louisiana sinkhole



USA sinkholes

Blue and green areas susceptible to sinkholes


Dee Finney's blog

start date July 20, 2011

today's date October 13, 2012

update 11-30-12

update 3-8-13

update 3-23-13


page 336












Major Movement Tonight at Corne Bayou.



Major CODE 3 Declared: All Work Stopped At Corne Bayou Salt Dome Collapse





Paper: ‘Very long period’ tremors increasing at giant Louisiana sinkhole — Indicates gas and ‘liquid’ moving underground


:15 a.m. Advisory from the Office of Conservation

Reblogged from Assumption Parish Police Jury:

The Office of Conservation, in consultation with Assumption Parish Incident Command, is advising the public that the Oxy 3/sinkhole monitoring alert status has been raised to Code 3 – requiring all work inside and around the sinkhole to cease until further notice. Seismic monitoring has detected elevated subsurface activity in the area around the sinkhole and Oxy 3 area indicative of fluid and gas movement below the sinkhole, and water movement in the sinkhole has been observed, along with increased bubbling along the western side of the sinkhole.


Boom shakes windows in several counties

Published: Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 10:41 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 10:41 p.m.
A sonic boom of some sort caused windows and walls to shake over several counties in North Central Florida Thursday night, and Alachua County sheriff's officials got the explanation that it was "military manuevering of some kind."
Alachua County Sheriff's Lt. Art Forgey said late Thursday night that the "west side of Gainesville flooded our communications center" around 9 p.m. with calls about a window-clattering and wall-shaking boom felt by many residents, particularly those in west Gainesville.
"We've been in contact with the State Warning Point, and 'military manuevering' " was the extent of the explanation, Forgey said. The State Warning Point is a clearinghouse staffed 24/7 to serve as Florida's primary point of contact for coordination in times of emergency.



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The situation continues to worsen at the Assumption Parish sinkhole in Louisiana. On Tuesday Nov. 27 the water level dropped by six inches just prior to an eruption that spewed out thousands of gallons of crude oil and vegetative debris. The ground shook for four minutes during this astonishing event. Clean up crews removing crude oil from the surface of the sinkhole had to be evacuated from the area. The sinkhole has been increasing in size and has now swallowed eight acres of land.


Officials in the Parish continue to conceal the truth about the origins of the sinkhole, the bubbling in local bayous, and the persistent earth tremors that have moved some homes off of their foundations and caused the evacuation of local residents.

John Boudreaux of the Assumption Parish DHS OEP called for public input last summer to help identify the cause of the events. I contacted John's office at the time and forwarded him prophetic information linking the bubbling and the tremors to a large deposit of methane hydrate that was comprised by the BP deep well blowout. (information below)

Officials have avoided mention of the BP event during the course of this ongoing crisis and have referred to the escaping gas as being natural gas rather than identifying it as methane. The appearance of crude oil in the bayous and at the sinkhole was passed off as diesel fuel. The cause of the sinkhole itself was attributed to the failure of a nearby salt cavern used for brine production and petrochemical storage.

Now that vent pipes and flare stacks are burning off the escaping methane and thick crude covers the surface of the sinkhole, the true cause of the problems is becoming quite clear. Local resident Ronald Pate who lives in Ascension Parish about four miles from the sinkhole noticed bubbles appearing in his well water about the time the sinkhole appeared. Ron recently showed local reporters that he was able to ignite an explosion when he held a lighter over the opening of a gallon jug filled with his wellwater.

Mark Brander

Sarnia Ontario



The following is excerpted from our Saviour's warning to prophet Linda Newkirk on June 30


"Now, you do not see again what is happening to you! For, the great frozen methane lake, which is beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is quickly melting! The heat of the seeping oil, which is pouring into the frozen lake, is melting this great lake of frozen methane!

Yes, you watch in amazement as these methane bubbles come to the surface and some of you are surprised at the shifting of your homes. But, hear Me! For, you have seen nothing yet! This gas is finding its own exits!

A great volume of methane gas is pushing upwards and is seeking to find its own vents! As more of this gas pushes its way to the surface, there will come a shifting in the subterranean land masses. There shall come a subsequent shifting in the lands, both beneath the Gulf of Mexico, and even for some distance from the Gulf of Mexico!

Some of these land displacements will be great with ensuing earthquakes. But, the earthquakes will not compare to the unexpected explosions, and in many areas, unparalleled deaths of humans, animals and aquatic life and yes, even birds and other life forms!

Oh, you people of Louisiana, you would not listen! I have sent you two very great calamities and now comes a third. So great shall be your suffering! The stench, the stink of the dying shall be so great! And, many will say, “Who is going to Louisiana?” For, the explosions and the dying shall be so great among you!

And, when you see these terrible things hit Louisiana, know that this is My third, great judgment against this wicked state. It is a haughty state! It is full of idol worship and witchcraft's; and those in the churches will not obey Me. They will not walk in humility before Me. For, their song is, “How great I am!”

But, I tell you, oh state of Louisiana, you are a cancer! You are a grievous sore in My face! You are a great blot upon the face of the whole earth; and I will erase you!

I will continue in My judgments against you; and I will continue to plead with you to repent through My great judgements, until I erase your very existence! For, you are rotten, oh state of Louisiana! You are rotten to the core and I will no longer allow this evil before My face!

