Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide
Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms
Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens' Arrests
Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today's historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.
The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens' arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.
The verdict read in part,
"We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy"
The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.
The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,
"The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.
"The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants".
The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A complete copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).
The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.
These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants' institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.
None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.
"Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn't innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?" commented one Juror, based in England.
"These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren't Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it".
The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.
To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.
"This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world" commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor's Office, who presented its case to the world. (see, November 6 and January 30 postings)
"The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily."
Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.
The citizens' arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.
These actions will be filmed and posted at here in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.
Please see the accompanying you tube video.
Issued by the Central Office,
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and
25 February, 2013
É stato consegnato il verdetto finale del Primo Caso di Diritto Consuetudinario contro il Vaticano e il Canada, per Genocidio.
Il Papa, la Regina ed il Primo Ministro canadese sono stati trovati Colpevoli di Crimini contro l’Umanitá e Sentenziati a Venticinque anni di Prigione.
La Corte Ordina loro di consegnarsi entro il 4 di Marzo o affronteranno un Arresto Cittadino.
Il Papa Benedetto andrá in carcere per venticinque anni per la sua partecipazione a Crimini contro l’Umanitá, e le proprietá e le ricchezze del Vaticano saranno sequestrati, secondo lo storico verdetto emesso oggi dalla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia del Diritto Consuetudinario.
La Corte, stabilita in Bruxelles, ha consegnato un verdetto unanime dei suoi Giurati Cittadini ed ha ordinato l’arresto cittadino di 30 degli Accusati in un ordine giudiziario emesso il giorno di oggi.
Parte del Verdetto dice cosí:
“Noi, la Giuria Cittadina, riteniamo che gli imputati in questo caso siano colpevoli di entrambe le accuse, cioé sono colpevoli di commettere o aiutare o permette l’esecuzione di Crimini contro l’Umanitá e di essere parte di una Cospirazione Criminale che é tuttora in attivitá.”
La Giuria ha sentenziato che ogni imputato debba ricevere una sentenza obbligatoria di venticinque anni di prigione, senza possibilitá di ottenere la libertá provvisoria; e che tutti i loro attivi personali vengano sequestrati.
La Corte é passata a dichiarare nel suo Ordine 022513-001:
“Si ordina agli imputati di consegnarsi volontariamente agli Ufficiali Civili e agli Agenti autorizzati da questa CORTE, essendo stati trovati colpevoli delle accuse”.
“Gli imputati hanno sette giorni a partire dall’emissione di questo ORDINE e fino al 4 di Marzo del 2013 per compiere quando qui ordinato. Dopo il 4 di Marzo del 2013, verrá emesso un Ordine Internazionale di Arresto contro questi imputati”.
Tra i colpevoli si includono Isabel Windsor, Regina d’Inghilterra, Stephen Harper, Primo Ministro del Canada e gli ufficiali superiori delle Chiese Cattolica, Anglicana ed Unita del Canada.
Il verdetto di colpevolezza é stato emesso dopo quasi un mese di deliberazioni di piú di trenta Giurati Cittadini, i quali hanno esaminato 150 prove presentate dal Pubblico Ministero della Corte.
Queste evidenze hanno indicato prove irrefutabili di cospirazioni criminali massive da parte delle istituzioni degli Imputati, per avere commesso e nascosto il Genocidio di generazioni di minori nelle cosiddette “scuole residenziali” in tutto il Canada.
Nessuno degli imputati ha contestato o questionato la convocazione pubblica che gli é stata consegnata il passato Settembre; non hanno nemmeno negato i reati per i quali sono stati accusati, né hanno offerto elementi di innocenza alla Corte.
“Il loro silenzio mi ha detto molto. Perché, se sono innocenti, non hanno difeso la loro propria reputazione quando sono stati accusati di cose tanto orribili?” ha commentato uno dei giurati eletto in Inghilterra.
“Questi crimini sono stati diretti a bambini e sono stati freddamente e calcolatamente pianificati per far scomparire gli indigeni che non erano Cristiani. E gli imputati, chiaramente, stanno ancora occultando questo crimine. Cosí che, tutti noi sentiamo che dobbiamo fare qualcosa di piú che dargli solo un colpo sulle mani. Ogni regno di terrore delle chiese appoggiate dallo Stato e che si ritengo superiori alla legge, deve terminare, perché i minori hanno sofferto per questo”.
Il verdetto della Corte dichiara che le ricchezze e le proprietá delle chiese responsabili per il genocidio canadese siano sequestrate e poste sotto proprietá pubblica, come un risarcimento alle famiglie dei piú di 50.000 bambini che sono morti nelle scuole residenziali.
Per far compiere questa sentenza, la Corte ha dato facoltá a cittadini in Canada, negli Stati Uniti, in Inghilterra, Italia e in un’altra dozzina di nazioni per attuare come suoi agenti legali armati con ordini giudiziali, per occupare pacificamente e sequestrare le proprietá delle chiese Cattolica Romana, Anglicana e Unita del Canada, che sono i principali protagonisti nella morte di quei minori.
“Questa sentenza dá fondamento legale e legittimitá all’occupazione delle chiese che sono giá cominciate da parte delle vittime della tortura della chiesa in tutto il mondo” ha commentato Kevin Annett, che é il consulente capo dell’Ufficio del Pubblico Ministero; ed é colui che ha presentato il suo caso al mondo. (Vedere le pubblicazioni di del 6 di Novembre e del 30 di Gennaio).
“Il verdetto della Corte ha chiaro che questi corpi criminali della chiesa saranno legalmente e praticamente destabilizzati e che le loro ricchezze mal guadagnate saranno reclamate dalla gente. La Giustizia ha cominciato finalmente ad essere compiuta. I morti possono adesso riposare piú facilmente”.
Questa settimana Ufficiali della Corte stanno consegnando l’Ordine a tutti gli imputati, includendo il Primo Ministro canadese, la Regina d’Inghilterra e Joseph Ratzinger, il Papa che si ritira e che sta evadendo l’arresto rimanendo nel Vaticano dopo aver improvvisamente rinunciato due settimane fa.
L’arresto cittadino di questo e altri Imputati, comincerá il 4 di Marzo se loro non si consegneranno e non consegneranno i loro attivi, come lo ha ordinato la Corte.
Queste azioni verranno riprese e pubblicate in nella prossima settimana, insieme ad altre attualizzazioni di ció che é stato emesso dalla Corte e i suoi Agenti Cittadini.
Rilasciato dall’Ufficio Centrale,
Tribunale Internazionale sui Crimini della Chiesa e dello Stato.
25 di Febbraio del 2013.
Genocide in Canada – Even the Official Whitewash now Admits that Thousands of Children Died … but when will Criminal charges be laid?
by Kevin D. Annett
Capitalizing on the distraction caused by the latest crisis at the Vatican, Canada`s state-managed "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) sneaked into the media today its astounding admission that thousands of children did in fact die in church-run Indian residential schools across Canada.
But only 3000 of them died, that is. In short, a 2% death rate.
European Holocaust Deniers would be proud of Canada's TRC.
To have the gall to even suggest such a ludicrously low death rate – when every government record and all our posted evidence shows that as early as the first year of the western residential schools, the death rate averaged between 30% and 50% – shows how deep the rot of deceit extends into the stage-managed TRC.
The death rate of 50% continued for at least six decades in these "schools": from 1891 to 1949, when a top government official commented on that huge mortality. 50,000 or more kids never returned – not 3000.
This Big Lie strategy by the church and state-established TRC has worked up until now, but their deception has worn thin. Like the Vatican, the Canadian government must feel especially desperate to risk announcing such a proven lie and exposing such an obvious coverup.
Regardless, all the TRC has done today is to prove that their work constitutes a criminal conspiracy to subvert and obstruct justice. Their duplicity has indicted their government and church sponsors before the law and the world.
This latest act of official deception will figure as more evidence of deliberate cover-up in the docket of our upcoming Common Law Court case against Canada and its Catholic and Protestant churches. In the months ahead, it won't just be former Popes who go to trial for conspiracy and child murder.
Genocidio in Canada – Anche il Whitewash ufficiale ora ammette che migliaia di bambini sono morti … ma quando sarà imputazioni penali previste?
di Kevin D. Annett
Sfruttando la distrazione causata dalla recente crisi in Vaticano, Canada `s stato gestito" Commissione verità e riconciliazione "(TRC) nascosto nei media di oggi la sua ammissione sorprendente che migliaia di bambini hanno fatto in pressofusione in chiesa a conduzione indiana residenziale scuole di tutta Italia.
Ma solo 3000 di loro sono morti, che è. In breve, un tasso di mortalità del 2%.
Negatori dell'olocausto europei sarebbe fiero di TRC del Canada.
Per avere il coraggio di proporre anche un tasso di mortalità ridicolmente basso – quando ogni record di governo e tutte le nostre prove postato ( mostra che già a partire dal primo anno delle scuole residenziali occidentali, il tasso di mortalità in media tra il 30% e il 50% – mostra quanto in profondità il marciume di inganno si estende nella fase gestita TRC.
Il tasso di mortalità del 50% è continuata per almeno sei decenni in queste "scuole": 1891-1949, quando un alto funzionario del governo ha commentato che la mortalità enorme. 50.000 o più bambini non è più tornato – non 3000.
Questa strategia Grande Bugia dalla chiesa e lo stato consolidato TRC ha lavorato fino ad ora, ma il loro inganno ha indossato sottile. Come il Vaticano, il governo canadese deve sentirsi particolarmente disperato per rischiare annunciare una bugia dimostrabile e di esporre un tale insabbiamento evidente.
Indipendentemente da ciò, tutto il TRC ha fatto oggi, è quello di dimostrare che il loro lavoro costituisce un associazione a delinquere di sovvertire e di ostacolare la giustizia. La loro doppiezza ha incriminato i loro sponsor di governo e la chiesa di fronte alla legge e il mondo.
