Solar wind
Jan. 30th, big sunspot AR1967 unleashed a strongM6-classsolar
flare. The explosion sent a CME racing away from the blast site faster than 1400
km/s (3 million mph):movie.
The cloud appears to have an Earth-directed component, and could deliver a
glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on Feb 1st.Aurora
Solar wind
AR1967 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for
strong eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-flares and a 10%
chance of X-flares on Jan. 30th.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice
Jan. 30th, the Moon will eclipse the sun for almost 2.5 hours. You have to be in
space to see it. This extreme UV image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
(SDO) shows the "lunar transit" underway now:
Before the eclipse is over at 1556 UTC (10:56 EST), as much as 90% of the sun
will be covered. SDO is solar powered, so mission controllers have charged the
spacecraft's batteries to endure the blackout. Stay tuned for more images!
10 fireballs reported
Solar wind
Thursday, Jan. 30th, the Moon will eclipse the sun for almost 2.5 hours. You
have to be in space to see it. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory s set to record
the "lunar transit," which begins at 1331 UTC or 8:31 EST.A
simulationshows that
approximately 90% of the sun will covered. SDO is solar powered, so mission
controllers have charged-up the spacecraft's batteries to endure the blackout.
Stay tuned for images during the eclipse!
is entering a stream of solar wind blowing almost 500 km/s or 1.1 million mph.
First contact on Jan. 28th sparked tall curtains of light around the Arctic
Circle. Harald Albrigtsen sends this picture of the display from Skulsfjord,
Tromsø, Norway:
"At first there was little auroral activity, but being patient paid off," says
Albrigtsen. He photographed the explosion of light using a Nikon D600 digital
camera set at ISO 3200 iso for 3 seconds.
Arctic photographers, take note of those settings because more auroras are on
the way. NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% to 40% chance of polar geomagnetic
storms on Jan. 29-30 as Earth moves deeper into the solar wind stream.Aurora
Solar wind
moon rover, theJade
Rabbit, which made an historic landing in Sinus Iridum (the Bay of Rainbows)
on Dec. 14th, is in trouble. Night is falling over the rover's landing site, and
the rover should be going into hibernation to preserve power. China's space
agency isreporting,
however, that a "mechanical anomaly" may be interfering with the hibernation
process. If so, the Jade Rabbit might not survive the extreme cold (-180 C) it
is about to experience during two weeks of lunar night. Even if the rover fails,
the mission is a success for China, which has joined the exclusive club of
nations that have landed on the Moon.
with solar flares, a large sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb.
It appears to beAR1944,
returning after a two-week trip around the farside of the sun. Earlier today,
astronomer Karzaman Ahmad photographed the active region from the Langkawi
National Observatory in Malasia:
According to tradition, sunspots that circle around the farside of the sun are
re-numbered when they return. The new designation of AR1944 is AR1967. "Sunspot
AR1967 is as big as Earth!" notes Ahmad.
Earlier this month, AR1944/AR1967 produced an X1-class solar flare and one of
the strongest radiation storms of the current solar cycle. Is round 2 about to
begin? Solar activity is definitely increasing as AR1967 comes around the bend.
Earth orbiting satellites have detected at least fiveM-classsolar
flares since yesterday, including this one recorded on Jan. 28th (07:30 UT) by
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
More flares are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 5% chance ofX-flaresand
a 50% chance ofM-flaresduring
the next 24 hours.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice
7 fireballs reported
Solar wind
speed: 331.9 km/sec
The southeastern limb of the sun is crackling with
C- and
M-class solar flares. These explosions herald the return of old sunspot
which produced many strong flares earlier this month. For the past two weeks
AR1944 has been transiting the farside of the sun. An uptick in solar activity
is possible as it returns to the Earthside this week.
Solar flare alerts:text,
Space balloon captured panoramic images of
California's epic drought:
So much for the Golden State. The
landscape of California is remarkably brown as the driest winter in more than a
century unfolds. The drought is so bad that the city of Bishop, where the
students go to school, looks like a settlement on the planet Mars: image.
"Up and down California, from Oregon to
Mexico, it's dry as a bone," comments JPL climatologst Bill Patzert. "To make
matters worse, the snowpack in the water-storing Sierras is less than 20% of
normal for this time of the year."
Indeed, the towering Sierras, only
sparsely covered by crusty month-old snow, lack their usual white reflectance in
many of the group's edge of space photos.
Not much water will be flowing from those peaks to urban areas when the snow
melts in spring. Water rationing and wildfires are likely this summer.
11 fireballs reported
Solar wind
speed: 359.3 km/sec
10 fireballs reported
sunspot AR1957 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for
M-class solar flares. The region's persistant quiet, however, suggests the
odds of an eruption are low. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of M-flares
on Jan. 26th. Solar flare alerts:text,
Solar wind
Quiet sun this weekend
12 million years ago, a white dwarf star in galaxyM82exploded.
A few days ago, light from the supernova finally reached Earth. Amateur
astronomers can see it through backyard telescopes as a fireball of magnitude
+11. Indeed, it is so bright that small telescopes can be used to study the
spectrum of the blast. David Strange sends these data from Branscombe, East
Devon, UK:
"I used a 9-inch Celestron telescope and a Star Analyzer 100 to record the
supernova's colors," says Strange.
His data show a strong absorption line corresponding to ionized silicon. Silicon
is one of the products of fusing carbon and oxygen, and a telltale sign that
this is aType 1asupernova
explosion. Type 1a supernovas are famous in part because they led to the
discovery ofDark
Energyin the universe. (And,
yes, we know that "Dark Energy" is shorthand for "we don't know what's going
Although it is 12 million light years away, M82 is considered to be a next-door
neighbor of the Milky Way. Indeed, this is the nearest supernova to Earth sinceSN
1993Jwas observed 21 years ago.
The relative proximity of the blast makes it an attractive target for
astronomers to study. Light curves from previous Type 1a supernovas suggest that
the fireball could continue to brighten for the next two weeks. If you have a
GOTO telescope, this evening command it to slew to the "cigar galaxy" or "M82,"
and watch the explosion unfold.
Solar wind
no sunspots actively flaring, solar activity is low. However, sunspots AR1957
and AR1959 could break the quiet. Both regions have 'beta-gamma' magnetic fields
that harbor energy for medium-sized eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15%
chance ofM-classflares
on Jan. 24th.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice
Solar wind
forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 23rd in
response to a glancing blow from a CME. High-latitude sky watchers should be
alert for midnight auroras.Aurora
Solar wind
12 million years ago, a white dwarf star in the galaxyM82exploded.
This week, light from the distant supernova reached Earth. Amateur astronomers
can easily see it through backyard telescopes as a fireball of magnitude +11.2,
shown here in a photo taken by Leonard Ellul-Mercer on Jan. 22nd:
Although it is 12 million light years away, M82 is considered to be a next-door
neighbor of the Milky Way. Indeed, this is the nearest supernova to Earth sinceSN
1993Jexploded 21 years ago. The
relative proximity of the blast makes it an attractive target for astronomers to
study. Light curves from previoussupernovas
of this typesuggest that the
fireball could continue to brighten for the next two weeks.
If you have a GOTO telescope, this evening command it to slew to the "cigar
galaxy" or "M82," and watch the explosion unfold.
Solar wind
Jan. 5th, Earth passed directly between the sun and Jupiter. Astronomers call
this an "opposition" because the sun and Jupiter were on opposite sides of the
sky. "Jupiter's opposition is always an opportunity for beautiful pictures of
moons transiting Jupiter, sometimes directly in front of their own shadows,"
says John H. Rogers, Jupiter Section Director of the British Astronomical
Association. "Observers have produced some fine examples from the opposition
earlier this month." Some of the best are collected here:
Transits around opposition are beautiful, but something even more rare and
special is coming this fall. "In autumn, Jupiter's moons will begin a series of
mutual eclipses and occultations," Rogers says. The satellites will criss-cross
in the sky, dipping in and out of one another's shadows. Predictions by Jean
Meeus have been posted by the British Astronomical Association Computing SectionattheseURLs.
"The last time these mutual events occurred, in 2009, observers were able to
produce the firsthigh-resolution
moviesof moons eclipsing moons.
No doubt some of you will be able to do even better this time around."
in communities around the Arctic Circle, people have been seeing colorful lights
in the sky. Although they look like auroras, they are not. Alexander Kuznetsov
photographed this apparition over Rovaniemi in the Finnish Lapland on Jan. 17th:
pillars, caused by ice crystals in the air which intercept urban lights and
spread them into colorful columns. No solar activity is required for the
phenomenon. The only ingredients areiceandlight
"The temperature was -27°C – perfect weather for these to occur," says
Kuznetsov. "I have seen light pillars before, but never so many." Although the
pillars were clearly visible to the unaided eye, he decided to use a 20 second
exposure to create a dramatic trail of smoke from the foreground chimneys. The
long exposure accentuated slight differences in the hue of city lights, creating
a truly polychromatic image.
Solar wind
13 fireballs reported
Solar wind
phalanx of new sunspots rotating over the sun's southeastern limb was expected
to boost solar activity this weekend. So far, however, the spots have not
produced strong flares. Solar activity is low.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
15 fireballs reported
Solar wind
minor CME expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 17th is late, but NOAA
forecasters still think it is coming. They estimate a 40% chance of polar
geomagnetic storms on Jan. 18th in response to the tardy impact. High-latitude
sky watchers should be alert for auroras.Aurora
15 fireballs reported
sunspot approaching from just behind the sun's southeastern limb is crackling
with solar flares. The explosions are registering C2 to C8 on theRichter
Scale of Flareseven
though they are partially eclipsed by the edge of the sun. In Athens, Greece,
amateur astronomer Peter Desypris photographed the flying debris from one of the
"Indeed, something big appears to be on the way," says Desypris.
