Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date September 18, 2013
page 560
NOTE: The Roman priests who officially declared war or made treaties on behalf of the Roman state.
9-18-13 - DREAM - I was looking at a very large black and white map of Mexico that was divided into large square grids.
In about 5 or 6 widely spread grids were tiny little x's.
I started clicking on the tiny x's and that would make the x move nearer to another little x.
Finally, when the x's were close to each other, when I clicked on one of the x's, it would vanish.
The map was down to about 1 or 2 tiny little x's before I woke up.
I was not told what the tiny little x's represented, but there were fewer of them before I woke up.
NOTE: Joe and I had a discussion about Mexico and the grid alignment that J.J. Hurtak wrote about in his book - "Keys of Enoch".
Here are 226 pages where we've written about it:
Here are just a few. -
FUTURE PLANETARY ALIGNMENT? .... observatories are in various locations around the U.S., with two of them being in New Mexico. ...... See: GRID SHIFT. -
Apr 5, 2006 ... Set in the foothills of the Tumbalá mountains of Chiapas Mexico, Palenque .... at Giza is also said to have been built in alignment with the Pleiades. ... 493.1235553 and/or 493.4802201 as the apparently-encoded Grid LAT N. -
ELECTRICAL GRIDS WILL GO DOWN BECAUSE OF CMES ... THE SPECIL ALIGNMENT WITH ALCYONE OF THE PLEIADES, ... 50 kilometers north-east of the center of Mexico city and is well worth at least one or two days of exploration.
This alignment is occurring in June, 2011 ... This apparently is a grid shift and allignment. These pages about the grid shift may be related ...... According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its ... -
Sep 10, 2009 ... [Joe's note: The intersection point-Grid Point Value is also called the ..... in which a voice spoke, saying, "Human global link to Mexico found, like ... It will be involved in a grid shift and alignment ,effecting the changes here. -
I was also guided to utilize quartz for my own chakra alignment by tuning into the ..... With each wave I shared the energy with people I know, the planet, the grids. ..... It is why the location is located on the beach front of the Gulf of Mexico but ... -
1947), these motifs are one of the bird designs found in Teotihuacan, Mexico City . We include ... The winter solstice sun will be aligned in the Serpent's mouth ... The formation was a 30 x 26 checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. -
The number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, and the Grid Crop Circle ... At Winter Solstice in 2012, our Sun will be aligned with Earth and the Galactic Heart in ... about Ancient Mexico history and it included the story of the calendar they created and ... -
Feb 22, 2001 ... There will apparently be a "grid shift and alignment" with a greater grid in .... on earth is at the "Sacred Grid" in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. -
The quetzal bird, native to the western area of Guatemala and Mexico, was regarded .... What occurs is an alignment between the galactic and solar planes. .... Via the magnetic grid of energy that envelops planet Earth and the many sensitive ...
9-18-13 - MEDITATION DREAM - I was going to ask about Mexico and the x's, but I fell asleep instantly.
I don't know where I was for sure, but most likely Wisconsin, near to where I used to live.
I had a new cell phone, and someone called me and asked me to sing in church on Sunday. Without thinking, I said, "Yes!"
Meanwhile, I was looking at a book, and there was some writing at the top, which I couldn't read because I didn't have my reading glasses with me.
A little further down the page, was a picture of the storm stripe across Jupiter - the red stripe.
It came time to go to the church and sing, so I went to the church, taking the book with me.
When I went into the church, it was packed with people, but as luck would have it, in the third row in back, all the people moved over to the right in the pew and made room for me to sit down. So I was sitting right by the aisle - third row in.
As I was sitting there, with the book in my hand, thinking about how terrified I was to have to sing in church, something I had never done before, I heard a familiar voice behind me out in the aisle, talking to someone behind me.
I turned around and saw my ex-husband standing there - Jim.
He said something unintelligible to me and ran out of the church, and I jumped up and ran after him to see what was going on.
Out in the parking lot, which was quite large, over on the side I saw a car that looked like Joe's car (black). (I was thinking it was Jim's car)
I ran over towards the car, and when I got there, I saw that he had arrived in a bright green car I had never seen before.
I went over to talk to him to find out what was going on and ask him why he was there, and he showed me a brand new white convertible car and handed me to the keys to it, and said, "This is yours now!"
I was stunned to say the least, and before I could say anything, Jim walked away probably to his own car, but I didn't see where he had gone.
Instead of seeing Jim, my youngest son was there - Bill. He was about three years old.
Not knowing what to do next, I walked with Bill back to the church, thinking I was still supposed to sing in the service, but instead, there was a folding chair near the door, so I sat down to think a bit.
I still had the book with me, and I was holding it in my hand. I wanted to open it and look for that page with Jupiter's storm on it, and to do that, I put my red cell phone down on the ground and covered it with a red cloth or scarf to keep the sun off of it.
As I sat there, looking for the picture in the book, I looked up at the sky, which had clouded over, and 3/4's of the way up the sky was a red storm stripe just like the one on Jupiter.
I wanted to take a photo of it with my cell phone, and I reached down to where I had laid the phone under the cloth, and I couldn't come up with it for some reason. It was like at the top of the bed, with pillows and a blanket covering the pillows, and I just couldn't find the cell phone.
I looked back up at the sky, and the whole sky was one large black storm cloud now.
I had missed taking a picture of the cloud with the red stripe across it like on Jupiter. I couldn't prove it to anyone now.
When our ancestors had looked to the skies for their father planet, lord of the heavens, and king in the sky, they had proclaimed
their planetary God to be the giant gas planet that we call today, Jupiter. For many thousands of years, ancient astrologers have always known that Jupiter was the largest, first and foremost of the planets in our solar system, and to them, they worshiped it as a God.
Proclus gives us the following as one of the verses of Orpheus: “Jupiter is the king, Jupiter himself is the original source of all things; there is one power, one god, and one great ruler over all. But we have seen that Jupiter and all the other Gods were but names for the Sun; therefore it follows that the Sun, either as emblem or as God himself, was the object of universal adoration.”
An example of Jupiter worship can be found all over the ancient world and even in the treaty between Ramses II and Hattusili III of Hatti, the Hittite chief, where they refer to Jupiter as “the lord of the heaven.”
An example of Jupiter worship can be found all over the ancient world and even in the treaty between Ramses II and Hattusili III of Hatti, the Hittite chief, where they refer to Jupiter as “the lord of the heaven.”
Throughout the course of written history of our world in many cultures and all throughout mythology, Jupiter was called by many different names, but one thing is for sure, they had all considered Jupiter as the God of the sky and father to human kind. Over the past 5,000 years, this giant gas planet has been known by many various ancient names such as Zeus, Titan, Osiris, Ham, King David, Jesus, Jupiter-Ammon, Jove, Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, Saint Peter, Buddha, Aten (Aden or Adon), Gaden, Dan, Odin (Woden), Nibiru, Marduk, and Jedi (Jeudi or Djedi), just to name a few.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system , and is the 5th planet from the Sun. Its diameter is 89,000 miles (the Earth’s diameter is 8,000 miles). It is a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, who are sometimes called together the Jovian or outer planets. The astronomical symbol for the planet Jupiter is pictured to the above right, and is a stylized representation of god’s lightning bolt. The planet Jupiter brings joy to life, and if you find this lord of heaven in your natal chart, it is considered the planet of good luck, optimism, success, generosity.