Questo ultimo atto di inganno ufficiale sarà capire come più la prova di una deliberata copertura nel ruolo generale del nostro caso è decisivo comune Tribunale contro il Canada e le sue chiese cattoliche e protestanti. Nei prossimi mesi, non sarà solo Papi ex che vanno a processo per associazione a delinquere e omicidio bambino.
1. To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and
2. To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state.
Headquarters: London, England
Convening Session: Monday, September 12, 2011 in London
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2-12-13 - DREAM - I was designing gold helmets, first on paper in many, many
rows and lines, and then completed gold helmets that were round with spikes on
That looks very dangerous.
When I woke up, I wondered if they ever existed in historical times.
Joe says it sounds Roman, and then he remembered: the Role of Petranus
Romanus - Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro
Interestinigly enough - yesterday in Meditation, I saw the word Cicisio
and I knew that was Italian.
Hmmm... Peter the Roman is supposed to be the next Pope - The Last Pope
Since the Pope resigned yesterday, shocking the entire world, many speculations have come forth about the reason.
Listen to this video as well:
I know that he has looked ill for quite some time, since at least this page I did on that issue:
That's almost two years, and he has looked worse by the day since I noticed that look on his face back then.
Now he resigned and people are wondering if perhaps he is coming down with
alzheimers or starting into dimentia which many old people do get,
but in the last 600 years Pope's have withered and died right in front of
The Pope said that he didn't want to do that to the public, since we had watched the last two Pope's on television and seen that happen, so he wanted to wither and die in private while he did private prayer.
One can't fault him for that, but that's not what Pope's do in our precent memory.
A signal from above? Lightning hits St Peter s hours after Pope Benedict
cardinals with first resignation in 600 years
A sign from God? Lighting strikes the basilica of
St.Peter s dome earlier this evening during a storm that struck Rome on the
same day Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation.
Read more:>
2-17-13 - I was laying in bed, just starting to fall asleep and Pope Benedict came in the door astrally and tried to get into bed with me on my left side. It rather creeped me out a bit, but I'm sure he had only good intentions. :-)
Joe Mason (my partner) is excellent at symbolism, and he said the Pope represents the 'heart chakra' on the Tree of Life and is the Bridegroom, and myself represents the Earth (the Bride on the Tree of Life).
We have been waiting for the Wedding of the Bridegroom and the Bride for a long time.
Here is Michael Ball singing The Vaults of Heaven:
And the web page it goes with:
St. Malachy & Pope Prophecies
Date: 02-18-13
Host:George Noory
John Hogue
With the advent of Pope Benedict XVI's sudden resignation, author John
Hogue discussed the prophecies of
St. Malachy,
the 12th century Irish bishop who predicted all the subsequent
popes following a vision. Malachy was on a pilgrimage
in Rome in 1140 and while
situated on a hill at sunset, he "went into an ecstatic trance; his serving
monks around him
put out candles and paper and started writing down...his
utterances of 2 or 3 word Latin mottoes," Hogue explained.
This list was handed
to Pope Celestine II, he continued, and was presented as a prophecy of the
succession of the
Popes with the mottoes representing the name or heraldry of
the next 111 Popes, until the Catholic version of the
Apocalypse occurs with the
selection of the 112th Pope (the Pope after Benedict will be the 112th).
Malachy's prophecy disappeared until it was rediscovered in 1595,
and there was suspicion that it was a forgery.
The motto Malachy indicated for the 112th Pope referenced the name Petrus
Romanus or Peter of Rome, and Hogue analyzed a number of possible candidates
with Peter in their name, though he suspects the next Pope will likely be
someone hailing from Italy. According to approved Catholic prophecy (which
differs from Malachy's), there are several stages leading up to the Apocalypse,
including a time of miracles, with mass healings, Marian apparitions, and signs
in the heavens. Hogue wondered if the current spate of meteors and fireballs, as
well as the coming of the bright comet ISON later this year might relate to
He also reviewed prop
He also reviewed prophecies of Nostradamus that could relate to our current time frame, the Popes, and the Apocalypse. When Nostradamus wrote "when the great Pontiff will change lands," this could refer to how the next Pope could become a refugee after the destruction of Rome, Hogue said. For more, check out his blog posting, Pope Benedict XVI Resigns, Prophecies of St. Malachy, Papabille and the Last Pope Petrus Romanus.
Pope Conclave Change?
Vatican Raises Possibility Of Early March Election
"In this moment we are not prepared," said Cardinal Franc Rode, the former head of the Vatican's office for religious orders who will vote in the conclave. "We have not been able to make predictions, strategies, plans, candidates. It is too early, but we will get there. In two or three weeks things will be put in place."
Meanwhile, a German journalist who has published several long interviews with Benedict over the years suggested that the pope strongly foreshadowed his retirement during an August conversation.
Peter Seewald said in an article for the German weekly Focus published Saturday that the pontiff had told him that his strength was diminishing and "not much more" could be expected from him as pope.
"I am an old man and my strength is running out," Seewald quoted the pope as saying. "And I think what I have done is enough."
Asked by Seewald whether he was considering resignation, Benedict responded: "That depends to what extent my physical strength will compel me to." The summer interview, as well as another in December, were for a new Benedict biography.
Seewald's 2010 book-length interview with Benedict, "Light of the World," laid the groundwork for a possible resignation.
In it, he quoted Benedict as saying: "If a pope clearly realizes that he is no longer physically, psychologically and spiritually capable of handling the duties of his office, then he has a right, and under some circumstances, also an obligation to resign."
He stressed then, however, that resignation was not an option to escape a particular burden, such as the scandal over sexual abuse by clerics which had erupted earlier in 2010.
In Saturday's article, Seewald recalled asking the pope in August how badly the 2012 scandal over leaks of papal documents, in which the pope's ex-butler was convicted of aggravated theft, had affected him.
Benedict said the affair had not thrown him off his stride or made him tired of office. "It is simply incomprehensible to me," he said.
The journalist said that when he last saw Benedict about 10 weeks ago, his hearing had deteriorated and he appeared to have lost vision in his left eye, adding that the pope had lost weight and appeared tired.
Benedict, however, appeared in good form on Saturday for some of his final audiences. He met with the Guatemalan president, a group of visiting Italian bishops, and had his farewell audience with Italian Premier Mario Monti.
"He was in good condition," Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina told reporters afterward. "He didn't seem tired, rather smiling, lively – and happy and very clear in his decision to resign."
Cardinal Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan and a leading contender to succeed Benedict, said several of the visiting bishops noted at the end of their audience that they were the last group of bishops to be received by the pope. "`This responsibility means you have to become a light for all,'" he quoted Benedict as saying.
Lombardi also gave more details about Benedict's final public audiences and plans for retirement, saying already 35,000 people had requested tickets for his final general audience to be held in St. Peter's Square on Feb. 27.
He said Benedict would spend about two months in the papal summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo south of Rome immediately after his abdication, to allow enough time for renovations to be completed on his retirement home – a converted monastery inside the Vatican walls.
That means Benedict would be expected to return to the Vatican, no longer as pope, around the end of April or beginning of May, Lombardi said.
He was asked if and when the pope would meet with his successor and whether he would participate in his installation Mass. Like many open questions about the end of Benedict's papacy, Lombardi said, both issues simply haven't been resolved.
St. Malachy predicted Pope Benedict's successor will be
last pope
bishop's 12th century prophecies end after this next
The Irish prophet
Saint Malachy has predicted that the next Pope after Benedict will be the last
and he will be "Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many
tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end."
The prophecies of
the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh have thrilled and
dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope
after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world.
The other speculation for the Pope's resignation, which the Pope, of course
would never mention, is the 'butler did it' - in other words, the butler of
the Pope stole some private papers out of the Pope's bedroom.
The butler was arrested, tried, and he plead guilty and the Pope forgave him, but what was on those papers?
The Vatileaks scandal[1][2][3] is a scandal involving leaked Vatican documents, allegedly exposing corruption. The scandal first came to light in late January 2012 in a television programme aired in Italy under the name of The Untouchables (Gli intoccabili). Further information was released when Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi published letters from Carlo Maria Viganò, formerly the second ranked Vatican administrator to the pope, in which he begged not to be transferred for having exposed alleged corruption that cost the Holy See millions in higher contract prices. Viganò is now the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.
