New Living Translation
And I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs leap
from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
Century 2 Quatrain 62
Mabus will soon die and there will come
A dreadful destruction of people and animals,
Suddenly vengeance will be revealed,
Hundred, hands, thirst and hunger when the comet will pass.
(Century 3, Quatrain 35)
This particular quatrain is believed to describe Hitler’s
childhood (a young child born to poor people), his charismatic
personality (who will by his speech seduce a great multitude) and
Germany’s alliance with Japan (his reputation will increase in
the Kingdom of the East.
Century 8, Quatrain 77
The Antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
Twenty-seven years the blood of his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
With blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.
Century IX.--Quatrain 5.
The third 4
shall be a stepping-stone to the throne,
To a new monarch from low position to the top;
He will as tyrant have taken a military post in Tuscany,
And will seek to correct the defects of his predecessor.
Dee Finney's blog
Start date July 20, 2011
Today's date January 1, 2012
page 97
I remember seeing the Anti-Christ the first time in 1991, but it wasn't until
I watched a DVD of hypnotist Dolores Cannon about the Anti-Christ that I had
seen him twice in 2011. I thought he was someone else at the time and I
have to admit now that I was wrong. Looking back, I can realize my mistake
and even the reader will realize why I made that error. In one of the
dreams, I also saw the Great IMAM who resides either in IRAQ or IRAN, and
someone in Dolores Canon's seminar said that the man has never been photographed
because he has an eye injury. The man in my dream didn't have an apparent
eye injury so she may have been wrong. The man in my dream was actually
beautiful to look at. So was the Anti-Christ. Below, you will be
able to read the dreams for yourself. '
9-8-89 - Meditation: Q. "When will the Anti-Christ be revealed."
A. "1991". "When he is 29 years old, like Christ was. He will be
prominent for 3 years, also like Christ. He will be revealed in Ethiopia."
Q. "Should I move or stay here?"
A. "Right now, you don't have any option. You shall stay where you are
for the moment."
10-4-89 - Meditation: Q. "Master, what do you know about
the Anti-Christ?"
A. "He is poor. He will come to power in 1991 in a coup. He
is an officer in the army. He is not Christian. He has a beautiful, darker
skinned wife who dresses modern.
( I then saw the woman with a brown dress with a double row
of buttons down the front. Her hair was black and worn piled on her head towards
the back.)
10-18-90 Meditation:
Q. Will the Illuminati be involved with the Anti-Christ?
A. The voice said, "I appreciate your questions." The voice
said, "The Anti-Christ already is." The voice said, "Yes! As much as anybody
Q. Will the Illuminati finance the Anti-Christ?
A. The voice said, "It already is."
Q. What country is the Anti-Christ to come from?
A. The voice said, "He resides in Europe."
Q. What country was the Anti-Christ born in?
A. The voice said, "You cannot know yet."
Jeanne Dixon. Dixon claimed to have received a divine vision
on February 5, 1962, about a coming world religious-political ruler; her
"prophecy" strikingly resembles the modern doctrine of Antichrist: "A child,
born somewhere in the Middle East shortly before 7 A.M. (EST) on February 5,
1962, will revolutionize the world. Before the close of the century he will
bring together all mankind in one all-embracing faith. This will be the
foundation of a new Christianity, with every sect and creed united through this
man who will walk among the people to spread the wisdom of the Almighty Power."
"Mrs. Dixon claims that this man's influence will be felt in the early 1980s and
that by 1999, the ecumenical religion will be achieved."
Why should we believe present-day prophetic prognosticators when we have been
offered assurances of the identity of the Antichrist numerous times over the
In the 'Book
of World Horoscopes'
Nicholas Campion mentions at least seventy dates for the beginning of the
Age of Aquarius covering a range of 1500 years. He forewarns his readers by
stating that there has been much confusion over this issue, and quotes the noted
Charles Carter's statement that more rubbish has been written about this
subject than any other branch of astrology, which is probably, in itself, an
As an illustration, Campion mentions an interesting
synchronicity that occurred in 1962 involving a nineteenth-century French hoaxer
and the renowned American clairvoyant
Jeanne Dixon. In the 1890's
Gabriel Jogand, primarily to agitate superstitious Catholics, deliberately
devised and publicized a myth that the Antichrist was going to be born in 1962.
On the projected day seventy years later,
Jeanne Dixon had a vision
that somewhere in the Middle East a baby had been born who would become a world
teacher and lead humanity away from Christianity...an accurate definition of the
Antichrist and also as a symbol
of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
Campion constructed the horoscope computed from Dixon's
estimated time and transposed it to Jerusalem and discovered that there had been
a Solar Eclipse on the previous day when all of the traditional seven planets
were in the sign of Aquarius. This is an interesting possibility for the
entrance of the Age of Aquarius, but was not accompanied by an significant world
events which would justify such a selection. This is also true of the majority
of dates previously set for this momentous entrance...although enticing, they
have not been persuasively connected with any major world events which would
justify their claims. However, it could be reasons that the entrance into the
Age of Aquarius is an inner, rather than an outer transformation, which could be
the case.
Many of the following proposed dates for the transition into the
New Age of Aquarius are symbolic rather than astronomical or astrological, based
as they are on intuitive datum points or perceived transitions.
Among the more obvious suggestions for the beginning of the Age
of Aquarius are the following:
1898: According to Hindu chronology, the
Yuga (Age of Iron) began in the year
3102 BC. As the yuga has a
duration of 5000 years, its end occurred in 1898.
Aleister Crowley in the
Book of the Law,
dictated to him by a discarnate Egyptian entity, proposed April 1904 in Cairo.
When the channeling occurred, as the beginning of the New Aeon ruled by
Horus, the solar god
of ancient Egypt.
From Astro-Databank
Name |
born on |
5 February 1962 at 07:07 (= 07:07 AM )
Place |
Tel El Amarna, Egypt, 27n45, 31e00
Timezone |
EET h2e (is standard time) |
Data source |
Astrology data |
18°49 Asc.
22°47' |
Divine figure prophesied by Dixon to bring catastrophes, "A
propagator of a doctrine of such persuasive appeal that it will
spread like wildfire, eventually precipitating a catastrophe of
considerable magnitude."
In Lorne McConnell's book "There Shall be Signs and You Shall
Know," L/D/M Press, Canada, 1999, he uses an earlier date,
February 3, 1962, and identifies key dates in the life of the
Anti-Christ, as follows:
3/15/1999, named leader of the European Union.
3/19/1999, coronation.
8/11/1999, disruptive change throughout the world, chaos.
5/05/2000, war.
12/25/2000, end of conflict.
4/29/2004, Israel loses control of Jerusalem.
6/13/2004, Israel loses further control.
6/22/2004, Anti-Christ suffers a disastrous head wound.
6/25/2004, recovers.
12/24/2007, birth of a king at 3:17 AM LT in Jerusalem.
Source Notes
Astrology Quarterly Summer/1971 quotes Jeanne Dixon in "My
Life and Prophesies," with a birth place given as "somewhere in
the near east" and a time of "just after 7:00 AM." a later
magazine stated the place as Tel El Amarna and gave the time as
7:07 AM EST calculated for Washington, D.C.
(L&L for Tel El Amarna approximate)
- Notable : Book Collection : Occult/ Misc. Collection
- Vocation : Religion : Spiritual Leader/ Guru
(Anti-Christ, according to Dixon)
- Traits : Personality : Liar/ Fraud (Inaccurate
7-29-90 Dream by TM - I was with a man and he pointed out a
young boy who seemed to have blonde hair. The hair changed to short black hair.
I was told that the boy was the Anti-Christ. I looked at the boy and saw a
passionless stare. His dark eyes looked through you. I made the statement that
this boy, the Anti-Christ was a direct descendant of Akhenaton and Queen
Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt. Wherever I went the boy followed and would watch and
seem to consume whatever I was doing or saying. Increasingly, with his presence
I sensed danger, life threatening danger. He never smiled but was extremely
intense. As I moved about and coming in contact with people I attempted to warn
them of the Anti-Christ. I came upon a group of people, one of which was a
Catholic Priest. Again I attempted to warn the Priest and others not to come
under the influence of the Anti-Christ. The Priest remained unmoved by my pleas
or warnings. Others in the group seemed also to be oblivious to the spiritual
danger that was to be potentially threatening from the boy. While this dream
continued a sense of turbulence surrounded and emanated from the Anti-Christ boy
in ever-increasing strength as the sense of danger grew. (This was symbolized
and simultaneously experienced by a strong thunderstorm actually going on in the
physical). Finally, I saw a giant antenna being erected. It was very, very tall.
This meant world-wide communication that would be used by the Anti-Christ. At
the precise moment of the dream realization of the Anti-Christ's worldwide impact
I also thought that death to myself could be a possibility for being a witness
to the truth, lightening struck in the physical so close, it must have struck my
own house.
12-12-90 Meditation:
Q. Please tell me about the Anti-Christ
A. Voice said, "St. Paul wrote about our future."
Q. Is there a reason we should be afraid of something
coming from the area of the North Star?
A. Voice said, "No! From the East and the West."
Q. Is there a UFO coming from the North Star?
A. Voice said, "Yes! It is."
I saw a bunch of policemen investigating all the people who
were around me to make sure they were okay. I also saw a woman being put into a
45 year exile and she is 40 years old. It has something to do with the
I saw a man on a stage call a blonde haired woman up on the
stage with him. He led her past a baby grand piano. He told her, "I want you to
slay my wife". The blonde woman went over to the far side of the stage where the
man's wife sat and bent down and kissed her on the cheek.
I then saw seven entities or Masters standing in a row. The
one on the far right (my left) said, "This is something terrible".
NOTE: REV 12:12 - Rejoice, O heavens! You citizens of
heaven, rejoice! Be glad! But woe to you people of the world, for the devil has
come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.
12:13 And when the Dragon found himself cast down to earth,
he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the child.
3-8-91 Meditation: This was a general meditation. The visions were
continuous and flowed like a dream.
A woman appeared and asked why I hadn't called her. A door on the right
opened and I saw a brilliant white light on the ceiling. I walked inside. In the
room were 4 single beds, one on each wall. There were also four men there, one
assigned to each bed. I decided to sit on the bed right by the door. The man
assigned to that bed, reached under the bed and pulled out a baby which was a
year or less old. He placed the baby on the bed with me. He said, "Here is the
Savior - The Champion!'
The men in the room were roughly dressed, swarthy types, like blue
collar workers.
Another woman appeared. She was dark skinned like an Indian from India.
I asked her when the child was born. She was very upset and didn't want to tell
I then saw a curtained contraption hanging from floor to ceiling. It was
for room 308. The curtain opened from floor to ceiling. One of the workmen
entered the livingroom and said, "I see trouble here."
I made the man take the woman to the front door and put her out on the
porch. I said, "If she doesn't want to cooperate, then she can leave." I told
him to tell her, "There is no room in the Inn."
I told the man to tell the baby that, "We're never going to give him
I told the man that they should not expect the Second Coming of Jesus to
be a rough looking derelict.
I told the man, "The world will rock with surprise when they find out
who the Anti-Christ is."
The man began talking about the Christ. He said, "He is definitely a son
of the Southern Conventionalists."
3-8-91 Meditation: This was a special meditation to follow
up on what I had received earlier that day.
Q. Concerning my meditation earlier regarding Jesus and the
Anti-Christ...is it the truth or is this just a test?
A. A man came and said, "You are not getting anywhere and I
can see why. You should be calling Babaji." I could see a couple other people
standing there. He said again, "Yes! You must call him."
Q. I called Babaji and said, "Without you we are nothing."
I asked Babaji to review everything that had been given to me so far, to see if
everything is all right.
A. He said, "You must put aside one tooth for what you are
about to receive." I saw a mouth close up with all the teeth. He said, "We must
rename you. We will call you Terri."
Q. Was the information I received about Jesus and the
Anti-Christ correct?
A. Babaji said, "You have a psychologist tell you one thing
and I tell you another. Yes! It was all right."
Q. What about Deuteronomy, Chap. 18: 8 - l3 ?
A. A voice said, "There are many, many gifts. I'll tell you
what. I'm not going to go into it right now. I'll tell you what. You catch all
these prime ministers and authors and you tell them what the truth really is."
I saw a little girl standing in front of me waiting for me
to tell her what I knew. Her mother doesn't want her to bother me, but she wants
to know.
I saw an open Bible. I wanted to turn the page over, but it
was stapled down and I had to turn it back to where it was.
Deuteronomy Chap: 18: 8 - 13: "No Israeli may practice
black magic, or call on the evil spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be
a serpent charmer, medium, or wizard, or call forth the spirits of the dead.
Anyone doing these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord, and it
is because the nations do these things that the Lord God will displace them. You
must walk blamelessly before the Lord your God.
3-15-91 - Meditation: I never accept what the voices give
me without challenging them, questioning them. Thus I did this meditation to get
answers. These answers might be wrong too. Take nothing as etched in stone.
Babaji said, "It's been so long."
Q. Has the Christ child been born again?
A. Babaji said, "He most assuredly has."
Q. Where was he born?
A. Adam-Mashic - an Ethiopian town.
Q. Yesterday I was told that the Christ child was born in
Israel. Is this correct?
A. Babaji said, "On the border."
Q. I saw the Christ child with red curly hair. Is this
A. Babaji said, "Yes indeed."
Q. What is my part in this?
A. Babaji said, "You will keep tabs on his growth."
Q. The woman looked like she was an Indian. What
nationality was she?
A. Babaji said, "Ethiopian."
Q. Isn't the Anti-Christ of the most consequence right
A. Babaji said, "Yes indeed."
Q. Is he already in an important office?
A. Babaji said, "Yes, He is."
Q. Yesterday I was told that the Christ child has Jewish
A. Babaji said, "Yes! Ethiopian Jew."
The next morning I meditated on the same subject and asked
the same questions.
Q. Has the Christ child been born?
A. Babaji said, "Every morning you look on the calendar and
count back."
Q. Count back to what?
A. Babaji said, "The day of conception."
Q. When was the day of conception?
A. Babaji said, "When the moon struck the harmony with the
Q. When was that?
A. Babaji said, "At the last conjunction."
Q. What country was he born in?
A. Babaji said, "For the love of human kind he was born on
the borderland. He does not want to be known as a particular race, creed, color,
or nationality."
Q. What are his parents?
A. Babaji said, "His parents are good people of Jewish
extraction of the common line."
Q. I said, "If I cannot be correct, I'd rather get
A. Babaji said, "That is agreeable."
Q. I was told that the Christ child was born in Israel.
A. Babaji said, "On the borderline. His parents are very
quiet and subdued.
9-18-89 - Meditation: Q. When will the Anti Christ come to
A. September 21, 1991. I then saw a picture of him. He
appeared to be a small man, wearing a white short sleeved shirt that looked
sweaty and wrinkled.
10-4-89 - Meditation: Q. "Master, what do you know about
the Anti-Christ?"
A. "He is poor. He will come to power in 1991 in a coup. He
is an officer in the army. He is not Christian. He has a beautiful, darker
skinned wife who dresses modern.
( I then saw the woman with a brown dress with a double row
of buttons down the front. Her hair was black and worn piled on her head towards
the back.)
10-5-89 - Meditation: Q. "Master, why did the information
you gave to me last night differ so much with the information you gave to
someone else several years ago.?"
A. "I lied to you because I felt that you were trying to
usurp my power."
10-5-89 - Meditation: Q. "Master, why would you lie to me?"
A. "You aren't supposed to know anything about the
Q. "Master, there should never be any lies in mastership."
A. "When you saw the lady in brown, it should have showed
me that it was false because the feet weren't shown."
Q. "I can't see your feet now either."
I saw a woman with feet and high heeled shoes. The body was
slim but I couldn't see the head.
Q. "I want to see the head and body too."
A. "You saw my face yesterday."
I recalled seeing a fat face the day before.
Q. "I am trying to trying to help people who want to know
about the Anti-Christ now." (I couldn't recall her answer)
3-8-91 Meditation: This was a general meditation. The visions were
continuous and flowed like a dream.
A woman appeared and asked why I hadn't called her. A door on the right
opened and I saw a brilliant white light on the ceiling. I walked inside. In the
room were 4 single beds, one on each wall. There were also four men there, one
assigned to each bed. I decided to sit on the bed right by the door. The man
assigned to that bed, reached under the bed and pulled out a baby which was a
year or less old. He placed the baby on the bed with me. He said, "Here is the
Savior - The Champion!'
The men in the room were roughly dressed, swarthy types, like blue collar
Another woman appeared. She was dark skinned like an Indian from India. I
asked her when the child was born. She was very upset and didn't want to tell
me. I then saw a curtained contraption hanging from floor to ceiling. It was for
room 308. The curtain opened from floor to ceiling. One of the workmen entered
the livingroom and said, "I see trouble here."
I made the man take the woman to the front door and put her out on the
porch. I said, "If she doesn't want to cooperate, then she can leave." I told
him to tell her, "There is no room in the Inn."
I told the man to tell the baby that, "We're never going to give him up."
I told the man that they should not expect the Second Coming of Jesus to
be a rough looking derelict.
I told the man, "The world will rock with surprise when they find out who
the Anti-Christ is."
The man began talking about the Christ. He said, "He is definitely a son
of the Southern Conventionalists."
June 13, 1994 - Dream
A spiritual leader (or proclaimed to be one) was speaking of oneness to the
people of the world and how we were all part of it (one). Then he turned into
this giant serpent-like creature and was going to destroy us.
Immediately, I was on the back of a dragon-like creature. The serpent
said he was more powerful than the last time we met (?), and it was getting
ready to breath a destructive substance on us, but the dragon breathed a
defensive substance against it, and nothing happened. Maybe this is the
anti-Christ (?) - maybe he will speak of oneness to deceive people and then
expose his true self (?).
by anonymous
March 3, 1996 - Dream
I was in a somewhat darkened building on an upper floor. Someone
informed me that I was to become the Anti-Christ. Upon receiving this
impression, I became very agitated with the realization that being the
Anti-Christ was the anti-thesis of everything that Christ represented. This
perception of being Anti-Christ was very troubling and that state of
consciousness remained with me for the entire dream experience.
I thought clearly of references to the Anti-Christ in the Bible's book
of Revelation. One could readily sense the spiritual damage the Anti-Christ
would sow among man. I even dwelt upon a past Anti-Christ that existed 2,000
years ago. He became the most hated, reviled and despised human being in
history. The entire thought of Anti-Christ and it's meaning was overpowering.
From the higher level of the building, I descended some wooden stairs to
the first floor. The first floor seemed to be located in the South or Southwest
corner of 72nd and Greenfield (near the AC headquarters - the spiritual work
center for me) 72 = 7 + 2 = 9
D.F. came to me at the 72nd and Greenfield location and asked for a
charge number that would be used for all work associated with Anti-Christ
activities. D.F. was going to be a full participant for these activities. She
was requested that at the very least she should provide the charge number
representing some good, i.e. 3, 7, or 9, not 4, 6, or 8.
Note, although D.F. had re-question the charge number, she was actually
going to provide it.
Further, to asking for a "good number" D.F. was advised that the 1996
was 7.
(1+9+9+6 or 1+15=1+6=7)
D.F. was using the dates 4/29/1996 and 4/30/1996 to obtain the charge
(4/30/96 = 7=7=14 = 5 and 4/29/96 = 4+2+7 =4)
The reason for wanting "good numbers" was to counteract the overwhelming
negativity associated with Anti-Christ activities.
I am not aware of what the final number was to be used.
Lastly, someone other than D.F. advised me or the impression entered my
mind that the Anti-Christ activities would last for three years. Using the
figure 3 and adding it to the year 1997, the resulting year was going to be the
year 2000 AD. Thinking this over, I realized that the period of time, 1997
through to the year 2000 AD was correct.
With the understanding of the time spanning 3 years, someone again
(unknown) informed me or intuitively the thought entered my mind that the
Anti-Christ activities would be miracles, healing, teaching, etc. so as to
mislead the people.
EOD (Note: It is one thing to BE the Anti-Christ and it is another thing
to be thought of AS the Anti-Christ)
by anonymous
9 Sep 96: "It was something doing with the Anti-Christ
appearing or working in Bosnia. Conflicts in Israel and Iraq were being used as
distractions to the real threat in Bosnia." EOD.
by anonymous
by other people
June 13, 1994 - Dream
A spiritual leader (or proclaimed to be one) was speaking of oneness to the
people of the world and how we were all part of it (one). Then he turned into
this giant serpent-like creature and was going to destroy us.
Immediately, I was on the back of a dragon-like creature. The serpent
said he was more powerful than the last time we met (?), and it was getting
ready to breath a destructive substance on us, but the dragon breathed a
defensive substance against it, and nothing happened. Maybe this is the
anti-Christ (?) - maybe he will speak of oneness to deceive people and then
expose his true self (?).
by anonymous
March 3, 1996 - Dream
I was in a somewhat darkened building on an upper floor. Someone
informed me that I was to become the Anti-Christ. Upon receiving this
impression, I became very agitated with the realization that being the
Anti-Christ was the anti-thesis of everything that Christ represented. This
perception of being Anti-Christ was very troubling and that state of
consciousness remained with me for the entire dream experience.
I thought clearly of references to the Anti-Christ in the Bible's
book of Revelation. One could readily sense the spiritual damage the Anti-Christ
would sow among man. I even dwelt upon a past Anti-Christ that existed 2,000
years ago. He became the most hated, reviled and despised human being in
history. The entire thought of Anti-Christ and it's meaning was overpowering.
From the higher level of the building, I descended some wooden stairs
to the first floor. The first floor seemed to be located in the South or
Southwest corner of 72nd and Greenfield (near the AC headquarters - the
spiritual work center for me) 72 = 7 + 2 = 9
D.F. came to me at the 72nd and Greenfield location and asked for a
charge number that would be used for all work associated with Anti-Christ
activities. D.F. was going to be a full participant for these activities. She
was requested that at the very least she should provide the charge number
representing some good, i.e. 3, 7, or 9, not 4, 6, or 8.
Note, although D.F. had re-question the charge number, she was
actually going to provide it.
Further, to asking for a "good number" D.F. was advised that the 1996
was 7.
(1+9+9+6 or 1+15=1+6=7)
D.F. was using the dates 4/29/1996 and 4/30/1996 to obtain the charge
(4/30/96 = 7=7=14 = 5 and 4/29/96 = 4+2+7 =4)
The reason for wanting "good numbers" was to counteract the
overwhelming negativity associated with Anti-Christ activities.
I am not aware of what the final number was to be used.
Lastly, someone other than D.F. advised me or the impression entered
my mind that the Anti-Christ activities would last for three years. Using the
figure 3 and adding it to the year 1997, the resulting year was going to be the
year 2000 AD. Thinking this over, I realized that the period of time, 1997
through to the year 2000 AD was correct.
With the understanding of the time spanning 3 years, someone again
(unknown) informed me or intuitively the thought entered my mind that the
Anti-Christ activities would be miracles, healing, teaching, etc. so as to
mislead the people.
EOD (Note: It is one thing to BE the Anti-Christ and it is another
thing to be thought of AS the Anti-Christ)
by anonymous
We are living in the days of the Anti-Christ - but he will
not win. He is as doomed to death as the rest of us - but sooner. He'll get
his before we will.
He is under the Tecumseh curse. See the new dream I just
posted on this page yesterday.
Bryon Smith <dream-link@dream-link.org> wrote:
The Anti-Christ 11/4/2004 8:28:38 AM
I was with several others seated on a patio behind a house overlooking a
beautiful lake. The patio had several round tables on it and some of the
tables had typewriters on them. There was a man talking to us and I took him
to be our teacher. He was talking to us like he was trying to teach us
something. A young woman typed something then quickly pulled the paper from
her computer and hid it. The teacher wanted to know what she had typed but
she would not say. Everyone was curious. The teacher decided it was her
right to keep information from us. I watched her and she began to cry. I
said “If the message was that important it is good that we should all know
what she wrote.” The others agreed. The young woman got up and began walking
among us as she cried. Then I saw she was very much with child when she came
near me. I reached up and put my hand on her belly. I told her we should
know what she wrote. It became clear these things that were being written
were messages people were receiving in dreams and in visions and night
visions. She had received a message and she typed it up but didn’t like what
she had seen or typed.
The teacher went to his desk and she followed then sat upon his lap. The
typewriter on his desk began to type by itself. I got up and stood at the
desk watching. In a moment it was done. I pulled the paper from it. It was
about two inches from top to bottom, but a full page width wide. I turned it
over and read. There in bold italics it read “anti-Christ.” I read the words
out loud then as I sat back down again I handed the paper to the guy on my
left. The woman continued to cry. Then she said “I saw the burning
buildings.” And I said “I know, I saw them to. I have been seeing them for
sometime now and when I saw them I also said it is the work of the
High level prophetic warning dream.
Bryon Smith
I then went to a meeting room that was large and had only
men in it.
I sat at the back with a man with a large mustache. He
matched the Jewish man with the large black mustache I had seen in a
previous dream behind a window.
The men were reading verses about God on a double paged
bright red pamphlet. The first sentence on the page said, "The men who walk
with God - and that was followed by a long sentence about money.
The last verse on the page was also complicated and
started off "Whoever walks with God - and that sentence was also about
I told the man I was going to write that down, so he read
it to me again.
Neither of the verses had a Bible reference on them.
Both were about men's talk with God
NOTES: google had no verses nor even statements about 'men
who walk with God.
google has no verses like the second statement either nor any other versions
of it:
5-26-11 DREAMS X 5 I was at home in my apartment late at night, and the phone
gave a strange ring, and I answered it with 'Hello!" and the woman on the other
end was looking for a cleaning service to help out some men who needed someone
to clean a machine she called a SONAGRAM or SONATRIM or something like that.
I told her I didn't do that service, but she said it was just like a vacuum
cleaner, and I had one of those with a hose on it, and that's basically all
it was.
While she was talking, a window opened up and I was lookiing at two East
Indian or Arab type men with black hair, the older, taller man with black hair and
black eyes, with a beard and mustache well trimmed. He was standing in
front of
a podium with a religious symbol on it similar to a Star of David
and the younger man was standing by a desk closer to me.
The younger man looked at me with his pitch black eyes, and in my heart, I
said, Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God. his eyes were so black I knew he could see into my soul and
I into his, and it was the kind of look you would be willing to die for if he
loved you. It was that incredible, but I knew he was too young for me.
He seemed to be in his 30's and the older man was more like in his 50's, but still with
pitch black hair and eyes.
6-12-11 - DREAM - I was working in an office
that was divided in half in such a way that I came in through the front
door, and the other office, the employees came in through the back
door.. A lengthy bookcase was the dividing line. The back
half of the office was evidently a different company from mine..
I was aware that there were problems in that office
as piles of things were falling down, and the accountant's office girl
had stacks and stacks of check books at her feet.
I noticed that my own spiritual teacher worked in
that office and I could see him glancing at me over the bookcase.
I was quite happy to see him there.
I stood up to ask if there was something I could
help with because it worried me that things in their office were falling
down, and they assured me that they could handle it.
I told them that if they had books to sell, that I
collected old books.
One dark eyed, dark haired man on one end of the
office said he had a book about air flight or aeronautics (not certain
of the word he used)
A few minutes later, that dark eyed, dark haired
man came into my office with another man and an older woman needing to
look in my old dictionaries and encyclopedias, needing to look up an
ancient country called An UR. I showed him which
dictionary it would be in - a huge green dictionary which had
ancient maps in it, and I showed him where in the book he could find
He said, "It all started in AN UR!"
I then let him and his companions to their
At that time I started to do a web page about the time of UR and what happened then, but for some reason I didn't like the direction the page took and I stopped working on it then. It's still not done.
Now that I saw the DVD that Dolores Cannon did about the Anti-Christ I can see
where I went wrong with my thinking on who the man was that I was so emotionally
crying out OH MY GOD at. It takes on a whole other connotation completely.
I had had many discussions about that man with a good friend of mine and she had
a whole different outlook on these two dreams than I did, and because I didn't
have a frame of reference for the two dreams, I rather went along with her
interpretation. Obviously we were both wrong.
1-13-12 - DREAM - I was in a small theatre and two men (who I
identified last night and placed a link at the bottom on this page:
They were standing on some risers with a bunch of four letter code words
lined up in front of them. Each word was not really a word, but a bunch of
letters on a card, but each one had only four letters. The only one I can
remember is W E B E .
DREAM 2 - I was walking on a narrow city street, and these same two men
came up to me and greeted me like I was an old treasured friend. Just then
a horse drawn covered black carriage came along. The door opened and I was
introduced to a group of fancy dressed little girls about four years old.
All these men and girls were dressed in winter coats so apparently it was winter
The little girls wanted to share their toys with me, that looked like they
were all made of light grey horse hair just like the horse that pulled the
carriage. The stuffed animals were like teddy bears, but not soft and
cuddly like our kids would have. They were stiff and probably stuffed with
horse hair as well. But the little girls loved them and I was honored to
have them share their toys with me.
NOTE: I noticed that the birth date is close to but not the same as the
dates published as the anti-Christ's birth date, but that can mean one of two
things or that I'm wrong, but either the psychics are wrong, OR the birth date
of this man was changed to throw off followers or watchers for this particular
date to be used as accusatory.
W E B E is a radio station in Stamford, CT on FM for adult music.
There are other compies using the same letters, but not all capital letters.
The horse drawn carriage in the dream with the pale grey horse might be the
'pale' horse from the book of Revelation.
NOTE: I started researching the birth date of Feb. 4, 1962 and found no
ready-made astrology chart for that date, but found some other comments.
Pastor. Steve Wohlberg’s presentation of the Antichrist series fascinating. He
makes a distinction of the person and the office of the Antichrist; the papacy
being the seat of the antichrist of Scripture. To understand the subject more
better we need to understand the word anti Christ. Anti, being opposed against
false claims and they being many. The Apostle John the Revelator said that we
should count the number of its name because it is the number of a man. Who in
history has an inscription written on its crown VICARIUS FIlII DEI meaning vicar
of the son of God. V=5 I=1 C=100 I=1 U=NO VALUE S=NO VALUE F=NO VALUE I=1 L=NO
VALUE I=1 I=1 D=500 E=NO VALUE I=1 TOTAL=666. What about the ten divisions of
the roman empire(ten toes of the great statue whose head was made of gold chest
of silver stomach hip of bronze feet of iron and toes made of iron and clay in
the book of Daniel. Sir Isaac Newton wrote a treatise describing these ten
divisions of the roman empire as the ten kingdoms of Europe[check this out
Teachinghearts.org]. I believe that not all popes have been bad although almost
all have been. How about Pope John Paul I[interesting also is what is written on
his crown it doesn't bear the triple tiara at least this is according to an
American author].
The term or title antichrist, in Christian theology, refers to a
leader who fulfills Biblical prophecies concerning an adversary of
Christ, while resembling him in a deceptive manner. The antichrist will
seemingly provide for the needs of the people but deny them ultimate
The term "antichrist" appears five times in
John and
John of the New Testament — once in plural form and four times in the
The Apostle Paul's
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, in particular the 2nd chapter,
summarizes the nature, work, coming, and revelation of the "Man
of Sin"—a passage often regarded as referring to same person as the
antichrist of 1 and 2 John.Etymology
"Antichrist" is the English translation of the
Greek ἀντίχριστος (pronounced
[anˈtikʰristos]). It is made up of two
αντί +
Χριστός (anti + Christos). "Αντί" can mean not only “against” and “opposite
of”, but also “in place of",[2]
"Χριστός", translated "Christ",
is Greek for the Hebrew "Messiah"
meaning "anointed,"
and refers to Jesus of Nazareth[3]
Islamic and
Messianic Jewish theology.
