Edgar Cayce on Egypt 10,500 BC
"Egypt of Ra Ta ~ 10,500 BC"
(Please bear in mind that "Ra Ta" was a previous incarnation
of Edgar Cayce.)
- records that are apparent in the inner
- (Ra Ta) was the son of a daughter of
Zu - that was not begotten of man.
- (Man) had come into being through that
crystallization of thought that had been given by those Sons of
the Most High.
- (Self) or of there being those
divisions in the body that were represented by those
divisions of the intermission, or the body of intermission
of an entity, from an experience to an experience.
- (Ra Ta - 10,500 BC) This being at
that period - of the change of the race to become - and is
now - the white.
- Hence the opening by Araaraart of
mines in Ophir, in what was later known as Kadesh, or in the
land now called Persia.
- Also in the land now known as
Abyssinia, and those portions yet undiscovered or used in
the upper lands of the river Nile.
- Pearls from Madagascar
- (Stones mined: onyx, beryl,
sardis, diamond, amethyst, and opal.)
- Gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc,
copper, and tin were mined in quantity in northern Egypt -
Also in the valleys of the upper Nile.
- (Ra Ta gathered certain followers
because of a psychic directive.)
- (Temples helped with division)
- (Altars - not for sacrifice) upon
which individuals put their faults and blotted them out with
the fires of those forces that were set in motion by Ra Ta.
- After they decided their tasks, Ra Ta would bless them
with ability.
- (Other great nations of that age:
Sicily, Norway, Peru, and the American high civilization.)
- (The Temples of Beauty and
Sacrifice) that glorified the activities of individuals,
groups or masses, who had cleansed themselves for service.
- (Rebels brewed drinks) that set
the mind, set the whole fires of physical body against that
as had been cleansed by the fires.
- (All births were in a hall, and
each conception took place in a certain chamber.)
- (Temple treatments) They gradually
lost, then, many feathers from their legs.
- (Our body form) the divine
inheritance, as was brought about by this poor ill -
forgotten Ra Ta in this experience.
- Animal desires were sacrificed -
All for a closer walk with Thee.
- (Ra Ta's companion Isis, may have
been his daughter)
- Thoughts of the unconscious "had
not clarified or crystallized". (See Secret of the Golden
- Ideal of peace
- (Groups of stars) and the various
influences that are held in place, or that hold in place
those about this particular solar system.
- Hence in the Nubian land there
were first begun the reckoning of those periods when the Sun
has its influence upon human life, and let's remember that
it is in this period when the present race has been called
into being - by the forces as set upon all - in their
various phases and effects.
- or of the combining of elements in
the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom, in
various periods. (Moon phases and seasons)
- that pertain to those lusts of the
body, which had brought about or produced that which
separated that which would build from themselves.
- (Ra Ta's intense seeking
prematurely aged him.)
- Then did this priest of himself,
and of the Creative Forces, edict that those who were in
close association with this entity - that had meant an
extenuation or savior of a peoples, into a regeneration of
same - would have marks set in their bodies that would
remain throughout their appearance in the earth's plane,
that they might be known to one another, would they seek to
know the closer relation- ships of the self to the Creative
Forces and the source - physical - of their activity with
that source.
- To some in the eye, to some in the
body, to some the marks upon the body, in those ways and
manners that may only be known to those that are in that
physical and spiritual attunement with the entity as they
pass through the material or earth's sphere together.
- Ra Ta, who now was known as Ra;
for with the entering in of Hermes with Ra - who came as one
of the peoples from the mount to which these peoples had
been banished.
- (Ra Ta had his offices) in the
place around Luz.
- (Our female half) that to which
its (the man's) ideals are to be given to the active forces
in the material activities.
- endowing of this body Iso, or
Isis, to the position of the first goddess that was so
- gained access through that of Isis
to the Throne
- (Orientation of Great Pyramid) as
related to the position of the various stars, that acted in
the place about which this particular solar system circles
in its activity, going towards what?
- (Cayce says not Polaris here, but
Libra? Lyra?)
- (There have been 3,000 pharaohs.)
- (Animals howl on moon phases, and
also on the change of seasons.)
- (Their linen of quality was of
cottons, hemp, and papyrus flowers and lotus flowers.)
- (Temple Beautiful) was to act as
an interpreter for that which had been, that which is, and
that which is to be, in the material plane.
- Ra, ascended into the mount and
was borne away
- (Isis or Iso or 288) (Isris is
- (Iso offered a channel) in being
an entity and an ideal in the manifested material form.
- Make the mental and spiritual One!
- (Ra Ta's son married his half
- (In Egypt are plastic forms of
Isis of 10,996 BC.)
- the house of the Sun, or in the
Sun Temple
- (The king) Listened, however, to
the Councilor who sought this banishment.
- (Monuments to Ra are under the
sand, and under the sea.)
- (After Ra Ta, Egypt was unchanged
until the invaders from the eastern hills came in.)
- (Another interesting word
- and the forces of the force, as
given, propelling in water.
- the beginning of the sacred fires
- animal skin bayous, or balloons
- the rule of the development along
geometrical lines (Mind forces)
- (Hept-Supht - 378 - the Atlantean
builder, and keeper of records.)
- the patriarchs of old; of Alta, of
- (Egypt) this land of the Semitic
- (Openers of the Records) One of
the two. Two, with a guide. Hept-Supht, El-Ka, and Atlan.
These will appear.
- (Before the red Atlanteans came
the native Egyptians were of the yellow race.)
- For only good, or purposefulness,
lives on.
- that all must be consistent with
that which they preach
- from having mentally experienced a
condition - (a soul was given a "faculty" or "power".)
- (The ancient Egyptians used
- (They used static electricity)
These were turned to minerals - the fusion of copper and
brass with the alloy that comes from gold impregnated with
- (The electrical knife gave
bloodless surgery.)
- To know good and not to do it is
- activity of dedicating body, mind,
soul, and purpose to an ideal
- giving way to appetites that would
deaden purposes and ideals
- (Irrefutable Laws) There cannot be
a congeniality where the ideal and purpose of sex-life is
not of one and the same purpose. There Cannot be a congenial
home builded where the desires of the spiritual are not at
least in unison in the worship of the same Spiritual ideal.
- a mark, either in body as
expressed physically or in the name - All of these are the
modern names, you see.
- (All of Arabia came to Egypt.)
- the Temple Beautiful that made for
the setting in order in the plaques (symbols?) that as would
demonstrate or illustrate to the entity or individual that
necessary for the purifying or keeping before them.
- (Exiles returned in) chariots
driven by the gases.
- (Between the Sphinx and the Great
Pyramid was a holy city.)
For the entity's tomb then was a
part of the Hall of Records, which has not yet been
uncovered. It lies between - or along that entrance from the
Sphinx to the temple - or the pyramid; in a pyramid, of
course, of its own.
(2329-3) Female 42 5/1/1941 For,
remember there are thirty-two of these plates!
38. (Q) Is it indicated as to when, approximately, these
tablets may be discovered, or uncovered?
(A) By fifty-eight ('58). these may be obtained MENTALLY
- A wise contemporary of Ra Ta, was
Saneid of India.
- one seeking turning their face,
their hearts, their affections - or preferring Him rather
than the pleasures of the flesh for a season.
- (The Great Pyramid is the Hall of
Initiation of the White Brotherhood.)
- (Great Pyramid) the rock on which
John viewed the New Jerusalem. - (We entered, in time, the
King's Chamber between 1938 and 1958, as regards religious
history as represented in the pyramid.)
- (Ra Ta) passed through those of
the hell in the misinterpretation of same.
- (Cayce implies the 5th Root Race
has not begun?)
- (Sun) for the use of its rays were
used for supplying from the elements that which is required
in the present to be grown through a season; or the
abilities to use both those of introgression and
retrogression. (Most are retrograded?)
