Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today\s date october 15, 2012
page 339
Who Are They? Who Runs the World?
By Michael Tivana
The short list of who runs the world.
This list is compiled for people that
want to know who the “they” are
when we are talking about who runs our world. This is a partial list but many
of the key players are here. Study them more deeply, (go to the Bilderberger watch web
site) then send them a message, let them know
what you think about their plan for the world. It is not enough to know who
they are but we must expand our knowledge as to how they think and what their
agenda for the world is. The agenda is put forth quite clearly in the Bush
Doctrine which stems from the National Security Strategy for A New American
Their agenda is also clearly stated by Brzezinski in his book,
"The Chessboard Strategy" where he lays out the plan for the United States to
take over Eastern Europe and Asia for the sole purpose of maintaing
stability in the world. This is an admirable quest until you see their
stability is the New World Order, a Fascist World Government. If you don't
know what Fascism is look it up in any dictionary - it is NOT
Their agenda determines how you live your life, and how
your children will live their lives. If you do not enjoy living in a
constricted censored corporate state (the definition of Fascism) geared toward
profit above people then speak out and join the peace movement. If you are one
of the barons of power in this New World Order or if you work for one of the
barons and you do not mind living in a merciless society with little class
mobility, then a Fascist system may suit you. For now, here are some names
to continue your research into knowing who “they” are.
The companies
The short list
Some of the world's wealthiest transnational corporations:
Bayer - from the ex-Nazi company IG Farben
BASF - from the ex-Nazi company IG Farben
Hoechst - from the ex-Nazi company IG Farben
British Petroleum
Dow Chemical
General Motors
Nestlé - still makes choclate from dairy grazing around the
Three Mile Island radioactive zone
Alcoa- sold all their aluminum to Nazi Germany during the
Monsanto - controls the world's farms through plant
They and other multi-nationals form the ICC – THE
The International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce (IBCC)
And the WTO – World Trade Organization
They set the rules for international business that:
have made it so state courts will have no jurisdiction in
this area of law
allow corporations to sue governments in an international
court or tribunal (not public)
a complete rejection of environmental and labor standards
preferential most-favored nation (business) treatment
investment protection
and binding investor-state arbitration
Individuals closely involved with one or more organizations
Lord Peter A.R. Carrington – Chair of
Bilderberg Members Steering Committee; member international advisory board of
Council on Foreign Relations; former secretary general of NATO; Chairman of
the Board, Christie's PLC; Chancellor, University of Reading; member, House of
Jim Callaghan – Thought to be current
president of Bilderberg; Member of the House of Lords.
Peter D Sutherland (Irish) – Chairman,
British Petroleum PLC; Chairman, Allied Irish Bank PLC; Chairman and Managing
director, Goldman Sachs International; Former member, Commission of the
European Communities; former Director-General, World Trade Organisation.
Shirley Brittain Williams - member
international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Member House of
Lords; Public Service Professor of Electoral Politics, Harvard University.
Lord Roll of Ipsden – Member Bilderberg
Advisory Group; President S.G. Warburg Group PLC; Member House of Lords.
Andrew Knight - Member Bilderberg Steering Committee; Chairman News
International PLC
David Simon (Lord Simon of Highbury) –
Former member, European Roundtable of Industrialists; UK Minister for
Competitiveness in Europe; Ex-chairman of BP.
Joseph T Gorman (USA) – Member of
Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Business
Council, Council on Competitiveness and others. Chairman of the Buiness
Roundtable International Trade and Investment task force. CEO TRW Inc;
Director Procter and Gamble Company and Aluminium Company of America.
David Rockefeller (USA) – President of the Trilateral
Commission; President of Chase Manhattan Bank; member of Bilderberg Advisory
Renato Ruggieri (Italy)
– Member Bilderberg Steering Committee; member international
advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Director World Trade
Organisation (WTO); Former Italian Minister of Foreign Trade; member of the
board, Fiat Spa 90-95; Attendee at Davos Meeting.
Giovanni Agnelli (Italy) – member of
Bilderberg Advisory Group; member international advisory board of Council on
Foreign Relations; World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow; Honorary
Chairman, Fiat SpA; Director, Instituto Finanziario Industriale (IFI - The
Agnelli family holding company). Giovanni's brother, Umberto, is Chairman of
IFI and a founder of the European Roundtable of Industrialists.
Conrad M Black (Canada) – member
international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman and CEO
Argus Corporation Ltd; Chairman Hollinger International Inc; Chairman
Telegraph Group Ltd.
Gro Harlem Bruntland (Norway) - member
international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Attendee at
Davos Meeting.
Percy N Barnevik (Sweden) - Member Bilderberg
Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on
Foreign Relations; member, European Roundtable of Industrialists; member,
World Business Council on Sustainable Development; President and CEO, ABB
Brown Boveri Ltd.
Donald J Johnston – Secretary General, OECD;
Attendee at Davos Meeting.
James D Wolfensohn (USA) – Member of
Bilderberg advisory group; member, World Business Council on Sustainable
Development; Attendee at Davos Meeting; President World Bank.
