Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date January 8, 2013
page 221
TOPIC: UFOS in Wisconsin
1-8-13 - DREAM - I was living in Wisconsin and met a chubby man by the name of Donald who knew an awful lot of things about aliens that nobody else knew because he had met them personally. I was so intrigued by what he said, I wrote everything down and then posted it on a web page.
Here is what I wrote:
FOLLOW UP NOTE: I finally found some people willing to go to the newspaper archives, which they did, and went through every newspaper copy during the month of July 1960 and found nothing mentioning a UFO. Since I clearly remember seeing it published in both the Milwaukee Journal and Sentinel on the following day - why was it pulled from the archives?
During the early years of 2000, I was able to contact another Wisconsin woman who lived directly north of New Berlin - about 10 miles or so. She told me via e-mail that she also had seen that UFO going over her house, but she never met anyone before me who had seen it either.
Sorry to say, she has passed on and is no longer able to tell her own story.
UFO Wisconsin View & Report UFO Sightings and Alien
Experiences ... Don't
.... In response to all this, the Air Force dispatched its civilian
UFO investigator, J. Allen Hynek.
UFO Wisconsin View & Report UFO Sightings and Alien
Experiences ... Don't
... my room during my absence," Smith told British UFO researcher
Timothy Good, as
recounted in ...
UFO Wisconsin View & Report UFO Sightings
and Alien Experiences.
Milwaukee Wisconsin: It's the end of a shift at the
Harley Davidson motorcycle factory. For most of these people, their work is done
until tomorrow. For one of them, his work is just beginning.
Tim Hildebrandt runs a precision gear grinding machine here at Harley Davidson.
He used to live in the biker's world.
Tim: "Before I was into UFO's I guess I was just a motorcycle person, working
for Harley Davidson. I've always enjoyed riding Harley Davidsons. I was a
motorcycle person."
Tim still rides the bike, still wears the clothes, but a few years ago the road
he was following took a very different turn.
Tim: "In 1989 on September 10th was the first time I ever saw one. It was as I
was leaving work about 7:05. I saw it off to the west and it was a very, very
prominent cigar shaped silver object. That was the first sighting I ever had.
The following year is when I started taking pictures."
If the ultimate goal of the UFO investigator is to uncover evidence, Tim
Hildebrandt believes no evidence could be more compelling than a photograph. A
photograph makes one person's perception tangible for the whole world to see.
For the last six years, Tim has spent every free moment and every last dollar
investigating UFOs through photography.
Tim: "Over the past five years, total investment, I would imagine anywhere
between 25 and 30 thousand dollars would be a good guess. I mean, you're talking
the cost of all the film and all the developing."
Tim's goal is to gather hard evidence to document the sightings he and others
have experienced. He's grown particularly interested in a small town a few hours
away called Dundee where UFO sightings and other strangeness have become almost
Tim: "The people at Dundee, a lot of them have seen UFOs. Some of them have seen
them close. There have been a lot of things happening out there. There's been
some very unusual circles out there. People have heard things. I'm out there
recording it, as much as I can.
Tim's destination is a bar up in Dundee called Benson's Hideaway. It's a
gathering place for anyone who's seen something in the sky they can't explain.
Anonymous bar patron: "He told me. I'm really into this stuff. I believe in
You couldn't throw a stone in this place without hitting a UFO believer.
Anonymous bar patron: "I know there's other life forms out there than us, so."
Bill Benson: "There's a lot of people in the area that have sighted something,
seen something, felt something, and had no place to tell about it."
So they gather here at Benson's to share their UFO experiences. Tim's
contribution is evidence. Photographs of his own sightings. Many of them taken
from the summit of Dundee Mountain, only a few miles away.
Anonymous bar patron: "And he said all of a sudden he heard what sounded like a
jet fly over by. 10 seconds later it went flying back."
Tim: "Hi Bill"
Bill Benson: "Hi Tim"
In this place, Tim's photographs are seen as an important body of work. Many of
these people wish they had photographs that could prove their own sightings were
real. Tim's pictures have captured what he believes is a significant clue in the
UFO mystery - triangles.
Tim: "What's unique about that triangle shape is that it seems to be occurring
in more photographs that I've taken. In this particular photograph here there's
a triangle outline at the lower right of this light that is quite obviously
there. You can see that it has three sides."