- (Various sphinxes) various
developments of that which becomes man - as in the present.
(Lion -Bull- Horse - and Birds)
- City of Said and On and Og
- (Men "with portions of trees,
- the Priest had also regenerated
self, as to turn back time - as it were - in his own body.
- Self-indulgence, and jealousy "sap
the spiritual purpose". - Do not regret
- (Ra Ta was not the Christ.)
- but as free men, - sought that
knowledge in self, by its experience of unfoldment and the
aiding in the forming of plans, as they unfolded. A very
complex and at times a very competitive form of activity in
the present.
- that force an opportunity to open
thine heart
- All knowledge, then, now, or in
the future, is latent within self - would man but begin to
- thine own angel of thy self, what
thou hast been, stands ever as the evidence of thy
consciousness, thy awareness, thy presence in the throne of
the Father.
- By attuning, turning thy thought,
thy purpose, thy desire to be at an at-onement with Him.
- By the manner in which I, myself,
treat my fellow man day by day.
- music for those as they swayed in
body-movement - as in the chants that aided in the
individual raising the thoughts in the praise of that power
which impelled through thinking (as would be termed today),
or the attuning of the spiritual selves to the attunement of
the universal forces.
- (Ra Ta like Cayce had an unwed
- (The attunement incantation,
again, "ieoueio umh".)
- through associations of eating -
give to a soul the harmonies necessary for the better
attunement and unfoldment of the sources of force or power
from within.
- These as they make for the raising
of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it arises
along that which is set within the inner man as that Cord of
Life that once severed may separate balance of body, mind
and soul.
- the morning stars in their circuit
about the earth may sing with the glorious coming of the
light into the experience of man to raise same to his
at-one-ness and his attunement with those beauties of the
coming of the sons of men into the earth.
- the intoning in of self within;
that there might come, as it were, the sound as of many
- these find their attunement in
each chord as it rings one with another and all the music
that may be heard from every sound that follows in
eeiu-u-u-ummmm in its forms, through that attunement along
the pineal to the source of light within the self to make
for the emotions of glorifying alone.
- which feeding upon itself, as
flesh upon flesh, bringeth corruption in the very souls of
- (These creatures have their "old
features burned-off": the ox, roe, goat, and the hog.)
- the viola tuned to the vibrations
of the fires of nature
- Music as of the spheres brought
that purifying through attuning the vibrations with the
destructive forces as manifested themselves in nature.
- Then does it awake, as has been
given, that in nature, that in the natural tendencies that
will bring for thine own experience that which brings
healing in thine body, that brings to thine mind the
awakening and to thy soul peace!
- (The rising of the mountains in
the south of Egypt caused the Nile to change direction from
west to north.)
- Man gained by working for "common
- the understanding within the
spiritual-mindedness of the entity for cleansing - or
preparation of self.
- get rather the vision of its own
abilities in the earth.
- those truths which made for the
physical awakening
- (Could it be that the Temple
Beautiful and the Temple of Sacrifice were located near the
pyramids for a source of sacred fire.)
- that as written over the door of
the Temple Beautiful: "Parcoi So Suno Cum". Lord, Lead Thou
The Way. I commit my Body, my mind, To be one with Thee.
- (At the Altar cleansed of symbols)
that were emblematical of the source of the stumbling block.
- (Temple Beautiful) was in the form
of the pyramid, within which was the globe. Teaching "the
symbolic understanding."
- For these, to be sure, were all
symbolized - the faults, the virtues of man, in all his
seven stages of development.
- that ye sing - Ar-r-r-Ou-u-Urr;
which makes for the losing of even the association of the
body with that save the vibrations of which the body was
then composed; yea now is hardened.
- which made for the vibrating of
same with light, that becomes color, that becomes tone.
- Seek then in tone - all of you:
Ar-r-r-r-r-Ar. The guru says Har-rrrr-aum - how color
- the giving by the Prophetess of
the Seal of Life.
- being in the world yet not of the
- in purifying of the body, in
washing in blood, in water, that ye may be purified before
thyself first and then before others.
- The anointing with the incense,
making for the raising of that ye know as thine senses or
perception or consciousness of the activities to all the
faults, by comparison. (Among others)
- those tempted from within and
those tempted from without
- (The Temple Beautiful was
preserved under) the Seven Seals of the Law.
- Though others make slight of thy
manner of speech, of thy body, of thy walks, of thy ways,
hold fast to Him; grudging no one.
- those cleansings of the feet
- (They studied the Seven Symbols.)
- (Seals) the effects from the
planetary sojourn
- (Withstand temptation to approach
- Symbols of the seven stages of
man's development: world as the beetle - birth as the
cockerl - mind as the serpent - wisdom as the hawk - The
varied activities in the cross, the crown, the gate, the
door, the way.
- in all of those urges as arise
through emotion, through mind
- We must arise to our Destiny.
- Dance to become more erect!
- the destruction of Lemuria,
Atlantis, and in later periods - the flood.
- (It is hard) to conceive of the
activities that exist only three miles above the earth.
- realms of Relativity of Force,
Relativity of Attraction in the Universe.
- (The slaves of the Atlanteans, the
"things" were "merely automatons".)
- (Today we have more interference
from) carnal forces as manifested in material associations.
- Purification - which took some six
and a half years, as time would be measured in the present.
- (Symbols of the psyche) dependent,
to be sure, upon how much of the will is exercised in
regards to same, - toward activities for greater expansions.
- the idea, or ideal, of seeking
- the "sacrificing self" was
misinterpreted later as human sacrifice, instead of ego.
- (For group power) be one in
purpose, in desire
- (After purification, anoint with
- Then as in the fires of nature, or
in the blood of the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the
-254-109 The movement was NOT an
Egyptian one, though ADOPTED by those in another period - or
an earlier period - and made a part of the whole movement.
2462-2 57. (Q) Are there urges for
music and art?
(A) Just as indicated in the
building of the pyramids, the house of records as well as
the chamber in which the records are built in stone, - these
were put together by song. This the entity learned, - as he
did the chants upon the river.
470-22 [470], in those activities
where there was the transmuting of the bodily energies
through electrical forces.
(A) Closely associated in those
periods when the entity, Ajax, came into the Egyptian land.
Those activities made for closer associations, for then Ajax
- or [487] - and the entity now called [470] made the
application or use of the abilities in engineering, and the
building of machines for the application of these to the
bodies of individuals - where there were appurtenances to be
left off, where there was blood to be changed, or where the
vibratory forces were to be set so as to remove those
influences of possessions; and where there were those
activities in which with the combination of sodas the bodily
forces were enabled to reproduce in a manner as cross to
that to which it had been set in its natural forces.

Sahara 10,500,000 BC ~ Men With Tails!
(There are medical
instruments to be found at Memphis.)
- A "City of Gold"
- Ovid said, "The
fiery aether, which has no weight, formed the vault of heaven,
flashing upwards to take its place in the highest sphere. Air,
next to it in lightness.
- man was becoming
trapped by his physical lusts
294-148 Ra Ta, a
young prophet or seer of the Kingdom of Araarat - then a part of
what is now known as Arabia and later, after the deluge, became
known as Mt. Ararat.
- Ralij, in
rebellion, had a palace in the City of the Ibex in southern
- (Ra Ta had an
illegitimate child by Isris named Iso)
- He needed to be
secluded from corrupting forces in order to cultivate an
atmosphere of attunement with the Creative Forces.
- (Ra Ta's
residence and Nubia's major temple were on a mountain.)
- It took the
regeneration of the physical body of Ra Ta to dispel any fear
about the strength of the priest.
- Travel to and
from Egypt was by balloons
- Two monuments
were constructed to commemorate such accomplishments: the Great
Pyramid and the Sphinx.