I tell you now; and hear Me well! The great methane bubble, which lies beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is beginning to rupture! As this great bubble ruptures, it will push out! It will begin to push out with great force! It will erupt beneath the ocean! It will erupt all along the Gulf Coast!

The great rupture of this methane gas will hit Florida! It will hit Texas! It will hit inland and move up beneath the Mississippi River! It will go south towards Cuba. It will go towards Mexico! It will spew forth, sometimes with small eruptions, but at other times, the eruptions of these gases will be so great that they will easily sink ships! And, there will come a time when travel in the Gulf of Mexico will be extremely hazardous!

Most often, the presence of these terrible gases will go undetected, but the effects of these gases will be deadly! Whole areas will come under attack, and there will be many “unexplained” deaths and sicknesses! This great gas explosion will be seen as the “silent killer.” (end excerpt)

Message from our Savior

A great call to repentance: America is burning!

The Melting of the great, frozen, methane lake:

The Third Great Judgement for Louisiana and for this nation!

June 30, 2012

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! I tell you again, that I am One and the Same! I am your Saviour! I am your Redeemer; and I am Most High God; and besides Me, there is none! But, there come those, who wish to quibble, who wish to find fault and who wish to dispute the truth of who I am! And some say, “She speaks to another Jesus! She hears from another God!” But, I tell you, My Blessed Child, that among these very mockers are those, who speak to another god. They speak to another jesus! For, I am not found among them; and these include some of your biggest critics, who control the churches, and who mock these works.

But, now, My Blessed Child, I come to you and I tell you a very important thing! And, this very important word is about to accelerate all of My judgements in the earth! Yes, people will look here and they will look there and they will say, “Oh, look at these Satanists! Oh, look what they do!” But, I tell you this! Hear Me in this! For, I am empowering the Satanists over you!

Just as I raised up Nebuchadnezzar and I empowered Nebuchadnezzar to come forward and to overrun and defeat My people, who did evil and who would not heed the warnings of My prophets, I have now raised up another in your midst! Indeed, he is Satan’s choice and Satan has put him over you through his secret organizations. But, I tell you now that I control Satan! He does what I allow and what I command!

I wrote the Book of Revelation; and I have spoken through My prophets down through the ages, for this is what My people chose. And, I have honored their choices!

The Antichrist in our midst!

But now, hear Me in this! Make no mistake about it! Barack Obama is the antichrist! Whine all you want! Be in denial all that you want, but you will not change who he is; and you will not change the fact that I put him over you!

He is your worst nightmare, oh America; for he will burn you down and laugh as he sees you burning! He has no allegiance to America; for his allegiance is to Satan; and this man’s heart is set upon his rule of the whole world!

“The Time of the Burning!”

You, oh America, are but fodder for his fires, you wicked and adulterous peoples of America! And, burn you will! Yes, you will burn; and the fires will spread all across this nation, even before the nukes come! Yes, you will burn, oh America! For, you will not repent! And, because you will not repent; and I have called out to you for many years to repent of your evil ways, and you will not hear My cries, I tell you that you will burn! (The Lord warned the prophet, Dumitru Duduman, that America will burn. We have now come to that time!)

Terrible Droughts and Famines!

And, the famines, great famines, will begin to rip across this land, from one city to another and from one part of this land to another! In years past, I warned you through My words, which I gave to My servant, Linda Newkirk. I told you that if you would not repent that I would dry up your corn fields, that I would bring famines; and you would not hear! You would not believe!

Now come the famines, and you can see it at your door! For, the droughts are so great! And, now the great fires come, yet few of you can see them, and these fires continue on! Now comes also the time when your antichrist president will wallow in his victories! For, now comes also the time when he is coming into his power!

The Fall of America!

What will you do, oh you decadent nation of America? You will fall! America will fall! Yes, America will fall, and all over the world, the people will shudder! They will panic! They will fear with a great fear! For, they shall soon say, “America is fallen!” Yes, the whore of the world is fallen! That old wicked woman, who made the world to drink of the cup of her perversions, has fallen!

Yet, not all will fear, but only those nations, who have depended upon you, will fear! Many will rejoice! Many will be joyful! They will be glad; for you, oh decadent nation of America have terrorized many nations!

Terrors From the South!

Now comes the time, and it is at your door, when many nations shall terrorize you, oh nation of America! For, as you have sown, so shall you reap!

The wind is coming! Yes, a very great wind from the South is coming! A very great Southerly wind will come upon this nation and this wind from the South will greatly trouble you!

Yes, the King of the South will rise up and he will collect his own nations; and they shall rise up to defeat and to overthrow this nation, not through war, not yet through war, but soon through war! However, at this time, they shall rise up; and soon, en masse, they will rise up to overthrow the dollar! And, this wind will blow hot! This wind will blow upon you with a great force and this great wind will cause you to suffer an irreparable crack in the economy of this nation. And, the rumbles of this great wind shall crash and crack and beat and dissolve, beat and dissolve, pound and pummel the very economic structure of this nation!

The Works of the Antichrist!

But, do not be alarmed when you see your president bow to them all; for he is not after your approval. He is after their glory! He is after their support! He is after their admiration; for he champions their causes! He is their man and he is your great enemy, oh America!