Juan March Delgado (Spain), Chairman, Juan
March Foundation; member, World Business Council on Sustainable Development;
member, international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations.
Members of Bilderberg Advisory Group
§ Canada:
Anthony G. S. Griffin - Director of companies.
§ Germany:
Wolff von Amerongen - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Otto Wolff
Industrieberatung und Beteiligungen GmbH.
§ International:
Max Kohnstamm - Former
Secretary-General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, European
University Institute.
§ Italy:
Giovanni Agnelli - Chairman, Fiat SpA.
§ Netherlands:
Ernst H. van der Beugel -
Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former
Honorary Secretary-General of Bilderberg Meetings for Europe and Canada.
§ United Kingdom:
Lord Roll of
Ipsden-President, S. G. Warburg Group plc.
§ United States of
George W. Ball -Former
Under-Secretary of State.
William P. Bundy -Former Editor, Foreign Affairs.
David Rockefeller -Chairman, Chase
Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee.
The Steering Committee for the Bilderburgs
§ Chairman:
Peter, Lord Carrington, Chairman of the Board, Christie's
International plc; Former Secretary-General NATO.
§ Secretary-General
for Europe and Canada:
Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Public Economics, Leiden
University, the Netherlands.
§ Secretary General
for USA:
Theodore L. Elliot,
Jr-Dean Emeritus, The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy; Former US
§ Treasurer:
Pieter Korteweg, President
and Chief Executive Officer, Robeco Group.
§ Austria:
Peter Jankowitsch-Member of
Parliament, Former Foreign Minister.
§ Belgium:
Etienne Davignon-Chairman, Société
Générale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European
§ Finland:
Jaakko Iloniemi-Managing Director,
Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies; Former Ambassador to the USA.
§ France:
Marc Lardreit de Lacharrère -Chairman,
Thierry de Montbrial
-Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of
Economics, Ecole Polytechnique.
§ Germany:
Christoph Bertram - Diplomatic
Correspondent, Die Zeit. § Hilmar Kopper-Spokesman of the Board of Managing
Directors, Deutsche Bank AG.
§ Greece:
Costa Carras -Director of companies.
§ Ireland:
Peter D. Sutherland -Chairman, Allied
Irish Bank plc; Former Member, Commission of the European Communities.
§ Italy:
Mario Monti -Rector and Professor of
Economics, Bocconi University, Milan.
§ Renato Ruggiero, Member of the Board, Fiat
SpA; Former Minister of Foreign Trade; Director of the World Trade
§ Norway:
Hoegh, Ship Owner, Leif Hoegh & Co AS.
§ Portugal:
Francisco Pinto Balsemao
-Professor of Mass Communication, New University of Lisbon; Chairman, Sojornal
sarl; Former Prime Minister.
§ Spain:
Jamie Carvajal Urquijo -Chairman and
General Manager, Iberfomento.
§ Sweden:
Percy Barnevik -President and CEO, ABB
Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
§ Switzerland:
David de Pury -Chairman, BBC
Brown Boveri Ltd; Co-Chairman, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Group.
§ Turkey:
Selahattin Beyazit -Director of
§ United Kingdom:
Andrew Knight -Executive
Chairman, News International plc.
§ United States of
Kenneth W. Dam -Max Pam
Professor of American and Foreign Law, University of Chicago Law School;
Former Deputy Secretary of State.
E. Jordan, Jr-Partner, Akin, Gump, Hauer & Field, Attorneys-at-Law; Former
President, National Urban League.
Henry A. Kissinger - Former Secretary of State; Chairman,
Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Mathias - Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Poue; Former US Senator
(Republican, Maryland).
Rozanne C. Whitehead - Former Deputy Secretary of State.
Lynn R. Williams -International President,
United Steel- Workers of America.
A. Yost -Executive Director, The Asia Foundation's Center for Asian-Pacific
§ United States of
James D.
Wolfensohn -President, World Bank; President, James D. Wolfensohn,
Bilderberg Conference 2002
- Chantilly, Virginia,
U.S.A., 30 May-2 June partial list of over 200
USA Rumsfeld, Donald H. - Secretary of
D Schulz, Ekkehard - Chairman, ThyssenKrupp
USA Siegman, Henry - Council on Foreign
INT Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The
World Bank
USA Allaire, Paul A. - Former Chairman and
CEO, Xerox Corporation
CDN Baillie, A. Charles - Chairman and CEO,
TD Bank Financial Group
GB Balls, Edward - Chief Economic Advisor to
the Treasury
P Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of
Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman of IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.
F Belot, Jean de - Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro
USA Bergsten, C. Fred - Director, Institute
for International Economics
N Bernander, John G. - Director General,
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
CDN Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph
Group Ltd.
INT Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner,
European Commission
USA Soros, George - Chairman, Soros Fund
USA Rose, Charlie - Producer, Rose
P Borges, António - Vice Chairman and
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
USA Boyd, Charles G. - President and CEO,
Business Executives for National Security
F Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board,
§ Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi (Mexico),
President, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights.
