Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date October 21, 2012
page 346
A new crop picture at Santena near Poirino in Italy on June 17, 2012 shows a similar style to two previous crop pictures at Poirino in June 2010 or June 2011. It is also one of the cleverest astronomical diagrams to be drawn in crops since Avebury Manor of July 2008!
An improved astronomical interpretation for Santena: the Sun and Mercury in Cancer on August 4, 2012, will somehow mark the start of a final countdown for December 21, 2012
One side of
the Santena crop picture showed four inner planets on a date of December 21,
2012, which is an end to the Mayan Long calendar. The other side showed an
obscure star configuration that has puzzled analysts for almost a week. Today
several people including Luke Falcon, Peter Dust, Jack Sullivan, Peter Mango and
Roger Wibberley offered new insights into the problem. I have checked and/or
extended those new ideas, and will summarize the consensus results briefly
A best fit for the left-hand side of Santena seems to show the Sun, Mercury and
six bright stars from the constellation Cancer on a date of August 3-4, 2012:
Surrounding those astronomical symbols, we can see a thin, general curve which seems to represent the orbit of planet Mercury from August 4, 2012 to December 21, 2012:
reaches a direct station on August 7, then a retrograde station on November 6.
The time difference between those two dates of 91 days matches the number of
small circles added to an outer ellipse for Mercury on the right-hand side of
the crop picture (Mercury has a more elliptical orbit than any other planet).
We know what the time period of "91 days" means, in terms of a Mayan calendar
date of December 21, 2012, since it was inscribed in stone on four sides of the
Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Chichen Itza:
But we do not know what a date of "August 4, 2012" might signify! It is not a special Mayan calendar date, although it matches 04-08-12 in our calendar. It also matches a date of August 4 or 5, 2012 which was derived from a "polar clock" shown in crops at Manton Drove on June 2, 2012. Quite a mystery!
Final comments concerning two astronomical diagrams as shown at Santena: the specific point of view is not from Earth itself, but from below the plane of the solar ecliptic by 3o of declination, equal to 0.05 AU in space below Earth’s south pole
Two astronomical diagrams as shown in crops at Santena have stirred much controversy, but are now relatively well understood. Jack Sullivan and others have usefully pointed out two remaining anomalies: (i) the “solar system” as shown at Santena for a date of December 21, 2012 is a mirror image of the one shown at Avebury Manor in 2008, or essentially a view from below Earth’s south pole, rather than a view from above Earth’s north pole; and (ii) the specific locations of our Sun and Mercury in Cancer on August 4, 2012 seem to be shifted upward by about 3o of Declination from where they would be viewed on Earth.
Both of these problems may be solved quite easily, if we postulate that the unknown crop artists are not residing on Earth itself, but rather at a co-moving location in space about 0.05 AU below Earth’s south pole, equal to 20 Earth-Moon distances:
details of both astronomical images shown at Santena then make
perfect sense. Sometimes it is not enough to use on-line
astronomy programs to interpret these crop images. Such programs
assume a sky view precisely from Earth itself. For Santena, that
assumption now appears not to be the case.
Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew) (with thanks to five
other analysts as named above)
P.S. The elliptical orbit of
Mercury as drawn in crops seems to support a date of December 21,
2012, rather than another possible date of April 26, 1962.
What might be the significance of August 4, 2012 as shown in
crops at Santena, Italy and Manton Drove, England?
excellent crop pictures from Santena, Italy on June 17, 2012, or
Manton Drove, England on June 2, 2012, have shown a coded date
close to August 4 or 5, 2012. What might be its significance? As
shown below, August 4, 2012 has a special astronomical
significance in the context of Mayan astronomy. On that day,
planet Mercury will make its next-to-last
heliacal rise prior to December 21, 2012 when the Mayan
Long Count calendar ends:
Mercury will rise in the constellation Cancer with the Sun
nearby, exactly as was drawn in crops at Santena on June 17. A
thin purple line marks the solar ecliptic (or crop tramline).
The crop view is offset from Earth by 3o of
declination, so the Sun and Mercury appear slightly higher in
the crop picture than in the sky view (from Earth). Mercury will
reach an inferior conjunction with our Sun on July 28, 2012.
Then it will remain too close to the bright glare of the Sun to
be seen for seven days or August 4, 2012, when it will show a
“heliacal rise”.
Finally, Venus on August 4, 2012 will be located where the crop
picture shows an “inner solar system” for December 21, 2012.
Thus Venus is being equated in the crop picture
with a date of December 21, 2012, which is when
the Mayan Long Count calendar ends! The Mayans often equated
Venus with their god-teacher Quetzalcoatl.
Image Johan Andersson Copyright 2012 |
Image Nyako Nakar Copyright 2012 |
I have been following the annual crop offerings on this site for a good number of years and think that by now, most who look seriously at what appears annually in fields of Wiltshire - and some other locations, can pretty easily pick something made by a couple of ol' boys with boards and rope. We are then left to ponder what is creating these enigmatic and beautifully precise patterns of obvious complexity. We can run through some possibilities - a) its a universal intelligence, b) its beings from a yet unknown part of the cosmos, c) its from a shadow biosphere, d) its a product of combined human intelligence, e) its ourselves from the future, f) its from the returning Sumerian Gods, g) GOD (likely same as (a)) - but, regardless of where we categorize it, we should understand that this is likely of immense importance to us and likely takes the form of warnings to humankind from a vastly superior intellect. It is also obvious that this site is visited from time to time by disinformation agents who are employed to muddy the message and obscure the truth - and some of them are doing the bidding of people in very high places indeed. With that in mind I come to the latest offering by Red Collie - who now likes to be known as Dr Horace R Drew - resplendent with the normal coloured pictures and arrows etc etc. I found his explanation prosaic and tenuous in the extreme. I wondered about the haste with which this 'explanation' was cobbled together and the very feeble effort to try and link the crop pattern to his hypothesis - 'the crop artist has placed them on either side of its central 'belt' region, perhaps to save space in the field' - yes I'm sure that's the reason that you couldn't get a good match Dr. Well, I would offer this suggestion; that this formation is likely as important as the 2008 Avebury formation as a message to mankind and that it shows NOT our moon, Jupiter and the Orion constellation but the Nibiru system and the eventual effect it will have on our sun and all the planets of the inner solar system - something that a number of people in very high places will want to try to keep the lid on. UPDATE:- One would think that after Dr Collie's very poor effort in trying to convince us that the constellation Orion was represented with our moon and Jupiter, the whole disinformation team would have taken him aside and given him a serious re-education session - you know, taken him into a room with big pictures of all those well known star patterns and pointed out the obvious - that if you are trying to sell an idea, at least make it basically plausible. Well I would like to point out something that Dr Collie and team would be very well aware of - something well known to NASA, the Vatican and the ruling cabal - that the Nibiru system comes from the south on the ecliptic and that the brown dwarf star has with it six moons/planets - a system that fits the crop pattern extremely well I would contend. It is also very interesting that Dr Collie's 'Jupiter' appears from the photography to be of equal scale to what is apparently our sun - so one could also contend that the creators of this pattern are showing our sun (or another body) pulled out of current alignment. I repeat what I have said previously - that this pattern is at least as important to mankind as the 2008 Avebury message and the amount of bogus astronomical Hocus Pocus that has flooded this site is clear evidence that those who want to muddy the message are very busy indeed. We can expect lots more pictures, arrows and astronomy 101 from the usual suspects.
