Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date June 1, 2014
page 689
KOENIG: Since the Oslo Peace Process began in 1991, there have been 90 record setting catastrophic events in UNITED STATES history.
The 12 most expensive insurance events in U.S. history
The 12 costliest hurricanes in U.S. history
4 of the 5 largest tornados in U.S. history
The 2 largest terrorism events - 9/11
The Peace Process was about the United States putting pressure against Israel to divide the country.
Israel is God's Time Clock
SEE ALSO - THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS - Similarto Four blood moons - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oct 10, 2013 ... Hagee did a three part series on "The Coming Four Blood Moons" back in December of 2012. He has videos of this series for sale and a book ...
Apr 19, 2014 ... Dee Finney's blog. start date July 20, 2011. today's date April 19, 2014. page 667 . TOPIC: THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS LINKED TO THE ...
and the SHEMITAH YEAR - 2015
Apr 17, 2014 ... THE RABBI'S PROPHECY FOR 2014 AND 2015 ... Shemitah (Shemitah) web definition: The seventh year, during which the fields were to be left ...
That clock is set and no one is going to be able to change it.
The greater he pressure on Israel, the greater the catastrophe.
17 days before 9/11 President Bush was working with Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia about an address to the United Nations. They finished the work on 9/10 and Bush was going to tell the world he favored a Palestinian State, in other words, an Arab state in Jerusalem.
The Prince said 9/11 was the worst day for the Arabs and for Saudi Arabia because 15 of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.
NOTE: William Koenig is in the White House Press core and publishes a news letter that focuses on the Bible and how it relates to Israel and America.
William Koenig states that Protestant churches have 'Replacement Theology', the belief that the Christian Church has replaced the Jews in God's Kingdom.
He states that the Christian Church starting inn the 2nd and 3rd century believed that the Old Testament was allegorical and not literal.
They believe that 30% of the Bible is just stories and weren't relevant then and aren't relevant now or in the future.
This teaching had a great influence on the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, Martin Luther of the Lutheran Church, St. Augustine, John Wesley of the Methodist Church, and John Calvin of the Presbyterian Church.
This teaching led to the Crusades of the 10th and 11th Centuries, the Inquisition of the 15th century and the Holocaust of the 20th Century.
The two key words in the Book of Revelation are 'sight' and 'sound' - 'see' and 'hear'. God has not tried to trick us with His Bible.
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the inerrant Word of God.
Israel is God's Time Clock
Jerusalem is God's Time Clock
Zechariah 12:3 And in that day, I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.
Zecharaiah 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken.
God is still pursuing his chosen people to teach them about Yeshua.
MYSELF: ( JEHOVAH TOLD ME WHO HE WAS IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS WITH HIS LOUD BOOMING VOICE, THAT HE WANTED THE JEWS TO BECOME CHRISTIANS! (I WAS AFRAID HE WAS GOING TO TELL ME TO GO TO ISRAEL AND TELL THEM PERSONALLY, BUT HE DIDN'T! THIS WAS IN 2004: I heard a booming male voice which said: "ISRAEL: THE MARRIAGE BOND!" "Jehovah! Is very hurt. He has built a nation which is being destroyed from inside. He would appreciate help from the United States to turn it around and Christianize it." DREAM / VISION GIVEN TO ME BY JEHOVAH
When Jehovah gave me a vision about Peace - he showed me that the only
way Earth can ever achieve Peace - is to remove every human and animal
and bug from the face of the Earth. THE DREAM - Feb. 5, 2007 I looked out the window , and saw the countryside and a mountain in the distance. At the base of the mountain were many trees, cars, houses, trucks, and people. All of a sudden, a pure white arm came down from the sky - long and stretchy it seemed and its hand picked up everything off the earth but the mountain. There was nothing left. I woke up and the voice of JEHOVAH boomed into my left ear loudly - "PEACE!!!" |
Why is there such severe punishment against America when we deal harshly with Israel?
KOENIG: What is significant is the Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 15:18 In the same day the Lord made a Covenant with Abram, saying, "Unto thy seed have I given this land - The Euphrates River to the Wabi River.
It goes through Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
1. Make Abraham a great
nation (vs. 2). This promise has been
fulfilled both physically and spiritually. Physically through Isaac and Ishmael,
spiritually through all those who have Abraham's faith (Gal. 3:7).
