9-15-13 - NAP DREAM - I was again working on my
computer, working towards deleting pages about Kings, and the power blew out on
the computer and went black.
NOTE: I woke up instantly, expecting Joe to be
hollering about the power being out , but it wasn't.
The next time you see FEMA or DHS running a terror
drill in your city will you be able to tell the
difference between the real bystanders and those paid by
FEMA as crisis actors? There has been much to do about
the same people making repeated appearances at events
such as the Batman Massacre, Sandy Hook, the Boston
bombing, and so forth. What if it isn’t a conspiracy?
What if the government does bring in actors on the
“scene” of shoot outs and bombings? What if they justify
the use of actors to help the real victims remain calm?
What if they use real events to enhance training and
emergency response?
What if control freaks in the government use those
drills to advance their own political agendas while
Americans are none the wiser? …such as gun control…
Here is where FEMA lays out policies and procedures
for hiring actors, waivers, disaster makeup (i.e. blood
and guts), local hospital participation, advanced media
announcements, and post media releases. I hear what
you’re saying. “Of course, they hire actors, David. How
else can they train? They’ve been doing this for years.”
That’s not the concern. The concern of many Americans
including myself is the OUR GOVERNMENT IS STAGING FALSE
having actors intermingled with the real victims who
cannot tell one another apart. The victims think all the
victims are real. The actors thinks all victims are
actually acting as part of the drill. Just type “crisis
actors” into a search engine. Look they have their own
website for their organization “Crisis
Actors -Trained Players and Actors Making It Real.”
How do you discern reality from fantasy when you are
confronted with bloody events on television which you
are powerless to influence? You can’t. You believe
whatever the television tells you to believe. If the
government is bringing actors on the scene of a live
terrorist attack where is the line between reporting the
news and making a movie? Do you remember when the
government and media glorified private Jessica Lynch and
made her into a female soldier icon for fight Iraqis
when her companions were killed. In fact, the
Pentagon worked with Hollywood producer Jerry
Bruckheimer to create movies allegedly based on real
events like Lynch’s story that later proved utterly
false. Hey kids, what do we call this? PROPAGANDA. This
reads like a straight out of Nazi Germany. You know the
Nazis took over media and entertainment and politicized
everything including putting swastikas on candies. At
least I don’t have to look at Obama’s ugly face on my
Any how, I’ve copied the screen shots of the FEMA
HSEEP program at the bottom of this post in case FEMA
locks up the pages. I’ve also saved copies of their
documents to release those to the America people in case
FEMA has ideas about shutting this down as they did when
I released information on their
Zombie UFO Crash Disaster Full-Scale Exercise. No,
I’m not joking. They also had one in San Diego in which
the DHS trained at shooting “infected” people over and
over and over… “The five-day Halo counterterrorism
summit is an approved training event by the
Homeland Security Grant Program and the Urban
Areas Security Initiative, which provide funds to pay
for the coursework on everything from the battleground
tactics to combat wounds to cybersecurity.”
Behold, your tax dollars at work…Hey the government
is just preparing to mow the infected people down in the
event of a pandemic and having some fun at the same
time. The zombie effect helps the troops train by
desensitizing their once human targets. Watch some of
the FEMA actors at work below serving as a simulated
live target practice and the people cheer…I mean, how
else would you prepare for such an event without
arousing public outrage? But regardless, the acting is
TWO thumbs up, way up. I hope your sensing my
contempt…Furthermore, if FEMA/FBI/DHS recruits you to
participate in a drill, you sign a waiver, because that
drill may be live and you could be killed…
WASHINGTON — The electric grid, as government and private
experts describe it, is the glass jaw of American industry. If
an adversary lands a knockout blow, they fear, it could black
out vast areas of the continent for weeks; interrupt supplies of
water, gasoline, diesel fuel and fresh food; shut down
communications; and create disruptions of a scale that was only
hinted at by Hurricane Sandy and the attacks of Sept. 11.
This is why thousands of utility
workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I.
antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in
the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an
emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks
and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the
power grid.
They will practice for a crisis unlike
anything the real grid has ever seen, and more than 150
companies and organizations have signed up to participate.
“This is different from a hurricane
that hits X, Y and Z counties in the Southeast and they have a
loss of power for three or four days,” said the official in
charge of the drill, Brian M. Harrell of the
North American Electric Reliability Corporation, known as
NERC. “We really want to go beyond that.”
One goal of the drill,
called GridEx II, is to explore how governments would react
as the loss of the grid crippled the supply chain for everyday
“If we fail at electricity, we’re
going to fail miserably,” Curt Hébert, a former chairman of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, said at a recent
conference held by the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Mr. Harrell said that previous
exercises were based on the expectation that electricity “would
be up and running relatively quick” after an attack.
Now, he said, the goal is to “educate
the federal government on what their expectations should or
shouldn’t be.” The industry held a smaller exercise two years
ago in which 75 utilities, companies and agencies participated,
but this one will be vastly expanded and will be carried out in
a more anxious mood.
Most of the participants will join the
exercise from their workplaces, with NERC, in Washington,
announcing successive failures. One example, organizers say, is
a substation break-in that officials initially think is an
attempt to steal copper. But instead, the intruder uses a USB
drive to upload a virus into a computer network.
The drill is part of a give-and-take
in the past few years between the government and utilities that
has exposed the difficulties of securing the electric system.
The grid is essential for almost
everything, but it is mostly controlled by investor-owned
companies or municipal or regional agencies. Ninety-nine percent
of military facilities rely on commercial power, according to
the White House.
The utilities play down their
abilities, in comparison with the government’s. “They have the
intelligence operation, the standing army, the three-letter
agencies,” said Scott Aaronson, senior director of national
security policy at the Edison Electric Institute, the trade
association of investor-owned utilities. “We have the grid
operations expertise.”
That expertise involves running 5,800
major power plants and 450,000 miles of high-voltage
transmission lines, monitored and controlled by a staggering mix
of devices installed over decades. Some utilities use their own
antique computer protocols and are probably safe from hacking —
what the industry calls “security through obscurity.”
But others rely on Windows-based
control systems that are common to many industries. Some of them
run on in-house networks, but computer security experts say they
are not confident that all the connections to the public
Internet have been discovered and secured. Many may be
vulnerable to software — known as malware — that can disable the
systems or destroy their ability to communicate, leaving their
human operators blind about the positions of switches, the flows
of current and other critical parameters. Experts say a
sophisticated hacker could also damage hard-to-replace
In an effort to draw utilities and the
government closer, the industry recently established the
Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council, made up of
high-level executives, to meet with federal officials. The first
session is next month.
Preparation for the November drill
comes as Congress is debating laws that could impose new
standards to protect the grid from cyberattacks, but many in the
industry, some of whom would like such rules, doubt that they
can pass.
The drill is also being planned as
conferences, studies and even works of fiction are raising
near-apocalyptic visions of catastrophes involving the grid.
National Academy of Sciences report last year said that
terrorists could cause broad hardship for months with physical
attacks on hard-to-replace components. An emerging effort
led in part by R. James Woolsey, a former director of the
Central Intelligence Agency, is gearing up to pressure state
legislatures to force utilities to protect equipment against an
electromagnetic pulse, which could come from solar activity or
be caused by small nuclear weapons exploded at low altitude,
frying crucial components.
An attack using an electromagnetic
pulse is
laid out in extensive detail in the novel “One Second
After,” published in 2009 and endorsed by Newt Gingrich. In
another novel,
“Gridlock,” published this summer and co-written by Byron L.
Dorgan, the former senator from North Dakota, a rogue Russian
agent working for Venezuela and Iran helps hackers threaten the
grid. In the preface, Mr. Dorgan says such an attack could cause
10,000 times as much devastation as the terrorists’ strikes on
Sept. 11, 2001.
Despite the growing anxiety, the
government and the private sector have had trouble coordinating
their grid protection efforts. The utility industry argues that
the government has extensive information on threats but keeps it
classified. Government officials concede the problem, and they
have suggested that some utility executives get security
clearances. But with hundreds of utilities and thousands of
executives, it cannot issue such clearances fast enough. And the
industry would like to be instantly warned when the government
identifies Internet servers that are known to be sources of
Another problem is that the electric
system is so tightly integrated that a collapse in one spot,
whether by error or intent, can set off a cascade, as happened
in August 2003, when a power failure took a few moments to
spread from Detroit to New York.
Sometimes utility engineers and law
enforcement officials also seem to speak different languages. In
his book “Protecting Industrial Control Systems From Electronic
Threats,” Joseph Weiss, an engineer and cybersecurity expert,
recounted a meeting between electrical engineers and the F.B.I.
in 2008. When an F.B.I. official spoke at length about I.E.D.’s,
he was referring to improvised explosive devices, but to the
engineers the abbreviation meant intelligent electronic devices.
And experts fear government-sponsored
hacking. Michael V. Hayden, another former C.I.A. director,
speaking at the Bipartisan Policy Center conference, said that
the Stuxnet virus, which disabled some of Iran’s centrifuges for
enriching uranium, might invite retaliation.
“In a time of peace, someone just used
a cyberweapon to destroy another nation’s critical
infrastructure,” he said. “Ouch.”
5 days ago ... The disaster drill is being
described as a crisis practice unlike anything the real power
grid has ever experienced. The GridEX II drill Nov. 13-14 ...
6 days ago ... Off The Grid News reports
the drill will take place November 13-14: An electrical grid
joint drill simulation is being planned in the United
States, ...
FYI Everyone -- Another "drill". Let's hope and pray it will be only a
"drill" and no "coincidental" disaster. Please let others know. I think the
more that know about these "drills" before they occur the better.
Montana Northcom DRILL: Nuclear Explosion Investigated May 5, 2013
The federal government has begun preparing three U.S. cities for large-scale,
10-day terrorism-response exercises scheduled this month.
Beginning sometime between May 7 and May 29, local, state and top level
federal authorities will respond to simulated weapons of mass destruction
attacks in three cities — Denver, Portsmouth, N.H., and the Washington,
Denver or Portsmouth will face either a simulated biological or a chemical
weapons attack. The D.C. metropolitan area will respond to a radiological attack
drill — which could range from simply an exposed container of radioactive
material to a small nuclear detonation.
Looking for Realism
The congressionally mandated exercises are intended to examine how well
local, state and federal authorities are prepared to respond to and together
deal with the consequences of a weapons of mass destruction attack.
“The goal of the exercise is to assess the nation’s crisis consequence
management capacity under extraordinarily stressful conditions,” the Department
of Justice said in a statement released Thursday.
Specific dates and characteristics of the exercise are being withheld from
participants, to make the tests as realistic as possible.
Volunteers and professional actors will play the roles of victims, who will
be rescued, diagnosed, decontaminated and treated over the 10-day period. A
“virtual news network” will be created that will broadcast on the exercises
every hour on the hour.
But the exercises will not be too realistic, authorities say. No weapons or
agents will be released and, to minimize the risk of public panic or real-life
accidents, emergency responders will not be speeding with lights and sirens
blaring to the scenes of attack.
“We’re doing as much as we can by way of outreach through the media to ensure
that all of the residents in the jurisdiction or the cities that we’re
exercising in know that they’re occurring, knowing that they’re safe from harm,”
said Doug Johnson, the Justice Department’s spokesman for the exercises.
Congress has provided $3.5 million for the Denver and Portsmouth exercises,
which are called “TOPOFF,” reflecting the participation of senior officials. The
exercise in the D.C. area, involving district and Prince Georges County, Md.,
authorities, is called National Capital Region 2000, or NCR-2000 for short.
All Levels Involved
The three exercises are expected to involve all key personnel who would
respond to an attack: federal agency personnel and state and local emergency
responders, including police, fire and emergency medical personnel.
Though terrorism response exercises are conducted routinely across the
country, “this marks the first time that an exercise of this scope, with the
participation of top-level federal, state and local officials, has ever been
conducted,” the Justice Department said.
Mayors, city managers, state governors are expected to participate, as are
some senior federal officials: Attorney General Janet Reno, Federal
Emergency Management Agency Director James Lee Witt, and Health and
Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala.
Justice and the FEMA will be the lead federal agencies in the exercise.
Numerous other federal agencies were involved in the planning exercises,
including: the U.S. Departments of Defense, Agriculture, Energy, Transportation;
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; the FBI; the CIA; the National
Security Council; the Environmental Protection Agency; and the General Services
Not Yet Prepared
Following two major incidents of domestic terrorism in the 1990s, the
Oklahoma City and World Trade Center bombings, Congress and the Clinton
Administration made national preparation for dealing with terrorism involving
weapons of mass destruction a high government priority.
Congress has appropriated about $10 billion annually in recent years for
combating terrorism — up from around $6.5 billion in 1996 — and various federal
agencies have been training local authorities in scores of cities across the
country to deal with a major attack.
But federal efforts have been criticized on a number of fronts, particularly:
for not devoting enough money to fully equip local and state authorities across
the nation; for not clearly delineating the authorities of various federal
agencies; and for failing to adequately assess where the money could best be
“One of the major deficiencies in federal efforts to combat terrorism is the
lack of linkage between the terrorist threat, a national strategy, and agency
resources,” Congress’s investigative arm, the General Accounting Office, said in
an April 6 report.
Thinking the
unthinkable: Police and the Japan Coast Guard stage a joint drill Saturday
against a terrorist attack at the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear plant, practicing
countermeasures on both land and sea. | KYODO
Terrorist drill held for Fukushima nuclear plant
MAY 12, 2013
Police and the Japan Coast Guard conducted a joint drill Saturday to prepare
for a possible terrorist attack on the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
About 150 officers and other people, including members of a special assault
team of the police, participated in the drill at the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear
power plant, about 10 km from Fukushima No. 1. Both plants are operated by Tokyo
Electric Power Co.
The National Police Agency fears the stricken Fukushima No. 1 could make for
a tempting target for terrorists because the cooling systems there are still
highly fragile.
The drill was conducted on the assumption that three terrorists were hiding
in a cargo ship berthed at a pier at the facility.
Members of a coast guard antiterrorism team boarded the ship from a
helicopter and held two of the three attackers while police captured the third
terrorist inside the plant’s compound.
Under another scenario, members of a special assault team and other officers
blocked terrorists who were attempting to storm into the nuclear plant in a
vehicle with weapons and explosives.
A number of mock posters have been popping up in New York City
subways which effectively bring awareness to very real events like the recent
odorless gas ‘terror drill’ by the NYPD as well as existing nuclear threats to
the city.
I was first alerted to these posters via news
tips, where readers were wondering what the deal was with the strange and
Orwellian posters. Well as the hashtag ’#Greywater’ reveals, which is placed at
the bottom of the poster, these posters are definitely not ‘official’ posters
placed by the NYPD or the city itself. Instead, they are likely marketing tools
for the Greywater alternative energy company (finding their website
was pretty simple), but they are also quite informative.
Checkout one of the posters warning of a terror drill involving odorless and
‘harmless’ gas, which is actually based on a real police test as reported on by
One of the mock posters found in the NYC subway warning of a future terror
drill based on a real previous test.
What’s great about these posters is that they turn on the brain of the
average passerby who would have otherwise continued on without a single thought
on the subject. I would even imagine that many citizens of the city had no idea
that the NYPD announced the real drill back in April of this year. The best part
is that the poster isn’t much different from the real
announcement. Citizens were basically told very few details beyond the fact
that the police will be releasing odorless and ‘harmless’ gas throughout the
city on 3 non-consecutive days in order to conduct a terror test.
There’s also a poster centered around nuclear concerns that plays on New York
City’s close vicinity to nuclear power plants, which the Physicians For Social
Responsibility website
shows could lead to the emergency evacuation of over 17 million people in the
event of a major plant incident that allowed for evacuations. A scenario that
would quickly turn chaotic in a major city where citizens are entirely
unprepared for any major event. You can see this one below:
While these posters are obviously created by entities outside of the New York
City government, and most likely printed up by the Greywater company to perhaps
generate awareness and create a viral marketing campaign, I think they’re
effective in inciting some conversation. Twitter is already on the case, asking
what the heck is up with the random posters, and hopefully the question will
soon turn from ‘what are these posters’ to questions over the reality of the
issues mentioned by the posters.
Pentagon’s commitment to “rapid response” decimated by 9/11 stand down.
Kurt Nimmo
June 18, 2013
On June 17, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public
Affairs announced a NORAD exercise for the Washington, D.C. area to be held
between June 18 and June 19.
Exercise Falcon Virgo is designed to hone NORAD’s intercept and
identification operations as well as operationally test the NCR Visual
Warning System and certify newly assigned command and control personnel at
JADOC. Civil Air Patrol aircraft, a U.S. Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin
helicopter and a Dover Air Force Base Aero Club Piper Seneca III will
participate in the exercise.
These exercises are carefully planned and closely controlled to ensure
CONR’s rapid response capability. NORAD has conducted exercise flights
of this nature throughout the U.S. and Canada since the start of Operation
Noble Eagle, the command’s response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11,
Previous Exercises Did Nothing to Prevent 9/11
Previous “carefully planned and closely controlled” exercises failed to
protect the capitol and New York City on September 11, 2001. Because of this, it
is reasonable to conclude current and future exercises will also fail to protect
American cities.
The Pentagon has longed claimed that the FAA did not inform it that American
Airlines Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40 on the morning of September 11.
Appearing before the Kean Commission, the FAA disputed the Pentagon’s assertion.
“The FAA claimed that regardless of the official notification times claimed
by NORAD, phone bridges were established immediately after the initial attack
(at 8:46). NORAD was informed in real time throughout of all developments,
including about the plane that ultimately hit the Pentagon, the FAA said,”
Nicholas Levis.
The Pentagon claim ignores the fact that the National Military Command
Center, situated in the basement of the Pentagon, monitors the airspace over the
northeastern seaboard and would have detected aircraft deviating from assigned
flight patterns.
Additionally, military commanders would have also seen Flight 175 deviating
from its flight pattern. It had done this in 1999 when it detected the Lear jet
of pro golfer Payne Stewart suddenly depart from its flight path en route to
“If NORAD had been as quick to scramble or divert airborne fighters on Sept.
11, two ‘anti-terrorist’ F-15′s on armed alert could have been sent south from
Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod,” notes
William Thomas for 9-11 Visibility Project. “Flying at full afterburners
without edging over the Atlantic to disperse their sonic footprint, two of the
fastest fighters on the planet would have broken a few windows. But all the
glass in the Twin Towers might have stayed intact had the ‘fast-movers’
intercepted Flight 11 over the Hudson River at least six minutes from
In 2003, a Democrat senator from Minnesota,
Mark Dayton, accused NORAD of lying. If the air defense timeline promoted in
the Kean Commission book was correct, Dayton said, then the timeline presented
by NORAD at the time was wrong.
“When the official story of 9/11 can be changed repeatedly without anyone
ever being held accountable, we have no right to ever again expect honest
government,” writes Levis.
The Pentagon’s failure to communicate excuse was put in doubt by former
Secretary of Transportation
Norman Mineta’s testimony before the National Commission On Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States on May 23, 2003. Mineta told the commission then
vice president Dick Cheney had issued a stand-down order:
I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the
Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice
president, “The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out.” And when
it got down to, “The plane is 10 miles out,” the young man also said to the
vice president, “Do the orders still stand?” And the vice president turned
and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand.
Have you heard anything to the contrary?”
Mineta’s testimony was corroborated by counter-terrorism chief Richard
Clarke. Reporter
Bob Woodward also corroborated Mineta’s testimony and destroyed the
government’s claim it could not track the allegedly hijacked plane because it
had turned off its radar transponder.
Pentagon Drills: Window Dressing for Martial Law
In is reasonable to conclude that no number of “carefully planned and closely
controlled” exercises will prevent another 9/11 attack, as the Pentagon claims,
if NORAD is ordered to stand down as it obviously was on September 11, 2001.
Falcon Virgo is another post-9/11 window dressing event designed to make it
appear the Pentagon is ready and able to defend America against terrorists. It
is one of a large number of similar exercises that have become routine for the
Pentagon and post-9/11 planners who harbor an agenda for America.
As an
resource page on martial law demonstrates, the Pentagon is far more
interested in acclimating the public to the presence of troops on the street and
destroying the remnants of Posse Comitatus than defending the nation from
phantom terrorists.
Mass Casualty Terror Drill Planned for
July 2013 During Boy Scout Jamboree
Trusted insiders share intelligence that a possible false flag may be
averted with this foreknowledge shared by David Lorry VanDerBeek, Nevada
Governor candidate for 2014.
He has spoken out to expose the Boston terrorist event and is raising a
red flag again—for MANY reasons. Good ones.
Fifty thousand boy scouts, and thousands of National Guard soldiers will
be attending the Jamboree “in case of an attack or health crisis”.
They moved the location of the Jamboree from an ideal site near a
military base and freeway, to a remote, heavily wooded, rough terrained area
that would be impossible to secure, with one narrow road for access that
can’t be seen from above, as in a helicopter.
I don’t like the sound of what he shares at all. It points directly at
bio-terrorism and he names the Bechtels as the worst examples of the human
race and calls the reserve “the Devil’s playground”.
Let me be clear, my objective in sharing prior knowledge of a
mass casualty terror drill is to prevent criminal elements in the
government from taking this drill live at the jamboree. I want the
good people in government to feel confident in maintaining
accountability over one another. As an Eagle scout myself, I want
the scouts to have a great jamboree.
I have been on the phone with two reliable sources connected with
military and a well known private investigative network. The
military source decided to come forward because of the Boston
bombing and the evidence that it was staged by the FBI. The
source provided information regarding a July FEMA mass casualty
terror drill that has been kept a secret from the public. As I’ve
previously said, it is not the announced FEMA/DHS/FBI terror drills
that concern me, it is the unannounced drills that go live like
Boston that concern me because real people can and do die. The
source indicated that we need to scrutinize the National Scout
Jamboree 2013 for a possible mass government staged false flag
The leaders of the event are changing the location of the event for
the first time in 30 years. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin of West
Virginia has signed an executive order giving DHS, FEMA, and the
national guard martial law police power over the event. “Thousands”
of national guard soldiers will be there.
Governor “Tomblin said he expects several thousand National Guard
from West Virginia and across the country on the ground during the
Jamboree “in case of an attack … or health crisis.”” There will be
50,000 scouts there with their families. The source provided notes
from a government source that FEMA is preparing an unannounced
disease outbreak drill caused by conventional and unconventional
terrorism in July with 4:1 ratio of mental and “sick” and believes
this drill could be held at the Jamboree. Unconventional terrorism
is chemical and germ weapons. There will be kill and wounded family
members involving sociogenic illness which means that a medical
condition will be shared by a mass of people. They will have
multiple unexplained physical symptoms. There will be no clear start
or stop to the event that will be long term inciting panic and
mistrust of public officials. Being at this reserve, the scouts
would be in the perfect location to rationalize a quarantine.
Rioting/”breaking quarantine”, “noncompliance with vaccination and
medical orders” as well as “resisting travel restrictions” are
addressed in this powerpoint by the man named as the FEMA expert
Steven M. Crimando overseeing the drill scenario
If you look at his bio slide, he was a responder to both terrorist
attacks on the WTC 1993 and 9/11 and Anthrax threat. In other words,
this man is an expert in what would be the 9/11 scale of
bio/chemical terrorist attacks.
But this is not all. We need to compare the old long standing
location of the National Scout jamboree to the new one, but first I
wanted to know about who owns the new location. The previous
location for the last 30 years is Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, an
active military base near D.C. I would like to know who made the
decision to change the location and why. The new location is The
Summit: Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. Who is the Bechtel
family? Google: “Bechtel corruption” They’re bad. Think of it this
way: If the Rothschilds are the bankers of global government,
Bechtel = the engineering company of global government. Remember the
company that provided the poisonous mobile homes at Katrina? Think
Bechtel. They have had construction contracts all over the Middle
East = war profiteering. Remember all that waste in rebuilding after
the first Iraq war? Think Bechtel. $680 for just a year and a half
of work at the beginning of the war that blossomed into billions for
them even though their works was a failure over and over. I did a
search at for the recipient “Bechtel” from and got
back $53,760,324,263 in awarded contracts between 1999 and now.
These are also the bastards that privatized Bolivia’s water supply
raising the cost of water %50. After they were kicked out of the
country due to the people rioting, Bechtel sued them for $50 million
and received 30 cents because of international pressure. Remember
the story about the corporation who first made the collection of
rain water illegal? Think Bechtel. Bechtel = Blood for Water (see
their logo below: bloody water/water wars) Here are their
They play both sides of the isle giving to Obama and Romney in true
globalist fashion. Who is their favorite politician of all? Diane
Feinstein (Mrs. disarm America and defend Obama on Benghazi). That
should tell you something.,73,221,html?ContractorID=11&ranking=13
“Bechtel Meets Goals on Fewer Than Half of Its Iraq Rebuilding
Projects, U.S. Study Finds”
“Bolivia’s Struggle for Water”
In sum, if you were evil and you wanted to sponsor a terrorist event
on your property because that is who you are? Think Bechtel.
National Scout Jamboree 2013 disaster threat analysis of old
site. Below is the location of the jamboree for the past 30
years. It is an active army base. So, in the event of a terrorist
attack at the jamboree with 50,000 scouts, you would be in an ideal
location, because you would have all the military defense
capabilities with the emergency response such as hazmat for chemical
attack. You can bring supplies right to the front door of the
location on trucks at highway speeds. You can get in and out easily
of the location if you need to evacuate. You have complete
communication with the rest of the world. If you’re there you have a
cell phone signal everywhere you go to call for an emergency or stay
in contact with your family. This is the old location of the
jamboree for the past 30 years.
National Scout Jamboree 2013 disaster threat analysis of new
location. The main body will be at the villages that you can see in
the center of the picture as two clearings. There are towns to the
northwest with the highway. The events are spread across the reserve
of mountainous terrain. If there is an emergency near the summit,
how are you going to see the people? Look at the tree cover of the
new location. Notice they had to draw the road on the map because
you cannot see the road from the sky due to tree cover. There is one
road up to the summit and down. However, there are supposed to be
numerous helicopter pads. The road is a likely narrow and as you can
see curving. It will not be highway quality as in the case of Fort
A.P. Hill base. You could not cover that with many emergency
vehicles easily even if you had them on hand as you would be able to
on a military base. Also if you are the one stuck up on the summit
needing help, how do you know you’ll have a cell phone signal to
call for help? It’s clear that you will not have the resources you
would at the Fort A.P. Hill base. It’s much less secure and
unguarded if someone wanted to enter the camp from any direction.
The trees would hide them on their way in and out.
Here is a picture of the interactive map from the jamboree
website so you get a feel for the terrain and how spread out the
activities are. If there were a disaster or terrorist attack as
their Governor Tomblin has suggested, it would be a nightmare trying
to help these people. Do you see the roads on the interactive map to
the various locations? Neither do I. 50,000 scouts. It’s a recipe
for disaster. I’m an Eagle scout and I know what scouts are like.
Setting aside all terrorism, there are so many safety reasons why
you would, for the past thirty years, put the jamboree on a military
base and not on some reserve such as this.
Location: Arlington, Texas, United States |
Leaked: Apr-20-2013 in Conspiracy ... Kids
Terrorized With Gun Fire in FEMA Drill-Smedley
Elementary Denver...
Convoy of Fema Trucks in Denver-False
Flag Preparation? Saturday, May 4, 2013 15:46 ...
There was an article posted on ABC news recently that warned of
terror drills to take place in Washington D.C.,
Denver and Portsmouth, NH.
Jan 31, 2013 – Homeland
Security terror drill in Denver revealed the
ultimate goal was to relocate children and at risk populations
to FEMA sport stadium ...
7 days ago – You're
currently reading “Upcoming FEMA Drills Involve
Community Groups And Faith .... January 11, 2013,
marked the 11th year that the infamous Guantanamo ......
Secret Underground Shelters | Denver International
Airport ...
Jan 17, 2013 – 01/12/2013... The government drill that took place on the
same day of the shooting ...FEMA L-366 Planning
for the Needs of Children in Disasters .... from the US
Cup in Denver via @sharethis 2 days ago
Each NEP cycle includes exercise types from
drills to functional exercises and includes ...
Visit the National Exercise Program page on
for more ...
Apr 25, 2013 –
Denver International Airport Masonic Symbols Exposed · The
Global ... Not all drills and exercises
foreshadow such a perception-shattering event, ... a
preparedness drill sponsored by FEMA and
implemented by the Disaster Resistant Communities Group in South
Carolina and scheduled for April 28, 2013.
Mar 6, 2013 – Officials
expect at least 100 first responders will participate in the
drill. It's not known if FEMA and the Moscow Fire
Department will actually ...
Sep 24, 2011 – Operation
Mountain Guardian FEMA Drill Kicks Off in Denver... DHS to Create a Class of *Undocumented* Permanent
Resident Aliens in 2013...
Jan 4, 2013 –
Federal Emergency Management Agency...FEMA
Weekly Bulletin (01/04/2013) ... to descend
stairs rapidly in the event of an emergency evacuation drill
or actual event. .... 500 C Street SW, Washington,
DC 20472. General ...
of Homeland Security and the Federal
Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) goals
.... EmErgEncy managEmEnt InstItutE • 2012-2013
• catalog of coursEs ...
Apr 29, 2013 –
Federal Emergency Management Agency. Skip to Left Menu
.... The 2013 REP Program Manual has updated the
language: ... Hostile Action Drills (
Logo for the ... 500 C Street SW, Washington,
DC 20472. General ...
Mar 7, 2013 – 03/05/2013.
Information pertaining to a bizarre FEMA exercise based
around a fictional “zombie UFO crash” in Idaho has been censored
after ...
Apr 25, 2013 – 2 posts
published by veracity4truth on April 25, 2013. ...
UNITED STATES Corporation, US Dollar Collapse, Washington DC,
White House ... Upcoming FEMA Drills Involve
Community Groups And Faith Based Organizations: ...
Apr 25, 2013 – Upcoming
FEMA Drills Involve Community Groups And Faith Based
... Group in South Carolina and scheduled for April 28,
2013. .... On Tuesday, an ambitious aerospace
engineer from Washington, DC began seeking
7 days ago – You're
currently reading “Upcoming FEMA Drills Involve
Community .... January 11, 2013, marked the 11th
year that the infamous ..... The best way to derail this
plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington
D.C., ...
Apr 25, 2013 –
... see our patriotic forces on the move en masse on
Washington D.C., ...
Apr 18, 2013 – DATES:
Comments must be submitted on or before June 17, 2013.
... DHS/FEMA, 500 C Street SW., Room 835,
Washington, DC 20472-3100, ...FEMA
intends to conduct one or more Community Drill Days,
coordinated ...
Oct 18, 2012 – Monday,
May 6th, 2013...FEMA Earthquake
Drill Masks Public Training for Potential Premeditated
Disaster. Susanne ... However, the locations in Colorado
and Washington, D.C. where the tremors were
felt are directly above ...
February 5, 2013... “This
ShakeOut drill is the perfect opportunity for families,
schools and churches ... its Member and Associate States,
FEMA, the U.S. Geological Survey and many other
partners. ... 500 C Street SW, Washington,
DC 20472 ...
Oct 14, 2012 – Sat, 04
May 2013... The ShakeOut is a regional
earthquake drill in which participants simultaneously
practice the ... and also millions of dollars in damages
in Washington, D.C. The event is free and
open-to-the-public, and ...
Projecting further, the Fiscal Year 2013
budget request focuses on achieving success in one of DHS' core
missions: ensuring domestic .... ever, multi-state
earthquake drill in the United States, and the
......Washington, DC – 1/27/2012 ...
ABC Releases Article Dated May 2 – Justice and
Fema Preparing for Major Terrorism Exercises ...
Submitted by SadInAmerica on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 9:33pm.
... in three cities — Denver, Portsmouth,
N.H., and the Washington, D.C.-area. ... The D.C.
metropolitan area will respond to a radiological attack
drill — which could ...
Saturday, May 4, 2013 15:46. % of
readers ... The question is where are all the FEMA
trucks going? There was an article posted on ABC news recently
that warned of terror drills to take place in
Washington D.C., Denver and Portsmouth, NH.
Each NEP cycle includes exercise types from
drills to functional exercises and includes ...
Visit the National Exercise Program page on
for more ...
As of October 8, 2011, FEMA has 7,474
employees across the country – at Headquarters, the ten regional
... the first piece of disaster legislation, provided
assistance to a New Hampshire town following an
extensive fire. ... 04/09/2013 - 20:28 ...
Apr 28, 2013 – For
Portsmouth , might a drill occur on Mother's Day ?
... Tagged: false flag, FEMA, government, ndaa,
new world order, obama, .... Denver, CO., Portsmouth,
N.H., and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
burgundia on Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:23 am
...FEMA is planning a "zombie apocalypse"
drill in Moscow, Idaho April 27th...can you believe it?
... mass destruction attacks in three cities — Denver,
Portsmouth, N.H., and the Washington, D.C.-area.
Apr 27, 2013 – This
article was posted: Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 9:25 am
.... so-called “drills” could, easily, coerce
the sheeple into FEMA camps. .... The people of
Denver, Portsmouth, N.H., and the Washington,
D.C. need to wake up.
Apr 25, 2013 – (Source:
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency) ...
From 1997, a preparedness drill was held for a fictiti.
..... A series of devastating fires struck the port city
of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, early in the
19th century.
Subject: 3 Major Cities and Drills
Coming Up! Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:10 am ... are
Denver, CO., Portsmouth, N.H., and the
Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. ... in which local,
state, DHS and FEMA will respond to simulated weapons
of mass ...
Congress has provided $3.5 million for the
Denver and Portsmouth exercises, ... Justice and
the FEMA will be the lead federal agencies in the
exercise. .... Emergency drill to take place at
NH Hospital in Concord February 11.
6 days ago – From
FEMA Homeland Security Emergency Exercise Evaluation
Program Volume IV. ... Exercise and Evaluation Program
April 2013 Overview and Guidebook (pdf) .... The
D.C. metropolitan area will respond to a radiological attack
drill... Interesting- I live near Portsmouth,
NH and had a robocall from the ...
Apr 24, 2013 – But since
the 'drill' involved all the law enforcement agencies
and they ... April 27, 2013 - Featured, Main,
Martial Law. Tagged: false flag, FEMA, government,
ndaa, new world order, obama, police state, prepping, wall
street - 9 comments ... CO., Portsmouth, NH,
and the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Jan 16, 2013 | Posted by: roboblogger
... that is the mock disaster scenario that will be
drilled today in Portsmouth when members of the
Ohio ... 9-11-2001 disaster training and FEMA
arrived the day before for special training ... These
drills are performed a whole lot more than just when bad
things happen.
5/7/2013 - 5/8/2013 WEM:
Recovery from Disaster: The Local Government Role ...
which includes: FEMA staff and disaster employees;
Federal partners; State, ...
Jan 4, 2013 – FEMA
Weekly banner graphic. Jan. 4, 2013. In case you missed
it. ... stairs rapidly in the event of an emergency
evacuation drill or actual event.
ment officials; volunteer organizations;
FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal ....
EmErgEncy managEmEnt InstItutE • 2012-2013 • catalog of
coursEs ...
Details of drill pulled from FEMA
website. Paul Joseph Watson March 5, 2013.
Information pertaining to a bizarre FEMA exercise based
around a ...
FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of
Children in Disasters. The goal ... As of October 1, 2012
anyone applying for FEMA courses must obtain a FEMA
Student ...
Apr 24, 2013 – Brandon
Turbeville Activist Post In the aftermath of the Boston
Bombings, talk of “coincidentally” scheduled terror
drills surrounding the attack ...
"NLE 09 offers a valuable opportunity to
confirm intelligence and information sharing protocols with our
partners and strengthen our response to potential threats ...
DRILLS. Chemical Bio-warfare in
America. A REAL EVENT - OR A TEST - OR ... They reminded us that the Terrorism
Drill starts on ...
Oct 9, 2012 – This meant
he was solely in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills
and ... The drill scenario also explains a
comment made by air traffic ...
I could see a machine of some kind drilling
down through the center of this silo, ... Here too, when
the drilling was done, bombs (but not nuclear) were
dropped ...
DRILLING? ..... The new drill data indicate
that the Main Zone of gold mineralization at Long Canyon is at
least 3,700 feet in ...
Jul 18, 2001 – After a
heated debate over the drilling provision the House
Resources Committee voted 29 to 19 to kill a Democratic
amendment to ban ...
Considering the historical precedent of the
government running drills on the day of the ...
In fact, an ICE spokesman declined to comment on the drill
and a news ...
The drill, Lightning Rescue '08,
simulated what would happen if an airliner ... The
arrival gate used for the drill has a separate air vent
system from the rest of the ...
AJ: Absolutely and now it has come out - five
separate drills of flying hijacked jets ....
Five of these - one drill with the exact same thing
happening that actually ...
Oct 24, 2012 – The
drill was based on the 1938 very real hurricane... * This how it
works. The problem is when the ...
... and a Pulitzer prizing winning
biography of the Briitish adventurer and soldier T. E. Lawrence.
SCIFIMOD: Brief word about the drill. This is a
moderated chat -- ...
Apr 3, 1994 – Joe took a
drill and put it under my dress. He drilled
something but I didn't feel anything. He said, "I'm opening up a
valve that is closed." Since I ...
Sep 29, 2012 – As we
reported yesterday, Airborne troops from Russia are set to take
part in drills focused around targeting terrorists at
Fort Carson between ...
about Marine Corps history asked by their
drill instructor during a break in training at boot camp at
Parris Island, South Carolina. Scott Olson / Getty. compiled by
They're drilling one mile deep
approximately. ... And what they did is . . . they need
the property, because when you drill down this one mile
deep, you have to ...
Apr 3, 2009 – There are
many drills held in this country. Our military and
police need to be trained, but they are using the American
people who are not aware ...
Zapata Oil was experimenting with offshore oil
drilling and it was arranged that the drugs could be
shipped from south America to the offshore platforms by ...
Jan 19, 2013 – Wells
were drilled and natural gas was extracted from the
site. However, the gas proved to be too radioactive to be
commercially viable.
Oct 9, 2010 – "So I
think we should probably look at it as an earthquake drill.
... It's a drill for the `Big One' that will be coming
some day." SEE MAPS: ...
They carry cameras, spectrometers, a device to
collect dust and a drill to dig for samples, all to
help with the hunt for evidence of water. "As you can tell,
we're ...
We went into a store and my friend bought a big
table top into which he had drilled a triangle shaped
device to aim a weapon from. Then we went to a store ...
Aug 6, 2012 – The team
plans to choose a rock in the Glenelg area for the rover's first
use of its capability to analyze powder drilled from
interiors of rocks.
SCIFIMOD: Brief word about the drill.
This is a moderated chat -- SCIFIMOD: Do you have an opinion on
where aliens come from? JohnMack: The first task in ...
Jan 28, 2012 – "Iran
will not repeat its warning...the enemy's carrier has been moved
to the Gulf of Oman because of our drill. I recommend
and emphasize to ...
Rescue workers lowered a six-inch drill
into the Quecreek Mine near ... They are planning to
bring in a larger drilling rig to bore a 36-inch wide
hole, but that ...
Some of these parts had machine shop devices on
it like a lathe and drill presses and such. I saw a
young man forming a part out of metal and other men ...
With the use of controlled nuclear blasts it
will be possible to excavate cavities beneath the lunar surface.
A missile could be used to drill a hole approximately
50 ...
Dec 4, 2011 –
Drilling activities for the Liberty oilfield will be
carried out using the massive Liberty rig. BP contracted Parker
Drilling to construct the rig, which ...
Not more than a minute later, the kids were
playing with their Dad's electric drill, mixing red
paint. I stopped them and sent them outside to play. I knew
their Dad ...
Two spacewalking NASA astronauts staged a
disaster drill outside the ... The disaster
drill capped the last of three spacewalks planned for the
Atlantis crew's ...
The New York Times reported Sunday that the
secret drill simulated a small pox ... Officials
who participated in the drill soon found themselves
arguing as they ...
The dice game is named HAXBIL-BUL and is
derived from HAXBIL (drill) and BUL (riddle game),
however BUUL is also assigned to grains and we already know
The scientists also studied cores of ice
drilled from the icy stretches of Greenland and ...
"Drill down far enough and you could use the ice to
look at the climate ...
''It looks like we're going to have to go
through the drill again,'' said Max Mayfield, the
hurricane center's director. ``Would someone please turn off the
hurricane ...
A High School in Maine is to be taken over by
the National Guard today for the purposes of a drill
that will see Guardsmen deal with unruly citizens begging for
The Luna samples were robotically accessed
drill-cores that were hermetically encapsulated on the
Moon. They survived re-entry and when the Russian ...
Jun 9, 2005 – And as it
turns out, everyone from boy scouts to workers drilling
for oil still depend on compasses -- and need to know the
magnetic declination ...
... America," the patriotic program
presented by soldiers from the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old
Guard), The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, the U.S. Army
Drill Team ...
As the event neared, leaders of security teams
met to drill on handling scenarios such as a suicide
bombing or the release of a biological or chemical weapon.
He said that drilling for oil in the
Arctic and other fragile habitats is costly, ... This
bill gives the energy giants a free pass to drill their
way through our last wild ...
May 1, 2002 – ...
cross but with fancy edges like the Templars used and one had to
insert the key into the lock with a device that looked like an
electric drill.
I could see a machine of some kind drilling
down through the center of this silo, and when the drill
hole was complete, a nuclear bomb was dropped down the ...
Bentonite is a material that is widely used in
drilling industries that can also greatly enhance
conductivity between the grounding system and the earth.
and get everyone out of the school. ... So, I
started yelling, "Fire! Fire! Fire!" Everyone had been
drilled in what to ... -
58k ...
The Reulaeux triangle is the basis of all
rotary engines, like the Wankel. It is the simplest shape of
constant width that is not a circle. A drill bit in the
shape of a ...
Emergency management and National Weather
Service officials were planning to conduct a statewide tornado
drill today. Missouri averages 26 tornadoes a ...
"This is not a drill," New Orleans
Mayor Ray Nagin told residents during a news .... "I
realize that we have done this drill two or three times
in the past few months, ...
Then an international group of scientists went
to Greenland and used newly developed drilling and
sensing equipment to drill into some of the world's
most ...
Jan 31, 2006 – The same
drill that went 'live'. ... Whenever you hear 'drills'
think twice. It is under the term and facade of drills
that they are actually planning on ...
Jan 24, 2001 – I could
see a machine of some kind drilling down through the
center of this silo, and when the drill hole was
complete, a nuclear bomb was ...
Jul 15, 2005 – He said
that a contract on oil exploration in the Caspian Sea has been
signed, and presently the required equipment for drilling
two wells has ...
exercises like the Global Guardian drill
it ran on the morning of 9/11, Barksdale AFB deploys "heavies"
to the Middle East. Like Hank, Johnson wants to know, ...
Mar 15, 2013 – North
Korea is angry about the South Korea-U.S. military drills
and new U.N. ...... Thursday's drill was the
first time B-2s flew round-trip from the ...
Oct 13, 2012 – The New
Madrid fault and Mississippi river basin is being targeted with
HAARP, frac tech drilling operations, and possibly
other means (such as ...
Ten days earlier, he had popped a surprise
drill on the staff. He told them a flight over the Pacific
had suffered a potentially disastrous engine failure and radio
Aug 12, 2006 – from
adjacent steel trailers which had been staged for a security
drill, ... In the case of the 9/11 attacks, several
military drills were under ...
I said, "I'll bet nobody ever thought of
drilling for oil using Indian baseball cards ...
When we were done drilling, we turned the stacks the
opposite direction and ...
Oct 3, 2012 – During the
extra development time resulting from the delay, a Polish-built
drill was added to the Phobos lander as a back-up soil
extraction ...
U.S. Army Conducted Mass Casualty Drill
For Plane Crash Into Pentagon. ... "After the
terrorist attacks of September 11, uncovering the fact that this
"drill" took ...
Apr 8, 2012 – The Luna
samples were robotically accessed drill-cores that were
hermetically encapsulated on the Moon. They survived re-entry
and when ...
During this period, seal designs were often cut
on hard stones using cutting-wheels and drills.
The image is similar to two wall reliefs from the throne room of
On the other hand, he praised most of the ARA
men, saying that they drilled and practiced the bombing
in the desert. Tim claimed to have made dry runs of ...
"If anything, this was a good drill
for us," said Miami Police spokesman Delrish Moss. "A lot of
work and a lot details, but we can't take any chances these
days." ...
In the gory cavity the priests, with a fire
drill, kindled a new flame that was quickly carried by
torches across the lake to the temple in Tenochititlan, and from
there ...
... 9/11 written by: Andrew ... FEMA in
NYC prior to 9-11 for Project TRIPOD terror drill,
scheduled for 9-12 . ... - ...
Oct 20, 2012 –
Drilling Could Threaten Our National Parks | Center for
American . ... Aug 28, 2012 – Would Romney go so far as
to try to drill in our national ...
Connor, who said he used to drill
holes for dynamite demolition at a previous job, said he
recognized it as a single stick with a blasting cap attached.
"It must ...
As Alex Jones of and others have
pointed out, terror "drills" are now .....
Remember, too, that the English government was running a
training drill...
There was an Interpol drill in Eastern
Europe at the end of September simulating a ... In Lake
in the Hills, Illinois, police will conduct a drill to
combat a fictitious ...
Dec 20, 2011 – South
Korea's military sees the firing as part of a scheduled routine
drill, instead of a provocation, said the official,
speaking on condition of ...
Aug 9, 2012 – The USGS
Meteor Crater Sample Collection is an ongoing project funded by
NASA that analyzes drill samples from Meteor Crater and
makes ...
May 4, 1998 – Shufelt
was determined to drill to a depth of 1,000 feet if
necessary. On 29th January 1934, the first stories regarding the
leg-end of the "Lost ...
Apr 1, 1999 – I said,
"I'll bet nobody ever thought of drilling for il using
Indian cards before." ... When we were done drilling,
we turned the stacks the opposite ...
Authorities have been telling reporters that
they would not violently engage the Brown family for the past
few months but this now appears to have been a drill
for ...
No one has forgotten that the state was hit by
four hurricanes last season, and the drill certainly
seemed familiar. Gov. Jeb Bush cut short his vacation in Maine
To prepare for the "Big One," scientists and
emergency planners will hold in the fall what is described as
the largest earthquake drill in the United States. It
will be ...
Jun 6, 2000 – And yet,
as this is being written, Jones is in Israel making final
preparations to drill a two inch core hole through the
debris from the Spice Cave ...
A combination of factors — oil drilling,
hurricanes, levees, dams — have ... Damage to refineries
and drilling platforms could cause gasoline prices at
the pump ...
Aug 14, 2008 – San Mateo
County drilled three wells in a road that crosses the
slide and ... The county geologist plans to drill
exploratory borings and has been ...
The Amazon is one of the world's most
significant “carbon sinks,” and when resource-extraction
industries destroy forests to make way for roads, drilling,
and ...
Jul 17, 2008 – My friend
Lonnie Thompson digs cores in the ice. They dig down and they
bring the core drills back up and they look at the ice
and they study it.
This is not drill!" Later that
morning, the magazine of the USS Shaw exploded after being
struck by a Japanese bomb. Aboard a Japanese carrier before the
The most significant use of the "common" was as
a mustering point and drill field for the village
militia, "every able bodied man between the ages of 16 and 60
May 7, 2012 – “I've been
to the drills and I noticed that they were training
with the role players to put American political .... FEMA
Even if the election isn't cancelled, Homeland
Security may raise the color code to a red alert and it will a
martial law drill which will make a lot of people in
the ...
Feb 10, 2012 – A
drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away
from the cavern and eventually pass through the "point at
infinity" corresponding to the ...
Sep 11, 2003 – We need
to drill into our minds that one only loses by giving
in to fear. It paralyses the mind, rendering it incapable of
doing what it can easily do ...
May 22, 2012 – ...
on America at any time,no ones buying Americas debt any more and
china will collect it's debts people,they could come here in
force and drill...
Jun 10, 2012 – ...
I have a lot to say about our school system because I was raised
in it during WWII and to do the duck and cover drill in
case the bombs came.
Jan 28, 2012 – The
daughter of a North Dallas radiologist, Glenda was an honor
student at Hillcrest High School. where she presided over the
drill team and ...
Feb 10, 2012 – A
drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away
from the cavern and eventually pass through the "point at
infinity" corresponding to the ...
Sep 11, 2003 – We need
to drill into our minds that one only loses by giving
in to fear. It paralyses the mind, rendering it incapable of
doing what it can easily do ...
May 22, 2012 – ...
on America at any time,no ones buying Americas debt any more and
china will collect it's debts people,they could come here in
force and drill...
Jun 10, 2012 – ...
I have a lot to say about our school system because I was raised
in it during WWII and to do the duck and cover drill in
case the bombs came.
Jan 28, 2012 – The
daughter of a North Dallas radiologist, Glenda was an honor
student at Hillcrest High School. where she presided over the
drill team and ...
The Tunnel (1935) depicted a giant
radium-tipped drill boring a path under the ocean
floor, whereas Dr. Cyclops' (1940) application of radium based
energy was ...
May 8, 2012 – The
management for London's subway system has planned for a possible
attack on the network, carrying out a two-day terror drill
at Aldwych ...
Apr 22, 2001 – Such
concerns were reflected in a presidential order, signed days
before the Pentagon drill, which gave heightened
priority to counter-terrorism ...
Recently, he was dealt a major setback when
Senate voted to sustain a filibuster that blocks Stevens' plan
to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife
May 8, 2012 – The
management for London's subway system has planned for a possible
attack on the network, carrying out a two-day terror drill
at Aldwych ...
Apr 22, 2001 – Such
concerns were reflected in a presidential order, signed days
before the Pentagon drill, which gave heightened
priority to counter-terrorism ...
Recently, he was dealt a major setback when
Senate voted to sustain a filibuster that blocks Stevens' plan
to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife
Dec 1, 2011 – 12-14-11 -
DREAM - I was observing a group of soldiers somewhere and the
drill sergeant decided it would be good punishment to
make an ...
Jun 1, 2009 – ...
and as soon as he showed me how to drill a new hole in
the handle and attach it to the glasses, they broke in the exact
place he had just told ...
The BG Group drilled two wells in
2000: Gaza Marine-1 and Gaza Marine-2. Reserves are estimated by
British Gas to be of the order of 1.4 trillion cubic feet,
Jan 27, 2013 – ...
cross but with fancy edges like the Templars used and one had to
insert the key into the lock with a device that looked like an
electric drill.
In a drill, everything went as
planned. But yesterday, the violence happened during lunch, when
most students were not in classes. "Instead of telling people to
... by the Rand Corporation of a
highly-efficient bore or mole machine capable of melting rock
using nuclear powered wolfram-graphite tipped 'drill-cones'?
Aug 29, 2007 – Guards
cheated in a mock terrorist drill at the plant last
summer, and apparently have been doing so since the 1980s, the
Energy Department's ...
Special Report: Warrior Games
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, May 10, 2013 - More than 200 wounded, ill and injured
service members, as well as military retirees, will compete in the
fourth annual Warrior Games, which will be held in Colorado Springs,
Colo., May 11-16, 2013. Learn more about the games and its
participants through an American Forces Press Service special report