It adds to: 603,500
Numbers the men in Israel, 20 years old and up, were 603,500 strong
(1:45; 2:32) .
Dee Finney's blog
Start date July 20, 2011
today's date July 20, 2013
page 535
NOTE: I didn't immediately comprehend how our new friend Ann came up with her numbers. Let's use the first one (168) as an example.
The inbetween verses aren't enumerated - just the first and
last so as the example:
Isaiah 55 : 8 , 9 + 2 and
Peter :
1: 20, 21 + John 14 : 17, 21 =
You don't count verses 18, 19, and 20 of John 14, just the
first and last verse -
so, you add: 55 + 8 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 20 + 21 + 14 + 17 + 21 and you get 168.
I will double check the math as I go along.
14 Wherefore
do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in mine hand?
15 Though
he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before
16 He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
TEN REASONS CATHOLICS CANNOT BE MASONS. Freemasonry, contrary to public perception, is a secret society rather than a fraternity. Its principles are ...
Currently, as reiterated in 1983, Catholics who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion; the penalty of ...
Blatant Satan worship is now rampant within the Catholic Church. ... a midnight hour, Black Satanic Mass having been conducted at the altar of St. Peter's, on the ...
And how could the Black Pope destroy these Moslem Mosques, they ... A Papal conspirator in the assassination of Israel's Masonic Prime Minister, Yitzak Rabin, ... to declare a “war on [Islamic] terrorism” – to the exclusion of Roman Catholic ...
Today, who is the Superior General of the Jesuits, the so-called "Black Pope" [ black .... families are Roman Catholic, and they are ALL subordinate to the Pope or to ... But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the ...
The Black Pope Controls Freemasonry New World Order of the Vatican ... The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is ... would secure the restoration in England of the Roman Catholic religion.
You can consider membership in the Church as concentric circles. The inner circle is made up of those who are fully incorporated into the Catholic Church.
Apr 7, 2008 ... The Black Mass is the ultimate satanic ritual and eye witnesses in Rome say Henry ... and started telling the truth about the inner secrets of the Vatican satanists. ... If possible, a real Host stolen from a Catholic Church is placed in the vagina in the midst of ... INTROVIGNE: I've frequented cult circles for years.
The Church of Satan states that there are a number of Satanists around the world , ... He formed a "Magic Circle" with his closest associates. ... the "Black Flame", representing a person's own inner personality and desires. ..... A black mass is essentially a parody of the religious service of the Roman Catholic Church, ...
14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
15 Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
16 And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
Note from Dee: I am including all these verses as they are the
reason that
exists at all:
22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in
the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.
23 I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who
hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we
desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter.
24 Therefore Daniel went in unto Arioch, whom the king had
ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon: he went and said thus unto
him; Destroy not the wise men of Babylon: bring me in before the king,
and I will shew unto the king the interpretation.
25 Then Arioch brought in Daniel before the king in haste, and
said thus unto him, I have found a man of the captives of Judah, that
will make known unto the king the interpretation.
26 The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was
Belteshazzar, Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have
seen, and the interpretation thereof?
27 Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, The
secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the
astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king;
28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh
known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy
dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;
29 As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy
bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and he that revealeth secrets
maketh known to thee what shall come to pass. 30 But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart. |
But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
King James Version (KJV)
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
King James Version (KJV)
29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.
. submitted by Tom Payne
. Subj: Time/Eternity/Sphinx/KJV
. Date: 01/31/2000
From: (Tom Payne )
If Time is considered linear and represented by a straight line of 180deg. Then it is easy to conjecture that infinity/eternity can be identified by a circle . A circle has no beginning and no ending. A circle can be divided ever smaller or larger depending on ones' position, by pi for infinity/eternity. Infinitely dividing the circle represents physical space and an eternity of time is needed to make the divisions. Infinity/eternity can then be described by 360 deg.
180 (time) x 360 (eternity) = 64800
180 + 360 = 540 (exactly 1/10 the nautical miles from either pole to the equator.)
64800/540 = 120 (the exact number of jubilees in 6000years ... 4000bc + 2000 ad)
540 x 64800/6000 - 5760 = 72 (ambient temp. of mans comfort zone = 72deg.)
540x64800 = 34992000
34992000/777600 = 45 (864000 - 777600 = 86400)
34992000/900 = 3888
34992000/180 = 1944
34992000/360 = 97200
34992000/2160 = 16200
2x64800=129600 = 360squared
864000/64800 = 13.3333333.........
64800/2160 = 30 (#days in a prophetic month)
334800/64800 = 270,000 (270000 - 144000 = 126000) Adam lived 334800days ... 1260 of Revelation 11:3)
64800 x 666/9990 = 4320 (Alpha total of Rev.13:18 = 9990...# of beast verse)
Mans heart beats an average of 4320 beats per hour.
64800 x 9990/666 = 972000
64800 x 888/111 = 518400
64800 x 111/888 = 8100
64800/60 = 1080
64800 x 24/270 = 5760
64800/518400 = 1296
64800/63360 = 1440 (63360 inches in one mile...1440 minutes in 1 hour)
86400 - 64800 = 21600
64800 + 57600 = 122400
The Word Christ is found 558 times in the King James Bible...The Word of God...
The alpha number for Jesus in Greek is 888.
558x888 = 495504
There are 4440 verses in the 5 Major prophets of the Old Testament.
4440/5 = 888
495504/4440 = 111.6
186000x60 = 11160000
186000/6000 = 31
31 x 15984 = 495504 ( hearing range of man 16 - 16000 vibrations per second
16000 - 16 = 15984
495504/111/4 = 1116
588 x 2 = 1116
Dimensions of Sphinx
20 x 66 x 240
(20x66x240) x 360/180 = 633600
(20x66x240) x 180/360 = 158400
(20x66x240) - 144000 = 172800
(20x66x240) x 2 = 633600
(20x66x240)/10080 = 31.4 (10080 minutes in one week)
(20x66x240)/60 = 5280
(20x66x240)/55 = 5760
(20x66x240)/11 = 28800
(20x66x240)/22 = 14400
(20x66x240)/33 = 9600
(20x66x240)/44 = 7200 (7200 = square root of 51840000 = 360 x 144000
(20x66x240)/66 = 4800
(20x66x240)/88 = 3600 (number of seconds in one hour)
(20x66x240)/99 = 3200
(20x66x240)/77 = 4114.285714................
..............4114.285714 x 2 = 8228.571428
..............5760 x 6000/4200 (mars diam.) = 8228.571428
..............380160 (Adam to Noah @1056x360)/77 = 4937.142857
..............5760 - 4937.142857 = 822.857143
..............5760/7 = 822.8571428
..............864000/1050 = 822.8571428 (1050 verses in 12 minor prophets)
..............822.857143 x 175 = 144,000 (Abraham lived 175 years)
822.85714/pi = 2583.771419
2712960 (circumference of sun)/1050 = 2583.7714
639360/777 = 822.85714 ... (639360 = 111 x 5760 ... 144 x 4440 ... 888 x 720 etc.)
93,000,000/360 = 258.333333333......
186,000/720 = 258.3333333333...........
155,000/600 = 258.3333333333.. (93,000,000/600 = 155,000)
558/258.333333 = 2.16
864,000/558 = 1548.387
144,000/1548.387 = 93.000005
The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers and the Relation to Solfeggio Music Numbers (Related to the DNA Healing Frequencies) by Joseph E. Mason |
From the film, "Flatliners" |
Nicola Tesla |
Albert Einstein |
This is an article about a special set of numbers that relate to the "Solfeggio Frequencies" in a unique way. The special set of numbers derive from the differences in the squares of mirror numbers. The primary table of the numbers, below, shows the results for all the two-digit numbers, excluding those that contain zeros (like 10) or the same digits (like 11). The total sets of mirror pairs, therefore, amount to 36. Larger mirror numbers seem to work in the same manner. For example --
921^2 - 129^2 = 831600 |
New studies indicate that the Solfeggio Frequencies produce a "DNA healing" (see links below). This is apparently related to an expected "DNA repair," that will come with the earth changes. My studies indicate that a major effect of this "repair" will be a great improvement in psychic abilities, like having a new, clear "cell phone" on a multi-dimensional mental level.
The primary healing frequency involves a central "C" note of 528 cycles per second (cps). One of the other frequencies is 396. These two numbers are part of the ancient system
The number 528 relates to 5280 feet in a mile. The number 396 relates to 3960 miles, the radius of the Earth. The diameter of the Earth can be expressed as (11 + 11) x 360 = 7920 miles. The word Gematria means measuring the Earth. In some traditions, the Earth "mirrors" the "Heavens."
The central "C" note of 528 cps can be calculated based on standard 440 cps tuning of the central "A" note on the piano.
The number sequence 3, 6, 9 appears in various amazing forms, sometimes as a "skip sequence," or "gap space pattern."
Marko Rodin found such a pattern in the reduced values of the numerological binary doubling sequence (example: 64 reduces to 6 + 4 = 10 and then 1 + 0 = 1).
He found a gap space pattern like this --
3, 9, 6, 6, 9, 3, 3, 9, 6, 6, 9, 3 |
In the main table below, this is found as the Solfeggio number 396 and its mirror, 693.
Marko also found a connection to the "I Ching" Timewave work of Terence McKenna, which involves the difference with mirror images.
A significant number in that work was the Lunar number, 384, which is also found in the ancient Code systems. The number fits well with the primary theme here about the mirrors --
483 - mirror 384 = 99 |
Excerpt from the ancient Code article --
The World of Numbers of the Planets
Gary Val Tenuta has found this same pattern in alphanumerics of the English words for the numbers one through nine.
Long ago it was noted that one-seventh (1/7) produces a decimal number that contains all the numbers except 3, 6, and 9.
1/7 = 0.14285714285714285714285714285714 |
Interestingly, the number 285, one of the Solfeggio numbers is within the sequence 142857. The remaing numbers, other than 285 are 1, 4, and 7. Puting the three together in mirror form produces 741, another Solfeggio number. The numbers "skipped" can be read as 963, the third type Solfeggio number.
The Solfeggio Frequency numbers have been graphically represented arranged about a circle with a nine-pointed star inside. I created this colorful version to emphasize the three overlapping triangles of the star, and to compare with three crop circle formations --
Solfeggio & Crop Circle Stars |
I have added colors indicating the three overlapped triangles forming the star, that relate to three sets of numbers each. The same arrangement can be shown in these two tables --
The numbers |
Solfeggio numbers and related numbers can be show with all of their permutations --
174 |
258 |
369 |
147 |
285 |
396 |
417 |
528 |
639 |
471 |
582 |
693 |
714 |
825 |
936 |
741 |
852 |
963 |
Various triplet numbers can be derived from the table, such as --
369 - 258 = 111 |
The primary table of numbers, below, are listed with the larger number (n1) first and the smaller number (n2) second. The value of the square of the larger number (n1^2) is listed, followed by the value of the square of the smaller number (n2^2). The smaller squared value is then subtracted from the larger squared value (n1^2-n2^2 ), and the result displayed. The prime factors of this result are given. A "Key Divisor" is then figured and displayed, and finally, the "Solfeggio" related number , if any, is placed in the last column.
Numbers in the final column include 396, which is a "true" Solfeggio number. Another number in that column is 693, which is the mirror of 396, and therefore is "related" in that way. By far the most common number appearing in that column is 297. This is the mirror of 792, which is twice 396.
A red asterisk (*) is placed next to all the "Gematrian Numbers" -- which are all divisible by the number 36. A blue asterisk (*) is placed next to every true Solfeggio Number.
I find it quite remarkable that our simple numbers reveal these ancient Earth/Music/DNA/Metrological -related, numbers in this strange square-mirror fashion. I call them Creation Numbers.
* = Gematrian Number
* = Solfeggio Number
Primary Table of Numbers
n2 |
n1^2 |
n2^2 |
n1^2-n2^2 |
Prime Factors |
Key Divisor |
Solfeggio |
21 |
12 |
441 |
144* |
297 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
1 |
297 |
31 |
13 |
961 |
169 |
792* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
2 |
396** |
41 |
14 |
1681 |
196 |
1485 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
5 |
297 |
51 |
15 |
2601 |
225 |
2376 |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
8 |
297 |
61 |
16 |
3721 |
256 |
3465 |
3 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 11 |
5 |
693 |
71 |
17 |
5041 |
289 |
4752 |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
16 |
297 |
81 |
18 |
6561 |
324 |
6237 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 |
21 |
297 |
91 |
19 |
8281 |
361 |
7920* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
20 |
396** |
32 |
23 |
1024 |
529 |
495 |
3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
note 1 |
note 1 |
42 |
24 |
1764* |
576* |
1188* |
2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
3 |
396** |
52 |
25 |
2704 |
625 |
2079 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 |
3 |
693 |
62 |
26 |
3844 |
676 |
3168* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
8 |
396** |
72* |
27 |
5184* |
729 |
4455 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
15 |
297 |
82 |
28 |
6724 |
784 |
5940* |
2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
15 |
396** |
92 |
29 |
8464 |
841 |
7623 |
3 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 11 |
11 |
693 |
43 |
34 |
1849 |
1156 |
693 |
3 x 3 x 7 x 11 |
1 |
693 |
53 |
35 |
2809 |
1225 |
1584* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
4 |
396** |
63 |
36* |
3969 |
1296* |
2673 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
9 |
297 |
73 |
37 |
5329 |
1369 |
3960* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
10 |
396** |
83 |
38 |
6889 |
1444 |
5445 |
3 x 3 x 5 x 11 x 11 |
note 1 |
note 1 |
93 |
39 |
8649 |
1521 |
7128* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
18 |
396** |
54 |
45 |
2916 |
2025 |
891 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
3 |
297 |
64 |
46 |
4096 |
2116 |
1980* |
2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
5 |
396** |
74 |
47 |
5476 |
2209 |
3267 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 11 x 11 |
11 |
297 |
84 |
48 |
7056 |
2304* |
4752* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
12 |
396** |
94 |
49 |
8836 |
2401 |
6435 |
3 x 3 x 5 x 11 x 13 |
note 1 |
note 1 |
65 |
56 |
4225 |
3136 |
1089 |
3 x 3 x 11 x 11 |
note 2 |
note 2 |
75 |
57 |
5625 |
3249 |
2376* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
6 |
396** |
85 |
58 |
7225 |
3364 |
3861 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 11 x 13 |
13 |
297 |
95 |
59 |
9025 |
3481 |
5544* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 |
14 |
396** |
76 |
67 |
5776 |
4489 |
1287 |
3 x 3 x 11 x 13 |
note 1 |
note 1 |
86 |
68 |
7396 |
4624 |
2772* |
2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 |
7 |
396** |
96 |
69 |
9216 |
4761 |
4455 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
15 |
297 |
87 |
78 |
7569 |
6084 |
1485 |
3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11 |
5 |
297 |
97 |
79 |
9409 |
6241 |
3168* |
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 11 |
8 |
396** |
98 |
89 |
9604 |
7921 |
1683 |
3 x 3 x 11 x 17 |
note 3 |
note 3 |
Notes About the Table Numbers
These are the totals of the final results (Solfeggio column) of the 36 calculations --
14 with 396 |
All 36 of the basic results (n1^2-n2^2 column) are divisible by 3, 9, and 11.
note 1
The difference of mirror pair 32 and 23 results in 495. This is the first in the list that is not divisible by either 297, 396, or 693. The mirror of 495 is 594, which is 2 x 297.
The number difference for the mirror pair 83 and 38 results in 5445 which can be expressed as 11 x 495, which puts the pair in the same category as the 32 and 23 mirror pair above.
The number difference for the mirror pair 94 and 49 results in 6435, which can be expressed as 12 x 495, which is the third of this "495 type."
The number difference for the mirror pair 76 and 67 results in 1287. It is related to the others listed for note 1, in that it is divisible by 9, 11 and either 5 or 13 --
495 = 5 x 99 |
Interestingly, 5 and 13 are related to the octaves, recognized on the piano keyboard as the 8 white keys and 5 black keys in each octave, for a total of 13 keys. The numbers 3, 5, and 8 are part of the Fibonacci series of numbers.
The numbers 1287 and 6435 are also divisible by 39 and the tetrahedral point number 19.5 --
19.5 x 66 = 1287 |
Multiples of 39 and 72 combine to make the triplet numbers --
39 + 72 = 111
Since 1287 is 13 x 33, the "matching" number for the triplet function would be 72 x 33 = 2376. Combine the two numbers to find triplet multiples --
1287 + 2376 = 3663 |
note 2
The number difference for the mirror pair 65 and 56 results in 1089. The mirror of the result, 9801 can be expressed as 33 x 297. Adding the various results to their mirrors often sums to 1089 --
396 + 639 = 1089 |
The number 1089 and its mirror, 9801, are the squares of double digit pairs --
33^2 = 1089 |
note 3
The number difference for the final mirror pair, 98 and 89, results in 1683. It is the only result that has a factor of 17. This "odd ball" is striking in that the incredible number, 153, is the multiple --
1683 = 11 x 153 |
Adding 153 to its mirror results in 504. The square of 504 is equal to the product of 288 and its mirror --
153 + 351 = 504 |
The number 153 is the Biblical "resurrection number" found in John 21, as the number of Fish in the Net. See --
Curious properties of number 153
17 Fish - The Bible and the Stars
10-17-06 Something Important About to Happen
The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 153
The number 153 is related to the ancient Gematrian numbers in this way --
153 x 2 = 306 |
The number 666 is "between" two Gematrian numbers, 648 and 684.
648 + 684 = 1332, which is twice 666 |
The English Alphanumerics (A=1, B=2, etc.) of the Feathered Serpent of Mexico,
the sky and creator god, Quetzalcoatl,
of is --
Quetzalcoatl = 17 + 21 + 5 + 20 + 26 + 1 + 12 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 20 + 12 = 153 |
note 4
The number difference for the squares of the mirror pair 62 and 26 results in 3168. The same is true of the mirror pair 97and 79. In Greek Gematria, the number 3168 is "Lord Jesus Christ." Ten times 3168 is the sub-lunar distance around the New Jerusalem.
The number 3168 is also one of the "G" notes on the Music Wheel (see below). It is part of the doubling series --
99, 198, 396, 792, 1584, 3168, 6336,14080 and 12672 |
Solfeggio Numbers Within the Music Wheel
Note the positions of the Solfeggio numbers (in red) the Solfeggio related numbers (in blue), and the base-ten harmonics of the numbers (in orange) within the Crop Circle Music Wheel --
Update 7April 2008
There is a Nazca line marking that indicates the number 528 --
The image here is shown "upside down" from the normal view with North upward, to make the 5, 2, 8 more clear. The long parallel lines point northwest to Giza and southeast to Easter Island.
Carl Munck made note of this, and figured the coordinates based on divisions of 825, the reverse of 528 --
8 / 2 / 5 = 0.8
Each corner of of the two triangles has 3 angels of 60 degrees, for a total of 360 degrees.
0.8 x 360 = 288
The result is further multiplied by the 60 degree angle of the corners --
288 x 60 degrees = 17280 which is 12 cubed times ten
17280 equates to a coordinate of 14 degrees, 41 minutes, 30.104 seconds South Latitude
Dividing 17280 by 3 (the corners of a triangle) gives the Longitude, 51840.
51840 equates to 106 degrees, 15 minutes, 32.6 seconds West Giza Longitude
The Coordinate Intersect is --
51840 / 17280 = 3
The above information is included in Carl's "The Code 2000 - 4" which can be purchased at the Pyramid Matrix Bookstore.
Meridians and the Frequencies of Color
The Works of Jerry
Ancient Numbers Revealed in Scientific Formulas
Superstrings, Sacred
Geometry, Numbers,
Music, the I Ching, and the Tree of Life
by Dr. Stephen M. Phillips, MA, MSc, PhD
Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
The Numbers of God
by Tom Payne
Introduction to Gematria -
Hebrew Numerology
Authentic Jewish Mysticism and Thought
based on the teachings of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh
Alpha-Numeric Patterns
Discovered Within The English Alphabet
Gary Val Tenuta
Crop Circle
Correlates To Grek-5 Numerical Pyramid!
(key numbers 3, 6, and 9)
Thoughts Upon Reading Marko Rodin's Aerodynamics
By Alastair Couper
Marko Rodin
Featuring the Rodin Coil
Where Did the Timewave Come From?
Code of the Ancients
Part Seven - The Crop Circle Connection
Solfeggio Music
Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies (
Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies (
Balancing Symbol Experiment
(Star with 531)
Sacred Circle of Sound - Solfeggio
Science and the
(The Book of Numbers)
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After rereading the above paragraphs, another idea struck me. A key number in the New Jerusalem Plan (or design) is 31680 miles. This is figured in two ways. Draw a box around the sphere of the Earth, which has a diameter of 7920 miles. The perimeter of the box is 4 x 7920 = 31680. The second way is to calculate the circumference of the circle in the diagram (above) that passes through the 12 small circles, each of which is the diameter of the Moon, 2160 miles. In this calculation approximate Pi or Pyramid Pi is used, which is 22/7. The radius of this "Moon" circle is figured by adding the radius of the Earth and the radius of the Moon: 3960 + 1080 = 5040. The circumference of the Moon circle is figured as: (2 x 22/7) x 5040 = 31680 There is said to be a converting factor with the verses of Revelation 21. The stadia is said to be the same measure as the furlong of 660 feet. Twelve thousand stadia converts to 7920000 feet. The breadth, length, and height are equal, so the figure becomes 4 x 12000 stadia or 48000 x 660 = 31680000 feet. Dropping the ending zeros, the basic figure is 4 x 12 =
48, and then, 48 x 66 = 3168. The number 5040 was associated with Atlantis. It is also the product of the numbers 1 through 7: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5040 |
Excerpts from: Figure 4-1. Earth and Moon Juxtaposed Diameter of Earth (across the 30th parallels) = 7,920 miles. Diameter of Moon (an almost perfect sphere) = 2,160 miles. Combined diameters (the largest circle in the drawing, Earth-Moon) = 7,920 + 2,160 = 10,080 miles. 1 week = 10,080 minutes. We appear to have found seven days which in the world were made. (Read the preceding sentence very carefully.) Let p (pi) = 22/7 (the first Egyptian approximation, more handy than precise and more sacred than practical). The circumference of the largest circle is then 10,080 × 22/7 = 31,680 miles The radius of the large circle is the same number of miles as there are concentric rings in the circular city-state of Plato's Republic; 5,040. It is also the product of all the natural numbers from 1 to 7, or �7 factorial� (usually written 7!). As such it is seven times the value of the name Kallikrates. |
Subj: Something big is getting ready to happen Dee sent a message from Gina yesterday -- << 1. Re: Something big is getting ready to happen Sharing this important message: Dee In a message dated 4/17/2008 5:23:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, Hi Dee, ---------- I am subscribed to your groups and have received your updates about something getting ready to happen maybe in Wisconsin. Well, this is just to say, I am a psychic who has been in very very close contact with my Guides for the last 15 years. I experience visions and/or dreams of things to come but also have done a bit of time traveling or remote viewing to events that have occurred and are about to occur. Today was a strange day, as I pride myself on being "grounded" even though I have this ability. Fortunately, like you, I have been able to deal with it and even are somewhat able to control what comes to me. I work as a medical transcriptionist at home, which means I am wearing headphones attached to my computer's speakers while I am working. This morning, I received a transmission of a very very odd sound that sounded to me like an electrical current coming through my head phones. There were no storms going on at all when it occurred. I panicked and took my head phones off real fast, thinking I was going to get some type of electrical shock, but it was okay after that. About a half hour later, while resuming working, I felt as though I had left my body, was very dizzy and disoriented and was felt I was leaving myself here. I totally panicked and put my fingers in my ears, thinking that would help my dizziness and it did. I then asked my Guides not to do that to me again as I felt that this was something occurring from them. I also have been seeing very vague visions that I really cannot describe, from maps with a huge black X, to visions of missiles in the air. But about 3 days ago, one vision was huge black letters on the front page of a newspaper which was exactly similar to the image I saw a few weeks before the Oklahoma City bombing on 04/19. I live in Oklahoma City and I have no idea what is going to happen but I just wanted to let you know, as an intuitive, I am definitely, most definitely picking up something very big getting ready to occur. With the Scorpio Full Moon this weekend and the Sun moving into Taurus, this may prove to be quite huge and combustible. Just thought I would share Blessings to you and all your hard work, Gina >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am wondering if this is related to several recent e-mail exchanges to other people, concerning the Pope, Nostradamus C2, Q97, and something happening on April 19th during the Pope's visit to the USA. I will paste the e-mail below. You will see the words, "when heaven and earth shakes," in the writing. The Pope was at a big event in "center field" yesterday, in a stadium in Washington D.C. In terms of symbolism, going back many years, I find this quite significant. Perhaps I will do a followup on that idea. After I sent the e-mail, I remembered that there are verses in Revelation that speak of five months. I looked them up again -- they are in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10. When I read this part of Gina's e-mail, I felt there was a connection -- << With the Scorpio Full Moon this weekend and the Sun moving into Taurus, this may prove to be quite huge and combustible. >> The verses about five months speak of stings from the scorpion. In the old days, Scorpio was represented by the Eagle, and associated with the Tribe of Dan, in the North quarter. Dan means judge. The Kabbalistic idea of North can relate to the upper regions of the Tree of Life, the eternal Olam. The following verse, Revelation 9:11, tells of Abad'don/Apol'lyon, the Angel of the bottomless pit, who has the key to open it. Some say this is Apollo, the Ravager of God. One of the young prophets spoke of this verse some months prior to 9-11-2001, in responding to another post about coincidences about 9:11. Rev 9:18 is also interesting, as it speaks of a third of mankind was killed. James Harrison, in "The Pattern and the Prophecy," connected the idea to the number 153, because it "resurrects" a third of all numbers via the sequence of adding the cubes. According to Blavatsky, Taurus relates to the death destruction creation process of the Kali Yuga. This is equated to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's growth. DREAMS OF THE BULL, BISON, BUFFALO - It sounds bad, but, at the end, it is quite positive. I doubt that any flower would choose to remain a seed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a message dated 4/16/2008 11:52:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Betty writes: << Subj: Joe, the Eastern US is the 1st target . . . sharing some research with you >> (snip) << started thinking about a Biblecodes post that I read, that named Pennsylvania as a `target` of the Eboli contamination to water. >> (snip) << That same morning, the normal buying of gas on my way to work resulted in me pre-paying for the gas, then asking gas attendant to activatePump#9. Then finding out, that pump #9 would not work. The gas attendant told me to leave pump#9 and go to pump#7. As I moved my vehicle, to pump #7 . . . I could feel a vision of a geography message coming into this scene. Upon arrival at work, this is when I started realizing that the moving from pump#9 to pump #7 was the Eastern time zone area. And also, the dates that I wrote are as follows : April 21st-May 21st ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Betty. Thanks for the information. The dates, I believe, may indicate the Biblical number 153 by the five months between the April and September, and between May and October. The 21st day and number 21 are also important in meaning. From the April date to the one in October, there is an extra 30 days. The hours (720), minutes (43,200), and seconds (2,592,000) are key Gematrian numbers, especially cycle numbers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculate duration between two dates Duration calculation results From and including: Monday, April 21, 2008 It is 153 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 5 months excluding the end date --- Calculate duration between two dates Duration calculation results From and including: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 It is 153 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 5 months excluding the end date --- Calculate duration between two dates Duration calculation results From and including: Sunday, September 21, 2008 It is 30 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 1 month excluding the end date Alternative time units 30 days can be converted to one of these units: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The seconds suggest the 25920 years of the precession through the Zodiac Ages. The minutes suggest 432, the cycle of time number -- These articles have information about the 153 Fish in the Net -- 17 FISH - THE BIBLE AND THE STARS (153 Fish in the Net) The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net The number 21 is discussed on this page -- Chakra System Crop Circle Formation It's possible something is going on with the Pope. I wrote about it recently. I will paste part of it below. Regards, Joseph E. (Joe) Mason ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A "coincidence" happened recently, when I received an e-mail about the upcoming visit of the Pope this month. It was suggested that Nostradamus Quatrain 2.97 might apply. The coincidence was that the number 297 came up in my studies recently, and several unusual coincidences happened. It has been my experience that when the coincidences are strong and/or repeated in various ways, the track is on the money. I personally do not predict that the Pope will be killed or die in New York City on April 19th, but I do think it may be symbolic of the last Pope and the rise of the new Pope. The idea I have is that each of us will be our own Popes as our Higher (twin) Selves merge with us. Part of the point is that in the new Age, the "authority" will be with each person rather than church and state. I figure the church will have many more Popes, but in time, function of the Arrow of Death from the apex of power will be no more. To me, this is related to Zerubbabel making the great mountain into a plane in Zechariah 4:7. He is to be made the Signet Ring of the Lord when heaven and earth shakes (Haggai 2:20-23). The 144000 saved in Revelation 14.1 have this Father's Name (Tetragrammaton) written on their forehead. It also relates to Revelation 6:14, where every island fled away and no mountains were to be found. To me, this means there is a "level playing field," and thus no apex of power. This also relates to Isaiah 65:17, 21, 22, where the new heaven and new earth are created. We will each plant our own vineyard and build our own houses (as Zerubbabel started the foundation of the house in Zechariah 4:7). As I composed the recent e-mail, I realized that C5:Q31 speaks of the "bridge ruined," and "subjected, a wreck amidst the waves," in addition to the rose. To me, the bridge is the Pathway between HOD and NETZACH, which is assigned the Tower Card. It is the third chakra. The 9-11 events indicated the symbolism of that Card. We seem to be at the "Crossroads." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a message dated 4/6/2008 4:27:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Robert writes: << Subj: Re: Correction3: Attachment: A Sliver of Knowledge Remember this email of mine showing you that the date April, 19 was mentioned in two instances, associated with two past destructive events? >> (snip) The Pope will be in NYC from April 15-20th, 2008 << Quatrain 2.97
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Robert and all. The number 297 came up in my work lately, including strange coincidences, so Quatrain 2.97 perked my interest in your post. Also, several years ago, we did an article about the next Pope (near the last), based on a dream and prophetic material. You and Norma are mentioned in the article, as it relates to the Hanged Man Tarot card. The number 297 came up in working with mirror numbers. It is the mirror of 792, which is a harmonic of the Earth's diameter of 7920 miles. I will place various links below for anyone interested. I know that most "number people" are familiar with mirror numbers, but I do not know if many have played with the squares of mirror numbers. As a matter of fact, the number 19 is a very good example -- 91^2 - 19^2 = 7920 In the new article about the squares of the mirrors, there is a table with the two-digit types. The most common result is 297 or a multiple. The number 396 (half of 792) is also major. The number 396 is also one of the "Solfeggio" numbers. Some related numbers are on the Music Wheel, based on 440 tuning and crop circle ratios, including, 297, 396, 528, 792, 3960, 5280, and 7920. People researching the Solfeggio numbers have found that the central "C" note, when tuned at 528 cps, has a healing effect on DNA. "Coincidentally," 528 does show up at that very place on the Music Wheel. The ancient system, as Munck and others have reported, included the 5280 foot mile. The latest coincidences about these numbers, was finding an old tape where Munck decoded the great Triangle on the Nazca planes, with lines pointing to Giza and Easter Island, that indicated 8, 2, and 5. I suddenly realized that the triangle could be flipped over to show 528 -- The first time mirror numbers really caught my attention as potentially being significant came when I read about the blackout in the Northeastern USA 36 years prior to 9-11-2001, on November 9, 1965. I remembered the event, of course, but I did not consider the date as a mirror to 9-11. Just for fun, I did the simple calculation -- 911 - 119 = 792 By that time, I knew that 792 was a harmonic of Earth's diameter, and that Gematria means "measuring the Earth." Around 1994 a snail mail corespondent, Paul Rydeen, had a dream where he was billed $7,920 for damaging a Ford Falcon. The nines can line up like a mirror -- 0 9 18 27 36 45 (mirror) 54 63 72 81 90 Same with the elevens -- 0 11 29 38 47 56 mirror 65 74 83 92 110 Some of the 9-11 events had related mirrors -- 571 39 77 11 (mirror) 11 77 93 175 Flight 11 hit one Tower. Flight 175 hit the other. Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. A movie was paying at the time, "U-571," which is about finding the solution to a secret code under the water. Another movie playing was "Ocean's Eleven." The number 93 is Crowley's New Aeon. The number 39 showed up in a very important crop circle and it is 3 x 13 or 2 x 19.5. I just thought of this -- 11 + 175 + 77 + 93 = 356 Simple two-digit mirrors feature number 9, while the squares of the two-digit mirrors feature the number 99. Simple three-digit mirrors also feature 99. 99 x 80 = 7920 It did not escape me that the number 99 is 9 x 11, which could well be part of the number symbolism of the 9-11 events, possibly hinting of mirror numbers. The terrorist attacks of September 11, can be figured as 9 x 11 = 99. The year number, 2001, can be figured in several ways, one of which is it's reduced value, 3 (2 + 0 + 0 + 1). We then have -- 9 x 11 x 3 = 297 I just now realized that 1965 can also be reduced to 21 and then 3 (21 relates to 2001). Adding three-digit mirrors produces another number -- 792 + 297 = 1089 which is 11 x 99 and 33 squared The number 33 is featured in the Music Wheel, as 11 marks on each side of a triangle. In my table of the squares of the mirror numbers, the number difference for the final mirror pair, 98 and 89, results in 1683. It is the only result of the 36 pairs that has a factor of 17. This "odd ball" is striking in that the incredible number, 153, is the multiple -- 1683 = 11 x 153 The number 153 is the Biblical "resurrection number" found in John 21, as the number of Fish in the Net. The numbers 1 through 17, of course, add to 153, indicating it is a "triangle number." The Biblical story features Peter, who is said to have become the first Pope. Nostradamus apparently referenced this in C5, Q92
This prediction came true when Pope Pius XI served from February 11, 1922 to February 11, 1939, i.e., 17 years to the day (or close to it according to some). Some say he was murdered. The one elected at the same time is apparently the present Pope, Benedict XVI. He was elected on a date that seems to appear repeatedly, 19 April 2005. As you pointed out, Waco happened on that day in 1993 and Oklahoma City in 1995. I think it is also significant that he is the 265th Pope. That number is part of the Fish in the Net story, as the measure of the little diamond shapes in the Net are 153 by 265. This was part of the original contrivance by pre-Christian number crunchers, as -- 265 / 153 = 1.732026144 a very close approximation of the square root of three Did Pope Benedict choose to be number XVI as a reference to the 16 diamonds of the Net? Whatever . . . all this stuff is sooooooo strange to me! The Fish in the Net story features the Seed of Life, which fits with the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life.
So, Robert, I do think your message is "adding up!" We have -- Quatrain 2.97 as Pope related and possibly NYC related I would not venture to say that all this is a prediction of the Pope's death. But, I do have a few speculations in terms of the symbolic meanings. My file has C2:Q97 this way --
Perhaps Nostradamus saw the two bodies of water on either side of Manhattan and thought they were rivers. This seems somewhat like the third secret at Fatima. BTW, the apparitions of Mary were over a period of six months (actually five months in duration), from May 13 to the Dance of the Sun on October 13, 1917, which adds up to 153 days. A well researched book came out a few years ago, "Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon," that presents major evidence that the Fatima events were much like ET events. The rose is said to be the Western Lotus, and thus related to the chakras. My major theory, based on dream-coincidence, is that the big change is related to the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life, Tipharet. The "Seed of Life" is a symbol for that sphere during the time cycle in the lower three chakra levels. Tipharet represent the fourth chakra, the Heart. The Seed of Life opens like a flower-aperture, to reveal the Star of David inside, with the twelve-petal flower outside, the traditional symbol of the Heart chakra. One could say that the rose (chakra) will bloom or flourish. Nostradamus also mentions the rose in C5:Q31 --
Oh boy, a big part of the meaning just became clear to me this moment. The "bridge" clearly seems to be the "dumbbell" path connected between the two spheres just below the sphere of Tipharet, as the entire "dumbbell" represents the third chakra, symbolized by The Tower Tarot card. Oh, yes, that bridge was ruined on 9-11 as the great towers fell. Some of this was featured in our 1997 article about the Tree of Life Crop Circle. The upper part of the Tree of Life is like the "Attic," and Tipharet the Rose, is up there. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The idea about the "bridge" meaning came to me via dreams and other events, such as bridges collapsing. In some dreams it is an overpass above a highway or roadway, or a stream. I wrote about C5:Q31 about 11 years ago as relating to symbolism involving the Hale-Bopp comet. Note that the Quatrain number can be 531, which seems related to 153 type numbers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 531 + 153 = 684 = 36 x 19 (those two numbers also fit this story) 531 + 135 = 666 153 x 2 + 360 = 666 153 + 180 = 333 the length in feet of the ratchet Mercury spiral of the 1991 Barbury Castle formation Here's an excerpt from Part 3 of the Hale-Bopp comet article -- --- The Nostradamus quatrains are of great interest to me. Many of the words and phrases he used are very similar to dream symbols, and seem to carry grander meanings than those given by most interpreters. For example, in Century V-31, he mentions "the Attic land fountain of wisdom," and "the rose of the world," and "a wreck amidst the waves." My dreams and others clearly indicate that there is a metaphor concerning a simple house-shape. The triangular "attic" on top of the square represents Heaven above earth. The book, Flowers In The Attic seemed to pick up on the theme. After telling a friend at work about this symbolism, she soon talked to a friend, Mary, in another state. They began to speak of dreams, and Mary told my friend that she had recurring dreams of trying to get to the attic, but there was a problem with the ceiling/floor in between. In her last dream, the floor was damaged, but was being repaired. I made contact with Mary, and told of my dreams and coincidences concerning this. I asked her if she saw any flowers in the attic. She wrote back and told me that sometimes in the dreams she is in the attic. She opened drawers of wooden furniture and found things inside. She could only remember one of the items she found in the drawers. It was a beautiful rose made of jewels. Each petal was a ruby, and the flower was surrounded with emerald leaves. Later, I read a report that a mystic in Russia had written a book called, "The Rose of the World." It has not been translated into English [note -- is has now been translated]. It is about a huge change coming to earth. The major religions of the world are each a petal on this Cosmic Rose. They will retain many of their traditions, but there will be major changes and a unity. Someone told me that a western mystic saw a Rose in Heaven. I believe it was Blake or Dante. "Waves" have appeared in many dreams. In one of the dreams, a bomb was dropped, and Navy ships went in reverse over the horizon. A tidal wave broke the windows of a hospital, but instead of water, a green, jelly-like substance came in, along with a dead boy. There are also dreams and books about three waves, or the third wave. Could it be then, that Nostradamus tuned into the same dream symbols that are apparent now? If so, conventional interpretations may not be right, or only partly right. My feeling is that symbolic events happen all the time, and we seldom recognize them. Many of the interpretations of the predictions may well come to pass as actual events, but the events themselves may carry an even deeper, and more important meaning. >> [End of excerpt] ------ Tipharet is the sixth sphere, so the associated Magic Square is a 6 x 6 grid with the numbers 1 through 36 within. This is plotted so that each column, row and diagonal adds to 111, and the total adds to 666 (36 is also a "triangle number." The 9-11 event happened on the 254th (reduces to 11) day of the year, with 111 days remaining. The number 792 showed up in a unique way in the crop circle at Crooked Soley near the end of August 2002. It was a six-fold representation of mitochondrial DNA. Here's an excerpt from the article linked below -- ------- << The Crooked Soley crop circle is about 300 ft across, and the pattern is made up of 1296 �curved squares�. In 504 of those squares the crop has been left standing, and they depict the double helix DNA spiral. The other 792 curved squares are in fact flattened crop that enables the DNA pattern to stand out in relief. John Michell tells us that these are the numbers of sacred geometry. If you multiply 504 by 10 you get 5040 which is the number much favoured by Plato for the planning of his ideal city. The recommended number of citizens is 5040, and all the institutions in the city are based on that number, as is the physical radius of the city as well. Plato took this number to be the key for a divinely ordered creation. 5040 is a most significant and auspicious number in numerology and arithmetic. It is factorial 7 (7!), that is to say the result of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7. >> [End of excerpt] ------ The number 1296 is six to the fourth power. Add a zero on the end and it is half the Precession of the Zodiac Ages. That number showed up years ago involving the ratchet Mercury spiral, as related to the Pleiades. Half of 1296 is 648, which was the length of the other DNA formation of 1996. The numbers 7920 and 5040 also figure in the New Jerusalem Plan for two calculations giving 31680 miles. This is figured in two ways. Draw a box around the sphere of the Earth, which has a diameter of 7920 miles. The perimeter of the box is 4 x 7920 = 31680. The second way is to calculate the circumference of the circle in the diagram that passes through the 12 small circles, each of which is the diameter of the Moon, 2160 miles. In this calculation approximate Pi or Pyramid Pi is used, which is 22/7. The radius of this "Moon" circle is figured by adding the radius of the Earth and the radius of the Moon: 3960 + 1080 = 5040. The circumference of the Moon circle is figured as: (2 x 22/7) x 5040 = 31680 There is said to be a converting factor with the verses of Revelation 21. The stadia is said to be the same measure as the furlong of 660 feet. Twelve thousand stadia converts to 7920000 feet. The breadth, length, and height are equal, so the figure becomes 4 x 12000 stadia or 48000 x 660 = 31680000 feet. Dropping the ending zeros, the basic figure is 4 x 12 = 48, and then, 48 x 66 = 3168. The number 3168 in Greek Gematria means "Lord Jesus Christ." Back in 1991, before I knew much, I noted -- 1680 = 6 x 5280 or six miles in feet. The ancient Sumerian Soss (60) times 528 gives the same result. The numbers 60 and 5280 have tangents that equate to the square root of three (5280 = 88 x 60). My prediction about the last Pope is symbolic of the Age we are entering. During this karmic stage in the lower three chakras (the Kali Yuga), our beliefs and reality are controlled by those at the top of the mountain, the apex of power. This is generally Church and State. Nowadays it seems to include industrial giants. Those in power fire down Satan's Arrow, or from his son, "The Arrow of Death." This turns our Omphalos (perception of reality) into stone, that is, our beliefs are fixed, so that we self-regulate our slavish, powerless condition. Without having a clue, we are unconscious co-creators. I gathered many of these ideas via reading T. J. Germinario's Apokalypso book and site. Here's an excerpt about this part -- ------ << Death performs this feat by congealing the fluid turbulence of Chaos into stone, just as the mythic Medusa petrifies living things with her evil eye. In a transparent allusion to the Papacy, Milton refers to this �highway to Hell� as a Bridge, �Pontifical, a ridge of pendent Rock/ Over the vast Abyss�. >> [End of excerpt] --- Ah ha! There's that old "Bridge" again. There is no conflict to the previous bridge interpretation, as the Earth is considered Hell in some traditions. Keep in mind that Peter was Petra, which means "stone." Blavatsky pointed out that it had an alternative meaning, because the word in Chaldaic and Phoenician also meant "interpreter." When the Age change is complete, humanity leaps over the broken bridge to the heart chakra, to the sphere of Tipharet, who corresponds to the "New Pope." In Kabbalistic and Royal Bloodline terms this is the High Priest inside, or Higher Self, who's twin, or lower self, struggles in Earth Hell. This is the king who's kingdom has be stolen. T. J. figured the new mountain apex of power may come in the form of broadcast antennas. This certainly fits with my opinion of television and radio news these days, specifically about political affairs. Perhaps the Nostradamus line, "Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves," is a reference to these electronic frequencies. With the change, we become conscious co-creators, symbolized by Lion Kings. This change seems to be indicated in Isaiah 65 -- 65:17 "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." 65:21 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. (22) They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands." This is what the 11:11 is all about. The High Priest and Governor (King) are the two anointed in Zechariah 3 and 4, who stand on either side of the golden bowl with seven lamps. This is Joshua and Zerubbabel. They are referenced from Revelation 11, as these (symbolic) two are killed in the great city, and lay there for three days and a half (the midpoint of the chakras). A breath of life comes from God and they stand up in Revelation 11:11. No wonder Zerubbabel is the big hero of the Bible, as he is made the Signet Ring of the Lord when heaven and earth shake (Haggai 2:20, 23). After all, he went through Hell ! According to Blavatsky, the Signet Ring of the Lord relates to the Tetragrammaton, the four Letters of the Divine Name, the "Father's Name" mark on the forehead in Revelation 14:1 of the 144,000 to be saved. It may be a meaningless "coincidence" that the Mayan cycle ends at 11:11 AM Universal time, but I think not! It is also probably not meaningless that the cycle is 13 x 144,000 days. I have more to say, but I have run out of gas. Thank you Robert for putting a little Tiger/Lion fuel in my tank. That has not happened much lately. Regards, Joe Mason ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Links Creation Numbers - The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers & Solfeggio Music The Crop Circle Music Wheel THE NEXT POPE - THE ANTI-POPE - THE HANGED MAN The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation HALE-BOPP COMET - PART 3 The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net 17 FISH - THE BIBLE AND THE STARS (153 Fish in the Net) THE SOUL IN CROOKED SOLEY The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day DNA Formation, 17 June 1996, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire - Lucy Pringle Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky, vol 2, ch 2 (see page 92 about Peter in Phoenician and Chaldaic, meaning an interpreter) The Year of Jubilee, Chapter Four: A Season in Hell The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event - September 11, 2001
17 May 2008, 4:03 AM
Clifford's Tower:
Massacre at York (1190)
The site of Clifford's Tower, the keep of York's medieval castle, still bears witness to the most horrifying event in the history of English Jewry.
On the night of 16 March 1190, the feast of Shabbat ha-Gadol, the small Jewish community of York was gathered together for protection inside the tower.
Rather than perish at the hands of the violent mob that awaited them outside, many of the Jews took their own lives; others died in the flames they had lit, and those who finally surrendered were massacred and murdered.
The National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a full Go Team on Monday, November 12, 2001 to the site of the crash that day of American Airlines flight 587, which had just taken off from Kennedy International Airport in New York for the Dominican Republic
Now this was just 2 months after 9/11. Let�s take a look at the synchronicity of 587.
In 587 BCE, Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar's army captured Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and exiled the Jews to Babylon (modern day Iraq).
777 And The Bombings in London
JULY 7 2005 = 777
Once again I repeat. As far as synchronicity is concerned, either God does it or people purposely do it.
So keeping in mind 911 and 587 lets look at 777
We find the prominence of the number 777 in Kaballah which is the mystical part of the Jewish Religion.
2001 - 1190 = 811
811 - 118 = 693
911 - 119 = 792
265 people were killed in the crash of Flight 587.
265 is a measure of the Net in the 153 Fish story.
265 / 153 = 1.732026144 close to the square root of 3
Jul 7, 2001 ... In ancient times, the High Priest spoke the name of God, which was coded by the number 216. Later, the Ark was lost and the Temple was ...
... and the like. The subjects include dreams, crop circles, and ancient numbers. ... "There are no accidents in God's universe... or in our lives". ...
Sep 4, 2011 ... This is about the number 72 and the ancient code of numbers ... The 216 Letter Name of God is the composition of three verses of 72 ...
(1x72 = 72 = Number of the divine names of God and the 72 years is 1 degree of the precession of the equinoxes through the zodiac signs. 72 x 360 = 25,920 ... - Similar to NUMBER 17 - NUMBER 36 - AND ITS SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE
The Prime number 17 was called by the Pythagoreans - opposition, obstruction, and evil, and the day the Devil triumphed over God. This number hums with the ...
Universal Code: The Number of the numbers of the Mathematics ... Already Newton saw in the Spirit the manifestation of God's influence on the Nature. He was ... - Similar to The Cycle of Time Number 432 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
For example, there was a special number on the day I saw the Viking Carving from the Isle of Man depicting the Fenris Wolf devouring the god Odin on the Day ... - Similar to MASTER NUMBER 555 - 500 TRUMPETS and 250 DRUMS
5 = The number of God's grace towards man. 5.55 = sq sacred cubits bottom of exterior of pyramid coffer. 5.55 = sacred cubits of height + width + length interior ... - Similar to The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Five
To go back to the Old Testament history we have God's Covenant with Abraham stamped with this number of Divine perfection (Gen 15). It was (like David's, ... - Similar to The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three
Three is the number associated with the Godhead, for there are "three persons in one God." Three times the Seraphim cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy"--one for each of the ...
you dont know me but i seen your s/n on a web site call numbers of god. I would just like to ask you a quick question if i may. i was wondering if you could tell me ... - Similar to 11:11 - What Does it Mean? - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
It includes other numbers, such as the triplets, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, ... around the New Jerusalem, while 3168 is associated with "Lord Jesus Christ. - Similar to The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 153
and ... These images are from the book: "Jesus Christ Sun of God" Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian ... - Similar to GIANTS OF THE BIBLE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Therefore, a number of the sons of Canaan (one of Ham's sons) were giants ( Numbers 13:1-2, 32-33). In Deuteronomy 2:19-21, Moses records that God ... - Similar to Number 19 and Pascal Triangle
Divisions by 3 and by through 2 are the most familiar division-attempts. Since the Prophet, like God, loved the odd more than the even numbers, we started with ... - Similar to New Bible Codes Discovered - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
In a fourth column, and listing the numbers 1X9=9, 2X9=18=9 all the way down to 26X9=234 = 9, all the ... You're working for God, but not everything is given.". - Similar to The Quran's Number 19 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Aug 26, 2004 ... "The word "God" occurs 57 times in the section outside the initials (Table 18). By adding the numbers of the suras and verses where these 57 ... - Similar to The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Nine
Recall that there are 72 names of God and 108 Goddesses, both divisible by 9. ... The Ennead "flows around the other numbers within the Dekad like an ocean. - Similar to the code of carl munck, and ancient gematrian numbers - part one
1296 was also Plato's favorite number. 1548 = Priest of God. 1728 = A-flat in music. 2304 = False Christs and False prophets (1 Cor. 14:22, Mark 13:12).
(See the detailed representations in " the Prime number Cross " and " God secret formula ". differently than the mathematicians before him, Plichta considers the ... - Similar to The Abyss and the Beast from the Abyss
In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves.
Jan 24, 2012 ... Being meaningful leads to the conclusion that such events are planed by an intelligent entity with god-like powers. In addition to the number ... - Similar to 888 - 08-08-08 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Six miles in feet (6 x 5280 = 31680) is the sub-lunar distance around the New JerUSAlem, and one-tenth of that number (3168) was "Lord Jesus Christ" in Greek ... - Similar to THE SYMBOLISM AND SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF 144 and 128 ...
1296 was also Plato's favorite number. 1548 = Priest of God. 1728 = A-flat in music. 2304 = False Christs and False prophets (1 Cor. 14:22, Mark 13:12).
I had a box like a game boy and the number 72 was coming down and I was lining them up starting at the ... It's about the number 72 and the Names of God. - Similar to 11:11 AND IT'S CONNECTION TO REVELATION 11:11
I don't "believe" in anything at this point related to those numbers. .... the number nine, as a concept, is a kind of mathematical metaphor for the concept of God.
Sep 6, 2008 ... 666 = the number of man. 999 = the number of God. Other name spellings from the Jewish encyclopedia. The First Book of Maccabees and ... - Similar to BIBLE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Numerology of the Bible deals with all the numbers in the Bible. ... The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 11 ... THE NUMBERS OF GOD ...
Anyway, the numbers below pertain to the tetrahedral shape and are pretty intriguing: THE TETRAHEDRAL GOD = 171 = THE ZERO POINT GOD IS THE ZERO ... - Similar to 444, The Triplets, & The Creation - Dreams of the Great Earth ...
Jan 20, 2010 ... Found in crop circles, one is led to see that the numbers are about ... It is titled, " Report On A Dream & Related Matters & The God Particle. - Similar to Bombing of the World Trade Center 9-11-2001 - Number Symbolism
Sep 11, 2001 ... 50 is the number which represents the Sumerian God Enki or EA, who created the black-headed people. The General in charge of the Gulf War ... - Similar to THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The number 888 comes up in the following dream about the singers and the tuning. .... Thoth was the scribe for the God RA, and Sesheta was the record keeper ... - Similar to The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 11
May 22, 2001 ... Number Eleven possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, .... Now it is interesting that the Bible tells us that God dwells in a place ... - Similar to the two and the nine - visions of the mayan gods of the ...
Another stone seemed to be part of a stele and was number 7. .... Sak'ha, a gruel of sweetened corn and honey is fed to the god pots and then consumed by the ... - Similar to Ascended Masters - Who They Are
In Egyptian mythology, Thoth was the god of the moon, god of wisdom, the measurer of time, and the inventor of writing and numbers. He is credited with ... - Similar to numbers 132 and 248 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Jul 20, 2001 ... The Echad of God. The number 248 also equals in numerical value the word Abraham. It was he who resolved the paradox that physical reality ... - Similar to The 11: 11 Coincidences of 2003 - Master Number 555
THE SYMBOLISM AND SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBER FIVE ... the apex of physical and spiritual perfection -- a god on ... Orient, in their highest ... - Similar to STRUGGLING WITH 11:11 - THE ROD OF AARON
Bezalel's name appropriately means, "In the Shadow of El (God), the Son of my ..... it was God's will for Aaron to be in charge of the Priesthood (Numbers 17).
In accordance to the Bible, Satan was one of the most powerful God´s angels, ..... boundaries were... and that was you can put limits on the numbers of people in ... - Similar to THE 21 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
God defined it this way so that when the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and ... The Numbers 3 and 7 are a kind of division of Unity in the sense of 10 = 3 + 7. - Similar to DREAMS OF THE EYE OF HORUS
The highly stylized eye of the falcon-headed solar and sky god Horus (the Latin version of ..... Lord I want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in. - Similar to The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net
Oct 12, 2006 ... This article explains the relationship of the mysterious number 153 to the ... He was said to be the son of a god, Apollo, and born of a mortal ... - Similar to PINDAR..The Lizard King - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the ...
Sep 27, 2004 ... In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ... Let us write down the numbers of all the Suras of the Qu'ran preceded by their revelation ... - Similar to HOD - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
It explained creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot; see sefira) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. - Similar to MAYAN PROPHECY - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The Vision: "The numbers of Palenque are wrong!" The Dream: I was in a ... He is the head of the Mayan pantheon and called 'god of the gods'. Hunab Ku rebuilt ... - Similar to ARCHANGELS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The Scriptures reveal that God created nine orders of angels: ..... to his chosen people, the angel who stood in the way against Balaam (Numbers 22:22 sqq.) ... - Similar to the code of carl munck, and ancient gematrian numbers - part four
The numbers are repeated with a factor of '10' on full revolutions (360, 720, etc.). ... Weighing rubies before knowledge is what brought Atlantis down and God ... - Similar to THE DREAMERS BIBLE BOOK REVIEW
Numbers 24:2 - And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes; and the spirit of God came upon him. 24:3 And he ... - Similar to 666 vs 616 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oct 19, 2005 ... There is reason to suspect that the number 616 was not what St John intended. It is the number of the Greek phrase "Caesar God". Very likely ... - Similar to THE ANTI - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
God is with us mightily, even through the biblical numbers, telling us that the light of justice has, indeed, come as a double judgment upon the anti-Christ . - Similar to WHO IS ROI - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Mar 30, 2008 ... I don't recall dialing the 3 numbers that normally come before the 4 digits. ... 16 where the Angel of the Lord speaks as if the angel was the Lord ... - Similar to COINCIDENCE AND 11:11 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
In some cases other numbers, were reported to appear repeated in ...... by Tally Koren about the number 72, which is said to be the number of Names of God. - Similar to DREAMS OF THE GREAT EARTHCHANGES - RELIGIOUS DREAMS
Sep 10, 2009 ... The WORD (number) becomes FLESH (dimensional) for numbers are words. ( Example: 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ - - Kupios Inoors Xpioros). - Similar to Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening ...
Apr 5, 2004 ... In the dream he had a key with the number 2808 on it. Another key number in his calculations is 82944, as related to to the the 'God Particle'. - Similar to The Crop Circle Music Wheel - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oct 15, 2005 ... The sun god, Apollo, was the god of music and truth. ... It was good timing, because some of the numbers you wrote about popped up in a ... - Similar to MARK OF THE BEAST - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. ... If anyone has insight, let him calculate the ... THE NUMBERS OF GOD ... - Similar to The 4th World - and the 5th World of the Aztecs
Each time the symbol above equalled the number 4 and was emphasized as ... “ Old God” is a reflection of his relative age in the Aztec pantheon. In association ... - Similar to Phi Experiments and The Code - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
These numbers are the same as The Code of Carl Munck, developed and .... Religion calls (Light / photons) the Mediator between (God / Phi) and (man ... - Similar to GOD HEARD THE CRIES OF MOSES
Mar 17, 2008 ... For is has been like "fire shut up in my bones" for a number of years. But now, Thank God, I can share it with the whole world! If you have not ... - Similar to THE END OF THE WORLD - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
On the final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of death, would remove .... He was also marked by a number in the palm of his right hand. - Similar to 11:11 COINCIDENCES - DREAMS - EXPERIENCES FROM 2002
The tag numbers on my automobiles add up to 11. My parents live at ... For the record, I am a believer in God, although I quit going to church at age 15. I couldn't ... - Similar to SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUS HOPSCOTCH
Aug 16, 2001 ... At the time I had lost my faith in the reality of God, much less the God that was allowing me .... Monk has seen the numbers taper off ever since. - Similar to TREES AND BUSHES OF THE BIBLE
Leviticus 27:30 And all the tithe of the land, [whether] of the seed of the land, [or] of the fruit of the {tree}, [is] the LORD'S: [it is] holy unto the LORD. Numbers 6:3 ... - Similar to ISRAEL DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
(3) Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherubim on which it rested to the ... The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three ... - Similar to THE NUMBER 75 - SEVENTY-FIVE
Dec 29, 2008 ... Number Seventy-Five: The Old Farmer's Almanac Calculated on a New and Improved Plan for the Year of Our Lord 1867 Being Third After ...
He has also been likened to the Logos of Plato and the mind of God. .... of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, ... - Similar to THE COMING DARKNESS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Then will come to men the Son of the Great God, coated flesh, similar to mortals on earth.… But I want to tell you the whole [of his] number: eight units [8], ...
Numbers 13. 1: The LORD said to Moses,; 2: "Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send ... - Similar to MOON - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The eye was reassembled by magic by Thoth, the god of writing, the moon, and .... THE NUMBERS OF GOD ... - ... - Similar to ILLUMINATI - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
THE SYMBOLISM AND SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBER FIVE .... How in God's name did it get there? ... Most people ... THE NUMBERS OF GOD ...
The numbers set on the left side declare the habitude (which we call ... lowest to the highest in the universe,with the hand of God reaching from a cloud to tune it. - Similar to the code of carl munck, and ancient gematrian numbers - part nine
11.77245771, because that is the precise number of longitude seconds west of the prime meridian, passing through .... "God of War", and as the "Planet of War". - Similar to ASCENDED MASTERS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
He is an Ascended Master in whose presence the Mind of God can be touched and known. ... MASTER NUMBER 555 - 500 TRUMPETS and 250 DRUMS ... - Similar to the way god creates - a crop circle - and electricity dreams
This, of course is not the only way God creates. There are other ..... I wondered what the initials LLM stood for, and I had a vision of the numbers 445. That still ...
Apr 12, 2013 ... Smaller sized english letters floated around below the numbers and my ... 12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, ... - Similar to 11 COINCIDENCES - DREAMS - EXPER
I see the numbers 11:11 up to eight or nine times a day, pretty much everywhere. .... If you want to see my other four books, just let God (as in Christianity) know, ... - Similar to a case of science, pseudo-science and religion-pyramidology
He felt that these numbers were included in the pyramid's dimensions as a record of the "perfect" standards of measurement that God intended man to use.(6 ) - Similar to 9 9 9 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."" ... this Sort of Numbers,and from those Things wherein Nature shows herself ... - Similar to 2012 -Magnetics - Venus Connection
the divine Name Jehovah Elohim, we should note that, in Hebrew, Jehovah adds to 26, the number of letters in the english alphabet and the value of GOD in the ... - Similar to THE MAYAN CALENDAR and THE UNIVERSAL TIME CYCLE
... zero to 19. For instance, the number 13 was represented as three dots and two bars. ..... 1582 - was called 'Year of our Lord' by Pope Gregory This is when the ... - Similar to The Bleeding Heart of Jesus - My Funny Nose -
Jun 2, 2001 ... The number seven often venerates these ideas. On the seventh day, God rested from the work of creation since it was full, complete, good and ... - Similar to THE GATHERING OF EAGLES - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
12 - So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. ... NOTE: If the age numbers matter: 14 + 14 + 16 + 16 = 60. We pulled to a stop, ... - Similar to DO YOU HEAR COLOR OR SEE SOUNDS?
Apr 20, 2002 ... This ability she owns by creation is a God made thing to her eyes; it's a gift ... Notice that black is not one of the numbers , neither is 10 as last ... - Similar to THE CRYSTAL BOWLS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The number seven is often used in the Revelation: the seven golden lamp-stands ... God's wrath also occurs in the seventh trumpet, Rev 11:18; on those who ... - Similar to The Pope's Visit to Temple Mount and the Third Secret of Fatima
The New Jerusalem plan or design contains various ancient numbers, including 12240 and 31680. The number 3168 in Greek Gematria equates to "Lord Jesus ...
Oct 25, 2011 ... Not that this time is the only important one, lots of other numbers come .... And after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into ... - Similar to DRACONIANS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
"That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took ...... Thus, the number three was an important symbol to the Reptilians on Earth. - Similar to NOSTRADAMUS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Aug 15, 2005 ... NOSTRADAMUS CENTURY 10-74 NEW ANALYSIS · NUMBERS OF GOD · NUMBER SYMBOLISMS · OUIJA BOARDS: PRO AND CON ... - Similar to What Does the Universe Understand about Building?
Nov 7, 2004 ... "The universe does not know numbers but it knows ratios between ...... have repeatedly raised the question of whether "God is number." Ratios ... - Similar to Chakra System Crop Circle Formation
The baboon on the Judgment seat is one form of the god Thoth, counterpart of the Greek Hermes (Mercury to the .... Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - - Similar to The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation
It was similar to a number of other crop formations that have appeared in recent ... The idea of moving into Daat, then, may indicate that God has or will move into ...
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of ... "When large numbers are concerned (quantum atoms or men) the rules are ... - Similar to 11:11 COINCIDENCES - DREAMS - EXPERIENCES
And the final tribulation is really the beginning of the end of God's program. But how are those three numbers linked to 84? Well, seventy years have 840 months; ... - Similar to DIRE MESSAGES OF JESUS AND MOTHER MARY - PAGE 10
World Trade Center Towers Number Symbolism · World Trade Center Towers ... From north to south, from east to west God's great Justice. WILL BEGIN: HAS ... - Similar to 17 FISH - THE BIBLE AND THE STARS
And the number 17 is associated with Noah's Ark (it rested on the Mountain of Ararat on the 17th of the month) and the Lord Jesus' resurrection (on the 17th as ...
In our case, here, we can see how it works with the numbers we are currently exploring: ZERO = 64 ... CROP GLYPH = 120 = THE MIND OF GOD 120 squared = ...
May 24, 2013 ... ... Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a god in ancient Roman religion and a character in myth. - Similar to 133.33 - the magic numbers - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
IS THIS NUMBER BEING CHANGED BY THE DARK FATHER? THE DREAM ..... In the book, Jesus Christ, Sun of God, (p 264) David Fideler writes: Those who ... - Similar to SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999 - FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL
One tenth of that number, 3,168, was associated with "Lord Jesus Christ" by the early Christians, and previously to a figure in the Pagan religion. A "666" type ... - Similar to Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One
A number of dreams and "coincidences" had happened relating to the "11:11 ... The baboon on the Judgment seat is one form of the god Thoth, counterpart of ...
And the final tribulation is really the beginning of the end of God's program. But how are those three numbers linked to 84? Well, seventy years have 840 months; ...
Apr 15, 2013 ... It explained creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot; see sefira) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew ... - Similar to REVELATION OF THE SUN - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
the numbers six and eight. That is because a cube has six sides and eight corners. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, which was a ... - Similar to EARTHQUAKE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
This legend tells how the two Mayan heroes defeated the earthquake god. All protection against the earthquake god. By reliving the ..... THE NUMBERS OF GOD ... - Similar to et - the extraterrestrial - the movie - review and analysis
Ta-Wats The Hare God .... He used these 11 basic numbers ostensibly to measure and express the .... But what is the meaning of this sequence of numbers? - Similar to THE MENORAH CROP CIRCLE FORMATION
One tenth of that number, 3,168, was associated with "Lord Jesus Christ" by the early Christians, and previously to a figure in the Pagan religion. A "666" type ... - Similar to ALDEBARON - THE BULL'S EYE
Hebrews called Aldebaran God's Eye and Aleph, Akkadian Gis-da, Furrow of ... These peoples came to Earth thousands of years ago, their numbers were a ... - Similar to THE VISION - 11:11 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Hopefully thru the grace of God we can shed some light on things to come in such a ... That's the number the AOL server assigned to me when I first logged on.
BLOG INDEX 2012 - page 1
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