The Maya
Vision Serpent
PAGE 159
I was listening to an interview by Exopolitics leader Michael Salla about the lawsuit which revolved around gold that was sent to the United States by the former country (FORMOSA) which is now Taiwan by the leaders of that country - which was considered Royalty. Only the Vatican considers Taiwan to be a legal country. The gold was originally sent to the United States because the Formosan leaders feared that Japan was going to attack it and confiscate the gold. When the United States went to get the gold with our Navy ships, they gave the Formosan leaders legal notes which stated that the gold could be requested back after 50 years. It never was, and now a man selected by the leaders of Taiwan now is in possession of the notes and wants the gold.
I cannot figure out why UFO researchers like Michael Salla are so interested in this case. It as suggested in this interview on radio show that it is connected to the Reptilian Winged Serpent ETs.
That is a lot of speculation to be certain, but Zechariah Sitchin wrote in his books that a group of ETs came to Earth to mine gold because they needed it to save their atmosphere. We shall write about that in this article as well.
According to Zecharia Sitchin, there is a 12th planet in our solar system. This planet is called Nibiru, and is situated somewhere beyond Pluto (Planet "X"). This planet, unlike the other planets in our solar system, has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. It was a collision of Nibiru with another planet in our solar system (Maldek) which created Earth. Nibiru's orbit passes thorough our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one Nibiru year. Nibiru is inhabited by the Anunnaki (the Nephilim/giants in the Bible), "Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. They returned when Earth was more populated and genetically interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumeria, which was the so-called Cradle of Civilization in out-dated pre-1980s school history texts. They created Man, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.
h 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology
The buteo, falcon, was watched for its flight. The ibis, which had great skill in killing snakes, was associated with the god Thoth, who was equated with the Greek Hermes and was the Egyptian electrical god par excellence.
Falcon / Hawk byk - The sacred bird of the falcon-headed solar god Horus, it was also regarded as his Ba. The falcon was a bird that had protective powers, and was frequently linked with royalty, where it was depicted as hovering over the head of the pharaoh, with outstretched wings. The falcon was also sacred to Montu, god of war, and Sokar, god of the Memphite necropolis. The bird of prey was sometimes associated with Hathor, 'The House of Horus'. The son of Horus, Qebehsenuef who guarded the canopic jar of the intestines, was a falcon-headed god. The human headed ba-bird was sometimes given the body of a falcon.
Sacred to Horus, the falcon (or hawk)
was thought to be the guardian of the ruler, and is frequently found as
spreading its wings protectively behind the head of the pharaoh. At Saqqara
during the Late Period, there was a catacomb build for mummified falcons. These
birds, though, were shown to be of different types of birds of prey, not just
the falcon. To the Egyptians, the Horus-falcon may have been regarded as
interchangeable with a whole range of different birds of prey.
The ubiquitous Eye of Horus symbol of ancient Egyptian religion can be quite readily shown to have been inspired by the "Eye of God" aka "Eye in the Sky" that is manifested in the heavens above our planet Earth during most if not all total eclipses of the sun. Horus, the famous solar falcon god of ancient Egypt, was quite evidently inspired by the "winged disk" or the "Bird of the Sun" that is readily perceivable within the sun's corona during those total eclipses of the sun in which the streamers of the sun's corona are concentrated into the sun's equatorial regions and thus appear very much like a bird's wings spreading out on either side of the so-called "black sun" that is formed by the dark circle of the occulting disk of the moon. The ancient Egyptian myth of the cosmic battle between the solar falcon god Horus and the sun eating serpent god Set was quite evidently inspired by total solar eclipses as the British Museum's reputed Egyptologist EA Wallis Budge noted well over a century ago. In fact, the solar falcon god Horus is very clearly spoken of as assuming the form of a gigantic "winged disk" in some versions of this ancient Egyptian solar eclipse myth.
The Eye of Horus symbol does not usually show the wings of the solar falcon god however the Egyptians also had a closely related winged version of their total solar eclipse inspired udjat eye symbol. I expect that the wingless Eye of Horus symbol is essentially a winged udjat eye symbol from which the wings of the coronal SunBird have been deliberately removed in order to emphasize the religious attribute of this sky god's divine omniscience that is allegorized by the striking similarity in appearance of the totally eclipsed sun to an "Eye of God". The "solar eye" nature of the Eye of Horus symbol is clearly revealed by the fact that some versions of this ancient Egyptian religious symbol clearly depict the pupil and iris of the "Eye of Horus" as red sun disk with a central black dot
in the bible we find this:
Macrocosmically - The hundred-eyed 'Deity', the all-observant Divine Intelligence and the all-seeing eye, represented by the peacock's 'many-eyed' tail.
Microcosmically - The Ego in the Causal Body which participates in, or 'sees' through the mind, all the actions of the personality. When 'awake' or Causal consciousness gained, then the human becomes divine.
Cf. Serpent to Eve: "For God doth know that in the
day yet eat thereof [the fruit of the Tree of knowledge],
then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God,
knowing good and evil.'
The spiritual understanding and vision (eyes) are then opened. Ego and personality are one.
Cf. Kabbalah: "The eyes of the White Head"
are diverse from all other eyes. Above the eye is
no eyelid (never closed), neither is there any eyebrow
over it ... this eye is ever closed and there are two
converted into one. All is right; there is no left.
He slumbered not; he requireth not protection."
The peacock symbolises these same and other powers and attributes in God and man.
The peacock was sacred to Juno. Its Latin name was pavo. Perhaps the pattern on its tail, resembling eyes, associated it with radiation. Its name resembles the Latin pavor, fear. The name of Juno's Greek counterpart, the goddess Hera, suggests fear. In Egyptian, her, hra, mean 'face; upon'. Herit means 'fear'. It is possible that Hera was originally thought of as the atmosphere surrounding the planet that the Romans called Jupiter.
It was known that the peacock sheds its feathers from time to time. This may explain the hoplitodromos at Athens, a race by hoplites, armed soldiers, wearing nothing but helmets.
IBIS: a form of Tehuti (ibis-headed) as wisdom. The ibis lives on cobras and so saves lives. the poisonous serpent means creative force misused. Eaten by ibis shows man protected and saved by Wisdom. Tehuti, who in this (only) portrays Buddhi in Manas, the master of the heart and reason in all men, the Savior.
Swamp and Marsh mean both lower astral and the primitive, primeval state from and within which life is created and formed. Cf. Moses in the bulrushes and the Zulu tradition, ' that ancestor, called Unkulunkulu, branched off from a reed or came from a bed of reeds.'
In ancient Egypt, Horus, the younger, had been immaculately born to Isis and brought up in the marshes of the Nile Delta, representing, Macrocosmically, the universe 'born' out of primeval slime as a result of active creative power. Misused by man, the macrocosm, the creative power becomes poisonous, evil, death-dealing.
The ibis eats the snakes and so prevents the danger. Tehuti as wisdom illumines man and 'saves' him from this sin and its poisonous effects.
This is probably part of the reason for the ibis head of Tehuti.
Ibis hb - Regarded as the reincarnation of Thoth, the sacred ibis was sacred to the god of knowledge, who had the form of an ibis-headed man. The Akhu, part of the soul, was written with the sign of a crested ibis, known as the Akhu-bird.
The ibis, sacred birth of Thoth, was relatively common throughout Egypt until the 19th Century, but now has almost disappeared. Sacred ibises were mummified during the Late Period and Ptolemaic times, and buried in large numbers in different catacombs through Egypt. There were three types of ibis in Egypt - the sacred ibis, the hermit ibis and the glossy ibis. The hermit ibis is not a waterside bird, so it is depicted less frequently than the other two birds that were common along the banks of the Nile.
Ibises were sacred because they had secret knowledge: They showed up shortly before the annual floods. The ibis-headed god, Thoth, was a scribe, whose pen repeatedly dipped in ink in a manner that the long beaks of the ibises dipped into the mud. Egyptians also saw a mysterious connection between the sickle-bills of the ibises and the crescent moon.
The Australian White Ibis (Sacred Ibis) Threskiornis molucca (T. aethiopica) is often seen at Bushy Park Wetlands. It is a large 66-76 cm, stocky bird with a long dark down-curved bill. Head and neck are black and the iris of the eye is dark brown. The body is white although often stained light brown. Secondary plumes and wing tips are black. Legs and feet are reddish brown. The sexes are similar with little seasonal variation, but juveniles have a dusky head.
This bird belongs to an ancient group, with fossil records going back some 60 million years.
Records of the Sacred Ibis in human history go back some 5,000 years. Ancient Egyptians venerated it and made it an integral part of their religion. Carvings of the Sacred Ibis are found in many Egyptian monuments and they were also mummified and buried in the temples with the pharaohs.
