Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date July 2, 2013
page 526
6-26-13 - VISION - Joe went into the bedroom and shut the door. I was sitting in my meditation chair with my eyes closed.
I saw the bedroom door and in the center, it had the number 8 on it.
6-27-13 - DREAM - I would venture to say that I was onboard a space craft of some kind. It seemed to be a Saturday, and on this day of the week, classes were held about star systems.
One woman gave me a $200,000 bill to have one of the books I had.
All the books in this library were loose leaf binders that were about 5 x 7
inches to which pages were added from time to time as new information was
learned about the star systems.
The one I coveted I saw was named Omega and the reason was that i could see
bright light coming from the top of it.
The women I met, some of whom had a child with them, had straight blonde hair
shoulder length, and I knew mine was cut the same.
I recognized the men from television shows I've seen.
Explanation: Featured in this sharp telescopic image, globular star cluster Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) is some 15,000 light-years away. Some 150 light-years in diameter, the cluster is packed with about 10 million stars much older than the Sun. Omega Cen is the largest of 200 or so known globular clusters that roam the halo of our Milky Way galaxy. Though most star clusters consist of stars with the same age and composition, the enigmatic Omega Cen exhibits the presence of different stellar populations with a spread of ages and chemical abundances. In fact, Omega Cen may be the remnant core of a small galaxy merging with the Milky Way.
6-28-13 - DREAM "There is no more sign of Father Donovan" (a chubby priest), Philip Burley, and Jack Abbott from the Young and the Restless, Daphne K, and myself.
A previous dream had Daphne and myself in it, and as soon as I recognized it was Daphne K, the whole dream was yanked out of my mind.
In the Father Donovan dream, he was teaching us something, and Jack Abbott, Philip Burley (an old family friend of Joe and I ) and I were following him around a very large dining room table, leaving tire tracks as we left the room through what looked like spaghetti? piles in the doorway... we all went to the bathroom to get ready to go home.
I was wrapped in a beige blanket, which felt very warm, and when it was my turn to use the bathroom stall, Jack Abbott came out of one stall on the right, a tall woman came out of the stall I was going to use, so I wrapped my warm blanket around the half dressed Philip Burley, and Jack Abbott, also wrapped in a beige blanket at that point stood and talked, and Philip said to Jack, "There is no more sign of Father Donovan".
Outside of that I can't remember anything except a tall Christmas tree (with no decorations on it) somewhere in the diningroom near the large dark brown oval table.
This news article refers to Mission Dolores in San Francisco and Father Donovan:
I called this dream: THE THREE MONKS.
I am aware of being a monk with other monks in England in another lifetime. I know of at least two people who were with me in that lifetime, and they are aware of our connection to that lifetime as well.
6-28-13 - NAP DREAM - I was in a large room in what seemed like a school.
At some distance from me, was one of the men from the above dream - and I
think it was Philip Burley. He was watching me line up pictures
taken of all the crop circles from the current year (they are just starting in
earnest now)
I was lining up the pictures of the crop circles, by name and by number.
Philip told me not to mix up the numbers with the letters or he wasn't going to help me give the DIVINE PLAN SEMINARS.
6-29-13 - DREAM - The last of the crop circles had been alphabetized -
and the last one started with the letter ' I '.
My friend Dee from Milwaukee was there, and was moving to a different house.
All that had to be done to it was to repair the front porch railing so it was
safe to live in the house.
In this dream, I was shown two crop circle articles starting with the letter L.
As I woke up, I was the front page of an English (London) newspaper and the long title started with the letter E. It might have been EXTRATERRESTRIALS.
The front cover of this newspaper had a large picture with two huge black UFOs on it.
NOTE: A recent newspaper report has a large photo of a wind farm where supposedly a UFO hit one of the wind fans and bent it. It was badly damaged.
I guess the UFO flew off.
6-30-13 - VAGUE DREAM - I was in a large classroom - like a lecture
hall with a bunch of kids, and apparently being taught about gardening.
NOTE: see the image below - labeled THE GARDEN
7-2-13 - NAP DREAM - I had a printed page about a crop circle, and I
wanted to copy the url onto my computer, but it was too long to remember, and I
didn't think my 'mouse' would capture a printed page like it does a computer
page, so I figured I'd have to type in the url to get it, because I needed to
copy the contents onto a new page.
NOTE FROM DEE: Joe Mason and I, Dee Finney do not necessary ascribe to nor agree with everything other people interpret crop circles to mean as we have studied crop circles equaly as long and ascribe to different spiritual schools of thought as other people.
However, we present their material in all fairness to everyone who has something positive to say.
Dear Cropcircleconnector, Yesterday morning, a friend of mine living in Robella, a city near Asti, called me talking about a mysterious draw appeared in a crop field near Cavallo Grigio during the night. Immediately I have called the nearest airfield and booked a flight for the afternoon. The pictures attached show the formation photographed from the plane. Image Roberto Giordano Copyright 2013 |
Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
Image Roberto Giordano Copyright 2013 |
Image Roberto Giordano Copyright 2013 |
Image Roberto Giordano Copyright 2013 |
Image Roberto Giordano Copyright 2013 |
10-30-04 - DREAM - 250 Democrats were forming an 8 pointed star on a piece of paper using a stamp or seal that looked like an asterisk.
I found that the 8-pointed star was an ancient sun symbol. (4). I speculated that the quintuplet set of crop circles (M) could symbolize carbon, the basis of life, with ...
On the inner central 8 pointed star arrangement, standing centres on each of the triangular bases, with neat twists around the standing crop. This is a highly ...
The 8-pointed star was an ancient sun symbol. An 8-pointed star can be drawn inside an octagon. ... 8-Pointed Star (2) from The Sacred Symbols of Mu ... 8.
(Notice pyramid and Menorah above the head) Essene priesthood, 8 pointed star again, Venus sun, traveling by sea, Lord of the Sun and Moon .
There was a glowing 8 pointed star in an upper window. The 8 pointed star was important enough for higher intelligence to create 8 pointed stars in crop circles ...
The Process Form the MerKaBic star tetrahedron, the 8-pointed star around you ... Practice the infinity breath and convert the 8-pointed star to the 12-pointed star ...
Jan 3, 2000 ... (Notice pyramid and Menorah above the head) Essene priesthood, 8 pointed star again, Venus sun, traveling by sea, Lord of the Sun and ...
Number 17 - The Star of the Magi - This is a highly spiritual number, and was expressed in symbolism by the ancient Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus .
The result was star-shapes: one with 8 points (L) and one with 12, formed by four overlapping triangles. I found that the 8-pointed star was an ancient sun symbol ...
I found that the 8-pointed star was an ancient sun symbol. ... (13) The Hopi depict sun flowers. (14). An article about patterns found by dowsing in crop .
It contains, for example, a two-dimensional representation of the 8-pointed star that is called the Merkaba, the symbol that represents the Light Body form as ...
Jun 24, 1990 ... I found that the 8-pointed star was an ancient sun symbol. (4). NOTE: added 9-22 -90 - This is a significant drawing that later ties in with "Myth" ...
Sep 23, 2012... change in our "evil eye" perception of reality, that will .... Apollo and Kin, along with Bel Marduke and Horus, have the 8-pointed star as one of ...
(A person mentioned that in one of John Michell's books, the 8-pointed star is the emblem of Joseph of Arimathea. You know of him bringing the holy grail to .
The Sufi book also depicts shapes composed of two interlaced square- shapes, that form two other patterns, one of which is an 8-pointed star, and the other an ...
Nov 27, 2005 ... As well in ancient Iran culture the 8-pointed star was used as a ... Eventually over Persia (Iran) the symbolism of the eight (hasht behesht = eight ...
Jul 28, 2006 ... Apollo and Kin, along with Bel Marduke and Horus, have the 8-pointed star as one of their symbols. Such a star did appear this year at Milk Hill, ...
The referenced crop circle is the upper left image, below (credit: Lucy Pringle).
Because of studies at the time, I recognized that the pattern fit quite well with the design of the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount in Jerusalem (the upper right image, below). The building of the structure was completed in 691 AD.
I colorized the lower right image to bring out the star and boxes. I did the same with the crop circle in the lower left image.
Around 17 August 2007, a crop circle appeared at Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire, that contained an eight-pointed star within it. I had a series of "coincidental" experiences with that type of star in 1990 (also see this page). I recognized also that beyond the eight-pointed star was the suggestion of the double-boxes type image, which was also quite familiar. It relates to the Sufi concept of "The Breath of the Compassionate," showing how the reality is created in each moment.
The referenced crop circle is the upper left image, below (credit: Lucy Pringle).
Because of studies at the time, I recognized that the pattern fit quite well with the design of the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount in Jerusalem (the upper right image, below). The building of the structure was completed in 691 AD.
Joe Mason colorized the lower right image to bring out the star and boxes. I did the same with the crop circle in the lower left image.
Dome of the Rock
"As the navel is set in the centre of the human
so is the land of Israel the navel of the world...
in the centre of the world,
and Jerusalem in the centre of the land
of Israel,
and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem,
and the
holy place in the centre of the sanctuary,
and the ark in the centre
of the holy place,
and the foundation stone before the holy place,
because from it the world was founded."
Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim.
This is the oldest Muslim building which has survived basically intact in its original form. It was built by the Caliph Abd al-Malik and completed in 691 CE. The building encloses a huge rock located at its center, from which, according to tradition, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven at the end of his Night Journey. In the Jewish tradition this is the Foundation Stone, the symbolic foundation upon which the world was created, and the place of the Binding of Isaac. The Caliph Omar is said to have cleared the waste which had accumulated on the rock during the Byzantine period. The structure is octagonal and the dome is borne by a double system of pillars and columns. The walls, ceiling, arches, and vaults are decorated with floral images. The dome, on the inside, is covered with colored and gilded stucco. Abd al-Malik marked the end of the construction with a dedicatory inscription (still visible) which reads: "This dome was built by the servant of God Abd al-Malik Ibn Marwan, emir of the faithful, in the year seventy-two" (Hejira 72 in the Muslim calendar is691/692 CE). Under the Abassid ruler, Caliph al-Mamun (r. 813-833), repairs were carried out, and the caliph also seized the occasion to replace the tiles bearing al-Malik's name with others bearing his own name as the building's founder. However, since he failed to replace the tiles bearing the original date, the ruse was easily discovered.
Built atop the earlier location of the Temple, the Dome of the Rock was built by the Muslim ruler Abd el-Malik in 688-691. Because of its situation on bedrock, the numerous earthquakes over the centuries have not caused significant damage to the structure (unlike its neighbor Al Aqsa mosque). This shrine was covered by a lead dome from 691 until it was replaced with a gold-colored covering in 1965. Because of rust, the anodized aluminum cover was again replaced in 1993 with a gold covering.
The location of the First and Second Temples
Under the level pavement are vaulted chambers known as "Solomon's Stables," traditionally said to date from Herod's enlargement of the Mount. To the right, is the gray dome of Al Aqsa Mosque. At the far right is the Western Wall (the Kotel), the Jewish prayer area. The traditional location of the First and Second Temples lies in the immediate vicinity of the Dome of the Rock. The proposed Northern site for the Temples is just to the left at the stairs. The southern Site for the Temples lies midway between the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque, under an Islamic ablution fountain known as El Kas. The level of the bedrock of Mount Moriah outcrops within the Dome of the Rock and is just beneath the paving stones of the surrounding platform. However, to the south the bedrock drops steeply towards the City of David and the junction of Hinnom and Kidron Valleys.
The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem measures approximately 45 acres in extent. It is surrounded by a trapezoidal wall: The south wall measures about 910 feet, the North about 1025, the east wall about 1520 and the west wall about 1580 feet in length. The average height above sea level on the platform is about 2400 feet above sea level. Most of the buildings and surface features are Islamic - no visible traces of the First or Second Temples can be found on the platform currently. The area is park-like in its settings with plants of trees and shrubs and many ancient buildings and monuments added over the past 1300 years of Moslem stewardship of the site.
The present-day platform area of the Temple Mount lies topographically just below the peak of a Jerusalem ridge system known as Mount Moriah. This is the site David purchased from a Jebusite named Ornan late in his reign. King David prepared the area in order build a permanent House of God to replace the Tabernacle of Moses which accompanied the Jews after their Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land. David had the plans drawn up for a building whose dimensions were twice those of the Tabernacle, and he amassed great quantities of building materials: stone, cedar, and much gold and silver. However, it was his son Solomon who actually built the First Jewish temple (1 Chronicles 22:14-15, 28:11-20).
The ridge system where the Temple Mount is now located is believed by many reputable sources to be the site where Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:1-2). While Solomon built the First Temple about 3000 years ago, Abraham's visit to Mt. Moriah was about a thousand years earlier.
Consecrated Ground
According to Rabbinical sources both the First and Second Temples were built on the same foundations, at the same location somewhere on the Temple Mount. The site had to be consecrated ground that had not been previously used for tombs and that was not a previous pagan worship site ("high place"). The innermost sanctuary of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, or Kodesh Hakodeshim, where the Ark of the Covenant was placed, marked the exact center of the world, and was the innermost zone in holiness or sanctity in Jewish thought. The manifest presence of God, the Shekinah, was centered between the cherubim of the Ark and especially noted at the dedication of the First Temple---
When Solomon had ended his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD's house. When all the children of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the LORD upon the temple, they bowed down with their faces to the earth on the pavement, and worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever." (2 Chronicles 7:1-3)
Moving outwards from the Holy of Holies one came to The Holy Place, and then to the Courts of the priests, and of the women and of the Jewish people, then the Court of the Gentiles, and so on, out into the world in decreasing degrees of holiness.
In one of his final discussions with his disciples (Matthew 24), Jesus predicted the destruction of the Second Temple. It was in fact leveled to the ground on the 9th day of the month of Av in 70 C.E. The temple was thoroughly razed and the site has been so extensively modified during the late Roman, Moslem and Crusader eras that considerable doubt exists as to where the temples actually stood.
Excerpted from:
Did Abd al-Mâlik Build Dome Of The Rock To Divert The Hajj From Makkah?
On 27 August 2002, the archaeologists of the Israeli Antiquities Authority warned that the southern wall of the Temple Mount is in great imminent danger of collapsing. They stated that the bulge in the wall has become much larger. Last year the bulge was 70 cm [2.25 feet] and was 30 meters [98 feet] long. The bulge has now increased to over one meter [3 feet] and is much longer. The bulge was first noticed after Tisha b’Av last year immediately after the Temple Mount Faithful had carried the cornerstone for the Third Temple to the area in front of the southern wall of the Temple Mount.
The archaeologists also stated that if the wall collapses, the Al Aqsa mosque will collapse together with it. In addition, the other two illegal mosques that have been built over the past years will also collapse. They were built when they changed the Hulda entrance to the Temple Mount and the so-called Solomon’s Stables and made them into the largest mosque in the Middle East. Both of these holy places, together with the southern wall, were built by the Israeli King Herod and completed by 10 BCE. They were part of the Temple complex. On the southern wall were the Double Gate and Triple Gate which were known as the Hulda Gates after the prophetess Hulda and were used as the main entrance for millions of Jewish pilgrims in the Second Temple. The Hulda Tunnel and Solomon’s Stables (which were never stables and did not exist in the time of King Solomon; there were erroneously called this by the Crusaders) remained exactly as they were at the time of the Second Temple until recently when the Arabs on the Temple Mount covered the beautiful ornamentation and the pillars and illegally converted the area into a mosque.
(May 5, 2003)
"We are taking steps towards opening the Temple Mount to Jews." So said Jerusalem Police Chief Mickey Levy today, at a small ceremony in honor of the approaching Independence Day celebrations. He said that because of the sensitivity of the matter, he could not specify what steps are being taken.
Several months ago, Levy said that after the war Iraq, the Temple Mount - Judaism's holiest site - could be opened to Jews, after having been closed to them since the onset of the Oslo War in Sept. 2000. The Yesha Rabbis Council reminded Levy of his words last week, and today responded with appreciation to Levy's statement: "We congratulate him and hope that this black stain upon Israel's independence will soon be removed. The test is in deeds, and not in words."
"There is a wide perception that the Western Wall is Judaism's holiest site," recently explained Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovich, Rabbi of the Western Wall and Jewish Holy Sites. Actually, however, "the holiness of the Wall is derived exclusively from the fact that it is a remnant of the Temple Mount - which is truly the Jewish people's holiest site." /b>
A Letter to President Bush
by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
MMay 2, 2003 - Nissan 30, 5763
To: Hon. George Bush, the Pres
ident of the United States
First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush
Greetings and blessings.
I would like to congratulate you and the entire American nation on your successful mission against the cruel dictator from Iraq. The toppling of his corrupt regime opens a window of hope for a new era in the Middle East and the entire world.
This, then, is the hour to right the terrible wrong that has been done to the Jewish Nation over the past 2,000 years. Expelled from their land and homeless, the Jews have wandered throughout the centuries from country to country. Yes, 50 years ago, with G-d's help, we merited our own state - but it is one that has never known a day of peace, and has never enjoyed its own recognized borders. Who knows if it is not you, Mr. President, who has been chosen as the agent to restore the People of Israel to its own small land in the borders delineated in the Bible?
The People of Israel is intertwined with its Land - all of it - from the depths of its very soul. All the Prophets predicted that we would return - and lo and behold, this is happening in front of our eyes.
To counter this, Arab terrorist organizations, backed by Arab countries, have made it their goal to wage war against the restored State of Israel, vowing to battle until its destruction. They wish to perpetuate the theft of the Promised Land from its rightful owners, the Jewish People.
Hon. President and Mrs. Bush, you who began this holy mission of uprooting and destroying evil - please finish the job! Terrorist organizations such as the PLO - which to this very day are headed by some of the worst terrorists of the 20th century - are no different than the regime that until recently ruled Iraq. They will never make peace with Israel! Every attempt to reach an agreement with them brings more bloodshed, as happened with the Oslo Accords.
The only real solution is to rectify the historic wrong and enable the People of Israel to return to their entire land. Every program that stands in opposition to the Prophets' Road Map cannot succeed. I ask you to stand by Israel's side, help it return to its entire land, and be a partner in the only "guaranteed" process - the Peace Plan laid out by the prophets! /b>
TThe communities of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are populated by idealistic and values-guided Jews, who have withstood and overcome the tremendous difficulties of life in the dark shadow of constant terrorism. They are firmly implanted in, and bonded to, their land. Jews simply cannot be uprooted from places like Beit El and Shilo; to do so is almost a contradiction in terms.
The word of G-d will stand forever. I implore you not to be a partner to those who wish to go against the word of G-d, as expressed by the Prophets.
With blessings and great respect, /b>
(Rabbi) Zalman Baruch Melamed
Rabbi of Beit El and Chairman of the Rabbis Council of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza
* * * * * * *
Rabbi Melamed is also the Rosh Yeshiva and Dean of the Beit El Yeshiva Center Institutions.
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Peter's Square and Basilica -- For many people synonymous with the Vatican
City |
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Statue of Solomon holding the keys -- the keys are found everywhere in
Vatican and Rome, including on the SS;BR>Left: The Vatican (highlighted)
as seen today in Google Earth; Right: Map of the Vatican in 1550 AD -- notice the clear key-shape; Credit: Wayne Herschel;; |
View from the top of Castel Sant'Angelo towards Saint Peter's Square and Basilica |
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Via della Conciliazione, flanked by 28 obelisks (14 on each side); Also notice the pine cones on top of the two buildings flanking the street; |
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The "wall of prayer" with black square embedded, for the believers to touch |
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Hundreds of thousands of Muslims gathered at Mecca to worship the black square |
Interesting to notice are the little Angels holding the picture of the pope. If you think about it, those Angels are nothing else than naked little children. |
Pope Gregorio (Gregory) XIII, wearing a variation of the papal mitre, the one representing the pineal gland (symbol of supreme knowledge) and/or the beehive -- symbol of the "royal" families. |
Reptilian figure hiding in the shadows; In symbolism: the throne of power rests on the shoulders of the reptiles; The winged reptilians are superior to the rest of them, representing a royal branch; |
Honeycomb architecture of the ceiling, representing the house of the bees (royal families) |
Shield with lion motif (worship of the sun), Solomon's key and beehive/pineal gland |
From an infinite variety of symbols they could have used, the same small group of symbols it is used to decorate all temples of the "elite" |
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Entrance to the first level of the catacombs: notice the eight-pointed stars depicted on the floor, all around the altar, and the reversed (up-side down) crosses on the doors to the catacombs; |
The bees
representing the "royal elite" |
Painting of Virgin Merry -- definitely representing someone else for the "elite"; Notice the upper carving of an upside-down dove (symbolizing the opposite of peace); Notice the shields with painted squares ("we control everything"); Notice the left carving: it is a modernized version of the ancient Babylonian carving of priests of the fish-god (exactly what the popes are) manipulating the tree of life; |
the Satanist, upside down, dove on the hat that represents the worship of
the fish-god; Mason laurels above his head and scaly (fish/reptilian) pedestal feet; |
BLOG INDEX 2012 - page 1
BLOG INDEX - PAGE 2 - 2013