Yes, America, your president is the antichrist! He came out of Europe! In Europe, he was conceived and through the European Satanic elite, he was born! But, he is truly a man without a country; and because he is a man without a country, he is loyal to no country! His eyes are on the prize of world governance; for while he bows today to ingratiate himself to foreign rulers, tomorrow he will require that they all bow to him.

The Fulfillment of Our Saviour’s words!

Yes, Barack Obama is a man with a great plan; but remember: I wrote the plan! I put him over you, oh America; for I am going to use him to break your pride! I am going to use him to break your haughtiness. I am going to use him to break your economy! I am going to use him to fill up your concentration camps! I am going to use him to haul you off as slaves, oh you rebellious house! I am going to use him to further pollute you, oh Nation of America; for he hates you, oh wicked nation; and I will drive his hate towards you until he sees you in flames from one end of this nation to the other, from north to south and from east to west!

The Price of Rebellion

You will not repent, oh you wicked nation of America! You will not heed My calls to repent, or perish! You will not bow a knee to Me, to the Creator of All Things, but you will bow a knee to him! And, many of you will take his mark and will worship him, just to have food on your tables. For, you will not honor Me and My word! You will not repent! Therefore, you will worship him and you will lose your souls! For, you have loved evil! You have no regard for what is right! You love a lie! You love every perverted thing; and you will perish in your wicked ways!

The Great Judgements of our God against Louisiana and this nation!

Get ready, people of Louisiana! Get ready! Get ready for one of the greatest catastrophes that you will ever see! I have sent you warnings through the great devastation of Hurricane Katrina! This was My first great warning to you, oh people of Louisiana: my warning to repent, or perish. Yet, you have made yourselves busy in re-building that great decadent city of New Orleans, but you have not repented!

Then, I sent you even greater warnings through the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster! Great is this calamity and great have been your losses through this great calamity! But, still you have not repented!

These are My judgments, oh you blind, who lead the blind; but you would not see My handiwork in the midst of these great calamities. You would not see My judgments through these great catastrophes!

The Third Great Judgement Against Louisiana,

and the people of this nation!

Now, you do not see again what is happening to you! For, the great frozen methane lake, which is beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is quickly melting! The heat of the seeping oil, which is pouring into the frozen lake, is melting this great lake of frozen methane!

Yes, you watch in amazement as these methane bubbles come to the surface and some of you are surprised at the shifting of your homes. But, hear Me! For, you have seen nothing yet! This gas is finding its own exits!

A great volume of methane gas is pushing upwards and is seeking to find its own vents! As more of this gas pushes its way to the surface, there will come a shifting in the subterranean land masses. There shall come a subsequent shifting in the lands, both beneath the Gulf of Mexico, and even for some distance from the Gulf of Mexico!

Some of these land displacements will be great with ensuing earthquakes. But, the earthquakes will not compare to the unexpected explosions, and in many areas, unparalleled deaths of humans, animals and aquatic life and yes, even birds and other life forms!

Oh, you people of Louisiana, you would not listen! I have sent you two very great calamities and now comes a third. So great shall be your suffering! The stench, the stink of the dying shall be so great! And, many will say, “Who is going to Louisiana?” For, the explosions and the dying shall be so great among you!

And, when you see these terrible things hit Louisiana, know that this is My third, great judgment against this wicked state. It is a haughty state! It is full of idol worship and witchcrafts; and those in the churches will not obey Me. They will not walk in humility before Me. For, their song is, “How great I am!”

But, I tell you, oh state of Louisiana, you are a cancer! You are a grievous sore in My face! You are a great blot upon the face of the whole earth; and I will erase you!

I will continue in My judgments against you; and I will continue to plead with you to repent through My great judgements, until I erase your very existence! For, you are rotten, oh state of Louisiana! You are rotten to the core and I will no longer allow this evil before My face!

I tell you now; and hear Me well! The great methane bubble, which lies beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is beginning to rupture! As this great bubble ruptures, it will push out! It will begin to push out with great force! It will erupt beneath the ocean! It will erupt all along the Gulf Coast!

The great rupture of this methane gas will hit Florida! It will hit Texas! It will hit inland and move up beneath the Mississippi River! It will go south towards Cuba. It will go towards Mexico! It will spew forth, sometimes with small eruptions, but at other times, the eruptions of these gases will be so great that they will easily sink ships! And, there will come a time when travel in the Gulf of Mexico will be extremely hazardous!

Most often, the presence of these terrible gases will go undetected, but the effects of these gases will be deadly! Whole areas will come under attack, and there will be many “unexplained” deaths and sicknesses! This great gas explosion will be seen as the “silent killer.”

The time is at hand, oh America! You have come to the time of your great judgements; and this bowl is now full and overflowing!

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 30th day of June, 2012, Linda Newkirk

What began a couple of months ago as a series of small bubbles trickling into Bayou Corne, in Assumption Parish, Louisiana, has now turned into a massive water filled sinkhole that is pulling trees, boats, and anything else into its deep dark abyss. Experts say that all of this is being caused by a salt mining operation which was compromised in 2011. They are saying that this salt dome has failed, and is in the process of collapsing. But that is not the worst of it. . . .