The sun's rotation is slowly turning the active region toward Earth. During the
weekend its core should emerge into plain view for a better evaluation of its
flare-producing potential. Stay tuned for updates.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
Solar wind
forecasters estimate a 35% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 17th when
a minor CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. High-latitude sky
watchers should be alert for moonlit auroras.Aurora
Jan. 11th, Bjørn Hugo Hansen of Øverbygd, Norway, observed an explosive display
of auroras--with sound effects. "The temperature was -27 C, and I was standing
on the ice by our cabin. In the distance I could hear cracking sounds from the
ice, a strange sound like a mix of whale bubbles hitting the ice and a small
earthquake. This happens often. I believe it is stronger tonight, though,
because of a big drop in temperature. Faint auroras were dancing quietly
overhead when I spoke to myself --'Come
on Aurora – give me all you got.'And
BOOM! The sky exploded behind me." This is what he saw:
"Lady Aurora twisted around the sky, she threw her bridal veil all around,"
continues Hansen. "I was in ecstasy … and as if that was not enough, the ice
under me made a large DRUN! I had never heard the sound of the ice crack this
close before, almost right under me. It was an enormous sound. A thin crack 5mm
wide rushed across the lake. Then it became quiet and Aurora disappeared.
6 fire balls reported
is unfolding around the northern hemisphere. As temperatures drop, pillars of
light are springing up from ground. Janis Satrovskis of Valmiera, Latvia,
photographed this specimen on Jan. 14th:
Light pillarsare
a common sight around northern cities in winter. Urban lights bounce off ice
crystals in the air, producing tall luminous columnssometimes
mistakenfor auroras. Usually the
ice crystals are natural, such as snow flakes, but in this case the atmospheric
optics were artificial.
"The amazing phenomenon was created by snow blowing machines," explains
Satrovskis. "These are our first days with temperatures below zero and ski
resorts are making snow. A slight breeze carried manmade snow over the city,
creating a spectacular view."
Light pillars are springing up in cold cities around the world. Is yours one of
them? Browsethe
galleryfor the latest sightings.
Solar wind
6 fireballs reported
Solar wind
New Horizons spacecraft is closing in on Pluto. Officials say the encounter
begins less than a year from now. Although Pluto has been demoted from
planethood by a small group of professional astronomers, it is still a sizable
world, some 5000 miles around the equator with a system of moons and perhaps
even rings. New Horizons is heading for one of the most excitingplanetaryflybys
of the Space Age. Get thefull
Full Moons vary in size and brightness because of theoval
the Moon's orbit. The Moon follows an elliptical path around Earth with one side
("apogee") about 50,000 km farther than the other ("perigee"). Big full Moons on
the perigee side of the Moon's orbit are sometimes called "Supermoons." That
would make tonight's full Moon an "anti-Supermoon"--or perhaps, "kryptonite."
12 fireballs yesterday
Solar wind
forecasters have downgraded the chance ofX-flareson
Jan. 14th to 15% as giant sunspot AR1944 rotates off the solar disk. The odds on
Jan. 15th are even lower: 1%. A quiet spell appears to be in the offing.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
12 fireballs yesterday
Solar wind
with gusts as fast as 800 km/s (1.8 million mph), a stream of solar
wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. Because the density of the
stream is so low, it is not causing strong geomagnetic storms.
Nevertheless, some bright auroras have appeared around the Arctic
Only 5 fireballs today.
Solar wind
is entering a fast stream of solar wind that could spark auroras at high
latitudes. NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan.
11 fireballs today.
forecasters estimate a 35% chance ofX-classsolar
flares on Jan. 11th, most likely from AR1944. The brooding sunspot has been
quiet for days, but still poses a threat for strong eruptions.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
photo 1-11-14
Jan. 11th, Venus is at inferior conjunction. That means it is passing almost
directly between Earth and the sun. With its nightside facing Earth (almost
perfectly), Venus looks like an incredibly slender crescent.
Taking extreme care not to point any unfiltered optics at the sun, I started to
look for Venus through my 11-inch Celestron telescope," says Teodorescu. "The
thin but very large crescent suddenly appeared into the field of view. It was
surreal to watch the boiling atmospheric arc of the planet just above the sun in
plain day. My wife immortalized the moment by taking apanoramic
viewfrom our clear-sky
Observing Venus through a telescope can be dangerous. Even a quick inadvertent
glimpse of magnified light from the nearby sun can cause serious eye damage.
Anthony J. Cook of the Griffith Observatory has some advice for observers: "I
have observed Venusat
conjunction, but only from within the shadow of a building, or by adding a mask
to the front end of the telescope to fully shadow the optics from direct
sunlight. This is tricky with a refractor or a catadioptric, because the optics
start at the front end of the tube. Here at Griffith Observatory, I rotate the
telescope dome to make sure the lens of the telescope is shaded from direct
sunlight, even through it means that the lens will be partially blocked when
aimed at Venus. With our Newtonian telescope, I add a curved cardboard mask at
the front end of the tube to shadow the primary mirror."
Around the world, many people are applying these techniques to photograph Venus
as it passes by the sun. Browsethe
galleryto see their amazing
not unleashed a significant flare in more than 48 hours. The growing quiet could
be the calm between storms. AR1944 has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic
field that harbors energy forX-classflares.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
predicted, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 9th (20:00 UT). The impact
was weaker than expected, however, and it failed to produce widespread
geomagnetic storms. Nevertheless, somebeautiful
aurorasappeared around the
Arctic Circle. Harald Albrigtsen sends this picture from Tromsø, Norway:
It was dark in Norway when the CME arrived, so observers there witnessed a nice
display. By the time night fell over North America, however, the lights had
faded. US observers saw nothing remarkable.
More auroras are possible on Jan. 10th as Earth passes through the magnetic
wake of the CME. NOAA forecasters estimate a 85% chance of polar geomagnetic
storms before the day is over.Aurora
forecasters estimate a 90% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan. 9th when a CME
is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The speed of the solar wind around
Earth could spike to 700 km/s (1.6 million mph) shortly after the impact,
sharply compressing Earth's magnetosphere. High-latitude sky watchers should be
alert for auroras.Aurora
source of the incoming CME is AR1944, one of the largest sunspots of the current
solar cycle. The active region sprawls across more than 200,000 km of solar
terrain and contains dozens of dark cores. The largest could swallow Earth three
times over. AR1944 is circled in this Jan. 9th snapshot from NASA's Solar
Dynamics Observatory:
sunspot AR1944 is directly facing Earth and crackling with solar flares.
Yesterday, Jan. 7th, anX1-classexplosion
in the sunspot's magnetic canopy hurled a CME in our direction. High-latitude
sky watchers shoud be alert for auroras on Jan. 9th when the cloud is expected
to arrive. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms.Aurora
The X-flare that hurled a CME toward Earth also accelerated a swarm of
high-energy protons in our direction. Effects of the proton fusillade are
visible in this Jan. 7th coronagraph movie from the Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO):
The "snow" inthis
movieis caused by solar protons
striking the spacecraft's CCD camera. A veritable blizzard of speckles develops
as the CME emerges into full view. Indeed, many of the protons are accelerated
by shock waves at the forefront of the expanding cloud.
storm ranksS2on
NOAA storm scales. It is rich in "hard" protons with more than 100 MeV of
energy, which accounts for the snowiness of the SOHO coronagraph images.
According to NOAA, "passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high
latitudes may be exposed to elevated radiation risk" during such a storm.
The source of all this activity is AR1944, one of the biggest sunspots of the
past decade. The sprawling active region is more than 200,000 km wide and
contains dozens of dark cores. Its primary core, all by itself, is large enough
to swallow Earth three times over. To set the scale of the behemoth, Karzaman
Ahmad inserted a picture of Earth in the corner of this picture he took on Jan.
7th from the Langkawi National Observatory in Malaysia:
More flares are in the offing. The sunspot has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta'
magnetic field that is likely to erupt again today. NOAA forecasters estimate an
80% chance ofM-classflares
and a 50% chance ofX-flareson
Jan. 8th.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
On Jan. 8th, 2014, the network reported 20 fireballs.
On Jan. 7, 2014, the network reported30fireballs.
(29 sporadics, 1 Quadrantid)
Sciences Corp. scrubbed today's launch of their Antares supply rocket to the
International Space Station in response to an ongoing solar radiation storm,
described below. A launch at 1:10 p.m. EST Thursday is possible if the storm
Antares/Cygnus Update
Orbital Targeting Thursday Launch
January 8, 2014 - 6:18 PM EST
Orbital Sciences has confirmed it will proceed with
a 1:07 p.m. EST launch attempt of the Orbital-1
cargo resupply mission to the International Space
Station (ISS) on Thursday, Jan. 9, pending closeout
of all remaining pre-launch reviews and tests.
Orbital conducted a comprehensive review of data
related to the radiation environment in space,
further reviews and modeling of the rocket’s
avionics systems, and the forecast for favorable
terrestrial weather conditions at NASA's Wallops
Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va. Upon a deeper
examination of the current space weather
environment, Orbital’s engineering team, in
consultation with NASA, has determined that the risk
to launch success is within acceptable limits
established at the outset of the Antares program.
NASA Television coverage of launch will begin at
12:45 p.m. EST. A post-launch news conference would
follow at approximately 2:30 p.m. A Thursday launch
would result in the Cygnus spacecraft arriving at
the ISS on early Sunday, Jan. 12. NASA TV coverage
of rendezvous and berthing will begin at 5 a.m. EST
for a 6:02 a.m. capture. Coverage of installation of
Cygnus will begin at 7:00 a.m. EST. For the latest
information on briefing and coverage times, follow www.nasa.gov/station and
the NASA TV schedule at www.nasa.gov/ntvnews.
update - STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: One of the largest
sunspots in years, AR1944, has turned toward Earth and it is crackling with
strong flares. So far on Jan. 7th, the active region has produced M7- and
X1-class eruptions, and more appear to be in the offing. As this alert is being
issued, analysts are waiting for more data from solar observatories to clarify
the possibility of CME impacts and geomagnetic storms in the days ahead.
forecasters estimate a 70% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 7th when a
CME is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. The CME
was hurled in our direction by anM4-classexplosion
from giant sunspot AR1944 on Jan. 4th. High latitude sky watchers should be
alert for auroras.Aurora
of the biggest sunspots in years is crossing the center of the solar disk,
putting Earth in the way of potential eruptions. Rocky Raybell photographed the
active region named "AR1944" yesterday from his backyard in Keller, Washington:
The sprawling sunspot contains dozens of dark cores, the largest big enough to
swallow Earth three times over. This makes it an easy target for amateur solar
telescopes. Raybell used a backyard 'scope capped with a Baader solar filer to
capture both the sunspot and trees in the foreground. Photo details may be found
Although AR1944 has been mostly quiet for days, flares are in the offing. The
sunspot has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that could erupt at
any time. NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance ofM-classflares
and a 30% chance ofX-flaresoon
Jan. 7th.
CME is heading toward Earth. The incoming cloud (movie)
was hurled into space by anM4-classexplosion
from sunspot AR1944 on Jan. 4th and is expected to deliver a glancing blow to
our planet's magnetic field on Jan. 7th. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms
are possible when the CME arrives.Aurora
solar protons are streaming past Earth today, triggering anS1-classsolar
radiation storm. They were propelled toward us by an explosion in the magnetic
canopy of old sunspot AR1936. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded
the blast:
Giant sunspot AR1944 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field
that harbors energy for potent Earth-directed eruptions. NOAA forecasters
estimate a 75% chance of
M-class flares and a 30% chance of
X-flares on Jan. 5th.
Solar flare alerts:text,
A coronal mass ejection (CME) might be heading for Earth. The
cloud blasted away from the sun during the late hours of Jan 4th following a
M4-class solar flare from big sunspot AR1944. SOHO (the Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory) recorded the explosion:
The snowy speckles dancing around the image are caused by energetic protons
striking the coronagraph's digital camera. They are a sign that a radiation
storm is underway.
Although this radiation storm is classified as S1, that is, minor, it is
fairly rich in high energy particles that can temporarily "snow" (degrade the
performance of) space-based cameras. NOAA forecasters expect the storm to
continue for another day or so. Stay tuned for updates.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
this movie. One of the largest sunspots
in years is turning toward Earth: AR1944 has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field
that harbors energy for potent eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance
and a 30% chance ofX-flareson
Jan. 6th. Any flares today will almost certainly be geoeffective.
"Sunspot AR1944 was visible without using a solar telescope," reports Eddie
Irizarry of Rincon, Puerto Rico, who took this picture at the end of the day on
Jan. 5th. "Proper filters and extreme care should be taken when photographing
the sun," he adds. "Unfiltered sunlight magnified by optics can cause serious
eye damage."
Astronomers who have a safesolar
telescopeare encouraged to take
a closer look. "AR1944 has to be the most awesome sunspot ever," says Sergio
Castillo of Inglewood, CA. "I cannot stop photographing it." Here is his latest
image from Jan. 5th:
Castillo used a telescope capped with a "Calcium K" filter. Calcium K filters,
which are sensitive to the blue glow of calcium ions in the sun's lower
atmosphere, highlight the bright magnetic froth that often forms around a
sunspot's dark cores. AR1944 is very frothy indeed.
Magnetic froth does not necessarily herald an explosion, but it does guarantee a
photogenic sunspot.
There are no large coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun. Credit: SDO/AIA
There were 7 fireballs reported on 1-6-14
The mixture of CMEs complicates
analysis of this event. Stay tuned for updates. Geomagnetic storm
alerts:text, voice.
The assymetric CME could deliver a glancing
blow to Earth's magnetic field in two or three days, possibly sparking polar
geomagnetic storms. NOAA analysts are still processing the CME imagery for a
more precise forecast.
Watch the movie again. There
might be two CMEs in there. After the first cloud from sunspot AR1944 emerged, a
second cloud was propelled off the sun's western limb by departing sunspot
On Jan. 4, 2014, the network reported
35 fireballs.
(19 sporadics, 14 Quadrantids, 1 lambda Bootid, 1 December Leonis
1-4-14 SUNSPOT
sunspot AR1944 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy forM-classsolar
flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
AR1944, which appeared on January 1st, is one of the largest sunspots of the
current solar cycle. It's so big, people are noticing it as a naked-eye blemish
on the solar disk. Although
the sunspot has been relatively quiet and stable since it first appeared on New
Year's Day, a region of this size has the potential to produce significant
activity. Indeed, NOAA forecasters, who say they are keeping a close eye on this
behemoth, estimate a 75% chance ofM-flaresand
a 30% chance ofX-flareson
Jan. 4th.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
On Jan. 3, 2014, the network reported27 fireballs.
(14 sporadics, 13 Quadrantids)
In this diagram of the inner solar system, all of the fireball orbits intersect
at a single point--Earth. The orbits arecolor-codedby
velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). [Larger
image] [movies]
Mere days after the start of the new year, skywatchers in the Northern
Hemisphere will be treated to the first meteor shower of 2014.
Set to peak on Friday, Jan. 3, theQuadrantid
meteor showerwill offer a brief
period of steady shooting stars. Observers in Europe and Asia will likely have
the best view when the shower peaks at 7:30 p.m. UT, since skies there will be
dark at that time.
For viewers on the East Coast of the U.S., the meteor shower will peak at 2:30
p.m. Friday, so the best time to watch may be the hours between midnight and
dawn on Jan. 3. However, meteors may still be visible for U.S. viewers Friday
begin and end in a short period, so finding the time when you can see them
can be a fickle thing," astronomer Ben Burress of California's Chabot Space &
Science Center told National Geographic. "Make
sure to find a safe, dark place away from city lights [that] is clear of trees
and buildings, and most of all stay warm and be patient."
Earth's atmosphere on Jan. 2nd. The space rock, about the size of a small car,
disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean about 3,000 km east of Caracas, Venezuela.
Infrasound records interpreted by Peter Brown of the University of Western
Ontario suggest an impact energy between 500 and 1,000 tons of TNT. That's a lot
of dynamite; nevertheless, in cosmic terms this was a relatively minor impact
that did no damage to our planet.
Discovered on New Year's Eve by a telescope
in Arizona, a small asteroid struck Earth somewhere over the Atlantic
Ocean — apparently unnoticed — about 25 hours later.
It was New Year's Eve, but that didn't stop observer Richard Kowalski
from scanning the sky for near-Earth objects (NEOs). He hadn't been
using the 60-inch telescope on Arizona's Mount Lemmon for long when he
noticed a 19th-magnitude blip skimming through northern Orion in a
seven-image series begun at 5:16 p.m. (1:16 Universal Time on January
1st). After confirming that it was a new find, Kowalski dutifully
submitted positions and times to the IAU's Minor Planet Center. Then he
went back to the night's observing run.
This plot shows the range of possible locations where the
small asteroid 2014 AA struck Earth's atmosphere early on
January 2, 2014.
Bill Gray / Project Pluto
Thus did the Mount Lemmon reflector, part of theCatalina
Sky Survey, discover 2014 AA, the first asteroid found this year.
But at the time neither Kowalski nor anyone else realized that the
little intruder was only 300,000 miles (500,000 km) from Earth and
closing fast.
by the MPCearlier today,
it's "virtually certain" that 2014 AA hit Earth. According to
calculations by dynamicist Stephen Chesley (Jet Propulsion
Laboratory), the impact occurred over the Atlantic Ocean somewhere
between Central America to East Africa. Chesley's "best-fit" collision
is just off the coast of West Africa at roughly 2:30 Universal Time this
More precision has come from an analysis of infrasound data by Peter
Brown (University of Western Ontario). Infrasound is extremely
low-frequency acoustic energy (20 hertz or less) created, for example,
during energetic explosions. Aglobal
network of detectors, maintained by the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, can pinpoint the location and
energy of any powerful detonation — including airbursts from meteoric
The overlap of the white curves, from three marginal
infrasound detections, shows where the small asteroid 2014
AA likely hit. However, this preliminary plot does not take
winds into account, which might shift the true impact point
somewhat further east.
Peter Brown
According to Brown, 2014 AA triggered very weak detections at three
infrasound stations. His triangulation from those records, shown in the
graphic at right, indicates that the space rock slammed into the
atmosphere near 40° west, 12° north. That location, about 1,900 miles
(3,000 km) east of Caracas, Venezuela, is far from any landmass.
"The energy is very hard to estimate with much accuracy — the signals
are all weak and buried in noise," Brown explains. And yet, he adds,
we're lucky that the event happened just after local midnight, when
winds are calmest. "Had this occurred in
the middle of the day I doubt we would see any signals at all," he says.
Brown's rough guess is that the impact energy was equivalent to the
explosive power of 500 to 1,000 tons of TNT — which, though powerful in
human terms, implies the object was no bigger than a small car. "It was
he says.
So 2014 AA was too small to reach the ground intact. But it must have
created one heck of a fireball! The skies over the Atlantic were
relatively clear last night. Alas, a search of ship- and plane-tracking
websites turned up no vessels in that area — it seems that no one was
positioned to witness 2014 AA's demise.
"I'm not aware of any visual sightings," says William Cooke of NASA's
Meteoroid Environment Office in Huntsville, Alabama. "Looks like it was
too far away from human eyes."
The impact occurred a little after 3hUT,
Brown says. That's only about 22 hours after Kowalski's initial report
to the MPC, and it's giving me déjà vu all over again. It's been just
five years since another small asteroid called2008
TC3struck Earth
over Sudanjust 19 hours
after its discovery by the same telescope.
The difference between these events is that astronomers had nearly a day
of advance warning regarding the 2008 impact. Telescopes worldwide
amassed hundreds of observations before the object slammed into the
atmosphere, and eventuallymany
fragments were recovered.
Based on images taken in the hours before its impact,
asteroid 2014 AA averaged 110 million miles (175 million km)
from the Sun in a low-inclination orbit that crossed paths
with Mars and Earth. It was only a matter of time before it
encountered our planet. Click on the image for an
interactive version.
JPL Horizons
There was no heads-up alert this time. "I'm kicking myself for not
having spotted this," admits amateur NEO sleuth Bill Gray (Project
Pluto). Most mornings Gray downloads "and yes, for me, it was
Most mornings, he downloads the circumstances for recent discoveries and
computes "what ifs" for potential impactors and near-misses. "However,
on New Year's Day, I'd made arrangements to go with my family to visit
my sister, go for a walk, stop off for a doughnut, shovel snow, etc.,
etc." He didn't realize an impact was imminent until last night — only a
couple of hours before the impact.
Let's cut Gray some slack and instead give him, Chesley, and Gareth
Williams at the MPC a collective pat on the back. All three were able to
conclude — based on just seven imagestaken
within 3 minutes— not
only that 2014 AA was going to strike Earth, but also roughly where and
when. Mad props for that impressive number-crunching!
The sun's magnetic field has fully reversed its polarity, marking the midpoint
of Solar Cycle 24, which will be completed in 11 years time
The sun has "flipped upside down", with its north and south poles reversed to
reach the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24, Nasa has said.
Now, the magnetic fields will once again started moving in opposite directions
to begin the completion of the 22 year long process which will culminate in the
poles switching once again.
"A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is, literally, a big event," said Nasa's
Dr. Tony Phillips.
"The domain of the sun's magnetic influence (also known as the 'heliosphere')
extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto. Changes to the field's
polarity ripple all the way out to
the Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space."
1-1-14 SOLAR ACTIVITY: The New Year began with a
burst of solar activity. Active sunspot AR1936 is crackling with strong M-class
solar flares, including an M9.9 event on Jan. 1st that stopped just short of
becoming a powerful X-flare. Also on New Year's Day, another large sunspot
emerged over the sun's eastern limb: AR1944 appears set to add its own
contribution to the fusillade of explosions.
of foreshortening near the sun's limb, the complexity of AR1944's magnetic field
is still unknown. The sheer size of the sunspot, however, suggests it is capable
of strong flares. The emergence of AR1944 combined with the ongoing activity
from AR1936 has prompted NOAA forecasters to raise the odds of eruptions on Jan.
2nd to 70% forM-flaresand
30% forX-flares.
fields in the sun's northern hemisphere have opened up, creating a vast hole
in the sun's atmosphere--a coronal hole. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
is monitoring the UV-dark gap:
Coronal holes are places where magnetic
fields threading through the sun's atmosphere spread apart and allow solar
wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this particular coronal
hole could reach Earth on Jan. 2-3, possibly sparking polar geomagnetic
storms. The first auroras of 2014 are in the offing.Solar
flare alerts:text,voice.
Every night, a network ofNASA
all-sky camerasscans the
skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. Automated software
maintained by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits,
velocity, penetration depth in Earth's atmosphere and many other
characteristics. Daily results are presented here on Spaceweather.com.
On Dec. 27, 2013, the network reported16 fireballs.
(13 sporadics, 2 December Leonis Minorids,
1 December Hydrid)
In this diagram of the inner solar
system, all of the fireball orbits intersect at a single point--Earth. The
orbits arecolor-codedby
velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). [Larger
image] [movies]
On Dec. 26, 2013, the network reported24 fireballs.
(21 sporadics, 3 December Leonis Minorids)
In this diagram of the inner solar
system, all of the fireball orbits intersect at a single point--Earth. The
orbits arecolor-codedby
velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). [Larger
image] [movies]
Near Earth Asteroids
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs)
are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth
than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our
planet, although astronomers are findingnew
onesall the time.
On December 31, 2013 there were1448 potentially
hazardous asteroids.
means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and
the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the
asteroid on the date of closest approach.
First labelled 2004 MN4, the 400m-wide asteroid was in 2005 given the more
interesting name of 99942 Apophis after an Egyptian snake-god (or an alien
character from Stargate SG-1, depending on who you believe). It continues to be
observed for an expected close passing in 2029 instead of 2036.
Whew! Huge Asteroid Apophis Won't Hit Earth in 2036
Malik, SPACE.com Managing Editor | January 10, 2013 04:40pm ET
NASA Maps Dangerous Asteroids That May Threaten Earth (Photos
by Tariq Malik, Managing Editor | August 14, 2013
This NASA graphic shows the orbits of all the known Potentially
Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs), numbering over 1,400 as of early
2013. Shown here is a close-up of the orbits overlaid on the
orbits of Earth and other inner planets.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
If you've seen films like "Armageddon," you know the potential threat
asteroids can be for Earth. To meet that threat, NASA has built a map like
no other: a plot of every dangerous asteroid that could potentially endanger
our planet … at least the ones we know about.
NASA released the new map of "potentially
hazardous asteroids" on Aug. 2 in a post to its online Planetary
Photojournal overseen by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
Calif. The map shows the orbital paths of more than 1,400 asteroids known
creep too close to Earth for comfort. None of the asteroids mapped pose an
impact threat to Earth within the next 100 years, agency officials said.
"These are theasteroidsconsidered
hazardous because they are fairly large (at least 460 feet or 140 meters in
size), and because they follow orbits that pass close to the Earth's orbit
(within 4.7 million miles or 7.5 million kilometers)," NASA officials
explained in the image description. [See
photos of potentially dangerous asteroids seen by NASA]
An artist's illustration of
asteroid Apophis near Earth. The asteroid will fly extremely
close to Earth in 2029, and then again in 2036, but poses no
threat of hitting the planet either time.
Durda – FIAAA
The Earth is safe
from the giant asteroid Apophis when it flies extremely close to our
planet in 2029, then returns for seconds in 2036, NASA scientists
announced today (Jan. 10). The chances of an impact in 2036 are less
than one in a million, they added.
Asteroid Apophis— which
is the size of three and a half football fields — was discovered in June
2004 and gained infamy after a preliminary study suggested it had a 2.7
percent chance of hitting the Earth during its 2029 flyby. Subsequent
observations ruled out an impact in 2029, but astronomers were closely
studying Apophis’ return in 2036.
Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004. Credit: UH/IA
Now, new observations of asteroid Apophis
recorded Wednesday (Jan.9) have revealed the space rock poses no real
threat to the Earth in 2036, NASA officials said. Astronomers tracked
the asteroid asApophis
made a distant flyby of Earthat
a range of about 9.3 million miles (15 million kilometers).
"The impact odds as they stand now are less than one in a million,
which makes us comfortable saying we can effectively rule out an Earth
impact in 2036,” Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object
Program Office, said in a statement. The office is based at the agency's
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. [
The Sentinel Mission team is a collaboration of the world’s leading space
scientists who, above all, listen to the data. Answering the asteroid challenge
requires a complex and perfect scientific solution, and we have the right team
to meet that challenge. We’re proud to say that our team continues to grow with
some of the best minds that have ever designed, launched and managed numerous
space missions.
The Sentinel Space Telescope in orbit around the sun. Image courtesy
of Ball Aerospace.
The Sentinel Mission will provide a unique opportunity for the
public to take ownership in a historic space mission that will
protect Earth, while providing the necessary roadmap for future
Sentinel is a space-based infrared (IR) survey mission to discover
and catalog 90 percent of the asteroids larger than 140 meters in
Earth’s region of the solar system. The mission should also discover
a significant number of smaller asteroids down to a diameter of 30
meters. Sentinel will be launched into a Venus-like orbit around the
sun, which significantly improves the efficiency of asteroid
discovery during its 6.5 year mission.
“The B612 Sentinel mission extends the emerging commercial
spaceflight industry into deep space – a first that will pave
the way for many other ventures. Mapping the presence of 1000′s
of near earth objects will create a new scientific database and
greatly enhance our stewardship of the planet.”
Dr. Scott Hubbard
B612 Foundation Program Architect
The spacecraft and instrument use
high-heritage flight proven deep space systems, originally
developed by NASA, to minimize technical and programmatic risks.
These heritage missions include large space-based telescopes
(Spitzer, Kepler), a large format camera made up of many
individual detectors (Kepler), and a cryogenically cooled
instrument (Spitzer). By detective and tracking nearly all of
the Near Earth Objects greater than 50 meters in diameter,
Sentinel will create a map of the solar system in Earth’s
neighborhood enabling future robotic and manned exploration. The
Sentinel data will also identify objects that are potentially
hazardous to humans to provide an early warning to protect the
Earth from impact.
- Most capable NEO detection system in operation
- 200 deg anti-sun Field of Regard, with a 2×5.5 deg Field of
View at any point in time: scans 165 square degrees per hour
looking for moving objects
- Precise pointing accuracy to sub-pixel resolution for imaging
revisit, using the detector fine steering capability
- Designed for highly autonomous, reliable operation requiring
only weekly ground contact
- Designed for 6.5 years of surveying operations. Actively
cooled to 40K using a Ball Aerospace two-stage, closed-cycle
Stirling-cycle cryocooler
- Ability to follow-up on objects of interest
- Provides highly specialized design specifically optimized for
NEO detection and discovery
- NEO detection efficiency increased
using IR-detector (5 to 10.4 microns). Venus-like orbit
- Provides an astrometric accuracy of 0.2-arcseconds for any
detected NEOs (typical); NEO orbits determined in as few as two
detections, with multiple visits to each region of the sky.
- On board detection processing reduces data downlink volume,
minimizes contact requirements
- Provides a targeted follow-up observation capability, enabling
time-critical revisit of high-priority targets
- Heritage draws lineage from great observatories and pioneering
scientific missions: Kepler, Spitzer, Deep Impact
We are literally living in a
cosmic shooting gallery. In 1980, Luis and Walter
Alvarez proposed the seminal occurrence that caused the
end of the Cretaceous period was the result of a large
asteroid hitting Earth. After much debate within the
scientific community the clinching event that brought
acceptance to this claim was the 1990 discovery of the
Chicxulub crater, located near Mexico’s Yucatan
Peninsula. It is now generally
accepted that the
asteroid, about 12 km in diameter, created the global
disaster which wiped out the dinosaurs, in addition to
75% of the planet’s species.
And Earth isn’t the only
planet in the neighborhood to have documented cosmic
collisions. In 1994, four years after the Chicxulub
crater discovery, the world’s telescopes witnessed the Shoemaker-Levy
comet* colliding with the
planet Jupiter. As a result of these discoveries, more
scientific thought has been dedicated to considering the
historic and future implications NEOs have on our
Just a Matter of Time
What these impact events
provide is convincing evidence that being hit by another
“big one” is simply a matter of time. How large is a
“big one?” What is the average frequency of impact? Why
haven’t we seen one in our lifetimes? Questions like
these form much of the foundational work the scientific
community has been exploring for the past 15 years. One
key data point is the 1908
Tunguska event, when a
stony asteroid, about 40 meters in diameter entered the
atmosphere over Siberia and exploded over a remote and
unpopulated region. Recent work has determined that the
explosion was equivalent to a 10 megaton bomb. Had the
impact occurred in a more populated region of the
planet, say New York or London, millions of people would
have been killed without any warning.
In recent years the scientific
community has dedicated a significant amount of
resources to detecting NEOs. The Spaceguard Survey
was established and congressional hearings were held in
1993,1998 and 2005. Most of the detection and discovery
of these cosmic objects is performed by several survey
systems in the United States, as well as the work of
dedicated professional and amateur astronomers alike.
The Minor
Planet Center serves as
the primary clearinghouse for all NEO discovery and
tracking. These efforts have permitted NASA to have now
reached their goal of detection of 90%
of the NEOs larger than 1 kilometer in diameter. Unfortunately,
these ground-based surveys have greater difficulty in
detecting smaller NEOs and have only observed about 1%
of the Tunguska-sized ones.
Making Our Own History
While the effort in detecting
and tracking NEOs has grown significantly in recent
years, the bottom line is we have not yet done a
thorough inventory of the NEO population and have not
examined the orbits of the vast majority of the objects
that could impact the Earth in the future. Such a survey
is difficult to conduct from Earth-based observatories
because of sky brightness, weather and other
complications. The Sentinel mission is being built by
the B612 Foundation to take advantage of the power of an
infrared space telescope to find over 90% of the objects
such as the one that caused the Tunguska event. The
orbits of these objects will be accurately determined so
that we can identify whether any of them might present
an impact threat in the next 100 years, and give us
enough time to prepare and implement missions to deflect
such a NEO and prevent disaster.
*The co-discoverer of this comet is Carolyn
Shoemaker, who
we proudly count as one of our strategic advisors.
Pictured above: 2013 DA14 and Chelyabinsk Meteor
relative size. Art by
start date July 20, 2012
today's date August 6, 2012
updated 2-15-13
updated 2-16-13
page 265
GOOD-BYE 2012 DA14:Asteroid2012
past Earth on Feb. 15th inside the orbit of many
geosynchronous satellites. At closest approach,
around 2:25 pm EST, the 45-meter wide space rock
was only 17,200 miles above Indonesia. No
satellites were damaged by the flyby, and the
asteroid is now receding from Earth.
Using a 3" refractor at the
Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, Aaron
Kingery captured this image of 2012 DA14 passing
in front of the eta Carina Nebula:
NASA's Goldstone radar in the
Mojave Desert will ping the space rock for the
next four days to refine its orbit and map its
surface features. Researchers will look
carefully for signs that Earth's gravity might
have causedseismic
the asteroid.
RELATED TO PLANET X AND ASTEROID 2012 DA 14http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsHliMBVqz4&feature=related
The near earth asteroid
2012 DA14 discovered last year is not going to
hit Earth next year, scientists say. Phew. And
yet, it will still be coming in way too close
for comfort (17,000 miles away--closer
than many orbiting satellites), and may
hit us the next time around, in 2020, or on
another orbit in the more distant future.
This threat, which would have the impact of a
thermonuclear bomb, ought to sufficiently scare
us into contemplating several courses of action:
1. Watch the skies
Imagine if 2012 DA14 had been on course to
hit us. We would have been caught with our pants
down. There was insufficient time to build a
spaceship capable of colliding with the asteroid
to destroy it or bump it off course, a project
that experts say would have taken two years. We
need a better early warning system to detect the
next gloomy discovery and give ourselves a
fighting chance. Right now, when we detect an
asteroid with a telescope we learn its position,
but it is harder, and takes longer, to nail down
its orbit. That is still the case with 2012
DA14, which astronomers are keeping a close eye
There are many different ideas about how to
stop an asteroid, which range from destroying it
(with a nuclear device, for instance) to
changing its course. The latter action would
require hitting it with a kinetic interceptor or
using a bit of "solar powered orbital mechanics"
that involves painting (yes,painting)
the asteroid white to change the ratio between
reflected and absorbed radiation. We could also
strap a rocket to the space rock to steer it
away from us or "tow" it away with a
"gravitational tractor." Others have suggestedsolar
sails, "giant mirrors that fly through
space via the force of sunlight reflecting off
While some of these ideas may seem
far-fetched, at the very least we ought to give
the best ideas their day in court right now, as
we will only get to do this experiment once.
In the worst-case scenario, we would need to
be prepared for the event of an asteroid making
impact, in which case we would need to figure
out ways to move large populations and possibly
develop a fairlotterysystem
for what would be much coveted space in the
bunker. Some people, of course, may choose to
accept our fate, if not embrace it, when the
doomsday event draws near. On the other hand,
experts such asStephen
suggested that we need to be prepared to abandon
Earth altogether, which would require the
construction of a space colony.
Watch Stephen Hawking in this
this oblique view, the path
of near-Earthasteroid
2012 DA14is
seen passing close to Earth on Feb. 15, 2013.
Mar 7, 2012...The
near earthasteroid
2012 DA14discovered
last year is not going to hit Earth next year,
scientists say. Phew. And yet, it will still be
coming in...
'Huge asteroid to hurtle past Earth next
year - so close it will fly UNDER many
man-made satellites \n', 'url':
1.2em;">A 150-foot asteroid orbiting Earth
called 2012 DA14 will pass so close to Earth it
will fly UNDER man-made satellites orbiting our
">Nasa's Impact Risk report said that the odds
of the space rock actually hitting our planet
are very low indeed - but on February 15 next
year it will pass just 17,000 miles from Earth,
closer than 'geostationary' satellites.
If an asteroid of that size hit our planet, it
would cause an explosion similar to a nuclear
Astronomer Phil Plait has said we have nothing
to fear from 2012 DA14... for now"
class="blkBorder" height="461"
width="468" />
No danger: U.S astronomer Phil Plait has said we
have nothing to fear from 2012 DA14... for now
latest scan for 'impact event' threats used
the Wide-field InfraredSurveyExplorer,
or WISE and took two infrared scans of the
entire celestial sky between January 2010
and February 2011.
The scan
aimed to find asteroids and comets 'near
Earth' - ie within 120 million miles.
The scan
found there are 20,500asteroids
and comets that could destroy a city-sized
area within 120 million miles of earth -
previously the figure was thought to be
Nasa says
the risk of impact is less than previously
thought. The likelihood of a 'planet-killer'
- the mountain-sized asteroids in the
'large-sized' range, above 3,300ft - appears
to have fallen more significantly.
There are
only 981 of these objects near Earth, and
Nasa has found 911 of them.
astronomers from the the Observatorio
Astronómico de La Sagra in Spain spotted 2012
DA14 in late February and its orbit has been
calculated to be very similar to Earth’s.
Some reports
suggested that on February 15 next year an
impact was a possibility, but U.S astronomer
Phil Plait, the creator of the Bad Astronomy
blog, has ruled out an impact.
He wrote:
‘Asteroid 2012 DA14 is almost certainly not
going to hit Earth next February. And by “almost
certainly”, I mean it. The odds of an impact are
so low they are essentially zero. This does not
rule out an impact at some future date, but for
now we’re safe.’
The space
rock will come within 17,000 miles of Earth,
which is closer than some of our satellites, but
Plait says this is nothing to worry about.
He adds:
‘Seventeen thousand miles is well beneath many
of our own orbiting satellites. To the best of
my knowledge, this is the closest pass of a
decent-sized asteroid ever seen before the
actual pass itself. However, let’s again be very
clear - it will miss. In astronomical terms,
17,000 miles is pretty close, but in real human
terms it’s a clean miss.’
After next
year, 2012 DA14’s closest brush with Earth will
come in 2020, but Plait said that even then the
odds of an impact will be less than the chance
of being hit by lightning in your lifetime – 1
in 100,000.
Last night a
space rock caused panic across the UK, with
police forces inundates with calls after
spotting it in the sky and mistaking it for a
burning aircraft.
Police forces
across the UK were inundated with calls last
night after a large fireball, thought to be a
meteor, was spotted in the sky.
Reports of a
'bright light' and an 'orange glow' were
received by police across Scotland and the north
of England at about 9.40pm yesterday.
The Met
Office tweeted: 'Hi all, for anyone seeing
something in the night sky, we believe it was a
The Kielder
Observatory also reported the sighting of a
'huge fireball' travelling from north to south
over Northumberland.
Observatory posted on Twitter: 'Of 30 years
observing the sky, fireball best thing I have
ever seen period.'
A spectacular shot of the meteor taken by
amateur astronomer Graeme Whipps in northern
Mar 19, 2012...Astronomy
| 2012 DA14 |Asteroid
2012 DA14is
a rock about 40 meters (130 feet ) across that
passed very close to Earth last month, and will...
Mar 4, 2012...For
the tl;dr crowd, let's get this out of the
way right away:asteroid
2012 DA14is
almost certainly not going to hit the Earth
next February. And by...
2012 DA14is
a near earthasteroidwith
an estimated diameter of about 45 meters
and an estimated mass of about 130000
metric tons. It was discovered on...
May 18,
2012 DA14, discovered early
this year by the LaSagra
Observatory in Spain, will pass
inside the geosynchronous
satellite ring about...
Mar 4,
paint would change theasteroid'sability
to reflect sunlight, alter
its spin and change its
temperature. However, even
taking theasteroidoff...
Mar 3, 2012...Asteroid
2012 DA14–
ETA: February 16, 2013 To avert
a new apocalypse – this time set
for February 2013 – scientists
suggest confronting...
Mar 6, 2012...We
have seen the action movies
about huge fieryasteroidshurtling
toward, and slamming into,
earth. We have sat, glued to our
seats, as action...
Mar 8, 2012...Astronomy
| 2012 DA14 |Asteroid
2012 DA 14was
discovered a few weeks ago: a
40-meter wide rock on an orbit
that brings it pretty close to...
Mar 5, 2012...There
has been a lot of rumors going
around about Earth being
impacted next year on February
15, 2013 by anasteroidnamed2012
DA14, I'll...
7, 2012...2012
an approximately 40
meter diameterasteroidthat
will make a close
approach to Earth in
early 2013. Contrary to
some reports on...
Mar 4, 2012...Get
A Underground
Shelter Quote:
To avert a possible
catastrophe -- this
time set for
February 2013 --
12, 2012...A
164ft (50m) long space
rock with the
destructive power of an
H-bomb will narrowly
miss the Earth next
year, scientists
predict.Asteroid 2012...
3, 2012...To
avert a possible
catastrophe – this time
set for February 2013 –
scientists suggest
2012 DA14with
either paint or big...
8, 2012...Asteroid
2012 DA14is
making headlines this
week, despite the fact
that the " incoming"
space rock, as it has
been described,
definitely won't hit...
17, 2012...A
newly discoveredasteroidcalled2012
pass so close to Earth
in February that it
might hit a
satellite, scientists
Calif. -- NASA Television will
provide commentary starting at 2
p.m. EST (11 a.m. PST) on
Friday, Feb. 15, during the
close, but safe, flyby of a
small near-Earth asteroid named
2012 DA14. NASA places a high
priority on tracking asteroids
and protecting our home planet
from them. This flyby will
provide a unique opportunity for
researchers to study a
near-Earth object up close.
< br>The half-hour broadcast
from NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena,
Calif., will incorporate
real-time animation to show the
location of the asteroid in
relation to Earth, along with
live or near real-time views of
the asteroid from observatories
in Australia, weather
At the time of its closest
approach to Earth at
approximately 2:25 p.m. EST
(11:25 a.m. PST/ 19:25 UTC), the
asteroid will be about 17,150
miles (27,600 kilometers) above
Earth's surface.
The commentary will be available
via NASA TV and streamed live
online at:
The Lord has been giving
many people warnings
about an asteroid
hitting the Atlantic
Ocean. Prophet Linda
Newkirk has received
many revelations in
recent days which
indicate this event is
just days away. I have
done my best to string
together most of the
prophetic warnings I
could find. Those
familar with the book of
Revelation know the
Great Tribulation begins
with a major earthquake
and a 'burning mountain'
being cast into the sea,
see Rev Chapt 8.
There are so many
warnings now out there
that it is not a matter
of if, but a matter of
when. Be prepared to act
quickly, traffic will
jam, have fuel, food,
clothes and blankets in
your car. All coasts
facing the Atlantic
Ocean can expect severe
damage and loss of life.
If it happens during the
day you may get a few
hours warning, at night
you may not. From what
some have seen you may
hear a loud noise or
bang in the heavens, or
you may actually see
strange manifestations
of light and thunder
high in the heavens,
associated with events
you will read about
further on.
Bill Larkin had an open
vision this past May
where he saw a wall of
water 300 feet high
hitting the east coast
of the USA and traveling
many miles inland. He
also saw that parts of
the east coast broke off
and became submerged.
There was some few hours
warning, he saw mayhem
and gridlock on the
freeways as people were
trying to get out of
harms way, I repeat, he
saw this travel along
ways inlanddestroying
everything in it's path,
it was not just an ocean
front event. Bill saw
that Florida was wiped
Pastor Augusto Perez had
an open vision last
January where he knew he
was in the Virginia
Maryland area. Augusto
saw that the people
become aware of
something happening out
to see, he looked out
and saw something
strange taking place in
the water and was then
suddenly taken up and
out over the ocean where
he saw a very large and
a very deep hole in the
sea. Augusto was able to
see down to the sand of
the sea bottom and he
saw that the water was
churning ferociously and
he knew it was very
ominous. He was then
taken back to the shore
and placed back on the
ground where he began to
feel the fear welling up
within the people as
they became terrified
and started running all
over the place. He was
then taken to higher
location where He was
able to observe the
water come over the land
causing great
Fall of 2005(John
Johnson, United States
I went into a deep sleep
and had a dream I was on
the boardwalk in
Virginia Beach. It was
night time and I think
it was about 2:00 am. I
put my foot up on the
railing and was looking
out over the ocean.
There was what looked
like a full moon on the
horizon. I noticed just
underneath the moon was
a giant black wall on
the horizon. The moon
was reflecting white
caps off the wall. As I
stood there looking out
into the Atlantic Ocean
I realized that the
white caps are from a
massive tidal wave
heading to shore. It was
about 300 foot high. I
felt the realization
that it was too late to
warn the people and the
dream ended.
In the fall of the
following year, 2006 I
had the same dream
again. In January 2008,
I had the same dream
except this time I
started running to
peoples houses to wake
them up and warn them,
but it was too late.
(The following hit Steve
Quayle’s site on Dec 12,
Hi Steve,
My name is Mari. I
wanted to share with you
a dream I had last
night. I dreamt there
was what I thought was a
ghost in my house, I was
battling with it (I was
afraid) trying hard to
cast it out in Jesus
name, it wouldn’t go at
some point I stopped
struggling with him long
enough for him to ask me
“Why do you cast me out
in the name of whom I
come?” It was not a
ghost, but an angel.
All I could do was
listen and a peace
filled me and he said “I
bring for you a
message.” And he pulled
out a scroll. As he
unrolled it I saw a
picture of a horse. The
horse was in a running
stance, determined. (The
white horse in Rev. I
believe) under his
picture was words
written in Hebrew I
could not read.
He unrolled the scroll
further and there was
the first trumpet and
under it words written
in Hebrew. Again he
unrolled the scroll
further and I saw a
second horse. It was
angry, reared up on his
hind leg punch the air
with his front hooves
(the second seal, the
second horse, the fiery
red one) and under him
were words written in
One more time he
unrolled the scroll and
I saw a picture of a
second trumpet and under
it words written in
Hebrew. I looked up I
could not speak but the
question in me asked
what is this and the
answer came to my heart
in unspoken words “It is
where we are at; it is
NOW!” when I awoke The
Lord lead me to Rev
chapter 5 and I read
from there through the
trumpets and understood
what I had dreamt. M.
(I do not know who the
person is that received
the following dream, or
the date)
In my dream I heard
someone yell, “Gabriel
is blowing the trumpet!”
and then after this, I
saw a huge meteor or
asteroid (not sure what
the difference is
between meteor and
asteroid) coming down to
an ocean (it was flying
from the right side)…it
looks like theAtlantic
tall buildings and
skyscrapers…it looks
like it could be New
York (but that’s just my
opinion). I saw the deep
impact of the meteor
hitting the ocean. Then
there was a great
earthquake and then I
saw graves/coffins
popping up everywhere. I
ask the people around
me, “Is this the
rapture?” and I woke up.
(I am only posting
excerpts of Kato’s
visions, please note
that Wormwood is the
third trumpet, not the
second trumpet, Wormwood
will come later and it
the Pacific)
The Wormwood Star
Visions Given To Kato
Mivule June 27, 2005
As I was seeking the
Lord through prayer and
fasting through this
past May 2005, The Lord
showed me a powerful
vision. I was taken to
the heavens above the
earth and I could see
the earth in a distance
not so far but clearly.
Suddenly I heard a very
loud sound and vibration
with a very heavy zoom
sound coming my way,
hundred times louder
than that of a Boeing
747 Jet.
I then saw a very huge
rock almost the size of
the moon zooming past me
at a very high speed
with a large tail of
fire besides and behind
it. In The vision I was
made to feel the waves
of vibrations and the
heat it generated that
hit me but I was
protected. It was like
someone was holding me
by my collar and
snatched me out of its
way to a safe distance.
I then could see other
splintering rocks
falling of this huge
burning object and
catching fire
I looked where it was
headed, I knew it was
headed for planet earth
and thought well, I hope
it lands in the ocean,
not many people will
die. However, it seemed
targeted to the ocean
and the United States. I
was like, no Lord no!
However, it kept its
course targeting the
ocean and the United
States, it seemed as
though someone was
controlling its path
unhindered and sure to
hit its target. The
vision ended. I shared
the vision with a Prayer
Warrior Sister who then
told me I had a vision
of Rev 8:10-11.
(Note by Mark, she was
wrong, he was seeing Rev
8;8 not Rev 8;10 You
will see from the
following vision he
received that there are
two different events and
Kato mistakenly calls
the first object
Angels High Tech Room…(Kato)
I was then taken to a
room where I saw men
around some very high
tech gadgets with
screens that looked more
like flat screen
computer panels…but this
was very high tech,
technology I have never
seen before…I knew the
men were angels, they
were all dressed in
white robes and they
turned on one flat
screen panel and showed
me the trajectory of the
Wormwood star, then I
was shocked to look and
behind Wormwood was
another star following
the same trajectory,
just few distance behind
Worm Wood and again
headed for the Ocean and
the United States…they
all seemed to have the
United States in their
At Chiefs Football
not pay attention to the
fall timing of the event
Kato saw, the Lord has
spoke often of delaying
I was taken to the
Chiefs Football
Arrowhead Stadium, here
in Kansas City. I knew
it was fall and the
beginning of the
Football Season. In the
Vision it looked like
evening and the stadium
was parked to capacity
with everyone putting on
their red Chiefs
outfits, the stadium was
all red as it is
normally here with
Chiefs games in Kansas
The game was going on as
usual and suddenly there
was a veryhuge
loud bangin
the sky…and then a huge
object I had seen
previously in my May
vision lit the sky with
red fire and zoomed
passed across the
sky…with very power
vibrations that threw
everyone off their sits
and shook the stadium…
Everyone in the stadium
begun to scream and go
hysterical, and run too
and fro but could not
leave the stadium. The
huge ball of fire flew
from the east across to
the west. I knew it was
Wormwood. The Stadium
officials seemed to have
had a clue about the
coming disaster but did
not warn anyone and also
they locked the stadium
doors and no one could
go out.
I then saw something
amazing, people begun to
fall on their knees and
pray to God, they knew
they were going to die
anytime soon. I even saw
young toddlers who had
come to the game with
their parents praying
I was then taken back to
the blockbuster place
and people saw the
object and heard the
band and vibrations but
seemed not to care about
it, some said, “ I will
die watching a movie”…
Debris more destructive
than 2004 Dec Tsunami…(Kato)
After this, I was shown
the debris and damage
floating all the way on
the force of the moving
star caused the debris
of destroyed buildings
to float all the way
from Europe and dumped
it at the east coast of
America with more
excessive damage…I
remembered the Tsunami,
it looked like very
small compared to the
Wormwood damage… (Mark
note, once again Kato
erroneously calls the
object Wormwood)
The following dream was
recently sent into Steve
October 15th 2012 , My
dream started with me
visiting people at their
homes, during the night
time I notice noise was
outside, so I walked
outside and it was a
night sky with stars ,
that where very clear to
see, then all of a
sudden I saw these
Angelic beings by the
thousands of thousands
flying through the sky
but yet they were close
enough to see. So in
amazement I shouted
towards them “ARE YOU
ANGELS”.. they would not
answer me, then as I was
watching I heard this
Loud noise as of aHuge
the heavens as of
Thunder and out of that
noise came Hundreds of
meteorites that came
from the Sky, and before
they landed and hit the
earth they were coming
down as Fire balls of
rock.. and exploded on
the earth causing great
and terrible damage to
the earths surface,
People where running
around trying to find
places to hide but
really there wasn’t much
room or places for them
to hide.. massive quakes
started as they hit and
massive explosions of
fire came as a result
from them hitting. Then
I woke up.
(Mark note, the man
asked if they were
angels and received no
reply, it may be that
they are wedding guests
or first fruits, going
to, or coming back from
the wedding of Matthew
Linda Newkirk prophecy
May 31, 2012
But, I tell you now that
the foundations of the
earth shall be shaken!
The earth shall rock! It
shall be moved
exceedingly. The heavens
shall be moved! Back and
forth, they will go! The
deeps of the earth and
the deeps of the oceans
shall sigh! They shall
move! The stars will be
moved! Yes, moved
And, eyes, which can
see, will see My hand in
all things! For, in the
heavens come lights and
bodies, which did not
previously exist! A
dread is upon the
planets; for there comes
a great upsurge in My
power, a great tearing,
a great splitting in the
heavens! In the cosmos,
bitter signs! Two suns!
Now, three lights! All
foreboding of a terrible
upheaval in the earth! A
splitting and a
cracking! Terrible
cracking in the earth!
Waves so high! Terrible
waves, with some
thinking that the waves
are as high as the sky!
Oh, so dreadful are the
days, which are upon the
whole earth; and My hand
is outstretched still.
What is your choice, oh
you wayward ones? Will
you love money until
death? Will you love the
world and what is in it
until your death?
Will you remain a slave
to the flesh? Will you
continue to worship the
flesh and all of its
earthly pleasures?
I tell you that there
comes a snap, a very
great snap, like a
lightening snap and this
snap of light will beat
earth! It will burn the
earth! It will burn it
and will cut deeply into
the earth.
A fury! Yes, a fury in
the earth! And, the
power will blink and
fail! Oh, what a tale to
tell! A blinking! A
dread! So terrible,
indeed; for those in the
world would not heed My
word! They would not
listen! They would not
obey Me! And, in the
dark, they will ponder
their choices!
Oh, so great shall be
the calamities and the
lawlessness, and the
violence and the gang
warfare! Every man for
himself! Every wicked
deed, no longer in
secret, but open and
revealed!” (end excerpt)
To see some amazing
photos of these lights
that our Saviour speaks
of visit
Linda Newkirk prophecy
January 2006 (Space Rock
hits Atlantic Ocean)
Collision in the Spirit
I heard a veryloud
the spirit realm and
when I looked I saw a
very dark wall. This
wall was so close that I
could almost touch it if
I reached out to do so.
When I asked our Saviour
what I was seeing, He
told me that this great
collision is the
collision of great
darkness, which is upon
the whole world. I asked
Him what He meant by
this and He told me
great wars, spread of
terrible diseases,
famines, great upheavals
in the Earth and great
loss of life will come
out of this great
collision of darkness!
The Flaming Rock
I looked out in space
and I saw a very large
rock, which is now
headed toward the Earth.
It is a monster! Then, I
looked in the Spirit and
saw this great flaming
rock again and it was
soaring through the
atmosphere! It fell in
appeared to fall just
south, to southeast of
Bermuda. At that moment,
I knew that when this
great rock falls, it
will cause tidal waves,
which will inundate
Florida and may very
well cause the great
flooding, which I have
seen in Arkansas.
For about two months,
during this past summer,
as I travelled the
country roads of
Faulkner County
Arkansas, I repeatedly
saw water in the valleys
over the tops of the
houses and well up the
trees. This was a
shocking sight; and I
knew that this could not
be far off! I do not
know when this giant
space rock will hit, but
I do not believe that it
is far off. I am left
wondering if the
militaries of the world
will hit this rock with
weapons and blow it
apart, with pieces of it
falling in different
parts of the world. The
rock in space appeared
bigger than what I saw
falling into the
Atlantic, but still this
rock, which I saw
falling into the
Atlantic, is very large!
Will the falling of this
rock set off the New
Madrid Fault and
possibly others as well!
When this rock struck
the ocean, I saw the
Earth open up and crack
in the above vision!
(end of Linda’s post)
As I was writing this
post today Linda called
me and informed me that
she had just heard from
the Lord. The Lord
confirmed to Linda that
He was indeed finishing
up preparations for the
wedding and that the
wedding is very
Jesus also confirmed
there is going to be an
enormous explosion of
light in the heavens and
that it is going to tear
up many things and cause
a lot of damage in the
(Linda received the
following info on Aug
26th 2001 it can be
found in Book 7, chapter
"Father, how long?"
"When the sea implodes
with the 'burning star,'
that is when."
"Is this when I shall
take your word into
"This is when you will
pass through the open
door. Now, proceed."
(The Lord has been
showing for weeks now
that, 'that door' is now
(The following was given
to Linda back in 2002.
Caution, this does not
necessarily confirm a
date for the space rock,
it appears to be about
the Sun and the power
coming into the
Manchild. It is
plausible however that
this solar event may
cause a gravitional
effect on other objects,
such as space rocks.),
excerpts from Book 8
Chapter 16 Prophecies
“My Child, you have come
to Me this morning
asking for understanding
of certain calamities,
which are coming into
the Earth.”
“Yes, my Father and I
asked you if you would
also make these
revelations known to
Your people.”
“Yes, My Child, you
asked about the date of
2012 and the ancient
knowledge of December 21stand
this year as the ‘end of
“Yes, my Father, I have
wondered about this for
some time and whether
this date is more occult
mumbo-jumbo. But, the
more I learn of it, the
more I read of it, the
more I wonder if it is
“My Child, over and over
I have told you that all
is not set in stone; but
that much depends upon
the actions of mankind
on this planet.”
“Yes, my Father, You
have said these things.”
“Over and over, I have
pleaded with you to
repent; for through
repentance you can
change both the timing
and the severity of the
tide of these events.
“So, My Child, as I
showed you, energy from
this central sun is
traveling into this
system via the very
large door within the
heart of the sun and it
is accelerating what
already is there, and
darkness will be
accelerated toward
destruction, and light
accelerated toward its
source. Understand?”
“Yes, my Father.”
“Now, as I have shown
you, at some point in
time, a final wave will
rush through the very
heart of this sun. You
have seen the date as it
has been written
millennia ago, …
December 21stand
“Yes, my Father, and my
question has been, ‘Is
this so?’”
“And, My answer to you
is this. If mankind
continues in the same
destructive course
without serious
repentance, this will
come to pass.”
(Mark Brander note, the
Lord has told Linda in
recent weeks that this
event has been delayed
by some days and weeks,
it is indeed imminent)
Excerpt from ‘Heavenly
Waterwheel’ vision given
to Susan O’Marra Feb
2012, This vision is
related to certain
events in Revelation 8
and also Revelation 12,
being quite familar with
Linda Newkirk and the
story of Revelation 12,
I assure these events
are extremely imminent)
(Susan’s lengthy
‘heavenly waterwheel’
vision is a very
mysterious and is hard
to understand unless you
are aware of the story
of Revelation 12 and the
truths about the Holy
‘Manchild’. Though not
even understood by
O’Marra herself, the
waterwheel and the fiery
cloud coming together in
the vision represents
the Manchild coming into
his great power and
glory which is the
Kingdom of God coming
into the earth (Rev 12).
The vision also clearly
links certain events in
Revelation 8 to the
timing of the wedding in
heaven and the judgement
associated with the
blowing of the second
trumpet and the space
rock of Rev 8; 8)
Here are some excerpts…
Suddenly the cloud
became still. The
tempest grew silent, the
voices ceased. I also
stopped moving. The
wheel was still in the
cloud, but nothing was
happening now. The wind
stopped blowing. The air
was still thick and
heavy with moisture.
There was silence
everywhere. It was
almost eerie. My hair
began to stand up on my
arms and neck. It was
awesome as I waited to
see what would happen.
Something was happening
in heaven. I could feel
the anticipation of
heaven itself. I waited
with my heart pounding.
All of a sudden I heard
the sound of a door
opening somewhere. I
could hear the door
moving as it opened in
it’s casing. There was
an inrush of air as if
the door hadn’t been
opened for awhile.
(Linda saw this door in
a vision last night (mid
December) and she also
saw the Lord preparing
to open the door)
Suddenly I was in a room
in heaven. I saw many
angels busy moving about
gathering various things
from the tables and
cabinets in the room.
The room was brilliant
and the tables and
cabinets gleamed. The
angels were very
serious, and
concentrated on their
task. I saw that one
angel has a flask and it
looked like it has fire
burning within it.
Another angel had a blue
bottle and it looked
like water in that one.
Another angel has a long
tube-like container and
it was filled with a
golden liquid, which I
then knew was oil. Next
to that angel stood a
smaller angel and this
one has a bowl and in it
was blood. All 4 angels
were carefully holding
their containers and
moving towards the door
with them. I watched
them curiously. I
wondered where they were
going with them.
Rev 8; 5 And the angel
took the censer, and
filled it with fire of
the altar, and cast it
into the earth: and
there were voices, and
thunderings, and
lightnings, and an
“Come and see.” I
turned, and an angel
stood there smiling at
me. I followed him as he
went before me through
the door out into a
large open area. There
were multitudes of
angels, and saints, and
beings and they were all
gathering hereto
participate in something.
I didn’t see the Lord,
but I could feel him.
The angel stopped and
turned and waved his arm
towards the group who
stood with their various
vessels. I then saw
another angel then come
and he held a very large
bowl and he came up to
the group of angels and
he held his bowl out
towards them and one by
one, each angel poured
their container into
this large bowl the
angel held. The
containers all mixed in
the bowl and when it
did, the result was
astounding. The bowl
literally exploded.
Great ripples seemed to
break out through the
atmosphere itself. I
thought that heaven
would be split open by
it’s intensity. The bowl
shook and flames leaped
out as if to engulf
anyone near it. But the
angel holding the bowl
was calm and only
He then walked over to
an area and there was a
ledge. He smiled at all
of us, and he then
poured the bowl out into
the sky and the contents
blasted and roared and
poured downwards. I ran
over and looked down to
see where the contents
went. I saw that below
the place we were in the
heavens, was the cloud
below us and the wheel
within that cloud.
Evidently the mixed
contents were going to
hit that cloud. As I
watched, suddenly from
behind me a great wind
blew past me and leaped
downward after the
mixture that was
speedily lunging towards
the cloud. The wind
caught up with the
mixture and when the
wind hit it, it broke up
into a million flames
that fell violently
downwards. Each little
flame had the wind
within it now. Millions
of flames that roared
with a great wind within
I watched flames hit the
cloud and when they did
a great storm broke out
as the cloud was filled
with wind and fire and
blood and oils, and
water. Suddenly shouts
and singing and
laughter, and prayer
broke forth from within
the cloud and it
exploded like a volcano.
When it did this it
poured live molten lava
or a fiery rain and
poured down over the
waterwheel that was in
the cloud. The wheel
spun and roared as the
liquids fiercely flowed
over it and raced
towards the earth below.
I was so excited by this
that I wanted to see
what happened when it
hit the earth. Suddenly
I found myself back
where I was hovering in
the sky watching the
fiery rain coming from
the turning wheel ever
so much closer to the
earth. I could still
hear the shouts, and
singing, and laughing
and prayers within each
drop. It was amazing!
Each drop had it’s own
voice, and wind within
The flood of waters were
churning even more as
they raced towards the
planet below. It seemed
like the earth began to
anticipate it’s nearness
because it began to
shake and to vibrate
with the same intensity
that the approaching
flood had. I could see
that the people on the
earth were shaken by the
quaking and many were
awakened by this
upheaval. The closer it
got the more the waters
increased. It almost
looked like one massive
wave of churning
brilliant lights and
colors and sounds all
flowing within itself.
The earth began to haveearthquakes
and storms below.The
very atmosphere of the
earth was reacting to
the flow from heaven.
The atmosphere was
charged with
electricity. Most of the
earth’s people ran and
hid where they could
because of the upheavals
in the earth and the
I could see some people
did stand outside to see
what was happening.
Suddenly I was also
standing among those on
earth. I was also
looking up with them. I
could not see the rains
yet, but I could feel
them as they neared. The
people around me grew
quiet, and they suddenly
many of them fell to
their knees. Many were
singing, some were
shouting, some were
laughing, and all were
crying. I looked back
just in time to see the
most awesome sight. The
waterwheel was just
above the earth and the
storm of water, blood,
fire, and oil was a
massive wave of roaring,
pulsating life was just
about to hit us. I began
to shake almost
violently now, and
everyone was shaking
too. I began to burn
inside and it felt like
burning love filled me.
I could actually feel
wind blowing inside of
me. I felt alive, and
bubbling inside like I
had never felt before. I
looked at my hands, and
oil was coming out of
them. I looked up and
the massive wave hit us
that were watching. -The
vision ended.
PS If you live in
proximity to the
Atlantic Ocean you may
soon die if you do not
get out of harms way.
You need to understand
that all of your sins
are imprinted upon your
soul and that you will
have to pay a terrible
price in hell for every
single one of them. The
churches have lied about
salvation. Yes Jesus
died for our sins but we
are not forgiven them
unless we bring each and
every one to Him in
sincere repentence, on
our knees with great
remorse. Turn to Jesus
now and repent of every
sin you can possibly
think of, make a list if
need be. Forgive others,
many have been seen
suffering in hell
because they would not
forgive others. Visit
spiritlessons.com and
read of the dozens of
testimonies of hell, it
is a very, very terrible
place. I have been a
terrible sinner myself
and have been working
out my salvation before
the Lord for a long
time. It takes work my
Mark Brander
Dee, This is important because
there is something incoming
right now ---I can’t put my
finger on it –but I know that
it is supposed to be “missed” by
Behalf OfKrsanna
October 20, 2012 7:33 PM
Forecasts and
Announcements (TimeStar
Forecasts and
To be or not to be a
meteor - what the hey is
going down???
Keep an eye open for fireballs.
We are in an Orionid meteor
shower but something else is
coming in too. See asteroid hit
in San Mateo, California below.
Note that TimeStar posits a high
possibility of an asteroid hit
at or near the Antarctic in
is passing through a stream of
debris from Halley's Comet,
source of the annual Orionid
meteor shower. Forecasters
expect ~25 meteors per hour when
the shower peaks on Oct. 21st.
No matter where you live, the
best time to look is during the
dark hours before sunrise on
Sunday morning. Observers in
both hemispheres can see this
shower. [video]
story] [NASA
Chat] [meteor
radar] [sky
On Oct. 19th, as Earth was
making first contact with the
debris stream, NASA'sAll-sky
Fireball Networkrecorded
10 Orionid fireballs over the
southern USA. Their orbits are
color-coded baby blue in the
diagram below:
The location of Earth, where all
the orbits intersect, is denoted
by the red 'splat.'
Not every orbit in the diagram
is an Orionid. The orange and
green ellipses correspond to
random meteors not associated
with Halley's debris stream. If
you watch the sky for a few
hours on Sunday morning, you are
likely to see a few of these
'sporadic meteors' among the
dozens of Orionids. Happy meteor
small asteroid that exploded
over the San Francisco Bay Area
on Oct. 17th, shaking houses
with its sonic boom, might have
scattered pieces of itself on
the ground. That's the
conclusion of Peter Jenniskens
of the NASA Ames Research
Center. He triangulated data
from a pair ofmeteor
surveillance camerasto
determine the fireball's
trajectory, denoted by the black
arrow in the map below:
"The asteroid entered at a
[relatively slow] speed of 14
km/s. There's a good chance that
a fairly large fraction of this
rock survived and fell somewhere
around the North Bay," says
Jenniskens. "Much more accurate
results will follow from a
comprehensive study of the video
records. Now, we hope that
someone recovers a meteorite on
the ground."
In the map, red dots represent
the surveillance cameras
Jenniskens used to calculate the
trajectory. The black arrow
traces the asteroid's path; 85
km and 39 km are the altitudes
of the asteroid at the two ends
of the arrow. Jenniskens adds
that "39 km is not the end
point, but the final bit
captured by the San Mateo video
camera." The disintegrating
asteroid continued beyond the
tip of the arrow for a possible
landfall somewhere north of San
Francisco. Stay tuned forupdateson
the meteorite hunt.
was not an Orionid.
Planet X is probably pushing
and pulling a debris field
along with it, which could
cause further problems such
as dislodgingasteroids,
stated Rand. He believes...
Near Earth Asteroids
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
are space rocks larger than
approximately 100m that can come
closer to Earth than 0.05 AU.
None of the known PHAs is on a
collision course with our
planet, although astronomers are
the time.
On October 21, 2012 there
were1339 potentially
hazardous asteroids.
means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD =
384,401 km, the distance between
Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also
equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the
visual magnitude of the asteroid
on the date of closest approach.
2-15-13 DA 14 GOING
means "Lunar
Distance." 1 LD =
384,401 km, the
distance between
Earth and the Moon.
1 LD also equals
0.00256 AU. MAG is
the visual magnitude
of the asteroid on
the date of closest
“[But] we need to know more about near-Earthasteroidsin case we ever need to ... Q: Have the studies regardingasteroidsand other objects hitting Earth .
AsteroidNY40, which was just discovered on July 14, will be flying near the Earth on Sunday, August 18 and will be close enough to see through binoculars.
May 31, 2012 –This photo looks like twoasteroidscolliding, which would be extremely rare I'm sure, but Kevin Smith and his callers said that it looks fractal,...
Feb 20, 2008 –However, no one at either the state or federal level has developed anything specifically dealing with incomingasteroidsor other items falling...
NASA announced this week a new Web-basedasteroidmonitoring system, called Sentry, to monitor and assess the threat of space rocks that could possibly...
Sep 23, 2007 –NASA's beleaguered Dawnasteroidprobe will have to wait at least one more day to launch after lightning prevented workers from fueling the...
INDONESIANASTEROID: Picture this: A 10-meter wideasteroidhits Earth and explodes in the atmosphere with the energy of a small atomic bomb. Frightened...
Physical scenarios other than the resonant interactions of a planet might create a dust peak, like the recent collision of very largeasteroids. For two such major...
We'll ignore theasteroidbelts (I call them egressing lunoids as planetary remnants...Later on we will find that theasteroids, as science calls them, are in a...
AsteroidNY40, which was just discovered on July 14, will be flying near the Earth on...Some of the other images taken this way showasteroidsthat are binary...
In all probability it was the same event which gave rise to theasteroidbelt and...Indeed, spectographic studies ofasteroidsreveal that some of them "were...
Jun 10, 2009 –It can't be anasteroidor comet we don't think because it's trajectory and speed keeps changing. Many scientists are heading for the antarctic to...
Jun 27, 2001 –The team says that by shooting a large object (such as anasteroidabout 62 miles across) past the Earth, the planet could be gradually pulled...
The longitudinal (East-West) position of celestial bodies (i.e. planets,asteroids, etc.) is measured along the ecliptic. Signs. The Signs are units of measurement...
I said, we are entering a time ofasteroidactivity which will last for a time and then...One important thing, when I watched theasteroidsfall I felt within me that...
Mar 3, 2008 –Anasteroidthat behaves something like a second Moon to Earth will make its closest approach to our planet next week before shuttling back...
The model has been closed. Especially when day 17 of 2009 July, Basket affirms in a press note, That” theAsteroidbelt can very have formed far from the sun “.
Mar 27, 2005 –Although most of the material analyzed by the Livermore team clearly resembles the stuff ofasteroids, something less 1 percent of the grains...
There should beasteroidsall over the solar system....Moreover, theseasteroidbelts, which should correctly be called lunoids, are the remnants of moons and...
Nov 27, 2009 –About 6 month later the secondAsteroidapproached us hitting the earth.....Surveys show that as many as 185 largeasteroidsor comets hit the...
...return of Nibiru. As we have said before, ... Either theasteroidwill hit Earth or that Nibiru has come to take over Earth ...www.greatdreams.com/shifting.htm -...
"and the node of the
Next, there are the wave
ratios that shape and
govern sea waves (groups
vs. single waves),
dunes, snowdrifts,
[Blue] Within your next
few years, especially
next year you will have
clusters ofasteroidsbeen
attracted to your
sun/earth system as your
sun fluctuates at it's...
We are IN a momentous
shift which is marked by
believe Phobos is anasteroidcaptured
by Mars' gravity, while
With the realization in
the 1980s that impacts
(of comets,asteroids,
was, however, a planet
orbiting in the place of
what is now theasteroidbelt.
May 4, 1998 –This
suggests that a smallasteroidexploded
in the atmosphere,...In
late 1997 funds for a
program to detectasteroidsthat
might collide with the...
Aug 3, 2011 –In
the summer of 1998,
Americans raced into
movie theaters for not
one, but two major
Hollywood productions
featuring giantasteroidsabout
to hit earth...
Aug 6, 2012 –The
near earthasteroid2012DA14discovered
last year is not
going to hit
Earth next year,
scientists say.
Phew. And yet,
it will still be
coming in ...