Ric Laurence
This one shows the orbit of the Nibiru solar system
(note it has five "bodies") Mercury is not to be seen (possibly
perturbed INTO the sun) or maybe "picked up" by Nibiru and our own moon
is skewed See the perturbations of the orbits of our planets? getting
closer to the sun then further away this is caused by the "planisphere"
of the Nibiru system On the right is an "inset" of the Nibiru system in
3 dimensions the two in the middle are spinning around each other
between the outside two, making the system FOUR bodies, so the fifth
must be Mercury |
Just a remark on Rocco Perreca's vision of the Santena, nr Poirino circle in Italy : He says the CC shows the planets as they were on the 26th April 1962. This is what happened on that day.... 1962 : Ranger impacts on the moon surface...
Erwin Maes
The End of 'The Recurrence of the Sangréal' Feast ![]() Chart: click (here) to enlarge and download.
Lendo. June 21, 2012; 8 pm. With - 'Camponogara/Venezia 06-14-2012' – 305.5° sun setting onto → the Swiss Belchen (Osiris-point in the Belchen Triangle: 47°21'44.8"N/7°48'23.3"E) on the day of the summer solstice 06-21-2012/1.09 am (CEST): the head of (the constellation) Draco in zenith, north; Orion (Osiris) in the north, too; - 'Santena 06-17-2012' – 0.1° → Swiss Belchen on the day of the winter solstice 12-21-2012/12.12 am (CEST): again Draco's head in zenith and Orion in the north; - Magdelene's Mound/nr Rietheim/Germany ('The Recurrence of the Sangréal' Feast on May 13, 2012; 48°2'39.4"N/8°26'37.2"E): sun setting onto → 'Wenlock Wood/Shropshire 06-17-2012' – 307.6° the great cosmic celebration has drawn to a close, and we are embracing a golden (real) rainbow right now at 9.30 pm! Please read our previous comments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) or download them from (PDF). THE ABOVE LINKS WILL NOT BE ACCESSIBLE TO NON-MEMBERS OF CROPCIRCLECONNECTOR.COM BEYOND 12-31-12 I HAVE PLACED THEM ALL BELOW FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. DEE |
Comments to the decoding of the pictogram May 13, 2012
Ashmead Brake, Nr Hannington, Wiltshire, England
© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova, 2012
The pictogram depicts the extended brain area of the united consciousness cell of humanity. Therefore, the crop circle indicates the necessity for immediate unification of consciousness for humanity Transition to the next cycle of life on the safe Highest level of the material world before global cataclysms beginning.
We have immediately started training for the unification of consciousness for the Transition before September 18, 2012.
This is due to the warnings of extraterrestrial civilizations: on September 22, 2012 the second pre-cataclysm will occur, which may result in severe radioactive contamination of the environment due to the destruction of numerous nuclear power plants, located on the way of natural blow. Besides, will be destroyed the system of communications between countries. We have to overcome the shock of sudden loss of many people, relatives and friends. In these circumstances it would be enormously difficult to train for the unification of consciousness and to make the Transition before the third pre-cataclysm.
The third pre-cataclysm will occur between September 22 and December 21, 2012. Date of the third pre-cataclysm is unknown. This is due to the fact that if the second pre-cataclysm will occur in full force, then in a few minutes will be destroyed about 2 billion people. Extraterrestrials are warning that the remaining number of people will no longer be sufficient to start up the Transition.
Therefore, the united consciousness of the remaining number of people will not be able to cause the action in the form of the laser beam to remove our bodies from the level of global cataclysms. Since our body can not be transformed, we will not be able to continue life. The civilization of Earth will be completely destroyed with the start of global cataclysms.
Welcome to our future, because together we can get there!
Additional information is presented in our decoding crop circle pictograms of the 2010 and 2011 seasons is presented on, on our website: and youtube channel: ourtransition49
Uffington White Horse, nr Woolstone. Oxfordshire. Reported 19th May. Map Ref: SU299873
21/05/12 | 21/05/12 | 21/05/12 | 21/05/12 | 30/05/12 | 21/05/12 |
Image Dorian Black Copyright 2012 |
Dragon Hill
May 19, 2012 is the day of 9 Kat, week of Ajmaq.
Kat is the Lizard. Also
symbolized by Fire or the Salamander. Heat from the Sun. Some
lizards rely on, and use, energy from the sun.
Salamanders have been revered
for their ability to resist fire and are seen escaping through
flames from campfires.
Common Dragon lizard.
David Odell
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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
Uffington White Horse, nr Woolstone. Oxfordshire. Reported 19th May. I think crop circles are abandoning the theme of being complex as we are approaching "the time". When & how, only almighty knows but something wonderful/terrible/ecstatic/extinction (whatever) is around the corner. The crop circle clearly communicates the recent giant sun spots on solar disc. Yes, we know already that some of the gigantic sunspots have appeared from nowhere since Nov 2011. Mind it, they are so big that they are visible naked eye!! What the hell!! Yesterday in India, i was watching IPL league cricket match & in between the camera was focused on the setting sun. Immediately, the 4 sun spots were clearly visible in exactly the same pattern. Even the commentator was awestruck & he screamed, look at the sunspots!! Now time for some more guessing, yes they are big as much as 10s of the size of the earth, but still they appear like pencil dots on Solar disc. What size proportion this crop circle is using is absolutely scaring the piss out!! Look at the size of these bluddy spots. All together they almost equal the size of the SUN's core. I am putting my money on CC makers genuine efforts. They are so so correct in relative proportions that it can be termed "god like perfect". Now when we are already aware of the sun spots, what this crop circle is telling, ahmmm.... the size to which these spots could grow in future??
No way, that sends a chill through the backbone.
Either we are luckiest or absolutely doomed but hey, it's hell
of an exciting time.
dipender chhikara |
The Recurrence of the Sangréal Feast at Magdalene’s Mound/nr Rietheim/Germany, on May 12/13, 2012; supplementarily to the Dragon Hill 2012 crop circle.
Chart 4: click (here) to enlarge and download, or for the German version (ge). Central Europe‘s greatest burial mound in the Early Iron Age - later a supposedly distinct Merovingian, Cathar and Knights Templar location -, bears in Her womb a celestial chart of the central constellation Draco within the Platonic Cross. She is slowly becoming known by Dr. Allard W. Mees as the (lunar) „Stonehenge of Germany“. Our two days long spiritual and ritual reactivation was rejoined on May 19 and mirrored in view of the recurrence of Pleiadian Christ-Quetzalcoatl on 5-20/21-2012 through a second crop circle near the Uffington White Horse, that - due to the undoubtedly direct link to the constellation of Draco - we would suggest to be renamed into ‚Dragon Hill 2012‘, another Iron Age cult site. Please read our previous comment on the ‚Ashmead Brake 2012‘ crop circle; click (here) and scroll down!
The Platonic Cycle of the Pleiades-Sirius-Sun dynamics, called „Precession“. - 302.4° Sunset 05-20/21-2012/9 pm (CEST) The date of the „Pleiadian Alignment“ through Chichén Itzá - 05-20 12.45 am (CDT)/7.45 pm (CEST): culmination of Pleiades-Sun-Moon over the Great Pyramid - 3.39 am (CEST) total end of the annular solar eclipse: λ Draconis 0° N in Chichén Itzá - The Great Pyramid‘s location is precisely calibrated on the star λ in Draco at: 0°N/0° elevation! Why is Draco or Quetzalcoatl so eminently important to the crop circle creators, and also to our ancestors? For this figur is the the central constellation within the 26,000 year long Platonic Cross spiral. Now the purification process for another Platonic loop has begun and we've been celebrating it... Good bye and welcome! Also remember ‚Westwoods 2008‘, where Draco and Ursa Min. (Little Dipper) already had been thematized and configured as a sepernt-like flaming cross.
Lapis Draconis Reprobati Capiti Anguli Atque Absolutioni Aetatis Aquariae, Sponsae Christi, Mariae De Bethania. Tâmratejas & Dyugosâ Sources and URLs: - Rietheim/Germany (wikipedia) Magdalene's Mound (wikipedia) Article (Science Daily) Allard W. Mees (Südkurier) - Galactic Alignment 2012 (Article) by John M. Jenkins - The Harmony of New Age (Website) of Marc Smulders - The Platonic Cross and Draco (Website) of Jay Weidner - The Mysterious Identity of Saint George (Article) by Laurence Gardner - The Bloodline of the Holy Grail (Website) of Laurence Gardner (*5-17-1943, +8-12-2010) Northdowns 2010 (Crop Circle Archive) - The One Ring (wikipedia) according to J. R. R. Tolkien - Richard Harvey (Website) 'Kyrie for the Magdalene'; Hans Zimmer (Website) 'Angels & Demons' - Wickham Green 2010 (Vimeo) 'SOL IVI' (Vimeo) 'Spurensuche' (Video) Tools: - CalSKY (Website) Stellarium (Website) GoogleEarth (Website) |
Another wonderful photo collage from Nardeep Pujji with these thoughtful words - 'Spirals - The fingerprint of God Associated with Change, New life and Harmony! Spirals also symbolize Growth, Evolution, Regeneration, Rebirth.' |
“Eclipse astronomy” in Italian fields on the day of an annular solar eclipse?
The new crop picture at Braccione, Italy appeared close to the time of an annular solar eclipse, which was visible across parts of eastern Asia or western north America. It was also the time of a serious earthquake in northern Italy. We do not know for certain whether this field picture was paranormal in origin or else man-made. Nevertheless, a series of slides as shown below may help to explain its apparent scientific symbolism in terms of “eclipse astronomy”.
Saros cycle 128, of which the May 20 solar eclipse formed one small part, includes 71 major eclipses and two very minor ones. Likewise, the Braccione crop picture shows 71 stripes and 2 small tufts near its center. Any Saros cycle of eclipses will begin in one polar region on Earth, whether north or south pole, then will spiral down and out across the equator, eventually spiraling back into the opposite polar region thousands of years later. Likewise, the Braccione crop picture shows a long two-turn spiral, moving outward from a broad flattened center. In summary, whoever designed this particular crop picture, then laid it out carefully in a rural field, seems to have possessed a great deal of technical knowledge, beyond that of an ordinary field artist.
Several other examples of “eclipse astronomy” were shown in English fields in the recent past, for example in the summers of 1999 or 2008, when other total solar eclipses were visible from the British Isles. Those previous crop pictures showed not only “Sun-Moon eclipse diagrams”, but also “Saros cycles” such as the one described here for May 20, 2012.
What kind of spiral was drawn in crops at Bracciano, Italy on May 20, 2012, on the day of an annular solar eclipse? Several different kinds of spiral have appeared in various crop pictures over the years. For example, a logarithmic spiral was drawn at Stonehenge in July of 1996, a golden-mean spiral at Pewsey in July of 2002, or an Archimedean spiral at Barbury Castle in June of 2008. So what kind of spiral was drawn at Bracciano, Italy on May 20, 2012, on the day of an annular solar eclipse? As shown below, it most closely resembles a spherical spiral or loxodrome (see Rhumb_line or Spiral#Spherical_spiral):
The new Bracciano spiral appears almost circular on the outside, which would correspond to projection around the equator of a sphere. Then it appears tightly curved on the inside, which would correspond to projection near either pole of a sphere. These unusual features resemble those of a “spherical spiral”. Indeed, that is the mathematical function which describes a long-term path of solar eclipses along the surface of the Earth for any 18-year Saros series. The new crop picture certainly does not show an Archimedean spiral (see Archimedean_spiral), a logarithmic spiral (see Logarithmic_spiral), or a golden-mean spiral (see Golden_spiral) as shown in previous crop pictures from 1996 to 2008. Thus the new design appears both original, and also symbolically consistent with its date of appearance as a major solar eclipse. Red Collie |
Another wonderful photo collage from Nardeep Pujji with these thoughtful words - 'Spirals - The fingerprint of God Associated with Change, New life and Harmony! Spirals also symbolize Growth, Evolution, Regeneration, Rebirth.' |
Graphics Jay Goldner Copyright 2012 |
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Map Ref: SU169676
03/06/12 | 08/06/12 | 06/06/12 | 03/06/12 | 14/07/12 | 09/06/12 |
Image Simone Watts Copyright 2012
Polar Clock We believe the formation reported on 2nd June 2012 resembles a polar clock. It is a kind of clock showing not only the time, but also the date. In order to analyse the message depicted in the formation, we first had to rotate the image (see Fig. 1). After that, we executed the application PolarClock3 (by PixelBreaker). Then we set the date and time so that the polar clock displayed on our monitor screen was the same as the one on the formation.