New Testament
The words antichrist and antichrists appear four times in the
First and
Second Epistle of John.[4][5][6][7]
The word is not capitalized in most English translations of the Bible, including
the original
King James Version. 1 John chapter 2 refers to many antichrists present at
the time while warning of one Antichrist that is coming.[8]
The "many antichrists" belong to the same spirit as that of the one Antichrist.[6][8]
John wrote that such antichrists "den[y] that Jesus is the Christ", "den[y] the
Father and the Son", and would "not confess Jesus came in the flesh": a probable
reference to the
Docetic view that Jesus was not human, but only a
Related concepts
Some commentators, both ancient and modern, identify the
Man of Sin
in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 as the Antichrist, even though they vary greatly in
who they view the Antichrist to be.[9]
They argue that Paul uses the term "Man of Sin" (sometimes translated
son of perdition or man of
lawlessness) to describe what John identifies as the Antichrist.[10]
Paul writes that this Man of Sin will possess a number of characteristics.
These include "sitting in the temple", opposing himself against anything that is
worshiped, claiming divine authority,[11]
working all kinds of counterfeit miracles and signs,[12]
and doing all kinds of evil.[13]
Paul notes that "the mystery of lawlessness"[14]
(though not the Man of Sin himself) was working in secret already during his day
and will continue to function until being destroyed on the
Last Day.[15]
His identity is to be revealed after that which is restraining him is removed.[15][16]
The term is also sometimes applied to prophecies regarding a "Little horn"
power in Daniel
Daniel 9:27 mentions an "abomination
that causes desolations" setting itself up in a "wing" or a "pinnacle" of
the temple.[18]
Some scholars interpret this as referring to the Antichrist.[19]
Some commentators also view the verses prior to this as referring to the
Jesus references the abomination from Daniel 9:27 in Matthew 24:15 and Mark
when he warns about the destruction of Jerusalem. Daniel 11:36-37[22]
speaks of a self exalting king, considered by some to be the Antichrist.[23]
Other entities
Bernard McGinn described multiple traditions detailing the relationship
between the Antichrist and
Satan. In the
dualist approach, Satan will become incarnate in the Antichrist, just as
God became incarnate in Jesus. However, in
Christian thought, this view was problematic because it was too similar to
Christ's incarnation. Instead, the "indwelling" view became more accepted. It
stipulates that the Antichrist is a human figure inhabited by Satan, since the
latter’s power is not to be seen as equivalent to God’s.[24]
Several American evangelical and fundamentalist theologians, including
Cyrus Scofield, have identified the Antichrist as being in league with (or
the same as) several figures in the
Book of Revelation including the Dragon (or
Serpent), the
Beast, the
False Prophet, and the
Whore of Babylon.[25]
Others, for example, Rob Bell, reject the identification of the Antichrist with
any one person or group. They believe a loving Christ would not view anyone as
an enemy.[26]
Technically seen the antichrist is John's prophecy of an other religion that
would spring up out of the old one, exactly and explicitly negating what Christ
in the perception of Christians is.
As John said: He who does not believe Christ came into the flesh as
Son of God,
is the antichrist.
Jewish antecedents
Anti-messiahs are referred to in some Jewish writings in the period 500 BC–50
AD, and this is thought to be the precursor of the concept of the Antichrist in
Christian writing. Bernard McGinn conjectures that the concept may have been
generated by the frustration of Jews subject to often-capricious Seleucid or
Roman rule, who found the nebulous Jewish idea of a Satan who is more of an
opposing angel of God in the
heavenly court insufficiently humanized and personalized to be a
satisfactory incarnation of evil and threat.[24]
Armilus is
an anti-messiah figure from late period
Jewish eschatology. He is described as bald, partially maimed, and partially
Early Church
(ca. 69 – ca. 155) warned the Philippians that everyone that preached false
doctrine was an antichrist.[28]
(2nd century AD – c. 202) held that Rome, the fourth prophetic kingdom, would
end in a tenfold partition. The ten divisions of the empire are the "ten horns"
of Daniel 7 and the "ten horns" in Revelation 17. A "little horn," which is to
supplant three of Rome's ten divisions, is also the still future "eighth" in
Irenaeus identified the Antichrist with Paul's Man of Sin, Daniel's Little
Horn, and John's Beast of Revelation 13.[31]
He sought to apply other expressions to Antichrist, such as "the abomination of
desolation," mentioned by Christ (Matt. 24:15) and the "king of a most fierce
countenance," in Gabriel's explanation of the Little Horn of Daniel 8.[32][33]
Under the notion that the Antichrist, as a single individual, might be of
Jewish origin, Irenaeus fancies that the mention of "Dan,"
in Jeremiah 8:16, and the omission of that name from those tribes listed in
Revelation 7, might indicate Antichrist's tribe.[34]
He also speculated that it was “very probable” the Antichrist might be called
Lateinos, which is Greek for “Latin Man”.[35]
Tertullian (ca.160 – ca.220 AD) held that the
Empire was the restraining force written about by Paul in 2 Thessalonians
2:7-8. The fall of Rome and the disintegration of the ten provinces of the Roman
Empire into ten kingdoms were to make way for the Antichrist.
'For that day shall not come, unless indeed there first come a falling
away,' he [Paul] means indeed of this present empire, 'and that man of sin
be revealed,' that is to say, Antichrist, 'the son of perdition, who
opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or religion; so
that he sitteth in the temple of God, affirming that he is God. Remember ye
not, that when I was with you, I used to tell you these things? And now ye
know what detaineth, that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery
of iniquity doth already work; only he who now hinders must hinder, until he
be taken out of the way.' What obstacles is there but the Roman state, the
falling away of which, by being scattered into the ten kingdoms, shall
introduce Antichrist upon (its own ruins)? And then shall be revealed the
wicked one, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and
shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: even him whose coming is
after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders,
and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.'[36]
Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 236) held that the Antichrist would come from
tribe of Dan and would
the Jewish temple in order to reign from it. He identified the Antichrist
with the Beast out of the Earth from the book of Revelation.
By the beast, then, coming up out of the earth, he means the kingdom of
Antichrist; and by the two horns he means him and the false prophet after
him. And in speaking of “the horns being like a lamb,” he means that he will
make himself like the Son of God, and set himself forward as king. And the
terms, “he spake like a dragon,” mean that he is a deceiver, and not
(185–254) refuted
Celsus's view of the Antichrist. Origen utilized Scriptural citations from
Daniel, Paul, and the Gospels. He argued:
Where is the absurdity, then, in holding that there exist among men, so
to speak, two extremes-- the one of virtue, and the other of its opposite;
so that the perfection of virtue dwells in the man who realizes the ideal
given in Jesus, from whom there flowed to the human race so great a
conversion, and healing, and
amelioration, while the opposite extreme is in the man who embodies the
notion of him that is named Antichrist?... one of these extremes, and the
best of the two, should be styled the Son of God, on account of His
pre-eminence; and the other, who is diametrically opposite, be termed the
son of the wicked demon, and of Satan, and of the devil. And, in the next
place, since evil is specially characterized by its diffusion, and attains
its greatest height when it simulates the appearance of the good, for that
reason are signs, and marvels, and lying miracles found to accompany evil,
through the cooperation of its father the devil.[38]
Post-Nicene Christianity
Athanasius (c. 293 – 373), writes that
Arius of
Alexandria is to be associated with the Antichrist, saying, “And ever since [the
Council of Nicaea] has Arius's error been reckoned for a heresy more than
ordinary, being known as Christ's foe, and harbinger of Antichrist.”[39]
John Chrysostom (c. 347–407) warned against speculations and old wives'
tales about the Antichrist, saying, “Let us not therefore enquire into these
things”. He preached that by knowing Paul's description of the Antichrist in 2
Thessalonians Christians would avoid deception.[40]
Jerome (c.
347-420) warned that those substituting false interpretations for the actual
meaning of Scripture belonged to the “synagogue of the Antichrist”.[41]
“He that is not of Christ is of Antichrist,” he wrote to
Pope Damasus I.[42]
He believed that “the mystery of iniquity” written about by Paul in 2
Thessalonians 2:7 was already in action when “every one chatters about his
To Jerome, the power restraining this mystery of iniquity was the Roman Empire,
but as it fell this restraining force was removed. He warned a noble woman of
“He that letteth is taken out of the way, and yet we do not realize that
Antichrist is near. Yes, Antichrist is near whom the Lord Jesus Christ
“shall consume with the spirit of his mouth.” “Woe unto them,” he cries,
“that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days.”... Savage
tribes in countless numbers have overrun run all parts of Gaul. The whole
country between the Alps and the Pyrenees, between the Rhine and the Ocean,
has been laid waste by hordes of
Gepids, Hercules,
Allemanni, and—alas! for the commonweal!-- even
In his Commentary on Daniel, Jerome noted, “Let us not follow the opinion of
some commentators and suppose him to be either the Devil or some demon, but
rather, one of the human race, in whom Satan will wholly take up his residence
in bodily form.”
Instead of rebuilding the Jewish Temple to reign from, Jerome thought the
Antichrist sat in God’s Temple inasmuch as he made “himself out to be like God.”
He refuted Porphyry’s idea that the “little horn” mentioned in Daniel chapter 7
was Antiochus Epiphanes by noting that the “little horn” is defeated by an
eternal, universal ruler, right before the final judgment.
Instead, he advocated that the “little horn” was the Antichrist:
We should therefore concur with the traditional interpretation of all the
commentators of the Christian Church, that at the end of the world, when the
Roman Empire is to be destroyed, there shall be ten kings who will partition
the Roman world amongst themselves. Then an insignificant eleventh king will
arise, who will overcome three of the ten kings... after they have been
slain, the seven other kings also will bow their necks to the victor.
Circa 380, an apocalyptic pseudo-prophecy
falsely attributed to the
Tiburtine Sibyl describes Constantine as victorious over Gog and Magog.
Later on, it predicts:
When the Roman empire shall have ceased, then the Antichrist will be
openly revealed and will sit in the House of the Lord in Jerusalem. While he
is reigning, two very famous men, Elijah and Enoch, will go forth to
announce the coming of the Lord. Antichrist will kill them and after three
days they will be raised up by the Lord. Then there will be a great
persecution, such as has not been before nor shall be thereafter. The Lord
will shorten those days for the sake of the elect, and the Antichrist will
be slain by the power of God through Michael the Archangel on the Mount of
Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430) wrote “it is uncertain in what temple [the
Antichrist] shall sit, whether in that ruin of the temple which was built by
Solomon, or in the Church.”[47]
Pope Gregory I wrote to Emperor Maurice A.D. 597, concerning the titles of
bishops, “I say with confidence that whoever calls or desires to call himself
‘universal priest’ in self-exaltation of himself is a precursor of the
Archbishop Arnulf of Rheims disagreed with the policies and morals of
John XV. He expressed his views while presiding over the
Council of Reims in A.D. 991. Arnulf accused John XV of being the Antichrist
while also using the 2 Thessalonians passage about the Man of Sin, saying,
"Surely, if he is empty of charity and filled with vain knowledge and lifted up,
he is Antichrist sitting in God's temple and showing himself as God." This
incident is history's earliest record of anyone identifying a pope with the
Antichrist (See
Antichrist (historicism)).[49]
Pope Gregory VII (c. 1015 or 29 – 1085), struggled against, in his own
words, "a robber of temples, a perjurer against the Holy Roman Church, notorious
throughout the whole Roman world for the basest of crimes, namely,
Wilbert, plunderer of the holy church of Ravenna, Antichrist, and
Cardinal Benno, on the opposite side of the
Investiture Controversy, wrote long descriptions of abuses committed by
Gregory VII, including necromancy, torture of a former friend upon a bed of
nails, commissioning an attempted assassination, executions without trials,
unjust excommunication, doubting the Real Presence in the
and even burning it.[51]
Benno held that Gregory VII was “either a member of Antichrist, or Antichrist
Eberhard II von Truchsees,
Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg in 1241 at the Council of
Pope Gregory IX as "that man of perdition, whom they call Antichrist, who in
his extravagant boasting says, I am God, I cannot err."[53]
He argued that the ten kingdoms that the Antichrist is involved with[54]
were the "Turks, Greeks, Egyptians, Africans, Spaniards, French, English,
Germans, Sicilians, and Italians who now occupy the provinces of Rome."[55]
He held that the papacy was the "little horn" of Daniel 7:8:[56]
A little horn has grown up with eyes and mouth speaking great things,
which is reducing three of these kingdoms--i.e. Sicily, Italy, and
Germany--to subserviency, is persecuting the people of Christ and the saints
of God with intolerable opposition, is confounding things human and divine,
and is attempting things unutterable, execrable.[55]
Protestant reformers
Many Protestant reformers, including
Martin Luther,
Thomas Cranmer,
John Knox,
Cotton Mather, identified the Roman
Papacy as the Antichrist.[57]
The Centuriators of
a group of Lutheran scholars in Magdeburg headed by
Matthias Flacius, wrote the 12-volume "Magdeburg
Centuries" to discredit the papacy and identify the pope as the Antichrist.
The fifth round of talks in the
Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue notes,
- In calling the pope the "antichrist," the early Lutherans stood in a
tradition that reached back into the eleventh century. Not only dissidents
and heretics but even saints had called the bishop of Rome the "antichrist"
when they wished to castigate his abuse of power.[58]

Woodcut showing the Antichrist, 1498
William Tyndale, an English Protestant reformer, held that while the Roman
Catholic realms of that age were the empire of Antichrist, any religious
organization that distorted the doctrine of the Old and New Testaments also
showed the work of Antichrist. In his treatise The Parable of the Wicked
Mammon, he expressly rejected the established Church teaching that looked to
the future for an Antichrist to rise up, and he taught that Antichrist is a
present spiritual force that will be with us until the end of the age under
different religious disguises from time to time.[59]
Tyndale's translation of 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, concerning the "man of sin"
reflected his understanding, but was significantly amended by later revisers,[60]
including the
King James Bible committee, which followed the Vulgate more closely.
Old Believers
After the reforms of
Patriarch Nikon to the
Russian Orthodox Church of 1652, a large number of
Believers held that czar
Peter the Great was the Antichrist[61]
because of his treatment of the Orthodox Church, namely subordinating the church
to the state, requiring clergymen to conform to the standards of all Russian
civilians (shaved beards, being fluent in French), and requiring them to pay
state taxes.
The view of
Futurism, a product of the
Counter-Reformation, was advanced beginning in the 16th century in response
to the identification of the Papacy as Antichrist.
Francisco Ribera, a
Jesuit priest, developed this theory in In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli,
& Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentary, his 1585 treatise on the
Apocalypse of John.
St. Bellarmine codified this view, giving in full the Catholic theory set
forth by the Greek and Latin Fathers, of a personal Antichrist to come just
before the end of the world and to be accepted by the
and enthroned in the temple at
— thus endeavoring to dispose of the exposition which saw Antichrist in the
pope. Most premillennial
dispensationalists now accept Bellarmine's interpretation in modified form.[citation
needed] Widespread
Protestant identification of the Papacy as the Antichrist persisted in the
USA until the early 1900s when the
Scofield Reference Bible was published by
Cyrus Scofield. This commentary promoted Futurism, causing a decline in the
Protestant identification of the Papacy as Antichrist.
Some US Futurists hold that sometime prior to the expected
return of Jesus, there will be a period of "great tribulation"[62]
during which the Antichrist, indwelt and controlled by
Satan, will
attempt to win supporters with false peace, supernatural signs. He will silence
all that defy him by refusing to "receive his mark" on their right hands or
forehead. This "mark" will be required to legally partake in the end-time
economic system.[63]
Some Futurists believe that the Antichrist will be assassinated half way through
the Tribulation, being revived and indwelt by Satan. The Antichrist will
continue on for three and a half years following this "deadly wound".[64]
Bernard McGinn noted that complete denial of the Antichrist was rare until
Enlightenment. Following frequent use of "Antichrist" laden rhetoric during
religious controversies in the 17th century, the use of the concept declined in
the 18th century. Subsequent eighteenth-century efforts to cleanse Christianity
of “legendary” or “folk” accretions effectively removed the Antichrist from
discussion in mainstream Western churches.[24]
Book of Mormon
Mormonism, the term "antichrist" refers to those who deny the divinity of
Jesus Christ, deny the
Gospel, and
oppose his faith. "It is a word used by John to describe one who would assume
the guise of Christ, but in reality would be opposed to Christ (1 John 2: 18,
22; 1 John 4: 3-6; 2 John 1: 7)." In a broader sense Mormons believe that the
antichrist, "is anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of
salvation and that openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ. The
great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants both as spirit beings
and as mortals." (Book of Mormon: Jacob 7: 1-23, Alma 1: 2-16, Alma 30: 6-60)
Korihor is
directly referred to in The Book of Mormon as an anti-Christ (Alma 30:6).
Masih Ad-Dajjal (Arabic:
الدّجّال, literally "The Deceiving
Messiah"), is an evil figure in
Islamic eschatology. He is to appear pretending to be God at a time in the
future, before
Yawm al-Qiyamah (The Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day). He will travel
around the globe entering every city except
Mecca and
Medina obliging
people to believe in him as a God. Then Isa (Jesus) will descend from the sky to
the White lighthouse in eastern
Syria, placing
his hands on the backs of two angels at the time of Fajr. This will happen at
the time of the Dajjal and Isa will be the one to eventually defeat the Dajjal,
killing him with his spear. Citation needed
Ahmadiyya views
Ahmadiyya teachings interpret the prophecies regarding the appearance of the
Dajjal (Anti-Christ) and
and Magog in Islamic eschatology as foretelling the emergence of two
branches or aspects of the same turmoil and trial that was to be faced by Islam
in the latter days and that both emerged from Christianity or Christian nations.
Its Dajjal aspect relates to deception and perversion of religious belief while
its aspect to do with disturbance in the realm of politics and the shattering of
world peace has been called Gog and Magog. Thus Ahmadis consider the widespread
Christian missionary activity that was 'aggressively' active in the 18th and
19th centuries as being part of the prophesied Dajjal (Antichrist) and Gog and
Magog emerging in modern times. The emergence of the
Union and the
USA as
superpowers and the conflict between the two nations (i.e., the rivalry between
capitalism) are seen as having occurred in accordance with certain
prophecies regarding Gog and Magog.[66]
Thus, Ahmadis believe that prophecies and sayings about the Antichrist are not
to be interpreted literally. They have a deeper meanings.
Masih ad-Dajjal is then a name to given to latter day
Christianity and
the west.[67]
In the
Alice A. Bailey material,
Alice A. Bailey asserts that
War II was a cosmic conflict between
and evil. The
Masters of the Wisdom, representing the
Forces of Light, were on the side of the
Allies; the
Forces were on the side of the
According to Bailey,
Hitler was
possessed by the Dark Forces.[68]
With the defeat of the axis by the allies in 1945, the stage was set for the
appearance of
Maitreya to inaugurate the
New Age.
Alice A. Bailey's follower
Benjamin Creme claims to be the one called to prepare the way for this to
happen, and that it is possible that it could happen because Adolf Hitler was
the Anti-Christ and he was defeated in World War II.
Use in popular cu
or inverted cross, is seen by some as the symbol of Antichrist.
The term "Antichrist" is widely used through popular culture, and most
prominently in
punk subculture/a>. This trend was spurred by the
Pistols' song "Anarchy
in the UK", in which lead singer
Rotten proclaimed that he was an Antichrist. After the release of the song,
adherents of the punk culture began to use the word as a term to describe
someone who is very vulgar, crude, or rebellious. However, after Johnny Rotten's
denouncement of useless violence in his years with
Public Image Ltd, this trend began to subside with those who had used it for
the sheer sake of being "punk". It is now used in the fringe groups of
anarcho-punks and is most commonly used to describe those who practice violent
and sensational forms of anarchy. American professional wrestler
Jeff Hardy,,
for example, called himself the "Anti-Christ of professional wrestling" during
his time as the chosen
The Antichrist
Antichrist!--also described in the Bible as the "son of perdition" & the
Like Hitler, who was one of history's antichrist archetypes, he will have
great charisma & speaking ability, "a mouth speaking great things".
The Antichrist will rise to power on a wave of world euphoria, as he
temporarily saves the world from its desperate economic, military & political
problems with a brilliant 7-year plan for world peace, economic stability
& religious freedom.
The Antichrist could well rise out of the current chaos in the former Soviet
Union. The prophet Ezekiel names him as the ruler of "Magog", a name that
Biblical scholars agree denotes a country or region of peoples to the north of
Israel. Many have interpreted this to mean modern day Russia. His power base
will include the leading nations of Europe, whose leaders, the Bible says, will
"give their power & strength unto the beast."
The Bible even gives some clues about his personal characteristics. The
prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist "does not regard the desire of women."
This could imply that he is either celibate or a homosexual. Daniel also tells
us that he will have a "fierce countenance" or stern look, and will be "more
stout than his fellows"--more proud and boastful.
7-year peace-pact (or covenant) that is engineered by the Antichrist is spoken
of a number of times in the Bible, & may even have already been signed in
secret. The historic peace agreement signed between Israel & the PLO at the
White House on September 13, 1993, vividly illustrates how dramatically events
in the Middle East are presently moving in this direction.
Under the final terms of the Covenant, Jerusalem will likely be declared an
international city to which Judaism, Islam & Christianity will have equal
rights. Scripture indicates that the Jews will be permitted to rebuild their
Temple on Mt. Moriah, where they revive their ancient rituals of animal
According to prophecy the Antichrist will not only be a master of political
intrigue, but also a military genius. Daniel describes several major wars that
he fights during his 7-year reign, apparently against the U.S. & Israel, who
will oppose him during the second half of his reign.
For awhile, most of the world is going to think the Antichrist is wonderful,
as he will seem to have solved so many of the world's problems. But ,
three-and-a-half years into his seven year reign he will break the covenant &
invade Israel from the North.
At this time he will make Jerusalem his world capitol & outlaw all religions,
except the worship of himself & his image. The Bible says that the Antichrist
will sit in the Jewish Temple exalting himself as God & demanding to be
It is at this time that the Antichrist imposes his infamous "666" one-world
credit system...
compiled by Dee Finney
REV 12:12 - Rejoice, O heavens! You citizens of heaven,
rejoice! Be glad! But woe to you people of the world, for the devil has come
down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.
12:13 And when the Dragon found himself cast down to earth,
he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the child.
10-18-90 Meditation:
Q. Will the Illuminati be involved with the
A. The voice said, "I appreciate your
A. The voice said, "The Anti-Christ already is."
A. The voice said, "Yes! As much as anybody is."
Q. Will the Illuminati finance the Anti-Christ?
A. The voice said, "It already is."
Q. What country is the Anti-Christ to come
A. The voice said, "He resides in Europe."
Q. What country was the Anti-Christ born in?
A. The voice said, "You cannot know yet."
Dark Side of
Rev. Moon: Buying the Right
Dark side of
Jerry Falwell: Being bought off!
Watch FREE Moon -Sicko Video Clip
By Robert Parry
On Jan. 28, 1995, a beaming Rev. Jerry Falwell
told his Old Time Gospel Hour congregation news that seemed heaven
sent. The televangelist hailed two Virginia businessmen as financial
saviors of debt-ridden Liberty University, the fundamentalist
Christian school that Falwell had made the crown jewel of his
Religious Right empire.
"They had to borrow money, hock their houses, hock everything,"
enthused Falwell. "Thank God for friends like Dan Reber and Jimmy
Thomas." Falwell's congregation rose as one to applaud. The star of
the moment was Daniel Reber, who was standing behind Falwell. Thomas
was not present.
Reber and Thomas earned Falwell's public gratitude by excusing the
Lynchburg, Va., school of about one-half of its $73 million debt. In
the late 1980s, that flood of red ink had forced Falwell to abandon
his Moral Majority political organization and nearly drowned Liberty
University in bankruptcy.
Reber and Thomas came to Falwell's rescue in the
nick of time. Their non-profit Christian Heritage Foundation of
Forest, Va., snapped up a big chunk of Liberty's debt for $2.5
million, a fraction of its face value. Thousands of small religious
investors who had bought church construction bonds through a Texas
company were the big losers. But Falwell shed no tears. He told
local reporters that the moment was "the greatest single day of
financial advantage" in the school's history.
Left unmentioned in the happy sermon was the identity of the bigger
guardian angel who had been protecting Falwell's financial interests
-- from a distance and without publicity. That secret benefactor was
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the self-proclaimed South Korean messiah
who is controversial with many fundamentalist Christians because of
his bizarre Biblical interpretations and his brainwashing tactics
that have torn thousands of young people from their families. Moon
also has grown harshly anti-American in recent years.
Covertly, Moon helped bail out Liberty University through one of his
front groups which funneled $3.5 million to the Reber-Thomas
Christian Heritage Foundation, the non-profit that had purchased the
school's debt.
I discovered this Moon-Falwell connection while looking for
something else: how much Moon's Women's Federation for World Peace
had paid former President George Bush for a series of speeches in
Asia in 1995. I obtained the federation's Internal Revenue Service
records but discovered that Bush's undisclosed speaking fee was
buried in a line item of $13.6 million for conference expenses.
There was, however, a listing for a $3.5 million
"educational" grant to the Christian Heritage Foundation. A call to
the Virginia corporate records office confirmed that the foundation
was the one run by Reber and Thomas.
In a subsequent interview, the Women Federation's vice president
Susan Fefferman confirmed that the $3.5 million grant had gone to
"Mr. Falwell's people" for the benefit of Liberty University. "It
was Dan Reber," she said. But she could not recall much else about
the grant, even though it was by far the largest single grant
awarded by the federation that year.
For details on the grant, Fefferman referred me to Keith
Cooperrider, the federation's treasurer. Cooperrider is also the
chief financial officer of Moon's Washington Times and a
longtime Unification Church functionary. Cooperrider did not return
several phone calls seeking his comment. Falwell and Reber also
failed to respond to my calls.
Secret Meetings
The full public
record strongly suggests that Falwell solicited Moon's help in
bailing out Liberty University. In a lawsuit on file in the Circuit
Court of Bedford County -- a community in southwestern Virginia --
two of Reber's former business associates alleged that Reber and
Falwell flew to South Korea on Jan. 9, 1994, on a seven-day "secret
trip" to meet "with representatives of the Unification Church."
The court document states that Reber and Falwell were accompanied to
South Korea by Ronald S. Godwin, who had been executive director of
Falwell's Moral Majority before signing on as vice president of
Moon's Washington Times.
According to Bedford County court records, Reber, Falwell and Godwin
also had discussions at Liberty University in 1993 with Dong Moon
Joo, one of Moon's right-hand men and president of The
Washington Times. Though Reber was queried about the purposes
of the Moon-connected meetings in the court papers, he settled the
business dispute before responding to interrogatories or submitting
to a deposition. He did deny any legal wrongdoing.
But Moon's secret financial ties to Falwell raise
some sensitive political questions, particularly amid congressional
hearings on foreign money influencing U.S. politics: For instance,
did the $3.5 million from Moon's front group give Falwell the means
to become a national pitchman for "The Clinton Chronicles" and other
conspiracy-mongering videos which fingered President and Mrs.
Clinton in a wide range of serious crimes, including murder? During
the period of the Liberty bail-out, Falwell was using his expensive
TV time to hawk the videos.
When The Roanoke Times & World News interviewed Falwell
about the bail-out, the televangelist sat at his desk in front of
two life-size, full-color cutouts of Bill and Hillary Clinton, whom
he jokingly called his "advisers." The cut-outs were gifts from
Liberty staffers in recognition of Falwell's success in distributing
the Clinton-hating videos. [RT&WN, Feb. 6, 1995]
Many of those lurid right-wing conspiracy theories have since been
discredited, including allegations connecting the Clintons to the
death of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster. But the
Falwell-promoted videos did feed a Clinton scandal fever that helped
the Republicans seize control of Congress in 1994.
Moon's largesse is additionally suspect because
Moon has never publicly accounted for his mysterious source of
wealth. Much of the money apparently comes from shadowy Asian
industrialists, some with links to organized crime and fascist
political circles. But Moon has refused to open his books, even in
the late 1970s when a congressional investigation identified his
church as a front for the South Korean CIA, which was then engaged
in a secret political influence-buying scheme known as "Korea-gate."
Better than Jesus?
Falwell also might
have been shy about disclosing his alliance with Moon because the
Korean's theology upsets many Christians. Moon asserts that Satan
corrupted mankind by sexually seducing Eve in the Garden of Eden and
that only through sexual purification can mankind be saved. In line
with that doctrine, Moon says Jesus failed in his mission to save
mankind because he did not procreate.
Moon sees himself as a second messiah who will not make the same
mistake. He has engaged in sex with a variety of women over the
decades. The total number of his offspring is a point of debate
inside the Unification Church.
Moon's rhetoric has turned stridently anti-American, another problem
for the Religious Right and its strongly patriotic positions. On May
1, 1997, Moon told a group of followers that "the country that
represents Satan's harvest is America." [ Unification News,
June 1997] In other sermons, he has vowed that his victorious
movement will "digest" any American who tries to maintain his or her
individuality. He especially has criticized American women who must
"negate yourself 100 percent" to be a receptacle for the male seed.
[For details of Moon's speeches, see The Consortium, July
28, 1997]
Still, despite his controversial remarks, Moon
continues to buy friends on the American right -- as well as among
African-American religious figures -- by spreading around vast sums
of money. The totals are estimated in the billions of dollars, with
much of it targeted on political infrastructure: direct-mail
operations, video services for campaign ads, professional operatives
and right-wing media outlets.
Through The Washington Times and its affiliated
publications -- Insight magazine and The World & I
-- Moon has not only showcased conservative opinions, but he has
created seemingly legitimate conduits to funnel money to individuals
and companies he seeks to influence. In the early 1980s, for
instance, The Washington Times hired the New Right's
direct-mail whiz Richard Viguerie to conduct a pricy direct-mail
subscription drive. The business boosted Viguerie's profit margin.
Another element of Moon's strategy is to approach a conservative
leader when he's financially down. Moon quietly infuses money and
gains the leader's gratitude. Again, Viguerie is an example of that
tactic. When he fell on hard times in the late 1980s, Moon directed
more business his way and had a corporation run by Moon's
lieutenant, Bo Hi Pak, buy one of Viguerie's properties for $10
million. [ Orange County Register, Dec. 21, 1987 /
Washington Post, Oct. 15, 1989]
With Moon's timely intervention, Viguerie survived
financially and remains an important fixture in conservative
political campaigns to this day. When Iran-contra figure Oliver
North ran for the U.S. Senate in Virginia in 1994, his principal
direct-mail contractor was Viguerie's company, according to Federal
Election Commission records.
For some smaller enterprises, Moon-connected business can be a huge
percentage of total income. That was the case with Falwell's
benefactors, Dan Reber and Jimmy Thomas, who ran a small company
called Direct Mail Communications of Forest, Va. According to court
records, $5 million -- more than one-third of its income in one year
-- came from a direct-mail subscription drive for Moon's Insight
Republican Warnings
At times, Moon's
penetration of conservative ranks has raised red flags among
Republicans. In 1983, the GOP's moderate Ripon Society charged that
the New Right had entered "an alliance of expediency" with Moon's
church. Ripon's chairman, Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, released a study
which alleged that the College Republican National Committee
"solicited and received" money from Moon's Unification Church in
1981. The study also accused Reed Irvine's Accuracy in Media of
benefitting from low-cost or volunteer workers supplied by Moon.
Leach said the Unification Church has "infiltrated the New Right and
the party it [the New Right] wants to control, the Republican Party,
and infiltrated the media as well." Leach's news conference was
broken up when then-college GOP leader Grover Norquist accused Leach
of lying. (Norquist is now head of Americans for Tax Reform and a
prominent ally of House Speaker Newt Gingrich.)
For its part, The Washington Times dismissed Leach's
charges as "flummeries" and mocked the Ripon Society as a
"discredited and insignificant left-wing offshoot of the Republican
Party." [WP, Jan. 6, 1983]
Despite periodic fretting over Moon's influence, conservatives
continued to accept his deep-pocket assistance. When President
Reagan and Oliver North were scratching for support for the
Nicaraguan contras, The Washington Times established a
contra fund-raising operation. Moon's international group, CAUSA,
also dispatched operatives to Central America to assist the contras.
By the mid-1980s, Moon's Unification Church had carved out a niche
as an acceptable part of the American right. In one speech to his
followers, Moon boasted that "without knowing it, even President
Reagan is being guided by Father [Moon]."
Yet, Moon also made clear that his longer-range
goal was the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and America's
democratic form of government. "History will make the position of
Reverend Moon clear, and his enemies, the American population and
government will bow down to him," Moon said, speaking of himself in
the third person. "That is Father's tactic, the natural subjugation
of the American government and population."
As Andrew Ferguson wrote in the right-wing American Spectator,
Moon's church attracted U.S. conservatives by advocating a muscular
anti-communism. "There is little else in Unificationism that
American conservatives will find compelling," Ferguson noted --
except, of course, the money. "They're the best in town as far as
putting their money with their mouth is," one Washington-based
conservative told Ferguson. [AS, Sept. 1987]
Iran-contra Wars
Though Moon's money
sources remained shrouded in secrecy, his cash gave the right an
important edge in attacking its enemies and defending its friends.
After the Iran-contra scandal exploded in 1986, The Washington
Times and other Moon operations battled aggressively to protect
Reagan's White House and Oliver North. Godwin, the link between
Falwell's Moral Majority and Moon's Washington Times,
raised funds for North through a group called the Interamerican
Partnership, which was a fore-runner to North's own Freedom
Alliance. [ Common Cause Magazine, Fall 1993]
Another Moon-connected group, the American Freedom Coalition, also
went to bat for North. According to Andrew Leigh, who worked for a
Moon front called Global Image Associates, AFC broadcast a pro-North
video, "Ollie North: Fight for Freedom," more than 600 times on more
than 100 TV stations. Leigh quoted one AFC official as saying that
AFC received $5 million to $6 million from business interests
associated with Moon. AFC also bragged that it helped put George
Bush into the White House in 1988 by distributing 30 million pieces
of political literature. [WP, Oct. 15, 1989]
Direct Mail Communications, the firm owned by Reber and Thomas, also
aided North in building his famous mailing lists. [The firm has done
direct-mail work as well for Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the
Republican National Committee, and the National Rifle Association,
according to The Roanoke Times & World News in a story
dated Nov. 2, 1994.]
Indeed, the story of Direct Mail Communications, a small company
based in a strip-mall shopping center off Route 221 in rural Forest,
Va., underscores how intertwined Moon's operations have grown with
American conservatism.
Reber and Thomas founded the company in September
1989, roughly the same time that Falwell's Liberty University began
trying to refinance its worsening debt. Also, in 1989, Charles P.
Keith, Roger M. Ott and Ronald Godwin -- all Washington Times
executives -- created another firm called Mail America.
According to court records, Godwin introduced Keith and Ott to Reber
and Thomas. The get-to-know-you quickly led to a deal. Keith, Ott
and Godwin bought DMC for $2.5 million on Oct. 6, 1989, even though
the company had existed for only one month. Reber and Thomas were
retained to run the business.
Inside the firm, however, tensions grew. In 1991, Godwin split,
selling his share of the business to Keith and Ott. Reber, who was
getting a salary of $1,000 a day or $365,000 a year, spent too much
time on discount work for conservative causes, Keith and Ott later
complained. In one court filing, they alleged that a paid DMC
staffer was sent to help a conservative Republican named Gene Keith
run for Congress in Florida.
Falwell's Liberty University, Old Time Gospel Hour and Liberty
Alliance also got discounts on their direct-mail solicitations, the
owners charged. "Reber and Thomas never even collected an amount
sufficient to pay all of DMC's actual postage expenses," Keith and
Ott stated.
A Falling Out
By summer 1993, Reber
began long absences from DMC while working on the bail-out of
Liberty University, according to the court papers. Keith and Ott
alleged that Falwell, Reber and Godwin met with The Washington
Times' publisher Dong Moon Joo in Lynchburg in 1993 and flew to
South Korea in January 1994 for other meetings with Moon's
Reber's travels took him to "South America, Montana, Europe, Russia
and the Republic of Korea," Keith and Ott said. Meanwhile, DMC was
sliding into "extreme financial distress."
So, after Reber returned from the South Korean trip, Keith and Ott
fired him. That prompted Reber to file a wrongful termination suit
in Bedford Country Circuit Court on July 20, 1994. Keith and Ott
countered by filing a fraud case against Reber and Thomas in Roanoke
federal court in September 1994.
For his part, Falwell, who once boasted that he had spurned a $1
million speaking fee from Moon in the mid-1980s, now found himself
caught in Moon's orbit. On July 26, 1994, Falwell prominently sat at
the head table for Moon's inauguration of yet another front group,
the Youth Federation for World Peace. Falwell posed for a group
photo with Moon and other dignitaries. Next to Falwell stood Ronald
Reagan's daughter, Maureen.
Despite the DMC court battles, North still sent
the direct-mail company some business during his 1994 Senate
campaign. According to FEC records, North paid DMC $138,561 for its
direct-mail work. But DMC extended North the most credit of any
vendor. When the $19 million campaign ended with North's narrow
defeat, his largest single debt -- $89,033 -- was to DMC.
At about that same time, in January 1995, Reber and Thomas were
completing their purchase of about one-half of Liberty University's
debt, much of it for a fraction of the face value. The big losers
included 2,500 bondholders who invested in the Texas-based Church &
Institutional Facilities Development Corp., which had owned $12
million of the school's debt. Reber and Thomas scooped up the bonds
at a bankruptcy fire sale for about 20 percent of their value, or
$2.5 million.
Many bondholders were "mom and pops cashing in their IRA money
because their local minister and Falwell's letters said they'd be
doing God's work," recalled Doug Hudman, a lawyer in the case. "The
true victims are the mom-and-pop believers who think their money was
going to a good cause. All it was doing was going to fund Mr.
Falwell's continued indebtedness. It's kind of sickening."
But Falwell told reporters that it was just a
question of luck. "When the bankruptcy trustee called in all the
notes and put them up for sale, anyone could have bought them,"
Falwell said. "That was fortunate for us." [RT and WN, Feb. 6, 1995]
After months of complicated legal maneuvering, Dan Reber also seems
to have been fortunate enough to win out in the DMC power struggle.
He now runs the direct-mail factory in Forest, Va., under the name,
"Mail America."
But behind the good fortune that
blessed the Rev. Falwell and his friends appears to have been a
timely contribution of $3.5 million from the Rev. Moon's Women's
Federation for World Peace. ~
(c) Copyright 1997
Sun Myung Moon
It should be obvious to sensible persons that whatever fraction of
Sun Myung Moon which isn't pure bullshit artist is necessarily
raving lunatic. As the wacko billionaire who made his fortune off
the backs of the Moonie cult (otherwise known as the Unification
Church), Moon has established his niche in the world as the Korean
version of
L. Ron Hubbard.
Over the years, Moon's gargantuan wealth and legions of
worshippers have evidently corroded away any sense of propriety or
self-restraint he might have once possessed, leaving only a
megalomaniac and his vast financial and human resources.
As evidence, consider the day in April 2002 when he received
the latest in a long series of earthshattering religious visions.
This one was especially noteworthy. In it, Moon learned that he had
been selected as "the Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all of
humanity" by God. Also on the selection committee:
Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and Buddha (in addition to several
others, including the godless Communists Marx and
Stalin for some mysterious reason).
Anyway, that's how Moon described it in his full-page
newspaper ad, which ran in papers all across the U.S. (including the
Los Angeles Times). It was a $720,000 print run, but it was
worth every penny. Finally middle America would get the
word and rally behind their messiah. Except it was a bit of a reach.
Moon's captive congregation is accustomed to his indefatigable
hubris, but the general public who have yet to send their mind
through the laundry just find it repugnant.
But he can't help it. Moon has been claiming for decades (like
The Beatles
before him) that he is bigger than Christ. In a 1990 sermon, he
reiterated this belief (note that Moon always addresses himself in
the third person, usually as "Father"):
"Jesus never achieved a thousandth of what Father has
done. In his two years and eight months of public ministry,
[Jesus] didn't even establish the national foundation. Now,
Father has established a foundation of worldwide power that is
unprecedented in history."
Moon has a bad habit of comparing himself favorably to his
predecessor, proclaiming that he will succeed where Jesus has
failed, and so on. This kind of material kills with the home crowd,
but it doesn't really do so great on the road. But apparently this
is irrelevant, since Moon seems to have become utterly oblivious to
the shocked reactions of his public audiences.
Case in point: an April 2001 appearance at a Methodist church
in Las Vegas. It was just another typical sermon by Reverend Moon.
There were about 600 people in the congregation when the sermon
began. But for some reason, people kept walking out, well before he
got on a roll about schlongs:
"The head of the love organ is shaped exactly like a
poisonous rattlesnake. And just like a rattlesnake, it's always
looking for a hole."
Oh yes, there was more. He went on to explain that 70% of all
divorces result from the wife's inappropriate feelings of
entitlement toward her husband's genitals. As Moon explained it, a
man's "love organ" can only serve its master, and the spouse just
needs to get used to it. He told the audience that these women,
along with childless couples and homosexuals, are destroying the
fabric of society. Offended churchgoers left in droves; some of them
even heckled him on their way out. And this was by no means an
isolated incident. He's been spouting that snake-genitalia lunacy
for years and years. In April 1996, Moon preached:
"The Bible refers to the origin of free sex by using the image
of a snake. Woman's sexual organ is like the open mouth of a
snake filled with poison. Man's sexual organ is like the head of
a snake. If you think of fallen love action in these terms you
feel disgusted and so you should. It is poison to humanity."
In November of that same year, he was in Buenos Aires to
celebrate the launch of his newest Spanish-language newspaper. At
the ceremony (attended by guest speaker and former President
George HW Bush for a reported fee of $100,000), Moon passed
along this revolutionary insight:
"You use the bathroom each morning. When you defecate, do
you wear a gas mask? This is not a laughing matter but a serious
one. If you are near someone else defecating, you will quickly
move a good distance away. But when you smell your own feces,
you do not even notice it. This is because that fecal matter is
one with your body. Therefore, you do not feel that it is dirty.
"When you were young, did you ever taste the dried mucus
from your nose? Does it taste sweet or salty? It's salty, right?
Since you can answer, you must have tasted it! Why did you not
feel that it was dirty? It is because it was part of your body.
"Reverend Moon has figured out something that no one in
the world knew."
Why would anybody (who isn't brainwashed or getting paid) sit
through an entire speech by this screwball? Ever since 1954, Moon
has made no secret of his nutball theology:
- Eve bumped uglies with Satan and thereby consigned
humanity to the Kingdom of Hell.
- Jesus ruined his chance to purify mankind when he
neglected to get married and father children.
- Sun Myung Moon is succeeding where Jesus failed.
- Worshipping Moon is now mankind's last chance for
Being the world's savior, Moon preaches that no one can enter
Heaven without his explicit blessing. But he is only willing to
bless married couples. Which is where those Guinness Book mass
weddings come in.
In a Moonie marriage, the choice of a partner is handled for you.
Church elders make the seemingly-random selections by pairing up
photos of prospective brides and grooms. Maybe they shuffle
Polaroids like a deck of cards. Sometimes the lucky couples wind up
with a common spoken language. Sometimes not.
They meet for the first time during the week leading up to the
wedding day, often on the day of the ceremony itself. The event is
so big that it has to be held in a sports arena or stadium, complete
with a closed-circuit video feed on the Jumbotron.
Because of these antics and his blasphemous theology, you
might expect that Moon would be shunned by respected Christian
leaders. Which he is. For instance,
Jerry Falwell told Esquire magazine in 1978: "Reverend Sun
Myung Moon is like the plague: he exploits boys and girls, and he
should be exported. [sic]"
This negative general attitude poses a significant problem for
the Unification Church. Its goal is the absorption of every national
government and competing religious faith. Which is a tall order,
considering the horrible reputation the church has earned over the
years. But Moon is nothing if not determined.
"The democratic world has hated Reverend Moon until now,
but from now on it will like the Reverend Moon. The time has
already come when America will start to like Reverend Moon."
Moon's chosen tactic, which has been highly effective, is to
purchase his legitimacy outright. In addition to United Press
International (UPI), Moon is the owner of the Washington Times,
a conservative newspaper devoted to right-wing causes. Every
operating year, the Times loses tens of millions of dollars,
but profitability has never been a priority. Its intended purpose
was made clear when, during
Watergate, the paper ran an endless stream of pro-Nixon
editorials urging the American people to forgive and forget.
Ever since then, Moon has made substantial inroads to the
Republican party by parlaying access to his media outlets and
exorbitant cash contributions. For instance, it was $100,000 of
Moon's money that initially kicked off the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund,
a nonprofit organization conceived by
North and headed by a group of conservatives including
Charlton Heston. The NFF's mission in life was to raise private
donations for the
Contras, in the eventuality that Congress cut off funding. Also
recall that former President George HW Bush was paid six figures to
attend a 1996 ceremony in Buenos Aires. At the podium, Bush gushed:
"I want to salute Reverend Moon, who is the founder of the
Washington Times, and of the new paper here."
Not to mention mainstream church leaders, like our old friend
Jerry Falwell. The man who called for Moon's "exportation" in 1978
was singing his praises years later. Falwell changed his tune after
one of Moon's front organizations handed Liberty University $3.5
million and otherwise forgave tens of millions in debts so he could
bail out his college in 1994. Later, Falwell reciprocated by
appearing at various Unification Church events and called upon
Ronald Reagan to pardon Moon's felony conviction for tax
Oh, that. Well, it turns out that the messiah didn't
want to pay his taxes. So he underreported his income by omitting
$162,000 and hoped that either the
Revenue Service wouldn't notice, or his high-placed friends in
the government would squelch any investigation. But the IRS did, and
his friends didn't. Moon was convicted in 1982. He fought his
conviction all the way to the Supreme Court and lost, after which he
announced that God evidently wanted him to go to prison. In 1984 he
finally submitted to God's will and spent the next 13 months in the
It's all part of the divine plan. As Moon himself might say:
You just gotta trust Father on this one.
for the list of mass marriages performed by Sun Myung Moon over the

Hail to
the Moon king
deeply weird coronation of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in a Senate office
building -- crown, robes, the works -- is no longer one of
Washington's best-kept secrets.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
John Gorenfeld
June 21,
2004 | You probably imagine
your congressman hard at work in the Capitol debating legislation,
making laws -- you know, governing. But your newspaper probably
didn't tell you that one night last March, members of Congress
hosted a crowning ritual for an ex-convict multi-billionaire who
dressed up in maroon robes and declared himself the Second Coming.
On March 23, 2004 the Dirksen Senate Office Building was the
scene of a coronation ceremony for Rev. Sun Myung Moon, owner of the
conservative Washington Times newspaper and UPI wire service, who
was given a bejeweled crown by Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill.
Afterward, Moon told his bipartisan audience of Washington power
players he would save everyone on Earth as he had saved the souls of
Hitler and Stalin -- the murderous dictators had been born again
through him, he said. In a vision, Moon said the reformed Hitler and
Stalin vouched for him, calling him "none other than humanity's
Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."
To many observers, this bizarre scene would have looked like
the apocalypse as depicted in "Left Behind" novels. Moon, 84, the
benefactor of conservative foundations like the American Family
Coalition -- who served time in the 1980s for tax fraud and
conspiracy to obstruct justice -- has views somewhere to the right
of the Taliban's Mullah Omar. Moon preaches that gays are
"dung-eating dogs," Jews brought on the Holocaust by betraying
Jesus, and the U.S. Constitution should be scrapped in favor of a
system he calls "Godism" -- with him in charge. The man crowned
"King of Peace" by congressmen once said, according to sermons
reprinted in his church's Unification News: "Suppose I were to hit
you with the baseball bat to stop you, bloodying your ear and
breaking a bone or two, yet still you insisted on doing more work
for Father."
What, exactly, drew
at least a dozen members of Congress to Moon's coronation? (By
the Unification Church's estimate, 81 congressmen attended, although
that number is probably high.) The event was the grand finale of
Moon's coast-to-coast "tear down the cross" Moonification tour,
intended to remove Christian crosses from almost 300 churches in
poor neighborhoods -- the idea being that the cross was an obstacle
to uniting religions under Moon. Yet the Dirksen ceremony was sold
as a celebration of world peace. According to a cheery promotional
video released by Moon's International and Interreligious
Federation for World Peace, the ceremony marked the dawn of "the era
of the Eternal Peace Kingdom, one global family under God." Moon's
coronation also cured God's pain, the announcer explains.
By all accounts, most of the congressmen in attendance didn't
expect a coronation. Instead, they thought they were heading to an
awards dinner honoring activists from their home states as
"Ambassadors for Peace." A
flier for the event claimed an impressive who's-who of
organizers, including Republicans Sen. Lindsey Graham of South
Carolina, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland and Charlie Black, a top
Republican strategist. Democrats were named, too, like Rep. Harold
Ford of Tennessee, who, incidentally, claims to have not even heard
of the event.
And then
there was Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., the only congressman who has
publicly expressed pride in the crowning ceremony, who praised Moon
for bringing religious leaders together in his Ambassadors for Peace
tours to Jerusalem and beyond. Davis, it was revealed this week in
the Chicago Reader, took money from Moon-organized fundraisers, who
also gave to a charity of his choice. Davis told an Anglican
magazine that Moon's remarks were "similar to a baseball team owner
telling team members that 'we are the greatest team on earth'" to
get them fired up.
At the time, the surreal event went uncovered by the
Washington press corps, save for Moon's own Washington Times, which
ran a brief description of the festivities. The story is getting
some traction only now, after it was recently reported in the online
magazine The Gadflyer. But what transpired at Dirksen two months ago
remains a mystery to most Americans -- and those constituents of
congressmen who attended Moon's crowning.
The crowning ritual indeed began as a somewhat normal awards
ceremony. Ribbons that looked like Olympic gold medals were given to
Rep. Bartlett and others. But then it took an odd turn. Rep. Curt
Weldon, R-Pa., whose office maintained he did not attend the event
until I provided photographs of him there -- spoke beside a
photograph of himself pinning an American flag on Libyan leader
Moammar Khadafy, back when President Bush was praising him for
abandoning WMD programs and before he was suspected of trying to
kill the leader of Saudi Arabia
Then, after Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., gave a speech
praising one of Moon's Ambassadors for Peace, the civil rights
veteran Rev. Walter Fauntroy, an unnamed Lubovitch rabbi took the
stage declaring: "I have never seen this miracle where Jews,
Christians and Muslims come together for peace!" Then Moon's cleric
Chung Kwak took the mic. Before his days as the commander of the UPI
wire service, Kwak, Moon said in a 1997 speech, was authorized to
whomp on Unification Church members who slacked off. "Particularly
those who are sleeping and hiding, Reverend Kwak's baseball bat will
fall upon you at any time," Moon said. Now Kwak was standing in a
Senate office building declaring Moon the king of the "second and
third Israel."
It might almost make sense for conservative congressmen to
honor Moon in this way. After all, a writer in Moon's magazine
Insight wrote in February that it's long past time for Republicans
to thank the billionaire Korean preacher for his gifts. "[T]he
continued refusal of Beltway conservatives publicly to acknowledge
their steadfast patron is, of course, scandalous," wrote contributor
Paul Gottfried. Moon has sunk an estimated $2-$4 billion into the
money-losing Times, and countless other causes -- like Jerry
Falwell's Liberty University.
Moon has also made inroads in the Bush administration, as
reported last September, with plum appointments for former or
present Moon VIPs, and almost half a million dollars in
abstinence-only grants supporting Moon's anti-sex crusade. To teach
teens that "free sex" is revolting, they're asked by Moon's
followers to drink other people's spit out of a cup, and then
consider how much more vigilant you must be when sharing other body
While Moon
once focused his energies on anti-Communism, making him popular
among Republicans in the Reagan era -- his organization gave the
first $100,000 to Oliver North's Nicaraguan Freedom Fund -- he has
now shifted gears, aiming left. He's planning a "Peace United
Nations" entwining religions instead of countries and is trying to
make friends in the Congressional Black Caucus, like Rep. Davis. No
congressman, on the right or left, has publicly denounced Moon for
his momentous speeches describing his "peace kingdom" as a place
where "gays will be eliminated" in a "purge on God's orders" he says
will be like Stalin's. And many are surprisingly comfortable around
a guy known for over-the-top speeches about the holy "love organ of
life" and its various fluids. In a 1994 speech, he asked: "Do you
like the smell of your husband's semen? Answer to Father. Does it
smell good or bad? You may not like the smell of your wife's stool,
but do you smell your own? Why don't you smell your own but you
smell your wife's? Because you are not totally one."
But if Moon pulled off his greatest trick on Mar. 23, fooling
some unsuspecting congressmen into attending his coronation, it's
not as if his stunt was new -- for more than 25 years, Moon has
sought to surround himself with powerful people to gain credibility
and legitimacy, including presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and
George H.W. Bush. If the congressmen had simply run "Ambassadors for
Peace" through the Google search engine, they would have discovered
the group was tied to Moon and his grand plans for the future of
Christianity -- plans to "reconcile" religions by tearing the
Christian cross off church walls and persuading Jews to sign
apologies for giving Jesus over to the Romans.
Weldon, for one, had a long time to do that Google search. As
far back as June 19, 2003, he's listed in a speech by Rep. Danny K.
Davis on the floor of the House of Representatives honoring Moon:
"Many of my colleagues will join me and the gentleman from
Pennsylvania (Mr. Weldon), co-chair, in giving tribute to some of
the outstanding Americans from our districts," said Davis. "We are
grateful to the founders of Ambassadors for Peace, the Reverend and
Mrs. Sun Myung [Moon], for promoting the vision of world peace, and
we commend them for their work."
As for Moon's vision of world peace, there are widespread
reports, even acknowledged within Moon's church, of allegations that
in 1989 he allowed brutal inquisitions to take place. The
inquisitor, a man Moon apparently believed was the reincarnation of
his son, was allegedly encouraged to tie people to radiators and
beat them. As a result, Moon's trusted lieutenant, Bo Hi Pak, was
said to have suffered minor brain damage. Wrote his daughter-in-law,
Nansook Hong, in her tell-all book: "Sun Myung Moon seemed to take
pleasure in the reports that filtered back to East Garden of the
beatings being administered by the Black Heung Jin. He would laugh
raucously if someone out of favor had been dealt an especially hard
blow." Members of Congress may want to do their homework before they
crown their next King of Peace.
Editor's note: This story has been
corrected since its original publication.
Falwell denies Jerusalem Post story,

says everyone, including Jews, needs Christ
Mar 1, 2006
By Staff
Baptist Press
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Denying a
Jerusalem Post story that said he had embraced a “dual covenant”
theology, Southern Baptist pastor Jerry Falwell said March 1 that he
believes all people, including Jews, “must believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ in order to enter heaven.”
“I do not follow this teaching of ‘dual covenant’ theology and I
believe it runs counter to the Gospel,” Falwell said in a statement
posted on www.falwell.com. "I have been on record all 54 years of my
ministry as being opposed to ‘dual covenant' theology.”
Rejected by orthodox theologians, dual covenant theology holds that
Jews are saved through a special, unique relationship with God and
need not trust in Christ for salvation.
The Jerusalem Post story, published March 1, said that pastor John
Hagee and Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg – both from Texas – had “apparently
persuaded” Falwell to adopt a dual covenant belief system. The story
quoted only Scheinberg and did not quote Falwell.
“Falwell has altered his position, according to Scheinberg,
apparently because the pastor decided to put End of Days theology
aside in favor of the overriding need to support Israel,
particularly against the mounting threat of a nuclear Iran,” the
story, authored by Ilam Chaim, said.
The story noted that dual covenant theology “runs counter to
mainstream evangelism.”
Falwell’s complete statement follows:
“Earlier today, reports began circulating across the globe that I
have recently stated that Jews can go to heaven without being
converted to Jesus Christ. This is categorically untrue.
“These false reports originated from a March 1 Jerusalem Post front
page column which said: ‘An evangelical pastor and an Orthodox
rabbi, both from Texas, have apparently persuaded leading Baptist
preacher Jerry Falwell that Jews can get to heaven without being
converted to Christianity. Televangelist John Hagee and Rabbi Aryeh
Scheinberg, whose Cornerstone Church and Rodfei Sholom congregations
are based in San Antonio, told The Jerusalem Post that Falwell had
adopted Hagee's innovative belief in what Christians refer to as
‘dual covenant’ theology. This creed, which runs counter to
mainstream evangelism, maintains that the Jewish people have a
special relationship to God through the revelation at Sinai and
therefore do not need ‘to go through Christ or the Cross’ to get to
“While I am a strong supporter of the State of Israel and dearly
love the Jewish people and believe them to be the chosen people of
God, I continue to stand on the foundational biblical principle that
all people -- Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Jews, Muslims,
etc. -- must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to enter
“Dr. Hagee called me today and said he never made these statements
to the Jerusalem Post or to anyone else. He assured me that he would
immediately contact the Jerusalem Post and request a correction.
Before today, I had never heard of Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg or had any
communications with him. I therefore am at a total loss as to why he
would make such statements about me to the Post, if in fact he did.
“In this age of political correctness and diversity, the
traditional evangelical belief that salvation is available only
through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ is
often portrayed as closed-minded and bigoted. But if one is to
believe in Jesus Christ, he must believe in His words: 'I am the
way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by
Me' (John 14:6). I simply cannot alter my belief that Jesus is The
Way to heaven, as He taught.
“Again, I do not follow this teaching of 'dual covenant' theology
and I believe it runs counter to the Gospel.
“I have been on record all 54 years of my ministry as being opposed
to ‘dual covenant’ theology. In fact, Dr. John Hagee has indicated
to me, as recently as today, that he likewise does not accept ‘dual
covenant’ theology.
“I want to reaffirm that I am a Zionist in terms of Israel’s
entitlement to its homeland. I continue to pray daily for the peace
of Jerusalem, as the Bible instructs Christians to do. And I have
dedicated my life and ministry to working for the peace of Israel. I
dearly cherish the highly esteemed Jabotinsky Award which was given
me in 1981 by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. I have led
thousands of pilgrims through the Land Of Israel during my 31 tours
over 36 years. I seriously believe that few Americans have invested
more time and resources in the defense of Israel in this generation.
“However, I simply cannot alter my deeply-held belief in the
exclusivity of salvation through the Gospel of Christ for the sake
of political or theological expediency.
“Like the Apostle Paul, I pray daily for the salvation of everyone,
including the Jewish people.”

Falwell: Jerusalem Post 'fabricated' story on me
Newspaper claimed Christian evangelist had new tune on how Jews get
to heaven
Posted: March 1, 2006
6:55 p.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Jerry Falwell has a beef with the Jerusalem Post after the
newspaper published an article suggesting he's changed his beliefs
about salvation, now thinking Jews can get to heaven without
becoming Christians first.
"Falwell: Jews can get to heaven," is how the headline read on
story by Ilan Chaim, with its lead sentence stating: "An
evangelical pastor and an Orthodox rabbi, both from Texas, have
apparently persuaded leading Baptist preacher Jerry Falwell that
Jews can get to heaven without being converted to Christianity."
But in an interview with WorldNetDaily, Falwell said the story
is completely false.
"I can't imagine why the Jerusalem Post fabricated it,"
Falwell said.
Falwell, chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.,
and a
WND columnist, said in a
statement the suggestion he has changed his belief is
"categorically untrue," and noted, "In this age of political
correctness and diversity, the traditional evangelical belief that
salvation is available only through faith in the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ is often portrayed as closed-minded and
bigoted. But if one is to believe in Jesus Christ, he must believe
in His words: 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes
unto the Father but by Me' (John 14:6). I simply cannot alter my
belief that Jesus is The Way to heaven, as He taught. ...
"I want to reaffirm that I am a Zionist in terms of Israel's
entitlement to its homeland. I continue to pray daily for the peace
of Jerusalem, as the Bible instructs Christians to do. ... However,
I simply cannot alter my deeply held belief in the exclusivity of
salvation through the Gospel of Christ for the sake of political or
theological expediency."
The Jerusalem Post article stated:
Hagee and Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg, whose Cornerstone Church and
Rodfei Sholom congregations are based in San Antonio, told the
Jerusalem Post that Falwell had adopted Hagee's innovative belief in
what Christians refer to as 'dual covenant' theology. This creed,
which runs counter to mainstream evangelism, maintains that the
Jewish people have a special relationship to God through the
revelation at Sinai and therefore do not need 'to go through Christ
or the Cross' to get to heaven."
Falwell commented on the report, saying, "Dr. Hagee called me
today and said he never made these statements to the Jerusalem Post
or to anyone else. He assured me that he would immediately contact
the Jerusalem Post and request a correction. Before today, I had
never heard of Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg or had any communications with
him. I therefore am at a total loss as to why he would make such
statements about me to the Post, if in fact he did."
Falwell made it clear that he does not support "dual covenant"
theology, adding, "While I am a strong supporter of the State of
Israel and dearly love the Jewish people and believe them to be the
chosen people of God, I continue to stand on the foundational
biblical principle that all people – Baptists, Methodists,
Pentecostals, Jews, Muslims, etc. – must believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ in order to enter heaven."
The Post did not immediately respond to a WND request for
Standard police criminal investigating
procedures dictate that, in some of the more difficult criminal
investigations, a most fruitful line of inquiry is that of
"following the money trail". This is the thrust of this report,
except that we not only follow the money trail from False Prophet
Sun Moon to prominent "Right-Wing" Evangelical Christian leaders of
our day, we shall also follow the "influence trail" as well. You
shall see that the Illuminati may have captured themselves very
effective "Disinformation Agents" disguised as Christian
Let us begin our study.
The Bible warns genuine Christians to beware
of false religious leaders. Jesus and His Apostles warned, warned
and warned again that Satan would try to sneak false religious
leaders into the Christian Church, and that, if such churches were
not alert and discerning, they would be devastated. Further, Jesus
and His Apostles taught that this deception would only get worse the
closer the world drew to the End of the Age. In fact, spiritual
deception is prophesied to become so good, so slick that even the
Elect would be deceived were it not for the revealing nature of the
Holy Spirit [Matthew 24:24]; Paul warned that the "door" that would
open allowing Antichrist to arise could only be opened by the
Christian Churches themselves, as the they allowed themselves to be
drawn astray by false religious teachers [2 Thessalonians 2:3].
What is a "false prophet" as defined by
Scripture? In Matthew 24:11, the word used in Greek is Number 5578,
transliterated as "pseudoprophetes". Adam Clarke's Commentary warns
that false prophets are "deceitful workers, transforming themselves
into the apostles of Christ." You see, such false leaders are the
true counterfeit -- they look like, act like, and sound like, real
ministers of Jesus Christ; but, inwardly, they are "ravening
Barclay's Daily Study Bible Commentaries says:
"A false leader is a man who seeks to propagate his own version of
the truth rather than the truth as it is in Jesus Christ; and a man
who tries to attach other men to himself ...."
Matthew Henry's Unabridged Commentary reveals
this truth about "false prophets" -- "There should appear false
prophets (v. 11-24); the deceivers would pretend to divine
inspiration, an immediate mission, and a spirit of prophecy, when it
was all a lie. Some think, the seducers here pointed to were ...
settled teachers in the church, and had gained reputation as such,
but afterward betrayed the truth they had taught, and revolted to
error; and from such the danger is the greater, because least
suspected. One false traitor in the garrison may do more mischief
than a thousand avowed enemies without."
Let us repeat: "One
false traitor in the garrison may do more mischief than a thousand
avowed enemies without." How can this be possible?
Counterfeit false religious leaders look and sound so very genuine
they are trusted by a multitude of undiscerning people. In U.S. Army
Intelligence, we called such men "Disinformation Agents"; good
agents will pour out 75-90% good information, but will mislead at
the critical moment, usually at the moment the battle is joined, and
the outcome is hanging in the balance.
Jesus and His Apostles warned that, at the End
of the Age, the proportion of the people so deceived would be
extraordinarily high!
It is here that we need to begin our study.
Jesus warned:
"Beware of false prophets, which
come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening
wolves." [Matt 7:15]
"Take heed that no man deceive
you." [Matt 24:4 ]
"And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many." [Matt 24:11]
"For there shall arise false
Christs, and false prophets ... insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect." [Matt
24:24] Now, that is great deception! I bet everyone deceived by
such a false religious leader would protest vociferously that
THEY could not possibly be one who is so deceived!
"... when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth?" [Luke 18:8b] The
proportion of the people in the flock at the End of the Age who
are deceived by these wicked counterfeit false leaders will be
so unusually high, Jesus is moved to ask this powerful
rhetorical question: "Will I find anyone on earth who is holding
to the true Faith"? This is the problem with counterfeit
religious teachers: they become deceived themselves, and they
lead many unsuspecting souls into Hell. Jesus addressed this
issue of the final judgment of false prophets very dramatically,
in Matthew 7:21-23:
"Not every one that saith unto
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will
say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy
name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done
many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never
knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
[Matt 7:21-23]
At the White Throne Judgment, all false religious leaders
will stand before Jesus to hear these awful words. Notice that
some of these false teachers were so deceived themselves that
they actually thought they were going to Heaven; they were so
deceived they needed Jesus to set the record straight and tell
them exactly why they were not going to Heaven after all! Notice
the power of Satan to perform great and "many
wonderful works", even casting out devils from
people, and even strongly professing the Word of God! Yet,
because they continued to deliberately "work
iniquity", Jesus never recognized them as genuinely
How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious
leader have to exhibit before Jesus rejects him? Conversely, how
much false doctrine or actions should followers allow before
they reject a religious leader as counterfeit? Jesus tells us
that as well:
"Do you not know that [just]
a little leaven will ferment the whole lump [of dough]?"
[1 Corinthians 5:6]
As I stated earlier, a good disinformation agent will provide
75-90% good information, and sometimes as high as 95%! But, that
5-10% bad information can cost a nation a battle, or a war, and such
a small percentage might lead astray a sincere follower of Jesus
Christ! This "bad information" would always center on critical false
facts about an issue that is core to winning the battle at hand.
Remember, rat poison is only 2% arsenic!
The Apostle John warned:
"Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because
many false prophets are gone out into the world" [ 1
John 4:1]
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house,
neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is
partaker of his evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
The Apostle Paul warned:
"For I know this, that after my
departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing
the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking
perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."
[Acts 20:29-30]
"Let no one deceive or beguile
you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy
comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those
who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of
lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of
perdition)." [2 Thessalonians 2:3;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
In my humble opinion, Jesus was speaking right to
this issue of false religious prophets at the End of the Age when He
uttered the Parable of the Tares. Since this is a very long
parable, we shall quote only the parable itself and Jesus'
"The kingdom of heaven is likened
unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men
slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went
his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth
fruit, then appeared the tares also." [Matt 13:24-26]
What is a "tare"? Many in today's Western societies might not
really know what a "tare" is, and therefore, will not realize Jesus
is speaking here of a counterfeit wheat! A tare is a plant that
looked like wheat in every way until the final phase of growth. Only
at this final stage will the seeds look different; a genuine wheat
will produce a substantial head of brown seeds, but the tare will
produce a small head of black seeds. Thus does this illustration
perfectly demonstrate the problem with many professing Christians
and counterfeit leaders; both will look so much like the genuine
wheat that they are deceived and they deceive others. When Jesus'
explained this parable, below, He seemed to place an emphasis on the
End of the Age, the true harvest of the world. While He certainly
meant that all tares of all ages would be revealed at the final
harvest, I believe Jesus was hinting here that the situation with
tares would become much more of a problem as the End of the Age
Adam Clarke Commentary goes to the root word of "tare" to
reveal some shocking facts. He calls tares "bastard wheat"! Listen:
"He who sows this bastard wheat among God's people is here
styled God's enemy ... the word 'zunim', or 'zunin', is used for
bastard or degenerated wheat; that which was wholly a right seed in
the beginning, but afterwards became degenerate." As we go through
our treatise, I believe it likely that some of these counterfeit
Christian church leaders were a "right seed in the beginning", but
"afterwards became degenerate." Now, however, they are serving the
Illuminati and their followers are none the wiser.
Explanation of the Parable
"... the tares are the children
of the wicked one; that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is
the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As
therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so
shall it be in the end of this world ... And shall cast them
into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of
teeth." [Matt 13:37-40, 42]
The tares are the children, the offspring, of the wicked one,
Satan. At this current time period, the Illuminati is the driving
force for the "wicked one", as they are drawing the world together
into the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a., the New World Order. We
should expect to see the "tares" of this day -- the counterfeit
Christian leaders -- in the employ of the Illuminati, following
their lead regarding the most critical issues of the day.
As you will soon see, key Right-Wing Evangelical Christian leaders
are, indeed, in the employ of the Illuminati! Let us now examine the
key figure in this terrible drama, the "Reverend" Sun Myung Moon.
"Moon is the founder of the cultic (and occultic)
Unification Church (better known as the 'Moonies') and has had help
from the Rockefellers. Also of interest is that the prominent
political figures that have endorsed Moon are those with ties to the
NWO (New World Order), and include Ted Kennedy, Mason Mark O.
Hatfield, Mason Jesse Helms and Illuminatus William F. Buckley." ["Billy
Graham and His Friends", by Dr. Cathy Burns, p. 103-4]
These are horrendous ties to the Masters of the
Illuminati! As you study these connections, you will see that Moon
is very firmly and well connected to the uppermost levels of the
* Financial Support -- When you have
support from the Rockefellers, you are never short of cash
* Political Support from both sides of the
political spectrum
** Senator Ted Kennedy -- Extreme Liberal Democrat
** Senator Mark O. Hatfield -- Liberal Left Republican
** Senator Jesse Helms -- Conservative Republican
* Columnist William F. Buckley -- Cast as
Conservative Republican
With these kind of high-level contacts, you can
safely consider Rev. Moon to be firmly in the saddle of the upper
management tier of the Illuminati. Moon must have a serious part to
play in the overall script to stage the appearance of Antichrist!
Since he is a "false prophet", a religious figure, you can only
assume that his role for the Illuminati will lie in the realm of
religion. In fact, Moon is probably one of the most influential
religious figures in the world today, as you shall soon see.
But, the story gets even stranger, when we learn
that the "Reverend" Moon was recruited by the Korean Central
Intelligence Agency [KCIA]! "In 1961, after a military coup of a
democratic government in South Korea that brought Park to power,KCIA
decided to organize and utilize a church called Unification Church,
as a political tool of the right wing military government. They
wanted to export this church ti US. They asked Rev. Bill Bright to
help organize it and chose a leader of it. Bill Bright choose Rev.
Sun Myung Moon to head it." ["Christian Right and the Moonies",
It's A Bizarre World, http://www.angelfire.com/tn/bizarrotom/]
Before we get into his influence in the American
religious establishment, let us quickly review some of Moon's
beliefs, noting that Dr. Burns called his Unification Church a
"cult" that is steeped into the occult. We should not be surprised
to hear this latter revelation, for Moon could be a top-level
Illuminist only if he is steeped into the occult. Let us now examine
his key beliefs and teachings.
* Rev. Sun Moon claims Jesus Christ "failed" in
his ministry and that he, Moon, is the Messiah! [Burns, p. 208]
* Many allegations have been leveled at Moon's
many organizations and the Unification Church, accusing them of
clever mind manipulation, Mind Control ["The Unholy Alliance:
Christianity & The NWO", Part 1, Rense.com, 2-25-02]. Once again, we
should not be surprised, for the Illuminati has been deeply immersed
in occult mind control for centuries, bringing this art form to a
new, higher level at this End of the Age.
* He also claims that it is his mission to 'unite
the world through uniting religious forces'. [Ibid.]
Urging Their Followers
To Follow Antichrist
At this point, please allow me to explain the
"religious" plan once Antichrist actually appears on the earth.
Shortly after his appearance, key religious leaders all across the
globe are primed to step forward to the mass media microphones to
deliver a message to their respective followers: this Christ is the
Messiah we have been awaiting! Follow Him!!
Of course, this "Christ" will be none other than
the Biblical Antichrist!
Thus, Buddhists, Mohammedans, Hindus , and
Christians will be told that this "Christ" is their Messiah and they
are to follow him, giving him their allegiance and worship. Which
Christian leaders will step forward, urging their followers to
follow this Man of Sin and give him their allegiance? Before you can
entertain this question, you have to understand that Rev. Moon has
been charged with "uniting the world through religious forces",
i.e., play a huge role in the religious deception once Antichrist
does arise. As we proceed through this article, you will see that
Moon has evidently zeroed in on the Christian Right-wing as his
major field of endeavor.
But, first, he must get control of the religious forces of the
Christian Right-Wing! Let us "follow the money and influence trail"!
Pictured below are certain Evangelical Christian leaders, many of
whom are "Right-Wing" who have either accepted serious money from a
Moon front organization, or have been unduly influenced by him. As
you can imagine, once a Christian leader accepts money from a Moon
organization, that person is beholden to the Rev. Moon. Remember the
general principle: the Devil always gets his due!
Jerry Falwell -- readily admits that he accepted
2.5 million dollars from Moon in 1994 in order to bail out his
Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. This was funneled through
a Moon organization known as the 'Womens Federation for World
Peace' which has been chaired by Beverly LaHaye, Wife of Timothy
LaHaye, who is the popular co-author of the "Left Behind" Christian
fictional book series and a well known evangelical Christian. The
Womens Federation for World Peace paid 3.5 million to the
Christian Heritage Foundation, which in turn bought Falwell's
$73 million debt, and then frankly wrote it off. The Heritage
Foundation then seems to have paid themselves a fee of one
million dollars for their trouble.
Since that time Falwell has spoken at many of Moons functions,
embracing the cult-leader with unabashed reverence and friendship.
Even writings from Moons' Church confirm Falwells comradeship with
'the new messiah' and his cult. Moon has even been a guest speaker
in mainline denominational Churches in the past few years. Falwell
further praised Rev. Moon calling him, "An unsung hero to the cause
of freedom, who is to be commended for his determination and courage
and endurance in support of his beliefs."["Unholy Alliances",
rense.com, Part 1]
According to official court records of a lawsuit that was filed
in Bedford County Circuit Court (West Virginia), it was alleged that
Falwell and an associate flew to South Korea, January 9, 1994 to
meet with Unification Church officials. This trip came shortly
before Falwell was awarded the Moon money. Falwell stated openly,
"If the American Atheists Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever
sent an unrestricted gift to any of my ministries, be assured I will
operate on Billy Sunday's philosophy: The Devil's had it long
enough, and quickly cash the check." [Ibid.]
Timothy La Haye - "Well-known author, former
pastor and educator Tim LaHaye was named by a Wheaton College
institute as the most influential leader in the evangelical
Christian movement. The institute named LaHaye the most influential
evangelical leader in the United States of the last quarter century.
He and his wife, Beverly, the leader of Concerned Women for
America, have been a driving force in the organizational efforts
of evangelicals, including the Moral Majority and the
respected political think tank Council for National Policy.
Other contenders for the distinction included renowned evangelist
Billy Graham, Campus Crusade for Christ's Bill Bright and
Focus on the Family's James Dobson." ["Tim LaHaye 'most
influential leader', WorldNetDaily, June 2, 2001]
"Most famous for his 'Left Behind' series
of books and movies. Tim LaHaye's relationship with Moon goes back
at least 17 years. In 1985 as was reported earlier, LaHaye was
addressing several hundred evangelical Christians, the flock he
claims to guard and feed ... He exhorted that they go willingly to
jail with the Rev. Moon in demonstration to his imprisonment over
tax fraud." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I]
Moon's Prison Time
Because of Tax Fraud Seen As "Unifying Christianity"
Shockingly, this truth is borne out by none other
than Moon's "right hand man", Bo Hi Pak, writing about Moon's jail
time and his visits from La Haye.
"Father has suffered on many other occasions ...
even though Father suffered in Korea and North Korea, that was not
the cosmic age for universal salvation. That was not the worldwide
level. Today here in the United States, which is the microcosm of
the world, whatever Father does has a universal impact ... What
Father has accomplished at Danbury is the restoration of
Christianity and the unification of Christianity. Father brought
Christianity into one with the Unification Church. Christians began
to understand Father and accept Father and Father's dispensation.
Bo Hi Pak continues:
"One good example is Dr. Tim LaHaye's visit to Danbury ...
During the drive, Dr. LaHaye said, 'It is incredible what our
government did to Reverend Moon, to confine Reverend Moon in this
kind of place.' When we got to Danbury, he met Father, who was
wearing humble prison clothes. He held Father's hands and the first
words Dr. LaHaye spoke were, 'Reverend Moon, I apologize on behalf
of my government.' Mother saw that Dr. LaHaye's eyes were red and he
was crying. What a beautiful union, a beautiful union of brothers,
like Esau and Jacob. Father and Dr. LaHaye were embracing." ["Truth
is My Sword", Volume II: Chapter 45 Mount Danbury",
by Bo Hi Pak, February 3, 1985]
Tim La Haye then appealed to his followers to "go willingly to
jail with the Rev. Moon in demonstration to his imprisonment over
tax fraud." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I, Ibid.] However, did you
notice that LaHaye willingly participated with this pagan,
Illuminist false religious leader to complete "the restoration of
Christianity and the unification of Christianity" and to achieve "a
beautiful union, a beautiful union of brothers, like Esau and
Jacob"? [Ibid.]
No true Christian leader would ever, ever, ever join with a
pagan occultist like this, allowing himself to be declared his
"brother"! The Bible firmly forbids this kind of union with an
unbeliever! Listen once again:
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house,
neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is
partaker of his evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
"Do not be unequally yoked with
unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come
under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith].
For what partnership have right living and right standing with
God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have
fellowship with darkness?" [2 Corinthians 6:14;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
This action clearly labels Tim La Haye as a Christian Tare,
a counterfeit Christian. Yet, LaHaye is so popular and so revered,
he is named the most influential of all Evangelistic leaders!
Further, untold millions have gobbled up his "Left Behind" series of
books and movies, believing them to be a genuine explanation of the
Rapture of the Christian Church. From the beginning of the "Left
Behind" series, I felt a spiritual prohibition against reading the
books; further, I noticed that "Left Behind" was being aggressively
promoted by noted Illuminist Mass Media outlets: TV, Radio,
Magazines, and Bookstores. A huge red flag immediately went up in my
mind. Remember, I did not know of the Moon - La Haye connection
until just a year ago, well after the series initially went on the
La Haye also formed the Council For National Policy
(CNP) in 1981. There are "definite ties between this 'Christian'
organization and the Rev. Moon's openly anti-Christ organizations
... this group is also associated heavily with the controversial and
cultic Church of Scientology ..." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I] David
Wegener, of Hope For America, emphatically states that CNP is a "Christian
equivalent to the Illuminist Council on Foreign Relations"! Thus, in
keeping with the Dialectic Process, the Illuminati has established
two special groups to further their plans: the CFR and the CNP --
Thesis and Antithesis, Yin-Yang! [Read
for treatment of Thesis - Antithesis]
"In 1983, American Coalition for Traditional Values
(ACTV) began with Tim LaHaye, Falwell, Robertson, Bakker, Robison
and Humbard. The money that started it came from the Moonies. It was
right after Gary Jarmin, ex-Moonie, introduced Tim LaHaye to Col. Bo
Pak, Rev. Moon's right hand man." ["This is a Bizarre World",
Gary Bauer -- "Bauer's Family Research Council
... has benefited as well from Rev. Moon organizations and money.
This all under the umbrella of social change and 'Christian family
values' in America." Bauer is reported as part of a group of
Christian leaders who have received up to $150,000 in Moon money!
["Unholy Alliance", Rense.com]
Many Christians take at face value everything that the Family
Research Council says, forgetting the intelligence maxim that a
disinformation agent will provide 75-90% good solid information.
Thus, you will find the Gospel presented on FRC as well as many
genuine Christian values. However, the Apostle Paul warned that it
just takes a "little leaven" -- false teaching -- to corrupt the
whole lump of dough, just as it takes only a tiny bit of arsenic in
a whole lot of water to kill you!
Bill Bright -- Founder and head of the international
evangelical association, 'Campus Crusades for Christ', is
also a member of the CNP. Remember the above quote which states that
Bill Bright was the point man to get Rev. Moon into the United
States, at the behest of the KCIA!
This association may also explain Bill Bright's
dramatic excursion into apostasy! Listen to Dr. Burns explain:
"Jesse Jackson is also a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations as well as a 33° Mason ... In spite of Jackson's obviously
blasphemous remarks about Jesus Christ, the 'Jesus Film Project',
which is a ministry of Bill Bright's Campus Crusade, had a
'Millennial Tribute To Jesus', and used celebrities to record a
'tribute to Jesus'. Who were some of these celebrities? Jesse
Jackson, Jimmy Carter -- Illuminist former President -- Gerald Ford
(Freemason and Bilderberger member), Andrew Young, Pope John Paul II
and Billy Graham" [Burns, op. cit., p. 85]
These are some of the Campus Crusade For Christ's
International Committee of Reference: "Roy Rogers, 33° Mason (now
deceased), Johnny Cash, Jay Gary, Jesse Helms, 33° Mason, Norman
Vincent Peale, 33° Mason ((now deceased), Robert Schuller, 33°
Mason, Michael W. Smith, Jack Van Impe." {Ibid., p. 488]
Bill Bright was also the 1996 recipient of the Illuminist
Templeton Prize, making him One Million Dollars richer. The
Templeton committee is "made up of leaders from the world's five
major religions ('Christianity', Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and
Judaism)". They meet annually meet to decide the recipient of the
One Million dollar prize. Templeton himself has been described as a
"New Age pantheist/science-of-mind Universalist/investment guru."
Templeton also said that the Bible 'does not accurately record the
words of Christ' and says he is trying to 'develop a body of
knowledge of God that doesn't rely on ancient revelations of
Scripture such as the Bible!" [Burns, op. cit., p. 489]
Since the 9/11 attacks, President Bush has led the way in
encouraging Ecumenism, defined as accepting all faiths as equally
legitimate. Bill Bright has no trouble with this approach as he "can
also work with people who DO NOT call Jesus 'Lord'. For example, he
was at an interfaith meeting with Muslims and Jewish Rabbis. In his
prayer, he referred to the 'God of OUR fathers'." [Burns, op. cit.,
p. 490; Emphasis was in the original]
But, we should not be surprised, for had we been aware of the
"Gospel" as presented by Bright's workers over the years, we would
have known the truth. "A former Campus Crusade worker wrote: 'One
reason why the Campus Crusade message is so popular is that Campus
Crusaders are taught either by design or by default not to use
Christian jargon like 'witness', 'repent', 'converted', 'blood',
'hell', 'sin', 'save', 'holiness', and 'apostasy'." [Ibid.]
Now, in addition to his contacts with Rev. Sun Moon, Bright is
discovered to be preaching "another Gospel"! The Apostle Paul cursed
such a person to Hell for preaching "another Gospel". Listen:
"But even if we or an angel from
heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different
from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed
(anathema, devoted to destruction, doomed to eternal
punishment)!" [Galatians 1:8;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Paul then repeats his curse in verse 9, condemning people
to Hell who teach "another Gospel".
Perhaps Bill Bright should also carefully contemplate the
warnings of God: "Cursed be he that doeth
the work of the Lord deceitfully" [Jeremiah 48:10]
In 1975, Bill Bright formed a Moonie front group called "Christian
Freedom Foundation". All the funding came from the Moonies.
["This is a Bizarre World", http://www.angelfire.com/TN/bizarrotom/]
Paul Crouch -- Founder and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting
Network, one of the largest tele-evangelical corporations. "Paul
Crouch is another who seems to shy away from the overall doctrine
espoused on his 'Christian' television network, and appears to work
for religious unification." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I]
Crouch is a constant source of unbiblical doctrines, so many
we just do not have the time nor space here to list them all;
however, the video by David Wegener, "Hope For America", is an
excellent source of film clips of Paul and Jan Crouch, so that you
may see and hear them spout the most hideous unscriptural doctrines!
As noted below, Paul Crouch has served on the Council For
Religious Freedom, established for the express purpose of
raising funds for the legal defense of Rev. Moon when he was serving
time in prison for tax evasion.
Dr. James Dobson, Focus On The Family -- "Dr. Dobson is
pediatrician, author and publisher, head of Focus On The Family, a
Christ-centric organization and magazine." [Unholy Alliance. Ibid.]
If you have not read Dr. Burns' excellent expose' entitled, "Focus
On The Family -- Little Known Facts" we encourage you to get it so
you can read for yourself all the New Age, unbiblical, and heretical
statements that Dobson and/or his guests have uttered over the
We have already reported, above, on the Moon-sponsored
Council For National Policy (CNP), a group that is also tied
into the Church of Scientology. Dr. James Dobson has been a member
of this CNP. Congressman Woody Jenkins (Newsweek,1981) gushed, "I
predict that one day before the end of this century the Council [for
National Policy] will be so influential that no President,
regardless of party or philosophy, will be able to ignore us or our
concerns or shut us out of the highest levels of government."
In October, 1999 George W. Bush addressed the CNP."
Remember, the CNP is the "Christian equivalent to the Council
on Foreign Relations". Thus, it is a very serious matter, indeed,
for a Christian leader to be a part of this group. "Birds of a
feather flock together", intones the old American folk saying. The
Bible instructs us:
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house,
neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is
partaker of his evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
Therefore, if any Christian leader, including James Dobson, is
a member of an Illuminist-based council, he or she is guilty of
being a "partaker of his evil deeds".
Rev. Billy Graham -- Dr. Cathy Burns wrote her 788-page book,
"Billy Graham and His Friends", to illustrate Dr. Graham's
exceedingly numerous ties to the Illuminati. To single out the most
infamous ties would be a most daunting task; however, Dr. Burns
feels that Billy Graham was selected by the Illuminati as far back
as 1942 to become the foremost "holy man" in America! Listen:
"At that time (1946) no one in the Christian community
knew that the World Government had begun to build 'AN ICON' that
later would be accepted by large masses of people, 'A HOLY MAN',
speaking for God." [Burns, p. 54; Emphasis was in original]
Billy Graham was that "Icon", that deliberately created "Holy
Man", offered to the masses of undiscerning people. But, why should
we be surprised, for Dr. Graham himself admitted he was an
Ecumenicist, not a Fundamental Christian. Listen:
"In 1950, Billy Graham held a Crusade at Boston. Listen to
what he says about the Unitarian Church: 'At that time,
Protestantism in New England was weak, due in part to theological
differences within some denominations, the influence of Unitarian
ideas in other denominations, and the strength of the Roman Catholic
Church. In spite of all that, a number of Roman Catholic priests and
Unitarian clergy ... came to the meetings along with those from
evangelical churches. With my limited evangelical background, this
was a further expansion of my own ecumenical outlook. I now began to
make friends among people from many different backgrounds and to
develop a spiritual love for their clergy'. Did you notice that,
over 50 years ago, Graham had developed a 'spiritual love' for the
Unitarian clergy?" [Burns, p. 71]
Further, Graham personally defines himself as holding to an "
ecumenical outlook"!
New Age and New World Order authors make it quite plain that
the Ecumenical Movement -- also known as the "One Universal Church"
-- is a most important organization designed specifically to unify
all the world's religious religions. [Read
NEWS1165 for
full details]. The Ecumenical Movement is a precursor to the One
World Church of Antichrist! When I was sneaked into the Members Only
seminar at the Boston House of Theosophy, the New England Director
boldly stated that the Roman Catholic Pope was leading the global
spiritual drive to the global religion of Antichrist, known
primarily as the Ecumenical Movement [Read
This is the dream of Rev. Sun Moon and all his organizations.
Thus, he must have been very pleased with Dr. Billy Graham during
the 1991 Gulf War, when President Bush (Sr.) asked him to come to
the White House to lead the nation in prayer for the war that Bush
had already declared to be a New World Order war! Listen to Dr.
Graham's public remarks after he came out of the "prayer service" in
which he preached a short sermon:
"Perhaps out of this war will come a new peace and -- as has
been stated by the President -- a New World Order." [Burns, op.
cit., p. 63-4]
Dr. Graham financially plugged into the Illuminati one spot
above Rev. Moon. He received much support from the Rockefeller
groups, who is, in turn, owned by Phillippe Rothschild! [Burns,
op.cit., p. 388] Graham also has received support from: Vanderbilts,
Whitneys, Goulds, Dodges, and Phelps, and even Standard Oil Company
(another Rockefeller connection). [Burns, op. cit., p. 31]
In 1982, Billy Graham received the Illuminist Templeton
Award [Read about Templeton Award above under Bill Bright]. Even
though Templeton is a pantheist and Illuminist through and through
-- a man who does not believe in either the Bible or Jesus Christ as
God -- Graham praised him greatly.
"Truly a legend in our time, John Templeton understands that
the real measure of a person's success in life is not financial
accomplishment but moral integrity and inner character. In this book
he draws upon a variety of sources -- including the Bible -- to
reveal the moral and spiritual principles which have shaped his own
life and work." [Burns, op. cit., p. 24]
John Templeton then tells us exactly what he considers a
"variety of sources" upon which he has built his life:
"The basic principles for leading a 'sublime life' ... may be
derived from any religious training -- Jewish, Muslim, Hindu,
Buddhist, and others, as well as Christian." [Ibid.]
Clearly, Billy Graham is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!
Rev. D. James Kennedy -- Founder & Pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries,
outspoken television evangelist, and author of the best-selling
method of leading people to Jesus Christ known as "Evangelism
Explosion". Dr. Kennedy is one of the evangelical members of the
Council on National Policy (CNP), a major Moon front group, founded
in 1981 by Tim La Haye, as we have already noted.
Fundamentalists have been increasingly dismayed by Dr.
Kennedy's steady swerve to the Liberal side of the spectrum,
including his refusal to expose the existence of the Illuminati
conspiracy in America (John Birch Society friends, 1994). Dr.
Kennedy also enlisted the gay writer, Mel White, to ghostwrite some
of his books ("Five Tips For Social Action", Freedom Writer
Magazine, March, 1996, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 11, quoted by Dr. Burns,
p. 375]
Dr. James Kennedy was in the Apostate camp early. Listen:
"In 1984, Rev. Moon was arrested for his illegal business
activities. Moonies formed Coalition for Religious Freedom (CRF), a
front for defense of Rev. Moon. LaHaye, Falwell, Ben Armstrong,
Robison, Humbard and James Kennedy were on the executive board. Paul
Crouch and Hal Lindsey joined in 1986." ["This is a Bizarre World",
Beverly La Haye -- Wife of Tim LaHaye, author and spokesperson for
several Moon funded 'Christian' organizations, especially "Concerned
Women For America". She, too, has been a public speaker for Moon
functions. Another group is Womens Federation for World Peace,
also headed by Beverly LaHaye and recipient of Moon funding.
["Unholy Alliances", Ibid.]
This revelation is tough for me to swallow, for I have used
Concerned Women For America a lot, especially in terms of
anti-Abortion views and news, and in criticisms of President Bush
following a gay policy as rabid as Clinton's. [Read
However, good disinformation specialists will give mostly good
information, as we have repeatedly stated.
Ralph Reed -- Former director of the Christian Coalition
and member of the conservative think-tank "Heritage Foundation".
"Falwell is not the only evangelical reported to have accepted money
from Rev. Moon. Other notable speakers for Moon's organizations and
affairs receiving as much as $80,000 to $150,000 have included Ralph
Reed, Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Robert Schuller." ["Unholy
Alliances", Ibid.]
Pat Robertson -- Television Evangelist, Founder of the
Christian Broadcasting Network & 700 Club anchor; founder
of Operation Blessing; one time Republican Party presidential
candidate. National Religious Broadcasters members include Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham, Bill Bright and
many others clearly associated with Moon. [Ibid.]
"In 1983, American Coalition for Traditional Values (ACTV)
began with Tim LaHaye, Falwell, Robertson, Bakker, Robison and
Humbard. The money that started it came from the Moonies." ["This is
a Bizarre World", ]
Robertson has used the "700 Club" as a forum
to expound New World Order views. He had a ghostwriter write a book
entitled, "New World Order" and then had Newt Gingrich and Jesse
Helms on his program to expound this coming Antichrist system.
Robertson has exercised a large influence on politics, so much so he
has been besmudged by its dirty laundry. He was a heavy supporter of
President Ronald Reagan, expecially during Operation Contra, at
which time he had Illuminist Ollie North on his program
consistently. http://www.angelfire.com/TN/bizarrotom/
Pat Robertson is one of several leading
Evangelical leaders who used the services of Mel White to ghostwrite
books. [Burns, op. cit., p. 375]
Robertson also endorsed the blatantly New Age
Alpha Course, whose stated purpose is Ecumenism, the drawing
together of both Protestants and Catholics, focusing only on "common
ground". Its philosophy is New Age, leading directly to the One
World Church. Listen:
"It promotes humanism, ecumenism, and Charismaticism
(tongues-speaking, Toronto Blessing). Conversion is mentioned,
but it is conversion to a Christian lifestyle, not conversion to
Jesus Christ. This is spreading like wildfire among Catholics,
Baptists, and others, so Christians should be warned; be wise,
beware!" [Burns, op. cit, p. 519]
Other Evangelical leaders who have promoted
the Alpha Course are: Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, Tony Campolo,
(Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford,
Richard Foster, Bill Hybels, Luis Palau, David Yonggi Cho, Billy
Graham, Paul Cedar, Robert Schuller, and Leighton Ford, Billy
Graham's brother-in-law and former Vice President of the Billy
Graham Evangelistic Association. [Burns, op. cit., p. 526]
Can you see how all faiths of the world are
gradually being drawn together to form the One World Church of
Antichrist? These Evangelical leaders, many of whom are tied into
Rev. Sun Moon, are leading their flocks directly into this
Antichrist system!
Rev. James Robison -- TV evangelist;
Life Outreach International Ministries; associated with many
Moon organizations. This evangelical leader is a member of The
Council Of National Policy (CNP) and the Coalition For Religious
Freedom (CRF), both of which are tied tightly into Rev. Moon.
["Unholy Alliance, Part I]. Since we have not addressed the
Coalition For Religious Freedom, let us stop here and do so now:
"Another past Moon organization was the
'Coalition for Religious Freedom' where again, Tim LaHaye held a
paid position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye after Moon was
arrested for tax evasion. Jerry Falwell, James Robison, James
Kennedy and Rex Humbard, have all served as executive committee
members. Other notables to serve in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey
(Author of "The Late Great Planet Earth"), Paul Crouch (Head of the
Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr. D. James Kennedy and Don Wildman
to name a few."
"CRF President Don Sills admits that CRF has received no less than
$500,000 from Moon sources." [Ibid.]
"Another Moon associated group is called the 'Council
of 56 of the Religious Roundtable'. This group is made up of
many of the same members from Rev. Moons' CNP and CRF organizations.
It marries leading Moon associated evangelicals to the CIA, the
Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and
Freemasonry. CFR, and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg group.
Rev. Robison is a member of the Roundtable, as are many of the
evangelical leaders already mentioned. [Ibid.]
Phyllis Schafly -- Christian political
activist. Phyllis is a member of the CNP - Council For National
Policy. [Ibid.]
Dr. Robert Schuller -- Pastor and
Tele-evangelist from the famous 'Crystal Cathedral' in
Southern California, 33° Freemason ["Unholy Alliance", Part I].
Further, Templeton's New Age unification principles and teachings
were introduced dramatically into the Christian mainstream by Robert
Schuller in 1986, who continues to endorse the man and his
doctrines. ["Unholy Alliance", Part 2]
"Schuller also promotes and fellowships with
other false cults beside Islam. For instance, 'Schuller has appeared
as a main speaker for the Unity School of Christianity's (New Age)
annual conference ridiculing evangelical Christianity, at
Unification Church (Moonies) functions with Sun Myung Moon ..."
[Burns, op. cit., p. 119]
Along with Billy Graham, Schuller teaches that
there are many paths to God other than Jesus Christ [NEWS1141,
Burns, p. 18].
Schuller's mentor was the 33° Freemason,
Norman Vincent Peale, and "teaches there is no need for one to
recognize his own personal sin, no need for repentance, and no need
for the crucifixion of self .. he reinterprets what it means to be
born again. He writes, 'To be born again means that we must be
changed from a negative to a positive self-image -- from inferiority
to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust." [Burns, op.
cit., p. 113]
Robert Schuller has also spoken at highly
visible Moon sponsored events, along with Ralph Reed of the
Christian Coalition, Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women of America,
and Pat Boone [The Washington Post, July 30, 1996, p. E1 and August
1, 1996, p. C2]
President George W. Bush -- Even though
he is not pictured above, he is considered the defacto leader of the
Evangelical Christian Right! In
NEWS1596, we
report in depth on the following news article, briefly repeated
NEWS BRIEF: "Religious right finds its center
in oval office: Bush emerges as movement's leader after Robertson
leaves Christian Coalition", by Dana Milbank, Washington Post Staff
Writer, Monday, December 24, 2001, Page A02,
"Pat Robertson's resignation this month as president of the
Christian Coalition confirmed the ascendance of a new leader of the
religious right in America: George W. Bush. For the first time since
religious conservatives became a modern political movement, the
president of the United States has become the movement's de facto
leader ... Christian publications, radio and television shower Bush
with praise, while preachers from the pulpit treat his leadership as
an act of providence. A procession of religious leaders who have met
with him testify to his faith, while Web sites encourage people to
fast and pray for the president."
We encourage you to read
thoroughly, for its importance to today's reality is exceedingly
important. President Bush has been declared the leader of the
"Religious Right". The rest of the world also considers Bush to
be the leader of the Christian Right! Listen to this news story:
NEWS BRIEF: "... reasons have surfaced for the deep divisions
over Iraq that have created a political chasm between the U.S. and
allies ... As European nations become more secular, they're
increasingly suspicious of a country with a born-again Christian
President, whose political base includes the majority of non-Arab
fundamentalists in the U.S. British playwright Harold Pinter
spotlighted this suspicion when he recently called Bush 'a hired
Christian thug'." ["Bush, the Bible, and Iraq", BusinessWeek Online,
http://biz.yahoo.com/bizwk/030307/nf20030374103_db056_1.html ,
March 7, 2003].
But, you might ask, does he have connections with Rev. Sun
Moon? Consider the following news stories:
"Womens Federation for World Peace -- Former
President George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director)
received an undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this
organization and his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5 million
dollar conference expense-line according to IRS records." ["Unholy
Alliance", Part I]
"The Washington Times Foundation -- A pro-Bush Inaugural
luncheon, held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by the Washington
Times Foundation, another Moon founded group. Among the attendees
were Paul Crouch ... Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry
Falwell, Don Argue, past president of the National Association of
Evangelicals, Pat Boone ... , Billy McCormack (a Christian Coalition
board member who actually presented Moon with an award) and Southern
Baptist Convention President James Merritt." [Ibid.]
"While not many Christian leaders may have realized it at the
time, Moon sponsored George W. Bush's Inaugural Prayer Luncheon for
Unity and Renewal on Jan. 19. More than 1,400 ministers, civic and
political leaders attended the event ... Southern Baptist Executive
Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman
told Baptist Press: 'I was shocked to see that Sun Myung Moon was on
the program and in essence, the host ... .(The experience) will
serve to remind evangelical Christians that the world increasingly
is filled with wolves in sheep's clothing'." ["Unholy Alliance",
Part IV]
"Wolves in sheep's clothing"?
We could not have said it any better!
We have already spoken of
"disinformation agents", a term commonly used in the intelligence
field to describe an agent who is sown in the target country and is
designed to look like, act like, and sound like a normal citizen or
patriot of that country. Such agents will provide 75-90% good
information to their target in order to build up credibility and
believability, but during the time of the most critical moment, they
will provide disinformation that is designed to make the target
country lose the battle and/or the war.
It seems to me that these
Evangelical Christian leaders who have tight ties to the Illuminati
and/or to Rev. Sun Moon may be considered disinformation
specialists. This means they will provide good solid Christian
information, perhaps to the 95% level, in order to establish rapport
and trust among their followers. However, at the right moment, or
for the right issue, they will "toe the line" -- take the
position - the Illuminati wants them to take.
One great example is the war in Iraq. Even though
the Bush Administration offered no "smoking gun" proof that Saddam
Hussein actually possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, President
Bush ordered the attack on Iraq. During the course of the war,
Coalition Forces found no actual WMD, and now the heat is being
turned upon both Bush and Blair because we have still not found any
WMD, even though we now control the entire country. As we examined
the pro-Bush, pro-Iraq War statements of these Evangelical leaders,
we noticed that most of them were stepping forward to speak to their
specific constituencies, just as religious leaders all over the
world will be doing once Antichrist arises.
Let us examine these Evangelical leaders we have
detailed, above, to see the position they took on Iraq.
Gary Bauer -- On his web site, "Campaign For
Working Families", Bauer is unapologetically pro-Bush and pro-Iraq
War. He proves to be fully in sync with Bush Administration rhetoric
as to why we "must" invade Iraq. Listen:
"First and foremost, this war is about defending
the American people. It is about preventing another September 11th.
Never forget that. I know there is a debate about 'preemptive war,'
but given the world in which we live today, I believe such action is
morally justified ... The devastation they could inflict with
weapons of mass destruction is unimaginable ... They do not seek to
better understand us. They do not want more foreign aid. They wish
us dead. And if we do nothing, the next terror attack could well
result in tens of thousands of casualties ... Consider these three
facts: 1) Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction AND he has
used them. 2) Al Qaeda is operating inside Iraq. 3) Al Qaeda seeks
to acquire weapons of mass destruction to use against us ... We
invade Iraq not for oil, but to remove a madman and to destroy his
stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. We go to war to destroy
the very weapons Al Qaeda desperately seeks." ["Chairman's Corner",
These allegations have NOT been proven by our
conquest of Iraq. In fact, both British Prime Minister Blair and
President Bush are increasingly under pressure to explain why we
have not found WMD. The best defense Blair and Bush can offer is
that: (1) we "might" still find WMD; (2) Saddam Hussein destroyed it
before we attacked; (3) or the CIA provided "faulty" intelligence!
Bill Bright, Dr. D. James Kennedy -- Joining
Chuck Colson and others, Bright and Kennedy jointly wrote
a letter to President Bush ravishingly approving his war against
Iraq. This "Letter to President Bush" is too long to reprint here,
but we would like to note the highlights:
* "...your policies concerning the ongoing
international terrorist campaign against America are both right and
* "... your stated policies concerning Saddam
Hussein and his headlong pursuit and development of biochemical and
nuclear weapons of mass destruction are prudent and fall well within
the time-honored criteria of just war theory as developed by
Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries
* "... your stated policy concerning using
military force if necessary to disarm Saddam Hussein and his weapons
of mass destruction is a just cause."
* "Disarming and neutralizing Saddam Hussein is
to defend freedom and freedom-loving people from state-sponsored
terror and death."
* "Our nation does not intend to destroy,
conquer, or exploit Iraq ... This is clearly a just and noble
* "We believe it was wise and prudent for you to
go before the U.N. General Assembly ..." It is absolutely
inconceivable that men who are supposed to know their Bible, and are
charged by our Lord to be "wise as serpents", would not realize the
U.N. is the global government that Antichrist will one day take
over. Evidence has abounded for 40 years that proves the U.N. is
totally antichristian in values and outlook. Further, any Bible
scholar knows from the Tower of Babel record that God's plan is to
disperse the nations, not allowing any single nation to gain
control over the entire Earth, while Satan's plan is to unite all
peoples of the world into a global government, economy, and
religion. By giving honor to the U.N., these Evangelical leaders are
encouraging their members to accept the coming global government
Satan has been planning since 1776 [Seminar
2: America Determines The Flow of History"]
This letter fully "toes the mark" in supporting the President's
rhetoric -- just as any good disinformation agent will do when the
issue is critical enough, and/or if the timing is correct.
Tim LaHaye -- While I could find no evidence that LaHaye publicly
supported President Bush, Beverly certainly has, as we note below.
Dr. James Dobson, Focus On The Family --
"America comes as a liberator — not as a conqueror,' Dobson said ...
Dobson compared the war in Iraq to World War II when Adolf Hitler
killed millions of innocent people. Now we are faced with another
brutal tyrant ... Saddam Hussein must be stopped ..." ["Dobson
Supports War Efforts in Iraq", Family.org website of Focus on the
http://www.family.org/welcome/press/a0025247.cfm March 21, 2003]
Dr. Dobson thus joins the others in perfectly
falling in line with President Bush on this most critical issue.
Billy Graham - We all shuddered over the actions of Dr. Billy Graham
during the 1991 Gulf War, when President Bush (Sr.) asked him to
come to the White House to lead the nation in prayer for the war
that Bush had already declared to be a New World Order war! Listen
to Dr. Graham's public remarks after he came out of that January,
1991, "prayer service" in which he preached a short sermon:
"Perhaps out of this war will come a new peace and -- as has
been stated by the President -- a New World Order." [Burns, op.
cit., p. 63-4]
This statement, coming after years of dubious
actions that cast doubt upon the genuine nature of Dr. Graham,
convinced me that Billy Graham and his BGEA are tied tightly to the
Illuminati plan to forge a One World Religion; and further, to
deceive the American people into supporting the political acts
necessary to move the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist -- New
World Order.
In this war, the BGEA, led now by Franklin, took
a low-profile approach, probably because Franklin has been under
severe attack since his post-9/11 remarks about how evil Islam is.
However, we did see articles on BGEA advocating strong support for
sending missionaries into Iraq after the war; these articles offered
no criticism of Bush's original decision to go to war. MSN.com
recently posted an article in which they called Franklin Graham and
his organizations "Bush-loving, Islam-bashing, Muslim-converting
Christian" groups ["Jesus in Baghdad: Why we should keep Franklin
Graham out of Iraq", MSN.com, April 11, 2003,
Beverly LaHaye -- Concerned Women of America
-- Supported the war in Iraq and extolled Bush's Christian values.
"As the Iraqi war winds down with incredible
success in an unbelievably short time with unprecedented targeting
that saved lives and property, commentators are still taking pot
shots at George Bush’s view of America as the instrument of God’s
justice ... President George Bush has articulated his faith
unabashedly and confidently ... But as President Bush so accurately
said, 'we cannot know all the ways of Providence' ... The storm and
mud proved that America’s forces were resilient, flexible,
resourceful, innovative, and tough enough to stand up to the worst
conditions and still maintain their fighting spirit: they are a
force to be feared, anywhere, anytime."["Being on the Right Side of
History", By Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Beverly LaHaye Institute,
Incredibly, Crouse never realized that Bush was
using both Masonic terms for Deity in her quotes about his
"Christian" faith: God, Providence. Not once did Bush ever
mention the name, Jesus! This is so typical of occult Illuminists,
and Crouse's lack of understanding in this matter is too typical of
Christians today, as we continue to be deceived.
Ralph Reed -- Supports Bush's Iraq war
"The single strongest group for Israel in the
United States, apart from Jews, is conservative Christians,"
declared Ralph Reed, co-chairman of Stand for Israel and former
executive director of the Christian Coalition. He also noted that 80
percent of self-identified Republicans also favor military action
against Baghdad." ["Conservative Christians biggest backers of Iraq
war", by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, 11 October 2002]
"More intriguing, however, was the fact that Rove
had personally arranged for the former leader of the Christian
Coalition, Ralph Reed, to take up a consultancy at Enron - Bush's
biggest single financial backer - worth between $10,000 and $20,000
http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/iraq2.html; see also
"God, Enron and the Christian Right", Christianity About,
http://christianity.about.com/library/weekly/aa012802.htm ]
Pat Robertson -- "... in terms of saying
'sovereignty,' what is Iraq? ... Now the question is delivering
people from oppression. We are told in the Bible to loose the yoke
of oppression and to set the captives free. We are told to deliver
those who are under bondage ... What about Adolf Hitler? If we had
let him go on, he would have subjugated Europe and made it a charnel
house. He would have been killing ruthlessly. Sooner or later
someone had to stop him. Who stopped him? Well, the United States,
joined by Britain, stopped him ... We have to stop tyranny. It is a
difficult role, and it is a very expensive role, and we have to pick
our targets wisely. The next one will probably be North Korea, and
we'll have to be cautious about that." ["Does the U.S. Have the
Moral Authority to Remove Cruel Regimes?", by Pat Robertson, The 700
Thus, you can see that Pat Robertson meekly falls into line,
supporting the president's war on Iraq.
Robert Schuller -- Crystal Cathedral,
Hour of Power
"The belief that we can overcome the obstacles of
the world, exemplifies the Spirit of America. The courageous 'I can'
spirit that started with the pilgrims who crowded into rickety
little boats in order to flee persecution in Europe and seek freedom
of religion in a new land; the pioneers who crossed the entire
country all the way to what was then the 'very wild west'; to the
brave soldiers who defended the freedom of the entire world by
liberating Iraq." ["Message from Robert A. Schuller", Dr. Robert
Schuller, Jr.,
As you can see, many of the
Evangelical Christian leaders who are tied into Rev. Sun Moon, or
some other Illuminist organization, are predominantly in favor of
President Bush's war on Iraq. This is so very typical of a
disinformation specialist. Even though they disseminate an
exceedingly high percentage of truth, on an issue near and dear to
the Illuminati, they fall into line with the Illuminati.
When Antichrist arises, the need for credible
religious disinformation specialists will be at an historic all-time
high! At the very moment when Antichrist is making his claim to be
Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, Buddha returned, Mohammed
returned, and Maitreya the Christ -- all in one person -- the
opinion of the peoples of the world will be hanging in the balance.
The situation may be thought of as the time when the Battle of
Normandy or the Battle of Stalingrad hung in the balance.
Right at this moment, hundreds of pre-selected
religious figures from every religion on earth will step forward to
publicly urge their followers to accept the claims of The Christ --
Antichrist. Certainly, pre-selected "Christian" leaders will be
primed to step forward, to urge Christians to follow this
Antichrist, to accept his claims that he is Jesus Christ.
Since few of the Christians who follow one or
more of these Evangelical leaders have been taught any discernment,
and fewer still have a clear understanding of prophecy, the chances
seem excellent that many millions will follow the lead of their
Evangelical religious icon and accept the claims of Antichrist. But,
even more importantly, how many Christian pastors and leaders who
have swallowed our Mass Media propaganda campaign about Bush, and
one or more of these Evangelical leaders, will be persuaded to set
aside their knowledge of Bible prophecy and doctrine, and will
encourage their followers to accept the claims of "The Christ".
The Political Factor
One more factor needs to be addressed as well.
Not only may Christians see their favorite Evangelical leader urging
them to accept Antichrist, they may also see their favorite
politician make the same plea! Since the world has already been
reorganized into the prophesied 10-Nation consortium [NEWS1002],
the U.S. President is likely to be the head of Nation #1, NAFTA. See
the relevant prophecy:
"For God has put it into their
hearts (final 10 kings) to carry out His own purpose by acting
in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to
the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises)
of God shall be fulfilled." [Revelation 17:17;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Thus, the head of NAFTA will stand on the podium
with Antichrist and the rest of the 10 kings, to publicly praise him
and transfer their allegiance and authority to him. If President
Bush is still the President of the United States at this time, then
it will be he who will praise Antichrist, transfer his allegiance to
him, and urge all "fellow Americans" to do the same. If he still
retains his 60+% approval rating, he will sway many Americans with
his testimony alone!
Therefore, American Christians will be under a
double whammy! Their favorite religious Evangelical leader, and
their admired President of the United States, will both be urging
people to accept Antichrist. How many Christian leaders and pastors
will succumb to this double whammy and forget their knowledge of
Bible doctrine and prophecy, and accept Antichrist as Jesus Christ
returned? You may scoff at this suggestion, but I warn you that,
when Antichrist appears, he will seem very normal, charismatic, and
appealing. He will be exuding charm. All your expectations as to how
matters will be at this time may be absolutely wrong; if you are
following a man instead of the Bible, you may be deceived.
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are
you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for
this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing
you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your
loved ones. Once you have been
thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to
open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able
to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a
result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many
souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
Neil Bush is traveling with Sun Myung Moon, here's what they
are doing.
Fri Dec 02, 2005 at 08:40:46 PM PDT
John Gorenfeld has a
post up about Neil Bush joining
the conservative's
Messiah Sun Myung Moon on his world tour -- this stop
Moon is promoting his planet gigging unit,
The Universal Peace Federation.
The UPF is designed by Moon to cajole United Nations into adding
a theocratic body to work within the UN structure or, should
that fail, the UPF will act as Moon's own "God centered" UN.
There are others who have proposed a bigger role for the
religious within the UN but they have settled for operating like
an NGO, working from outside the UN in an advisory capacity. In
Moon's vision, the theocratic body would be a separate body and
be above the current secular one, with the leader of the UN
coming from this religious and "cultural" body. The UN is
supposed to have laughed at the idea, yet they passed a
resolution for dialogue on the subject a year ago.
This was a big stop for Moon. Since he is not a nation, the
Philippines has been promoting the theocratic body within the UN for
him. The speaker of the house of the Philippines openly states that
their efforts to push the theocratic body is being lead by Moon.
This has been going on for couple years but the media, other than
Moon's own, won't cover it. They are uninformed and blind.
I find, quite frankly, no one who seems to understand Moon.
People think that until we go down and vote for him in a theocracy
that all's well, he isn't winning. Others ignore him because he is
old and they think when he dies it's all over. They are wrong.
Moon outspent Scaife moving our nation right and theocratic.
He and his operatives make it clear his job as "messiah" is to raise
up the Christian "right" and bring them into control of our nation.
Christianity had to be revived so they will accept him and his
Let me tell you something, Moon has more to do with our
nations current political climate than anyone. Anyone. Yet again,
thanks to an ineffective media, our nation is unaware of his
Two things remain at the top of my wonderlist. One is why,
given the historical fact that Moon easily outspent Scaife propping
up hard right politics in the USA with BILLIONS of dollars over the
last 30 years, given that Moon
provided front groups and guidance to the new right, and has
funded the "religious" right and literally played a huge role in
creating, molding, designing the new conservative movement we see
around us today - given all that, why, when blowhard uniformed
hypocrites like Oreily squawk about UNITED STATES CITIZEN Soros
donating to a liberal causes, why don't liberals stuff Moon down
their throats? O'Reily, Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Savage, Hume, all of
them should go on FOX and bow to Moon, he brought them to power. No
Moon No one like Bush is president, that is for sure.
Biblical sized blindness in its depth and scope.
In the video you will see Bush 41, Gerald Ford, Gray Bauer,
Ralph Reed and Beverly LaHaye there helping Moon with his plans. You
can also see Pat Boone and family serenading Moon. These
"Christians" don't appear to have ever read John 5:43 - is all I can
figure. They certainly are naive chumps.
Let me put it this way for Ralph, the UPF is trying to
implement Moon's one world, where all the religions are gathered
under his wing, where he guides the directions of world events. Moon
believes he is the one who knows best what God wants us to do. He
thinks he should make that decision for the planet on God's behalf.
He's God's man on scene.
Sure there have been some democrats caught in his web over the
years, but Moon's political goals work nicely with the right wing
theocrats so he worked with the chumps to move our nation that
direction. Thanks to decades of mainstreaming by the conservative
movement, Moon has huge face around the world. When the right
his paper as their voice, they put him in the position to do his
"thing" all over the planet. At least till now, one's power and
influence in the orient is in direct relation to how much influence
you have in the USA. The right, by sucking up to Moon accepting his
propaganda paper, by working with him, they empowered Moon
Bush 41
traveling the world for Moon was huge, huge. Moon is now
becoming successful at drawing in black ministers.
You want to see the scariest video I have ever seen on Moon?
Understand no media has been telling the people who Moon is
for years so he is free to BS all wants. He has black ministers
thinking he has been persecuted like Jesus and MLK. Understand Moon
has a load of bullshit as big as all outdoors.Here is an interview
with, not a another right wing fundy Moon has bought, but a black
minister, a member of the Interfaith Alliance, a minister who
opposed the use of the "nuclear" option.
Oh, the money Moon spent on the right.... many sources
including the Moonites say much the money came from Japan. Based on
the lawyers estimates in Japan,
here's where billions came from to move our nation right and
theocratic. No, what has happened to our nation is not the product
of the free market of ideas nor any democratic process. It was paid
for and guided by the conservative's deliverer, the one who lead
them out of the forty year liberal wilderness, their savior, Sun
Myung Moon.
The Unholy Alliance -
Christianity & The NWO
Part I
By Eric Jewell
Part II
Eric Jewell will be Jeff's
Guest, Thursday, March 14, 2002
- The Bilderbergs.
- The Trilateral Commission.
- The Council of Foreign
- The Central Intelligence
- Most everyone has heard of
these groups and some of the conspiracy theories
surrounding them regarding the development of the
'New World Order.'
- Now imagine for a moment there
is something to this (and there appears to be no
lack of documented material justifying these
theories). That would mean that at almost every
elevated level of business and government, world
wide, men and women have infiltrated, become the
controlling administrators and are working to
effectively control every aspect of the life of the
"world citizen."
- One aspect of this that has
not been properly searched out is the "religious"
connection. Surely, given that much of the world is
religious, and in the currently reigning SuperPower
nation of the U.S., predominantly "Christian," then
it would only make sense that these organizations
have infiltrated the Church itself and are also
actively leading it to into the New World Order as
- Do the worlds leading
Christian evangelicals have ties to these
- Yes they do, and it is
thoroughly documented.
- Rev. Sun Myung Moon (The
Moonies), and
the Unification Church
For those few of you who are not familiar with the
Rev. Moon, in the 60s both he and his Unification
Church were universally regarded as a dangerous
cult. The abuse his followers suffered at the hands
of their mind manipulating master is indeed very
well established.
- His claims include stating
that Christ failed His mission, and that Moon
himself is the "new messiah" who is come to fulfill
the mission of God. He also claims that it is his
mission to 'unite the world through uniting
religious forces'. But would it shock you to know
that nearly all the big name Christian evangelicals
have extremely strong ties to him?
such Church leader and internationally recognized
evangelical Christian, Jerry Falwell, readily admits
that he accepted 2.5 million dollars from Moon in
1994 in order to bail out his Liberty University in
Lynchburg, Virginia. This was funneled through a
Moon organization known as the 'Womens Federation
for World Peace' which has been chaired by Beverly
LaHaye, Wife of Timothy LaHaye, who is the popular
co-author of the "Left Behind" Christian fictional
book series and a well known evangelical Christian.
The Womens Federation for World Peace paid 3.5
million to the Christian Heritage Foundation, which
in turn bought Falwell's $73 million debt, and then
frankly wrote it off. The Heritage Foundation then
seems to have paid themselves a fee of one million
dollars for their trouble.
- Since that time Falwell has
spoken at many of Moons functions, embracing the
cult-leader with unabashed reverence and friendship.
Even writings from Moons' Church confirm Falwells
comradeship with 'the new messiah' and his cult.
Moon has even been a guest speaker in mainline
denominational Churches in the past few years.
Falwell further praised Rev. Moon calling him, "An
unsung hero to the cause of freedom, who is to be
commended for his determination and courage and
endurance in support of his beliefs."[2]
- According to official court
records of a lawsuit that was filed in Bedford
County Circuit Court (West Virginia), it was alleged
that Falwell and an associate flew to South Korea,
January 9, 1994 to meet with Unification Church
officials. This trip came shortly before Falwell was
awarded the Moon money. Falwell stated openly, "If
the American Atheists Society or Saddam Hussein
himself ever sent an unrestricted gift to any of my
ministries, be assured I will operate on Billy
Sunday's philosophy: The Devil's had it long enough,
and quickly cash the check."[1]
- Falwell is not the only
evangelical reported to have accepted money from
Rev. Moon. Other notable speakers for Moon's
organizations and affairs receiving as much as
$80,000 to $150,000 have included Ralph Reed,
Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Robert Schuller,
well known for his "Crystal Cathedral" in Southern
California and "Hour of Power" 'positive-thinking'
television ministry.
- The Council Of National Policy
Another Moon sponsored organization is the Council
of National Policy founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye,
the aforementioned co-author of the "Left Behind"
book series. It is reported that he received
$500,000 from a Mr. Bo Hi Pak, Moons #1 man, and a
former Korean CIA officer. Though a tape exists
showing that LaHaye thanked Pak for the money,
LaHaye never denied the charge but verbally attacked
the sources verifying the allegation with a barrage
of insult.
- Other members of the CNP have
Beverly and Lee LaHaye, also associated with Moons
CWA group. Gary Bauer, Bill Bright, James Dobson
(Focus On The Family), Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert
Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd (Bob Jones
University), Alan Keyes (Outspoken
ultra-conservative black talk show host and author),
Dr. D. James Kennedy (noted television evangelist
and Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam Moore of Thomas
Nelson Publishing, Pat Robertson (founder of the
Christian Broadcasting Network and former
Presidential aspirant), Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph
Reed, Oliver North (formerly with the National
Security Council), Phyllis Schlafly (ultra-right
columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim Woodall, John
Ankerberg (internationally recognized Christian
television personality), Rev. E.V. Hill, James
Robison, Jay Sekulow (Attorney and activist for
ultra-right/Christian causes), Pat Boone, Larry
Burkett, Reed Larson, and many others.
- Some of the political leaders
involved with the Moon sponsored CNP group include
Senators Jesse Helms, Don Nickles, and Trent Lott.
Also Representatives Tom DeLay, Dan Burton, and Bob
- Looking into some of the CNP
officers we find not only a just a strong
association with Moon, but also powerful ties with
the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations, not to
mention association with high level Freemasonry for
which many conspiracy theorists have more than a
mere elementary knowledge related to the NWO.
Another past President of CNP is Rich DeVoss,
co-founder of Amway (and 33rd degree Mason).
- Coalition For Religious
Freedom (CRF)
Another past Moon organization was the 'Coalition
for Religious Freedom' where again, Tim LaHaye held
a paid position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye
after Moon was arrested for tax evasion. Jerry
Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, James Robison, James
Kennedy and Rex Humbard, have all served as
executive committee members. Other notables to serve
in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey (Author of "The
Late Great Planet Earth"), Paul Crouch (Head of the
Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr. D. James Kennedy
and Don Wildman to name a few.
- CRF President Don Sills admits
that CRF has received no less than $500,000 from
Moon sources. In 1984, despite forces in government
opposing the move, Moon was jailed for tax evasion
(sentenced to 18 Months in prison and fined
$25,000). In a CRF sponsored rally Tim Lahaye asked
that people go to jail with Moon in protest.
American Freedom Coalition
Led by Dr. Robert Grant and
also a Moonie organization. In a period of a little
over 2 years they received nearly 6 million dollars
from Moon organizations and enterprises. This group
includes Paul Crouch, Rex Humbard, James Robinson
and many more, names well known among the
evangelical Christian community.
- Concerned Women of
Headed by Beverly LaHaye.
The wife of Tim LaHaye, She too has been a
public speaker for Moon functions.
- Womens Federation for World
Also headed by Beverly LaHaye
and recipient of Moon funding. Former President
George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director)
received an undisclosed amount for speaking
engagements from this organization and his fee is
lost somewhere in the 13.5 million dollar conference
expense-line according to IRS records.
- Family Federation for World
Another Moon organization
which held a meeting in Washington in 1996. Among
the speakers at this event were Beverly LaHaye and
Ralph Reed. Over 1500 notables from around the world
- National Religious
Members include Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Tim
LaHaye, Billy Graham, Bill Bright and many others
clearly associated with Moon.
- Pat Robertson
in the early 80s, as Oliver North was
trading guns and ammo (and who knows what else) in
Nicaragua, was coordinating efforts to use
"Operation Blessing" to help supply goods to the
Contras. Allegedly these goods included hard cash
and gasoline for Contra vehicles.
- The head of Operation Blessing
was Captain Robert Warren, who was also formerly
associated with a CIA group called "Operation
Phoenix." Allegedly this was an assassination group
that operated in Vietnam. Also associated with this
group was... surprise, Oliver North.
The Washington Times Foundation
A pro-Bush Inaugural
luncheon, held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by
the Washington Times Foundation, another Moon
founded group. Among the attendees were Paul Crouch,
founder of Trinity Broadcast Network, Robert
Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell, Don
Argue, past president of the National Association of
Evangelicals, Pat Boone, a former T.B.N. board
member, Billy McCormack (who was a Christian
Coalition board member who actually presented Moon
with an award) and Southern Baptist Convention
President James Merritt.
- Kingpins In
The Unholy Alliance
Evangelists & Politicians
Sun Myung Moon,
founder, leader & self-proclaimed 'Messiah'
to the Unification Church & the world. |
evangelist & Christian author of
best-selling series "Left Behind." |
LaHaye, wife of
Tim LaHaye, author and spokesperson for
several Moon funded "Christian" orgs |
Crouch, Founder
and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting
Network, one of the largest tele-evangelical
corporations |
Bright, Founder
and head of the international evangelical
association, 'Campus Crusades for Christ' |
Schuller, Pastor
and Tele-evangelist from the famous 'Crystal
Cathedral' in Southern California. |
Billy Graham,
recognized world-wide as one of the most
influential evangelical preachers; author
and syndicated religious columnist |
Television Evangelist, Founder of the
Christian Broadcasting Network & 700 Club
anchor; founder of Operation Blessing; one
time presidential candidate |
James Kennedy,
founder & pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries,
outspoken television evangelist |
James Robison, TV
evangelist; Life Outreach International
Ministries; associated with many Moon
organizations |
Reed, former
director of the Christian Coalition and
member of the conservative think-tank
"Heritage Foundation" |
Conservative politician and Executive
Director of the Christian Coalition;
unsuccessful Presidential candidate. |
James Dobson,
Pediatrician, author and publisher, head of
Focus On The Family, a Christ-centric
organization and magazine |
Christian political activist who says a
woman's place is in the home... even though
she's not |
Christian political activist and attorney
involved in family values issues from
abortion to parents rights |
- Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable
Another Moon associated group is called the 'Council of 56 of
the Religious Roundtable'. This group is made up of many of the
same members from Rev. Moons' CNP and CRF organizations. It
marries leading Moon associated evangelicals to the CIA, the
Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and
Freemasonry. CFR, and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg
- The following list of members of the
Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable can be found here
- GroupWatch was compiled by
- The Interhemispheric Resource Center,
- Box 4506,
- Albuquerque, NM 87196.
- GroupWatch files are available at
- Religious Roundtable File Name: rrt.txt
- Last Updated: 4/93
- Principles:
- Members of the board of
directors of the Roundtable were: Ed McAteer,
founder and Pres; Jack Stewart, Vice Pres; Bob Amis,
M.D.; John Beckett, Intercessors of America; Othal
E. Brand; T. Cullen Davis; Nancy DeMoss; Rev. Del
Fehsenfeld, Jr., LifeAction Ministries; Dr. E.V.
Hill, pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church; Rev.
Richard Hogue, Nelson Bunker Hunt, Dr. D. James
Kennedy, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; J.P.
Mills; Dr. Paige Patterson, Criswell Center for
Biblical Studies; Rev. James Robison, James Robison
Evangelistic Association; D.G. Seago, Jr.,
Mid-Continent, Inc; and Dr. Charles F. Stanley,
First Baptist Church of Atlanta.(2,11) In 1986, Dr.
James Robison was Vice President and John Beckett
was secretary/treasurer.(14) Former Michigan
Congressman Mark Siljander has served on the
Roundtable board.
- Past members of the Council of
56 include:
- Jack Amis, M.D.; Ben
Armstrong, executive director of National Religious
Broadcasters; Rev. Raymond W. Barber, Worth Baptist
Church; John Beckett,Intercessors of America; Dr.
George Benson, President emeritus of Harding
College; Morton Blackwell, President of the
Leadership Institute; Neal Blair, President of Free
the Eagle; Tim Bobbit; Dick Bott, President of Bott
Broadcasting; Dave Breese, President of Christian
Destiny; Paul Broadhead; William Bronson; Rev.
Fletcher Brothers, Gates Community Chapel; Judy
Brown, American Life League; Dr. Roland Byrd; Dr.
David E. Calvin, West Ridge Baptist Church; Clay
Claiborne, executive director of the Black Silent
Majority; Dr. E.M. Cohron; Dale Collins; W.A.
Criswell, Criswell Center for Biblical Studies; Paul
Crouch, President of Trinity
Broadcasting Network; Mary
Crowley; Dr. Paul Cunningham, pastor of Nazarene
College Church; Dick Dingman, Republican Study
Commission; Dr. Jerry Falwell, Moral Majority, Old
Time Gospel Hour and Thomas Road Baptist Church;
Rev. Charles Firoe, John Fisher,American Security
Council; Charles Fitzgerald, director of Operation
Lifeline; Ken Fonas, the Fonas Corporation; Richard
Ford,Coordinated Consulting; Rev. Roger Fulton,
Neighborhood Church of New York; Peter B. Gamma,
Jr., National Pro-Life PAC; Ellen Garwood; General
Daniel Graham, President of High Frontier;
R.M.Goddard; Robert Grant, Christian Voice; Lloyd
Hansen; Dr. Roy Harthern, Calvary Assembly; Richard
Headrick; Senator Jesse Helms(R-NC); Steve Herring;
Rev. Melvin Hodges, 1st Baptist Church of Glen
Oakes; Don Howard, Accelerated Christian Education;
Mildred Faye Jefferson, M.D.; Congressman James
Jeffries; Representative Louis (Woody) Jenkins,
Friends of the Americas; George B. Jones; Dan S.
Kauffman; General George Keegan, Jr.; James Kennedy,
pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; Bill
Keyes, Black PAC; General Albion Knight, Jr.;
Beverly LaHaye, President Concerned Women for
America; Dr. Tim LaHaye, Scott Memorial Baptist
Church; Reed Larson, President of Right to Work;
Larry Lea, pastor of Church on the Rock; Marian
Maddox, Point of View Radio; Connie Marshner,
President of the Family Coalition; Don McAlvany,
President of the International Collectors
Associates; Bob McCustion, chairman of Faith
Ministries; Dr. William H. Marshner, chairman of the
Department of Theology at Christendom College;
Congressman Larry McDonald (deceased); Jay Menefee,
Robert Metcalf; Dr. Bobby Moore, Broadway Baptist
Church; Dr. Gary North, Christian Economics
Foundation; Larry Parish; Paige Patterson, President
of the Criswell Institute; Howard Phillips, The
Conservative Caucus; Dr. William A. Powell, Sr.,
Editor of the Southern Baptist Journal; Randall R.
Rader, deputy counsel to the
Senate Subcommittee on the
Constitution; Dr. Ross Rhoads, Calvary Presbyterian
Church; Bill Richardson, California State Senate;
Bobby Richardson, Ben LippenSchool; Gary Richardson;
Rev. Tom Riner; Phyllis Schlafly, President of the
Eagle Forum; Earl Seall, White's Ferry Road Church
of Christ; Cory SerVaas, editor and publisher of the
Saturday Evening Post; Doug Shadoux, National
Republican Party; William S.Smith; Scott Stanley,
editor of Conservative Digest; Rev. George Swanson;
Helen Marie Taylor, U.S. Representative to the
United Nations; William Taylor; Bob Tilton, Bob
Tilton Television Ministry; Michael Valerio; Bob
Weiner, President of Maranatha Ministries; Paul
Weyrich, President of the Free Congress Foundation;
Earl E. Whitwell, Kim Wickes, Kim's Ministries; Don
Wildmon, President of the National Federation for
Decency; Rev.John Wilkerson, Bethel Temple; Rev.
Ralph Wilkerson, Melodyland Church, J.C. Willke,
M.D., President of National Right to Life, and Jack
Wilson, executive director of the Council for
National Policy.(2,12).
- The following are a few
shortened bios from the same source, associated with
this Roundtable of 56...
- Govt Connections:
- Major General George J.
Keegan, Jr. was the chief of the U.S. Air Defense
Intelligence and member of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, worked for the CIA from 1963-1966
- General Daniel Graham (ret.)
During the Vietnam war from1967-1968 he was chief of
the Army's military intelligence estimates. In 1971
Graham served as director of collections for the
Defense Intelligence Agency, the pentagon's version
of the CIA. In 1973 Graham served as a deputy to CIA
Director William Colby and from 1974-1976 he was the
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
- Groups belonging to the
Roundtable include:
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association, Moral Majority, Christian
Voice,Church League of America, National Religious
Broadcasters, Campus Crusade for Christ, Plymouth
Rock Foundation, National Association of
Evangelicals, Gideon Bible, Wycliffe Bible
Associates, and Intercessors for America.(15) Ed
McAteer was sales marketing manager for
Colgate-Palmolive Company when he retired to become
the national field director of the Christian Freedom
Foundation (CFF), and organization devoted to
training evangelicals for places of leadership in
government. From there McAteer moved to the righting
Conservative Caucus where he served as national
field director until founding the Religious
Roundtable.(1) He is or was a member of the board of
the evangelical Wycliffe Bible Associates.
Unity: A One World Religion?
- In light of the ties between
nearly all Christian "evangelicals" with Rev. Moon,
the CIA, the Council for Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral commission, the Bush family and Bush Sr's
"New World Order", is it any wonder that after the
September 11th tragedy, Billy Graham prayed in the
name of God, AND ALLAH, as dignitaries from many
faiths were gathered before him? This prayer was
broadcast the world over. His call was for religious
cooperation and 'unity of all faiths,' the trump of
Rev. Moon.
- Franklin Graham's (son of
world renowned evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, and
heir to the very lucrative and influential Billy
Graham Evangelistic Ministries) answer to a question
by NBC's Tom Brokaw, ..."it's very important that
all the faiths, all the denominations are coming
together, cooperating together, working together; it
is a wonderful testimony to the spirit of America,
and the dedication of the American people."
- Moon also owns the Washington
Times, THE conservative voice of the nation. Though
this establishment should have gone under several
years ago, Moon pours multi-millions of dollars
into this paper. He also owns the
publication "Insight". He indeed owns many
businesses and operates in media of several nations
- In Central America He is the
owner of the "Tiempos del Mundo" (Times of the
World), another leading news publication, making him
the conservative voice there as well. In the early
1980s, Moon was shooting for the acclaim of all of
Central and South America. He met political
opposition from Carlos Menem, Argentinas President.
- His rescue came in the form of
one man. That man was George Bush Sr. former
director of the CIA, former Vice President, and
former President of the United States of America.
- Bush was the principal speaker
at the Sheraton Hotel at a Moon sponsored event,
with 800 to 900 guests in attendance giving this
manipulative operative remarkable credibility
overnight. Bush declared enthusiastically; "...The
editors of The Washington Times tell me that never
once has the man with the vision interfered with the
running of the paper, a paper that in my view brings
sanity to Washington, D.C. I am convinced that
Tiempos del Mundo is going to do the same thing."
- Both George and Barbara Bush
made several speeches in Asia in 1995. In Tokyo,
Japan during one Moon rallying function, over 50,000
pro-Moon advocates were addressed by the two. This
was sponsored by the Womens Federation for World
- It has also been speculated
that Moon and Bush were seeking joint business
ventures in South America.
- An interesting fact is that
despite over 30 years of allegations (from some U.S.
government officials seemingly out of the loop) of
Moons connections with the Korean CIA (and as we can
now see the American counterpart as well) no steps
have been taken to deport him, let alone prosecute
- Conclusion
What do Rev. Moon, leading
Christian evangelicals and the American government
have in common? And, just what does this have to do
with the "New World Order," as (re)coined by George
Bush Sr.? There can be no doubt that these dark
elements of government, industry, banking, and
intelligence are leading us into their new world
order, and their influence has been extended to
nearly every Christian in the world through these
leading evangelicals who claim to represent Christ.
Perhaps this Rev. Moon quote from August 4th 1996
may give us a little more "insight"...
- "Americans who continue to
maintain their privacy and extreme individualism are
foolish people... The world will reject Americans
who continue to be so foolish. Once you have this
great power of love, which is big enough to swallow
entire America, there may be some individuals who
complain inside your stomach. However, they will be
- Could this be the 'falling
away' of the Church so often preached by these same
evangelicals? The great 'apostasy' which will, in
the last days render much of the Christian Church
faithless to their original calling and subject to
the manipulation, will and prophesied plans of the
- References:
Falwell quote from
Christianity Today Magazine
- Christianity Today, February
9, 1998
- 'Moon-Related Funds Filter to
- by John W. Kennedy
Moon's 'Christian Ecumenism in
the America's Conference' in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The Unholy Alliance -
Christianity & The NWO
Part II
By Eric Jewell
Eric Jewell will be Jeff's Guest,
Thursday, March 14, 2002
Part 1
of this article, "The Unholy
Alliance: Christianity & The NWO" dealt
generally with the relationship between this
nations' leading evangelicals, Rev Sun Myung
Moon, and the U.S. Intelligence community as
strange bedfellows. This short follow up will
attempt to go deeper into the makeup of these
organizations, and how they work together. Every
attempt to document the claims, statements and
facts herein have been made so as not to
unjustly accuse or impugn the integrity of those
mentioned. But in the end, if such an unholy
alliance exists, there are manifold truths which
likely will never surface to the light of day
for exposure and examination. We will deal with
what can be verified be reasonable sources.
- Amazingly, most of these
organizations are almost entirely made up of the
same individuals. Trinity Broadcasting Network,
Christian Broadcasting and most leading
evangelicals/pastors in this unique electronic
limelight are also directly associated with
these groups, or have been in the past. The vast
majority of these men have spent decades making
forays into political groups of this nature.
- The question is, what are
they doing? Where would these 'Moon money men'
lead the flock they say God has charged them
with as shepherds? Is it untoward to ask such
questions, to scrutinize their political
involvement with Moon? We think not. In fact, we
feel it is imperative.
- We have already shown that
some evangelicals have unabashedly admitted Moon
sponsorship, such as Jerry Falwell. It seems
that most though try to sweep this dirt under
the rug. Is their ultimate goal to lead the
religious right blindly and willingly into the
NWO, something openly hailed by preachers and
president's alike?
- Billy Graham
- In 1992, broadcast across
the US on Graham's radio program "Embrace
America 2000," after Bush Sr. gave his now
infamous New World Order Speech, the Rev. Billy
Graham said that we should "embrace" this "New
World Order".
- In Erwin Wilsons book,
"The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham
into the Roman Catholic Church" the renowned Bob
Jones who wrote the forward said, " "Some of us
who grieved over Graham's first downward steps
toward compromise with apostasy and biblical
unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction
from which there would be no turning back. While
we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had
to warn men against his ministry as we had
warned Billy against his direction."
- Protestant Church Life
Magazine quoted Graham in its Sept. 29, 1956
issue, 'Referring to the Billy Graham New York
Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham
said: "We're coming to New York not to clean it
up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to
God and to send them on to their own churches --
Catholic, Protestant or Jewish." This has
remained the practice of Graham to this day. The
Charlotte Observer reported on a press release
of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,
where Billy Graham lashes out at Southern
Baptists who desire to evangelize Jews for
Christ. Graham makes it clear that he firmly
opposes "proselytizing" the Jews; Billy Graham's
unbiblical teaching is that, if you are a Jew,
you are already part of the Body of Christ, even
if you reject Jesus. All Jews, Graham states
"are engrafted into the Christian Church." And
yet, many of Graham's past statements have
proved to be antisemitic, as recently
embarrassing Nixon White house tapes have
- In 1982, Billy Graham was
awarded the Templeton Prize for "progress in
religion", a cash reward of roughly 1 Million
dollars. Graham in turn endorsed Sir John Marks
Templeton's books in "Christianity Today"
magazine. Templeton is a universalist
(1), just like
Moon, preaching/teaching the unity and
unification of all world religions. Other
recipients of the Templeton award have been
Charles Colson (1993) and Bill Bright (1996),
founder of Campus Crusade for Christ.
Templeton's New Age unification principles and
teachings were introduced dramatically into the
Christian mainstream by Robert Schuller in 1986,
who continues to endorse the man and his
doctrines. For decades Graham has offered a
confusing doctrinal stance. Billy Graham said,
"I found that my beliefs are essentially the
same as those of orthodox Catholics. We only
differ on some matters of later church
tradition. I find that my beliefs are
essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman
Catholics" (Jan 1978, McCall's Magazine).
- In the book "Billy Graham,
A Parable of American Righteousness" by Marshal
Frady, we see a very different picture of
Graham. Frady has spent much time interviewing
Graham, and those close to him. He documents
that Graham at a New York Crusade refused to
allow street people into the crusade because
they were dirty, a loathsome violation of every
Christian creed toward the poor, to whom the
Gospel Jesus made declaration. This is
tantamount to the Galatians incident in
scripture when
Peter, fearing the reproach of
certain Judaisers of wealth and status, withdrew
himself from associating with gentiles, and the
Apostle Paul had to oppose him to his face
publicly, "for he was to be blamed" (Galatians
2:11, The New Testament). With the release of
the Nixon tapes we see a very shaky, strangely
unchristian past for Graham.
- He is also quoted as
saying, "Pope John Paul II has emerged as the
greatest religious leader of the modern world
and one of the greatest moral...leaders of this
century." (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb,
1980.) Though Graham is stating a fact, how does
it reflect on his ministry of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ from a Protestant position? More
examples of a homogenization of the message and
messengers for the sake of public appeal. "Pope
John Paul II, often called "The Marian Pope,"
has stirred countless millions of Europeans to
have faith in strange, supernatural Marian
apparitions which directly challenge the Word of
God, the Supremacy and Divinity of Jesus Christ
and the Scriptural means of salvation ("Messages
From Heaven," Eternal Productions,
- In "The Deadly Deception",
by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason (Masons are
believed by many to be associated with the
Illuminati, and to be the driving force behind
the NWO) p. 104-105, Shaw relates how Graham was
present at his ceremony initiating him into the
33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to
attend these ceremonies. Huffington house
refused to publish this book until after
Grahams' name was removed, and in place a simple
reference to "a well known evangelist" was
supplemented. Robert Schuller (Crystal
Cathedral/Self-help pulpit guru), Norman Vincent
(Positive Thinking apostle), and
Oral Roberts (Godfather of the "seed-faith"
doctrines in contemporary
fundamentalist-charismatic Christianity) are all
admittedly 33rd degree Masons. The rites of the
Masonic order, the writings of Albert Pike and
the requisites for Masonic initiates are
distinctly and undeniably counter to Christian
doctrine and faith.
- He is a supporter of the
National Council of Churches and the World
Council of Churches, where a belief in Jesus
Christ is a nonessential. He has been quoted in
an interview with Robert Schuller that there are
'many paths to God' and he 'respects them all.'
Of course, as was mentioned in the previous
article, he participated in prayer offered up to
the god of Mohammhed (Allah). At that gathering
were many Jews, Muslims, Christians and many
other faiths gathered together praying to the
god of Islam as the God of Abraham -- a distinct
moment of "unification".
- Is Billy Graham working
toward the goal of a New World Order? Is it
merely a matter of decades of compromise with
the world, or something more strategic? I wrote
to the Billy Graham Evangelical Ministries, to
ask what moved him to participate in a prayer to
the god of Mohammhed, and to date have received
no answer.
- Tim LaHaye
- Tim LaHaye's relationship
with Moon goes back at least 17 years. In 1985
as was reported earlier, LaHaye was addressing
several hundred evangelical Christians, the
flock he claims to guard and feed, and did he
exhort that they draw closer to his God? No,
unless his god is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
He exhorted that they go willingly to jail with
the Rev. Moon in demonstration to his
imprisonment over tax fraud. (The spin on the
story has been that LaHaye and others were
supporting Rev. Moon's "religious freedom")
- While in prison, Moon
continued to spout out to the world that he is
the anointed messiah, and also at that time, he
pronounced a day when he claims he opened
heaven. LaHaye visited him and apologized for
the actions of the U.S. Government which
imprisoned him. Also visiting Moon in prison was
the president of one of the groups chaired by
LaHaye This was the AFC (American Freedom
Coalition) president, Don Sills.(Truth is my
Sword' Vol 2, by Bo Hi Pak, 'The Watchman
- LaHaye is also the founder
of the ACTV (American Coalition for Traditional
Values). Bo Hi Pak, Moons #1 man, formerly
Korean CIA and the operative that was liaison to
American CIA, gave a very sizable donation to
help steady the new organization, after which,
LaHaye agreed to sit as a member of the board of
directors for the Rev. Moon sponsored "Christian
Voice" group.(Americans United For Separation of
Church and State/Feb 2002)

- Kingpins In
The Unholy Alliance
Evangelists & Politicians
Sun Myung Moon,
founder, leader & self-proclaimed
'Messiah' to the Unification Church &
the world. |
evangelist & Christian author of
best-selling series "Left Behind." |
LaHaye, wife
of Tim LaHaye, author and spokesperson
for several Moon funded "Christian" orgs |
Founder and Chairman of Trinity
Broadcasting Network, one of the largest
tele-evangelical corporations |
Founder and head of the international
evangelical association, 'Campus
Crusades for Christ' |
Pastor and Tele-evangelist from the
famous 'Crystal Cathedral' in Southern
California. |
Billy Graham,
recognized world-wide as one of the most
influential evangelical preachers;
author and syndicated religious
columnist |
Television Evangelist, Founder of the
Christian Broadcasting Network & 700
Club anchor; founder of Operation
Blessing; one time presidential
candidate |
James Kennedy,
founder & pastor of Coral Ridge
Ministries, outspoken television
evangelist |
James Robison,
TV evangelist; Life Outreach
International Ministries; associated
with many Moon organizations |
Reed, former
director of the Christian Coalition and
member of the conservative think-tank
"Heritage Foundation" |
Conservative politician and Executive
Director of the Christian Coalition;
unsuccessful Presidential candidate. |
James Dobson,
Pediatrician, author and publisher, head
of Focus On The Family, a Christ-centric
organization and magazine |
Christian political activist who says a
woman's place is in the home... even
though she's not |
Christian political activist and
attorney involved in family values
issues from abortion to parents rights
Jerry Falwell
John Ankenberg
These three men are the worst excuse for
the word Christian ever invented.
The last three men did everything they
could to destroy Rev. Jim Bakker's and
Tammy Faye's PTL Heritage USA and his
God given Christian Ministry.
While Jim was in prison UNFAIRLY for
fraud and Jerry Falwell put PTL into
bankruptcy, the bankruptcy judge sold
PTL's Heritage USA for 10 cents on the
dollar of its value to a group of
Christians from MALAYSIA. |
- The highly influential "Left Behind"
author was also associated in a group called the Council for
Religious Freedom, but when it was made public that this was
another Moon front, LaHaye apparently resigned from the
group, though his name was not at the time stricken from
their membership roster. Though LaHaye resigned, others
after him signed on, continuing to bolster its credibility.
These include Paul Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting
- Among the other bizarre
goings on within the Moon/Conservative alliance,
a young, black Zimbabwean claiming that he is
the reincarnation of Moons dead son has also
spoken at functions of the American Freedom
Coalition. (CRI Journal-CRJ0092A). Moon himself
has revealed that this claim of reincarnation is
- The LaHayes were also
involved in a meeting sponsored by Moon in 1996,
through the Family Federation for World Peace as
well as the Women's Federation for World Peace
(two Moon sponsored organizations), a 3 day
seminar in Washington D.C., from July 31-August
2, along with several other highly visible
evangelicals. Beverly LaHaye received between
$80-150,000 for speaking at the event.
1999, Tim LaHaye and co-author Jerry Jenkins
wrote (3) that the
Catholic church was very likely the Great Harlot
sitting on the beast in Revelation 17 and 18,
their reason being that they believe the
Catholic church may attempt to unify the worlds
religions, though they wrote differently in
their "Left Behind" book series. LaHaye and his
family are involved directly with groups
sponsored by and in some cases founded upon
money from a false messiah whose objective is
publicly stated, and loudly at that, for the
unification of world religions. So where exactly
does LaHaye stand if in doctrine he warns of
unification brought about by Rome, and yet
associates with the Unification Church?
- Rev. Moon states in his
address, 'Life on Earth and in the Spirit World'
- "This is why God created
so many different religions: to be training
grounds to make a path for every people,
culture, custom, and tradition. Religions polish
people to be qualified to enter the region of
the original homeland. Because of humankind's
many different cultural backgrounds, God sought
and set the standard of comparison and has been
leading the way toward one unified religious
world." (4)
This is rather peculiar in light of the apparent
diversity of world religions in doctrine,
practice and teachings, each with their own
sense of exclusivity of one another, sometimes
to the very inspiration of holy war.
- According to 'Group
Watch,' a cult watchdog organization, Don Sills
is another evangelical leader who stated that he
would recruit members from a group directly
associated with Rev. Moon, CAUSA, to become
members of his AFC (American Freedom Coalition)
organization. In March of 1988, Sills appeared
on Trinity Broadcasting Networks flagship
program "Praise the Lord" warning people away
from listening to 'cult watch groups', being
concerned for the division and fear they may
bring. Of course these anti-cult groups tell us
that since Moon claims Jesus will worship at
Moons feet, and inflicts mind control techniques
over his followers, his religion is a cult that
should by all means be avoided and certainly
watched. Paul Crouch is another who seems to
shy away from the overall doctrine espoused on
his "Christian" television network, and appears
to work for religious unification.
- The Tangled Web
- The Council for National
- We touched on this council
Part 1, but now we shall take a closer look
at it and its members. This group was founded by
Tim LaHaye in 1981. Again we have shown definite
ties between this "Christian" organization and
the Rev. Moons openly anti-Christ organizations.
This will be addressed later more fully, but
this group is also associated heavily with the
controversial and cultic Church of Scientology,
the John Birch Society (known for its espionage
work), and the intelligence community. (Note: we
attempted to get JBS board member lists but the
Society returned a response that it was their
policy not to reveal names of its board
- It was stated by
Congressman Woody Jenkins (Newsweek,1981)
"I predict that one day before the end of this
century the Council [for National Policy] will
be so influential that no President, regardless
of party or philosophy, will be able to ignore
us or our concerns or shut us out of the highest
levels of government." In October, 1999 George
W. Bush addressed the CNP. His campaign refused
to release the full text of his remarks. Why the
- Beverly LaHaye, as was
previously noted, is the wife of Tim LaHaye. She
also was and still may be part of the CNP, and
also founder of Concerned Women for America. She
joined forces with Citizens Council on Human
Rights, a group affiliated with Scientology, and
Gary Bauer's Family Research Council, which has
benefited as well from Rev. Moon organizations
and money. This all under the umbrella of social
change and "Christian family values" in America.
Mrs. LaHaye and Bauer appeared and spoke
together in a 1995 rally against psychiatric
practices on children. The question is,
regardless of a good cause, is it necessary for
these evangelical leaders to join forces with
Moon, Scientology and the Intelligence
community? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
recognize that many groups use charitable
giving/participation, patriotic associations and
demonstrations of community or national good
will to obfuscate their true objectives and
agenda, or to conceal and deflect attention from
their wrong-doing.
- LaHayes group, the Council
for National Policy, is just one example of
evangelical organizations being filled with
Intelligence officers, Moon representatives and
Scientology members. To name all the members who
were and are involved in the intelligence
community and cults would take too long here,
but here are just a few; (5)
- * Howard Ahmanson Jr. (CNP
Board of Governors) Contributed to the Council
of Foreign Relations according to their
1990-1993 reports
- * Thomas R. Anderson (CNP
Board of Governors) Also sits on the board of
the Moon front Family Research Council.
- * Rep John Ashbrook (CNP
Board of Governors) Also a member of Moons front
group "Christian Voice".
- * Richard Bott (CNP Board
of Governors) Former writer for the Moon owned
Washington times.
- * Jeffrey Coors (CNP Board
of Governors) Coors brewing Co.
- * Joseph Coors (CNP Board
of Governors) President Adolph Coors Company
- *
Arnaul D'Borchgrave (CNP Member) Editor in chief
of the Moon owned Washington times, member of
the Council of Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * George Gilder (CNP Board
of Governors) Program director for Rockerfeller
funded Manhattan Institute, friend of David
Rockerfeller, and a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * Ron Godwin (CNP Member)
Former Vice President of Falwells Moral
Majority, Sr Vice President of the Moon owned
Washington times
- * Allan Gottleib (CNP
Member) Board Member of Moons front group, the
American Freedom Coalition. In 1983 the Moon
group CAUSA, founded by Bo Hi Pak, former Korean
CIA and liaison to the American CIA, and Moons
right hand man, granted Gottleib an all expense
paid trip to Jamaica for a CAUSA conference
- * J. Peter Grace (CNP
Member) Council of Foreign Relations, Knights of
Malta, and worked with the CIA to remove
classified info concerning former Nazi
scientists so that they could immigrate into the
U.S., supposedly so they could carry on their
work (including mind control projects) here in
the good ole U.S.of A.
- *
Lt. General Daniel Graham (CNP Board of
Governors) Director of the Defense Intelligence
Agency, Deputy Director CIA, Military advisor to
President Reagan, publicly endorses the Moon
owned Washington Times. Also a member of the
Moon org, World Anti-Communist League, and board
of Directors for Moons CAUSA. Member of the
American Freedom Coalition. Vice Chairman for
the U.S. Council for World Freedom, which also
is closely related to Moons CAUSA. Member too of
the Council of 56, Religious Roundtable.
- *
Robert Grant (CNP Directory) Founder of
"Christian Voice", and the American Freedom
Coalition, both are Moon sponsored orgs.
Graduate of the fuller Theological Seminary, and
member of the Religious Roundtable. Bo Hi Pak
has praised the union between these Christian
organizations and Moonie orgs saying "...it
shows what a great since of humor God has."
Grants "Christian Voice" claims to be the
nations largest Christian lobby, and according
to the Philadelphia Inquirer, merged with Moon
in 1987.
- * Sen. Jesse helms (CNP
Board of Governors) also of the Religious
Roundtable, endorser of the Moon owned
Washington times, and a member of the Council
for Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * Max Hugel (CNP Member)
Former special assistant CIA Deputy Director for
Administration, and Deputy Director for
- * Jack Kemp (CNP Member)
Co Director of Empower American, whose board is
dominated by the Council of Foreign
- * Alan Keyes (CNP Member)
Former Ambassador to the United Nations. He was
also part of Reagans National Security Team
which was dominated by high level Council of
Foreign Relations men(CFR).
- * Edwin Meese (CNP
Executive Committee, CNP President) Former
Attorney General, former Chief of Staff
- Notice that many
mentioned, (as well as many not mentioned) are
members of the CFR (Council for Foreign
Relations). This is a group espousing the New
World Order and have actively and openly worked
toward it for decades. Not surprisingly, the man
who popularized the phrase "New World Order,"
George Bush Sr, was also at one time head of the
- A reminder that some of
the evangelical members of the CNP have
- Beverly and Lee LaHaye,
also associated with Moons CWA group. Gary
Bauer, Bill Bright, James Dobson (Focus On The
Family), Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert Grant,
Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd (Bob Jones
University), Alan Keyes (Outspoken
ultra-conservative black talk show host and
author), Dr. D. James Kennedy (noted television
evangelist and Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam
Moore of Thomas Nelson Publishing, Pat Robertson
(founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network
and former Presidential aspirant), Rev. Duane
Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North (formerly with
the National Security Council), Phyllis Schlafly
(ultra-right columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim
Woodall, John Ankerberg (internationally
recognized Christian television personality),
Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison, Pat Boone, Larry
Burkett, Reed Larson, and many others.(5)
- So now we must ask
ourselves why are these people associated
together under the front of "Christian"
organizations? Is it merely coincidence? To
assume such is to be remarkably naive and
woefully remiss in learning the lessons of past
history. By comparing the members of the CNP and
cross referencing them with any large Christian
or Moon organization, and many of the
politically right-wing PAC (Political Action
Committee) organizations, you will find
essentially that these organizations are made up
of the same people.
- Is this a ruse, to draw
evangelical believers and right wing patriots
into the NWO? It certainly seems to be. Moon
states his goal is to unify the worlds religions
thereby unifying the world. Bo Hi Pak states;
"We want to awaken the world. We want to turn
the tide [so] that this totalitarian, godless
system must go....It is a total war. Basically a
war of ideas." (6)
- These organizations work
together tightly, and nearly every major
evangelical name that can be named is involved
with these apostate organizations, fleecing
their sheep in order to help fund these groups;
A large number of these "great men of God" can
be found living in palatial homes, driving
exorbitantly expensive automobiles and owning
personal jets and relishing accolades as great
teachers of the faith. These men seem more like
the Pharisees of Jesus' day, who denied Him as
well, yet 40 years later came to their
destruction following a false messiah. They
speak at each others functions, support one
another monetarily, and cause many to believe
that they do it in the name of God and in
harmony with God's will (many claiming direct
divine revelation, inspiration and in some cases
unquestionable supernatural authority). The
Bible they themselves espouse refers to them as
- For your own research, it
is recommend to those of you who can, do a
simple Internet search using the following
- LaHaye, Rev.Moon, CIA
- Falwell, Moon, Liberty
- Paul Crouch, Rev. Moon,
- Hal Lindsey, Rev. Moon
- Councel of 56 Religious
- Concerned Women of
America, Rev Moon, Beverly LaHaye
- Coalition for Religious
Freedom, Moon, LaHaye
- CAUSA, Falwell, Moon
- Billy Graham, Mohammhed,
Washington, Transcript
- American Freedom
Coalition, Moon, Crouch, LaHaye, 6 Million
- Council for National
Policy, members
- References/Notes:
- --
- (1) Sir John Marks
Templeton, "Discovering The Laws of Life",
published by Continuum/1994,
- 320 pages, 0-8264-0861-3
- (2) The Calvary Contender
Newsletter, October, 2001. Dave Hunt, The Berean
Call, Sept.,1996
- (3) LaHaye/Jenkins, 'Are
We Living In The End Times?,'
- 1999, Tyndale House Pub;
ISBN: 0842336443
- (4) Chung Hwan Kwak,
International President, Family Federation for
World Peace and Unification International,
March, 1998
- (5) Database of Council
for National Policy
Notes: At the leadership levels in both the
national office and state chapters, the American
Freedom Coalition is closely tied to the Rev.
Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. The
Washington Post (March 30, 1988) has even
described the AFC as a "Moon sponsored lobbying
group. "(34) The links between the two entities
are so extensive that they will be discussed
here in the Background section as well as in
Private Connections. - from "Group Watch" on the
(6) Vol 2, 'My Sword is Truth,' by Bo Hi Pak
- Additional Material Of
Christianity Today, Week of August 6
- CT Classic: With Their
Leader in Prison, Moonies Pursue Legitimacy
- Tim LaHaye and other
Christians are helping the Unification Church
battle the perceived threat of government
- By Beth Spring | posted
- (This article originally
appeared in the September 7, 1984, issue of
Christianity Today.)
- Full acceptance into the
mainstream of American religious life is a
cherished goal of Sun Myung Moon's Unification
Church. Ironically, Moon's recent imprisonment
for tax evasion appears to be bringing that
dream a step closer to reality.
- "Religious freedom"
rallies around the country are drawing thousands
of unsuspecting Christians into emotionally
charged meetings that portray Moon as a
persecuted man of God. No ties with the
Unification Church are mentioned in promotional
mailings. The sponsors are identified as a
coalition of Christian leaders including author
Tim LaHaye; Robert Grant, of Christian Voice;
and Joseph Lowery, of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference. Greg Dixon and Everett
Sileven, leaders of a coalition of independent,
fundamentalist churches, are involved as well.
- The sponsors view Moon as
a persecuted ally in an escalating battle
against secular humanism and government
intrusion into church ministries. "One person's
religious freedom equates to everyone's
religious freedom," LaHaye says. "If one
person's freedom is robbed, then potentially
anyone's religious freedom can be robbed."
Whether Moon is a victim of persecution or a
felon is a matter of considerable debate. There
is little doubt, however, that the entire affair
is a public relations bonanza for his church.
- Darrel Malcom, senior
pastor of Webber Street Church of Christ in
Urbana, Illinois, accepted an offer for an
expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to attend
the massive "Pageant for Religious Freedom" on
July 25. He learned of the event from two
Unification Church members in Urbana. Their
involvement gave him pause, but he says he
accepted their invitation because he respects
LaHaye. LaHaye is cochairman of the Coalition on
Religious Freedom, the group that sponsored the
event. Malcom says he enjoyed the lavish
production, but returned home feeling "a little
bit used."
- "I felt there was a hidden
agenda of trying to buy legitimacy [for Moon]
within the Christian community. I'm not ready to
grant that."
- When Malcom returned home,
Unification Church members asked him to consider
sponsoring a local rally in support of Moon.
"They wanted to meet and discuss getting
Christians together," he says. "I said I do not
consider their group Christian."
- A narrator introduced
actors portraying heroes of American religious
history. At the end, a melodramatic enactment of
Moon's trial and sentencing drew a chorus of
boos and hisses for his prosecutor and sustained
cheers for Moon.
- Following the performance,
LaHaye spoke to the
audience. "If we have the same percentage of
religious freedom attacks in the next 15 years
as we have had in the past 15 years, we'll no
longer have religious freedom in America," he
said. LaHaye did not mention Moon by name.
- The evening's dramatic
climax came when Moon's daughter, In Jin Moon,
choked back tears as she spoke of her father. "I
have almost never seen my father sleep. He is
always up working and praying. I have never seen
anyone so dedicated to America's dream and to
God." She read a statement prepared by Moon for
the gathering. It referred to America as God's
final hope, "his precious jewel which he
prepared for the final battle against atheistic
communism in the last days."
- Moon's statement
emphasized the need for churches to unite-a
central theme of Unification teaching. "Here in
prison God can use me to awaken America more
powerfully than ever before. America's religious
communities must be united to preserve religious
- Chris Nauser, a
36-year-old Moonie from Switzerland, viewed the
rally as "just one part of the whole development
of an awakening" that will sweep the world. He
shares the belief of most of Moon's followers
that Moon himself is the Messiah. The
Unification Church teaches that Jesus Christ
failed in his redemptive mission and, before his
death, lied about his coming resurrection.
Moonies teach that mankind is in need of
physical redemption, which will come by the
marriage of an ideal man and woman. The man is
to be from Korea-Moon himself.
Religious Right Joins Rev. Moon At
Pro-Bush Inaugural Luncheon
Church & State/March 2001
Top leaders of the Religious Right, including Southern Baptist
Convention (SBC) President James Merritt, were among the crows at a
Jan. 19 "Inaugural Prayer Lucheon for Unity and Renewal" sponsored
by an arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church.
The Washington, D.C., event was put on the The Washington
Times Foundation, a non-profit group founded by Moon. The
controversial Korean evangelist, who preaches that he is the new
messiah sent by God to complete the failed mission of Jesus, spoke
at the event and received an award for his work in support of family
values, the Moon-owned Washington Times reported.
The Rev. Billy McCormack, a Christian Coalition board member
and long-time Religious Right activist from Louisiana, assisted in
presenting Moon with the award.
Other attendees at the event included TV preachers Jerry
Falwell, Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland and Paul Crouch as well
as Don Argue, former president of the National Association of
Evangelicals. Former pop star Pat Boone provided entertainment.
Two Bush administration nominees attended the luncheon as well
- Stephen Goldsmith, the former Indianapolis mayor who will promote
"charitable choice" initiatives, and Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Goldsmith touted the Bush plan to give churches federal funds to
offer social services.
"All of us here want the government to no longer be hostile
[to religion]," Goldsmith said. "This is an administration that will
clear out the regulation problems, clear out the legal problems."
Observed Goldsmith, "I think that the best thing that America
has to face is a person who is about to become president who truly
believes in God and believes in the power of God to make the lives
of people better."
Aside from Merritt, other SBC officials attending the event
included Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer
Morris H. Chapman and Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
President Richard Land. Other prominent Southern Baptists attended,
among them Paul Pressler of Houston, Pastor Ed Young of Second
Baptist Church in Houston, Pastor Jack Graham from Prestonwood
Baptist Church near Dallas and Pastor Wiley Drake of the First
Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, Calif.
Some of the Baptist leaders later claimed they had no idea the
luncheon was sponsored by Moon and were clearly embarrassed by their
participation in an event advancing the agenda of the
self-proclaimed new messiah.
"I was shocked to see that Sun Myung Moon was on the program
and in essence the host," Chapman told the Baptist Press News
Service. "I was even more surprised on the way out of the banquet
hall to be given a propaganda book on the Unification Church."
Merritt noted that his invitation came from Doug Wead, an
evangelical who worked in the White House under President George
Bush in the early 1990s. "We knew that it was going to be an
interdenominational event, but we had no idea that the luncheon was
hosted by Moonies," said Merritt. He added, "I didn't even see the
program until I got there. I had no idea this was the nature of the
meeting. I believe this incident will teach us to be a little more
Chapman said the experience taught him to be more careful.
"[It] will serve to remind evangelical Christians that the world
increasingly is filled with wolves in sheep's clothing."
Moon uses events like the inaugural luncheon to increase his
own prestige in the religious community. A brief report about the
luncheon on the Unification church's website speaks approvingly of
Moon's ability to draw a broad cross-section of religious leaders to
his events, asserting that the gathering "united Christian leaders
black and while, including Robert Schuller, Jerry Falwell, the
leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, a representative of the
Bill Graham organization, and many others."
Critics say Moon's ultimate goal is a merger of the world's
religions under Moon and his elevation as the supreme head of a
unified theocratic state. Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, in an
article published in Unification News in September of 1992, declared
themselves "the True Parents of all humanity" and asserted, "[W]e
are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah ... [W}e
must have an automatic theocracy to rule the world."
In March of 1989, U.S. News & World Report noted that Moon has
stated that his aims include the "subjugation of the American
government and population."
There are signs that Moon is growing weary of the resistance
to his message in the United States and that he may be ready to
adopt a more militant approach. Two days after the luncheon, Moon
gave a sermon at Irvington, N.Y. Although the message was delivered
in Korean, it was translated and notes were posted on the church
website. According to the notes, Moon again stressed that Jesus
failed to redeem humanity and asserted that only "Father" (Moon) can
save mankind.
"A few days ago, we held the inaugural Prayer Luncheon in
Washington, D.C." said Moon. "A top US official said he was busy.
That was a mistake: he should have come. If Father turns his back on
him that is no good. Don't be proud of your secular career. In
places such as Harvard or Yale, ninety percent of the people don't
know God. They're the ones who insist that God is dead. They tried
to oppose Father, but ultimately they surrendered. It is time for us
to march forward. Father wonders if we're qualified. As young
soldiers, we should have absolute confidence to do as God asks. We
should have conviction to march forward with God's sovereignty.
Until now, Father worked as if God was in prison. Everyone opposed
Father, but Father did not fall down."
Continued Moon, "Father is proclaiming to the world to go and
receive God's sovereignty. Who is God? He is our Eternal Parents.
Now, we connect to the sovereignty. True love power is there. Now,
we are welcomed on all four corners of the world. There should be no
boundaries. If we stick with the American way of doing things, there
is no hope for America; no hope, no country, no Heaven."
To see more documents/articles regarding this
click here.
Dark Side of Rev. Moon
Attacker Protected Rev. Moon
The producer of an anti-John
Kerry video, which will be aired on stations across the United
States before the Nov. 2 election, also attacked federal
investigators who were cracking down on Rev. Sun Myung Moon's
mysterious money flows in the 1980s. A book by Carlton Sherwood
helped silence Moon's critics and enabled the South Korean theocrat
to continue funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into the U.S.
political process. October 15, 2004
Republican Money
House Speaker
Dennis Hastert implied, without evidence, that liberal funder George
Soros funnels drug money into the U.S. political process. But
Republican administrations have looked the other way when facing
evidence that conservative benefactor Sun Myung Moon has ties to
overseas drug lords and has engaged in a long-running conspiracy to
launder money. September 7, 2004
Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
At odds over
North Korea, George W. Bush and South Korean President Kim Dae Jung
have one thing in common: behind the scenes, both have benefited
from Rev. Sun Myung Moon's largesse. March 10, 2001
Rev. Moon, the Bushes & Donald Rumsfeld
Defense Secretary-designate
Donald Rumsfeld criticizes President Clinton for not blocking North
Korea's missile program, but Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- a Bush family
benefactor -- allegedly was giving the communist leaders hard
currency they needed. By Robert Parry. January 3, 2001.
Rev. Moon,
North Korea & the Bushes
documents reveal that U.S. intelligence tracked secret payments from
Rev. Sun Myung Moon to North Korean leaders, a development that
could embarrass the Bush family. By Robert Parry. October 11, 2000
Moon’s Bank Scam
The right-wing theocrat ‘craters’ a bank.
November 6, 1998
Sidebar: Moon has bank troubles in
October 1, 1998
Rev. Moon’s Dark Shadow
Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s
ex-daughter-in-law, Nansook Hong, has given first-person evidence of
the Unification Church’s practice of violating U.S. currency laws.
In a new book, she exposes Moon’s money-laundering and reveals the
hypocrisy at the core of this right-wing powerhouse. October 1, 1998
Rev. Moon's Uruguayan Money-Laundry
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a
major right-wing benefactor, is facing allegations in Uruguay that
his bank is a money-laundering center, accepting major deposits of
smuggled cash. Moon's Washington Times was President Reagan's
favorite paper. August 19, 1998
Moon & His 'Green Card'
Newly released federal documents reveal that
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a principal funder of the conservative
movement, gained U.S. residency status 25 years ago, under President
Side of Rev. Moon: Buying the Right
Rev. Sun Myung Moon calls America "Satan's
harvest" and vows to subjugate its people under a Korea-based
theocracy. Normally, this anti-Americanism would not sit well. But
Moon has spread around billions of dollars from mysterious sources
to Washington conservatives. The money has helped key allies, such
as Jerry Falwell and Oliver North. It's the real Asian money scandal
-- and the Washington media is missing it. (8/11/97)
Side of Rev. Moon: Legend & Lies
Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times
is demanding that other media play up hearings on how Asians bought
influence with Democrats. In its outraged stance, the Times
calls itself "America's Newspaper." But it conceals its own role as
a secret purveyor of Asian money and its control by the Korean-based
Unification Church. Left off the masthead are its publisher, Dong
Moon Joo, and its founder, Moon himself. (8/25/97)
Side of Rev. Moon: Generation Next
In 1982, Rev. Sun Myung Moon went to jail for
tax fraud. Yet, new testimony suggests that Moon's organization did
not change its ways. Questionable practices continue, with church
money supporting a decadent lifestyle for Moon's family and with
bags of cash arriving from overseas for laundering through
church-connected firms, such as the Manhattan Center. (9/8/97)
Side of Rev. Moon: Drug Allies
Washington is obsessed with interpretations
of arcane fund-raising laws. But a more serious question -- the
political influence-buying of Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- remains
unasked. The issue is particularly important because of Moon's
free-spending ways and his past alliances with anti-communist crime
figures connected to the Japanese yakuza of Ryoichi Sasakawa and the
U.S. drug mob of Santo Trafficante Jr. (10/13/97)
Side of Rev. Moon: Moon's Billions & Washington's Blind Eye
Newly released Justice Department files show
how the Reagan-Bush administrations cited the Constitution to
protect Rev. Sun Myung Moon from investigation as a foreign agent --
while using his organization to spy on American critics of Reagan
policies. Moon apparently earned his political protection the
old-fashioned way: he bought it with lots of money. (12/22/97)
Mother's Tale: Rev. Moon & a College Freshman
Rev. Moon may devote much energy wooing
power-brokers, but his theocratic movement continues to waylay
unsuspecting young people -- and wreak havoc on their families.
Side of Rev. Moon: Hooking Bush
Despite his virulent anti-Americanism, Rev.
Sun Myung Moon still relies on friends in Washington to help him
expand his political-and-media power base. Moon's latest reach into
South America had the helping hand of former U.S. President George
Bush. But the Moon-Bush alliance dates back years and could reach
into the future, as Bush lines up conservative backing for the
expected White House bid of his eldest son. (7/28/97)
Sun Myung Moon - Moonies - Cult - Unification Church
Sun Myung Moon; Is
George Bush a Moonie? - Bush takes $100000 to
endorse the Moonies; Inside Look at the Moonies - Great
article I snagged ...
Is George Bush a Moonie?
By praising Moon George
Bush is contributing the the personal destruction of
tens of ... Who is greater, President Bush
or Reverend Sun Myung Moon? ...
More results from www.perkel.com ] |
Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon is
succeeding where Jesus failed. Worshipping Moon is
now ... Also recall that former President George
HW Bush was paid six figures to attend ...
www.rotten.com/library/ bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
George W. Bush Charlton Heston Rudolph Giuliani John
McCain Alan ...
Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Here's a guy the Republicans don't want us to know about.
... Dick Cheney Ronald Reagan George Bush Dan
Quayle Richard Nixon Bob Dole ...
home.earthlink.net/~zkkatz/page76.html |
Sun Myung Moon: A Who2 Profile
Name at birth: Yung Myung
Moon (Mun)</p><p>Sun Myung Moon is the founder
and ... on his connections with, among others,
George Bush and George W. Bush ...
- |
The Washington Times - Comments by Sun Myung Moon
Founder's Address 15th Anniversary of The Washington Times
... The Washington Times also supported the 1988
election of George Bush as the ...
www.realjournalism.net/times.htm -
Dark Side of the Moon Spring 2000 -- Volume 38 No. 2
... cult leader
Reverend Sun Myung Moon - ran a headline stating, “Bush
scoffs at ... Vice President George Bush, a
former CIA director, invited Moon as his ...
www.americanatheist.org/spr00/T2/fitrakis.html |
George Bush Blesses Moon
Bush Praises Sun
Myung Moon as 'Man of Vision'. 07:10 Nov 25, 1996 EST
BUENOS AIRES (Reuter) -. The South Korean evangelist Sun
Myung Moon launched a new ...
POCKET?, moonies ...
moonies, Sun Myung Moon, Unification Church,
presidential candidate from Texas, George Bush.
www.geocities.com/craigmaxim/ p-politicians-governorgeorgewbush.html
Rev. Moon, the Bushes & Donald Rumsfeld
George W. Bush’s
choice of Donald Rumsfeld to be US defense secretary could
put an unintended spotlight on the role of the Rev. Sun
Myung Moon – a Bush ...
The Dark Side of Rev. Sun Myung Moon: Part 1, Hooking Geroge
Bush ...
Sun Myung Moon Part 1,
Hooking George Bush. By Robert Parry
July 28, 1997. Last fall, the Rev. ...
The Dark Side of Rev. Sun Myung Moon Part 14, The Bush-Kim-Moon
Sun Myung Moon Part
14, The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
... President George HW Bush grew so
appreciative of The Washington Times that in 1991,
Sun Myung Moon to head
it." ["Christian Right and the Moonies", ...
President George Bush has articulated his
faith unabashedly and confidently . ...
Freedom of Mind » Moonies / Unification Church
... Open Letter to
Former President George Bush (Steve Hassan) ...
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual
Abstinence in China (New York Times, ...
www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/moonies - |
Declaration Concerning the Moonies (Unification Church/CARP led
by ...
In addition, Sun Myung
Moon and his wife are putting pressure on the
believers to ... Mr. George Bush has been
invited to participate in the events of these ...
www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/ groups/m/moonies/moonjoint.htm
- |
Bush "Moon shines"
Sun Myung Moon has also
made some statements that should make every Christian ...
Not only had (George W.) Bush’s father taken
Moon’s money to give speeches ...
liberalslikechrist.org/about/bushmoon.html -
David Corn
George W.
Bush misled the United States into war and
occupation. ... Insight, the magazine put out
by the Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington Times,
www.davidcorn.com/ - |
The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
At this past week's
summit, George W. Bush and South
Korean President Kim Dae Jung ... Sun
Myung Moon's mysterious money. Robert Parry is
an investigative ...
- |
Joint Declaration Concerning the Moon
Sun Myung Moon,
Moonies, moonies, moonie, moony, Moonie, ...
Mr. George Bush has been invited to
participate in the events of these
organizations. ...
More results from www.rickross.com ] |
Joint Declaration
In addition, Sun
Myung Moon and his wife are putting pressure on
the believers ... Former US President
George Bush has been co-operating with various
events ...
GLOBOCOPS: The powerful unplugged - NI 330 - Worldbeaters...
The Reverend Sun
Myung Moon is boss of the Unification Church,
... Moon regularly claims credit for
getting George Bush elected President of the
US. ...
www.newint.org/issue330/worldbeaters.htm -
Apologetics research resources on religious cults and sects
Sun Myung Moon
has been down, but never out. Now he's focusing on
family values with conferences and big name speakers
such as George Bush. ...
www.apologeticsindex.org/u02.html - |
Daily Kos: Neil Bush
Neil Bush is
traveling with Sun Myung Moon, here's what
they are doing. by moonboots. Fri Dec 02, 2005 at
08:40:46 PM PDT ...
www.dailykos.com/tag/Neil%20Bush - |
(8/4/97) How Bush Got a Golden Parachute From Rev.
connections between George Bush and Rev.
Sun Myung Moon ... Sun Myung Moon
and his tacit alliance with George Bush.
- |
Sun Myung Moon.
The "America Come Together Luncheon For Unity and
Renewal" ... In 1986, then-President
George Bush -- father of the current chief
executive ...
- |
the Unification Church
With the advent of
President George Bush's new emphasis on
federal aid to "faith-based" ... The
resurgence of Sun Myung Moon's Unificationism
and its many ...
www.spiritwatch.org/unchurch.htm - |
Rev. Sun Myung Moon - TRUE PARENTS' BIRTHDAY 1993 -
A presentation of the
life and teachings of Rev and Mrs Sun Myung Moon.
... When Father spoke to President George
Bush, he made an important recommendation ...
www.unification.net/1993/930128.html -
Rev. Sun Myung Moon - TRUE PARENTS' BIRTHDAY -
A presentation of
the life and teachings of Rev and Mrs Sun
Myung Moon. ... Moon Is
retreating back Americans must move forward.
George Bush, I am sorry. ...
www.unification.net/1993/930128b.html -
More results from www.unification.net ] |
Rev. Moon and the United Nations: A Challenge for the
NGO ...
See George D.
Chryssides, The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: the
origins, ... With George Bush the
elder, the Moon organization made a major
effort to elect him ...
- |
News and Commentary about President George W. Bush
President George
W. Bush has aligned himself with the
conservative, ... Bush & Moon:
Pushing for Theocracy? Reverend Sun Myung Moon
is one of the most ...
Scoobie Davis Online
... of the
Moons: My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's
Family by Nansook Hong. ... I suppose when
you are one of George W. Bush's
largest benefactors, ...
American Fundamentalists by Joel Pelletier
The Reverend Sun
Myung Moon (born January 6, 1920) is the founder
of the ... Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice,
George Bush Sr., Barbara Bush, David
Frum, ...
Message #2 from dxmivi
George Bush has
assured the world that The Washington Times is also
independent from editorial control of the Moonies
and Sun Myung Moon. ...
www.assassinationscience.com/dxmivi2.html |
'On a Mission From God': The Religious Right and the
Emerging ...
former President
George HW Bush. [St. Petersburg Times]
... Sun Myung Moon still relies on
friends in Washington to help him expand his
political-and-media ...
- |
Secrecy and Privilege Introduction
The elder George
Bush also injected another new element into
American politics, ... infrastructure –
Korean theocrat Sun Myung Moon – and the
Bush family. ...
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Moonie leader
'crowned' in ...
The US Senate was used
for a bizarre ritual in which the Rev Sun Myung
Moon, ... including the president's
father, George Bush, and John Ashcroft,
- |
The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
The Bush-Kim-Moon
Triangle of Money. by Robert Parry ... It was
the secret bond of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s
mysterious money. Robert Parry is an investigative
www.commondreams.org/views01/0310-03.htm |
More results from www.commondreams.org ]
The Unification Church: The New Moon Arises
For over fifty years
Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification
Church ... for former President George
Bush's appearances at Unification group
functions. ...
www.spiritwatch.org/moonarise.htm - |
... supply of
mysterious cash -- and part of it is going to
ex-President George Bush. ... Sun
Myung Moon's religio-political empire is known
for supporting ...
www.holysmoke.org/haught/moon.html - |
Clouds Over George Bush
George W.
Bush, is seen as the Republican front-runner for
the 2000 presidential ... Bush's close
financial relationship with Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
a major ...
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part III
Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
founder, leader & self-proclaimed 'Messiah' to the
Unification ... Russ Bakert; A Thousand
Points of Blight, AmeriCares, George Bush's
www.rense.com/general21/unholy3.htm - |
Democrats Now Venture To The Dark Side of the Moon
Sun Myung Moon,
at the Nov. 23, 1996 opening ceremony of Tiempos del
Mundo newspaper in Buenos Aires, attended by former
President George Bush. ...
www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2941moonies.html |
Bush’s Religious Passions
... in all of
this could note the Bush family’s ties to
Sun Myung Moon, ... George Bush
Sr. has made multiple speeches on Moon’s
behalf, and George W. Bush ...
www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=3084 |
An imam (Arabic:
إمام, plural:
أئمة A'immah;
امام) is an
leadership position, often the worship leader of a
mosque and the
community. Similar to spiritual leaders, the imam is the one who leads Islamic
worship services. More often, the community turns to the mosque imam if they
have a religious question. In smaller communities, an imam could also be the
community leader.
Sunni branch of Islam, whereto approximately 90% of Muslims adhere, does not
have a clergy and therefore an imam is not a
cleric like
that of a
priest. In the
branch of Islam, the concept of an imam occupies a much more central religious
The Sunni branch of Islam does not have imams in the same sense as the
In every day terms, the imam for Sunni Muslims is the one who leads
congregational Islamic worship and prayers, and the Friday sermon is most often
given by an appointed imam.

An Imam in Omdurman, Sudan.
The term is also used:
for a recognized religious scholar or authority in Islam, often for the
founding scholars of the four Sunni
madhhabs, or schools of
jurisprudence (fiqh).
It may also refer to the Muslim scholars who created the analytical sciences
related to Hadith
or it may refer to the heads of the Prophet
family in their generational times.
Those who are considered imams in the context of scholarly authority by Sunni
Shi'a imams
In the
context, imam has a meaning more central to belief, referring to leaders of the
Twelver and
Ismaili Shi'a believe that these imams are chosen by God to be perfect
examples for the faithful and to lead all humanity in all aspects of life. They
also believe that all the imams chosen are free from committing any sin,
infallibility which is called
ismah. These
leaders must be followed since they are appointed by God.
Here follows a list of the
Twelvers imams:
Number |
(Full/Kunya) |
(Arabic/Turkish)[1] |
(CE/AH)[2] |
Importance |
Birthplace (present day country) |
Place of death and burial |
1 |
Ali ibn Abu
علي بن أبي طالب Abu al-Hassan or Abu al-Husayn
أبو الحسین or أبو الحسن |
Amir al-Mu'minin
(Commander of the Faithful)[3]
Birinci Ali[4] |
23–40[5] |
The first
imam and the rightful
successor of the Prophet of all
Shia; however, the
Sunnis acknowledge him as the
Caliph as well. He holds a high position in almost all
Muslim orders (Turuq); the members of these orders trace their
lineage to Muhammad through him.[3] |
Saudi Arabia[3] |
Assassinated by
Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, a
Kharijite in
Kufa, who
slashed him with a poisoned sword.[3][6]
Buried at the
Imam Ali Mosque in
Iraq. |
2 |
Hassan ibn Ali
الحسن بن علي Abu Muhammad
أبو محمد |
al-Mujtaba Ikinci Ali[4] |
3–50[8] |
He was the eldest surviving grandson of
Muhammad through Muhammad's daughter,
Fatimah Zahra. Hasan succeeded his father as the caliph in
Kufa, and
on the basis of peace treaty with
Muawiya I, he relinquished control of
following a reign of seven months.[9] |
Saudi Arabia[7] |
Poisoned by his wife in
Saudi Arabia on the orders of the Caliph
Buried in
Jannat al-Baqi. |
3 |
Husayn ibn Ali
الحسین بن علي Abu Abdillah
أبو عبدالله |
Sayed al-Shuhada Ūçüncü Ali[4] |
4–61[12] |
He was a grandson of
Muhammad. Husayn opposed the validity of
Yazid I.
As a result, he and his family were later killed in the
Battle of Karbala by Yazid's forces. After this incident, the
commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali has become a central ritual in Shia
identity.[11][13] |
Saudi Arabia[11] |
Killed on
Day of Ashura (10 Muharram) and beheaded at the
Battle of Karbala.[11]
Buried at the
Imam Husayn Shrine in
Iraq. |
4 |
Ali ibn al-Hussein
علي بن الحسین Abu Muhammad
أبو محمد |
al-Sajjad, Zain al-Abedin
Dorduncu Ali[4] |
– 712[15]
38[14]–95[15] |
Author of prayers in
Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, which is known as "The Psalm of
the Household of the Prophet."
[15] |
Saudi Arabia[14] |
According to most Shia scholars, he was poisoned on the order of
al-Walid I in
Saudi Arabia.[15]
Buried in
Jannat al-Baqi. |
5 |
Muhammad ibn Ali
محمد بن علي Abu Ja'far
أبو جعفر |
al-Baqir al-Ulum
(splitting open knowledge)
Besinci Ali[4] |
57–114[16] |
Sunni and Shia sources both describe him as one of the early and
most eminent
legal scholars, teaching many students during his tenure.[16][17] |
Saudi Arabia[16] |
According to some Shia scholars, he was poisoned by Ibrahim ibn
Walid ibn 'Abdallah in
Saudi Arabia on the order of Caliph
Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik.[15]
Buried in
Jannat al-Baqi. |
6 |
Ja'far ibn Muhammad
جعفر بن محمد Abu Abdillah
أبو عبدالله |
(the Trustworthy)
Altinci Ali[4] |
[18] |
Established the
Ja'fari jurisprudence and developed the
Theology of Shia. He instructed many scholars in different fields,
Abu Hanifah and
Malik ibn Anas in
Wasil ibn Ata and
Hisham ibn Hakam in
Islamic theology, and
Jābir ibn Hayyān in science and
alchemy.[19] |
Saudi Arabia[18] |
According to Shia sources, he was poisoned in
Saudi Arabia on the order of Caliph
Buried in
Jannat al-Baqi. |
7 |
Musa ibn Ja'far
موسی بن جعفر Abu al-Hassan I
أبو الحسن الأول
[20] |
Yedinci Ali[4] |
128–183[21] |
Leader of the Shia community during the schism of
Ismaili and other branches after the death of the former imam,
Jafar al-Sadiq.[22]
He established the network of agents who collected
khums in
the Shia community of the
Middle East and the
Greater Khorasan.[23] |
Saudi Arabia[21] |
Imprisoned and poisoned in
Iraq on the
order of Caliph
Harun al-Rashid. Buried in the
Kazimayn shrine in Baghdad.[21] |
8 |
Ali ibn Musa
علي بن موسی
[20] |
al-Rida, Reza[24]
Sekizinci Ali[4] |
148–203[24] |
Made crown-prince by Caliph
Al-Ma'mun, and famous for his discussions with both Muslim and
non-Muslim religious scholars.[24] |
Saudi Arabia[24] |
According to Shia sources, he was poisoned in
Iran on the order of Caliph Al-Ma'mun. Buried in the
Imam Reza shrine in
Mashad.[24] |
9 |
Muhammad ibn Ali
محمد بن علي Abu Ja'far
أبو جعفر |
al-Taqi, al-Jawad[25]
Dokuzuncu Ali[4] |
195–220[25] |
Famous for his generosity and piety in the face of persecution by
caliphate. |
Saudi Arabia[25] |
Poisoned by his wife, Al-Ma'mun's daughter, in
Iraq on the
order of Caliph
Al-Mu'tasim. Buried in the
Kazmain shrine in Baghdad.[25] |
10 |
Ali ibn Muhammad
علي بن محمد Abu al-Hassan III
أبو الحسن الثالث[26] |
al-Hadi, al-Naqi[26]
Onuncu Ali[4] |
212–254[26] |
Strengthened the network of
deputies in the Shia community. He sent them instructions, and
received in turn financial contributions of the faithful from the
khums and
religious vows.[26] |
Surayya, a village near
Saudi Arabia[26] |
According to Shia sources, he was poisoned in
Iraq on the
order of Caliph
Buried in the
Al Askari Mosque in Samarra. |
11 |
Hassan ibn Ali
الحسن بن علي Abu Muhammad
أبو محمد |
Onbirinci Ali[4] |
232–260[28] |
For most of his life, the Abbasid Caliph,
Al-Mu'tamid, placed restrictions on him after the death of his
father. Repression of the Shi'ite population was particularly high at
the time due to their large size and growing power.[29] |
Saudi Arabia[28] |
According to Shia, he was poisoned on the order of Caliph
Al-Mu'tamid in
Buried in
Al Askari Mosque in Samarra.[30] |
12 |
Muhammad ibn al-Hassan
محمد بن الحسن Abu al-Qasim
أبو القاسم |
Hidden Imam, al-Hujjah
Onikinci Ali[4] |
255–unknown[32] |
According to Twelver doctrine, he is the current imam and the
Mahdi, a messianic figure who will return with
He will reestablish the rightful governance of Islam and replete the
earth with justice and peace.[33] |
Iraq[32] |
According to Shia doctrine, he has been living in the
Occultation since 872, and will continue as long as God wills it.[32] |
also Fatimah al-Zahraa, daughter of Muhammed (615–632), is also considered
infallible but not an imam. Many Shi'a believe that the last imam will one day
Imamah (Ismaili doctrine) and
List of Ismaili imams for Ismaili imams.
Zaidi imams as
rulers of Yemen
In the
Shiite sect, imams were temporal as well as spiritual leaders who held power
in Yemen for more
than a thousand years. In 897, a Zaidi ruler,
al-Hadi ila'l-Haqq Yahya, founded a line of such imams, a theocratic form of
government which survived until the second half of the 20th century. (See
details under
History of Yemen,
Imams of Yemen.)
WISH TO: http://www.imam-us.org/
Jan 1, 2012 ... In one of the dreams, I also saw
the Great IMAM who resides either in IRAQ or IRAN, and someone in
Dolores Canon's seminar said that the ...
Similar to Maitreya - Dreams of the Great Earth
Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or
Messiah. http://www.shareintl .org/maitreya/Ma_main.htm ·
http://www.maitreya-edu.org/. 12-20-93 - DREAM ... Buddha; and
Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah. http://www.shareintl
.org/maitreya/Ma_main.htm · http://www.maitreya-edu.org/. 12-20-93 -
Oct 8, 2012 ... upheaval in Middle East then the
Imam of the Era [Mahdi] will not arrive." ... "Oh, God,
hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good ...
Sep 4, 2011 ... The number of soldiers who will
fight alongside Imam Mahdi against the Dajjal, according to Islamic
ahadith are 313 not 72. The number of ...
The 12th Imam is said to be a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad, having
divine status as did each of this succession of sons. The 12th Imam is also
called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi (guided one).
The 12th Imam: Who Is The 12th Imam?
Within the Shiite, (which is predominate in Iran), it is prophesied that there
is a coming 12th Imam who is the great spiritual savior. This Imam is named Abu
al-Qasim Muhammad or also called Muhammad al Mahdi. He is said to have been born
the son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari and his wife, the granddaughter of an
Emperor. There are conflicting statements of her name being either Fatima or
Nargis Khatoon.
Most accounts of the story say that al Mahdi went into hiding as a child around
the age of 5 years (about 13th Century). It said he has been ‘in hiding’ in
caves ever since but will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment.
According to the Hadith the criteria for the Hidden Imam are:
- He will be a descendant of Muhammad and the son of Fatima
- Will have a broad forehead and pointed nose
- Will return just before the end of the world
- His appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3
years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression
- Will escape from Madina to Mekkah, thousands will pledge allegiance to
- Will rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years
- Will eradicate all tyranny and oppression bringing harmony and total
- Will lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus will be at his side and follow
Remarkably, the 12th Imam theory plays heavily into the world’s current concerns
with Iran. The Shiite Muslim President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is deeply committed
to the Islamic Messiah, al Mahdi. There have been many through the years
claiming to be the Hidden Imam but Ahmadinejad believes he is yet to come. He
claims that he is to personally prepare the world for the coming Mahdi. In order
to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad
claims he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of
the Mahdi”. This apocalyptic directive includes some very scary proclamations.
The 12th Imam: Why Is This Especially Important Now?
While Christians look for Jesus’ 2nd coming, the Jews await the Messiah and
Muslims await the 12th Imam. However, of the three, Allah’s designated Mahdi is
the only one who demands a violent path to conquer the world. Mr. Ahmadinejad,
and his cabinet, say they have a ‘signed contract’ with al Mahdi in which they
pledge themselves to his work. What does this work involve? In light of concerns
over Iran’s nuclear capabilities, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has reportedly stated
Israel should be wiped off the map. He spoke to the United Nations in September
’05. During that speech he claims to have been in an aura of light and felt a
change in the atmosphere during which time no one present could blink their
eyes. Iran’s PM is also said to have spoken in apocalyptic terms and seems to
relish conflict with the West whom he calls the Great Satan. This is while he
proclaims he must prepare the world for the coming Mahdi by way of a world
totally under Muslim control. He is working hard to bring about the world-wide
horrors that must be in place for their al Mahdi to bring peace.
This notion and goal, along with a violent hatred of infidels, America and
Israel reminds us of Biblical prophecies of the coming anti-Christ and the
pledges of millions to a deceiving False Messiah who will claim to bring peace.
Could this 12th Imam Mahdi and his servant Ahmadinejad spark the last days of
the coming true Savior?
Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic:
مهدي /
ISO 233:
mahdī / English: Guided One)
is the prophesied redeemer of
Islam who will
rule for seven, nine or nineteen years- (according to various interpretations)[1]
before the
Day of Judgment (yawm
al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection)[2]
and, alongside
Jesus, will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny.[3]
In Shia Islam, the belief in the Mahdi is a "central religious idea" and
closely related as the
Twelfth Imam,
Muhammad al-Mahdi, whose return from
occultation is deemed analogous with the coming of the Mahdi.[4]
In Sunni traditions, there are several hadiths referring to the Mahdi.
Sunni doctrine
First school of thought
The mahdi is frequently mentioned in Sunni hadiths as establishing the
caliphate. Among Sunnis, some believe the Mahdi will be an ordinary man, born to
an ordinary woman.
- The Prophet Muhammad said:
The world will not come to an end until the Arabs are ruled by a man from
my family whose name is the same as mine and whose father’s name is the same
as my father’s.[6]
His [the Mahdi's] aim is to establish a moral system from which all
superstitious faiths have been eliminated. In the same way that students
enter Islam, so unbelievers will come to believe.[7]
When the Mahdi appears, God will cause such power of vision and hearing
to be manifested in believers that the Mahdi will call to the whole world
from where he is, with no
postman involved, and they will hear and even see him.[8]
I heard the Messenger of God say: "The Mahdi is of my lineage and family
The Messenger of God said: "He is one of us […]"[10]
The Messenger of God said: "The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high
forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. He will fill the earth with fairness
and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, and he will rule
for seven years.[11]
The Messenger of God said: "At the end of the time of my ummah, the Mahdi
will appear. God will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits,
he will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the ummah will become
great. He will rule for seven or eight years.[12]
A typical modernist in his views on the Mahdi,
Abul Ala Maududi (1903–1979), the
Islamic revivalist, stated that the Mahdi will be a modern Islamic
reformer/statesman, who will unite the
Ummah and
revolutionise the world according to the ideology of Islam, but will never claim
to be the Mahdi, instead receiving
posthumous recognition as such.[13]
Second school of thought
Among those Islamic scholars who wholly reject the Mahdi doctrine are
Allama Tamanna Imadi (1888–1972),[14]
Allama Habibur Rahman Kandhalvi,[15]
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi (1951- ),[16]
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938).[17]
Sir Muhammad Iqbal wrote:
As I think, the concept of the Mahdi,
Masih and
is a completely
Iranian and
Ajmi perception. This concept has no link to the Qur'an, Islam and
Arabic perceptions.[17]
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi writes in his
Besides these, the coming of the Mahdi and that of Jesus from the heavens
are also regarded as signs of the Day of Judgment. I have not mentioned
them. The reason is that the narratives of the coming of the Mahdi do not
conform to the standards of hadith criticism set forth by the
muhaddithun. Some of them are weak and some fabricated; no doubt,
some narratives, which are acceptable with regard to their chain of
narration, inform us of the coming of a generous
(Muslim, No: 7318) however, if they are deeply deliberated upon, it becomes
evident that the caliph they refer to is
Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz who was the last caliph of the early history of the
Muslims. This prediction of the Prophet has thus materialized in his
personality, word for word. One need not wait for any other Mahdi now.
Shia doctrine
In Shia
Islam "the Mahdi symbol has developed into a powerful and central religious
Twelver Shia Muslims believe that the Mahdi is Muhammad al-Mahdi, the
Twelfth Imam, who was born in 869 CE and was
hidden by God at the age of five (874 CE). He is still alive but has been in
occultation, "awaiting the time that God has decreed for his return".
According to Moojan Momen, Shia traditions state that the Mahdi be "a young
man of medium stature with a handsome face" and black hair and beard. "He will
not come in an odd year [...] will appear in Mecca between the corner of the
Kaaba and the
station of Abraham and people will witness him there.[18]
The Twelfth Imam will return as the Mahdi with "a company of his chosen
ones," and his enemies will be led by the one-eyed
Antichrist and the
Sufyani. The
two armies will fight "one final apocalyptic battle" where the Mahdi and his
forces will prevail over evil. After the Mahdi has ruled
Earth for a
number of years,
Isa will return.[19]
The Mahdi is the protector of the knowledge, the heir to the knowledge of
all the
prophets, and is aware of all things.[20][21]
The dominion (authority) of the Mahdi is one of the proofs that God has
created all things; these are so numerous that his [the Mahdi's] proofs will
overcome (will be influential, will be dominant) everyone and nobody will
have any counter-proposition against him.[22]
People will flee from him [the Mahdi] as sheep flee from the shepherd.
Later, people will begin to look for a purifier. But since they can find
none to help them but him, they will begin to run to him.[23]
When matters are entrusted to competent [the Mahdi], Almighty God will
raise the lowest part of the world for him, and lower the highest places. So
much that he will see the whole world as if in the palm of his hand. Which
of you cannot see even a single hair in the palm of his hand?[24]
In the time of the Mahdi, a Muslim in the East will be able to see his
Muslim brother in the West, and he in the West will see him in the East.[25]
Sadir al-Sayrafi says: I heard from Imam Abu Abdullah Jafar al-Sadiq
that: ... He whose rights have been taken away and who is denied (hazrat*
mahdi (as)) will walk among them, move through their markets and walk where
they walk. but they will not recognize hazrat mahdi (as) until Allah gives
them leave to recognize him, just as He did with the Prophet Yusuf (as).[26]
- Hazrat means "(His)Excellency" or His Eminence. Also AS or (as) means
"To Him Peace" (Peace Upon Him)''
Muhammad al-Baqir, the Fourth (Isma'ili)
or Fifth (Twelver) Imam said of the Mahdi:
The Master of the Command was named as the Mahdi because he will dig out
the Torah and
other heavenly books from the cave in
He will judge among the
people of the Torah
according to the Torah; among the
people of the Gospel according to the
Gospel; among the people of the Psalms in accordance with the
among the people of the Qur'an in accordance with the Qur'an.
Ja'far al-Sadiq, the Sixth Imam, made the following prophecies:
Abu Bashir says: When I asked Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, "O son of the
Messenger of God! Who is the Mahdi (qa'im)
of your clan (ahl
al-bayt)?", he replied: "The Mahdi will conquer the world; at that
time the world will be illuminated by the light of God, and everywere in
which those other than God are worshipped will become places where God is
worshiped; and even if the
polytheists do not wish it, the only faith on that day will be the
religion of God.[27]
Sadir al-Sayrafi says: I heard from Imam Abu Abdullah Ja'far al-Sadiq
that: Our modest Imam, to whom this occultation belongs [the Mahdi], who is
deprived of and denied his rights, will move among them and wander through
their markets and walk where they walk, but they will not recognize him.[28]
Abu Bashir says: I heard Imam Muhammad al-Baqr say: "He said: When the
Mahdi appears he will follow in the path of the Messenger of God. Only he
[the Mahdi] can explain the works of the Messenger of God.[29]
The face of the Mahdi shall shine upon the surface of the Moon.[30
According to Moojan Momen, among the most commonly reported signs that
presage the advent of the Mahdi in Shia Islam are the following:
- The vast majority of people who profess to be Muslim will be so only in
name despite their practice of Islamic rites and it will be they who make
war with the Mahdi.
- Before his coming will come the red death and the white death, killing
two thirds of the world's population. The red death signifies violence and
the white death is
plague. One third of the world's population will die from the red death
and the other third from the white death.
- Several figures will appear: the one-eyed Antichrist (Masih ad-Dajjal),
the Sufyani
and the Yamani.
- There will be a great conflict in the land of
Syria, until it is destroyed.
- Death and fear will afflict the people of
and Iraq. A
fire will appear in the sky and a redness will cover them.
- The Arabs will throw off the reins of the foreigners and take possession
of their land, overthrowing those rulers that are foreign agents. Then they
will massacre and annihilate the Jewish nation with great cruelty so that
the nation is forever destroyed. Shortly after, they will address "our Shia"
as "Jews" as well and fall upon them with equal cruelty and it it will be
during this that the Mahdi will return and crush the oppressors.
While portents that tell of natural calamities and wars can be rejected by
some scholars simply on the grounds that “history repeats itself”, suggesting
that sooner or later such events are bound to take place everywhere, the book
“Nawaib Dahoor Alaim Zuhoor”, also relates some remarkable portents most of
which could not possibly have happened before in history. This book by Hassan
Mir Jahaani collects about 10,000 Hadith of the Twelver Shia Imams regarding the
reappearance of the 12th Imam Mahdi from earliar Twelver Shia collections on the
same topic, e.g. “Ikmaluddin wa Tamamuniemat” by Shaikh Saduq died 381 AH;
“Kitab e Ghaibat by Shaikh Mufeed, 4th century AH; Ghaibat e Tusi by Shaikh
Tusi, died 460 AH etc. Although the Shia scholars began their work in the same
century as the Major Occultation (Ghaibat) of the 12th Imam, 329 AH (941 AD),
still, however, sunni scholars reject their prophesies as they believe that
these hadith do not conform to the standards of hadith criticism set forth by
the Sunni muhaddithun. This set of standards is in turn rejected by Shia
scholars. There are some outstanding prophesies mentioned in “Nawaib Dahoor
Alaim Zuhoor” that are said to happen very "close" to the time of the "red and
white deaths" a few of which are mentioned below:
- The time of the reappearance of the 12th Imam will be when people will
be able to travel great distances by flight.
- Homes will have mirror like screens that will show moving images of
people and places near and far.
- Music will emanate from the pockets in peoples clothing.
- People will hold devices on the glass surface of which they will be able
to see and talk to people far away.
- People will compete with each other in building extremely tall towers
that will surpass the height of some clouds.
- It will become common for men to turn in lust towards men and women to
turn in lust towards women as such people will greatly increase in number.
People will fear to speak out against this as moral values will become so
perverted that most of what is considered right will be considered wrong and
similarly that which is considered wrong will be considered right.
- Men will marry men and celebrate it like a marriage and similarly women
will also publicly celebrate their marriage to the same sex.
- It will be such an accursed time when some men will be able to change
their gender and become women, horrifying their family. Similarly women will
be able to change their gender.
- Promiscuity will increase greatly and women will wear clothes that
reveal their nakedness rather than hide it.
Characteristics From Sunni Sources
- Ali Ibn Abi Talib quoted Muhammad as saying:
The Mahdi is one of us, the clan of the Prophet. God will reform him
in one night.(Reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Maqah)
- At-Tirmidhi reported that Muhammad said:
The Mahdi is from my
Ummah; he
will be born and live to rule five or seven or nine years. (If) one goes
to him and says, "Give me (a charity)", he will fill one’s garment with
what one needs.
- Abu Dawud also reported a hadith about the Mahdi that Muhammed
The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead, a
prominent nose. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was
filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.
Sunni doctrine
First school of thought
The mahdi is frequently mentioned in Sunni hadiths as establishing the
caliphate. Among Sunnis, some believe the Mahdi will be an ordinary man, born to
an ordinary woman.
- The Prophet Muhammad said:
The world will not come to an end until the Arabs are ruled by a man from
my family whose name is the same as mine and whose father’s name is the same
as my father’s.[31]
His [the Mahdi's] aim is to establish a moral system from which all
superstitious faiths have been eliminated. In the same way that students
enter Islam, so unbelievers will come to believe.[32]
When the Mahdi appears, God will cause such power of vision and hearing
to be manifested in believers that the Mahdi will call to the whole world
from where he is, with no
postman involved, and they will hear and even see him.[33]
I heard the Messenger of God say: "The Mahdi is of my lineage and family
The Messenger of God said: "He is one of us […]"[35]
The Messenger of God said: "The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high
forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. He will fill the earth with fairness
and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, and he will rule
for seven years.[36]
The Messenger of God said: "At the end of the time of my ummah, the Mahdi
will appear. God will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits,
he will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the ummah will become
great. He will rule for seven or eight years.[37]
A typical modernist in his views on the Mahdi,
Abul Ala Maududi (1903–1979), the
Islamic revivalist, stated that the Mahdi will be a modern Islamic
reformer/statesman, who will unite the
Ummah and
revolutionise the world according to the ideology of Islam, but will never claim
to be the Mahdi, instead receiving
posthumous recognition as such.[38]
Second school of
Among those Islamic scholars who wholly reject the Mahdi doctrine are
Allama Tamanna Imadi (1888–1972),[39]
Allama Habibur Rahman Kandhalvi,[40]
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi (1951- ),[41]
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938).[17]
Sir Muhammad Iqbal wrote:
As I think, the concept of the Mahdi,
Masih and
is a completely
Iranian and
Ajmi perception. This concept has no link to the Qur'an, Islam and
Arabic perceptions.[17]
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi writes in his
Besides these, the coming of the Mahdi and that of Jesus from the heavens
are also regarded as signs of the Day of Judgment. I have not mentioned
them. The reason is that the narratives of the coming of the Mahdi do not
conform to the standards of hadith criticism set forth by the
muhaddithun. Some of them are weak and some fabricated; no doubt,
some narratives, which are acceptable with regard to their chain of
narration, inform us of the coming of a generous
(Muslim, No: 7318) however, if they are deeply deliberated upon, it becomes
evident that the caliph they refer to is
Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz who was the last caliph of the early history of the
Muslims. This prediction of the Prophet has thus materialized in his
personality, word for word. One need not wait for any other Mahdi now.
Sufi doctrine
Ibn Hajar al-Haytami (1503–1566), in his fatwa entitled The Brief
Discourse on the Portents of the Awaited Mahdi, said that denial of the
Mahdi is disbelief.[citation
Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti, in his The Rose Fragrance Concerning the Reports of
the Mahdi, wrote: "This is the belief of Ahl al-sunnah, this is the belief
of the
Sufis, this is the belief of our
sheikhs, and
this is the belief of the true
sheikhs, whose path both
Al-Haytami followed. Whoever differs with them is a liar and an innovator."[citation
Ahmadiyya doctrine

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya movement, accepted as
the Promised Messiah and Mahdi in Ahmadiyya
Ahmadiyya Islam, the terms "Messiah"
and "Mahdi" are synonymous terms for one and the same person. Like the term
Messiah which, among other meanings, in essence means being anointed by
God or appointed by God the term "Mahdi" means guided by God, thus
both imply a direct ordainment and a spiritual nurturing by God of a divinely
chosen individual. According to Ahmadiyya thought, Messiahship is a phenomenon,
through which a special emphasis is given on the transformation of a people by
way of offering suffering for the sake of God instead of giving suffering (i.e.
refraining from revenge). Ahmadis believe that this special emphasis was given
through the person of
Jesus and
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
[42] among others.
Ahmadis hold that the prophesied
eschatological figures of various religions, the coming of the Messiah and
Mahdi in fact were to be fulfilled in one person who was to represent all
previous prophets.[43]
The prophecies concerning the Mahdi or the second coming of Jesus are seen by
Ahmadis as metaphorical, in that one was to be born and rise within the
dispensation of
Muhammad, who by virtue of his similarity and affinity with Jesus of
Nazareth, and the similarity in nature, temperament and disposition of the
people of Jesus' time and the people of the time of the promised one (the Mahdi)
is called by the same name. As the beliefs of all Muslims seems to be fulfilled
yet in one person. Numerous Hadith are presented by the Ahmadis in support of
their view such as one from
Sunan Ibn Majah which says:
“ |
There is No Mahdi but Jesus son of Mary |
” |
—Ibn Majah, Bab, Shahadatu-Zaman
Ahmadis believe that the prophecies concerning the Mahdi and the second
coming of Jesus have been fulfilled in the person of
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of
(1835–1908) the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement. Contrary to mainstream Islam
the Ahmadis do not believe that Jesus is alive in heaven, but that he survived
the crucifixion and migrated toward the east where he died a natural death and
that Ghulam Ahmad was only the promised spiritual second coming and likeness of
Jesus, the promised Messiah and Mahdi.
Biblical interpretations
In their book, Al Mahdi and the End of Time, Muhammad ibn Izzat and
Muhammad Arif, two well-known
Egyptian authors, identify the Mahdi in the
Book of Revelation, quoting the hadith narrator
Ka'ab al-Ahbar.
In one place, they write,
“I find the Mahdi recorded in the books of the Prophets… For instance,
the Book of Revelation says: “And I saw and behold a white horse. He
that sat on him […] went forth conquering and to conquer.”
Ibn Izzat and Arif then go on to say:
“It is clear that this man is the Mahdi who will ride the white horse
and judge by the Qur’an (with justice) and with whom will be men with
marks of prostration (
on their foreheads.”
People claiming
to be the Mahdi

Muhammad Ahmad, a Sudanese sufi sheikh, created a state, the
Mahdiyah, on the basis of his claim to be the Mahdi.
Various individuals have claimed to be the Mahdi. Similar to the notion of a
Messiah in
Judeo-Christian religions, the notion of a Mahdi as a redeemer to establish
a society has lent itself to various interpretations leading to different claims
within minorities or by individuals within Islam.
- The first historical reference to a movement using the name of Mahdi is
al-Mukhtar's rebellion against the
Umayyad caliphate in 686 CE, almost 50 years after Muhammad's death.
Al-Mukhtar claimed that
Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah, a son of the fourth
caliph and
Shia imam, Ali,
was the Mahdi and would save the Muslim people from the rule of the
Umayyads. Ibn al-Hanifiyyah himself was not actively involved in the
rebellion, and when the Umayyads successfully quashed it, they left him
Muhammad Jaunpuri (1443–1505), founder of the
sect, was born in
Jaunpur in northeastern
India (in the
modern-day state of
Uttar Pradesh), a descendant of the imam
Husayn through
Musa al-Kadhim. He claimed to be the Mahdi on three occasions, first in
Mecca and then in two places in India, attracting a large following,
although opposed by the
ulema. He died at the age of 63 in the year 1505 at
Afghanistan, and is buried in a sanctuary there. He ruled for seven
years before his death
- (Siyyid Ali Muhammad) The
Báb (Arabic:
الباب / English:
the Gate) (1819 - 1850) from
Shiraz in Iran claimed to be the Gate to Mahdi 1844. July 1848 The Báb is
moved from the prison in fortress Chiriq to the Tabriz fortress as a
prisoner. Last week in July 1848 he publicly declared that he is the
Qa'im and Mahdi before a panel of which the 17-year-old Crown Prince
Násiri'd-Din Mirzá was the president. At the same time the bábí disciples
got the information about Bábs higher and messianic claims.[45],
The Báb was bastioned; this was the first formal punishment He received.[47],
The clergy issued a
fatwa or legal pronouncement against the Báb condemning him to death for
heresy, but to no purpose as the civil authorities was unwilling to take
action against Him.[49]
Later he declared that he was the First Point – , thereby founding the
religion of
Bábism. He was later
executed by firing squad in the town of
Tabriz. His
remains are currently kept in a tomb at the
Bahá'í World Centre in
Israel. The
Báb is considered the forerunner of
Bahá'u'lláh (pronounced ba-haa-ol-laa /
Arabic: بهاء الله / English:
Glory of God), but also a
creator of an independent religion separated from the Bahá'í faith and
Islam. Both are considered creators of the
Bahá'í Faith, because the Bahá'í Faith would not have occurred without
the previous Babi Faith. Báb could certainly be seen as the Mahdi of the
followers and Bahá'u'lláh as the returning Christ in the Glory of His
Father, according to various prophecies, but the oneness of humanity,
pacifism, unity of mankind world peace and world citizenship are the heart
of the Bahá'í Faith. Bahá'u'lláh has explicitly forbidden his followers to
engage in religious disputes in which a person or a group belonging to
another faith become upset, insulted, or at the situation where a risk of
spiritual damage exists. His son and successor, 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1844 - 1921,
impressed this even more..[50]
Ahmed ibn Abi Mahalli (1559–1613), from the south of Morocco, was a
cadi and
religious scholar who proclaimed himself mahdi and lead a revolution
(1610–13) against the reigning
Saadi dynasty.
Muhammad Ahmad, a
Sudanese sufi sheikh of the Samaniyya order, declared himself Mahdi in
June 1881 and went on to lead a
successful military campaign against the
Turko-Egyptian government of Sudan. Although he died shortly after
capturing the Sudanese capital,
in 1885, the
Mahdist state continued under his successor,
Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, until 1898, when it fell to the
British army following the
Battle of Omdurman.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be both the Mahdi and the
second coming of Jesus in the late nineteenth century in
British India. He founded the
religious movement in 1889, which, although considered by its followers to
be their Islam in its pure form, is not recognized as such by the majority
of mainstream Muslims. In 1974, the
Pakistani parliament adopted a law
declaring the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims. Since Ghulam Ahmad's death, the
Ahmadiyya community has been led by his
successors and has grown considerably.[51]
- In the twentieth century,
Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani was proclaimed the Mahdi by his
Juhayman al-Otaibi, who led over 200 militants to
seize the Grand Mosque in
Mecca in
November 1979. The uprising was defeated after a two-week siege in which at
least 300 people were killed.
A number of people have been claimed to be the Mahdi by their followers or
supporters, including:
Mahdi coauthorship
In 2011, an academic paper on
polymers appeared in the journal Macromolecular Research
(co-published with
Springer), claiming to be written by Mahdi Moeud Ajjalallah
(literally, "The promised Mahdi, may God hasten [his appearance]", as the first
author, and Mohammad Reza Rostami Daronkola, as the second author.[52]
Another paper with the same two authors was published online by Journal of
Polymer Research, published by Springer Netherlands.[53]
Mr Rostami Daronkola, a former[54]
Assistant Professor at
Tarbiat Modares University, when asked about the inserted coauthor, said
"Why shouldn't the Imam of the Time, who is omnipresent, be present at
chemistry labs?"[55]
Tarbiat Modares University has protested the publication of the article, calling
the act "offensive".[54]
The faculty members of the university have also asked for a retraction of the
article, saying that the name of the university has been "abused".[54]
Recently, Springer Publisher has responded as following:
"The result of our inquiry is that the corresponding author indeed used the
name of the 12th imam, which is incorrect and not acceptable."[citation
The editor-in-chief decided to withdraw the paper. At the moment they are
preparing a retraction paper, which will be published and linked with the
original paper. Additionally a grey watermark will be added on the PDF of the
original article, which says that the paper is retracted.[citation
needed] And the title of the paper will be updated. It will
take a little bit of time until everything is done. (For scientific reasons,
e.g. if someone has quoted the paper already, it’s not possible to remove it
Search results
Mabus. Mabus plus tost alors
mourra, viendra, De gens & bestes vn horrible
defaite: Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.
Century II, Quatrain 62. Mabus then will
soon die, there will come A horrible undoing ...
"Mabus" then will soon die, there will
come Of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then
suddenly one will see vengeance, a hundred hand,
thirst, ...
NEAR THE ... The following are the quatrains of
Nostradamus ...
The man we know as Mabus may be some
obscure future terrorist who, if he is not
identified and restrained in time, ...
mabus wwiii a predcition page 45 sep. 20,
2011 predictions earthquake of 9 to 12.-0and
other prophecies october. 11:11:11 . july page 1
1july 20. 2011 search for the true god
who is mabus? my father comes to visit -a
dream and prophecy -5-30-99 . revelation of the
true satan. dreams and visions of father/god.
dreams of water.
"Mabus" then will soon die, there will
come Of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then
suddenly one will see vengeance, a hundred hand,
thirst, ...
Genesis 6:4 "There were Nephilim (giants) on the
earth in those days and afterwards" WERE THERE
The time we have left to positively decode who
or what Mabus is, ... and one half ...
I pray that none of my interpretations of
Nostradamus’ fearsome and shadowy “Mabus”
come true. *UPDATE 30 June 2001: So far both
sides ...