The king of planets has 67 moons that have been discovered since the end of the 19th century. Some of these are called the Jovian moons that have been discovered to be names of lovers, conquests, or daughters of the Zeus or the Roman Jupiter. Jupiter’s gravitational field controls numerous asteroids that are known as the Trojan asteroids, and are divided into Greek and Trojan “camps” to commemorate the Iliad.
Jupiter’s day, is where we get the name for the day of the week that is called ‘Thursday,’ or “Thor’s Day.” This day is named after the Anglo-Saxon and Viking son of Odin (Woden), Thor who is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility. The God Thor who is depicted as a man, and is the SO BELOW son representation of the AS ABOVE Father Odin, who is Jupiter.
Throughout Italy he was worshiped on the summits of hills; thus, on the Alban Hill south of Rome was an ancient seat of his worship as Jupiter Latiaris, which was the centre of the league of 30 Latin cities of which Rome was originally an ordinary member. At Rome itself on the Capitoline Hill was his oldest temple; here there was a tradition of his sacred tree, the oak, common to the worship both of Zeus and of Jupiter, and here, too, were kept the lapides silices, pebbles or flint stones, which were used in symbolic ceremonies by the fetiales, the Roman priests who officially declared war or made treaties on behalf of the Roman state.
Jupiter was not only the great protecting deity of the race but also one whose worship embodied a distinct moral conception. He is especially concerned with oaths, treaties, and leagues, and it was in the presence of his priest that the most ancient and sacred form of marriage (confarreatio) took place. The lesser deities Dius Fidius and Fides were, perhaps, originally identical and certainly were connected with him. This connection with the conscience, with the sense of obligation and right dealing, was never quite lost throughout Roman history. In Virgil’s Aeneid, though Jupiter is in many ways as much Greek as Roman, he is still the great protecting deity who keeps the hero in the path of duty (pietas) toward gods, state, and family.
Many kings had also took on the name of Jupiter and became Thors’ in their own right. Jupiter as God’s hammer is found in other names, such as Husham (Ham) or Hammer and the Kohen Judas Maccabeus (the Hammer). Also the French King, Charles Martel name means “the Hammer.” King David and David, Daoud, or Dood means the beloved, and as a mythical character the beloved one, the Lord’s anointed. The father of the children of Ammon was called King Hadad, whose name simple means Son of Dod or David. Be-dad, or Bon-dad, “the son of Dad,” was the father of the Edomite, Hadad and in an inscription found at Ostia, which dates 177-180, Hadad of Baalbek, or Jupiter Heliopolitanus, bears the title “Angel.”
In the bible, Japheth which means Jupiter, is one of the sons of Noah in the Abrahamic tradition and was the father of all the Indo-European people. Both the early Irish Celts and the early Britons traced the descent of their royal houses from Japheth, as did also the early Saxons who corrupted his name to Sceaf,–pr. ‘sheaf’ or ‘shaif’ (see chapter 7). (Refs: 1DB 2:802. NBD 599. JA P 1:26). In Acts 14:12, Barnabas a Levite who is from the Tribe of Levi they called Zeus (Jupiter), and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker. Jupiter is also referred to as a star where it is called the great star, blazing like a torch, and the morning star. It is said that Jupiter underwent two eclipses by the Moon in Aries in 6 BC, and that the Star of Bethlehem may in fact be in Aries the Ram.
The Romans whose language is Latin, renamed the planet yēu-pəter ( Iuppiter, Iūpiter – Pater/Father or the nominative: *Dyēus-pətēr, meaning “O Father Sky-God”, or “O Father Day-God”) and this is where we get the modern English spelling of Jupiter. He was the ruler of the lower world or Jove, which is the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder.
In ancient Rome, Jupiter was often connected to kings and kingship. Jupiter was served by the patrician Flamen Dialis, the highest-ranking member of the flamines. Many of the world’s top military leaders and kings such as Alexander the Great,
Julius Caesar, and Augustus Caesar were both High Priests of Jupiter Ammon (Flamen Dialis), that has remained the preserve of patricians.
The Sumerians had called Jupiter Nibiru (Neberu ) and also mulu-babber – “bright sun-like star.” Nibiru simply means “ferry, ferryman, or ford” (mikis nibiri is the toll one has to pay for crossing the river), and is another title for Jupiter as it changes its position and crosses the sky.
The star of Babylon and Marduk frequently spoken of in the Inscriptions, is Jupiter. The Babylonians had used a 12-year orbit of Jupiter along the ecliptic to define the constellations of their zodiac, and this planet also had represented their god Marduk. Marduk is the chief god to emerge in Babylon who had defeated Tiamat, the Serpent of Chaos, the Ancient One, mother of the gods and all abominations of chaos (CHAO). In Hebrew the word is Tehom, which is etymologically related to the name Tiamat, the Babylonian primordial sea and goddess of the Enuma Elish. The etymology of the name Marduk is conjectured as derived from amar-Utu (“bull calf of the sun god Utu”). He was also regarded as the son of Ea (Sumerian Enki) and Damkina, and the heir of Anu. The ancient Akkadians, Assyrians, Chinese, and Phoenicians had known Anu to be the king of the Anunnaki.
The Greeks had called Jupiter
Φαέθων Phaethon, “blazing”, and in mythology they gave this planet the name,
Zeus and also
Adonis. In
Greek mythology, Taurus was identified with
Zeus, who assumed
the form of a magnificent white bull to abduct
Europa, a legendary Phoenician princess. The Greeks associated Aries with
the Ram, who carried Phrixus
and his sister Helle on
his back to Colchis (the Georgian region of the Caucasus) to escape the evil
designs of their stepmother, Ino (Jupiter Moon Io) who was about to kill them.
Aries’ symbol,
represents the spiral horns of a Ram. The Hebrew word for a ram’s horn was
shofar, from Hebrew shophar,
‘ram’s horn,’ related to Arabic sawafiru, ‘ram’s horns,’ Akkadian shapparu,
‘wild goat.’ The picture to the right is an actual real coin, with an image of
the Greek conqueror, Alexander the Great with ram’s horns in the place of his
Horn or hippocampus. Upon Alexander’s visit to the Oracle of Ammon at
the Siwa Oais, the priests there had ordained Alexander to be the son of
Jupiter-Amon and the horns on these coins confirm this.
In Ancient Egypt at the City of Son (Jupiter?) of the Sun, Heliopolis, the bull was worshiped as Mnewer, the embodiment of Atum-Ra. The Israelites had called Jupiter by the Hebrew (Phoenician) names Yahweh, Jehovah and now Adonai who in the bible would be the idol of the Golden Calf. In modern Judaism, the name Yahweh has been replaced with the word Adonai, meaning Lord. Most scholars believe “Jehovah” to be a late (ca. 1100 CE) hybrid form derived, by combining the Latin letters JHVH, with the vowels of Adonai. The royal court and temple of Israel, who I belive may have been Ramses II and Hattusili III of Hatti the Hittite chief, had promoted Yahweh (Jupiter) as God of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.
“Give thanks unto Yahweh, for he is good, His mercy endures forever!
It is better to trust in Yahweh than men,
Better in Yahweh than princes.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh!
We greet them from Yahweh’s house.
God Yahweh gives us light;
Bind the festive offering with cords to the altar.
Thou art my God, I will praise thee!
NOTE: Joe reminded me just now that we had talked about the movie 2001 space odysey where there was a computer problem and they were going to Jupiter that the obelisk on the moon was aimed - Similar to Big Mystery: Jupiter Loses a Stripe - NASA Science - Science@NASA
May 20, 2010 ... Jupiter Loses a Stripe (Jupiter on May 18, 2010, 200px). Without the SEB present , Jupiter's Great Red Spot is surrounded by almost ...
The thin narrow dark stripes which separate the regions are known as bands . Also, we cannot forget Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which is a large and stable ...
May 21, 2010 ... The disappearance of a giant cloud belt around the southern half of ... Jupiter's trademark Great Red Spot, a massive storm that could fit two ... - Similar to Jupiter loses one of its stripes and scientists have no idea ...
May 17, 2010 ... Jupiter has lost one of its iconic red stripes and scientists are baffled as to why. The largest planet in our solar system is usually dominated by ... - Similar to Atmosphere of Jupiter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Red Spot (GRS) is a persistent anticyclonic storm, 22° south of Jupiter's equator; Earth observations establish a minimum ... linked to the brightness of the South Equatorial Belt, and the presence or ...
Nov 24, 2010 ... 18 Gemini North Telescope image of Jupiter combines blue, red and yellow ... One of Jupiter's dark brown stripes that faded out last spring is ...
The stripes of color on Jupiter are called its bands. There are two types of bands on Jupiter. The light colored bands are called zones. These are regions where ... - Similar to Jupiter Loses Big Belt; Great Spot Left Hanging
May 14, 2010 ... One of the planet's two major dark stripes has gone missing, leaving the Great Red Spot "floating all alone in whiteness." - Similar to Jupiter's Missing Stripe Reappears - Wired Science
Nov 11, 2010 ... One of the gas giant's characteristic red stripes, the South Equatorial Belt, faded late in 2009 and had vanished completely by early May, 2010.
Sep 8, 2011 ... The planet's swirling cloud stripes are. ... warmer air and cooler regions never seen before within Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which has persisted ... - Similar to Revelation 11:11 - Humanity On The Pollen Path
My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse (see essay), showing the ...
The latest material concerns the amazing coincidences concerning the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." ---------------. Outline. The following is a general outline of ...
Sep 11, 2001 ... My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse showing ...
The same idea, I think, is portrayed in the movie, "2001: Space Odyssey," as Dave transformed into the baby in the bubble returning to earth to start the next ... - Similar to THE MOON IS TOO TOO BRIGHT - BACTERIA ON THE MOON
My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse, showing the Diamond ...
My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse (see essay), . - Similar to The Yatesbury Field Spiral Crop - Dreams of the Great Earth ...
Jun 6, 2007 ... At the end of the film, "2010," the sequel to "2001: Space Odyssey," the earth has two suns. My feeling is that this refers to the coming duality ... - Similar to Dream and Nostradamus Connections To The Anomalous Object Near
The film, "2001:Space Odyssey," had similar symbolism. It is also in the eastern mythology about Rama and the Monkey King. The idea I got was that it carries a ... - Similar to TWO SUNS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The more you think about this, the more sense it makes. My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, "2001:Space Odyssey.". - Similar to Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change
Nov 28, 1992 ... The Gulf War also contained symbolism. 15. The film "2001: Space Odyssey" symbolically portrayed the great change. An unknown intelligence ... - Similar to DREAMS OF SKY EVENTS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse (see essay), showing the ... - Similar to moon controversy - did we? or did we not - land on the moon?
Jul 17, 2009... moon landings were actually filmed on the same MGM set used by Stanley Kubrick for the movie, 2001 Space Odyssey released in 1968.
Nov 11, 2005 ... Our 2001 Space Odyssey began on 9-11. The theme song is titled, "Thus Spake Zarathustra." The prologue has the story about the ... - Similar to MARRIAGE OF THE SUN AND MOON - ECLIPSES - JUNE, 2002
Jun 11, 2002 ... My dream-coincidence path led me to speculate about the symbolism of the film, " 2001:Space Odyssey." It begins with a solar eclipse, showing ... - Similar to 11:11 COINCIDENCES - DREAMS - EXPERIENCES FROM 2002
In the original (1996) on-line e-mail version of my 11:11 story, I began by explaining some ideas about the film, "2001:Space Odyssey," and the sequel, " 2010. - Similar to DREAMS OF THE RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE
In the significant symbolic film, "2001:Space Odyssey, " the problems started when the dish antenna quit working, because HAL, the computer, zapped it. - Similar to PUZZLES - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The eclipse will be over England, the area where most of the crop patterns have appeared. I have written about the symbolism of the film, "2001:Space Odyssey.
View Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The old urban centers on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S are in nearly perfect alignment. The image below is a cropped 3D projection centered on New York City.
This great circle line crosses through the middle of Washington DC and the middle of Boston, and it crosses right over the middle of New York City. It also crosses over Philadelphia and the Baltimore waterfront. The azimuth of this line as it crosses over NYC is 52°, which is also the angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid. The image below is an equal azimuthal projection, also centered on New York City, with this same alignment extended in both directions.
The alignment crosses between Teotihuacan and Cholula in Mexico and just as this alignment crosses into Mexico from the gulf it crosses over the ancient city of El Tajin and the pyramid of niches. The alignment also crosses over Baalbek, Lebanon and just north of the ancient city of Troy. The alignment also crosses over Stonehenge. The azimuth of the alignment as it crosses over Stonehenge is 72° west of due north and 72° east of due south, which is not the same as the primary alignment of Stonehenge itself. However, the alignment from the center of Stonehenge to the center of the heel stone is 52° east of due north, which is the same as the azimuth of this global alignment as it crosses over New York City and the same as the angle of the Great Pyramid.
Because the equilateral azimuthal projection below is centered on the maximum latitude of the alignment at 53° 33' N, 23° 35' W, the alignment is horizontal on the image. This is the same alignment that is shown on the two maps above. In addition to the cities on the Eastern Seaboard and the ancient sites listed above, this alignment also crosses over a number of other major cities of the modern era, including Mexico City, the national capital of Mexico; Mobile, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; London, the national capital of England; Lille, France, Stuttgart and Munich in southern Germany; Zagreb, the national capital of Croatia; Belgrade, the national capital of Serbia; Sofia, the national capital of Bulgaria; Beirut, the national capital of Lebanon; Damascus, the national capital of Syria; and Riyadh, the national capital of Saudi Arabia.
See Also:
by Dee Finney
2-15-02 - DREAM - I don't know what city I was in. I knew all the people and my kids were grown - like teens and older.
I was in process to rent an apartment for myself, and most of my kids were with me except for Bill - He had gone to rent a small apartment of his own. His older brothers thought this was a sign of his being mentally ill, but I said, "No! He just wanted to get away from his Father and stand on his own two feet and that's a GOOD thing!" Naturally I would say that because I was doing the same thing.
I started out in the courtyard of a huge apartment complex. These were huge buildings, but beautiful and ornate. I was looking to see what kind of people lived in these buildings. At first, I didn't see any white people and wondered if I would be accepted in a place like this - then I saw a woman who looked just like myself at the other end of the courtyard and knew that these buildings were well integrated.
I then was driving along the street and was almost got run into by my first boyfriend Roger and a buddy of his. They were driving along the street on some kind of bicycle - carrying a political sign, endorsing someone. I didn't pay attention to the name on the sign.
I said laughingly - "Oh! I should have known it would be someone like you!"
He got off the bicycle and sat down to talk to me and my kids. He had grown a great deal since high school - he was rather giant size and had a deep suntan like he was outside all the time.
I walked into the building to pay the landlady and get the keys to my new apartment, which was number 33.
Just as I was going to walk into the apartment, a Chinese woman pushed past me and walked into it ahead of me. Someone said, "No! This isn't your apartment, this is 33 north, you will be in 33 south."
I felt confused, I didn't know there were two buildings.
So, I, my kids and friends I had accumulated along the way started to leave the building and someone said, "Why don't you pay your rent to the landlady as long as you are here?
That was a good idea, so I stopped at a counter to write a check for the rent. It was going to be $175." That was really cheap for what I was going to be getting. The woman I was with was concerned that I had spent all my money, but I told her, "No! I made sure that I set aside enough to pay the rent."
I wrote the check - then we went out to the car and the parking lot was at the top of a hill with rolling hills and valleys all around us. It was a beautiful scene.
All of a sudden a storm was coming and a huge wind came up. The kids ran for the building to keep dry. They got way ahead of me. I saw a driving rain coming and the wind came, along with a whirlwind which came out of the north, and came down by a big tree. I couldn't get to either building without getting soaking wet.
I looked at that and someone behind me said, "If you close those windows and save the property, you will be known as the "Hero of ____ Hill"
I couldn't just walk away and let the building be destroyed by the wind and rain, so I ran into the building. the painters/maintenance crew had gone home and left al the lights on and windows open, but on the hallway side, where people could get in, they had closed the door and put up a protective door - to keep out intruders. But I couldn't close the windows if I didn't go through this extra barrier door. The door had a small emergency knockout piece of wood in the center, which I easily kicked out, but the hole was low to the floor and small -- like for a large dog and I didn't want to get on my knees to get in there, so I moved the whole barrier door and walked around the side of it.
Once inside the apartment, all my friends came in behind me. This apartment was huge and a duplicate of what I was going to be moving into.
The rooms were huge and there were room dividers over head made of glass or crystal which one could pull down.
I went to the kitchen where the windows were open and the floor was made of thick crystal - overlaying a colored underlayment. I was barefoot now and walking on the crystal floor was exquisite feeling.
But the windows were up high and open and there were stained glass shutters to close over them with brilliant colors. I had to pull up a chair and stand on it to close the shutters.
Meanwhile, there were other people there now, watching me, including Seth from One Life to Live and he was standing there, twisting a elegantly carved wooden pillar.
I was so upset, I had to stop him and I ended up taking an iron frying pan and slamming it into his nose like he was a pig.
The Korea peninsula extends southward from the northeast part of the Asia continent between latitudes 33 degree and 43 degree north, and longitudes 124 degree and 131 degree east.
NOTE: Does this have something to do with why the Chinese lady pushed past me into the 33 north apartment?
The peninsula has been divided in two since 1945; the Republic of Korea (capitalist), commonly called South Korea, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (communist), or North Korea.
A republic with power centralized in a strong executive
president, although there are moves toward some regional autonomy.
Constitution : The Republic's constitution was promulgated on July 17, 1948,
and revises seven times, the last being in 1987.
National Flag : Called the Taegukki, it briefly depicts the Original cosmic
principles. The circle in the center represents the balance between yin and
yang (negative and positive forces) and the bars represents various cosmic
elements. The flag represents eternal unity.
In South Korea, there is a lodge set up by our own military:
This site introduces the facilities and programs of the Dragon Hill Lodge.
We are an Armed Forces Recreation Center operated by the United States Army
Community and Family Support Center under the command of Brigadier General
Antonio Taguba.
We exist to add value to the lives of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and
the families of those who
serve on Freedom's Frontier.
Our motto and hallmark is "Serving Those Who Serve"
Search for More on the Korean War
Part of the Memphite mythology takes up myths from the Old Kingdom about the gods Horus and Seth. These two deities contend for authority over Egypt; another deity, Geb, the earth-god, acts as mediator. Geb first partitions the country between the two, then, changing his mind, gives the entire country to Horus. In the Memphite theology, the pharaoh Menes is identified with Horus. That theology also makes Geb homologous to Ptah, but in another mythological context Geb, the power in the earth, is supreme. He is the primeval hillock that is the symbol of the first creation. For the Egyptians the earth deity is male rather than female.
In the Old Kingdom mythology the sun Atum (or Aten) often appears as the first creator. He makes Shu and Tefnut (air and moisture) out of himself, and they in turn produce Geb and Nut (earth and sky). The children of the latter couple are Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nepthys. Thus the first four deities establish the cosmos, and the later four are mediators between humans and the cosmos. Osiris is the symbol of the dead king, who is succeeded in the form of Horus, the living ruler. Isis is the consort of Osiris, and after his murder by Seth, she reconstitutes his body and thus achieves for him eternal life; her ally in this role is Nepthys, the consort of Seth. Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, ultimately vanquishes Seth, a symbol of antistructure or antiorder. Seth is related to the desert of Upper Egypt. As a deity of clouds, he opposed Atum, the sun.
The creator of all things was either Re, Amun, Ptah, Khnum or Aten, depending on which version of the myth was currently in use. The heavens were represented by Hathor, Bat, and Horus. Osiris was an earth god as was Ptah. The annual flooding of the Nile was Hapi. Storms, evil and confusion were Seth. His counterpart was Ma'at, who represented balance, justice and truth. The moon was Thoth and Khonsu. Re, the sun god, took on many forms, and transcended most of the borders that contained the other gods. The actual shape of the sun, the disk (or, aten), was deified into another god, Aten.
Seth - The son of Geb and Nut in the Heliopolitan Ennead was in the form of an animal that has no zoological equivalent. This powerful god was regarded as god of the desert, making him a god of foreign lands.
The revenge of Horus the son of Osiris against his evil uncle Seth, which is a powerful struggle of good vs evil.
Seth invited Osiris to a banquet and challenged him to get into a chest. Seth locked the chest and threw it into the Nile where it floated downstream. Washed ashore, it was absorbed into a tamarisk tree which became very sweet-smelling. The local king had the tree cut down and made into a pillar in his palace.
Isis, meanwhile, had started hunting for her husband
and identified him by the smell of the tree. She rescued him and took him
back to Egypt, but Seth found Osiris in the swamps and killed him again,
this time cutting him into fourteen pieces and casting them all over Egypt.
Isis had to start looking again and found thirteen of the pieces. With the
help of her sister Nepthys, and the gods Anubis and Thoth, she
bandaged the pieces together again to make the first mummy. She brought
Osiris briefly back to life, just long enough to conceive their son Horus.