Fig. 1: Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, 2nd June 2012 (source: accessed 02/06/2012)
Fig. 2: Obtained Polar Clock As the aerial shot was not taken perpendicularly to the formation, we are not sure about the time displayed, but we think that at least the date can be considered correct. When you compare pictures 1 and 2, you can see that the formation tells the following time and date: 19:43:53 on Saturday, 4th August 2012. We have no idea what this particular time might mean. Hope someone will find out why this date should be significant. Jitka & Roman Hamar, The Czech Republic, 02/06/2012 |
Kristijan Nikl |
Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
The Recurrence of the Sangréal supplementarily to the Manton Drove/Marlborough 2012 crop circle.
Chart 1: click (here) to enlarge and download. All is going fine...2012 is now! Happy End of the Long Count on June 1st! Any questions so far? Please read our three comments first (1) (2) (3) or download them from (PDF)! You can E-Mail ( us and we are going to enhance this comment with more details in text as an adequate response... We do this for YOU!
Chart 2: click (here).
Chart 3: click (here) to enlarge and download. After the meager feedback on our wish for spiritually interested people to be getting inspired, we'd nonetheless like to share some more dimensions on this heavy design, before the breeze on the tenth of a second escalates into the maximum credible accident. (smile) Please also read our comments (1) (2) (3) (4) or download them from (PDF), thank you! 'Manton Drove' is the Tower of Babel! The Tower is more than just a symbol. She is the Divine Gate. So, where do we stand in time? - March, 1697 AD: ultimate defeat of the Itzá kingdom; end of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán; - 2350 BC: The Tower of Babel; destruction of Babylon by Sargon of Akkad; 2200-2000 BC: Abraham, Ishmael, Sarai and Isaak – The Bloodline of the Dragon; - 18500 BC: Last Glacial Maximum; the dawn of behavioral modernity (symbolism and speech).
Chart 4: click (here) to enlarge and download. Last but not least I'd like to share the geometric and numerological reconstruction of 'East-/West Kennett 2011' in the context of the 3-4-5 dynamics, that had been channelled through to me on the day of 'Manton Drove 2012' – the centroid of the Pythagorean Belchen Triangle. It's one of the most profound designs, that ever came down from God for human meditation. It'll be thematised this year, too, we believe. So we'll see what happens, MAN. Tâmratejas & Dyugosâ Keys, sources and URLs: - The Belchen Triangle (1) wikipedia (2) on Regio Basiliensis (3) by Rolf d'Aujour d'hui (PDF) - The Pythagorean Triangle and Its Esoteric Meaning (article) by Antonietta Francini (Scribd) - The Tower of Babel (wikipedia) Abraham (wikipedia) Esau and the Dragon Queen (excerpt) by Laurence Gardner - Don Hunbatz Men in the Belchen Triangle (blog) - Inception: film by Christopher Nolan (wikipedia) - The Fountain: film by Darren Aronofsky (wikipedia) - TRON: film by Steven Lisberger (wikipedia) Tools: - CalSKY (website) Stellarium (website) GoogleEarth (website) The Bible Wheel (website) Mayan Calendar Calculator (URL) |
I think the last crop circle shows a 16 divided throat chakra, with 66 arcs and 6 parts of rings. Perhaps number shown should be 666 which is the number of a man. This years crop circles might show: heart chakra (15/04), solar plexus chakra (05/05), navel chakra (14/05) and root chakra (12/05). The directions are downward and with a change to upward moving prana. This is what happens when a disciple opens up the central meridian and could become an enlightened being.