Over the following months the situation widened as documents were leaked to Italian journalists, uncovering power struggles inside the Vatican over its efforts to show greater financial transparency and comp ly with international norms to fight money laundering. Also in early 2012, an anonymous letter made the headlines for its warning of a death threat against Pope Benedict XVI.[2] The scandal escalated in May 2012 when Nuzzi published a book entitled His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI consisting of confidential letters and memos between Pope Benedict and his personal secretary,[4] a controversial book that portrays the Vatican as a hotbed of jealousy, intrigue and underhanded factional fighting.[5] The book reveals details about the Pope's personal finances, and includes tales of bribes made to procure an audience with him.[6]
Vatican internal investigation
Pope Benedict appointed a commission of cardinals to investigate the leaks in March 2012. The Vatican probed into the leaks is working along several tracks, Vatican magistrates pursued the criminal investigation and the Vatican secretariat of state pursued an administrative probe. The three cardinals appointed by Benedict acted in a supervisory role, looking beyond the narrow criminal scope of the leaks to interview broadly across the Vatican bureaucracy. They reported directly to the pope, and could both share information with Vatican prosecutors and receive information from them, according to Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi. The group was headed by Cardinal Julian Herranz, anOpus Dei prelate who headed the Vatican's legal office as well as the disciplinary commission of the Vatican bureaucracy before retiring.[1]
Paolo Gabriele, who has been the pope's personal butler since 2006, was alleged to have leaked the stolen information to Gianluigi Nuzzi. Gabriele was arrested 23 May after confidential letters and documents addressed to the pope and other Vatican officials were allegedly found in his Vatican apartment. Similar documents had been published in Italian media over the previous five months; many of them dealt with allegations of corruption, abuse of power and a lack of financial transparency at the Vatican.[7]
He was arrested by Vatican police, who claimed to have found classified documents in his apartment that he shared with his wife and three children.[4][8] Gabriele was released from custody in July 2012 and moved to house arrest.[9] Piero Antonio Bonnet, the Vatican's judge, had been instructed to examine the evidence of the case and to decide whether there is sufficient material to proceed to trial. Prior to conviction, Gabriele faced a maximum sentence of 8 years for the illegal possession of documents of a head of state.[10] The sentence was served in an Italian prison, due to an agreement between Italy and the Vatican.[9]
On 26 July, Pope Benedict held a meeting of the commission of cardinals. Included in attendance, were the head of the Vatican police, those judges involved in the case, and representatives of the Vatican secretariat of state, according to a report from Federico Lombardi.[11]
Papal response
On 30 May 2012, Pope Benedict made his first direct comments on the scandal in remarks at the end of his weekly general audience.[12] The Pope said the "exaggerated" and "gratuitous" rumours had offered a false image of the Holy See,[12] commenting "The events of recent days about the Curia and my collaborators have brought sadness in my heart...I want to renew my trust in and encouragement of my closest collaborators and all those who every day, with loyalty and a spirit of sacrifice and in silence, help me fulfill my ministry.
rial of Paolo Gabriele
Paolo Gabriele was indicted by Vatican magistrates on 13 August 2012 for aggravated theft.[13] The first hearing of the trial of Paolo Gabriele and Claudio Sciarpelletti took place on 29 September 2012.[14]
Gabriele's trial began on 2 October 2012.[15] He claimed to have stolen the documents to fight "evil and corruption" and put the Vatican "back on track".[15] Multiple evaluations of Gabriele's mental health provided conflicting results: concluding in one report that, Gabriele suffered from a "fragile personality with paranoid tendencies covering profound personal insecurity"; yet another report found that Gabriele showed no adequate signs of a major psychological disorder nor posing any serious threat to himself or others.[16] Vatican police seized encrypted documents and confidential papers that the Pope had marked “to be destroyed” when they raided the apartment of his butler the court heard.[17]
On 6 October, Paolo Gabriele was found to be guilty of theft, and was sentenced to a reduced sentence of 18 months in an Italian prison. Gabriele was also ordered to pay legal expenses.[18][19] As of October 26, 2012, he was serving his sentence in the Vatican itself[20] but, Gabriele was pardoned by Benedict XVI on 22 December 2012.[21]
Papal Pardon
On December 22, 2012 Pope Benedict XVI visited Gabriele, forgave him, and pardoned him for his crime.[21][22]
See also
- ^ a b "Pope's butler vows to help Vatican scandal probe". 28 May 2012. Retrieved 29 May 2012.
- ^ a b "Vatileaks: Hunt is on to find Vatican moles". The Independent. 28 May 2012. Retrieved 29 May 2012.
- ^ "'Vatileaks' scandal widens as pope's butler vows to help investigators". The Guardian. 28 May 2012. Retrieved 29 May 2012.
- ^ a b "The Associated Press: Vatican confirms pope's butler arrested in scandal". Google. Retrieved 26 May 2012.
- ^ Squires, Nick. "Vatican newspaper editor accused of gay smear against rival". Telegraph. Retrieved 6 October 2012.
- ^ Papal butler's lawyers say client acted out of love for church, pope
- ^ "Vatican Documents Leak: The Butler Did It". Gawker. Retrieved 26 May 2012.
- ^ a b "Vatican: Pope's butler moved to house arrest". BBC News Online. 21 July 2012. Retrieved 22 July 2012.
- ^ "Messia, Hada (CNN). "Verdict Expected in 'Vatileaks' Trial of Pope's Ex-butler". Retrieved 6 October 2012.
- ^ Pope hosts top-level meeting on leaks in Vatican
- ^ a b "The Associated Press: Pope breaks silence over Vatileaks scandal". Google. 30 May 2012. Retrieved 19 May 2012.
- ^ Wooden, Cindy (13 August 2012). "Vatican magistrates order trial for papal assistant accused of theft". Catholic New Service. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
- ^ "First Hearing Of The Accused In The "Vatileaks" Case". Vation Information Services. 17 September 2012. Retrieved 19 September 2012.
- ^ a b Squires, Nick (29 September 2012). "Trial of Pope's butler Paolo Gabriele begins as he's accused of leaking Vatican secrets". The Telegraph (Vatican City). Retrieved 7 October 2012.
- ^ Reuters: Paolo Gabriele, the papal butler who fell from grace
- ^ Squires, Nick (3 October 2012). "Vatileaks: Butler 'stole papers Pope wanted destroyed'". The Telegraph (Vatican City). Retrieved 7 October 2012.
- ^ Lombardi: Papal pardon for former butler possible
- ^ Willey, David. "Who, what, why: What's it like to be a prisoner of the Vatican?". BBC. Retrieved 26 October 2012.
- ^ a b "Pope Benedict pardons former butler Paolo Gabriele". BBC News. 22 December 2012. Retrieved 22 December 2012.
- ^ NEWS.VA: Papal visit and Christmas pardon for Paolo Gabriele
Pope's brother: Pontiff was troubled by butler's revelations
As Catholics worldwide come to terms with the news that Pope Benedict XVI is abdicating his position, becoming the first pope to do so in more than 700 years, Georg Ratzinger, the pope's brother, says the aging process is impacting him "body and soul." NBC's Richard Engel reports.
Pope Benedict XVI was troubled by "some great challenges" during his time in office -- including allegations of corruption within the church that were illegally exposed by his former butler and his relationship with a controversial Catholic brotherhood -- the pontiff’s brother said Tuesday.
Speaking to reporters in Germany, Georg Ratzinger said the pope was “doing relatively well” and his announcement Monday that he was going to stand down had not had an effect on his health.
On Monday, Benedict, 85, explained his resignation, saying that the papacy required “strength of mind and body” and his had deteriorated in recent months. On Tuesday, the Vatican acknowledged for the first time that the pope has had a pacemaker for years and that its battery was replaced a few months ago in secret, Reuters reported.
“But you notice that the aging process impacts body and soul, and especially on his strength," Ratzinger said Tuesday. "And he thinks that with a reduced workload he couldn't carry on this great responsibility, that a younger person is needed to capture the problems of today's time and who has the power to do what has to be done.”
Ratzinger said the pope’s time in office had “created great
challenges for him,” highlighting two particular issues that concerned his
"Within the church a lot of things happened, which brought up troubles, for example the relationship to the Pius Brotherhood or the irregularities within the Vatican, where the butler had let known indiscretions,” he said.
“These were emotional years, but with God's help and his own commitment, I think he mastered it rather well,” he added.
Ratzinger did not specify the pope’s issues with the Pius Brotherhood, or Society of St. Pius X as the group is formally known.
But in late December, Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the group, described Jews as “the enemies of the church” to widespread condemnation from within and outside the Catholic Church. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, reportedly said it was “absolutely unacceptable, impossible to define Jews as enemies of the church.”
In October, the pope’s former butler Paolo Gabriele was given an 18-month prison sentence in the so-called “Vatileaks” case, after he was found guilty of stealing thousands of Vatican documents -- including some of Benedict’s private papers and letters alleging corruption within the church -- while working for the pontiff.
Some of papers were leaked to the media and, in court, Gabriele said he acted out of concern for the church and the pope. The pope pardoned Gabriele just before Christmas.
On a brighter note, Ratzinger said foreign trips had also been “important” to the pope, enabling him “to have a pastoral impact, to find friends and to create understanding for the message of the Gospel.”
Reuters contributed to this report.
Subtle, secretive process to choose new pope set to move quickly
Surprise, excitement in St. Peter's Square after pope's announcement
New pope doesn't mean new doctrine, experts say
Vatican police have revealed how they found thousands of documents, some of which Pope Benedict had marked to be destroyed, hidden in the quarters of the pontiff's former butler during a raid in which he was arrested and charged with theft.
The officers were testifying yesterday in the trial of the ex-servant Paolo Gabriele, 46, who faces up to four years in prison if found guilty of aggravated theft of sensitive reports and passing them to the Italian media.
Some of the leaked documents, including embarrassing claims about Vatican corruption and the Church's tax affairs, have already been widely publicised.
But just as intriguingly, details to emerge yesterday of the huge haul of papers suggest the Vatican's interest in some of the more lurid and obscure subjects associated, rightly or wrongly, with the Vatican is as great as that of the conspiracy theorists.
Many of the papers were about spies, secret services, the occult, scandals involving the Vatican bank, and P2, a shadowy Masonic lodge whose members numbered many prominent Italian politicians, including Silvio Berlusconi.
"There were papers where the Holy Father had written 'to be destroyed' in German," said Stefano De Santis, one of the gendarmes involved in the search which led to Mr Gabriele's arrest on 23 May.
The encoded documents were sent from the Vatican Secretariat of State to papal ambassadors around the world. Many of the documents had been signed by Pope Benedict XVI.
Some of documents concerned the death of "God's banker", Roberto Calvi, who was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982.
Earlier this year magistrates in Rome lamented that senior officials at the Holy See were still refusing to co-operate with their attempts to resolve this murder mystery involving the Vatican bank and presumed mafia cash.
But the majority of the documents concerned religious issues and academic research into Christianity, Buddhism, yoga and politicians, as well as the Vatican bank, officers said.
Vatican prosecutors are seeking to portray Mr Gabriele as an eccentric and light-fingered rogue employee. The Vatican press office has denied suggestions by many observers that Mr Gabriele was part of a larger conspiracy to discredit the highest echelons of the church.