- Written records,
placards and drawings, tombs and the arts of the day were
preserved in underground chambers at Giza
- Right paw of the
Sphinx is the entrance.
- Divine influence
was made emblematically manifest in the Great Pyramid, not as a
tomb but as a house of those dedicated to special service.
- Ra Ta, now
referred to as Ra
- Base of Sphinx
facing Giza
- Great Pyramid -
center of Earth
- City just beyond
Great Pyramid
- Egypt - center of
radial activity in Earth
- Ajax-ol aided in
preparing Great Pyramid - he placed colors that represented
various periods.
- figured out the
geometrical position of same in relation to those buildings as
were put up of that connecting the Sphinx. And the data
concerning same may be found in the vaults in the base of the
- "being rebuilt"
on the Plains of Gizeh
- The Sphinx stands
"above where the Temple of Isis had stood during the deluge,
occurring some centuries before.
- Jesus' initiation
in Great Pyramid
- The base of the
Sphinx was laid out in channels, and in the corner facing the
Gizeh may be found the wording of how this was founded.
- the pyramid of
understanding, or Gizeh - and only to the king's chamber was the
pathway built.
- (Arat of
- When the lines
about the Earth are considered from the mathematical precisions,
it will found that the center is nigh unto where the Great
Pyramid - is still located. Then, there were the mathematical,
the astrological and the numerological indications
- (Pyra - mid,
seems to mean fire in the middle.)
- Ra Ta, who now
was known as Ra; for with the entering in of Hermes with Ra -
who came as one of the peoples from the mount to which these
peoples had been banished. (Nubia)
- Egypt "the center
of the universal activities of nature, as well as the spiritual
- Until the changes
were to come again in the Earth's position that would make for,
as it had in this inundation that brought about Ra Ta's coming
in the experience from the gods in the Caspian and the Caucasian
Mountains, that had brought this change in the peoples.
- (It was the combined efforts of Ra, Hermes,
and Isis that built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Cayce gave
100 years as the time needed to do this work.)
- worked out by Ra Ta in the mount as related to
the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about
which this particular solar system circles in its activity,
going towards what?
- That same name as to which the priest was
banished - the constellation of Libra, or to Libya were these
people sent.
- (The priest Ra Ta) he must enter again at that
period, or in 1998 - as a liberator.
- in the name Hept - supht (or "He who keeps
- (Sacred symbols: the ibex, scarab, ox, eagle,
and the Sun.)
- Sealed with a sheet of metal.
- Gizeh - the place for the initiates and their
gaining by personal application and by the journey or journeys
through the various activities - as in the ceremonial actions of
those that became initiates, it became very fitting (to those as
in Ra, and those of Ra Ta Ra) that there should be the crowning
or placing of this symbol of the record, and of the initiates
place of activity, by one who represented both the old and the
new; on representing then the Sons of Law in Atlantis, Lemuria,
Oz and Og.
- The ceremony was long; the clanging of the
apex by the gavel that was used in the sounding of the placing.
- (Positioning the encased novice for maximum
- (Church steeples and bells from the pyramid?)
- the sounding as of ringing in the New Year,
the sounding as of the coming of the Bridegroom (Spring)
- The old record in Gizeh is from that as
recorded from the journey to Pyrenees; and to 1998 from the
death of the Son of Man.
- activities of the entity who sealed with the
seal of the Alta and Atlanteans
- (Apex of Pyramid) to be sounded when all the
initiates were gathered about the altar
- (Keep in lines) the initiates in the order
according to their adherance to the Law of One.
- then offered there incense
- and to be opened only when there was the
returning of those into materiality
- (The tribulations of the last days begun in
1958, and end in 1998.)
- records and the buildings that were put in
their respective actions or places of activity at this time.
- (The King's Chamber is on the 50th course)
- The Record Temple of Atlantis will rise with
the change.
- the regeneration of the body came to him
through the casting aside - of years to toil
- rising in the latter portion of the sojourn to
those conditions wherein it was given charge of the activities
in the Temples of Sacrifice, or the Temples of Initiation.
- (Say affirmation - be constructive to aid
- The "places of change" were recorded in the
Great Pyramid.
- so in this manner were the first laws as
relating to the indwelling of the Higher Forces given to man.
With the absence of the communications as is given, this was
written on tables of stone and slate, with the characters of
same. In the first of the pyramids built in the Valley of the
Shadow, there still may be found unto this day portions of data
as was preserved with the ruler, who afterward was worshiped as
the representative of God made manifest in earth. These will be
found in the northwest corner or chamber of this mound.
- (Cayce again tells of an Atlantean city "just
beyond the Great Pyramid".)
- The unifying of the teachings of many lands
was brought together in Egypt.
- for that was the center from which there was
to be the radial activity of influence in the earth
- Baptism - "not standing in it and being poured
or sprinkled either".
- (Initiates must pass the test of the passage
record in the Great Pyramid.)
- The records are in the Temple, or pyramids of
records of the entity. (Self)
- (Ra Ta) in order for the regeneration of the
peoples or the new race - they dug up old records for the
- These colors, that presented or represented
the various periods, as well as the interpretations of On, Ra Ta
and Hermes.
- (Pyramids) these were put together by song -
as he did the chants upon the river.
- (Great Pyramid) or the way in which those who
were edified were to receive their benediction, not only from
the priests of the period but from the powers on high - through
the manners
- (10500 BC) there was first that attempt to
restore and add to that which had been begun on what is called
the Sphinx, and the treasure or storehouse facing same, between
this and the Nile.
- (There is the Hall of White Brotherhood at the
Great Pyramid.)
- All changes that came in the religious thought
in the world are shown there.
- (Great Pyramid) signified by both the layer
and the color in what direction the turn is made - the meaning
to be interpreted by those that have come and do come as the
teachers of the various periods, in the experience of this
present position of the activity of the spheres, of the Earth.
- In this same pyramid did the Great Initiate,
the Master, take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with
- As is shown in that portion when there is the
turning back from the raising up of Xerxes as the deliverer from
an unknown tongue or land, and again is there seen that this
occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period - 1998.
- (Great Pyramid) the period of the present is
represented by the low passage or depression showing a downward
tendency, as indicated by the variations in the character of
- the present as the Cruciatarian Age, or that
in which preparations are being made for the beginning of a new
sub-race or a change, which - as indicated from the astronomical
or numerical conditions.
- At the correct time accurate imaginary lines
can be drawn from the opening of the Great Pyramid to the second
star in the Great Dipper, called Polaris or the North Star. This
indicates it is the system toward which the soul takes its
flight after having completed - our system.
- (In October 1932 was) the first variation in
the position of the polar star
- The dipper is gradually changing (and
predicting our changes.)
- (There is a current influx of souls from) La,
Ur or Da civilizations
- (Great Pyramid) Only those who have been
called may truly understand. (In October?)
- Who, having his whole measure full, would
desire more, does so to his own undoing.
- Isis, the queen, or the daughter of Ra
- (Armageddon) It will be as a thousand years,
with the fighting in the air, and as has been - between those
returning to and those leaving the earth.
- Cayce said in `58 we would discover how to
float stones in the air.
- (The Sahara had) a city that was builded in
the edge of the land, a city of those that worshipped the Sun.
Most of the people had tails then. - crustations
- (Right paw of Sphinx) This may not be entered
without an understanding, for those that were left as guards may
not be passed until after a period of their regeneration in the
Mount, or the fifth root-race begins.
- (After his Jerusalem visit, Christ went to
India, then Persia, and then Egypt.)
- (From the age of 13 to 16 Christ studied in
India under Kshjiar, then in Persia under Junner, then in Egypt
he studied under Zar.)
- Pzzaro used gases, liquid air to move stones.
- (Ra Ta) And those that use the universal
forces in fitting the stones - and was with what today be called
the air fleet.