By this time, Osiris had had enough and retired to the Underworld where he
reigns over the righteous dead.
Osiris is represented in this picture by the djed pillar at the bottom, over
which hovers a falcon with a sun disc, associated with his son Horus. The
raising of the pillar is supposed to represent the victory of Osiris over
Let me introduce you to the god Seth, then we will all understand about the devil and it’s evil. It is true that the Devil is always around us however, the devil is never victories in the end. The god Seth was the god of confusion and the spirit of disorder. He is the best known as the god who introduced murder on earth by killing his brother Osiris, the god who represents good. Seth brought Osiris to an untimely and sordid demise. The story of the first murder on earth is very interesting. Seth hosted a party and at the party he presented a beautiful sarcophagus and he announced that anyone who fit into the coffin could keep it. Osiris tried the coffin and learned that it fit his body perfectly. The Devil came quickly and closed the coffin and then threw it into the Nile. The faithful representative on earth, the good lady, the goddess Isis searched for her brother who was also her husband until she found that the coffin had become a pillar inside the palace of the King of Byblos (modern day Lebanon). She hid in the palace working as a servant until one day she had the opportunity to take the pillar. She swam with the pillar to the shores of Egypt. Isis was the goddess of magic so she brought Osiris back to life. When Seth saw his brother was alive he cut him into 14 pieces and dispersed him all over Egypt. Isis cried and with her tears the Nile began to run and Osiris floated back to her. She collected his mutilated pieces however, she found that his erection was missing so she restored it and returned him back to life and they created the child Horus. Isis took the child to the marshes to hide him and train him to take his revenge on Seth. Seth and Horus battled to win the kingship of Egypt and the control of the earth. In one of their battles, Horus lost his eye and Seth lost the semen of his testicles. After time, they agreed on peace and decided that Horus would be the ruler of Lower Egypt and that Seth would rule Upper Egypt. They also agreed, Horus would be the lord of the black land and Seth would be the lord of the red land, including foreign countries and the desert. In the end, the good god conquered the devil and Horus became the King of two lands, Upper and Lower Egypt.
Secret Teachings of Seth and the Pillar From:
The Hebrews had not “perverted the words of the living God,” but were simply using the words in their original sense, which jarred on the later consciousness. The pillar set up by Jacob is called a Matzebah; the word is also rendered images, standing images, a statue or pillar of Baal. “He put away the Matzebah of baal.” (2 Kings 3:2) The word is also written with the Egyptian terminal Matzebat. This is the Masteba or Mastebat. The same variation is found in Mitzraim and Mestraim. Matzebah, as Egyptian, denotes an enclosure of the dead. And as Sabat is the pyramid of Sut (or Seth), the pillar form answers to the pyramid. The Phoenician form was a funeral monument, and one of these memorial stones was erected by Jacob over a grave.
Now, the Mastebahs of the ancient empire were a kind of pillar or pyramid tombs, and to the Egyptian mind, rebirth was not only synonymous with death, it took the place of it, and in the form of Mes-tabah, birth (Mes) takes the place of death (Mut), and Mastebah is the sarcophagus or coffin considered as the place of rebirth. Teb or Tep means primordial, the first, and the Teb-ah, or first abode, meaning the womb, was the model of the tomb as the place of rebirth; hence Mes-tabah. The womb Ah-ti is the dual or reduplicating house, and such in the eschatological sense was the Mastebah, the Tebah of rebirth.
The Mastebah Symbolized the Mother
The first Divine Son in mythology was not the true Anointed nor was he the Begotten of the Father. The first was the Egyptian Sut (or Seth), who had no father (because the Fatherhood had not yet been recognized), hence in the development of the doctrine he had to become his own father and was said to do violence to his own mother. The doctrine of the Messiah, or ever-coming son, descended from the time when the Fatherhood had not been individualized on earth, therefore could not be represented in heaven, and the Virgin mother and child were the sole types of Deity. |
Saturday, 16 February, 2002 |
"Unlike in 1994, there's no legal instrument to
fall back on," says Han. "Therefore it would be very difficult to
bring the international community to join the U.S. effort to open up
North Korea to inspections." |
From: By early 1994 tensions had mounted over international
inspection of North Korea's nuclear sites. Kim Il Sung's death on
July 8, 1994, introduced a period of uncertainty, as his son, Kim
Jong Il, assumed the leadership mantle. Negotiations over the
country's suspected atomic weapons dragged on, but an agreement was
reached in June 1995 that included a provision for providing the
North with a South Korean nuclear reactor. |
U.S. Helps China Destroy Ourselves, Dissident Wu
From: Be Sure to read this whole posting by Bauval. The “32nd and 33rd degrees’ bear a curious relevance to all
See the Bauval page for more on this: |
Predictive Outline of
Ideas About the Great Change |
In 1992 I received a letter from crop circle researcher Pat Delgado. It was somewhat of a form letter, apparently sent out to the various people who had been corresponding with him. Pat suggested that the crop circles probably represent one area of a more grand phenomenon concerning changes coming to the world. He requested that we correspondents send any ideas that we might have about the crop circles and other phenomena that may be related. In response, I wrote an outline of my ideas and sent them to him. The ideas are based on my studies which are directed by dreams and coincidences.
The ideas in the outline turned out to be remarkably predictive. A number of astonishing coincidences happened after I sent the Outline to Pat, and more happened during and after we created this web page. These will be reported at a latter time. Dee typed in my original outline below. I have added a few hyperlinks to it.
written by Joe Mason
November 28, 1992
The following is a brief outline of some of the ideas that have come to me concerning a very great change coming to our world. In most cases dreams were involved, my own, or those of others. Often coincidences occurred, usually the accidental finding of a similar concept elsewhere, such as in myths or the dream of another person. I have a very large stack of material supporting these ideas. I have no way of knowing for sure if any of this is valid, but I do feel like I was led to them. My hope is that others will find more connections and verifications to some of the ideas through their own dreams, inspirations or studies.
1. Truths will slowly
be revealed that will drastically change the world view. Many are ancient
teaching. There will be resistance to this, but eventually the symbols will be
newly understood and fit into scientific discoveries.
2. The change in world
view toward unity and love will completely transform our world in unbelievable
3. We will learn that
we are creating the reality
here and have the power to
have it as we wish. We are the
Demiurge, the
craftsman/builders, a sub-deity. This is depicted sometimes as a swastika with a
"builder" symbol ( right angled square) in each quarter. Counterclockwise
represents a negative creation, and clockwise (going east) is positive. Similar
symbols are four couples around a square, the octopus, which is negative, and
the eight-pointed star, a positive, unity symbol.