Other people around the country have reported triangular sightings, but they are
The real excitement this weekend is about something that happened one night
earlier in the month in a marshy area of the lake. Strange lights, loud noises,
and in the morning an ominous sight: Hundreds of square feet of crushed and
flattened reeds.
Anonymous bar patron: "It looked like something had landed actually."
Now, everyone's wondering, did something from "out there" touch down here in
Anonymous bar patron: "In my opinion, it didn't land long enough to have
Another bar patron, (referring to a photo she's holding of someone standing in
the middle of the flattened reeds on Long Lake): "He walked to the edge and he
said, 'This will be the real test.' And he walked off and he sunk down to about
the middle of his knee. And it was just fascinating, that's when I was made a
believer. I was just like: oh my god, he's walking on water."
"And it came real loud and close and zoom, it was far away. And then all of a
sudden, zoom, it jetted over the marsh"
If one person sees something in the sky, they could be mistaken. But in this
case there were scores of witnesses all over town. Unfortunately, Tim wasn't
there that night to photograph the lights. The only physical evidence that
remains is the mysterious imprint in the reeds; left by something.
Anonymous person outside at a picnic table: "Our son Andy had an interest based
on a couple of experiences that he talked about, and I noticed this in a flyer."
Not everyone here is local. On the edge of the action there's a family that
traveled down from Green Bay. They look a little out of place in this crowd, but
one of them feels right at home.
Andy Gordon: "I was seeing UFOs"
There's something wrong with this picture of a perfect American family. Little
Andy's been seeing things. Mom is sympathetic, sis is a bit skeptical, and dad's
downright confused.
Andy: "It was a triangle, it had three lights, they were round, and it kind of
like swerved, and it shot down the sky until it disappeared."
Triangular. The same unusual shapes that Tim has photographed. The moment Andy
saw Tim's photos, he knew the trip from Green Bay was well worth it.
The big event that caps the day is a hike up Dundee Mountain with Tim in the
lead. Most of these people at least once have seen or heard something in the sky
that they couldn't explain. Tonight they'll have a chance to see how one
investigator goes about gathering evidence.
Tim: "Here we are. We're gonna use the 400 hopefully. Give us a little more
telephoto range. The tripod is your best friend, because when you're making
exposures in low light you've gotta keep the camera dead steady, and if you
don't, you're not gonna get a sharp picture. And you've gotta always keep them
ready because you don't know when it's gonna happen. You don't even know if it's
gonna happen. You might come up here 5 or 6 times and nothing will happen.
You've gotta be ready all the time."
When a person has a UFO sighting, they have to make a choice. They can ignore
what they've seen, as if it never happened, or they can accept it. But with
something as strange as a UFO, human nature makes it hard to believe even our
own eyes without physical evidence.
William James said "Our science is but a drop, our ignorance a sea." Faced with
questions that have no answers, the UFO investigator is left to wonder and to
speculate. Part scientist, part dreamer, part detective. These citizens seek
knowledge wherever they can find it. Tim Hildebrandt believes the UFO mystery
goes back to ancient times.
Tim: "By reading all these different books, The Bible, many, many old books,
it's obvious that we've had visitors all along. And the picture was that we have
been visited throughout history, and we still are being visited now."
Whether UFOs are an ancient presence or a modern phenomenon is only one
question. Even if we knew that answer, we still would wonder: what are they, and
why do people keep seeing them?
Note: You can visit Tim's website at
Searching for UFO's in Wisconsin
NOTE FROM DEE: Tim mentions Dundee Mountain. That is a place I saw every weekend during the spring, summer, and fall from about 1948 through 1965 or so because my Father owned property at Round Lake - later renamed Kettle Moraine Lake, which is right down the road from Long Lake where the UFO group meets that Tim belonged to. During that period of time, I had no idea that people in that area were seeing UFOs like I did near Milwaukee in 1960.
Later on, I talked with my Father about UFOs, and he told me that he had seen one go over Milwaukee late at night in 1935 and it glowed bright red and lit up all the houses on the street as it went over.
Since then, other people I met in the 1990's told me similar stories about seeing UFOs going over Milwaukee. There is far more going on than ever gets reported and why are these reports never in the newspaper?
