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   VENIS TRANSIT  2004                                     THE STARS SEEN             VENUS TRANSIIT 2012
                                                                    THROUGH PYRAMID PORTALS     


Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20,2011
today's date August 19, 2012
page 274


I give credit to Joe Mason for suggesting the topic for this page because he knows his mythology well and I refused to study mythology when I was younger because I didn't see any truth in it.  Once Joe and I got together to do this dream work, which was also his suggestion, it was he who noticed that I was dreaming mythology, which I never realized until I had a dream that was on the same topic that Phillip K dick had written about.  I didn't know about him until I had a dream about the boy with the alligator hat and the girl who miscarried dipole eggs.

The boy across from me was somewhere between 6 to 10 years old. ... He called
his son "Alligator" and made him wear a green long brimmed hat like an ... twin
babies who were so premature, they were like cracked eggs flopped out in a pan.

Jun 6, 2008 ... "For the first time, America will actually hear a child being brutally killed by ...... He
called his son "Alligator" and made him wear a green long ... babies who were so
premature, they were like cracked eggs flopped out in a pan.

Jun 6, 2012 ... swallower beast podium crocodile ..... birth to twin babies who were so premature
, they were like cracked eggs flopped out in a pan. .... The article related that the
woman gave birth to a boy and a girl in unusual circumstances.


He called his son "Alligator" and made him wear a green long brimmed hat ...
twin babies who were so premature, they were like cracked eggs flopped out in a
pan. .... The article related that the woman gave birth to a boy and a girl in
unusual ...

Feb 7, 2012 ... Images: Vostok : JPG (22 k) ...... Clark (McClelland), former ScO, Ground Test
Astronaut), Space Shuttle Fleet, .... PHILLIP K DICK'S ANDROIDS ...

Aug 28, 2009 ... Phillip K Dick - Astrological Heroes and villains - Dick in the novel ...
Here is an article I wrote about the chart of Phillip K Dick once.

Apr 20, 2012 ... The man said, "can you hear me, "This is Philip K Dick." I thought back to him, "I
can hear you, can you hear me? but he didn't respond.

Jan 26, 2012 ... I IHAVE WRITTEN ABOUT PHILLIP K DICK 46 TIMES. ... This is author Philip K.
Dick at a 1977 Science Fiction Convention in Metz, France.

8-19-12 -  note:  while working on this page, it turned on a favorite internet radio show titled  ET HEALING, which is on every two weeks on Thursday evenings on .  This particular show I listened to was from August 2, 2012 if any of you would like to listen to it yourself.  The topic was  MASCULINE HEALING.  The ET said that masculine healing of negative energies, which also includes women with negative masculine energies is going to be taking place within the next three years.  It is so synchronistic with the following dream.

8-19-12   DREAM

 - I was in the country somewhere in a house that had a basement.  There was more than one room.

I had collected books about forest lore, books that w ere tall and narrow, and some Native stories printed on brown paper.

There was a woman living with me - who was a motherly figure.  She wanted to go to the library and get more books and I was willing, but the car was parked almost 1/2 mile away and for me that seemed like a long distance, so I put it off, perhaps hoping that someone else would come along with another vehicle and give us a ride.

A tall dark haired man, with dark beard, mustache, dressed like a cowboy, came up and he was in a rutting mood.

The older woman had gone to the basement, and I sent the man downstairs, knowing what he would try, and I tried locking him down there so he would leave me alone.

Then an old short Native Man came and knew what had been done, and he bent over listening to the floor, through a tall empty wicker basket, and all he said was, "Star Mother'.  and groaned.

I heard the tall, dark haired  man call for help and said he needed newspaper and I knew it was to soak up blood.

All I had was the brown paper Indian stories, so I slid them down into an opening in the floor.

He was outraged that it was all I had. 

All of a sudden, the tall, dark haired man appeared in the doorway, clutching his right side with his hands and I knew that the older woman had hurt him.

He cried out,, "Star Mother!"

I told him to lay down, and he lay down on the floor, clutching his right side with his right arm, and he folded his left arm over himself to clutch his right arm to his side.

and I opened my eyes, glad to be alive.

NOTE:  I immediately looked on the internet for stories of the STAR MOTHER

The Rape of the Daughter of the Mother Earth (Klekabusk

The Star Mother Myth

The Rape of the Daughter of the Mother Earth



In ancient Greek religion and myth, Demeter (/diˈmtər/; Attic Δημήτηρ Dēmētēr. Doric Δαμάτηρ Dāmātēr) is the goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth. Her cult titles include Sito (σίτος: wheat) as the giver of food or corn/grain[1] and Thesmophoros (θεσμός, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law) as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.[2]

Though Demeter is often described simply as the goddess of the harvest, she presided also over the sanctity of marriage, the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. She and her daughter Persephone were the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon. In the Linear B Mycenean Greek tablets of circa 1400-1200 BC found at Pylos, the "two mistresses and the king" are identified with Demeter, Persephone and Poseidon.[3] Her Roman equivalent is Ceres.

The earliest attested form of Demeter's name is Da-ma-te, written in Linear B (Mycenean Greek). Her character as mother-goddess is identified in the second element of her name meter (μήτηρ) derived from Proto-Indo-European *méh₂tēr (mother).[4] In antiquity, different explanations were already proffered for the first element of her name. It is possible that Da (Δᾶ) (which became Attic De (Δῆ)), is the Doric form of Ge (γῆ), "earth"; the old name of the chthonic earth-goddess and Demeter is "Mother-Earth".[5] This root also appears in the Linear B inscription E-ne-si-da-o-ne, "earth-shaker", as an aspect of the god Poseidon.[6] However, the element is not so simply equated with "earth" according to John Chadwick.[7]

The element De- may be connected with Deo, a surname of Demeter[8] probably derived from the Cretan word dea (δηά), Ionic zeia (ζειά) meaning "barley", so that she is the Corn-Mother and the giver of food generally.[9] Arcadian cult to Demeter links her to a male deity (Greek: Paredros), who accompanied the Great Goddess and has been interpreted as a possible substitution for Poseidon; Demeter may therefore be related to a Minoan Great Goddess.[10]

An alternative, Proto-Indo-European etymology comes through Potnia and Despoina; where Des- represents a derivative of PIE *dem (house, dome), and Demeter is "mother of the house" (from PIE *dems-méh₂tēr).[11]

 Agricultural deity

According to the Athenian rhetorician Isocrates, Demeter's greatest gifts to humankind were agriculture, particularly of cereals, and the Mysteries which give the initiate higher hopes in this life and the afterlife.[12] These two gifts were intimately connected in Demeter's myths and mystery cults. In Homer's Odyssey she is the blond-haired goddess who separates the chaff from the grain.[13] In Hesiod, prayers to Zeus-Chthonios (chthonic Zeus) and Demeter help the crops grow full and strong.[14] Demeter's emblem is the poppy, a bright red flower that grows among the barley.[15]

In Hesiod's Theogony, Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. At the marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia, Demeter lured Iasion away from the other revelers. They had intercourse in a ploughed furrow in Crete, and she gave birth to a son, Ploutos.[16] Her daughter by Zeus was Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.[17]

Festivals and cults

Demeter's two major festivals were sacred mysteries. Her Thesmophoria festival (October 11 - 13) was women-only.[18] Her Eleusinian mysteries were open to initiates of any gender or social class. At the heart of both festivals were myths concerning Demeter as Mother and Persephone as her daughter.

July 13, festival of Demeter.(Greek)


 Demeter and Persephone

Demeter's virgin daughter Persephone was abducted to the underworld by Hades. Demeter searched for her ceaselessly, preoccupied with her loss and her grief. The seasons halted; living things ceased their growth, then began to die.[19] Faced with the extinction of all life on earth, Zeus sent his messenger Hermes to the underworld to bring Persephone back. Hades agreed to release her if she had eaten nothing while in his realm; but Persephone had eaten a small number of pomegranate seeds. This bound her to Hades and the underworld for certain months of every year, either the dry Mediterranean summer, when plant life is threatened by drought,[20] or the autumn and winter.[21] There are several variations on the basic myth. In the Homeric hymn to Demeter, Hecate assists in the search and later becomes Persephone's underworld attendant.[22] In another, Persephone willingly and secretly eats the pomegranate seeds, thinking to deceive Hades, but is discovered and made to stay. In all versions, Persephone's time in the underworld corresponds with the unfruitful seasons of the ancient Greek calendar, and her return to the upper world with springtime. Demeter's descent to retrieve Persephone from the underworld is connected to the Eleusinian Mysteries.

In Mycenaean Pylos, Demeter and Persephone were potniai (the mistresses). In classical Greece, they were invoked as tō theō ('the two Goddesses')[citation needed] or despoinai ('the Mistresses').[23]. The myth of the rape of Persephone seems to be pre-Greek. In the Greek version Ploutos (πλούτος, wealth) represents the wealth of the corn that was stored in underground silos or ceramic jars (pithoi). Similar subterranean pithoi were used in ancient times for funerary practices and Pluto is fused with Hades, the King of the underworld. During summer months the Greek Corn-Maiden (Kore) is lying in the corn of the underground silos, abducted by Hades (Pluto) as it is described in Theogony. Kore is fused with Persephone, the Queen of the underworld. At the beginning of the autumn, when the corn of the old crop is laid on the fields she ascends and is reunited with her mother Demeter, for at this time the old crop and the new meet each other.[24]

According to the personal mythology of Robert Graves,[25] Persephone is not only the younger self of Demeter,[26] she is in turn also one of three guises of the Triple Goddess — Kore (the youngest, the maiden, signifying green young grain), Persephone (in the middle, the nymph, signifying the ripe grain waiting to be harvested), and Hecate (the eldest of the three, the crone, the harvested grain), which to a certain extent reduces the name and role of Demeter to that of group name. Before her abduction, she is called Kore; and once taken she becomes Persephone ('she who brings destruction').[27]

 Demeter at Eleusis

Demeter's search for her daughter Persephone took her to the palace of Celeus, the King of Eleusis in Attica. She assumed the form of an old woman, and asked him for shelter. He took her in, to nurse Demophon and Triptolemus, his sons by Metanira. To reward his kindness, she planned to make Demophon immortal; she secretly anointed the boy with ambrosia and laid him in the flames of the hearth, to gradually burn away his mortal self. But Metanira walked in, saw her son in the fire and screamed in fright. Demeter abandoned the attempt. Instead, she taught Triptolemus the secrets of agriculture, and he in turn taught them to any who wished to learn them. Thus, humanity learned how to plant, grow and harvest grain. The myth has several versions; some are linked to figures such as Eleusis, Rarus and Trochilus. The Demophon element may be based on an earlier folk tale.[28]

 Demeter and Poseidon

Demeter and Poseidon's names are linked in the earliest scratched notes in Linear B found at Mycenaean Pylos, where they appear as DA-MA-TE and PO-SE-DA-O-NE in the context of sacralized lot-casting.[citation needed]

In the myths of isolated Arcadia in southern Greece, Despoina (Persephone), is daughter of Demeter and Poseidon Hippios, Horse-Poseidon. These myths seem to be connected with the first Greek-speaking people who came from the north during the Bronze age. Poseidon represents the river spirit of the underworld and he appears as a horse as it often happens in northern-European folklore. He pursues the mare-Demeter and she bears one daughter who obviously originally had the form or the shape of a mare too. Demeter and Despoina were closely connected with springs and animals, related to Poseidon as a God of waters and especially with the mistress of the animals Artemis who was the first nymph.[29]

Demeter as mare-goddess was pursued by Poseidon, and hid from him among the horses of King Onkios, but could not conceal her divinity. In the form of a stallion, Poseidon caught and covered her. Demeter was furious (erinys) at Poseidon's assault; in this furious form, she is known as Demeter Erinys. But she washed away her anger in the River Ladon, becoming Demeter Lousia, the "bathed Demeter".[30] "In her alliance with Poseidon," Karl Kerenyi noted,[31] "she was Earth, who bears plants and beasts, and could therefore assume the shape of an ear of grain or a mare." She bore a daughter Despoina (Δέσποινα: the "Mistress"), whose name should not be uttered outside the Arcadian Mysteries,[32] and a horse named Arion, with a black mane and tail.

In Arcadia, Demeter's mare-form was worshiped into historical times. Her xoanon of Phigaleia shows how the local cult interpreted her: a Medusa type with a horse's head with snaky hair, holding a dove and a dolphin, probably representing her power over air and water.[33]

Titles and functions

Demeter's epithets show her many religious functions. She was the "Corn-Mother" who blesses the harvesters. Some cults interpreted her as "Mother-Earth". Demeter may be linked to goddess-cults of Minoan Crete, and embody aspects of a pre-Hellenic Great Goddess. Her other epithets include:

  • Aganippe ("the Mare who destroys mercifully", "Night-Mare")
  • Thesmophoros ("giver of customs" or even "legislator"), a role that links her to the even more ancient goddess Themis,[2] derived from thesmos, the unwritten law.[34] This title was connected with the Thesmophoria, a festival of secret women-only rituals in Athens connected with marriage customs.
  • Erinys ("implacable"),[35] with a function similar with the function of the avenging Dike (Justice), goddess of moral justice based on custom rules who represents the divine retribution,[36] and the Erinyes, female ancient chthonic deities of vengeance and implacable agents of retribution.
  • Chloe ("the green shoot"),[37] that invokes her powers of ever-returning fertility, as does Chthonia.



  • Anesidora ("sending up gifts from the earth") applied to Demeter in Pausanias 1.31.4, also appears inscribed on an Attic ceramic a name for Pandora on her jar.[39]
  • Europa ("broad face or eyes") at Lebadaea of Boeotia. She was the nurse of Trophonios to whom a chthonic cult and oracle was dedicated.[40] Europa was a Phoenecian princess who Zeus abducted, transformed in a white bull, and carried her to Creta.
  • Kidaria in the mysteries of Pheneos in Arcadia [41] where the priest put on the mask of Demeter kept in a secret place. It seems that the cult was connected with the underworld and with an agrarian magic.[42]

Demeter might also be invoked in the guises of:

  • Malophoros ("apple-bearer" or "sheep-bearer", Pausanias 1.44.3)
  • Lusia ("bathing", Pausanias 8.25.8)
  • Thermasia ("warmth", Pausanias 2.34.6)
  • Achaea, the name by which she was worshipped at Athens by the Gephyraeans who had emigrated from Boeotia.[43][44]

Theocritus, wrote of an earlier role of Demeter as a poppy goddess:

For the Greeks Demeter was still a poppy goddess
Bearing sheaves and poppies in both hands.Idyll vii.157

In a clay statuette from Gazi (Heraklion Museum, Kereny 1976 fig 15), the Minoan poppy goddess wears the seed capsules, sources of nourishment and narcosis, in her diadem. "It seems probable that the Great Mother Goddess, who bore the names Rhea and Demeter, brought the poppy with her from her Cretan cult to Eleusis, and it is certain that in the Cretan cult sphere, opium was prepared from poppies" (Kerenyi 1976, p 24).

Consorts and children

Ancient Greek religion

Hellenismos portal
  1. Zeus
    1. Persephone
  2. Poseidon
    1. Despoina
    2. Arion
  3. Iasion
    1. Plutus
    2. Philomelus
  4. Karmanor
    1. Eubuleus
    2. Chrysothemis
  5. Triptolemus
    1. Amphitheus I
  6. Oceanus
    1. Dmia[47]


In Greek mythology, Persephone (pronunciation: /pərˈsɛfən/, per-SEH-fə-nee; Greek: Περσεφόνη), also called Kore (/ˈkɔər/; "the maiden"),[1] is the daughter of Zeus and the harvest-goddess Demeter, and queen of the underworld. Homer describes her as the formidable, venerable majestic queen of the shades, who carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead. Persephone was abducted by Hades, the god-king of the underworld.[2] The myth of her abduction represents her function as the personification of vegetation which shoots forth in spring and withdraws into the earth after harvest; hence she is also associated with spring and with the seeds of the fruits of the fields. Similar myths appear in the Orient, in the cults of male gods like Attis, Adonis and Osiris,[3] and in Minoan Crete.

Persephone as a vegetation goddess (Kore) and her mother Demeter were the central figures of the Eleusinian mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon, and promised to the initiated a more enjoyable prospect after death. The mystic Persephone is further said to have become by Zeus the mother of Dionysus, Iacchus, or Zagreus. The origins of her cult are uncertain, but it was based on very old agrarian cults of agricultural communities.

Persephone was commonly worshipped along with Demeter, and with the same mysteries. To her alone were dedicated the mysteries celebrated at Athens in the month of Anthesterion. In Classical Greek art, Persephone is invariably portrayed robed; often carrying a sheaf of grain. She may appear as a mystical divinity with a scepter and a little box, but she was mostly represented in the act of being carried off by Hades.

In Roman mythology, she is called Proserpina, and her mother Ceres.


In a Linear B (Mycenean Greek) inscription on a tablet found at Pylos dated 1400–1200 BC, John Chadwick reconstructs the name of a goddess *Preswa who could be identified with Persa, daughter of Oceanus and finds speculative the further identification with the first element of Persephone.[4] Persephonē (Greek: Περσεφόνη) is her name in the Ionic Greek of epic literature. The Homeric form of her name is Persephoneia (Περσεφονεία,[5] Persephonēia). In other dialects she was known under variant names: Persephassa (Περσεφάσσα), Persephatta (Περσεφάττα), or simply Korē (Κόρη, "girl, maiden").[6] Plato calls her Pherepapha (Φερέπαφα) in his Cratylus, "because she is wise and touches that which is in motion". There also the forms Perifona (Πηριφόνα) and Phersephassa (Φερσέφασσα). The existence of so many different forms shows how difficult it was for the Greeks to pronounce the word in their own language and suggests that the name has probably a pre-Greek origin.[7]

An alternative etymology is from φέρειν φόνον, pherein phonon, "to bring (or cause) death".[8]

Another mythical personage of the name of Persephione is called a daughter of Minyas and the mother of Chloris, a nymph of spring, flower and new growth.[8] The Minyans were a group considered autochthonous, but some scholars assert that they were the first wave of Proto-Greek speakers in the second milemnium BC.[9]

The Romans first heard of her from the Aeolian and Dorian cities of Magna Graecia, who used the dialectal variant Proserpinē (Προσερπίνη). Hence, in Roman mythology she was called Proserpina, a name erroneously derived by the Romans from proserpere, "to shoot forth"[10] and as such became an emblematic figure of the Renaissance.[citation needed]

At Locri, perhaps uniquely, Persephone was the protector of marriage, a role usually assumed by Hera; in the iconography of votive plaques at Locri, her abduction and marriage to Hades served as an emblem of the marital state, children at Locri were dedicated to Proserpina, and maidens about to be wed brought their peplos to be blessed.[11]

[edit] Nestis

In a Classical period text ascribed to Empedocles, c. 490–430 BC,[12] describing a correspondence among four deities and the classical elements, the name Nestis for water apparently refers to Persephone: "Now hear the fourfold roots of everything: enlivening Hera, Hades, shining Zeus. And Nestis, moistening mortal springs with tears."[13]

Of the four deities of Empedocles's elements, it is the name of Persephone alone that is taboo—Nestis is a euphemistic cult title[14]—for she was also the terrible Queen of the Dead, whose name was not safe to speak aloud, who was euphemistically named simply as Kore or "the Maiden", a vestige of her archaic role as the deity ruling the underworld.

[edit] Titles and functions

The epithets of Persephone reveal her double function as chthonic and vegetation goddess. The surnames given to her by the poets refer to her character as Queen of the lower world and the dead, or her symbolic meaning of the power that shoots forth and withdraws into the earth. Her common name as a vegetation goddess is Kore and in Arcadia she was worshipped under the title Despoina "the mistress", a very old chthonic divinity. Plutarch identifies her with spring and Cicero calls her the seed of the fruits of the fields. In the Eleusinian mysteries her return is the symbol of immortality and hence she was frequently represented on sarcophagi.[8]

In the mystical theories of the Orphics and the Platonists, Kore is described as the all-pervading goddess of nature[15] who both produces and destroys everything and she is therefore mentioned along or identified with other mystic divinities such as Isis, Rhea, Ge, Hestia, Pandora, Artemis, and Hecate.[16] The mystic Persephone is further said to have become by Zeus the mother of Dionysos, Iacchus, or Zagreus.[8]

[edit] Epithets

As a goddess of the underworld, Persephone was given euphemistically friendly names.[17] However it is possible that some of them were the names of original goddesses:

As a vegetation goddess she was called:[18][19]

  • Kore, "the maiden".
  • Kore Soteira, "the savior maiden" in Megalopolis.
  • Neotera, "the younger " in Eleusis.
  • Kore of Demeter Hagne, in the Homeric hymn.
  • Kore memagmeni, "the mixed daughter" (bread).

Demeter and her daughter Persephone were usually called:[18][19]

[edit] Origins of the cult

Ring of Isopata, 1400-1500BC. Heraklion Archaeological Museum

The myth of the rape of the vegetation goddess is probably Pre-Greek. The place of the abduction is different in each local cult. The Homeric hymn mentions the Nysion (or Mysion), probably a mythical place which didn’t exist in the map. The locations of this mythical place may simply be conventions to show that a magically distant chthonic land of myth was intended in the remote past.[19][21] Demeter found and met her daughter in Eleusis, and this is the mythical disguise of what happened in the mysteries.[22]

Persephone is an old chthonic deity of the agricultural communities, who received the souls of the dead into the earth, and acquired powers on the fertility of the soil under which she reigned. The earliest depiction of a goddess who may be identified with Persephone growing out of the ground, is on a plate from the Old-Palace period in Phaistos. The goddess has a vegetable-like appearance, and she is surrounded by dancing girls between blossoming flowers. The association with the flower-picking Persephone and her companions is compelling.[23][24][25]On the Minoan ring of Isopata, four women are performing a dance between flowers in a field, and a smaller figure, the goddess herself appears floating in the air.[26]

Rape of Persephone. Hades with his horses and Persephone (down). An Apulian red-figure volute krater, ca 340 BC. Antikensammlung Berlin

In the Homeric poems Persephone is the real ruler of the underworld, the terrible "Queen of the Shades",[27] and Hades doesn't have authorities on the souls of the dead. In some forms Hades appears with his chthonic horses. The myth of the rape of Kore was deriven from the idea that Hades catches the souls of the dead like his booty, and then carries them with his horses into his kingdom. This idea is vague in Homer, but appears in later Greek depictions, and in Greek folklore. "Charos" appears with his horse and carries the dead into the underworld.[28][29]

The cults of Persephone and Demeter in the Eleusinian mysteries and in the Thesmophoria were based on very old agrarian cults. An earlier agrarian procession leaded by a priest, is depicted on a Minoan vase from the end of the New-Palace period.[30] Ancient cults like age-old cults of the dead, worship of animal headed gods, and rituals for the new crop, had their position in Greek religion because they were connected with daily or seasonal tasks and concecrated by immemorial practices. The powers of animal nature fostered a belief in nymphs, and in gods with human forms and the heads or tails of animals. In the Arcadian cults, it seems that Demeter and Persephone were the first from a series of daemons with the same nature. Terracotta figures with animal-headed gods or daemons and a procession of women with animal masks have been discovered at the temple of Despoina at Lycosura.[18] These cults seem to go back to the Mycenean period. The cult center of Mycenea dated from the 13th century BC, contained numerous big idols with faces painted in a terrifying mask-like manner, and a fresco represented a priestess or goddess with ears of corn in her hand.[31]

A lot of ancient beliefs were based on initiation in jealously guided mysteries (secret rites) because they offered prospects after death more enjoyable than the final end at the gloomy space of the Greek Hades. It seems that such religious practices were introduced from Minoan Crete,[32][33] Similar practices appear also in the Orient. However the idea of immortality which appears in the syncretistic religions of Near East did not exist in the Eleusinian mysteries at the very beginning.[34][35]

[edit] Orient-Minoan Crete

Lady of Auxerre Louvre-An Archaic (640 BC) image from Crete. A version of a Minoan Goddess who may be identified with Kore

In the Near eastern myth of the primitive agricultural societies, every year the fertility goddess bore the "god of the new year", who then became her lover, and died immediately in order to be reborn and face the same destiny. Similar cults of resurrected gods appear in the Orient in the cults of Attis, Adonis and Osiris,[36] In Minoan Crete, the "divine child" was related with the female vegetation divinity Ariadne who died every year.[37] The Minoan religion had its own characteristics. The cult was aniconic, the principal deities were female, and they appeared in epiphany called chiefly by ecstatic sacral dances, by tree–shaking and by baetylic rites.[38]

The daemons were a part of the religious system. They were considered divine, and they were connected with gods or goddesses of hunting. In the Minoan seals or jewellerry, are depicted animal-headed daemons[39] or hybrid-creatures. Some of these depictions seem similar with Oriental depictions, especially with the well-known Babylonian daemons. A young Minotaur is depicted on a seal from Knossos.[40] Depictions of daemons between lions, of men between daemons, and processions of daemons, appear also in Mycenean seals and jewllerry, and in Phigalia of Arcadia.[41]

The "Harvesters vase" from Agia Triada (1600-1500 BC). Heraklion Archaeological Museum


The most peculiar feature of the Minoan belief for the divine, is the appearance of the goddess from above in the dance. Dancing floors have been discovered besides "vaulted tombs", and it seems that the dance was ecstatic. Homer keeps in memory the dancing floor which Daedalus built for Ariadne in the remote past.[42] On the gold ring from Isopata, four women in a festal attire are performing a dance between blossoming flowers. Above a much smaller and differently dressed figure floating in the air seems to be the goddess herself, appearing amid the whirling dance.[26] An image plate from the first palace of Phaistos, seems to be very close to the mythical image of the Anodos (ascent) of Persephone. Two girls dance between blossoming flowers, on other side of a similar but armless and legless figure which seems to grow out of the ground. The goddess is bordered by snake lines which give her a vegetable like appearance and also recall the arrangement of snake tubes which have been found in Minoan and Mycenean sunctuaries. She has a large stylized flower turned over her head, and the resemblance with the flower picking Persephone and her companions is compelling[23] The depiction of the goddess is similar with later images of "Anodos of Pherephata". On the Dresden vase Persephone is growing out of the ground, and she is surrounded by the animal-tailed agricultural gods Silenoi.[43] It seems that in Crete there were festivals designated in a way corresponding to the later Greek types of festival names.[23] An agrarian procession is depicted on the "Harversters Vase" or Vase of the Winnowers' from the last phase of the New-palace period, (LM II), which was found in Hagia Triada. Men are walking by two with their tools-rods on their shoulders. The leader is probably a priest with long hair carrying a stick, and dressed in a priestly robe with a fringe. A group of musicians participate singing, and one of them holds the Egyptian instrument sistrum.[30][44]

The so called "Ring of Minos" from Knossos. (1500-1400 BC). A male and two female figures, in the "cult of the tree". Heraklion Archaeological Museum

The Minoan vegetation goddess Ariadne was closely connected with the cult of the divine child, and with the "cult of the tree". This was an exstatic and orgiastic cult, which seems to be similar with the relative in the Syrian cult of Adonis,.[45] Kerenyi suggests that the name Ariadne (derived from ἁγνή, hagne, "pure"), was an euphemistical name given by the Greeks to the nameless "Mistress of the labyrinth" who appears in a Mycenean Greek inscription from Knossos in Crete. The Greeks used to give friendly names to the deities of the underworld. Cthonic Zeus was called Eubuleus, "the good councelor", and the ferryman of the river of the underworld Charon, "glad" .[29] Despoina and "Hagne" were probably euphimistic surnames of Persephone, therefore he theorizes that the cult of Persephone was the continuation of the worship of a Minoan Great goddess. The labyrinth was both a winding dance-ground and in the Greek view a prison with the dreaded Minotaur at its centre.[46][47] It is possible that some religious practices, especially the mysteries were transferred from a Cretan priesthood to Eleusis, where Demeter brought the poppy from Crete.[48] Besides these similarities, Burkert notifies that up to now we don’t know to what extent one can and must differentiate between Minoan and Mycenean religion.[49] It seems that the Minoan vegetation goddess Ariadne was absorbed by more powerful divinities.[50] She survived in Greek folklore as the consort of Dionysos, with whom she was worshiped in some local cults. In the Anthesteria Dionysos is the "divine child".

In the historical times the Minoan "cult of the tree", was almost forgotten. It existed in some local cults like the cult of the vegetation goddess Helena Dendritēs (dendron, "tree") in Rhodes, and a cult of Artemis in Peloponnese. In this cult Artemis is hanged from a tree, just like Ariadne in Greek mythology, who was hanged from a tree when she was abandoned by Theseus.[51]

[edit] Mycenean Greece

Two women or goddesses on a chariot. Fresco from Tiryns, 1200 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Procession of women with animal-masks, or of hybrid creatures. Detail from the marble veil of Despoina at Lycosura

It seems that the Greek deities began their career as powers of nature, but then they were given other functions and attributes by the worshippers.[50] The powers of animal nature fostered a belief in nymphs, whose existence was bound to the trees or the waters which they haunted, and in gods with human forms and the heads or tails of animals. The ancient gods with tails of animals who stood for primitive bodily insticts, were considered to protect the flocks and herds, and some of them survived in the cult of Dionysos (Satyrs and Seilinoi) and Pan (the goat-god). Such figures were believed to give help to men who watched over crops and herds, and later they were below the Olympians.[52]

There is evidence of a cult in Eleusis from the Mycenean period,[53] however there are not sacral finds from this period. The cult was private and we don’t have any information about it. Besides the names of some Greek gods in the Mycenean Greek inscriptions, appear also names of goddesses, like "the divine Mother" (the mother of the gods) or "the Goddess (or priestess) of the winds", who don’t have Mycenean origin.[22] In historical times Demeter and Kore were usually referred to as "the goddesses" or "the mistresses" (Arcadia) in the mysteries.[19] In the Mycenean Greek tablets dated 1400-1200 BC, the "two mistresses (potniai) and the king" are mentioned. John Chadwick believes that these were the precursor divinities of Demeter, Persephone and Poseidon.[54] In the discovered cult centre of Mycenea, the inner room contained a fresco depicting a goddess wearing a boar’s tusk. The subterranean House of the Idols, contained clay figures of coiled snakes, and numerous big and strange idols with faces painted in a terrifying mask-like manner. Close stands the House of Frescoes, and the fresco in the main room represented a priestess or goddess with ears of corn in her hand.[31]

Persephone was conflated with Despoina, "the mistress", a chthonic divinity in West- Arcadia.[33] The megaron of Eleusis, is quite similar with the "megaron" of Despoina at Lycosura.[22] The names Demeter and Kore are Greek, and this probably indicates that the Greeks adopted these divinities during their wandering, and that they were later fused with local divinities in the ancient cults.[55] The Arcadian cults come from a more primitive religion, and evidently the religious beliefs of the first Greek-speaking people who entered the region, were mixed with the beliefs of the indigenous population. Most of the temples were built near springs, and in some of them there is evidence of the existence of a fire, which was always burning. At Lycosura, a fire was burning in front of the temple of Pan (the goat-god).[18] In Eleusis in a ritual one child "pais" initiated from the herth. The name pais (the divine child) appears in the Mycenean inscriptions.,[22] and the ritual indicates the transition from the old funerary practices to the Greek cremation.[56]

Perspective reconstruction of the temple of Despoina at Lycosura: The acrolithic statues of Demeter (L) and Despoina (R) are visible at the scale in the cella

The two goddesses, were closely related with the springs and the animals. At Lycosura on a marble relief on the veil of Despoina appear figures with the heads of different animals obviously in a ritual dance, and some of them hold a flute. These could be hybrid creatures or a procession of women with animal-masks.[57] Similar processions of daemons, or human figures with animal-masks appear on Mycenean frescoes and goldrings .[58][59] It seems that Demeter and Kore, were the first from a series of daemons with the same nature, just as Artemis was the first of the nymphs.[18]

Demeter and Persephone, were the two Great Goddesses of the Arcadian mysteries. Despoine was one of her surnames just as the surname of Persephone Kore.[60] Her name was not allowed to be revealed to the not initiated, and she was daughter of Demeter, who was united with the god of the storms and rivers Poseidon Hippios (horse).[61] In northern European folklore, the river spirit of the underworld appears frequently as a horse. The union of the fertility goddess with the beast which represents the masculine fertility, is an old Near Eastern myth, which appears in many primitive agricultural societies. The ritual copulation in Minoan Crete was related with moon-goddesses like Europa and Pasiphae, but this cult was almost forgotten by the Greeks. It survived in the myths of the hybrid-creature Minotaur, and of the abduction of the Phoenecian princess Europa by the white bull. (Zeus)[37] The animal-headed gods were depicted in the local cults of isolated Arcadia, or in Crete in the depiction of the dog-headed Hecate.[62] The animal masks were substituted by masks representing human faces, as it appears in the temple of Artemis Orthia at Sparta. Dancing girls used these masks during the annual "vegetation ritual ".[63]

Triptolemus, Demeter, and Persephone by the Triptolemos Painter,ca 470BC

The Minoan "cult of the tree" appears also in Mycenean seals and jewellerry, however we don’t know if this cult in Greece was similar with the Minoan. A dinstinctive feature on Minoan gold rings is a large imposed tree, set apart as sacred. The deity appears in dance beneath the tree. Generally it is fig and olive trees which seem to be depicted[64] Later the cult of Dionysos was closely associated with trees, specifically the fig tree, and some of his bynames exhibit this, such as Endendros or Dendritēs (dendron, "tree").[65] According to Pherecydes of Syros, the second element of his name is derived from nũsa, an archaic word for "tree".[66] It is possible that the meaning of tree was re-interpreted to the name of the mountain Nysa, the birthplace of Dionysos, according to the axis mundi of Indo-European mythology .[67] In Greek mythology Nysa is a mythical mountain with unknown location.[21] Nysion (or Mysion), the place of the abduction of Persephone was also probably a mythical place which didn’t exist in the map, a magically distant chthonic land of myth which was intended in the remote past.[19]

[edit] Greek mythology

[edit] Abduction myth

Persephone used to live far away from the other deities, a goddess within Nature herself before the days of planting seeds and nurturing plants. In the Olympian telling, the gods Hermes and Apollo had wooed Persephone; but Demeter rejected all their gifts and hid her daughter away from the company of the Olympian deities.[68] The story of her abduction by Pluto against her will, is traditionally referred to as the Rape of Persephone. It is first mentioned in Hesiod's Theogony.[69] Zeus, it is said, advised Pluto (Hades) who was in love with the beautiful Persephone, to carry her off, as her mother Demeter, was not likely to allow her daughter to go down to Hades. Persephone was gathering flowers with Artemis and Athena, the Homeric hymn says—or Leucippe, or Oceanids—in a field when Hades came to abduct her, bursting through a cleft in the earth.. Demeter, when she found her daughter had disappeared, searched for her all over the earth with torches. In most versions she forbids the earth to produce, or she neglects the earth and in the depth of her despair she causes nothing to grow. Helios, the sun, who sees everything, eventually told Demeter what had happened and at length she discovered the place of her abode. Finally, Zeus, pressed by the cries of the hungry people and by the other deities who also heard their anguish, forced Hades to return Persephone.[70]

Hades indeed complied with the request, but first he tricked her giving her a kernel of a pomegranate to eat. She ate four seeds, which correspond to the dry summer months in Greece. It was a rule of the Fates that whoever consumed food or drink in the Underworld was doomed to spend eternity there. Persephone was released by Hermes, who had been sent to retrieve her, but she was obliged to spend four months of a year in the underworld, and the remaining two thirds with the gods above.[70] The various local traditions place Persephone's abduction in a different location. The Sicilians, among whom her worship was probably introduced by the Corinthian and Megarian colonists, believed that Hades found her in the meadows near Enna, and that a well arose on the spot where he descended with her into the lower world. The Cretans thought that their own island had been the scene of the rape, and the Eleusinians mentioned the Nysian plain in Boeotia, and said that Persephone had descended with Hades into the lower world at the entrance of the western Oceanus. Later accounts place the rape in Attica, near Athens, or near Eleusis.[70]


The Homeric hymn mentions the Nysion (or Mysion), probably a mythical place which didn’t exist in the map. The locations of this mythical place may simply be conventions to show that a magically distant chthonic land of myth was intended in the remote past.[19] Before Persephone was abducted by Hades, the shepherd Eumolpus and the swineherd Eubuleus, saw a girl being carried of into the earth which had violently opened up, in a black chariot, driven by an invisible driver. Eubuleus was feeding his pigs at the opening to the underworld when Persephone was abducted by Plouton. His swine were swallowed by the earth along with her, and the myth is an etiology for the relation of pigs with the ancient rites in Thesmophoria,[71] and in Eleusis.

In the hymn, Persephone returns and she is reunited with her mother near Eleusis. Demeter as she has been promised established her mysteries (orgies) when the Eleusinians built for her a temple near the spring of Callichorus. These were awful mysteries, which were not allowed to be uttered. The uninitiated would spent a miserable existence in the gloomy space of Hades, after death. [72]

In some versions, Ascalaphus informed the other deities that Persephone had eaten the pomegranate seeds. When Demeter and her daughter were reunited, the Earth flourished with vegetation and color, but for some months each year, when Persephone returned to the underworld, the earth once again became a barren realm. This is an origin story to explain the seasons.

In an earlier version, Hecate rescued Persephone. On an Attic red-figured bell krater of ca 440 BC in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Persephone is rising as if up stairs from a cleft in the earth, while Hermes stands aside; Hecate, holding two torches, looks back as she leads her to the enthroned Demeter.[73]

The tenth-century Byzantine encyclopedia Suda introduces a goddess of a blessed afterlife assured to Orphic mystery initiates. This Macaria is asserted to be the daughter of Hades, but no mother is mentioned.[74]

[edit] Pluto-Interpretetion of the myth

In the myth Pluto abducts Persephone to be his wife and the queen of his realm.[75] Pluto (Πλούτων, Ploutōn) was a name for the ruler of the underworld; the god was also known as Hades, a name for the underworld itself. The name Pluton was conflated with that of Ploutos (Πλούτος Ploutos, "wealth"), a god of wealth, because mineral wealth was found underground, and because Pluto as a chthonic god ruled the deep earth that contained the seeds necessary for a bountiful harvest.[75] Plouton is lord of the dead, but as Persephone's husband he has serious claims to the powers of fertility.[76]

In the Theogony of Hesiod Demeter was united with the hero Iasion in Crete and she bore Ploutos, who can make everyone rich.[69] This union seems to be a reference to a hieros gamos (ritual copulation) to ensure the earth's fertility.[76] This ritual copulation appears in Minoan Crete, in many Near Eastern agricultural societies, and also in the Anthesteria[77]

Nilsson believes that the original cult of Ploutos (or Pluto) in Eleusis was similar with the Minoan cult of the "divine child", who died in order to be reborn. The child was abandoned by his mother and then it was brought up by the powers of nature. Similar myths appear in the cults of Hyakinthos (Amyklai), Erichthonios (Athens), and later in the cult of Dionysos.[78]

The Greek version of the abduction myth, is related with the corn which was the most important and rare in the Greek environment, and the return (ascent) of Persephone was celebrated at the autumn sowing. Pluto (Ploutos) represents the wealth of the corn that was stored in underground silos or ceramic jars (pithoi), during summer months. Similar subterranean pithoi were used in ancient times for burials and Pluto is fused with Hades, the King of the realm of the dead. During summer months, the Greek Corn-Maiden (Kore) is lying in the corn of the underground silos, in the realm of Hades and she is fused with Persephone, the Queen of the underworld. At the beginning of the autumn, when the seeds of the old crop are laid on the fields, she ascends and is reunited with her mother Demeter, for at that time the old crop and the new meet each other. For the initiated this union was the symbol of the eternity of human life that flows from the generations which spring from each other.[79][80]

[edit] Elysion

Hesiod refers to the island of the "happy dead"[81] and it is the Elysion, where according to an old Minoan belief, the departed could have a different, but happier existence. This was a land at the western extremity of the river that surrounded earth where sun rested at night in order to be reborn in the morning. The Egyptians believed that they would be reborn if they followed the course of the sun and later that they would spend there a happy eternity. [82] Elysion is probably counterpart with Eleusis, the city of the Eleusinian mysteries, and it may have been offered like a reward to the initiated. The Greeks believed that only the beloved of the gods could exist there.[83] Pindar in some fragments speeks for the immortality of the souls, which may spent in Elysion a happy eternity.[84] In Odyssey Homer carries the old belief to the ideal island for mortals Scheria, the imaginary perfect world that was offered to the future emigrants. This island, which the tradition relates with Elysion, became the lost dream of the Greek world.[85]

[edit] The Arcadian myths

From L-R, Artemis, Demeter, Veil of Despoina, Anytus, Tritoness from the throne of Despoina at Lycosura. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

The primitive myths of isolated Arcadia seem to be related with the first Greek-speaking people who came from the north-east during the bronze age. Despoina, (the mistress) the goddess of the Arcadian mysteries, is the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon Hippios (horse), who represents the river spirit of the underworld that appears as a horse as often happens in northern-European folklore. He pursues the mare-Demeter and from the union she bears the horse Arion and a daughter who originally had the form or the shape of a mare. The two goddesses were not clearly separated and they were closely connected with the springs and the animals. They were related with the god of rivers and springs; Poseidon and especially with Artemis, the Mistress of the Animals who was the first nymph.[2] According to the Greek tradition a hunt-goddess preceded the harvest goddess.[86] In Arcadia Demeter and Persephone were often called Despoinai (Δέσποιναι, "the mistresses") in historical times. They are the two Great Goddesses of the Arcadian cults, and evidently they come from a more primitive religion.[19] The Greek god Poseidon probably substituted the companion (Paredros, Πάρεδρος) of the Minoan Great goddess .[87] in the Arcadian mysteries.

[edit] Queen of the Underworld

Seated goddess, probably Persephone on her throne in the underworld, Severe style ca 480–60, found at Tarentum, Magna Graecia (Pergamon Museum, Berlin)

Persephone held an ancient role as the dread queen of the Underworld, within which tradition it was forbidden to speak her name. This tradition comes from her conflation with the very old chthonic divinity Despoina (the mistress), whose real name could not be revealed to anyone except those initiated to her mysteries.[61] As goddess of death she was also called a daughter of Zeus and Styx,[88] the river that formed the boundary between Earth and the underworld. Homer describes her as the formidable, venerable majestic queen of the shades, who carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead, along with her husband Hades.[89] In the reformulation of Greek mythology expressed in the Orphic Hymns, Dionysus and Melinoe are separately called children of Zeus and Persephone.[90] Groves sacred to her stood at the western extremity of the earth on the frontiers of the lower world, which itself was called "house of Persephone".[91]

Her central myth served as the context for the secret rites of regeneration at Eleusis,[92] which promised immortality to initiates.

[edit] Cult of Persephone

Persephone was worshipped along with her mother Demeter and in the same mysteries. Her cults included agrarian magic, dancing, and rituals. The priests used special vessels and holy symbols, and the people participated with rhymes. In Eleusis there is evidence of sacred laws and other inscriptios[22]

Cult of Demeter and the Maiden is found at Attica, in the main festivals Thesmophoria and Eleusinian mysteries and in a lot of local cults. These festivals were almost always celebrated at the autunn showing, and at full-moon according to the Greek tradition. In some local cults the fests were dedicated to Demeter.

[edit] Thesmophoria

Kore, daughter of Demeter, celebrated with her mother by the Thesmophoriazusae (women of the festival). Acropolis Museum, Athens

Thesmophoria, were celebrated in Athens, and the festival was widely spread in Greece. This was a festival of secret women-only rituals connected with marriage customs and commemorated the third of the year, in the month Pyanepsion, when Kore was abducted and Demeter abstained from her role as goddess of harvest and growth. The ceremony involved sinking sacrifices into the earth by night and retrieving the decaying remains of pigs that had been placed in the megara of Demeter, (trenches and pits or natural clefts in rock), the previous year. These were placed on altars, mixed with seeds, then planted.[93] Pits rich in organic matter at Eleusis have been taken as evidence that the Thesmophoria was held there as well as in other demes of Attica.[94] This agrarian magic was also used in the cult of the earth-goddesses potniai (mistresses) in the Cabeirian, and in Knidos.[95]

The festival was celebrated in three days. The first was the "way up" to the sacred space, the second the day of festing when they ate pomegranate seeds and the third was a meat fest in celebration of Kalligeneia a goddess of beautiful birth. Zeus penetrated the mysteries as Zeus- Eubuleus[93] which is an euphemistical name of Hades (Chthonios Zeus).[17] In the original myth which is an etiology for the ancient rites, Eubuleus was a swineherd who was feeding his pigs at the opening to the underworld when Persephone was abducted by Plouton. His swine were swallowed by the earth along with her.[71]

[edit] Eleusinian mysteries

The Eleusinian trio: Persephone, Triptolemus and Demeter on a marble bas-relief from Eleusis, 440-430 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

The Eleusinian mysteries was a festival celebrated at the autumn sowing in the city Eleusis. Inscriptions are referring to "the Goddesses" accompanied by the agricultural god Triptolemos probably son of Ge and Oceanus .[96] and "the God and the Goddess" (Persephone and Plouton) accompanied by Eubuleus who probably led the way back from the underworld.[97] The myth was represented in a cycle with three phases: the "descent", the "search", and the "ascent", with contrasted emotions from sorrow to joy which roused the mystae to exultation. The main theme was the ascent of Persephone and the reunion with her mother Demeter.[79] The festival activities included dancing, probably across the Rharian field, where according to the myth the first corn grew.

At the beginning of the fest the priests filled two special vessels and poured out, the one towards the west, the other towards the east. The people looking both to the sky and the earth shouted in a magical rhyme "rain and conceive". In a ritual a child initiated from the herth (the divine fire). It was the ritual of the "divine child" who originally was Ploutos. In the Homeric hymn the ritual is connected with the myth of the agricultural god Triptolemos[56] The high point of the celebration was "an ear of corn cut in silence", which represented the force of the new life. The idea of immortality didn't exist in the mysteries at the beginning, but the initiated believed that they would have a better fate in the underworld. Death remained a reality, but at the same time a new beginning like the plant which grows from the buried seed.[22] In the earliest depictions Persephone is an armless and legless deity, who grows out of the ground.[98]

[edit] Local cults

Local cults of Demeter an Kore existed in Greece, Asia Minor, Sicily, Magna Graecia, and Libya.

Demeter drives her horse-drawn chariot containing her daughter Persephone at Selinunte, Sicily 6th century BC
    • Piraeus: The Skirophoria, a festival related with the Thesmophoria.
    • Megara: Cult of Demeter thesmophoros and Kore. The city was named after its megara .[100]
    • Aegina: Cult of Demeter thesmophoros and Kore.
    • Phlya, near Koropi, in the mysteries of Phlya: These have very old roots, and were probably originally dedicated to Demeter Anesidora, Kore, and Zeus- Ktesios, who was the god of the underground stored corn. Pausanias mentions a temple of Demeter-Anesidora, Kore Protogone, and Zeus Ktesios. The surname Protogonos, indicates a later Orphic influence. It seems that the mysteries were related with the mysteries of Andania in Messene.[101]
  • Boeotia:
    • Thebes, which Zeus is said to have been given to her as an acknowledgement for a favour she had bestown to him.[102] Pausanias records a grove of Cabeirian Demeter and the Maid, three miles outside the gates of Thebes, where a ritual was performed, so called on the grounds that Demeter gave it to the Cabeiri, who established it at Thebes. The Thebans told Pausanias that some inhabitants of Naupactus had performed the same rituals there, and had met with divine vengeance.[103] The Cabeirian mysteries were introduced from Asia Minor at the end of the archaic period. There is not any information of the older cult, and it seems that the Cabeiri were originally wine- daemons. Inscriptions from the temple in Thebes mention the old one Cabir, and the new one son (pais), who are different.[101] According to Pausanias, Pelarge the daughter of Potnieus, was connected with the cult of Demeter in the Cabeirian (potniai).[95]
    • A fest in Boeotia, in the month Demetrios (Pyanepsion), probably similar with the Thesmophoria.
    • Thebes: Cult of Demeter and Kore in a fest named Thesmophoria but probably different. It was celebrated in the summer month Bukatios.[19][104]
  • Peloponnese (except Arcadia)[19]
    • Hermione : An old cult of Demeter Chthonia, Kore, and Klymenos (Hades). Cows were pushed into the temple, and then they were killed by four women. It is possible that Hermione was a mythical name, the place of the souls.[17]
    • Asine: Cult of Demeter Chthonia. The cult seems to be related with the original cult of Demeter in Hermione.[17]
    • Lakonia: Temple of Demeter Eleusinia near Taygetos. The fest was named Eleuhinia, and the name was given before the relation of Demeter with the cult of Eleusis.
    • Lakonia at Aigila: Dedicated to Demeter. Men were excluded.
    • near Sparta: Cult of Demeter and Kore, the Demeters (Δαμάτερες, "Damaters"). According to Hesychius, the fest lasted three days (Thesmophoria).
    • Corinth: Cult of Demeter, Kore and Pluton.[17]
    • Triphylia in Elis: Cult of Demeter, Kore and Hades.[17]
    • Pellene: Dedicated to the Mysian Demeter. Men were excluded. The next day, men and women became naked.
    • Andania in Messenia (near the borders of Arcadia): Cult of the Great goddesses, Demeter and Hagne. Hagne, a goddess of the spring, was the original deity before Demeter. The temple was built near a spring.
  • Arcadia[18]
    • Pheneos : Mysteries of Demeter Thesmia and Demeter Eleusinia. The Eleusinian cult was introduced later. The priest took the “holy book’’ from a natural cleft. He used the mask of Demeter Kidaria, and he hit his stick on the earth, in a kind of agrarian magic. An Arcadian dance was named kidaris.
    • Pallantion near Tripoli: Cult of Demeter and Kore.
    • Karyai: Cult of Kore and Pluton.[17]
    • Tegea: Cult of Demeter and Kore, the Karpophoroi, "Fruit givers".
    • Megalopolis: Cult of the Great goddesses, Demeter and Kore Sotira, "the savior ".
    • Mantineia: Cult of Demeter and Kore in the fest Koragia.[105]
    • Trapezus: Mysteries of the Great goddesses, Demeter and Kore. The temple was built near a spring, and a fire was burning out of the earth.
    • near Thelpusa in Onkeion: Temple of Demeter Erinys (vengeful) and Demeter Lusia (bathing). In the myth Demeter was united with Poseidon Hippios (horse) and bore the horse Arion and the unnamed. The name Despoina was given in West Arcadia.
    • Phigalia: Cult of the mare-headed Demeter (black), and Despoina. Demeter was depicted in her archaic form, a Medusa type with a horse's head with snaky hair, holding a dove and a dolphin.[106] The temple was built near a spring
    • Lycosura, Cult of Demeter and Despoina. In the portico of the temple of Despoina there was a tablet with the inscriptions of the mysteries. In front of the temple there was an altar to Demeter and another to Despoine, after which was one of the Great Mother. By the sides stood Artemis and Anytos, the Titan who brought up Despoine. Besides the temple there was the hall where the Arcadians celebrated the mysteries[107][108] A fire was always burning in front of the temple of Pan (the goat-god), the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks. In a relief appear dancing animal-headed women (or with animal-masks) in a procession. Near the temple have been found terracotta figures with human bodies, and heads of animals.[18]
  • Islands
    • Paros: Cult of Demeter, Kore and Zeus-Eubuleus.[17]
    • Amorgos: Cult of Demeter, Kore and Zeus-Eubuleus.[17]
    • Delos: Cult of Demeter, Kore, and Zeus-Eubuleus. Probably a different fest with the name Thesmophoria, celebrated in a summer month (the same month in Thebes). Two big loafs of bread were oferred to the two goddesses. Another fest was named ‘’Megalartia’’.[19][104]
    • Mykonos: Cult of Demeter, Kore and Zeus-Buleus.
    • Crete : Cult of Demeter and Kore, in the month Thesmophorios.
    • Rhodes: Cult of Demeter and Kore, in the month Thesmophorios. The two goddesses are the Damaters in an inscription from Lindos
  • Asia Minor
  • Sicily
    • Syracuse: There was a harvest festival of Demeter and Persephone at Syracuse when the grain was ripe (about May).[110]
    • A fest Koris katagogi, the descent of Persephone into the underworld.[19]
  • Magna Graecia
    • Epizephyrian Locri: A temple associated with childbirth; its treasure was looted by Pyrrhus.[111]
    • Archaeological finds suggest that worship of Demeter and Persephone was widespread in Sicily and Greek Italy.
  • Libya

[edit] Ancient literary references

  • Homer:
    • Iliad:
      • "the gods fulfilled his curse, even Zeus of the nether world and dread Persephone." (9, line 457; A. T. Murray, trans)
      • "Althea prayed instantly to the gods, being grieved for her brother's slaying; and furthermore instantly beat with her hands upon the all-nurturing earth, calling upon Hades and dread Persephone" (9, 569)
    • Odyssey:
      • "And come to the house of Hades and dread Persephoneia to seek sooth saying of the spirit of Theban Teiresias. To him even in death Persephoneia has granted reason that ..." (book 10, card 473)
  • Hymns to Demeter[112]
    • Hymn 2:
      • "Mistress Demeter goddess of heaven, which God or mortal man has rapt away Persephone and pierced with sorrow your dear heart?(hymn 2, card 40)
    • Hymn 13:
      • "I start to sing for Demeter the lovely-faced goddess, for her and her daughter the most beautiful Persephoneia. Hail goddess keep this city safe!" (hymn 13, card 1)
  • Pindar[112]
    • Olympian:
      • "Now go Echo, to the dark-walled home of Phersephona."(book O, poem 14)
    • Isthmean:
      • "Aecus showed them the way to the house of Phersephona and nymphs, one of them carrying a ball."(book 1, poem 8)
    • Nemean:
      • "Island which Zeus, the lord of Olympus gave to Phersephona;he nodded descent with his flowers hair."(book N, poem 1)
    • Pythian:
      • "You spendlor-loving city, most beautiful on earth, home of Phersephona. You who inhabit the hill of well-built dwellings."(book P, poem 12)
  • Aeschylus[112]
    • Libation bearers:
      • Electra:"O Phersephassa, grant us indeed a glorious victory!" (card 479)
  • Aristophanes[112]
    • Thesmophoriazusae:
      • Mnesilochos:"Thou Mistress Demeter, the most valuable friend and thou Pherephatta, grant that I may be able to offer you!" (card 266)
  • Euripides[112]
    • Alcestis:
      • "O' you brave and best hail, sitting as attendand Beside's Hades bride Phersephone!" (card 741)
    • Hecuba:
      • "It is said that any of the dead that stand beside Phersephone, that the Danaids have left the plains to Troy." (card 130)
  • Bacchylides[112]
    • Epinicians:
      • "Flashing thunderbolt went down to the halls of slender-ankled Phersephona to bring up into the light of Hades." (book Ep. poem 5)
  • Vergil[113]
    • The Aeneid:
      • "For since she had not died through fate, or by a well-earned death, but wretchedly, before her time, inflamed with sudden madness, Proserpine had not yet taken a lock of golden hair from her head, or condemned her soul to Stygian Orcus." (IV.696-99)

[edit] Modern reception

In 1934, Igor Stravinsky based his melodrama Perséphone on Persephone's story. In 1961, Frederick Ashton of the Royal Ballet appropriated Stravinsky's score, to choreograph a ballet starring Svetlana Beriosova as Persephone.

Persephone also appears many times in popular culture. She has been featured in a variety of young adult novels, such as "Persephone"[114] by Kaitlin Bevis. "The Goddess Test" by Aimee Carter, and "Abandon" by Meg Cabot.



the native stories about 'star mother'

  1. Lakota Astronomy - Similar
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    Among the Lakota, there are many interesting myths and legends which are used to .... the place where one can find the hole from which Fallen Star's mother fell. ... Ray, eds., Earth and Sky: visions of the cosmos in Native American folklore, ...
  2. Mysteries of Native American Myth and Religion - Google Books Result R. Varner - 2007 - History - 256 pages
    “ her old home the star-mother forgot her earth- husband, but the son could ... are found in the Bad Lands, 146 MYSTERIES OF NATIVE AMERICAN MYTH ...
  3. They Dance in the Sky: Native American Star Myths - Ray A ... › ... › United States Native American
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    Rating: 4 - 3 reviews
    Native American stories using the night sky. Includes descriptions of the tribes in the region and then retellings of several of their star myths. At the end of each ...
  4. Artistry in Native American Myths - Google Books Result Kroeber - 1998 - Literary Criticism - 292 pages
    One person was sitting there, Ko-ko-mik'-e-is,† the Sun's wife, Morning Star's mother. She spoke to Scarface kindly, and gave him something to eat. "Why have ...
  5. Albert B. Reagan (1981-1936) Papers - Brigham Young University
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    American author and historian who did research on Native Americans in the ..... Star Husbands - An Indian Myth A West Coast Indian Myth The Star Mother Myth ...
  6. Native American Myths and Beliefs - Google Books Result Lowenstein, Piers Vitebsky - 2011 - Juvenile Nonfiction - 144 pages
    Morning Star's mother, the Moon, and his father, the Sun, welcomed Feather Woman. For a long ... NATIVE AMERICAN MYTHS BELIEFS AND. 126 127 128 129 ...


Origin of the Medicine Lodge - Indian Mythology
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Indian Mythology | Blackfoot Mythology ..... Morning Star's mother was glad when they told her what they had done, and showed her the birds' heads. She cried ...

Glossary | Starstruck Comics
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A small flying mammal native to the now nonexistent planet, Shangri-La (see: ... Norse: Sigurðr), a legendary hero of Norse mythology, 2) The third of the four .... 6 on a tiny beam of starlight, bringing word of the Star Mother's love to her women. > The Goddess - Similar
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The brightest star, Mother of All, the milk of life, Queen of Heaven. Athena Greek. ... Changing Woman Native American. She is the initiator of ... Her story of the death and resurrection of her son-lover predates the Christian myth. Cymidei ...
  1. Loud Ninja Games: Who Are The Chuhuac?
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    Mar 6, 2012 – ... world of Sherawl by a great Star Mother who laid her celestial eggs on the world where she would ... This myth and archaeological evidence would indicate that the species is not native to the planet but rather was seeded or ...
  2. Origin of the Heavenly Bodies | NZETC
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    by E Best - Cited by 51 - Related articles
    This myth is given in the form of a genealogical table:— .... higher Maori teaching, but looks like one of the many popular unorthodox myths so common among the natives. ... Te Ahuru is the Hine-te-Ahuru already referred to, the Star Mother.

Book list by 'Circle Round' - Meetup'Circle%20Round'.doc
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File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View
Good read-aloud material for comparing cultural creation myths. .... Star Mother's Youngest Child. .....A collection of Native American stories for early readers.



8-19-12  DREAMS -  I was sitting in an office waiting room, to see a doctor or dentist, and was waiting and waitiing and waiting and never got called because evidentlyy - he/she wasn't even there.

In the office where I sat, I had all my journal noteoboks with me to keep busywith, and I could hear a radio blasting away news in a darkened office off to the side.

I decided to go in that office and hsut off the radio and when I went to that office, off on the side was the office where all the drugs were kept.  That light was on and the drugs had been rummage through andn most of them were on the floor.

I turned around to leave the office and a skinny kid came in and I told him, "We have to callt he cops, there's been a robbery."

He said, "Dn't touch anything, "i'm security."

I decided to go see my boss down the hall and tell her what happened.

When I got into the officek, there were people laying all over the floor, doing exactly what I don't know, but I steped over them carefully and some of them were grabbing at my pant suit legs to stop me and pull me down n the flolor with them.

I managed to get to the other end of the office but my boss wasn't there.  She had gone into a side office with some other bosses, and instead of closing the door, they had sheets taped to the door opening, a white one, a green one, anda  blue one.

There was a girl sitting on a sofa at the end of the office - she had what I call a wizened face - very diminuitive face with huge brown eyes that were way too big for the face.

She said to me, "They are all in the office, trying to decide who is going to get laid off if and when we go to battle."

She continued talking and I could see her mouth moving animatedl, but I could no longer hear her and I knew I was awake.

So I opened my eyes.

Twice someone started to talk to me in my ear, but it sounded like a foreign language and I couldn't understand it.

I closed my eyes again, and was back in the dream.

Now I went to my bosses office and it turned out to be Dr. Dorian Lord from One Life to Live TV show.

The other woman with her in the office was  ____   from  The Golden Girls

Both of them had their hair wrapped in silk scarves, held on with gold safety pins to keep their hair neat hwile they worked.

A third desk in the office didn't have anyone sittintg there, so I promoted myself, and up tmy dream journals down on that desk.  

I was now carrying with me a gift plant that had a three foot doll attached to it that looked like a dancing fairy or oangel.  I told Dr. Lord that it was an anniversary gift - I had been there 10 years.

Her response was, "I never got a gift and I've been here since 1941.

I had to tell her what I knew, but assumed she already knew it because she was the head boss and she amde the decisions.




4-6-03 - I was working on the web page for Struggling With 11:11 and I was ... the three women from the "Golden Girls" Rue McClan

Yggdrasil Tree

Barbara Garrick
(Allison Perkins)
from "One Life to Live"

Rue McClanahan (Blanch Devereaux)
Betty White (Rose Nylund)
Beatrice Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak)
from "The Golden Girls"

ahan (Blanche Devereaux),






compiled by Dee Finney



Yggdrasil Tree

Barbara Garrick
(Allison Perkins)
from "One Life to Live"

Rue McClanahan (Blanch Devereaux)
Betty White (Rose Nylund)
Beatrice Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak)
from "The Golden Girls"

4-6-03 - I was working on the web page for Struggling With 11:11 and I was getting tired - it was now about 4:30 a.m., having woken at 3 a.m. from the first dream. I decided to go back to bed and get more sleep.

Before I fell asleep, I had a vision - "The 4th lock represents Chaos 1996"

DREAM - The same woman from the previous dream was again at my door. This time she brought three crones with her - (I was calling her a witch in my mind). The woman were actually pictured as the three women from the "Golden Girls" Rue McClanahan (Blanche Devereaux), Betty White (Rose Nylund), Beatrice Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak). The three women stood on the porch throughout this scene and didn't' try to come into the house. I could see them out the window that overlooked the porch. They were all wearing glitzy, glimmery gowns and capes, or gold, red and some other color I can't remember.

Please note the three crones at the bottom of the Yggdrasil tree pictured above.


I saw them at the door and I told her I wasn't going to let her in. She told me I couldn't stop her, but I had already opened the door to speak to her, Barbara Garrick (Allison Perkins) from 'One Life to Live" TV show was the crazy woman at the door. (Interestingly, she also played in "Far From Heaven" in 2002)

I slammed the door, but she had her arm caught in the door. Even so, she managed to follow her arm through the crack in the door, like a snake, but now she was facing the door and was headless - her neck just a blackened stump.

Now that she was facing the door, I opened it up quickly and booted her out onto the porch with my foot.

But now, on the other side of the door, on the porch, was standing Phil Carey (Asa Buchanan- the patriarch from One Life to Live TV show) He is likened onto a god-like figure. He was huge and he brought with him a glimmery glitzy golden cape and a humungous dog.

The gold cape was so glimmery, it almost seemed like the fabric was alive. He handed me the golden cape. I didn't know if I should accept it or not.

But I couldn't let the dog in and I struggled to close and lock four side by side doors between me and it. (There were like golden knobs on the sides of the doors that slid into an opening in the adjoining door)

These four doors were side by side like 11: 11 in wood. I closed and locked them together starting from the left and got the last lock in place just in time to prevent the dog from getting in.

Then, on the back side of the door (on my side) it began to look like a computer screen and the web page shown was titled "Life Beyond" and a male voice told me to call this dream, "Life Beyond" and a beautiful choir began to sing melodious music as a series of links to other web pages were shown below the music, which I could see on the screen.


The dog in the dream might represent the Fenris wolf.


A Viking carving was found on the Isle of Man. It depicts the god, Odin, being devoured by the Fenris Wolf on the Day of Ragnarok, the Doomsday of the Gods at the end of time. Viking eddas were found in Iceland that told the story of the Day of Ragnarok, the Doomsday of the Gods. At that time, 800 Divine Warriors will come out of each of the 540 Doors of Valhalla (800 x 540 = 432,000).

This wolf was born in the realm of the gods. He was friendly, but as he grew to a very large size, the Gods began to fear him. So they took him to an island and chained him there.

Over the eons the wolf grew larger and angrier and angrier. On the day of Ragnarok, the doomsday of the Gods, the Fenris breaks his chains. There follows a battle of mutual annihilation.

Odin is said to be the God that inspires war. He is often depicted as being accompanied by ravens


The headless woman is probably this goddess: KALI

Kali, the harlot of Revelation 17, that is, the energy of our time cycle. That energy is indicated by the "rowdy, drunken party." The kings of the earth become drunk on the wine of the harlot, which evokes the emotion of fury or wrath. Kali is said to evoke the emotion "tamasisk," which means fury. At the end of the three-stage cycle, Kali, the harlot, is deposed.



The "old man" could perhaps be the Father God, but, more likely, the Demiurge god. Dreams and coincidences indicate that the Demiurge god is symbolised by the Swastika, and represents the consciousness gestalt of mankind. The Demiurge god is a deity subordinate to the Supreme Deity, as creator of the physical world. He is often symbolised by craftsmen. He can do "good or evil." My experiences indicated that the counterclockwise Swastika symbolizes negative, yet learning, experiences, and that the clockwise Swastika symbolizes positive experiences. The Swastika can be formed by the "L" - like shape, meaning "builder," or by curved horns. The Swastika is also a symbol of Kali, and her consort, Shiva.

Helena P Blavatsky states: "In this age, Vishnu had to incarnate himself in Christna, in order to save humanity from the goddess Kali, consort of Siva, the all-annihilating - the goddess of death, destruction, and human misery. Kali is the best emblem to represent the 'fall of man'; the falling of spirit into the degradation of matter, with all its terrific results. We have to rid ourselves of Kali before we can ever reach 'Moksha,' or Nirvana, the abode of blessed Peace and Spirit."



Deep within the world’s mythologies, one image - a primary ‘character’ – exists, that ‘echoes’ the new theories about the Universe. The concept of the Dark Mother embodies the deepest of mysteries, ‘via negativa’ and ‘via transformativa’, and equally importantly, There are four ‘vias’ (creativa, postiva, negativa and transformativa) to flow from one into the other, in an endless cycle of creation.

The concept of the Dark Mother, in Her true form, is not known to the common person, because millennia of patriarchy have demonized or distorted Her image. The ‘God’ of patriarchy is predominately one of ‘light’, and echoes our own struggles to ‘en-light-en’ our world (know-ledge) and in so doing, gain control over our environment. In order for ‘light’ to win over the all-embracing and pervading Darkness (the essential ‘mystery’ of the world), the concept of the Dark Mother had to be dis-empowered.

She was demonized by the patriarchal hierarchy – becoming the shadowed scapegoat for the dominance of the male to rule over the light. The most effective form of this process, was to demonize all the male gods who were loyal to the Dark Mother (which when mixed, became the imagery portrayed of the Devil). The patriarchy’s insisted that only ‘male gods’ had any real power and the dis-empowerment of the Goddess Herself followed.

She was dis-empowered directly – progressively reduced to a mere ‘vessel’ of the God’s sperm, or seminal power. She was demoted from being the mysterious power within matter, to matter itself – considered the lifeless ‘stuff’ that true power that the ‘male’ acts upon. The mystery of the Dark Mother could not be entirely removed however, by the patriarchy. She was given disguises such as in the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the Black Madonna, which was a veiled Sophia, or Holy Grail, that effectively hid Her true power, while admitting that Darkness and Mystery still had a place in ‘God’s creation’.

The Dark Sterile Mother on the Tree of Life is Binah (the 3rd sphere and the first femine Sephirah)


Also known as The World Tree, the primal Mother Tree was regarded as all-nourishing, all-giving, involved in the creation of the universe and the origin of the first man and woman.

In India tales come to light identifying the five faces given to the eternal feminine as man sought to unlock the mysteries of life: the female half of existence is at first identified with Nature, gradually deified and eventually objectified. She comes to be seen as the primal mother, fountainhead of life and nurturance. The all-giving mother then transforms into the dancing nymph, a seductress offering worldly pleasures that bind man in the cycle of life. As this nymph is domesticated, the dominant image of woman becomes the chaste wife with miraculous powers. Finally the submissive consort redefines herself as the wild and terrifying goddess who does battle, drinks blood, and demands appeasement.

Exploring mysteries of gender and biology, and shedding light on the roots of taboos and traditions practiced in India today, the author shows how the image of the Mother Goddess can be both worshipped and feared when she carries the face of mortal woman.

The Primal Mother is usually identified amongst the earliest of the cosmological Godde - as the primal chaos itself, and/or its first distinctive feature, ‘birthing-ness’: in myths, which came in later times, when the shift in focus begins to perceive ‘power’ as not in matter but acting upon it, She is the substance that is carved up to create the Universe. The initiating Godde then fades gradually into the background as those of manifest order becomes more predominant, and the Primal Mother survives as the Dark Mother – the on-going source of the cycles of life/death and creativity.

The spelling “Godde” is used when referring to the Creator, the Sustainer, the Redeemer, the Sanctifier, the Counselor, the Advocate, the Deity, the Supreme Being, Ultimate Reality, the Cosmic Stream. The word is pronounced “God.” According to Genesis 1:27, 'Godde' created both men and women in Godde’s image, which was 'plural'. Though virtually all mainstream religions refer to Godde as “Father” “Son,” “King,” and “Lord,” Godde is ALSO “Mother,” “Daughter,” “Queen,” and “Lady.”

The greatest aspect of the Dark Mother is the power to transform things. She is the ‘ground of being’ that allows life to pass through the stages of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone ‘faces’ – in a sense, She is the 4th face of the Goddess, but the one that underlies all the others. She is known as the Midwife – She who is the ‘unseen’ hands, guiding all births and deaths, and therefore, all transformations from one to the other in the cycles of life. She is, therefore, also all ‘doorways’ (between Upperworld/Underworld, Bright/Dark knowing, etc.) and is often represented by womb-like objects, such as cauldrons, oceans/wells/springs, and variants of the Holy Grail: as the underlying source to all of life’s tapestries, She is also symbolized by webs, weaving, and particularly the impetus of the tying-Maiden and cutting/Crone aspects of all life’s threads.

Partially excerpted from:

Some of the Dark Mothers mentioned in mythology are Hecate (goddess with 3 forms), (of the Underworld, (Hell), the Goddess of the Dark of the Moon), Diana (Roman)(The Huntress), Cynthia (alternate name based on the birthplace on Mt. Delos), Artemis (Greek)(on earth), Selene (in the sky), Kali (of India), The Harlot of the book of Revelation, Mary Magdalene, The Black Madonna. .

The Dark Mother is the most misunderstood of the triple aspects of the Goddess. Her color is Black and she absorbs everything, including light and life. The dark of the Moon is Her time, the Abyss and darkness of space Her home. Her number is nine, symbolizing wisdom and sacred magick. Nine is also the number of completion and the completion of beginnings is the Crone's place in the cycle of birth-life-death.


1996 CHAOS

There are 7 major planetary cycles and/or conjunctions that will energize the 11th sign of the zodiac--Aquarius--from now until 2087. Uranus in Aquarius -- 1996-2003 and 2079-2087. Neptune in Aquarius -- 1998-2012. Chiron in Aquarius -- 2006-2011 and 2056-2061. Jupiter conjunct Neptune -- 2009. Jupiter conjunct Saturn -- 2020 and 2080. Pluto in Aquarius -- 2024-2044. Jupiter conjunct Pluto -- 2033.

An age lasting 2,160 years doesn’t start on one day, in one year or even one decade! The Tibetan Master D.K.--discussing this concept through his channel Alice A. Bailey in Esoteric Astrology suggested that the "shift time" between ages might be estimated at 500 years accounting for the moving in and out of vast, cosmic vibrations and energies.



The world situation is dire. Nuclear bombs can destroy our civilization in a flash. The so-called Middle East Crisis -- which could lead to an Armageddon in the ancient "Holy Land" -- has been going on since the turbulent founding of Israel in May 1948. Even Uranus -- the revolutionary, ruling planet of Aquarius -- is creating havoc in America as it crisscrosses our natal Moon-Pallas conjunction throughout 2002. This same Uranus in late Aquarius by transit is short-circuiting potential peace overtures between the Israelis and the Palestinians while it directly opposes Israel's natal Mars (traditional planet of war) at 28+ Leo. This is going on at white-hot levels during 2002 and will still be happening in the Fall of 2003. The global financial picture is completely out of whack and also completely unfair to billions of human beings. We may also be destroying the Earth with fossil fuels and creating a runaway "Greenhouse effect" that will be felt intensely in the decades to come.

Then we had the 9/11 tragedy followed by the War in Afghanistan, the War against Terrorism, followed by the War in Iraq, which will be followed by attacks on other countries who harbor terrorists. We may even need to have a war in North Korea, the way things are going. We are definitely on the verge of WWIII and Armegeddon.




Ouija Boards Pro and Con

Walkins, NDES

Encounters with Ghosts, Spirits, Poltergeists or Dead Relatives, Friends -

Encounters with Ghosts, Spirits, Poltergeists or Dead Relatives, Friends -Part 2 -

Encounters with Angels

Encounters with UFO's, Strange Beings such as Big Foot or Aliens. Abductions. -

Miracles -

Near Death and Out of Body experiences.

Ouija Board Stories


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About Reverend Carolyn Fumia

... She has worked with James Von Prague, In 1995, while working in her Sedona office with one of her most revered teachers, she was shown that as she viewed ...

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Ruth Montgomery

A Conversation with Ruth Montgomery. ... The following conversation with Ruth Montgomery took place at the Walk-Ins for Evolution Grand Gathering in Minneapolis. ... Description: An interview with Ruth Montgomery, author of Strangers Among Us, the landmark book about Walk-Ins. Ruth Montogemry Interviewed by Author Tatiana Elmanovich Click to listen Ruth Montgomery speak right from your computer. ... Ruth Montgomery: A Conversation in Naples, Florida on April 2, 2000. ...

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A Personal Conversation. With Ruth Montgomery. by Kitt Walsh. It would be nearly impossible not to fall in love with Ruth Montgomery. ...

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Ruth Montgomery Ruth Montgomery (1913 - 2001), a past president of the prestigious National Press Club, began her career as a Washington DC reporter.

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Edgar Cayce Web Site

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Mummies: Life after Death in Ancient Egypt (c) Published by Prestel Author: Renate Germer Medium: Hardcover Book Pages: 144 pages, with 85 full color 35 black-and-white illustrations Size: 9 1/2 x 11 3/4 Item... Introduction to June's Issue: Life After Death Rev. Mark Connolly One of the greatest lines in any novel or story is that written in the work of Lourdes and the story of St. Bernadette. Concerning Lourdes, the author said to those who have faith, no explanation is necessary to those who do not... Life After Death, Nihilism, and modern philosophy. What Nihilism, Rationalism, Humanism, Agnosticism, Existentialism, etc., Really Say About Your Future Do you believe that life does end, or may end, at death? Everyone who believes that death may be the end should read the following essay. It... 63 PagesDo you go to Heaven or Hell after you die? Do you burn forever in a fiery hell? Is there really life after death? Just what is salvation? This booklet addresses these important issues. Do the churches of today really have the answers to the meaning of... Life After Death By Ed Warren A lot of people have asked Lorraine and I about life after death of the physical body. They ask us if we believe there to be life after death. Does the spirit live on? The short answer to this question is POSITIVELY YES! In fact, no one who is... STORIES OF LIFE AFTER DEATH: People who've come back from the dead or contacted the dead. After the rain the sun will shine again. The Psychics Psychic. Encounters with Psychic true ghost stories, IQ Test, Life After Death, Sathya Sai Baba, Angels Archangels Spirit Guides,Channelling... LIFE AFTER DEATH: KNOWLEDGE TO DISPEL FEAR - PART FOUR A Channeled Lecture by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented April 26, 1985 [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY... Is This Old Typewriter Proof of Life After Death? I'm one of those people who skims through the tabloids while waiting in the checkout line in the supermarket. But I've never actually bought one until now, when I saw that the February 13, 1996 issue of the Weekly World News (by far the best of... LIFE AFTER DEATH Books dimensions:21cm x 14cmPages: 384Price-List: _ Click to see the Books covers ( 48KB )COVER ARTYannis Yeremtzes In USA is distributed by: Rev. Nicholas Palis 2101 Ritchie Str. Aliquippa PA 15001-2124 USA tel:001 724 375 5341 (church) 001 724 375 7867 (home) fax:001 724... LIFE AFTER DEATH: KNOWLEDGE TO DISPEL FEAR - PART FIVE A Channeled Lecture by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented May 24, 1985 [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY... Life After Death By the Rev. Peter M. Buss Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone but if it dies it brings forth fruit. - John 12:24 Table of Contents: Introduction A Grain of Wheat Life Cannot End You Are Not Your Body What Do We Look Like... Last Questions || Next Section || Return to Contents || Lahore Ahmadiyya Home Page. 3. Beliefs: 3.5 Life after death We have ordained death among you, and We are not to be overcome, so that We may change your state and make you grow into what you know not. (The Holy Quran 56:60-61... What Presbyterians Believe Life After Death [April 1998] Does it make a difference if we do? Do we still believe in heaven? By Lewis R. Donelson Actually, I don't think much about heaven. I have enough to worry about... LIFE AFTER DEATH Many people speculate about whether there is life after death, and if there is, what is it like?. Since no-one has come back to tell us, then whatever we say, is simply that, speculation, but scripture does give us some clues. One thing scripture is absolutely clear upon is the... The Quran very emphatically states that the Day of Judgement must come and God will decide about the fate of each soul according to his or her record of deeds: The Quran also states that this worldly life is a preparation for the eternal life after death. But those who deny it become slaves of... The Soul After Death by Fr. Seraphim Rose What happens to the soul when it leaves the body at death? What is its state from then until the Last Judgment? Do the numerous present-day books on life after death give any real answers to these questions, or are they only hints about a reality which even... Channeling, Mediumship, Paranormal Phenomena, Life After Death THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHANNELER or I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS PART 2 by George I didn't know I had the ability to perceive that people were about to die but discovered it by accident... LIFE AFTER DEATH: KNOWLEDGE TO DISPEL FEAR - PART ONE A Channeled Lecture by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented March 1, 1985 [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY... LIFE AFTER DEATH: KNOWLEDGE TO DISPEL FEAR - PART THREE A Channeled Lecture by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented April 12, 1985 [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY... PARAPSYCHOLOGY and personal survival after death LIFE AFTER DEATH When the Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.) was founded in 1882 research into phenomena and experiences suggesting personal survival of man after death took a high priority. Its findings were constantly under fire from the... Celebrating Life After Death Spirituality Column #21 for The Body by the Rev. A. Stephen Pieters March, 1997 At a recent service of the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco, the pastor, Rev. Jim Mitulski, went around the congregation, pointing out all the different gay men in the... My FYS Portfolio What is the Truth?andImmortality vs. Life After DeathBelief and UnbeliefDr. Elizabeth GalbraithAlan Vodicka December 10, 1998 Preface During the semester I wrote three major papers for Belief and Unbelief. These were not just any papers, they were Credos, or I believe... LIFE AFTER DEATH: KNOWLEDGE TO DISPEL FEAR - PART TWO A Channeled Lecture by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented March 29, 1985 [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY... Writing sle article appearing in an employee publication of Eli Lilly and Company Preparing for life after death--for your survivors By Terri Horvath Consider the following scenarios: 1. You're a healthy, single 2,5-year-old renting an apartment. Your only obligations include payments for a two... Life after Death Are You Ready? Compiled by Dr. Mohamed I. Elmasry Reference is given to Quranic ation (the Chapter:the verse number) and to Prophet Muhammed's teaching (Hadeeth). 1. Man (here refers to man and/or woman) consists of soul (Al-Rouh) and body (17:85, 15:28 29) 2. The soul... A New Field of Research Provides Convincing Evidence of Life After Death Have you been contacted by a loved one who has died? Is there life after death? Will we be reunited with our deceased loved ones when we die? Can they communicate with us now? Hello From Heaven! contains... Life After Death: Suspicion and Reintegration in Post-Genocide Rwanda by Jeff Drumtra Jeff Drumtra is USCR Africa Policy Analyst. This article is adapted from his recent issue paper, Life After Death: Suspicion and Reintegration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Does the notion of reconciliation... 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What is meant by life after death? To some it means that we live on in our children or that our life work influences future generations. But there... The Case for Life After Death Professor Peter Kreeft Can you prove life after death? Whenever we argue about whether a thing can be proved, we should distinguish five different questions about that thing: Does it really exist or not? To be or not to be, that is the... LIFE AFTER DEATH Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. (Jn.11:25-26). ... When the Roll is Called up Yonder (Hymn) Life after Death Express your opinion and debate with others here. What is meant by life after death? To some it means that we live on in our children or that our life work influences future generations. But there... The Supernatural Father Son Holy Spirit Angels Man Devil Demons Hell Heaven Hades Life After Death Miracles God, the Father Does God Really Exist? The Tragedy of Disbelieving in the supernatural God! Early Christians view on the TRINITY God, the... Life After Death Elaine was killed by a drunken driver, and nothing can bring her back. But her family found hope by facing the offender. by Elizabeth S. Menkin My sister Elaine was killed last year on one of the rare dry April nights in southwest Washington state, she was returning from a night... Cover Blurb The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer Blends high-tech mystery with a cutting-edge-future ... This book matters. -- Nancy Kress, Hugo Award-winning author of Beggars in Spain IT STARTED AS AN EXPERIMENT IN LIFE AFTER DEATH. IT ENDED IN DEATH. Dr. Peter Hobson has created a... 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I don't know if it is just a curious desire to learn about our future, even if it is only fictionalized, that comes to us as we grow older and face... Life After Death: What do you think? by Mark H. Logan While there are a myriad of possible specific answers to this question, there seem to be three general ones: A. There is no life after death. B. There are many lives after death. C. There is eternal life after death. It would be nice to believe... Speaking in Parables Life after death is one of the central teachings of Christianity. Our conception of life after death has a vital influence upon our daily life and our relationship with God. So it might seem strange that the Lord has not told us more about it in the New Testament. But He has... SANDTON BIBLE CHURCH A Closer Look - Should I Believe in Life After Death? Seeker Study #4 Sandton Bible Church The Injustices Of Life It would be difficult to believe that life is good if we knew there was nothing beyond the grave to compensate for problems of inequality and... Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife Afterlife Secrets Secrets of the near death experience - Answers to great questions concerning life after death. The meaning of life and death - Psychic medium Edgar Cayce's near death-like revelations... What do you see? This picture was taken soon after a dynamite blast during excavation Paranormal What if you're wrong on life after death, exorcism, heaven, entities, angels, demons, dimensions, ghosts, god, belief, poltergiest and reincarnation. Then where will you go when you die. It is not...



The Music Playing is titled 'To The Beyond II - by Enya'



compiled by Dee Finney

3-14-05 - DREAM - I was in high school with Antonio Vega (from One Life to Live TV show and his companion who was an attorney. It was the last afternoon before graduation. and the last 1/2 day of school. We were sitting there watching two women's group advisors walk through a large room where all the girls met in their various groups. It was their job to tell the groups of girls how to behave and what to do.

Then we talked about going to school the next morning which was not a required day in school, but it was the last day during which the seniors walked around with their school annuals and got autographs from their fellow students and said their goodbyes.

The last day was actually a 1/2 day from 8 a.m. to noon.

We decided to look at the clock and see what time it was. The clock read twenty-five minutes past 11 (on an analog clock)

We couldn't believe that was the correct time and we went into a panic and jumped up to go find a different clock and see what the real time was.

We still had to take showers and get dressed for the last day of school and we weren't ready.

We went to the building where the showers were. It looked like a big old white barn. It was very roughly built of white vertical boards.

Someone in charge of the showers didn't want us to use the building and we were being barred from it. We were standing outside the building waiting to be let in. We didn't want to miss the last day of school.

. This is the position that Antonio Vega, his companion and I
were sitting in the room.
The clock time in the dream is the same angle at the Northern Cross.

I was told in a previous dream that I originally came from Altair.

Top-north, bottom-south, left-east, right west
Image: adapted from Sky and Telescope

Cygnus, the Swan (the Northern Cross)

Scientists announced that the two giant clumps of dust in the ring surrounding the star Vega may be planets. Vega is located 25 light years away in the constellation Lyra and is the brightest star in the summer sky. The planets are apparently trapped in this dust ring.

Observations of Vega in 1983 with the Infrared Astronomy Satellite provided the first evidence for large dust particles around another star, probably debris related to the formation of planets. This discovery likely inspired Carl Sagan to place the alien listening post at Vega in his novel "Contact." In our Solar System, dust particles created by asteroid collisions spiral in toward the Sun. The gravity of the planets affect the distribution of these dust particles.

VEGA (Alpha Lyrae). One of the most famed stars of the sky, Vega is the luminary of the dim but exquisite constellation Lyra, the Lyre, which represents the harp of the great mythical musician Orpheus. Its name derives from an Arabic phrase that means "the swooping eagle." Vega is one of three brilliant stars that divide the northern heavens into thirds, the others Arcturus and Capella, and with Altair and Deneb forms the great Summer Triangle, lying at its northwestern apex. At magnitude zero, it is the sky's fifth brightest star, falling just behind Arcturus and just ahead of Capella. It is also one of the closer stars to the Earth, lying just 25 light years away. Though its proximity helps make it bright in our skies, it is also inherently luminous, 54 times brighter than our Sun. Vega is a classic white main sequence star, like the Sun quietly running off the nuclear fusion of hydrogen deep in its core, with a surface temperature of 9600 degrees Kelvin. Its color and apparent brightness made it the basic standard against which the apparent magnitudes of all other stars are ultimately compared. Because it is 2.5 times as massive as the Sun, it uses its internal fuel much faster and will burn out in less than a billion years, less than 10 percent of the solar lifetime. Vega was one of the first stars to be discovered with a large luminous infrared-radiating halo that suggests a circumstellar cloud of warm dust. Since Vega seems to be rotating with its pole directed toward the Earth, the dust cloud probably represents a face-on disk that may not be unlike the disk surrounding the Sun and that contains the planets. Several other stars similar to Vega (Fomalhaut, Denebola, Merak, for example) possess similar disks, and astronomers speculate that they may indicate the existence of planetary systems, though no planets have ever been detected. Even if they exist, it seems unlikely that life would have developed to any degree because of the short lifetimes of these hot stars.
Written by Jim Kaler. Return to STARS.


In the constellation of Lyra is Vega, which is the fifth brightest star in the sky. It is associated with the asterism known as the summer triangle. Vega (also known as Wega) draws its name from the Arabic word waki, translating in to English as eagle. This association with an eagle (or other birds of prey) remains in many mythological interpretations. The star is also known to be associated with the harp, or known as “the harp star”. It was given this name by first century Roman scientist Pliny the Elder.

Pliny’s name of the Lyre refers to the constellation as the harp or lyre as created by Hermes the Roman Messenger God. In the mythology, Hermes, son of Zeus the almighty, found an empty turtle shell, and found that it had wonderful acoustic sounds as he beat on it with a stick. He than affixed a number of strings taut across the opening of the shell, in a such a way that is was similar to stringed instruments we still use today.

After Hermes created the lyre, his brother Apollo, the Sun God came upon it. (Apollo is the God of music and a noted athlete.) There is more than one story to how Apollo got the lyre from Hermes. It could have been a trade, in which Hermes exchanged the harp for a golden scepter from Apollo, which he then used give wealth and prosperity to mortal men. A second version of the story tells that the harp is a gift from Hermes to Apollo, to quell Apollo’s anger with Hermes for attempting to take his cattle. (This crime Odysseus’ hungry crewmen paid with their lives).

The harp became a family heirloom and changed hands again when Apollo gave the harp to his son Orpheus. Orpheus, being a prodigy, mastered the instrument such that rocks, streams, and trees were enchanted by his music. He charmed the angriest of men and the wildest of beasts as well.

Orpheus' abilities served him well in winning the heart of Eurydice, the woman he romanced and wed. Some time after Euridice married Orpheus, she went walking in the fields with her sisters. A shepherd approached her, who was enchanted by her beauty. Eurydice tried to escape, but was but received a lethal bite of a poisonous snake.

Taking his harp with him, Orpheus went into the underworld hoping to retrieve his bride from death. While singing a loving ballad about his wife , he convinced Pluto to release Eurydice from the underworld, Pluto agreed that he would release her, only under the condition that Orpheus could not set eyes upon her until they reached the upper world. Orpheus had a hard time obeying that condition and took a look backward to see his beloved wife, breaking the rule set by Pluto, so Euridice had to return to the underworld.

After losing Eurydice a second time to the underworld, Orpheus stayed alone from women for the rest of his life. A group of young women who were trying to get Orpheus' attention decided that his lack of interest in them was not normal, struck him down with javelins and knives. They then dismembered his corpse because they were so enraged. Orpheus' head and lyre were tossed into a river that was nearby, and his arms and legs were buried in another location.

The story of the nine muses is that they carried the harp to the heavens, placing it among the stars. Zeus is also said to have sent a vulture forth to retrieve the harp from the river. The latter story seems to unite both the harp and the eagle associations with the constellation.

In an Asian story, the Star Vega is told as a "weaving girl", in a romantic relationship with a neighboring "herd boy", represented by Altair of the constellation Aquila. The two 'beings' in heaven neglected their duties and were then divided by the Celestial River, the Milky Way Galaxy.

DENEB (Alpha Cygni). One of the truly great stars of our Galaxy, Deneb serves a three-fold role among the constellations. Its very name tells the first. "Deneb" is from an Arabic word meaning "tail," as this first magnitude (1.25) star, the 19th brightest as it appears in our sky, represents the tail of Cygnus the Swan, a classical figure seen flying perpetually to the south along the route of the Milky Way. As the constellation's luminary, the star is also Alpha Cygni. The reversal of Cygnus makes the asterism of the Northern Cross, with Deneb now at the top, the cross seen rising on its side in early northern summer, standing upright in the west in early northern winter evenings. Deneb also makes the western apex of the famed Summer Triangle, which also incorporates Vega and Altair. All three of these white class A stars (Deneb an A2 supergiant) have similar surface temperatures, Vega, at 9600 Kelvin, the warmest, Deneb radiating at 8400 Kelvin. Though Vega and Altair are really quite luminous, they are first magnitude primarily because they are close to us, averaging only 25 light years away. Deneb, on the other hand, may be as far as 2600 light years. Based on that distance, its awesome luminosity of 160,000 Suns makes it about the intrinsically brightest star of its kind (that is, in its temperature or spectral class) in the entire Galaxy. If placed at the distance of Vega, Deneb would shine as bright as a well- developed crescent Moon. Deneb is a true supergiant, its diameter, calculated from its temperature and luminosity, is 200 times that of the Sun. Direct measurement of its tiny angular diameter (a mere 0.002 seconds of arc) gives a very similar value of 180 solar. If it were placed at the center of our Solar System, Deneb would extend to the orbit of the Earth. While far from the largest star in the Galaxy, Deneb is one of the biggest of its kind. It is evolving and has stopped fusing hydrogen in its core. Just what it is doing, however, we do not know. Having begun its life as a star of some 25 solar masses, its fate is almost certainly to explode sometime within the next couple of million years. The star is constant in its light, but its spectrum, its light as seen when stretched into a rainbow, is slightly variable. Blowing from its surface is a wind that causes the star to lose mass at a rate of 0.8 millionths of a solar mass per year, a hundred thousand times the flow rate from the Sun. Deneb is among the most magnificent stars you can see with the unaided eye. (6/19/98, 8/2/02)
Written by Jim Kaler. Return to STARS.


Hyginus tells that Zeus was fallen in love with the goddess Nemesis, but that she didn't want to have anything to do with him. To overcome her resistances, Zeus changed into a swan and asked Aphrodite to change into an eagle and to pretend to chase him. Nemesis, pitied by the escaping swan, gave him protection by taking him on her lap: too late she understood that in those borrowed plumes there was the king of gods.

Of this myth there is a different version, told by Heratostenes. He says that Nemesis, to escape Zeus' loving proffers, changed into many animals: but Zeus stubbornly pursued her, by changing each time into an animal which was greater and faster than hers. When Nemesis changed into a goose, Zeus assumed the features of a swan, finally succeeding in reaching her.

ALTAIR (Alpha Aquilae). First magnitude (0.77) Altair, the 12th brightest star in the sky and the Alpha star of Aquila the Eagle, is also the southern anchor of the famed Summer Triangle, which it makes with Vega and Deneb. The Arabic name "Altair," reflective of the constellation itself, comes from a phrase meaning "the flying eagle." Though the constellation does not look much like its name, Altair itself is flanked by a pair of stars (the Beta and Gamma stars Alshain and Tarazed) that really do remind the sky- gazer of a bird with outstretched wings. The trio of stars has in fact been taken for an airplane with wing lights slowly flying across the sky. Though three of the stars of the Summer Triangle are all white in color and hotter than the Sun, all are also individuals. A class A (A7) hydrogen-fusing dwarf with a temperature of 7550 degrees Kelvin, Altair is the coolest of the three (with Vega and Deneb nearly equal at 9500 Kelvin). Altair is also the least luminous. From its distance of 16.8 light years, we find it to be 10.6 times brighter than the Sun, as opposed to 50 times for Vega and an astounding 200,000 or so for much more distant Deneb. Like the Sun and Vega, Altair is "on the main sequence" of stars, fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. Yet the star is not without its own striking characteristics. It is moving across the sky against the background of distant stars more quickly than most, and will displace itself by as much as a degree in only 5000 years. It is also a very rapid rotator. Its equatorial spin speed, while certainly not a record, is still an astonishing 210 kilometers per second (and may be greater, since the axial tilt is not known), as compared with the Sun's 2 kilometers per second. With a radius 1.8 times that of the Sun, the star has a rotation period of at most only 10 hours, as opposed to nearly a month for our ponderously spinning Sun. Altair's high speed has even caused it to become distorted. Observation with a sophisticated interferometer, from which the angular size of the star is measured, reveals a 14% oblateness. Even with its high rotational velocity, however, Altair is far from its rotational breakup speed of 450 kilometers per second.
Written by Jim Kaler. Return to STARS.


Altair has called "The King of Birds", "The Rising One", "The Star of Mighty Virtue", the "Armor-bearing Bird of Jove" (Jove is the Roman Jupiter or Greek Zeus), in this god's conflict with the giants. The English called it "The Flying Grype".

Notable stars in Aquila: Epoch 2000
Longitude Name Nature Mag. Position Lat. Dec.
19 Cp. 48 Dheneb Mars/Jupiter 3 Eagle's tail 36N 14N
00 Aq. 56 Tarazed Mars/Jupiter 2.8 Eagle's back 31N 11N
01 Aq. 46 Altair Mars/Jupiter 0.77 Eagle's breast 29N 09N
02 Aq. 25 Alshain Mars/Jupiter 3.9 Eagle's neck 27N 6N

In classical myth the eagle was the bird of Zeus who returned his master's thunderbolts and carried to him the souls of heroes. In The Royal Art of Astrology, Robert Eisler explains how, at the funerals of' Roman emperors, an eagle was lightly fastened to the top of the pyre so that as soon as the fire had singed its fetters, it would break free of its bonds and fly away - apparently bearing aloft the soul of the departed. The location of Aquila by the side of Aquarius, and its flight across the Milky Way towards the east was thus said by some classical authors to represent the ascension of Ganymede (identified with Aquarius) to Zeus. Modern scholars prefer the theory that this constellation's name was assigned when it was near the summer solstice - the bird of greatest elevation being chosen to assume the symbolism of the summit of the Sun.

The imagery of the eagle has always been identified with the qualities of strength, courage, nobility and dignity, which accords with Ptolemy's belief that its stars are of the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Manilius illustrates the Martian trait in his description of those born under its influence:

He that is born in the hour of its rising will grow up bent on spoil and plunder, won even with bloodshed … Yet, should perchance his aggressiveness be enlisted in a noble cause, depravity will turn to virtue, and he will succeed in bringing wars to a conclusion and enriching his country with glorious triumphs.

The main star, Altair, is named from the Arabic Al Tair meaning 'The Eagle'.Lilly, adhering to Manilius, says that this 1st magnitude yellow star represents "a bold, confident, valiant person, never yielding, guilty of bloodshed, of distempered manner,. &c ". But he also adds that when the Moon is directed to it there is fortune in great measure and a time of marriage and childbirth.

The other notable stars include Dheneb, a 3rd magnitude star which shines with a green glint and whose name comes from Al Dhanab 'The Tail'; Tarazed a pale orange 3rd magnitude star in the back of the eagle; and Alshain a 4th magnitude star otherwise known as 'the Eagle's neck'. The attributes of these stars are similar to Altair but, being of less brilliance, their influence is not so strong.

The Semitic language of the Arabs; spoken in a variety of dialects Arabic words al-nasr al-tair, which mean the flying eagle.

Altair, along with β and γ Aquilae, form the well-known line of stars sometimes referred to as the shaft of Aquila.

In Chinese Mythology there is a love story of Qi Qiao Jie In which Niu Lang Altair and his two children (Aquila -β and -γ) are separated forever from their mother Zhi Nu (Vega) who is on the far side of the river, the Milky Way.


ZHI-NU: Goddess of Weaving, Spinning and Crafts.

The daughter of the JADE-EMPEROR, she spends all her time spinning beautiful silk robes and lacey garments for the Heavenly Host. She also makes the finest gossamer clouds and her tapestry of the constellations is a work of art.

Her father was so pleased with ZHI-NU's diligent work that he married her to the Heavenly Official In Charge Of Cowsheds. (That may not sound like much of a reward, but then you haven't met him.)

The two of them fell headlong in love and pretty soon she was getting behind in her spinning duties. So they were whisked off into the sky and separated by the Milky Way. You can still see them there; she is Vega in the constellation Lyra and he is Altair in the constellation Aquila.

Now they are only allowed to meet once a year, when a flock of magpies swarm into the sky and create a bridge for them to cross. For the rest of the year they live apart and she is the Heavenly Spinster in more ways than one. This is what comes of a marriage made in Heaven.

Now some versions of this tale assert that ZHI-NU actually came down to Earth and had her clothes stolen while she bathed in a river. The culprit was NIU-LANG, a humble cowherd who was amazed at her beauty and fell instantly in love.

Without her clothes she could not return to Heaven - at least, not without some very awkward questions being asked. So she decided to marry him instead as he was sweet and gentle, and not bad looking for a mortal. Of course Heaven found out eventually, and whisked them off to the stars as before.

It doesn't really matter which version is true. The end of this story is far more important than the beginning, as all Chinese lovers will testify. The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is when ZHI-NU and NIU-LANG cross the magpie bridge. Their stars burn brightly in the Heavens, lovers hold hands and gaze into the night sky, and Chinese Valentine's Day begins...

From: Chinese Mythology

Note to the Reader: When I first had the dream, I went onto the internet to look up the number 11:25. It was a 'time' on a clock in the dream, but numbers in my dreams are usually referring to the Bible so I typed in 'Bible 11:25'. The first link on was the verse John 11:25 which is Jesus talking about his own resurrection to Martha at Bethany..

A few minutes later, Joe took a break from his computer and picked up the book Apokalypso by Thomas Jude Germinario. He had the page marked where he had left off and the exact point where he had stopped reading previously was also verse John 11:25 on page 332.

Then when I researched the star Vega, and saw the map of Vega, Denab, and Altair, I saw that the Star Denab, in the Northern Cross Constellation, which is part of Lyra Constellation including the other two stars called the "Summer Triangle" the Northern Cross is exactly placed as a clock hands would look at 11:25. Also, the placement of Vega, Denab, and Altair was exactly how the three of us in the dream were seated in the dream in relation to each other.

Coincidences like that are way too big to ignore. Most people will either just laugh and move on, but to us it is a clue to look further into the meaning. This page and the page about the three Marys which is linked below is the result.

There are many lessons to learn in life - and these coincidences lead to them if we but look.



The Three Mary's:

From: Apokalypso: Prophecies of the End of Time by Thomas Jude Germinario:

Page: 331: St. Martha, who is, traceable back to the tiny hamlet of Les Stes. Maries-d-la-Mer. Local Tradition holds that St. Martha landed on this remote Provencal shore in the year 45 AD, accompanied by the "three Mary's". The 'three Marys" were Martha's sister Mary Magdalene, Mary Jacobe, mother of James the younger, and Mary Salome, mother of John the Evangelist and James the elder. As the folklore has it, Martha and the three Saints Mary were forced to flee the Holy Land in a small boat, sans sail, oar, rudder, or food - but with the Lord's protection, thanks to which they made port near Marseilles. Most versions of the story add Martha's brother Lazarus, who Christ had raised from the dead, and Joseph of Arimathea, in whose tomb Jesus' body was laid - along with a twelve-year-old mystery girl named Sara - to the boatload of holy exiles who disembarked at Les Stes. Maries-de-la-Mer.

All three women were beloved companions of Christ who had followed and served him since the beginning of his ministry in Galilee. At the hour of Jesus' Passion, when virtually all of his male disciples were hiding in fear for their own lives, the three Marys courageously stood by him at Golgotha as recorded in the gospel of St. Mark. And Mark's gospel also bears witness to the singular honor conferred upon the three Mary's as the first to whom his Resurrection was made known.

It was the faith of the dead man's sisters. Martha and Mary Magdalene, which brought this definitive miracle to fruition:

Jesus said unto her, "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believeth in this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord." John 11:25-27

Page 333: Our Savior ascends into Eternal Reality from our of the Cup of the Female principle, upon which has descended from the Holy Spirit. He is truly, as St. Gregory envisioned him, "a man encompassed by a woman". This is the sublime purport of the Grail that heresy strives relentlessly to pervert and obscure. Hence, the sisters of Lazarus stand for the archetypal Sister-Bride, in whom is preserved the collective Life of humanity. Their brother, the lapsed Male principle, lies "four days dead." - corresponding to Mani's four "Great Months". In the affirmation of the Sister-Bride - in the 'Yea, Lord" spoken by Martha in Bethany - is realized the Redemption of fallen Man. In the opening of the feminine gate through which the Infinite form of the new Adam may emerge upon the plane of manifestation.

But there are those, unwittingly inspired by the Shadow of the dead Adam, who would prefer their Messiah to appear as a temporal king. And appear he will. His coming is foreshadowed in the very next passage of Mark's gospel following the excised tale of Lazarus. There we read of the "sons of Zebedee" - that is, the sons of Mary Salome' - demanding that Christ promise to appoint them his chief ministers, when he assumes the throne of Israel. Jesus' stinging rebuke to Mary's sons should ring in the ears of the "Christian' hypocrites of our times who seek to wrap themselves in his garments as they pursue political power.

Leadership with service

When the other ten heard this they began to feel indignant with James and John, so Jesus called them to him and said to them,

"You know that among the gentiles those they call their rulers lord it over them, and their great men make their authority felt. Among you this is not to happen. No, anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all. For the Son of Man himself came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10: 42-45

Joe Mason writes on the feminine aspect of creation.

We love synchronicity and coincidence. Dream interpretation books may be helpful to some, and we look at various opinions. Dreamers can find the symbol meanings by checking a number of ideas, and thinking it over carefully. Our own interpretations are often different from standard ones, and we give opinions as an additional source to consider. We hope others will contribute to the interpreting.

It is fun to follow the path of dreams and attempt to put a few puzzle-pieces together. The idea of categories of dreams (garbage, prophetic, diagnostic, universal, etc.) has been around for a while. The Greeks spoke of dreams that come through either the Gate of Ivory or the Gate of Horn, depending on if they are true or false. I read of another grouping about two days ago - basically three divisions for daily life things, thought/concepts type things, and the big spiritual type of dream.

The "masculine-feminine.PRINCIPLE, the brain hemispheres, DNA, etc., are entirely supported by people's dreams. Prophecies can be exaggerated, especially the gloom and doom prophecies. There is flooding, earthquakes, fires, but they are minor in scope compared to the dreams and seem to be mainly symbolic. The trend is that some of the disasters do happen, but they are much more minor than expected. But, the symbolism, is quite big and important. It's all about the changes happening. It is an "inner" thing, which will be manifested more slowly in time. Some of the events are on another plane and do not necessarily manifest in the physical realm.

I realized that one's wife, in a dream, can refer to the feminine aspect of the self, the dreaming, intuitive, right-brained aspect. Various dreams and myths have a theme where the male and female are separated in some way. For example, in the East Indian story of Rama, the hero must battle the evil demon and the Titans who are holding his wife, Sita, captive. After a long struggle, Rama and his warriors, with the help of the Monkey King, defeat the opponents, and he is re-united with Sita.

The feminine aspect can change in various ways, just as the East Indian Goddesses have various "aspects." I feel this may be why Nancy, in the dream, went upstairs, only to be downstairs - outside, after I descended the stairway. This seems to be showing two aspects of Nancy, and/or my own feminine aspect.

A dream of a woman in red, represents Kali, who corresponds to the harlot of Revelation 17. She is one of many aspects of the Mother Goddess, Sakti. With each cycle change, there is apparently a change in the feminine aspect. Dreams seem to give hints about the change from the Kali/harlot stage of spiritual evolution to the age of the Holy Spirit.

I had a dream in June 1991,

I saw a "Y"-shape that was also a woman's body where the legs meet. Three energy lines moved from the center, two outward and one downward. Then I saw it again but this time there were just the two outward energy lines. As I saw this, a voice said: "Some say there are three ways of unfolding the world. We say two".

The Barbury Castle triangular formation appeared the next month, although I did not know about it until September 1991.

I found this quite amazing, because the meaning of the Chinese Great Y has a very similar meaning. The downward-pointing, central triangle of the Sri Yantra is related to the feminine aspect of Deity, and related symbolically to the "yoni," which means vagina.

A booklet from the Anthroposophic Press offered "The Spiritual Event of the Twentieth Century," by Jesaiah Ben Aharon. It tells of "the occult significance of the 12 years 1933-45 in the Light of spiritual science. The ad states, "Since the beginning of the Michael Age and the end of Kali Yuga, two central spiritual influences stream increasingly into the consciousness of man.

The first is the Michael power, which guarantees the new human faculty of pure, logical thinking and individual experiences of freedom, and the second is the new supersensible perception that has enabled man to perceive the appearance of the Christ in the etheric realm since 1933."

Page 11 tells of "From Jesus to Christ," by Rudolf Steiner. He says there is an awakening to the new revelation in our time: "Christ as the Lord of Karma."

Page 39 tells of "Sophia: The Wisdom of God," by Sergis Bulgakov. He shows how "the Divine Sophia, in whom all things are created, is present in the Holy Trinity itself and how, as the 'creaturely Sophia' she works together with Her divine counterpart in the work of the Holy Spirit for the redemption of the world."

This fits my view of things, and helps clarify things. The "Y"-shape in the Barbury Castle pictogram is the Mother Deity and seems to be Sophia, or other Mother Deity names. The Holy Spirit is the southwest circle, which is an aspect of the feminine Deity within us, and within each consciousness unit. The two are represented as Mother and Daughter. Kali is an aspect of the Mother Deity, the aspect operating in this karma/judgment time cycle. It reminds me of "tough love," a method of getting young, rebellious kids to conform to the rules of the society.

In relation to the above, see:

The Trinity Connection

Dreams About the Triple Goddesses

The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day

The Emergence of the Mother of All Crop Circles

The Seth Entity and Consciousness Units

Humanity On The Pollen Path

The son in the Trinity is often represented by an androgen, having male and female attributes. Mercury, and his Greek counterpart, Hermes, have this. One representation is a key and keyhole, which appeared on the west and east of the 1992 Dharmic Wheel (or Charm Bracelet) crop formation. There was a triad glyph as the eighth step, which was similar to the Barbury pattern. At the center was a circle inside a quartered circle, which Michael Green said is the god, Bel, the Light behind the light. Bel was a name given to Marduke, which means, "Lord." He was also a son in a Trinity.

Prior to Barbury, I wrote a speculation that Adam and Eve represent One person, with the dual aspects, based on dreams. The primary dream was told to me by a co-worker. He was on a starship in space, and a VERY important message was about to come in. But, it could not come until he ejected the garbage first, which he then did. A doctor appeared, and led the crew into a bedroom. He began working on a yard-high mound of a jelly-like substance at the foot of the empty bed. Suddenly, the dreamer saw a human-sized hand puppet, a male/female pair, with only one hand-hole. They fell back into a vat of water, and he knew they HAD to change.

Shortly thereafter, I read "The Gnostic Gospels." One of the early Christians had a vision that Adam/Eve are one person.

Some years later, I found H.P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled," vol. 2. She shows the relationships involved in the concept of the Trinity, from various cultures, which she traces back to ancient India. She calls Adam/Eve the "First Androgen."

She shows some basic forms of it. The first is a Father and Mother with a Son, who is androgen. Next, comes the Triple Male Trinity. They have female "Consorts," that are usually composited into one feminine Deity. Together, they are "The Perfect Four." In the Babylonian system, it is Anu, Bel, and Hoa (the moon). The feminine Deity is Mylitta or Ishtar. According to Blavatsky, the feminine Deity in the Christian Trinity is the Virgin Mary.

After reading this, I got a book called, "The Four Gospels," a translation of four of the Gnostic Gospels found at Nag Hamadi. One was "The Secret Book of John." He had a vision about the Creation. A Father/Mother/Child spirit appears and explains. The Father created the Feminine First Power. She produced "the triple male."

Page 276 of Sacred Symbols of Mu shows another triangle glyph, with the letters A, U, and M, in the corners, which is more than 2,300 years old. The ancient Hindu book, Manava dharma Sastra, states:

"In the beginning the Infinite only existed called Aditi. Infinite dwelt A U M whose name must precede all prayers and invocations."

James Churchward continues . . .

"A U M conveys identically the same meaning and conception as the Mysterious Writing and Niven's Mexican tablet No. 2379. The difference between these and A U M is in the form of the writing. The Mysterious Writing and the Mexican tablet are in the old temple esoteric numeral writing. The Hindu A U M is written in alphabetical symbols which reads:

A - Ahau Masculine - Father
U - Feminine - Mother - She
M - Mehen The engendered - The Son - Man"

The concepts conveyed in The Tantric Way speak of the vibration "as sound." This seems to be related to the chant, "Om," or "Aum."

By the time I found The Tantric Way in early 1993, I had come to realize that symbols of the male-female duality were quite major in dreams and crop circle formations. The duality, in my research, seemed to be related to the concept of the Trinity, in terms of Father, Mother, and Son. The Son aspect, it seemed, had a dual, male-female nature, as well.


The six-petal daisy came to me through dreams, as it is made up from interlocking circles in a ring. It has appeared many times in various forms as a crop formation. In my case, it also represented a closed aperture, like that on a camera. The north sun symbol in the Barbury Castle formation was similar. My dream-coincidences indicated that it would open, letting in the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day of Creation (we are not Man yet). It is the Lost Pleiad of the Pleiades, and the Angel that rises from the Dawning Sun in Revelation 7, to mark the foreheads. (those who have stayed awake).

The Hopi depict a 12-petal sun flower in their Creation myth of Spider Grandmother. She teaches us how "to weave" after the fourth step (Heart chakra), and emergence into the Sunlight. Tantra, in Sanskrit means, "to weave." The Lotus of the Heart has 12 petals, and I believe it is related to the New Jerusalem.

That same year, a six-petal pattern appeared with smaller circles around the major one, which produced a Star Of David in the center. A strong clue, as I see it, of the apature opening, and the leap to the Heart Chakra by humanity en mass.

You can find information about the six-petal symbol at: and and

Dave is transformed into a baby (re: Rev. 12) in a bubble, heading back to earth. A new cycle of evolution is about to begin.

When I saw the sequel, "2010," I was a bit disappointed, until I woke up to the symbolism of the two Suns at the end. The Sun and the Day Break Star, Venus, correspond to Adam and Eve, in my dream interpretations. We were created with a much larger male/rational/left-brain aspect. We only have a rib-sized portion of the female/intuitive/dreaming/right-brain aspect. As we awake from our dreams in the morning, and things "dawn" on us, the two lights are up there in the sky (at times). As the sun rises, the Morning star fades into invisibility overpowered by the sun, that is, our feminine side has even less function in daytime.

The symbolic meaning of two Suns becomes clear. Our Venus aspect will grow to match the Sun aspect. This is symbolized in a number of other ways in the crop formations, and in dreams. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said in saying 22, that one must make the male and female into a single one, in order to enter the Father's domain. The most clear crop pattern that had this symbolism had the female sign of Venus joined together with the male sign of Mars.

Deathwalking with Diana

The facts of Princess Diana's life and death are well-known to us all, so I shall not dwell overly much on them here. The thoughts that follow are a tentative attempt to come to terms consciously with what has undeniably been an archetypal event of tidal wave proportions. It has splashed millions, if not billions of folk emotionally and mythically - particularly those who are open to being so touched through dwelling near the ocean - the foremost symbol of the unconscious. Only those in emotional deserts, or in psychological graves, or on unreachable mountain-tops, it seems, have remained immune; indeed, many have been surprised, even caught off-guard by the depth of their personal response. The entire tragedy has, I believe, given further impetus to what Jung prophesied would be the incoming dominant of the emerging Aquarian Age, Eros, the feminine principle of relatedness. (Perhaps it's no coincidence, then, that the Aquarian Age, in one astrological system of dating, begins 'officially' in 1997). At the same time this event has placed, ironically through a death, another nail in the coffin of the waning Piscean dominant of patriarchal hierarchy and its distantly enthroned God.


Many biblical passages use the word vine as a metaphor for the chosen people of God. "A vine thou didn't bring out of Egypt" (Ps. 80:91), "The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the House of Israel and the mean of Judah are his cherished plant" (Isa. 5:71) Several passages refer to the vine as feminine. "Thy wife is like a fruitful vine" (Ps. 128); "Your mother is like a vine planted by the water, fruitful and branchy... but she was torn up...and now she is planted in the desert...she is now without a royal branch, a ruler's scepter" (Ezek. 19:10-14) This transplanted royal vine is understood by biblical scholarship to refer to the royal Davidic line of Judah, the line of the princes.

The Bride in Canticles carefully tends the vines. In Isaiah 5, the rebellious vineyard brings forth wild grapes. Psalm 80is a prayer for the restoration of the vineyard. "Take care of this vine and protect what your right hand has planted." In Mark's Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the vinedressers, caretakers of the vineyard (Israel) who beat the servants of their master when they came to inspect the condition of the vines and then killed the master's son. No one who knew Jesus of Nazareth and who "had ears to hear" was in any doubt as to the identity of that 'faithful son". He was the legitimate heir to the vineyard of Judah.

The transplanting of the Davidic "vine" would have come as no surprise to the Zealot fundamentalist friends of Jesus. They knew it had been prophesied (Ezek. 17). It had happened before, when the people of Israel were taken as slaves to Babylon. But it could also happen again. in light of the danger to the vine of Judah, the royal bloodline, it is likely that the friends of Jesus took strong and perhaps desperate measures to protect the family of Jesus. It would have been their top priority."

End of quote


Kiara Windrider says: The Egyptian calendar pointed to September 17, 2001 as a time for planetary initiation (See Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions). The tragic events of September 11 unfolding with the Twin Towers and Pentagon attacks sent ripples of shock across the world, setting off a great chain of consequences that continues to build. Could these two events be related somehow?

The Pyramid end-date is also related to electromagnetic changes within the Earth, and the balancing of long-range karmic cycles, eventually shifting from karma to grace. Could this time represent a possible choice point for human evolution?

In an astrological chart set up for 1:30 a.m. on September 17, 2001 over Giza, an interesting Star of David was formed, representing the descent of the Aquarian Age, and the ascent of the wounded feminine. It signified a major turning point in patriarchal consciousness.

Excerpt from:

On May 5, 2001, Dee Finney had an incredible vision during meditation that is related to the above writing:

Note: The line was all red. I have made it red and white to make
it easier to be seen.

5-3-2001 - MEDITATION -

I suddenly had a vision of the world like a huge blue ball and a red line came
shooting out of one spot in Egypt and going up and spinning into a spiral...
not like a tornado sideways, but a large ball spiraling of red string arcing up
and then spiraling down and around into itself. The spiral was almost as
large as the earth itself.
Then out of the spiral, came shooting another red
line that went up and divided and came falling back down towards earth.

I lay there thinking about what that might be ... like a volcano spouting red
lava ... a voice said, "It is nothing less than the power of the pyramid taking
over today."

See automatic writing for today Topic is the Ark of the Covenant

More on the Pyramid at Giza


A medieval legend insists that there was a "dark child" on the boat, a child who is called "Sarah, the Egyptian." Ii is speculated that she might be the daughter of Magdalene for several reasons deeply rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures. She might be symbolically "dark" for reasons associated with the "hidden" bloodline of the princes of Judah, whose appearance, described as "brighter than snow and whiter than milk," is now "blacker than soot, they are unrecognized on the streets" (Lamentations 4). "Sarah" means "princess" in Hebrew.

A second prophetic Scripture dear to the hearts of the people of Israel would likewise be fulfilled in her: "Out of Egypt I called my child" (Hosea 11:1). Perhaps the child Sarah was called "the Egyptian" by virtue of the fact that she was actually born in Egypt. But in stating this, it is realized that we are talking about people who "coined the myth" rather than any physical reality of an actual "flesh and blood" child of the union of Magdalene and Christ.

Written traces of the "Grail heresy" of the bloodline of Jesus in Europe cannot be found until the Middle Ages, but folk tales of the little lost princess are much older. Is this "folk memory" the custodian of a suppressed and hidden truth? Or was it only a "myth," a story too dangerous to be told? Among others, Emma Jung, the wife of the famed psychologist Carl Jung, and their friend Marie-Louise von Franz, believe that the oral tradition of the "sangraal" ("blood royal" in Old French) circulated in Europe throughout the Dark Ages.

The Gnostic "Gospel of Philip" mentions Mary Magdalene as the "consort" of Jesus, one of the women who was his constant companion, his "koinonos." This is significant because Roman Catholic tradition declares that the Apostle named Philip evangelized Gaul. Perhaps here again we are looking at "myth" rather than hard empirical evidence. The Apostle Philip probably never even set foot in Gaul, but rather, it was this "Valentinian" treatise, the Gnostic "Gospel of Philip," with its pointed references to the intimate union of Christ and Magdalene, that was honored in Gaul. The intimate relationship of Christ and Mary Magdalene was so highly honored that a cult of Mary Magdalene grew up across the Mediterranean from where the Gospel of Phillip had originated--among the Gnostics in Alexandria. Was this because the people of Gaul already knew the story of the archetypal Bride and Bridegroom--the "Beloveds"--of the Christian story?

The "Gnostic" Christianity that grew up in Egypt was far more egalitarian and liberal than that of Saint Paul and his "orthodox" friends. Could that be because Mary Magdalene once resided there among them? Or was it merely her MYTH that had lived there?

The evidence that Mary Magdalene and Jesus together provided the model for the "hieros gamos" (Sacred Marriage)in Christianity is found in the Gospels themselves. The numbers coded by gematria in her name indicate that Mary Magdalene was the "Goddess" among early Christians. They understood the "numbers theology" of the Hellenistic world, numbers coded in the New Testament that were based on the ancient canon of sacred geometry derived by the Pythagoreans centuries before.

The Greek epithet "h Magdalhnh" bears the number 153, a profoundly important value used among mathematicians to designate the Vesica Piscis--the ()-shape identified with the "sacred Feminine' in the ancient world. This symbol, the "vulva," has obvious attributes of feminine regeneration and the "doorway" or "portal" of life--the "sacred cauldron of creativity." It was a very ancient ancient, even archetypal symbol for the Goddess. It was called the "holy of holies" and the "inner sanctum." Almonds were sacred to Venus. The symbol abounds in cave art of ancient peoples discovered in shrines where the fertility of the earth and the female was honored. It was no accident that the epithet of Mary Magdalene bore the number that to the educated of the time identified her as the "Goddess in the Gospels."

Excerpted from: Mary Magdalene and Sarah

The Christian Version of Creation

Mother of God, Mother of All Christians

In the same way as the woman who bore you is called your mother and not the mother of your body only, Mary is the mother of the whole person of Jesus Christ, who is God (cf. Colossians 2:9). The Church proclaimed this truth in the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D.:

Therefore, because the holy virgin bore in the flesh God who was united hypostatically with the flesh, for that reason we call her mother of God, not as though the nature of the Word had the beginning of its existence from the flesh (for "the Word was in the beginning and the Word was God and the Word was with God", and he made the ages and is coeternal with the Father and craftsman of all things), but because, as we have said, he united to himself hypostatically the human and underwent a birth according to the flesh from her womb.

--Third letter of Cyril to Nestorius

Similarly, the body of believers, the Church, are Christ's body (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; Ephesians 4:1-6, 15-16; Colossians 1:18; etc.) and since Mary is the mother of Christ, she is also the mother of all us believers. And, as if these facts would not be enough, Jesus himself gave us Mary as our mother as he hung dying on the cross (cf. John 19).

The Japanese Explanation of Creation

The Hebrew Creation Narrative

Mariology - Mary as Mother of God

The Blavatsky Explanation of Creation

The Seven Creations - Blavatsky

The Black Madonna is revered throughout the world, particularly in France, Poland, Italy and Spain. She is the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Crusades and holy pilgrimages

The Black Madonna is honored as a true Goddess figure, and has been since Christianity entered Europe. She is honored by many as Isis, Gaia, Kali, Mary, "the Other Mary" (Mary Magdalene), Diana, Sheela Na Gig, and the Ancient Primal Earth-Mother Goddess.

For many European Christians, the blending of their ancient Goddesses with the Blessed Virgin Mary has been a well accepted fact of their faith for centuries, there is no conflict. The Black Madonna, be She called Isis, or Mary, or Kali, or Diana, embodies all the aspects of Female Divinity for many millions of people.

According to Helena Blavatsky in her book "Isis Unveiled" on page 443 - Vol II, she states: The exoteric plan of the Bible was made to answer also to four ages. Thus, they reckon the Golden Age from Adam to Abraham; the silver, from Abraham to David; copper, from David to the Captivity; thence-forward, the iron. but the secret computation is quite different, and does not vary at all from the zodiacal calculations of the Brahmans. We are in the Iron Age, or Kali-Yuga, but it began with Noah, the mythical ancestor of our race.

Noah, or Nuah, like all the euhemerized manifestations of the Un-revealed One - Svayambhuva (from Svayambhu) - was androgyne. Thus, in some instances, he belonged to the purely feminine triad of the Chaldeans, known as "nuah, the universal Mother." Every male triad had its feminine counterpart, one in three, like the former. It was the passive complement of the active principle, its reflection. In India, the male Trimurti is reproduce in the Sakti-trimurti, the feminine; and in Chaldea, Ana, belita, and Davkina answered to Anu, Bel, Nuah. The former three resumed in one - Belita, were called:

"Sovereign goddess, lady of the nether abyss, mother of gods, queen of the earth, queen of fecundity."

As the primordial humidity, whence proceeded all, Belita is Tiamat, or the sea, the mother of the city of Erech (the great Chaldean necropolis), therefore an infernal goddess. In the world of stars and planets, she is known as Ishtar or Ashtoreth. Hence, she is identical with Venus, and every other Queen of Heaven, to whom cakes and buns were offered in sacrifice, and , as all the archaeologists know, with Eve, the mother of all that live, and with Mary.

The Second coming: The Second Coming is not a return of Christ but a new arrival of female that is strong, loving, divine, wise and powerful.

Sacred geometry is subtle. It uses shapes (circles, triangles, spirals, etc.) that work subliminally on the unconscious mind. It also uses archetypal symbols, numerology, cosmology, astrology and mysticism to foster a relationship to the universe and to God.


Isis is the lady of the Pyramid, Nun-Hathor and Atum-Ptah gave her the custody.

From Isis comes HOR, and the Akeru Aku: the 7 Sphinx Masters. And from them the Shemsu Hor, of which Christ was one in lineage. Isis gives birth to the divine child, BY the BA (Soul, Dove), BA-BY. And Tehuti enabled that birth to succeed, both in wining with the moon, and by providing the Wizardry to resurrect Ausir Wassir Osiris in the dark. From which emerged Iosos (Horus) on the 25th of December.

Isis was the first Virgin Mary. As Lady of the Pyramid, the MeRu. The Lady of the Lake (Avalon, Arthur, ArkHor, Art-HOR, and MRlin), Queen of Hearts. Mary comes from Egypt. Mother of TutankAton (later TothAnkAmon) and Moses was Mery Kiya (Miriam). Mary comes from Mer, which is both a lake and a sea, in cross linguistics, and has both meanings in Egyptian. Mer was also the Pyramid itself, recall. And Isis was the lady of the mount of the east, Mt Manu (as it was called). She was Sirius, SEPTet, and her sign is the M of Virgo the Virgin of September, when Sirius disappears from the Egyptian skies.

The Mery's were the high Priestesses, and so Jesus was born from a Virgo Mary on the Horus day.

Magdala, is a Hebrew word meaning Tower. It was the name given to Miriyam, one of Yeshua's female disciples, who in all likelihood was his wife. She was called Mary of Magdala, or Mary Magdalene. We also believe she was co-Messiah with Yeshua. God-the-Father and God-the-Mother both chose to incarnate themselves upon the earth together in order to draw their created selves (all of us) back to Them. And now they are returning.....


Six Marys are to be distinguished in the New Testament:

(1) the mother of Jesus; always clearly identified by the context.

(2) Mary Magdalene, a woman of Magdala, " out of whom went seven demons" Luke 8:2 She is never mentioned apart from the identifying word "Magdalene."

(3) The mother of James (called "the less," Mark 15:40) and Joses, the apostles. A comparison of ; John 19:25; Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40 establishes the inference that this Mary, the mother of James the less, and of Joses was the wife of Alphaeus (called also Cleophas), John 19:25 and a sister of Mary the mother of Jesus. Except in ; Matthew 27:61; 28:1 where she is called "the other Mary (i.e. "other" than her sister, Mary the Virgin); and John 19:25 where she is called "of Cleophas," she is mentioned only in connection with one or both of her sons.

(4) Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus, mentioned by name only in Luke 10:39-42; John 11:1,2,19,20,28,31,32,45; 12:3 but referred to in ; Matthew 26:7; Mark 14:3-9.

(5) The mother of John Mark and sister of Barnabas Acts 12:12.

(6) A helper of Paul in Rome Romans 16:6.

The Black Madonna - The Return of the Feminine

Jay Weidner

"In the beginning all was the void and all was black. God saw this and said 'Let there be Light'. And there was light."

The Book of Genesis

I. Metaphor

In order to understand the Black Madonna it is necessary to think in metaphor. The people of the past thought this way. Long before 'materialist science' arrived on the scene people did not dissect everything, they did not try to break everything up into tiny fragments.

When they examined something, when they attempted to understand the world around them they did through the act of metaphorical thinking. They would approach a subject by finding it's simile or attempt to understand it through the act of understanding things that were similar to it.

This way of thinking runs contrary to the way that we think today. It also reveals a past that we may not be able to comprehend in a fashion that makes sense to us. When one realizes the power of this way of thinking it sheds an entirely new light on the people of old times. It makes one realize that their legends stories and myths may be something much different than we have been led to believe.

Maybe western mythologists have not been completely correct in their perceptions of what these ancient people were telling us. Maybe they think they understand what the myths and stories were saying but possibly they are
wrong. Maybe something else is being said. Maybe something we can't yet understand is being conveyed to us. It is only through this re-understanding that we can begin to comprehend what it is that we are being told.

When people of the past attempted to describe the world around them they did it through the means of comparison. When they examined something they described it in the poetic, metaphorical terms of emotion and myth - they didn't break it down into long words that run on forever. It is important to understand this because it is impossible for us to begin to realize what they are saying without this understanding.

This is a difficult concept for us to accept today in a culture that believes that it is the smallest of objects that makes up the larger whole. But this way of dealing with the surrounding universe is a faulty way.

Scientists have broken water down to its atomic material. They will tell you that water molecules essentially are made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. But if this is so then why can't they create water by mixing two parts hydrogen with one part oxygen? The fact is that they can't do this. It is impossible. So what does all of this mean? Nothing much except to prove that breaking something down into it's essential components is an exercise in futility.

Yes we can say that water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen but how are these atoms combined to make this substance we call water? No one can say.

I say all of this not to prove that science is silly, or even that it's presumptions are wrong. I say this because there are very real mysteries to these ideas. Science would like us to believe that these mysteries have either been solved or that they are on their way to being solved. This is not true. There is much more to be found about nature and her
machinations then we can ever know.

Therefore maybe the ancients were on to something when they decided to view the surrounding world through the prism of metaphor and simile. Maybe they understood that there is something about the human mind itself which allows these comparisons to be not only right but possibly even more accurate than science itself.

This idea of metaphor and simile can help us understand the way that these people thought. Therefore we can understand how they looked at the world. If we can understand how they looked at the world then possibly we can even begin to understand them more completely.

This idea of metaphor begins to take further shape when one considers that many of the texts and myths handed down to us are not what they appear to be about. When one considers these ancient stories it becomes apparent that the interpretations we once thought were accurate representations of what these people are saying may very well be wrong.

Let us take for instance the story of Jesus and his ordeal. For a moment let us shed the precepts and imprints of our own past history with this story. For a moment let us consider that this story came out of sophisticated and long tradition - that of the Hebrew people. Let us also consider that the Dead Sea scrolls - found in Qumran in 1947 -
reveal that the Essenes were a deeply esoteric group within the Hebrew tradition.

Might it not be possible that they may have created the story of Jesus to tell us many other things then the idea that he was on a mission of compassion and was later executed for this mission. This is not to say that the myth itself may not be true, this is not to say that there may not have even been once a man named Jesus who performed miracles and rose from the dead. But let us take an excursion through the possible mindset of these Essenes and their Hebrew tradition.

Myth is built on metaphor so what is the metaphor of the Jesus story? What are the similes between this story and other stories and situations that this group may have wanted to send down the stream of time? Taking this thought experiment to its logical conclusion we must begin top speculate on what is similar and metaphorical about the myth.

First off there is the metaphor of the son and the sun. Jesus in Hebrew means Jesse or 'Fire'. Let us - for a moment assume that instead of 'son' they are referring to the 'sun'. Then let us consider the twelve apostles. Do they represent more than just twelve men? For a moment let us consider that this actually refers to the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Now for a moment let us consider Jesus' mother Mary. Mary in Hebrew means sea or seawater, she is also associated with a crescent moon. It is well known that the moon controls the tides and therefore seawater. Is it possible that Mary is a metaphor for the moon? So let us consider what we have here. We have Jesus, or Fire, moves through the twelve men or signs. Just as our sun moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

What is the missing astrological element? The moon of course. And along comes Mary to fill this void. Does this mean that the story of Jesus, Mary and his band of disciples is the story of some kind of astrological situation? Is it possible that this is what is appening - at least on a metaphorical level? I think so.

This is what I mean by re-thinking these myths in a metaphorical way. This is in no way meant to denigrate the Christian religion or anyone's belief in Jesus, Mary and the disciples as real men. The point that is being made is that there are metaphorical links to this story that are just as important as the human links. The names, and the numbers of their names, of these people involved in this story are important.

Actually they are too important to be ignored - for it was within the names and the numbers inside the structure of these myths that a true understanding of what they are about can actually occur.

This is just an example of how to re-read a common myth. Once one understands the true nature of the myth then one can go inside the myth and begin to understand all of its levels. What are the implications of re-reading the Jesus story as a metaphorical myth about some astrological event? The implications of this are not for this time and

The example was only used to reveal the inner workings of myth and help you, o gentle reader, in understanding the many multifaceted levels of these experiences. Once we begin to re-educate our minds into the correct interpretations of these stores can we begin to understand ourselves, our past and who we actually are.

This way of thinking can be difficult and sometimes impossible for our modern minds to comprehend. It can drive us up a wall as we consider the many faceted reality that this kind of thinking introduces. But there are many levels to reality and it is a big mistake to believe in openly one kind of fundamental reality at the expense of all of the other realities that are just as or maybe even more important.

II. Black

With this new understanding of metaphor let us begin to recomprehend new concepts in light of this awareness.

We will begin with the color black. Black is the color that contains all colors. If you took all of the colors of the rainbow and combined them your resulting mix would be black in color. Black is the color that contains all colors. Metaphorically speaking then - it is possible for black to represent all things in their beginning stage.

Black is the color, or the substance, from which all things manifest. Out of the black depths of space - stars, suns and planets form. The universe was once, according to scientists, a place that was dark and void of light. There was a black dust that hung like a mist throughout the universe. Slowly this dust coagulated into larger pieces.

Soon the pieces begin to collect and grow, compression and gravity were the result. Over time enough of this material eventually formed into a dense sphere. This sphere began to compress and pressure within it's core beginning to manifest. Soon the core began to collapse in on itself.

Eventually this collapsing state began a nuclear reaction. This nuclear reaction spread throughout the mass of this compressed sphere and ignited it, turning it into the first star, the first sun. Out of this dark, dense and black
material - light was formed.

In alchemy the matter that was there before all other matter is called the 'prima materia'. This was the original substance from which all alchemical transmutation manifested. The prima materia is the cause of all effects that occur after it is formed. It is the base matter. From the prima materia comes the first substances and from these substances comes the first minerals.

The alchemist task is to somehow separate the different aspects of the prima materia into its own material spectrum of substance.

This process is similar to the creation of diamonds. Black coal is the prima materia for the construction of diamonds. Over thousands of years through the alchemy of time, pressure and gravity the black coal, the prima materia becomes the diamond. Through the prism of this construct the white light of the sun shines through. This light is broken up into the spectrum of colors that make up our world. So, through the process of the alchemy of our planet, the black coal is compressed into the multifaceted crystal that shines the colors of black through it's prism.

But now these colors are not coagulated and mixed into the color black - they have been separated now and shine with their own radiance. This is a great example of metaphor and how it relates separate items within the same universality.

It can be said that the process of time and compression brought forth the diamond. The alchemical earth created this substance from the basest of matter. Within the confines of this matter was the diamond. It was always there it just needed time and gravity to transmute.

Another metaphor to be understood is that of the lotus. In order for the lotus to grow strong and to produce a beautiful flower it is necessary that its roots to ground themselves in manure. The darker the excrement - the better the lotus will grow, the more astonishing will be it's flower. This is why the lotus is considered the most sacred of plants in the east. It is only through the action of the emergence of the flower from the black shit can the importance of this metaphor be understood.

In western traditions there was once a vast pilgrimage that took place in Europe. Pilgrims made their way towards the town of Compostella in Spain. The word Compostella comes from the same root word as compost. Compost is the living, black material that is made from rotting fruits, grains and other organic matter. From this compost - life and light will emerge. When the pilgrims came to the Cathedral at Compostella they were being 'composted' in a sense. After their emergence into the dark confines of the cathedral and the spirit - they were ready to flower,
they were ready to return home with their spirits lightened.

The New Age seeks to denigrate the dark. They speak of only the light. But they misunderstand the true significance of the dark and of the black. They fail to realize that there can be no light without dark. They fail to see that the light can only be perceived through the background of darkness. This misunderstanding is a great one and needs to be overcome if they wish to succeed in a pursuit of truth.

Within black is all things. All things manifest from the black.

III. Al-Kemi

The ancient name for Egypt was Al-Kemi. This meant 'The Black Lands'. This is the word from which we get the word 'alchemy'. The reason they named their fabled land this title was because the yearly inundation of the Nile river deposited rich and mineralized soil to the banks of Egypt.

The people of Al-Kemi or Egypt became dependent on this black alluvial soil. Out of this black rich soil grew all of the crops, grains, and other commodities that this great culture depended upon. Also out of this culture came the knowledge of a sacred science. This science remains a mystery to us today.

It was once called alchemy. No one seems to know what was exactly what this science entailed. All that is known is that the Egyptians spent allot of time and resources on this 'science'. The most intelligent people of that society were the sacred scientists. They studied all aspects of our particular localized universe. They studied and understood the human body and spirit, the nature of matter, the knowledge of plants and minerals, the lore of the
stars and much more.

Today alchemy is regarded with some disdain by modern scientists. They believe that the old alchemists were fooling themselves with their endless experiments and rituals. For what can actually be gained from such senseless
activity? But scientists make a big mistake with this presumption. Would intelligent men and women really spend their lives endlessly searching for something that could never be attained? It seems highly unlikely.

What seems more likely is that these people were seeing the world in different terms then we do today. With the idea of metaphor as their driving intellectual force it is possible that we do not completely understand this ancient process. The alchemists were obsessed with the prima materia. They called it the black virgin. For it's color was black and it was a virgin in the sense that no alchemical transmutation had yet been performed on this material. It is difficult for us today to begin to grasp what they were referring to when they used the terms 'prima materia' or black virgin'.

There are many theories. Some say it was coal, others say it was black sand from the Sahara desert, others say it was the volcanic black obsidian that came from the near east. Whatever this black virgin was it was the beginning of the alchemical process. It was the material that was used to transmute and create entirely new materials. Hence the
legend that the alchemists could turn lead into to gold.

The process remains a mystery to all but the most serious of adepts. But what does seem clear was that the alchemists had the ability to change this prima materia into something that flowered or separated the light. It has been speculated that they were attempting to communicate with the matter itself. The goal of alchemy may remain mysterious but what it absolutely certain is that the Black Madonna's, that were placed inside the great cathedrals
of Europe were meant to represent - at least on one level - this prima materia, this black virginous quality that was so much prized by these alchemists.

IV. Eve

The study of mitochondria DNA is the next metaphor that bears exploring. The mitochondria DNA is part of the DNA chain that can only be passed down from woman to woman, from mother to daughter. Using this process
scientists can actually follow the generations of women backwards through time. Through this process they can actually find the very first woman.

Scientists in the 1980's did just this. What they discovered was that the very first human, the very first woman, the mother of all humanity existed about two hundred thousand years ago. She was also black. This brings up all sorts of controversy but the basic point remains the same. The very first woman was black. So even in the realm of human
interaction the metaphor that all things come from black and later separate into different colors is shown.

This recalls the book 'Voices of the First Day' by Robert Lawlor. In this book he postulates the theory that the very first people were the aborigines in Australia. They are, of course, black. He theorizes that the subtle energies from space come down through the north pole of the earth.

These energies travel down through the center of the earth and come out at the south pole. These energies then sweep upwards over the top of the earth's surface. He believes that life itself also emanates this way. The aborigines believe that they have lived in Australia for the past 200,000 years.

Geologists and continental drift theorists have shown that there was once one supercontinent named Pangea. Pangea eventually broke apart and began moving northwards. Which is the situation we have today with most of the land masses gathering close to the northern part of the planet. The land masses appear to be following these south to north energies that flow over the earth's surface. As the first people were created from these forces they begat the people that followed. In this way it is shown that all men come from the people of the first day.

Scientists and western mythologists refer to this first woman as Eve. She is actually Isis. She came to teach the arts of civilization. She is the first mother. She is the progenitor of all that is too come. All things manifest in Isis and all things are co-created with her.

V. Madonna

The Black Madonna is symbol of all of the above and much more. She is Isis and she is Eve, she is the prima materia and the black lands, she is alchemy and she is the mother of all of human creation. From the depths of the darkest of space and the from the primal blackness of the mud of the earth she was formed. Manifesting into all colors and realms she casts her light of compassion, love and forgiveness into the very being of humanity.

She is what makes the spirit rise out of the animal form. She is the being who represents all of the aspects of nature which are rising up out of creation. She is the being who symbolizes the transcendent nature of all of life. It is through her suffering, her desire, her compassion and her willingness to teach that the human race can reach towards a less mundane role. She is all that is and all that shall ever be.

ISIS is the true manifestation of all that is good in humanity. She is the woman that lives inside all of women. She is the true being of
worship for it is only through her ultimate martyrship that we as men can grow.

Inside of each of the great Gothic Cathedrals of Europe, and especially France, are statues of the Black Madonna. She is made out of black obsidian. In the beginning she was painted white but now the paint has flecked away leaving the original black rock underneath. In this we have a beautiful metaphor that explains the Black Madonna's origins and what she represents. Her original being is made of volcanic, black rock that comes from deep in the earth.

She is Mother Night. Thus she arose directly from the stuff that makes up our planet. She is then painted white and dressed in white and blue clothes. She holds the son, exoterically represented by the baby Jesus but esoterically he represents Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. Black Obsidian is very likely the prima materia of the alchemists. It is from this important substance that gold and other transmutations could be performed.

Out of this dark and black aspect comes the white surface, black becomes white. The transmutation of matter is complete. But if the white is left alone for a long period of time - it begins to turn back to the black. Just as the white inside of an apple will turn brown and black if left alone in the air. White is a moment in the process but only just a
moment. Soon all things fall back to their primordial essence. Soon all things turn back to the black.

Thus Isis, or the Black Madonna, represented one aspect of her being when she was formed from the black obsidian. She became another aspect of herself when she was painted white. Today she sits in the cathedrals with her body and skin black but she still wears the white clothes of her former self. She today symbolizes the dual aspects of the age of iron. She is both the black volcanic earth and the soft white cotton of civilization. But soon the fires of nature shall burn away the white clothes and this will leave the maiden black again, just as she started.

According to the great alchemist Fulcanelli there is a Black Madonna in the crypt, or the basement, of every Cathedral in France. He says that she is the secret Isis who must stay hidden through this age. One day perhaps she will be taken out of the crypts and take her rightful place at the head of the altar. Perhaps some day the ruby light from the rose window at Chartes Cathedral can shine again on her face as it was originally intended.

But the Madonna in the crypt is still serving a useful purpose, albeit a hidden one. She is always placed nearby the well that lies at the bottom of each Cathedral. It is a little known fact that the great Gothic Cathedrals were built over the sacred wells and groves of the earlier Druids. Thus their architects were secretly upholding a tradition that
connects these Cathedrals to the very core of the spiritual nature of the Druid people who once populated Europe.

The lady by the well is very important to the proper spiritual construct of these edifices. The well is the representation of the female earth, the dark matter of our planet. The subtle energies, known to the cabbalists and alchemists as telluric forces, flow out from her and rise upwards towards the floor of the cathedral.

The Black Madonna in the crypt is the first to greet these female earthly telluric energies. These energies rise up to greet the male telluric energies of father sky. These energies are received by the giant steeples of the cathedrals. These steeples act like amplifiers as they gather up the male energies and bring these downwards towards the
floor of the Cathedrals.

These steeples are symbolic representations of the stone monoliths that once dotted the landscape of Europe. These stones, or these steeples, are working in tandem with the earth's telluric energies coming up from the wells. Together these energies would meet on the floor of the cathedrals where the members of the parish would meet. Gregorian chants would be written to resonate and transmit these subtle energies more clearly. At the core of this symbolic revival of the mother goddess, of Isis, was the giant rose window which sat at the center of the path of the sun. The light from father son was diffused by the red colored glass and this symbiotic transmutation would cause a heightened awareness and a birth of consciousness within the people experiencing this. This was the secret magic of the architects of these buildings.

The Knight's Templar, fresh from their esoteric reinvigoration in Jerusalem most likely funded and designed these Cathedrals. Some believe that the Knights had been secretly converted to a form of Sufi influenced Islam during their trip to the Holy Lands. The Cathedrals do bear a remarkable resemblance to the mosques of Islam. The Knights may have taken this knowledge of the Sufi's and used it in conjunction with their own Druid belief system.

In this marriage a new view of the world, human beings and the surrounding universe began to pervade Europe. After a long drowsy sleep - the continent began to open. This brought many unforeseen tragedies as well as many advances in technology but the ultimate end of this awakening may not happen for a while. It sometimes takes a long while for an experiment to unfold.

The Black Madonna thus represents the return of a female power. This power is not concerned with equality within corrupt institutions like the military and the corporate world. This equality is a spiritual union. A tantric union of opposites embraced in love. That is the ultimate quest of Isis and the Black Madonna. As she is from the earth
so are we from the earth. As she returns to black so will our bodies one day return to the black soil of this planet. As our sun came out of the dust of darkness to light our solar neighborhood - so it too will one day die in its own embers. So it will also fade back into the darkness of female creation. The light must come from the dark. And one day the light returns to dark. This is the metaphor that rules all of creation.

This is the tantric union of dark and light. The Black Madonna not only represents all of this but she is also a symbol of the vast and important knowledge that our ancestors attempted to leave behind. If one is presented with the Book of All Knowledge but does not know how to read it - what good is it?

That is the dilemma that we are presented with today in our modern world. Our ancient fathers and mothers, our blood and flesh, left us a plethora of symbols and images to help us understand the larger universe and our
place in it. We have lost the ability to understand these images and we have acquired a terrible case of amnesia. From which recovery is not guaranteed. In this amnesiac state we began to misperceive these symbols and writings. Without the true understanding of metaphor we began to think that our ancestors were ignorant, dumb and imprecise. What a horrible thing to have happen to one's own flesh and blood.

The symbols of the cathedrals, like the symbols of India and Egypt reveal a vast knowledge that frequently surpasses our own. Only in an age such as ours could such foolish notions manifest. The arrogant turn ignorant as they drown in the ocean of their own foolishness.

Now, at the end of the Kali Yuga, these symbols may become understandable again. Now as corporate culture replaces nature we can only imagine what the past was telling us. As we view the world through the virtual lenses of a corporate paradigm it is little wonder that we have lost our ability to understand who we are. The old world fades
quickly away with the downward spiral of pollution from this age. The earth, the female, the soft touch of life have all been denigrated and corrupted by this age of insanity.

The Black Madonna is all that we have left of this long legacy of Isis. She still stands today in the Cathedrals of France. Today, still active and alive, the spirit of the goddess, the Black Madonna can still be knelt before, she can still be asked for forgiveness and for compassion. Her spirit has never died in Europe. Surely this is a miracle! How
wonderful that her image still stands and is still worshipped in the some of the most beautiful buildings on our little planet!