§ Giovanni Agnelli (Italy), Chairman,
Instituto Finanziario Industriale; Honorary Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
§ Khalid Ali Alturki (Saudi Arabia),
Chairman, TRADCO
§ Moshe Arens (Israel), Former Deputy
Chairman of the Board, Israel Corporation Ltd.; former Ambassador of Israel to
the United States
§ Hanan Ashrawi (West Bank), Member,
Palestinian National Council; Founder, Palestinian Independent Commission for
Citizens' Rights.
§ Percy N. Barnevik (Sweden), Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
§ Conrad M. Black (Canada), Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, Argus Corporation Limited; Chairman, Hollinger
International Inc.; Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited
§ Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), Member of
Parliament; former Prime Minister of Norway
§ Peter A. R. Carrington (Great Britain),
Chancellor, University of Reading; former Secretary-General, NATO
§ Gustavo A. Cisneros (Venezuela), Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer, Cisneros Group of Companies
§ Alejandro Foxley (Chile), President,
Christian Democratic Party; former Minister of Finance of Chile
§ Toyoo Gyohten (Japan), President, Institute
for International Monetary Affairs; Senior Adviser, The Bank
ofTokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.
§ Abdlatif Y. Al-Hamad (Kuwait), Director
General and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Arab Fund for Economic
andSocial Development
§ Abid Hussain (India), Vice Chairman, Rajiv
Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies; former Ambassador of India to the
United States
§ Sergei A. Karaganov (Russia), Deputy
Director, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the
Board, Council on Foreign and Defence Policy
§ Kyung-Won Kim (Republic of Korea),
President, Institute of Social Sciences; former Ambassador of Korea to the
United States
§ Yotaro Kobayashi (Japan), Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
§ Otto Graf Lambsdorff (Germany), Memberof
the Bundestag; former Federal Minister of Economics
§ Graca Machel (Mozambique), President,
Mozambique Community Development Foundation
§ Juan March Delgado (Spain), Chairman, Juan
March Foundation
§ Maria Rosa Martini (Argentina), Cofounder
and President, Social Sector Forum; Vice President, Civitas; Cofounder,
§ Barbara McDougall (Canada), Former
Secretary of State for External Affairs; former Minister of State for Finance
and Privatization
§ Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala), Founder,
Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation; 1992 Nobel Peace Prize recipient
§ Adam Michnik (Poland), Editor-in-Chief,
Gazeta Wyborcza
§ Olusegun Obasanjo (Nigeria), Chairman,
Africa Leadership Forum; former Head of State of Nigeria
§ Anand Panyarachun (Thailand), Chairman,
Saha-Union Public Company Limited; Former Prime Minister of Thailand
§ Moeen A. Qureshi (Pakistan), Chairman,
Emerging Markets Partnership; former Prime Minister of Pakistan
§ Edzard Reuter (Germany), Former Chairman,
§ AG Michel Rocard (France), President,
Commission of Development, European Parliament; former Prime Minister of
§ Khehla Shubane (Republic of South Africa),
Research Officer, Centre for Policy Studies
§ Peter D. Sutherland (Ireland), Chairman and
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, British Petroleum
Company plc; former Director-General, World Trade Organization
§ Washington SyCip (Philippines), Chairman
and Founder, The SGV Group
§ Shirley V. T. Brittain Williams (Great
Britain), Member, British House of Lords; Public Service Professor of
Electoral Politics, Harvard University
§ Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh), Founder,
Managing Director and Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Grameen Bank
Individuals closely involved with one or more groups
Joseph T Gorman
(USA) – Member of Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council
on Foreign Relations, Business Council, Council on Competitiveness and others.
Chairman of the Buiness Roundtable International Trade and Investment task
force. CEO TRW Inc; Director Procter and Gamble Company and Aluminium Company
of America.
David Rockefeller (USA) – President of the Trilateral
Commission; President of Chase Manhattan Bank; member of Bilderberg Advisory
Renato Ruggieri (Italy) – Member Bilderberg
Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on
Foreign Relations; Director World Trade Organisation 95 - ; Former Italian
Minister of Foreign Trad; member of the board, Fiat Spa 90-95; Attendee at
Davos Meeting.
Giovanni Agnelli (Italy) – member of
Bilderberg Advisory Group; member international advisory board of Council on
Foreign Relations; World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow; Honorary
Chairman, Fiat SpA; Director, Instituto Finanziario Industriale (IFI - The
Agnelli family holding company). Giovanni's brother, Umberto, is Chairman of
IFI and a founder of the European Roundtable of Industrialists.
Conrad M Black (Canada) – member
international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman and CEO
Argus Corporation Ltd; Chairman Hollinger International Inc; Chairman
Telegraph Group Ltd.
Gro Harlem Bruntland (Norway) - member
international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Attendee at
Davos Meeting.
Percy N Barnevik (Sweden) - Member Bilderberg
Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on
Foreign Relations; member, European Roundtable of Industrialists; member,
World Business Council on Sustainable Development; President and CEO, ABB
Brown Boveri Ltd.
