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Dee Finney's blog\ start date July 20, 2011 today's date Jul 0, 2012 page 249 TOPIC: SARDIS, LYDIA; JOHN OF REVELATION |
7-9-12 - DREAM - LYDIA: I went to a bar/pub type place where women went to practice their music. In the first cubicle was a group of people hovering around a beautiful young woman named Lydia. Lydia was the most gorgeous dark-skinned black woman I've ever seen, long
eyelashes, gorgeous face, perfectly proportioned, with everything going for her
- a perfect singing voice. She stood there crying her heart out because she wasn't who she really wanted to be. I said, "What is not what you want? She responded. I want to be
blonde. " |I said, "If you want to be blonde, then be blonde. You can be anything you want to be."
The problem was - she had a boyfriend, shorter than herself, dressed in
grey with a milkman type hat, and he stood in front of her with goo goo eyes and
stared into her eyes from about a foot an a half distance. Nobody
else could see Lydia but him. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him backwards and yelled
into his face, "Did someone hire you? Give her some space."
Now she could be seen and heard for who she was and I praised her and she finally had a smile on her face. I walked around to another cubicle that was wrapped in a plastic bag that was
sealed. I could see that three men were laying down inside the plastic bag and what
was bei Once the bag deflated, I could see my son Tom laying face down on the bed,
laughing his ass off. I didn't know who the second man was, but the third
man with his back to me was a fully dressed Indian in native regalia with a
quiver of arrows on his back, ready for war. NOTE: Joe woke me up just about 1 a.m. yelling and I heard the words
'alech lok' or alech loch'. I poked him awake and asked him what he was
dreaming and he said he was in a house somewhere and a witchy type woman was
trying to come into the house and he was trying to stop her. That's all he could
recall. Those words are in several languages, but not together so I haven't
identified them. The meaning of the name Lydia is 'Noble kind; of the noble sort'.
Means "from Lydia" in Greek. Lydia was a region on the west coast of Asia
Minor. In the
New Testament this is the name of a woman converted to Christianity by
Paul. In the modern era the name has been in use since the
Protestant Reformation.
Related Names
SARDIS ACROPOLIS SARDIS IS THE CAPITAL OF THE LYDIAN EMPIRE Known biblically as the home of the church that received the fifth of letters to the seven churches in Revelation, Sardis was the capital of the Lydian empire and one of the greatest cities of the ancient world. Located on the banks of the Pactolus River, Sardis was 60 miles inland from Ephesus and Smyrna. The city was home to the famous bishop Melito in the 2nd century.
![]() SARDIS - TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS ARTEMIS was the main goddess of the city. and the temple dedicated to her in Sardis was one of the seven largest Greek temples (more than double the size of the Parthenon) Artemis, known as Diana by the Romans, was the daughter of Zeus and twin of Apollo. She was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and fertility. \ ARTEMIS/DIANA was goddess of the Earth. Selene was goddess of the sky, and Hecate was goddess of Hell.
SARDIS SYNAGOGUE The synagogue of Sardis is notable
for its size and location. In size it is one of the largest
Sardis, capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia, was 46 miles east of Smyrna, 28 miles west of Philadelphia and 31 miles south of Thyatira, in the valley of the Hermus River (modern Gediz) on the banks of its tributary, the Pactolus (modern Sart Cay). The wealth of Lydia and Sardis is legendary. The Pactolus was said to have become rich in gold when the fabled King Midas of Phrygia bathed in its headwaters to rid himself of the "golden touch." The legend of the "Golden Fleece" supposedly originated from the method of laying sheep skins in the shallows of the Pactolus to collect gold particles. The expression "rich as Croesus," the last Lydian king, is used to indicate an extremely wealthy person.