NEW VIDEO FROM LOUISIANA 11-3-12  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiodOeVx-eA 

Mega Disasters: Earthquake In The Heartland
The History Channel, 2009

Houses Shaking and 'Mysterious' Bubbles in Louisiana Swamp - July 3, 2012

Louisiana Sinkhole Grows Overnight; Authorities Monitor for Radiation - Aug. 9, 2012

Louisiana probes cause of massive bayou sinkhole

Various news reports of sinkholes from the past two years, covering states like California, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.

Lake Peigneur: The Swirling Vortex of Doom
The History Channel, 2006

Lake Peigneur sinkhole disaster

Football Field size Sinkhole opens up in Assumption Parish, Louisiana declares State of Emergency.

. . . Over the years they have been filling a nearby salt dome in Assumption, Parish, Louisiana with radioactive waste and 1.5 million barrels of liquid Butane. If this sinkhole continues to devour land and trees in this area, it may eventually breach this storage area releasing not only toxic radiation into the environment, but also butane which will then become exposed to the air above. All it would take then would be the spark from a car ignition or some other source of fire to set in motion an explosion which some suggest could be equivalent to about 100 nuclear bombs similar to those used on Nagasaki or Hiroshima, in Japan. As bad as all of that would be, there is something even worse that could come from this.

An explosion on that magnitude would create a giant crater deep in the earth exposing this salt dome to the elements. Since this salt dome is also connected to the much larger Luann salt basin, that means water from the bayou will trickle down and quickly become a torrent of water to dissolve the salt in areas covering 5 states, up to a mile thick. As the salt dome looses integrity, all of those deep oil wells will become funnels to either blow out or pull more water into the cavity. When that finally collapses, ALL of Louisiana will sink into the Gulf of Mexico. Parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida will also be underwater. The salt dome under the Texas gulf will also collapse, sending a huge tsunami tidal wave as far inland as the Balcones Escarpment. Cities like Houston and New Orleans will sink into the ocean, never to be seen again. Cities like Fort Worth, Dallas, Waco, Austin, and San Antonio will also be flooded, but might be restored as the tidal wave recedes.

The New Madrid fault and Mississippi river basin is being targeted with HAARP, frac tech drilling operations, and possibly other means (such as nuclear explosions). They are planning to create an earthquake in that region to split this nation with an inland sea from Chicago to New Orleans. It will not be an "act of God." I believe that this could happen very soon.

Some will say that this is fear mongering, but there IS mounting circumstantial evidence that these are not mere accidents and we are slowly being led to the slaughter by the ruling elite. I would rather sound the warning and risk being called a deluded fool, than sit back and say nothing.

More information on my website located at:

Since Early August, the Bayou Corne sinkhole in Louisiana has grown and shown an oily sheen. Local residents complain about the odor and health issues.

Flyover: Crude Oil now Covers Much of Giant Sinkhole
October 13, 2012
Oil and water can be seen flowing from the sinkhole into the adjacent environment.

Gas Pipeline Found Floating in Giant Sinkhole
October 11, 2012
A 25′ section of pipeline (from Acadian Gas’ pipeline) floated to the surface on the edge of the pipeline right-of-way. The pipeline was emptied previously which made it become bouyant and since the sinkhole occurred there is no earthen cover to keep the pipeline submerged.

Bayou Corne Odor and Symptom Log Results
October 9, 2012
As the sink hole developed, the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou community began complaining of odors and associated health impacts. Analysis of air samples in the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou area by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality demonstrated that the concentrations of toxic chemicals in the air, including Volatile Organic Compounds such as Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylene, were below the Louisiana Ambient Air Standards. However, though the concentrations of toxic chemicals were below acceptable standards, health symptoms continue to be experienced and reported by community members.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve has many such domes along the Gulf Coast, which of course is being stretched as the N American Continent is pulled into a dome. Is this a major disaster just waiting to happen as the bow worsens before the New Madrid adjusts?

Salt Caverns and Their Use for Disposal of Oil Field Wastes
In the United States, salt domes are found in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and in the Gulf of Mexico.Salt caverns have been used to store various types of hydrocarbons since the 1940s. The types of products that have been stored in these caverns include liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), propane, butane, ethane, ethylene, fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, and crude oil. The largest underground storage operations in the United States are part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR currently stores about 560 million barrels of crude oil in 62 caverns located at four sites in Louisiana and Texas. Efforts are underway to add another 28 million barrels of crude oil to these sites.

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Storage Sites
Emergency crude oil is stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in salt caverns. Created deep within the massive salt deposits that underlie most of the Texas and Louisiana coastline, the caverns offer the best security and are the most affordable means of storage, costing up to 10 times less than aboveground tanks and 20 times less than hard rock mines. Strategic Reserve oil can be distributed through interstate pipelines to nearly half of the Nation's oil refineries or loaded into ships or barges for transport to other refineries.

Louisiana probes cause of massive bayou sinkhole

By Melissa Gray, CNN
updated 9:22 PM EDT, Fri August 10, 2012

CNN) -- Louisiana officials are investigating whether an underground salt cavern may be responsible for a large sinkhole that has swallowed 100-foot-tall cypress trees and prompted evacuations in a southern Louisiana bayou.

