Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio - 2008 "With Mercy and Understanding"
Now Pope Francis I
Pope Francis I
St. Francis' middle name was De'Pietro
which means that Pope Francis' real name is actually Peter
which means that the Malachy prophecy has come true.
Pope Francis I could be the last Pope.
There is already a scandal behind him. See article below:
Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date March 13, 2013
page 466
I've been collecting dreams about standpipes for quite some time. I had one just yesterday again:
3-12-13 - NAP DREAM - I was living in a house somewhere with my husband where the winters got cold and icy.
This one day, an older woman came to the house to visit - might have been the landlady - she invited us to go ice skating in the backyard.
I really didn't like the cold all that much so I didn't want to go, so I was cleaning the house while the others were outside skating on the ice pond.
Inside the kitchen, I discovered that the kitchen floor had piles of slushy ice all over the floor - everywhere - at least 6 inches deep. I took a broom to sweep the ice toward a floor drain so it would go down the drain as it melted.
Then I was told by the maintenance man that the stand pipe that went into the basement was stopped up so we shouldn't use the water.
That meant I couldn't use the toilet, or do the dishes, and how was I supposed to stop the ice from melting and going down the drain.
That was an impossible dilemma for me to deal with.
Then everyone who had been out iceskating came in and I was supposed to feed them, and of course, the sink was fully dirty water because I couldn't let it go down the drain, and no one could go to the bathroom - not to mention the icy slush was still all over the kitchen floor.
I just didn't know what to do until the maintenance man got the standpipe unclogged.
3-12-13 - NAP DREAM - I was either visiting or working at a
place built on the side of a steep hill that had multiple wooden sluceways on
the side - going sideways... in Washington State, these are called
'flumes'. I don't remember any conversations or what we were doing there
- just that I was there. Later, I had a vision of Wolf Blitzer from CNN while thinking
about this dream. On CNN, Wolf Blitzer took a prominent place on the TV screen while we awaited the announcement of the new Pope, who announced his name as Francis. He is to be the Reformer of the Catholic Church. |
Here is one of the earlier standpipe dreams that my friend Mikki had. Pope Paul and President George Bush Date:1/5/2003 From:Mikki DREAM: Paul and I had moved to a place in the mountains. It was a VERY HIGH elevation. Paul was really excited about the move and didn't seem nervous at all. I, on the other hand, realized it would be a pain because even though the views would be incredible, and the area was so SO SO very nice, it would mean a long trip up and down a difficult mountain-pass to get to the village. WE were looking for the very house we were going to live in. But it seemed like everything was so expensive if we wanted to live in a big BIG house. We were in a car being driven by a real-estate agent around the neighborhood, and she was pointing out the houses that were empty. Most still had furniture in them so they looked occupied. The previous owners left stuff in them so that "the people down the hill wouldn't think that since so many houses were empty that the hill was going to slide down on top of them" And we were told that if the people who lived at the bottom of the hill realized how many houses were empty up the hill they would be very scared. SO.... we looked at several houses that were empty but had furniture. The first one had a field-stone type siding (or it was made of field stone, but I remember thinking that when you got up close you could see it was siding). It was a nice house for size, but the view was limited by some big rock wall, and for some reason the master bedroom was OUTSIDE. It was made like a carport. I said.. "This is not good. I would have to have that finished in or move the bedroom inside if we consider this house. The agent said, "You can't do that right away. It will take a long time to move that bed inside. So if you don't want to sleep out here, you shouldn't buy this house. We drove to the next house. This one once belonged to a woman who lived there for some time, but had moved. The house was all painted in different shades of brown & yellow. It had all this old Colonial furniture it in and it was like 200 feet long, but only 12 feet deep... like a really long trailer. I HATED the shape. and I really didn't like the colors of the walls. The Agent kept calling them "Golden" but I kept saying they looked like baby poop yellow ... and if they were really gold they wouldn't look like poop. Then we walked into the back yard. In the back yard there was a hill that went up behind and made the view go from an incredible mountain view to a view of a hill going up behind the house. On the top of that hill was a beautiful big house. It had old cape-cod type clapboard around the whole thing. BIG windows that looked out on the most incredible mountain view and it was both Paul and my dream house (at least in the dream!) We asked the agent if they could show us that house, as it was clear from the windows that at least part of it was empty. The agent we were with refused, saying she only sold REAL estate. She said that REAL estate wasn't always so perfect, but that it always had potential. The house we