start date July 201, 2012
today's date August 9,, 2012
page 168
TOPIC: where does this take us?
In meditation today, I was shown a book and at the top page inside was the
word ASSON
The page turned back one page and on that page was many lines of some kind
of code.
Joe told me to look it up on the internet and see where it took me.
First of all, I discovered that ASSON, is an area of France.
Here is the map:
then I found out that Eleanor of Aquitaine was friends and then married
King Louis VII of France and the Pope of the time blessed their marriage,
and she ended up as Queen of England.
here is the wikipedia page:
Here is the wikipedia page about Aquitaine:
Another page about Eleanor of Aquitaine mentioned the language code of the
area called the Poitevin code, which was the language of the area,
When I looked up the Poitevin code, I discovered that it was an almost
extinct language.
here is the google search
When I mentioned that to Joe, he said the Basques had a whistling language
that was almost extinct. Since it is also in that area, as is the
LASCO caves with ancient drawings in, I looked that up as well.
Then while I was typing this up, it came to me that is a personal history
lesson b because I've had more than one past life in France.
In one lifetime, I was the lady in waiting to a Queen. Eleanor of
In another lifetime in France, I was a nun and had the child of a
priest/professor I was in loe with. I haven't told this story before
to anyone except the one person I met who had the past life as the
priest/professor, who shall remain nameless, but he knows who he is.
That was Heloise and Peter Abelard, one of the greatest love stories of all
time if you read the book. All I remember is the pain of it.
I have had a dream about being a teacher in France. It could have been
about that lifetime.
I was a teacher in many lifetimes according to past life meditations I've
Teacher in France
I did this research for myself more than anyone else, but research has many
values. I know I didn't live in those places alone. Many of you out
there also did.
Aquitaine (French pronunciation:
[a.ki'tɛn], English
Occitan: Aquitània;
Basque: Akitania), archaic
Guyenne/Guienne (Occitan: Guiana), is one of the 27
regions of France, in the south-western part of
metropolitan France, along the Atlantic Ocean and the
mountain range on the border with Spain. It is composed of the 5 departments of
Lot et Garonne,
Landes and
Gironde. In the Middle Ages Aquitaine was a kingdom and a duchy, whose
boundaries fluctuated considerably.

Ancient history
There are traces of human
settlement by prehistoric peoples, especially in the
but the earliest attested inhabitants in the south-west were the
who were not proper
Celtic people, but more akin to the
Gallia Aquitania). Although a number of different languages and dialects
were in use in the area during ancient times, it is most likely that the
prevailing language of Aquitaine during the late pre-historic to Roman period
was an early form of the
Basque language. This has been demonstrated by various Aquitanian names and
words that were recorded by the Romans, and which are currently easily readable
as Basque. Whether this
Aquitanian language (Proto-Basque) was a remnant of a Vasconic language
group that once extended much farther, or whether it was generally limited to
the Aquitaine/Basque region is not currently known. One reason the language of
Aquitaine is important is because Basque is the last surviving non-Indo-European
language in western Europe and it has had some effect on the languages around
it, including Spanish and, to a lesser extent, French.
The original Aquitania (named after the inhabitants) at the time of Caesar's
conquest of Gaul included the area bounded by the
River, the
Pyrenees and the Atlantic Ocean. The name may stem from Latin 'aqua', maybe
derived from the town "Aquae Augustae", "Aquae Tarbellicae" or just "Aquis"
(Dax, Akize in
modern Basque) or as a more general geographical feature.
rule, since 27 BC the province of Aquitania was further stretched to the north
to the
River Loire, thus including proper
Gaul tribes along
with old Aquitani south of the Garonne (cf.
Novempopulania and
within the same region. In 392, the Roman imperial provinces were restructured
and Aquitania Prima, Aquitania Secunda and Aquitania Tertia (or
Novempopulania) were established in south-western Gaul.
Early Middle Ages
Accounts on Aquitania during the Early Middle Ages are blurry, lacking
precision, but there was much unrest. The Visigoths were called into Gaul as
foederati, but eventually established themselves as the de-facto rulers in
south-west Gaul as central Roman rule collapsed. The
established their capital in
but their actual tenure on Aquitaine was feeble. Furthermore, in 507 they were
expelled south to Hispania after their defeat in the
Battle of Vouillé by the Franks, who became the new rulers in the area. Two
regions come to be distinguished after the Frank expansion to the south,
Vasconia/Gascony and Aquitaine, with the former comprising the previous
Novempopulania and the latter the territory lying between the
Loire and Garonne
The Franks likewise had difficulty controlling their south-western
marches, i.e. Vasconia, in turn setting up a
Duchy as of AD 602 to hold a grip on the area, appointing a duke in charge.
These dukes were quite detached from central
overlordship, sometimes governing as independent rulers with strong ties to
their Vascon
kinsmen south of the Pyrenees. As of 660, the duchies of Aquitaine and Vasconia
were united under the rule of
Felix of Aquitaine to form an independent polity. Despite its nominal
submission to the Merovingians, the ethnic make-up of new realm Aquitaine wasn´t
Frankish, but Gallo-Roman north of the Garonne and main towns and Basque,
especially south of the Garonne.
A united Vascon-Aquitanian realm reached its heyday under
the Great's rule. The independent status of the realm might have continued
but for an attack by the Muslim troops who had just invaded the Visigoth
Hispania. After successfully fending them off in Toulouse in 721 he was defeated
close to Bordeaux, with the hosts under
Abd-al-Raḥmân al-Ghafiqi command ransacking the lands south of the Garonne.
Odo was required to pledge allegiance to the Frankish
Charles Martel in exchange for help against the Muslim forces, and
Vascon-Aquitanian self-rule first came to an end by 742, and definitely in 768
after the assassination of
In 781, Charlemagne decided to proclaim his son
King of Aquitaine within the
Carolingian Empire, ruling over a realm comprising the
Duchy of Aquitaine and the
Duchy of Vasconia (Et 3 Calend Augusti habuit concilium magnum in Aquis,
et constituit duos filius sans reges Pippinum et Clotarium, Pippinum super
Aquitaniam et Wasconiam). He suppressed various Vascon uprisings, even
venturing into the lands of
past the Pyrenees after ravaging the
Gascony, with
a view to imposing his authority in the Vasconia south of Pyrenees too.
According to his biography, he achieved everything he wanted and after staying
overnight in Pamplona, on his way back his army was attacked in Roncesvaux in
812, but didn't suffer defeat thanks to the precautions he had taken.
Seguin (Sihiminus), count of Bordeaux and
Duke of Vasconia, seemed to have attempted a detachment from the Frankish
central authority on Charlemagne's death. The new emperor Louis the Pious
reacted by removing him from his capacity, which stirred the Vascons into
rebellion. The king in turn sent his troops over to the territory, submitting
them in two campaigns and even killing the duke, while his family crossed the
Pyrenees and kept raising against the Frankish power. In 824, the
3rd Battle of Roncesvaux took place, where counts
Aeblus and
Aznar, Frankish vassals from the Duchy of Vasconia sent by the new King of
Aquitaine Pepin, were captured by the joint forces of
Iñigo Arista and the
Banu Qasi.
Before Pepin's death, emperor Louis had appointed a new king in 832, his son
Charles the Bald, while the Aquitanian lords elected king
Pepin II. This contest for the head of the kingdom led to a constant period
of war among Charles, loyal to his father and the Carolingian power, and Pepin
II, who relied more on the support of Vascon and Aquitanian lords.
make-up in the Early Middle Ages
Despite the early conquest of southern Gaul by the Franks after the Battle of
Vouillé in 507, the Frankish element was feeble south of the Loire, where Gothic
and Gallo-Roman Law prevailed and a small Frankish settlement took place.
However scarce, some Frankish population and nobles settled down in regions like
Albigeois, Carcassone (on the fringes of Septimania), Toulouse, and Provence and
Lower Rhone (the last two not in Aquitaine). After the death of the king
Dagobert I,
the Merovingian tenure south of the Loire became largely nominal, with the
actual power being in the hands of autonomous regional leaders and counts. The
Franks may have become largely assimilated to the preponderant Gallo-Roman
culture by the 8th century, but their names were well in use by the ruling
class, like Odo. Still, in the
Battle of Toulouse (721), the Aquitanian duke Odo is said to be leading an
army of Aquitanians and Franks.[2]
On the other hand, the Franks didn´t mix with the Basques, keeping separate
paths. In the period previous and after the Muslim thrust, the Basques are often
cited in several accounts stirring against Frankish attempts to subdue Aquitaine
(stretching up to Toulouse) and Vasconia, pointing to a not preponderant but
clearly significant Basque presence in the former too. 'Romans' are also cited
as living in the cities of Aquitaine, as opposed to the Franks.
after the Treaty of Verdun
After the 843
Treaty of Verdun, the defeat of
Pepin II and the death of
Charles the Bald, the
Kingdom of Aquitaine (subsumed in
Francia) ceased to have any relevance and the title of King of Aquitaine
took on a nominal value. In 1058, the Duchy of Vasconia (Gascony) and Aquitaine
merged under the rule of
William VIII, Duke of Aquitaine.
The title "Duke of Aquitaine" was held by the counts of
from the 10th to the 12th century.
It passed to France in 1137 when the duchess
Eleanor of Aquitaine married
Louis VII of France, but their marriage was annulled in 1152 and when
Eleanor's new husband became
Henry II of England in 1154, the area became an English possession.
Links between Aquitaine and England were strengthened, with large quantities
of wine produced in southwestern France being exported to London,
Southampton, and other English ports.
Aquitaine remained English until the end of the
Hundred Years’ War in 1453, when it was annexed by France. From the 13th
century until the French Revolution, Aquitaine was usually known as
The region served as a stronghold for the Protestant
Huguenots during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, who suffered
persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. The Huguenots called upon
the English crown for assistance against the Catholic
Cardinal Richelieu.
Aquitaine consists of 3,150,890 inhabitants equivalent to 6% of the total
French population.
The region is home to many successful sports teams. In particular worth
mentioning are:
External links
Eleanor of Aquitaine (French:
Aliénor d’Aquitaine; Éléonore de Guyenne)
(1122 or 1124 – 1 April 1204) was one of the wealthiest and most powerful
women in Western Europe during the
High Middle Ages. As well as being Duchess of
Aquitaine in her own right, she was
queen consort of France (1137–1152) and of England (1154–1189). She was
the patroness of such literary figures as
Benoît de Sainte-Maure, and
Bernart de Ventadorn. She belonged to the French
House of Poitiers, the
Eleanor succeeded her father, becoming
Duchess of Aquitaine and
Countess of Poitiers, and by extension, the most eligible bride in
Europe, at the age of fifteen. Three months after her accession, she married
Louis VII, son of her guardian,
King Louis The Fat. As
Queen of France, she participated in the unsuccessful
Second Crusade. Soon after the Crusade, Eleanor sought an annulment of
her marriage[1]
but was rejected by
Pope Eugene III.[2]
However, after the birth of
Alix, another daughter, Louis agreed to an annulment.[3]
The marriage was annulled on 11 March 1152, on the grounds of
consanguinity within the fourth degree. Their daughters were declared
legitimate and custody was awarded to Louis, while Eleanor's lands were
restored to her.