The state's Department of Natural Resources ordered Texas Brine Company, which mines the cavern, to drill a well into the cavern to see whether it caused the dark gray slurry-filled hole nearby.

Measurements taken Monday showed the sinkhole measures 324 feet in diameter and is 50 feet deep, but in one corner it goes down 422 feet, said John Boudreaux, director of the Office of Homeland Security in Assumption Parish, about 30 miles south of Baton Rouge.

Assumption Parish Police said Thursday the sinkhole has since grown another 10 to 20 feet.

Sinkhole tested for radioactivity

The sinkhole appeared August 3, more than two months after local residents started noticing bubbles in the water. The bubbles grew in number and frequency, and in some spots they made the bayou look like a boiling crawfish pot, said Dennis Landry, who owns guest cabins about half a mile from the hole.

Police ordered the evacuation of all residents from the area, though Landry said it's not a forced evacuation so he and his wife have decided to stay.

"When you have a beautiful home like I have on the bayou and have a little business that I run in the home, it would be very difficult to leave this behind," he told CNN. "We kind of feel that if something drastic were to happen, we could jump in a car and get out of here."

Assumption Parish Sheriff Mike Waguespack said Thursday he is now concerned the sinkhole is close to a well containing 1.5 million barrels of liquid butane, a highly volatile liquid that turns into a highly flammable vapor upon release. A breach of that well, he said, could be catastrophic.

The salt cavern is part of the Napoleonville salt dome that sits under the area. Salt domes are large, ancient formations of salt in the ground that are used for the commercial mining of petroleum, salt and sulphur, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Texas Brine says it mines salt domes to produce brine, a salt-filled water used for the manufacture of chlorine and caustic soda, which in turn are used in products ranging from paper and plastics to pharmaceuticals.

Salt domes can be as deep as 10,000 feet and are mostly found along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico and in Texas and Louisiana, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Louisiana has more than 100 identified salt domes, according to the state's Department of Natural Resources.

Texas Brine is investigating whether a breach in its salt cavern might have caused the sinkhole 100 yards away, company spokesman Sonny Cranch said from the site.

The company conducted ground imaging of the dome and well Thursday and plans to do satellite imaging soon, Cranch said.

Landry said his business, Cajun Cabins of Bayou Corne, has stalled ever since people found out about the sinkhole.

"Our beautiful little paradise is in jeopardy," he said.

He said he suspects a cavern collapse is to blame, and he said there's a fear in the community that a further collapse could enlarge the sinkhole and endanger a wider area.

Local emergency planning officials are keeping residents updated through online blog posts and community meetings, he said. They've had three so far.

Local residents and the sheriff say the Department of Natural Resources "knew for months" that the Texas Brine well had integrity problems but didn't tell local authorities.

"DNR failed to report to anybody that this cavern could be the source of the bubbles," Landry said.

"I'm very upset about it. A lot of local residents are upset about it," he said. "I feel like I've been betrayed by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources."

Said the sheriff, "DNR has lost all credibility with me."

Landowners near the sinkhole filed a lawsuit this week against the DNR and Texas Brine, claiming the drinking water has now been contaminated by a problem both the department and company allegedly knew about.

"They're trying to make this something to deal with one well. It's not just one well, it's the whole system of Grand Bayou. They just ignored it," said John Carmouche, a partner with Talbot, Carmouche, and Marcello in Baton Rouge who represents the landowners.

A representative for DNR could not be reached for comment Thursday evening.

Landry flew over the sinkhole the other day and said diesel and other chemicals are floating on top of the sludge. Some of the tall cypress trees that fell in are now floating on top of the hole because of the buoyancy of the salty water, he said.

Landry said he and his wife were taking a boat ride on the bayou when they first noticed the bubbles May 30. He knew there are three natural gas pipelines in the area, including one about 20 feet away from the bubbles, so he reported the bubbles to Crosstex, the line's Texas-based owner.

Later, he also called Enterprise Products, whose Acadian Gas pipelines also go through the area.

Both companies checked their lines for weeks, bringing in divers and crews to swim down and look for leaks, but every time they reported finding no problems, Landry said.

Once officials eliminated gas pipelines as the source of the bubbles, Landry said, they began checking gas storage domes and abandoned wells in the area. They were still looking for the source when the sinkhole popped up last Friday, he said.

While Landry said he feels somewhat safe for now, he laments what is happening to his "sportsman's paradise" on the bayou.

"I believe in the good book, and they say in there that all things shall pass, and this too shall pass, but it remains to be seen in what form it will pass," Landry said.

Sinkhole scares reporter live on TV

Man dies after falling into sinkhole

Sinkhole swallows pasture in Florida

CNN's Carma Hassan and Nigel Walwyn contributed to this report

Giant Louisiana sinkhole grows to 4 acres

Posted: Oct 15, 2012 8:03 AM PDTUpdated: Oct 15, 2012 1:01 PM PDT
Source: Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Source: Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Map of the salt dome that is linked to the giant sink hole (Source: Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness)
Map of the salt dome that is linked to the giant sink hole (Source: Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness)

Issues continue to pile on crews working on the growing sinkhole in Assumption Parish.

  • The Assumption Parish, LA sinkhole continues to grow. The ground opened up on August 3, 2012 and residents were evacuated from their homes. The sinkhole, or slurry, is consuming land and trees.

    The Assumption Parish, LA sinkhole continues to grow. The ground opened up on August 3, 2012 and residents were evacuated from their homes. The sinkhole, or slurry, is consuming land and trees.

  • Texas Brine, the company that owns a failed salt cavern blamed for the sinkhole says it will comply with new orders.

    Texas Brine continues clean up Monday, but is limited to skimming as boats will not be allowed in the sinkhole due to the activity of removing hydrocarbons from the cavern. This is for the safety of workers as the removal of the hydrocarbons may cause pressure changes that could affect the sinkhole.

    The current size of the sinkhole is just under four acres.

    State officials are ordering further testing along with monitoring and removal of natural gas trapped underground.

    Residents are still evacuated; they left their homes in early August.

    Below is a summary of the directives that Texas Brine was ordered to perform in DNR's Third Amendment to the Declaration of Emergency & Directives (issued on 10/11/2012).

    On or before Tuesday, October 16, 2012:

    1. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan for installing and monitoring additional Geoprobe wells to monitor water quality/ pressures in the Bayou Corne community; install & monitor permanent elevation benchmark at each Geoprobe well location by a professional licensed surveyor;

    2. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan to install a continuous pressure monitor on Oxy Geismar #3- to monitor pressure and provide for telemetry monitoring of this pressure. This telemetry shall be reported in real time to the Assumption OEP , the Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office, and the Office of Conservation to notify them if any rapid pressure changes that indicate changing conditions in the cavern;

    On or before Friday, October 19, 2012:

    1. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan to install a permanent continuous water level monitoring station near the edge of the sinkhole. This station shall include a sensor and recording system for monitoring and recording the water levels and a staff gauge for visual observation of water elevation or depth. The data from this station shall be downloaded weekly and forwarded to Dept. of Conservation on a weekly basis;

    2. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan to evaluate the alluvial aquifer water production, groundwater flow, sinkhole chlorides, TDS (Total Dissolved Salinity) and hydrocarbon migration and to mitigate adverse impacts to aquifer sustainability from use of Texas Brine Company LLC's water wells;

    On or before Thursday, October 25, 2012:

    1. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan to implement a seismic monitoring and notification system to allow for real time data processing and interpretation of micro-seismic data. The current array should be expanded as necessary to assess the current stability of the collapse zone. The seismic data shall be reported in real time to the Assumption OEP , the Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office, and the Office of Conservation to notify them of sudden changes in the cavern or surrounding the sinkhole;

    2. Texas Brine must begin installing the groundwater observation/vent well in the vicinity of the core-hole where the ten-feet of gas in the aquifer was observed;

    On or before Tuesday, November 13, 2012:

    1. Texas Brine must provide Dept. of Conservation with a plan to collect, interpret, and report geophysical data that will determine the nature and extent of the collapse structure from the base of the original cavern to the ground surface. This geophysical data may include (but not is limited to) vertical seismic profiling, cross-hole seismic and tomography, and 3D seismic.

    Copyright 2012 WAFB. All rights reserved.

    salt dome from space


    A salt dome is a type of structural dome formed when a thick bed of evaporite minerals (mainly salt, or halite) found at depth intrudes vertically into surrounding rock strata, forming a diapir. It is important in petroleum geology because salt structures are impermeable and can lead to the formation of a stratigraphic trap.

    The formation of a salt dome begins with the deposition of salt in a restricted marine basin. The restricted flow of salt-rich seawater into the basin allows evaporation to occur, resulting in the precipitation of salt, with the evaporites being deposited. The rate of sedimentation of salt is significantly larger than the rate of sedimentation of clastics,[1] but it is recognised that a single evaporation event is rarely enough to produce the vast quantities of salt needed to form a layer thick enough for salt diapirs to be formed. This indicates that a sustained period of episodic flooding and evaporation of the basin must occur, as can be seen from the example of the Mediterranean Messinian salinity crisis. At the present day, evaporite deposits can be seen accumulating in basins that merely have restricted access but do not completely dry out; they provide an analogue to some deposits recognised in the geological record, such as the Garabogazköl basin in Turkmenistan.

    Over time, the layer of salt is covered with deposited sediment, becoming buried under an increasingly large overburden. The overlying sediment will undergo compaction, causing an increase in density and therefore a decrease in buoyancy. Unlike clastics, pressure has a significantly smaller effect on the density of salt due to its crystal structure and this eventually leads to it becoming more buoyant than the sediment above it. The ductility of salt initially allows it to plastically deform and flow laterally, decoupling the overlying sediment from the underlying sediment. Since the salt has a larger buoyancy than the sediment above - and if a significant faulting event affects the lower surface of the salt - it can be enough to cause the salt to begin to flow vertically, forming a salt pillow.[2] The vertical growth of these salt pillows creates pressure on the upward surface, causing extension and faulting.[3] (see salt tectonics).

    Eventually, over millions of years, the salt will pierce and break through the overlying sediment, first as a dome-shaped and then a mushroom-shaped - fully formed salt diapir. If the rising salt diapir breaches the surface, it can become a flowing salt glacier. In cross section, these large domes may be anywhere from 1 to 10 kilometres (0.62 to 6.2 mi) across, and extend as deep as 6.5 kilometres (4.0 mi).


    Major occurrences of salt domes are found along the Gulf Coast of the USA in Texas and Louisiana.[4] One example of an island formed by a salt dome is Avery Island in Louisiana. At present ocean levels it is no longer surrounded by the sea but it is surrounded by bayous on all sides.

    Another example of an emergent salt dome is at Onion Creek, Utah / Fisher Towers near Moab, Utah, U.S. These two images show a Cretaceous age salt body that has risen as a ridge through several hundred meters of overburden, predominantly sandstone. As the salt body rose, the overburden formed an anticline (arching upward along its centerline) which fractured and eroded to expose the salt body.

    The term "salt dome" is also sometimes inaccurately used to refer to dome-shaped silos used to store rock salt for melting snow on highways. These domes are actually called monolithic domes and are used to store a variety of bulk goods.[5]

    Commercial uses

    The rock salt that is found in salt domes is mostly impermeable. As the salt moves up towards the surface, it can penetrate and/or bend strata of existing rock with it. As these strata are penetrated, they are generally bent slightly upwards at the point of contact with the dome, and can form pockets where petroleum and natural gas can collect between impermeable strata of rock and the salt. The strata immediately above the dome that are not penetrated are pushed upward, creating a dome-like reservoir above the salt where petroleum can also gather. These oil pools can eventually be extracted, and indeed form a major source of the petroleum produced along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.[6]

    The caprock above the salt domes is sometimes the site of deposits of native sulfur, which is recovered by the Frasch process.

    Other uses include storing oil, natural gas, hydrogen gas, or even hazardous waste in large caverns formed after salt mining, as well as excavating the domes themselves for uses in everything from table salt to the granular material used to prevent roadways from icing over.

    See also


    1. ^ Schreiber, B.C. and Hsü, K.J. (1980) Evaporites. In Developments in Petroleum Geology, Vol. 2 (Ed. G.D. Hobson), pp. 87–138. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
    2. ^ RGD 1993. Geological Atlas of the subsurface of The Netherlands: Explanations to map sheet IV Texel-Purmerend (1:250,000). Rijks Geologische Dienst (Haarlem): 127 pp.
    3. ^ Dronkert, H. & Remmelts, G. 1996. Influence of salt structures on reservoir rocks in Block L2, Dutch continental shelf. In: Rondeel, H.E., Batjes, D.A.J., Nieuwenhuijs, W.H. (eds): Geology of gas and oil under the Netherlands, Kluwer (Dordrecht): 159–166.
    4. ^ C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulfur. Encyclopedia of Earth, eds. A.Jorgensen and C.J.Cleveland, National Council for Science and the environment, Washington DC
    5. ^ Salt dome formation
    6. ^ Salt dome at Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary


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    The final scene - everything looked like solid grey concrete and I could see nothing else.

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    What is a Sinkhole?

    Geologically, a sinkhole is a depression in the ground that has no natural external surface drainage. Basically this means that when it rains, all of the water stays inside the sinkhole and typically drains into the subsurface.

    Sinkholes are most common in what geologists call, “karst terrain.” What’s that? These are regions where the type of rock below the land surface can naturally be dissolved by groundwater circulating through them. Soluble rocks include salt beds and domes, gypsum, and limestone and other carbonate rock. Florida, for instance, is an area largely underlain by limestone and is highly susceptible to sinkholes.

    When water from rainfall moves down through the soil, these types of rock begin to dissolve and spaces and caverns develop underground. Sinkholes are dramatic because the land usually stays intact for a period of time until the underground spaces just get too big. If there is not enough support for the land above the spaces, then a sudden collapse of the land surface can occur.

    USGS map showing areas of the contiguous United States that are underlain by relatively soluble rocks with potential for cave and natural sinkhole formation. Note that the delineated areas are generalized; actual potential for sinkhole development varies locally within each region.
    Keep in mind though that while collapses are more frequent after intense rainstorms, there is some evidence that droughts play a role as well. Areas where water levels have lowered suddenly are more prone to collapse formation.

    Areas Most Susceptible

    About 20% of our country is underlain by “karst terrain” and is susceptible to a sinkhole event. The most damage from sinkholes tends to occur in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.

    Different Types and Various Severities
    Sinkholes can be characterized into two types. First, there are cover-collapse sinkholes, which can develop abruptly (over a period of hours) and cause catastrophic damages. Secondly, there are cover-subsidence sinkholes, which form slowly over time with the ground gradually subsiding or deflating. These types of events can be less noticeable and go undetected for long periods.

    Collapse sinkhole in a salt dome in Daisetta, Texas (September 2008).

    Texas sinkhole


    Sinkhole collapses can range in size and severity. Sinkholes can vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres and from less than one to more than 100 feet deep. Sinkholes can have dramatic effects, especially in urban settings. They can contaminate water resources and have been seen to swallow up swimming pools, parts of roadways, and even buildings.

    Is There a Sinkhole on Your Property?

    This is a difficult question, and unfortunately there isn’t a very efficient system to determine this quite yet. It is recommended that people constantly observe their property for things such as small holes in the ground or cracks formed in a structure’s foundation. People can also check to see if they live in areas underlain by soluble rock, and they can do so by checking with county offices, local or state geological surveys, or the USGS.

    Even Humans Cause Sinkholes

    While sinkhole collapses are frequent in karst areas, there are a variety of other circumstances that can lead to such events. Many sinkholes form from human activity. Collapses can occur above old mines, from leaky faucets, when sewers give way, or due to groundwater pumping and construction.

    Think about all the changes that occur when water-drainage patterns are altered and new systems are developed. And when industrial and runoff-storage ponds are created, the resulting substantial weight of the new material can trigger an underground collapse of supporting material.

    Aquifer systems are another factor in sinkholes. The sediment above the aquifer system may be delicately balanced by ground-water fluid pressure, meaning that the water below ground is actually helping to keep the surface soil in place. Groundwater pumping for urban water supply and for irrigation can produce new sinkholes. If pumping results in a lowering of groundwater levels, then underground structures could fail and thus sinkholes can occur.
    Cover-collapse sinkhole in limestone near Frederick, Maryland (September 2003).

    Maryland sinkhole


    Start with USGS Science

    Starting with science is important to understanding where sinkholes are likely to occur and making the best decisions to protect life and property. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) play a key role by developing geologic maps of the nation.

    By mapping the nation, the USGS contributes important geologic and topographic information needed to understand karst regions and local areas. Detailed geologic mapping helps to define areas of soluble rock at the surface and in the subsurface, thus educating the land planners, policy makers, and the public about sinkhole risk.

    These USGS maps and data are essential to many other purposes, including assessing ground-water quality and contamination risks; predicting earthquake, volcano, and landslide hazards; characterizing energy and mineral resources and their extraction costs; waste repository siting; land management and land-use planning; and general education.
    Sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by groundwater circulating through them. As the rock dissolves, spaces and caverns develop underground. Sinkholes are dramatic because the land usually stays intact for a while until the underground spaces just get too big. If there is not enough support for the land above the spaces then a sudden collapse of the land surface can occur. These collapses can be small, or, as this picture shows, or they can be huge and can occur where a house or road is on top.



    The most damage from sinkholes tends to occur in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. The picture to the left shows a sinkhole that quickly opened up in Florida, apparently eating a swimming pool, some roadway, and buildings.
    What is a "Sinkhole"?



    A sinkhole is an area of ground that has no natural external surface drainage--when it rains, all of the water stays inside the sinkhole and typically drains into the subsurface. Sinkholes can vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres and from less than 1 to more than 100 feet deep. Some are shaped like shallow bowls or saucers whereas others have vertical walls; some hold water and form natural ponds. Typically, sinkholes form so slowly that little change is noticeable, but they can form suddenly when a collapse occurs. Such a collapse can have a dramatic effect if it occurs in an urban setting.
    Areas prone to collapse sinkholes

    The map below shows areas of the United States where certain rock types that are susceptible to dissolution in water occur. In these areas the formation of underground cavities can form and catastrophic sinkholes can happen. These rock types are evaporites (salt, gypsum, and anhydrite) and carbonates (limestone and dolomite). Evaporite rocks underlie about 35 to 40 percent of the United States, though in many areas they are buried at great depths.

    Types of sinkholes

    Since Florida is prone to sinkholes, it is a good place to use to discuss some different types of sinkholes and the geologic and hydrologic processes that form them. The processes of dissolution, where surface rock that are soluble to weak acids, are dissolved, and suffosion, where cavities form below the land surface, are responsible for virtually all sinkholes in Florida.
    Dissolution sinkholes

    Dissolution of the limestone or dolomite is most intensive where the water first contacts the rock surface. Aggressive dissolution also occurs where flow is focussed in preexisting openings in the rock, such as along joints, fractures, and bedding planes, and in the zone of water-table fluctuation where groundwater is in contact with the atmosphere.

    Cover-subsidence sinkholes

    Cover-subsidence sinkholes tend to develop gradually where the covering sediments are permeable and contain sand. In areas where cover material is thicker or sediments contain more clay, cover-subsidence sinkholes are relatively uncommon, are smaller, and may go undetected for long periods.

    Cover-collapse sinkholes

    Cover-collapse sinkholes may develop abruptly (over a period of hours) and cause catastrophic damages. They occur where the covering sediments contain a significant amount of clay. Over time, surface drainage, erosion, and deposition of sinkhole into a shallower bowl-shaped depression.

    Sinkholes can be human-induced
    New sinkholes have been correlated to land-use practices, especially from groundwater pumping and from construction and development practices. Sinkholes can also form when natural water-drainage patterns are changed and new water-diversion systems are developed. Some sinkholes form when the land surface is changed, such as when industrial and runoff-storage ponds are created. The substantial weight of the new material can trigger an underground collapse of supporting material, thus causing a sinkhole.

    The overburden sediments that cover buried cavities in the aquifer systems are delicately balanced by ground-water fluid pressure. The water below ground is actually helping to keep the surface soil in place. Groundwater pumping for urban water supply and for irrigation can produce new sinkholes In sinkhole-prone areas. If pumping results in a lowering of groundwater levels, then underground structural failure, and thus, sinkholes, can occur.

    To see a catalog of all geologic maps for the country, visit the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program website. On that site, you can browse through the National Geologic Map database, which includes maps published by the USGS and state geological surveys.

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