4. Our thoughts and
beliefs create the reality. They are prime movers of the 'orgone' or low
energy fields that form patterns
around which physical matter coalesces. Time and cause/effect are part of
the creation here. On a higher level of reality, this creation can be viewed as
an eternal now, each moment created through rapid vibrations. The new beliefs
involve a conquering of fear and
belief in evil. Simply by
believing that our existence is blessed and good, will lock-out evil, or
negative activity. This is the 'giant' or "Titan" that will be defeated. The
battle of good over evil is a question of what we chose to believe. Symbolically
this is shown as a tree individually, or a great tree collectively. The Tree of
Knowledge represents the beliefs that create the
Tree of Life, that is, the
5. Our Oversouls, or
Higher Selves, are involved in the creation. Each of us are reincarnational, or
focus personalities of the Oversoul. Our other personalities exist in the past
and future from our viewpoint. The Oversoul, a very powerful consciousness unit,
is symbolized as a circle of
interlocking rings that resembles a flower. Each 'petal' is a focus
6. The order of
consciousness is a hierarchy. This can be viewed as a pyramid, with humans at
the base, Oversouls above, on up to the One, or God at the top. The entire
structure is God and Her/His manifestations, thus "All-That-Is" is a more true
concept of God. (see Ephesians 4:6)
7. All-That-Is is
within each unit of consciousness and matter. Each unit is like a seed,
containing the pattern of the All within it. The Creator manifests as dual, or
male/female. This is across scales from subatomic to macrocosmic. The Feminine
aspect generates, or gives birth to the Masculine. The Masculine is radiated out
into space-time. The physical reality is the Male aspect or a part of it. The
Spirit reality is the Generating, or Female aspect. Each aspect has a part of
the other, that is, each male has part of the female and vice versa. The
Yin Yang myth is true.
Yin Yang Symbol
8. In the
creation of mankind, the relative balance of the dual aspects creates the Son,
in a Trinity, or
three-part relationship. This is the meaning of the Barbury Castle pictogram.
The 1991 Barbury
It's the subatomic consciousness unit, or smallest particle of matter in our creation. Larger gestalts of consciousness and matter are built up from these units. The central circle represents the One Deity. The two rings are the Dual aspects. These are the invisible energies creating the Triangle, or three-sided pyramid.
The north circle, a male/sun symbol, is the Masculine aspect within us. The southwest circle is the feminine aspect, or Holy Spirit. Adam and Eve are the equivalents; they are one, and within us. The ratchet spiral represents the son in a cycle of time. In dreams and myths the relationship of the aspects is often shown as mating or marriage. This is the meaning of the Virgin Birth and is symbolized by the "Y" within the Triangle. I saw this in a dream as the part of the woman's body where the legs meet. It's the Generating world giving birth to this one.
Applicable myths are the Pythagorean Tetraktys, Tao Teh Ching 42, the Christian Trinity and similar teachings found world wide. Ancient glyphs show this as a circle with ring inside a triangle, a "Y"-shape, Eye in a triangle, the letters "AUM" in a triangle representing "the Father and Mother engendered the son, Man." The animal symbol is the face of the bison or ox. The horns represent the dual aspects, like antennas. (see Psalms 92:10) The Salvador Dali painting "Christ of St. John of the Cross" has this symbolism.
Christ of Saint
9. The
great change involves a change in the
Duality balance. This
is multidimensional and all encompassing. It's part of a universal, pre-ordained
Plan. It is considered an evolutionary leap for mankind. We are going from a
male dominant to a more balanced condition of the two aspects. Our "lost aspect"
is a question of "forgetting." It was there all along, but we "forgot" it for a
purpose for a cycle of time. The change involves an "awakening," or
"remembering" of the lost aspect.
In terms of the human mind, rational, analytical thinking is a male attribute. Intuitive, psychic abilities are a feminine attribute. The change will increase the feminine abilities, bringing new knowledge about the nature of reality. A joining of the realities, spiritual and physical, will be achieved.
10. We will learn that
the dream reality is essential in the creation of daily reality. Events here are
planned there. Infinite idea potentials exist there that can be manifested here.
We unknowingly operate there nightly, planning individual and collective events.
The great change will involve
coincidence or simultaneities that seem accidental. They are planned in the
dream state and contain symbolism. As we begin to learn the symbolic language of
the dream-world, we will understand the meaning of events in daily life. An
ancient symbol of our collectiveness is the
spider, as placing a
thread between each of us. The modern dream symbol of this is the computer, with
each of us hooked up to the central control system.
11. This world of ours
has been involved with an experiment of consciousness for a cycle of time. We
have been working with the Father, or Masculine aspect; the aggressive,
thrusting outward attribute, that can become
negative and violent. The
great change involves a
transmuting of this warring attribute to the positive. This is accompanied
by the death of the Male War Gods, or a belief in them, and an awareness of the
Mother/Father Deity. The ancient symbol of the
Dual deity is a
circle bisected by a line, which has appeared in many crop patterns. Major
symbolic numbers are
nine and multiples (18,
36, 54, 72, 108,
28 and
12. The warring-cycle,
on a large scale, probably started with Sargon I of Akkad, (now southern Iraq)
about 4,320 years ago. (432 is
a cycle of time number) Babylon is a symbol of disunity.
13. A period of stress
on a global level started with WW1 in 1914. This was the beginning of the
apocalyptic cycle. A symbolic event preceded this in 1912, the sinking of the
14. Another pair of
symbolic events occurred in the late 1960's; the
moon landing and the great
leap of Bob Beamon in the
Olympics in Mexico City. They symbolized the great evolutionary leap for
mankind. The Gulf War also
contained symbolism.
15. The film "2001:
Space Odyssey" symbolically portrayed the great change. An unknown
intelligence, represented by the obelisk, controls evolution from apes to man,
developing rational intelligence. When the obelisk is found on the moon millions
of years later, it communicates to space that it is time for the next
evolutionary step. The computer, HAL, represents the collective selves not
connected, an artificial intelligence with no heart. The astronaut Dave's
experience represents the lone spiritual journey. He goes to the heart of the
craft and disables HAL. The computer breaks down and sings, "Daisy, Daisy . . .
on a bicycle built for two." The Daisy is a symbol of the Oversoul and the
bicycle, the aspects balanced.
Daisy-like crop patterns appeared in 1991, along with a
flower profusion in England.
Bicycle-like crop patterns
appeared, such as those at Pepperbox Hill and the "insectograms."
The film ends with Dave transformed into a baby in a bubble heading back to
earth. A new cycle of
evolution begins.
16. East is the
direction of enlightenment. When you awake from the dreaming and things "dawn"
on you, the sun is rising in the east and the morning star, Venus, shines for
awhile. The two lights are the symbolic equivalent of Adam and Eve, that is, a
large male/rational aspect, and a small female/intuitive one. In the film, "2010,"
the sequel to "2001," the earth receives
two suns. Symbolically,
this is the balancing of the aspects involved in the great change.
17. There may be an
actual equivalent to the obelisk. Recent satellite photographs revealed a
perfect ring of circles
at the Yucatan. They are the
Sacred Cenote holes, or natural wells. The wells are now thought to mark the
spot where the great
meteorite struck 65 million years ago that caused the extinction of the
dinosaurs and other large species. Core samples revealed crystallized quartz
1,100 meters below ground.
Scientist J.J. Hurtak claims to have had a spiritual visitation in 1973. He wrote "The Keys of Enoch," telling of a great evolutionary leap for mankind. A map of the Yucatan is shown in the book, called "The Sacred Grid". Lines are drawn between megalithic sites revealing a three-part triangle. It's quite similar to the Barbury Castle pictogram. Dr. Hurtak was told that this area had triangular grids of crystal and is a communication point with the heavens. It will be involved in a grid shift and alignment effecting the changes here.
The Sacred Grid
Some dowsers say that the energy grid is associated with naturally sited, underground quartz. There may be a seven-mile wide crystal underground at the Yucatan functioning like a radio oscillator, effecting the energy grid.
18. The
Pleiades and
Orion are major symbols in
the great change. (see Job 38:31)
The Pleiades, commonly called the
Seven Sisters,
has six readily visible stars, with a dimmer seventh, known as "the Lost
Pleiad." This is associated with the seven days of creation, which are not yet
I dreamed of a similar concept, then later found it in "The Keys of Enoch." After six aeons of time, six fields of light come together, so that on the seventh day, the transmutation is added by the Seventh Ray. This involves subatomic levels of body chemistry. The north circle in the Barbury Castle pictogram may represent the six fields of light coming together. The "ratchet spiral" may represent the six aeons of time. The Seventh Ray may be the Southwest circle, or it could come through the center of the north circle, which is like an aperture.
This July (1992) I sent these and other ideas to Roberta Ossana, editor of "The Dream Network Journal." She called me on the telephone and shared a dream she had three weeks prior. In the dream, she visited a house with a large family. Seven sisters came out, and one was a foot taller than the others. There was a mother and father and one son with a wife. The son did volunteer work at a prison. His wife was going to be accepted into the family of women and is easily assimilated. The mother said, "Soon, my husband will retire, and we will own the bank." In my opinion, Roberta paid a dream visit to the Adamic Household.
19. An important
symbol of the change is the
Tau, depicted as a
"T" with two trees and a flower on top, or as a split-trunk tree with three
branches at each end. The two trees, I believe, represent the dual aspects and
the two ways to knowledge, rational and intuitional.
20. The change may be
related to the seven chakras.
We have been operating in the lower three and will enter the fourth, the
heart chakra. This is
associated with a symbolic lightning strike, and may enable us to reach the
upper four chakras. The critical level is three and a half, that is, the point
between the third and fourth chakra. This is shown symbolically in many ways,
such as the Egyptian seven nodal
points with the 'swallowers' mouth between the third and fourth, the
Chinese coiled serpent with
three and a half turns, and the 35th year as the mid-point in the life of a man
of three score years and ten. (the approximate age of Jesus at crucifixion, and
Buddha when awakened.)
This is related to Revelation 11:11. The two trees lay dead for three and a half days and then a breath of life from God enters them, and they stand up on their feet.
The meaning of the "swallower" seems to be about reincarnation. If you are still in the lower three levels of consciousness development at the time of your physical death, you must be reborn and try again. Above level three, you go on to more advanced realms of consciousness. The great change may involve an en masse advance beyond the third level. At that point, "death will be no more," that is, you will not experience the death/rebirth of reincarnation.
21. At this time, in
the sleep state, we are reading our
Akashic records, the
accumulated knowledge from past lives.
22. The future of Man
is an en-masse achievement of a Christ-Self level. We will be Trinitized Powers
with miraculous abilities. We will manifest loving kindness and forgiveness. It
may be considered as the ability of the focus personality to knowingly use the
powers of the Oversoul.
23. A symbol of our
condition in this cycle is "prisoner or hostage." It is prevalent in dreams and
was a Gnostic concept. (also see
Isaiah 42:7 and 42:22)
24. A symbol of the
higher abilities is "King" or
"Royal Power." (see Rev. 17:17 and 21:24)
25. Another tree
symbol is the tree held by the Dreaming God, or
The Tree of Life in the
Garden of Eden. In the great cycle of time, mankind has experienced many
"trees," both good and negative. It was all for a purpose involving the
knowledge of good and evil. The Tree of Life represents all the good and
positive that can and will be manifested here, as the Kingdom of Heaven on
Earth, or The New Jerusalem.
It is God's Dream for mankind.
We have been prevented from grasping the Tree of Life until now. It is now available and we each must grasp our share.
26. The shares of the
Tree of Life are being revealed now through crop patterns, UFO activity, art,
channeling, events, simultaneities, etc., and primarily dreams. There is much
confusion and contradiction, but it will begin to become more clear in the
coming years, as pieces of the puzzle are put together. In the process, myths
and religions will be explained and newly understood. We will realize that we
are One and part of the Creator's manifestations.
27. Other dimensions
of reality are also involved. The
UFO's and
E.T.'s are primarily
from these other dimensions.
Marian apparitions and similar phenomenon are from these other dimensions.
Our beliefs about them strongly influence how they appear to us. A more direct
contact will be the norm in the future.
28. Strange phenomena
will increase and may take various forms, such as
clouds forming symbolic patterns,
objects raining from the sky,
and spiritual apparitions.
If anyone reading this wishes to see the details of how the ideas came to me, I am willing to present them. Some of it is strongly convincing in my opinion, because it came in dreams of people who were not aware of the concepts at the time. Also, the coincidences constantly happened, as if to confirm the concepts. There is a definite predictive pattern. It is my wish to find a serious scholar to look into it.
Joe Mason
[end of original 1992 Outline sent to Pat Delgado]
Many of the details of these 28 points are discussed on various pages of the greatdreams site. My articles are linked from my index page. A short version of my primary theory about the leap to the heart chakra is in this article --
The long version is here --
The Chakra System crop circle formation appeared in 2004, which was a strong verification about the leap to the heart chakra. A Kundalini-like crop formation appeared in 2007, which had three and a half turns (see item 20 above) and suggestion of 11:11 in the groups of circles.
I wrote of the "Communion Message" in an article about the 2010 crop circles. It fits with item 22 (". . . achievement of a Christ-Self level. We will be Trinitized Powers"), above, and item 26 ("We will realize that we are One").
The Yin Yang myth, as mentioned in item 7, has been verified many times in the form of Yin Yang type crop circles. In relation to items 7 and 8, there is now related information about how the creation is created, as expressed in the crops --
Concerning Item 15 -- the events of 9-11-2001, may have been symbolically related to the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Also see the Youtube Video.
On 24 July 2009, a strange beam of light suddenly shot out of the Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza. It may have shown the "communication point with the heavens," as stated in item 17, above.
Other related articles are linked from the crop circle page and the coincidence page. Many of these concepts come to people in dreams when they don't even know anything about these changes coming. Coincidences constantly happen to these people and myself to confirm these concepts. There is a definite positive pattern.
If you have any questions, or comments, please e-mail
This page was originally uploaded December 10, 2011
This page was last updated December 31, 2011
Site URL: http:/
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Return to Dreams of the Great Earth Changes - Similar to Chichen Itza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
El Castillo dominates the center of the Chichen Itza archaeological site. .... The Jaguar Throne, inside the "El Castillo" pyramid .... Dominating the North Platform of Chichen Itza is the Temple of Kukulkan (a Maya feathered serpent deity similar ...,_Chichen_Itza - Similar to El Castillo, Chichen Itza - Wikipedia, the free ...
El Castillo (Spanish for "the castle"), also known as the Temple of Kukulkan, is a Mesoamerican step-pyramid that dominates the center of the Chichen Itza ... - Similar to Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza which means “at the mouth of the well of Itza “, is the 2nd most visited archeological site of Mexico today. The Kukulkan Pyramid in Chichen-Itza ...
Every equinox this Mayan pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show. - Similar to Chichen Itza -- World Heritage Site -- National Geographic
Get facts, photos, and travel tips for Chichen Itza, a World Heritage site in ... The most recognizable structure here is the Temple of Kukulkan, also known as El Castillo. This glorious step pyramid demonstrates the accuracy and importance of ... - Similar to The Mayan Pyramid - David Lubman -
Handclaps evoke chirped echoes from the staircases of the Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza. The physics of the chirped echo can be explained quite simply ... - Similar to Chichen Itza & the Pyramid of Kukulcan |
Cancun's only official website with all you need for your Cancun vacation. Information on Chichen Itza and the Pyramid of Kukulcan, with tours from Cancun … - Similar to Chichen Itza: El Castillo, Pyramid of Kukulkan - ...
SCIENCE MYSTERIES | STRANGE ARTIFACTS | MYSTIC PLACES | ANCIENT WRITINGS. El Castillo's design is thought to relate to the Mayan calendar. - Similar to Ancient Observatories: Chichén Itzá - Exploratorium
El Castillo—in Spanish, “the castle”—looms at the center of Chichén Itzá, a 79- foot pyramid of stone. Also known as the Pyramid of Kukulkán, the structure ... - Similar to kukulkan pyramid at chichen itza, mexico - longitudes from ...
Kukulkan Pyramid at Chichen Itza on Mexico's Yucatan. Longitudes were reckoned from a Prime Meridian that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid, ...
![]() In order to "read" our western pyramids this 31° 08' 00.8" longitudinal variance must be factored in to our present-day longitudes for these western monuments. |
Like the other pyramids of the Western Hemisphere, the Kukulkan Pyramid at Chichen Itza was a terraced monument as opposed to being a true pyramid form such as we see in Egypt. There were clear reasons for this departure from Egyptian architectural practice because in the West, pyramids convey specific numbers which can enable us to see why they were built where they were upon the earth. The decoding process is generally quite simple, the only exceptions apparently having been at Tikal where the decoding process is not without certain complexities, otherwise the decoding is a simple process. The Kukulkan is a classic example of this.
Corner View from the Ground
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KUKULKAN PYRAMID at Chichen Itza on Mexico's Yucatan . Also known as the El Castillo (The Castle) and Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan Pyramid has staircases on all four sides. With each staircase comprising 91 steps, the four show 364 steps with the upper platform being the 365th step. |
In this 3/4 view from ground level (above), notice that the pyramid shows us nine terraces. This is the first number we use to assemble our formula for the decoding process. The second number is 365. Kukulkan has four staircases, one on each side of the monument, on each staircase are 91 steps. For the four, that totals to 364 steps with the top platform of the pyramid being the 365th step. We now have our second number - 365.
![]() |
![]() |
9 terraces x 365 steps x 4 sides x 4 stairways = 52,560
There are also other numbers which also multiply to 52,560. These are 119, 42 and 10.51620648. Two rational numbers and an irrational, but these are not shown on the pyramid. These appear only on maps. When the world's pyramids were built, their longitudes were reckoned from a very ancient Prime Meridian (0/360° longitude) that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, a full 31 degrees, 08 minutes, 00.8 seconds to the east of our modern Greenwich Prime Meridian. In order to "read" our western pyramids this 31° 08' 00.8" longitudinal variance must be factored into our present-day longitudes for these western monuments, viz:
Hence, those other three numbers of 119, 42, and 10.51620648 shown above, are the elements of Kukulkan's original longitude which multiply to its GRID longitude which was left to us in the 4 - 4 - 9 - 365 message conveyed by the Kukulkan itself.
Copyright © 1996 - 2012, Carl Munck. All Rights Reserved.
Chacmool (also spelled chac-mool) is the term used to refer to a particular ... Le Plongeon sought permission from Mexico's president to display the statue at the ... - Similar to Chac Mool by Carlos Fuentes Translated by Jonah ...
was the slogan with which Francisco Madero and the Mexican ... replica of Chac Mool** for some time, and today Pepe tells me about a place in La. Lagunilla ... - Similar to Instituto Chac-Mool Spanish Language Immersion Schools in ...
Cuernavaca, Mexico and Tulum, Mexico. At Instituto Chac-Mool Spanish School located in highland Cuernavaca as well as the beach area of Tulum, we utilize ... - Similar to The Chacmool.
Chacmools are found in Central Mexico and Yucata'n with the greatest number ... "Quelques observations sur les sculptures Mesoamericaines dites 'Chac Mool. - Similar to Chac Mool Mayan ruins: Santa Rosa peninsula, Sian Kaan Mexico
Boat adventure across Bahia de la Ascension to the Chac Mool Mayan ruins, Archaeological site in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo Mexico.
One of the most famous ancient statues throughout Mexico is the "Chac Mool." Since the discovery of the first one at Chichen Itza in the 19th century, there has ...
Mar 6, 2011 ... Excellent light & halocline effects in Chac Mool / Kukulkan Cenote, Mexico Febuary 2011. Martur1977·2 videos. SubscribeSubscribed ... - Similar to Cenote (Cavern) Diving in Chac Mool, Mexico - YouTube
Sep 19, 2007 ... This is a compilation of a bunch of short video clips and pics I took with my digital camera on a couple cenote dives in Chac Mool. There were ...
Dec 1, 2012 ... Cavern diving in Cenotes Chac-Mool, Little Brother and airdome. Guide: Rodolfo Saludos from Sea Pro Divers.
Jul 18, 2010 ... Video footage taken on a dive trip to the Cenotes, Yucatan, Mexico with New Horizons Dive Centre and Dive Aventuras in November 2007.
Puerto Adventuras entrance, between Playa del Carmen and Akumal. - Similar to CENOTE CHAC-MOOL - YouTube
Oct 26, 2009 ... Inmersion en el cenote Chac-Mool (Mexico). German Pinilla, Javier Villalba, Martin Diez-Gil y Mario (guia)
Apr 5, 2013 ... A visit to Chac Mool near Playa dell Carmen, Mexico.
Aug 12, 2008 ... Chac Mool, Yucatan - MexicoDivecovery Channel274 views · 4:04 ... Cenote ( Cavern) Diving in Chac Mool, Mexicoajayinva5,575 views · 4:32
Find exclusive Cenotes Kukulkan and Chac Mool Tulum, Mexico tourist information, travelers reviews and tips from friends and people like you. 'Although ...'
A ferry ride from Cozumel brings us here to the gates of Xibalba, the Maya underworld. We're lured by the cenotes of Riviera Maya, a vast subterranean river ...
Cenote Chac Mool / Kukulkan -Mexico. 46 likes · 16 talking about this · 2080 checkins. Local Business.
Jul 30, 2010 ... Cave diver at Cenote Chac-Mool, Mexico. echeng100730_0258879.
Jan 8, 1973 ... The mystical Aztecs, Mayans, Tarascos, etc. carved the Chac-Mool in order ... In the Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City there ...
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