Dee Finney's blog

start date July 20, 2011

today's date  May 18, 2013

updated September 9, 2013

page 496




This is a basic Primer to review the basic meaning and mechanics of the "Ascension" and discuss the various symptoms that we as humans may encounter in our evolution process
. I have many articles and tools on the website that will help support your awareness to investigate and explore the impacts it has upon human beings, our planet and all of consciousness.

Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift which requires a re-education of values and priority of which much of this information on this website is a guideline to support those awakening and guided to leadership through the transitional impacts this creates on the planet. It is also important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. Those of us undergoing the first wave of awakening will be Ascension Guides for the balance of humanity who have not yet experienced a direct awakening or extra-dimensional contact. This website is dedicated to those endeavoring to evolve as Guardian Stewards in order to help participate and build the required consciousness structures this planet and humanity will require in the coming Age.


As I had no guru, teacher or mentor to explain it to me, my ego was terrified that I was losing my mind along with my identity in the life I had known up to that point. Who does one call upon for the "kundalini" flu? Who on Earth do you talk to when you are introduced to other dimensional beings in an organized spiritual hierarchy? Further, I have had many physical ailments show up during times when the divine force was increased and activated within me. At the time I was most blessed and had teams of Angels and Masters around me, I was emotionally devastated and physically ill as it was exacerbated from my lack of comprehension of what was transpiring.


This is a basic Primer to review the basic meaning and mechanics of the "Ascension" and discuss the various symptoms that we as humans may encounter in our evolution process. I have many articles and tools on the website that will help support your awareness to investigate and explore the impacts it has upon human beings, our planet and all of consciousness.


It is important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical and unexplainable manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. As I had no guru, teacher or mentor to explain it to me, my ego was terrified that I was losing my mind along with my identity in the life I had known up to that point. Who does one call upon for the "kundalini" flu? Who on Earth do you talk to when you are introduced to other dimensional beings in an organized spiritual hierarchy? Further, I have had many physical ailments show up during times when the divine force was increased and activated within me. At the time I was most blessed and had teams of Angels and Masters around me, I was emotionally devastated and physically ill as it was exacerbated from my lack of comprehension of what was transpiring.

Now I want to share my experiences to assist anyone who may need this information so that having this knowledge can eradicate the fear of facing the unknown mysteries lying within. Once we go into and are initiated into these mysteries of God, there is no turning back. During these times since the planet is accelerating so quickly into higher frequency patterns, many more people will experience spontaneous awakening and consciousness altering experiences. Many of these people will not be in spiritual or metaphysical settings when this occurs to them, it will be the office professional, the banker, the average person in the level of the current mass consciousness. The ultimate liberation of our soul comes through this blessing and we as humans must embrace and prepare ourselves for this change that will forever alter the way we perceive reality. This process is the divine destiny of all Humankind and our beautiful planet. We are in an accelerated evolution and it is time to prepare. Many people have been suppressed to reject the spiritual-energetic reality of which our planet and humanity is undergoing and facing. Those awakening now are the forerunners and the Mapmakers of the future planetary changes. In order to be effective and clear, self mastery over mental and emotional states, as well as evolutionary context, and awareness of the hidden extraterrestrial agendas, is required for Integrated Spiritual Ascension and future Stewardship.

The Mechanics of the Shift

First, let us review the meaning of "Ascension" and why we, as humans, will experience physical, emotional and mental symptoms and changes.

Currently we are in a phase transition of expansion into the realms of experiencing higher consciousness as “multidimensional” human beings living on this planet. During this phase of the Ascension cycle, we as human beings will experience many varied physical symptoms as we shift our cells into higher frequency patterns.

Ascension is about the bringing of layers of light, the force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies.


The Ascension process is about moving the consciousness from one reality to another and the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. Since a “reality” is a dimension, what we are undertaking is, in essence, a complete dimensional shift. A dimensional reality is held in place by a complex layer of coded energetic grids to create the illusion of time and space for the consciousness to perceive and to participate in its own experience within the broadband widths of that particular range of frequency. As the dimensional grids shift its frequency and its magnetic attributes change, all things existing within that “broadband” reality will also shift and change in a myriad of ways. The “natural” laws governing that time and space as we know them will change. This also means the perception of our spatial awareness, our relationship to time and space will also change rather dramatically.


Thus, to go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. Some of these issues are ancestral or inherited in their nature and may feel rather odd yet familiar when they are is brought to your awareness. It is important to remember that we are not only clearing our own individual “mind” grid, but also the karmic mind implications and collective (un)consciousness implications on this planet from the last evolutionary cycle. This way you can reframe the circumstance in your mind to be that which is impersonal and detached from identifying with the specific issue that has risen to the surface to be cleared within your bodies. Appreciate and acknowledge your light being for accepting the assignment for this clearing rather than claiming it as belonging to “you”. By doing this repeatedly, we clear our emotional and energy bodies of the long held traumas, beliefs and fears that have impeded our ability to experience our true “being” and bring more joy into our lives. Once the emotional body is resolved and cleared of an old pain or trauma, the physical body then is enabled to clear its equivalent of that block.


All of this happens simultaneously within all of the layers of the bio-energetic field when each healing is cleared. In effect, it is a full clearing and release of these painful events held as patterns in the bodies from the soul’s record and cellular memory. And that is pretty awe inspiring when you realize how this will impact the human experience as we move forward!

Also, as these painful patterns are removed from the soul record, the clearing recodes our DNA so it can hold more light, thus sustaining our new frequency and a state of increasing higher consciousness and multidimensionality. As we hold this greater light and advanced genetic package in our bio-energy field, it enables others, through the principle of resonance, to vibrate at the increased frequency rate and activate their own inner potential and divine inheritance towards Ascension.

Emotional clearing is the main process we will experience and be acutely aware of as we shift through the Ascension. Since emotional pain and imbalances are responsible for our states of "dis-ease" many of us will experience illness or physical releases of pain clearing from our bodies. Some of this clearing is for your karmic, genetic or ancestral soul lineage. Some of us, as lightworkers, have chosen to clear states of imbalances for the collective or for a specific group and will feel this movement of energy transmute through us, as our energetic being is acting as a “cosmic filtration system” for the greater whole.

The goal of this series is to inform you of these dynamics that we are currently experiencing, and as the energies accelerate to prepare you even further by clearly discussing the various possible physical symptoms from a position of having a “neutral” association. Utilizing what works for you personally by cultivating intuitive discernment with an informed awareness is the intended support of this discussion.


This is to not alarm you, but is used as a tool to keep you informed in order to be self accountable and self sovereign in all of your upcoming choices. We will not be given anything we cannot handle. Much of this can be avoided by being self-aware and taking the time to heal through emotional clearing and listening to your body when it requests other healing techniques. Spirit has given us many tools for our Ascension toolkit to assist and support our evolution in the easiest possible way. Ask for assistance and it will be given!

Transmutational Symptoms

Owing to some of the extreme transmutational symptoms that are rampant at this time I want to be specific and this may be more lengthy than required. I get clients, family and friends that feel that something is very wrong in what is happening to them because of the extreme transmutational and transformational symptoms that they are feeling. Many of them are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. When they go to doctors, they are being told to take drugs or they are being instructed to seek professional psychological help. Of course I am not professing to be giving any medical advice. It may be beneficial for some of us to seek out medical or psychological treatment during our process. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration.

Certain symptoms are now becoming more apparent and when we know this as a "process" and that many others are feeling the same things, a certain serenity can be brought into the mind. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body.

Some of the symptoms reported include:


Cranial pressure and headaches, Extreme fatigue,Heating up of the physical body, nausea, dizziness, Forgetfulness, irritability, sleeplessness, joint pain, body aches, muscle cramps in legs and calves and shoulders, flu-like symptoms, kundalini experiences, diarrhea, feeling out of sorts, muscle pains, skin rashes, tingling in body parts, having specific awareness of a internal organ or body part unlike the past, diminution of spatial awareness, clumsiness, feverish feeling, feelings of being there and not being here, loss of visual acuity, memory loss, changes with body and head hair, lack of the ability to concentrate, feelings of standing up or moving too quickly that create “vertigo”, the feeling that you cannot accomplish anything because there is not enough time, anxiety attacks that happen suddenly and disappear just as suddenly.

Also, our bodies often experience a rush of heat and energy bursts that are not comfortable. Our bodies are being shifted in thermodynamic ways and with so much light entering the fields of the body, some of the "symptoms" we experience are actually preventing our physical vehicles from bursting with the intensity of light. We may experience a "triad" sleep pattern (waking up every 3 hours) or interrupted sleep as we are being recalibrated and worked on energetically at night. This adds to our being restless and tired in the morning.

Remember to be gentle with your hearts and being and only allow others within your boundaries of inner sanctum that treat you the same. This can be an extremely vulnerable time emotionally. We need to release the fear of asking for help and investing in ourselves to feel balanced and healthy. Massage, Bodywork, Energy Work, Spiritual Counsel and just plain laughter and FUN are extremely important during this time. Allow yourself!

If I could impart anything to our it would be to emphasize how humans are so deeply loved and appreciated by Spirit, The Light Hierarchies, The Planet, from all those of whom we serve as One.  The impact of our collective work during this evolutionary time cycle is beyond comprehension.


As we move forward only those of you that can feel the inner resonance are aware if you are apart of the soul groups who agreed to be the Light stewardship and Ascension Guides for the changing reality structure. Humans are expanding to become multidimensional, and being in Love is only one part of the human equation. Clearing ego and emotional wounds, learning to discern ego from higher self intelligence, as well as reclaiming and healing spiritual light-bodies is a part of having an accurate assessment of the requirements of our changing earth. Our earth needs new guidance and stewardship. The Galactic community, those in communication with other intelligence fields and dimensions, are the first ascending waves to meet those challenges of building structures that support humanity as multidimensional spiritual beings. Our community is the repository of building and supporting the integrated ascension path, as well as cultivating self leadership in order to lead and support humanity through personal example. 


Lightworkers, Gridworkers and Ascension Stewards, Thank you with deep gratitude for all of your amazing work!

Stay in the luminosity of your heart and soul path! We are here as ONE!

© 2005 Lisa Renee,



The 28 Nov Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs exact at :

14:46 UT London
9:46 am Eastern USA -
8:46 am Central USA -
7:46 am Mountain USA
6:46 am Pacific USA
(Next day) In Australia – Nov 29 at 1:46 am


Although there are still very intense frequencies on the planet just now and challenging astrological aspects around at this ‘Crystalline’ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, it remains an extraordinary opening. It is the portal of the Crystalline Energy and the sacred completion of the Divine Feminine adjustment for the planet.


The Moon is exactly conjunct Jupiter (11:54 Gemini) just hours after the apex of the Full Moon. This is truly a very beneficial sign & alignment and offers the possibility of positive occurrences, important break-throughs and clearings. It opens an opportunity for rebirth- recreation of a new set of rules, and new directions for each individual. It is an excellent , truly opportune time to focus on what is needed to move forward individually. And for Humanity in mass, this is a spiritual, nurturing shifting, an indication that ‘feminine’ nurturing qualities like compassion and generosity come to the forefront of all human consciousness. There is no better time for meditation and manifesting positive goals and establishing loving intent. This eclipse is truly a catalyst and spring board.

This full ‘Crystal Moon’ Lunar Eclipse completes the incredible influx that began with the Total Solar Eclipse 2 weeks ago. It now opens the gate leading to the Ascension of 12-12-12. The Planetary Ascension occurs on the hallowed 12-12-12 , and is crowned on the New Moon of December 12th by the potent Geminid meteor shower, which brings and influx of extreme power. This energy extends to the re-birth of the New Earth on December 21, 2012. All centers and strata of quartz crystal on the planet, particularly ARKANSAS & BRAZIL will be triggered by this Full-Moon Crystalline Eclipse, which will peak on the 12-12-12. Work with your crystals during this eclipse. All crystals, especially Phi oriented quartz crystals will open to new surges of benevolent energy. Powernodes within the Crystal Vortex will be disseminating energy globally !


The full moon eclipse is the initial opening of the prelude and countdown to the 12-12-12. It brings in the crystalline frequency, and a partial wave-phase of the crystalline dimensions are brought into the Earthplane. This frequency creates an energy for us to organize and align ourselves for what takes place on the 12-12-12, 12-21-12 and for 2013.


The Crystal Full Moon is square Neptune and Chiron just before exact Fullness, indicating influential waves of open-heart and compassion. Succinct opportunities may arise for each soul to assist anothers within their sphere of influence and connections. It is also a time for prioritizing, ‘getting our ducks in a row’ and formulating the intent and potentials of our lives in the New Earth. But this energy is so incredible potent that it can be ungrounding unless conscious efforts are made to stay centered and keep the auric field stable. This also adds to the need to think carefully before making any decisions, as although Mercury began moving direct yesterday, the after effects of the Mercury retrograde are hanging around for 5 or 6 more days, so avoid impulsive or rash decisions. This same energy can bring in delusional thinking, and so avoid drifting into extreme emotions and distorted flights of imagination. But again these same energies, consciously employed can indeed offer incredible periods for mediation and manifestation – just keep centered with the auric field intact.


The trine between Venus/Saturn and Neptune/Chiron that has been operating for the past week is highlighted here, offering the possibility of a breakthrough in the world stage regarding care of the planet and for each other.


On the other hand, Mars and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn: a potentially violent and destructive combination. But they do make a mini grand trine by sextiling both ends of the Saturn/Neptune trine, so globally something amazing is opening possibilities here, a new perspective around creating a harmony that could displace , at least for a while, global violence and discord. This also is true for harmony in each persons life individually. Some relationships may be purposefully re aligned, others will be released. Others may find it is time to let go of certain missions, and take a new path, a more relaxed inner journey, having completed one phase and taking on a different mission more related to self expansion and expression than service.



Building a Crystalline Light Body

There is much written about the Crystalline Light Body and how to work towards Building and Developing it. There is a school of thought which teaches that there are twelve distinct levels of attainment in order to complete our Light Body. There are other teachings that state that the Light Body will Manifest only to those ready to Ascend.


Whatever different ideas and teachings there are out there – one thing is for certain … Building the Crystalline Light Body is an Essential Process in the Awaking and the Experiencing of the full potential of your Crystal Consciousness.


It should also be noted and understood that ANY form of Journeying or Travelling within the Crystalline Realms will act as Re-Inforcement and Nourishment toward your Crystalline Light Body – no matter what stage of development it is at. Good News!

In essence, a Daily Meditation with one or more of your Crystal Consciousness Carvings from CrystalsWork will enhance and help Build Up the Illumination of your Crystalline Light Body!

In other words, the pure fact that you are Meditating with your Crystal Consciousness Carvings, embarking on Journeys and Travelling to the Crystalline Realms with your Selected Meditation Pieces, will be enough to Nourish and Fortify your developing Crystalline Light Body. It does not have to be a hard Crystalline work out!   A gentle Daily routine will suffice.

The Crystalline Light Body is a Frequency Resonator which surrounds and cocoons the Physical Body. It is a Vehicle Of Consciousness, and has a separate reality and composition from the Physical Body. In appearance, it is shaped very much like the Human Body but it extends to several inches larger,  all the way around.


The Light Body is made up of an absolutely Exquisite intermeshing of Crystalline Frequencies, representing Previous Incarnations with Crystalline Light, as Manifested in those different Past Incarnations. It provides a Reference Point for the new wave of Crystalline Frequencies entering the Planet. EVERYONE working with Crystalline energies WILL develop a Crystalline Light Body – the formation of which will depend upon the individual’s Intensity of Focus and Access to Crystalline Frequencies


The Broader and Deeper the Connection, the more Intense will be the Crystalline Light Body. The formation of the Light Body will take time; it will be established over months and years of Intensive Work with Crystalline Frequencies.

Once a basic pattern for the Crystalline Light Body has been set down, it can function in a number of different ways. It will Pulse and Glow in response to varied inputs of Crystalline energy, which will wash through the Crystalline Light Body and become Absorbed within it. 


The Frequency Level will alternate in response to the Degree of Refinement or Type of Incoming Crystalline Frequency.

High Frequency Crystalline Light will only be Captured by a very refined Crystalline Light Body, one that vibrates at a high enough level to contain such frequencies. 


The Crystalline Light Body will act as a Tuning Fork to different Crystalline Vibrations, and it is the Scope or Flexibility of the Light Body that will Determine the Types of Frequency that can be Held or Attained to. The Greater the Scope, the more Varied the Types of Crystalline Frequency that can be Absorbed. The Narrower the Focus, the more Specialised the Light Body.


By Building and Connecting with the Crystalline Light Body, it will be possible to Feel one’s increasing and growing Awareness as a Crystalline Being. The feeling is one of deep quiet, depth, peace and stillness, which Radiates or permeates through the Crystalline Matrix of the Light Body. By becoming aware of this Light Body you can directly access Higher Crystalline Frequencies and Raise your Vibration to match those of the Mental Planes


The Crystalline Light Body will also have a feeling of liquidity and coolness, so that your Awareness permeates it, and it is possible to Scan for areas of Slower Frequency, or those that need to be Flooded with Crystalline Light.   


Connection with the Crystalline Light Body can form the basis for Accessing a Diversity of Frequencies, so that Each Frequency is Downloaded into the Light Body, it can be lived or experienced within a Crystalline medium. This also provides an Alternative Reference Point to the normal Physical Body, where a Crystalline Body can be experienced as something separate yet equally REAL.


Within the Process of Crystallization, the Chakras also have to change, and to become Doorways for Crystalline energy. Just as the Light Body must be Cleansed and Purified of Slower Frequencies, the Chakras must go through a similar process of Dredging and Releasing the Old Frequencies. Once cleansed to a reasonable degree, each Chakra will provide in itself an Access Point to Crystalline energy.


For most Light Workers this will focus primarily through the Third Eye and Heart Chakra and to a lesser extent the Throat Chakra. However, it is important not to forget the Lower Chakras, for the Solar Plexus, Sacral Chakra and Root Chakra centres will all play an important role in acting as a Platform for the higher energies. 


Clearing these Lower Chakras is important since they will provide a strong Balancing Mechanism for the holding of the Higher Frequency Energy.    It is important to remember that clearing the Chakras will require multiple sessions, since Residues of Old Energies will be Retained from multiple Past Lives.


Once this process is complete, it will be possible to start working with the Crystalline Light Body in new ways. At one level, the Crystalline Light Body is a Vehicle Of Consciousness and Experience, and can be Projected through Intent and Focus to different places both on the Inner and on the Physical Planes.


In particular you can develop your Crystalline Light Body as a Parallel, or super-charged version of the Astral Body. Whereas the Astral Body allows Primary Access to the Astral Planes and cannot travel up into the higher ones, the Crystal Light Body has Direct Access to the Mental Planes and can be used as a Vehicle Of Higher Consciousness.


Within the Physical, the Light Body can be Invoked to Resonate with High Vibrational energy spots on the Planet, such as Sedona or Mount Shasta. Connection with these High Vibrational spots on the Planet act as if dipping into a kind of Liquid Energy pool of Super High Frequency Energy.


On the Inner Planes, conscious Projection of the Crystalline Light Body into the Mental Planes and into the Crystalline Spheres (another name for the Crystalline Realms) can open up new Doorways to different Worlds. By Resonating at the same Frequency within the Crystalline Light Body as that which can be found in the Higher Mental Planes, different degrees of Energetic Merging can take place, such as with Crystalline Guides, with the Crystal Skulls, or with other Crystalline energies. 


The Greater the Merging -  the More Energy is Downloaded -  the Higher the Vibration that is Embedded Within the Crystalline Light Body.


The process for Downloading and digesting Higher Crystalline Frequencies will directly Impact upon the Physical Body, as appearance, organs, body shape and bones will begin to reflect the new Crystalline Patterns


Within the Physical Body the Bones represent the most Direct Connection with the Crystalline Light Body. Bone is made up of a Crystalline Matrix, and can be used as a Starting Point physically to Connect with the Crystalline Light Body. As this is Cleansed and Cleared, so the bones are Purged of their Lower Frequencies. Patterns held within the Crystalline Light Body can be Downloaded into the Bones as Crystalline Reference Points within the Physical. 

This is the Literal meaning of ‘Earthing The Energies’.


At its purest,  the Crystalline Light Body is a Holographic Representation of Crystalline Energy seeded from the Higher Planes. As a Tuning Fork of exquisite sensitivity, the Crystalline Light Body can bring through and Radiate a host of different Crystalline Frequencies, and can also form the starting point for housing much more Substantial Crystalline Energies within the Physical Vehicle, a process rather like Trance Channelling.


The beauty of Higher Crystalline Intent and Love can be housed directly within the Light Body, and Radiated to those around us. In a very real way, the New Crystalline Frequencies can thus be Birthed into the Planet and Reflected Outwards to other people and life forms that are Willing, energetically, to Receive them.


As the Vibration of Crystalline Frequencies ascend, the depth and breadth of the Crystalline Vibration will become clearer. It is a Direct Feeling of expansion, clarity, purity, love and light, which will Not Tolerate any slower frequencies in thought or in form, and which will quite literally strip away any such residues. As the Crystalline Frequency of the Crystalline Light Body ascends, the Focus will Increase, and the housing mechanism of Crystalline Light will Expand to Galactic Proportions.

The Building of a Crystalline Light Body is only the Beginning of the process of Raising our Vibrations to Resonate with the Crystalline Realms, and of our Discovery of our Inner Heritage of Love and Light, as expressed within the framework of Crystalline Divinity.


See Meditation to Build a Crystalline Light Body in our Meditations Section.





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