As soon as the annulment was granted, Eleanor became engaged to
Henry Plantagenet, Duke of Normandy and Count of Anjou, who became King
Henry II of England in 1154; he was her cousin within the third degree
and was nine years younger than she. The couple married on 18 May 1152,
eight weeks after the annulment of Eleanor's first marriage. Over the next
thirteen years, she bore Henry eight children: five sons, three of whom
would become kings, and three daughters. However, Henry and Eleanor
eventually became estranged. She was imprisoned between 1173 and 1189 for
supporting her son
Henry's revolt against her husband.
Eleanor was widowed on 6 July 1189. Her husband was succeeded by their
Richard I, who immediately released his mother. Now
queen dowager, Eleanor acted as a
regent while Richard went on the
Third Crusade. Eleanor survived Richard and lived well into the reign of
her youngest son
John. By the time of her death, she had outlived all her children except
for King John and
Eleanor, Queen of
Early life
The exact date and place of Eleanor's birth are not known. A late 13th
century genealogy of her family listed her as 13 years old in the spring of
Some chronicles mentioned a fidelity oath of some lords of Aquitaine on the
occasion of Eleanor's fourteenth birthday in 1136; this and her known age of
82 at her death makes 1122 her likely year of birth.[5]
Her parents almost certainly married in 1121. Her birthplace may have been
Nieul-sur-l'Autise, where her mother died when Eleanor was 6 or 8.[6]
Eleanor or Aliénor was the oldest of three children of
William X, Duke of Aquitaine, whose glittering ducal court was on the
leading edge of early–12th-century culture, and his wife,
Aenor de Châtellerault, the daughter of Aimeric I, Viscount of
Châtellerault, and
Dangereuse, who was
William IX's longtime
mistress as well as Eleanor's maternal grandmother. Her parents'
marriage had been arranged by Dangereuse with her paternal grandfather, the
Eleanor was named for her mother Aenor and called Aliénor, from
Latin alia Aenor, which means the other Aenor. It became
Eléanor in the
langues d'oïl (Northern French) and Eleanor in English.[3]
There is, however, an earlier Eleanor on record:
Eleanor of Normandy, William the Conqueror's aunt, who lived a century
earlier than Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Early life
The exact date and place of Eleanor's birth are not known. A late 13th
century genealogy of her family listed her as 13 years old in the spring of
Some chronicles mentioned a fidelity oath of some lords of Aquitaine on the
occasion of Eleanor's fourteenth birthday in 1136; this and her known age of
82 at her death makes 1122 her likely year of birth.[5]
Her parents almost certainly married in 1121. Her birthplace may have been
Nieul-sur-l'Autise, where her mother died when Eleanor was 6 or 8.[6]
Eleanor or Aliénor was the oldest of three children of
William X, Duke of Aquitaine, whose glittering ducal court was on the
leading edge of early–12th-century culture, and his wife,
Aenor de Châtellerault, the daughter of Aimeric I, Viscount of
Châtellerault, and
Dangereuse, who was
William IX's longtime
mistress as well as Eleanor's maternal grandmother. Her parents'
marriage had been arranged by Dangereuse with her paternal grandfather, the
Eleanor was named for her mother Aenor and called Aliénor, from
Latin alia Aenor, which means the other Aenor. It became
Eléanor in the
langues d'oïl (Northern French) and Eleanor in English.[3]
There is, however, an earlier Eleanor on record:
Eleanor of Normandy, William the Conqueror's aunt, who lived a century
earlier than Eleanor of Aquitaine.
By all accounts, Eleanor's father ensured that she had the best possible
Although her native tongue was
Poitevin, she was taught to read and speak
Latin, was well versed in music and literature, and schooled in riding,
hawking, and hunting.[8]
Eleanor was extroverted, lively, intelligent, and strong willed. In the
spring of 1130, when Eleanor was six, her four-year-old brother William
Aigret and their mother died at the castle of Talmont, on Aquitaine's
Atlantic coast. Eleanor became the
heir presumptive to her father's domains. The
Duchy of Aquitaine was the largest and richest province of France;
Poitou (where Eleanor spent most of her childhood) and Aquitaine together
were almost one-third the size of modern France. Eleanor had only one other
legitimate sibling, a younger sister named Aelith but always called
Petronilla. Her half brothers, William and Joscelin, were acknowledged
by William X as his sons, but not as his heirs. Later, during the first four
years of Henry II's reign, all three siblings joined Eleanor's royal
In 1137, Duke William X left
going to
Bordeaux and taking his daughters. On reaching Bordeaux, he left them in
the charge of the
Archbishop of Bordeaux, one of the Duke's few loyal
The duke then set out for the Shrine of
Saint James of Compostela, in the company of other
however, he died on
Friday 9 April 1137.
Eleanor, aged about fifteen, became the Duchess of Aquitaine, and thus
the most eligible heiress in Europe. As these were the days when kidnapping
an heiress was seen as a viable option for obtaining a title, William had
dictated a
on the very day he died, bequeathing his domains to Eleanor and appointing
Louis VI of France as her guardian.[9]
William requested the King to take care of both the lands and the duchess,
and to also find her a suitable husband.[7]
However, until a husband was found, the King had the legal right to
Eleanor's lands. The Duke also insisted to his companions that his death be
kept a secret until Louis was informed – the men were to journey from Saint
James across the
as quickly as possible, to call at Bordeaux to notify the Archbishop, and
then to make all speed to Paris, to inform the King.
The King of France himself was also gravely ill at that time, suffering
"a flux of the bowels" (dysentery)
from which he seemed unlikely to recover. Despite his immense obesity and
impending mortality, however, Louis the Fat remained clear-minded. To his
concerns regarding his new heir,
Louis, who had been destined for the monastic life of a younger son (the
former heir, Philip, having died from a riding accident),[10]
was added joy over the death of one of his most powerful vassals – and the
availability of the best
duchy in
France. Presenting a solemn and dignified manner to the grieving Acuitainian
messengers, upon their departure he became overjoyed, stammering in delight.
Rather than act as guardian to the Duchess and duchy, he decided, he would
marry the duchess to his heir and bring Aquitaine under the French Crown,
thereby greatly increasing the power and prominence of France and the
Capets. Within hours, then, Louis had arranged for his 17 year-old son,
Prince Louis, to be married to Eleanor, with
Suger in charge of the wedding arrangements. Prince Louis was sent to
Bordeaux with an escort of 500 knights, as well as Abbot Suger,
Theobald II, Count of Champagne and Count Ralph.
On 25 July 1137 the couple was married in the
Cathedral of Saint-André in Bordeaux by the
Archbishop of Bordeaux.[7]
Immediately after the wedding, the couple were enthroned as Duke and Duchess
of Aquitaine.[7][7]
However, there was a catch: the land would remain independent of France
until Eleanor's oldest son became both King of the Franks and Duke of
Aquitaine. Thus, her holdings would not be merged with France until the next
generation. She gave Louis a wedding present that is still in existence, a
rock crystal vase, currently on display at the
Louis gave the vase to the
Saint Denis Basilica. This vase is the only object connected with
Eleanor of Aquitaine still surviving.[12]
Louis's tenure as Count of Poitou and Duke of Aquitaine and Gascony
lasted only few days. Although he had been invested as such on the 8th of
August, on his and Eleanor's tour of the provinces a messenger caught up
with them with the news that on 1 August,
King Louis VI had died of dysentery. Louis VII had become the King of
France. He and Eleanor were
anointed and
King and Queen of the Franks on Christmas Day of the same year.[7][13]
Possessing a high-spirited nature, Eleanor was not popular with the staid
northerners (according to sources, Louis´s mother,
Adélaide de Maurienne, thought her flighty and a bad influence)--she was
not aided by memories of
Queen Constance, the
wife of
Robert II, tales of whose immodest dress and language were still told
with horror.[14]
Her conduct was repeatedly criticized by Church elders (particularly
Bernard of Clairvaux and Abbot Suger) as indecorous. The King, however,
was madly in love with his beautiful and worldly bride and granted her every
whim, even though her behavior baffled and vexed him to no end. Much money
went into beautifying the austere Cité Palace in
Paris for
Eleanor's sake.[10]
Although Louis was a pious man, he soon came into a violent conflict with
Pope Innocent II. In 1141, the
archbishopric of Bourges became vacant, and the King put forward as a
candidate one of his chancellors, Cadurc, whilst vetoing the one suitable
Pierre de la Chatre, who was promptly elected by the
canons of
Bourges and
consecrated by the Pope. Louis accordingly bolted the gates of Bourges
against the new Bishop; the Pope, recalling William X's similar attempts to
exile Innocent's supporters from Poitou and replace them with priests loyal
to himself, blamed Eleanor, saying that Louis was only a child and should be
taught manners. Outraged, Louis swore upon relics that so long as he lived
Pierre should never enter Bourges. This brought the
interdict upon the King's lands.
Pierre de la Chatre was given refuge by
Theobald II, Count of Champagne.
Louis became involved in a war with Count Theobald of Champagne by
Raoul I, Count of Vermandois and
of France, to repudiate his wife
Eléonore of Blois, Theobald's sister, and to marry
Petronilla of Aquitaine, Eleanor's sister. Eleanor urged Louis to
support her sister's illegitimate marriage to Raoul of Vermandois. Champagne
had also offended Louis by siding with the Pope in the dispute over Bourges.
The war lasted two years (1142–44) and ended with the occupation of
Champagne by the royal army. Louis was personally involved in the assault
and burning of the town of
Vitry. More than a thousand people who had sought refuge in the church
died in the flames.
Horrified, and desiring an end to the war, Louis attempted to make peace
with Theobald in exchange for supporting the lift of the interdict on Raoul
and Petronilla. This was duly lifted for long enough to allow Theobald's
lands to be restored; it was then lowered once more when Raoul refused to
repudiate Petronilla, prompting Louis to return to the Champagne and ravage
it once more.
In June, 1144, the King and Queen visited the newly built cathedral at
Saint-Denis. Whilst there, the Queen met with
Bernard of Clairvaux, demanding that he have the excommunication of
Petronilla and Raoul lifted through his influence on the Pope, in exchange
for which King Louis would make concessions in Champagne, and recognise
Pierre de la Chatre as
archbishop of Bourges. Dismayed at her attitude, Bernard scolded her for
her lack of penitence and her interference in matters of state. In response,
Eleanor broke down, and meekly excused her behaviour, claiming to be bitter
because of her lack of children. In response to this, Bernard became more
kindly towards her: "My child, seek those things which make for peace. Cease
to stir up the King against the Church, and urge upon him a better course of
action. If you will promise to do this, I in return promise to entreat the
merciful Lord to grant you offspring."
In a matter of weeks, peace had returned to France: Theobald's provinces
had been returned, and Pierre de la Chatre was installed as Archbishop of
Bourges. In April 1145, Eleanor gave birth to a daughter,
Louis, however still burned with guilt over the massacre at
Vitry-le-Brûlé, and desired to make a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in order
to atone for his sins. Fortuitously for him, in the Autumn of 1145, Pope
Eugenius requested Louis to lead a Crusade to the Middle East, to rescue the
Frankish Kingdoms there from disaster. Accordingly, Louis declared on
Christmas Day 1145 at Bourges his intention of going on a crusade.