- (Atlantis) because of the desires for
activities in which the baser metals, the baser activities might
be turned into use for pleasures of the sons of Belial.
- Iltar and ten others left Atlantis for the
- The first temples that were erected by Iltar -
were destroyed at the period of change.
- That now being found, and a portion already
discovered that has laid in waste for many centuries, was then a
combination of those peoples from Mu, Oz and Atlantis.
- Mu in the southern portions of that now called
California and Mexico and southern New Mexico.
- The stones that are circular, that were of the
magnetized influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to
those peoples as they gathered in their service, are of the
earliest Atlantean activities in religious service.
- the rise of initiates from the sources of
light, that came from the stones upon which the angels of light
during the periods gave their expression to the peoples.
- (The Lost Tribes influenced Mexico City.)
- Iltar and his people's descendents were the
Mound Builders.
- (Pyramids) Those of the first civilization
have been discovered, and have not all been opened; but their
associations, their connections, are being replaced - or
attempting to be rebuilt.
- Many of the second and third civilizations may
never be discovered, for these would destroy the present
civilization in Mexico to uncover same!
- Commanding the elements
- (Records will be found by) those that are
initiates in the knowledge of the One God.
- The temple by Iltar will then rise
- The Atlantean records should be opened by
former Atlanteans.
- The Records are One.
- (Sphinx) Mystery of the Ages - Sentinal or
- Sphinx represents Asriario; (a counselor)
findings in base of left forearm
- Atlantean records between Sphinx and Pyramid
of Records
- Ar - Kar in tomb facing Sphinx
- Storehouse and records facing Sphinx. It
"leads" to Records.
- The entity also gave the geometrical forces to
the people.
- Araaraart, being then the second of the
northern kings (Starting his reign at age 16, he reigned for 98
- Much of the architectural forces were set in
- This in position lies, as the sun rises from
the waters, the line of the shadow (or light) falls between the
paws of the Sphinx. Between, then, the Sphinx and the river.
- Many are the temples builded later in the
plains that are yet to be uncovered, near the Sphinx, as seen at
present, which represents a portion of contemporary forces and
contemporaries during the period, see?
- (Sphinx) represents this councilor (Asriario)
to the kings - giving strength, to the kings before and the
kings since. (Accurate face)
- forearm, or leg - in the base of foundation -
not in the underground channel (as was opened by the ruler many
years, centuries, later), but in the real base, or that as would
be termed in the present parlence as the cornerstone.
- Then in the present there is still seen that
many take council from these forces as set in motion - for, with
this arising again of the powers as may be set, and as are set,
through the efforts, in entity will bring much - the
representative of the entity
- the entity is in this experience under the
symbol and the sign of both the Sphinx and the Pyramid, when
there is to be given a new awakening in many portions of the
- (Soldiers loyal to the banished Priest Ra Ta
(Cayce) were) raised to a place of exaltation.
- Being, then, close in person to the priest
- Buried in that Mount - faces the Sphinx
- Records also "in the Aryan or Yucatan land" -
where the Temple there is overshadowing same
- Egypt - upon tablets - Records Temple: lies
between - or along that entrance from the Sphinx to the Temple
- Tablets. For, remember there are thirty two of
these plates!
- (These records may be discovered any time
after 1958.)
- You will find the records by that channel as
indicated, as these may be obtained Mentally. wait until the
full time
- these records were made from the angle of
World movements
- necessary to purify self to find records.
- El-Dhli, keeper of Truths in treasure house
- Apt-at-el prepared linens
- Aris-Hobeth and her 32 tablets of records -
entity could read these mentally
- "Harps" and "Menus" preserved there also
- begins then the reign in `98
- (Finder of Records) One of the two. Two, with
a guide. Hept-supht, El ka, and Atlen. These will occur appear.
- (Sacred instruments: the lyre, harp, flute,
and viola.)
- 996-12 large cylindrical glass (as would by
termed today), cut with facets in such a manner that the
capstone on top of same made for the centralizing of the power
or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and
the capstone itself.
- (Yucatan Records) where these stones (that
they know so little about) are now - during the last few months
- being uncovered - When there has come those individuals who
will purify themselves in the manner necessary for the gaining.
- In `38 it should come about, should the entity
- or others may, be raised.
- the records informs that we're partially of
the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and part in
the newer form of the Atlanteans. (Hieratic)
- found altar stones (round) in `33 (oracles)
- As was set in those records of the Law of One
in Atlantis, that there would come three that would make of the
perfect way of life.
- a balance in their spiritual, their mental,
their material experiences or existences, so may they become
those channels.
- Cone pyramid of King Arart, first Pharaoh of
- (Initiation: a seven day ritual - song and
dance - they clang the capstone on the last service.)
- peoples that had followed the priest back from
the Nubian or Abyssinian
- the entity's own private seal bearing those of
the dove - or that one of peace - with the horns of the ram.
- The High Priest (Ra Ta or Ra) who gave the
elements of the religious force.
- the hope that lies within the human breast
- (Araart was the first king, Araaraart was the
second king, and Araart's grandson Azorut was also Pharaoh)
- (Araaraart) One of good stature - for we find
this entity of the larger peoples as came in from the North.
- As one of Pharaohs of which there were more
than three thousand.
- Lost as attempting to administer the medicinal
forces and learning as was gained in this Islo, or school - for
the entity attempted to apply that in the material sense that
were of the night side of life, or to apply the forces of the
night side to the spiritual needs.
- (Made of precious stones and symbols) being in
the form of the beetle - (Scarab)
- that first concept of the square, the compass,
and its meaning to those peoples as a mode of leaving for those
that would study same, history in its making. (Pa Rizla)
- Ehel's medical compounds in undiscovered
pyramid will be found useful today.
- (A great library at Memphis was destroyed.)
- (Medical secrets are gained by) those who bled
peoples to count their blood clots.
- In pre- Ra Ta period; Oual set up first
pyramids. - Pre- Ra Ta pyramids in hill country near head of
- Pyramids - a sign of past, present, and
- (Astrological writings) in tombs near Memphis
- (Ruler of 10.5 million years ago) in upper
Nile near present Valley of Tombs
- Pre - Ra Ta pyramid in Valley of Shadow;
portions of stone tablets preserved with ruler in northwest
corner. 10,500,000 years ago!
- obelisks yet to be uncovered in the small or
first pyramids of beryl (cone?) closer to head of Nile, and also
closer to quarry.
- (Pyramid a sign) spiritual comprehension of
material associations in spirit, would interrupt that which had
been, that which is, and that which was to be.
- there are interpretations that become a matter
of the consciousness of the individual so making same.
- that period when much change was coming to the
peoples through the study of the mysteries of the ages past.
- (Astrology - many copies at Memphis)
- (Ra Ta changed the names of the faithful.)
- (The civilized world of 10,500 BC consisted of
Tibet, Egypt, Sahara, Mongolia, Caucasia, Norway, Peru, Utah,
Arizona, and Mexico.)
- (Spheres were at the same latitudes then as
now. Same stars in cycle)
- Earth brought forth the seed in her season.
- man appeared in five places then at once! -
the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five
developments, the five nations.
- Egypt was invaded by "the now Tibetan and
Caucasian forces."
- (Some Laws were written on slate.)
- Apex-el (Atlantean) first to begin library at
Alexandria. (Founded as Deosho)
- (Isis had another spelling then, Isois)
- (Pole-shift) and there had been the edict that
the land must be changed.
- Apex-el, an Atlantean settled in the Pyrenees
- And there still may be seen in the chalk cliffs there in
Calais - their religious activities. He also began library of
Alexandria, 10,300 BC. Evidence yet to be found "about"
- (Mark of the Gospel of Mark, was known as John
- (Mark and Andrew the Saints left writings
where they spent their last days at Alexandria, and "cities of
Chaldea and Persia.")
- (Those loyal to Ra Ta) who first in the sand
took on especial class of raiment or garments to designate self
from other peoples.
- (After the old, wore-out Ra Ta was regenerated
to health and vitality) there were the disseminations of those
- Nile represents the "River of Life".
- Activities in its preparation for those
various groups set in the form and at certain periods or phases
of moon and sun, when there were those changes in the
astrological effect upon various portions of the body.
- Elevators, electrical car, aerial locomotion
to be discovered in Gobi. - also the City of Gold.
- Evidence of correlation of truths - in Gobi
- The ancient greatness of Mongolia was
destroyed by insects!
- In 6-16-37 excavations were being made near
the City of Gold. (In the Gobi)
- Proofs of trend of civilization moving
- The Gobi of 10,500 BC was populated by
non-oriental. (They used an alloy of iron and copper, like Peru,
that had properties like iron.)
- (Mongolia) Temple of Gold, the temple that was
set with the jewels of the land.
- (Among them was) the representative of the
understandings - "Tasmai" (Gobi)
- Anyone "turning within" can do wonders!
- A whole civilization above the Temple of Gold
- City of Poona now?
- (Siam and Indo-China were part of the Mongol's
Gobi domain.)
- (The cities of Wu and On were in the Gobi.)
- (The insects that destroyed the Gobi empire
brought "that dread activity in the body.")
- things and their relationships in their proper
sphere may bring material wealth
- (Wealth can be had, to further our purpose.)
- in what is called the Gobi land, with the
children of the Sun.
- Records recently (6-18-34) uncovered in
Ethiopia of teachings of Phillip and Simon. Some of purest
records of Jesus made by Euendi.
- (In Nubia) Whole mountains were honeycombed -
perpetual fires are still in activity.
- (Jesus given as the "Word" made the
- through the visions that were brought into the
- all the delving into the mysteries of nature,
the mysteries of how certain chants, incantations and
intimations bring the arising of the influences in the
experience of bodies.
- Lapis linguis keeps the fires of passion
- (Symbols of note: Ibex bird, Bull of Ipis,
Staff with double serpent, Scarab, and the hooded man.)
- (There are ruins in southern Libya of Cubri.)
- when permission is granted to search for
sacred records of Atlanteans.
- Truth is that which grows in the hearts of
-341-9 (A) This entity we find one coming in
favor with the king, being brought in from among the hills,
where the unearthing of old monuments, and the entity then
highly educated in the reading of the old inscriptions. Hence
coming in favor with all, giving the assistance to king in
creating the good will between old and new inhabitants of the
19. We are through for the present.
470-22 There we find the application of the
electrical forces and influences was especially in the
association and the activities of same upon metals; not only as
to their location but as to the manner of the activity of same
as related to the refining of some, and the discovery of others,
and the use of the various forms or transportation of same - or
transformation of same to and through those influences in the
6. We find the entity there made use of the
metal known as iron, or the combinations of iron and copper -
which have long since been removed from use in the present; or
copper so tempered by the use of same with a little of the iron,
or in its formation in such a way and manner as to be hardened
to the abilities for same to be used much in the way that many
of those combinations have been found in the Egyptian, the
Peruvian and portions of the Chaldean lands - and MORE will be
found in the Indo-China city yet to be uncovered.
7. All of these
arose from the applications of same that were a part of the
activity of the entity then, now called [470].
8. In the
activities the application of these was in a little different
order, of course, from that in the present. For the characters
of the dynamo or the generators for same were used in a way and
manner in which there was the transformation of the direct to
the activities for using same much in the same manner (the
entity will understand, in the study of same) in which gases are
now used as a means for propelling force or influence to act as
a pump for the transformation of casing-head gas to gasoline,
and the REFUSE used to produce or make the power for the machine
producing same.
9. That is, from
the direct current passing through the activity of the fusing of
metals and the transmutation that forms from same, and the
active forces as turned into that in which it makes for the
clearing of the refuse forces of the ore in such a manner that
the very fuse itself becomes the source of an alternating
current to which there is added then a stepped-up activity in
which the direct current then becomes the source of the energy
to produce this fusing of the metals or ores.
11. All of these
activities then became a part of the use of electrical forces
for metals and their activity upon same to be used as
carbonizing them, or directing them in manners in which they
became as magnetic forces for the applications to portions of
the body for transmuting or changing the EFFECT of activities
upon the physical energies and forces of the body; able to use
same as re-ionizing or re-generating the bodily forces
12. For as the very
forces of the bodily functionings are electrical in their
activity, the very action of assimilation and distribution of
assimilated forces is in the physical body an active force of
the very LOW yet very high VIBRATORY forces themselves.
13. Hence there the
entity made application in those directions; and these act upon
the influences or forces or metals, or active principles within
the human forces themselves.
14. For within the
human body - living, not dead - LIVING human forces - we find
every element, every gas, every mineral, every influence that is
outside of the organism itself. For indeed it is one with the
whole. For it is not only a portion of, and equal to, and able
to overcome or meet every influence within, but there is not the
ability in the third dimensional force or influence to even
imagine anything that isn't a part of the activity of a physical
LIVING organism!
Of course, the
partner with the entity - who is now called Ford [Henry Ford]
[See 470-22, Par. R1] - will be the one through whom and to whom
these will become the most interesting, and where there may be
channels through which much may come; as in the mines in
portions of Kentucky where there is the coal activity and
portions of iron and manganese - which is a portion, or the
fusion of same in the use of these - all become a part of the
activity. These will be the channels and the sources and the
places through which much of this will eventually come, if the
entity is active in MAKING a further study of these - and the
application to the use of metals and irons especially.
20. (Q) With
reference to information given through this channel in previous
reading on smelting of ores, will it be possible to use a low
voltage direct current with a high potential without changing it
to an alternating current?
(A) It will be
found that it is possible, plausible and will work - through
this current passing, as there is begun the smelting or the
changing of the ore itself by its combination with the heats and
other elements that become a part of its transmutation from ore
and its drosses to a metal with the ability for its working - as
iron and copper, and especially those two together. These we see
form and make for the ability for activity. While there are two
different principles in their combinations and use with the
electrical forces, we will find these will come back together.
- From the Edgar Cayce Readings
Hall of Records in
We turn now to the deeply
interesting reading for a man who in an Egyptian incarnation was Hept-supht,
the sealer of the Great Pyramid. Not only does this reading
explain what the records of Atlantis contain, it covers where
the records lie, and who might appear to help find them.
Edgar Cayce:
Yes, we have those
experiences of the soul-entity, the activities in the
material, [378] - Hept-supht, in Egypt.
Much might be given respecting the activities of the entity
who sealed with the seal of the Alta and Atlanteans, and the
aid given in the completion of the pyramid of initiation as
well as in the records that are to be uncovered.
At the completion of that called Gizeh, there was the
mounting of that which completed the top, composed of a
combination or fluxes of brass, copper, gold, that was to be
sounded when all the initiates were gathered about the altar
or the pyramid. And the sounding of same has become, as
given, the call - in the varied lands - to prayer, or to
arms, or to battle, or to service in any of the activities
that became the guiding of influencing the masses in
In describing, then, the ceremonies of dedication or of the
activities that began with the keeping of the lines of the
priests and the initiates in the order according to their
adherence to the law of one that was initiated in the
activities of Hept-supht in
this period, the sounding of the head or the top was given
to one that acted in the capacity of the headsman - as would
be termed in some of those activities of such nature in
other portions of the country, or as nations rose in their
service of such natures.
And the Priest, with
those gathered in and about the passage that led from the
varied ascents through the pyramid, then offered there
incense to the gods that dwelt among those in their
activities in the period of developments of the peoples.