wanted to was a "pipe dream". She said that millions of people try to buy it each year, but it has been empty for over 2000 years! And we were wasting out time. We couldn't buy it. Paul said that we had more than enough money and we had a lot of great ideas for fixing up the house. The agent told us to talk to "Judy" if we wanted the house, but that it was a waste of time. (The name Judy means "praised") We walked over to this woman named Judy. She had a southern accent and Paul seemed to know her, though I didn't think she was one of the 2 Judy's he use to be engaged to, he seemed to really agree with everything she was saying. I took him to the side and said... "What are you doing? If we look too anxious they will bring up the price and we won't get the house." Paul assured me he knew was he was doing. Anyway... we were standing behind the house at the bottom of a hill still. And Judy said we had to climb up the hard part of the hill and go in by the front door. But I noticed there was a back door made of glass that was not a hard climb from where we were and we could get inside from there then climb the stairs in the house to get to the front. Judy didn't like this and insisted that the only way to get into the house was the front door. But I opened the back door and we were inside. She was pissed off about that. Just inside the back door there were rooms that were all connected that had big glass panels and you could look out and see the valley below and it was a gorgeous view. But Judy said that the view was not necessarily included. That not everyone gets the view. She seemed upset that I had seen the view (I think Paul did too). She said the view was for people who bought from her "agency" only. To which Paul said, we love this house already. Just because of where it is. We want it and we will pay the asking price. (I remember thinking he shouldn't have said that, but he wanted the house desperately. He whispered to me, we will tell her what ever she wants, and after the papers are signed it's our and we can do what we want with it.) She said she was really upset that we went in by the back door - that because we did, we would see the last things first and that was going to mess up her sales pitch. We couldn't see the whole house before she told us "the catch". What is the catch? I asked. She was very hesitant then she took Paul to the side and whispered something to him. As she did.... I noticed that the carpet was getting wet. Soon there was an inch of water on the floor. I said to her.. "What is going on?" She said.. "OH NO! Looks like a pipe broke." We ran to the next room to find an old maintenance man standing next to a brass pipe that was coming out of the floor. The pipe was pouring water on the floor. The pipe itself was made of 3 shiny brass pieces and a rubber hose that connected to it where the water should flow. When we walked up to the man he looked at me and said. "If you don't want to see this house flooded and destroyed, you need to bring ROV here to fix this pipe. I just stood there stunned for a moment that he would know ROV. The water was getting deeper and the guy fumbled to put the pipes together but they didn't go. So I looked at Paul, and Judy shouted... "Get ROV or the water damage will be unfixable!" So Paul nodded and I called for ROV. ROV, The Lightbeing came into my body, (This is a channeling method I use. But in the dream I was still standing there beside Paul and ROV). The old man tried to hand ROV a wrench. He didn't touch it. I was about to grab it myself and try to fix the water when ROV said. (and I quote) "I know you, Old Scratch. I don't do work for evil!" and he refused to do anything. Old Scratch said, "If you don't fix it, the water will it will destroy the foundation of this house and the whole thing will fall down the hill! IT is already happening!" ROV said. "Let it fall. You will not destroy your mansion of lies! Your greatest tool! I say let it fall, we will be all better off!" And ROV refused to do anything. Then the old guy looked at me. "Do it! You can fix it yourself!" he said. Paul and I looked at each other and trusted ROV then said... "No" The man grunted with disgust then he put the pipes together himself and stopped the water. Then he called to someone to mop up the mess and Pope Paul and President George Bush came in and started to mop up the water. We started to walk away. ROV said... "What you want this house for anyway? You know it's not real. It will look like any house you want it to look like, but it is really just a place of lies. It has form - but no substance. It tells you it is your place at the very top of the hill, but it is really a slide to the very bottom of the hill." At that point, Judy came back over to us (ROV was now walking with us) and she said, "You know, we have another offer on this house. It's better than your offer but If you come see my boyfriend who is singing in church I will put your offer in front of theirs." "What kind of singing is he doing in church?" I asked. "Morris dancing," she said. I said, "That's dancing - not singing." She said, "he sings and dances. It's going to be a great time." ROV said with a laugh, "Has Morris dancing ever been considered a great time?" and he laughed. "I guess she is saying he's coming with bells on!" (I didn't know what he meant in the dream.. but I looked up Morris dancing on the web and found this....Morris dancing is a form of ritual folkdance which comes from the Cotswold region in western England, between Oxford and the Welsh border. It is ritual as opposed to social dance ...The dancers usually wear bells at their knees and often wave hankies.) Paul said something about how we should go out there just one night so we can get the house. ROV said.. "Sure!.. Yeah!"... and he opened a door and behind the door were wall to wall people all talking about buying the house. All of them each talking about some special deal they have that promises they will own the house. Many of them even waving papers that they said assure them 100 percent they own the house already! I said to ROV.. "They can't all own the house." ROV said, "No one owns this house. This house is not real. You can't buy a house on the hill with money, promises or Morris dancing!" Then Judy said. "So you say, but look at the abundance!" and she opened another door. Behind that door were rows and rows of refrigerators. From old iceboxes to modern ones. All different types and sizes. Judy practically sang out like Julie Andrews singing the Sound of Music... "Look at all of these. They belonged to all the previous owners of this house. They left them here full of food and good things for the next owners!" She looked at ROV and said.. "So much for the nay-sayers. How many refrigerators do you see? And these a just owners since Refrigerators existed!" ROV laughed again and said "Open one!" I tried and Paul tried, but they wouldn't open. "They will only open for the owner of this house!" Judy yelled back at ROV. "No one can own this house! It is not here. It is empty, an illusion! There are no refrigerators in HELL!" and he opened one of the fridges and inside was fake food and some old plastic broken toys. "Let's go. Huh - you two" ROV said to me and Paul and we agreed. "Come back!" Judy hollered. "If you don't I'm going to have to sell this house to someone else! You are going to lose your dream house!" I hated the inside of the house, and Paul did too... and we both realized that we couldn't fix it up, even if we bought it because it would never really be our house. BUT when we went outside, I almost wanted to go back. The house was so beautiful on the outside. I felt relieved that ROV showed up and got out of the deal on the house. Go figure Anyway.. that's the dream [end of excerpt] Taken from: Here is a standpipe dream from 2001 9-6-01- DREAM - I was living in a house with a lot of other people. The water standpipe coming from upstairs had been shut off, but when the maintenance man and I went to check it out, I noticed that drops of water were coming down. I was standing under the pipe opening when the water was turned back on and the water poured on the top of my head forcefully. It felt warm and wonderful and it was so relaxing and peaceful. It was an initiation of some kind. Later, when I was laying in bed, the men in the group were discussing what kind of event they could make up for an initiation for people and I knew I had already been initiated and didn't need another one at the hands of man. But to me, sitting on the bed was a grandmother reading stories of Jesus life to her male grandchild from a Golden book. ***************************
One from 2003:
12-16-03 - DREAM - I was at my house, but don't know what city. A
huge old tree caught fire in front of the house and at first I thought
it was no big deal, but then I realized that the branches reached up and
over the house and the house could catch fire. So I rushed inside the
house and attempted to run a water-hose up the stairs, but I was
actually using vacuum cleaner hose and stretched it. I kept calling for
help from my kids, but they didn't come to help. Finally I got the hose
stretched all the way upstairs and aimed to hose out the front screen
window and saw that Tom and Robert had already put out the fire with an
outside standpipe and hose. Then when I was telling someone about the fire, I realized I hadn't
been calling my kids by their right names. I was calling Tom - Michael
and calling Robert - Tom. No wonder they didn't come to help me.
Nevertheless the fire was out and there was just a smoking pipe standing
in front of the house. I then went to a neighborhood bar where they were having a pool table
delivered. I was trying to help them even thought they were going about
it all wrong. They wanted to place it on the 1st floor, but they took it
down an outside basement stairs and then up to the 1st floor via an
inner stairway. But they didn't have anything out of the way and all the
gardening equipment was on the stairs - like the rototiller and the
wheelbarrow and other large metal tools. I told them that stuff was too
heavy for me to lift. Then a whole group of people came down to help - everyone was dressed
in pajamas and bathrobes and was jolly and laughing. I told the bar owner and I had always though I would like to go into
the bar business. All he was worried about was being arrested for not having a pool table license for 2 hours before closing time. I was the last one up the rickety stairs to the 1st floor. The owner did everything wrong - I don't know how he ran the business at all.
From 2010 9-22-10 - DREAM
I went with my husband to Northern Wisconsin where we moved
into a little house on the main highway.
It was late in the evening and something happened to the
plumbing that didn't sound too kosher, and after I flushed the
toilet, a big air bubble came up the standpipe in the hallway. So I
told my husband about it and he called a buddy over, who was tall
and good looking and knew plumbing I figured.
They decided we should go to the local bar, and do some
drinking and dancing, so I said "Okay!" and off we went.
The dancing was fun - some slow stuff to nice music.
Meanwhile he and his buddy were drinking. I sat down to watch some
others dancing, and he and his buddy did some more drinking.
I saw them over towards the door together and all of a
sudden they were gone, and I was left at the bar alone and didn't
know how I was going to get back home.
There was a short plain woman who looked like someone I knew
from my building in Milwaukee, and she said she would help me, but
she needed to make a phone call first. So I gave her a quarter for
the pay phone and we sat down to talk for a minute.
All of a sudden, her daughters showed
up with their boyfriends, two really pretty red headed girls in
their early 20's, and all of a sudden the woman I was with was
really pretty with red hair too. They all took off and left me
sitting there.
(The three women were the triple goddess - see:
I had seen some light out the window, and knew that dawn
was breaking, and the restaurant people were baking bread. I saw
5 large loaves being readied for the oven as I walked by the
(These were the shewbread - see below)
The next person who came up to me was a guy from the
town garage. He handed me a car key on a ring with a brown
leather tag on it, and a bill for the car I could pay when I
picked it up for $5. That's what it cost to fix it he said..
I asked him where my husband was. He said, "Jail!" Drunk
I thanked him and another man came by and I asked him
where the jail was, and he said he would show me. So he walked
me across the street and kitty corner across the highway and
there was the jail.
I walked into the jail, and that's where the car was
parked. Another guy came over and said he would give me $130 for
the car because it really wasn't driveable, but it was an old
Chevrolet and he thought maybe he would help me out and take the
car off my hands.
I didn't think $130 was really enough, but it was an old
used car, and we talked about how many miles on it, and how many
miles per gallon it got, and I said 'about 40, which I didn't
know if it was right or not. I just said that.
Two other guys came up to me and acted all concerned
about me. I recognized both of them from Milwaukee. Both had
their faces painted white with pink polka dots on them and blue
eyes, and wore baseball caps.
One of the men took my face in his hands and looked
in my left eye and said I had blood in it. I didn't think
so, but I took his word for it, because he was a friend and
looked so concerned.
i kissed both the guys on the lips because they were
good friends from Milwaukee, and they helped me decide to
sell the car.
So, the other guy who offered me the $130, came up
with the $130 and a whole pile of other dollar bills and
change that was in the car, and 30 keys.
I gave him the 2 car keys back so I ended up with 29
keys from him.and the money.
I asked the two white faced guys where the bus
station was so I could go back home, and they said they
would show me. I was holding my big red purse (which I
really own), and I had a bag of french fries to eat from the
All of a sudden I woke up.
TRANSFORMATION AT DAWN Alchemical Transformation in the Golden DawnThis article was written by
Lyam Thomas Christopher
Excerpted from: Another one from 2012 2-17-12 - MULTIPLE VISIONS AND DREAMS KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON JUST WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE TODAY. I had visions of documents all referring to things about King Arthur
and was told to "LOOK DOWN" then I had a dream about going to a library and met a blonde woman at
the doorway that I knew from work and we said "Hello", but I couldn't
stop and chat because I had to go to the bathroom. In the bathroom there was a burst pipe and so much water was coming
out of it, I left the bathroom to leave the building and the water ran
like a river behind me like it was chasing me, even when the hallway
went uphill and I noticed the hallway was made of red brick, and there
was another standpipe at the doorway that had a rod sticking out of it
at the bottom and it was sparking towards my foot where the water was
creeping up behind me. And I heard the words " SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS,
PENDRAGON, PENDRAGON, PENDRAGON." I came out of the doorway of the library and jumped off the porch
onto a muddy field where a very large man was standing, and I ran for my
car and woke up. I knew I had to go back to sleep, so I went to the bathroom, took the phone off the hook and went to bed, where I had another dream.
In the second dream, I was shown a lake with an island in it like I was flying in an airplane right over it, and I knew that was where King Arthur Pendragon was buried.
On the Tree of Life, it is said that a river comes down the central pillar to Malkuth which is Earth at the bottom. In yesterday's dream, there were multiple water sluices in operation, but they were going from side to side, which means that the river of life has to come from elsewhere on Earth because that's where we are. |
Francis (Latin: Franciscus; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; 17 December 1936) is the 266th[2][3] and current pope of the Roman Catholic Church, elected on 13 March 2013. In that role, he is both the leader of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of the Vatican City State. From 1998 until his election as pope, he served as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and was made a cardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.
Francis is the first Jesuit and the first from the Americas to be elected Pope. He is the first non-European pope since Syrian-born Pope Gregory III, who served for ten years (731–741).
Early lifeJorge Mario Bergoglio[4]
was born in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of the five children of
Italian immigrants[5][3]
Mario Jose Bergoglio, a railway worker, and Regina Maria Sivori, a
housewife. As a teenager, Bergoglio had a lung removed as a result of an
He studied and received
Ecclesiastical careerJesuitBergoglio entered the Society of Jesus on 11 March 1958 and studied to become a priest at the Jesuit seminary in Villa Devoto. In 1960 Bergoglio obtained a licentiate in philosophy from the Colegio Máximo San José in San Miguel, and in 1964 and 1965 he taught literature and psychology at the Colegio de la Inmaculada, a high school in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, and in 1966 he taught the same courses at the Colegio del Salvador in Buenos Aires.[8] In 1967 Bergoglio finished his theological studies and was ordained to the priesthood on 13 December 1969, by Archbishop Ramón José Castellano. He attended the Facultades de Filosofía y Teología de San Miguel (Philosophical and Theological Faculty of San Miguel),[9] a seminary in San Miguel, Buenos Aires. Bergoglio attained the position of novice master there and became professor of theology. The Society of Jesus promoted Bergoglio and he served as provincial for Argentina from 1973 to 1979.[10] He was transferred in 1980 to become the rector of the seminary in San Miguel, and served in that capacity until 1986. He returned to Argentina to serve as confessor and spiritual director in Córdoba.[8] BishopBergoglio was named Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires in 1992 and was ordained on 27 June 1992 as Titular Bishop of Auca,[11] with His Eminence, Antonio Cardinal Quarracino, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, serving as principal consecrator. Bergoglio succeeded Cardinal Quarracino as Archbishop of Buenos Aires on 28 February 1998 and was concurrently named ordinary for Eastern Catholics in Argentina, who had lacked their own prelate. CardinalAt the consistory of 21 February 2001, Archbishop Bergoglio was created a cardinal by Pope John Paul II with the title of cardinal-priest of San Roberto Bellarmino. As cardinal, Bergoglio was appointed to several administrative positions in the Roman Curia:
Cardinal Bergoglio became known for personal humility, doctrinal conservatism and a commitment to social justice.[12] A simple lifestyle contributed to his reputation for humility. He lived in a small apartment, rather than in the palatial bishop's residence. He gave up his chauffeured limousine in favor of public transportation.[13] On the death of Pope John Paul II, Bergoglio was considered one of the papabile cardinals. He participated as a cardinal elector in the 2005 papal conclave that selected Pope Benedict XVI. It has been reported that Bergoglio was in close contention with Ratzinger during the election, until he made an emotional plea[14] that the cardinals should not vote for him.[15] Earlier, he had participated in the funeral of Pope John Paul II and acted as a regent alongside the College of Cardinals, governing the Holy See and the Roman Catholic Church during the interregnum sede vacante period. During the 2005 Synod of Bishops, he was elected a member of the Post-Synodal council. Catholic journalist John L. Allen, Jr. reported that Bergoglio was a frontrunner in the 2005 Conclave. An unauthorized diary of uncertain authenticity released in September 2005[16] confirmed that Bergoglio was the runner-up and main challenger of Cardinal Ratzinger at that conclave. The purported diary of the anonymous cardinal claimed Bergoglio received 40 votes in the third ballot, but fell back to 26 at the fourth and decisive ballot. On 8 November 2005, Bergoglio was elected President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference for a three-year term (2005–2008) by a large majority of the Argentine bishops, which according to reports confirms his local leadership and the international prestige earned by his alleged performance in the conclave. He was reelected on 11 November 2008. Relations with the Argentine governmentOn 15 April 2005, a human rights lawyer filed a criminal complaint against Bergoglio, as superior in the Society of Jesus of Argentina, accusing him of involvement in the kidnapping by the Navy in May 1976 (during the military dictatorship) of two Jesuit priests.[17] The priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, were found alive five months later, drugged and semi-naked. Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery.[18] Horacio Verbitsky, an Argentine investigative journalist and author, wrote a book about this and other related events titled El Silencio: de Paulo VI a Bergoglio: las relaciones secretas de la Iglesia con la ESMA.[19] According to the book, after their release, Yorio accused the then Provincial of his Jesuit order San Miguel, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to have denounced him. Father General Pedro Arrupe in Rome was informed by letter or during the abduction, both he and Orlando Yorio were excluded from the Jesuit Order.[20] Bergoglio told his authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin, that after the priests’ imprisonment, he worked behind the scenes for their release; Bergoglio's intercession with dictator Jorge Rafael Videla on their behalf may have saved their lives.[21] "The cardinal could not justify why these two priests were in a state of helplessness and exposed," according to Luis Zamora, who said that Bergoglio's testimony "demonstrates the role of the Church during the last military dictatorship."[22] In 2010, Bergoglio told Sergio Rubin that he often sheltered people from the dictatorship on church property, and on one occasion gave his identity papers to a man who looked like him, to enable the recipient to flee Argentina.[23] Verbitsky also writes in his book that the Argentinian Navy with the help of Cardinal Bergoglio hid the dictatorship's political prisoners from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. Bergoglio was hiding them in his holiday home on an island called El Silencio, according to the book.[24]
Bergoglio was elected pope on 13 March 2013,[25][26] the second day of the 2013 Papal conclave, taking the papal name Francis.[27] Cardinal Dolan, a first-person witness and participant in the proceedings of the Conclave confirmed that immediately after the selection was announced, the new Pope said "I choose the name Francis, in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi."[28] Vatican spokesman Tom Rosica, also verified that Bergoglio chose Francis in honor of Francis of Assisi.[29][30] However, those not initially aware of the statement made by the new Pope in the Conclave mistakenly believed that, as a Jesuit, he chose Francis after Francis Xavier.[31][32] On the day of his election, the Vatican clarified that his official papal name was Francis, not "Francis I." A Vatican spokesman said that the name would become Francis I if and when there is a Francis II.[33] Bergoglio is the first Jesuit priest chosen to be pope.[34] He is also the first pope from the Americas, the New World, and the Southern Hemisphere. He is the first non-European pope in 1,272 years. The last non-European pope, St. Gregory III, was born in Syria and reigned from 731 to 741.[35] At the time of his election, Francis was fluent in Spanish (his mother tongue), Italian, and German.[36] Positions on moral and political issuesAbortion, euthanasia, and contraceptionCardinal Bergoglio has encouraged his clergy and laity to oppose both abortion and euthanasia, describing the pro-choice movement as a "culture of death".[37] Francis opposed the free distribution of contraceptives in Argentina.[38] HomosexualityHe has affirmed church teaching on homosexuality, including that "men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect and compassion."[39][40] He opposes same-sex marriage,[41] and strongly, but ultimately unsuccessfully, opposed legislation introduced in 2010 by the Argentine Government to allow same-sex marriage, calling it a "real and dire anthropological throwback."[42] In a letter to the monasteries of Buenos Aires, he wrote:[43]
He has also stated that adoption by same-sex couples is a form of discrimination against children. This position received a rebuke from Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who said the church's tone was reminiscent of "medieval times and the Inquisition."[44] Poverty and economic inequalityOn 30 September 2009, Bergoglio spoke at a conference organized by the Argentina City Postgraduate School (EPOCA) at the Alvear Palace Hotel titled "Las deudas sociales de nuestro tiempo" where he quoted the 1992 "Documento de Santo Domingo"[45] by the Latin American Episcopal Conference, saying "extreme poverty and unjust economic structures that cause great inequalities" are violations of human rights.[46][47] He went on to describe social debt as "immoral, unjust and illegitimate".[48] During a 48-hour public servant strike in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio observed the differences between "poor people who are persecuted for demanding work, and rich people who are applauded for fleeing from justice."[49] During a May 2010 speech in Argentina regarding the poor, he directed his message to the wealthy by saying: "You avoid taking into account the poor. We have no right to duck-down, to lower the arms carried by those in despair. We must reclaim the memory of our country who has a mother, recover the memory of our Mother".[50] Worthiness to receive the EucharistIn the Aparecida Document, a joint statement of the bishops of Latin America, Cardinal Bergoglio commented on the worthiness of individuals to receive the Eucharist. The text states in paragraph 436 that, "We should commit ourselves to 'eucharistic coherence', that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive Holy Communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortion, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals."[51][52][53] BibliographyBooksJorge Bergoglio; Abraham Skorka (2010) (in Spanish). Sobre el cielo y la tierra [On Heaven and Earth]. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana. ISBN 9789500732932.[54] Writings
See alsoReferences
External links
Pope Francis Kidnapping Controversy: Jorge Mario Bergoglio Accused Of Involvement In 1976 Abductions
The election of Pope Francis, previously Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has resurfaced a decades-old controversy surrounding the kidnappings of two Jesuit priests.
Bergoglio was a high-ranking official in the Society of Jesus of Argentina when a military junta was installed in the South American country in 1976. According to the Los Angeles Times, priests Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics were kidnapped in May of that year by the navy. "They surfaced five months later, drugged and seminude, in a field," the Times reported. A 2005 lawsuit accused Bergoglio of unspecified involvement in the abductions. Reuters explains that "the military government secretly jailed [Yorio and Jalics] for their work in poor neighborhoods."
A spokesman for Bergoglio called the claims "old slander."
Reuters has more details:
According to "The Silence," a book written by journalist Horacio Verbitsky, Bergoglio withdrew his order's protection of the two men after they refused to quit visiting the slums, which ultimately paved the way for their capture.
Verbitsky's book is based on statements by Orlando Yorio, one of the kidnapped Jesuits, before he died of natural causes in 2000. Both of the abducted clergymen survived five months of imprisonment.
"History condemns him. It shows him to be opposed to all innovation in the Church and above all, during the dictatorship, it shows he was very cozy with the military," Fortunato Mallimacci, the former dean of social sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, once said.
Those who defend Bergoglio say there is no proof behind these claims and, on the contrary, they say the priest helped many dissidents escape during the military junta's rule.
Per the Associated Press, "Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery." Bergoglio discussed the incident with Sergio Rubin, his authorized biographer.
More from AP:
Both men were freed after Bergoglio took extraordinary, behind-the-scenes action to save them, including persuading dictator Jorge Videla's family priest to call in sick so that Bergoglio could say Mass in the junta leader's home, where he privately appealed for mercy. His intervention likely saved their lives, but Bergoglio never shared the details until Rubin interviewed him for the 2010 biography.
Bergoglio told Rubin that he regularly hid people on church property during the dictatorship, and once gave his identity papers to a man with similar features, enabling him to escape across the border. But all this was done in secret, at a time when church leaders publicly endorsed the junta and called on Catholics to restore their "love for country" despite the terror in the streets.
Bergoglio testified about the matter in 2010 after twice refusing to appear in open court, but "his answers were evasive, human rights attorney Myriam Bregman said."
Jorge Mario Bergoglio's election as Pope Francis brings new attention to his religious order, the powerful and controversial Society of Jesus, better know as the Jesuits.
If one thing defines the Jesuits, it is their reputation for rigorous intellectual discussion and their lack of dogmatism. "They are very innovative and tied to reality," says Elio Masferrer, an anthropologist and expert on religion at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History.
The Jesuits are the largest single order in the Catholic Church. Throughout their history, they have wielded power as advisors to monarch and prince alike. They have also produced notable scientists, educators, and missionaries and have also been at the forefront of social movements.
They were founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola, a wounded Basque soldier who had a vision in 1521 as he was recuperating after his leg was shattered by a French cannonball. The order was organized on military lines of soldier-priests uniquely at the Pope's orders. Throughout their history, the Jesuits have enjoyed a reputation for their intellectual acuity and have played a leading role in Catholic education. Today, they run more than 100 colleges around the world.
The Jesuits also have a reputation for bold missionary activities. They evangelized much of Asia in the 16th century, acting as emissaries to the Emperor of China, among other kingdoms.
In that sense, Francis, the name taken by Cardinal Bergoglio, is symbolic. It could refer either to Saint Francis of Assisi or the well-known Jesuit, Saint Francis Xavier, both missionaries, said Terrence Tilley, chair of the Department of Theology at Fordham University in New York.
But Mr. Tilley said the new pope is not known for radical theology. "Expect no significant changes in attitude and no change in doctrine," he said.
Through their almost five hundred years of history, the Jesuits have at times had difficult relations with the papacy, which saw them as rivals.
The Society of Jesus was even dissolved by the Papacy in 1773. But the Jesuits managed to survive in Russia and Prussia, whose rulers refused to obey the papal bull which was eventually rescinded in 1814.
The population of Catholics around the world has grown dramatically and shifted southward, while the cardinals who elect the pope remain mostly European.
More recently, the Jesuits had a particularly strained relationship with the late Pope John Paul II during the turbulent decades when some in the Church took a leftward turn and Latin America was a front in the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
In some parts of the region, some Jesuits took up arms on the side of leftist guerrillas. In places like El Salvador, wracked by bloody civil war, they were seen by the local establishment as the enemy. For instance, six Jesuits, including the rector of the Catholic University of El Salvador, and two house maids were gunned down by Salvadoran troops in one of the worst atrocities of the Salvadoran civil war in 1989.
Earlier in Mexico, Jesuits were expelled from the conservative business capital of Monterrey by the local bishop who thought they were too close to leftist students. In Mexico at the time, the Jesuits who had traditionally educated the sons of Latin America's elite, closed down their leading school in the capital to devote their energies to teaching the poor.
The Jesuits derive their tough intellectual standards from the experience of their founder. Convalescing from his wound, Saint Ignatius read the only thing available to him, religious books, and wrote down his experiences in a famous spiritual treatise known as the Spiritual Exercises.
Saint Ignatius studied at the University of Paris. It was there, with a half-dozen friends, he founded the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits dedicated themselves to the service of the Pope and were officially recognized by Pope Paul III in 1540.
Write to Jose de Cordoba at
A version of this article appeared March 14, 2013, on page A9 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Jesuits Known for Rigor and Influence.
Pope Francis Against Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a 76-year-old Argentinean, was chosen as the first Latin American pope on Wednesday. He will lead the world's 1.2 billion Catholics as Pope Francis. While his selection may be historic, it may also mean more of the same when it comes to gay rights in the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis is a conservative who is anti-gay marriage and anti-gay adoption. He has described same-sex marriage as the work of the devil and a “destructive attack on God’s plan.” He has also said that gay adoption is a form of discrimination against children.
In 2010, Francis championed against a bill for same-sex marriage and gay adoption, according to the National Catholic Register.
“[T]he Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can seriously harm the family," he wrote to the four monasteries in Argentina. "At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God’s law engraved in our hearts.”
He went on to describe it as a "‘move’ of the Father of Lies who seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God" and asked for lawmakers to "not act in error." In John 8:44, the Father of Lies is the devil.
Argentina approved same-sex marriage in 2010, making it the first Latin American country to legalize the union, the New York Times previously reported. The country is also progressive when it comes to contraception. President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has promoted free contraception and artificial insemination, the Associated Press notes. In the past, Francis has clashed with the Argentinean government over his stance on these issues.
GLAAD President Herndon Graddick responded to the election of the new pope in a statement obtained by The Huffington Post.
For decades the Catholic hierarchy has been in need of desperate reform. In his life, Jesus condemned gays zero times. In Pope Benedict's short time in the papacy, he made a priority of condemning gay people routinely. This, in spite of the fact, that the Catholic hierarchy had been in collusion to cover up the widespread abuse of children within its care. We hope this Pope will trade in his red shoes for a pair of sandals and spend a lot less time condemning and a lot more time foot-washing.
Graddick also specifically addressed Francis' previous comments about gay adoption being a "discrimination against children."
"The real discrimination against children is the pedophilia that has run rampant in the Catholic Church with little more than collusion from the Vatican," he said.
Along with GLAAD, Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill responded to the new pope's election, saying: ‘We hope Pope Francis shows more Christian love and charity to the world’s 420 million lesbian, gay and bisexual people than his predecessor."
Despite the pope's prior anti-gay sentiments, Francis' official biographer, Sergio Rubin, defended him as a noble man.
"Is Bergoglio a progressive – a liberation theologist even? No," he told the AP. "He's no third-world priest. Does he criticize the International Monetary Fund, and neoliberalism? Yes. Does he spend a great deal of time in the slums? Yes."
In 2001, he visited a hospice and washed the feet of AIDS patients, according to The National Catholic Register. That same year he spoke out in defense of those less fortunate, contrasting "poor people who are persecuted for demanding work, and rich people who are applauded for fleeing from justice."
Catholic Church titles | ||
Preceded by Antonio Quarracino |
Archbishop of Buenos Aires 28 February 1998 – 13 March 2013 |
Vacant |
Preceded by Benedict XVI |
Pope 13 March 2013 – present |
Incumbent |
Persondata | |
Name | Francis, Pope |
Alternative names | Bergoglio, Jorge Mario |
Short description | 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church |
Date of birth | 17 December 1936 |
Place of birth | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Date of death | |
Place of death |
BLOG INDEX 2012 - page 1