
Antichrist. This is a rather baffling
plan as it seems to assume
people will think this is
actually their god,
rather than the more natural
twenty-first century
assumption that it is a
particularly opaque Coca
Cola advertisement. Evidence
commonly advanced for this
is a supposed plan to
project the face of Allah,
despite its contradiction
with Muslim belief of God's
uniqueness, over Baghdad in
1991 to tell the Iraqis to
Saddam Hussein. Someone,
somewhere, must have
thought those primitive,
ignorant non-Western savages
wouldn't have had television
or advertising, and would
never guess it was being
done with mirrors.[5]
In general, pretty much
anything that either a)
involves light or b) has
been seen in the sky has
been put forward as evidence
that Project Blue Beam is
real, and such things are
"tests" of the technology —
unidentified flying objects.
Existing display technology
such as 3D projection
mapping and holograms are
put forward as foreshadowing
the great light show in the
sky. This stage will
apparently be accomplished
with the aid of a
Soviet computer that
will be fed "with the minute
particulars based on their
studies of the anatomy and
composition of the human
body, and the studies of the
electrical, chemical and
biological properties of the
human brain", and every
human has been allocated a
unique radio wavelength. The
computers are also capable
of inducing suicidal
The Soviets are (not "were")
the "New World Order"
people. Why NASA would use a
Soviet computer when the
USSR had to import or copy
its computer technology from
the West is not detailed. The second part of Step
Two happens when the
holograms result in the
dissolution of social and
religious order, "setting
loose millions of programmed
religious fanatics through
demonic possession on a
scale never witnessed
before." The United Nations
plans to use Beethoven's
"Ode to Joy" as the anthem
for the introduction of the
new age one world religion.[1][18] There is relatively
little to debunk in
this, the most widely
remembered section of the
Project Blue Beam
conspiracy, as the idea is
so infeasible. Citing actual
existing communication
technology is odd if the
point is for the end product
to appear
magical, rather than
just as cheap laser
projections onto clouds.
This hasn't stopped some
very strange conspiracy
theories about such things
popping up.[19]
Indeed, the notion of gods
being projected into the sky
was floated in 1991 by
conspiracy theorist Betty J.
Mills.[20] Step Three is "Telepathic
Electronic Two-Way
Communication." It involves
making people think their
god is
speaking to them through
telepathy, projected
into the head of each person
individually using
extreme low frequency
radio waves. (Atheists will
presumably hear
an absence of
Richard Dawkins.) The
book goes to some lengths to
describe how this would be
feasible, including a claim
that ELF thought projection
caused the depressive
illness of Michael Dukakis'
wife Kitty. Step Four has three
parts: Then chaos will break
out, and people will finally
be willing — perhaps even
desperate — to accept the
New World Order. "The
techniques used in the
fourth step is exactly the
same used in the past in the
USSR to force the people to
accept Communism." A device has apparently
already been perfected that
will lift enormous numbers
of people, as in a
UFO abductions are tests
of this device. Project Blue Beam
proponents believe
psychological preparations
have already been made,
Monast having claimed that
2001: A Space Odyssey,
Star Wars and the
Star Trek series all
involve an invasion from
space and all nations coming
(the first two don't, the
third is peaceful contact)
and that Jurassic Park
evolution in order to
make people think
God's words are lies. The book detailed the
theory. In the 1994 lecture,
Monast detailed what would
happen afterwards.[4] All people will be
required to take an oath to
Lucifer with a ritual
initiation to enter the New
World Order. Resisters will
be categorised as follows: Joel Engel's book Gene
Roddenberry: The Myth and
the Man Behind
Star Trek was
released in 1994, shortly
before Monast's lecture on
Project Blue Beam: All the steps of the
conspiracy theory were in
the unmade mid-'70s Star
Trek film script by
Roddenberry, which were
recycled for the ST:TNG
episode Devil's Due,
broadcast in 1991.[22] There is no evidence of
deliberate fraud on Monast's
part; given his head was
quite thoroughly full of
squirrels and confetti by
this time, it's entirely
plausible that he thought
this was the revelation of
secret information in a
guise safe for propagation
(can we say
Wormhole X-Treme!?).