CHAPTER 3 - THE LETTER TO SARDIS (5) • Previous • Revelation Study List • Next "So be very careful about the sort of lives you lead, like intelligent and not like senseless people. Make the best of the present time for it is a wicked age. This is why you must not be thoughtless but must recognize what is the will of the Lord." -Ephesians 5:15-17 1) Preamble: 3:1a "...Here is the message of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars." 2) Historical Prologue: 3:1b "I know about your 3) Ethical Stipulations: 3: 2 "Wake up; put some resolve into what little vigor you have left.." 4) Sanctions: 3:3 "Repent! If you do not wake up I shall come to you..." 5) Succession Arrangements: 3:4-5 "There are a few...Anyone
who proves victorious.." The city of Sardis was founded circa 1200BC and became the capital of
the Lydian kingdom. Situated at the junction of five roads, and
commanding the Hermus valley, Sardis was a wealthy commercial city. The
city was built on a hill so steep that its defenses seemed impregnable
and yet in the past this sense of false security had led to the conquest
and destruction of the city by both the Persian king Cyrus (549BC) and
by the Selucid king Antiochus III(218BC). On both occasions enemy troops
had scaled the hill at night and had found that the over-confident
Sardians had not even bothered to set a guard. In 17AD city had been
severely damaged by a great earthquake but, the city was soon rebuilt
through the generous aid of the Roman Emperor Tiberius to whom the
people of Sardis were immensely grateful. This gratitude was reflected
in the city's loyalty to the Roman Empire. The most important religion at Sardis was the worship of the goddess
Cybele but there was also a temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis.
Both goddesses were commemorated on the city's
coins. By the second century AD, Sardis began to seriously decline
as a trading center. Today Sardis is a small village called Sart. Read Chapter 3: 1-6. 3: 1a The Preamble: Write to the angel of the church in Sardis and say, 'Here is the message of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars:'" Again we have a repeated pattern of chapter 1 verses 4 and 16. In our discussion of this phrase in chapter 1 we commented that the number 7 is one of the "perfect" numbers and symbolizes spiritual perfection. This passage also refers to the prophetic mission of the Holy Spirit. The prophets speak for God under the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Rev. 1:4 passage, John is addressed in "grace and peace" from 1) "He who is, was, and is to come (recalling God the Father's holy covenant name "Yahweh"), 2) from "the Seven Spirits who are before His throne, 3) "and from Jesus Christ." The first and third are clearly God the Father and God the Son and therefore the most likely interpretation is that John's greeting is from the Triune God and the 7 Spirits symbolize God the Holy Spirit in all His spiritual perfection (reference Chapter 1 notes for more information on this passage). The seven stars, Christ tells us in 1:16 & 20, are the messengers (angelos) of the seven churches to whom the letters will be sent. They are held in Christ's right hand; under His power and authority they will speak to the churches on His behalf. The messengers of the churches belong to Him and they are accountable to Him for their actions as well as their inaction. The elders of the church in Sardis desperately need to be reminded of this because they had allowed the church to fall into spiritual decay. Verse 1b: "I know about your behavior: how you are reputed to be alive and yet are dead." After the vivid reminder of the dignity and authority of the risen Christ there is a severe condemnation of the community at Sardis. Question: What does it mean to be "alive for Christ?" Question: What does Jesus mean when He tells them they were "reputed" to be "alive" but that they are "dead?" Answer: The church at Sardis had a good reputation for being an active faith community "alive" for Christ. It seems likely that this church was well known in the Roman province of Asia as the people of the Christian faith in such a prosperous and famous city. They had once been spiritually alive for Christ but now they had only their past reputation. They were no longer yielding "fruit." Their tree of faith was weakened to the point of death. Question: Was this church suffering under any external persecution like the churches at Ephesus, Smyran and Pergamum? It is interesting that of these 4 churches the Christians at Smyrna were suffering the most on account of the faith yet they were yielding the "sweetest fruit" for Christ. How do you account for the differences between Smyrna and Sardis? Answer: There seems to be no evidence, in an era of growing Roman
persecution, that the church at Sardis experienced either theological
controversy or persecution. The body of the letter to Sardis seems to
indicate that the church had almost completely compromised with the
pagan culture of the city. The result of this "ecumenical" approach of
the church at Sardis to the pagan religions was that the once busy,
fruitful church was compromising itself almost to death. The death of
Sardis did not necessarily come from a lack of youth activities, or
'spiritual awakening' programs'which is the reason why most churches
today tend to be called "dead." Rather, it seems the church at Sardis
lacked the depth of conviction, which is necessary to even begin a fight
against heresy. Sardis was drowning in mediocrity while she pursued
non-controversial "works." The church at Sardis had, in fact, become
"secularized." Its fundamental worldview had become the same as that of
the surrounding pagan culture. It had become what Paul wrote in
Ephesians 2:1-2 "And you were dead, through the crimes and the sins
which used to make up your way of life when you were living by the
principles of this world, obeying the ruler who dominates the air, and
the spirit who is at work in those who rebel. We too were all among them
once, living only by our natural inclinations, obeying the demands of
human self-indulgence and our own whim; our nature made us no less
liable to God's retribution than the rest of the world." Satan must
have been pretty happy with Sardis' progress not to bother to add
persecution and suffering. Question: Are there those in the Catholic Church today who urge a
more secularized world view? What is the agenda they propose to bring
the Catholic Church into the 21st century? Verses 2"Wake up; put some resolve into what little vigor you
have left: it is dying fast. So far I have failed to notice anything in
your behavior that my God could possibly call perfect; remember how you
first heard the message. Hold on to that. Repent!" Question:
Christ gives Sardis two admonitions. What are they? Answer: (1) He tells
them to "wake up!" and (2) He commands them to "remember." (1).
Considering Sardis' past history when the city was captured and
destroyed twice because of the city's smug complacency this is fitting
advice. There is a parallel with the city's history and the church's
lack of vigilance and the urgent call to "wake up" before it falls under
God's judgment. It is also interesting that if Sardis can wake up there
is hope. This infers that the church is not completely dead but even
though the community is in the last stages of life Christ has not given
up on this church yet. The danger is real and the judgment is coming but
there is time. Question: What are the elders required to do while
time remains? Answer: See verse 2; "strengthen the things that
remain." Question: What is it that was remaining? Answer: The
problem is that Sardis was involved in the "works" of God but they were
not completed; their "works" were unfulfilled in God's sight. Answer (2). The New American translation reads: "Call to mind how
you accepted what you heard.." another possible translation is
"Remember what you have received and heard." (unless
otherwise stated all Scripture passages quoted in this study are from
the New Jerusalem translation) Question: What have they heard and
what have they received? Answer: They have heard the Gospel of Jesus the
Messiah and they have received from Him the sacraments of the New
Covenant Israel. The have also received'in the case of the bishop and
elders to whom the letter is addressed, the privileges and
responsibilities of the ministerial priesthood. Under the Covenanted
Oath they were to keep watch over and to guard the Bride of Christ'the
same admonition given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. And, by the way,
the enemy was the same for both. Question: Who is the enemy?
Answer: Satan the great serpent. Now at the end of verse 2 Christ gives a command. Question: What is it that the Lord requires? Answer: Repentance. Verse 3: "If you do not wake up, I shall come to you like a
thief, and you will have no idea at what hour I shall come upon you."
Question: And what will happen if they fail to repent?
Answer: The church will face the judgment of Christ. This is the same
threat as 1:7; 2:5; and 2:16. The threat of His coming against a local
church or even against a nation is not the same as the 2nd
Coming of Christ at the end of history. The words used in this passage
"to you" indicate a local coming not a futuristic, end of the
world coming. Verse 4 "There are a few in Sardis, it is true, who have kept
their robes unstained, and they are fit to come with me, dressed in
white." There was a remnant of the church who had remained faithful
to what they had received and heard. They had not "soiled their
garments" ; they hadn't become secularized and had not conformed to
the dominant pagan culture. Question: What are the 2 promises
Christ makes to this faith remnant? Answer: verse5 Verse 5 "Anyone who proves victorious will be dressed, like
these, in white robes; I shall not blot that name out of
the book of life, but acknowledge it in the presence of my Father and
His angels." (1) Seven times in the Book of Revelation the
saints are referred to as being "clothed in white garments": Rev. 3:4 &
18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9 &13; 19:14. The white robes are a symbol in Scripture
for righteousness and purity with origins in the sun-white brilliance of
the Glory-cloud of God. In their resurrection in Christ the saints are
re-created in the image of God and are clothed with the grace of Christ.
This verse is a description of an aspect of salvation in which all who
preserver to the end have an inheritance. Gal. 3:27 "...since every
one of you that has been baptised has been clothed in Christ." Being
clothed in the white robes of righteousness' takes place at our baptism
and continues progressively as we
work out our salvation daily in obedience to God as we participate
in His sacraments and daily cloth ourselves in grace and virtue. Read
Col. 3:5-17 (v. 10) "You have stripped off your old behavior with
your old self, and you have put on a new self which will progress
towards true knowledge the more it is renewed in the image of its
Creator.." And finally at the end of the journey "But when Christ
is revealed'and He is your life'you too, will be revealed with Him in
glory." (Col 3:4). (2) "I shall not blot that name out of the book of life.."
This statement has been a source of controversy for centuries. Can you
loose your salvation? CCC #162 "Faith is an entirely free gift that
God makes to man. We can lose this priceless gift, as St. Paul indicated
to St. Timothy: (1Tim 1:18-19)"Wage the good warfare, holding
faith and a good conscience. By rejecting conscience, certain persons
have made shipwreck of their faith." To live, grow, and persevere in the
faith until the end we must nourish it with the word of God; we must beg
the Lord to increase our faith; it must be "working through charity":
abounding in hope, and rooted in the faith of the Church. The Bible is full of examples of those who profess Christ and by all
accounts appear to be "saved", who finally apostatize from the faith and
inherit damnation rather than salvation. Judas is the obvious example
but he is not the only one. The Old Testament provides many examples of
members of the Covenant who departed from the faith, and the New
Testament warns us over and over again of the judgment of God against
those who break His covenant (see Matt. 7:15-23; 13:20-21; 24:10-12; 2
Thess. 2:3, 11-12; 1Tim. 4:1-3; 2Tim. 3:1-9; 4:3-4; Heb. 2:1-3; 3:12-14;
6:4-6; 10:26031, 35-39; 2Pet. 2:1-3, 20-22; 3:17). The threat stated by
Christ is very real. Those whose names are written in the Book of
Life'the baptised who profess Christ'are counted as and treated as true
believers but they must persevere in their faith. If they apostatize and
fall into the sins of immorality, heresy, and secularization that
characterized the church at Sardis, they will be erased from the Book of
Life. But the promise remains to the Christian who overcomes and by
faithfulness demonstrates that Christ has truly purchased him for His
own; he is in no danger'his or her name will never be erased. For more
about the "Book of Life" see Rev. 13:8; 17:8; 20:12,15; 21:27; Phil 4:3;
Dan 12:1; Mt. 10:32. This final promise is reinforced by Christ's statement: "..but
acknowledge it in the presence of my Father and His angels." This
statement is supported by Jesus' statements in the Gospels. Read Mat
10:32-33: "So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of
human beings, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father
in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of human beings, I
will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven." Also see Mark
8:38 and Luke 12:8-9. Christians at Sardis were denying Christ as they
worked for the praise and acceptance of men rather than God. At the Last
Judgment they would surely hear the words from the Son of God in Matt.
7:23 "Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you;
away from me, all evil doers!" Question: Is this message as
important today as it was 2000 years ago? Do we ".. listen to what
the Spirit is saying to the churches"?(verse 6) Salvation History references: The imagery in this letter comes from
the prophetic period (the references to the Spirit and the "seven stars"
speak of prophetic witness) and the end of the period of the monarchy in
the Northern Kingdom of Israel when a disobedient and spiritually dead
covenant people were defeated and taken into captivity. In 722BC the
Assyrians conquered the Northern kingdom of Israel and took the 10
tribes eastward into exile. Years later only a remnant held on to what
they had been taught, remained faithful, and returned to settle in the
district of the Galilee. It was from this faithful remnant that Jesus
chose His 12 Apostles. See the Mass Chart: This chart compares the celebration of the Mass with John's vision. The Apocalypse of John is liturgical. As Dr. Scott Hahn writes: "..the golden thread of liturgy is what holds together the apocalyptic pearls of John's Revelation." See CCC # 1090; 1137-1139; 2642. Recommended reading: The Lamb's Supper, Scott Hahn • Previous • Revelation Study List • Next Copyright © Agape Bible Study. Permissions All Rights Reserved.
A related theme to be examined in this article is
the symbolic meaning of being dead, asleep, or not awake. Often this
seems to involve a male or male god who is dead and laying in a prone
position, while a female or goddess is above or on top of him. With the
awakening or resurrection, the male stands up alive. This general theme
is quite universal throughout the word, but there are variations. This strange symbolism seems to be speaking about
humanity. The god and the goddess may represent the dual consciousness
of mankind. In Jeff's dream above, the duality change symbol was in the
from of the puppet pair undergoing a baptism. The healed dome will
"jell" here in time, turn into stone, so-to-speak. Jeff had another
dream prior to the one above, in which a paratrooper dressed in white
came down from the sky and made him stand up from his prone position.
The dome of the world or Omphalos symbol connects with the duality symbol through the ancient Eastern idea that the phallus implanted in the vagina represents the all-pervading space of the universe. The meaning behind this may be related to messages to the effect that we each create our own reality individually, yet there is an en mass nature to it by a higher level agreement. One could picture this symbolically as many domes connected together by threads of Spider Grandmother into a big web. An Eastern symbol for this is
Indra's Net,
which is a "net of jewels" (or pearls) ,each of which reflects like a
mirror and contains the reflection of each of the others. The Internet
World Wide Web is a similar modern symbol. The cycle of laying down dead seems related to the
time cycle in the lower three levels of consciousness, associated with
the chakras. The critical leap is from the third chakra to the fourth.
The third chakra at the solar plexus, is basically the ego-centered will
to succeed, and is represented by a ten petaled lotus flower and by the
color yellow. The fourth chakra is at the heart, where love and
compassion and a realization of our connectedness is realized. It is
represented as a twelve petaled lotus flower and the color green. This critical leap is often shown as
three and one half, as
the midpoint of seven. In some cases it seems to be represented as
the fourth step. Somewhat paradoxically, it appears that seven steps or
stages has a similar meaning. There are hints that the seven days of creation are not over, and that we are not yet "man" with free will. We are not entirely clear as to the meaning of the message of this "standing up" or revival from the dead of the male or male "god." We hope that the meaning will become more clear as the future unfolds. But, it certainly seems to be of a grand Cosmic magnitude. And, it may be just a few years away. --------------------------------- More Clues
Clue to the time of the awakening:
Clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
Another clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
Numeric clue: The midpoint of the seven chakras, or
three and a half, 11:11 clue indicating the year, hour, and minute of the end of the cycle
In the 28 years listed on the page from which the above table was taken, only the one 11:11 universal time is given. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21, 2012. That is the famous "End Date" - The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012
A.D. Perhaps it is significant that 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the Mayan end date comes. A common factor seems to be the 11:11 AM times of the end of World War One on 11-11-1918 and the exact moment of the Mayan cycle end. Clue to the 11:11 association with Lost Tribes.
On March 11, 1992 ,a
voice spoke
in my dream, saying, "Cycle of time . . . [long pause] . . . to identify
the Lost Tribes." I saw an image of a circular swirled pattern. Seven years later, on July 4, 1999, a similar
pattern appeared as a
crop circle
formation near Hackpen Hill, near Broad Hinton, Wiltshire. It
was called the Crescent Vortex. The geometry of the formation was
similar to a pattern developed by Wolfgang Held, showing the zones of
total solar eclipses over a period of time, called, "Saros-Cycle 145."
I have found that other people have had dreams
about the Lost Tribes. On August 11, 1999, an amazing solar eclipse took place, along with a "Grand Cross" alignment of the planets. The "Diamond Ring Effect" happened at 11:11 AM over Cornwall, England. Coincidentally, there are many legendary connections to the Lost Tribes related to Cornwall and Great Britian. The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 also
seemed to be a symbolic event. The 11:11 was one part of it. The Lost
Tribes were another part. Part of this symboic story relates to Joseph Smith and the Mormons, along with the city of Salt Lake, Utah. Great Britan and the USA symbolically represent the two sons of the Biblical Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob.