Ron Brown
Experts differ on Ron Brown's head wound (Pittsburg Tribune-Review) Dec.
3, 1997
Questions linger about Ron Brown plane crash (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)
- November 24, 1997
Brown conspiracy protest today (UPI) Dec. 24, 1997
Wants Explanation on Ron Brown's Death (Fox News) Dec. 19, 1997
Matt Drudge scoops big media by George Alexander Saturday,
Dec. 06, 1997, 8:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time
News Archives Index --- Ron Brown Air Force forensic pathologists
state there was a hole in Ron Brown's head the size of a .45 caliber
bullet, and there was no autopsy.
Ron Brown
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... Ron Brown, along with the other crash victims, was removed from the
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by Mr. Barry Lituchy
Thursday, 4 April 1996
It was payback day in the former
In the biggest loss of American
life since the
U.S.-instigated civil war in Yugoslavia began, some 33 Americans
died in a plane crash outside the port city of Dubrovnik as their U.S.
military jet approached the city's airport on the Adriatic coast. On
board were some 27 elite figures of the U.S. political, military,
corporate, media and intelligence establishment, along with a military
crew of six.
The most famous of those
killed was U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Brown, a long time
Democratic Party faker, had been under continuous criminal investigation
for years for illegally using his various political posts to build a
massive fortune in the hundreds of millions of dollars in a long series
of conflict of interest deals. Ron Brown was widely regarded by
Washington observers as the single most corrupt individual in the
Clinton administration.
Also among the dead are at least six
military personnel, one State Department official (probably an
intelligence operative), one translator, one N.Y. Times reporter, and at
least ten top corporate executives, as well as an unknown number of
"government officials." The identities of all those aboard will not be
released until the ruling elites decide "the time is right." But that
time may never come.
This accident
offers us a unique opportunity to view a highly important but not
normally observed aspect of U.S. imperialism close up. U.S.
military and political power is used to help U.S. multi-national
corporations control and exploit the world economy and impose their
economic and political power on the peoples of the world. Moreover, this
power is used in the interests of a single, elite socio-economic class.
It is used against the interests of the majority
of Americans and against the interests of
the human race in general. However, it is rare that the public gets to
see in the media the direct connections between American military
aggression and the economic interests driving it.
The very fact that representatives of all
segments of the American capitalist ruling class were on board this
plane with a single economic objective dramatically illustrates the
truth about U.S. imperialism far better than any theoretical treatise.
The borders between the government, the
corporations, the media and the military are non-existent when it comes
to imposing U.S. military and economic power abroad. Their
interests are those of a single socio-economic class.
U.S. foreign policy always amounts to one thing:
the rape of the world for the benefit of the tiny elites at the top of
U.S. capitalist system. U.S. foreign policy is a class policy for
plunder, violent aggression and exploitation on a global scale. These
are the true inner workings of contemporary imperialism.
Indeed, not only are the borders between
these various ruling class institutions seamless, but in fact the
biographies of some of the deceased on board this plane neatly
illustrate how these ruling elites are interconnected by revolving doors
that allow military leaders, corporate execs or journalists to become
government or intelligence officials, and vice versa, and always with
ever greater loot.
Among the deceased take Charles Meissner.
A former vice-president of Chemical Bank, Meissner also served on the
World Bank, in the Treasury Department, in Congress, the diplomatic
service, and finally the Commerce Department. Take Robert Donovan. Prior
to his executive post with the electrical generator manufacturer Asea
Brown Boveri Inc., Donovan served around the world as a Lt. Colonel in
the U.S. military, including in Vietnam. Take Paul Cushman the 3d.
Cushman's duties as executive vice-president and head of international
banking for Riggs National Bank in Washington DC involved handling
banking accounts for U.S. embassies in Europe. Take New York Times
reporter Nathaniel Nash. As the financial reporter for the Times in the
European financial capital of Frankfurt, Nash nurtured close ties with
financial and corporate elites as well as with the U.S. government and
intelligence agencies, with whom he had already had close ties as a
result of his post in Latin America in the 1980's. Take Ron Brown
himself. Throughout his career Brown hopped from government position to
lobbyist and private business and back again. Now his hopping days are
The purpose of the
ill fated trip was to ferry top corporate leaders across Yugoslavia, to
seek out "business opportunities" and to present them to the new puppet
regimes of Bosnia and Croatia put into power by the U.S. and Germany.
The dead execs were conducted from place to place by top U.S. political
and military brass, whose presence reminded the Croats and Muslims who's
in charge, and guaranteed that the corporate bosses got whatever deals
they wanted. Having secured the rise to power of these fascistic
regimes in Croatia and Bosnia after five years of civil war, the U.S.
expects to bring in swarms of these corporate vultures, and with full
confidence of compliance say to the Croats and Muslims: "Listen up,
boys, we want this, this and this. Sign here." A difference of opinion
at this point is unthinkable. Puppets are easily replaced.
That's what the visit was about. But this
important visit by U.S. corporate leaders would have never received the
massive attention and scrutiny it deserves had these vultures not died
in this crash.
Consider for a moment the types of
corporations represented by the dead executives and what their
intentions were. Robert Donovan of Asea Brown Boveri represented a
company that manufactures electrical generator plants; Robert Whittaker
and Leonard Pieroni represented multi-national heavy construction firms;
P. Stuart Tholan represented the giant Bechtel construction firm
specializing in oil production facilities; I. Donald Terner represented
his housing construction business; Claudio Elia was the C.E.O. of Air
and Water Technologies Corporation. The U.S. and
Western sponsored war in Yugoslavia destroyed much of the infrastructure
of Bosnia and parts of Croatia. Now these same countries will pour
billions of our tax dollars into reconstructing it (not to the Serbs
though!). But this money goes directly into the pockets of U.S. (and to
a lesser extent other Western) corporations. It's a multi-billion dollar
gravy train for the multi-nationals and their financial backers who will
also control these assets in the future.
But guess what
Yugoslavia's greatest export industry was before the war? That's right,
construction. Communist Yugoslavia's construction industry was
internationally renowned as one of the most cost efficient and
technically competitive in the world. It won contracts for construction
projects throughout the Third World. (An interesting example is the
underground system of bunkers in Iraq which proved impenetrable to
America's air strikes during the Gulf War and were built by a Yugoslav
construction firm.) Now those firms will be shut out and shut down by
U.S. firms. Yugoslav petroleum engineering firms
were second to none in the world; they built facilities around the
world. Now they too will displaced by U.S. corporations. Consider
two other dead execs: Barry Conrad of Barrington Hotels and Walter
Murphy of AT&T. Conrad was there to buy up at bargain prices hotel
facilities in Bosnia and especially on the beautiful Adriatic coast.
Murphy was there to take over and rebuild the former Yugoslav
communications system.
All of these economic assets previously
were built, owned and operated in Yugoslavia by the people of Yugoslavia
for the benefit of the people of Yugoslavia. They were built by Yugoslav
firms with Yugoslav technology and personnel and were publicly owned.
As a result of U.S. military intervention, all
that was created by several generations of Yugoslavs is now to be
destroyed and replaced by enterprises owned and operated by U.S. or
Western corporations for the benefit of the super-rich in those
countries. Not only did Yugoslav firms build the infrastructure
of their own country, but these corporations competed successfully on
the world market for contracts in other countries with U.S. and Western
multi-nationals, and were able to complete the same projects at a
fraction of the cost. This alone was ample reason for U.S. imperialism
to destroy socialist Yugoslavia and to partition it into several,
economically unfeasible mini-states. Of course,
had the U.S. really wanted to rebuild Yugoslavia they would have helped
the peoples of Yugoslavia to rebuild their economy on their own -- but
that's exactly what they don't want. Imperialism is a system for
plundering the world and reducing other countries to a position of
permanent economic dependency, backwardness and slavery. It's the reason
why countries have (and need) socialist revolutions in the first place.
The U.S. and Western powers made the
decision to destroy the multi-national state of Yugoslavia in 1989 when
it became obvious that Yugoslavia would be the one country in Eastern
Europe that would not voluntarily overthrow their socialist system and
Communist political leadership. In other words, one of the richest
territories of Eastern Europe would remain beyond the grasp of the
capitalist multi-national corporations and financial elites whose main
goal since World War II was nothing less than the recapturing and
plundering of the socialized wealth and property of the Communist
Eastern European countries.
Having achieved
their objectives everywhere else in Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Germany
could not accept the continued existence of a powerful, multi-national
socialist country smack in the middle of Eastern Europe. They therefore
poured hundreds of millions of dollars into right wing
nationalist-secessionist political parties in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia
and Kosovo to tear the country apart. Much more went to provide covert
military shipments and intelligence operations. Another sizable amount
went to supposedly "non-governmental" cultural institutions -- like the
Soros Foundation, etc. -- which served similar purposes (the
undermining and overthrow of the existing pro-socialist leaderships
through propaganda).
Having overseen the
destruction of Yugoslavia for the sake of capitalist restoration and the
creation of fascistic mini-nation states in Croatia and Bosnia with
puppet dictators controlled from Washington -- all at the cost of
hundreds of thousands of lives -- the time had come for the U.S.
government to present their prize to their corporate bosses. Like a
flock of flying vampires, America's financial and industrial executives
were flown across the devastated land to decide how to carve up the
economic assets and markets of the former Yugoslavia, to decide what
they can plunder and how much more blood and profits they can suck out
of the long suffering peoples of the Balkans. Only this time it was the
bloodsuckers' blood that got spilled.
And how the bloodsuckers' media let out
such a howl when their bosses died! It was a mournful howl heard round
the world. Truly the howl of a beast that has been mortally wounded.
As usual, the American media immediately
turned the truth upside down and inside out. Instead of admitting the
obvious, that these corporate executives were not there for charity, but
rather for material self-interest, the media spun a web of incredible
lies. There were two whoppers in particular. The first was the "we want
to re-build Bosnia" lie. On the day after the crash, a New York Times
editorial called the Ron Brown junket "a mission of faith and hope."
Once again the New York Times comes away with the Joseph Goebbels prize
for excellence in big-lie journalism. Not only is the U.S. responsible
for the Yugoslav civil war, but it is also responsible for destroying
the economic achievements of three generations of Yugoslavs. The other
big lie was the heroic portrayal of Ron Brown as a legendary civil
rights activist and rags to riches phenomenon. Actually, the opposite is
true. Brown came from a privileged background: his family had money and
he attended the best prep schools in Westchester and then the exclusive
private college of Middlebury. While some literally gave their lives
during the sixties for the civil rights and anti-war movements, Brown
went into the ROTC, became an Army officer and then a lawyer. He later
amassed a fortune by illegal methods and became an advocate in the
Clinton administration for rolling back the very same social and civil
rights legislation the New York Slimes claims he championed. This is not
the profile of a great man, but rather of a slick and despicable con
To top it all off, the media even tried
to hold off the inevitable news that all aboard were dead. No they
weren't dead, said NBC, CBS and ABC, they were just "missing!" Oh, sure,
that made sense. They were just hiding out somewhere. Actually, this
kind of deliberate mind control by the media serves an extremely
important psychological and political function for the ruling class in
times of crisis in that it preserves the stability of the system. Too
much bad news all at once can destabilize or paralyze the political and
economic system. Thus, the media withholds as much bad news for as long
as it can, letting it seep out only in drips and drabs, thereby
preserving the status quo. For a comparison, consider how the media
rushes to report the deaths of working people, foreigners or criminals
in disasters, often in unsympathetic or even gloating ways. Rather than
respect for life -- for which the media has none -- the cautious
reporting of bad news is inspired only by a respect for power and
Typically, one must always expect
cover-ups by the media with mishaps like this. One detail that may be
withheld from the public is whether the plane was shot down or blown up
by Serbian or other Yugoslav forces. Contrary to the myth of a "free
press," information not in the interests of the U.S. government is
usually censored. Several Serbian shoot- downs of U.S. aircraft went
unreported in 1994. A more notorious example was the shooting down of
KAL 007 over the Soviet Union in 1984. The truth about how the Reagan
administration organized this as a planned provocation against the
Soviet Union went unreported for years. Likewise, the media covered up
the fact that the explosion of the Challenger space shuttle in 1986
would never have happened had the Reagan administration not rushed the
take-off so that it would coincide with Reagan's State of the Union
Address the same day and thereby advance Reagan's reelection campaign.
The examples are too numerous to cite here.
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John, Gone: From Man To Myth in
Forty-Eight Hours
by Shelton Hull
July 19, 1999,
The first sentence for this does not come
easily to my mind. I don't think there's anything about the
Kennedy family that hasn't been spoken, printed or etched into
marble by now, and the accumulated word volume has gone in the
direction of Dow Jones over the past few days. The reader surely
knows what I'm talking about. The height of ignominy is
ignorance of what happened on the 16th of July. Because it's
inescapable. Only a total recluse wouldn't have heard, and many
recluses are better connected to the world than most regular
people. For those who aren't, a recap:
John F. Kennedy, Jr. piloted his Piper Saratoga out of New
Jersey at 8:38 pm, and was never heard from again. Also in the
plane were Carolyn and Lauren Bessette, sisters, the former
being Mrs. Kennedy. They were going to the wedding of
John's cousin Rory, set for six pm Saturday at the family
compound at Hyannisport. It was cancelled, and catering trucks,
florists (carrying what were suddenly the wrong arrangements)
and a few guests that had not been watching television were
turned away as the cameras rolled, as the network correspondents
yipped and yapped away like the sick, intrusive bastards they
can be, like sharks when blood's in the water. Extra phone lines
were installed in the compound, and the amassed royalty of the
American scene gathered, and this country gathered vicariously
through the miracle of satellite feed, waiting for what will
probably be the worst possible news. The plane parts recovered
thus far point to a horrific ending, and part of me hopes they
never find the fuselage.
I feel obliged to point out that I don't
really have any regard for the Kennedy family. I don't hate
them, I'm simply ambivalent. Mere mystique and glamor do not
appeal to me, and their political legacy is that of stillborn
potential. Any discussion of the Kennedys leads inexorably into
a labyrinth of hypotheticals that constitutes an alternate
universe in which bullets don't fly and planes don't crash. The
finality of mortality is an iron lock on the doors of
perception, a barbed-wire fence between what is and what should
have been. One may start anywhere. If John F. Kennedy hadn't
been assassinated, he would have won in '64, and Lyndon Johnson
might never have held the top job. A run in '68 would have been
possible, but an aging Johnson has no hope against Robert
Kennedy, who would have treated Johnson at the polls like he
treated McCarthy. Why even bother to speculate on who the
outgoing 51-year-old JFK would have endorsed? And what if Sirhan
Sirhan had missed or been neutralized before he could get a shot
off? Imagine: Kennedy-Nixon II. Need I say more?
The Republicans had nothing in those years
that could have defeated the Kennedy political machine at that
point. They were too handsome, too charismatic on the stump, and
they knew all the right people. Only Nixon knew how ruthless
they could be. They exploited his swarthy appearance without
ever mentioning it: it was implied that truth and beauty could
not exist apart from each other. Even Pat Nixon would've crawled
on her hands and knees to Hyannisport if JFK gave her the right
look. And so Nixon was vanquished thanks to television, which
has not ceased to be a factor in Presidential campaigns since.
Nixon's banishment from national politics -- which he'd had
coming ever since his vulgar crack about Helen Douglas' "pink
panties" -- would have lasted forever had Robert left California
alive, but he didn't, so the tragedy is twofold.
The political scenarios conjured above are
based on how the Kennedy men are regarded today, in glossy
revisionist hindsight. Scandal and bad legislation could have
wrecked their legacy far more than the assassins did. John and
Robert died before they could do (or be caught doing) anything,
so we assume that it would have been smooth sailing. The two
most significant domestic events of the '60s were civil rights
legislation and the moon landing, both ideas of JFK, both of
which could have happened in Kennedy administrations.
Kennedy-style liberalism is better exemplified in speeches than
on paper, though LBJ clearly tied some of the loose ends of
JFK's policy together to forge his own legacy. Nobody knows what
concessions JFK might have made later in his term for
expediency's sake, concessions that LBJ did not have to make,
due to the nature of his promotion. The Kennedys' politics are
inconsistent with their wealth, and that is the most intriguing
thing about them. They are famed for their populist rhetoric,
but unlike most populists, their actions have never directly
contradicted their words.
As for John, Jr., what is there really to
say? He was 38, married three years, the publisher of George for
four. As a young man, he fucked Madonna, back when that meant
something. (Terrible remark, yes, but irresistible!) Definitely
Kennedy stock. He could have been the total package, the
standard-bearer for the American male at the intersection of
today and tomorrow. Three of the beautiful people, combined age
of 106 (35, on average), the flames of passionate youth snuffed
out with no warning and no logic at all. I haven't actually shed
any tears, but I almost think I could if I tried hard enough.
It's not about fame. To exit this planet as they did, when they
did, sucks regardless of who it was. Whether it's
Glenn Miller, Amelia Earhart, Roberto
Clemente, nobody, whomever. When I hear that they found
part of a seat, one landing gear, a prescription bottle, a
suitcase that washed up on the beach, I can't escape the thought
that, you know, they saw it coming. The very idea that there
were at least a few seconds of total clarity in that tiny little
plane, in which the fact of what was about to happen became more
clear than such things should ever have to be, such an idea
makes me cold all over, and I have to blink a little faster to
keep my eyes clear. I think if that happened to me, I'd prefer
to go alone, or with strangers, but certainly not with my wife
or sister. If nothing else is possible, one should be able to
face the end of his life with total self-concern. For all the
wealth and privilege JFK, Jr. had, he wasn't even allowed that
This weekend's Extreme Championship
Wrestling pay-per-view was probably the only piece of live
television that did not mention the plane crash. I was planning
to watch it anyway -- Yoshihiro Tajiri was challenging Taz for
the heavyweight title -- but a weekend of Kennedy consumption
left me all the more eager to embrace any kind of wanton
escapism. At one point in the show, the guy I was watching it
with said: "You know, how the fuck do
three people in the same family die in three unrelated plane
crashes? What are the odds of that?" A very good question
that I do not know the answer to.
I suppose the most appropriate way to end
this column is with Ted Kennedy. The youngest of the Kennedy
children has been the oldest male member (no pun intended) since
1968. He'll never be President, he'll never contend (though I'm
sure he's fine with that), so he is doomed to third or fourth
place among the most famous Kennedys, even though he has spent
more years in the Senate than his entire family combined. He's
the butt of comedians' jokes, people say he's a drunk, that he's
a dirty old man, that he's to blame for the death of Mary Jo
Kopechne, and so on and so on. Yet some say he might be the
luckiest Kennedy of all, because he gets to be an old man,
because he gets to see his children and grandchildren. I say
this: if you were Ted Kennedy, you'd be so much worse than
whatever he is. You wouldn't be able to deal with it at all. I
say to Ted: drink, smoke, fuck, whatever the hell you do to keep
going, keep doing it. His brother Joesph,
Jr., killed in a 1944 plane crash. His sister, Kathleen, plane
crash, 1948. John, shot, 1963. Robert, shot, 1968. (A
weird effect of the Kennedy mystique, if you're Ted, is that you
never know when you might see videotape of your brothers being
murdered on television.) Three nephews:
David, drug overdose, 1984. Michael, skiing accident, 1997. And
now JFK, Jr., the guy who was supposed to carry the
family name back to glory, something Ted wasn't able to do...Plane
crash, 1999. Ted himself broke his back in a plane crash in
1964. I don't know if there's a "Kennedy Curse" or not,
but whatever it is, it's some ill shit.
Shelton Hull (aka
Archibald Bobo) has been writing professionally since 1995. He
also does the column "Money Jungle" for FolioWeekly
(Jacksonville). His work has appeared in places like Section 8
Magazine, Movement, CounterPunch, Lew and the
Florida Times-Union. He was a 2002 Fellow at the Academy of
Alternative Journalism, AAN/Northwestern University. He works
for himself.
AN UPDATE by Sherman H. Skolnick
What Happened To America's Golden Boy. WHO
BENEFITS? That is a question that should be asked following a
political assassination, or even when foul play is suspected.
The monopoly press, from the time of Abraham Lincoln to date,
never asks THAT QUESTION. Common Americans are to be fed from a
bottomless garbage can of "lone assassin", or "accident"
John F. Kennedy, Jr., most would have to
admit, was charming and articulate, and had none of the ghosts
and scandals in his closet that others of his relatives seem to
have had or have. If he ran for important public office, he most
likely would sweep the field if not just giving every other
candidate a hard time.
There are two reasons for his death, one
being the main one and then, for some, an alternative. Main
His family knew he planned, on August 1,
1999, to announce, that like his father, he was going to run for
President. His relatives, however, warned him that the U.S.
Secret Service would not and could not protect him and they did
not protect his father. The head of what is now called the U.S.
Secret Service, Lafayette C. Baker, was part of the plot to
murder President Abraham Lincoln. ["The Lincoln Conspiracy" by
Balsiger, was also a movie in the 1970s.]
The presidential guards likewise permitted
an assassin to murder President James Garfield and President
William McKinley. Both were anti-British, pro-American at a time
when Great Britain persisted in their schemes to take back this
Continent as their puppet colony [an ongoing plot from the time
of the War of 1812 to now.] Further, the Secret Service allowed
a plot to go forward to disable or murder in 1981 newly-elected
President Ronald Reagan. A so-called "lone assassin", Hinckley,
part of a family close to oil-soaked family of George Herbert
Walker Bush, then Vice President, was blamed. A trial that might
have brought out inconvenient facts was cut short by a purported
insanity plea by the would-be "lone assassin". Two TV network
reporters stated live that there were shots from another gunman,
a matter never repeated on the air but never rescinded.
John F. Kennedy, Jr., made one grave
mistake. He trusted the presidential campaign officials of
Albert Gore, Jr. to know that JFK Jr. planned to announce on
August 1, 1999, that he was going to run for President. That
would have interfered with the plans of Gore as well as George
W. Bush, the Texas Governor. The Gore campaign reportedly
promised total secrecy, a pledge they never kept. The Elder
Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, was reportedly part of the
scheme to assassinate President Kennedy. According to the book
not allowed for many years to be openly sold in the U.S.,
"Farewell America", the oil industry wanted President Kennedy
dead, dead, dead. JFK wanted the oil cartel's tax dodge, the oil
depletion allowance, to be cancelled. [The book was written
under the pen-name "James Hepburn" by the French CIA that
infiltrated the plot. In the 1970s, I and another assassination
researcher were the only ones to get copies into the U.S. Alas,
I have only one copy left now.] What's that? So you did not know
or believe books are suppressed in the U.S.? Too bad for you.
The latest front for the oil fraud, George
W. Bush, likewise would most naturally have an interest in the
demise of JFK, Jr. George W. just before the fatal plane
take-off, somehow was near the New Jersey airport where JFK Jr.
kept his plane without proper security. A coincidence?
After all, JFK Jr. was a captivating
speaker and would have most likely swept the field of
Presidential candidates. Conservatives and liberals, both could
join together to support America's Golden Boy.
According to our best, long-time reliable
sources, Jr.'s sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg likewise
warned her brother that running for President would be a death
warrant. Nevertheless, she reportedly said she would support his
plans. After his death, reportedly feuding with the Kennedy
family, she did not go to the family get together. Her family
reportedly threatens to silence her with a "Marilyn Monroe"
needle, by a psychiatrist to change her views. [Remember,
Marilyn Monroe was planning to go public at a press conference
with details of her sex episodes with President Kennedy and
brother Bobby, Attorney General. A psychiatrist reportedly gave
her the "needle".]
To understand why and how the Kennedy
family financially benefits by not fighting or exposing the
cabal murdering their family members, visit our website, the
four part series, What Happened to America's Golden Boy. Have
you forgotten the attempt in 1964 to murder Teddy Kennedy by a
sabotaged plane crash? Or the frame up in 1969 at
An alternative reason, which some accept,
is that JFK Jr. was going to run, not for President but for U.S.
Senator from New York. Thus interfering with the plans of what
we call The Dragon Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton.[Visit our
website.] Visit, as well, various websites of the Clinton Body
Count. Upwards of a hundred eyewitnesses have been "suicided",
"accidented", or plain murdered, who knew too much about the
criminality of the CIA couple known as Bill and Hillary. So, as
an alternative, if Jr. were planning to run for U.S. Senator
from New York, who benefits from his demise? Hillary. So you
think that she did not know or suspect early on that her
original opponent, Rudy Guiliani, was going to remove himself
from the Senate race, because of cancer treatment, or marital
scandal? Hillary reportedly knew that when Guiliani was Chief
Federal Prosecutor in New York, he reportedly covered up plenty
in the worldwide cases called the "Pizza Connection". The Rodham
family reportedly are tied to Gambino crime family in
Pennsylvania. Visit our website: "The Government-Criminal
Connection". Hillary's original opponent, Rudy, was plenty
The FBI covered up the bombing of JFK
Jr.'s plane. We obtained the details of the secret FBI report
which was not to have been disclosed for 30 years. {Naive people
heckle me claiming they cannot "find" it on the FBI's website.
See: Golden Boy on our website, Part 4.] Within 48 hours of the
time the FBI knew we had their secret report, they mysteriously
announced, without explanation, that henceforth all public
visitors would be cancelled to the Bureau's headquarters in
Washington, D.C. They claimed unspecified "terrorists" were
threatening them. By the way, Hillary put me and my TV show
assistant, Joseph Andreuccetti, on an "enemies list" falsely
labeling us as "domestic terrorists". A crooked, blackmailable
federal judge in Chicago dismissed our case without legal
formality against Hillary and others.
The National Transportation Safety Board,
NTSB, released a report claiming the JFK Jr. plane crash was due
to "pilot error". Over the years, the federal crash
investigators have covered up several sabotaged plane crashes.
For details on the long-time lies and frauds of the NTSB, visit
our website story "Air Crashes, Black Boxes, and Unsafety
John F. Kennedy, Jr. was murdered before
he could get to his planned announcement of August 1, 1999. If
he lived and ran for President, he would have been 40 years old
just after the 2000 Presidential election. Slightly younger than
his father when he ran for President. Has the murdering of the
Kennedy would-be dynasty ended with the rub-out of Jr.? We
intend to post more updates on What Happened to America's Golden
Boy. Stay tuned. .
This article comes from
Who killed John-John?
Date: Wednesday, August 31
Topic: News Media Control
Who killed John-John?
“If a man or woman living among you in one
of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the
eyes of the Lord your God in violation of his
covenant....and this has been brought to your attention,
then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and
it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done
in Israel, take the man or woman who has done this evil deed
to your city gate and stone that person to death. On the
testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to
death, but no one shall be put to death on the testimony of
only one witness. The hands of the witnesses must be the
first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the
people. You must purge the evil from among you.” Deuteronomy
17: 2-7
Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43
in JFK Jr. assassination
by Tom Flocco
“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s
grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I
had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John
during the years before he died. We liked each other and hit
it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed to
trust me regarding his future plans to run against either
Hillary Clinton for the Senate or George W. Bush for the
Presidency in 2000. John had many conversations with my
relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his
political aspirations with friends so this was not a closely
held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me
he was pretty sure he could win either of those races.”
("Delbert," former Interpol operative and CIA Division 4
team member)
Caldwell, New Jersey -- August 31, 2005 -- --
“I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me;
but I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and
indictments regarding the White House, so now is the time.
I‘m tired
of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the
murder of an innocent and good man without seeing justice.
John’s death has caused tremendous trauma throughout the
Kennedy family,“ said a 40ish ex-operative who consented to
discuss the investigation and his part in writing the JFK
Jr. plane crash preliminary and final reports authorized by
the FBI.
“Just refer to me as ‘Delbert.’ That’s good enough,” he
said, adding, “If they will kill ‘John-John,’ they’ll kill
The long-time Special Forces and Division 4 operative’s
explosive evidence, witness testimony and his team’s
suppressed and classified final report naming former
Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President
George W. Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton among others as
being involved in orchestrating the assassination of John F.
Kennedy Jr. will require U.S. Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald to hear testimony to
investigate John Jr.’s death as part of
his ongoing grand jury probe involving
White House crime families.
1999 piper saratoga II TC
....similar to JFK jr. plane
During three exclusive interviews
with, the ex-operative
told us the final classified report
specifically said “JFK Jr.’s plane broke
in half just aft of the cabin. The
damage was caused by a plastique (C-4)
shape charge which was formed along the
bottom of the fuselage and up along both
sides of the walls. The charge was
caused to be set off or exploded with a
large spark generated by a barometric
switch device triggered by the altitude
of the plane. In other words, the
assassins chose the altitude for the
explosion of the plane--a standard
procedure to make the target’s murder
look like an accident.”
Delbert said his team and their
witnesses and families have been in
physical jeopardy since 1999 “because
the media did not report the truth about
what happened;” and that all involved
are now placing their lives in the hands
of Fitzgerald and his deputies to
prosecute the evidence--charges that
will serve to mitigate compromised media
outlets now protecting the White House
with spin and insinuations that
Fitzgerald is using the “perjury trap”
to manufacture crimes instead of
genuinely seeking evidence.
Sources close to one grand jury indicate
the spin will not work this time. The
U.S. intelligence community is
monitoring the work of all the
prosecutors and grand juries. Serious
crimes with supporting evidence
involving three branches of government
and the media have already threatened
the long term survival of the Republic.
We learned that scores of witnesses were
interviewed by Division 4: a) at the
scene of the explosion off Martha’s
Vineyard in Massachusetts, b) when the
plane and bodies were recovered, c) in
the White House regarding the
assassination plot prior to the crash,
and d) at the airport concerning what
witnesses saw three days before
Kennedy’s plane took off. Collectively,
they tell a different story than the
media--one that might ultimately rival
the political intrigue surrounding
ancient Rome’s ruling Caesars.
The decision to come
After observing that the
Division 4 JFK Jr. preliminary report
(filed three days after the crash, but
later leaked within the intelligence
community for a number of years) had
remained online for the last six months,
contact was made with where we first saw the
document. Webb had already faxed the
document to more than 300 top electronic
and print media outlets which
collectively ignored it.
We inquired whether it would be possible
to interview one of the active or
retired Division 4 members who conducted
the actual investigation and wrote the
reports, given the rapidly gathering
swirl of secret grand juries.
A former member of the Division 4
International Murder Investigative team
named Delbert, who helped write the
reports and interview witnesses, was
asked to come forward by Stewart Webb
and was subsequently contacted by, consenting to several
interviews to discuss his findings in
the leaked preliminary report and reveal
specific names and evidence details
contained in the final classified report
which has been withheld from the
American people.
Delbert told us today that he cringes
when he reads the report and thinks
about it being in ‘general’ circulation:
“It was NEVER meant for general
dissemination and consumption; and
frankly, I’m somewhat appalled when I
think of it being ‘out there.’ The final
report was cleaned up grammatically and
the actual facts presented in a much
clearer, concise manner leaving out any
speculation. But I regret this report
ever getting out.”
Grand jury activity notwithstanding,
what piqued our initial interest was a
feeling that the Division 4 team, with
experience tracking murderers across the
globe and placed on loan to assist an
overwhelmed FBI for the JFK Jr.
probe--had apparently conducted an
investigation far more complete than
what the mainstream media was telling
its trusting viewers and readers.
Not unexpectedly, the team was told to
“back off,“ since its leaked preliminary
report written by Delbert and another
team member revealed specific
contradictory evidence, calling JFK
Jr.‘s death to be a “political
assassination of the highest order.”
Division 4 investigative team’s past
exploits can currently be seen on the
Discovery Channel in “The Hunt for the
Serpent,” about a serial killer they
chased through Nepal, India, Pakistan
and China; but the team also became
well-known for a chase through the
Hudson Valley into Canada before
capturing the Green Valley killer who
had murdered 43 young prostitutes. As
part of this international version of
the FBI, the team specializes in
tracking serial killers and pedophiles
across foreign boundaries.
The ‘Phoenix Project’ and
Years prior to serving on this team for
three years, Delbert said he was a
member of the U.S. Army Special Forces,
attached to the Phoenix Project /
Operation, on orders to “destabilize
targeted governments by murdering
government officials, elites,
professionals, bankers, military
leaders, teachers, professors and
medical professionals."
“This started in Vietnam and then moved
to Central America,” said Delbert,
adding “I was part of what we called the
Bush-Clinton New World Order takeover to
place in power selected individuals who
received their marching orders directly
from the U.S. government. Plain and
simple, Project Phoenix required
Americans to kill off innocent people to
place in power those selected by the
U.S. ruling elite; but I left, finding
it very objectionable.”
“These activities are still going on
today,” said the intelligence insider.
“America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA
Division 4, and elements from within the
Department of Defense (DOD) and Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) for its dirty
work. Five-man Delta teams made up of
nationals from Mexico and Ecuador are
being trained for house-to-house
extraction and murder of American
citizens--when the day comes that
Martial Law is declared and what little
is left of our Constitution is
"These (elements) are
counter-intelligence goon squads of
trained assassins which engage in covert
operations both inside and outside the
United States--with or without the
knowledge of Congress which is supposed
to be restraining them from actions
against our own citizens. They’re out of
control--just a marvelous group of human
beings,” said the former intelligence
With a measure of insight into Delbert’s
background and credibility, we asked him
to talk about Division 4’s JFK Jr.
findings, the specific content of the
team’s written accounts and the details
of the assassination plot.
The preliminary and final
The preliminary report and our three
interviews with Delbert provide an open
window template through which to view
previous evidence that could point to
prosecutable obstruction of justice by a
grand jury regarding past FBI probes of
major political figures who also died in
plane crashes or in another manner.
Ample evidence indicates that Congress
has permitted the Bureau to serve as a
private taxpayer-funded political
cover-up arm for each White House.
A grand jury itself presents what
amounts to a citizen-controlled fourth
branch of government, set aside by
founding fathers as a necessary
precaution against corruption,
obstruction of justice and/or treason on
the part of the Supreme Court, White
House and Congress -acting separately or
in concert.
Individuals talking to sources close to
the grand jury told us that citizen
panelists are currently reviewing
powerful evidence with explosive
documents and are dead-serious about
cleansing the government.
A case in point for a grand jury to
become operational would occur if, for
example, Fitzgerald had witnesses who
could corroborate that members of the
Supreme Court received financial bribes
in 2000 to install George W. Bush in the
White House [
Part 1 /
Part 2 ], or if Florida’s elected
officials destroyed voter ballots to
prevent Al Gore from becoming the duly
elected president for the same reason.
In short, evidence would be collected
and the grand jury would hear testimony.
While John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was
reported to have died in an accidental
plane crash on July 16, 1999, Division
4’s preliminary report reveals careful
details dissimilar to those reported by
news outlets, indicating what the team
described in its report as “classic
media disinformation, if not outright
lies” pertaining to suspect
circumstances surrounding the death of
the only son of President John F.
Kennedy who was himself assassinated on
November 22, 1963 under a similar
investigative cloud.
Most families of well-known politicians
killed in “accidental” plane crashes
were not afforded the opportunity of
having a separate outside agency like
Division 4 to investigate the evidence
of their loved one‘s death as in the
case of the son of an assassinated
president. The prelim report summary is
“Subject was a qualified
pilot, in control of his flight, flying
a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent
condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind,
calm. All indication from Forensics and
Physical evidence investigations lend
themselves to a violent explosion,
either from an altitude or barometric
pressure device, or from a Particle Beam
laser. [Delbert said Particle Beam laser
was left out of final classified report]
Aircraft ‘broke up’ in mid-air, as
evidenced by wide spread debris gathered
from the ocean and several different
beaches. This can only be caused by an
onboard explosion, or an attack by a
missile or Laser. [Delbert said missile
and Laser were left out of final report]
Considering the nature of current
political leanings of subject and
today’s political atmosphere in America,
and the before-mentioned facts, there is
little doubt that subject was
assassinated. In fact, team [Interpol
Serial Killer Alpha Team] considers this
a Political Assassination of the highest
order. It was meant to alleviate a
potential threat to the ruling elite.
And it succeeded.” [From the JFK Jr.
preliminary report, filed on July 19,
1999. This document has been
authenticated by several intelligence
agents; and we were told copies have
been passed around the intelligence
community for several years.]
Four team members and two from another
U.S. law enforcement agency who jointly
participated in producing the final
classified report, filed on August 5,
1999, revealed startling evidence which
will prevent a continued cover-up.
The six members of the Division 4 team
and others will have to be protected and
then subpoenaed for sealed testimony;
and the grand jury will also need to
hear the testimony of scores of the
team’s interviewed citizen witnesses who
have thus far remained understandably
silent about what they saw and heard
regarding JFK Jr.’s tragic death.
Delbert said the team's probe was
rigorous. We found it staggering:
“a) 30-40 witnesses were thoroughly
b) Ten individuals said they actually
saw JFK Jr.‘s plane explode in mid-air
Essex County Airport in
Caldwell, New Jersey
c) Two witnesses told the team
they saw George H. W. Bush and George W.
Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey
airport with Israeli Mossad agent
Michael Harari and another Mossad agent
who were both seen standing next to JFK
Jr.’s Cessna--all four were at the
airport just two days before the doomed
plane took off with JFK, Jr., his
pregnant wife and her sister
d) Several witnesses testified they
overheard the murder plot being
discussed in the White House oval office
e) One ‘company’ (CIA) witness at the
scene saw the bodies and the damaged
plane and told the team a mid-air
explosion caused the crash
f) Approximately 150 witnesses gave
individual depositions and signed
statements for the final report
g) Three flight instructors who worked
with JFK Jr. testified he was an
excellent pilot and had logged a huge
number of flying hours since being
licensed--he loved to fly and was that
Delbert told us “At the end of July,
1999, during the final phase of our
investigation, we talked to several
individual sources in the White House
who consented to be interviewed as
“We included their testimony in the
final draft of the report which was
classified until 2025--not currently
available to any living individual,“
said the former operative.
“Since concrete evidence of a plot
involving three presidents and a current
senator in the assassination of John F.
Kennedy’s son--who the report said they
perceived as a political threat and
future rival--would not exactly inspire
public confidence in the government,
it’s probable that the American people
will never see our final un-redacted
report,” said Delbert, “unless there are
grand jury murder indictments and a
public trial.”
The Players
“The White House sources we interviewed
overheard conversations involving
individuals who made the decision to
murder JFK, Jr.,” said Delbert, who
joined three Division 4 fellow
operatives and two other federal agency
officials in alleging the following
names in the final classified report as
having participated in planning the
murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr.
after the team had interviewed all the
witnesses involved in the case:
The Division 4 team member told us “The
meeting to discuss the murder occurred
in the White House oval office. The
subjects named in the report who
participated in ordering the murder of
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were
President Clinton and his wife
Hillary--both in the room, former
Attorney General Janet Reno--also in the
room and who JFK Jr. had publicly called
to task for her role in Waco and Ruby
Ridge operations, FBI Director Louis
Freeh--in the room, and former President
George H. W. Bush, Lawrence Rockefeller
(now deceased), and three Inner Circle
Council of Thirteen members who were all
teleconferenced into the oval office
discussion via secure White House phone
Quietly taken aback by the revelations,
we asked Delbert to summarize the
content of the alleged oval office
murder plot overheard by the team's
interviewed witness sources, including
witnesses assigned to White House
domestic security:
“a) Conversation about JFK Jr.’s
magazine GEORGE becoming a
political vehicle which could threaten
ruling elite families and expose past
White House crimes
b) Discussions about blowing up his
Cessna, John Jr.’s vulnerability and
even carelessness about his plane’s
security when warned that suspicious
individuals had previously been seen
lurking around his plane at the airport
c) Attorney General Reno’s problems with
JFK Jr. criticizing Waco and Ruby Ridge
d) Speculation about who John Jr. would
pick to run against in 2000--Hillary
Clinton or George W. Bush
e) Discussion about political family
factions and relationships between
federal law enforcement, national
security and intelligence agencies
f) Discussion about how the
assassination would take place, starting
at the airport--with specific Mossad
agents named by the subject conspirators
without mentioning the actual Israeli
g) General agreement that John, Jr. had
become over-zealous in planning to
employ GEORGE to circuitously
expose those who were behind the
assassination of his father.”
White House-controlled
foreign assassination teams in America
As we listened without comment, the
Division 4 operative continued: “We were
told by the same White House sources we
interviewed that FBI Director Freeh left
the oval office after the murder plot
was discussed and met with Israeli
Mossad agent Michael Harari who then met
with his supervisor, General Rafael
Eitan, considered to be one of the most
dangerous Israeli agents who ever
lived,” stated Delbert.
Delbert explained that testimony by
White House and airport witnesses and
others will provide outrageous but
credible grand jury evidence that three
United States presidents have their own
private Israeli Mossad assassins--as
well as assassins from several American
federal government agencies--and will
use them to commit treason and murder
against other Americans perceived to
pose a political threat to their power,
a fact surely to horrify
Jewish-Americans and all U.S. citizens.
“I had heard that even our own FBI
agents literally trembled at the fear of
being assigned to watch General Eitan’s
movements, since collaborating
congressional oversight allowed him to
freely enter the United States at any
time, using passports under a different
name,” the Division 4 special
investigative team member said.
[One of the most outrageous documents
this writer has ever seen,
confirming the existence of Michael
Harari and his nefarious Bush-connected
activities, was the Colonel Cutolo /
Colonel Corone Court Deposition,
which we found on www.]
Delbert continued his shocking
narrative, “About three days before
John’s plane took off and exploded in
mid-air, Michael Harari, and another
Mossad agent were seen with former
President George H. W. Bush and his son
Texas Governor George W. Bush at the
Essex County, New Jersey airport where
John Jr. kept his plane.” This fact was
also confirmed by separate U.S.
intelligence sources who are also
willing to testify before a grand jury.
here to read more about Harari’s U.S.
activities in the Cutolo Affadavit.htm
also found at]
“All four were positively identified by
an aircraft mechanic and a maintenance
worker we interviewed for the final
classified report; but we didn’t include
their names or the names of some other
key witnesses so that there would be
citizens left to testify in case the
Clintons or Bushes started having people
murdered,” said the former Special
Forces member.
Delbert’s chilling words provided
concrete and credible proof that
congressional oversight over counterfeit
immigration documents acquired by
assassins and terrorists, wide-open U.S.
borders and homeland “security“ is so
seriously flawed, broken down and
corrupted that Senate and House members
are permitting known foreign murderers
to move around America at will.
Given the state-side depletion of
National Guard and Reserve troops which
renders the U.S. more vulnerable to
foreign enemies while pre-emptive war
based on lies is being fought, the
physical and economic security of the
nation is problematic enough to assert
that Senate and House members may
literally be conspiring against their
own constituents in favor of a
clandestine world-wide agenda supported
by assassination of “troublemakers,”
political or otherwise.
The American-French Alliance (AFA), a
tightly-knit and hushed organization of
active intelligence community patriots
from both countries, is said to be
waging an under-the-radar-screen war to
rogue elements and assassins in the FBI,
CIA, DOD and DIA--supervised by the
White House and directly linked to Al
Qaeda and former CIA operative Tim Osman
(also known as Osama bin Laden) but
also British MI-6 agents from engaging
in black operations throughout the
United States.
According to intelligence sources who
spoke with federal whistleblower Stewart
Webb, the AFA reportedly killed General
Eitan in October, 2004 for his role in
stealing the U.S. atomic nuclear codes
from the National Security Archives. and other websites have
previously reported circumstances
surrounding an attempt by eight rogue
British MI-6 agents to blow up the
Chicago subway underneath the Everett
Dirksen Federal Building where
federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
and a grand jury are investigating
multiple crimes and treason linked to
the White House.
The physical evidence
“The preliminary Division 4 team report
was written with my partner who has
retired and returned to his own country.
We were joined by two others from our
team and two more from another federal
agency in putting together the final
report,” said Delbert.
“Our boss ordered us to re-write the
final draft but we refused. We wanted to
tell the truth; so they classified the
(final report) until the year 2025
despite the fact that we had interviewed
scores of witnesses who can corroborate
all of our findings. This was August 5,
“The obstruction of justice by our
‘upper management’ and the FBI caused so
much chaos that they dissolved our team;
then they, quite possibly along with the
Clinton White House, tried to have me
murdered within ten weeks at the end of
October, 1999 while working in Belfast,
Ireland. I was supposed to be in a car
with a friend who was blown apart in the
explosion,“ said Delbert.
“That explosion was meant either as a
warning or an assassination attempt, and
cost the life of not only my associate,
but a friend of his as well; so I closed
all my accounts, resigned from Division
4 and went underground by November,
1999, for six months,” he said--but not
before devastating reports had been
filed by a team of investigators
experienced in tracking evidence and
criminals all over the world:
Photo of the Essex Co. Airport.
the preliminary report]
“Subject, John F.
Kennedy, Jr. left Essex County Airport,
Caldwell, New Jersey at 8:38 P.M.
Friday, July 16, 1999 in a Piper
Saratoga II TC. Aircraft was built in
1995, purchased last year by subject. It
has been reported to have been in
excellent condition--simple and
comfortable to fly...Visibility was
eight (8) miles--I say again visibility
was eight (8) miles. Media reports of
‘hazy’ or ‘foggy’ conditions are
untrue,” said the report.
“At 9:39 P.M. JFK radioed the Martha’s
Vineyard Airport giving his location.
Subject was completely calm, giving no
indication of any difficulties, stating
that he was making his final approach,
no more than 10 miles from shore and 13
miles from the airport...When he radioed
at 9:39 P.M., 17-18 miles West of
Martha’s Vineyard, he was at 2,500 feet.
When detected on radar 29 seconds later
he was at 1,800 feet, 16 miles West of
Martha’s Vineyard. He was then lost off
radar. No MAYDAY was ever heard. Tower
personnel at Martha’s Vineyard Airport
verified previous data,” indicating an
immediate catastrophic problem.
“Within app. 10 seconds of this final
radio contact at 9:39 P.M., an aircraft
fitting the description of the subject’s
(aircraft) and in that same general
location was identified on Radar by both
Military personnel and Martha’s Vineyard
Airport tower personnel as descending
1,200 feet in 12 seconds--a full,
head-long dive, in other words. A
reporter for the Vineyard Gazette
newspaper told WCVB-TV in Boston that he
was out walking Friday night about the
time of the crash and say a “big white
flash in the sky,” just off Philbin
Beach. Luggage, a tire, plexiglass
pieces of cowling have all washed up on
Philbin Beach. Said reporter has now
partially recanted his story by stating
that ‘perhaps it was a bright light from
an explosion, but he just cannot be
sure.’ Reporter has been ‘gotten to,
compromised. Unknown as to who, at this
“Several local news reports initially
(reported) that several people SAW and
Heard an explosion in the air over the
ocean South of Martha’s Vineyard towards
Eastern Long Island, at the same time
that subject’s plane ‘went missing.’ We
have confirmed these reports by speaking
with 4 of the witnesses who have asked
to remain anonymous. Detected definite
fear on their part.”
“All evidence at this time indicates
that aircraft was in a fiery, head-long
crash dive within seconds after the 9:39
radio transmission. Aircraft was
equipped with a radar transponder that
transmits a 4-digit ID code and the
altitude. Aircraft contained a 406 MHz
satellite Distress beacon which would
have notified the FAA of exact lat. &
long. Device was NOT Activated. Believe
reason as aircraft disintegrated
“Subject has been reported by all
interviewed, including 3 flight
instructors, to be an Excellent pilot
who did not take chances. Subject had
logged many hours and had acquired an
abnormal amount of expertise for an
individual holding a pilots license for
only 15 months. In fact, it has been
reported that JFK, Jr. had logged enough
hours, and acquired enough expertise to
qualify as a commercial pilot! He had
passed instrument checks with no
reported difficulties. Although subject
did not like flying at night, all
information indicated he did so
efficiently. Media’s reports of ‘pilot
error,’ ‘failed instrument test and
checks’ and ‘scared to fly at night’ are
patently untrue. Standard American Media
“When SK Alpha team began investigating
weather anomalies and any possible
phenomenon, (weather), Radar images/data
that have proven useful in such
investigations, to include the
observations of Electromagnetic/radio
frequency phenomena, were discovered to
be missing from the archives for the
Eastern Long Island/Martha’s Vineyard
area during the two (2) critical hours
in which JFK Jr.’s plane apparently
crashed/disappeared. This is/was more
than suspect. After demanding said data
from air control personnel, and
receiving stammering red-faced
explanations as to it’s whereabouts,
team notes data has been intentionally
‘misplaced,’ or in fact lost.”
“The head-rest, steering yoke, pieces of
the cowling, plexiglass and carpeting
were literally torn apart from/off the
plane, floating up on Gay Head Beach.
This indicates a mid-air explosion, not
a stall and crash. Debris from the crash
has also been washing up on the West end
of Martha’s Vineyard, creating a very
wide-spread area of destruction (in
other words, the remains of the aircraft
are spread out over a very large area of
space on the Ocean, indicating a mid-air
explosion, not a stall and crash).
“Recorded conversation with air traffic
control all indicate a calm, relaxed
pilot in full command of the flight,
with no difficulties in the final
approach. Seconds after the last
transmission, the explosion was observed
and contact was lost with subject’s
“Previously mentioned weather and
electro-magnetic/radio frequency data
has been lost or misplaced. Since this
typically NEVER happens, a cover-up of
some sort is strongly indicated....The
wings of the aircraft were NOT torn off,
which they would have been had subject’s
plane gone into uncontrollable dive, as
being reported by the American
press....If aircraft had had engine
trouble, as reported, it should /could
have simply gone into a slow glide and
made a soft-water landing....NO MAYDAY
was ever heard, indicating catastrophic
“...Every indicator points towards JFK
Jr. having ’had enough’ of this
humiliation [report said threats and
blackmailing of Kennedy family] and
planned on turning his magazine ’George’
into a true political vehicle for
change. For the American public, not the
New World Order. In fact, he had already
begun this process by publishing factual
exposes on George Wallace and the Rabin
assassination. This alone is enough to
have gotten him killed.”....Subject had
begun looking into his father’s murder,
and had developed plans to slowly expose
those involved (in his magazine).”
“The American press/mass media are now
releasing news reports that are far from
factual. In fact, they can be
considered, at best, to be (classic)
disinformation, if not outright lies. In
the initial reports that were released,
the essential truth of the situation,
the facts were being released. However,
what is now being reported is
(essentially) leaving out the essence of
truth and simply glossing over what
actually occurred. Again, what we regard
as standard American Press procedures,
disinformation at best. This strongly
indicates a cover-up, or else the truth
would still be reported.”
“Although requested onsite by Federal
agencies, team has been coerced to ‘back
off,’ albeit subtly and quietly. This
particular tactic speaks well for
itself. We have not ‘backed off,’ nor
will we.”
Al Gore’s close call
Astute political observers are aware
that electoral assassinations are very
difficult to prove; however, such
“accidental” deaths often result in
“clearing the field” of a contending
threat, rival--or witness of wrongdoing
which would discredit or expose a
candidate. Thus the way would be paved
for an assured (or at least easier)
election victory to retain or gain power
by removing a political rival from the
Given the Division 4 reports and witness
testimony relating to the White House
assassination plot, the Fitzgerald grand
jury will also want to initiate a probe
of the close, coincidental time-line
nexus between John Jr.’s plane
“accident” and Vice President Al Gore’s
“close call” the week before on Air
Force Two.
Most Americans are unaware that the
Chicago Sun-Times reported that about
one week before JFK, Jr’s death on July
16, 1999, Vice-President Al Gore’s Air
Force Two jet lost power and had to make
an emergency landing while flying
through heavily congested air space near
Chicago. Gore’s plane going down would
have resulted in another pre-2000,
election-related “accidental” death
almost overlapping John F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Division 4 team's White House crime
family evidence alleging JFK, Jr.’s
assassination plot is reminiscent of a
scene in the legendary mafia movie The
Godfather, when Michael Corleone
orchestrated the simultaneous murders of
his five crime family rivals during the
exact hour he attended the baptism
service for his Godchild.
Intelligence sources have alleged to us
that Gore’s plane was vectored, possibly
resulting in loss of cabin pressure
related to some sort of software
technology, in a failed attempt to
“clear the field” for George W. Bush’s
2000 presidential race.
There is
evidence to prove that George H. W. Bush
was a member of the CIA on November
22, 1963, the day President John F.
Kennedy was assassinated--a fact Bush 41
has repeatedly denied, according to
Federal whistleblower Stewart Webb.
In his book The Immaculate
Deception--The Bush Crime Family Exposed
[1991, America West Publishers, pp.
31-39], retired U.S. Army Brigadier
General Russell Bowen refers to a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) memo
unearthed in 1977-78, dated seven days
after the assassination on November 29,
1963, describing the full briefing given
to “George Bush of the Central
Intelligence Agency” on the day after
the [JFK] assassination. [When Bush 41
was just 39 years old]
[General Bowen was an original member of
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
during the 1940s with George H. W. Bush,
Henry Kissinger, Allan Dulles and others
who became known as the secretive
“brown-shoe boys,” which later became
the CIA. Webb revealed that General
Bowen personally told him that Kissinger
served as a duel spy for Germany and
Russia during WWII before later becoming
U.S. Secretary of State under President
Nixon; and as of today, Bowen and Webb
are still alive to testify and allege
that such a spy can hold high U.S.
office, the public none the wiser.]
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote the
memo [see link above] mentioning Bush;
and curiously, Hoover met with others at
the ranch of Texas oil baron Colin J.
“Clint” Murchison, Jr. in Dallas, on the
night before Kennedy was assassinated,
according to retired Army Brigadier
General William Penn Jones.
A FOIA lawsuit publicized an FBI report
regarding a man identifying himself as
“George H. W. Bush” who telephoned the
FBI’s Houston office within hours of
Kennedy’s death with information about a
threat allegedly made against Kennedy by
a young right-wing Republican, according
to General Bowen.
The FBI report stated “On November 22,
1963, Mr. George H. W. Bush, 5535 Briar,
Houston, Texas telephonically
advised...that one James Parrott had
been talking of killing the president
when he comes to Houston.”
Since witnesses have connected George H.
W. Bush to JFK Jr.’s airport and the
White House assassination plot prior to
his murder, Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald would be negligent if the
grand jury did not also probe the Hoover
FOIA lawsuit evidence linking the
ex-president to events surrounding the
assassination of John Jr.‘s father, JFK.
All this gives rise to serious grand
jury questions: Why has Bush 41 denied
being in the CIA on November 22, 1963?
Why was Bush [at the age of 39] fully
briefed on JFK’s assassination on the
day after the event? What does he know
about Hoover’s meeting in Dallas on the
night before? Who else was at the
meeting? What did they discuss? Why did
Hoover specifically name Bush in the
George H. W. also denied being involved
in Iran contra. But according to General
Bowen, “investigators obtained copies of
Colonel Oliver North’s diaries which
documented Bush’s role as a CIA
supervisor of the contra supply network.
In 1988 Bush issued false statements to
Congress, testifying he knew nothing
about the illegal supply flights until
late November, 1986; yet North’s diary
shows Bush at the first planning meeting
on August 6, 1985.”
Securing Justice
After considering the team's gathered
physical evidence, written testimony and
our talks with Delbert, who had
interviewed most of the investigation
witnesses involved, rhetorical questions
could be posed regarding how the
mainstream media could be so controlled
and manipulated that it would be able to
cover up the obvious:
How come the media saw things
differently than the Division 4 team?
Were key editors, reporters and global
media executives co-participants in
obstructing justice by glossing over a
political assassination? Will the media
receive the same severe scrutiny by Phi
Beta Kappa and Harvard Law grad Patrick
Fitzgerald and his grand juries as the
alleged perpetrators themselves?
While more than nine families in
particular are literally hanging out
there in physical jeopardy, knowing that
witnesses, credible evidence and a
classified report point to three U.S.
Presidents and at least one Senator as
having their own private teams of
foreign assassins available to do their
political bidding, the ball is now in
Special Counsel Fitzgerald’s "court."
This, while Congress looks the other
way, knowing it needs to be held
accountable for gross corruption.
The pressure will be enormous on
prosecutors and jurors alike. Witnesses
and team members referred to herein will
need to be afforded protection. That
said, Fitzgerald and his staff of about
150 Assistant U.S. Attorneys possess the
quintessential job description for
probing White House felony families:
regularly handling public corruption,
narcotics trafficking, violent crime,
jury tampering and white-collar fraud.
But they must do their job.
Fitzgerald himself has played a personal
role in many significant investigations
involving financing terrorism, violent
crime, narcotics, and gang prosecutions,
particularly including U.S. v. John
Gambino et. al., prosecuting crime
family “capos and crews,” an ideal
candidate to lead White House crime
Given the mood of multiple intelligence
sources understandably furious about
what historians will say happened on
their recent watch (the transfer of
nuclear codes to China, the September 11
attacks and Oklahoma City bombing, an
attempt to blow up the Chicago subway
underneath Fitzgerald’s grand jury in
the Dirksen building on July 18 and war
under false pretenses), thousands of
government agents are reportedly
prepared to block obstruction and
obfuscation if “deals are cut” or
“private payoffs” are attempted in order
to prevent the wheels of justice from
There is a strange, unsettled feeling
sweeping across the land. America seems
to be aware that something big will
happen this fall. Most can’t put their
finger on it. But the markets know
what’s coming.
Massive insider stock sales versus
purchases were running $74 sold to each
$1 of stock bought, right after alone reported that
President Bush and Vice President Cheney
had been indicted. Unknowing
investors with automatically deducted
pension fund and 401K contributions are
still buying into the stock market while
the turmoil of coming political upheaval
is slowing festering like an inexorable
cancer ready to claim its victim.
In February, 2005, corporate business
executives, officers and directors sold
$5 billion in personal stock,
establishing a new market record for
unloading insider securities in a single
month. What do they know that the public
The stock market may be poised to
reprise its 2000 collapse even as inside
traders and government funds are now
grabbing more of America’s wealth and
financial security by quietly selling.
Americans should heed Dubya-speak: “Fool
me once, shame on you or me, fool me
twice, uh... fool me twice... uh.... I
won't get fooled again.”
Gold has moved from $385 to about $450
an ounce over the last 6-8 months; and
the metal’s rise in value indicates that
some investors are buying gold so they
won’t be left holding the old maid
(inflated fiat paper currency) in the
event of a protracted political crisis.
The interest rate yield curve on long
bonds is virtually flat in the face of
ten straight rate increases by Allan
Greenspan and the Federal Reserve.
Future trust in the financial stability
of U.S. currency is exposed when a
10-year note draws about the same
interest rate as a 30-year note, hence
the flat yield curve. (We used to be
nicely rewarded for letting the
government hold our money for a longer
period. But not now.)
The gold websites are reporting that
China and Japan have not purchased U.S.
Treasury securities since last January;
and that 80-90% of our Treasuries are
now purchased “off-shore,” indicating
private sources, secretive countries,
laundered drug money, or “printing press
finance” to quietly prop up the economy.
During recent House Armed Services
Committee hearings, Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld admitted to
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-4-GA)
that China has been financing the entire
Iraq War by purchasing U.S. Treasury
notes. How is this possible if China is
not buying our Treasuries? Is Rumsfeld
telling the truth? Why isn’t the
American media holding his feet to the
Prescient warnings notwithstanding,
witnesses with evidence in the matter of
the assassination of John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, Jr. are available to testify
and be evaluated in front of Patrick
Fitzgerald, his staff of deputy career
prosecutors, but most importantly, grand
jury panels of American citizens who
will listen and decide whether murder
indictments are in fact warranted in
light of Division 4's evidence.
Fitzgerald and his grand juries are
still operational in spite of the House,
Senate and U.S. mainstream media, all of
which will ignore this story, the
evidence, the witnesses, and the
preliminary and "classified" JFK, Jr.
If approximately 150 witnesses and
credible evidence is not enough to
render proper justice in the
assassination of the son of an
assassinated U.S. President, then the
American justice system is not worth the
paper that the Constitution and the
United States Code are written on; and
it will be quite obvious that Patrick
Fitzgerald was “gotten to,” and likely
deserving of separate consequences.
However, all indications from
intelligence sources confirm that
Fitzgerald is a rather remarkable and
heroic patriot who will not back down
from his sworn duty. Given coming
indictments against high officials in
all three branches of government, the
fourth branch (citizen grand juries)
will be crucial this fall.
But then America was always supposed to
be about the citizens--not powerful
ruling elite families whose progeny have
come to expect receipt of power, perks
and privilege via noblesse oblige.
There is nothing noble about what some
U.S. government leaders have done to
America since November 22, 1963.
Purge the evil from among you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *
Postscript: In a June, 1992
exclusive and published interview
granted by President George H. W. Bush
to Sarah McClendon, the grand dame of
the White House press corps at the time:
“George Bush, what will the people do if
they ever find out the truth about
Iraq-gate and Iran contra? ‘Sarah, if
the American people ever find out what
we have done, they will chase us down
the streets and lynch us.’ ”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *
In memory of Timothy Shane Flocco
to end State Dept. vacation-death
evidence destruction and travel
corporation lying under oath
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If our stories have helped you to become
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events crucial to our republic, we would
deeply appreciate your help to sustain
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readers in more than 100 countries.
We gratefully accept contributions by
mail, payable to:
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(Please carefully print your e-mail
address on the check’s memo line.)
This article comes from
Kennedy family
John, Robert, and Edward Kennedy
The Kennedy family is a prominent family
American politics and government descending
from the marriage of
Joseph P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. The
Democratic family is known for its
political liberalism. Perhaps the best known
Kennedy is the late
President of the United States
John F. Kennedy.
The Kennedys are often compared to the
Adams and
Bush families as among the most influential
American political families. All three
families have strong roots in the
New England area of the United States. The
Kennedy Compound is located in
Hyannis, Massachusetts.
Some commentators in the early
1960s made predictions that President John
F. Kennedy would be first of a dynasty in the
White House. But these predictions were not
borne out, and the idea largely dropped off the
public's radar after
Robert F. Kennedy was
assassinated in
1968 and Senator
Edward Kennedy was involved in a possible
drunk-driving incident (in which a passenger
in his car was killed) in
1969. However, a number of Kennedy family
members have held high office since then.
Together Rose and Joe Sr. had nine children:
Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. (1915–1944)
- He was
killed in action in
WWII while flying a bombing mission over
Europe. He was single at the time
of his death and had no children, though he
had been romantically linked to
Edith Bouvier Beale, a cousin of his
future sister-in-law
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, as well as
Katharine Mortimer. (The latter
reportedly rebuffed any more-serious
involvement with Joe Jr., claiming that his
family was too loud for her to contemplate
marrying into.)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–1963)
- He was a U.S.
representative, a U.S. senator and later
president. He was assassinated. He
married New York socialite
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier and had four
children, of which one was stillborn, one
died soon after birth, and two survived to
Rosemary Kennedy (1918–2005)
- Likely dyslexic and considered to be
slightly brain-damaged from birth, Rose
Marie Kennedy (her christening name) was
rendered incapable of intelligible speech or
caring for herself by a
lobotomy requested by her father, Joe
Sr., that was intended to cure her
increasing mood swings and make her more
manageable, the operation instead reduced
her to an infantile state. She lived in a
residential care facility in
Wisconsin until her death of the 7th of
January 2005.
Kathleen Agnes Kennedy (1920–1948)
- Known as Kick,
she married the Protestant heir to the
British dukedom over her mother's strenuous
religious objections. After being widowed
when her husband, the
Marquess of Hartington, was killed in
action in World War II, she was killed in a
plane crash in France with her lover, a
British earl.
Eunice Mary Kennedy (born
- She is best known as the founder of
Special Olympics, an organization she
began in honor of her sister Rosemary. She
Robert Sargent Shriver Jr., later a 1972
vice-presidential candidate, and they had
five children.
Patricia Kennedy (born
Robert Francis Kennedy (1925–1968)
Jean Ann Kennedy (born
Edward Moore Kennedy (born
- Known as "Teddy," "Ted," or the
"Liberal Lion," he has served as a senator
Massachusetts since 1962. He has been
twice married with three children from his
first marriage and two stepchildren from his
second marriage. His
detractors associate him primarily with the
death of
Mary Jo Kopechne on
Chappaquiddick Island.
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Cellular Shades - Go Cellular Shades ...
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Chinese plane crash
No survivors in the Chinese
plane crash. ...
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its second most prominent political
prisoner, leader of the 1988 student ... - 43k -
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crash victims met with official ...
Families of Spanish
servicemen killed when their plane
crashed in May ... Spain:
Relatives of military plane crash
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Blondin Beye, who
was killed in an air
crash near Abidjan
on Friday (26 June),
took up his duties
as the
Representative for
Angola on 28 June
Mr. Beye had a
diplomatic and
political career. He
served in the
Government of Mali
as Minister of
Youth, Sports, Arts
and Culture (1978),
as Minister for
Foreign Affairs and
(1978-1986) and as
Legal Counsel to the
In 1988, he was
Secretary-General of
the African
Development Bank in
Abidjan, Côte
d'Ivoire, and from
1991 he headed its
Legal Department.
In addition, between
1971 and 1990, Mr.
Beye was elected to
various high offices
at international
conferences and
bodies, including
the Arbitral
of the Economic
Community of West
the African
Commission on Human
Rights and Peoples,
and the
Association of
Democratic Lawyers.
As a scholar, Mr.
Beye undertook
research in
international law,
political science
and international
relations at Dijon
University's Faculty
of Law and also at
the Center for
Studies and Research
on International Law
and International
Relations in The
Mr. Beye lectured on
international public
law at Dijon
University (France)
and was a professor
at the National
School of
Administration in
Bamako, Mali. A
barrister registered
with the Dijon Bar,
he represented the
interests of Mali
before Malian courts
(as chief of the
Government's Legal
* *** * __________
Plane Crash
Reignites Security Debate - 7-24-05 |
that remained of the plane
was a gutted wreck
The plane crash in front of
the German parliament and
the bombings in London and
Egypt have stirred a
security debate in Germany.
Politicians want to rethink
the army's role and consider
deploying it within the
Friday's crash of a small
ultralight aircraft between
the German parliament
building and the
chancellor's office and the
recent spate of deadly
bombings in London and most
recently in Egypt have
heightened security worries
in Berlin. The former
however was not linked in
any way to a terrorist
attack with police saying
that the pilot --the only
person on board -- who was
killed in the crash
--probably committed suicide
due to personal problems.
| News - German plane
crash - School plane crash
Most of the victims were
children of the oil-rich region’s
political establishment.
... Delivery formats for "German
plane crash". [more info] ...
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members of the country's peacekeeping force
were killed after a plane crash.
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Under Scrutiny, Could Affect ...
1948 Miltary Plane
Crash Under Scrutiny, Could Affect 1953
Supreme Court Decision.
Remember that 1948 military plane
crash we discussed here, ... - 15k
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takes life of recent Yale graduate
Go back to article: Plane
crash takes life of recent Yale
graduate ... A political
science major, Adamo took on the
responsibility of advising frosh and ...
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US Marines killed in plane crash
in Pakistan
US Marines killed in
plane crash in Pakistan.
WASHINGTON - A US military refueling
plane crashed into a mountain in
Pakistan on Wednesday while trying to ...
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this crash of a Cypriot 737 was
nothing more than an accident. There
are more questions than answers
Experts told Reuters it was
extremely rare for a plane to
lose oxygen, and that emergency
systems should have kicked in.
“The pilots should have
had their masks on,” a retired
British pilot who did not wish
to be named told Reuters. “Why
they didn’t put them on is the
big mystery.”
“A loss of pressurization
in the cabin is in itself a rare
event but to go as far as it
incapacitates the pilot is
hugely rare,” the retired pilot
[…]all 115 passengers and
six crew died, most burned
beyond visual recognition, when
the plane, with neither pilot in
control, spiraled down in a
death dive into a mountainous
area about 40 km north of
The plane was on a flight
from Larnaca in Cyprus to Prague
with a stop in Athens. An
airline spokeswoman and
Greek authorities denied some
media reports that many of those
on board were children.
I hope this was only an
accident and not an act of sabotage
or terrorism. Nothing is conclusive
at this time but maybe we’ll get
some answers. It seems awfully
strange that an aircraft in this
kind of trouble wouldn’t alert
1999 -
Hi all: I have a very strong
feeling about this plane crash.
... The world
political community is at a point of
collapse, no one trusts another". ...
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The Crash of TWA Flight 800
A subsection on this page
covers the equally mysterious crash
of American Flight
... NTSB denies cover-up of plane
crash cause. US Stinger chief
suspect. ... - 46k -
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TWA Flight 800
So completely had the
plane broken up that weather radar
confused the expanding
... The official explanation for the
crash of TWA flight 800
is that the ...
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Perhaps among the
similarities of the "Ustica incident" to
the TWA 800 crash,
... A 17-year-old mystery over
the crash of an Italian plane
that killed 81 ...
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The Crash of TWA Flight 800
This is a discussion of the
crash of TWA Flight 800,
on July 17, 1996. This page
includes material about the conflicting
evidence, the rumors of government ...
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Attacked, destroyed, covered-up
Within 30 minutes of the
plane's crash, Clarke tells us,
he convenes a ...
an unknown object "merging" with TWA
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crash and ...
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WorldNetDaily: NY Times continues to
avoid TWA 800 connection
What happened on July
17, 1996, is that TWA Flight
800 exploded on a ... where
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the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia to the
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"New Data Show Missile May
Have Nailed TWA 800," screamed
the one-inch, ...
where Ron Brown's plane crashed,
to the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia to the
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Analysis: a Military Luminous Decoy
At the time of the accident,
a US Navy plane was flying close to
the TWA Boeing and
... Since the crash of flight
TWA 800, two other similar
dramas have ...
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crash of TWA Flight 800"
both believe a violent explosion tore the
plane apart ...
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TWA 800
After the TWA 800
crash, the FBI treated Ferrat as a
suspected terrorist because he
... "Even if you safely assume
accidental plane crash, when
you've got ... - 22k -
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... who said he saw
what looked like a "stunt plane"
crash into TWA 800. ...
Virtually all the military assets in the air
around TWA 800 that evening,
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... who said he
saw what looked like a stunt plane
crash into TWA 800.
Virtually all the military assets in the
air around TWA 800 that
evening, ...
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The New American - TWA 800
Shootdown - October 25, 1999
The plane carrying
him was at 21000 feet, and TWA 800
was at 13800 feet. ...
in the field of safety and crash
investigation and not political
appointees. ...
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TWA Flight 800
More than fourteen months
after TWA Flight 800
crashed off the coast of Long ...
That same night, a TWA flight was
flying behind the Pakistani plane and
... -
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TWA 800
... Such a sudden forward thrust of
the head is proof positive that TWA
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halted ...
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conversation with William Langewiesche, the
author of "The Crash of EgyptAir 990," on
the cultural reverberations of a seemingly
straightforward airplane crash
O n October 31,
1999, EgyptAir Flight 990 plunged into the
Atlantic ocean soon after takeoff, killing
all 217 people aboard. The flight-data and
cockpit voice recorders were recovered
within weeks, and the story they told seemed
shocking but conclusive: at a moment when
the captain was out of the cockpit, the
copilot, Gameel al-Batouti, disengaged the
autopilot and calmly pushed the airplane
into a steep dive. When the captain
returned, Batouti fought him for control of
the airplane—and then turned off the
engines. But the National Transportation
Safety Board (NTSB), charged with
investigating the crash, soon realized that
what they had thought would be a simple,
open and shut case would actually require
all of the political and diplomatic skills
they could muster. The Egyptian
investigators professed outrage at the idea
that the crash would be called intentional,
which they seemed to feel was a cultural
slight—setting off a conflict with the NTSB
that continues to this day. The Egyptians
went on to raise theory after theory for
what could have caused the crash, and the
NTSB, with the help of Boeing, performed
extensive tests to see if any of the
theories matched the flight's profile. None
of them did.
The Enterprise Mission - Economist
Calculates the Odds
Egypt Air
Flight 990 Ritual Alignments. Egypt
Air logo of Horus the Falcon god.
... This means that if we were to
crash a plane every day, at the
same time ... - 23k -
Aug 26, 2005 -
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US Concludes 1999
EgyptAir Crash Fault of Co-Pilot
Thu Mar 14, 2002 ... The last
contact with the plane was about
three minutes before the crash,
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plane was "rock steady," said
one aviation expert involved in the
case. Like others, the official
expressed doubt that ...
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a terrorist bomb on board the
plane most likely caused the
crash of EgyptAir 990. ...
The evidence already known about
EgyptAir 990 should be enough
to ... - 10k
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Passengers and crew on EgyptAir Flight
990 - October 31, 1999
[This page was taken down because someone
started to scam people about the victims
listed on this page. dee]
Strangely, the news media was
reporting hours after 990's
crash that the plane had
previously landed at Edwards Air
Force Base en route between LA and
New York ...
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Sherman Skolnick's Report
Regarding the crash
of EgyptAir Flight 990, the federal secret
political ...
Like the Watergate plane crash
in 1972, are the FBI and NTSB going to fake
up a ...
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The Egyptian State Information Service
On the other hand, President
Mubarak's Political Advisor Dr. Osama
... Magnum Rov
searches for Elusive Black Boxes of Egyptian
Plane Crash, November 9, 1999
... -
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Egypt to Challenge US Report on Plane
Egypt to Challenge US Report
on Plane Crash ... In
its final report on the crash,
the US National Transportation Safety Board
said that the copilot, ...
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Saturday, March 23, 2002
Egypt to Challenge U.S. Report
on Plane Crash
An Egyptian investigation panel
has said that it will challenge the
course of investigations into the
1999 crash of an EgyptAir airliner
and their findings. |
Egyptian investigation panel has
said that it will challenge the
course of investigations into the
1999 crash of an EgyptAir airliner
and their findings.
The panel issued a statement
Thursday night, rejecting the U.S.
conclusion on the tragedy and
terming it as "inadequate and
inconclusive," Egypt's official MENA
news agency reported on Friday.
On Thursday, the U.S. transportation
safety authorities blamed the crash
of the aircraft on its co-pilot
without giving reasons for his
In its final report on the crash,
the U.S. National Transportation
Safety Board said that the copilot,
Gameel El- Batouty, was alone in the
cockpit when he disconnected the
autopilot and sent the plane
The plane plunged into the sea off
the Massachusetts coast on October
31, 1999, soon after it took off
from New York en route to Cairo. All
217 people aboard were killed.
"There was no evidence of any
airplane system malfunction,
conflicting air traffic, or other
event that would have prompted these
actions," the report said.
The plane began to plummet after
El-Batouty took control, the report
said. While the pilot, Mahmoud
el-Habashy, tried to bring the plane
out of its dive, El-Batouty
continued to keep it heading
downward and shut off the engines,
it said.
According to the Egyptian penal, its
technical report showed that all
evidence cleared El-Batouty of
deliberately doing that.
It also demanded that information on
radar and air control circumstances
be made available to complete the
probes. "Until this is done, there
is no way to know the possible cause
behind this incident," the statement
The Egyptian penal presented its
comment on a final U.S. report on
the crash in June 2001, in addition
to a 225-page technical report to be
appended to the U.S. report, the
statement said.
Egypt has previously rejected the
U.S. theory that a suicide action
was behind the tragedy, insisting
that mechanical problems with the
ill-fated plane's flight control
system might have been to be blamed.
148 people killed in Egyptian charter
plane crash
PDO -- An Egyptian
charter plane Boeing 737 crashed
into the Red Sea early on
January 3 shortly after ... 148
people killed in Egyptian charter
plane crash ...
200401/04/eng20040104_131791.shtml - 21k
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U.S. Army Conducted Mass Casualty Drill
For Plane Crash Into Pentagon.....Almost One
Year Before The Real Attack On 9/11
Coincidence Or Fore-Knowledge?
by John Hawkins
Are you wondering what the racist
fringe set thinks about 9/11? Well I ran
across a
page written by Hal Turner, a man who
claims to be "one of the Founding Fathers of
the talk radio revival." He also says that
he's a "Pro-Life, conservative Republican."
Of course that's what he claims. He also has
news headlines on his page like "8000 Queers
Do Group Sex In Nyc" and "Filthy Rat Jew
Soldiers Pee On (And Inside) American
Homes!". All that goes along well with his
"No Savage Negro Beasts" coffee mugs that
are probably given away as door prizes at
KKK meetings.
Anyway, on to his brilliant theory.
Apparently in October of 2000 the Pentagon
planned out reactions to a number of
different scenarios...
"The Pentagon Mass Casualty
Exercise, as the crash was called, was just
one of several scenarios that emergency
response teams were exposed to Oct. 24-26,
2000 in the Office of the Secretaries of
Defense conference room. This "exercise"
took place just short of a year BEFORE the
real plane attack which struck the Pentagon
on September 11."
"On Oct. 24, 2000 there was also a
mock terrorist incident at the Pentagon
Metro stop and a construction accident to
name just some of the scenarios that were
practiced to better prepare local agencies
for real incidents."
Well that's plausible. The military
does all sorts of contingency planning for
every imaginable circumstance. So what does
Hal think about this?
"After the terrorist attacks of
September 11, uncovering the fact that this
"drill" took place a year ahead of the real
attack begets the question "Was this drill a
coincidence, or was it planning for
something the Pentagon already KNEW was
going to take place?"
Even in his own article he admits that
the Pentagon also planned for a
"construction accident" and a "mock
terrorist accident at a Pentagon Metro Stop"
as well. So doesn't that seem to indicate
coincidence? He goes on for a bit about the
security around DC and then says...
"September 11 sure "looks" like a
series of terrorist attacks. But it is clear
to this writer that it was an inside job,
aided and abetted by disloyal Americans in
our own government."
Based on a practice a year ago at the
Pentagon it's clear that this was an inside
job? But it get's worse with the last line
of the aricle...
"Why isn't Congress investigating?
Maybe because THEY are "in" on this scam?"
So let's just consider how many people
Hal must think are involved in this little
conspiracy. The Pentagon? There have to be a
lot of high end people there involved.
Someone had to recruit all these people to
pull it off and high level generals must of
given the order to do it? What about these
people running the exercises? They probably
know something is happening too. Of course,
the military would never try something like
this without getting the orders from the
commander and chief right? That was Bill
Clinton at the time. Some of his staff must
of known what he was doing as well.
Furthermore, since this occurred on GWB's
watch he and much of his staff must of also
known too. Then there are the 540 members of
Congress who he thinks are ""in" in this
scam."" You also have to figure that
portions of their staffs know what's going
on since they deal with them on daily basis
as well.
So what we have total here is
somewhere between 1000-3000 people total who
were aware of a conspiracy by America's
government to kill thousands of American
citizens? Despite the fact that all these
people from different political parties knew
about this and despite the fact that the
Pentagon must of known that their own men
were going to die, they chose to execute
this whole thing without a SINGLE PERSON
coming forward about it before or
afterwards? That apparently makes perfect
sense to Hal. That's why he's RWN's
"Crackpot of the Day".
© copyright 2001-2005 John Hawkins
Pentagon 911 Plane Crash Video
Pictures and analysis
Plane Crash
Video Pictures and analysis ... This
is what is viewable of the plane
in the air immediately before it hit the
ground as it slid into the ...
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More than 250 people died in
a plane crash in Queens, NY,
Monday. ... Stephen
Skowronek, a professor of political
and social sciences, agreed that the ...
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Online NewsHour Update: Plane
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The plane, with 255
people on board, went down in a residential
area of Queens
... The National Transportation
Safety Board, which is leading the crash
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plane crash?
It's assumed that he was
referring to the first WTC plane
crash as he ...
In Bush's first speech, Bush says he saw a
plane crash into the WTC live
on a TV. ...
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US Army Conducted Mass
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Into Pentagon. ...
Despite the fact that all these people from
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about ...
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One of
the planes that crashed into the
Trade Center was American
Airlines ... We live six
blocks from the World Trade
Center, in view of both Towers,
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to the
World Trade Center event. It
seems rather prophetic. Under the
... World Trade Center
After It Collapsed. Painting of
Tower of Babel ...
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case of the Trade Center the
question is whether such an image if
valid ... 11, 2001 when the
World Trade Center was
destroyed and the Pentagon hit.
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(UPI) -- A lead engineer who worked
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Center Towers ... In the
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bombing, the FBI renewed its ...
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-- The rubble at the World Trade
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... THE "steel tube" design
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proved a key factor in the ...
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intercept hijacked plane(s) after
first plane has struck the World
Trade Center. --9:02 am: United
Airlines flight 175 strikes the
World Trade Center's ...
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Pentagon ... The thousands of
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of missing at World Trade
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17 (AFP) -. The number of people
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As Joe
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buildings in the stunning terrorist
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Germany lost three citizens at the
World Trade Center and
another 11 are missing. ...
US investigators also believe that
two of the dead World Trade
Center ...
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As the
second airliner slammed into the
south tower of the World Trade
Centre ... He set up a
terrible disaster, not unlike the
World Trade Center massacre.
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looting was reported in the shops
under the World Trade Center
... Ninety percent of the
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John Ogonowski, 52, Dracut, Mass.,
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missed murder: CLINTON
They also crashed the plane he was
supposed to ride in to California on his
birthday. Did the Wellstone murder to get
Coleman in. Plane crashed, according to my
husband, are a very useful tool and "only
kill a relative few number of people". quote
by Kay Griggs
Air Force probes Wyoming C-130 crash

Pilot may have tried to return to
August 18, 1996
Web posted at: 6:00 p.m. EDT
JACKSON HOLE, Wyoming (CNN) -- The pilot
of a presidential cargo plane flying to
President Clinton's birthday party may have
been trying to return to the airport when
the C-130 slammed into a mountain minutes
after takeoff, killing all nine people on
Air Force accident evaluation
specialists flew to Wyoming Sunday to
investigate the remote crash site, which was
located at about 11,000 feet just South of
Yellowstone National Park.
Authorities hoped to recover the voice
cockpit recorder and flight data recorder
from the scene, among other things.
One Secret Service employee and at
least eight crew members were aboard the
C-130 when
it crashed Saturday at 10:48 a.m. MDT
(12:48 a.m. EDT) near Sheep Mountain, also
known as Sleeping Indian Mountain. President
Clinton had been vacationing in the area and
left some five hours before.
"There are no signs of survivors and
by the nature of the wreckage none was
expected," said U.S. Forest Service
Dan Ellison. But rescuers "haven't given
up hope."
The plane was en route from Jackson
Hole to John F. Kennedy International
Airport in New York, where Clinton traveled
from Washington Sunday to celebrate his 50th
birthday, which falls Monday.
Clinton returned to the White House
early Sunday after a nine-day vacation in
"I was told that they thought the
pilot had turned around to come back to the
airport," President Clinton said Sunday of
his initial overnight briefing. He offered
his and the First Lady's condolences to the
victims' families.
"This is especially painful to us
because they worked for me," Clinton said.
"They did an invaluable service, and I'm
very, very sad about it."
A group of 28 emergency workers
traveled overnight by foot and horseback to
reach the scene before dawn. They searched
for possible survivors and worked to
stabilize and secure the scene. Plane debris
was still burning when they arrived, but
even though the area has been very dry,
authorities were not concerned about a
forest fire because the crash scene was
above the timberline.
The crash site is in the Bridger-Teton
National Forest, a part of the Gros Ventre
The plane went down in a designated
wilderness area, and crews worked to
establish good landing zones for helicopters
on the mountainside. The nearest road is
more than two miles away, said
Scott Fitzwilliams of the U.S. Forest
The Jackson Hole airport is over 6,000
feet above sea level, making take-offs more
difficult because of the thinner air. The
airport is a small facility and has no
control tower.
Pilots have been critical of the short
runway and the close proximity of the
mountain ranges to the airport, but Park
spokeswoman Linda Olsen downplayed those
factors in this crash.
The C-130 Hercules, designed for
combat airlift missions with quick
departures from short runways, should have
had no problem at that altitude, U.S. Air
Force Captain Todd Vician said.
The plane's fuel tanks which can hold
some 9,200 gallons, were onlyhalf full,
according to Don Holloway, operations
director of Jackson Hole Aviation. "So,
weight was not a factor," he said. "They did
everything by the book."
The four-engine turbo prop was
carrying one vehicle and luggage, all
related to the president's vacation in
Wyoming, said Holloway.
The plane, considered a workhorse of
the Air Force's transport fleet, was built
in 1974 by Lockheed Martin. The crew was
from Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas,
a base spokesman said.
Associated Press and
Reuters contributed to this report.

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by Sherman H. Skolnick 08/6/01
In November, 1972,
Richard M. Nixon was re-elected President.
One month later, on behalf of the Nixon
White House, America's secret political
police, the American Gestapo, the FBI, and
the American CIA, arranged to sabotage a
commercial airplane headed for Chicago. On
board were twelve Watergate figures,
including Dorothy Hunt, wife of the
Watergate burglar, E.Howard Hunt. They had
reportedly blackmailed two million dollars
out of Nixon threatening, among other
things, to publicize documents they had
showing Tricky Dick, along with top
officials of the FBI and the CIA, had
planned and carried out the political
assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
We received a mysterious
phone call. "You should look into the crash
near Midway Airport. They murdered Mrs. Hunt
and the others." From various circumstances
we determined that the call came from an
official in Midway Airport Tower, Chicago.
We started our own investigation. In 1973, I
wrote a book, "The Secret History of
Airplane Sabotage". So far as I could find
out, there never was an authoritative book
on the subject up to that time. And even
now, I know of no other such book. A
sizeable book publisher undertook to publish
my work. The book, however, was stopped in
the print cycle and no copies became
available. The book was suppressed by the
Rockefellers, at the time the major owners
of UAL, Inc., the parent firm of United Air
Lines, with the United Air Lines crash near
Midway Airport being a major section of the
I am posting starting as
Part One excerpts from the book. In some
instances, it has been updated and slightly
revised to show details uncovered after