eastern nuclear power plants




Dee Finney's blog

start date July 20, 2011

today's date October 31, 2012

page 358


SEE THE HURRICANE PAGE:  http://www.greatdreams.com/blog-2012-3/dee-blog349.html


5-19-12 NAP DREAM - I woke up in a panic because I hadn't finished my job at work.

I was back in my office at Allis-Chalmers. I had a purchase order on my desk that needed to be typed and siggned.

My boss Richard was talking on the phone to the guy he was going to go visit and he was sitting in the midddle of the room doing so.

The purchase order was in front of me and it needed to be signed by Richard before he took it with him to give it to the company making the parts. I had a letter of documentation attached to the purchase order stating that the part was almost done, and there were two business cards attached to the paperclip holding a drawing (our copy) to the paperwork. One said 'BE READY', and the other one had my name on it and I'm thinking that name was DUR (my initials?) or a place name?

I waved the purchase order, the letter and a shiny blue folder under Ricchard's nose so he would see that it was done and that he needed to sign it and take it with himm.

I placed it on his desk, thinkiing it was done and the I wwoke up and realized I had NOT typed the name of the company that was making the part on the top of it, nor dated it.

I wanted to get back into the dream and finish my job - but I couldn't.

Question is, what was it for and where was he going?

We made very large parts - some as big as rooms in houses. I specifically was in charge of shipping patterns for impellers that went into cooling towers for nuclear power plants and for ships that ply our oceans. We made military - non-sparking impellers. We made the best inn the world.

I left there in 1984 - right about before we were to have a big layoff - lots of people had already been laid off. Right after I left, the company moved to a new city farther west and the office I had been working in was torn down and a Walmart store built there.



I saw a map of North America and the word AMERICA was placed in capital letters on top of the map that was all black.

I questioned why was the map all black, and the answer came into my head, "How can I put seven dangers on a map of America all at the same time?

Now the question is "What are the seven dangers?"

I already know that two are drought and famine. The corn crop is already destroyed in the central states.

We are still having fires in California and other states.

So that is three - What else could there be?

Financial collapse, Totalitarian government, chaos, civil war,

Nuclear power plants, drought, famine, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.




Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station - Wikipedia,...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyster_Creek_Nuclear_Generating_Station - Similarto Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station - Wikipedia, the free ...

Oyster Creek nuclear power station is a single unit 636 MWe boiling water reactor ... The plant gets its cooling water from Barnegat Bay, a brackish estuary that ...


WASHINGTON Parts of two nuclear power plants were shut down late Monday and early Tuesday, while another plant — the nation's oldest — was put on alert after waters from superstorm Sandy rose 6 feet above sea level.

One of the units at Indian Point, a plant about 45 miles north of New York City, was shut down Monday because of external electrical grid issues, said Entergy Corp., which operates the plant. The company said there was no risk to employees or the public, and the plant was not at risk due to water levels from the Hudson River, which reached 9 feet 8 inches and was subsiding. Another unit at the plant was still operating at full power.

One unit at the Salem plant in Hancocks Bridge, N.J., near the Delaware River, was shut down Tuesday because four of its six circulating water pumps were no longer available, according to PSEG Nuclear. The pumps are used to condense steam on the non-nuclear side of the plant. Another Salem unit has been offline since Oct. 14 for refueling, but the nearby Hope Creek plant remains at full power. Together, the Salem and Hope Creek plants produce enough power for about 3 million homes per day.

The oldest U.S. nuclear power plant, New Jersey's Oyster Creek, was already out of service for scheduled refueling. But high water levels at the facility, which sits along Barnegat Bay, prompted safety officials to declare an "unusual event" around 7 p.m. About two hours later, the situation was upgraded to an "alert," the second-lowest in a four-tiered warning system.

Conditions were still safe at Oyster Creek, Indian Point and all other U.S. nuclear plants, said the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees plant safety.

A rising tide, the direction of the wind and the storm's surge combined to raise water levels in Oyster Creek's intake structure, the NRC said. The agency said that water levels are expected to recede within hours and that the plant, which went online in 1969 and is set to close in 2019, is watertight and capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds.

The plant's owner, Exelon Corp., said power was also disrupted in the station's switchyard, but backup diesel generators were providing stable power, with more than two weeks of fuel on hand.

In other parts of the East Coast, nuclear plants were weathering the storm without incident.

Inspectors from the NRC, whose own headquarters and Northeast regional office were closed for the storm, were manning all plants around the clock. The agency dispatched extra inspectors or placed them on standby in five states, equipped with satellite phones to ensure uninterrupted contact.

Nuclear power plants are built to withstand hurricanes, airplane collisions and other major disasters, but safety procedures call for plants to be shut down when hurricane-force winds are present, or if water levels nearby exceed certain flood limits.

In Lusby, Md., the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant was operating at full power — enough to power more than 1 million homes. Additional staff, both onsite and off, were called in to prepare for the storm. Safety officials there will take the plant offline if sustained winds exceed 75 mph or water levels rise more than 10 feet above normal sea level.

At Pennsylvania's Susquehanna plant in Salem Township, officials were ready to activate their emergency plan, a precursor to taking the plant offline, if sustained winds hit 80 mph.

"Our top concern is ensuring that the plants are in a safe condition, that they are following their severe weather procedures," said Diane Screnci of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. She said that even though the agency's headquarters and regional office had been closed, its incident response center was staffed, with other regions ready to lend a hand if necessary.

At the Millstone nuclear power complex on Connecticut's shoreline, officials said earlier Monday they were powering down one of the two reactors to 75 percent of maximum output to maintain stability of the electric grid. Millstone spokesman Ken Holt said the grid's stability could be affected if the unit was operating at 100 percent and suddenly went offline, which isn't expected to happen.

Some 60 million people in 13 states plus the District of Columbia get their power from PJM, the largest regional power grid in the U.S. Contingency plans call for power to be brought in from other areas to replace power lost if a nuclear plant reduces output or goes offline.

"It's done instantaneously," said Paula DuPont-Kidd, a spokeswoman for the grid. "Even if multiple plants go offline at the same time, we'd have to see how adjustments would be made, but for the most part we plan for that scenario."

In August 2011, multiple nuclear plants shut down due to Hurricane Irene, with others reducing power.

Although nuclear plants are built for resilience, their operations get more complicated when only emergency personnel are on duty or if external electricity gets knocked out, as often happens during hurricanes.

"When external power is not available, you have to use standby generators," said Sudarshan Loyalka, who teaches nuclear engineering at University of Missouri. "You just don't want to rely on backup power."

© 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  1. Dee Finney - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes

    Aug 23, 2011 – Twelve other nuclear power plants in New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania ... Dominion's North Anna Nuclear Plant Loses Power After Quake ...

    A first priority to prevent this disaster would be to shut down all nuclear power plants and end the testing of atomic weapons, electronic warfare and 'Star Wars'.


Hurricane Sandy: Problems at Five Nuke Plants

PHOTO: A cooling tower is seen at the Salem nuclear power plant known as Artificial Island.

"Water level is rising in the intake structure due to a combination of a rising tide, wind direction and storm surge," the NRC said Monday. "It is anticipated water levels will begin to abate within the next several hours."

Exelon Corporation, the owner of the plant, said in a statement that there was "no threat to the public health or safety" from the situation.

The plant also lost power, which is critical to keep spent fuel rods from overheating, but "the station's two backup diesel generators activated immediately," and it has two weeks of diesel fuel on site, Exelon said.

A reactor at an Exelon facility outside Philadelphia, Limerick Generating Station, was ramped down to 91 percent power after Sandy caused a problem with its condenser.

A unit at a fourth plant 43 miles from Philadelphia, Salem Nuclear Power Plant on Delaware Bay in southern New Jersey, was manually shut down just after 1 a.m. Tuesday morning "when four of the station's six circulating water pumps were no longer available due to weather impacts from Hurricane Sandy," according to plant co-owner PSEG Nuclear.

"No issues were encountered during the Salem Unit 1 shutdown," said PSEG Nuclear, "and the plant is currently stable. In addition to the operating crews onsite, Salem has designated response teams available."

At the Nine Mile Point plant near Oswego, New York, in what operators say "is likely a storm-related event," unit 1 shut down automatically around 9 p.m. Monday because of an electrical fault, while unit 2 experienced a power loss from an incoming power line because of the same fault. An emergency diesel generator started automatically to supply power to unit 2. The NRC said that the operators are still evaluating the cause of the event. "All plant safety systems responded as designed and the shutdown was safely carried out," said the NRC. Nine Mile Point is owned by CENG, a joint venture of Exelon and a French power company.

ABC News' Brian Hartman contributed to this report.

POSTED 13 APR 2001 Remember nuclear power? Forty years ago, it was hyped as Four cooling towers symbolize the nuclear industry. Cooling is needed to reuse water that makes steam."too cheap to meter," and more than 400 nuclear electric generators were built around the world. Then, in 1979, despite assurances from experts, Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island plant melted down.

Nuclear electricity became "too expensive to sell," and the industry began a long slide. Plant orders were cancelled. Some plants closed. Major operators went bankrupt. Peddling reactors became about as exciting as selling sugared soda at a diabetics convention.

What a difference a couple of decades makes! Today, even as the Bush Administration belittles global warming, the prospects of a worldwide warm-up may make nuclear power seem sweet by comparison.

Exerpted from: http://whyfiles.org/130nukes/

As to locking in the benefits of Russian-U.S.nuclear disarmament by making them irreversible, the CANDU MOXinitiative is virtually devoid of gains for physical security. Striving to make their country and the world a safer place, Canada would accept and process nuclear waste sloughed off by the Russian Federation and the United States while they held on to what might be termed the "sweet stuff."

Excerpted from: http://www.ccnr.org/mox_griffith_4.html (Regarding storing excess Plutonium in Canada)

The U.S. in particular intends to maintain indefinitely a force of 2,500 deployed strategic nuclear warheads, plus 2,500 warheads in an inactive reserve, plus an additional 5,000 plutonium "pits" for replacement in deployed and inactive warheads. Russia can be expected to follow suit as best it can.

Holding on to what the Americans call the "sweet stuff," the two suppliers of plutonium for use at the Bruce station would divest

themselves of what amounts to nuclear waste. Canada would receive plutonium formulated for obsolete warheads, reactor plutonium in fresh and irradiated form, scraps and residues, process waste, and material used for peaceful purposes.

Excerpted from: http://www.ccnr.org/news/news_briefs_p.html (Regarding Ottawa's Determination to Import Weapons-Grade Plutonium)

In spite of disaster scenarios, the American government has focused its reaction on the risks of proliferation and the hijacking of fissile materials, at the time of the IAEA general assembly's opening.

"We cannot assume that tomorrow's terrorist acts will mirror those we have just experienced," said US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

He asked the IAEA to increase its efforts to stop nuclear proliferation and the illicit trade in nuclear materials, which is seeing an upsurge.

Following a lull between 1995 and 1998, the IAEA has seized six loads of 0.4 to six grammes of uranium or enriched plutonium since the beginning of 1999 in the former Soviet republics and the Balkans.

It takes at least eight kilogrammes of plutonium or 25 kilogrammes of highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb, according to experts.

Excerpted from: http://www.greatdreams.com/trade_day9.htm

Radioactive substances include niobium-92m, barium-133, palladium-103, chromium-51, trontium-85, strontium-86, iodine-132, americium-241, and calcium-45. Workers accidentally contaminated with plutonium-239 have also been tested, and tritium may also have been used in experiments.


Source of leak found at South Texas nuclear plant

BAY CITY, Texas Officials at the South Texas Project today found the source of a water leak that's led to the shutdown of a nuclear reactor.

Officials at the plant near Bay City say the leak was located at a weld connecting a pipe to a valve in the reactor's coolant system.

A team of workers was able to enter Unit Two and pinpoint the leak.

The crew is working to determine the cause of the leak, develop a repair plan and take steps to prevent a recurrence.

It's not immediately known how long the reactor would be shut down for repairs.

Officials at the nuclear plant, located about 100 miles southwest of Houston, say there's been no release of radiation -- and no danger to the public.

Sensitive instruments used to monitor for leaks indicated earlier this week there might be a problem with Unit Two.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

The Cork is Off the Bottle - Nuclear Incident in Montana by Counterpunch Sunday, Jan. 23, 2005 at 1:19 PMA retired high-level government source was called yesterday to respond to a nuclear incident in Montana. Apparently the silo doors of numerous ICBM missiles were opened.

A retired high-level government source was called yesterday to respond to a nuclear incident in Montana. Apparently the silo doors of numerous ICBM missiles were opened.

Two such incidents during the Cold War era nearly started World War III. When silo doors open, it indicates the intention to launch missiles against another nation.

According to an essay published by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), an organization dedicated to abolition of nuclear weapons: "The US experienced several near-accidents at its Cheyenne Mountain early warning station in the late 1970s. Twice, the equipment at the base generated false indications of a nuclear missile strike from Russia and nearly prompted US retaliation on both occasions."

According to Phil Patton, author of "Dreamland: A Cultural History of Area 51," an incident also occurred in 1980 in which "a multiplexer chip failed in a Nova 840 computer and sent a false missile warning to the national command center." Pattons says that it was the second such incident in less than a year. "In the first one, fake data from a war-sim was mistaken for the real thing, and the Pentagon was notified that a Soviet missile strike was under way. It took about eight minutes to determine that the end of the world was not, in fact, at hand."

Today, there are 200 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base at five missile alert facilities in Montana, with four operational missile squadrons assigned as combat-ready forces to continuously operate, maintain, and secure "strategic nuclear deterrence."

One of these squadrons declares on its web page that its squadron works "every day of the year, 24 hours per day" to "keep America free by operating and safeguarding her most destructive power."

According to the NAPF essayist, Justin Murray, "Despite the end of the Cold War, the United States and Russia once again find themselves on the brink of a nuclear Armageddon," but the threat "does not stem from hostilities or a premeditated, intentional strike but from miscalculation and computer errors." Murray states that both the U.S. and Russia maintain thousands of nuclear weapons in launch warning mode. While launch procedures in the U.S. demand almost instantaneous decision-making by the President, the situation in Russia is even more hazardous, where decay of early warning systems elevate the possibility of false alarms.

Of course, the unasked and unanswered question here is: what about terrorists?

There seems to be no indication that the incident in Montana is a terrorist-related one. However, the incident begs two crucial questions: first, are our systems inadequately protected?, and second, does the increase in development of more nuclear weapons under President Bush create greater dangers? (We already have approximately 9600 warheads and are talking about developing a new line of small nuclear weapons called "bunker busters.")

The answers are no and no.

First, the systems are inadequately protected because whenever you have a very sophisticated electronic system (and, in this case, systems), there is the potential for an accident ­ and already there have been enough incidents to warrant shutting these dangerous systems down.

Second, there is no such thing as adequate control of nuclear weapons. Their management and control simply cannot be guaranteed. The return to proliferation of nuclear weapons is risking an End Game ­ THE End Game. Although we might labor under the false belief that the Nuclear Genie is back in the bottle, even if she is, the cork is definitely not on.

The incident in Montana, which may never make it into the mainstream press, proves this.

Jennifer Van Bergen, J.D., is the author of The Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America (Common Courage Press, 2004). She has written and spoken extensively on civil liberties, human rights, and international law. She and Raymond Del Papa are currently organizing a major Forum on Dissent Since 9/11 in Miami from March 11-13. See http://www.partnersinprotest.org. She may be contacted at jvbxyz@earthlink.net

1:59 PM CST Monday


Water leak shuts down Wolf Creek

A nuclear power plant in central Kansas that provides energy for Kansas Citians was shut down Saturday night after a water leak and still was offline Monday afternoon, a spokeswoman said.

Officials at Wolf Creek Generating Station in Burlington, Kan., discovered last week that water used to cool a main electrical generator had been leaking. On Saturday night, they decided to shut down the plant so engineers could find and repair the leak.

Plant spokeswoman Susan Maycock said Monday that officials from General Electric Co., the generator's manufacturer, were at the plant to help fix the problem. It was unclear when the work would be done, she said.

The 1.2-gigawatt Wolf Creek plant is co-owned by Kansas City Power & Light Co. and Topeka-based Westar Energy Inc. (NYSE: WR). The two utilities that serve hundreds of thousands of Kansas City-area homes. The plant can provide power for as many as 800,000 homes.

KCP&L spokesman Tom Robinson said Monday that the Kansas City-based utility had sufficient power generation from the rest of its plants to mitigate the Wolf Creek shutdown.

Kansas City-based Great Plains Energy Inc. (NYSE: GXP) owns KCP&L.

© 2005 American City Business Journals Inc.

Fermi nuclear power plant shut down after coolant plant

January 24, 2005, 7:14 PM

FRENCHTOWN TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- The reactor at the Fermi 2 nuclear power plant was shut down Monday evening after a coolant leak was detected, officials said.

Officials with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Energy, which operates the plant, said the Monroe County plant was not evacuated and the leak posed no danger to the health or safety of plant workers or the public.

Viktoria Mitlyng, public affairs officer for the NRC in Chicago, said the plant was shut down without complications and nonessential workers were allowed to leave for the day.

Plant officials were trying to determine the cause of the leak Monday evening and it wasn't known when operations would resume, Mitlyng said.

DTE spokeswoman Lorie Kessler said the reactor's coolant remained at a normal level despite the leak. She added that the leaked coolant, which is mostly water, was not released into the environment.


See: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/tectonic_weapons.html

Huge radioactive leak closes Thorp nuclear plant

Paul Brown, environment correspondent
Monday May 9, 2005
The Guardian

A leak of highly radioactive nuclear fuel dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, enough to half fill an Olympic-size swimming pool, has forced the closure of Sellafield's Thorp reprocessing plant.

The highly dangerous mixture, containing about 20 tonnes of uranium and plutonium fuel, has leaked through a fractured pipe into a huge stainless steel chamber which is so radioactive that it is impossible to enter.

Recovering the liquids and fixing the pipes will take months and may require special robots to be built and sophisticated engineering techniques devised to repair the £2.1bn plant

The leak is not a danger to the public but is likely to be a financial disaster for the taxpayer since income from the Thorp plant, calculated to be more than £1m a day, is supposed to pay for the cleanup of redundant nuclear facilities.

The closure could hardly have come at a worse time for the nuclear industry. Britain is struggling to meet its target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 20% of 1990 levels by 2010, despite a substantial programme of wind farm construction, while generating capacity will also be hit by the rundown of some of Britain's coal-fired power stations.

The decision on whether to build a new generation of nuclear power stations is among the most sensitive Tony Blair faces at the start of his third term.

A leak of a briefing paper to ministers on the nuclear option yesterday revealed that the contribution new nuclear capacity could make to cutting greenhouse gases had not yet been considered because of opposition from Margaret Beckett, secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs.

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, a quango which took over ownership of the plant from British Nuclear Fuels on April 1, has a £2.2bn cleanup budget for this year, its first year of operation, of which £560m was to come from the Thorp plant.

Richard Flynn, spokesman for the NDA, said: "If the income from the plant is not forthcoming then obviously it will put back plans for cleaning up."

On Friday the British Nuclear Group, a management company formed to run the Sellafield site on behalf of the NDA, held a meeting with the government safety regulator, the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII), to discuss how to mop up the leak and repair the pipe. The company has to get the inspectors' approval before proceeding.

A problem at the plant was first noticed on April 19 when operators could not account for all the spent fuel that had been dissolved in nitric acid. It was supposed to be travelling through the plant to be measured and separated into uranium, plutonium and waste products in a series of centrifuges. Remote cameras scanning the interior of the plant found the leak.

Although most of the material is uranium, the fuel contains about 200kg (440lb) of plutonium, enough to make 20 nuclear weapons, and must be recovered and accounted for to conform to international safeguards aimed at preventing nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands. The liquid will have to be siphoned off and stored until the works can be repaired, but a method of doing this has yet to be devised.

The company has set up a board of inquiry to find out how the leak occurred. The NII will set up a separate investigation and has the power to prosecute if correct procedures have not been followed.

The Thorp plant produces uranium and plutonium from spent fuel in such large quantities that only a tiny proportion of it can ever be reused for reactor fuel. Its critics also claim it is uneconomic because it has never operated to design capacity since it opened 12 years ago, and is years behind schedule in fulfilling orders.

This has angered some customers and the British Nuclear Group is embroiled in a court case with one of its customers, the German owners of the Brokdorf power station, which is withholding fees of £2,772 a day for storage of spent fuel, claiming it should have been reprocessed years ago.

In 12 years Thorp has reprocessed 5,644 tonnes of fuel from its first 10-year target of 7,000 tonnes. Last year it failed to reach its target of 725 tonnes, achieving 590.

Martin Forwood, of Cumbrians Opposed to Radioactive Environment, said the NDA had been "naive" in placing trust on income from Thorp, given its track record. "Reprocessing is blatantly incompatible with the official cleanup remit of the NDA, which will now find itself out of pocket as a result of the latest Thorp accident. The new owners would do the taxpayer the greatest service by putting Thorp out of its misery and closing it once and for all."

The managing director of British Nuclear Group, Sellafield, Barry Snelson, who ordered the plant to be closed down, said: "Let me reassure people that the plant is in a safe and stable state."

Special report

The nuclear industry

The Mox ships' journey around the world (pdf)
Nuclear map of Britain
US nuclear map

Memo: Threat to Nuke, Power Plants in Northeast

20 June 2005: The FBI reportedly received specific information about a threat to nuclear facilities, power stations and electric grids in the Northeast, from Massachusetts to New York on or about April 29, 2005. Information about the threat was disseminated to local and state law enforcement officials and the security departments of power plants two weeks later, on June 13, and contained the name and sketch of a Middle Eastern male who allegedly would be participating in the attack or multiple attacks.

The information suggested that the male depicted in the drawing would attempt to enter the U.S. during the month of June. Accordingly, law enforcement agencies were advised to be on the lookout for this individual and were advised to heighten their level of awareness until further notice. According to the information obtained from federal sources, intercepted communications containing specific information led to the memo being disseminated for the Northeast area of the U.S.

FROM : http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/alerts.asp

Apr 7, 2007 7:44 am US/Easternn/b>

Indian Point Nuclear Plant Stable After Explosion

Tony Aiello
(CBS) BUCHANAN, N.Y.Investigators are working to determine the cause of Friday's explosion and fire on the grounds of the Indian Point nuclear energy center.

The incident forced the shut down of the Indian Point 3 nuclear reactor, and caused plant owner Entergy Nuclear Northeast to issue a "notice of unusual event."
Plant safety director Michael Slobodien said an electrical transformer exploded and caught fire near the reactor shortly after 11 a.m.

"It's in an area outside the nuclear part of the plant," Slobodien told reporters. "The plant shut down safely and is under control.

"Anytime you have something of this nature that affects a major component like the transformer, you would shut down for safety sake and to conduct an investigation," Slobodien said.

The transformer takes electricity from the reactor and feeds it to overhead power cables. It was protected by a sprinkler deluge system that automatically knocked down much of the fire, Slobodien said.

The plant's own fire brigade also worked to put out the fire. The Verplanck Fire Department sent several units to Indian Point to serve as mutual aid, but they were not needed.

Westchester County sent health workers to monitor air quality near the plant after the fire. The monitors detected no release of radiation, according to Tony Sutton, the county's Commissioner of Emergency Services.

"We always want to err on the side of caution," Sutton said. "That's why we dispatched a couple field teams to monitor air quality and check for radiation."

"We have nothing to indicate this had any impact at all on public health and safety."

Smoke from the fire was visible across the Hudson River in Rockland County, and prompted concerned calls from many residents.

Rockland County Executive Scott Vanderhoef complained it took Entergy 30 minutes to notify the county of the event.

In Buchanan, many residents took the scare in stride.

"I didn't even really get scared when I saw the fire trucks," said Norma Barrett. "I just went with the flow."

The fire marked the fourth time since July that Indian Point 3 was forced to shut down. Critics said the problems illustrated the need for an independent safety analysis of the entire plant.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission downgraded the plant's safety rating after the fire, from green, the best rating, to white, one step lower. The commission said the plant would be under increased scrutiny for several weeks.

Operations at the Indian Point 2 generator were not affected, Entergy said.

(© MMVII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)


IDAHO TO GET INTO THE PLUTONIUMBUSINESS. compiled by Dee Finney. Idaho National Laboratory may pick up plutonium project. Posted on Mon, Aug. 16, 2004. ...
www.greatdreams.com/idaho_plutonium.htm -


... Plutonium Uranium Mixed Oxide (MOX). ...Lawmakers, Group Question Safety Plans For US Trans-Atlantic Plutonium Shipment. Environment News Service (ENS). ...
www.greatdreams.com/willie-flotilla.htm -


...no more radioactive waste to be brought to Hanford while DOE still has massive amounts of waste to clean up there from the past production of plutoniumfor the ...


...The first overseas movement of nuclear capsules - the bomb's plutoniumor uranium core - came in 1951 when President Truman authorized the shipment of nuclear ....

  1. HAARP VS THE SUN - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes

    Oct 22, 2012 – power plant blowing up, or even a nuclear bomb, only time will TELL. ..... and he contributed to what was, at the time, the dream of a futurist.
  2. THE ELECTRIC OCTOPUS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes

    10-18-03 - DREAM - I was living in a house with some young girls. ...... Altogether, Bechtel has built 45 nuclear power plants in the U.S. and overseas, including ...

  4. wjkm am 1090 / cmr - blasted off the air - Dreams of the Great Earth ...

    The only reason I called them is that we have a nuclear power plant that was never ... Not to blame the nuclear power plant or say that's what the cause is, but ...



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