However, the actual source
was so obvious that even
other conspiracy theorists
They confidently state it
was obvious that Monast had
been fed deceptive
information by the
CIA. Of course! Not just in French, but
on paper. You'd think
we were Wikipedia. Project Blue Beam
By Serge Monast [Note:
Serge Monast
[1945 - December 5, 1996] and
another journalist, both of whom
were researching Project Blue
Beam, died of "heart attacks"
within weeks of each
other although neither had a
history of
heart disease. Serge was in
Canada. The other Canadian
journalist was visiting Ireland.
Prior to his death, the Canadian
government abducted Serge's
daughter in an attempt to
dissuade him from pursuing his
research into Project Blue Beam.
His daughter was never
returned. Pseudo-heart
attacks are one of the alleged
methods of death induced by
Project Blue Beam.] [Update from Ken
Adachi: February 17,
2009: I'm only
begininng to now fully grasp the
entire breath of Serge Monast's
contributions to humanity and
the unbelieveable courage he
demonstrated in coming out with
these incredible revelations
which were secretly or
anonymously given to him by
contrite politicians, military
people, or intelligence people
who still possessed a conscience
and a sense of humanity. A required
companion piece to this article
is an astoundingly accurate
prophetic discourse presented by
Serge in 1994 to the Canadian
Free Press of Quebec,
Canada. The plannned
NASA/Illuminati script that
Serge revealed in that 1994 talk
could be taken directly from
today's headline news. The
transcript of that talk is found
(ca. Dec
1996) from:
NASA's Project Blue Beam The infamous
NASA [National Aeronautics and
Space Administration]
Blue Beam Project has
four different steps
in order to implement the new
age religion with the Antichrist
at its head. We must remember
that the new age religion is the
very foundation for the new
world government, without
which religion the dictatorship
of the new world order is
completely impossible. I'll
repeat that: Without a universal
belief in the new age religion,
the success of the new world
order will be impossible! That
is why the Blue Beam Project is
so important to them, but has
been so well hidden until now.
Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed
The Big Space Show in the Sky The first is the
'space show.'
Where does the space show come
from? The space show, the
holographic images will be used
in a simulation of the ending
during which all nations will be
shown scenes that will be the
fulfillment of that which they
desire to verify the prophecies
and adversary events. The project
has perfected the ability for
some device [referred to as
"tractor beams" by
ufologists].to lift up an
enormous number of people,
as in a Rapture,
and whisk the entire group into
a never-never land We see
tests of this device in the
abduction of humans by those
mysterious little alien greys
who snatch people out of their
beds and through windows into
waiting "mother ships." The
calculated resistance to the
universal religion and the new
messiah and the ensuing holy
wars will result in the loss of
human life on a scale never
imagined before in all of human
history. The Blue Beam
Project will pretend to be the
universal fulfillment of the
prophecies of old, as major
an event as that which occurred
2,000 years ago. In principle,
it will make use of the
skies as a movie screen
(on the sodium layer at about 60
miles) as space-based
laser-generating satellites
project simultaneous images to
the four corners of the planet
in every language and dialect
according to the region.
It deals with the religious
aspect of the new world order
and is deception and seduction
on a massive scale. The Sydney
Morning newspaper published an
item on March 21st, 1983 which
announced that the Soviets were
invading the human mind, the
article having been submitted to
the foreign editor by
Doctor Nathan Abnuengy,
assistant professor in the
faculty of agriculture in Asia.
It is worth quoting the article
at length even though his
grammar is a little old. This
article relates to the Soviets
who created the supercomputer we
were discussing earlier and
which is really important
because these types of computers
can be run through satellites
and through space. The computers
were fed with all the different
languages and their meanings,
the dialect of all peoples were
fed to the computers with
objective programs. But we are
no longer talking about the
Soviets; we are talking about
the United Nations,
the minions of the new world
order, who are feeding the
computers with the necessary
information. The editor of
the column in which the article
appeared even states that the
piece made points too important
to ignore. I think it is
possible that the persons who
have created this
mega-mind-control-program could
sell the software to an
organization and not be aware
that the client might use the
program and data to enslave all
of humankind. Just imagine how
far they have advanced since
that article was published!
Artificial Thought &
Communication That kind of
technology goes into the 1970s,
1980s, and 1990s research where
the human brain has been
compared to a computer.
Information is fed in,
processed, integrated and then a
response is formulated and acted
upon. Mind controllers
manipulate information the same
way a computer for grammar
manipulates information. In
January 1991, the University of
Arizona hosted a conference
entitled, 'The NATO Advanced
Research Workshop on Current and
Emergent Phenomena and
Biomolecular Systems.' What does
that mean exactly? It means
this: We refer to one paper that
was delivered at the conference
which stands out for its
different attitude towards the
development under discussion at
that time. It was, in effect, a
protest and chilling warning to
the attending scientists about
the potential abuse of their
research findings. Their findings,
of course, stated that the
United States has already
developed communications
equipment which can make the
blind see, the deaf hear and the
lame walk. It can relieve the
terminally ill from pain without
the use of drugs or surgery. I'm
not talking about science
fiction. A man might retain the
use of all his faculties right
up to the moment of his death.
This communications equipment
depends upon a completely new
way of looking at the human
brain and neuromuscular systems
and radiation pulses at
ultra-low frequencies.
Some of this equipment is now
operational within the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), and
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI). It will never be
used to make the blind see, the
deaf hear and the lame walk
because it is central to the
domestic political agenda and
foreign policy of George Bush
and his puppet-masters of the
new world order. What is possible
to ask before such a psychology
of terror is this: would any
government, corporation or
psychiatrist wilfully promote
such horror today? The answer is
quite obviously, 'Yes.' Government
agencies and the corporations
that work with them toward a new
world order are prepared to
promote anything that will help
them achieve their objective of
total social control. As for the
question of why: For one thing,
if you terrify the public and
make them fear for their safety,
they will allow you to implement
draconian law enforcement
practice, disarm them and keep
extensive records on them, and
they only have to tell you that
it is all to protect you, of
course. Secondly, it promotes
the decay of the present
democratic forms of political
systems, and leads societies to
search for alternative methods
of political ideology. Of
course, the alternative
has already been planned.
It is called the
New World Order and it will
not have your safety or
interests at heart. As George
Bush said: 'Read my lips.' Fear
has always been used by powerful
elite to control and subjugate
the masses. The old maxim,
'divide and conquer', is being
played out to the limit
worldwide to ensure that
everyone is frightened for their
personal safety, and to be
suspicious of everyone else.
This, too, is mind-control. To
go further in regard to the new
technology which is at the base
of the NASA Blue Beam Project,
we have to consider this
statement by psychologist
James V. McConnell
which was published in a 1970s
issue of Psychology Today.
He said, 'The day has come when
we can combine sensory
deprivation with drug hypnosis
and astute manipulation of
reward and punishment to gain
almost absolute control over an
individual's behavior. It should
then be possible to achieve a
very rapid and highly effective
type of positive brainwashing
that would allow us to make
dramatic changes in a person's
behavior and personality.' Now, when we
talked before about that kind of
ray and the telepathic and
electronically augmented
communication, the kind of rays
that are fed from the memories
of computers which store massive
data about humans, human
language and dialects, and we
said that the people will be
reached from within, making each
person to believe that his own
god is speaking directly from
within his or her own soul, we
refer to that kind of technology
and that kind of thinking that
same psychologist was espousing,
that is: we should be trained
from birth that we should all do
what society wants us to do
rather than what we want to do
for ourselves; that because they
have the technology to do it,
no one should now be
allowed to have their own
individual personality.
This statement and these ideas
are important because it is the
basic teaching of the
United Nations
that no one owns his or her own
personality. And that same
psychologist claims that no one
has any say-so about the kind of
personality they acquire and
there is no reason to believe
you have the right to refuse to
acquire a new personality if
your old personality is
considered 'antisocial.' What is
important in this declaration is
that the new world order will be
set up over the current system,
meaning the old way of thinking
and behavior and religion will
be considered the 'old' and
incorrect way of thinking and
that they can change it at one
of the
eradication camps of the
United Nations to make sure that
anyone with this 'antisocial'
behavior will be disposed of
quickly so that other modified
individuals will be able to
fulfill the needs and agendas of
the new world order without
being distracted by the truth.
Could this be
the greatest mind control
project ever?
Weapons of this
type are thought to have been
used against a British woman
protesting the presence of
American Cruise Missiles at
Greenham Common Airbase during
the 1970s. This weapon can be
used to induce total sensory
deprivation by broadcasting
signals into the auditory nerve
at such high power that it
blocks the ability of the
individual to hear themselves
think! The process
employed by such ELF technology
are described in various U. S.