I saw this the other day being discussed on a forum
with folks speculating what it might mean:-
Manton Drove
Here's the youtube video link:-
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Map Ref:
10//06/12 | 10/06/12 | 12/06/12 | 11/06/12 | 16/06/12 | 11/06/12 |
The field on which appeared the formation 9
tramlines, as well as the planets of our solar system. Three bodies
flying across the field. Maybe it field lines on the field displays
orbits of individual planets in our solar system. Something
penetrates into our system? The creators of the formation may have
in mind three potentially hazardous asteroids that cross be in June,
cross the path of our planet Earth. None of them should not threaten
the Earth. |
Three identical groups . . . a trinity . . . including the all-seeing
Eye of Horus (wedjat) . . . or is it a vesica pisces . . . or both . . .
Horus and Ishtar rolled into one?! And the winged sphere, ancient symbol
for Nibiru, the "planet of the crossing" . . . which, comet-like,
appears to join our earth as a sperm joins an egg . . . indicated by the
lightly incised outer circle . . . a blastula . . . or rather, a trinity
of blastulae! John Del Campo |
Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
It is clear to me that the
Crop Circle which appeared on the 9th is simply tieing into the
previous one on June 2 which decoded to be:
Pole = “2012 AD, June 2 Polar = “2012 AD June 2, Talk of GOD”. The one on June 9 has 3 designs. 3 = 66+3, "69" = "June 9" The letter 3 is the number C, also "hundred". Hundred: Hu = 08 U, 80. 80-66 = 14, 2+12, "2012". d's cancel. Therefore: You will remember that the crop circle on June 2 was composed of lots of "C's" -- this example used the C as 3 and 100. George Simpson |
I just wanted to say that this latest formation seems to be telling us that our sun's dark (winged) twin with its associated system of planets and debris is getting closer by the day and is currently sitting behind our sun and very rarely seen. Knowledge of this has been with mankind for thousands of years but has been kept well hidden by those who now make plans for this event. Our circle making friends apparently have a firm belief that the knowledge should be made public.
Ric Laurence
1. I am attaching a few of the Photographs taken from Wise telescope (Infrared Zone) of this object & this thing is absolutely monstrous. Jupiter stands no where in size & this thing has 7 planets in it's tails. In fact it's a mini solar system & companion of our solar system. coordinates for the year 2009 is as below. Anyone can click on it & people are watching it everyday from different parts of the world. No need no mention that they only are making crop circle since last 30 yrs & screaming loud for us to hear. RA 00 09 00 Dec -00 30 13 2. This thing is still not identified although it can be seen all over the galaxy (Infrared survey) all the over galaxy over a period of last 4-5 yrs (Funny!!). 3. When viewed in Infrared Dust survey, this thing appears as a gigantic EAGLE.
4. All the Dove/Eagle crop circle formations are an exact match. Though those crop circles hold lots of other interpretations (& they are all correct!!), that's the beauty of this phenomenon. The chevron, The trident, the serpent, the E, the duality, The 7 Chakra's, The Pacman & lots of many other symbols comes from this system. They can be viewed in different survey (radio, xrays etc.) of the same object. Mayan's rightly said that all will revealed in "no time". As ENki said, Have no fear!! You are the children of stars & not here to be engulfed by fear & tyranny. Nothing will happen that will hurt the one's who can hear the voice of heart & truth. We create our own reality. dipender chhikara |
Image Terry Lawrence Copyright 2012
Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations