Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date November 17, 2012
page 378
Revelation: 11-13
In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In
the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and
gave glory to the God of heaven.
11-17-12 - DREAM - I was near a large body of water, and there was a
fish shanty there, so old and weather beaten, the wood was black.
The door to the fish shanty was open, and some large cats went into the door
opening and each cat dragged out a large fish by the tail, and these must have
been older fish because the skin came right off and I marveled at how perfectly
the body of the reddish bodied fish looked, each fish so perfectly formed with
muscle and flesh delineated into small sections. I figured the fish
had to have been getting rotten to come out of their skins so easily.
I woke up suddenly and a voice in my head said,"10 SHOCK!"
NOTE: On thinking about this dream, apparently there were three fish.
Interestingly, there were a couple crop circles with three fish in them this
year. One of them was considered 'sun' fish.

The sun has been very prominent this year - namely the solar eclipse we just
I have been tracking the USGS list of earthquakes since that date:
November 13, 2012
Another crop circle with 3 fish in it took place in 2009

We had determined that this crop circle may have been a religious symbol
because of this:

We didn't follow up on that trail, so that is all we posted on that crop
circle back then.
I also had a dream about a 10 earthquake in 1999
by Dee Finney
NOTE: This dream
occurred before midnight,
on the
8th. Joe
and I had
been discussing weird events in our lives during
the past
two years....
seemingly ET events, implanted
visions, strange
lights and
The dream
following occurred within minutes of that
11-9-99 - DREAM
- Joe and
I were in
a house somewhere in California,
we were discussing events which had
and prophecies of events to come.
then went out to
a car
and continued
the discussion in
the car.
We were driving
a two lane
downhill toward
the ocean
which seemed to be rising
coming over
the road
as it made
a left turn
a large
rock up
It would have
to be
the Coast
I heard
a double beep sound like
a big truck was
us from behind, however when I looked behind us I didn't see
I looked
and wondered if
there was
a place
to pull over
and stop.
an overwhelming shaking
to go black,
and I felt like I
and Joe were flying backwards
and upwards
in the
the car.
I started
but no sound was
coming out of my mouth. I was
too loud for my throat
to even comprehend what
I was
asking of it.
I woke up screaming
I could still feel
the tremendous shaking
of my body inside
the dream,
but I was
conscious enough to know it was
not my physical
body and
I was
not having
an epileptic
or something.
also no shaking
of the
the movement was
the dream.
It was
so violent, I knew that
it was
more dangerous
the earthquake
house I had
seen demonstrated
on television just last
week. In
the show,
the earthquake
a 5.0 level
an 8.0 level. I couldn't believe how destructive it was.
to that,
the shaking
I experienced in
the car
in the
a 10+.
I told Joe
the dream
and we both went back
to sleep. In
the following dream,
I was
a web page
the earthquake
in between two sections of
the page
there were drawings
of two seal
outlines. One was
left and
one was
They were right
above each
but going in opposite directions.
I got up, I looked in
the Book of Revelation
to see what
the second seal
is no comparison
of events
all. So,
the two seals
refers to something else.
impression of
the two seals
of slippage
between one tectonic plate
the other
as well
the compression of
the plates
one atop
the other.
This is
a guess!!!!
A mega
prediction it may
around the next lunar
eclipses November 28th 2012 maybe
according to updated
eclipse data:
NOVEMBER 28TH 2012 it would be wise to take
a earthquake
around on this date
for people that
live in earthquake
hot spots.
My research
June 15, 2011
(7.2 quake
9 days
December 10, 2011
(6.5 quake
in Mexico 1 day
7.1 quake
in PNG 4 days
June 4, 2012 June 4, 2012
Very strong earthquake
off the coast
of Java,
November 28, 2012 ?
NOVEMBER 28, 2012 – is
a target
a earthquake
to happen?
Yes there was
a large
7.7 earthquake
in the queen Charlotte
b.c canada
on the weekend but it was
a slider quake
this is why it never caused
any damages;
a prequel to to
a much larger
is ready
to go
around on november 28th 2012?
according to some earthquake
keith Ranville
7-8-12 MEDITATION: I heard five loud knocks in my left ear and saw the
word 'BLACK'.
I said mentally, "I'm sorry I don't open the door for anything black."
I then saw a newspaper headline with large black letters that said,
I then saw a large, wide computer screen with a lot of typing on it in
three colors of typing, red, white and black, and the black was larger and
darker and bolder than the rest of the type, but being off to the left, I
couldn't read it and I didn't want to shift my eyes and lose it completely,
so I said mentally, "Please shift the screen to the right and clarify the
The screen then shifted to the center of my gaze and became slightly smaller
but it still couldn't read the screen, even though the black sentences were
extra large and bold.
The screen then changed to a smaller size. It had less print on it and
less black, bold print.
Then a fourth screen came up with less bold and black print.
that was the end.
November 28th is the day before Thanksgiving, though I distinctly heard
the words Black Friday, which is normal shopping words for the day after
Thanksgiving, but in this case might have a different connotation.
Because of some other dreams I had just before the meditation, I related
it to the 2012 election which Obama won.
This is what I posted on that issue:
I know I had a dream but I
could not recall it, instead the middle of my palm
itches. This reminds me of my dream on 22 April 2007
that the Crucifix was shedding tears. I touched it
with my right fingers to be sure if it was really
tears and they became wet down to my palm. I asked
the Lord why He was crying, His answwer "A big
catastrophe is about to happen". Immediately my aunt
(where I visited in this dream) lit a candle then we
knelt down and prayed together asking the Lord to
protect our family, friends and people around the
world, I woke up. My observation since that dream
that everytime my palm itches, there is disaster
happening or about to happen within 3 days. It
depends what part of my palm. The upper part is in
America, the middle is in Europe/Middle East & Asia
and the lower part is in Australia/New Zealand.
Since mid October almost everyday my palm itches.
Last Friday, 16 November I
was very tired so I lay down in my healing/massage
bed in our wellness centre. I dropped off for over
30 minutes a\nd I dreamt that in the newspaper,there
was bold big words "BLACK DEATH IN GERMANY". that's
only the words I could read clearly and I recalled
when I woke. Immediately I prayed but nothing we can
do if this will happen again in the future as it
already happened before. What shall we do when this
2012-11-20 : Last night I dreamed I was at the sea side. The
area was
'warm like the tropics' but the terrain was mountainous, with
fjord like
inlets, almost 'Scottish' in appearance, Yet there we were among
other vacationers enjoying the sun, swimming, sailing etc. I was
in a hotel on
one of the hilltops overlooking the inlet toward a finger of
land, where
more vacationers were staying. Suddenly the sea rose and a huge
hundreds of feet high came toward us, completely submerging the
inlet by
at least 100 feet. I recall saying to myself, "why is there a
tsunami, I did
not feel any earthquake!?!" The terror, the people running. And
then when
the water receded, people were hanging from the edge of the
cliff on our
side, to keep from being swept to sea. I ran to help them, to
pull them up
onto the hill, and in doing so, I noted that the first person
had other
people holding on to his or her legs, and more people hanging
onto to them.
So in helping one person up, I was helping a string of people
up. Others
came to help too and we saved dozens. The next day the sea was
calm, the
area looked like nothing ever happened. As I looked at the calm
sea, I
said to myself, that "I had seen tsunamis in movies only, but to
see one in
real life... you do freeze in terror!"
Ann Eller lives in Sedona, AZ and this is her dream; and Nancy Lieder's
comment on it. My wife Janet had a precognitive experience of living through
a massive quake the week before but we have not written it yet. This dream
seems like the New Madrid fault. Janet's was
after something like the
Madrid fault another huge quake and a disaster she witnessed firsthand. I
try to get Janet's out very soon as these seem quite pertinent.
-------- Original Message --------
This reply is from Nancy Lieder of Zetatalk
-----Original Message-----
From: nancy
To: anneller
Sent: Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:27 am
Subject: Re: EQ dream
Several with very good psyhic insights have been
anticipating a Christmas Hammer this year. Magnetic
Trimester (12/20 date) has been associated with the
12/26/2004 monstrous 9.5 quake in Sumatra, and increased
quake activity in 2007 and 2010 in December. These are
anticipated, by those psychic, to be worldwide, not local to
one place. Gray skies indicates some volcanic activity.
Center of the continent - the New Madrid precursor quakes.
Both coastlines, figures in.
Thanks for sharing. We are also speculating that a temporary
severe wobble might be involved. NASA is really holding back
on getting honest about Nibiru. They need to be forced, and
Obama cannot risk the Electoral College not voting him in on
12/17. CIA assholes clinging to the coverup. May they
experience true Karma in all of this.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 04:56 AM
Subject: EQ dream
I awoke at 1:00 AM Dec. 1, 2012 out of a dream
about utter devastation from
an earthquake or many earthquakes. I was inside my house
looking out the window
as my house was moving up the street. I passed buildings
in complete and partial
collapse with small groups of people close together
standing on piles of rubble. My
anxiety level was so great. I thought "Oh no, it has
finally happened" and I felt that this
was the BIG one or many BIG ones like the New Madrid
Fault opening up or the entire
West Coast involved but felt more in the center of the
country although I don't know why
because I was concerned even for my kids on the East
Coast. All I wanted was to hear
from my loved ones. I wanted to be with my family as I
didn't know if they were safe or not.
It's so close now. Destruction is all around me and
people are helpless and in shock There was
someone I knew (perhaps a family member--?) who went to
the opposite side of the room
we were in and began to open the drapes. All we could
see on that side were dark gray clouds--a very
stormy sky. The fear and longing to know about my kids
and grand kids was so great. I was
mourning from the depths of my soul. I began to cry with
a wailing coming from down deep inside.
It had been several months since my last EQ dream. I
have the feeling that it is not far in the future
now. I did not see any fire or water just everything
crumbling down, ripped apart with the ground
pushed up and uneven.
Aug 28, 2012 –
10:13. Watch Later 8.0
California earthquake prediction: Duncan
O'Finioanby PlanetEarthAwakens0137,790 views; Where NOT
to be when the ...
Nov 3, 2012 – Global
Earthquake Predictions for 2013+ ....
10:14. Watch Later Astrological
Predictions 2012-2013 with Barbara Goldsmithby Barbara
I am concerned that there were two small earthquakes
that just struck in a heavily populated area of downtown
Los Angeles that might also be an area that is overdue
to be the epicenter of a Major Earthquake. The first of
these two was 1.7 Richters Near San Gabriel, California.
San Gabriel is like the name or location of old downtown
Los Angeles and still the location of the mission there.
This epicenter is just 2 miles from Rosemead, 2 miles
from Monterey Park, and another mile or so north of
Montebello. The second of these two earthquakes struck 1
mile from Monterey Park, 2 miles from Rosemead, and 2
miles north of Montebello at 1.1 Richters. All of the
years that I have watched the Los Angeles area there
have not been any epicenters in this neighborhood where
millions of folks call their home. These epicenters are
right at the heart of an area of Los Angeles that might
not have been touched by an earthquake in a very long
time and I would not be going into these details if not
for the fact that we are expecting a 7.9 Richters
earthquake to strike that part of California before the
end of November 2012. There have been at least two other
notable similar EQ Alerts for this region that have been
exact hits albeit smaller than the predicted magnitude.
Those were a 4.2 that struck Oakland on July 20, 2007
very near the exact date I had discussed and almost at
the exact spot, and 2011 when a major earthquake was
headed for Northern California and Southern Oregon and I
actually caught
a flight to Frisco and was there the exact night it
struck Coos Bay, Oregon on October 12, 2012. The
question occurred to me as to what should be done with
the fact that there probably will be at least somewhat
of an earthquake, and it looks like we know this ahead
of time so what do we do? When asked this I only am able
to right off hand tell people to be prepared, but the
map makes it look like there are thousands of homes
right at the epicenters of those two earlier today small
shakers. . . what if a big earthquake strikes those
epicenters? Other than sending out my EQ Alerts and as
needed my Official Predictions I do not know what else I
should do. With that L’Aquila verdict now it seems even
more serious as to what action anybody should take here.
EQ Guy
First I must go over the two existing major
Earthquake Alerts and Official Predictions that we are
presently watching. They are Richmond, New York, Ottawa,
Canada and Indonesia, etc. noting that Myanmar has been
getting a lot of shakers over in that region right this
moment. The other major one is for Lompoc, California
with that earthquake energy crossing Ohio, Illinois, and
Missouri, etc. right this moment. There is just a
slightly higher chance that something major could shake
on November 13, 2012 since all of this stuff is
happening right this moment and now the New Moon occurs
right in the middle of it on Tuesday Night this week. Of
course we will also have to watch those existing shakers
and aftershocks going on at Queen Charlotte Island and
Guatemala for yet some more major shaking perhaps added
to by higher tides or whatever a New Moon might do
there. All of these alerts will
continue on past the New Moon in the event that
Tuesday does not produce any higher amount of
earthquakes. Lompoc, California and that very shaky
region should continue on under intense major earthquake
watch all the way up to the end of November of 2012
because the possibility they may be getting as big as
7.9 Richters earthquake will remain out there. The
Richmond alert only runs a few more days like to
November 16 and then moves on to points north and far
beyond. California has a far greater chance of becoming
a real major earthquake event and rather soon, too!!!
Whether anything will occur with the New Moon is
unknown. Be Prepared!!! Thank-You for reading!!! EQ Guy
On the day of the Northridge Earthquake of January
17, 1994, I immediately began to research all of the
things that might have had something to do with that
major earthquake. The first thing that I discovered was
that in the days prior to the Northridge Earthquake the
entire country had been experiencing severe winter
conditions. These consisted of sub-zero temperatures,
two feet of snow all across the country, and fifty-five
mile per hour winds as well as four feet of snow in the
Sierra Mountains. I thought it believable that the
combination of all these things could possibly have
affected the North American Tectonic Plate in such a
manner so as to cause some sort of breakage or shaking
out at the tectonic plate boundary on our West Coast and
so I continued on in my research.
I next headed to my local library with the names of a
few different historical earthquakes to see what all
preceded them and discovered something completely
different all together. I discovered that the vast
majority of major earthquakes were actually not preceded
by severe winter conditions, which I deemed could affect
the movement of the tectonic plates, rather most of the
remaining earthquakes that I researched on that day had
been preceded by the landfall of a major hurricane or
typhoon. I didn’t have to think about it a real long
time to be convinced that the tectonic plates were being
moved by all of these different things with the result
of that movement being major earthquakes.
I continued on in my research, everyday adding a few
different major earthquakes and sometimes even
researching a major hurricane from throughout history
just to see if it would actually be followed by a major
earthquake at some point. It wasn’t too far along in
this research that this process quickly became
streamlined into just a few moments on a microfilm
machine and my research for the day was quickly all
completed. Sometimes as fast as about five minutes is
all it would take me to pull out a roll of microfilm
when I knew the date of a major earthquake or hurricane
from looking it up in a brick and mortar encyclopedia. .
. until I would find either a hurricane followed by an
earthquake, or a major earthquake that had been preceded
by a hurricane or typhoon making landfall. Of course a
few still came up as “January Earthquakes” and had been
preceded by severe winter conditions, exactly as the
Northridge Earthquake where all this started.
Later in 1994 a major hurricane named Hurricane John
actually made landfall, or passed within 16 miles
rather, of Johnston Atoll on August 25, 1994 and I began
to write out my “EQ Alerts” and send them by U.S. Mail
to my friends that I had worked with in the Motion
Picture Business that had addresses in California and
the Los Angeles area. Just 7 days later on September 1,
1994 there was around a 7.1 Richters earthquake that
struck up around Northern California at Cape Mendocino.
That was the year 1994 and I have been employing this
system that I today like to call my “Precision Plate
Tectonics Theory” ever since, frequently being as
correct and accurate as I was in those days immediately
following the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994.
Today I am writing to discuss the landfall of yet
another major hurricane. This one is Hurricane Sandy
that made landfall at the East Coast of the United
States around New Jersey, and New York on October 29,
2012 with winds that had been reported as high as 120
mph while bearing just North of due West. Additionally
there were just two earthquakes that have struck that
immediate region of Hurricane Sandys landfall, those
being a 2.0 Richters Earthquake in New Jersey, and a 2.0
Richters Earthquake in Connecticut on November 4, 2012
and November 5, 2012 respectively. While the usual use
of the Richter Scale is as a nominal numbering system
more commonly referred to as “2.0 on the Richter Scale,”
I have modified my use of the Richter Scale to name the
individual increments after the founder of the scale or
“Richters.” This is a sort of naming method similar to
such other scales named after Volt, Watt, Amp, Henry,
and Etc. Hereinafter I may refer to the individual steps
in the widely recognized Richter Scale. . . as 1
Richter, 2 Richters, 3 Richters or 4, etc. I think the
naming of those steps in this manner is yet another
advance that goes well with all these other great
advances going on these days.
In the now many years since I have employed my theories
and wrote out my “EQ Alerts” I have had many good and
great ones that have been very accurate. The landfall of
Hurricane Hugo was on September 21, 1989 and the World
Series/Loma Prieta Earthquake then struck on October 17,
1989 on Day 26 after that landfall. Day 26 after the
landfall of Hurricane Sandy at New Jersey will fall on
November 24, 2012 and I might expect this Brand New
Upcoming Major Earthquake, which could well be the next
big California Earthquake, to strike at between 7 and
7.9 Richters before that day, or by the end of November
2012. Thereby saying it should take about the same
amount of time for the energy from Hurricane Sandy to
cross North America as it took for similar earthquake
energy to cross North America in the days following the
landfall of Hurricane Hugo.
Other such huge windstorms that I have also tracked that
became huge major earthquakes are Cyclone Nargis at
Myanmar/Great Sichuan China Earthquake, Hurricane
Katrina/Great Islamabad Earthquake, and Super Typhoon
Nanmadol/Great Sumatra Earthquake of 2004. Each of those
were big windstorms that had major landfalls where the
resultant earthquake energy lead directly to the
epicenter of a major earthquake just a few days later.
Similarly the landfall of Tropical Cyclone Yasi at
Queensland, Australia on February 3, 2011 preceded both
the Great Christchurch Earthquake of February 22, 2011
and Great Honshu Japan Earthquakes of March 11, 2011
although in the case of the Japan earthquake it appears
to have dealt more with basic tectonic plate movement
than my usual straight line theory. Christchurch is
situated directly in the wake of the line of energy that
would have been created by Tropical Cyclone Yasi.
Ironically I have a great Twitter message or “Tweet” as
well as an EQ Blog entry that you can still view
containing the name of the town Christchurch in the
headline. Those are at
and where you can scroll back to
them dates and view those entries.
In addition to the name of the town of Lompoc,
California which has had at least one major historical
earthquake in 1927, and could be in for another, I want
to give a few other town names that might also become
the epicenter of this Next Big California Earthquake!
Those town names are as follows: Santa Barbara, Santa
Maria, Orcutt, Arroyo Grande, Paso Robles, Goleta, Santa
Barbara Channel, Ojai, Santa Paula, Fillmore, Tehachapi,
Bakersfield, Lake Isabella, Arvin, Mettler, Coalinga,
King City, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Hollister, Gilroy,
Morgan Hill, Hayward, Daly City, San Francisco, South
Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Mountain, Bishop, Owens Lake,
Ridgecrest, Lone Pine, Shafter, Wasco, Avenal, Lake
Nacimiento, Mono City, Big Pine, Independence, Olancha,
Coso Junction, Indian Wells, Boron, Trona, Argus,
Panamint Valley, Panamint Springs, Dolomite, Stove Pipe
Wells, Death Valley Junction, Los Angeles, Landers,
Hector Mines, Acton, Littlerock, Pearblossom,
Wrightwood, High Desert, and Ludlow, California. Also
Goldfield, Bonnie Claire, Las Vegas, and Incline Village
in Nevada. This list of towns is meant to illustrate the
general region where this earthquake will most likely
strike and while you will surely say that it is all
inclusive, it merely only gives the names of towns that
are WITHIN the exact line of earthquake energy that is
traveling across the United States from New Jersey in
accordance with my “Go Straight Theory,” where I track
such energy by following a straight line normally with
the use of a globe since maps do not inherently have the
same spherical abilities.
Finally I think I will try to avoid attaching my
“Curriculum Vitae” today by adding that I do not have a
degree in Seismology, but rather consider myself a very
good Amateur Seismologist with a basic degree from an
Apprenticeship with the United Brotherhood of
Carpenters. I went on to work in acting and recently
obtained my Screen Actors Guild card and am presently
very busy with a lot of Film Production and Television
Production work in the Chicago area. Due to the fact
that Major Earthquakes such as this upcoming one could
always have an effect on my friends in Hollywood, I
began this work on when the next major earthquake might
strike and where in order to attempt to provide some
advance notice to all my West Coast Friends. I have been
very successful at this, too, and now routinely enjoy
filing copies of these writings with the National and
California Earthquake Prediction Councils to make them
Thank-You for accepting all of my earthquake writings
and be watching for this major earthquake which probably
WILL NOT miss the California Region discussed herein.
Respectfully Submitted,
Les Brown, The EQ Alert Guy
Here is the list of towns that could become the
Epicenter of this 7-7.9 Richters Earthquake probably
before the end of November 2012: Lompoc, Santa Barbara,
Santa Maria, Orcutt, Arroyo Grande, Paso Robles, Goleta,
Santa Barbara Channel, Ojai, Santa Paula, Filmore,
Tehachapi, Bakersfield, Lake Isabella, Arvin, Coalinga,
King City, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Holister, Gilroy,
Morgan Hill, Hayward, Daly City, San Francisco, South
Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Mountain, Bishop, Owens Lake, Ridge
Crest, Lone Pine, Shafter, Wasco, Avenal, Lake
Nacimiento, Mono City, Big Pine, Independence, Olancha,
Coso Junction, Indian Wells, Boron, Trona, Argus,
Panamint Valley, Panaming Springs, Dolomite, Stovepipe
Wells, Death Valley Junction, Los Angeles, Landers,
Hector Mines, Acton, Little Rock, Pearblossom,
Wrightwood, High Desert, and Ludlow, California. Also,
Goldfield, Bonnie Claire, Las Vegas, and Incline
Village, Nevada. Some of those towns are not agreeing
with spell-check right now, but I will clean the list up
in the coming days and hours. Those are the towns and
some of you might recognize the general region where
this next Major Earthquake might strike. It DOES look
like it is coming and there were just two of what I call
foreshocks at New Jersey, and Connecticut in the last 24
hours at 2.0 Richters or so. If you follow regularly,
you know I like to watch for the initial shock to
produce a small earthquake. . . this one has just
produced at least TWO so far! Keep checking here for
more updates and Be Prepared California!!!!! This one
could strike!!! EQ Guy
This is now a Very Big EQ Alert and it will include
several towns NORTH of Santa Barbara starting at Lompoc
which actually looks like it might be very close to the
actual epicenter but keep in mind that there are any
number of other towns right in the general area around
Lompoc such as Santa Ynez and Los Olivos and stretching
out towards Bakersfield and Tehachapi. The line travels
north from there towards San Francisco but does not
actually make it all the way to that city however there
are a good many towns in between that I will update the
list of later this week. I am giving the Magnitude at 7,
but am sorry to say it could go as high as 7.9 Richters
and so I might give a range of 6.5 to 7.9, but today
mostly want to just update everybody that there is
probably a New Official Prediction coming very soon!
Start watching immediately and this new earthquake
energy will also have to cross Ohio, Chicago, Illinois,
St. Louis, and Oklahoma first. Be Prepared! EQ Guy
From My EQ Twitter at Please Follow Me!!!
LiveScience @LiveScience: Sandy’s Punishing Waves
Detected by Earthquake Monitor . .
.Retweeted by The EQ Alert Guy
Hurricane Sandy produced a lot of High Winds, this is
ALSO how i track "New" EQ Energy and this is now headed
for Los Angeles @ 6.5 Richters
@Twisty58 Yes, there is much written about the subject
and tracking those Microseisms is just ONE of the ways
to track earthquakes! EQ Guy
@Twisty58 Tammy, Good to hear from you! YES, guys have
tracked "Microseisms" from Hurricanes in past! I added
L.A.!!! Thank-You! EQ Guy
At first Glance, looked like landfall of Hurricane Sandy
would mean Lompoc, California will be Epicenter of
Shaker as big as 7.3 Richters!!! The EQ Alert Guy The EQ
Alert Guy @EQAlert
Small Windstorm=Small Earthquake, Big Windstorm=Big
Earthquake, HUGE Windstorm=HUGE Earthquake, and BIGGEST
Windstorms=BIGGEST Earthquakes!
Hurricane Sandy will be enough New Earthquake Energy to
almost guarantee a Major Earthquake around Southern
California in the coming days!!!
Hurricane Sandy will probably now mean it is time for EQ
Guy to write up new "Official Prediction" for Lompoc,
Santa Barbara, Los Angeles!!! The EQ Alert Guy The EQ
Alert Guy @EQAlert
Landfall of Hurricane Sandy at New Jersey MIGHT also
produce some kind of Earthquake, yet, or already should
have? Be watching NJ/NY for EQ! The EQ Alert Guy The EQ
Alert Guy @EQAlert
After landfall of Hurricane Sandy at New Jersey, I now
expect this "New" Earthquake Energy to cross U.S. for
about 6.5 Richters Los Angeles!
Hurricane Hugo made landfall at Charleston Sept. 21,
1989 the World Series Quake followed Oct. 17. almost a
STRAIGHT LINE across the U.S.!!!
Hello Folks that have followed me for many years!!!
Looks like this will "Go Straight" to Los Angeles!!!
Lompoc/S.B. to be exact!!! EQ Guy
Just double and triple checked this one and it looks
like the earthquake energy from the landfall of
Hurricane Sandy at New Jersey, heads West or WNW and on
a direct line for Lompoc, California but Santa Barbara
and Los Angeles are just to the South. This will be a
fairly big earthquake around 6.5 Richters and probably
with a few good aftershocks. I will of course have more
updates in the days to come, and the window on this
earthquake is before next Wednesday, but the World
Series Earthquake struck 18 days after the landfall of
Hurricane Hugo and Day 18 here will be Nov. 16. Start
being prepared for this one, California!!! This is
"Straight-Line" Earthquake Energy! EQ Guy
In January of 2010 there was a big shaker at Eureka,
California and I had mentioned that it could be movement
of the North American Tectonic Plate. . . then a couple
days later the Haiti Earthquake struck! Today I want to
say that last nights 7.7 Queen Charlotte Island
Earthquake near Vancouver could ALSO be that type of
movement of the North American Tectonic Plate and
Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, or many Islands in the
Caribbean could shake next!!!!! It had also occured to
me that because I was watching Fairbanks, Edmonton, and
New Madrid. . . that when the Queen Charlotte Earthquake
struck, maybe we should move the line over to
Oklahoma/Texas? That would be a fairly big earthquake
for that region with a 7.7 as a foreshock you know! So
everybody in those very, very shaky places should be
prepared! EQ Guy
The landfalls that I have just observed to be taking
place at Jamaica, and Cuba of Hurricane Sandy, appear to
probably be a fairly large amount of new earthquake
energy that will be crossing just past Charleston, NC,
and then crossing North America straight through
Chesapeake Bay on a route just a degree or two East of
Due North. This line will cross just west of New York
and continue on North on a line that crosses West of
Boston and on North.
I will update this information in the coming days, but
as of tonight Hurricane Sandy had just been upgraded to
a Category 2 Hurricane and had a huge well defined eye
as it made landfall at far east Cuba just east of
Guantanamo Bay. Those islands are already under an alert
and Official Prediction and will ALSO be affected by
this new one!!! Could go as high as 7 Richters, although
the other one may not have been as high. . . this one
not only increases the Magnitude, but also increases the
chances of something major shaking as well. There will
be a certain amount of trouble with the energy traveling
this route past Charleston. A few of the places that
this new earthquake energy will be crossing are what I
might consider "Shaky Places" and I don't think that
needs any additional explanation.
I have mostly studied books about earthquakes and
started out working at a junk-yard, advancing to an
Apprenticeship, but that is the sum total of my
education along this lines. I also hold a certificate
from acting school in Chicago from 1989-1990. I am by no
means a Degreed Seismologist, rather a very good Amature
This Major Earthquake could shake that region, but
should NOT be a lot larger than the biggest ones that
region occasionally gets. Then again, they HAVE been
getting shakers and should start learning to be prepared
and especially due to the recent L'Aquila Verdict also
now be keeping aware of all signs that there could be an
earthquake heading for them!!!!! Start Watching Now!!!
This could shake in hours, or days, or a week, but the
region including Caribbean. . . is probably going to be
shaking!!! Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy
Hurricane Sandy is in the Caribbean heading directly
for a landfall at Jamaica in the coming hours and I just
want to also say I have mentioned Jamaica in a recent
Official Prediction since it is my opinion there is some
earthquake energy heading for Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and
Haiti as well. While there was a smallish earthquake up
in the Yukon early today, and two very small shakers at
New Madrid, these do not indicate too large of
earthquake energy bearing down on those islands so
unless the energy of Hurricane Sandy and the fact that I
also heard the full moon is coming all add up to major
earthquake energy, then it should probably be more
towards the end of the window of that recent Official
Prediction. However, I just thought with a now major
hurricane right there at Jamaica it was time to write
this EQ Blog! Recent Official Prediction is still active
for New Madrid, and Poplar Bluff, Missouri although I am
now looking more over towards Southern Illinois/Indiana
in the 5 Magnitude Range. EQ Guy
This Just In!!! Court held right in the City of
L'Aquila inside temporary offices type building where
Judge handed down GUILTY VERDICT of Six Years in prison,
stripped all of their titles, and ordered to pay victims
millions of dollars!!! While Italy gives them an appeal,
guilty sends signal that in the future folks all around
the world should be more aware of signs of Major
Earthquake heading for them!!! Here is that story:
Thank-You for reading!!! EQ Guy