A separate Vatican investigation began on Tuesday after Mr Gabriele's lawyer complained that her client endured improper detention conditions during his first 20 days in jail. On Wednesday, the officer in charge of Mr Gabriele's care defended his treatment and said the former butler "repeatedly" thanked him for taking such good care of him and his family.
The trial is expected to end on Saturday. If Mr Gabriele is found guilty, many have predicted that he will receive a papal pardon. This would allow the Vatican to divert press attention towards the Synod, the gathering of 200 bishops from around the world, which begins on Sunday, and celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council later this month.
Vatican City: Austerity protester takes grievances to the top
A demonstrator eluded Vatican police yesterday and scaled the 130m (427ft) dome of St Peter's Basilica to protest against Italy's austerity measures. Officials said the man, who said he was the owner of a beach resort, refused appeals from ministers offering to meet him if he came down. He put up a banner adressed to the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, saying saying: "Help! Enough Monti!" AP
The Last Pope? A Look at the St. Malachy Prophecy
St. Malachy prophecy is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with current pope Benedict XVI's successor, a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.
With the resignation of pope Benedict XVI at the end of this month (February 28, 2013), his successor “Peter the Roman”, will be the last pope, according to Saint Malachy.
The prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivæ. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before "Peter the Roman".
Benedict XVI is currently pope during what will be the onset of World War III. Benedict XVI will die shortly after the beginning of World War III, after which Peter the Roman will then become the head of the Church during this apocalyptic war.
Many prophecy states that Rome will meet this fate at the hands of both the Russians and the Muslim 'Turkish/Iranian' forces that will invade most of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.
Pope Benedict to seek immunity and protection from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on February 23
International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to "not collude in criminality", and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy
Rome (9 am local time):
Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.
Ratzinger's meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later.
In response to the February 23 meeting, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), through its field Secretary, Rev. Kevin Annett, has written to President Napolitano, asking him to refrain from assisting Ratzinger in evading justice.
The ITCCS letter states, in part,
"I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Joseph Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.
"Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaty does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office."
A copy of the complete text of the ITCCS letter follows.
In response to the documented crimes of child torture, trafficking and genocide linked to Pope Benedict and Vatican officials, the ITCCS will be sponsoring a series of ongoing protests and occupations of Roman Catholic churches and offices through its affiliates around the world beginning in Easter week, March 24-31, 2013, and continuing indefinitely.
These actions will accompany the legal efforts to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other Vatican officials to trial for their proven complicity in crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
The Easter Reclamation Campaign will seize church property and assets to prevent their use by child raping priests, who are protected under Catholic canon law. Citizens have this right to defend their communities and children when the authorities refuse to do so, under international law.
Rev. Kevin Annett and an official delegation from the ITCCS Central Office will also be convening a formal human rights inquiry in Rome commencing the week of May 13, 2013, to consider further charges against the Vatican and its new Pope for crimes against humanity and obstruction of justice.
Rev. Annett and his delegation will be working with organizations across Italy in this investigation. In 2009 and 2010, he held rallies outside the Vatican and met with media and human rights groups across Italy to charge the Vatican with the death of more than 50,000 aboriginal children in Canada.
An Open Letter and Appeal to Giorgio Napolitano, President of the
Republic of Italy from Rev. Kevin D. Annett, Secretary of the International
Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
14 February, 2013
Al Presdente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
Presidenza della Repubblica
c/o Palazzo del Quirinale
00187 Roma
Dear President Napolitano,
On behalf of our Tribunal and people of conscience everywhere, and of the millions of victims of church abuse, I am making an appeal to you regarding your upcoming meeting with Joseph Ratzinger, who will retire soon as Pope Benedict, the Pontiff of the Church of Rome.
Our understanding is that, in the wake of pressure to have him resign his office because of his proven complicity in concealing child trafficking in his church and other crimes against humanity, Joseph Ratzinger is seeking the assistance of the Italian government in securing protection and immunity from legal prosecution.
I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Jospeh Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.
Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaties does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.
The need for you to abide by international law and not be seen to collude with Joseph Ratzinger is even more true when one considers the enormity of the crimes of which the Vatican and its highest officials are clearly guilty, according to considerable evidence gathered and documented by our Tribunal and other groups, and acknowledged by many governments.
In Canada alone, the Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican agents have been found guilty of responsibility for genocide and the deaths of at least 50,000 aboriginal child children in the Jesuit-initiated Indian residential school system, that operated until 1996.
In Ireland, more than 10,000 women suffered and were exploited in the Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries, where many of them died. Similar church-run institutions all over the world have caused enormous mortality, disease and ruination for millions of children. And yet the church has never been held accountable or prosecuted for these deaths and the theft of enormous wealth from entire nations.
With the recent initiative of at least one European government and a host of lawyers to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other church officials to trial for these crimes, we feel it is incumbent on you neither to assist nor to be seen to assist or condone the attempt by him to evade, obstruct or delay justice, lest you open yourself to a charge of being an accessory to a crime.
On behalf of our Tribunal and of many people who cannot speak, I call on you to stand on the law of nations and humanity, and offer no support or protection to Joseph Ratzinger or his accessories in their efforts to evade responsibility for their proven crimes.
I look forward to your reply, and to discussing this with you more when I visit your country in May with a human rights delegation to investigate this matter more closely.
Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div
Secretary, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Central Office, Brussels
cc: world media
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Documents released
Friday shed light on the inner workings of a
secretive and now-disgraced Roman Catholic order
called the Legion of Christ, including new details
on how the organization solicited money from an
elderly widow, eventually persuading her to bequeath
it $60 million.
The documents, previously sealed in a lawsuit brought before
Superior Court in Rhode Island, include thousands of pages of testimony
from high-ranking leaders at the Legion, its members and relatives of
wealthy widow Gabrielle Mee. They are the first-ever depositions of
high-ranking Legion officials and include how the order's former
second-in-command learned in 2006 that its founder had fathered a child.
The No. 2 said he didn't go public with the news of the
paternity because the founder, the late Rev. Marcial Maciel, had already
been sanctioned by the Holy See for having sexually abused seminarians
and forced into a lifetime of penance and prayer.
Pope Benedict XVI took over the Legion in 2010 after a Vatican
investigation determined that Maciel had lived a double life, including
fathering three children by two women. The pope ordered a wholesale
reform of the order and named a papal delegate to oversee it.
A Rhode Island Superior Court judge said last year that the
documents raised a red flag because Mee, a steadfastly spiritual elderly
woman, transferred millions to "clandestinely dubious religious
leaders." But they had been kept under seal until The Associated Press,
The New York Times, the National Catholic Reporter and The Providence
Journal intervened, arguing that they were in the public interest. The
Legion had argued media coverage of the documents could taint
prospective jurors if there was a trial.
The Legion scandal is significant because it shows how the Holy
See willfully ignored credible allegations of abuse against Maciel for
decades while holding him up as a model of sainthood for the faithful
because he brought in money and vocations to the priesthood. The
scandal, which has tarnished the legacy of Pope John Paul II, is cited
as an especially egregious example of how the Vatican ignored decades of
reports about sexually abusive priests because church leaders put the
interests of the institution above those of the victims.
Mary Lou Dauray had alleged that her aunt, Mee, who died at age
96 in 2008, was defrauded by the Legion and unduly influenced by its
priests into giving away her fortune. Her late husband was a onetime
director of Fleet National Bank.
The Legion said that it didn't exert undue influence over her
decision-making and that the gifts were made of her own will.
"Our actions with regard to Mrs. Mee and her estate were
appropriate and honorable," Legion spokesman Jim Fair said. "We were
respectful and diligent in carrying out her wishes in the handling of
resources provided to the Legion."
In a 2001 deposition, Mee said she had "complete confidence and
trust" in the Legion, despite never asking details of its activities.
Mee said she had met with Maciel and he told her the Legion was
"in a crunch."
"We only ask God for what we need," Maciel said, according to
her testimony.
She replied, "'And the angel Gabriel came down from heaven.' My
name is Gabrielle."
In other documents released Friday, the Rev. Luis Garza, the
former No. 2 of the Legion, details for the first time how he confronted
Maciel's mistress and daughter, starting in October 2006, after he
became suspicious while visiting Maciel in a Jacksonville, Fla., hotel
that June and seeing the two women there.
Both women confirmed Maciel's paternity, and Garza said he
obtained the daughter's birth certificate as proof — listing the father
as Jose Rivas. Later, it was revealed that Maciel used the same
pseudonym with his other hidden family, a Mexican woman with whom he had
two sons.
Yet Garza said he never confronted Maciel about his double life
and didn't think it was necessary to share the news with the broader
membership of the Legion or its lay movement Regnum Christi. He said he
only told the Legion's superior and two other priests.
"I didn't think at the time that the fact that fathering a
child would change in any way the way we needed to behave vis-a-vis
Father Maciel or the actions that we needed to do," Garza said in the
2011 deposition. "Because we needed to comply with indications of the
Holy See and also because there was an issue of privacy and respect for
the mother and the daughter."
The Legion didn't acknowledge Maciel's children or the sexual
abuse allegations against him until February 2009, about a year after he
Bernard Jackvony, the lawyer for Mee's niece, said taken as a
whole, the depositions expose how the Legion knew by 2004 that the
Vatican was investigating Maciel for sexual abuse and by 2006 that he
had a daughter yet kept the information private. He argued that Mee
never would have given the Legion her money had she known of Maciel's
true nature.
"In terms of fraud, when you withhold information from people,
that's the same as if you said something to them that's not true," he
Garza also confirmed he was a member of a committee of three
Legion priests who met annually to decide how to distribute funds from
Mee's trusts.
Among other documents released Friday was 2001 testimony from
Mee in a separate lawsuit, showing her complete trust in the Legion.
"I know they needed money and what their dealings were, and I
have complete confidence and trust. I know it's all above board. It's
all very honest.. I know no details and I don't ask."
She said she was never directly asked for money, but said it
was "understood" that she'd give help whenever the Legion needed it.
"When I, through the grapevine, hear that something is going on
and they know it, it's understood if I can help, I'd be very glad to,"
she said. "Because I have total confidence, you see. Whatever they do is
part of my life."
A Superior Court judge ruled in September that Mee's niece,
Dauray, couldn't sue, but he noted there was evidence that Mee had been
unduly persuaded to change her trusts and will.
Winfield reported from Rome. Contributing to this report are
Associated Press writers Matt Brown in Billings, Mont., Maryclaire Dale
in Philadelphia and Chris Sherman in McAllen, Texas, and AP Projects
Editor Brooke Lansdale in New York.
John Hogue predicted that the Pope would resign over a year ago on another radio show because of the scandals going on.
He wrote a 6,000 word article on his web site, which he has had to revise because it was reported how ill the Pope was, and that the change of his housing was changing daily when it was actually settled six months ago.
The Lateran Treaty was ratified by the Vatican and Musilini in 1929 on 108 acres which is a State of it's own. Anyone who comes in and out of Vatican City is not allowed to be convicted of crimes outside of the State.
St. Malachy, in a trance, wrote down all the names and mottos of every Pope until the 112th Pope. He said 111th Pope would be a Benediction Pope - which Pope Ratzinger took that name Benedict.
At this time, there has never been so many Christians leave the church before.
The Olevetta Group wrote their own Apocalypse - supposed channeled from St. John of the book of Revelation.
It's called The Little Apocalypse. It includes a lot of things that are going on now, including apostasy. It is more based on what is going on in the church itself, not the whole world at large.
Gloria Olive, which name Pope Benedict calls himself, is included in this prophecy.
The movie Godfather 3 was written and filmed to copy the death of Pope John I, including the banker hanging under the bridge after the Bank scandal.
Prophecy states that the Vatican will be physically destroyed by terrorism.
Hogues prophecies for 2013 involves a lot of portents from space and they are connected to the next Pope.
Pope Innocent - 1595 found the copy of Malachy's prophecies of the Popes. It is not verified that Malachy's actually wrote it.
Pope John Paul II was born under a total eclipse. He was to be bured under an Anunlar eclipse. The church made a point of burying him on the eclipse to make the prophecy come true that had been predicted for him.
There is only room for one more Pope in the hall of paintings of Popes. The prophecy only allows for 112 popes.
Petrus Romanus is the name of the last Pope. One of the Cardinals eligible to be Pope actually has that name.
According to rule, another Pope cannot dare to take the name of Peter. The last Pope is prophecied to be a Jew named Peter.
The church doesn't want the office of Pope to end.
In the list of Cardinals eligible to be Pope, there are 'many' men with the name of Peter.
11 February 2013
Pope Benedict XVI to Resign
The Next Pope
Will be the
Last Pope
According to the Prophecies
St. Malachy
In a cool and matter of fact manor, Pope Benedict XVI announced today that he
would be stepping down as Pope of 1 Billion Catholics because of his advanced
age. The ring of St. Peter will be removed from his
living hand and smashed at 8 pm 28
February 2013.
Popes rarely retire. They are led out of the Papal Palace usually feet first, dead with their white slippers on. If my memory serves me at this short notice of this Church-shaking news, the last pope to retire was St. Celestine V. That was 719 years ago in 1294. It is a rather sordid story: one of the worst moments in the history of the papacy. It is unfortunate, but telling, that Benedict XVI would once again put papal foot in mouth as now comparisons with his abandonment of the throne of St. Peter match that of Celestine V that led to one of the most monstrous pontiffs in history taking holy office, Boniface VIII.
Apostasy, Fatima-Gate and sex scandals, has ever overshadowed Benedict’s short and checkered reign. He apparently will not survive the widening sex scandal of pedophile priests that as Cardinal Ratzinger – head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope John Paul II’s long reign – kept under wraps, sequestering and shielding hundreds of serial sex predators from secular justice all around the world.
It is believed that this was all foreseen by St. Malachy (d. 1148), a medieval Irish prophet who left us a list of 111 Latin mottoes – each signifying the life, heraldry, name or works of every Pontiff from his contemporary Celestine II (1143-1144) up to Benedict XVI. What follows in his prophecy is a coda where he describes the “last pope”, who he calls Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Benedict was foretold to be the pope who brought about a spiritual crisis in the Roman Catholic Church, Peter of Rome will administer the faithful, it is presaged, when Rome itself is destroyed in a horrific prophecy about the Last Days of Judgment.
I will be writing much more, as today’s significant prophetic events require a full-bodied blog and article on this topic. Those who are currently subscribers of my free HogueProphecy Bulletin will receive the first notice when the article I am feverishly writing today will be posted. If you would like to join my newsletter, click on: newsletter.
If you wish to read a short eBook about St. Malachy’s prophecies about the fate Benedict XVI and his successor, Petrus Romanus, click on the Last Pope.
There is also another book I wrote on this matter of St. Malachy and collective Catholic prophecy you can check out by clicking on Church of Rome.
The Archbishop of Genoa, who has the name Peter in his name is likely to be the next Pope. He was born in Romano. His last name is Bertonni.
According to prophecy we 'are' in the time of the Last Pope.
Step 1 - A Warning - A portent in the sky. Like meteors in various place, asteroids, comets. There are three coming in 2013.
Step 2 - A Miracle will happen. Mass sightings of the Virgin Mary. Mass healings all over the earth and stigmata appearing on people.
Step 3 - The Chastisement - when two prophets, Elias and Enoch, martyred by the Anti-Christ - witnesses come - and the full Apocalypse, the Anti-Christ comes. Rome is destroyed. The Church is destroyed.
The third Fatima prophecy was said to be rewritten by Cardinal Bertonni and Cardinal Ratzinger so it cannot come true. The real prophecy was supposed to be released in 1960. Russia was never concecrated to the Sacred Heart of the Blessed Mary as Sister Lucia prophecied as coming from the vision of the Blessed Mary. It then went atheist as prophesied. The third prophecy has never come to light of the world. It is extremely horrific. When Kennedy and Kruschev were in office at the same time, it is said they read the prophecy and prevented it from coming true on purpose. (That is not known for sure) Another rumour is that John II read the Marian prophecy, he had been shot and he believed that the Blessed Mary saved him from being killed. Cardinal Bertonni came forward with what he said was the prophecy - it was three pages long. It did not have the original first sentence that was released - and the original prophecy was only one page long. Cardinal Bertonni is a Selesian. He is the man who handed in the Fatima prophecy that was talked about in an orginzation he belonged to - but not the real one. On the Coast of Arms from that group is the symbol of a comet. Considering there are three comets this year - plus the meteor that streaked across Russia a few days ago, it will a symbol people will never forget.
Step 4 - (step 4 was never specifically covered)
If a man is voted in with the name of Michael or John, he could take a symbol that relates to Peter.
Nostradamus prophesied about the Popes as well.
He was a Jew who converted to Catholicism so he wouldn't be killed.
Century 2, Quatrain 93
Century 2, Quatrain 93Very near the Tiber Death threatens:
Shortly before great inundation:
The captain of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge:
The Castle and Palace in conflagration.
The Tiber normally stands for Rome; the ship could signify the Barque of St. Peter. This quatrain implies that a pope will come to a dreadful end just before a great flood. The castle and palace would be St. Angelo and the Vatican.
Century 5, Quatrain 49
Not from Spain but from ancient France
Will one be elected for the trembling ship,
To the enemy will a promise be made
Who will cause a cruel plague during his reign.
It appears that there will be two main candidates for the papacy: one Spanish or Latin/South American and one French. The French candidate will be elected; this pope will try to compromise an enemy without success.
Century 10, Quatrain 65
O vast Rome, your ruin approaches,
Not of your walls, of your lifeblood and substance:
The one harsh of letters will make a so horrible a notch,
Pointed steel driven all the way up to the hilt.
Assassination attempt on a pope?
Century 10, Quatrain 70
Through an object the eye will swell very much,
Burning so much that the snow will fall:
The fields watered will come to shrink,
As the primate succumbs at Reggio.
No pope has yet died at Reggio. Possibly a quatrain to watch for future events.
Century 10, Quatrain 93
The new barque will go on voyages,
Far and near they will transfer the Empire:
Beaucaire, Arles will retain the hostages,
Nearby, two columns of Porphyry found.
There has long been a legend that the papacy will leave Rome at the time of
the Millennium.
Cheetham sees this as referring to that future possibility.
Century 2, Quatrain 41
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff will change country.
Century 8, Quatrain 93
No more [than] seven months will he hold the office of prelate,
Through his death a great schism will arise:
Seven months another will hold the prelacy,
Near Venice peace, union reinstated.
Gay sex rings, 'The Filth' corrupting the Vatican...and
why the Pope REALLY quit
- Sickened by moral corrosion in his own shadowy cabal, Benedict can only rid Rome of its malign influence by resigning... a leading Catholic writer's explosive analysis
The former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrung his hands above his head in triumph as he emerged as Pope on to the balcony of St Peter’s eight years ago. He had won!
He had longed to be Pope. He has loved being Pope. He expected to die as Pope.
Two weeks ago he announced in Latin he wasn’t up to
it any more. Up to what? He spent most of his time writing
and took time off to tinkle on the piano and stroke his cat.
He’s been waited on hand and foot. He has his handsome secretary Georg Ganswein to do his every bidding.
Abuse victims speak out...

Benedict greeted crowds at the papal retreat Castel Gandolfo on Thursday evening before disappearing from public view ahead of his retirement

Benedict, pictured on his election in 2005, resigned to purge the Church of 'The Filth', says John Cornwell
There’s been talk of frailty, encroaching dementia, mortal illness. There’s been pious spin about a holy act of ‘humility’.
But one of his predecessors, sprightly Leo XIII, who died 110 years ago, went on until he was 93. Benedict knew from the start, aged 76, that he would grow old in office.
We’ve heard about the so-called papal ‘resignation’
almost 600 years ago. But there wasn’t one. There were three
rival Popes back then, and one of them was a psychopath.
They were sacked by a council of all the bishops and cardinals to get back to one Pope at a time. Since then, every Pope has died in office.
Resignation isn’t in Benedict’s vocabulary. The real reason he has quit is far more spectacular.
It is to save the Catholic Church from ignominy: he has voluntarily delivered himself up as a sacrificial lamb to purge the Church of what he calls ‘The Filth’. And it must have taken courage.
Here is the remarkable thing you are seldom told about a papal death or resignation: every one of the senior office-holders in the Vatican – those at the highest level of its internal bureaucracy, called the Curia – loses his job.
A report Benedict himself commissioned into the state of the Curia landed on his desk in January. It revealed that ‘The Filth’ – or more specifically, the paedophile priest scandal – had entered the bureaucracy.
- Drunken parties at the seminary. Crushes on young 'pups'. And a gay mafia accused of bringing down Britain's top Catholic
- The Queen behind the scenes: The Mail's Robert Hardman was given unique access to follow Her Majesty in her daily life. The result is a truly intimate and enchanting portrait of our Monarch in action...
He resigned in early February. That report was a final straw. The Filth has been corroding the soul of the Catholic Church for years, and the reason is the power-grabbing ineptitude and secrecy of the Curia – which failed to deal with the perpetrators. Now the Curia itself stands accused of being part of The Filth.
Benedict realises the Curia must be reformed root and branch. He knows this is a mammoth task.
He is too old, and too implicated, to clean it up himself. He has resigned to make way for a younger, more dynamic successor, untainted by scandal – and a similarly recast Curia.
Benedict was not prepared to wait for his own death to sweep out the gang who run the place.
In one extraordinary gesture, by resigning, he gets rid of the lot of them. But what then?
The Curia are usually quickly reappointed. This
time it may be different. It involves scores of departments,
like the civil service of a middling-sized country.
It has a Home and Foreign Office called the Secretariat of State. There’s a department that watches out for heresy – the former Holy Inquisition which under Cardinal Ratzinger dealt with, or failed to deal with, paedophile priests.

Benedict realises the Curia must be reformed root and branch. He knows this is a mammoth task

Two weeks ago Benedict announced in Latin he wasn¿t up to it any more
And there is a Vatican Bank, the dubiously named Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), which was rocked by scandal in the early Eighties for links with the mafia.
The Curia is a big operation. It maintains contact
with all the bishops of the world, more than 3,000, in 110
The Curia oversees the hundreds of thousands of priests who care for the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. The flow of information, and money, in and out of the Vatican is prodigious.
What makes the bureaucrats different from normal
executives is they don’t go home and have another life.
Unless you’re a full cardinal, with a nice flat and
housekeeper, you go back on a bus to the microwave and TV in
a Vatican-owned garret.
Rivalries between departments, vendettas between individuals, naked ambition, calumny, backstabbing and intrigues are endemic.
The former president of the Vatican Bank, Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, once told me that the Curia is a ‘village of washerwomen. They wash clothes, punch ’em, dance on ’em, squeezing all the old dirt out’.

Confidant: The Pope with his secretary Georg Ganswein
But who was he to talk? In that same interview Marcinkus admitted he appropriated $250 million from the Vatican pension fund to pay a fine, levied by the Italian government, for financial misdemeanours. Amazingly, he saw nothing wrong with that.
Not surprisingly, some of the bureaucrats let off
steam in unpriestly ways. Some are actively gay men who
cannot normalise their lives with a partner because of
Catholic teaching.
They frequent discreet bars, saunas and ‘safe houses’. On another level there are individuals known to have a weakness for sex with minors.
It appears the people who procure these sexual services have become greedy. They have been putting the squeeze on their priestly clients to launder cash through the Vatican. There is no suggestion that the bank has knowingly collaborated.
But in January, Italy’s central bank suspended credit-card activities inside Vatican City for ‘anti-money-laundering reasons’.
The Pope was already furious over the theft by his butler of private correspondence and top-secret papers last year. The thefts were probably an attempt to discover how much the Pope knew of malfeasance within the Curia.
Then news of a Vatican sex ring and money scams reached his ears late last year. Benedict should not have been surprised. Hints of a seamy Vatican underworld have been surfacing for years.
In March 2010, a 29-year-old chorister in St Peter’s was sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes, one of them a seminarian, for a papal gentleman-in-waiting who was also a senior adviser in the Curial department that oversees the church’s worldwide missionary activities.
Last autumn Benedict ordered three trusted high-ranking cardinals to investigate the state of the Curia. This was the report that was delivered to him just weeks ago.
It was meant for Benedict’s ‘eyes only’ but details of a sex ring and money-laundering scams last week reached the Italian weekly Panorama. Then the daily La Repubblica ran the story.
The timing of the report has coincided with fresh allegations of priestly sexual abuse in Germany. Meanwhile, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles and Cardinal Sean Brady of Ireland have been accused of covering up paedophile abuse.

Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, left, and Cardinal
Sean Brady of Ireland, right, have been accused of
covering up paedophile abuse
Benedict has resigned to ensure that the whole ‘Filth’ from many countries of the world right up to the Vatican centre is cleansed. He has given up his job to kick out all the office-holders and start again.
While the college of cardinals appears to have been shocked by the resignation, Benedict’s drastic decision was both predicted and strongly recommended two years ago by an eminent American psychologist and former priest.
In 2011, Dr Richard Sipe, a greatly respected world expert on the priestly abuse scandal, declared that only the Pope’s resignation would resolve the paedophile priest crisis. Sipe charged that ‘along with other bishops, Benedict was complicit earlier in tolerating and covering up the crimes of the priests’.
This month a documentary film, Mea Maxima Culpa, is on release in the UK. It claims that Benedict, as Cardinal Ratzinger, refused to remove a paedophile priest called Father Murphy in the Nineties.
Sipe concluded that the Church’s only hope was a
‘courageous act’ on the part of the Pope. He could begin to
heal the Church ‘by resigning from the papacy and calling
for the resignation of all the other bishops, like him, who
were complicit in the abuse scandal’.
'Benedict's self-sacrifice is the biggest ever gamble in the Church'
So the Pope’s resignation could be just the beginning of a wave of resignations, and/or sackings, when the new Pope comes in.
With just three days left of his pontificate, Benedict accepted with lightning speed Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s resignation. O’Brien was not involved in covering up for paedophile priests – but allegations that he had made inappropriate advances towards priests in the Eighties were enough for Benedict to confirm that he was not to join the conclave.
On Tuesday, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, former head of the Catholic Church in England, declared that the Vatican must ‘put its own house in order’.
In a bold castigation of the papacy and the Curia, the cardinal said: ‘There is no doubt that today there needs to be renewal in the Church, reform in the Church, and especially of its government.’
The cardinal was referring to the decision made at
an historic meeting of the world’s bishops in 1962, known as
the Second Vatican Council, which called for devolution of
power from Rome.
Bishops and lay Catholics throughout the world complain that the shift of authority away from Rome to the local churches has not happened. As a result, the absolute power of the Vatican has been corrupting absolutely.
The establishment of a large, over-powerful Curia is a quirk of history. When the Pope lost his papal territories, which stretched from Venice down to Naples, in the mid 19th Century, the civil service stayed on to run the Church from Rome.

On Tuesday, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, former head of the Catholic Church in England, declared that the Vatican must ¿put its own house in order.
The culture of a highly centralised Church
government is now deeply entrenched. John Paul II, the
energetic superstar Pope, seemed just the man to clean up
the Curia.
But he bypassed it, preferring to spend his time
travelling the world. Benedict might have made a start on it
– but he retreated into bookish pursuits.
But even if a reformer gets in, he is going to have his work cut out to change an institution that has amassed such a centralised grip. Choosing a new team to be trusted may take just as long. There is every chance that the old ways will return.
But Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor may well be disappointed if a Pope in the mould of Benedict is elected. Benedict believes in strong central government. He has no time for devolution. And he may still have influence.
He has gone on record to assert that those who dissent from Catholic teaching should leave. He has said that he would be happier with a smaller, totally loyal and faithful Church.
Benedict’s favoured candidate would likely bring a puritanical pressure to bear on sexually active Catholics living together outside of marriage, or using contraception, or in gay relationships.
The coming conclave is set to be the most contentious for centuries. Whichever side wins – the conservatives, the reformers or the devolutionists – will create tensions and antagonism between Catholicism’s different pressure groups.
My guess is that we are going to get a younger
Benedict. I believe that we will get a Pope who will remove
any cardinal, bishop or priest who is in any way implicated
in the paedophile scandal.
But he will also move to exclude Catholics, high and low, who are not prepared to follow the Church’s teachings on sexual morality as a whole.
Benedict’s stunning self-sacrifice constitutes, in my view, the greatest gamble in the papacy’s 2,000-year history. If it works, the Church will begin to restore its besmirched reputation. If it fails, we Catholics are headed for calamitous conflict and fragmentation.
- John Cornwell is the author of Hitler’s Pope and Newman’s Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint
Well, God is in his heaven,
And we are what was his,
But power and greed and corruptible seed
Seem to be all that there is.
– Bob Dylan, “Blind Willie McTell"
Within hours of the announcement of the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI, a lightening bolt struck the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica – a dramatic portent of the unfolding crisis in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. The only previous voluntary abdication by a pope was that of Celestine V in 1294 at the height of another great crisis in the Church. This connection perhaps explains the strange homage that Benedict paid to Celestine V in April 2009, when he left his pallium – worn during his papal inauguration and the symbol of his authority as Bishop of Rome – on Celestine’s tomb. Earlier in that same month, Celestine’s fragile glass casket had miraculously survived the great earthquake that struck the city of L’Aquila, causing the roof of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio to collapse.
Adding to the ominous context of the Pope’s surprise resignation are the 12th Century prophecies of Saint Malachy, in which he envisioned a succession of 112 popes from his own time until the ultimate end of the Papacy. To each of these future popes, Malachy assigned an enigmatic motto – all of which have proven to be strikingly prescient. For example, his motto for the 110th pope, de labore solis, “of the solar eclipse”, was precisely fulfilled by John Paul II, who was both born and buried on dates of solar eclipses. Similarly, the motto for the 109th pope, de medietate lunae, “of the half moon”, exactly describes the brief 33-day reign of John Paul I, which lasted from one half moon to the next.
Since Pope Benedict XVI corresponds to number 111
on Malachy’s list, his abdication sets the stage
for the “last Pope”, whom the Saint described as
Petrus Romanus, “Peter of
Rome”. Perhaps for that reason, none of the 265 men elected over the
centuries to fill the shoes of the Fisherman have ever dared to take the
name of the first Pope, lest they mark themselves as the last of their line.
One would have to assume that this unwritten taboo will continue to be
observed when the next pope is elected in the coming weeks. Yet, among those
who are considered contenders for the papal tiara is the Cardinal of Ghana,
whose name is Peter Turkson. While
obviously not a native Roman, he was educated at the Pontifical Institute in
Rome and spends much of his time there as President of the Pontifical
Council for Justice and Peace. If Cardinal Turkson
is indeed destined to succeed Benedict XVI, he would not be the first
African pope, but he would be the first black African to lead the
Beyond its historic significance, the prospect of
a “black pope” resonates with one of the most controversial prophecies of
Nostradamus. In Quatrains 24 and 25 of his Century VI, the
Provençal seer foresees a “young black” rising
to the papal throne:
Mars and the Scepter [Jupiter] will be found
In Cancer, calamitous war:
Shortly thereafter, a new King will be
Who will pacify the earth for a long
When retrograde Mars reaches opposition, the
Of the great fisherman will be in ruinous
The young black [pope] will take on the
The traitors will act on a drizzly day.
Previous interpretations of these stanzas,
including my own, have read the “black pope” as alluding to the Jesuits,
whose leader has traditionally been given that title. But that was before
the sea change in the role of black leadership which came with the election
of Barack Obama. Just as the ingrained corruption of the white political
establishment has led people to turn to black candidates for change, so the
shameful crimes of the Catholic hierarchy in Europe and the Americas have
made African prelates – who have remained relatively untainted by the
Church’s sexual and financial scandals – a credible and attractive
How does the “ruinous trouble” that Nostradamus
envisions fit into the drama of Benedict’s abrupt resignation and the
seething conflict of the upcoming Conclave? It appears from the dates
corresponding to the good Doctor’s planetary aspects that “the worst is yet
to come”. Indeed, despite the pretext of his ailing health, the Pope’s
precipitous action was clearly motivated by a desire to duck what promises
to be one hell of shitstorm. Benedict apparently
reached this decision just before the Christmas holidays, when he was
presented with two bound volumes containing the results of an in-house
investigation he had ordered in the wake of the “Vatileaks”
fiasco. Full of lurid details of wild sexual debauchery within the walls of
the Vatican itself, much of which has already been leaked, the report has
set off a feeding frenzy in the scandal-mongering Italian press.
But the sexual scandals are largely a distraction
from the core of the internal rot that the investigation revealed: the
frenzied struggle for control of the Vatican Bank, which has become the last
major enclave of money-laundering on the European continent – and has
garnered immense wealth for that very reason. Readers of some of my previous
writings will recall that the Vatican Bank – officially known by the
comically ironic title “Institute for Religious Works”, or IOR – got into
the money-laundering racket during the reign of Paul VI, who entrusted
Vatican finances to the Mafia-linked “banksters”
Michele Sindona and Roberto
Calvi. Paul’s successor, John Paul I, suffered a digitalis-induced
heart failure when he began to delve too deeply into these matters. After
the arranged “suicides” of Sindona
and Calvi, Opus Dei became the master of the
Vatican Bank and the beneficiary of its financial misdeeds.
The foregoing background helps explain why the last major moves that Benedict has made after his decision to bail out have all been directed to shoring up the crumbling legitimacy of the IOR. In the wake of 9-11, a campaign to eradicate money-laundering as a source of terrorist funding was launched in Europe, which led to major investigations of the Vatican Bank’s shenanigans by both Italian prosecutors and EU bank examiners. Benedict responded in 2009 by appointing Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a respected Italian banker and Opus Dei member, to assume the presidency of the troubled IOR, in order to give it at least a sufficient veneer of “transparency” so that other banks would continue to do business with it. But when, in May 2012, documents released by Vatileaks uncovered the IOR laundering of some $280 million on behalf of the Mafia, Gotti Tedeschi was hung out to dry as the Vatican’s fall guy.
Recalling the fate of
Sindona and Calvi,
Gotti Tedeschi told the press he was in
fear of his life, because he knew too much about the Bank’s shady dealings.
With this recent history in mind, the moves that
the Pope made in the immediate aftermath of his February 11th
announcement speak volumes about the nature of the mess his resignation is
meant to put a lid on. On February 15th, he tapped Ernst von
Freyberg, a German aristocrat industrialist with no particular banking
experience, to fill the presidency of the IOR vacated by
Gotti Tedeschi.
Manifestly unable to navigate the Vatican labyrinth, von Freyberg is a
safely distant front-man for the Bank’s murky operations. A week later,
Benedict assigned Ettore
Balestrero, the Vatican’s Undersecretary of State in charge of
overseeing the IOR, as papal nuncio to Columbia, thereby removing from Rome
yet another official who might know too much for his own good.
So Benedict had to go because he was already too
compromised to lead a credible campaign to ostensibly “clean up” the Vatican
Bank – at least enough to keep it from being black-listed by the
international financial establishment. The ideal candidate to succeed him is
someone who is both untainted and expendable. The former criterion is needed
if he is to a have a chance of restoring the IOR to some semblance of
respectability, and the latter criterion is necessary in case he fails – in
which case he can take the fall without undermining the positions of any of
the Curia’s key powerbrokers. Cardinal Peter Turkson
appears to fit both criteria: He is relatively young, and he has staked out
a posture as a financial reformer with his widely read proposal to
restructure the world banking system. At the same time, his undoing, if that
becomes expedient, would not threaten the big Vatican players, such as Opus
Dei, Cardinal Secretary of State Bertone or
former Cardinal Secretary of State Sodano.
If elected, then, Peter
Turkson seems to be in for a very rocky ride. According to
Nostradamus, the new pope will have to deal with two major events: a
“calamitous war” when Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Cancer, and a Vatican
palace coup when retrograde Mars is in opposition to the Sun. The former
aspect becomes exact on July 22, 2013, and the latter on April 8, 2014. In
order to get some insight into the nature of these coming events, let’s take
a look at the astrological charts corresponding to each, which appear on the
next two pages.
When we examine the chart for Nostradamus’
“calamitous war” we see the “tripod” on which the stability of existing
world order rests – the balanced forces of the governmental-military
complex, the financial-media elites, and the religious-cultural
institutions. This tripod is represented astrologically by the Grand Trine
of Jupiter/Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. At each
angle of the Grand Trine, however, we see forces at work trying to kick one
of the legs of the tripod out and turn the whole thing over. Attacking the
military-industrial complex, represented by the Mar-Jupiter conjunction, is
the opposition of a malefic retrograde Pluto linked to financial speculation
and sexual excess. Pluto turned retrograde in April 2012, at the very time
the Vatileaks scandal began to brew. It’s
noteworthy that Pluto is currently transiting Capricorn, where it was last
seen during the American Revolution. So the unraveling of Western democracy
under the joint pressures of military empire and financial oligarchy is
apparent here.
At the religious-cultural leg of the tripod,
represented by retrograde Neptune in Pisces, the opposition comes from
Venus, the goddess of sex and money. Neptune is in the 7th House
of marriage, which reminds us of the archetypal role of the Church as the
Bride of Christ. But in this astrological tableau, the Bride becomes the
Whore of Babylon, as the Roman priesthood sinks into the most sordid lust
and avarice. It’s no accident that Neptune turned retrograde in June 2012,
just as the Vatican backed away from even a pretense of reforming the IOR
when it sacked Gotti
By far the strongest leg of the tripod, and the
one which clearly appears to prevail in this scenario, is the
financial-media elite, represented by a very karmic Saturn imbedded in the
dark nadir of the chart and wrapped up in the libidinous secrecy of Scorpio.
When Dante sought a symbol for the sting of usury that poisoned society, he
chose the Scorpion – and so it appears here in the same guise. Its position
is strengthened by the mutual reception of Scorpio Saturn with Capricorn
Pluto, uniting these two malefic planets in the drive to reduce the world’s
population to a condition of debt peonage. Saturn squares the Sun in the
l1th House, suppressing consciousness of humanity’s essential brotherhood,
while the misdirected unconscious pull of the opposition Moon dims the solar
light of truth.
When an old world order collapses, the collective
body of humanity becomes ill, and the symptom of that illness is a fever
called war. Uranus in the 8th House of Death and in the martial
sign of Aries is the portent of war in this chart, signifying a conflict
that is both sudden in its onset and deadly in its outcome. Uranus sits
astride the line of attack between retrograde Pluto and Jupiter/Mars,
squaring both ends of the opposition and virtually assuring that some type
of nuclear weaponry will come into play during this terrible conflict.
According to Nostradamus, in the aftermath of
this calamitous war, a charismatic new leader will emerge – one who will
offer the weary world the prospect of long-term peace. The “new King” will,
for a time, fill the void left by the crumbling governmental-military leg of
our tripod, and he will don the mantle of a “Prince of Peace” as Mars moves
away from its conjunction with Jupiter and towards its opposition to the
Sun. In March of next year, Mars turns retrograde in Libra, and then reaches
exact opposition on April 8, 2014 – a time in which Quatrain VI-25 predicts
that the papal monarchy will be “in ruinous trouble”. Let’s take a look at
the second of our two charts to see what it suggests about the nature of
this impending crisis.
What we see happening here symbolically, as Mars
moves away from Jupiter to the cusp of the ill-fortuned 12th
House, is the control over military operations passing from open government
to secretive intelligence agencies. The 12th House from which
Mars is acting is the realm of subversive plots, coups d’état and
assassinations. The retrograde Red Planet’s affliction of the Aries Sun in
the 7th House engenders a false consciousness of
who humanity’s real enemies actually are. If the
history of the past 50 years has taught us nothing else, it has given us
ample reason to doubt the real culpability of the officially-designated
“villains” behind the string of game-changing “tragedies”, from the Kennedy
and King assassinations to the 9-11 attacks. An increasingly empowered and
autonomous intelligence sector has become very adept at staging events so as
to manufacture public consensus for war and hatred of targeted leaders,
nations and religions.
Mediating the Mars-Sun opposition, and
intensifying the energy of the Sun’s affliction, is Pluto in the 3rd
House, where it betokens the ever more central role of secret information in
perpetuating the dominance of false consciousness over humanity. Adding a
measure of criminal brutality to this already toxic mix is the square of
retrograde Mars and Pluto, as well as square of Uranus and Pluto, which last
occurred in 1933 – the year Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany.
As for the “tripod” of the disintegrating old
world order that we saw in our previous chart, institutional religion, as
symbolized by Neptune, has withdrawn from its position at one of the apexes
of temporal power and is approaching the regenerative healing embrace of
spiritualized love in the guise an exalted Piscean Venus. Significantly,
Neptune’s place at this corner of the tripod is now assumed by Chiron, the
mythical Centaur who discovered the healing arts and taught them to mankind.
The trine between Chiron and Jupiter in the 9th House means that
Chiron’s healing influence is most needed in the hierarchy of the Church.
And this point is underscored by Chiron’s nearly exact conjunction with the
star Achernar, which is associated with the
attainment of high religious offices.
The source of the required healing and
purification of the depraved and degraded Church hierarchy is revealed to us
by the archetypal symbol of the star Achernar,
which is a sword-wielding Cherub. This image connects with the Cherub of
Genesis who expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden because they were
no longer pure enough to live in the presence of God. The angel with a
flaming sword also figures prominently in the vision imparted to the three
shepherd children by the Blessed Virgin in connection with the Third Secret
of Fatima:
After the two parts which I have already
explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with
a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked
as though they would set the world on fire, but they died out in contact
with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand:
pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud
voice: ‘Penance, penance, penance!’ And we saw in an immense light that is
God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in
front of it,’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was
the Holy Father.’ Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a
steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn
trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy
Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with
halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the
corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his
knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who
fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after
another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay
people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross
there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which
they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls
that were making their way to God.
Those of you who are familiar with my other
writings know that the core message of the Third Secret of Fatima is the
urgent need for reformation and purification of the corrupt Church
hierarchy. The longer this reformation was delayed, the more it would
involve bloodshed and martyrdom, as described in the Fatima vision above. In
a related vision, one of the shepherdesses saw a future pope being cursed
and stoned by an angry mob. The symbolic “arrows” with which the Holy Father
is assailed in the Fatima vision allude to a common Scriptural metaphor
equating arrows with malicious lies and slanders (e.g. Psalms
64:2-4). This portends a campaign of calumny to be directed at the last
Pope, who will be compelled to flee for his life from the violence incited
against him. And this would appear to be the “ruinous trouble” to which
Nostradamus’ prophecy of the “black pope” refers.
Now let’s take what we have learned and try to
apply it to the event chart for the abdication of Benedict XVI, which
appears on the next page. We are immediately struck by the powerful
stellium of the Moon, Mercury and Mars with
Chiron in its center. The nearby presence of the Sun and Neptune in the 10th
House indicates that the event deals with a religious monarch – indeed, the
world’s last reigning religious monarch. What we see in the Piscean
stellium in the 10th House is the
massing of all the human faculties – the intellect of Mercury, the emotions
of the Moon, and the will of Mars – for a final assault on the citadel of
ecclesiastical power. Jupiter is in the 12th House of seclusion
and is conjunct with the Ascendant, as it is in Benedict’s birth chart. In
fact, based on his natal chart, with Jupiter in his 1st House and
in its sign of rulership Pisces, we can assume
that Jupiter represents Benedict in this chart. Since Jupiter is heavily
afflicted by the entire stellium, as well as by
Neptune, we get a sense of the Pope’s extreme isolation – mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. On the other hand, the enormous energy of the
stellium is feeding through its trine Saturn in
the 6th House, representing not only Benedict’s failing health,
but also the feverish behind-the-scenes cut-throat maneuvering of the Curial
powerbrokers to secure their stake in the Vatican Bank. This internal power
stuggle is being intensified by the tight square
aspect between Saturn and an Aquarian Venus, with her subtext of deviant
But the key to this chart, as it was in the
previous one, is Chiron, the agent of redemptive purification. In addition
to centering the 10th House stellium,
Chiron is at an exact square aspect to the Ascendant, which strongly
suggests that Benedict himself is a major obstacle to the efficacy of the
Centaur’s healing arts. This insight is deepened when we consider that the
Ascendant is in the 9th degree of Gemini, for which the
Sabian symbol is an Archer. Archery, of course,
is identified with the Centaur, and also with the incipient campaign of
calumny and vilification that Benedict, by his resignation, is bequeathing
to his unfortunate successor.
After reviewing this chart, it’s difficult to
conceive of a set of astral influences more compelling to the Pope’s
resignation, as if it were literally pre-ordained by fate. Recalling
Benedict’s odd devotion to Pope Celestine V, who abdicated over 700 years
ago, we have to wonder whether he had some kind of foreknowledge that his
own papacy would likewise end in abdication. If, as we have good reason to
suspect, the Third Secret of Fatima forecasts the current Vatican crisis and
its outcome, then Benedict – who, like all popes before him since John
XXIII, has read the text of the Third Secret – could have realized that his
own abdication had been prophesized. There is considerable irony in this
scenario, because it Benedict as then-Cardinal
Ratzinger, along with Cardinals Sodano
and Bertone, who led the effort to misrepresent
and suppress the Third Secret over a decade ago.
A good deal of mystery still shrouds the brief
papacy of Celestine V. Before his improbable papal election, he was a hermit
living in a cave and endowed with supernatural healing powers. His actual
name was Pietro – Peter –
Morrone. The Knights Templar, who amassed
enormous wealth by usury, were said to have had a secret hand in his
election, but soon turned against him when he proved incapable or unwilling
to carry out their directives. Their attempt to get control of the Vatican
through their financial leverage ended badly for them, however, as they were
ultimately outmaneuvered and nearly exterminated by King Phillip IV of
France, who owed them a great deal of money. Vestiges of the Templar
tradition have survived, however, in the rituals of freemasonry and in the
financial empire of Opus Dei. The shadowy Priory of
Sion, lionized in Dan Brown’s novels and putative heir to the Templar
legacy, has also evinced a strange fascination for Pope Celestine V.
Piecing all this together, it may well be that
Benedict’s successor – Peter, the Black Pope – will be selected as a pliable
instrument of the latter day Templars who would
transform the Holy See into the Temple of Mammon. And perhaps, like his
namesake Pietro Morrone,
this Peter will not prove himself a willing accomplice to their dark
designs. In that case, the martyrdom of “Peter of Rome” foretold by Saint
Malachy, Nostradamus and Our Lady of Fatima may
lie at the end of the chain of events triggered by Pope Benedict’s recent
2011 |
JAN, FEB, MAR, APR 2012 |
SEPT, OCT, NOV, DEC. 2012 JAN, FEB, MAR, APR. 2013 |
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican raised the possibility Saturday that the conclave to elect the next pope might start sooner than March 15, the earliest date possible under current rules that require a 15 to 20 day waiting period after the papacy becomes vacant.
Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said that Vatican rules on papal succession are open to interpretation and that "this is a question that people are discussing."
"It is possible that church authorities can prepare a proposal to be taken up by the cardinals on the first day after the papal vacancy" to move up the start of the conclave, he said.
The 15 to 20 day waiting period is in place to allow time for all cardinals who don't live in Rome to arrive, under the usual circumstance of a pope dying. But in this case the cardinals already know that this pontificate will end Feb. 28, with the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, and therefore can get to Rome in plenty of time to take part in the conclave, Lombardi said.
The date of the conclave's start is important because Holy Week begins March 24, with Palm Sunday Mass followed by Easter Sunday on March 31. In order to have a new pope in place in time for the most solemn liturgical period on the church calendar, he would need to be installed by Sunday, March 17, because of the strong tradition to hold installation Mass on a Sunday. Given the tight time frame, speculation has mounted that some arrangement would be made to start the conclave earlier than a strict reading of the law would allow.
Questions about the start of the conclave have swirled since Benedict stunned the world on Feb. 11, by announcing that he would retire, the first pontiff in 600 years to abdicate rather than stay in office until death. His decision has created a host of questions about how the Vatican will proceed, given that its plans for the so-called "sede vacante" – or vacant seat – period between papacies are based on the process starting with a papal death.