Eleanor of Aquitaine took up the
Second Crusade formally during a sermon preached by Bernard of
Clairvaux. However she had been corresponding with her uncle Raymond, King
and holder of family properties in Antioch where he was seeking further
protection from the French crown. She recruited for the campaign, finally
assembling some of her royal ladies-in-waiting as well as 300 non-noble
vassals. She insisted on taking part in the
as the feudal leader of the soldiers from her duchy. The story that she and
her ladies dressed as
is disputed by serious historians, sometime confused with the account of
King Conrad's train of ladies during this campaign (in
Edward Gibbon's
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire). Her
testimonial launch of the
Second Crusade from
the rumored location of
Mary Magdalene´s burial, dramatically emphasized the role of women in
the campaign.
The Crusade itself achieved little. Louis was a weak and ineffectual
military leader with no skill for maintaining troop discipline or morale, or
of making informed and logical tactical decisions. In eastern Europe, the
French army was at times hindered by
Manuel I Comnenus, the
Byzantine Emperor, who feared that it would jeopardize the tenuous
safety of his empire; however, during their 3-week stay at Constantinople,
Louis was fêted and Eleanor was much admired. She is compared with
Penthesilea, mythical queen of the
by the Greek historian
Nicetas Choniates; he adds that she gained the epithet chrysopous
(golden-foot) from the cloth of gold that decorated and fringed her robe.
Louis and Eleanor stayed in the
Philopation palace, just outside the city walls.
From the moment the Crusaders entered Asia Minor, the Crusade went badly.
The King and Queen were still optimistic – the Byzantine Emperor had told
them that the
German King Conrad had won a great victory against a Turkish army (when
in fact the German army had been massacred), and the great troop was still
eating well. However, whilst camping near Nicea, the remnants of the German
army, including a dazed and sick King Conrad, straggled past the French
camp, bringing news of their disaster. The French, with what remained of the
Germans, then began to march in increasingly disorganized fashion, towards
Antioch. Their spirits were buoyed on Christmas Eve – when they chose to
camp in the lush
Dercervian valley near
they were ambushed by a Turkish detachment; the French proceeded to
slaughter this detachment and appropriate their camp.
Louis then decided to directly cross the Phrygian mountains, in the hope
of speeding his approach to take refuge with Eleanor's uncle Raymond in
Antioch. As they ascended the mountains, however, the army and the King and
Queen were left horrified by the unburied corpses of the previously
slaughtered German army.
On the day set for the crossing of Mount Cadmos, Louis chose to take
charge of the rear of the column, where the unarmed pilgrims and the baggage
trains marched. The vanguard, with which Queen Eleanor marched, was
commanded by her Aquitainian vassal,
Geoffrey de Rancon; this, being unencumbered by baggage, managed to
reach the summit of Cadmos, where de Rancon had been ordered to make camp
for the night. De Rancon however chose to march further, deciding in concert
with the Count of Maurienne (Louis´ uncle) that a nearby plateau would make
a better camp: such disobedience was reportedly common in the army, due to
the lack of command from the King.
Accordingly, by midafternoon, the rear of the column – believing the
day's march to be nearly at an end – was dawdling; this resulted in the army
becoming divided, with some having already crossed the summit and others
still approaching it. It was at this point that the Turks, who had been
following and feinting for many days, seized their opportunity and attacked
those who had not yet crossed the summit. The Turks, having seized the
summit of the mountain, and the French (both soldiers and pilgrims) having
been taken by surprise, there was little hope of escape: those who tried
were caught and killed, and many men, horses and baggage were cast into the
canyon below the ridge. William of Tyre placed the blame for this disaster
firmly on the baggage and the presence of non-combatants.
The King was saved by his lack of authority – having scorned a King's
apparel in favour of a simple soldier's tunic, he escaped notice (unlike his
bodyguards, whose skulls were brutally smashed and limbs severed). He
reportedly "nimbly and bravely scaled a rock by making use of some tree
roots which God had provided for his safety", and managed to survive the
attack. Others were not so fortunate: "No aid came from Heaven, except that
night fell."[15]
The official scapegoat for the disaster was Geoffrey de Rancon, who had
made the decision to continue, and it was suggested that he be hanged (a
suggestion which the King ignored). Since he was Eleanor's vassal, many
believed that it was she who had been ultimately responsible for the change
in plan, and thus the massacre. This did nothing for her popularity in
Christendom – as did the blame affixed to her baggage, and the fact that
her Aquitainian soldiers had marched at the front, and thus were not
involved in the fight. From here the army was split by a land march with the
royalty taking the sea path to Antioch. When most of the land army arrived,
the King and Queen had a profound dispute. Some, such as
John of Salisbury and
William of Tyre say Eleanor's reputation was sullied by rumours of an
affair with her uncle
Raymond of Poitiers,
Prince of Antioch. However, this may have been a mask, as Raymond
through Eleanor tried to forcibly sway Louis to use his army to attack the
actual Muslim encampment at nearby Aleppo, gateway to recovering Edessa, the
objective of the Crusade by papal decree. Although this was perhaps the
better military plan, Louis was not keen to fight in northern Syria. One of
Louis' avowed Crusade goals was to journey in pilgrimage to Jerusalem and he
stated his intention to continue. Eleanor then reputedly requested to stay
with Raymond and brought up the matter of consanguinity - the fact that she
and Louis were actually related within prohibited degrees. This was grounds
for divorce in the medieval period. Rather than allow her to stay, Louis
took Eleanor from Antioch against her will, and continued on to Jerusalem,
with his army dwindling.[16]
Eleanor was humiliated by this episode, and maintained a low profile for
the rest of the crusade. Louis' subsequent assault on Damascus with his
remaining army, fortified by King Conrad and
Baldwin III of Jerusalem in 1148 achieved comparatively little. Damascus
was a major trading centre which abounded in wealth and was under normal
circumstances a potential threat, but the rulers of Jerusalem had recently
entered into a truce with the city, which they then forswore. It was a
gamble which did not pay off, and whether through military error or
betrayal, the Damascus campaign was a failure, and the royal family
retreated to Jerusalem and then sailed to Rome and back to Paris.
While in the eastern Mediterranean, Eleanor learned about maritime
conventions developing there, which were the beginnings of what would become
admiralty law. She introduced those conventions in her own lands, on the
island of
Oleron in 1160 ("Rolls
of Oléron") and later in England as well. She was also instrumental in
developing trade agreements with Constantinople and ports of trade in the
Holy Lands.
Even before the Crusade, Eleanor and Louis were becoming estranged. The
city of
Antioch had been annexed by Bohemond of Hauteville in the First Crusade,
and it was now ruled by Eleanor's flamboyant uncle,
Raymond of Antioch, who had gained the principality by marrying its
reigning Princess,
Constance of Antioch. Eleanor supported her uncle's desire to re-capture
the nearby
County of Edessa, the cause of the Crusade. In addition, having been
close to him in their youth, she now showed excessive affection towards her
uncle – whilst many historians[who?]
today dismiss this as familial affection (noting their early friendship, and
his similarity to her father and grandfather), many of Eleanor's adversaries
mistook the generous displays of affection between uncle and niece for an
incestuous affair. Louis was directed by the Church to visit
instead. When Eleanor declared her intention to stand with Raymond and the
Aquitaine forces, Louis had her brought out by force. His long march to
Jerusalem and back north debilitated his army, but her imprisonment
disheartened her knights, and the divided Crusade armies could not overcome
the Muslim forces. For reasons of plunder and the Germans' insistence on
conquest, the Crusade leaders targeted
an ally until the attack. Failing in this attempt, they retired to
Jerusalem, and then home. Before sailing for home, Eleanor got the terrible
news that Raymond, with whom she had the winning battle plan for the
Crusade, had been beheaded by the overpowering forces of the Muslim armies
from Edessa.
Home, however, was not easily reached. The royal couple, on separate
ships due to their disagreements, were first attacked in May by Byzantine
ships attempting to capture both (in order to take them to Byzantium,
according to the orders of the Emperor). Although they escaped this
predicament unharmed, stormy weather served to drive Eleanor's ship far to
the south (to the
Barbary Coast), and to similarly lose her husband. Neither was heard of
for over two months: at which point, in mid-July, Eleanor's ship finally
Palermo in Sicily, where she discovered that she and her husband had
both been given up for dead. The King still lost, she was given shelter and
food by servants of King
Roger II of Sicily, until the King eventually reached
and she set out to meet him there. Later, at King Roger's court in
she learnt of the death of her uncle Raymond; this appears to have forced a
change of plans, for instead of returning to France from
Marseilles, they instead sought the Pope in
where he had been driven five months before by
a Roman revolt.
Pope Eugenius III did not, as Eleanor had hoped, grant an annulment;
instead, he attempted to reconcile Eleanor and Louis, confirming the
legality of their marriage, and proclaiming that no word could be spoken
against it, and that it might not be dissolved under any pretext.
Eventually, he arranged events so that Eleanor had no choice but to sleep
with Louis in a bed specially prepared by the Pope. Thus was conceived their
second child – not a son, but another daughter,
Alix of France.
The marriage was now doomed. Still without a son and in danger of being
left with no male heir, facing substantial opposition to Eleanor from many
of his barons and her own desire for divorce, Louis had no choice but to bow
to the inevitable. On 11 March 1152, they met at the royal castle of
Beaugency to dissolve the marriage.
Hugues de Toucy,
Archbishop of Sens and
Primate of France, presided, and Louis and Eleanor were both present, as
were the Archbishops of Bordeaux and Rouen. Archbishop
Samson of Reims acted for Eleanor.
On 21 March, the four archbishops, with the approval of Pope Eugenius,
granted an annulment due to
consanguinity within the fourth degree (Eleanor and Louis were fourth
cousins, once removed, and shared common ancestry with
Robert II of France). Their two daughters were, however, declared
legitimate and custody of them awarded to King Louis. Archbishop Samson
received assurances from Louis that Eleanor's lands would be restored to
Second Marriage
Two lords –
Theobald V, Count of Blois, son of the Count of Champagne, and
Geoffrey, Count of Nantes (brother of
Henry II, Duke of Normandy) – tried to kidnap Eleanor to marry her and
claim her lands on Eleanor's way to Poitiers. As soon as she arrived in
Eleanor sent envoys to Henry, Count of Anjou and Duke of Normandy, asking
him to come at once and marry her. On 18 May 1152 (Whit
Sunday), eight weeks after her annulment, Eleanor married
Henry 'without the pomp and ceremony that befitted their rank'.[17]
She was related to him more closely than she had been to Louis. Eleanor
and Henry were cousins to the third degree through their common ancestor,
Ermengarde of Anjou (wife to
Robert I, Duke of Burgundy and Geoffrey, Count of Gâtinais); they were
also both descendants of
Robert II of France. A marriage between Henry and Eleanor's daughter,
Marie, had indeed been declared impossible for this very reason. One of
Eleanor's rumoured lovers had been Henry's own father,
Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou, who had advised his son to avoid any
involvement with her.
On 25 October 1154, Eleanor's second husband became
King of England. Eleanor was
Queen of England by the Archbishop of Canterbury on 19 December 1154.[13]
It may be, however, that she was not
anointed on this occasion, because she had already been anointed in
Over the next thirteen years, she bore Henry five sons and three
Eleanor, and
Joan. John Speed, in his 1611 work History of Great Britain,
mentions the possibility that Eleanor had a son named Philip, who died
young. His sources no longer exist and he alone mentions this birth.[19]
Eleanor's marriage to Henry was reputed to be tumultuous and
argumentative, although sufficiently cooperative to produce at least eight
pregnancies. Henry was by no means faithful to his wife and had a reputation
for philandering. Their son William, and Henry's illegitimate son, Geoffrey,
were born just months apart. Henry fathered other illegitimate children
throughout the marriage. Eleanor appears to have taken an ambivalent
attitude towards these affairs: for example,
Geoffrey of York, an illegitimate son of Henry and a prostitute named
Ykenai, was acknowledged by Henry as his child and raised at Westminster in
the care of the Queen.
The period between Henry's accession and the birth of Eleanor's youngest
son was turbulent: Aquitaine, as was the norm, defied the authority of Henry
as Eleanor's husband; attempts to claim Toulouse, the rightful inheritance
of Eleanor's grandmother and father, were made, ending in failure; the news
of Louis of France's widowhood and remarriage was followed by the marriage
of Henry's son (young Henry) to Louis' daughter Marguerite; and, most
climactically, the feud between the King and
Thomas Becket, his Chancellor, and later Archbishop of Canterbury.
Little is known of Eleanor's involvement in these events. By late 1166, and
the birth of her final child, however, Henry's notorious affair with
Rosamund Clifford had become known, and her marriage to Henry appears to
have become terminally strained.
1167 saw the marriage of Eleanor's third daughter, Matilda, to
Henry the Lion of Saxony; Eleanor remained in England with her daughter
for the year prior to Matilda's departure to Normandy in September.
Afterwards, Eleanor proceeded to gather together her movable possessions in
England and transport them on several ships in December to
At the royal court, celebrated there that Christmas, she appears to have
agreed to a separation from Henry. Certainly, she left for her own city of
Poitiers immediately after Christmas. Henry did not stop her; on the
contrary, he and his army personally escorted her there, before attacking a
castle belonging to the rebellious
Lusignan family. Henry then went about his own business outside
Aquitaine, leaving Earl Patrick (his regional military commander) as her
protective custodian. When Patrick was killed in a skirmish, Eleanor (who
proceeded to ransom his captured nephew, the young
William Marshal), was left in control of her inheritance.
Palace of Poitiers, seat of the Counts of Poitou and Dukes
of Aquitaine in the 10th through 12th centuries, where Eleanor's
highly literate and artistic court inspired tales of Courts of
Of all her influence on culture, Eleanor's time in Poitiers (1168–1173)
was perhaps the most critical and yet very little is known about it. Henry
II was elsewhere, attending to his own affairs after escorting Eleanor to
It is Eleanor’s court in Poitiers that some believe to have been the
‘Court of Love’, where Eleanor and her daughter Marie meshed and encouraged
the ideas of
courtly love into a single court. It may have been largely a court
(meaning place rather than a judicial setting) to teach manners, as the
French courts would be known for in later generations. The existence and
reasons for this court are debated.
In The Art of Courtly Love, Andreas Capellanus (Andrew the
chaplain) refers to the court of Poitiers. He claims that several women,
including Eleanor and her daughter Marie de Champagne, would sit and listen
to the quarrels of lovers and act as a jury to the questions of the court
that revolved around acts of romantic love. He records some twenty-one
cases, the most famous of them being a problem posed to the women about
whether or not true love can exist in marriage. According to Capellanus, the
women decided that it was not at all likely.[21]
Some scholars believe that, because the only evidence for the "courts of
love" is
Andreas Capellanus’s book
The Art of Courtly Love, they probably never existed; to further
strengthen their argument, they say that there is also no evidence that
Marie ever stayed with her mother in Poitiers, beyond her name being
mentioned in Andreas’s work.[20]
Andreas wrote for the court of the king of France, where Eleanor was not
Others, such as Polly Schoyer Brooks (the author of a non-academic
biography of Eleanor), suggest that the court did exist, but that it was not
taken very seriously and that the acts of Courtly Love were just a “parlor
game” made up by Eleanor and Marie in order to place some order over the
young courtiers living there.[22]
That is not to say that Eleanor invented courtly love, for it was a
concept that had begun to grow before Eleanor’s court arose. Still, because
we do not have much information about what occurred while Eleanor was in
Poitiers, all that can be taken from this episode is that her court there
was most likely a catalyst for the increased popularity of courtly love
literature in the Western European regions.[23]
Amy Kelly, in her article “Eleanor of Aquitaine and her Courts of Love”,
gives a very plausible description of the origins of the rules of Eleanor's
court: “in the Poitevin code, man is the property, the very thing of woman;
whereas a precisely contrary state of things existed in the adjacent realms
of the two kings from whom the reigning duchess of Aquitaine was estranged.”[24]
Revolt and capture
In March 1173, aggrieved at his lack of power and egged on by his
father's enemies, the younger Henry launched the
Revolt of 1173–1174. He fled to Paris. From there 'the younger Henry,
devising evil against his father from every side by the advice of the French
King, went secretly into Aquitaine where his two youthful brothers, Richard
and Geoffrey, were living with their mother, and with her connivance, so it
is said, he incited them to join him'.[25]
One source claimed that the Queen sent her younger sons to France 'to join
with him against their father the King'.[26]
Once her sons had left for Paris, Eleanor may have encouraged the lords of
the south to rise up and support them.[27]
Sometime between the end of March and the beginning of May, Eleanor left
Poitiers but was arrested and sent to the King at Rouen. The King did not
announce the arrest publicly; for the next year, the Queen's whereabouts
were unknown. On 8 July 1174, Henry and Eleanor took ship for England from
As soon as they disembarked at
Southampton, Eleanor was taken either to
Winchester Castle or
Castle and held there.
Eleanor was imprisoned for the next sixteen years, much of the time in
various locations in England. During her imprisonment, Eleanor had become more
and more distant with her sons, especially Richard (who had always been her
favorite). She did not have the opportunity to see her sons very often during
her imprisonment, though she was released for special occasions such as
Christmas. About four miles from
and close by
Haughmond Abbey is "Queen Eleanor's Bower", the remains of a triangular
castle which is believed to have been one of her prisons.
Henry lost the woman reputed to be his great love,
Rosamund Clifford, in 1176. He had met her in 1166 and began the liaison in
1173, supposedly contemplating divorce from Eleanor. This notorious affair
caused a monkish scribe to transcribe Rosamond's name in Latin to "Rosa
Immundi", or "Rose of Unchastity". The king had many mistresses, but although he
treated earlier liaisons discreetly, he flaunted Rosamond. He may have done so
to provoke Eleanor into seeking an annulment but, if so, the queen disappointed
him. Nevertheless, rumours persisted, perhaps assisted by Henry's camp, that
Eleanor had poisoned Rosamund. Henry donated much money to
Godstow Nunnery, where Rosamund was buried.
In 1183, the Young King Henry tried again to force his father to hand over
some of his patrimony. In debt and refused control of
he tried to ambush his father at
Limoges. He
was joined by troops sent by his brother Geoffrey and
Philip II of France. Henry II's troops besieged the town, forcing his son to
flee. After wandering aimlessly through Aquitaine, Henry the Younger caught
On Saturday, 11 June 1183, the Young King realized he was dying and was overcome
with remorse for his sins. When his father's ring was sent to him, he begged
that his father would show mercy to his mother, and that all his companions
would plead with Henry to set her free. Henry II sent Thomas of Earley,
Archdeacon of Wells, to break the news to Eleanor at Sarum.[28]
Eleanor reputedly had had a dream in which she foresaw her son Henry's death. In
1193 she would tell
Pope Celestine III that she was tortured by his memory.
Philip II of France claimed that certain properties in Normandy belonged to
his wife,
Margaret of France, but Henry insisted that they had once belonged to
Eleanor and would revert to her upon her son's death. For this reason Henry
summoned Eleanor to Normandy in the late summer of 1183. She stayed in Normandy
for six months. This was the beginning of a period of greater freedom for the
still-supervised Eleanor. Eleanor went back to England probably early in 1184.[27]
Over the next few years Eleanor often traveled with her husband and was
sometimes associated with him in the government of the realm, but still had a
custodian so that she was not free.
Upon the death of her husband
Henry on 6 July 1189,
Richard was his undisputed heir. One of his first acts as king was to send
William Marshal to England with orders to release Eleanor from prison, who
found upon their arrival that her custodians had already released her.[29]
Eleanor rode to Westminster and received the oaths of fealty from many lords
and prelates on behalf of the King. She ruled England in Richard's name, signing
herself as 'Eleanor, by the grace of God, Queen of England'. On 13 August 1189,
Richard sailed from
Barfleur to
and was received with enthusiasm. She ruled England as regent while Richard went
off on the
Crusade. Later, when Richard was captured, she personally negotiated his
ransom by going to Germany.
Eleanor survived Richard and lived well into the reign of her youngest son
King John. In 1199, under the terms of a truce between King
Philip II of France and King John, it was agreed that Philip's
twelve-year-old heir-apparent Louis would be married to one of John's nieces of
Castile. John deputed Eleanor to travel to Castile to select one of the
princesses. Now 77, Eleanor set out from Poitiers. Just outside Poitiers she was
ambushed and held captive by
Hugh IX of Lusignan, which had long ago been sold by his forebears to Henry
II. Eleanor secured her freedom by agreeing to his demands and journeyed south,
crossed the Pyrenees, and travelled through the Kingdoms of Navarre and Castile,
arriving before the end of January, 1200.
Alfonso VIII and her daughter, Queen Eleanor (also called
Leonora of England) of Castile had two remaining unmarried daughters, Urraca
Blanche. Eleanor selected the younger daughter, Blanche. She stayed for two
months at the Castilian court. Late in March, Eleanor and her granddaughter
Blanche journeyed back across the Pyrenees. When she was at Bordeaux where she
celebrated Easter, the famous warrior
came to her and it was decided that he would escort the Queen and Princess
north. "On the second day in Easter week, he was slain in the city by a
man-at-arms in the service of Brandin",[26]
a rival mercenary captain. This tragedy was too much for the elderly Queen, who
was fatigued and unable to continue to Normandy. She and Blanche rode in easy
stages to the valley of the Loire, and she entrusted Blanche to the Archbishop
of Bordeaux, who took over as her escort. The exhausted Eleanor went to
Fontevraud, where she remained. In early summer, Eleanor was ill and John
visited her at Fontevraud.
Eleanor was again unwell in early 1201. When war broke out between John and
Philip, Eleanor declared her support for John, and set out from Fontevraud for
her capital Poitiers to prevent her grandson
Arthur, John's enemy, from taking control. Arthur learned of her whereabouts
and besieged her in the castle of Mirabeau. As soon as John heard of this he
marched south, overcame the besiegers and captured Arthur. Eleanor then returned
to Fontevraud where she took the veil as a
Eleanor died in 1204 and was entombed in
Fontevraud Abbey next to her husband Henry and her son Richard. Her tomb
effigy shows
her reading a Bible and is decorated with magnificent jewelry. By the time of
her death she had outlived all of her children except for King John and Queen
Contemporary sources praise Eleanor's beauty.[7]
Even in an era when ladies of the nobility were excessively praised, their
praise of her was undoubtedly sincere. When she was young, she was described as
perpulchra – more than beautiful. When she was around 30,
Bernard de Ventadour, a noted troubadour, called her "gracious, lovely, the
embodiment of charm," extolling her "lovely eyes and noble countenance" and
declaring that she was "one meet to crown the state of any king."[30][31][32]
William of Newburgh emphasized the charms of her person, and even in her old
Richard of Devizes described her as beautiful, while
Matthew Paris, writing in the 13th century, recalled her "admirable beauty."
However, no one left a more detailed description of Eleanor; the color of her
hair and eyes, for example, are unknown. The effigy on her tomb shows a tall and
large-boned woman with brown skin, though this may not be an accurate
representation. Her seal of c. 1152 shows a woman with a slender figure, but
this is likely an impersonal image.[7]
In historical fiction
Books and dramas
Eleanor and Henry are the main characters in
Goldman's play
The Lion in Winter, which was
made into a film starring
O'Toole and
Katharine Hepburn in 1968 (for which Hepburn won the
Academy Award for Best Actress and the
BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role and was nominated for the
Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama). The film was
remade for television in 2003 with
Patrick Stewart and
Close (for which Close won the
Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actress In A Mini-series or Motion
Picture Made for Television and was nominated for the
Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress - Miniseries or a Movie).
The depiction of Eleanor in the play
which was
filmed in 1964 with
Pamela Brown as Eleanor, contains historical inaccuracies, as acknowledged
by the author,
In 2004,
Catherine Muschamp's one-woman play, Mother of the Pride, toured the
UK with
Eileen Page in the title role. In 2005,
Chapelle Jaffe played the same part in Toronto.
The character "Queen Elinor" appears in
William Shakespeare's
King John, along with other members of the family. On television, she
has been portrayed in this play by
Una Venning in the
BBC Sunday Night
Theatre version (1952) and by
Morris in the
BBC Shakespeare version (1984).
She figures prominently in
Sharon Kay Penman's novels, When Christ And His Saints Slept, Time
and Chance, and Devil's Brood. She appears briefly in Here Be
Dragons. Penman has also written a series of historical mysteries in which
Eleanor, in old age, sends a trusted servant to unravel various puzzles. The
titles are The Queen's Man, Cruel as the Grave, Dragon's Lair,
and Prince of Darkness.
E.L. Konigsburg's young adult novel A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver
takes place in Heaven of the late 20th century, where Eleanor of Aquitaine,
Empress Matilda, and
William the Marshall are waiting for King Henry II to be admitted to
eternity at last. The Abbot Suger stops to chat with Eleanor and stays to wait,
too. To pass the time, the four recall Eleanor's time on Earth. The flashbacks
on earth are set during the Middle Ages in France and England, with a brief trip
to the Holy Land. The flashbacks trace the highlights of Eleanor's life from
1137 (when she is 15 years old and about to wed Louis Capet, soon to be King
Louis VII of France) to her death in 1204. Her life encompasses the rule of
England by her husband Henry II and by her sons Richard and John. Originally
published in 1973, the novel was put back in print by Atheneum in 2001.
Christy English's historical novel, The Queen's Pawn, published in
April 2010, depicts Eleanor of Aquitaine from 1169–1173, during her marriage to
King Henry II of England and her relationship with Princess
Alais of France. In April 2011, English published a second novel, To Be
Queen, which is another historical novel centered on Eleanor of Aquitaine's
life. This novel covers the years 1132-1152, from before she became Duchess of
Aquitaine until the end of her first marriage to
Louis VII of France. Also published in April 2010 was the novel The
Captive Queen by
Weir, detailing Eleanor's life from when she first met
Henry II of England to her death in 1204.
Eleanor is associated with Nicole des Jardins in Arthur C. Clarke's series
Rendezvous with Rama. She is often cited as a role model for Nicole along
with Joan of Arc.
Film, radio and
Eleanor has featured in a number of screen versions of
and the
Robin Hood story. She has been played by
Hunt in
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952),
Esmond in the British TV adventure series
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955–1960),
Phyllis Neilson-Terry in the British TV adventure series
Ivanhoe (1958),
Yvonne Mitchell in the BBC TV drama series
The Legend of Robin Hood (1975),
Phillips in the TV series Ivanhoe (1997), and
Tusse Silberg in the TV series
The New Adventures of Robin Hood (1997). She was portrayed by
Lynda Bellingham in the BBC series
Robin Hood. Most recently, she was portrayed by
Eileen Atkins in Robin Hood (2010).
She has also been portrayed by
Mary Clare
in the silent film Becket (1923), based on a play by
Alfred Lord Tennyson,
Prudence Hyman in the British children's TV series
Richard the Lionheart (1962), and
Jane Lapotaire in the BBC TV drama series
The Devil's Crown (1978), which dramatised the reigns of Henry II,
Richard I and John.
Eleanor is played by
Jane Lapotaire in
Mike Walker's
BBC Radio
4 series
Plantagenet (2010).
Eleanor and
Rosamund Clifford, as well as Henry II and Rosamund's father appear in
Gaetano Donizetti's opera
Rosmonda d'Inghilterra with a libretto by
Felice Romani, which was premiered in Florence, at the Teatro Pergola, in 27
February 1834. A recording made by Opera Rara (1994), features
Nelly Miricioiu as Eleanor and
Fleming as Rosamund.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Marriage(s) |
Louis VII of France (married 12 July 1137, annulled 21
March 1152) |
Marie, Countess of Champagne |
1145 |
11 March 1198 |
Henry I, Count of Champagne; had issue |
Alix, Countess of Blois |
1151 |
1198 |
Theobald V, Count of Blois; had issue |
Henry II of England (married 18 May 1152, widowed 6 July
1189) |
William IX, Count of Poitiers |
17 August 1153 |
April 1156 |
never married; no issue |
Henry the Young King |
28 February 1155 |
11 June 1183 |
Margaret of France; no surviving issue. |
Matilda, Duchess of Saxony |
June 1156 |
13 July 1189 |
Henry the Lion,
Duke of Saxony; had issue |
Richard I of England |
8 September 1157 |
6 April 1199 |
Berengaria of Navarre; no issue |
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany |
23 September 1158 |
19 August 1186 |
Constance, Duchess of Brittany; had issue |
Eleanor, Queen of Castile |
13 October 1162 |
31 October 1214 |
Alfonso VIII of Castile; had issue |
Joan, Queen of Sicily |
October 1165 |
4 September 1199 |
married 1)
William II of Sicily 2)
Raymond VI of Toulouse; had issue |
John, King of England |
27 December 1166 |
19 October 1216 |
married 1)
Isabella, Countess of Gloucester 2)
Isabella, Countess of Angoulême; had issue |
See also
Meade, Marion. “Eleanor of
Aquitaine: A Biography”. Penguin Books, 1977, p. 106
Meade, Marion. “Eleanor of
Aquitaine: A Biography”. Penguin Books, 1977, p. 122
- ^
Marion Meade, Eleanor of
Aquitaine: a biography, Penguin Books, 1977
citation, Ralph Turner: Eleanor
of Aquitaine p.28
citation Weir, Alison: Eleanor
Of Aquitaine: A Life p.13
Biographie d'Aliénor d'Aquitaine
- ^
Alison Weir, Eleanor of
Aquitaine: A Life, Ballantine Books, 2001
Ros Horton, Sally Simmons;
Women Who Changed the World; Quercus, 2007
Alison Weir, Eleanor of
Aquitaine: by the wrath of God, Queen of England,
Jonathan Cape, 1999
- ^
Fiona Swabey, Eleanor of
Aquitaine, Courtly Love, and the Troubadours, Greenwood
Publishing Group, 2004
Amy Ruth Kelly, Eleanor of
Aquitaine and the four kings, Harvard University Press,
citation Weir, Alison: Eleanor
of Aquitaine: A Life p. 25
^ a
Bonnie Wheeler, John Carmi
Parsons; Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady;
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
Meade, Marion (2002). Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Phoenix Press. p. 51. "...[Adelaide] perhaps [based] her
preconceptions on another southerner, Constance of
Provence...tales of her allegedly immodest dress and
language still continued to circulate amongst the sober
Meade, Marion: Eleanor of
Aquitaine: A Biography, page 100, Hawthorn Books, 1977
Natasha Hodgson, Women,
Crusading and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative
(Boydell, 2007) 131-134 on Eleanor's 'adultery
Chronique de Touraine
Martin Aurell, The
Plantagenet empire, 1154–1224, Pearson Education, 2007
Weir, Alison, Eleanor of
Aquitaine: A Life, pages 154–155, Ballantine Books, 1999
Weir, Alison. Eleanor of
Aquitaine: a Life. New York: Ballantine, 2000. Print.
Capellanus, Andreas. The Art of
Courtly Love. The Broadview Anthology of British Literature.
Ed. Joseph Laurence Black. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview,
2009. Print.
Brooks, Polly Schoyer. Queen
Eleanor, Independent Spirit of the Medieval World: a
Biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine. New York: J.B.
Lippincott, 1983. Print.[page
Kelly, Amy. "Eleanor of
Aquitaine and Her Courts of Love." Speculum: A Journal of
Medieval Studies 12.1 (1937): 3–19.
Kelly, Amy. "Eleanor of
Aquitaine and Her Courts of Love." Speculum: A Journal of
Medieval Studies 12.1 (1937): 12.
William of Newburgh, Book II,
Chapter 7
^ a
Roger of Hoveden
^ a
Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Alison Weir 1999
Ms. S. Berry, Senior Archivist
at the Somerset Archive and Record Service, identified this
"archdeacon of Wells" as Thomas of Earley, noting his family
ties to Henry II and the Earleys' philanthropies (Power
of a Woman, ch. 33, and endnote 40).
Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Alison Weir 1999.
Alison Weir, Eleanor of
Aquitaine: by the wrath of God, Queen of England,
Jonathan Cape, 1999
Nancy Plain, Eleanor of
Aquitaine and the High Middle Ages, Marshall Cavendish,
Mark Turnham Elvins, Mark of
Whitstable, Mark of Whistable Staff; Gospel Chivalry:
Franciscan Romanticism; Marshall Cavendish, 2005
Biographies and printed works
- Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of France, Queen of England,
Ralph V. Turner (2009)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady, John Carmi
Parsons & Bonnie Wheeler (2002)
- Queen Eleanor: Independent Spirit of the Medieval World,
Polly Schover Brooks (1983) (for young readers)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography, Marion Meade
- Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings, Amy Kelly
- Eleanor of Aquitaine: The Mother Queen, Desmond
Seward (1978)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Life,
Alison Weir (1999)
(French) Le lit d'Aliénor,
Mireille Calmel (2001)
- The Royal Diaries, Eleanor Crown Jewel of Aquitaine,
Kristiana Gregory (2002)
- Women of the Twelfth Century, Volume 1 : Eleanor of
Aquitaine and Six Others,
Georges Duby
- A Proud Taste For Scarlet and Miniver,
E. L. Konigsburg (1973)
- The Book of Eleanor: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine,
Pamela Kaufman (2002)
- The Courts of Love, Jean Plaidy (1987)
- Power of a Woman. Memoirs of a turbulent life: Eleanor of
Aquitaine, Robert Fripp (2006)
- The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love: A Critical Study
of European Scholarship, Roger Boase (1977), Manchester
University Press
- Duchess of Aquitaine, Margaret Ball (2006), St.
Martin's Press
- The Queen's Pawn, Christy English (2010), New
American Library
- Alienor: The Young Life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Mark
Richard Beaulieu (2012)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine, Curtis Howe Walker (1950)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine, Regine Pernoud, Collins; 1st
ed. edition (1967)
External links
Persondata |
Name |
Eleanor Of Aquitaine |
Alternative names |
Aliénor d’Aquitaine |
Short description |
Queen consort, patroness |
Date of birth |
1122 or 1124 |
Place of birth |
Aquitaine |
Date of death |
1 April 1204 |
Place of death |
Fontevraud Abbey,
Fontevraud |
Hidden categories:
Articles with French language external links
Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from
September 2011
Use dmy dates from May 2011
Asson Map — Satellite Images of Asson
original name: Asson
geographical location: Pau, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Aquitaine,
France, Europe
geographical coordinates: 43° 9' 0" North, 0° 15' 0" West
of Asson and near places
to the Asson google satellite map! This place is situated in Pau,
Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, France, its geographical coordinates are 43° 9'
0" North, 0° 15' 0" West and its original name (with diacritics) is Asson. See
Asson photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of
Asson in France. Asson hotels map is available on the target page linked above.
of impr
Poitevin (Poetevin) is a language spoken by the people in
Poitou. It is
one of the regional
languages of France. It is now classified as one of the
langues d'oïl but is distinguished by certain features of the
langue d'oc. The language is spoken on what was the border between the two
language families of oïl and oc (placenames in the region clearly
show historical
settlement of oc speakers). The langue d’oïl subsequently spread
south, absorbing oc features.
Poitevin is also widely referred to as parlanjhe (the language).
François Rabelais wrote that he learned this dialect, along with many other
languages and dialects, since he was educated in
François Villon spoke some Poitevin as well.
The earliest attested written use of the language is in charters and legal
dating from the 13th century; people who spoke it were known as the
Poitevins. The earliest printed text is dated 1554 (La Gente Poitevinrie). A
tradition of theatrical writing and dramatic monologues for performance typifies
the literary output in the language, although from the 19th century and in the
20th century (especially with the publication of a weekly paper Le Subiet
from 1901) regular journalistic production was also established. Geste Editions
publishes a number of books in/about the Poitevin-Santongese language. Some
linguists assert that the Serments de Strasbourg, the first text in French
according to the official state position in France, were actually written in
In 1973, a standard
orthography was proposed.
The easternmost part of the
région is home to a minority of
Occitan-speakers though. Outside of
France the
language is spoken in
Northern California, especially in
Tehama and
Siskiyou counties, the latter with both large French ancestry and speaking
Acadian French is the result of a Poitevin-Santongese language blended with
French and local innovations or archaisms.
the language used inn this area of france
Corsican (corsu or lingua corsa) is an
Italo-Dalmatian Romance language spoken and written on the islands of
Corsica (France)
and northern
Sardinia (Italy).
Corsican was long the
language alongside
Italian, official language in Corsica until 1859, then it was replaced by
French owing to the
conquest of the island by France in 1768. Over the next two centur
The January 2007 estimated population of the island was 281,000, while the
figure for the March 1999 census, when most of the studies – though not the
linguistic survey work referenced in this article – were performed, was about
261,000 (see under
Only a fraction of the population at either time spoke Corsican with any
fluency. The 2001 population of 341,000 speakers on the island given by
exceeds either census and thus may be considered questionable[original
research?], like its estimate of 402,000 speakers
The use of Corsican over French has been declining. In 1980 about 70% of the
population "had some command of the Corsican language."[4]
In 1990 out of a total population of about 254,000 the percentage had declined
to 50%, with only 10% using it as a first language.[2]
The language appeared to be in serious decline when the French government
reversed its unsupportive stand and began some strong measures to save it.
Whether these measures will succeed remains to be seen. No recent statistics on
Corsican are available.
classifies Corsican as a potentially endangered language, as it has "a
large number of children speakers" but is "without an official or prestigious
The classification does not state that the language is currently endangered,
only that it is potentially so. In fact it is being vigorously affirmed[by
whom?]. Acting according to long-standing sentiment,
unknown Corsicans often cross out French roadway signs and paint in the Corsican
names. The Corsican language is a key vehicle for Corsican culture, which is
notably rich in
proverbs and in
Governmental support
The 1991 "Joxe Statute", in setting up the Collectivité Territoriale de
Corse, also provided for the
Corsican Assembly, and charged it with developing a plan for the optional
teaching of Corsican. The
University of Corsica Pascal Paoli at
Corte took a
central role in the planning.[6]
At the primary school level Corsican is taught up to a fixed number of hours
per week (three in the year 2000) and is a voluntary subject at the secondary
school level,[7]
but is required at the University of Corsica. It is available through adult
education. It can be spoken in court or in the conduct of other government
business if the officials concerned speak it. The Cultural Council of the
Corsican Assembly advocates for its use; for example, on public signs.
According to the anthropologist Dumenica Verdoni, writing new literature in
modern Corsican, known as the Riacquistu, is an integral part of
affirming Corsican identity.[8]
Persons who had a notable career in France returned to Corsica to write in
Corsican, such as the musical producers, Dumenicu Togniotti, director of the
Teatru Paisanu, which produced polyphonic musicals, 1973–1982, followed in 1980
by Michel Raffaelli's Teatru di a Testa Mora, and Saveriu Valentini's Teatru
Cupabbia in 1984.[9]
The list of prose writers includes Alanu di Meglio, Ghjacumu Fusina, Lucia
Santucci, Marcu Biancarelli,and many others.[10]
A mythology concerning the Corsican language is to some degree current[citation
needed] among foreigners, that it was a spoken language
only or was only recently written. Omniglot goes so far as to assert "Corsican
first appeared in writing towards the end of the 19th century ...."[11]
Throughout the 19th and 18th century there was a steady stream of writers in
Corsican, many of whom wrote also in other languages.[12]
Ferdinand Gregorovius, 19th century traveller and enthusiast of Corsican
culture, reports that the preferred form of the literary tradition of his time
was the vocero, a type of polyphonic ballad originating from funeral
obsequies. These laments were similar in form to the chorales of Greek drama
except that the leader could improvise. Some performers were noted at this, such
as the 18th century Mariola della Piazzole and Clorinda Franseschi.[13]
The trail of written popular literature of known date in Corsican currently
goes no further back than the 17th century.[14]
An undated corpus of proverbs from communes may well precede it (see under
External links below). Corsican has also left a trail of legal documents
ending in the late 12th century. At that time the monasteries held considerable
land on Corsica and many of the churchmen were
Between 1200 and 1425 the monastery of
Benedictine for much of that time and in the territory of
Pisa, acquired
about 40 legal papers of various sorts written on Corsica. As the church was
replacing Pisan prelates with Corsican ones there the legal language shows a
transition from entirely
Latin through partially Latin, partially Corsican to entirely Corsican. The
first known surviving document containing some Corsican is a bill of sale from
dated to 1220.[15]
These documents were moved to Pisa before the monastery closed its doors and
were published there.
Research into earlier evidence of Corsican is ongoing. It is entirely
possible that archaeology or research in monastic archives will turn up more.
The Corsican language has been influenced by the languages of the major
powers taking an interest in Corsican affairs; earlier by those of the Medieval
Italian powers:
Tuscany (828–1077),
Pisa (1077–1282) and
(1282–1768), more recently by France (1768–present), which, since 1789, has
promulgated the official Parisian French. The term gallicised Corsican
refers to Corsican up to about the year 1950. The term distanciated Corsican
refers to an idealized Corsican from which various agents have succeeded in
removing French or other elements.[16]
The general classification of Corsican as a Romance language allows two
possibilities as to the identity of the speakers of the first distinct Corsican,
or Proto-Corsican. They created the language either from Proto-Romance or from a
subsequent Romance language.
In 40 AD neither a Romance nor an Italic language were spoken by the natives
of Corsica. The Roman exile,
Seneca the younger, reports that both coast and interior were occupied by
natives whose language he did not understand (see under
Prehistory of Corsica). Latin at that time was generally spoken only in the
Roman colonies. There was probably a substratic language that is still visible
in the toponymy or in some words, for instance
Gallurese zerru 'pig'. The same is valid for
Sardinian. The occupation of the island by
Vandals about
469 AD marks the end of authoritative influence by Latin-speaking Romans (see
Medieval Corsica). If the natives of that time were speaking Latin they must
have acquired it during the late empire. The documents of the early Christian
church concerning Corsica are in Latin, but they are only communications between
church officials (see under
The next window of opportunity for the predecessor of a Proto-Corsican was
the administration of Corsica by
Tuscany, then
speaking the
Tuscan dialect, an immediate predecessor of Italian. The first
Italian documents date from the 10th century but Italian must have developed
earlier and Tuscan even earlier. Tuscan would have come from the latest phases
Vulgar Latin; Proto-Corsican from the Tuscan spoken on Corsica.
The last historical possibility is that Proto-Corsican came from the Tuscan
dialect of Pisa;
its period of Corsican administration, however, was relatively short. Genoese is
not a likely possibility as Corsican is attested before the presence of
Genoa on Corsica,
and the linguistic features of Corsican do not match well with those of Genoese.
Historical circumstances alone reduce the window of opportunity only to within
several hundred years.
Classification by subjective analysis
One of the main sources of confusion in popular classifications is the
difference between a
dialect and a
Typically it is not possible to ascertain what an author means by these terms.
For example, one might read that Corsican is a "central southern
Italian dialect" along with
Sicilian and others[17]
or that it is "closely related to the Tuscan dialect of Italian,"[18]
where it is generally understood that Italian is from Tuscan.
One of the characteristics of Tuscan and Italian is that Latin -u- in
-um becomes -o: annum "year" but Italian anno.
Corsican has annu, retaining the -u. Or, the -re infinitive
ending as in Latin mittere, "send", is retained in Tuscan but lost in
Corsican, which has mette/metta, "to put." The Latin relative
pronoun, "who," "qui," "quae," and "what," "quod," are
inflected in Latin, while relative pronoun in Italian for "who" and "what"
is "che" and in Corsican is uninflected chì."
The two most widely spoken forms of the Corsican language are Supranacciu,
spoken in the
Bastia and Corte
area (generally throughout the
half of the island), and Suttanacciu, spoken around
Sartene and
Porto-Vecchio (generally throughout the
southern half of the island). The dialect of
Ajaccio has
been described as in transition. The dialects spoken at
Calvi and
Bonifacio are closer to the
Genoa dialect,
also known as
Maddalena archipelago the local dialect (called Isulanu, Maddaleninu,
Maddalenino) was brought by fishermen and shepherds from Bonifacio during
immigration in the 17th-18th centuries. Though influenced by
Gallurese it has maintained the original characteristics of Corsican. There
are also numerous words of
Genoese and
Ponzese origin.[3]
Languages related to Corsican in Sardinia
Gallurese is spoken in the extreme north of
including the region of
Gallura and
the archipelago of
Sassarese, is spoken in
Sassari and
in its neighbourhood, in the north-west of
Whether these two languages should be included in Corsican as dialects, included
Sardinian as dialects, or considered as independent languages, is debatable.
Article 2 Item 4 of Law Number 26, October 15, 1997, of the Autonomous Region
of Sardinia grants "al dialetto sassarese e a quello gallurese" equal
legal status with the other languages on
They are being legally defined as different languages from
Sardinian by the Sardinian government.[19]
Corsican uses the
script with some changes. Although the words written in it are close enough
Italian and Latin for the non-Corsican speaker with a language background to
follow, the pronunciation of those letters in
French or Italian is not a guide to the pronunciation of Corsican, which
follows complex rules.
Vowel inventory
The grapheme "i" appears in some
digraphs and
trigraphs in which it does not represent the phonemic vowel. All vowels are
pronounced except in a few well-defined instances. "I" is not pronounced before
a, o, u after sc, sg, c and g: sciarpa
[ˈʃarpa]; or initially in some words: istu
Vowels may be nasalized before n, which is assimilated to m before p or b,
and the liquid consonant, gn. The nasal vowels are represented by the vowel plus
n, m or gn. The combination is a digraph or trigraph indicating the nasalized
vowel. The consonant is pronounced in weakened form. The same combination of
letters might not be the digraph or trigraph but might be just the non-nasal
vowel followed by the consonant at full weight. The speaker must know the
difference. Example of nasal: pane is pronounced
[ˈpãnɛ] and not
The vowel inventory, or collection of phonemic vowels (and the major
allophones), transcribed in
symbols, is:[11][21]
Description |
(Minuscule) |
Phoneme |
Phone or
Allophones |
Usage |
Example |
Open front unrounded
Near open |
a |
/a/ |
[æ] |
Occasional northern |
[ˈkærta] |
Open back unrounded |
a |
/â/ |
[ɑ] |
Close-mid front unrounded
Open |
e |
/e/ |
[a] |
Inherited as
open or close
Occasional southern
Occasional southern |
U celu
Ci hè
[ˈtarra] |
Close front unrounded
Rounded |
i |
/i/ |
[j] |
1st sound,
diphthong |
[ˈfjumɛ] |
Close-mid back rounded |
o |
/o/ |
[o] |
[ˈd͡ʒowãni] |
Close back rounded |
u |
See also
Harris, Martin; Vincent, Nigel (1997).
Romance Languages. London: Routlegde.
- ^
"Corsican in France". Euromosaic.
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
To access the data, click on List by languages, Corsican,
Corsican in France, then scroll to Geographical and language
- ^
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
"Corsican language use survey". Euromosaic.
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
To find this statement and the supporting data click on
List by languages, Corsican, Corsican language use survey and look under
Salminen, Tapani (1993-1999).
"UNESCO Red Book on Endagered Languages: Europe:".
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
Daftary, Farimah (October 2000).
"Insular Autonomy: A Framework for Conflict Settlement? A Comparative
Study of Corsica and the Åland Islands" (pdf). European Centre For
Minority Issues (ECMI). pp. pages 10–11.
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
Dispositif académique d’enseignement de la langue corse dans le premier
degré, année scolaire 2010-2011, Academy of Corsica
Verdoni, Dumenica.
"Etat/identités:de la culture du conflit à la culture du projet".
InterRomania. Centru Culturale Universita di Corsica.
Retrieved 2008-06-17.
Magrini, Tullia (2003). Music and Gender:
Perspectives from the Mediterranean. University of Chicago Press.
pp. 53.
Filippi, Paul-Michel (2008).
"Corsican Literature Today". Transcript (17).
Retrieved 2008-06-26.
- ^
Ager, Simon
"Corsican (corsu)". Omniglot.
Retrieved 2008-06-20.
"Auteurs". ADECEC.net.
Retrieved 2008-06-28.
Gregorovius, Ferndinand; Russell Martineau (Translator) (1855).
Corsica in Its Picturesque, Social, and Historical Aspects: the Records
of a Tour in the Summer of 1852. London: Longman, Brown, Green and
Longmans. pp. 275–312.
Beretti, Francis (Translator) (2008).
"The Corsican Language". Transcript (17).
Retrieved 2008-06-29.
Scalfati, Silio P. P. (2003).
"Latin et langue vernaculaire dans les actes notariés corses XIe-XVe
siècle". La langue des actes. XIe Congrès international de
diplomatique (Troyes, 11–13 September 2003). Éditions en ligne de
l'École des chartes.
Retrieved October 30, 2011.
Blackwood, Robert J. (August 2004).
"Corsican distanciation strategies: Language purification or misguided
attempts to reverse the gallicisation process?" (pdf).
Multilingua – Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication
23 (3): 233–255.
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
"Italian Language". Encarta. Archived from
the original on 2009-10-31.
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
"Eurolang report on Corsican".
Retrieved 2008-06-13.
Autonomous Region of Sardinia (1997-10-15).
"Legge Regionale 15 ottobre 1997, n. 26". pp. Art. 2, paragraph 4.
Retrieved 2008-06-16.
"La prononciation des voyelles". A Lingua Corsa. April 19, 2008.
Retrieved 2008-06-20.
"Notes sur la phonétique utilisée sur ce site". A Lingua Corsa.
April 19, 2008.
Retrieved 2008-06-20.
- Jaffe, Alexandra (1999). Ideologies in
Action: Language Politics on Corsica. Walter de Gruyter.
External links
Quotations related to
Corsican proverbs at Wikiquote
ies, the use of French grew to the extent that, by the
Liberation in 1945, all islanders had a wor
Heloise - Intellectual doewswn't always
mean wise and wihtout feelings
Héloïse d'Argenteuil (/ˈɛloʊ.iːz/
[elɔˈiz]; 1101? – 16 May 1164) was a French
nun, writer,
scholar, and
abbess, best known for her love affair and correspondence with
Héloïse (variously spelled Helöise, Héloyse, Hélose, Heloisa, Helouisa,
Eloise, and Aloysia, among other variations) was a brilliant scholar of
Greek and
and had a reputation for intelligence and insight. Abélard writes that she was
nominatissima, "most renowned" for her gift in reading and writing. Not a
deal is known of her immediate family except that in her letters she implies
she is of a lower social standing (probably the Garlande family, who had money
and several members in strong positions) than was Abélard, who was originally
from the
nobility, though he had rejected knighthood to be a philosopher.[2]
What is known is that she was the ward of an uncle, a
canon in Paris named Fulbert.[3]
By some point in her life, probably already as a teenager, she was renowned
Western Europe for her
scholarship, and she became the student of Pierre Abélard (Peter Abelard),
who was one of the most popular teachers and philosophers in Paris.[4][5]

In his writings, Abélard tells the story of his seduction of Héloïse and
their subsequent illicit relationship, which they continued until Héloïse bore
him a son, whom Héloïse named Astrolabius (Astrolabe).
Abélard secretly married Héloïse, but both of them tried to conceal this fact in
order not to damage Abélard's career.[6]
Fulbert's ensuing violence against Heloïse caused Abélard to place her in the
convent of
The accepted view is that Fulbert believed Abélard abandoned Héloïse, and, in
his anger, wreaked vengeance upon Abélard by having him attacked while asleep
castrated. An alternative view is that Fulbert divulged the secret of the
marriage and her family sought vengeance, ordering the castration of Abélard.
After castration,[7]
Abélard became a monk.[8]
At the convent in
Héloïse took the
habit and eventually became
prioress. She and the other nuns were turned out when the convent was taken
over by the abbey at which Abélard had first taken his monastic vows. At this
point Abélard arranged for them to enter the
Oratory of the Paraclete, an abbey he had established, where Héloïse became
About this time, correspondence began between the two former lovers. After
Abélard left the Paraclete, fleeing persecution, he wrote his
Historia Calamitatum, explaining his tribulations both in his youth as a
philosopher only and subsequently as a monk.
Héloïse responded, both on the behalf of the Paraclete and herself. In
letters which followed, Héloïse expressed dismay at problems Abélard faced, but
scolded him for years of silence following the attack upon him, since Abélard
was still wed to Héloïse.
Thus began a correspondence both passionate and erudite. Héloïse encouraged
Abélard in his
philosophical work and he dedicated his profession of faith to her.
Ultimately, after telling Héloïse of instances where he had abused her and
forced sex,[10]
Abélard insisted he had never truly loved her, but only
lusted after her,
and their relationship was a sin against God. He then recommended her to turn
her attention toward the only one who ever truly loved her,
Jesus Christ, and to consecrate herself fully from then on to her religious
Some scholars consider Abélard was attempting to spare her feelings (or his
feelings, altered from disrupted hormones) and others point to the damage of his
hormones and psyche, but from this point on, their correspondence focused on
professional subjects rather than their romantic history.
Astrolabe, the son of Abelard and Héloïse, is mentioned only once in their
surviving correspondence, when
Peter the Venerable writes to Heloise: "I will gladly do my best to obtain a
prebend in one of the great churches for your Astrolabe, who is also ours
for your sake".[11]
The Problemata Heloissae (Héloïse's Problems) is a collection of 42
theological questions directed from Héloïse to Abélard at the time when she was
abbess at the Paraclete, and his answers to them.


Héloïse and Abélard, circa 1882
Héloïse's place of burial is uncertain. According to the
Père Lachaise Cemetery, the remains of both lovers were transferred from the
Oratory in the early 19th century and were reburied in the famous crypt on their
The Oratory of the Paraclete claims Héloïse and Abélard are buried there and
that what exists in Père-Lachaise[12]
is merely a monument. There are still others who believe that while Abélard is
buried in the crypt at Père-Lachaise, Héloïse's remains are elsewhere.
Cultural references
In literature
- In the novel
I Capture the Castle by
Smith, Cassandra Mortmain owns a
bull terrier named Helöise and a cat named Abelard.
Mark Twain's book,
The Innocents Abroad, tells a satirical version of the story of
Abélard and Héloïse.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's novel,
Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse, refers to the history of Heloise and
Pierre Abélard.
Helen Waddell's book,
Peter Abelard, depicts the romance between the two.
- The two central characters in the novel,
Romantic by
Barbara Gowdy (Louise and Abélard), take their names from Héloïse and
- Abaelards Liebe, a German language novel by
Luise Rinser, depicts the love story of Heloise and Abelard from the
perspective of their son, Astrolabe.
- In the novel
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas, whilst the Count is
viewing the funeral of Valentine in The Cemetery of Pere-La-Chaise he
notices young Morrel gliding amongst the yew-trees and "this shadow
(Morrel's) passed rapidly behind the tomb of Abelard and Heliose."
- In two short stories, "The
Lady Who Sailed The Soul" and "The
Burning of the Brain", science-fiction author
Cordwainer Smith, refers to the lovers in passing.
Marion Meade's novel
Stealing Heaven depicts the romance and adapted into a film.
Lauren Groff's short story "L.
DeBard and Aliette" from her collection
Delicate Edible Birds recreates the story of Héloïse and Abélard, set in
1918 New York.
In music
Abelard and Heloise is a 1970 soundtrack album by the British
Third Ear Band.
- The lyrics of "Abelard and Heloise", featured on
Seventh Angel's album
The Dust of Years, are based on the couple's famous correspondence.
Flanders and Swann's song "Friendly Duet" on the 1963 album
At the Drop of Another Hat, refers to Abelard and Heloise.
- The song "Heloise" by
Frank Black, from the album
Devil's Workshop, refers to this story.
- The
Porter song "Just
One of Those Things", alludes to this story.
- The song "Nora", by
Richard Shindell, features a verse about Heloise and Abelard.
- The two protagonists in Spanish singer-songwriter
Joaquín Sabina's song, "Pájaros
de Portugal", are named Abelardo and Eloísa (Abelard and Heloise in
- The song "The World Without", by
Fine Frenzy, refers to Heloise and "Pete" (Peter Abelard).
- Choral song "Labour of Love" by
Stephen Hatfield refers to "the ship that could sail Abelard to Eloise."
In poetry
Onstage and onscreen
- Abelard & Heloise was a 1971 Broadway production at the Brooks
Atkinson Theatre, starring
Rigg and
Keith Michell. It was directed by
Robin Phillips and was first presented at The Ahmanson Theatre, The
Music Center, Los Angeles, California.
- In the film
Being John Malkovich, the character Craig Schwartz, a failed
stages a sidewalk puppet show depicting correspondence between Héloïse and
Howard Brenton's play,
In Extremis: The Story of Abelard and Heloise, premiered at
Shakespeare's Globe in as of 2006[update].
- In the Due South episode "Amen", the heroine and hero are Eloise
and David Abelard.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind makes several references to
the story of Abelard and Heloise in both script and plot.
- Multiple episodes of the
HBO original
Sopranos, refer to Abelard and Heloise. In 5.06 "Sentimental
Carmela Soprano leafs through
Robert Wegler's copy of
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise, and in 6.11 "Cold
Stones", she reads about Abelard and Heloise in her Paris guidebook.
- In the movie
The Lovely Bones Susie Salmon references the story of Abelard and
Heloise, calling it the most tragic love story of all time.
- The film,
Stealing Heaven (1988), chronicles their story and stars
Derek de Lint,
Thomson, and
Denholm Elliott.
- Director and writer
Norman Szabo created an animated feature called
William Shakespeare's Abelard + Heloise,[13]
which he claims is based upon an uncompleted Shakespearean manuscript,
Abelard and Elois, a Tragedie.[14]
See also
Smith, Bonnie G. (2008).
The Oxford encyclopedia of women in world history, Volume 1.
Heloise: Oxford University Press. p. 445.
Matheson, Lister M (2011).
Icons of the Middle Ages: Rulers, Writers, Rebels, and Saints.
Abelard's Early life and Education. p. 2.
Shaffer, Andrew (2011).
Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love. Harper Perennial. p.
Shaffer, Andrew (2011).
Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love. Harper Perennial. pp.
Smith. p. 445.
Shaffer, Andrew (2011). Great
Philosophers Who Failed at Love. Harper Perennial. p. 10.
Abelard, Peter (2007).
The letters and other writings. Hackett Pub Co.
Kevin Guilfoy, Jeffrey E. Brower (2004).
The Cambridge Companion To Abelard. Abelard and monastic
reform: Cambridge University Press. p. 25.
Rosser, Sue Vilhauer (2008).
Women, science, and myth: gender beliefs from antiquity to the
present. ABC-CLIO. p. 21.
Warren, Karen (2009).
An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy: Conversations
Between Men and Women Philosophers. Views on Love: Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers. p. 153.
Betty Radice (trans.), The Letters of Abelard and Heloise
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974), p. 287
Clanchy, M. T. (1999). Abelard: A
Medieval Life. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 328.
Szabo, Norman (1998-2001).
"William Shakespeare's Abelard + Heloise". Taiwan: Wobblehead
Retrieved 15 January 2009.
Shakespeare, William (23 June 1606).
"Abelard and Elois, a Tragedie".
Retrieved 15 January 2009.
Further reading
External links
Web Results
Abelard and Heloise are one of the most celebrated
couples of all time, known for their love affair... and for the
tragedy that separated them.
Héloïse d'Argenteuil was a French nun, writer, scholar,
and abbess, best known for her love affair and correspondence
with Peter Abélard. Contents ...
The story of his affair with and love for Heloise has
become legendary. The Chambers ... 1.1 Youth; 1.2 Rise to
fame; 1.3 Héloïse; 1.4 Later life; 1.5 Death ...
origin and means "noble", "resolute", "high-born" and
steadfast". Its variations include Abalard and Abalhard.
Popular Questions What does pierre abelard mean?"pierre abelard
- French philosopher and theologian; lover of Heloise
(1079-1142)" www.trueknowledge.com
Héloïse n'avait que douze ans quand
elle quitta la maison de son père pour
... A la
dernière strophe, on lui répond : "Prenez garde,
prenez garde à
... been to Pere Lachaise 4 times..even took my daughter
to Morrisons grave. Right up the hill from Heloise and
Abalard. Fascinating cemetery.
Materials Concerning an old Breton Folk-Song about Héloïse.
Héloïse was certainly one of the most famous women of her
day. ..... LOIZA HAG ABALARD ...
In this issue, Carter was showing Domina a love letter
Abalard wrote his beloved Heloise. Medival France,
14th century. In a conversation with Hawkwoman ...
But then there is a public scandal and the two must separate.
What happens? Abalard becomes a monk and Heloise
retreats to an Abbey. Yet their love knew no ...
Das Madchen George 60. Abalard und Heloise 61. Aus
unseres Herrgotts Tiergarten. Geschichten von sonderbaren
Menschen und verwunderlichem Getier 62.
... Loeiza hag Abalard (Héloïse et Abélard);
Distro eus a Vro-Saoz (Le Retour d' Angleterre); Gwreg ar c'hroazour
(L'Épouse du croisé); An eostig (Le Rossignol) ...
Materials Concerning an old Breton Folk-Song about Héloïse.
Héloïse was certainly one of the most famous women of her
day. ..... LOIZA HAG ABALARD ...
... been to Pere Lachaise 4 times..even took my daughter to
Morrisons grave. Right up the hill from Heloise and
Abalard. Fascinating cemetery.
In this issue, Carter was showing Domina a love letter Abalard
wrote his beloved Heloise. Medival France, 14th century. In a
conversation with Hawkwoman ...
But then there is a public scandal and the two must separate. What
happens? Abalard becomes a monk and Heloise retreats
to an Abbey. Yet their love knew no ...
Jun 10, 2007 ... It's the story of Abalard and
Heloise which is kind of like Romeo and Juliet. The performance
was great and so was the weather, which was ...
AB^^LARD. Complete edition of his works by Cousin, Paris, 1849-59.
Life by Charles de R^musat, Paris, 1845. I. L. Jacobi : Abalard
und Heloise ; Berlin, 1853 .
Das Madchen George 60. Abalard und Heloise 61. Aus
unseres Herrgotts Tiergarten. Geschichten von sonderbaren Menschen
und verwunderlichem Getier 62.
basqie wjost;omg ;amgiage pf s['aom
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Basque, or as known by
its speakers as Euskera, is a language isolate
... they make that characteristic high-pitched
whistle caused by ripping their beret on a ...
24, 2008 - 2 min -
Uploaded by busuucom
http://www.busuu.com - funny video about a nearly
extinct whistled language from a small Spanish
island ...
You +1'd this publicly.
17 posts - 5 authors - May 28, 2010
Basque is a minority language
which is only spoken in the Basque Country and between
... z (quite similar to English 'z', maybe more
whistling) ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Neural processing of a
whistled language. BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition,
Brain and Language - The Center · The Center · Mission · Aims ·
Partners ...
You +1'd this publicly.
A unique whistled language in the world,
fully developed and practised by a large community (more than 22000
people). It was awarded the UNESCO Intangible ...
You +1'd this publicly.
... Caló, as well as some
distinct varieties of Spanish and the Gomeran whistled language
... Basque is the only non-Romance
language in mainland Spain.
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 22, 2011 –
Recent Research Includes: Whistled Languages,
Conjunct Agreement, ...
Morphotactics: Basque Auxiliaries and The Structure of
You +1'd this publicly.
The whistling language of the Canary
Islands is being taught again in schools. ...
list of the damned that created the New World,
alongside Basques, Catalans, ...
You +1'd this publicly.
15 posts - 8 authors - Jun 2, 2011
Its name is silbo gomero and it's
a whistled language. ....
curious to verify that neither the Spanish or the Basque
wikipedia say a word about it
You +1'd this publicly.
Sep 24, 2008 –
http://www.busuu.com - funny video about a nearly
extinct whistled language from a small Spanish
island...This language can now be learned ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 2, 2008 – This language
is not spoken, but whistled (silbar = to whistle in Spanish), and
... The existence of the whistled language of Silbo
Gomero on the ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 1, 2010 –
The Guanches, the ancient inhabitants of the Canary
Islands, practiced, in addition to their usual talk, a whistled
language, now known under ...
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The Center for Language Science, Penn State, Penn
State People, Penn State ... J., RIVERO, F.,
& CORINA, D. (2005) Neural processing of a whistled language.
... for deriving psycholinguistic
statistics in an agglutinative language (Basque).
You +1'd this publicly.
Apr 1, 2000 – If you see a
Basque, so the story goes, standing on a clifftop or
leaning on a tree by the roadside, ... or
one of seven varieties of Euskera, the Basque language, the
simple answer, "I am staying." He is not just whistling
You +1'd this publicly.
Luis Michelena reports that the
Basque language has been spoken by these .....
of Ubedi you can catch the strains of his song,
mingled with the whistling wind.
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century onwards the Basque language begins
to lose ground with respect to the emergent .....
The student carrying the ring was forced to be the
whistle blower ...
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Journal of Memory and Language, 66, 17-37;
Leone-Fernández, B., Molinaro, N. .... relative clauses are
not universally easier to process: Evidence from Basque.
.... J., Rivero, F., & Corina, D., ( 2005 )
Neural processing of a whistled language.
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Euskera, the ancient language
of the Basques, and Castellano, the official language
of Spain, mingle in the air ...
whistling melodies of the txistu. In this region ...
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The village of Plover, a unique
feature in Europe: In the 1920s, the shepherds used to Aas in Valley
Valentin as the whistling language to correspond with each
ledge of French. The twentieth century saw a wholesale language shift, with
islanders changing their language practices to the extent that there were no
monolingual Corsican speakers left by the 1960s. By 1990, an estimated 50% of
islanders had some degree of proficiency in Corsican, and a small minority,
perhaps 10%, used Corsican as a first la73–1189
of imprisonment 1173–1189
of Love in Poitiers
irst marriage