In the record chambers there were more ceremonies than in
calling the peoples at the finishing of that called the
pyramid. For, here those that were trained in the Temple
of Sacrifice as
well as in the Temple
Beautiful were
about the sealing of the record chambers. For, these were to
be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or
Poseidia (Temple), when these records of the race, of the
developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in
their chambers and to be opened only when there was the
returning of those into materiality, or to earth’s
experience, when the change was imminent in the earth; which
change, we see, begins in ’58 and ends with the changes
wrought in the upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as
begins then the reign in ’98 (as time is counted in the
present) of those influences that have been given by many in
the records that have been kept by those sojourners in this
land of the Semitic peoples.
Then, the SEALINGS were the activities of Hept-supht with Ra-Taand Isi-so [Isis
and Iso. See 294-152, Par. 3] and the king Araaraart,
when there were the gatherings of all the peoples for this
record sealing; with incense from the altars of the Temple
and altars of the cleansings that were opened for their
activities in the grounds about this tomb or temple of
records; and many were the cleansings of the peoples from
those things or conditions that separated them from the
associations of the lower kingdoms that had brought those
activities in all lands of the worship of Baalilal [?]
[Belial?] [Deut. 13:13] and of the desires as from carnal
associations and influences.
The entity Hept-supht LED in the keeping of the records and
the buildings that were put in their respective actions or
places of activity at this time.
This was in the period, as given, of 10,500 years before the
entering of the Prince of Peace in the land to study to
become an initiate in or through those same activities that
were set by Hept-supht in this dedicating ceremony.
Ready for questions.
Q. If the King’s Chamber is on the 50th course,
on what course is this sealed room?
A. The sealed room of records is in a different place; not
in this pyramid.
Q. Give in detail what the sealed room contains.
A. A record of Atlantis from
the beginnings of those periods when the Spirit took form or
began the encasements in that land, and the developments of
the peoples throughout their sojourn, with the record of the
first destruction and the changes that took place in the
land, with the record of the SOJOURNINGS of the peoples to
the varied activities in other lands, and a record of the
meetings of all the nations or lands for the activities in
the destructions that became necessary with the final
destruction of Atlantis and the building of the pyramid of
initiation, with who, what, where, would come the opening of
the records that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis; for
with the change it must rise (the temple) again.
This in position lies, as the sun rises from the waters, the
line of the shadow (or light) falls between the paws of the
Sphinx, that was later set as the sentinel or guard, and
which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from
the Sphinx’s paw (right paw) until the TIME has been
fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of
man’s experience.
Between, then, the Sphinx and the river.
Q. Should or will I have anything to do with the opening of
the sealed room in the present?
A. As we find, if the activities are carried forward by
those associations and connections with the entity’s or
soul’s activities (as an entity in material forces), there
will be an association and a connection with same beginning
in ’48.
Q. Am I the one to receive directions as to where the sealed
room is and how to find it?
A. One of the two. Two, with a guide. Hept-supht, El-ka (?),
and Atlan. These will appear.
[At this point we will skip three Q&A paragraphs that are
deemed not relevant]
Q. Were there any musical instruments sealed in that room?
A. Many; not only those used in the Temple Beautiful in the
temple service but those that aided in the service for those
that danced, in their show of service in the temple. These,
that were used then: The lyre, the harp, the flute, the
We are through for the present.
378-16; October 29, 1933

Ahmed Fayed, ARE
expert on the Giza monuments and a licensed Tour Guide, has
suggested to THC (The Hutton Commentaries) that there may be
a tunnel (the "connecting chambers" from the Sphinx’s right
paw?) running easterly from the Sphinx to a small temple
directly in front of the Sphinx, that is, the tunnel would
transit part of the area "between the sphinx and the river."
See: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/atlantida_mu/esp_atlantida_11.htm
for maps and photos.
Ra Ta’s
Ra Ta
entered the earth under unusual
circumstances. He was born to a daughter
of Zu and "was not begotten
of man." Since his mother had no
companion, she and her son were rejected
by the tribe of Zu. Therefore, Arda, Ra
Ta’s mother, joined with those in Ararat
[Mt. Ararat?]. Though Ra Ta’s mother
still suffered hardships, Ra Ta grew in
grace with these people.
Ta foresaw that the people of Ararat
should go into a land of plenty that
would provide them with all the
necessities the world had to offer and
where a great spiritual development
could take place that would stand for
ages to come.
Ta prophesied that, Arart, the leader of
Ararat would lead them into this land of
plenty. Therefore, Ra Ta, at age
twenty-one, with his wife and family and
a group of nine hundred, directed Arart
southward into the land now known as


was the sun god.
He was the most important god of the
ancient Egyptians.
ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was
every night by the sky goddess Nut, and
was reborn
every morning.
The sun has played a
big part in the culture of many countries, not just the
Egyptians. Japan, China, and Greece also based their
cultures on the sun, as well as many Natives of the
Americas. Mankind depends on the sun for life. Without
it, we could not live at all.
The Sun played a
very important part in the lives of the ancient
Egyptians. In the earliest times, it was feared and
dreaded at the same time. The continuous rising and
setting of the Sun was also looked upon as representing
the cyclical nature of life.
The Sun god Ra is
the god that the Egyptians worshipped more than any
other God. He has been portrayed in many forms, such as
a child rising from a lotus, a bird, a cat, and a lion.
The usual representation of Ra, however, is one of a
hawk's head wearing the Sun's disk with a serpent
wrapped around it.
Early rulers claimed
that they had descended from the Sun, giving them the
power that they needed to be rulers. Kings had the title
of Son of Ra, which also gave them power.
The Sun was exalted
in the religion of the Egyptians as it was the central
object that they worshipped. The worship of Ra was
univeral through Egypt, and they believed that each
person's soul was always with the Sun.
The sun god has many
names, such as Ra, Ta-Tunen, Amen-Ra, Neber-djer,
Khepri, and Aten. One of these names, Ta-Tunen, means
"creator of men and women", which suggests that the
ancient Egyptians believed that the sun god created the
world. The sun god destroyed the darkness, and Shu put
the sky upon four pillars, the pillars of Shu. Then they
created mankind.
After the creation,
Apep, the Arch Crocodile devil, and Set, the night god,
allied with other forces of the darkness and attacked
the sun. Ra, with the help of a god named Horus, was
able to dispower Apep and Set during the daytime, but
their fight continues daily. For as Osiris died,
through the power of Birth (Isis) under the authority
and skill of Thoth (The Higher Genius) Osiris arose on
the physical plane as the great avenging god Horus, his
son. On the spiritual plane Osiris became the great god
of the underworld. Like Christ he became the god that
the Egyptians needed to become in order to be saved.
Pharaohs rose
as intermediaries between the people and their gods.
Each ruler in the fifth dynasty, or twenty-eight century
BC, called himself "Son of Ra" and was a sun-god
worshipper. The pyramids were the main icons in the
worship of the sun god. Priests set the line for this
fifth dynasty, using the power they had over the people.
Alexander the Great wanted people to recognize him as
the sun god's son by going to the Oasis of Amon. Ancient
Egyptians, however, only saw Egyptian pharaohs as the
sons of the sun god.
Eye of Ra took on several guises in Ancient Egypt:
a) As the "Ouadjit" it was a
form of measurement. It is comprised of six hieroglyphs,
each representing a different fraction. The sum of the
hieroglyphs is 63/64. The absolute is
unobtainable. This concept is related in the myth of
Osiris. After he is cut up into fourteen pieces by his
jealous brother Set, Osiris' sister/wife Isis can only
find thirteen pieces of his dismembered body. The
phallus remains lost for ever. Osiris was considered to
be the Absolute, the First God. He was perfection.
Others can only aim for the absolute, they will never
achieve it.
ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus or wedjat ('Whole One') is
a powerful symbol of protection, and is also considered
to confer wisdom, health and prosperity. Horus was one
of the most important Egyptian gods, a sun-god
represented as a falcon or with the head of a hawk,
whose right eye was the sun and whose left eye was the
The wounding of the left eye
served as a mythical explanation of the phases of the
moon, and its magical restoration meant that the left
was usually the one used as an amulet and considered to
be the 'Eye of Horus'.
Significantly, the ancient
Egyptians termed the sun as Amon Ra or simply as "Ra".
In Latin the syllable Ra is used to connote light. For
example, we have Radiance which emission of light, or
Radium which means any substance emitting light or
brilliance. The common element is the syllable Ra which
in many languages is used to derive words for describing
Sun or light.
At about 1353BC the Pharoah
Akhenaten insisted that the Egyptians stop worshiping
the large amount of gods and worship only one god called
Aten. When he died they went back to their old gods. The
early Egyptians thought that Ra and the other gods had
the bodies of animals. Ra himself appeared as a falcon.
Taweret the goddess of childbirth was normally seen as a
hippopotomus. Later the gods took human bodies but kept
their animal heads.
PTAH, God of Craftsmen
This article is from : http://www.greatdreams.com/solar/sun.htm

Horus And Isis
In ancient Egyptian
mythology, the falcon-headed sky god whose
eyes were the Sun and the Moon; adult son of
the principal goddess Isis or Hathor (otherwise
his wife), whom she magically conceived by
the dead Osiris,
ruler of the underworld. He injured his eye
while avenging his father's murder by Set,
the good eye being the Sun and the bad
representing the Moon. Every pharaoh was
believed to be his incarnation, becoming
Osiris on death and ruling the Underworld.
The next pharaoh was then thought to be a
new incarnation of Horus.
As a deity
related to the sun, Horus intermingled with
the sun god Ra with
whom he was identified as Ra-Harakhty, and
who superseded him to some extent as supreme
god in the Old Kingdom (from around 2685 BC to
2180 BC).
The Horus of Edfu, Upper Egypt, was
represented by the sun's disk with falcon's
Horus the Child or Harpocrates was
regarded as a separate deity,
identified with the sun god who was
reborn every morning.

Wilcock, who is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce -
thus also of Ra-Ta has this to say:
The question asked was this:
When I understand well, Ra, the group who
is One, came to earth. They came and were welcomed by some
people. One of the people who welcomed them, was Ra-Ta. Does
anyone know names of other people who have welcomed Ra?
DW: The only explicit clue that is given in
the Ra Material is that of Akhenaton. Also, since Ra is my
higher self, Ra had an effect on the Edgar Cayce Readings as
well, even though more of it was working through Edgar's astral
self, which is only 4D.
Question: Who was P'tah in this? And to who
has Ra-Ta passed on his knowledge?
DW: For the record, I remember seeing the
spelling "Ra-P'tah" more than once... so indirectly I would
guess that accounts of P'tah, like accounts of Ra, have been
distorted from the original story.
Regarding the passing on of knowledge, all
the world's secret societies and traditions (with the exception
of Vedic science, perhaps,) are distorted versions of the
original teaching that came from Ra through Ra-Ta in Egypt.
Hermes also was a great teacher as
well, and I would imagine that Ra worked with him in some
capacity as well. Between Ra and Hermes you have the foundation
for all the secrets that are now kept so hush-hush in these
societies... and I'm starting to realize that Divine Cosmos is
actually more sophisticated than what "they" know.
Hope this helps. Peace be with you -

Editors note: Hermes was also called THOTH
David also says:
Edgar's alleged past-life identify as Egyptian priest Ra-Ta was
said to have co-designed the Great Pyramid and Hall of Records
with Thoth.
The Cayce Readings aid "(Ra-Ta) the priest would return in 1998"
and be in Virginia Beach," "surrounded by many of those"
he knew before.
David's readings began in November 1996, and they asked him to
move to Virginia Beach in October 1997. Many key people
began noticing his shocking resemblance to Cayce, since the
A.R.E. is still headquartered there.

Cayce / David Wilcock
David's readings confirmed that there was a past-life connection
in November 1997 - and he visited the A.R.E. - the Cayce
organization, in 1998 to announce the connection. He was
met with extreme interest at all other levels, but harsh
criticism from the very top.
Since at least 1993, when he read Hoagland’s "Monuments of
Mars," David was "remembering" his Atlantean knowledge from the
Ra-Ta period, including how the technology of the pyramids
actually function and what they are used for — knowledge
otherwise lost in the yet-undiscovered Hall of Records, which
Ra-Ta designed and cataloged himself.
More comparison photos are here:

The first civilization on Earth to
nurture this consciousness was that
of the Lemurians —the people who
once populated the lost continent of
the Pacific Ocean. It was here that
Goddesses, with the assistance of
their celestial Arcturian contacts,
acted as guides for the human race.
Then, upon the emergence of
Atlantis, there were such new
messengers of Light as Akhenaton, Ra
Ta, Isis, and Hermes (also known as
Thoth), to name but a few. These
great lightworkers used powerful
temples and sacred teachings to
initiate new masters into “The Great
Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light.”
These masters and initiates were
part of a group known as “The
Children of the Law of One.”
The primary directive of this group was to anchor
the Light of God into the Earth’s
grids and into the consciousness of
Earth’s inhabitants. This tradition
and dedication would later morph
into the message of the Israelites
(Is Real Light) and then carried
over into the teachings of the
ancient Gnostics, mystics, and even
the enigmatic
Essenes, who authored the Dead
Sea Scrolls and taught such great
souls as Mother Mary, John the
Baptist, and Jesus himself.
note: The Essenes were a University of Higher Learning -
not a religion.

though worshipped all over Egypt, was specially venerated in
certain cities, and the following are among the most common of
her titles: --
great lady,
the God-mother,
lady of Re-a-nefer;
lady of Sekhet;
lady of Besitet;
Isis in Per Pakht,
the queen of Mesen;
Isis of Ta-at-nehepet;
Isis, dweller in Netru;
Isis, lady of Hebet;
Isis in P-she-Hert;
Isis, lady of Khebt;
giver of life,
lady of Abaton,
lady of Philae,
lady of the countries of the south,"
a list of title of the goddess collected by Dr. Brugsch, it is
clear that Isis was called:
in Thebes,
Aat, in Heliopolis,
Menkhet, in Memphis,
God-Mother, in Coptos,
Hert, in Letopolis;
and "Hent," i.e., "Queen," in
every home;
another important list tells us that Isis was called:
in Thebes,
Menhet, in Heliopolis,
Renpet, In Memphis,
Sept, in Abydos,
Hetet, in Behutet,
Hurt, in Nekhen,
Thenenet, in Hermonthis,
Ant, in Dendera,
Sesheta, in Hermopolis,
Heqet, in Hibiu,
Uatchit, in Hipponus,
Mersekhen, in Herakleopolis,
Renpet, in Crocodilopolis,
Neb-tept, in Arsinoe,
That, or Tchetut, in Aphroditopolis,
and Shetat, in Bubastis.
her general titles may be mentioned those of
divine one,
the only one,
the greatest of the gods
and goddesses,
the queen of all gods,
the female Ra,
the female Horus,
the eye of Ra,
the crown of Ra-Heru,
Sept, opener of the year,
lady of the New Year,
maker of the sunrise,
lady of heaven,
the light-giver of
lady of the North Wind,
queen of the earth,
most mighty one,
queen of the South and
lady of the solid earth,
lady of warmth and fire,
benefactress of the Tuat,
she who is greatly feared
in the Tuat,
the God-mother,
the God-mother of
the mother of the Horus
of gold,
the lady of life,
lady of green crops,
the green goddess
lady of bread,
lady of beer,
lady of abundance,
lady of joy and gladness,
lady of love,
the maker of kings,
lady of the Great House,
lady of the House of
the beautiful goddess,
the lady of words of
lady of the shuttle,
daughter of Seb,
daughter of Neb-er-tcher,
the child of Nut,
wife of Ra,
wife of the lord of the
wife of the lord of the
the creatrix of the Nile
From a number of passages in the texts of various periods we
learn that Isis possessed great skill in the working of magic,
and several examples of the manner in which she employed it are
well known. Thus when she wished to make Ra reveal to her his
greatest and most secret name, she made a venomous reptile out
of dust mixed with the spittle of the god, and by uttering over
it certain words of power she made it to bite Ra as he passed.
When she had succeeded in obtaining from the god his most hidden
name, which he only revealed because he was on the point of
death, she uttered words which had the effect of driving the
poison out of his limbs, and Ra recovered.
Isis not only used the words of power, but she also had
knowledge of the way in which to pronounce them so that the
beings or things to which they were addressed would be compelled
to listen to them and, having listened, would be obliged to
fulfill her bequests.
Egyptians believed that if the best effect was to be produced by
words of power they must be uttered in a certain tone of voice,
and at a certain rate, and at a certain time of the day or
night, with appropriate gestures or ceremonies.
the Hymn to Osiris it
is said that Isis was well skilled in the use of words of power,
and it was by means of these that she restored her husband to
life, and obtained from him an heir. It is not known what the
words were which she uttered on this occasion, but she appears
to have obtained them from Thoth, the "lord of divine words,"
and it was to him that she appealed for help to restore Horus to
life after he had been stung to death by a scorpion.
In the Theban Recension of the Book
of the Dead is
found a Chapter (No. clvi.) which was composed for the purpose
of bestowing upon the deceased some of the magical power of the
goddess. The Chapter was intended to be recited over anamulet called
thet, made of carnelian, which had to be steeped in water of
ankhami flowers, and set in a sycamore plinth, and if this were
laid on the neck of a dead person it would place him under the
protection of the words of power of Isis, and he would be able
to go wheresoever he pleased in the Underworld.
words of the Chapter were: -- "Let the blood of Isis, and the
magical powers (or spirit) of Isis, and the words of power
of Isis, be mighty to protect and keep safely this great god
(i.e., the deceased), and to guard him from him that would
do unto him anything which he abominateth." The symbol of Isis
in the heavens was the star Sept (Sirius), which was greatly
beloved because its appearance marked not only the beginning of
a new year, but also announced the advance of the Inundation of
the Nile, which betokened renewed wealth and prosperity of the
country. As such Isis was regarded as the companion of Osiris,
whose soul dwelt in the star Sah, i.e., Orion, and she was held
to have brought about the destruction of the fiend Apep, and of
his hosts of darkness by means of the might of her words of
the light-giver at this season of the year she was called Khut,
as the mighty
earth-goddess her name was Usert,
as the Great Goddess of
the Underworld she was Thenenet,
as the power which shot
forth the Nile flood she was Sati, and Sept,
as the embracer of the
land and producer of fertility by her waters she was Anqet,
as the producer and giver
of life she was Ankhet,
as the goddess of
cultivated lands and fields she was Sekhet,
as the goddess of the
harvest she was Renenet,
as the goddess of food
which was offered to the gods she was Tcheft,
and lived in the Temple
of Tchefau, and as the great lady of the Underworld,
who assisted in
transforming the bodies of the blessed dead into those
wherein they were to live in the realm of Osiris, her name was
Ament, i.e., the "hidden" goddess.
this last capacity she shared with Osiris the attribute of
"giver of life," and she provided food for the dead as well as
for the living; as Ament also she was declared to be the mother
of Ra.
fact, at a comparatively early period in Egyptian history Isis
had absorbed the attributes of all the great primitive
goddesses, and of all the local goddesses such as Nekhebet,
Uatchet, Net, Bast, Hathor, etc., and she was even identified as
the female counterpart of the primeval abyss of water from which
sprang all life.
what has been said above it is manifestly impossible to limit
the attributes of Isis, for we have seen that she possesses the
powers of a water goddess, an earth goddess, a corn goddess, a
star goddess, a queen of the Underworld, and a woman, and that
she united in herself one or more of the attributes of all the
goddesses of Egypt known to us.
See: http://www.virtual-egypt.com/newhtml/data/isis.htm
for more information.

are several ancient text which pre-date the Bible all the way
back to Atlantis. The tablets of Thoth, Ne-Te, Ra-Ta, Isis, and
Osiris; The manuscripts and scrolls of Kuthumi, El, Zoroaster,
and Germaine;
The Book of the Pyramid,
The Book of Love, The Book of the Mind, The Book of Life, and
The Book of Death. All of course from their original stone
tablets, in the original handwriting

Ancient Egypt
The civilization of Ancient
Egypt lasted longer than the entire span of what we have come to
accept as 'recorded history': over three thousand years. During
these millenia the Egyptians developed a multitude of gods and
goddesses, as well as esoteric practices that we are still
unraveling the meaning of. Besides this, Egypt was the source of
the first true monotheistic religion, under the pharaoh
Akhenaton. This rich tradition was mostly unknown until the
early nineteenth century, when the Egyptian language was finally
Pyramid Texts
Samuel A. B. Mercer, translator [1952].
The oldest sacred text in the world that we
know of, dating back to 3100 B.C.E.
The Pyramid Texts are funerary inscriptions from the early
pyramids. This was the first translation of the Pyramid Texts
into English, and this etext is the first time it has appeared
on the Internet.
of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt
by James
Henry Breasted [1912].
Millennia of Egyptian religious evolution as
seen through their literature, including extensive quotes from
the Pyramid Texts.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
E. A. Wallis Budge, translator [1895].
The best known Ancient Egyptian sacred text,
which describes the journey into the afterlife.
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
by E.
A. Wallis Budge [1905]
A journey through the night side of the
Ancient Egyptian cosmos.
Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat
II: The Book of Gates
III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Liturgy of Funerary Offerings
by E.
A. Wallis Budge [1909].
Also known as "The Book of the Opening of the
Mouth", this book contains a large extract from the Pyramid
Texts, the oldest known Ancient Egyptian sacred text.
Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden
by F.Ll.
Griffith and Herbert
Thompson [1904]
A late Egyptian magical text originally
written in Demotic.
Reprinted by Dover as 'The Leyden Papyrus.'
Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts
by E.
A. Wallis Budge [1912]
Translations of key Ancient Egyptian myths. Includes
the De
Iside et Osiride of Plutarch
The Burden of Isis
by James
Teackle Dennis [1910]
A translation of a set of hymns to the goddess
Wisdom of the Egyptians
by Brian
Brown [1923]
Coverage of the history
of Ancient Egyptian religion, with some important texts
the Ptah-Hotep and the Ke'gemini
Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus
the Story of the Book of Thoth
Rosetta Stone
by E.
A. Wallis Budge [1893, 1905]
The famous monument which opened up the
Ancient Egyptian writing system: with extensive background
material and a full translation of the text.
The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo
translated by Alexander
Turner Cory [1840]
An attempt in late antiquity to explain
Egyptian Hieroglyphs as pure symbols (very unsuccessfully).
Noted for its influence on later occultists.
of the Past
ed. by A.
H. Sayce [1888]
Translations of mythological and historical
texts from the Ancient Near East.
Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism
by E.
A. Wallis Budge [1923]
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity
Samuel Sharpe [1863].
Ideas of the Future Life
E. A. Wallis Budge [1900].
E. A. Wallis Budge [1901]
Myth and Legend
Donald A. Mackenzie [1907]
Egyptian Legends
Margaret Alice Murray [1920]
A taste of Ancient Egyptian mythology, by the
trailblazing scholar Margaret Murray.
Legends of Babylonia and Egypt
by Leonard
W. King 396,030