Donald J Johnston – Secretary General, OECD;
Attendee at Davos Meeting.
James D Wolfensohn (USA) – Member of
Bilderberg advisory group; member, World Business Council on Sustainable
Development; Attendee at Davos Meeting; President World Bank.
Juan March Delgado (Spain), Chairman, Juan
March Foundation; member, World Business Council on Sustainable Development;
member, international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations.
There are over 5,000 key players that run our
world, this list is to give incite as to some of the key members of the global
elite. I encourage the reader to study as many of these people as you can.
With the Internet a person can use the name as keywords then hit enter and
voila --- hundreds of pages of info on the person and the subject. You
determine for yourself what their intention is for our world.
Then I ask the reader to decide if that is
their vision for the world as well. If perpetual war and an economy that
enslaves rather than frees the people is what you desire then go ahead and
support these people and their vision for a World Government founded on
feudalism. If not, then join the Peace and Justice movement who are bringing
good things to our lives like a livable wage, paid vacations, healthcare that
actually heals your body, a life supporting environment. Come, join the fight
for our common wealth and be a part of the revolution to change the world for
the better.
How City of London (British Crown) Runs the World
Conspiracy theorists like myself believe modern history reflects a
conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave
Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to
Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and
The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural
life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US
Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control the World
Bank and
IMF. Their identity is kept secret, but Rothschild is certainly one of
England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "British
Crown" which refers to the "City of London," not the Queen. The City is run by
the Bank of England, a "private" corporation. The City is a sovereign state
located in the heart of greater London. Considered the "Vatican of the
financial world," the City is not subject to British law.
By Carolyn Baker
Monday, 01 October
A review of The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group, by Daniel
It is difficult to re-educate
people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of
relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.
—Bilderberg Group founder, Prince Bernhard—
As a rhetorical question, can someone please explain to
me how it is that progressive liberals such as John Edwards and Hillary
Clinton, as well as do-gooder humanitarians with multiple social
projects ongoing such as the Rockefellers and every Royal House in
Europe, can perennially attend Bilderberg meetings apparently knowing
that the final objective of this despicable group of hoodlums is a
fascist One World Empire?
—Daniel Estulin (P.318)—
Daniel Estulin is a Madrid-based journalist and an
investigative reporter who took on the daunting and dangerous task
of researching the Bildeberg Group, and who
offers his findings in The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group, recently
published by Trine Day. Equally intriguing as his harrowing tales of
being followed and nearly killed on a couple of occasions while working
on the book, is the manner in which Estulin connects the dots between
the Bilderberg Group, world events, notable politicians and corporate
tycoons and the two other secretive monsters of the ruling elite, the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC).
The project lasted fifteen years and was motivated by Estulin's
curiosity about how it is that the mainstream media has never covered in
depth the meetings of the Bilderberg Group whose combined wealth exceeds
the combined wealth of all U.S. citizens.
What Estulin's book makes
clear is that the group, along with the CFR and TC, has become a shadow
government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty of all
nation-states and supplant them with global corporate control of their
economies under the surveillance of "an electronic global police state."
The author emphasizes that not all members of the group are
"bad" people, and he implies that membership is structured somewhat like
concentric circles in a target scheme with in inner core and various
levels of relationship between that core and the outer circles of
membership. Almost every famous player in politics and finance in the
world is a member of one of the three organizations mentioned above, and
their political affiliations range from liberal to conservative, for
example, George W. Bush, George Soros, Gerald Ford, George McGovern,
Jimmy Carter. Of this private club, Estulin says:
This parallel
world remains unseen in the daily struggles of most of humanity, but,
believe me, it is there: a cesspool of duplicity and lies and
double-speak and innuendo and blackmail and bribery. It is a surreal
world of double and triple agents, of changing loyalties, of
professional psychotic assassins, brainwashed black ops agents, soldiers
of fortune and mercenaries, whose primary sources of income are the
dirtiest and most despicable government-run subversive missions-the kind
that can never be exposed.
This world, according to Estulin, is so perverse and
evil that "it has left an indelible mark on my soul". (16) How not?
Because the Bilderberg Group and its two other triplets, the CFR and the
TC have set about to loot the entire planet. Their members run the
central banks of the world and are poised to control discount rates,
money-supply, interest rates, gold prices, and which countries receive
or do not receive loans. Membership is by invitation only, many of the
earliest members being handpicked, not from right-wing groups but from
among none other than the Fabian Socialists who ultimately supported
global government.
Another chilling quote Estulin includes is
from William Shannon:
The Bilderbergers are searching for the age
of post-nationalism: when we won't have countries, but rather regions of
the Earth surrounded by Universal values. That is to say, a global
economy; one World government (selected rather than elected) and a
universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives,
the Bilderbergers focus on a ‘greater technical approach' and less
awareness on behalf of the general public.
In 1991
Bill Clinton attended the Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden where
Estulin asserts that he was "anointed" to the U.S. presidency, and
shortly thereafter he took an unexpected, unannounced trip to Moscow. It
appears, says Estulin, that he was sent there to get his KGB
student-era, anti-Vietnam war files "buried" before he announced his
candidacy for president which happened some two-and-a-half months later.
