Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date September 25, 2013
page 567
9-23-13 - DREAM - I was at a warehouse near the ocean. I think the warehouse was for fish, but I didn't see any. All of the workers tables were empty.
It seemed that something had gone wrong, and right outside the door, the water was rushing past - about a foot deep - it was clear water and I've never seen water flow that fast in my life.
Hmmm! A scene just jumped into my head how I got there - going down a highway that had to cross a railroad track, and there too the train came along faster than any train I've ever seen and for some reason, the train and the cars had to be in the same space at the same time - not side by side.
It was a very dangerous crossing.
That's when I got to the warehouse - just by the skin of my teeth.
Inside the warehouse I had to measure something with a guage, and in order to do that, I had to make some long steps outside the door of this warehouse from what looked like a stack of newspaper to another stack of newspaper because the concrete slab that used to be there was missing.
I looked at the guage to see if it was far enough past the top position, and another woman asked me what number I was trying to achieve.
I said the number I was trying to get the guage to was 84. That was the important number (or the angle of it to the right of the 0 point.)
NOTE: I've written about the number 84 - 368 times - this makes 369 (Hah) That's Joe's favorite number 3 6 9.
NOTE: After I had this dream, I went outside to feed the dog and when I opened the screendoor, there was a yardstick laying across the doorway preventing me from opening the door without removing the stick.
At first glance I didn't think much about it except wondering how it got there.
When Joe looked closer at the stick, after commenting about how the 'rod' was given to John in the book of Revelation, chapter 11 to measure the sanctuary and the altar of God, but not to measure the court outside, Joe noticed that this was not a typical yardstick - it was 42 inches long - which is half of 84, and 84 is the number of hours in 3 1/2 days quoted in the book of Revelation.
Also unusual is the marking on the yard stick itself. It looks like a fancy W symbolizing Wisconsin, but when you look at it - its actually a stylized Hebrew word - for the number 21, which is half of 42.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
11 A reed [as a measuring rod] was then given to me, [shaped] like a staff, and I was told: Rise up and measure the sanctuary of God and the altar [of incense], and [number] those who worship there.
2 But leave out of your measuring the court outside the sanctuary of God; omit that, for it is given over to the Gentiles (the nations), and they will trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months (three and one-half years).
3 And I will grant the power of prophecy to My two witnesses for 1,260 (42 months; three and one-half years), dressed in sackcloth.
THE STORY OF MOSES BEING GIVEN THE ROD I pray best walking. And so with walking stick and dog, I have my best times with God. These journeys got me to thinking about walking, prayer, and walking sticks... In Genesis 4, we read Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” 2 Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. 3 The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. 4 Then the Lord said to him, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand. 5 “This,” said the Lord, “is so that they may believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you.” God gave to Moses a monstrous commission - ‘deliver Israel out of the land of Egypt. Moses, being only human, felt ill equipped for the task. "What is that in your hand?" God asked. "A staff," Moses replied. Just a walking stick to help him deal with the uneven journey of life. He saw no special significance in it. “Throw it down!” God said. And then God demonstrated to him the miraculous potential in that seemingly insignificant staff. Moses actually fled in terror from his own walking stick! But when instructed to pick up the snake by the tail, once again, it returned into a staff in his own hand. Something simple and common, turned into a powerful and authoritative tool, and then back to something simple and common. When God finished showing to Moses that his staff was an instrument of divine power and authority, it was all he needed to fulfill his task. With that rod Moses defeated the magicians of Egypt, stripped Pharaoh of his power, humiliated Egypt's gods and brought Israel out from slavery to freedom on the edge of the promised land. How we, like Moses, treat prayer as common, insignificant, simply a walking stick to help us through the uneven journey of life! But it is so much more. In the hands Commanders and prophets the walking stick was called a staff. In the hands of rulers and kings, the staff was called a scepter. Their staffs or scepters symbolized power. David who wrote “your rod and your staff they comfort me” knew the effectiveness of the instrument. And when he went to challenge Goliath, all he took was a sling and 5 smooth stones, and his staff. (1 Samuel 17:40) If you remember the story, before the name of the Lord, Goliath was so insignificant that the stones were enough. He did not have to use his staff. Elisha regarded his staff as powerful enough to deliver a child from death in Gehazi’s hand (II Kings 4:29). Where God delivers, the power of the enemy is broken, symbolized repeatedly by the enemy's broken staff (Jeremiah 48:17, II Kings 18:21, Ezekiel 29:6, Isaiah 14:5). The "staff or rod of God" is pictured throughout scripture as the power and authority of God to judge and discipline the nations (Job 9:32, 21:9, Lamentations 3:1, Micah 6:9). Jesus, before his crucifixion was given a staff, symbolizing his power and authority. Then Pilate’s soldiers took it from him and beat him with it, symbolizing that his staff was powerless (Matthew 27:29). But then they gave Jesus the big stick. He carried it as he walked and they hung him on it in that horrid place called “The Skull.” That cross became a wooden staff in his hand and Jesus' cross was the staff of God to destroy the works of the evil one. "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Colossians 2:15). I wonder sometimes about the North American church and its apparent powerlessness in confronting the spirits of the age in our culture, its powerlessness in standing its ground against the world that shapes so many of our values, the flesh that repeatedly discredits our leaders and the devil who freely romps through the fields devouring the weak and injured. I wonder if we are just treating prayer like a walking stick, just a common insignificant stick to help us hobble through the journey of life. Jesus told us to ask whatever in his name and it would be done for us. And then after his resurrection, he reminded his disciples that all authority and power is his. “Go therefore into the world...” In Acts 4 it is clear that the disciples got the point. Following their arrest and trial in front of the priests and the captain of the temple who threatened them and then gave the command to Peter and John “not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus,” they were released and they went back to the Christian community to pray. They prayed “Sovereign Lord.” How anemic our translation is. The Greek for Sovereign Lord is the Greek word despotaes. Now we get our English word Despot from that word - a despot is a ruler with absolute power to use that power in any way that he should choose, like a tyrant who can wield power even oppressively if he wishes. When they used the title “Sovereign Lord” or “Dear Despot,” they used it in that very sense of a Despot. Right after using that title they quote the first verses of Psalm 2, (clearly they had the entire psalm in mind.)