Bonnie Meyer from the book Unholy Alliance page 31 |
Bonnie's Graphic Recollections
Bonnie's Articles in the Urgent Issues section: |
My name is Bonnie. I was first introduced to UFOs in my early 30's. A friend of mine got into UFOs so heavy that I began to wonder if she was losing her mind. Wanting to find out what they were feeding my friend, I went to every lecture and meeting in the area on the subject. Trying my hardest to figure out if UFOs were real or not. Little did I realize, that UFO's would be become a lifelong passion for me.
Books became my friends. I began to read books on New Age and the paranormal subject. Trying to find the truth for myself was not always easy. I never have been willing to settle for one persons' opinion on any topic. I always searched the material I found, looking for a correlation in the material so I could find the truth. It was about this point in time that I saw what we refer to as high flyers. These bright lights in the sky would move erratically, change directions make no noise and could not be explained away as either airplane or satellite.
It was after seeing these lights that I became a night person sometimes staying out until 4:00a.m. I often chased bright lights in the sky by car. Many, many times I was disappointed, when the lights turned out to be radio and TV towers.
On the July 4th weekend of 1976, there were approximately two and a half hours of time that could not be accounted for. Many abduction books talked of missing time, and they used hypnosis as a tool for retrieving what happened during this period of time. I began to wonder if something could have happened to me. Having little money, and wanting an answer, I checked to see if there were any hypnotists in the area who would be willing to do it for free. Sadly I have to say there were none.
One woman, who came to our meetings, said she knew of a psychologist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who might be interested in doing the hypnosis although he was not into UFOs. He is a licensed psychotherapist who uses hypnosis to treat his patients. He agreed to do the hypnosis for free. The only problem being his practice was in Milwaukee and it was an hour and half drive one way. For approximately three years at least twice a month the drive was made. During these hypnosis sessions it came out that indeed an encounter had taken place, not once, but several times. It seems that not only did I encounter ships but interacted with the extraterrestrials on board the crafts. This seemed to open the door for me because after the hypnosis sessions started, I was able to remember more and more of the encounters. It seems that I was often taken on board a craft and taught lessons. It was frustrating to remember some of the encounters, but not everything that happened in great detail. I remember asking the ET's why I could not remember more? The ET's explained that in time I would be able to remember more. A young woman who lived in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin was channeling an entity that called himself Anon. My curiosity was piqued and I had to see what was happening. The entity Anon came through the young woman and told me that I would become a channeler. I laughed and said "No way!"
There was no way I wanted to be a channeler. The only channelers I had seen or heard of were not what I believed to be true channelers. Messages from the ET's then began to be given to me in my head. The only way I can explain it is: it was like a ticker tape was being played across my forehead from the inside and I could read it. Over the years many things have been revealed to me. The ET's talked of how they were here to help planet Earth during the troubled times that were ahead.
The ET's also talked about their God, who it seems, is also our God. They talked of Jesus being a great teacher and how some planets have beings that come to help during periods of trouble. There was no way I wanted to get involved in religion, no way! Not being raised in a church, I did not want to become involved in any religion at this point in my life. The ET's were very patient with me and explained that a spiritual person is one who tries at all times to love his fellow man and live the laws of both God and man.
The telephone rang one day and to my surprise it was my hypnotist. He asked, "Would you like to do a firewalk?" My answer was "no" and we talked for awhile and hung up. As I walked away from the phone I thought, "Why did I say no?" I often saw firewalking on TV and wondered if I could accomplish it. I immediately called him back and said, "Yes, I want to do it!" I did five firewalks in all; four of those were as an assistant. My job was catching the people at the end of their walk or hosing down their feet so they would not burn. Through these experiences, I learned to believe in myself. Learning that I could call on God and myself to do all that is necessary to protect both body and soul in times of need. My future is in my hands and I am the only one who is totally responsible for my thoughts and actions. No more blaming anyone else for my actions or mistakes.
I have been misquoted many times in newspapers, TV programs, and books and sometimes even by friends. This caused me to become a more private person. I used this time to become stronger in my faith and figure out which direction I wanted to proceed with the knowledge that seemed to be accumulating. During this time I made the decision that I wanted God to be a big part of everything I did.
Through the years there have been different groups and people with whom I have studied. Some of the people did not walk their talk of spirituality or truthfulness. So again and again I had to search for people who believed as I did. I often cried at losing these friends, and felt a giant void was left in my soul. So again and again I searched for like-minded people. I never gave up, always searching for what was right for me. I can honestly say I came into this field kicking and screaming. The things that I said I would never believe in (UFOs and Aliens) are now the things that I believe in the most. Many times I have changed by beliefs as I learned more and more about UFO's and Aliens.
Some of Bonnie's Radio Interviews
Date: 22-Sep-86 23:56 MST MENASHA, Wis. (AP) -- Aliens from other planets have spirited two Menasha women off to space at least seven times each in the past 11 years, according to the pair, who insist "We're not kooks." Judie Woolcott and Bonnie Meyer head a loosely knit group called the Fox Valley UFO Discussion & Support Group, which meets Sunday nights. The two say they realized only in the last year with the help of hypnotherapy that they had been abducted by space beings. A Milwaukee hypnotherapist conducts their sessions. "We didn't know we were abducted," Ms. Woolcott said. "A lot of people are abducted and they don't know it," Ms. Meyer added. "Your mind blocks it out." The two say they were abducted together six times and once each separtely. Ms. Woolcott declined to give details of her abduction. But Ms. Meyer said she remembers being taken while her family slept. She said she called for help, but the aliens put her family in suspended animation and they couldn't respond. Ms. Woolcott said she first became interested in unidentified flying objects when she photographed a streak of light she called a UFO several years ago. The reaction of her long-time friend, Ms. Meyer, was to consider hospitalizing Ms. Woolcott, the two said. The two also described a joint abduction and say they spent time on another planet that took 93 minutes to reach on an alien craft. The two say they were taken after a UFO meeting in Appleton when their two families were camping in New London. The night they were abducted, they left Appleton at 10:30 p.m., but didn't get to the campsite until 1:30 a.m. They have since timed the drive from Appleton to the campsite at 32 minutes, but couldn't account for the missing time until they were hypnotized. "I said, `Oh my God,' we really were aboard a spacecraft," Ms. Woolcott said. "It's one thing to say it, but it's another to find out that it's true." The women say space beings don't look like human beings. Ms. Meyer also noted that during one of her abductions, space creatures put microscopic implants behind her ears. The devices force feed information into her brain, she said. "I'm not supposed to understand yet," she said. "We are being taught to help the people of Earth." Both women say they're used to people not believing them. "We've gotten so used to being called kooks and crazy that we don't pay any attention to it anymore," Ms. Meyer said. But, "We're not kooks," Ms. Woolcott said. <<>>
�\RBBS\DL\BELLE720.UFO 20-Jul-87 16:11 MST Sb: APwi 07/20 0231 UFOs-Wis By RICHARD EGGLESTON Associated Press Writer MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Thea Hefty and police officers Kevin Plendl and Scott McElroy may discover in the weeks ahead that they have far more in common with strangers than they had imagined. Hefty did something unusual when she saw a strange, bright object hovering in the sky over Waunakee early Tuesday. She called the police. When Plendl and McElroy arrived at her home and spent an hour watching the unidentified flying object hang in the sky, they also did something out of the ordinary: they filled out a report on the incident. Lavonne Freidig of Belleville said friends and strangers alike have confided similar experiences to her after reading of the sightings she and other residents reported. She described the object she spotted from her back door last March as a cigar-shaped object with three spheres attached to it, hovering just above the tree-line in the afternoon sky. "A reasonable estimate is that only one in 10 sightings are reported," Mark Rodeghier, a sociologist at the University of Illinois Chicago Circle campus and scientific director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, said in a telephone interview. "Very few policemen go public with their sightings," he added. "I was stunned," was how Plendl described his reaction to the glowing object with red and blue flashing lights, from which an egg-shaped object separated, then flew off at high speed. "I have to admit I have never seen anything like that," police chief Frank Balistreri chuckled the day after the sighting. "I don't know if I would admit it if I did." The sighting, which prompted some Waunakee wags to dub their community "The Land of Milk and Martians" is one of about 30 reported in Wisconsin so far this year. That doesn't come close to constituting a "wave" of UFO sightings, which Rodeghier defines as hundreds or thousands of reports of sightings. The UFO scene actually has been pretty quiet for 14 years, he said. The Waunakee report also is unlikely to provide many clues to the mystery of UFOs, he added. "It's a typical light-in-the-sky case," Rodeghier said. "Lights in the sky aren't that interesting. The reason is they aren't of research value." Nevertheless, Don Schmitt of Milwaukee, the center's Wisconsin coordinator, was planning a visit to the area over the weekend. Schmitt also investigated the Belleville sightings, and concluded there was no ready explanation for the objects people reported seeing -- they were genuine UFOs. Rodeghier is more intrigued by UFOs that leave behind physical evidence. While no piece of metal or alien form of life has been recovered from a UFO sighting -- which would pretty well pin down its origin as extraterrestrial -- he said there have been inexplicable marks left on the ground where UFOs are reported to have landed. "Those traces don't mean extraterrestrial spacecraft," Rodeghier said. "They do mean phenomena that can't be explained." But there are a lot of things that Rodeghier can't explain about UFO sightings, even the sporadic attention that news media pay to the phenomena. His own theory on UFOs? "I'm scientific enough not to go out on a limb," Rodeghier said. But he added, "The best evidence is not inconsistent with the hypothesis that some sightings are indeed alien spacecraft." Copyright 1987 by the Associated Press. All rights reserved.
30 Mar 2012 ... ufophysical.com - Center for
Physical Trace Research (CPTR) by Ted Phillips, ...
UFOCAT by Dr Donald Johnson and Saunders; Sightings by US
Forest ... on
UFO triangles, inspired by a sighting over Wisconsin USA in
He continues to work in the UFO field, although
lately he has concentrated more
on ... to Roswell were written by Randle with his research
partner, Donald R.
Schmitt, ... a Masters degree from the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and that
he ...
Sci-Fi Cafe and Earth Mysteries Museum, Cafe and coffee house
with museum
focusing on earth mysteries research,ufos and paranormal.
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Wisconsin Officers Report Multiple Sightings of UFOs
Ashland, WI (AP) - Authorities in a four-county area of Northern Wisconsin have
reported several recent sightings of unidentified flying objects, with nine
deputies in Ashland and Iron counties saying they saw four UFOs at one time.
At the time of the sightings, officials said, police radios were garbled or went
out of service and witnesses said they saw the objects moving, changing colors,
and heading toward a common position in the sky.
Authorities at the nearby Duluth airport said there was no radar contact made at
the time, late in the evening of March 13.
Ashland County Sheriff Joe Croteau said "telephones were ringing off the hook
from citizens who also saw the objects". Sightings were also reported in Douglas
and Price counties.
A rural Mellen resident, Mrs. Phil Baker and her daughter, Jane, 15, told
authorities "an object" landed on a road near their home, made noises and
high-pitched sounds, and had red and green lights around it.
Ashland County Undersheriff George Ree, who investigated, said he found no
evidence of a landing. He left their home and drove about two miles to meet with
deputies. Then, he said, he and the deputies saw four UFOs, one brighter than
the others. They said the brightest one moved, changed colors, and then became
stationary while three smaller objects headed toward it.
"I didn't want to believe what I was seeing," Phil Baker said
later. "There was this circular object about twelve feet across with red and
bluish-green lights around the outside and in the center was an opening like a
door with a real brilliant light coming from inside."
“I felt I could've looked inside if I'd been closer, but I couldn't see any
details. It made a high whiny, sing-songy noise. I never heard a sound like that
"We saw one object come from the south going in a northerly
direction," Ree said. "This was the second one, and it was a little lower than
the first. We watched these two for maybe a half hour.
“Then a third one came from the north going south, and that was the lowest one
of all. We could see different colored lights on it. That one stayed in the air
for approximately ten or fifteen minutes, just moving, sort of doing a jig,
going up and down, making a big ‘U’ and going up and down again.
"We had two more cars on U.S. 2 in the northern part of Ashland County and I was
transmitting to the deputies in that location. Two deputies were watching from a
fire tower on Birch Hill and another, Drolson, was northwest of them on Lake
Superior when one of these objects we were watching took off at a very high rate
of speed.
“I radioed to Drolson and told him, 'It's going your way,' and all of a sudden
he said, 'I see it coming–' and his radio went blank..
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