Today, Clinton is a member of all three groups: Bilderberg, CFR, and TC.
Hillary Clinton is a member of the Bilderberg Group.
points out that "almost all of the presidential candidates for both
parties have belonged to at least one of these organizations, many of
the U.S. congressmen and senators, most major policy-making positions,
especially in the field of foreign relations, much of the press, most of
the leadership of the CIA, FBI, IRS, and many of the remaining
governmental organizations in Washington. CFR members occupy nearly all
White House cabinet positions."(80) When one considers that most
prominent members of mainstream media are also members of what Edith
Kermit Roosevelt, granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt called "this
legitimate Mafia", how can we assert that Americans obtain their news
from independent sources?
For example, The News Hour with Jim
Leher is the cornerstone of PBS's programming. Leher is a CFR member,
and when one examines the funding of the news hour by: Archer Daniels
Midland (ADM) whose chairman Dwayne Andreas was a member of the
Trilateral Commission; Pepsico, whose CEO Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is a
Bilderberger and TC Executive Committee member; and Smith Barney which
is interlocked with Citigroup, a global financial services company that
is a member of the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, and the TC, what kind of
"news" should one expect from Leher's News Hour? Consider also that many
of the journalists on the News Hour: Paul Gigot, David Gergen, William
Kristol, and William Safire are members of one or more of the three
Likewise, when we consider the membership in one or
more of these groups of almost every American president since the
inception of these organizations, we can no longer pretend that any
Democratic or Republican presidential candidate offers the American
people an alternative to ruling elite global hegemony.
In fact,
Estulin's research reveals that "the Council on Foreign Relations
creates and delivers psycho-political operations by manipulating
people's reality through a ‘tactic of deception', placing Council
members on both sides of an issue. The deception is complete when the
public is led to believe that its own best interests are being served
while the CFR policy is being carried out."
And what happens if
the "anointed ones" become too autonomous? One chapter in the book, "The
Watergate Con-Game", answers that question. In it Estulin suggests that
Richard Nixon was set up by the Council on Foreign Relations of which he
was a member because of his insubordination and unwillingness to submit
to the shadow government. Presumably, Nixon's demise was carefully
crafted to demonstrate to subsequent Chief Executives the price they
would pay for disregarding the agenda of those who anointed
In the book's final
pages, Estulin's research waxes increasingly relevant to the present
moment in history. He asks: "Why would David Rockefeller and other U.S.
Trilateralists, Bilderbergers and the CFR members want to dismantle the
industrial might of the United States?" (184). He then launches into a
summary of the economic history of the twentieth century and makes one
of the most powerful statements of the entire book: "What we have
witnessed from this ‘cabal' is the gradual collapsing of the U.S.
economy that began in the 1980s."
In case you haven't noticed, this "gradual collapse
of the U.S. economy" is no longer gradual, and what Estulin is asserting
confirms a great deal of the assertions made by Catherine Austin Fitts
that the current housing bubble explosion/credit crunch/mortgage
meltdown has its roots in the 1980s. James Howard Kunstler has also
written recently in his blog entitled "Shock and Awe" that the great
American yard sale has begun. In other words, as an engineered economic
meltdown drives hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of
businesses and individuals into bankruptcy, key players in the Big Three
ruling elite organizations can buy up the train wreck left behind for
pennies on the dollar-a brilliant fast-track strategy for owning the
In the final months of 2007 we are witnessing the
stupendous success of the Big Three's strategy for planetary economic
hegemony as the cacophony of their carefully engineered global economic
cataclysm reverberates across America and around the world. It was never
about buyers who didn't read the fine print when taking out liar loans.
It was always about silver-tongued, ruling elite politicians and central
bankers, anointed by the shadow government, who ultimately and
skillfully stole and continue to steal governments from people and
replace them with transnational corporations.
No one could have
said it better than David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral
Commission, a Bilderberg member and board member of the Council On
Foreign Relations in his Memoirs:
Some even believe we are part
of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists' and of
conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated
global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If
that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
If you want to know who really runs the world and the
lengths to which they will go to establish their globalist hegemony, you
must read Estulin's well-documented The True Story of The Bilderberg
HERE COMES EVIL, By Lasha Darkmoon

By the pricking
of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
— Macbeth,
This article was published yesterday
; and subsequently,
here and
In a few weeks’ time, Americans will face the grim prospect of
choosing a new government, either headed by the same president or
by a new one. Why a grim prospect?
Because the choice is between an
aggressive war criminal
and a
draft dodging, chickenhawk warmonger,
both of them puppets of organized Jewry. No matter who you vote
for, you end up with dystopia. You end up with wickedness in high
It’s only a matter of time before the masses are shaken from
their slumber and realize that the world that awaits them is a
world under the dominion of evil.