Sacred Animal Cults
The importance of these cults began to rise in the late New Kingdom and was at its peak during the Late Period (747-332) and the Ptolemeian Period. Its origin goes back into the beginnings of Egyptian history as the worship of gods in animals form.
After c 700 bc. sometimes the whole species of certain animals were considered sacred, like the ibis (sacred to Thoth) or the falcon (a symbol of Horus and Osiris). Ptolemeian rulers patronized ancient cults like the Apis, Mnevis and Buchis bulls. In the case of the Apis bull, only one individual animal was sacred at a time, chosen depending of its´ individual markings, kept and later buried at Saqqara with elaborate rituals.
Bast, while an ancient female deity appearing in anthropoid form with a cat´s head, was now reemerging in cat form and enjoyed a great popularity among both Egyptians and Greeks
, who likened her to their own Artemis. Her main center of worship was at Bubastis in the Delta, and cemeteries with mummified cats have been found there as well as at Saqqara near Memphis.
At Saqqara and at Tuna el-Gebel has also been found mummified and buried in subterranean galleries ibises and baboons sacred to Thoth. At Elephantine rams sacred to Khnum were mummified and buried with crowns on their head in large sarcophagi. Both at Kom Ombo and at Faiyum were found mummified crocodiles.
The Scarlet Ibis, most beautiful of all the Ibis family, derives its name from the Greek meaning “religious worship, sacred bird”. This is an ancient group whose fossil records go back 60 million years. Their record in human history has been traced back 5000 years. The Ancient Egyptians venerated the old world “Sacred Ibis” as part of their religion, and often mummified the birds and buried them in temples and with Pharaohs. There are 33 species of Ibises in the world. They are found in North America, Africa, Madagascar, Eurasia (except the northern areas), Australia and Central and South America.
Thoth. God of writing and knowledge,
depicted in the form of two animals: the baboon and the sacred ibis. By the end
of the Old Kingdom he was most frequently portrayed as an ibis-headed man,
usually holding a scribal palette and a pen or a notched palm leaf. He was also
often shown recording the results of the "weighing of the heart" of the
deceased, and sometimes in addition, he is shown as a baboon perched on top of
the scales.
The Egyptian gods were represented with human torsos and human or animal heads. Sometimes the animal or bird expressed the characteristics of the god. Ra, for example, had the head of a hawk, and the hawk was sacred to him because of its swift flight across the sky; Hathor, the goddess of love and laughter, was given the head of a cow, which was sacred to her; Anubis was given the head of a jackal because these animals ravaged the desert graves in ancient times; Mut was vulture headed and Thoth was ibis headed; and Ptah was given a human head, although he was occasionally represented as a bull, called Apis. Because of the gods to which they were attached, the sacred animals were venerated, but they were never worshiped until the decadent 26th Dynasty. The gods were also represented by symbols, such as the sun disk and hawk wings that were worn on the headdress of the pharaoh.
Sirius B. It is a white dwarf star.
Champollion (1790 - 1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct. Surviving humans realised their fate was determined by stellar explosions - new suns in the night coming and going as though they had inherited the spirit of the sun (Ra). The idea that Osiris assumed the essence of the sun, later passing it on to his son Horus (whose mother was Isis, the surviving binary star Sirius A) gave rise to the idea of resurrection. This solution also enables us to understand many of the enigmatic passages in the Bible, such as Revelation 12 and core myths from all other ancient civilisations. Religious monuments commemorate these traumas. The Great Pyramid vectors in the star Sirius and a vanished star in the direction of Orion's Belt. Snake mounds, medicine wheels, Nazca images and Mesoamerican buildings, representing versions of the approaching and rapidly changing plasma configurations, are oriented towards the heliacal rising of Sirius at solstice. Blood sacrifices were instituted to placate the vengeful celestial apparitions, worshipped in many ways and incorporated animistic symbolism - birds, winged angels, fiery phallus, serpents, dragons, lions, scorpions, beetles, horns, etc. This is all consistent with religious syncretism throughout the ages, culminating in the adoption of a single deity in some cultures. Saintly haloes, the nimbus or crown and irrational millennarian apocalyptic prophecies all hark back to the shocks experienced 11,650 years ago (massive flooding, consuming fire, earthquakes, displaced firmament and '"falling stars", etc). It is a fact that the human species was almost wiped out by a plasma shockwave. The subliminal memory lingers on in many of our unrealistic belief systems.
In 1844 the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel studied the motions of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, and found that it was being perturbed back and forth by a faint, unseen star orbiting around it. This star was not glimpsed until 1862, when Ameri can telescope maker Alvan Clark detected it. It is almost lost in the glare of Sirius, as shown in Figure 19-10. In 1915, Mt. Wilson observer W. S. Adams discovered that it was a strange, hitherto-unknown type. It is hot, bluish-white, and lies below the main sequence on the H-R diagram. It has about the mass of the Sun, but it is so faint that its total radiating surface cannot be much more than that of the Earth.
NOTE FROMM DEE: In the last two years, I have found out a lot about the Anunnaki Aliens - stuff that even Zechariah Sitchin never knew. The only people whoh knw these things are 'alien abductees' and other aliens.
They look like humans, except they are what we would call giants. The females are about nine feet tall, and the males are eleven t otwelve feet tall. They are extremely healthy and though they are not vegetarians, they eat little meat. They do not have metal anything on their planet, using only wooden carts pulled like animals similar but smaller than horses. They are extremely loving and compassionate, and very psychic. Going from the planet that sees Sirius B in their skies, they only travel through space with the greys. That is their only means of transportation. The bad Anunnaki's that came to EArth and messed around with humans in the beginning were all killed off in a war about 150,000 years ago. These Anunnaki's do nothing for themselves - they only do for oeach other - including feeding each other and going to the bathroom for the female leaders. It is a matriarchal society. We have nothing to fear from them with one exception. They will not allow us to use nuclear weapons on each other.
update 3-20-12 - I was told today by someone with first-hand knowledge by speaking to Anunnakis, that when they came to Earth, they didn't come alone i- they were brought here by another group of ET's and the true story about the gold mining is that these other ET's needed the gold to make wire because gold is the best electrical conductor. These other ET's were making the wire to make machinery they needed to terraform another planet that needed their atmosphere enhanced.
So thats the true story of how the gold was used - not in the planet's atmosphere, but for electrical machinery that enhanced the atmosphere.
You can take my hand to God's truth on that one.
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was
their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with
From: "The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link to the Serpent Race" by Joe
Lewels, Ph.D.:
"John Carpenter has kept close track of the abduction phenomenon. He is the
director of abduction research for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), one of
the largest and most credible organizations dedicated to the scientific study of
UFOs and abductions. Carpenter holds a master's degree in social work and is a
highly qualified hypnotherapist who works as a psychiatric social worker in
Springfield, Missouri. Since the late 1980s, he has worked with more than 100
abductees and compiled information on hundreds of others. In addition, he is in
contact with other researchers in the field. He has been involved in 10 cases
where experiencers have described reptilian entities and he is aware of
researchers in other parts of the country with similar cases. Abductees often
have distinct clawlike cuts and bruises on their bodies after their apparent
"Carpenter summarized what he knows of these beings in his regular column,
'Abduction Notes,' MUFON UFO Journal, April 1993:'Typically, these reptilian
creatures are reported to be about six to seven feet tall, upright, with
lizardlike scales, greenish to brownish in color with clawlike, four-fingered
webbed hands....Their faces are said to be a cross between a human and a snake,
with a central ridge coming down from the top of the head to the snout. Adding
to their serpentlike appearance are their eyes which have vertical slits in
their pupils and golden irises." Perhaps the most frightening and most
controversial part of these stories are claims that the creatures occasionally
are reported to have sex with abductees.'"
From: 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET', by John A. Keel (1968. Fawcett Publications.,
Greenwich, Conn.):
"...The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were
probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making
cultures of South America.
"...In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as gods and
imitated the techniques of the superintelligence. This led to the formation of
pagan religions centered around human sacrifices. The conflict, so far as man
himself was concerned, became one of religions and races. Whole civilizations
based upon the worship of these false gods rose and fell in Asia, Africa, and
South America. The battleground had been chosen, and the mode of conflict had
been decided upon.
"The human race would supply the pawns. The mode of control was complicated as
usual. Human beings were largely free of direct control. Each individual
"The main battle was for what was to become known as the human soul.
"Once an individual had committed himself, he opened a door so that an
indefinable something could actually enter his body and exercise some control
over his subconscious mind.
"...the Serpent People or Omega Group, attacked man in various ways, trying to
rid the planet of him. But the superintelligence was still able to look over
man... God worked out new ways of communication and control, always in conflict
with the Serpent People."
From: 'CURIOUS ENCOUNTERS', by Loren Coleman (Faber & Faber., Boston, Mass.
1985) pp. 70-76:
"One classic Bigfoot story, (discussed in some detail in MYSTERIOUS AMERICA)
namely, the Wetzel/Riverside, California sighting on 8 November 1958, CLEARLY
FITS THE REPTILIAN MODE better than the anthropoid one. Wetzel described, as you
may recall, the fluorescent-eyed 'thing' as having a
protuberant mouth and a body COVERED WITH SCALES, looking like leaves. Wetzel's
'thing' emerged from the Santa Ana River underbrush.
"The connection to water is a strong theme in all of these accounts so it is not
so surprising that the next puzzle comes from the lake monster file. Trekking up
the West Coast, the following report concerns a monster that actually looks like
it stepped out of the wardrobe room of the Black Lagoon movie.
"Thetis Lake is near Cottonwood, British Columbia, not far from Victoria,
Cadboro Bay, off Victoria and Vancouver Island, (and) is well known for the
perennial sea monster 'Cadborosaurus.' So understandably a new creature in the
neighborhood would be grouped under the same type of facade by the
press. But the Thetis monster appears to be something else altogether.
"On 19 August 1972 Gordon Pike and Robin Flewellyn said a five-foot-tall animal
appeared on the surface of Thetis Lake AND CHASED THEM FROM THE
BEACH. Flewellyn was CUT on the hand by six razor-sharp points atop the
monster's head. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer was quoted at the
time as saying: 'The boys seem sincere, and until we determine otherwise we have
no alternative but to continue our investigation.'
"The next Wednesday afternoon, 23 August, the Thetis Monster was encountered
again. Mike Gold and Russell Van Nice said they saw 'it' around 3:30 P.M.
and on the other side of the lake away from the recreation area of its first
appearance. Mike Gold noted: 'It came out of the water and looked around.
Then it went back into the water. Then we ran!' He described the creature as
'shaped like an ordinary body, like a human being body but it had a monster
face, and it was all scaly (with) a point sticking out of its head (and) great
big ears.' It was silver.
"The Thetis monster account sounds similar to one from Saginaw, Michigan,
occurring in 1937. A man-like monster climbed up a river bank, leaned against a
tree, and then returned to the river. The fisherman who witnessed this
appearance suffered a nervous breakdown. This Saginaw tale, the reports of
clawed and three-toed prints from Wisconsin to Missouri, and other supposedly
'Bigfoot' or 'manimal' encounters perhaps should be reexamined in light of the
REPTILIAN creatures from the Black Lagoon.
"The big Deltox Swamp, Wisconsin flap, investigated by Ivan T. Sanderson in
1979, for example, has always been shelved with Bigfoot reports. But what is
to be made of the tracks of the creature, like footprints of 'a good-sized man
with swim fins.'
"This trait is a more frequent characteristic in the so- called eastern Bigfoot
reports than you might realize. For example, there's the case of the creature of
Charles Mill Lake in Mansfield, Ohio. A green-eyed, seven-foot-tall, seemingly
armless humanoid, seen late in March 1959 by Michael Lane, Wayne Armstrong, and
Dennis Patterson, came out of the lake and left behind 'tracks that resembled
the footgear worn by skin divers.'
The thing was seen again in 1963 and described as 'luminous and green-eyed.' I
examined the site of these encounters and can testify to the Charles Mill
Lake's swampy affinities--certainly a good home for a Black Lagoon beast...
"In 1973, during the summer, residents of New Jersey's Newton-Lafayette area
described A GIANT, MAN-LIKE ALLIGATOR they had seen locally. Newspaper reporters
wrote about an old Indian tale from the region that told of a giant, man-sized
fish that could never be caught. In 1977, New York State
Conservation Naturalist Alfred Hulstruck reported that the state's Southern Tier
had 'a scaled, man-like creature (that) appears at dusk from the red,
algae-ridden waters to forage among the fern and moss- covered uplands.'
"The New York-New Jersey record, however, cannot compare with the overwhelming
series of narratives issuing from one place in the United
States, the Ohio River Valley.
"Over twenty years ago, by digging into the back issues of the Louisville,
Kentucky, COURIER-JOURNAL, I discovered one of those gems that has kept me
pondering its meaning for two decades. The interesting little item was in the 24
October 1878 issue. A 'WIld Man of the Woods' was captured, supposedly, in
Tennessee, and then placed on exhibit in Louisville. The creature was described
as being six feet, five inches tall, and having eyes twice the normal size. His
body was 'COVERED WITH SCALES.' This article now makes some sense.
"And then almost a hundred years later, again near Louisville, there are more
stories of REPTILIAN ENTITIES. In October 1975, near Milton, Kentucky,
Clarence Cable reported a 'giant lizard' was roaming the forests near his
junkyard. Author Peter Guttilla described the creature Cable surprised as 'about
fifteen feet long, had a foot-long forked tongue, and big eyes that bulged
something like a frog's. It was dull-white with black-and-white stripes across
its body with quarter-size speckles over it.'
"On-site field investigations by Mark A. Hall, however, indicated this 'giant
lizard' RAN BIPEDALLY, according to OTHER Trimble County, Kentucky
witnesses. The Ohio River is Louisville's, Milton's, and Trimble county's
northern boundary.
"On 21 August 1955, near Evansville, Indiana, Mrs. Darwin Johnson was almost
pulled forever into the depths of the Ohio River. In what seems to be a very
close meeting with one of those creatures, Mrs. Johnson, of Godtown, Indiana,
was swimming with her friend Mrs. Chris Lamble about fifteen feet from the shore
'hand' had huge claws and 'furry' (or scaly?) palms. It came up from behind,
grabbed her left leg, grabbed her knee, and pulled her under. She kicked and
fought herself free. It pulled her under again.
Although both women could not see the thing, they were screaming and yelling to
scare it away. Finally, Mrs. Johnson lunged for Mrs. Lamble's inner tube,
and the loud 'thump' apparently scared 'it' away, and 'it' released its grip.
Back on shore, Mrs. Johnson received treatment for her scratches and marks on
her leg.
"Fortean investigator Terry Colvin passed on the information that Mrs. Johnson
had a palm-print-shaped green stain below her knee that could not be
removed, and it remained for several days. (Interestingly, Colvin learned the
Johnsons were visited by an individual who identified himself as an Air Force
colonel who took voluminous notes and warned them not to talk further about the
incident. Of course, this sounds so similar to the 'Man-In- Black'
encounter that is goes almost without saying.)
"For anyone who has seen CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, the Ohio River
encounter of Mrs. Darwin Johnson is already familiar, for her attack was
foreshadowed in that movie...
"1972... In March of that year on two separate occasions, two Ohio policemen saw
what has become known as the 'Loveland Frogman.' Investigated by Ron
Schaffner and Richard Mackey, these researchers interviewed the officers
involved but have not published their names, instead using the fictitious names
'Williams' and 'Johnson.'
"The first incident took place at 1:00 A.M. on 3 March 1972, on a clear, cold
night. Officer Williams was on route to Loveland, via Riverside Road, when he
thought he saw a dog beside the road. But when the 'thing' stood up, its eyes
illuminated by the car lights, looked at him for an instant, turned, and leapt
over the guardrail. Williams saw it go down an embankment into the Little Miami
River, a mere fifteen or so miles from the Ohio River. He described the thing as
weighing about sixty pounds, about three to four feet tall, having a textured
leathery skin, AND A FACE LIKE A FROG OR LIZARD. Williams went on to the police
station and returned with Officer Johnson to look for evidence of the creature.
They turned up scrape-marks leading down the side of the small hill near the
"On approximately 17 March 1972, Officer Johnson was driving outside of Loveland
when he had a similar experience. Seeing an animal lying in the middle of the
road, he stopped to remove what he thought was a dead critter. Instead, when the
officer opened his squeaky car door, the animal got up into a crouched position
like a football player. The creature hobbled to the guardrail and lifted its leg
over, while constantly looking at Johnson. Perhaps it was the funny smirk on its
face, but Johnson decided to shoot at it. He missed, he figured, since the thing
didn't slow down. Johnson later told how he felt it was more upright than the
way Williams described it. One area farmer told investigators he saw a large,
FROG-LIKE OR LIZARD-LIKE CREATURE during the same month of the officers'
From: 'WORLD OF THE INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE', by Charles Berlitz (Fawcett Crest
Books., N.Y.):
"There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings in the United States and around the
world. The humanlike creatures are usually said to be large and hairy with
glowing eyes. During the summer of 1988, however, residents of Bishopville,
South Carolina, reported accounts of a rare breed of Bigfoot: A SEVEN-FOOT-TALL
LIZARD MAN WITH GREEN SCALY SKIN. According to witnesses, unlike other Bigfoot
creatures Lizard Man has only three toes on each foot, as well as long apelike
arms that end in three fingers tipped with FOUR-INCH CLAWS. Only the second
Bigfoot to have only three fingers on each hand, and the first (discovered by
Berlitz - Branton) to also have three toes on each foot. Lizard Man is the most
unusual Bigfoot ever reported.
"Seventeen-year-old Chris Davis first encountered Lizard Man around 2:00 A.S. on
June 29. On his way home, the teen stopped near the brackish waters
of Scape Ore Swamp outside Bishopville to change a flat tire. While replacing
the jack in the car's trunk, he glimpsed something running across the field
toward him. Jumping into his 1976 Toyota Celica, he was quickly engaged in a
tug-of-war with the reptilian creature as he tried to pull the door closed. Then
Lizard Man jumped onto the car's roof, where he left scratches in the paint as
evidence of his attack.
"Hysterical, Davis returned home and told only his parents and a few close
friends about the experience. Law enforcement officers, however, interrogated
him after neighbors said the boy might know something about the strange bite
marks and scratches found on another car.
"Davis wasn't alone in his report. Soon other reports were flooding the
sheriff's office. Teenagers Rodney Nolfe and Shane Stokes, for example, were
driving near the swamp with their girlfriends when Lizard Man darted across the
road in front of their car. Construction worker George Holloman also claimed
Lizard Man jumped at him as he was collecting water from an artesian well.
"Investigating the area around the swamp, state trooper Mike Hodge and Lee
County deputy sheriff Wayne Atkinson found three crumbled, forty-gallon
cardboard drums. The tops of saplings were ripped off eight feet above the
ground. And there were, according to Hodge, 'humongous footprints,'
fourteen-by-seven- inch impressions in hard red clay. Following the tracks for
four hundred yards, the officers backtracked and found new prints impressed in
their car's tire tracks. According to state wildlife biologists, the footprints
matched no known animal species." (This "Lizard Man" sighting was covered in one
of the episodes of Tim White's "SIGHTINGS" documentary, "MONSTERS" segment, on
the Fox Network - Branton).
From: the Omaha, Nebraska 'METRO UPDATE' for Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 1990. Article by
reporter Patricia C. Ress, titled: 'LINCOLN MAN RECOUNTS ABDUCTIONS BY ALIENS':
"People have been talking about flying saucers for about 45 years now -- longer
if you count the reports of the so-called 'foo fighters' seen by pilots on both
sides during World War II. But within the past 20 years we've been hearing more
about a more frightening side to these visitations - abduction by aliens.
"The most famous case was that of Barney and Betty Hill, two New Englanders
returning home from vacation and unable to account for a large block of
missing time. Under hypnosis, a very frightening and detailed account of alien
abduction emerged. Later there was Betty Andreason, who told of aliens who took
her through walls and closed doors.
"Then came Budd Hopkins, who made a study of such abductions and chronicled one
'Gulf Breeze Sightings' in Florida, and most recently author Whitley Strieber's
accounts of his own abductions in his books 'COMMUNION' and 'TRANSFORMATION.'
"While most of these abductions took place in the East, some say that visiting
aliens have been just as busy in the Midwest -- even Nebraska. A Lincoln man
recently recounted his experiences during a talk at the Oakcrest Institute in
"John Foster has been an engineer in Lincoln for a number of years. Lincoln, in
fact, is his home town and the place where his abduction experiences began back
in 1950. A soft-spoken down-home type of man, Foster reminds people of a young
Joel McCrea.
"'Alien abduction is a terrifying and traumatic experience,' Foster told the
audience. 'Psychiatric counselors don't know how to deal with this -- even if
you can get them to believe you.'
"Foster has gotten help and understanding from people like Dr. Leo Sprinkle of
the University of Wyoming, who has dealt with numerous alien abduction cases. He
also has been the subject of ridicule and rejection by both family and friends.
"'Often in a UFO abduction experience, things happen that are absolutely
unbelievable. I have been told that IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR FAMILIES TO BREAK UP
AFTER SUCH AN EXPERIENCE. I finally reached the point where I no longer care
what people think of me.' Foster said.
"He said he wasn't fully aware of what had happened to him over the years until
the 1980s. In 1981 he was sitting outside his home in Lincoln with a friend and
on a lark, they both said a prayer (or incantation? - Branton) that they would
see a flying saucer and soon after, one appeared, he said.
"On another occasion in March, 1966, he saw a light out behind the trees as he
sat on his patio, he said, and the sight triggered a distant memory of something
that had happened to him when he was in grade school in Lincoln in 1950.
"He said 40 or 50 people were outside watching a movie when swirling lights
"Foster recalled being INCAPACITATED AND FEELING STRANGE. He said he saw a craft
appear WITH THREE LITTLE MEN who appeared to be fixing it. He felt an
overwhelming desire to get inside the craft, but once he did, he discovered it
was in a different form. 'We got a lesson about history, mankind and something
about Indians and buffalo,' he said.
"When he looked around him, Foster said, he noticed that everyone else seemed to
be FROZEN IN TIME. 'They all looked like statues,' he said, he saw
a woman who told him she had FIXED HERSELF UP SO THAT HE WOULDN'T BE
"He said he was taken to an examining room BY CREATURES THAT LOOKED 'LIKE FROGS
OR LIZARDS.' The 'woman' told him they were the educators and would supervise
his learning experience, he said. Among other strange things, Foster recalled
"After he was examined, Foster said, he was sent back out of the craft to the
crowd below. The woman (i.e. the being that had 'fixed' itself up to appear as a
'woman' - Branton) spoke to him in almost a scolding tone, saying that from then
on he would be a good boy and mind his parents, he said. The woman seemed to
know a lot about him, including the fact that he and some friends had stolen
some pop and candy from a store across the street, he said.
"In October 1986 Foster went camping with his wife and children at Niobrara Park
and he had a short visitation which awakened more memories of previous
abductions, he said.
"By mid-December he recalled 50 abduction experiences, he said, and by January
that number had grown to 2,000 and by January 1987, he had recalled
3,000 abductions.
"Foster has recorded memories of 50 of the abductions in detail, another 450 in
short notations and many others by locations only, he said.
"'There are roughly two areas of the so-called close encounters,' Foster said.
'These may mesh together, but there are the abductees who seem to be taken
aboard a craft to be examined and the contactees who appear to be contacted
throughout life and seem to have an assignment.'
"In June of 1987 Foster and his daughter met with several other contactees and
he had the feeling that he had known them all his life, he said.
"They helped him recall experiences from coast to coast and from Canada to
Mexico, he said.
"'I believe the UFO experiences are directed at you personally,' Foster said,
'but there are times when they can seem to address the population in general.
"Foster said profound things happened to him during his abductions and the world
STRUCTURE AND CHANGE THINGS DIRECTLY AT WILL, he said, and was told things about
scientific matters over the years, only to see them discovered afterward.
"On the initial level of the abduction experience there is a kind of excitement,
Foster said, while on the deeper level, life plans emerge and there is
interaction with people who have had similar experiences. Foster said there are
four witnesses who can recall parts of at least three of his encounters.
"Foster said that to document his experiences, he has made several drawings and
paintings. He believes he has encountered at least 13 different kinds of crafts.
"Foster said he remembers abductions that involved his friends when they were
teenagers. A large floating phone booth would descend from a dark fog, he said,
and a voice seemingly from a loud speaker would urge them to 'gather around for
eternal wisdom and knowledge -- and something else about Indians and buffalo,'
he said (Note: was the promise of 'eternal wisdom' the bait used to entrap them
into the Reptilian agenda? We realize this sounds rather simplistic but
traditions do say that this exact same strategy was used by the original
'Serpent' to destroy man's connection with the Almighty and, subsequently, his
divinely-given authority over creation, including his dominion over the
'beasts'!? - Branton).
"The voice over the loudspeaker would call them by name AND COULD AT TIMES SOUND
SARCASTIC (as a manipulator might sound? - Branton). On one occasion, his
"When he was at Mahoney Lake in 1987, Foster said, he again saw both the booth
and the saucer. He asked the entities to quite bothering him because
he was disturbed when he couldn't recall his abductions, he said, AND THEY TOLD
"They also told him that if he didn't want to have any more abduction
experiences, he would meet some people who would 'HELP HIM BECOME MORE
METAPHYSICAL,' he said, and he later met such people.
"He said he recalls being pulled up into a kind of floating bus and being taken
into the future. He declined to say what he saw.
"Foster said he was given experiments to do as an engineer. 'They worked, but
they shouldn't have, according to what we know,' he said.
"He said the 'guides' told him they were preparing people for a time when the
chosen would be taken away.
"...'I was told to awaken people to other dimensions and to participate in these
realms,' he said..." (or is it rather to convince people to 'open' their minds
up to 'invasion' by controlling forces from these other 'dimensions'? - Branton)
THE OPHIES PTERETOI were a breed of feathery-winged Serpents which guarded the frankincense groves of Arabia. They were sometimes called Ophies Amphipterotoi, or "Serpents with Two-Pairs of Wings." Herodotus, Histories 2. 75. 1-4 (trans.
Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.) : Herodotus, Histories 3. 107. 1 - 110.1 : Aelian, On Animals 2. 38 (trans. Scholfield)
(Greek natural history C2nd A.D.) : Aelian, On Animals 16. 41 :
The serpent (from Greek έρπω erpo) is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind[1] and represent dual expression[2] of good and evil.[3]
In religion, mythology, and literature, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through moulting, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.[4] The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.
In the Abrahamic religions, the serpent represents sexual desire.[5] According to the Rabbinical tradition, in the Garden of Eden, the serpent represents sexual passion.[6] In Hinduism, Kundalini is a coiled serpent, the residual power of pure desire.[7]
Serpents are represented as potent guardians of temples and other sacred spaces. This connection may be grounded in the observation that when threatened, some snakes (such as rattlesnakes or cobras) frequently hold and defend their ground, first resorting to threatening display and then fighting, rather than retreat. Thus, they are natural guardians of treasures or sacred sites which cannot easily be moved out of harm's way.
At Angkor in Cambodia, numerous stone sculptures present hooded multi-headed nāgas as guardians of temples or other premises. A favorite motif of Angkorean sculptors from approximately the 12th century A.D. onward was that of the Buddha, sitting in the position of meditation, his weight supported by the coils of a multi-headed naga that also uses its flared hood to shield him from above. This motif recalls the story of the Buddha and the serpent king Mucalinda: as the Buddha sat beneath a tree engrossed in meditation, Mucalinda came up from the roots of the tree to shield the Buddha from a tempest that was just beginning to arise.
The Gadsden flag of the American Revolution depicts a rattlesnake coiled up and poised to strike. Below the image of the snake is the legend, "Don't tread on me." The snake symbolized the dangerousness of colonists willing to fight for their rights and homeland. The motif is repeated in the First Navy Jack of the US Navy.
Serpents are connected with poison and medicine. The snake's venom is associated with the chemicals of plants and fungi[8][9][10] that have the power to either heal, poison or provide expanded consciousness (and even the elixir of life and immortality) through divine intoxication. Because of its herbal knowledge and entheogenic association the snake was often considered one of the wisest animals, being (close to the) divine. Its divine aspect combined with its habitat in the earth between the roots of plants made it an animal with chthonic properties connected to the afterlife and immortality. Asclepius, the God of medicine and healing, carried a staff with one serpent wrapped around it, which has become the symbol of modern medicine.
Serpents are connected with vengefulness and vindictiveness. This connection depends in part on the experience that venomous snakes often deliver deadly defensive bites without giving prior notice or warning to their unwitting victims. Although a snake is defending itself from the encroachment of its victim into the snake's immediate vicinity, the unannounced and deadly strike may seem unduly vengeful when measured against the unwitting victim's perceived lack of blameworthiness.
Edgar Allan Poe's famous short story "The Cask of Amontillado" invokes the image of the serpent as a symbol for petty vengefulness. The story is told from the point of view of the vindictive Montresor, who hatches a secret plot to murder his rival Fortunato in order to avenge real or imagined insults. Before carrying out his scheme, Montresor reveals his family's coat-of-arms to the intended victim: "A huge human foot d'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel." Fortunato, not suspecting that he has offended Montresor, fails to understand the symbolic import of the coat-of-arms, and blunders onward into Montresor's trap.
Occasionally, serpents and dragons are used interchangeably, having similar symbolic functions. The venom of the serpent is thought to have a fiery quality similar to a fire spitting dragon. The Greek Ladon and the Norse Níðhöggr (Nidhogg Nagar) are sometimes described as serpents and sometimes as dragons. In Germanic mythology, serpent (Old English: wyrm, Old High German: wurm, Old Norse: ormr) is used interchangeable with the Greek borrowing dragon (OE: draca, OHG: trahho, ON: dreki). In China, the Indian serpent nāga was equated with the lóng or Chinese dragon. The Aztec and Toltec serpent god Quetzalcoatl also has dragon like wings, like its equivalent in K'iche' Maya mythology Q'uq'umatz ("feathered serpent").nts
Sea serpents were giant cryptozoological creatures once believed to live in water, whether sea monsters such as the Leviathan or lake monsters such as the Loch Ness Monster. If they were referred to as "sea snakes", they were understood to be the actual snakes that live in Indo-Pacific waters (Family Hydrophiidae).
as well as another aspect, Hathor.
In Hindu mythology Lord Vishnu is said to sleep while floating on the cosmic waters on the serpent Shesha. In the Puranas Shesha holds all the planets of the universe on his hoods and constantly sings the glories of Vishnu from all his mouths. He is sometimes referred to as "Ananta-Shesha," which means "Endless Shesha". In the Samudra manthan chapter of the Puranas, Shesha loosens Mount Mandara for it to be used as a churning rod by the Asuras and Devas to churn the ocean of milk in the heavens in order to make Soma (or Amrita), the divine elixir of immortality. As a churning rope another giant serpent called Vasuki is used.
In pre-Columbian Central America Quetzalcoatl was sometimes depicted as biting its own tail. The mother of Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec goddess Coatlicue ("the one with the skirt of serpents"), also known as Cihuacoatl ("The Lady of the serpent"). Quetzalcoatl's father was Mixcoatl ("Cloud Serpent"). He was identified with the Milky Way, the stars and the heavens in several Mesoamerican cultures.
The demigod Aidophedo of the West African Ashanti is also a serpent biting its own tail. In Dahomey mythology of Benin in West Africa, the serpent that supports everything on its many coils was named Dan. In the Vodou of Benin and Haiti Ayida-Weddo (a.k.a. Aida-Wedo, Aido Quedo, "Rainbow-Serpent") is a spirit of fertility, rainbows and snakes, and a companion or wife to Dan, the father of all spirits. As Vodou was exported to Haiti through the slave trade Dan became Danballah, Damballah or Damballah-Wedo. Because of his association with snakes, he is sometimes disguised as Moses, who carried a snake on his staff. He is also thought by many to be the same entity of Saint Patrick, known as a snake banisher.
The serpent Hydra is a star constellation representing either the serpent thrown angrily into the sky by Apollo or the Lernaean Hydra as defeated by Heracles for one of his Twelve Labours. The constellation Serpens represents a snake being tamed by Ophiuchus the snake-handler, another constellation. The most probable interpretation is that Ophiuchus represents the healer Asclepius.
In many myths the chthonic serpent (sometimes a pair) lives in or is coiled around a Tree of Life situated in a divine garden. In the Genesis story of the Torah and Biblical Old Testament, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is situated in the Garden of Eden together with the tree of life and the Serpent. In Greek mythology Ladon coiled around the tree in the garden of the Hesperides protecting the entheogenic golden apples.
Similarly Níðhöggr (Nidhogg Nagar) the dragon of Norse mythology eats from the roots of the Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
Under yet another Tree (the Bodhi tree of Enlightenment), the Buddha sat in ecstatic meditation. When a storm arose, the mighty serpent king Mucalinda rose up from his place beneath the earth and enveloped the Buddha in seven coils for seven days, not to break his ecstatic state.
The Vision Serpent was also a symbol of rebirth in Mayan mythology, fueling some cross-Atlantic cultural contexts favored in pseudoarchaeology. The Vision Serpent goes back to earlier Maya conceptions, and lies at the center of the world as the Mayans conceived it. "It is in the center axis atop the World Tree. Essentially the World Tree and the Vision Serpent, representing the king, created the center axis which communicates between the spiritual and the earthly worlds or planes. It is through ritual that the king could bring the center axis into existence in the temples and create a doorway to the spiritual world, and with it power". (Schele and Friedel, 1990: 68)
Ningizzida has been popularised in the 20th C. by Raku Kei Reiki (a.k.a. "The Way of the Fire Dragon") where "Nin Giz Zida" is believed to be a fire serpent of Tibetan rather than Sumerian origin. Nin Giz Zida is another name for the ancient Hindu concept of Kundalini, a Sanskrit word meaning either "coiled up" h similar concepts such as the World Tree and Axis mundi or "World Axis") by a staff such as those used by shamans. Examples of such staffs featuring coiled snakes in mythology are the caduceus of Hermes, the Rod of Asclepius, the staff of Moses, and the papyrus reeds and deity poles entwined by a single serpent Wadjet, dating to earlier than 3000 BCE. The oldest known representation of two snakes entwined around a rod is that of the Sumerian fertility god Ningizzida. Ningizzida was sometimes depicted as a serpent with a human head, eventually becoming a god of healing and magic. It is the companion of Dumuzi (Tammuz) with whom it stood at the gate of heaven. In the Louvre, there is a famous green steatite vase carved for king Gudea of Lagash (dated variously 2200–2025 BCE) with an inscription dedicated to Ningizzida. Ningizzida was the ancestor of Gilgamesh, who according to the epic dived to the bottom of the waters to retrieve the plant of life. But while he rested from his labor, a serpent came and ate the plant. The snake became immortal, and Gilgamesh was destined to die.
