Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
Today's date February 13, 2012
page 135
2-13-12 - A HORROR STORY =- DREAM - I would have to say I was living
in a
non-place because nothing was real, yet it was in real life for
It's a simple story to begin with. My husband came home from work
and I
went to make him dinner. I made him a sandwich of bread, butter, and
sausage. The problem is in when you think about the ingredients and
that I
cannot physically eat anything I was feeding him which I will
explain later.
I had to store mounds and mounds of ground hamburger and had no
place to
put it, not to mention I couldn't eat it.
I decided we should go dancing to relieve the stress of life, but
all my
husband had was work clothes, so I went to the store to buy him a
pair of
black pants because all he owned was work clothes
I found a used clothing store that had a nice pair of black pants
for $5
dollars, which was a good price, but I asked the clerk if she had
any jewelry
I could buy reasonably priced that I could use for earrings or to
pin on
my dress and she told me what she had but the prices were incredibly
and I couldn't buy anything that expensive.
So I headed back home where my mother-in-law Audrey was there and
she had
brought me some beautiful bright pink towels and afghans and
They were all so beautiful, but none were folded and there were so
many of them
they were covering up the food I had yet to find a place for, they
getting damp from the humidity in the air and would have to be put
into the
dryer to dry and then refolded, and the room was already full of
them and
the job was impossible.
Audrey means:
It has a double etymology : the first element Au-d- in both cases is
ultimately from the _Anglo-Saxon_
_Ethel_ (
spelled æðel) meaning "noble"._[3]_
The second element -d-rey can be rǣd, rēd "advice, opinion,
I decided to go outside and find my friend Barbara because she liked
take a book outside and read and get some sunshine at the same time.
Barbara means 'stranger'
So I went outside and saw that the land was being plowed up to grow
and I had no idea where Barbara would be at that moment.
Just then some tractors came by me, on their way to plow up more
land to
grow food, and these tractors were belching fumes out the rear end
that made
the air completely unbreathable.
then along came other machines that were used to move land around to
construct buildings, bull dozers, big construction machines, things
that looked
like tanks and all those machines were belching out fumes that made
the air
even more unbreathable.
so I thought I would go find an area that had trees and when I got
to where
the trees were, they were all dead. All the leaves were gone, the
bark was
all peeling off the trees. There was not one live tree in any
direction I
could see. the ground itself was barren of any life, no grass, no
flowers, not even weeds.
On my way back home, I saw a couple holes in the ground that looked
manmade entrances to underground caves - all manmade.
I went over and looked into one of the openings into the ground and
the dim light I could see that under the earth, someone had built an
underground structure of rough hewn blocks of stone that came from
somewhere else,
probably cut by one of those machines.
There were no windows in the underground structures, and no light
there were no windows. (There is a double meaning to 'no light -
and spiritual)
what was there to see anyway, everything was dead, the air was
unbreathable, there was no one to talk to because everyone had to
have a job in order
to have a life at all and nothing good could grow without chemicals
to help
it because nothing could grow naturally in an unnatural atmosphere.
I started to cry in the dream and woke up crying.
Raw hamburger often contains dangerous pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus and Campylobacter jejuni, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service warns. You cannot smell, taste or see these bacteria in raw hamburger meat. Bacteria that gives hamburger meat a bad odor or rotten appearance are called spoilage bacteria and rarely make you sick. Raw hamburger is more likely to harbor dangerous bacteria than other types of meat because grinding beef exposes more of the meat to bacteria.
Pathogenic bacteria in raw hamburger meat can give you food poisoning. Food poisoning is characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever and dehydration. Some bacteria also cause other symptoms. For example, E. coli O157:H7, a bacteria found in raw hamburger, causes hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is fatal in 3 to 5 percent of cases, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. About 5,000 people in the United States die every year from food poisoning
Since most all cattle are typically grass-fed at some point in their life cycle, some stores advertise their beef as grass-fed. However, this may be misleading because grass was not the predominant diet of the cattle. The key is what the cattle were fed in the 3 to 6 months prior to being slaughtered. This means you will need to contact the person who actually raised the cows, NOT the store manager, to find out the truth.
This deception may also be true of beef that is advertised as “free of added hormones”. When we asked one health food store attendant about their “hormone-free” beef, they said that it means no hormones were given to the cows within 3 to 6 months of slaughter (but previous to that, they were given hormones). These actual facts were included in one of their brochures about their beef—but later, removed.
Most commercially raised beef calves start around 80 pounds and gain up to 1,200 pounds in a period of about 14 months. This is not a natural event. This is accomplished by feeding them large quantities of grain (usually corn) and protein supplements, in addition to various drugs and synthetic hormones, as the beef industry puts it, to “promote efficient growth.”
Various combinations of hormones, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, and the synthetic hormones, zeranol and trenbolone acetate, may be given to cattle during their growing cycle. Another hormone, melengesterol acetate, may also be added to cattle feed to “improve weight gain and feed efficiency
When humans eat this drug and hormone-tainted beef, measurable amounts of hormones are transferred to humans. Some researchers warn that human consumption of estrogen from hormone-drugged beef can result in cancer, premature puberty and falling sperm counts.
The largest use of antibiotics (over 50% of all antibiotic use) in the U. S. is for animals. The antibiotics are used to help the cattle gain weight but also to prevent disease outbreaks since disease is more prevalent in animals that are raised in such crowded conditions. About 9 million pounds of antibiotic feed additives are used annually in the cattleraising process.
Routine antibiotic use is contributing to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance in humans. In contrast to animals raised on large, commercial “factory farms,” animals raised in natural farm environments rarely require antibiotics. In addition to antibiotics, commercially raised cattle are given various vaccines and other drugs. The following is an example of a recommended course of care for a whole herd of cattle as shown on
Residues of these drugs and antibiotics can end up in the beef, thus exposing the consumer to a mirage of chemical and drug residues.
Much commercial beef is now being irradiated which means it has been treated with gamma rays produced by the radioactive material, cobalt 60, or electricity to kill bacteria. Radiation of meat or other foods has been proven to produce bizarre radiolytic by-products in foods that are carcinogenic (i.e. cancer-causing). As our cancer rates rise higher each year in the U.S., eating irradiated foods is in effect, an unfortunate experiment on the American public—where the long term effects remain to be seen. If you value your health, it is best to avoid eating irradiated foods, including irradiated meat.
Although all meat is not irradiated, it is typically not labeled as such, so it almost impossible to find out which beef has been irradiated. Your best choice is bet is to purchase non-irradiated meat—which means you will need to find out what happened to the beef once it left the farm where it was raised.
This issue is virtually the same issue as with milk. Once milk is pasteurized or ultrapasteurized (even worse) to “protect” us, its nutritional properties are seriously damaged which has been proven to cause more harm than good for most who drink it. However, if milk is consumed in its natural, raw (unpasteurized) form, then it is typically an excellent, health-producing food for most who consume it (assuming the milk has come from healthy cows and has been stored properly so it is contaminant and infection-free).
Currently, school districts have the option of purchasing
irradiated beef for their lunch programs, but parental notification
is not required. If you are a parent, you can contact your
child’s school district to find out whether irradiated beef is being
served for school lunches. If so, you can work with them to
discourage the use of irradiated beef and other irradiated foods.
You can also contact the following website for more information on how to work with your school district to stop the purchase of irradiated foods: In addition, contact your state representative and senators today to urge them not to support irradiated food in school lunches.
As of December, 2003, mad cow disease has now been officially identified in American beef— although it has long been suspected due to the frequently unregulated practice of feeding infected animal parts to cattle. How widespread mad cow disease is in U.S. beef is not currently known.
Prions are the infectious agents thought to cause mad cow disease, called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, or the human version of mad cow disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). CJD is a degenerative brain disorder which causes punctuate, sponge-like lesions in the brain, which later leads to dementia as well as other brain symptoms and a gruesome, early death. CJD is believed to be transmitted to humans by eating beef infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
The classic form of CJD (in which symptoms may be sporadic early on) usually surfaces among men and women in their 60s, but has been identified in younger people as well. There is no current cure for CJD nor is it routinely checked for in individuals who have degenerative brain symptoms.
In November, 2003 in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, for the first time, Swiss scientists identified a rogue protein implicated in CJD in human muscle tissue. They found traces of the so-called, diseaseassociated prion protein (PrPSc) in 8 out of 32 muscle samples, and in 10 out of 28 spleen samples, that were taken from 3 dozen patients who had died with the classic form of CJD.
PrPSc [prion protein] has so far only ever been found in tissue of the central nervous system. The Swiss researchers made the discovery by using a new chemical, phosphotungstic acid, which increased the sensitivity of conventional PrPSc tests threefold.
The discovery poses intriguing, but unresolved, questions about the molecular pathways taken by CJD to establish itself in humans, the scientists said. Patients with the rogue protein outside the central nervous system had "a significantly longer duration of disease and were more likely to have uncommon molecular variants" of the disease, they said.
In addition to dangers that commercially raised beef poses to your health, it also promotes extensive dangers to our environment. In the U.S., cattle production is a major source of environmental pollution in the U.S. as well as abroad. Substantial areas of forests, particularly the rain forests of Central America and the Amazon, are being cleared to make way for cattle. Deforestation contributes to the worldwide green house effect of global warming.
In the U.S., among the most severe problems are water pollution from the nearly 1 billion tons of fecal and urine waste produced by cattle each year. In addition, there are also enormous amounts of petrochemical fertilizers used to produce feed crops for cattle. Air pollution—both from waste and waste treatment methods of grain-fed cattle—are responsible for producing a significant portion of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (the 3 major gases that are largely responsible for global warming), along with other toxic gasses.
Commercially raised cattle are treated as commodities, forced to gain huge amounts of weight in a short time via synthetic hormones and drugs, by being raised in a completely artificial environment. These cattle are deprived of some of the most basic requirements of life—fresh air, space, sunlight and normal social interaction.
If you do desire to eat beef, the only real choice is grass-fed beef where the animals have been raised in a natural environment without toxic drugs or hormones. In addition, grass-fed beef has the omega 3 to 6 ratio in a more proper balance. Some websites on the internet offer variety of farmers that can provide sources of grass-fed beef.
However, even natural sources of beef are fraught with various problems:
Even before beef was so contaminated, worldwide research on eating cooked meat has shown that it is associated with chronic neurodegeneration in all major nations where eating meat is predominant (associated with mineral and enzyme exhaustion).
The best protein choice of all may be adding exotic mushrooms to your dinner table, such as shitake, maitake, Portobello mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and much more.
In contrast to beef (or other animal proteins such as chicken), exotic mushrooms are:
Even for the most died-in-the-wool beef or chicken eater, cutting up exotic mushrooms into thin strips or in bite-size pieces, when cooked and spiced correctly, look like strips of meat or chicken and taste similar (really much better!) than the best animal protein you have ever had.
Look in your local grocery store for these delightful mushroom protein enhancers. You’ll be stepping up to better digestion, a better immune system—and best of all, better health.
Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues: evolutionary implications for reducing diet-related chronic disease. Cordain L, et al., Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002 Mar;56(3):181-91. Department of Health and Exercise Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA.
HYPOTHESES: Consumption of wild ruminant fat represented the primary lipid source for pre-agricultural humans. Hence, the lipid composition of these animals' tissues may provide insight into dietary requirements that offer protection from chronic disease in modern humans.
METHOD: We examined the lipid composition of muscle, brain, marrow and subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT) from 17 elk (Cervus elaphus), 15 mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and 17 antelope (Antilicapra americana) and contrasted them to wild African ruminants and pasture and grain-fed cattle.
RESULTS: Muscle fatty acid (FA) was similar among North American species with polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids (P/S) values from 0.80 to 1.09 and n-6/n-3 FA from 2.32 to 2.60. Marrow FA was similar among North American species with high levels (59.3-67.0%) of monounsaturated FA; a low P/S (0.24-0.33), and an n-6/n-3 of 2.24-2.88. Brain had the lowest n-6/n-3 (1.20-1.29), the highest concentration of 22:6 n-3 (elk, 8.90%; deer, 9.62%; antelope, 9.25%) and a P/S of 0.69. AT had the lowest P/S (0.05-0.09) and n-6/n-3 (2.25-2.96). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers were found in marrow of antelope (1.5%), elk (1.0%) and deer (1.0%), in AT (deer, 0.3%; antelope, 0.3%) in muscle (antelope, 0.4%; elk, trace), but not in brain.
CONCLUSIONS: Literature comparisons showed tissue lipids of North American and African ruminants were similar to pasture-fed cattle, but dissimilar to grain-fed cattle. The lipid composition of wild ruminant tissues may serve as a model for dietary lipid recommendations in treating and preventing chronic disease.
Although all meat is not irradiated, it is typically not labeled as such, so it almost impossible to find out which beef has been irradiated. Your best choice is bet is to purchase non-irradiated meat—which means you will need to find out what happened to the beef once it left the farm where it was raised.
This issue is virtually the same issue as with milk. Once milk is pasteurized or ultrapasteurized (even worse) to “protect” us, its nutritional properties are seriously damaged which has been proven to cause more harm than good for most who drink it. However, if milk is consumed in its natural, raw (unpasteurized) form, then it is typically an excellent, health-producing food for most who consume it (assuming the milk has come from healthy cows and has been stored properly so it is contaminant and infection-free).
Currently, school districts have the option of purchasing
irradiated beef for their lunch programs, but parental notification
is not required. If you are a parent, you can contact your
child’s school district to find out whether irradiated beef is being
served for school lunches. If so, you can work with them to
discourage the use of irradiated beef and other irradiated foods.
You can also contact the following website for more information on how to work with your school district to stop the purchase of irradiated foods: In addition, contact your state representative and senators today to urge them not to support irradiated food in school lunches.
As of December, 2003, mad cow disease has now been officially identified in American beef— although it has long been suspected due to the frequently unregulated practice of feeding infected animal parts to cattle. How widespread mad cow disease is in U.S. beef is not currently known.
Prions are the infectious agents thought to cause mad cow disease, called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, or the human version of mad cow disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). CJD is a degenerative brain disorder which causes punctuate, sponge-like lesions in the brain, which later leads to dementia as well as other brain symptoms and a gruesome, early death. CJD is believed to be transmitted to humans by eating beef infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
The classic form of CJD (in which symptoms may be sporadic early on) usually surfaces among men and women in their 60s, but has been identified in younger people as well. There is no current cure for CJD nor is it routinely checked for in individuals who have degenerative brain symptoms.
In November, 2003 in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, for the first time, Swiss scientists identified a rogue protein implicated in CJD in human muscle tissue. They found traces of the so-called, diseaseassociated prion protein (PrPSc) in 8 out of 32 muscle samples, and in 10 out of 28 spleen samples, that were taken from 3 dozen patients who had died with the classic form of CJD.
PrPSc [prion protein] has so far only ever been found in tissue of the central nervous system. The Swiss researchers made the discovery by using a new chemical, phosphotungstic acid, which increased the sensitivity of conventional PrPSc tests threefold.
The discovery poses intriguing, but unresolved, questions about the molecular pathways taken by CJD to establish itself in humans, the scientists said. Patients with the rogue protein outside the central nervous system had "a significantly longer duration of disease and were more likely to have uncommon molecular variants" of the disease, they said.
In addition to dangers that commercially raised beef poses to your health, it also promotes extensive dangers to our environment. In the U.S., cattle production is a major source of environmental pollution in the U.S. as well as abroad. Substantial areas of forests, particularly the rain forests of Central America and the Amazon, are being cleared to make way for cattle. Deforestation contributes to the worldwide green house effect of global warming.
In the U.S., among the most severe problems are water pollution from the nearly 1 billion tons of fecal and urine waste produced by cattle each year. In addition, there are also enormous amounts of petrochemical fertilizers used to produce feed crops for cattle. Air pollution—both from waste and waste treatment methods of grain-fed cattle—are responsible for producing a significant portion of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (the 3 major gases that are largely responsible for global warming), along with other toxic gasses.
Commercially raised cattle are treated as commodities, forced to gain huge amounts of weight in a short time via synthetic hormones and drugs, by being raised in a completely artificial environment. These cattle are deprived of some of the most basic requirements of life—fresh air, space, sunlight and normal social interaction.
If you do desire to eat beef, the only real choice is grass-fed beef where the animals have been raised in a natural environment without toxic drugs or hormones. In addition, grass-fed beef has the omega 3 to 6 ratio in a more proper balance. Some websites on the internet offer variety of farmers that can provide sources of grass-fed beef.
However, even natural sources of beef are fraught with various problems:
Even before beef was so contaminated, worldwide research on eating cooked meat has shown that it is associated with chronic neurodegeneration in all major nations where eating meat is predominant (associated with mineral and enzyme exhaustion).
The best protein choice of all may be adding exotic mushrooms to your dinner table, such as shitake, maitake, Portobello mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and much more.
In contrast to beef (or other animal proteins such as chicken), exotic mushrooms are:
Even for the most died-in-the-wool beef or chicken eater, cutting up exotic mushrooms into thin strips or in bite-size pieces, when cooked and spiced correctly, look like strips of meat or chicken and taste similar (really much better!) than the best animal protein you have ever had.
Look in your local grocery store for these delightful mushroom protein enhancers. You’ll be stepping up to better digestion, a better immune system—and best of all, better health.
Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues: evolutionary implications for reducing diet-related chronic disease. Cordain L, et al., Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002 Mar;56(3):181-91. Department of Health and Exercise Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA.
HYPOTHESES: Consumption of wild ruminant fat represented the primary lipid source for pre-agricultural humans. Hence, the lipid composition of these animals' tissues may provide insight into dietary requirements that offer protection from chronic disease in modern humans.
METHOD: We examined the lipid composition of muscle, brain, marrow and subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT) from 17 elk (Cervus elaphus), 15 mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and 17 antelope (Antilicapra americana) and contrasted them to wild African ruminants and pasture and grain-fed cattle.
RESULTS: Muscle fatty acid (FA) was similar among North American species with polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids (P/S) values from 0.80 to 1.09 and n-6/n-3 FA from 2.32 to 2.60. Marrow FA was similar among North American species with high levels (59.3-67.0%) of monounsaturated FA; a low P/S (0.24-0.33), and an n-6/n-3 of 2.24-2.88. Brain had the lowest n-6/n-3 (1.20-1.29), the highest concentration of 22:6 n-3 (elk, 8.90%; deer, 9.62%; antelope, 9.25%) and a P/S of 0.69. AT had the lowest P/S (0.05-0.09) and n-6/n-3 (2.25-2.96). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers were found in marrow of antelope (1.5%), elk (1.0%) and deer (1.0%), in AT (deer, 0.3%; antelope, 0.3%) in muscle (antelope, 0.4%; elk, trace), but not in brain.
CONCLUSIONS: Literature comparisons showed tissue lipids of North American and African ruminants were similar to pasture-fed cattle, but dissimilar to grain-fed cattle. The lipid composition of wild ruminant tissues may serve as a model for dietary lipid recommendations in treating and preventing chronic disease.
Action Alert on Monsanto's Gene-Altered Alfalfa
From Family Farm Defenders <
Jan. 5, 2005
GMO alfalfa action alert
Biotech Warning!
Attention: Dairy Farmers, Ranchers, Bee Keepers, Horse
Breeders, Conservationists, & Pet Owners!
Monsanto Seeks Approval for "Round-Up Ready" Alfalfa!
Public comment period ends Jan. 24, 2005!
On April 16th, 2004 Monsanto submitted a federal petition for
commercial introduction of "Round-Up
Ready" (RR) alfalfa in the U.S, and on Nov. 24th the USDA began its
required sixty day public comment
period. Given that alfalfa is a common perennial forage and cover
crop used in a wide variety of animal
feeds and even eaten by humans, this latest move by Monsanto to
bring another genetically modified
organism (GMO) into the world is now ringing alarm
bells across rural America.
What will be the impact on animals that now consume alfalfa from
cows and horses to chickens and bees?
Will there be adverse health impacts downstream in the human food
supply? What about the environmental
consequences? Could this latest herbicide resistant GMO crop
jeopardize the longterm utility of glyphosate
(aka "Round-Up") as "super weeds" emerge? Will alfalfa, itself,
become an invasive plant largely
immune to conventional control techniques? If there are problems,
who will assume liability - the
manufacturer, the distributor, the farmer, the consumer? Many of
these questions have yet to be
resolved and should be before Monsanto is permitted to bring its
biotech alfalfa into U.S. agriculture.
Monsanto began work on RR alfalfa in 1998 in collaboration with
researchers at Montana State
University and within a year there were field trials underway in
Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, and Idaho. In
1999, Monsanto officially licensed its RR technology for use on
alfalfa to Forage Genetics, Land O'Lakes'
primary seed research partner. Land O'Lakes is among the major dairy
co-ops in the U.S. and has been a
major advocate of GMOs since the FDA's controversial approval of
recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
back in the early 1990s. If approved, RR alfalfa will be sold under
the Croplan Genetics brand through Cenex
Harvest States and Land O'Lakes' Farmland Industries.
Other genetic manipulation of alfalfa is also underway. Researchers
at the U.S. Dairy Forage
Research Center in Madison, WI are isolating genetic traits to make
forage fiber more digestible. At the
University of Guelph scientists are trying to splice the bacterium,
Pasteurella hemolytica, into alfalfa as
an oral vaccine agent for cattle pneumonia. Other University of
Wisconsin-Madison researchers are
altering alfalfa to produce its own phytase enzymes to improve
phosphorus utilization by livestock. It is
argued that this could reduce the need for imported mineral
supplements such as di-calcium phosphate as
well as the threat of manure pollution from concentrated animal
feeding operations (CAFOs).
Like Monsanto's other biotech varieties, farmers who use RR alfalfa
will never own the plant or the seed.
Instead, they will be leasing a product under a one-sided technology
use agreement (TUA) with many
restrictions. For instance, Monsanto reserves the right under these
contracts to physically inspect (ie.
trespass) and remove crop samples to insure compliance. In Canada,
Monsanto has a long history of
sending "extortion" letters to farmers whose fields ested positive
for their other GMO crop varieties,
threatening lawsuits if they did not pay for their "use" of the
The main rationale offered by the biotech industry for introducing
RR alfalfa is that it provides farmers
with simpler weed suppression. This is in line with the vast
majority of genetic research in agriculture
(98% according to one recent USDA survey) geared towards making
production easier, not necessarily to
improve nutrition or protect the environment. There are already 90
weeds identified as significant in U.S.
alfalfa, with 20 major herbicides used, glyphosate among them.
Dubbed "Queen of the Forages," alfalfa is a perennial herbaceous
legume, known as lucerne in many other
countries, originally from the European Caucasus and Central Asia.
Since its introduction to North
America, alfalfa has been among the top four field crops in the U.S.
(along with corn, soy, and wheat).
In 2004 the USDA estimated that 77.4 million tons was produced on
22.2 million acres, with an additional
88.5 million tons of alfalfa mixed hay produced on another 39.4
million acres.
Alfalfa is considered the best available animal feed for ruminants
and is critical to the dairy industry,
providing up to a third of crude protein, half of the calcium, and a
quarter of the energy needed on a daily
basis by a typical cow. Other livestock sectors which rely upon
alfalfa include beef cattle, sheep,
chickens, turkeys, and horses. Pelletized alfalfa is a common
component of many pet foods for everything
from iguanas and parakeets to hamsters and rabbits. Alfalfa also
produces a large amount of nectar, up to
1900 pounds per acre, which is why it is so popular amongst
beekeepers. In turn, honey bees, alkali bees,
and leaf cutter bees are important pollinators for alfalfa
Concerns are growing, though, about the potential adverse impacts of
RR alfalfa. Studies are just now
revealing the health fallout of too much GMO corn, soy, canola meal,
and cottonseed cake in livestock
feed. Monsanto uses the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CMV) to insert RR
traits in its GMO crops, and this
same promoter virus in alfalfa could have the potential to disrupt
the balance of intestinal
microflora and reactivate other dormant pathogens. Other studies
have shown a clear downward nutritional
shift in GMO crops. For example, beneficial phytoestrogens such as
lignan and isoflavon are
reduced by 12-14% in RR soybeans compared to conventional soybean
As with other GMOs, there is the clear danger of "gene jumping"
between RR alfalfa and conventional alfalfa
varieties, as well as between alfalfa and wild relatives, such as
black medic a common naturalized
weed in North America. Given the promiscuous genetic dominance of
GMOs, this could mean rapid transfer of
glyphosate resistance, as well as the spread of other traits (such
as enzyme or vaccine production),
especially if several GMO alfalfa varieties are approved and put
into simultaneous production.
As has been well documented in the case of Bt corn and RR canola,
there is obvious potential for "genetic
drift" between fields planted with Monsanto's RR alfalfa and other
nearby alfalfa fields and pastures.
Besides wind, insects are particularly good at transporting pollen
over long distance, and bees are
known to travel several miles in search of alfalfa. Most alfalfa hay
is cut after some of blossoms have
already bloomed and the pollen is viable. Alfalfa allowed to
reproduce also produces a lot of "hard
seed" that can remain viable in soil for years to come.
This threat is of special concern to alfalfa seed growers and
dairy/livestock producers who stand to
lose their value-added markets and organic certification. Alfalfa
seed production is concentrated
in just a few northwestern states and provinces and could be
vulnerable to genetic contamination. For
many dairy farmers who rely on managed intensive rotational grazing
(MIRG), Monsanto's RR alfalfa
offers no real benefits, since a healthy pasture has no real
"weeds." In fact, straight alfalfa often
yields less fodder per acre than more diverse forage systems.
Herbicide resistant GMO crop varieties are widely perceived by
farmers as just another way to encourage
dependence on expensive inputs. Predictably enough, the introduction
of RR varieties did lead to a five
fold increase in glyphosate use across the U.S. Because alfalfa is
perennial and often grown for 3-5
years in a row, the introduction of RR alfalfa could well increase
overall herbicide use by an estimated
200,000 more pounds per year in California alone. As with other GMO
crops, the promised yield gains and
cost savings may not materialize, leaving farmers holding the bag
for the higher seed price that always
comes with Monsanto's patented technologies.
An estimated 5% of U.S. alfalfa production is also exported 2.9
million metric tones in 2002 worth $480
million. About 75% of this forage market is in Japan where consumer
awareness and resistance to GMOs is
high. U.S. refusal to sign the Convention on Biological Diversity,
including the Cartagena Protocol
(which went into effect on Sept. 11, 2003), or to even mandate
segregation naturally fuels suspicions of
biotech "dumping" overseas and prejudices other GMO-free U.S.
exports. Some also foresee the rapid
international spread of RR alfalfa through less formal means, such
as casual travel of pollen, seed, and
fodder between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. About 7% of alfalfa
seed in the U.S. is also eaten by humans in
the form of sprouts, and such natural food consumers are also highly
wary of potential GMO contamination.
Those in the business of prairie restoration, as well as many
conservationists and officials interested in
controlling invasive plants on public and private lands, are
concerned that the introduction of
herbicide-resistance traits in a perennial like alfalfa could make
their job more difficult. After
just six years of planting RR crops across the U.S., the number of
glyphosate-resistant weeds doubled. As
super weeds emerge, chemical control will shift to more toxic,
persistent, and less desirable herbicides
such as 2,4-D and Paraquat.
The fact that alfalfa has a taproot up to 20 feet deep and complex
symbiotic relationships with
nitrogen-fixing bacteria exacerbates the potential environmental
consequences. Alfalfa is an important
crop in many field rotations, contributing up to 200 kg of soil
nitrogen per acre per year. Researchers in
Arkansas, though, have found an adverse impact on symbiotic
nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with
soybeans after treatment with glyphosate. Scientists have also noted
an increase in the presence of the
fungal disease, Fusarium, on RR crop varieties.
In weighing the relative costs and benefits of bringing RR alfalfa
to market, many people remain
unconvinced. Is this technology really necessary to grow alfalfa or
is it just another marketing
opportunity for agribusiness? Are there not cheaper weed control
options that do not pose such serious
threats to the future of farming in the U.S.?
Comments on Monsanto's petition to the USDA to introduce "Round-Up
Ready" alfalfa (be sure to
reference Docket #04-085-1) can be sent to:
Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD
APHIS, Station 3C71
4700 River Road Unit 118
Riverdale, MD 20737
Email comments can also be submitted
An online form is also available at:
For the Federal Register Notice (published 11/24/04),
Monsanto's GE alfalfa petition (submitted 4/16/04), as
well as the USDA/APHIS environmental assessment go to: or
call #301-734-5715
For more info on how you can get involved in this and
other related GMO issues, contact: Farmer to Farmer
Campaign: #877-968-3276 or Family Farm Defenders:
FAQ about Sausage Additives
Sausage Binder:
Also known as Soy, Soy Protein, Soy Flour and other brand names.
This ingredient is used to prevent weight loss and shrinkage to
products being processed in the smokehouse, by helping to retain the
natural juices (moisture) in the meat. This product also helps to
bind the sausage together and can be use in meat products such as
burgers to retain the natural juices from cooking out. Although not
generally used in fresh sausages it may be added with good results.
You should use the following ratios:
Smoked products: Use binder up to 5% of the meat weight.
Fresh products: Use binder up to 3% of the meat weight.
Sausage binder weights out at about 4 oz. per cup so 4 cups would
equal about a lb.
Water is used in sausage making to add moisture to the meat. The
added moisture will cook out of the meat before the natural moisture
of the meat. Thus you have a product that is moister when cooked.
Water is also added to lubricate the meat making it easier to stuff
into casing. Adding water to the seasoning and ingredients helps
carry them into the meat and distributes them evenly during the
mixing stage. You can add water up to 10 % of the meat weight.
Always use ice cold water.
Meat Cure:
Cures are used to prevent meats from spoiling when being cooked or
smoked at low temperatures (under 140°F). Used for preventing
bacteria growth, adding flavor and preserving the color of meat.
Salt is the basic curing agent for meat. Sugar (dextrose) is used to
counter the salt and with the correct amounts of sodium nitrite
and/or sodium nitrate added you will have a safe, tasty and high
quality product. Fortunately, most cures are ready mixed and ready
to use.
This cure is sodium nitrite (6.25 %) mixed with salt (93.75 %) As
the meat temperate rises during processing, the sodium nitrite
changes to nitric oxide and starts to 'gas out' at about 130°F.
After the smoking /cooking process is complete only about 10 - 20 %
of the original nitrite remains. As the product is stored and later
reheated for consumption, the decline of nitrite continues. Use 1
oz. for 25 lb. of meat or 1 level teaspoon of cure for 5 lbs. of
meat. Mix cure with cold water.
Cure #2:
Used with dry-cured products. Has 1 oz. of sodium nitrite with .64
oz. of sodium nitrate to each lb. of salt. Use with products that do
not require cooking, smoking, or refrigeration. This cure, which is
sodium nitrate, acts like a time release, slowing breaking down into
sodium nitrite, then into nitric oxide. This allows you to dry cure
products that take much longer to cure. (A cure with sodium nitrite
would dissipate too quickly.)
Use 1 oz. of cure for 25 lbs. of meat or 1 level teaspoon of cure
for 5 lbs. of meat. Mix cure with cold water.
When using a cure in a brine solution, follow a recipe.
Below are two recipes that work well. Always use plastic or
stainless steel containers for your brines.
Brine Solution
5 gallon ice water (38 - 40°F)
1 1/2 lbs. powdered dextrose
1 lb. Canning or pickling salt
1 lb. cure (Prague Powder #1)
Weigh the poultry and pump 10 % (of its weight) brine solution into
the poultry. After pumping place the poultry in ice cold water for 3
hours. Remove the poultry and place in the brine solution. Keep this
solution at 36 - 38°F for 3 days. Remove and process.
Brine Solution
5 1/2 gallons ice water (38 - 40°F)
2 lbs. canning or pickling salt
1 1/2 lbs. powdered dextrose
1 1/2 lbs. cure (Prague Powder #1)
Weigh the ham and pump 10% (of its weight) brine solution into the
shank and bone areas of the cold ham, (38 - 40°F internal
temperature). Place the ham in the brine solution and hold at 38 -
40°F for 5-7 days. Remove for processing.
Sugars are use to add flavor and to cover or mask salt. Sugars will
cause browning when the product is pan fried or grilled.
Only about 70% as sweet as cane sugar and quite a bit heavier. Helps
reduce nitrate to nitrite as meats are cured. Used to counteract
salt in brines.
Maple Sugar: Used in producing bacon. Adds
flavor and aroma.
Canning and Pickling Salt:
A pure granulated salt which does not contain potassium iodide,
dextrose or an anti-caking agent. In other words, it does not
contain any additives. This salt product can be used in cooking,
baking, canning, pickling (brines) and for the table. Please note
that since there is no anti-caking agent added to Morton Canning and
Pickling Salt, it may form lumps in humid weather or if exposed to
Iodized Salt: Contains potassium iodide,
dextrose to stabilize the iodide and calcium silicate which is an
anti-caking agent. This product is fine for baking, cooking and
normal table use. However, since the anti-caking agent in this
product is not water-soluble, we do not recommend this salt for
canning and brining recipes as the calcium silicate may settle at
the bottom and the water may cloud.
Powder Milk:
Acts as a binder and helps retain the moisture of the meat. You can
use up to 12 % (of the meat weight) without affecting the taste of
the sausage.
Fat Substitute:
Use instead of beef or pork fat. This product is usually oat
derived. Can be used in all smoked & cooked sausage, beef & venison
burgers, meatloaf, breakfast, polish & Italian sausage. Used to
retain the moisture and natural juices in the meat during the
smoking or cooking process, this also prevents shrinkage.
Encapsulated Citric Acid:
This is citric acid coated with hydrogenated vegetable oil which
will melt and release into the meat product at 135°F. Used to give
certain products such as summer sausage and snack sticks their
distinctive tang without going through a lengthy fermentation cycle.
Suggested usage for this purpose is 3 oz. for 25 lb. of meat.
Encapsulated citric acid should be added near the end of the
processing cycle as not to rupture the capsules during the mixing
cycle. During processing the encapsulated citric acid is inactive
until the temperature reaches 135°F and then the capsule is melted
releasing the citric acid into the product. Once released a decrease
in pH is achieved resulting in the distinctive "tang" associated
with reduced pH products.
Also used to preserve color of fresh sausage during storage. Use 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. per 100 lb. of meat for this purpose.
BUTTER - SEE HAMBURGER THEN ADD THIS: Most of the unsalted butters on grocery shelves contain "natural flavorings." What are these flavorings, and why are they added to the butter?
Butter Flavoring
Can Cause Lung Disease: Diacetyl, a Chemical Additive to Watch Out
Between 1992 and 2000, eight former workers of a popcorn plant in Jasper, Missouri developed a rare lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans. Known commonly as the "popcorn packer's lung," this disease has been linked to workers inhaling butter flavoring vapors used at the food plants where they work. The disease is so severe that some of the workers are now on lung transplant waiting lists.
The flavoring that gives microwave popcorn its buttery taste may be causing a rare lung disease. |
Back in November 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a study involving 117 workers at the Jasper popcorn plant and found:
Plant workers had 3.3 times the rate of airway obstruction than a national sample.
Young employees who had never smoked were five times more likely to suffer from chronic cough and shortness of breath than a national sample.
72 percent of workers reported work-related eye, nose or throat irritation.
The popcorn-production workers reported chronic coughs, attacks of wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath more frequently than other workers.
In January 2005, NIOSH recommended that employers take measures to limit their "occupational respiratory exposures to food flavorings and flavoring ingredients in workplaces where flavorings are made or used."
They also reported in the journal Chest that workers exposed to flavoring agents were almost four times as likely to develop inflammation in their airways, which indicates that harmful agents have been inhaled. And, links between butter flavoring exposure and lung disease in workers in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio have been reported.
In a lawsuit against the world's second largest flavor manufacturer, International Flavoring & Fragrances (IFF), 19 popcorn factory workers claimed the company knew about the risks of the butter flavoring. IFF was ordered to pay almost $53 million in settlements to four workers, which it appealed, and in early 2004 paid $20 million in damages to another worker.
The Culprit: Diacetyl
Although it has not been determined exactly what in the flavoring is causing harm, one chemical commonly used and thought to play a part in the lung disease cases is diacetyl.
The disease, bronchiolitis obliterans, is an obliteration of the lung's airways, which does not respond to normal asthma medications. It is thought that, once the flavoring chemicals are breathed in, they damage the airway lining and tissue, leading to scarring that hardens and crimps airflow.
Diacetyl imparts a yellow color to dairy products. |
According to the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), "A cause-effect relationship between diacetyl and bronchiolitis obliterans has not been established, as food-processing workers with this lung disease were also exposed to other volatile food-flavoring agents."
However, they have listed the following potential symptoms of exposure to the chemical as:
Potential health effects include irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and skin, and, as noted by OSHA, "Suspected cumulative lung damage-- bronchiolitis obliterans."
Diacetyl is naturally occurring in butter, beer, coffee, vinegar, and other food products, produced by yeast during fermentation. It is used as an artificial flavoring to add to the flavor of:
If you'd like to watch out for diacetyl in your own shopping, it's used in (aside from butter, cream and butterscotch):
Recommended Reading
Warning: Phthalates in Cosmetics, Toys & More Can Pose Health Dangers
The World's 7 Most Potent Disease-Fighting Spices
Food Navigator October 7, 2005
USA Today: Is Butter Flavoring Ruining Popcorn Workers' Lungs?
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
More Reasons to Avoid Wheat
By Jen Allbritton, Certified Nutritionist
Wheat--America’s grain of choice. Its hardy, glutenous consistency makes it practical for a variety of foodstuffs--cakes, breads, pastas, cookies, bagels, pretzels and cereals that have been puffed, shredded and shaped. This ancient grain can actually be very nutritious when it is grown and prepared in the appropriate manner. Unfortunately, the indiscretions inflicted by our modern farming techniques and milling practices have dramatically reduced the quality of the commercial wheat berry and the flour it makes. You might think, "Wheat is wheat--what can they do that makes commercial varieties so bad?" Listen up, because you are in for a surprise!
It was the cultivation of grains--members of the grass family--that made civilization possible.1 Since wheat is one of the oldest known grains, its cultivation is as old as civilization itself. Some accounts suggest that mankind has used this wholesome food since 10,000 to 15,000 years BC.2 Upon opening Egyptian tombs archeologists discovered large earthenware jars full of wheat to "sustain" the Pharaohs in the afterlife. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was said to recommend stone-ground flour for its beneficial effects on the digestive tract. Once humans figured out how to grind wheat, they discovered that when water is added it can be naturally fermented and turned into beer and expandable dough.2
Botonists have identified almost 30,000 varieties of wheat, which are assigned to one of several classifications according to their planting schedule and nutrient composition3--hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, durum, hard white and soft white. Spring wheat is planted in the spring, and winter wheat is planted in the fall and shoots up the next spring to mature that summer. Soft, hard, and durum (even harder) wheats are classified according to the strength of their kernel. This strength is a function of the protein-to-starch ratio in the endosperm (the starchy middle layer of the seed). Hard wheats contain less starch, leaving a stronger protein matrix.3
With the advent of modern farming, the number of varieties of wheat in common use has been drastically reduced. Today, just a few varieties account for 90 percent of the wheat grown in the world.1
When grown in well-nourished, fertile soil, whole wheat is rich in vitamin E and B complex, many minerals, including calcium and iron, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Proper growing and milling methods are necessary to preserve these nutrients and prevent rancidity. Unfortunately, due to the indiscretions inflicted by contemporary farming and processing on modern wheat, many people have become intolerant or even allergic to this nourishing grain. These indiscretions include depletion of the soil through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, high-heat milling, refining and improper preparation, such as extrusion.1
Rather than focus on soil fertility and careful selection of seed to produce varieties tailored to a particular micro-climate, modern farming practices use high-tech methods to deal with pests and disease, leading to overdependence on chemicals and other substances.
It Starts with the Seed
Even before they are planted in the ground, wheat seeds receive an application of fungicides and insecticides. Fungicides are used to control diseases of seeds and seedlings; insecticides are used to control insect pests, killing them as they feed on the seed or emerging seedling.7 Seed companies often use mixtures of different seed-treatment fungicides or insecticides to control a broader spectrum of seed pests.8
Pesticides and Fertilizers
Some of the main chemicals (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides) used on commercial wheat crops are disulfoton (Di-syston), methyl parathion, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, diamba and glyphosate.9
Although all these chemicals are approved for use and considered safe, consumers are wise to reduce their exposure as much as possible. Besides contributing to the overall toxic load in our bodies, these chemicals increase our susceptibility to neurotoxic diseases as well as to conditions like cancer.10
Many of these pesticides function as xenoestrogens, foreign estrogen that can reap havoc with our hormone balance and may be a contributing factor to a number of health conditions. For example, researchers speculate these estrogen-mimicking chemicals are one of the contributing factors to boys and girls entering puberty at earlier and earlier ages. They have also been linked to abnormalities and hormone-related cancers including fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer and endometriosis.13
Hormones on Wheat?
Sounds strange, but farmers apply hormone-like substances or "plant growth regulators" that affect wheat characteristics, such as time of germination and strength of stalk.11 These hormones are either "natural," that is, extracted from other plants, or synthetic. Cycocel is a synthetic hormone that is commonly applied to wheat.
Moreover, research is being conducted on how to manipulate the naturally occurring hormones in wheat and other grains to achieve "desirable" changes, such as regulated germination and an increased ability to survive in cold weather.12
No studies exist that isolate the health risks of eating hormone-manipulated wheat or varieties that have been exposed to hormone application. However, there is substantial evidence about the dangers of increasing our intake of hormone-like substances.
Chemicals Used in Storage
Chemical offenses don’t stop after the growing process. The long storage of grains makes them vulnerable to a number of critters. Before commercial grain is even stored, the collection bins are sprayed with insecticide, inside and out. More chemicals are added while the bin is filled. These so-called "protectants" are then added to the upper surface of the grain as well as four inches deep into the grain to protect against damage from moths and other insects entering from the top of the bin. The list of various chemicals used includes chlorpyrifos-methyl, diatomaceous earth, bacillus thuringiensis, cy-fluthrin, malathion and pyrethrins.14
Then there is the threshold test. If there is one live insect per quart of sample, fumigation is initiated. The goal of fumigation is to "maintain a toxic concentration of gas long enough to kill the target pest population." The toxic chemicals penetrate the entire storage facility as well as the grains being treated. Two of the fumigants used include methyl bromide and phosphine-producing materials, such as magnesium phosphide or aluminum phosphide.14
Grain Drying
Heat damage is a serious problem that results from the artificial drying of damp grain at high temperatures. Overheating causes denaturing of the protein26 and can also partially cook the protein, ruining the flour’s baking properties and nutritional value. According to Ed Lysenko, who tests grain by baking it into bread for the Canadian Grain Commission’s grain research laboratory, wheat can be dried without damage by using re-circulating batch dryers, which keep the wheat moving during drying. He suggests an optimal drying temperature of 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit).27 Unfortunately, grain processors do not always take these precautions.
Modern Processing
The damage inflicted on wheat does not end with cultivation and storage, but continues into milling and processing. A grain kernel is comprised of three layers: the bran, the germ and the endosperm. The bran is the outside layer where most of the fiber exists. The germ is the inside layer where many nutrients and essential fatty acids are found. The endosperm is the starchy middle layer. The high nutrient density associated with grains exists only when these three are intact. The term whole grain refers to the grain before it has been milled into flour. It was not until the late nineteenth century that white bread, biscuits, and cakes made from white flour and sugars became mainstays in the diets of industrialized nations, and these products were only made possible with the invention of high-speed milling machines.28 Dr. Price observed the unmistakable consequences of these dietary changes during his travels and documented their corresponding health effects. These changes not only resulted in tooth decay, but problems with fertility, mental health and disease progression.30
Flour was originally produced by grinding grains between large stones. The final product, 100 percent stone-ground whole-wheat flour, contained everything that was in the grain, including the germ, fiber, starch and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Without refrigeration or chemical preservatives, fresh stone-ground flour spoils quickly. After wheat has been ground, natural wheat-germ oil becomes rancid at about the same rate that milk becomes sour, so refrigeration of whole grain breads and flours is necessary. Technology’s answer to these issues has been to apply faster, hotter and more aggressive processing.28
Since grinding stones are not fast enough for mass-production, the industry uses high-speed, steel roller mills that eject the germ and the bran. Much of this "waste product"--the most nutritious part of the grain--is sold as "byproducts" for animals. The resulting white flour contains only a fraction of the nutrients of the original grain. Even whole wheat flour is compromised during the modern milling process. High-speed mills reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and this heat destroys vital nutrients and creates rancidity in the bran and the germ. Vitamin E in the germ is destroyed--a real tragedy because whole wheat used to be our most readily available source of vitamin E.
Literally dozens of dough conditioners and preservatives go into modern bread, as well as toxic ingredients like partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and soy flour. Soy flour--loaded with antinutrients--is added to virtually all brand-name breads today to improve rise and prevent sticking. The extrusion process, used to make cold breakfast cereals and puffed grains, adds insult to injury with high temperatures and high pressures that create additional toxic components and further destroy nutrients--even the synthetic vitamins that are added to replace the ones destroyed by refinement and milling.
People have become accustomed to the mass-produced, gooey, devitalized, and nutritionally deficient breads and baked goods and have little recollection of how real bread should taste. Chemical preservatives allow bread to be shipped long distances and to remain on the shelf for many days without spoiling and without refrigeration.
Healthy Whole Wheat Products
Ideally, one should buy whole wheat berries and grind them fresh to make homemade breads and other baked goods. Buy whole wheat berries that are grown organically or biodynamically--biodynamic farming involves higher standards than organic.34 Since these forms of farming do not allow synthetic, carcinogenic chemicals and fertilizers, purchasing organic or biodynamic wheat assures that you are getting the cleanest, most nutritious food possible. It also automatically eliminates the possibility of irradiation31 and genetically engineered seed. The second best option is to buy organic 100 percent stone-ground whole-wheat flour at a natural food store. Slow-speed, steel hammer-mills are often used instead of stones, and flours made in this way can list "stone-ground" on the label. This method is equivalent to the stone-ground process and produces a product that is equally nutritious. Any process that renders the entire grain into usable flour without exposing it to high heat is acceptable.
If you do not make your own bread, there are ready-made alternatives available. Look for organic sourdough or sprouted breads freshly baked or in the freezer compartment of your market or health food store. If bread is made entirely with l00 percent stone-ground whole grains, it will state so on the label. When bread is stone ground and then baked, the internal temperature does not usually exceed 170 degrees, so most of the nutrients are preserved.28 As they contain no preservatives, both whole wheat flour and its products should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. Stone-ground flour will keep for several months frozen.28
Sprouting, soaking and genuine sourdough leavening "pre-digests" grains, allowing the nutrients to be more easily assimilated and metabolized. This is an age-old approach practiced in most traditional cultures. Sprouting begins germination, which increases the enzymatic activity in foods and inactivates substances called enzyme inhibitors.1 These enzyme inhibitors prevent the activation of the enzymes present in the food and, therefore, may hinder optimal digestion and absorption. Soaking neutralizes phytic acid, a component of plant fiber found in the bran and hulls of grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds that reduces mineral absorption.32 All of these benefits may explain why sprouted foods are less likely to produce allergic reactions in those who are sensitive.1
Sprouting also causes a beneficial modification of various nutritional elements. According to research undertaken at the University of Minnesota, sprouting increases the total nutrient density of a food. For example, sprouted whole wheat was found to have 28 percent more thiamine (B1), 315 percent more riboflavin (B2), 66 percent more niacin (B3), 65 percent more pantothenic acid (B5), 111 percent more biotin, 278 percent more folic acid, and 300 percent more vitamin C than non-sprouted whole wheat. This phenomenon is not restricted to wheat. All grains undergo this type of quantitative and qualitative transformation. These studies also confirmed a significant increase in enzymes, which means the nutrients are easier to digest and absorb.33
You have several options for preparing your wheat. You can use a sour leavening method by mixing whey, buttermilk or yogurt with freshly ground wheat or quality pre-ground wheat from the store. Or, soak your berries whole for 8 to 22 hours, then drain and rinse. There are some recipes that use the whole berries while they are wet, such as cracker dough ground right in the food processor. Another option is to dry sprouted wheat berries in a low-temperature oven or dehydrator, and then grind them in your grain mill and then use the flour in a variety or recipes.
Although our modern wheat suffers from a great number of indiscretions, there are steps we can take to find the quality choices that will nourish us today and for the long haul. Go out and make a difference for you and yours and turn your wheaty indiscretions into wheaty indulgences.
First, they take our Corn. Then our Soy. Now our Wheat. Please read the articles linked at the bottom for more information on the dangers of consuming GMO foods. There has been hard data showing sterility, genetic disruption, genetic mutation in offspring, liver damage, neurological problems, etc. Monsanto can very well be described as one of the most dangerous threats we face right now. Information and education about the dangers of genetically modified foods is the only answer. Consumer demand and action!
West Australian cereal breeder InterGrain Pty Ltd has partnered with global grains developer Monsanto to develop tougher, higher-yielding types of wheat.
Under the collaboration, Monsanto has taken a 19.9 per cent stake in InterGrain for an undisclosed sum.
If the collaboration is a success, it could lift that stake to 26 per cent over the next five years.
InterGrain chief executive Bryan Whan said Intergrain and Monsanto would exchange wheat germplasm – material used for breeding wheat before it is recognised as a commercial variety.
We’re always on the lookout for new germplasm internationally so we can bring in new disease resistances and be ahead of the game,” Mr Whan said.
“All of this is ultimately about giving benefits to Australian grain growers through better varieties.”
InterGrain said that in the short term it would gain access to Monsanto’s breeding technology tools and services for genotyping (the process of determining the genes) and marker development, which was expected to result in higher-yielding wheat.
In the longer term, InterGrain would gain access to Monsanto’s genetically modified wheats.
“Monsanto is a world leader in the identification and development of those traits that can be introduced into those wheats such as better yield genes, tolerance to drought, better disease resistances, better use of nutrients like fertilisers,” Mr Whan said.
“They’re the biotechnologies needed to be able to make improvement in addition to the traditional conventional approaches.”
InterGrain was established in 2007 by the West Australian government and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Development Corporation.
TressCox Lawyers partner Andrew Chalet, who advised InterGrain, said it was encouraging to see some private sector funding going into agricultural biotech research in Australia.
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In the 2010 growing season Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public, a new version of mutated corn with eight abnormal gene traits (called Genuity SmartStax corn).
It should come as no surprise when a Monsanto product poisons the earth and our food. Our planet has never recovered from the forty-year Monsanto-led PCB contamination that was banned in the U.S. in 1977.
Monsanto is dusting off its wheat research and making a new effort to turn our wheat crop into one of its Frankenfoods – a serious cause for alarm for anyone who wants to eat normal food.
It remains a considerable challenge for the American public to find fresh food of adequate quality. We all know we should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, but many of them are contaminated with pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides. See which foods have the highest pesticide loads and are the most important to eat organic.
By now you have certainly seen the ads – take plant sterols and lower your cholesterol. These wild cholesterol-lowering claims, which the FDA is ignoring because Cargill is pushing them, are associated with various health risks. Studies show they may be quite dangerous for your heart.
I have repeatedly stated that high fructose corn syrup should be banned from the food supply. A new study confirms the diabolical nature of this substance to induce leptin resistance and consequent obesity – and future heart disease and diabetes. The study found that fructose consumption raised triglycerides in the blood, even though obesity and weight problems had not yet set in. This problem blocks leptin from getting into your brain, setting the stage for the first changes that lead to obesity. Then, when overeating occurred, the prior fructose consumption led directly to a handicapped metabolism and obesity.
It was a pivotal moment that only comes around once in a while, as those wearing their vested interests on their sleeves are put on the hot seat and have to make a very public decision. Such was the case last week at the yearly policy meeting of the American Medical Association when a resolution was on the table to require the labeling of high fructose corn syrup products with an obesity warning. Embarrassingly, the AMA voted in defense of high fructose corn syrup, making its entire organization look like a ship of fools.
We now know the real reason so many of our kids can’t finish high school. They have been fed too much high fructose corn syrup and they have become dumb. This is not a laughing matter. Coke and Pepsi are on the line for playing a significant role in wrecking the intelligence of several generations of children – as well as making them fat. Of course, birdbrains at the AMA want to give our kids statin drugs because they don’t have the guts to make a policy statement against high fructose corn syrup as a major cause of obesity.
In philosophy, the theory of materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter or energy; that all things are composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of material interactions. In other words, matter is the only substance, and reality is identical with the actually occurring states of energy and matter.
To many philosophers, 'materialism' is synonymous with 'physicalism'. However, materialists have historically held that everything is made of matter, but physics has shown that gravity, for example, is not made of matter in the traditional sense of ‘an inert, senseless substance, in which extension, figure, and motion do actually subsist’… So it is tempting to use ‘physicalism’ to distance oneself from what seems the historically important but no longer scientifically relevant thesis of materialism. Related to this, physicalists emphasize a connection to physics and the physical sciences.”[1] Therefore much of the generally philosophical discussion below on materialism may be relevant to physicalism.
Also related with materialism are the ideas of methodological naturalism (i.e. "let's at least do science as though physicalism is true") and metaphysical naturalism (i.e. "philosophy and science should operate according to the physical world, and that's all that exists").
A variety of schools of thought call themselves "materialist", particularly those associated with Marxism, dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The term can be used pejoratively, for example in the popular usage of the term "vulgar materialism" by Marxists and post-Marxists.[2] Contrasting philosophies include idealism, other forms of monism, dualism and pluralism.
It's bad if thats the be all and end all of your existence.
Materialism is what helps make life what it is. Greed is what causes most human problems but also fixes many other problems. It provides a nice incentive to invention and innovation that mere contributing to society just doesn't have compared to good ol' fashioned greed. Granted, there are horrible, horrible downsides to greed (just watched Zeitgeist, pretty interesting points on the federal reserve), but there is also a wonderful side to greed that helps mankind build the world we live in today.
Materialism is simply a facet of greed in my opinion. The lust for better goods drives innovation in material sciences. Would we have the genetically and chemically altered crops that provide an abundance today if it wasn't for those who wanted more? Would we have the means of communication that the internet provides if it were left up to the ascetic? I do not believe the world we live in would even be possible if we didn't have a healthy interest in the material world. Whether or not this is a good world, however, is up to you.
always it was the "He who dies with the most toys wins" philosophy. Either that or valuing things more than people.
It only becomes bad if you start showing off your crap past a certain amount. Its ok to pull into your friends driveway with a new ferrari, because you feel good about it. But when you buy stuff just so you can say you have it, to make people feel jealous, is when it becomes bad.
Materialism can be bad, if it drives you to ignore the non-materials things that matter most. It can also be bad if, using Somethingironic's towel example, you have a perfectly useful towel but can't properly enjoy it for wanting a nicer towel.
Materialism is bad when your materialistic need actively interferes with other peoples ability to meet their minimum living standards (i.e. food, water, etc).
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a complex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems.
Indoor air pollution and urban air quality are listed as two of the world's worst pollution problems in the 2008 Blacksmith Institute World's Worst Polluted Places report
Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone — one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog. Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.
Major primary pollutants produced by human activity include:
Secondary pollutants include:
Minor air pollutants include:
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes. Because of this, they have been observed to persist in the environment, to be capable of long-range transport, bioaccumulate in human and animal tissue, biomagnify in food chains, and to have potential significant impacts on human health and the environment.
Sources of air pollution refer to the various locations, activities or factors which are responsible for the releasing of pollutants into the atmosphere. These sources can be classified into two major categories which are:
Anthropogenic sources (human activity) mostly related to burning different kinds of fuel
Natural sources
Air pollutant emission factors are representative values that people attempt to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the ambient air with an activity associated with the release of that pollutant. These factors are usually expressed as the weight of pollutant divided by a unit weight, volume, distance, or duration of the activity emitting the pollutant (e.g., kilograms of particulate emitted per megagram of coal burned). Such factors facilitate estimation of emissions from various sources of air pollution. In most cases, these factors are simply averages of all available data of acceptable quality, and are generally assumed to be representative of long-term averages.
There are 12 compounds in the list of POPs. Dioxins and furans are two of them and are intentionally created by combustion of organics, like open burning of plastics. The POPs are also endocrine disruptor and can mutate the human genes.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has published a compilation of air pollutant emission factors for a multitude of industrial sources.[9] The United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and many other countries have published similar compilations, as well as the European Environment Agency.[10][11][12][13]
A lack of ventilation indoors concentrates air pollution where people often spend the majority of their time. Radon (Rn) gas, a carcinogen, is exuded from the Earth in certain locations and trapped inside houses. Building materials including carpeting and plywood emit formaldehyde (H2CO) gas. Paint and solvents give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as they dry. Lead paint can degenerate into dust and be inhaled. Intentional air pollution is introduced with the use of air fresheners, incense, and other scented items. Controlled wood fires in stoves and fireplaces can add significant amounts of smoke particulates into the air, inside and out.[14] Indoor pollution fatalities may be caused by using pesticides and other chemical sprays indoors without proper ventilation.
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and fatalities are often caused by faulty vents and chimneys, or by the burning of charcoal indoors. Chronic carbon monoxide poisoning can result even from poorly adjusted pilot lights. Traps are built into all domestic plumbing to keep sewer gas, hydrogen sulfide, out of interiors. Clothing emits tetrachloroethylene, or other dry cleaning fluids, for days after dry cleaning.
Though its use has now been banned in many countries, the extensive use of asbestos in industrial and domestic environments in the past has left a potentially very dangerous material in many localities. Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory medical condition affecting the tissue of the lungs. It occurs after long-term, heavy exposure to asbestos from asbestos-containing materials in structures. Sufferers have severe dyspnea (shortness of breath) and are at an increased risk regarding several different types of lung cancer. As clear explanations are not always stressed in non-technical literature, care should be taken to distinguish between several forms of relevant diseases. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), these may defined as; asbestosis, lung cancer, and Peritoneal Mesothelioma (generally a very rare form of cancer, when more widespread it is almost always associated with prolonged exposure to asbestos).
Biological sources of air pollution are also found indoors, as gases and airborne particulates. Pets produce dander, people produce dust from minute skin flakes and decomposed hair, dust mites in bedding, carpeting and furniture produce enzymes and micrometre-sized fecal droppings, inhabitants emit methane, mold forms in walls and generates mycotoxins and spores, air conditioning systems can incubate Legionnaires' disease and mold, and houseplants, soil and surrounding gardens can produce pollen, dust, and mold. Indoors, the lack of air circulation allows these airborne pollutants to accumulate more than they would otherwise occur in nature.
Air pollution is a significant risk factor for multiple health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer, according to the WHO. The health effects caused by air pollution may include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency room visits, more hospital admissions and premature death. The human health effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but principally affect the body's respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Individual reactions to air pollutants depend on the type of pollutant a person is exposed to, the degree of exposure, the individual's health status and genetics.[citation needed]
The most common sources of air pollution include particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. Both indoor and outdoor air pollution have caused approximately 3.3 million deaths worldwide. Children aged less than five years that live in developing countries are the most vulnerable population in terms of total deaths attributable to indoor and outdoor air pollution.[15]
The World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths attributable to indoor air pollution.[16] "Epidemiological studies suggest that more than 500,000 Americans die each year from cardiopulmonary disease linked to breathing fine particle air pollution. . ."[17] A study by the University of Birmingham has shown a strong correlation between pneumonia related deaths and air pollution from motor vehicles.[18] Worldwide more deaths per year are linked to air pollution than to automobile accidents.[citation needed] Published in 2005 suggests that 310,000 Europeans die from air pollution annually.[citation needed] Causes of deaths include aggravated asthma, emphysema, lung and heart diseases, and respiratory allergies.[citation needed] The US EPA estimates that a proposed set of changes in diesel engine technology (Tier 2) could result in 12,000 fewer premature mortalities, 15,000 fewer heart attacks, 6,000 fewer emergency room visits by children with asthma, and 8,900 fewer respiratory-related hospital admissions each year in the United States.[citation needed]
The worst short term civilian pollution crisis in India was the 1984 Bhopal Disaster.[19] Leaked industrial vapours from the Union Carbide factory, belonging to Union Carbide, Inc., U.S.A., killed more than 25,000 people outright and injured anywhere from 150,000 to 600,000. The United Kingdom suffered its worst air pollution event when the December 4 Great Smog of 1952 formed over London. In six days more than 4,000 died, and 8,000 more died within the following months.[citation needed] An accidental leak of anthrax spores from a biological warfare laboratory in the former USSR in 1979 near Sverdlovsk is believed to have been the cause of hundreds of civilian deaths.[citation needed] The worst single incident of air pollution to occur in the United States of America occurred in Donora, Pennsylvania in late October, 1948, when 20 people died and over 7,000 were injured.[20]
A new economic study of the health impacts and associated costs of air pollution in the Los Angeles Basin and San Joaquin Valley of Southern California shows that more than 3800 people die prematurely (approximately 14 years earlier than normal) each year because air pollution levels violate federal standards. The number of annual premature deaths is considerably higher than the fatalities related to auto collisions in the same area, which average fewer than 2,000 per year.[21]
Diesel exhaust (DE) is a major contributor to combustion derived particulate matter air pollution. In several human experimental studies, using a well validated exposure chamber setup, DE has been linked to acute vascular dysfunction and increased thrombus formation.[22][23] This serves as a plausible mechanistic link between the previously described association between particulate matter air pollution and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Air pollution is also emerging as a risk factor for stroke, particularly in developing countries where pollutant levels are highest.[24] A recent study also found an association in women between air pollution and ischemia, but not hemorrhagic stroke.[25] Air pollution has also been associated with increased incidence and mortality from coronary artery disease.[26]
A study from around the years of 1999 to 2000, by the University of Washington, showed that patients near and around particulate matter air pollution had an increased risk of pulmonary exacerbations and decrease in lung function.[27] Patients were examined before the study for amounts of specific pollutants like Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Burkholderia cenocepacia as well as their socioeconomic standing. Participants involved in the study were located in the United States in close proximity to an Environmental Protection Agency.[clarification needed] During the time of the study 117 deaths were associated with air pollution. Many patients in the study lived in or near large metropolitan areas in order to be close to medical help. These same patients had higher level of pollutants found in their system because of more emissions in larger cities. As cystic fibrosis patients already suffer from decreased lung function, everyday pollutants such as smoke, emissions from automobiles, tobacco smoke and improper use of indoor heating devices could further compromise lung function.[28]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.[29]
Researches have demonstrated increased risk of developing asthma [30] and COPD[31] from increased exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Additionally, air pollution has been associated with increased hosptializations and mortality from asthma and COPD.[32][33]
A study conducted in 1960-1961 in the wake of the Great Smog of 1952 compared 293 London residents with 477 residents of Gloucester, Peterborough, and Norwich, three towns with low reported death rates from chronic bronchitis. All subjects were male postal truck drivers aged 40 to 59. Compared to the subjects from the outlying towns, the London subjects exhibited more severe respiratory symptoms (including cough, phlegm, and dyspnea), reduced lung function (FEV1 and peak flow rate), and increased sputum production and purulence. The differences were more pronounced for subjects aged 50 to 59. The study controlled for age and smoking habits, so concluded that air pollution was the most likely cause of the observed differences.[34]
It is believed that much like cystic fibrosis, by living in a more urban environment serious health hazards become more apparent. Studies have shown that in urban areas patients suffer mucus hypersecretion, lower levels of lung function, and more self diagnosis of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.[35]
A large Danish epidemiological study found an increased risk of lung cancer for patients who lived in areas with high nitrogen oxide concentrations. In this study, the association was higher for non-smokers than smokers.[36] There are also possible associations between air pollution and other forms of cancer, including cervical cancer and brain cancer.[37]
Cities around the world with high exposure to air pollutants have the possibility of children living within them to develop asthma, pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections as well as a low initial birth rate. Protective measures to ensure the youths' health are being taken in cities such as New Delhi, India where buses now use compressed natural gas to help eliminate the “pea-soup” smog.[38] Research by the World Health Organization shows there is the greatest concentration of particulate matter particles in countries with low economic world power and high poverty and population rates. Examples of these countries include Egypt, Sudan, Mongolia, and Indonesia. In the United States, the Clean Air Act was passed in 1970, however in 2002 at least 146 million Americans were living in non-attainment areas—regions in which the concentration of certain air pollutants exceeded federal standards.[39] Those pollutants are known as the criteria pollutants, and include ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and lead. Because children are outdoors more and have higher minute ventilation they are more susceptible to the dangers of air pollution.
Even in the areas with relatively low levels of air pollution, public health effects can be significant and costly, since a large number of people breathe in such pollutants. A 2005 scientific study for the British Columbia Lung Association showed that a small improvement in air quality (1% reduction of ambient PM2.5 and ozone concentrations) would produce a $29 million in annual savings in the Metro Vancouver region in 2010.[40] This finding is based on health valuation of lethal (death) and sub-lethal (illness) effects.
There are various air pollution control technologies and land use planning strategies available to reduce air pollution. At its most basic level land use planning is likely to involve zoning and transport infrastructure planning. In most developed countries, land use planning is an important part of social policy, ensuring that land is used efficiently for the benefit of the wider economy and population as well as to protect the environment.
Efforts to reduce pollution from mobile sources includes primary regulation (many developing countries have permissive regulations),[citation needed] expanding regulation to new sources (such as cruise and transport ships, farm equipment, and small gas-powered equipment such as lawn trimmers, chainsaws, and snowmobiles), increased fuel efficiency (such as through the use of hybrid vehicles), conversion to cleaner fuels (such as bioethanol, biodiesel, or conversion to electric vehicles).
The following items are commonly used as pollution control devices by industry or transportation devices. They can either destroy contaminants or remove them from an exhaust stream before it is emitted into the atmosphere.
In general, there are two types of air quality standards. The first class of standards (such as the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards and E.U. Air Quality Directive) set maximum atmospheric concentrations for specific pollutants. Environmental agencies enact regulations which are intended to result in attainment of these target levels. The second class (such as the North American Air Quality Index) take the form of a scale with various thresholds, which is used to communicate to the public the relative risk of outdoor activity. The scale may or may not distinguish between different pollutants.
In Canada air pollution and associated health risks are measured with the The Air Quality Health Index or (AQHI). It is a health protection tool used to make decisions to reduce short-term exposure to air pollution by adjusting activity levels during increased levels of air pollution.
The Air Quality Health Index or "AQHI" is a federal program jointly coordinated by Health Canada and Environment Canada. However, the AQHI program would not be possible without the commitment and support of the provinces, municipalities and NGOs. From air quality monitoring to health risk communication and community engagement, local partners are responsible for the vast majority of work related to AQHI implementation. The AQHI provides a number from 1 to 10+ to indicate the level of health risk associated with local air quality. Occasionally, when the amount of air pollution is abnormally high, the number may exceed 10. The AQHI provides a local air quality current value as well as a local air quality maximums forecast for today, tonight and tomorrow and provides associated health advice.
As it is now known that even low levels of air pollution can trigger discomfort for the sensitive population, the index has been developed as a continuum: The higher the number, the greater the health risk and need to take precautions. The index describes the level of health risk associated with this number as ‘low’, ‘moderate’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’, and suggests steps that can be taken to reduce exposure.
Health Risk | Air Quality Health Index | Health Messages | |
At Risk population | *General Population | ||
Low | 1-3 | Enjoy your usual outdoor activities. | Ideal air quality for outdoor activities |
Moderate | 4-6 | Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities outdoors if you are experiencing symptoms. | No need to modify your usual outdoor activities unless you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. |
High | 7-10 | Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors. Children and the elderly should also take it easy. | Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities outdoors if you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. |
Very high | Above 10 | Avoid strenuous activities outdoors. Children and the elderly should also avoid outdoor physical exertion. | Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. |
It is measured based on the observed relationship of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), ground-level Ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM2.5) with mortality from an analysis of several Canadian cities. Significantly, all three of these pollutants can pose health risks, even at low levels of exposure, especially among those with pre-existing health problems.
When developing the AQHI, Health Canada’s original analysis of health effects included five major air pollutants: particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), as well as sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). The latter two pollutants provided little information in predicting health effects and were removed from the AQHI formulation.
The AQHI does not measure the effects of odour, pollen, dust, heat or humidity.
Air pollution is usually concentrated in densely populated metropolitan areas, especially in developing countries where environmental regulations are relatively lax or nonexistent[citation needed]. However, even populated areas in developed countries attain unhealthy levels of pollution with Los Angeles and Rome[43] being two good examples.
The National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) is EPA's ongoing comprehensive evaluation of air toxics in the U.S. EPA developed the NATA as a state-of-the-science screening tool for State/Local/Tribal Agencies to prioritize pollutants, emission sources and locations of interest for further study in order to gain a better understanding of risks. NATA assessments do not incorporate refined information about emission sources, but rather, use general information about sources to develop estimates of risks which are more likely to overestimate impacts than underestimate them. NATA provides estimates of the risk of cancer and other serious health effects from breathing (inhaling) air toxics in order to inform both national and more localized efforts to identify and prioritize air toxics, emission source types and locations which are of greatest potential concern in terms of contributing to population risk. This in turn helps air pollution experts focus limited analytical resources on areas and or populations where the potential for health risks are highest. Assessments include estimates of cancer and non-cancer health effects based on chronic exposure from outdoor sources, including assessments of non-cancer health effects for Diesel Particulate Matter (PM). Assessments provide a snapshot of the outdoor air quality and the risks to human health that would result if air toxic emissions levels remained unchanged.[44]
In Europe, Council Directive 96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management provides a common strategy against which member states can “set objectives for ambient air quality in order to avoid, prevent or reduce harmful effects on human health and the environment . . . and improve air quality where it is unsatisfactory”.[45]
On 25 July 2008 in the case Dieter Janecek v Freistaat Bayern CURIA, the European Court of Justice ruled that under this directive[45] citizens have the right to require national authorities to implement a short term action plan that aims to maintain or achieve compliance to air quality limit values.[46]
This important case law appears to confirm the role of the EC as centralised regulator to European nation-states as regards air pollution control. It places a supranational legal obligation on the UK to protect its citizens from dangerous levels of air pollution, furthermore superseding national interests with those of the citizen.
In 2010, the European Commission (EC) threatened the UK with legal action against the successive breaching of PM10 limit values.[47] The UK government has identified that if fines are imposed, they could cost the nation upwards of £300 million per year.[48]
In March 2011, the City of London remains the only UK region in breach of the EC’s limit values, and has been given 3 months to implement an emergency action plan aimed at meeting the EU Air Quality Directive.[49] The City of London has dangerous levels of PM10 concentrations, estimated to cause 3000 deaths per year within the city.[50] As well as the threat of EU fines, in 2010 it was threatened with legal action for scrapping the western congestion charge zone, which is claimed to have led to an increase in air pollution levels.[51]
In response to these charges, Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has criticised the current need for European cities to communicate with Europe through their nation state’s central government, arguing that in future “A great city like London” should be permitted to bypass its government and deal directly with the European Commission regarding its air quality action plan.[49]
In part, this is an attempt to divert blame away from the Mayors office, but it can also be interpreted as recognition that cities can transcend the traditional national government organisational hierarchy and develop solutions to air pollution using global governance networks, for example through transnational relations. Transnational relations include but are not exclusive to national governments and intergovernmental organisations [52] allowing sub-national actors including cities and regions to partake in air pollution control as independent actors.
Particularly promising at present are global city partnerships.[53] These can be built into networks, for example the C40 network, of which London is a member. The C40 is a public ‘non-state’ network of the world’s leading cities that aims to curb their greenhouse emissions.[53] The C40 has been identified as ‘governance from the middle’ and is an alternative to intergovernmental policy.[54] It has the potential to improve urban air quality as participating cities “exchange information, learn from best practices and consequently mitigate carbon dioxide emissions independently from national government decisions”.[53] A criticism of the C40 network is that its exclusive nature limits influence to participating cities and risks drawing resources away from less powerful city and regional actors.
Most Polluted World Cities by PM[55] | |
Particulate matter, μg/m³ (2004) |
City |
168 | Cairo, Egypt |
150 | Delhi, India |
128 | Kolkata, India (Calcutta) |
125 | Tianjin, China |
123 | Chongqing, China |
109 | Kanpur, India |
109 | Lucknow, India |
104 | Jakarta, Indonesia |
101 | Shenyang, China |
Countries with the highest CO2 emissions | |||
Country | Carbon dioxide emissions per year (106 Tons) (2006) |
Percentage of global total | Avg. emission per Km2 of its land (Tons) |
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6,103 | 21.5% | 636 |
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5,752 | 20.2% | 597 |
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1,564 | 5.5% | 91 |
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1,510 | 5.3% | 459 |
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1,293 | 4.6% | 3421 |
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805 | 2.8% | 2254 |
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568 | 2.0% | 2338 |
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544 | 1.9% | 54 |
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475 | 1.7% | 4758 |
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474 | 1.7% | 1573 |
Countries with the highest per capita CO2 emissions | ||
Country | Carbon dioxide emissions per year (Tons per person) (2006) |
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56.2 | |
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32.8 | |
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31.2 | |
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28.8 | |
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25.3 | |
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24.5 | |
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22.8 | |
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22.3 | |
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18.1 |
The basic technology for analyzing air pollution is through the use of a variety of mathematical models for predicting the transport of air pollutants in the lower atmosphere. The principal methodologies are:
The point source problem is the best understood, since it involves simpler mathematics and has been studied for a long period of time, dating back to about the year 1900. It uses a Gaussian dispersion model for buoyant pollution plumes to forecast the air pollution isopleths, with consideration given to wind velocity, stack height, emission rate and stability class (a measure of atmospheric turbulence).[57][58] This model has been extensively validated and calibrated with experimental data for all sorts of atmospheric conditions.
The roadway air dispersion model was developed starting in the late 1950s and early 1960s in response to requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and the U.S. Department of Transportation (then known as the Federal Highway Administration) to understand impacts of proposed new highways upon air quality, especially in urban areas. Several research groups were active in this model development, among which were: the Environmental Research and Technology (ERT) group in Lexington, Massachusetts, the ESL Inc. group in Sunnyvale and California, California Air Resources Board group in Sacramento, California. The research of the ESL group received a boost with a contract award from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to validate a line source model using sulfur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. This program was successful in validating the line source model developed by ESL inc. Some of the earliest uses of the model were in court cases involving highway air pollution, the Arlington, Virginia portion of Interstate 66 and the New Jersey Turnpike widening project through East Brunswick, New Jersey.
Area source models were developed in 1971 through 1974 by the ERT and ESL groups, but addressed a smaller fraction of total air pollution emissions, so that their use and need was not as widespread as the line source model, which enjoyed hundreds of different applications as early as the 1970s. Similarly photochemical models were developed primarily in the 1960s and 1970s, but their use was more specialized and for regional needs, such as understanding smog formation in Los Angeles, California.
The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon whereby greenhouse gases create a condition in the upper atmosphere causing a trapping of heat and leading to increased surface and lower tropospheric temperatures. Carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of fossil fuels are a source of greenhouse gas emissions.
Other greenhouse gases include methane, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and ozone.
This effect has been understood by scientists for about a century, and technological advancements during this period have helped increase the breadth and depth of data relating to the phenomenon. Currently, scientists are studying the role of changes in composition of greenhouse gases from natural and anthropogenic sources for the effect on climate change.
A number of studies have also investigated the potential for long-term rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide to cause increases in the acidity of ocean waters and the possible effects of this on marine ecosystems.
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Artificial clouds made by humans may become so common they change the Earth's climate. The long thin cloud streaks that dominate the above satellite photograph of Georgia are contrails, cirrus clouds created by airplanes. The exhaust of an airplane engine can create a contrail by saturating the surrounding air with extra moisture. The wings of a plane can similarly create contrails by dropping the temperature and causing small ice-crystals to form. Contrails have become more than an oddity - they may be significantly increasing the cloudiness of Earth, reflecting sunlight back into space by day, and heat radiation back to Earth even at night. The effect on climate is a topic of much research. You can help NASA measure the actual abundance of contrails by participating in a contrail counting exercise that runs over the next two days.
"Chemtrails were developed by Edward Teller and are basically the seeding of thousands of tons of microparticles of aluminum on the upper atmosphere to try to increase the albedo of the planet, the reflectivity of the planet, because of global warming. Now, gold microparticles, real gold, were used once in a similar situation on another planet, but I guess they had lots of gold, and we used aluminum instead. Global warming is partly because of the greenhouse effect, and that certainly makes things worse, but most of it is because of increased solar activity. Solar activity is the real problem."
Fungi from the Crypt
Award-winning journalist Will Thomas has reported that lab analysis showed spray samples contained over 360 different varieties of mold and fungi in addition to gene-splicing markers and extremely thin, red human blood cells.6 The chemtrail samples also contained a new breed of designer chemicals about which little is known in the public domain but which appear to be very dangerous, plus aluminum particulates approximately 1 micron in diameter. Chemtrail particles are carried by air currents, spreading a fine dust of pathogenic materials throughout the environment. The dust is nearly impossible to avoid since people can ingest it simply by breathing, eating and drinking. It is logical to assume that those who have initiated this spraying program are well aware of its inescapable properties. What is more disturbing is the ease with which a more deadly substance could be substituted for the current chemtrail mix. Should this happen, it seems likely that the chemtrail program could exterminate all above-ground human populations in North America in approximately one week.
Medical doctors often misdiagnose fungal conditions because they are taught that fungi cannot live in the blood stream (become systemic), nor can the resolution of the microscopes (1,000 x magnification) commonly used by doctors reveal the presence of fungi in blood samples. However, there is a microscope (8,000 to 15,000 x magnification) that can, and does, reveal fungus in the blood. This microscope has a camera that can record the enlarged images on video, providing irrefutable documentation. The inventor of this microscope, Dr. Robert Bradford of American Biologics, was actually run out of the United States for his efforts to help mankind and now has an office in Tijuana, Mexico. Doctors possessing these super-microscopes are intensely "regulated" by the federal government, which closely monitors their research. Under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, patients cannot be shown images or test results from the microscope. Research is also subject to inspection at any time of the day or night, and the FDA charges the targeted researchers $250 each time they show up.
Designer Fungus and Cancer
Dr. Marijah McCain, founder of the Herbal Healer Academy in Mountain View, Arkansas, has conducted extensive studies with her $40,000 super-microscope. In one study she discovered and documented a contagious leukemia virus. In another study, testing thirty patients, Dr. McCain found that eighty-three percent had systemic fungus in the blood. Her research also shows a direct link between the presence of fungus in the blood and the spread of cancer.7 Dr. McCain said, "Every single patient that I have seen that is terminal with cancer has the most incredible fungus overgrowth in the blood stream. Cancer is a slow-moving growth of mutating cells. The (allopathic) doctors will tell you it's fast moving and it's going to kill you very quickly. What can kill you is the fungus because the fungus moves very quickly and it's caused directly by the use of the chemotherapy. I have documented this in every instance."
What Dr. McCain is saying is that fungus/yeast is a plant and the growth of plants is accelerated by some chemicals and by radiation. She has also discovered that many cases of arthritis are not arthritis, but systemic fungus/yeast in the blood that clogs the arteries, causing them to swell.
Dr. McCain has been relentlessly hounded by the FDA. There is evidence that FDA activities are covertly directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) using executives from top-secret contractors like Monsanto Corporation who are appointed to high FDA policy-making positions despite obvious conflict of interest.8 Dr. McCain has also had numerous attempts on her life. In one case, a high-powered rifle fired through the walls of her home. In another case, an unmarked helicopter sprayed her with poison. (In 1997, an unmarked, white helicopter sprayed me with an unknown substance while hovering about sixty feet above my home in Los Angeles for approximately five minutes.) The Herbal Healer Academy offers a substantial catalog of moderately priced, high-quality herbal remedies, including a four-herb tea that has been proven to cure cancer in extensive medical trials in Canada. Contact the Herbal Healer at 870 269-4177 or go to
Microbiologist Mortality Goes Up
Interestingly, there now appears to be a global assassination program of the world's top microbiologists. Since 9-11-01, fifteen leading microbiologists have met untimely ends due to everything from gunshots to baseball bats to falling off bridges. Many of these men were considered the world's leading experts in infectious disease. See for more details.
Barium Found in Chemtrails
A Mr. Clifford Carnicom has cultured chemtrail spray samples in New Mexico and proven that barium is present.10 His test procedures and results are posted at Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the human body very susceptible to infectious agents. Barium also has electromagnetic properties and may be both amplifying and more evenly dispersing pulsed-energy waves first uncovered by a deceased University of Chapel Hill professor, Dr. David Fraser, in 1975. These waves are now most likely blanketing all cities and towns in North America for the purpose of mood and mind control. Carnicom has also confirmed the existence of the pulsed energy in every location he has tested and has created a method by which it can be measured and recorded that is posted on his website,
Pulsed-energy mind-control technology for mass populations was first tested on Medford, Oregon, making it the suicide capital of the nation overnight in the mid-seventies. See my article, "The Secret War Against Medford, Oregon."
The Spider's Web
Carnicom also received two similar spray samples picked up by separate eyewitnesses wanting to know what the strange weblike material was. One of the samples was fifty feet long by a half-inch wide. A small portion was sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis, whereupon two PhD's steadfastly maintained that the material was either silk or wool fibers. However, these men abruptly broke off all communication once their conclusion was challenged by simple, ordinary facts.
Human hair ranges from 60 to 100 microns thick. Wool fibers are 15 to 25 microns thick. Asbestos fibers are 2 to 3 microns thick. But the extremely adhesive, weblike fibers were essentially invisible to the human eye, measuring 0.2 to 0.3 microns in diameter. Under microscopic analysis they appeared wavy and of a synthetic nature. "Sufficiently unique to warrant further investigation," said Carnicom.
EPA Says "Drop Dead."
A sample was then sent to Carol M. Browner at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by certified mail.3 The EPA has since refused to acknowledge possession of the sample and has issued a statement saying they are "unaware" of any program to distribute materials over the population of the United States through the use of aircraft.
Doctors Become Alarmed
Eight doctors have come together to start the Morgellons Research Foundation, a grassroots organization, dedicated to finding the cause of an increasingly prevalent skin disease of unknown origin. Their website,, is a treasure-trove of medical documentation that includes photographs of the microfibers. The disease consists of skin lesions that contain "fiber-like objects as well as clear filament-like objects of unknown origin." "We are attempting to isolate this organism and determine how it is able to cause the intense itching, stinging and disfiguring skin lesions which are the main sy mptoms of this disease."
At the moment, the doctors say most reports are coming from California, Texas and Florida. "The working hypothesis of this foundation is that an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease), may alter the individual's immune system and allow this unknown organism to become an opportunistic co-infection."11 So far, ninety-five percent of those afflicted with this skin disease who were tested for Bb have tested positive.
The fibers have been analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and are composed of cellulose. A mystery fungus is also thought to play a role in the disease.
Because the symptoms and physical findings are so unusual, most physicians just assume the patient is misinterpreting their condition. Many adults complaining of a hardening or thickening of the skin, hair loss, lymphedema, skin lesions, profound fatigue and joint pain, are receiving a diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis. The Morgellons doctors added that, "Objects described as granules are often found associated with (the) skin lesions as well. Several people have had lymph nodes surgically removed due to obstruction." You can contact the doctors at or fax them at (760) 457-3441.
The Coming Global Desert?
If in an environment of 30% humidity you have what appears to be a cloud forming, it is logical to allow for the possibility of a foreign material or aerosol that is gathering what little moisture is available into that cloud formation. In this regard, Carnicom has developed a hypothesis that correlates well with the known facts. Since it is impossible for clouds to form under relative humidity conditions below 70% without the introduction of an aerosol of fine particles, then such particles must be present. Logically, these particles should contain nuclei with a water-loving nature, such as salt.. Carnicom concludes that barium salts are the answer. When barium carbonate is burned it forms barium oxide. Among other properties it possesses, barium oxide absorbs moisture, absorbs CO2 and induces respiratory distress.
It appears that the chemtrail aerosol is designed to function like a net, capturing moisture in the atmosphere on a planetary level, and then redirecting that moisture into space. Says Carnicom, "There is a case developing that moisture is actually being drawn out of the sky by this material and that the rainfall patterns are being altered."
It seems to work like this: Chemtrail clouds draw moisture and carbon dioxide out of the surrounding air and the atmosphere gets dryer and thinner. As long as the chemtrail clouds are still present, they reflect the sun's heat back into space, making the reduction of sun-shielding atmosphere less noticeable. But as soon as the spraying stops over a given region for a number of days, the land and air become extremely dry and overheated. This occurred over Montana, Washington and British Columbia during the summer of 2003, causing massive forest fires. In British Columbia, the Nelson Daily News reported the driest conditions in fifty years. Anyone paying attention to the sky saw heavy spraying throughout the year over these forested regions, but by the end of July all spraying stopped.
Interesting international chemtrail information from European Source]
From: "World-Action" <>
Subject: FW: Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.
The following excerpts are from the new wall calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.
Initially, the chemtrail program manifested in a variety of ways. In some isolated cases, observers reported seeing clearly marked US military jet fighters flying at tree-top height dropping a spray that killed animals and sickened people. Some cases occurred in parts of Washington state near the Canadian border. But the overwhelming majority of sightings consisted of rows of clouds being emitted from white jets flying at high altitude. Where do these white jets come from and who is directing the chemtrail spraying program? It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.2 Air Force documents refer to the long white plumes of these aircraft as "aerial obscuration," ostensibly because the long trails can spread out over a period of hours to form an overcast sky.3 These artificial overcasts often have subtle parallel lines or striations running through them. When looking at the sun through these thin wispy clouds one can often observe a subtle, chemical, multi-colored halo, with colors similar to gasoline on water. The effect is more pronounced when viewed through polarized sunglasses. The jets can also be seen marking a large chemtrail "X" in the sky, indicating that satellites are directing jet flight paths and tracking the movement of the artificial clouds.
Enter the Black Lines
Chemtrails contain many exotic mysteries. For example, I have noticed on numerous occasions that the KC-135's appear to be following a faint black line in the sky. At first I thought it was an optical illusion, but I later realized it must be real. In scanning the Internet I found that many others were also seeing the lines coincide with chemtrail spraying.4 One man from Sweden wrote, "On the day that this picture was taken (of the chemtrails), I found
a strange dark shadow in front of the plane. First I thought that this was some kind of optical illusion. The aircraft followed the dark shadow-line in a perfect way, when it all of a sudden made a turn and moved away from it. I realized that this was some kind of line that the plane followed and not at all an illusion created by the plane." In another case, a woman driving from Des Moines to Shenandoah, Iowa, said, "I saw a black line extend out from a plane I was watching. The subsequent chemtrail followed the black line exactly."
The most interesting report came from someone in the air. "I was flying to San Francisco from London Heathrow and we were over Greenland at the time when I looked out of the window and noticed a thick translucent black band in the sky. I stared at it for a while unable to work out what I was looking at. It was probably about a mile away from the plane and stretched as far as you could see in a perfectly straight line in both directions. Suddenly a black object appeared in the middle of the (black line) corridor and stopped, turned slightly towards the plane and then did the strangest thing: it elongated to about 10 times the original size until it was what I can only describe as a stretched-out triangleŠ then instantly accelerated away at a phenomenal speed down the (black line) corridor.
"My two colleagues also witnessed this and were just as puzzled and amazed. Shortly after, just into Canada we noticed a very, very long perfectly straight road through literally nowhere just going on for miles. Suddenly we passed a huge pentagon-shaped complex that this road led to with nothing else around. Just this place with buildings and hangars and a runway absolutely in the middle of nowhere."
One Country Tries to Stop the Spraying
Before the publication of this book, chemtrail spraying had been reported in a number of other countries including England and Spain, both of which are closely allied with the US military. On April 28, 1997, Cuba filed a complaint before the United Nations General Assembly charging the U.S. was spraying biological warfare agents over Cuban soil.5 While Cuba has been unable to have the matter investigated by the UN, the US has also been unable to have the matter dropped.
The official US responses are interesting. In one incident, the State Department admitted an S2R crop-dusting plane operated by the state department overflew Cuba, but said it "emitted only smoke." Washington Times 8/26/97
In another incident, "a Cuban pilot reported seeing the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist on 10/21/96." (On 12/18/96, the first signs of thrips plague appeared in Matanzas province.) The official US response was that the US pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having been seen, "following caution and safety procedures," and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to "indicate its location," adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane." However, the US SAR aircraft, register N3093M is officially used by the State Department against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. The aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping solid particles. The SAR aircraft is not known to carry a smoke generator.
The Cuban government has also filed a protest with the UN regarding the United States' refusal to adopt a draft protocol prohibiting plans and production of biological weapons for 30 years. In addition, on May 31, 1999, a lawsuit for $181 billion in wrongful death and personal injury was filed in Havana Provincial Civil Court in which the US was accused of genocide.
But the bio-attack on Cuba has been unrelenting. In 2002, a Canadian tourist reported seeing what he assumed were regular rocket flights - possibly to avoid anti-aircraft fire - that penetrate Cuban airspace and leave long plumes of smoky white material. Cuban health officials were quoted as saying that the government is quietly working to control the spread of the biological agents from the US aerosol campaign.
Source:; Article by Amy Worthington, GlobalResearch
YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIOACTIVE MATERIAL: “We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes.” “Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria”
Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out. The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including 2 sedatives in chemtrail fallout, 6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia, 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride, 26 heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead,mercury, silver, uranium and zinc, 4 molds and fungi, 7 viruses, 2 cancers, 2 vaccines. Dr.R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Others have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers.
Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new world of toxic barium skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP.
Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a new and unknown pathogen that is seriously disabling and disfiguring. Over 12,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons.
Our skies are increasingly hazed over with fake barium/ aluminum particulate, ethylene dibromide chemtrail clouds. Whether in the atmosphere or in the Ocean this added particulate matter is a hazard to the health of every living thing on this planet. There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. People are already dying because of the chemtrails. Life expectancy is down. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones. We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Please do what you can to help.
One aspect of the chemtrail story is becoming more and more a story about
the spread of Morgellons Disease. The bizarre, unique fibers that have been
found in the bodies of the Morgellons infected have been matched to fibers
found in the chemtrail fallout and in rain drops. This suggests that anybody
who breathes the air may have been exposed to this disease. Researcher
Clifford Carnicom has recently reported that blood abnormalities that he
associates with chemtrail infection are being found in just about everyone
he is testing whether or not they show the visible signs of having a
Morgellons infection. “Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied
atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain
bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when
absorbed into the skin.” He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of
genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that
trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a
powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.”
-Amy Worthington
Morgellons researchers Dr Hildegaard Stanninger and Dr Karjoom have announced the finding of self replicating nano machines “running wild” in the bodies of Morgellons victims.
More stunning evidence of a Chemtrail/Morgellons connection (see photo #18);
Recent microscopic examination of rainwater by researcher, Lisa Jones has
revealed contamination with pathogens that have strong similarities to the
Morgellons pathogen. This raindrop image shows a fiber-like lattice with a
lighter colored tube that appears to contain baby Morgellons pathogens. The
“thornes” on the lattice appear to be designed to cause the organism to
stick and catch on skin and clothing. The unnatural looking orangish-pink
glow in certain areas of this tube look just like the unnatural appearing
orange-pink glowing points that show up on many of the Morgellons organisms.
Chemtrail dispersion of Morgellons would be an obvious explanation as to why
this stuff is showing up in rainwater.
“Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.” He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.”
Morgellons/Chemtrail Syndrome Elements
› “Fibers” / Pseudo-life / altered parasites - confirmed (debate as to nature)
› Polymer / fiber-optic material - scientifically confirmed
› Frequencies entering body through atmospheric manipulation - confirmed
› Calcium particulates - confirmed
› Magnesium
particulates - confirmed
Dismantling the Complex
A. Metals: Aluminum, barium,
titanium, possible others
The best, most effective way to remove heavy
metals from the body on a daily basis is DIATOMACEOUS EARTH OR CLAY. A
research doctor found the purest, food grade source called “Fossil Flour” at It costs pennies a day and has no known contraindications if
taken in distilled water, on an EMPTY stomach. Most people seem to do well
with about one-tablespoon per day. The clay is rich in silica which assists
many body functions. It should be stored in glass, or paper, not plastic.
The research doctor found most of the diatomaceous earth compromised with
metals and other toxins, even ones sold in the health stores. This source
comes from the bottom of a deep lake in
B. Biological Components
It is my belief that others before me (Rife, Beauchamp, Nassans, etc.) were right about the nature of the organisms we call bacteria, virus, and fungus. These scientists believed in the pleo-morphic nature of these beings…that a bacteria could change or “morph” into a virus or fungus and even into a tiny “seedling” that could hide from therapy and re-emerge at a later time.
Whether thus is true or not, there are a few natural medicines that address all three and we have seen success with treating Morgellons Syndrome / Chemtrail illness. Mycoplasma seems to respond especially well to the colloidal silver treatments.
1. Colloidal Silver: Used internally and topically seems to have excellent results. Also very effective as a nasal spray. Most people use pro-biotics with colloidal as it may diminish the “good” bacteria in the colon.
2. Miracle II Soap (plain
without moisturizer); excellent bath soak,
shampoo, and whole body wash. ( or distributor – at this time
Kathy Zozula in
3. Miracle II Neutralizer: a clear liquid, kept in the refrigerator, taken daily. They recommend 7-drops per day, but some people benefit from more. Some people also spray their faces, inhale it in the sinuses, and spray it on their hair. It seems to “neutralize” some of the pathogens…molds and mildew crash instantly. I am told that it also creates an alkaline environment in the body.
4. Deep Health by Herbs, Etc.: this extract contains many herbs designed to boost the immune system. Some of the herbs have traditionally been used to kill bacteria and virus, as well as fungus.
5. Yeast Re-Leaf by Herbs, Etc.: this extract has many herbs, including Pau D’ Arco, that have traditionally been used to kill fungus.
6. Diet is critical as
well: foods should be organic, local, and grown in a greenhouse if possible
(our earth is absorbing all of the toxins coming down from the sky…it’s in
the food.) If meat is eaten, organic, free-range is best. Distilled water
for internal use as well as cooking. Microwaves should be avoided.
Untreated, organic fats only. Many of the “organic” food companies,
(Knudsen, Horizon, Cascadian Farms, Glen Muir, etc.,) have been bought out
by big food companies. An “organic” label may be misleading.
7. A high potency, liquid iodine taken daily seems to be very beneficial in controlling the fungus. Eating good amounts of organic coconut oil seems to very beneficial as well.
8. Cleansing the organs (liver, colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs, etc.) is very beneficial. Dr. Hulda Clark has a number of good formulas as do many in the natural medicine world. Find the ones that you can do comfortably.
9. As always, exercise will assist the body in detoxifying and rebuilding. Choose a form that you enjoy. As morbid matter from dead pathogens build up in the lymph glands, movement is important to flush these out of the system. There is no “pump” for the lymphatic system like the heart (blood) so movement is important.
10. There are many herbs with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal prosperities: garlic, all of the “Italian” spices, turmeric, ginger root, onion, Chinese mushrooms (Reishi, Maitake, Shitake, etc.) Pau D’Arco, chili peppers, and many more that we can incorporate into our diets. Do some research and find the foods and herbs that you will enjoy and eat. Sugars feed fungus and should be avoided as well as all refined, denatured, altered foods. We also want to eat pro-biotic foods like Kefir, yogurt, etc.
11. Soaking feet in a
Miracle II soap dilution has been extremely effective in killing fungus on
the feet. Hand soaks for fingernail fungus works as well.
Polymer / Fiber optic Material
This component of Morgellons syndrome is perhaps the most difficult to address. It seems to incorporate into the hair, skin, eyes, (see pupils with a black light) as well as other organs in the body. It may be used as a “coating” or external membrane by the “fibers” or altered parasites. I have not found anyone, to date, that has the true answer as to its purpose (many speculate about mind/body control, etc.) or an effective therapy for “flushing” it from the system. However, there is some evidence that the following therapies do encourage it to leave the body.
1. When using the organic grape swish in the mouth (discussed later), this polymer comes out of the mouth with the “fibers.”
2. Drinking organic grape juice and organic red wine also seems to encourage the plastic out of the system. Some people report that drinking carbonated mineral water helps as well.
3. Steaming the lungs with tea tree oil (discussed later) is helpful. Also, smoking pure, unaltered tobacco (American Indian) is reported to help people cough it up.
4. Apple cider vinegar (organic only) diluted in distilled water is a good flushing agent for toxins.
5. Steaming in a shower (use a good filter) helps many people to cough it up and blow it out.
6. Miracle II soap seems to help break it down and draw it out, especially in a hot bath soak.
7. It seems very true that
the “plastic” incorporates into the fungal network. Some suggest the fungus
uses it as food, but this is unknown. It is true that when the fungus is
“crashed,” the polymer is released and leaves the body through the
respiratory system, eliminatory system, and soles of the feet.
Fibers/Parasites/Altered Life Forms
There are many theories and much speculation
about what the “fibers” coming from Morgellons sores really are. Some say
GMO cotton, others a nano-type creation, others a living parasite. I have
seen many of them under the microscope and thousands from my own body. Much
of their nature is still a mystery to me, but with the help of some
brilliant scientists and personal observations, I have some theories about
their nature:
1. They seem to have a low
level intelligence
2. They are highly magnetic
3. They are attracted to
grape, either in grape juice or red wine (organic-not so much with
conventional as the grape has been denatured and weakened.)
4. They “herd”, meaning they follow movement of “leaders.” They will move towards or away from something they either are attracted to (grape) or
something they don’t like (red laser light).
5. They have different
“ends.” Some are hooked in nature, others are a bulb and some are straight.
6. They carry pathogens
7. They have a thick, tough
outer shell that appears to be a fiber-optic/polymer material that is highly
8. Some will quietly exit
the body and “become” hair-like, while others create sores and cause sharp,
intense pain.
9. They seem to be able to
“morph” into many forms…leaves, bugs, gold, silver, and others that will
leave the human body in a very visible manner. They seem to communicate with
other life forms as well, like bugs, and can influence behaviors. This is
perhaps the strangest and most baffling aspect of their “nature.”
Reports are constantly growing in numbers and
scope. How and why they “morph” into other forms is still unknown to me. It
seems that people who reach the stage where these phenomena occur are the
most ill from Morgellons. Ironically, or maybe not, it takes a very strong
immune system and spirit to “expel” these unnatural pathogens. Using the
Miracle II soap and Neutralizer to clean their clothes, homes and belongings
has proven very helpful. Also, following the other protocols (clay, diet,
herbs, colloidal silver, etc.) has greatly reduced these symptoms.
The fibers also seem attracted to water and long
soaks have proven helpful.
Many people report these “fibers” will leave
their bodies in a bath. Some research scientists believe the “fiber” is an
altered form of a parasite called a nematode in the phylum of Aschelminthes
(note: after the early 1900’s, most, if not all, of the information about
Aschelminthes was either altered or eradicated all together. What is
available today is either misleading or vague). Because these are water
dwelling creatures, it would make sense that they would be attracted to
water. However, it is generally agreed that is this “fiber” is a nematode;
it has been altered and is a pseudo-life form.
Another interesting observation…when I pluck them
from my forearms and place them in a dish, they will stand either straight
up or at a sharp angle pointing up. After about 2-3 weeks they will lie
down. It could be their magnetic quality responding to frequencies in the
air, or it could be their natural way of “holding on” to a rock or plant
(nematodes do this) waiting for another host (see full report on attracting
and extracting the “fibers” from my forearms at the end of this paper as
there may be clues to the scientific community about their nature that I
have missed).
One of the therapies that enables people to
“off-load” these “fibers” is vigorously swishing their mouths with organic
grape juice (Knudsen’s Just Concord seems to be the most productive). The
juice should be poured into a separate glass, then
a small mouthful is swished for approximately 10-15 seconds. The person then
spits into a white sink or bowl to see the results. To date, of the many
hundreds of people who have done this therapy, I have not found one that
doesn’t produce these “fibers” (except people with dentures…the exit
pathways are sealed off). This process is done at least 7-10 times for best
results. Some people have reported doing this therapy 30-50 times in a
session. However, it has been my experience that if you “off-load” too many,
too quickly teeth, caps, crowns, etc., can become compromised. After the
therapy, the mouth and tongue are washed clean. If a tooth is tender, etc.,
a soaking with colloidal silver is often helpful. It is also helpful to
drink organic grape juice and organic red wine as they seem to follow the
grape, in a heard manner, out of the system.
A brilliant chemical engineer brought this next
therapy to me. It is early yet in body testing, but it does seem to help
knock the fibers down. Dr. John Milewski discovered by placing water on
magnetic sand for three days, the water itself would become magnetized. He
gave it to plants and they thrived. In fact, they went beyond thriving to
become very large and healthy. I have observed this with all of my 40+
plans. The chemical engineer thinks it “flips the poles” on the pseudo-life
forms and renders them impotent. It may be they are attracted to it and
flush from the body much like grape. I have noticed that if I swish my mouth
with the magnetic water (Ormus) before I use the grape juice therapy, there
is an increase in the amount leaving my mouth. Hopefully, in time, we’ll
have some concrete answers to its action.
Interestingly, I saw an ad recently for a
“natural toilet bowl cleaner.” The ad says the capsule you drop in the
toilet tank contains “hydro-mineral magnets” and will kill bacteria, fungus,
and mildew.
The magnetite sand is currently available from:
Greg Crocco in
At the very least, it seems to be a very potent
detoxifying agent as urine and fecal output increases with its use.
Dr. Hulda Clark has written many books and in all
of them she cites parasites and pollutants as the primary cause of all
diseases. Since there is a good chance that at least part of the “fiber” may
be a parasite, it makes sense to follow her anti-parasite protocol. I
believe the two most valuable aspects are the 17-day herbal cleanse and the
“zapper.” The herbal formula uses three herbs that are powerful and have
been used traditionally to clear parasites. Her formulas and dosages are
very specific and should be followed carefully. The “zapper” is a frequency
device designed to kill the parasites. It is important that you read her
book (The Cure For All Diseases) to understand
what you are doing and why.
Even if the “fibers” are not in the parasite
family, it would certainly assist the body to rid it of any existing
parasites. As Dr. Clark explains, parasites cause many illnesses and deplete
the body of its natural healing energy.
Although not specific to Morgellons sufferers,
respiratory concerns are important when trying to heal the body. Oxygen is
imperative for healing to take place. We are operating on a very low level
because of the displacement in our air supply. It should be remembered that
all of the fine particles being dispersed into our air supply daily (heavy
metals, fibers, pathogens, etc.) displace oxygen.
It was recently reported that, surprisingly,
70-80-per-cent of the new lung cancer patients had never smoked. Not
I was recently told that the metals (aluminum,
barium, etc.) have a sword like shape so they can puncture the lungs more
easily to enter the blood stream. It should also be remembered that barium
is a cough suppressant. People should be coughing constantly with all of the
toxins coming in, but few are.
There are some good, natural therapies to assist
the lungs in detoxifying, repairing, and rebuilding.
If you can, wear a mask when you are outdoors. I
know it looks funny and may be uncomfortable, but there is no better way to
keep all of the particulates out of the lungs.
All of the respiratory system works best when
moist. Lungs need moisture to expel unwanted matter. Steaming in the shower
(use a good water filter) and using a vaporizer at night during sleep helps
many, especially in dry climates.
You can steam with herbs: tea tree oil is good. A
few drops in a mug, some boiling distilled water and deep inhales and
sniffs. Throw the liquid down the drain when all the steam is gone. NEVER
drink it. Salt is another, excellent lung tonic and steaming agent. The salt
should be sea salt or “real” salt. Salt miners have very few respiratory
infections because of the salt they inhale.
Some people smoke pure, unaltered Native American
tobacco. I am told it helps to block the particles by forming mucous which
can then be coughed out. Although this controversial, I believe it helps.
Note: the brand called American Spirit is now
owned by Phillip Morris.
Taking vitamin C is reported to help the lungs to
heal as well.
1. The more I use the
iodine (liquid form), the more results I see with controlling and crashing
the fungal network. I also see an increase in the polymer / plastic material
leaving my system. I am using a brand by TPCS called Iosol. I found it in
the local health store. I use it with distilled water.
2. It is true that calcium
is good for us, however, too much in the blood stream can cause very
dangerous health problems, particularly in the cardio-vascular system. A
natural way to moderate calcium in the system is to intake phosphorous
(mineral or carbonated water) as calcium and phosphorous share the same
absorption site in the colon. You would want to check your calcium levels
with your practitioner to find out what your current levels are before
assuming you have too much or too little.
3. Magnesium is needed for
many bodily functions. But, when you combine magnesium with aluminum (a
physicist told me this) you can get blood clots or thick, sticky blood at
the very least. Some good, natural blood thinners include ginger root,
cayenne pepper, and ginko balboa. It is very important not to introduce
these herbs into your system if you are already on a blood thinner. Your
blood may become too thin and you could suffer” bleed outs.”
If you have read Clifford Carnicom’s work on
Morgellons and I suggest you do (
they you know I am the subject that provided samples of scar tissue with
fibers from my back. The fibers emerged the way most do in “Morgellons”,
in a painful, bee-sting way, culminating in large sores with a volcanic
look. Some healed in a matter of weeks, whereas others remained opened sores
for months and, in a few cases, years.
The problem for me was that I wanted to study
them in a whole state. The fibers were often imbedded in scar tissue, or
attached to it, and were always mangled.
I called on my “Reluctant Shaman” to find a way
to attract these “things” to my forearms where I could study them with my
own eyes. I wanted them whole, “living”, and available. He devised a
poultice that did just that. I will not share the ingredients because the
process took months and was incredibly painful.
When they began to emerge, they were very dark
and large. It was easy to see them without magnification. I plucked about
40-50 and gave them to Mr. Carnicom for observation. He was very interested
to see that they were standing up in the collection bowl as mentioned
earlier in this paper.
He looked at them under a high powered microscope
and confirmed to me that these were the same “fibers” we were seeing in
tissue samples, blood samples, and mouth samples.
After a few months, I noticed that the “fibers”
were smaller and harder to see. Again I asked my “Reluctant Shaman” for a
solution and he suggested a large magnifying glass (3X) with a light. This
worked well and I was able to find the smaller ones easily and pluck them.
They behaved in the same manner as the larger ones, but with the extra
magnification I could see that their “tails” were different. Some had
distinct hooks, others "bulbs” and some were straight. I call them “tails”
because this part of them was the last to emerge.
Again, I produced approximately 40-50 per day
from each arm. The process became a little more difficult because some would
get trapped under the skin and I would have to ease the tops out with a
needle to pluck them. Until this point, they came out with very little
disruption on the skin. Now that they were being compromised in some way, I
began to get some small sores. However, these were never of the proportions
found on my back where they spontaneously emerged. At one point, I shaved a
small portion of my arm to see the results. Unfortunately, it causes a very
itchy rash that lasted for months. I suspect I broke them open and released
some kind of “payload.”
I also began to notice a new layer of skin
emerging that was “plastic” and very florescent. It seemed to me that they
lived in the plastic material and may have used it to form their outer
shell. At a later date, I was able to observe under a microscope a very
fiber optic outer casing on one of them that had been torn in the removal
Another important observation: all of my
extraction tools, which are stainless steel, began to show signs of magnetic
attraction. The needle would cling to the tweezers, etc. The fibers also
began to cling to the metals and it became hard to collect them. I then
began to put them in a small glass of grain alcohol to get them off the
Later, a third generation began to appear. These
were (still are) extremely fine and difficult to collect. I am using a 30X
jeweler’s loop to see them (this too has become highly magnetized). These
tiny fibers look and respond exactly like the earlier, larger ones. They can
produce small sores, but aren’t as painful. I can wear clothing over them
without discomfort which I couldn’t do with the larger ones.
Are they reproducing? Are they the same thing,
only in different sizes? Are they a partially living being?
I will say, when they are extracted they will
produce a “snake-like” movement. This could be a plastic / polymer response
to stretching and rebounding, or it could be some form of life responding to
being squeezed and pulled from its “host”. Questions
to be answered.
These fibers will “grow” at a fast rate,
sometimes ¼ inch overnight. Some, if left alone, will continue to grow and
become like hair. They will even change color to appear like other hair on
the arms. Mine is blonde and these dark fibers will become blonde hair,
leaving a dark root. When these “hairs” are plucked, they look and behave
exactly like the short, dark fibers (hooks, bulbs, straight / snake-like
movement). You can tell very easily if you have plucked a real hair or one
of these. These slide out, whereas real hair gives a little, painful pinch
when plucked (women know this).
Although not specific to Morgellons sufferers,
respiratory concerns are important when trying to heal the body. Oxygen is
imperative for healing to take place. We are operating on a very low level
because of the displacement in our air supply. It should be remembered that
all of the fine particles being dispersed into our air supply daily (heavy
metals, fibers, pathogens, etc.) displace oxygen.
It was recently reported that, surprisingly,
70-80-per-cent of the new lung cancer patients had never smoked. Not
I was recently told that the metals (aluminum,
barium, etc.) have a sword like shape so they can puncture the lungs more
easily to enter the blood stream. It should also be remembered that barium
is a cough suppressant. People should be coughing constantly with all of the
toxins coming in, but few are.
There are some good, natural therapies to assist
the lungs in detoxifying, repairing, and rebuilding.
If you can, wear a mask when you are outdoors. I
know it looks funny and may be uncomfortable, but there is no better way to
keep all of the particulates out of the lungs.
All of the respiratory system works best when
moist. Lungs need moisture to expel unwanted matter. Steaming in the shower
(use a good water filter) and using a vaporizer at night during sleep helps
many, especially in dry climates.
You can steam with herbs: tea tree oil is good. A
few drops in a mug, some boiling distilled water and deep inhales and
sniffs. Throw the liquid down the drain when all the steam is gone. NEVER
drink it. Salt is another, excellent lung tonic and steaming agent. The salt
should be sea salt or “real” salt. Salt miners have very few respiratory
infections because of the salt they inhale.
Some people smoke pure, unaltered Native American
tobacco. I am told it helps to block the particles by forming mucous which
can then be coughed out. Although this controversial, I believe it helps.
Note: the brand called American Spirit is now
owned by Phillip Morris.
Taking vitamin C is reported to help the lungs to
heal as well.
1. The more I use the
iodine (liquid form), the more results I see with controlling and crashing
the fungal network. I also see an increase in the polymer / plastic material
leaving my system. I am using a brand by TPCS called Iosol. I found it in
the local health store. I use it with distilled water.
2. It is true that calcium
is good for us, however, too much in the blood stream can cause very
dangerous health problems, particularly in the cardio-vascular system. A
natural way to moderate calcium in the system is to intake phosphorous
(mineral or carbonated water) as calcium and phosphorous share the same
absorption site in the colon. You would want to check your calcium levels
with your practitioner to find out what your current levels are before
assuming you have too much or too little.
3. Magnesium is needed for
many bodily functions. But, when you combine magnesium with aluminum (a
physicist told me this) you can get blood clots or thick, sticky blood at
the very least. Some good, natural blood thinners include ginger root,
cayenne pepper, and ginko balboa. It is very important not to introduce
these herbs into your system if you are already on a blood thinner. Your
blood may become too thin and you could suffer” bleed outs.”
If you have read Clifford Carnicom’s work on
Morgellons and I suggest you do (
they you know I am the subject that provided samples of scar tissue with
fibers from my back. The fibers emerged the way most do in “Morgellons”,
in a painful, bee-sting way, culminating in large sores with a volcanic
look. Some healed in a matter of weeks, whereas others remained opened sores
for months and, in a few cases, years.
The problem for me was that I wanted to study
them in a whole state. The fibers were often imbedded in scar tissue, or
attached to it, and were always mangled.
I called on my “Reluctant Shaman” to find a way
to attract these “things” to my forearms where I could study them with my
own eyes. I wanted them whole, “living”, and available. He devised a
poultice that did just that. I will not share the ingredients because the
process took months and was incredibly painful.
When they began to emerge, they were very dark
and large. It was easy to see them without magnification. I plucked about
40-50 and gave them to Mr. Carnicom for observation. He was very interested
to see that they were standing up in the collection bowl as mentioned
earlier in this paper.
He looked at them under a high powered microscope
and confirmed to me that these were the same “fibers” we were seeing in
tissue samples, blood samples, and mouth samples.
After a few months, I noticed that the “fibers”
were smaller and harder to see. Again I asked my “Reluctant Shaman” for a
solution and he suggested a large magnifying glass (3X) with a light. This
worked well and I was able to find the smaller ones easily and pluck them.
They behaved in the same manner as the larger ones, but with the extra
magnification I could see that their “tails” were different. Some had
distinct hooks, others "bulbs” and some were straight. I call them “tails”
because this part of them was the last to emerge.
Again, I produced approximately 40-50 per day
from each arm. The process became a little more difficult because some would
get trapped under the skin and I would have to ease the tops out with a
needle to pluck them. Until this point, they came out with very little
disruption on the skin. Now that they were being compromised in some way, I
began to get some small sores. However, these were never of the proportions
found on my back where they spontaneously emerged. At one point, I shaved a
small portion of my arm to see the results. Unfortunately, it causes a very
itchy rash that lasted for months. I suspect I broke them open and released
some kind of “payload.”
I also began to notice a new layer of skin
emerging that was “plastic” and very florescent. It seemed to me that they
lived in the plastic material and may have used it to form their outer
shell. At a later date, I was able to observe under a microscope a very
fiber optic outer casing on one of them that had been torn in the removal
Another important observation: all of my
extraction tools, which are stainless steel, began to show signs of magnetic
attraction. The needle would cling to the tweezers, etc. The fibers also
began to cling to the metals and it became hard to collect them. I then
began to put them in a small glass of grain alcohol to get them off the
All of the respiratory system works best when
moist. Lungs need moisture to expel unwanted matter. Steaming in the shower
(use a good water filter) and using a vaporizer at night during sleep helps
many, especially in dry climates.
You can steam with herbs: tea tree oil is good. A
few drops in a mug, some boiling distilled water and deep inhales and
sniffs. Throw the liquid down the drain when all the steam is gone. NEVER
drink it. Salt is another, excellent lung tonic and steaming agent. The salt
should be sea salt or “real” salt. Salt miners have very few respiratory
infections because of the salt they inhale.
Some people smoke pure, unaltered Native American
tobacco. I am told it helps to block the particles by forming mucous which
can then be coughed out. Although this controversial, I believe it helps.
Note: the brand called American Spirit is now
owned by Phillip Morris.
Taking vitamin C is reported to help the lungs to
heal as well.
1. The more I use the
iodine (liquid form), the more results I see with controlling and crashing
the fungal network. I also see an increase in the polymer / plastic material
leaving my system. I am using a brand by TPCS called Iosol. I found it in
the local health store. I use it with distilled water.
2. It is true that calcium
is good for us, however, too much in the blood stream can cause very
dangerous health problems, particularly in the cardio-vascular system. A
natural way to moderate calcium in the system is to intake phosphorous
(mineral or carbonated water) as calcium and phosphorous share the same
absorption site in the colon. You would want to check your calcium levels
with your practitioner to find out what your current levels are before
assuming you have too much or too little.
3. Magnesium is needed for
many bodily functions. But, when you combine magnesium with aluminum (a
physicist told me this) you can get blood clots or thick, sticky blood at
the very least. Some good, natural blood thinners include ginger root,
cayenne pepper, and ginko balboa. It is very important not to introduce
these herbs into your system if you are already on a blood thinner. Your
blood may become too thin and you could suffer” bleed outs.”
If you have read Clifford Carnicom’s work on
Morgellons and I suggest you do (
they you know I am the subject that provided samples of scar tissue with
fibers from my back. The fibers emerged the way most do in “Morgellons”,
in a painful, bee-sting way, culminating in large sores with a volcanic
look. Some healed in a matter of weeks, whereas others remained opened sores
for months and, in a few cases, years.
The problem for me was that I wanted to study
them in a whole state. The fibers were often imbedded in scar tissue, or
attached to it, and were always mangled.
I called on my “Reluctant Shaman” to find a way
to attract these “things” to my forearms where I could study them with my
own eyes. I wanted them whole, “living”, and available. He devised a
poultice that did just that. I will not share the ingredients because the
process took months and was incredibly painful.
When they began to emerge, they were very dark
and large. It was easy to see them without magnification. I plucked about
40-50 and gave them to Mr. Carnicom for observation. He was very interested
to see that they were standing up in the collection bowl as mentioned
earlier in this paper.
He looked at them under a high powered microscope
and confirmed to me that these were the same “fibers” we were seeing in
tissue samples, blood samples, and mouth samples.
After a few months, I noticed that the “fibers”
were smaller and harder to see. Again I asked my “Reluctant Shaman” for a
solution and he suggested a large magnifying glass (3X) with a light. This
worked well and I was able to find the smaller ones easily and pluck them.
They behaved in the same manner as the larger ones, but with the extra
magnification I could see that their “tails” were different. Some had
distinct hooks, others "bulbs” and some were straight. I call them “tails”
because this part of them was the last to emerge.
Again, I produced approximately 40-50 per day
from each arm. The process became a little more difficult because some would
get trapped under the skin and I would have to ease the tops out with a
needle to pluck them. Until this point, they came out with very little
disruption on the skin. Now that they were being compromised in some way, I
began to get some small sores. However, these were never of the proportions
found on my back where they spontaneously emerged. At one point, I shaved a
small portion of my arm to see the results. Unfortunately, it causes a very
itchy rash that lasted for months. I suspect I broke them open and released
some kind of “payload.”
I also began to notice a new layer of skin
emerging that was “plastic” and very florescent. It seemed to me that they
lived in the plastic material and may have used it to form their outer
shell. At a later date, I was able to observe under a microscope a very
fiber optic outer casing on one of them that had been torn in the removal
Another important observation: all of my
extraction tools, which are stainless steel, began to show signs of magnetic
attraction. The needle would cling to the tweezers, etc. The fibers also
began to cling to the metals and it became hard to collect them. I then
began to put them in a small glass of grain alcohol to get them off the
Later, a third generation began to appear. These
were (still are) extremely fine and difficult to collect. I am using a 30X
jeweler’s loop to see them (this too has become highly magnetized). These
tiny fibers look and respond exactly like the earlier, larger ones. They can
produce small sores, but aren’t as painful. I can wear clothing over them
without discomfort which I couldn’t do with the larger ones.
Are they reproducing? Are they the same thing,
only in different sizes? Are they a partially living being?
I will say, when they are extracted they will
produce a “snake-like” movement. This could be a plastic / polymer response
to stretching and rebounding, or it could be some form of life responding to
being squeezed and pulled from its “host”. Questions
to be answered.
These fibers will “grow” at a fast rate,
sometimes ¼ inch overnight. Some, if left alone, will continue to grow and
become like hair. They will even change color to appear like other hair on
the arms. Mine is blonde and these dark fibers will become blonde hair,
leaving a dark root. When these “hairs” are plucked, they look and behave
exactly like the short, dark fibers (hooks, bulbs, straight / snake-like
movement). You can tell very easily if you have plucked a real hair or one
of these. These slide out, whereas real hair gives a little, painful pinch
when plucked (women know this).