2. To bless him
(vs. 2), and He did this also both physically (13:14-18) and spiritually (15:6).
3. To make his name great
(vs. 2). Still today the name of Abraham is known and respected by millions.
4. Make him a blessing to others (vs.
2). Abraham blessed people in his own time and blessed humanity by his seed
Jesus Christ.
5. To bless those who bless him (vs.
6. And curse those who curse him (vs.
3). God has not only blessed those who blessed Abraham, but He also blessed
those who blessed the nation that sprang from his loins, Israel. On the other
hand, those who cursed Israel (Babylon, Assyria, Rome, Germany, etc.) must
suffer. Some have suffered already, but these promises will not be completely
fulfilled until the future.
7. Bless all the families of
the earth in him (vs. 3). The fulfillment of this is Christ himself, who blesses
all those who believe on Him with salvation and who will also physically bless
all who are in the millennium.
Though this covenant is unconditional it does not apply universally to everyone. Doctrinally, it only applies to the Hebrew race through Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Gentiles can only get in on it by receiving Abraham's promised Seed—Jesus Christ. Those who refuse to receive Him, Jew or Gentile, will be judged by Him.
KOENIG: It is an eternal Covenant between God and Abraham's Seed.
America was discovered by a Messianic Jew by the name of Christopher Columbus.
(This is not a true fact, but this is Koenig's story. We know full well that other people were in America before Christopher Columbus found it)
The money that paid for Christopher Columbus' trip was stolen gold from Jews in Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
Our country was founded (America) by Judean Christians by the scriptures and to be a friend to Israel.
There are more Jews in America than anywhere else in the world.
We have been a great friend to Israel. We have protected them, - we fund them greatly every year from American taxpayers.
Genesis: 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee.
We are their best friend in the world. That said, pressuring Israel to give up land in the Peace Talks is going to have consequences.
KOENIG: Many Christian churches and pastors support Israel and try to win them over to Christ. Their passion to love Israel is getting greater and greater and greater.
The Lord loves that surety. I don't think people understand that.
KOENIG God's love for Israel is written about in Romans 9 - 11. People forget that our Messiah was Jewish. Jesus was teaching in the Temple when he was 11 years old. The Prophets of our Bible were Jewish and everyone who write in the Bible was Jewish except for Luke.
We have a debt to Israel - the Jewish people. The God of Israel is going to protect that tiny little nation.
When it looks bleak for Israel, God will protect them - be there for them.
J.B.: We didn't set the boundaries of Israel. President Truman set those boundaries. God set those boundaries.
On April 30, 2003, President George Bush delivered the Quartet Road Map and in the next 12 days, the heartland of America experienced the largest outbreak of tornados in history. ( 393 ) A hailstone the size of a basketball went through a garage in Nebraska. -
The May 2003 tornado outbreak sequence in the United States was a series of tornado outbreaks that occurred from May 3 to May 11, 2003. Tornadoes began ... -
This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks of 2003, primarily in the United States. Many tornadoes form in the U.S., although some events may ...
May 8, 2003 ... The May 8, 2003 Oklahoma City Area Tornadoes. Two tornadic supercells produced four tornadoes during the afternoon hours of May 8, 2003. -
Preface. During the period May 4-10, 2003, an unprecedented number of tornadoes affected the ... During this period, 393 tornadoes occurred across the central.
The Quartet Road Map consists of Russia, United States, United Nations, and the E.U.
President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney meet with the Quartet Principals to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian issue in the Oval Office Dec. 20, 2003.
Attending the meeting are, from left to right, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig-Moeller, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ivanov, European Union Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten and European Union High Representative Javier Solana. (White House photo by Tina Hager)
The same thing happened in Europe and they said they didn't see it coming. It started the first week of April and continued through out the whole summer. In one night in 2003, 95% of France was under lightning storms.
The key seen is this: the greater the pressure put on Israel to divide the land, the greater the catastrophe that happens.
In 2005, in August, 9,500 Jews were forced out of their homes. Within 24 hours of George Bush congratulations on removing those Jews from Gaza, out of nowhere a hurricane formed and became Katrina and wiped out New Orleans and the whole southern coast of the United States. -
Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It was the costliest natural disaster, as ...
Katrina was 90,000 square miles and was the size of the United Kingdom and it was total devastation. Hurricane Katrina had an estimated cost of $200 billion dollars.
It's hard to wrap your mind around the mystery of this but when you see all those people removed from their homes in Gaza and within 24 hours Katrina happens, we just can't understand that there is a connection.
9,500 people were forced to abandon the homes they loved and within 24 hours over 1/2 a million people were displaced due to Hurricane Katrina.
34 U.S. states took in the displaced people from Katrina.
Like 9/11 - the greater the pressure on Israel, the greater the catastrophe.
Hurricane Andrew was $25 to 30 billion dollars.
9/11 was $25 to 30 billion dollars
Katrina was $200 billion dollars
Is America under judgment?
Every leader that tried to divide Israel had a catastrophic death. There were so many events following our leadership messing with Israel, there was no denying the connection.
Gumal Abdul Nassar - heart attack 1970
Anwar Sadat - assassinated 1981
Hussein bin Tabal - died of cancer in 1999
Rafic Harari - Prime Minister of Lebanon - assassinated 2005
Saddam Hussein - executed 2006 (He was developing an army to take over Jerusalem)
Mommar Gaddafi of Lybia (He said "It's time to liberate the Palestinians and within two weeks he was murdered in the streets.)
F.D.R. wrote to the King of Saudi Arabia - 7 days later he died in office, replaced by Harry Truman who made Israel a State in 1948.
John F. Kennedy did not want Israel to become a nuclear power
Ben Gurion (Prime Minister of Israel ) stepped down, saying, "I can't take the pressure anymore" He was replaced by Levi Eshkol.
Kennedy was having meetings at the United Nations to prevent Israel from becoming s nuclear power.
He was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and replaced by Lyndon Johnson who says that he was the best friend Israel ever had in the White House. He put many Jews into high positions and was President during the 6-day war, which was crucial.
If Israel had not gotten the bomb when it did, there would probably not be an Israel today.
LBJ call in the leaders of Israel, telling them that we knew Israel was ready to go to war over Jerusalem. LBJ said, "Why don't you let them hit you first, and then the people will all be on your side." The leaders said, "We can't afford to lose 15,000 to 30,000 soldiers, so we will consider that." So they went back to Israel and the most incredible 6-day victory in military history occurred.
All LBJ had to do was turn around one aircraft carrier and face it at Israel and that kept Russia from attacking Israel and when Israel was attacked the Jerusalem gates, they easily withstood their ground and won the war in 6 days.
1948 was a very important year because it fulfilled scripture about the about the sign in the sky of the 4 blood moons.
Oct 10, 2013 ... Hagee did a three part series on "The Coming Four Blood Moons" back in December of 2012. He has videos of this series for sale and a book ...
Apr 19, 2014 ... Dee Finney's blog. start date July 20, 2011. today's date April 19, 2014. page 667 . TOPIC: THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS .
1948 was the number 1 marker in Biblical history fulfilling the return of Jesus to Israel.
We have over 100 million church attendees in the United States who don't understand the significance of Israel being a State. They belong to 'Replacement Theology' churches.
We have over one billion people who attend church worldwide who don't understand the importance of Israel.
When God made the covenant with Abram, he doesn't change his mind - he keeps his word. The covenant is fixed.
The Bible says, "In the last days, there will be another gospel."
Galatians 1:6 " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ into another gospel...
Matthew 4:4 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'
KOENIG SAID: "I started warning President Bush 4 months before he even got involved in the Peace Process. His plan was to be a facilitator and brought the people home that were involved in the Peace Process and is first 75 days could have not gone smoother for him. People liked what he was doing in the White House and people realized there was going to be a change in Washington and said, "This is going is a great day for America!"
But then King Abdullah came to the White House and Hasmi Mubarak of Saudi
Arabia, former President of Egypt came to the White House and said, "President
Bush, you need to get involved in the Peace Process because if you don't, things
are going to spin out of control."
Spinning out of control in Israel means that Israel is going to do what they want to do, and will take care of the problem! It means that Israel is managing their neighborhood.
So President Bush reluctantly got involved in the Peace Process and that's when things began to turn bad.
When he got involved, we had our first Chinese problem and we had the big Chinese conspiracy.
Koenig explained that he had written four letters to President Bush both before and after 9/11 about God's Covenant Land (Israel)
He was fully warned about this.
KOENIG: The Lord told me to do some research into past Presidents and how they related to Israel and that's what I did to put that information into this book ... EYE TO EYE
This Peace Process started in October 1991, when President George Herbert Walker Bush when in Madrid Spain, asked Israel to give up Judean Samaria and East Jerusalem. He called it the West Bank which was land Israel obtained during the 6-day War.
So, as he is sitting at a podium, calling on Israel to give the land to the Palestinians, 30 foot waves were crashing into his house in Kennebunk Port, Maine.
It wasn't a week, or a month, or a year later, it was at the exact moment he was asking Israel to give up their land.
It was called The Perfect Storm because it came out of nowhere and came out of cold water.
Later, they called it a hurricane, but rather than going east or west, it caused over a million dollars in damages.
So, he went to Madrid, Spain, after sponsoring a three day conference and came home to survey the damage to his house in Kennebunkport, Maine.
The driveway leading to U.S. President George Bush's vacation compound on
Walker's Point in Kennebunkport, Me.,
is littered with rocks and rubble left by 20-foot waves, October. 30, 1991.
An Atlantic storm damaged homes and flooded roads along the Maine coast.
And five weeks later, the co-sponsor of this event Gorbechev was ousted from office.
On 10 January 1991 Gorbachev issued an ... "who were prepared to remove Gorbachev from his presidential office ... Many also saw this publication as the start of a campaign to oust Gorbachev. -
Tanks at Red Square during the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt ... 25 December 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev had resigned, declaring his office ..... On November 11, 1987 Yeltsin was fired from the post of First Secretary of the ...
Published: August 19, 1991. Mikhail S. Gorbachev was apparently ousted from power today by military and K.G.B. authorities while he was on vacation in the ...
Aug 11, 2011 ... Communist hardliners staged a coup against Mikhail Gorbachev 20 ... He had just chased Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and last Soviet president, out of office. ... for six years until he was finally ousted in a putsch by his own party. ... Their plane landed in the capital at 2:15 a.m., local time, on August 22, 1991.
Where did you get the idea that it was more than just a story? It was a
series of supernatural events?
KOENIG: It was interesting about this in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 and I started going back into history looking at when Yasser Arafat came to Washington, what happened when Bill Clinton put pressure on Israel, what would happen? The Monica Lewinsky scandal broke the same day Clinton met with Benjamin Netanyahu, being in the Whitehouse, being pressured by Bill Clinton to do more.
The day, the hour, the evening... not a week, a month, or a year later - but the same day.
George Herbert Walker Bush approval rating was at 90 per cent after Desert Storm. This is unprecedented level of approval. Never in the history of the presidency ... and in 15 months, he is out of office.
When George Herbert Walker Bush and James Baker from Houston, TX were determined that Israel give up this land, they started the Peace Process conference in Madrid, Spain, and one event led to another, one catastrophe after another which led from a popular presidency to being out of office 15 months later. That was unprecedented too.
And with Bill Clinton too, one catastrophe after another, the 1st World Trade Center event happened in 199, Hurricane Andrew Devastation, the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, he was in Geneva, Switzerland, calling on Israel to give up the Golan Heights with the leader of Syria, which is crucial to Israel's security, within hours, the Northridge quake happened.
80% of the costliest disasters in the last 20 years are connected to United States pressure on Israel.
On page 19 or the book EYE TO EYE, is a chart showing multiple events and the cost of damage.
Bill Koenig stated, "I like facts and statistics. People are very busy today and a chart like this shows the chronology of events in just minutes.
The top 10 costliest U.S. natural disasters between 1980 and 2010 caused more than $501.1 billion in damage and up to 22,240 deaths, according to the National Weather Service and the Insurance Information Institute. They include hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and droughts. The losses include insured and uninsured losses, and the disasters impacted most regions of the country.
All the stats are there for the skeptics and showing exactly what the President
did, and the Secretary of State and exactly what happened immediately
That's very important for documenting these. You can't argue with facts.
Obama was with APAC, the largest Jewish organization in America in organized - American Political Action Committee that is designed for standing for the Nation of Israel. It is a major force on Capital Hill and has a lot to do with the funds that Israel receives.
Obama had the audacity to go to a conference there with 12,000 people in attendance and say specifically that Israel must go back to the 1967 borders.
![]() |
Within a couple hours, the Joplin, Missouri tornado hit and wiped it out. That was the largest spring storm the United States has ever experienced.
This is a mystery, you go to these tornado sites, these earthquake sites, the hurricane sites, and see these horrific events and what it costs, not just money, but people's lives, property damage, and its so hard to comprehend at times, but I see over and over and over again - this pattern that repeats itself. But for the President of the United States to go to APAC to speak to the people and go to speak to the world and when he went to the C-8 meeting to formally approve what he had just said to APAC and this storm hits Joplin, MO?
It's a mystery but when God's Covenant land that he gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob....
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
6 Then the Lord said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.
2 And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord: 3 and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. 4 And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers. 5 And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant. 6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments: 7 and I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am the Lord. 9 And Moses spake so unto the children of Israel: but they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage.
It was for their pleasure and we talk about dividing that land and giving it to Arab States, a Judean Samarian State, you can feel a collective, atmospheric and a political consequence that goes with that. It happens every time. And the greater corresponding pressure put on Israel, the greater the catastrophe, and by him (the President) stating that Israel must go back to the 6-day borders, a major statement, unfortunately, the Joplin incident happens shortly thereafter.
J.B. When I was a young preacher, all the leaders like Billy Graham went to the White House and the politicians listened. One of the main things we told them, "Don't turn your back on Israel." We would plead with the leaders.
Now, it's like God is not respected. What in the world has happened to the United States of America?
KOENIG: Well! A former Ambassador from Israel to the United States said, "Throughout history, Israel has had a friend in the Whitehouse! And we're very concerned about 'this' Whitehouse!"
On the positive side, there has been continued to be tremendous help as far as Israel's Defense which also accrues to America's blessing.
We developed the F15 fighter jet for Israel. We gave it to Israel and they gave us 300 suggestions that makes our planes better.
And that happens over and over again. We share technology with Israel and they say, "You know you ought to try this! You ought to do this! If you try this, this will do better."
Or if we send an F15 to Israel, before it cools down, Israel puts its own avionics into that plane.
The reason that Israel doesn't have it's F Lightning II Jet stealth bomber yet, the United States wanted to make a condition that the avionics would stay in that plane. They went back and forth for a couple years and they finally agreed that Israel could put it's own avionics in the plane when it landed in Israel.
So, we have people say from time to time, "You know, we hear that the United States put billion dollars into Israel's Defense, which is also incredibly important.
General Hague says, "This is the important base the United States has, the most important one Israel's survival has on the planet because we have a base inside Israel that protects Israel, the Middle East, our oil and other assets in the region.
So, putting this all into perspective, the bottom line is, this is Genesis 12:3 blessing:
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee...."
We have been blessed by this relationship in science and technology and
military. As far as money goes, most of the money stays in the United
States anyhow, just send the end product, and that has been a good blessing to
the United States security and Israel's National Security.
J.B. I mean... Israel's enemies have not beat around the bush ... they
don't beat around the bush, they say, "Our goal is to destroy Israel. Is
that right? To wipe them off the face of the earth!
KOENIG: Iran has a two part plan:
One is to Eliminate the State of Israel
We know that the God of Israel will not allow that to happen.
2. To put the Sunni countries at risk.
30% of the oil that the world uses daily comes through the Persian Gulf.
Saudi Arabia which is the capital of the Sunni world of which 80% of the Muslims are Sunni. 20% are Shiite. The Capital of the Shiite is Iran and then you have Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Mecca (/ˈmɛkə/; Arabic: مكة, Makkah, pronounced [ˈmækkæ]), also ... "Mecca" is the familiar form of the English transliteration for the Arabic name of the city, ...
Saudis believe that Israel's first Sultinate Arabini is concerned about a nuclear Iran. -
The Sultanate of Arbabni (also known as Arababni or Arabini) was a small Gurage Islamic sultanate located in what is now the Arsi ... Kingdom of Beta Israel .
And their other concern as well as other Middle Eastern allies to the United States, that this Whitehouse is predictable ... even Vice President Cheney said, "Our allies don't trust us, our enemies don't fear us in the Middle East, and is a very significant statement.
LORI: "I think you can say that again!"
KOENIG: I think this is a very key moment, and this is key to our National Security ... is our enemies don't fear us and out allies don't trust us, because they look at what the Whitehouse did with Obama and Clinton did with Mubarak did in Egypt and it wasn't perfect, but at Camp David, Israel was still in place, there was a good relationship between Israel's military and Egypt's military and by allowing Mubarak to be thrown under the bus there, the Saudi King there and other allies in the Middle East were extremely concerned.
So, Jim! The other thing that United States and friends of our Congress, who is a great support of Israel, they are very supportive of Israel and our allies in the region are concerned that the United States will cut a Peace Deal, or cut a deal with Iran over the nuclear weapons and forget about Iran's plans to control the Middle East.
And basically come home and celebrate the agreement with Iran which they have a history of not fulfilling any house, so what good is it? And you can't out-negotiate an Iranian... they're masters of negotiation... and they sign agreements and then never fulfill them.
So we are talking about the whole world economy which is relying on the oil that is coming out of the Middle East and that's the P-5 + 1 which is the 5 permanent members of the United Nations security council and Germany, cut a deal with Iran and they all go home and say everything is fine and Iran will continue their plan to control the Persian Gulf, to put Sunni countries that produce oil along the Persian Gulf at risk and Israel and the entire Middle East at risk.
So! Who is going to take care of business! It looks like its going to have to be Israel that has to take care of this world threat.
And the Arabs in the Middle East know that Israel is the only one who is going to have the audacity and the strength to take care of that problem.
J.B. How soon could a show-down take place?
KOENIG: Today! As a matter of fact, it was really close in 2012. I picked up on a couple of comments and I write about this frequently, Israel was very close to doing something in 2012.
In early 2012, they were preparing, but our Secretary of Defense Leon Penetta told the International community that he would be surprised if Israel didn't attack Iran in April or June of that year.
Even Israel's enemies in America could not believe that our Secretary of Defense would make that kind of public statement.
Israel's success in the past has been preemptive strikes, hitting the enemy before the enemy has an opportunity to hit. And to have our Secretary of Defense make that statement, and then shortly after that, another leak came out of the Pentagon that Israel was cooperating with Azerbaijan as being a staging area that Israel could bring their jets in north of Iran and hit these sites better. That leaked.
Then a couple other things leaked, then you could tell that Obama was so worried that an attack before the election that he sent the head of the CIA there, David Piraeus, and he sent the Joint Seat of the Staff, General Martin Dempsey, and Hillary Clinton there, saying, "Don't do it! Don't do it!" and he finally promised Netanyahu. It looked like in October 2012, Israel was ready to put up the planes and take care of business.
And Obama told Netanyahu, "If you promise not to hit before the election, I will put major pressure on Iran after the 2012 election."
It didn't happen.
J.B. How shocked are you that even freedom of speech is being suppressed in the United States? And freedom of religion is being despised?
I don't think the government understands how disturbed the Church is becoming. But what is happening? Is America ever going to come back to God?
KOENIG: One of the things we are facing right now has us in shock that what we are seeing in our country.
It started in January, 2009, when President Obama took office, and we need to keep praying for him, and I know its difficult at times. We need to keep praying for him and his administration.
1 Timothy 2:12 "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, For Kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."
LORI: No matter what your beliefs are, you pray for those.
KOENIG: We have to. You know, we look at the difficulties of the times we are living in, but we have to remember that the God of Israel, Our Lord is still in control, and that though these difficult and dark times, he's got his people on their knees again, we are praying, we are speaking out boldly, and at the same time, this is an opportunity because more and more people are going to want to know what the answers are, and their only hope is in Jesus.
Yes! These are difficult times. I was talking to a friend a couple days ago and we are in amazement that we are living in a time like this. We can't believe what is happening on a daily and weekly basis.
J.B. We've been watching the charts that came out in the Wall Street Journal and it showed the chart for the last two years, compared to the Dow Jones averages of 1928 and 1929 and the 1929 crash and right now we are on an identical pattern as it goes up and down as you see that chart. It is shocking. The black line shows the crash of 1929 and there we are now in the red line and its going exactly like it. It's like watching a water ballet from many years ago, and it's follow exactly in sequence. Could you comment on that? Could we have a crash, do you think?
KOENIG: We write about it every few months. We have watched it very closely for quite awhile. Our concern is financial derivatives, that brought us the Prime mortgage fiasco.
The nine of the top 10 banks of the world are dealing in financial derivatives which is a very complicated form of investment. It's right here in the United States. We have a country right now that is approaching 18 trillion dollar debt.
$17,222,587,768,729 see current chart here:
KOENIG: The Federal Reserve has been putting 50 to 70 billion dollars into the economy each month to prop the economy up.
We look at a log of signs in Israel. That's a very key component. We look at the moral climate of America.
Christians had much more freedom under Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, and Bashar al-Assad of Syria. These radical Islamics who have taken over their countries around the Middle-east.
We have never seen Christian persecution like we see right now, because of Arab spring helped birth that.
KOENIG: We are seeing some significant change right now. It's getting better, for the Coptic Christian, after the overthrow of the Muslim brotherhood has helped the situation.
And you hear from Syrian Christians, and it's hard to believe, but we had it better under Assad and what we need to do with these radical Islamists especially in the eastern part of the country.
So the Nigerian situation has been very difficult for a long time. You have a war there between Islam and the Christian and it's a very tough part of the world. It's a very tough region.
J.B. I'd like you to go down and give me the top events that have happened in America that took place within minutes or hours of us taking land or encouraging or pushing Israel to give up their land.
KOENIG: Well! There have been so many significant events we have been talking about. We are talking about the 90% of the largest record setting events in history.
People talk about - we always have storms, we always have earthquakes, we always have tornados, yes but we've never had the level of intensity that we've had in the last 22 years since George Herbert Walker Bush started the Land for Peace Process.
The 14 costliest hurricanes in history
The 12 largest insurance events in history
4 of the 5 largest tornado outbreaks in history
Two of the largest terrorism events in history
all happened within 24 hours of the U.S. pressuring Israel to divide their land.
The greater the pressure, the greater the catastrophe.
Then you look at Katrina - A friend of mine who works at the Whitehouse said that George Bush never recovered from Katrina and 9/11.
Both events were connected to pressure we put on Israel.
President Bush endorsed the Israeli Disengagement from Gaza in 2005. He approved it and congratulated them and within a few hours a tropical depression happened and Katrina emerged from that. It was the biggest catastrophic event that ever hit America. That was August 29, 2005
Zechariah 2:8 For thus saith the Lord of Hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you, for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
Then we were talking about God's Holy Land. This is God's land. People need to understand that this is still God's land.
It's not to be divided. It's not to be partitioned and not to be an Arab state.
Judean Samaria was created for the Jewish people. It's not be a Palestine. There are consequences.
I have shared over and over to our readers to our news report and others ... if you touch that land, there is an atmospheric or political result many times.
J.B. People ask about Hurricane Sandy a lot. (October 25, 2012)
Is there anything connected to that one?
KOENIG: Hurricane Sandy had two parts. Right at the time Hurricane
Sandy developed into a tropical depression, Barack Obama and Romney were in
their final debates.
Mitt Romney specifically said that he favored a two-state agreement. The Jews and Palestine living side by side in peace and security. He said, "This position is the same as President Obama.
They both agreed to this on National and International television. 65 million people on television heard them mention this and then the event (the hurricane) began.
I think there is a parallel between the debate agreement and the hurricane itself.
Hurricane Sandy was the 2nd greatest catastrophe in history. Hurricane Sandy cost the United States 70 to 80 billion dollars in damages.
J.B. Does this God's rule or law effect other countries?
KOENIG: Absolutely. Most of these incidents happen in the United
States because we have been the point man in the Peace Process because Israel
trusts us.
The United States has been at the head of this Peace Process for a long time. Most of these incidents have happened here, but there were times when elections where Germany's Chancellor Merkul or British Prime Minister Tony Blair or David Cameron or French President Nicola Sarkozy. When they were involved, the same thing happened there.
Hurricane force winds out of season. Here is a great example from January 18, 2007.
I digress for a moment - Right after Katrina, I gave President Bush a copy of my book. 10 days later, I got a letter from Dick Cheney and also Karl Rove, thanking me for 'Eye to Eye.
Numerous times in 2006, President Bush said, "I will not pressure Israel."
He started three contingences to start the Peace Process again -
Dematiliarize the Palestine State
Acknowledging israel's right to exist in a Jewish State and to lay down their weapons.
What happened was that we went from a 2005 that was the worst weather related year to a calm 2006. No hurricanes, no tropical storms. The highest wind all season was 45 mph. Nothing! And it was supposed to be another big season.
In 2007 German Chancellor Angela Merkul and Tony Blair from the U.K. said, 'It's
time to get this going again President Bush. You've got to do something,"
So, President Bush, in order to appease these guys, George Bush sent Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to Israel and the Saudis and the United Emirates. Then she went to Germany and Great Britain.
As Condoleeza Rice is landing in Germany, the entire German railway system is shut down because of high winds blowing in the country. There was not a single train running on the tracks in Germany.
When Condoleeza Rice went to Great Britain, the same thing happened - hurricane force winds and the Chunnel was closed; one thing after another. They had their meeting and everything calmed down.
In late 2005, we had one of the most expensive hurricanes. There was a major ice storm of 2005. California, Oklahoma, etc. Condoleeza Rice was in Israel at the time.
Europe has many experiences over the Peace Process as well.
Whoever is pressuring Israel, there is a consequence.
J.B. Man's hands are going to going to cause God's hands to move in
reaction. Whoever comes against Israel, God is going to come against them.
Here is the list of Israel Peace Process/Disaster lists
1 Hurricane Katrina
2. Hurricane Sandy
3. Hurricane Andy
4. Northridge Earthquake
5. Hurricane Charley
6. Hurricane Francis
7. Hurricane Jean
The next summer 2005
Hurricane Rita
Hurricane Wilma
Sep 16, 2013 ... The Jordan Valley will be the eastern border of the future Palestinian state, with Palestinian rather than Israeli forces guarding it, PA President ...
When Jordan's Abass was at the Whitehouse calling for Israel's Division, the King of Jordan at the Whitehouse asking Israel to give up the land.
9/11 is at the top of costs and those numbers keep growing. The costs for 9/11 are around 2 trillion dollars at this point.
And those were 2001 dollars and then we had a stock market crash right after that.
Then they dropped the interest rate which raised the sub-prime fiasco, which led to a higher economy and things domino.
The relationship between the Christian people and the Jews have never been better. The last 20 years, it's been building and building, and building.
I was talking to a leader in Israel just recently, and he said, "You can't fully comprehend how appreciative for the Christian support we get in the United States as well as around the world. But he is deeply appreciative of the Christian support that comes from the United States for Israel, and it is a very important time for the country.
As the world is talking about delegitimizing Israel on the BDS movement - Boycott Divestment Sanction Movement - as you take in the words of the Israeli leaders, as other leaders in the Middle East, like Hamas, or Hezbollah or Muslim Brotherhood, Israel is living in a very tough region. It has never been more dangerous, and people say, "Where is America in prophecy?
It's not obvious, especially George Bush or Obama, those actions are accelerating and final day events and we are watching Jerusalem's 'time clock', and today is a very key time to be supportive of the nation of Israel and be there for the Jewish people.
Jerusalem's 'time clock' appears to be ticking - See THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS (2014 AND 2015) and THE SHEMITAH (2015)
'Koenig's Eye View from the White House'
June 13, 2014
Who is the ‘real’ Armageddon Lobby?
The most important time in biblical history with the least amount of interest in the church
The enormous cost to Israel from the ‘peace process’
Pope Francis’s aims to re-ignite Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts
The Vatican broadcasted a ‘live feed’ of an Arab’s Islamic prayer from the Koran to the world
The day Pope Benedict resigned the Vatican was hit with lightening
Europe’s church obsessed with Israel in their support of the Palestinians
Jesus Was a Palestinian: The Return of Christian Anti-Semitism
How Israel is bitterly dividing Jewish communities
Obama's Spiritual Adviser spends one week in Iran discussing religious tolerance
And more ….
Every week the newsletter reveals everything that happened that week that is biblically relevant.
Bill is personal friends with everyone in front of the camera and behind the scenes so he knows everything that is taking place.
When you read this book, 'EYE TO EYE' you'll know that God means business.
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