Ancient North American jSerpent
Ningizzida has been popularised in the 20th C. by Raku Kei Reiki (a.k.a. "The Way of the Fire Dragon") where "Nin Giz Zida" is believed to be a fire serpent of Tibetan rather than Sumerian origin. Nin Giz Zida is another name for the ancient Hindu concept of Kundalini, a Sanskrit word meaning either "coiled up" or "coiling like a snake". Kundalini refers to the mothering intelligence behind yogic awakening and spiritual maturation leading to altered states of consciousness. There are a number of other translations of the term usually emphasizing a more serpentine nature to the word—e.g. 'serpent power'. It has been suggested by Joseph Campbell that the symbol of snakes coiled around a staff is an ancient representation of Kundalini physiology. The staff represents the spinal column with the snake(s) being energy channels. In the case of two coiled snakes they usually cross each other seven times, a possible reference to the seven energy centers called chakras.
In Ancient Egypt, where the earliest written cultural records exist, the serpent appears from the beginning to the end of their mythology. Ra and Atum ("he who completes or perfects") became the same god, Atum, the "counter-Ra," was associated with earth animals, including the serpent: Nehebkau ("he who harnesses the souls") was the two headed serpent deity who guarded the entrance to the underworld. He is often seen as the son of the snake goddess Renenutet. She often was confused with (and later was absorbed by) their primal snake goddess Wadjet, the Egyptian cobra, who from the earliest of records was the patron and protector of the country, all other deities, and the pharaohs. Hers is the first known oracle. She was depicted as the crown of Egypt, entwined around the staff of papyrus and the pole that indicated the status of all other deities, as well as having the all-seeing eye of wisdom and vengeance. She never lost her position in the Egyptian pantheon.
The image of the serpent as the embodiment of the wisdom transmitted by Sophia was an emblem used by gnosticism, especially those sects that the more orthodox characterized as "Ophites" ("Serpent People"). The chthonic serpent was one of the earth-animals associated with the cult of Mithras. The Basilisk, the venomous "king of serpents" with the glance that kills, was hatched by a serpent, Pliny the Elder and others thought, from the egg of a cock.
Outside Eurasia, in Yoruba mythology, Oshunmare was another mythic regenerating serpent.
The Rainbow Serpent (also known as the Rainbow Snake) is a major mythological being for Aboriginal people across Australia, although the creation myth associated with it are best known from northern Australia. In Fiji Ratumaibulu was a serpent god who ruled the underworld and made fruit trees bloom.
In Ancient Egypt, where the earliest written cultural records exist, the serpent appears from the beginning to the end of their mythology. Ra and Atum ("he who completes or perfects") became the same god, Atum, the "counter-Ra," was associated with earth animals, including the serpent: Nehebkau ("he who harnesses the souls") was the two headed serpent deity who guarded the entrance to the underworld. He is often seen as the son of the snake goddess Renenutet. She often was confused with (and later was absorbed by) their primal snake goddess Wadjet, the Egyptian cobra, who from the earliest of records was the patron and protector of the country, all other deities, and the pharaohs. Hers is the first known oracle. She was depicted as the crown of Egypt, entwined around the staff of papyrus and the pole that indicated the status of all other deities, as well as having the all-seeing eye of wisdom and vengeance. She never lost her position in the Egyptian pantheon.
The image of the serpent as the embodiment of the wisdom transmitted by Sophia was an emblem used by gnosticism, especially those sects that the more orthodox characterized as "Ophites" ("Serpent People"). The chthonic serpent was one of the earth-animals associated with the cult of Mithras. The Basilisk, the venomous "king of serpents" with the glance that kills, was hatched by a serpent, Pliny the Elder and others thought, from the egg of a cock.
Outside Eurasia, in Yoruba mythology, Oshunmare was another mythic regenerating serpent.
The Rainbow Serpent (also known as the Rainbow Snake) is a major mythological being for Aboriginal people across Australia, although the creation myth associated with it are best known from northern Australia. In Fiji Ratumaibulu was a serpent god who ruled the underworld and made fruit trees bloom.
Naga (Sanskrit:नाग) is the Sanskrit/Pāli word for a deity or class of entity or being, taking the form of a very large snake, found in Hinduism and Buddhism. The naga primarily represents rebirth, death and mortality, due to its casting of its skin and being symbolically "reborn".
Brahmins associated naga with Shiva and with Vishnu, who rested on a 100 headed naga coiled around Shiva’s neck. The snake represented freedom in Hindu mythology because they cannot be tamed.
Serpents, or nāgas, play a particularly important role in Cambodian, Isan, and Laotian mythology. An origin myth explains the emergence of the name "Cambodia" as resulting from conquest of a naga princess by a Kambuja lord named Kaundinya: the descendants of their union are the Khmer people.[11] George Coedès suggests the Cambodian myth is a basis for the legend of "Phra Daeng Nang Ai", in which a woman who has lived many previous lives in the region is reincarnated as a daughter of Phraya Khom (Thai for Cambodian,) and causes the death of her companion in former lives who has been reincarnated as a prince of the Nagas. This leads to war between the "spirits of the air" and the Nagas: Nagas amok are rivers in spate, and the entire region is flooded.[12] The Myth of the Toad King tells how introduction of Buddhist teachings led to war with the sky deity Phaya Thaen, and ended in a truce with nagas posted as guardians of entrances to temples.[13]
The Minoan Snake Goddess brandished a serpent in either hand, perhaps evoking her role as source of wisdom, rather than her role as Mistress of the Animals (Potnia theron), with a leopa ybder eacg arn,
Serpents figured prominently in archaic Greek myths. According to some sources, Ophion ("serpent", a.k.a. Ophioneus), ruled the world with Eurynome before the two of them were cast down by Cronus and Rhea. The oracles of the Ancient Greeks were said to have been the continuation of the tradition begun with the worship of the Egyptian cobra goddess, Wadjet.
GORGON on the temple of Corfu,
She wears coiled nakes as a belt - the symbology of fertility
Python was the earth-dragon of Delphi, she always was represented in the vase-paintings and by sculptors as a serpent. Pytho was the chthonic enemy of Apollo, who slew her and remade her former home his own oracle, the most famous in Classical Greece.
Medusa and the other Gorgons were vicious female monsters with sharp fangs and hair of living, venomous snakes whose origins predate the written myths of Greece and who were the protectors of the most ancient ritual secrets. The Gorgons wore a belt of two intertwined serpents in the same configuration of the caduceus. The Gorgon was placed at the highest point and central of the relief on the Parthenon.
Asclepius, the son of Apollo and Koronis, learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another (which Asclepius himself had fatally wounded) healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius's care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning. Asclepius' death at the hands of Zeus illustrates man's inability to challenge the natural order that separates mortal men from the gods. In honor of Asclepius, snakes were often used in healing rituals. Non-poisonous snakes were left to crawl on the floor in dormitories where the sick and injured slept. In The Library, Apollodorus claimed that Athena gave Asclepius a vial of blood from the Gorgons. Gorgon blood had magical properties: if taken from the left side of the Gorgon, it was a fatal poison; from the right side, the blood was capable of bringing the dead back to life. However, Euripides wrote in his tragedy Ion that the Athenian queen Creusa had inherited this vial from her ancestor Erichthonios, who was a snake himself and had received the vial from Athena. In this version the blood of Medusa had the healing power while the lethal poison originated from Medusa's serpents.
Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great and a princess of the primitive land of Epirus, had the reputation of a snake-handler, and it was in serpent form that Zeus was said to have fathered Alexander upon her. Alexander the false prophet Aeetes, the king of Colchis and father of the sorceress Medea, possessed the Golden Fleece. He guarded it with a massive serpent that never slept. Medea, who had fallen in love with Jason of the Argonauts, enchanted it to sleep so Jason could seize the Fleece. (See Lamia (mythology)).
According to the Prose Edda, Odin took Loki's three children, Fenrisúlfr, Hel and Jörmungandr. He tossed Jörmungandr into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so big that he was able to surround the Earth and grasp his own tail, and as a result he earned the alternate name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. Jörmungandr's arch enemy is the god Thor.
Jörmungandr, alternately referred to as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent, is a sea serpent of the Norse mythology, the middle child of Loki and the giantess Angrboða.
According to the Prose Edda, Odin took Loki's three children, Fenrisúlfr, Hel and Jörmungandr. He tossed Jörmungandr into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so big that he was able to surround the Earth and grasp his own tail, and as a result he earned the alternate name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. Jörmungandr's arch enemy is the god Thor.
In Africa the chief centre of serpent worship was Dahomey, but the cult of the python seems to have been of exotic origin, dating back to the first quarter of the 17th century. By the conquest of Whydah the Dahomeyans were brought in contact with a people of serpent worshipers, and ended by adopting from them the beliefs which they at first despised. At Whydah, the chief centre, there is a serpent temple, tenanted by some fifty snakes. Every python of the danh-gbi kind must be treated with respect, and death is the penalty for killing one, even by accident. Danh-gbi has numerous wives, who until 1857 took part in a public procession from which the profane crowd was excluded; a python was carried round the town in a hammock, perhaps as a ceremony for the expulsion of evils. The rainbow-god of the Ashanti was also conceived to have the form of a snake. His messenger was said to be a small variety of boa, but only certain individuals, not the whole species, were sacred. In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives. Among the Amazulu, as among the Betsileo of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes. The Maasai, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe.
In America some of the Native American tribes give reverence to the rattlesnake as grandfather and king of snakes who is able to give fair winds or cause tempest. Among the Hopi of Arizona the serpent figures largely in one of the dances. The rattlesnake was worshiped in the Natchez temple of the sun and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent-god. In many Meso-American cultures, the serpent was regarded as a portal between two worlds. The tribes of Peru are said to have adored great snakes in the pre-Inca days and in Chile the Mapuche made a serpent figure in their deluge beliefs.
A Horned Serpent is a popular image in Northern American natives' mythology.
In one Native North American story, an evil serpent kills one of the gods' cousins, so the god kills the serpent in revenge, but the dying serpent unleashes a great flood. People first flee to the mountains and then, when the mountains are covered, they float on a raft until the flood subsides. The evil spirits that the serpent god controlled then hide out of fear.[17] The Mound Builders associated great mystical value to the serpent, as the Serpent Mound demonstrates, though we are unable to unravel the particular associations.
Snake cults were well established in Canaanite religion in the Bronze Age, for archaeologists have uncovered serpent cult objects in Bronze Age strata at several pre-Israelite cities in Canaan: two at Megiddo,[18] one at Gezer,[19] one in the sanctum sanctorum of the Area H temple at Hazor,[20] and two at Shechem.[21]
In the surrounding region, serpent cult objects figured in other cultures. A late Bronze Age Hittite shrine in northern Syria contained a bronze statue of a god holding a serpent in one hand and a staff in the other.[22] In sixth-century Babylon, a pair of bronzer serpents flanked each of the four doorways of the temple of Esagila.[23] At the Babylonian New Year's festival, the priest was to commission from a woodworker, a metalworker and a goldsmith two images one of which "shall hold in its left hand a snake of cedar, raising its right [hand] to the god Nabu".[24] At the tell of Tepe Gawra, at least seventeen Early Bronze Age Assyrian bronze serpents were recovered.[25]
In the Hebrew Bible the serpent in the Garden of Eden lured Eve with the promise of forbidden knowledge, convincing her that despite God's warning, death would not be the result. The serpent is identified with wisdom: "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made" (Genesis 3:1). There is no indication in Genesis that the Serpent was a deity in its own right, although it is one of only two cases of animals that talk in the Pentateuch, Balaam's ass being the other. Although the identity of the Serpent as Satan is implied in the Christian Book of Revelation,[26] in Genesis the Serpent is merely portrayed as a deceptive creature or trickster, promoting as good what God had directly forbidden, and particularly cunning in its deception. (Gen. 3:4–5 and 3:22)
The staff of Moses transformed into a snake and then back into a staff (Exodus 4:2–4). The Book of Numbers 21:6–9 provides an origin for an archaic copper serpent, Nehushtan by associating it with Moses. This copper snake according to the Biblical text is wrapped around a pole and used for healing. Book of Numbers 21:9 "And Moses made a snake of copper, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a snake had bitten any man, when he beheld the snake of brass, he lived."
When the reformer King Hezekiah came to the throne of Judah in the late 8th century BCE, "He removed the high places, broke the sacred pillars, smashed the idols, and broke into pieces the copper snake that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan."2 Kings 18:4.
In the Gospel of John 3:14–15, Jesus makes direct comparison between the raising up of the Son of Man and the act of Moses in raising up the serpent as a sign, using it as a symbol associated with salvation: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life".
Sitchin was born in Russia, was raised in Palestine, graduated from the University of London with a degree in economic history. He worked for years as a journalist and editor in Israel before settling in New York.
More recently, we have learned that the Anunnakiki themselves had a great psychic war and all oof the negative Anunnaki clans were kiled off some 150,000 years ago. The Anunnaki now have a very primivie society, led by ya matriarchal society. They have no ometal on their current planet which goes around Sirius B. When they come to this solar system now, it is with the help of the little greys. The last time they were here was in 1978 and a few are currenntly here trying to help earth ward off nuclear war.
450,000 years ago,
On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as
the planet's atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a
spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can
be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.
Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu -Earth
Station I - for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Earth's climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki's
half-sister Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer.
As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent.
It is decided to obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing
lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission; Enki is relegated to Africa. On
departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu's grandson.
Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport
(Sippar), Mission Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak).
The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to
orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically
from Nibiru.
Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery
over Earth. The Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods.
The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create
Primitive Workers through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the
manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive
Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo Sapiens
begins to multiply.
Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.
Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil's growing
annoyance marry the daughters of Man.
The "accursation of Earth" - a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam
the Earth . Cro-Magnon man survives.
Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak.
Enlil, enraged. plots Mankind's demise.
Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth's proximity will trigger an
immense tidal wave, Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending
calamity a secret from Mankind.
11,000 B.C.
Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The
Deluge sweeps over the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from
their orbiting spacecraft.
Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands. Enki domesticates animals.
10,500 B.C.
The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's foremost
son, dams the mountains and drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable;
Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki
for a post-Diluvial spaceport; a control center is established on Mount Moriah
(the future Jerusalem).
9,780 B.C.
Ra/Marduk, Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and
9,330 B.C.
Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley.
8,970 B.C.
Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes
to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan.
8,670 B.C.
Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki's
descendants, the Enlilites launch the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta
empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.
Ninhursag, half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes peace conference. The division of Earth is reaffirmed. Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built as a substitute Beacon City.
8,500 B.C.
The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho
is one of them.
7,400 B.C.
As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the
Neolithic period begins. Demi-gods rule over Egypt.
3,800 B.C.
Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden
Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur.
Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his honor; he makes its temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.
Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. The
alendar begun at Nippur. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region).
Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon "Gateway of
the Gods." The "Tower of Babel" incident. The Anunnaki confuseMankind's
His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi who had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed through an emergency shaft, he goes into exile.
3,100-3, 350
years of chaos end with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in
Memphis.Civilization comes to the Second Region.
Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third
Region; the Indus Valley Civilization begins.
Sumer's royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience
with the unruly human multitudes.
Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city.
Agade (Akkad). Akkadian empire launched.
Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The
Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk's brother,
journeys from south Africa to Babylon and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.
Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he
penetrates the Sinai peninsula, invades Egypt.
Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great
Anunnaki obliterate Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign
troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta.
Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash.
Thoth helps its king Gudea build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.
Terah, Abraham's father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family.
Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him
gain the throne of lower Egypt.
As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates
in Mesopotamia. Inanna's attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not
B.C 2,123
Abraham born in Nippur.
Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar; Ur declared capital of new empire.
Ur- Nammmu ascends throne, is named Protector of Nippur. A Nippurian
priest-Terah, Abraham's father - comes to Ur to liaison with its royal court.
Ur-Nammu dies in battle. The people consider his untimely death a betrayal by
Anu and Enlil. Terah departs with his family for Harran.
Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur, strengthens imperial ties. As empire thrives,
Shulgi falls under charms of Inanna, becomes her lover. Grants Larsa to Elamites
in exchange for serving as his Foreign Legion.
Theban princes loyal to Ra/Marduk press northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu,
Marduk's son, gains adherents for his father in Western Asia.
On Nannar's orders, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite
cities. Elamites reach the gateway to the Sinai peninsula and its Spaceport.
Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the Land of the Hittites. Abraham ordered to
southern Canaan with an elite corps of cavalrymen.
Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt,
stays five years, then returns with more troops.
Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, launches
military expedition to Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite
Khedor-la'omer. Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport.
Shu-Sin replaces Amar-Sin on throne of Ur as the empire disintegrates.
Ibbi-Sin replaces Shu-Sin. The western provinces increasingly to Marduk.
Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon.
Fighting spreads to central Mesopotamia. Nippur's Holy of Holies is defiled.
Enlil demands punishment for Marduk and Nabu; Enki opposes, but his son Nergal
sides with Enlil.
As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the Spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities.
The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death,
animals perish, the water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its
great civilization lie prostrate. Its legacy passes to Abraham's seed as he
begets -at age 100- a legitimate heir: Isaac.
Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author -- that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens”; Old testament Hebrew, Anakeim, Nefilim, Elohim; Egyptian: Neter), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory results splicing animal and Homo Erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki genes with that of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves. Because we were a hybrid, we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.
Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from the Anunnaki city centers, gradually spreading over the planet. Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the majority of the Anunnaki high council and it was decided to wipe out the human population through a flood that was predictable when Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki home planet, came through the inner solar system again (around 12,500 years ago) on one of its periodic 3600 year returns. Some humans were saved by the action of the Anunnaki official, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans he had originally genetically created. For thousands of years, we were their slaves, their workers, their servants, and their soldiers in their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in the construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious notion of temple on these now), their cities, their mining and refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the continents. They expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to India to South and Central America and the stamp of their presence can be found in the farthest reaches of the planet.
Around 6000 years ago, they, probably realizing that they were going to phase off the planet, began, gradually, to bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its “sudden”, mature, and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in Mesopotamia. Human kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the Anunnaki. A strain of humans, genetically enhanced with more Anunnaki genes, a bloodline of rulers in a tradition of “servants of the people” was initiated (Gardner). These designated humans were taught technology, mathematics, astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of advanced civilized society (in schools, called now “mystery schools” but there was no mystery about them). Gardner has brought to light the fact that there exists a robust, highly documented, genealogical, genetic history carrying all the way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of Christianity, which is only now coming forward, no longer gun-shy of the Inquisition. This tradition, preserving the bloodline, is the one branded “heretical” and murderously persecuted by the Roman Church. There were no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human history and destroy the bloodline, a direct threat to the power of the Bishops.
Zechariah Sitchin passed away in 2010.
Sitchin has been prolific in
his writings, penning such titles as: The
12th Planet, The Wars of Gods and Men, The Cosmic Code, The Stairway to Heaven,
Genesis Revisited, The Lost Realms, Divine Encounters, When Time Began,
The Lost Book of ENKI,
and most recently, There Were Giants Upon the Earth.
The Lost Book of ENKI, according to
Sitchin's website, tells the story
of the leader of the first expedition to earth, “a great scientist called ENKI
(‘Lord Earth’). It was circa 2000, B.C.,
that ENKI, after traumatic events (i.e., the demise of the great Sumerian
civilization on account of the use of nuclear weapons to obliterate an Anunnaki
space port in the Sinai Peninsula), decided to write his autobiography.
In The Lost Book of ENKI,
Zecharia reconstructed ENKI's autobiography from almost 800 fragmented texts.”
Operator | NASA |
Major contractors | Lockheed Martin |
Mission type | Earth observation |
Satellite of | Earth |
Orbital insertion date | 15 September 1991 |
Launch date | 12 September 1991, 23:11:04 UTC |
Carrier rocket | Space Shuttle Discovery STS-48 |
Launch site | Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A |
Mission duration | 14 years, 91 days |
COSPAR ID | 1991-063B |
Homepage | |
Mass | 5,900 kg (13,000 lb) |
Power | 1600.0 W |
Batteries | 3 x 50 amp-hour batteries |
Orbital elements | |
Semimajor axis | 600 km |
Eccentricity | 0° |
Inclination | 56.97999954223633° |
Apoapsis | 575.0 km |
Periapsis | 574.0 km |
Orbital period | 95.9 minutes |
The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) was a NASA-operated orbital observatory whose mission was to study the Earth’s atmosphere, particularly the protective ozone layer. The 5,900-kilogram (13,000 lb) satellite was deployed from Space Shuttle Discovery during the STS-48 mission on 15 September 1991. It entered Earth's orbit at an operational altitude of 600 kilometres (370 mi), with an orbital inclination of 57 degrees.
The original mission duration was to be only three years, but was extended several times. When the mission finally ended in June 2005 due to funding cuts, 14 years after the satellite's launch, six of its ten instruments were still operational.[1] A final orbit-lowering burn was performed in early December 2005 to prepare the satellite for deorbit. On 26 October 2010, the International Space Station performed a debris-avoidance maneuver in response to a conjunction with UARS.[2]
The decommissioned satellite re-entered Earth's atmosphere on 24 September 2011. Considerable media attention surrounded the event, largely due to NASA's predictions that substantial parts of the satellite might reach the ground, potentially endangering inhabited areas. However, the satellite ultimately impacted in a remote area of the Pacific Ocean.[3]
The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night (the diurnal temperature variation).
Atmospheric stratification describes the structure of the atmosphere, dividing it into distinct layers, each with specific characteristics such as temperature or composition. The atmosphere has a mass of about 5×1018 kg, three quarters of which is within about 11 km (6.8 mi; 36,000 ft) of the surface. The atmosphere becomes thinner and thinner with increasing altitude, with no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space. An altitude of 120 km (75 mi) is where atmospheric effects become noticeable during atmospheric reentry of spacecraft. The Kármán line, at 100 km (62 mi), also is often regarded as the boundary between atmosphere and outer space.
Air is the name given to atmosphere used in breathing and photosynthesis. Dry air contains roughly (by volume) 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1%. While air content and atmospheric pressure varies at different layers, air suitable for the survival of terrestrial plants and terrestrial animals is currently only known to be found in Earth's troposphere and artificial atmospheres
ppmv: parts per million by volume (note: volume fraction is equal to mole fraction for ideal gas only, see volume (thermodynamics)) | |
Gas | Volume |
Nitrogen (N2) | 780,840 ppmv (78.084%) |
Oxygen (O2) | 209,460 ppmv (20.946%) |
Argon (Ar) | 9,340 ppmv (0.9340%) |
Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 390 ppmv (0.039%) |
Neon (Ne) | 18.18 ppmv (0.001818%) |
Helium (He) | 5.24 ppmv (0.000524%) |
Methane (CH4) | 1.79 ppmv (0.000179%) |
Krypton (Kr) | 1.14 ppmv (0.000114%) |
Hydrogen (H2) | 0.55 ppmv (0.000055%) |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) | 0.3 ppmv (0.00003%) |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | 0.1 ppmv (0.00001%) |
Xenon (Xe) | 0.09 ppmv (9×10−6%) (0.000009%) |
Ozone (O3) | 0.0 to 0.07 ppmv (0 to 7×10−6%) |
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) | 0.02 ppmv (2×10−6%) (0.000002%) |
Iodine (I2) | 0.01 ppmv (1×10−6%) (0.000001%) |
Ammonia (NH3) | trace |
Not included in above dry atmosphere: | |
Water vapor (H2O) | ~0.40% over full atmosphere, typically 1%-4% at surface |
In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (2.12), Srila Sanatana Goswami writes:
“As bell metal is turned to gold when mixed with mercury in an alchemical process, so one who is properly trained and initiated by a bona fide spiritual master immediately becomes a brahmana.”
Now, anyone who’s studied the periodic table in elementary chemistry knows that mercury cannot be turned into gold without some form of nuclear reaction. The nucleus of a mercury atom (Hg) has 80 protons, whereas a gold (Au) atom has 79 protons, no chemical process can change this, a nuclear reactor or particle accelerator is required.
Clearly neither nuclear reactors nor particle accelerators existed in the time of Srila Sanatana Goswami (circa 1500 AD). Thus to all intents and purposes the transformation of bell metal to gold was impossible at that time.
Thus we can understand that true intent of the above verse from Hari-bhakti-vilasa is somewhat sarcastic. Srila Sanatana Goswami is saying that, just as gold cannot be manufactured by an alchemical process, a brahmana cannot be manufactured simply by an initiation ritual. This supports the smarta process, that one cannot be accepted as a brahmana unless he is born in a brahmana family.
This refers to gold given to the United States in the 1930's to hide it if and when the Japanese invaded China. Details in more depth are here:
SA,,A PART I This begins with a lot of advertising for his show and books.