Our government is now controlled by a criminal cabal. Our
country is a loony bin where the crazies are in charge. Our cities
are crime factories. Our banks are run by bandits who steal from
the poor. Our schools are production lines for the manufacture of
morons. Our places of work are venues of legalized exploitation
and servitude. Our news is horror fiction. Our courts are
coin-operated machines that crank out injustice. Our laws are
dirty jokes. Our heroes are villains. Our celebrities are
abominations. Our politicians are psychopaths at large. We live in
an America where torture has now been normalized and
murder is legal—an
Orwellian world too terrifying even for Orwell’s imagination.
Here are some facts that will help to persuade you that the
American Dream has morphed into a nightmare—that the country we
now live in is a police state masquerading as a democracy.
* * *
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media,
Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel
Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in
December 2008. “I just care that we get to
keep running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran
America was to cost him his job at the LA
If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they
lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain
unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They
fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a
takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to
Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to
Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a
defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry
and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without stretching it
too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.
It was the Morgenthau Plan, specifically designed by the
vengeful Henry Morgenthau as a collective punishment against the
German people for the crimes of Hitler, that was to turn post-war
Germany into “the
largest concentration camp on earth.”
As late as 1991, German chancellors were still being forced,
like enslaved vassals under the Roman Empire, to sign an “act
of submission” to their Allied conquerors.
Russia too, like Germany, was to fall under Jewish domination.
According to Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag
66 million Russian Christians
were put to death on the orders of the Cheka or Russian secret
police. Though my good friend Israel Shamir, a respected authority
on this point, is almost certainly correct in his view that these
figures have been grossly inflated, Yuri Slezkine’s candid quote
from historian Leonard Shapiro is nevertheless too well known to
be casually dismissed: “Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into
the hands of the Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself
confronted with and possibly
shot by a Jewish investigator.
Germany…Russia…America. They all fell under Jewish hegemony.
They had their hour in the sun, and then they had their eclipse.
It’s now America’s turn.
† “We, the Jewish people, control
America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
† “There is only one power that really
counts: the power of political pressure. We Jews are the most
powerful people on earth, because we have this power. And we know
how to apply it.” — Ze’ev Jabotinski, Zionist leader and founder
of the Irgun terrorist group, Jewish Daily
Bulletin, July 27, 1935.
In Part 1 of my article,
Goodbye, America,
I discussed the problems facing America today and suggested that
they are far more serious than those facing National Socialist
Germany in the 1930s. Of the seven problems I listed, the four
most intractable ones are these:
(1) The nuclear-armed state of Israel and its Samson Option,
neither of which existed as threats to peace before the
establishment of the Zionist state in the wake of World War Two.
(2) The presence of 60 million Christian Zionists in America
who are hand in glove with our new Masters, aiding and abetting
them in their violation of international law and the ongoing
genocide of the Palestinian people.
(3) The existence of a tentacular network of Jewish
organizations in America, such as the ADL and AIPAC, holding the
entire country to ransom; specifically, its mercenary and morally
bankrupt politicians.
(4) The lethal weapon of multiculturalism, a weapon
unavailable for use against either Germany or Russia but now
deployed to devastating effect against America’s Euro-American
majority. “Global elites view the White
Western world as the main obstacle standing in the way of a future
world government,” Pat Buchanan is
widely reported to
have said in a 2004 speech. “Multiculturalism is a tool used by
such elites to dismantle White Western civilization.”
Given that the Jews managed to achieve almost complete control
of Germany and Russia even before the
foundation of the Jewish state in 1948, it must surely be obvious
that their executive power has increased exponentially with the
acquisition of a military base in the Middle East, armed to the
teeth with the deadliest nuclear warheads, many of these
aimed at European capitals
and some of them probably at the United States.
Though it is a commonly known fact that Israel has 200-300
nuclear warheads, it is not so well known that this Mideast
Goliath possesses even more devastating weapons in its armory,
including at least 35 thermo-nuclear bombs fueled by lithium-6
deuteride; and even—as some American military experts
believe—intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s) capable of
one day reaching New York and Los Angeles, though these latter
weapons have yet to be tested. (See this authoritative article on
Israel’s military capacities).
It would be foolish to think that a country that killed
Americans in cold blood in the USS Liberty incident of 1967, and
may well have been implicated in the 9/11 attack on the homeland,
would have any scruples about attacking Americans again on a much
vaster scale if ever America became the object of their hatred.
* * *
It is important at his point to consider the hidden facts
surrounding the foundation of the state of Israel, if only because
this will help us to get a better perspective of the Jewish
It is almost universally believed, thanks to Jewish ownership
of the mass media, that the UN created Israel and that everyone
was delighted when this happened. This is demonstrably false. Even
the US government—or 99 percent of it—was adamantly opposed to the
foundation of Israel. Indeed, former Undersecretary of State Dean
Acheson was one of many who raised strenuous objections to America
recognizing the Jewish state, predicting that “the West would pay
high price for Israel.”
In spite of all these misgivings, the Jews got their state.