“ ‘Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One"
Psalm 2 goes on to say
"The One enthroned in heaven
laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. 5 Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, 6 “I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.” You will rule them with an iron scepter ; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.” Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him." “Dear Despot”... They threw the stick down... The Place was shaken and the were empowered to speak the word of God boldly. Its time to change our perception of prayer from something common to something extraordinary, from a simple walking stick to help us hobble through the slippery declines of life to the world changing, culture changing, life changing powerful tool in our hands to use in the service of the kingdom of God. May we, like Moses, be surprised, even terrified at times, by the power of prayer in Jesus name, the God given staff in our hands! Paul prays in Ephesians 1 18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20 which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. *These first two paragraphs based on an Internet article by Derek Prince on intercession entitled "Proclaim! Thank! Praise!" available in the Newsletter archives of (NIV) Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright (C) 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. FROM: |
population. ... Subj: Re: Revelation 11 and 84. ... htm. ... Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the ... - Similar to ANOTHER ANTI-CHRIST? - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Moon, 84, the benefactor of conservative foundations like the American Family .... people have a special relationship to God through the revelation at Sinai and ... - Similar to THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE
Apr 11, 2004 ... It is also 2,520 days (84 x 30), which is twice the number of days given in Revelation 11:3 and 12:14. 42 months is given in Revelation 11:2.
Dec 4, 2011 ... keep in mind the revelation verse about "do not harm oil and wine: NOTE: I did a ..... The rig will have the capacity to accommodate 84 people. - Similar to John Lear - UFOs and Aliens - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Startling Revelations Concerning the Subject of Aerial Phenomena and UFOs ..... 84. (emphasis added). One has to wonder if some of Goldsteins admirers were ...
Sep 27, 2004 ... Its revelation lasted 20 years and, of course, Muhammad wrote it down in its chronological order. He left the proper .... 18 Diff=1 84 19 Diff=2 82
"Revelation" means an uncovering of that which has previously been hidden. The change ...... The 12 sections of 7 notes each makes 84 total. (3 1/2 hours?) ... - Similar to New Bible Codes Discovered - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
In Revelation 7:4, the magical number of 144,000 is promised to be composed of "all the tribes of the children of Israel." These 144,000 people are the chosen ... - Similar to Concentration Camp Locations - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oakdale - Rex 84 camp capable of holding at least 20,000 people. ...... used in " Waco: A New Revelation" (A visitor to this site states: //// I drove around the base ... - Similar to THE RED HEIFER - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Feb 14, 2004 ... This, of course, refers to the verses of Revelation 11. If the Twin Towers ...... In chapter 84, section 17, he tells his son Methushela of a dream. - Similar to 11:11 COINCIDENCES - DREAMS - EXPERIENCES
Subj: Re: Revelation 11 and 84. Interesting stuff about 84. The 11:11 thing reminded me of something odd that happened a couple days ago. >> (snip).
This series of articles tells the story of a very unusual revelation of sorts. .... 23 is part of the universal "84" connected numbers that relate to the time cycle. - Similar to Dream and Nostradamus Connections To The Anomalous Object
It is also related to the Four Livings Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation, also called the Merkabah. Dr. Hurtack also wrote .... Century II-84. Between Campania ...
This is "The Woman With Child," in Revelation 12, I think. In "Isis Unveiled," vol. .... I then knew that he had 84 things to show me. *****************. 9-19-97 ...
REVELATION - THE EIGHTH GATE AND THE BOWLS OF PLAGUE - 3 - 8 .... They are all linked to the number 84, which itself is symbolically important.
Jul 20, 2013 ... You will see how perfectly this 164 fits in God's revelation to us through numbers. You know ..... 78 + 6 times that I tried = 84 + 4th kingdom = 88.
The "11:11" coincidence mentioned in the article led eventually to Revelation ..... all three time periods having a common denominator in 84 are far too great to ... - Similar to Bombing of the World Trade Center 9-11-2001 - Number Symbolism
Sep 11, 2001 ... We are living in the time of the Book of Revelation - Rev. ..... with only 45 people aboard out of a possible 289 had 84% of its capacity unused. - Similar to THE SUN - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
... its journey around our sun. ... It is so far from the Sun that its orbital period is about 84 years. ..... The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Manifest Revelation - Similar to The Yatesbury Field Spiral Crop - Dreams of the Great Earth ...
Jun 6, 2007 ... When I originally read the verses of Revelation 11, I had just read the ... to other Biblical time cycle numbers through the common number 84, ... - Similar to DREAMS OF LIONS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
It relates to the kings of the earth who fornicate with the harlot in Revelation 17. ...... You know where we live," and at that point I knew our address was on 84th ... - Similar to the code of carl munck, and ancient gematrian numbers - part one
Several Biblical references are also tied to it; Luke 8:15, Revelation 2:17, etc. ... Biblical references include Luke 14:26, Revelation 3:12, 12:11 and 19:9. - Similar to THE ABORTED BABIES - BAD NEWS AND A DREAM
Jun 6, 2008 ... It is also 2,520 days (84 x 30), which is twice the number of days given in Revelation 11:3 and 12:14. 42 months is given in Revelation 11:2. - Similar to FUTURE PLANETARY ALIGNMENT
Read Revelation 87 and 168-9 and believe. The Earth.....Planet ..... Uranus has an 84-year orbital period, transiting through one sign in 7 years. What does this ... - Similar to THE RAINBOW OF CREATION - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Dec 27, 1999 ... There are 84 cassette tapes, mostly 60-minute tapes, with a few ... The harlot of Revelation 17 and the related "ten horns," represent the same ...
Jun 19, 2013... which corresponds to the Woman With Child in Revelation 12. ...... [84] On September 24, 2012, a team of five astronomers working with the ...
Mothman 13 15 20 8 13 1 14 = 84 168 + 84 = 252. The dark ... Examples are the 42 months of Revelation 11:2 (42 x 30 = 1260) and the 1260 days of Revelation ... - Similar to THE RIGHT HAND OF APOLLO - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Apr 4, 2009 ... This woman of Revelation 12:1 is completely identified with the sun, moon, ... 21: 23 Ps 84:11 Isa 60:19,20 61:10 Mal 4:2 Ro 3:22 13:14 Ga 3:27.
Sep 6, 2011 ... I met Daniel at a school on 84th St. (The State Fair is also on 84th St. in ..... In Revelation 14:1, the 144,000 have their "Father's name written on ... - Similar to 2010 Crop Circle Formations - Part One
Jul 4, 2010 ... In the last chapter of the Bible, Revelation 22, the New Jerusalem has ...... The number 21 and multiples (42, 84) have been a feature of quite a ...
Revelation 11:11 ... in the crop circle journal also mentioned the ...
Oct 11, 2012 ... Revelation and transformation do belong to the same House: Scorpio. ..... 3.0, 84km NNE of Luquillo, Puerto Rico, 2012-11-18 01:14:47 ... - Similar to DREAMS AND VISIONS OF TEETH
Q. Is this dragon the same as referred to in the Book of Revelation - Chapter 12? ..... You know where we live," and at that point I knew our address was on 84th ... - Similar to THE SACRED BIRDS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Sep 11, 2003 ... 84 cm). In Europe the turtledove, rock pigeon or dove, stock dove, and ..... which was the religion immediately antedating the Jewish revelation, ... - Similar to The Gospel of Thomas - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
84. Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came .... Revelation - The New King James - Index by verses
May 27, 2012 ... Again, in Revelation 14:1ff, John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion. With him ... The 144,000 in Revelation 7 .... 144^5 = 27^5 + 84^5 + 110^5 + ...
May 27, 2012... and spent very little time on "spiritual revelations" he had received from ...... earthly life any more than sea creatures resemble land animals. - Similar to IMPRISONED - THE FIVE LAWS OF FREEDOM
Jul 10, 2001 ... THE REVELATION OF ST. ... So, 84 really stands for the perfect consummation of God's salvation plan for all those whom God has chosen to ... - Similar to DEE'S VISION OF SPIRITUAL LAW AND MORAL ORDER
Aug 8, 1999 ... It is the revelation of God as He is and the depths of God that bring a ..... 84. The Law of Mantras. Each mantra is a linkage to a certain aspect of ... - Similar to DREAMS ABOUT THE TRIPLE MALE TRINITY
Feb 24, 2001 ... My guess is that the harlot of Revelation 17 is much like Kali. ...... and at that point I knew our address was on 84th St. (I never lived on 84th St.).