Defense Department publications,
including one entitled,
' The Electromagnetic Spectrum
and Low Intensity Conflict,'
by Captain Paul E. Tyler,
Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy,
which is included in a
collection entitled, 'Low
Intensity Conflict and Modern
Technology Edict,' by
Lt. Col David G. Dean,
USAF. The paper was delivered in
1984 and the collection
published 1986 by Air University
Press, Maxwell Airforce Base,
Alabama. Another pulse microwave
device can deliver audible
signals directly to an
individual while remaining
undetectable to anyone else. The
technology is very simple and
can be built by using an
ordinary police radar gun. The
microwave beam generated by the
device is modulated at audio
frequencies and can broadcast
messages directly into the
brain. Now here we come to the
NASA Blue Beam Project. The
broadcasting of subliminal
two-way communication and images
from the depths of space
correspond directly to that kind
of technology. In his book, 'The
Body Electric,' Nobel Prize
nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker
describes a series of
experiments conducted in the
early 1960s by Allen
Frie where this
phenomena was demonstrated as
well as later experiments
conducted in 1973 at the Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research
by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp who
personally underwent tests in
which he proved he could hear
and understand messages
delivered to him in an echo-free
isolation chamber via a pulsed
microwave audiogram which is an
analog of the word's sound
vibration beamed into his brain.
Becker then goes on to state, 'Such
a device has obvious application
for covert operations designed
to drive a target crazy with
unknown voices or deliver
undetectable instructions to a
programmed assassin." Now figure out
when we hear that voice from the
new world messiah who would be
speaking from space to all of
the sane (?) people of the earth
who might give instructions to
zealots and religious fanatics,
we would see hysteria and social
mayhem on a scale never
witnessed before on this planet.
No police forces in the world,
even as a combined front, could
deal with the disorder that will
follow! A 1978 book entitled, 'Microwave
Auditory Effect and Application,'
by James C. Lynn
describes how audible voices
can be broadcast directly into
the brain. This technology
could actually allow the blind
to see and the deaf to hear.
Instead, it has been turned into
a weapon to enslave the world. [EDITOR'S NOTE:
Both the author of this report
and his colleague died of 'heart
attacks' only days apart. I
should mention also that Dr.
Becker does NOT participate in
such research.] It has been
demonstrated that focused ultra
high frequency UHF
electromagnetic energy beams can
be used to induce considerable
agitation and muscular activity
or induce muscular weakness and
lethargy. Microwaves can also be
used to burn human skin and aid
the effect of drugs, bacteria
and poisons or affect the
function of the entire brain.
These effects were all revealed
at length by the CIA on
September 21, 1977 in testimony
before the Subcommittee on
Health and Scientific Research.
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb
who directed the MK-Ultra
program at that time was forced
to discuss the scope of the
CIA's research to find
techniques of activation of the
human organism by remote
electronic means. So this is
something that exists right now,
that has been pursued to its
highest degree, that can be used
from space to reach any person,
anyplace on the face of the
earth. If we go deeper
in that process of mind control
over the people we find that the
equipment and technology has
been used to influence politics
in a much more direct fashion.
Michael Dukakis, the Democrat
candidate running against George
Bush in the 1988 election was
targeted with microwave
technology in order to impede
his public speaking performance
once the public opinion polls
showed he posed a serious threat
to Bush's election prospects. He
also claims that the equipment
was used against Kitty Dukakis
and drove her to the brink of
suicide. In the Disneyland world
of U. S. politics, a
presidential candidate with
problems such as these, would
obviously lose their race to the
White House. In the December
1980 edition of the U. S. Army
Journal, called the Military
Review, a column by Lt.
Col John B. Alexander,
entitled, 'The New
Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up,
Spock,' provides
further insight into the
technical capabilities at the
disposal of the comptroller. He
writes: "Several
examples will demonstrate
areas in which progress have
been made. The transference
of energy from one organism
to another; the ability to
heal or cause
disease to be transmitted
over a distance, thus
inducing illness or death
from no apparent cause;
telepathic behavior
modification which includes
the ability to induce
hypnotic states up to a
distance of 1,000 kilometers
have been reported.
The use
of telepathic hypnosis also
holds great potential. This
capability could allow
agents to be deeply planted
with no conscious knowledge
of their programming. In
movie terms, the Manchurian
Candidate lives, and does
not even require a telephone
call. 'Other mind-to-mind
induction techniques are
being considered. If
perfected this capability
could allow the direct
transference of thought via
telepathy from one mind or
group of minds to a select
target audience. The unique
factor is that the recipient
will not be aware that
thought has been implanted
from an external source. He
or she will believe the
thoughts are original."
This is exactly
what we were talking about. The third step
in the NASA Blue Beam Project is
called the Telepathic
Electronic Two-Way Communication.
Lt. Col John Alexander's article
continues: "If it
is possible to feed
artificial thought into the
multigenic field via
satellite, the mind
control of the entire planet
is now possible. An
individual's only resistance
would be to constantly
question the motivation
behind their thoughts and
not act upon thoughts which
they consider to be outside
their own ideological,
religious and moral
boundaries.'" Once again, it
is wise to consider how
television, advertising, modern
education and various types of
social pressure are used to
manipulate those boundaries. It
has been reported by Lt. Col
Alexander who said, in the
summary of his Military Review
article, 'The
information on those kinds
of technologies presented
here would be considered by
some to be ridiculous since
it does not conform to their
view of reality. But some
people still believe the
world is flat.' Now, this means
a lot, because if people do not
believe this kind of technology
is possible, or that it is
science fiction, those people
put themselves in great
jeopardy, because on the night
when those thousand stars will
shine from space, during the
night when the new messiah will
be presented to the world, they
will not be prepared and will
have no time to prepare to save
themselves against that kind of
technology. They don't believe
and they won't take time to
Universal Supernatural
Manifestations via Electronics
One is to
make mankind believe that
an alien (off-world)
invasion is about
to occur at every major city
on earth in order to provoke
each major nation to use its
nuclear weapons in order to
strike back. This way, the
United Nations Court will
require that all those
nations which launched
nuclear weapons to disarm
when the invasion is shown
to have been false. And how
will the United Nations know
that the invasion was false?
They will have staged it, of
course. The second
is to make the Christians
believe that the
Rapture is going to
occur with the supposed
divine intervention of an
alien (off-world)
civilization coming to
rescue earthlings from a
savage and merciless demon.
Its goal will be to
dispose of all significant
opposition to the
implementation of the New
World Order in one major
stroke, actually
within hours of the
beginning of the sky show!
The third
orientation in the fourth
step is a mixture of
electronic and supernatural
forces. The
waves used at that time will
allow "supernatural forces"
to travel through optical
fibers, coaxial cables (TV)
electrical and phone lines
in order to penetrate to
everyone at once through
major appliances.
Embedded chips will
already be in place.
The goal of this deals with
global Satanic ghosts
projected all around the
world in order to push all
populations to the edge of
hysteria and madness,
to drown them into a wave of
suicide, murder and
permanent psychological
disorders. After the
Night of the Thousand Stars,
worldwide populations will
be ready for the new
messiah to
re-establish order and peace
at any cost, even
at the cost of abdication of
Phasing Out Cash & Independence
The new world
order is already changing the
laws of all nations to make
everyone dependent upon a single
food and vitamin supply. They
are changing laws about religion
and psychiatric disorders in
order to identify anyone who is
potentially threatening to the
NWO. Those who are found
defective will be sent to
eradication camps where
organs will be taken and sold to
the highest bidders. Those
who are not killed outright will
be used as slave labor or used
in medical experiments. The goal
of a dictatorship is to control
everyone, everywhere on the
planet, ruthlessly and without
exception. That's why the new
technology being introduced
everywhere is a technology for
the control of the people. The
technology of the 1940s and
1950s was used to help the
people have an easier and more
productive life.
The new
technology is designed and built
to track down and control people
everywhere. This technology is
being manufactured for a
specific purpose and to refuse
to see and recognize that
purpose, which is to enslave the
entire populations of the world,
is to deny the emergence of the
Antichrist and the establishment
of the new world order religion
and government. If you
cannot see, if you
cannot learn, if
you cannot understand,
then you and your family and
friends will succumb to the
fires of
the crematoria that have been
built in every state and every
major city on earth, built
to deal with you. No one is safe
in a totalitarian police state! Serge Monast
The Goals of Project Blue Beam
More on Project Blue Beam
The Project Blue Beam/British
Israel Brain Wash from the
Islamic Side (July 5, 2006)
The Coming "Official"
Announcement of the Alien
Presence on Earth
Recent Announced
Developments in Hologram
Technology (May 12, 2011) Posted By:
billym [Send
E-Mail] In Response
As Dr. Steven
Greer warns in the
essay excerpted
below: Do not be
deceived. He gives
outlines of a plan
he heard about from
the govenment
insiders he deals
with to hoax a UFO
invasion for
political purposes.
This might seem
impossible until one
learns of the
amazing capabilities
of scalar
weapons, now being
developed by at
least 15 nations.
They can produced
all of these
phenomena being
sighted. I'm not
insisting that they
ARE being produced
that way, but only
that they CAN be. It
is very important to
keep this in mind to
avoid being deceived
should the plans for
a fake UFO invasion
ever be carried out.
Greer doubts that
such a plan will
work, because people
are finding out
about the
capabilities of
these scalar weapons
and the hoaxers will
simply not be able
to fool ALL of the
people. Let's hope
so. If carried out,
these plans will be
the largest hoax
ever attempted in
human history,
dwarfing the 911
[SNIP] As immense as
that game is, there
is a bigger one:
Control through
fear. As Wernher von
Braun related to Dr.
Carol Rosin, his
spokesperson for the
last 4 years of his
life, a maniacal
machine - the
laboratory complex -
would go from Cold
War, to Rogue
Nations, to Global
Terrorism (the stage
we find ourselves at
today), to the
ultimate trump card:
A hoaxed threat from
space. To justify
eventually spending
trillions of dollars
on space weapons,
the world would be
deceived about a
threat from outer
space, thus uniting
the world in fear,
in militarism, and
in war. Since 1992 I have
seen this script
unveiled to me by at
least a dozen
insiders. Of course,
initially I laughed,
thinking this just
too absurd and
far-fetched. Dr.
Rosin gave her
testimony to the
Disclosure Project
before 9/11. And yet
others told me
explicitly that
things that looked
like UFOs but that
are built and under
the control of
deeply secretive
'black' projects,
were being used to
simulate - hoax -
ET-appearing events,
including some
abductions and
cattle mutilations,
to sow the early
seeds of cultural
fear regarding life
in outer space. And
that at some point
after global
terrorism, events
would unfold that
would utilize the
now-revealed Alien
Vehicles (ARVs, or
UFOs made by humans
by studying actual
ET craft - see the
book "Disclosure" by
the same author) to
hoax an attack on
Earth. Like the movie
"Independence Day",
an attempt to unite
the world through
militarism would
unfold using ET as
the new cosmic
scapegoat (think
Jews during the
Third Reich). None of this is
new to me or other
insiders. The report
from Iron Mountain,
NY, written in the
1960s, described the
need to demonize
life in outer space
so we could have a
new enemy. An enemy
off-planet that
could unite humans
(in fear and war)
and that would prove
to be the ultimate
prop for the
trillion dollar
military industrial
complex that
Republican President
and five star
general Eisenhower
warned us about in
1961 (no one was
listening then,
either...). So here is the
post-9/11 script -
one that will be
played out unless
enough people are
informed and the
plan can be foiled
because they will be
unable to fool a
sufficient number of
citizens and
leaders: After a period of
terrorism - a period
during which the
detonation of
nuclear devices will
be threatened and
possibly actuated,
thus justifying
expanding the
weaponization of
space - an effort
will ramp up to
present the public
with information
about a threat from
outer space. Not
just asteroids
hitting the Earth,
but other threats.
An extraterrestrial
threat. Over the past 40
years, UFOlogy, as
it is called,
combined with a
mighty media
machine, has
demonized ETs via
fearsome movies like
"Independence Day",
and pseudo-science
that presents alien
kidnappings and
abuse as a fact (in
some circles) of
modern life. That
some humans have had
contact with ETs I
have no doubt; that
the real ET contact
has been subsumed in
an ocean of hoaxed
accounts I am
certain. That is, real ET
events are seldom
reported out to the
public. The Machine
ensures that the
hoaxed, frightening
and intrinsically
xenophobic accounts
are the ones seen
and read by
millions. This
mental conditioning
to fear ET has been
subtly reinforced
for decades, in
preparation for
future deceptions.
Deceptions that will
make 9/11 look
trivial. I write this now
because I have
recently been
contacted by several
highly placed media
and intelligence
sources that have
made it clear to me
that hoaxed events
and story-lines are
imminent that will
attempt to further
ramp up the fear
machine regarding
UFOs and ETs. After
all, to have an
enemy, you must make
the people hate and
fear a person, a
group of people, or
in this case an
entire category of
beings. To be clear: the
maniacal covert
programs controlling
UFO secrecy, ARVs
and related
technologies -
including those
technologies that
can simulate ET
events, ET
abductions and the
like - plan to
hijack Disclosure,
spin it into the
fire of fear, and
roll out events that
will eventually
present ETs as a new
enemy. Do not be
deceived. This hogwash,
already the stuff of
countless books,
videos, movies,
documentaries and
the like, will
attempt to glom onto
the facts, evidence
and first-hand
insider testimony of
The Disclosure
Project, and on its
coattails, deliver
to the world the
cosmic deception
that falsely
portrays ETs as a
threat from space.
Do not be deceived.
By commingling
fact with fiction,
and by hoaxing UFO
events that can look
terrifying, the Plan
is to eventually
create a new,
off-planet enemy.
And who will be the
wiser? You will. Because
now you know that
after 60 years,
trillions of dollars
and the best
scientific minds in
the world pressed
into action, a
secretive, shadowy
group - a government
within the
government and at
once fully outside
the government as we
know it - has
mastered the
technologies, the
art of deception,
and the capability
to launch an attack
on Earth and make it
look like ETs did
it. In 1997, I
brought a man to
Washington to brief
members of Congress
and others about
this plan. Our
entire team at the
time met this man.
He had been present
at planning sessions
when ARVs - things
built by Lockheed,
Northrup, et al, and
housed in secretive
locations around the
world - would be
used to simulate an
attack on certain
assets, making
leaders and citizens
alike believe that
there was a threat
from space, when
there is none.
(Before he could
testify, his
handlers spirited
him away to a secret
location in Virginia
until the briefing
was over...) Sound
familiar? Wernher
von Braun warned of
such a hoax, as a
pretext Space based
weapons are already
in place - part of a
secret parallel
space program that
has been operating
since the 1960s.
ARVs are built and
ready to go (see the
book "Disclosure"
and the chapter with
the testimony of
Mark McCandlish, et
al). Space
technologies are in
place, tested and
ready to fire. And
the Big Media is a
pawn, now taking
dictation from the
right hand of the
king. I know this all
sounds like science
fiction. Absurd.
Impossible. Just
like 9/11 would have
sounded before 9/11.
But the unthinkable
happened and may
happen again, unless
we are vigilant. Combine all of
this with the
current atmosphere
of fear and
manipulation and
there is a real risk
of suspending our
collective judgment
and our
constitution. But know this: If
there was a threat
from outer space, we
would have known
about it as soon as
humans started
exploding nuclear
weapons and going
into space with
manned travel. That
we are still
breathing the free
air of Earth, given
the galacticly
stupid and reckless
actions of an out of
control, illegal,
secret group, is
abundant testimony
to the restraint and
peaceful intentions
of these visitors.
The threat is wholly
human. And it is we
who must address
this threat, rein it
in and transform the
current situation of
war, destruction and
secret manipulation
to one of true
Disclosure and an
era of sustained
peace. War in space, to
replace war on
Earth, is not
evolution, but
cosmic madness. A
world thus united in
fear is worse than
one divided by
ignorance. It is now
time for the great
leap into the
future, a leap that
moves us out of fear
and ignorance and
into an unbroken era
of universal peace.
Know that this is
our destiny. And it
will be ours just as
soon as we choose
it. Steven M. Greer
M.D. Director, The
Disclosure Project
Albemarle County,
Virginia June, 2002
Some links on
ic "The fourth step
concerns the
manifestation with
electronic means. It
contains three
orientations. One is
to make mankind
believe that an
alien invasion is
about to strike down
on each major city
of the earth in
order to push each
major nation to use
its nuclear weapons
to strike back. This
way it would put
each of these
nations in a state
of full disarmament
in front of the
United Nations after
the false attack."
Projecting images
in the air
What is Project