Why the Zionist land grabbers should now be held in such high
esteem in America and elsewhere, and their Palestinian victims
spat upon and spurned at every opportunity, can be easily
Apart from the
Jewish-owned mass media
which has managed to glamorize and cast a rose-tinted glow over
its Frankenstein monster in the Middle East, the answer lies in
one word: Holocaust. The Zionists have managed to convince the
world that they are the moral legatees of the victims of the
Holocaust. As such, they remain the Ultimate Victims.
Like Finkelstein, we are entitled to express concern over the
exploitation of Jewish suffering.
It is an undeniable fact that the Holocaust is a major industry
and that it is used as moral blackmail and
carte blanche for monstrous crimes.
Israeli writer Ari Shavit summed it up neatly when he said:
“We may
murder with impunity,
because the Holocaust museum is on our side”.
* * *
We are in a critical situation.
It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted.
Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the
conquest of the rest of the world. According to Israel Shamir:
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of
the Jews;
the world is.
Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters…..The
Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the
world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit
on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the
nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious
democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state.
De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s
Masters of the World [WASPs] will become
slaves in all but name….The
Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the
US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives
of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not
a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for
others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are
rarely good for anybody else.
The runes are easy enough to read. From the domination of
Germany and Russia, the Jews contrived to leapfrog to the
domination of America.
We see through a glass darkly, but what we see through the
gathering gloom is the grim specter of an American dystopia: a
Third World country hardly worth living in for most Americans.
It costs the American taxpayer
$12 million an hour
just to keep US troops in Afghanistan, a country America decided
to invade on a rollercoaster of neoconservative lies.
Incredibly, America’s closest ally, Israel, has yet to
contribute a single soldier to any of
Washington’s wars on their behalf—though Israeli commandos were
kind enough to “advise” the Americans on
torture techniques at Abu Ghraib
in 2004.
American Jews have never been particularly noted for their
presence, let alone their heroism, in America’s fighting forces.
They prefer to fight with their pens, which they do most
valiantly, far from the din of battle. It is they who beat the war
drums the loudest, who profit most from the wanton slaughter of
innocents, and who “get
others to fight and die for them.”
Ruled by a Jewish elite and their Shabbat goy underlings,
beyond the reach of international law and
hated throughout the world,
America is now an Israeli colony in all but name.
The days of wine and roses, of mom and apple pie, are long
since over. The American Dream is dead. Like Germany and Russia
before it, America lies vanquished.

“When the world looks
at America, what it sees is an
— Paul Craig Roberts
America has been taken over.
Slowly and imperceptibly, duped by lies and lulled into
complacency, Americans have let their country slip into the hands
of a fifth column: of a hostile ethnic elite whose primary
allegiance is to Israel, a country built on stolen land and
engaged in systematic genocide.
How is it that this rude and recalcitrant “ally” of America
still continues to receive its $3 billion a year subsidy? Is
America so besotted with love for the Jewish state that it cannot
say ‘No’? Silly question. Since it rests on the Chomskyite
assumption that America is still the lord and master and little
Israel the dependent colony.
The riddle is easily solved if one turns Chomsky’s assumption
on its head: organized Jewry, having taken over America, has
transformed it into an Israeli colony. The
$8.2 million per day
that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish master is not
a subsidy. It is tribute money: a tax or levy imposed on a
vanquished people by their conquerors.
According to political pundit Philip Giraldi, this is “the
first time in recorded history that a small nation with less than
eight million citizens has subjugated a much larger country with a
population of more than 310 million…. [America is now] a
slave to Israel.”
The Zionization of America is complete, with AIPAC appointing
the government and 60 million Christian Zionists ready to die for
their new masters in Jerusalem.

“I’ve never seen a President stand up
to them. They always get what they want. If the American people
understood what a grip those people have got on our government,
they would
rise up in arms.”
(Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of
Staff, 1983)
It was the Jews who twisted President Truman’s arm and got him
to give his full backing to their fledgling state. It was the Jews
again, through their vengeful representative Morgenthau, who were
to make life a living hell for the conquered Germans in the
aftermath of World War II. The Jews were always in the background,
it seems, the shadowy lurkers in the cabbage patch of history.
The colony that the Brits had failed to acquire in the Middle
East, Israel, was inherited by America. To start with, Israel was
to be America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East. The Americans
would use it as a gigantic military base from which to plunder
Arab oil. Nor would they have any problems with Ben Gurion’s
dreams of a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the
Euphrates. After all, why not give the Jews what they wanted?
Greater Israel was simply to be an extension of America: its
fifty-first state.
Things didn’t work out as planned. The best-laid schemes of
mice and men, we are told, often go awry. The tables were turned
on the simple-minded Americans. The Jews were much smarter than
their WASP masters could ever be. They knew how to cheat. They
networked. They had acquired through three thousand years of
bitter experience the arts of duplicity and cunning. Guile was
their genetic patrimony, intrigue the milieu in which they
flourished. They were the Ultimate Survivors.
Yes, one has to hand it to the
Jews. The hitherto oppressed decided to become the oppressors. The
former victims decided to take on the role of predators. The
previous puppets decided to become the Puppet Masters.
In short, the Jews took over America and turned it into a
Jewish colony. As simple as that. Their American hosts were hoist
with their own petard.
But why worry? American Jews are
Americans, are they not? If they’re smart enough to take over
America, as they have demonstrably done, why shouldn’t they
proceed to the next logical step and take over the world—yes,
dominate the world through America? No
one denies this is America’s aim: full spectrum dominance. So if
the Jews control America, and if America controls the world,
doesn’t it follow logically that the Jews control the world? The
logic is irrefutable.
Jewish world domination takes on a different perspective when
viewed through this historical prism. No “conspiracy theories”
here. No hook-nosed Jews grasping the globe in their cruel talons.
No Illuminati trying to sodomize your children and drink their
blood. Just logic. Just history. Just America striving for
full-spectrum dominance—with Jews leading the pack.
You could say the wild-eyed dreams of the
Protocols have at last been realized, but not in the way
their original masterminds intended.
* * *
“We should never forget what happened
when Jews were a hostile elite
in the USSR,” Prof. Kevin MacDonald notes bleakly. “The loathing
and contempt for the traditional people and culture of Russia was
a major factor in the avid Jewish participation in the greatest
crimes of the 20th century.”
MacDonald is referring to the systematic murder of
several million Russian Christians
under Lenin and Stalin: a period of mass murder spanning 36 years
(1917-1953). During this entire period moreover, as recently
released documents from Soviet archives reveal, thousands of
Christian churches were destroyed—but not a single synagogue. (See
The new American elite, as we all know, is a
Jewish elite. Exactly
like the elite in Bolshevik Russia and Stalin’s USSR. And it
is—this cannot be emphasized too strongly—a
hostile elite that “loathes the nation it rules.”
So we need to watch out.
Because what happened to millions of Russians in the first
half of the 2oth century—systematic genocide—could well happen to
millions of Americans in the foreseeable future.
“It is quite possible,” Kevin MacDonald muses, “that we are
entering into a racial dystopia of
unimaginable cruelty.”
* * *
The world that awaits us, if our New Masters prevail, will be
a grim dystopia. It will be a spiritual wasteland in which an
unprincipled elite rides roughshod over the teeming masses. It
will be a cruel world of exploitation, moral darkness, and
unspeakable brutality.
“Death solves all problems,” Stalin quipped cynically. “No
man, no problem.” When mass extermination
becomes the miracle cure, exciting times can be expected.
In Otto Friedrich’s widely acclaimed Holocaust study,
The Kingdom of Auschwitz, a concentration
camp survivor is quoted as saying:
Concentration camp existence taught us
that the whole world is really like a concentration camp. The
world is ruled by neither justice nor morality. Crime is not
punished nor virtue rewarded. The world is ruled by power. We are
laying the foundation for some new,
monstrous civilization.

An innocent victim of this “new,
monstrous civilization”, a Palestinian child, his arm cut off by
an Israeli settler for throwing a stone.
for original source of this shocking and controversial picture;
for other sources, see
So this is where we are now:
in the eye of the storm.
America, once a democracy, is now a crypto-fascist country
ruled in the interests of the richest one percent of its
population, a substantial number of them Jews. And the
richest Jew in the world,
Sheldon Adelson, is the man behind Presidential candidate Mitt
Romney—a Zionist puppet who would have no qualms in
sacrificing America for Israel.
“There is no freedom, no democracy, and no government
accountability in Amerika, a
fascist state,” Paul
Craig Roberts concludes ruefully in one of his recent essays.
The Jews, fulfilling the wildest dreams conjured up in the
Protocols, stand surveying the killing
fields of the world they have conquered. Iraq and Afghanistan lie
in ruins, thanks to their machinations. Iran lies in the
cross-hairs, awaiting its expected doom. And meanwhile in America,
as the body bags are flown in from foreign parts and the lurid
circus of bread and games grinds on relentlessly, there is nothing
much to live for except sex and death.
Stalin’s willing executioners, the Jews, are now the ruling
elite in America. As in Weimar Germany, the Jews make most of the
money and help to create a culture of neo-paganism and nihilism,
decadence and despair. Nothing has changed except the country.
Russia, Germany, America—they all went down like skittles in a

“If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.” — George
Orwell, 1984
This is a condensed and
updated version of
this 2-part article
published in October-November last year on several different
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (email
her) is an academic with
higher degrees in Classics. She is also a poet and translator. Her
articles can be found
her poems
About Montecristo
John Scott Montecristo is the editor of the Lasha Darkmoon
website. He is Lasha Darkmoon's cousin.
The Jews think we are under obligation to love them
because 6 million of them allegedy died in the
Holocaust. We are under no such obligation. It’s not
easy to love a spitting cat whose every second word is
“shit.” For one with an allefedly high IQ she shows a
very limited vocabulary.
The Jews think we are under obligation to love them because 6 million of them allegedy died in the Holocaust. We are under no such obligation. It’s not easy to love a spitting cat whose every second word is “shit.” For one with an allefedly high IQ she shows a very limited vocabulary.