Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date January 1, 2013
page 621
This page came about through meditation: It was a simple message:
12-10-90 Dream: I went to church in New Berlin, WI. I had a book of music the choir was to sing for confirmation. The first three or four pages was written out ready to sing. The only words were "MY GOD". The notes were in minor chord C, E, G, B flat. I was going to sing harmony and I asked the pastor's wife to sing soprano. The word, "MY" was C, E, G and the soprano came in on "GOD", C, E, G, B flat and GOD was held for four pages. Following that was words of prayer and hand written song, but nothing was put together yet. The choir came into the church. There was no organ, so I went into my closet and got out my guitar to get the notes because no pitch pipe was available. We all went into the back room, waiting for the Pastor's signal to begin, but he had the congregation sing other songs first, including secular Holidays, the last one being Halloween and people were dancing in the aisles in costume. We stood and waited to sing "MY GOD", but he never got to us.
Finally, we left and went out the front of the church where preparations had been made for what seemed like an invasion from space. The people had covered the sidewalks with mattresses full of socks and anything else soft to walk on that they could find. They wanted it to look like their area had already been destroyed.
from:'s arrange the Sun and planets in sequence, arbitrarily assigning musical notes to all, as a first test, just to see what it may infer:
This just gives us some kind of order to the concentrics and eccentrics of the planets, that we know is there.
Note from Dee: 1-5-00
I had a simple vision today when I was resting. I heard the sound of "Middle C" and heard the name Leadbeater. This is not the first time I heard a tone in my head when I was resting. Last week I heard the tone of "A". Other times I heard tones but just paid attention to the messages and not the tones. Coincidentally, yesterday, a psychic friend wrote me an e-mail that she had a vision about me which she told me and my spirit interpreted her vision to that of a major breakthrough for me. I feel that this page is part of that breakthrough.
Note from Dee: 1-6-00
1-6-00 - DREAM - I was in a room trying to catch two birds similar to parakeets. They were like aqua blue colored bodies with black wings and heads. They were so pretty, I wanted to cage them. However, I was moving slow as molasses with my net, like I was walking under water and even when I thought I could catch both birds at the same time because they were so close, I moved so slow, I only got one. The birds looked at me as if it say, "You'll never get us that way!"
NOTE: This blows me away: SHIVA/SHAKTI this site disappeared as soon as I downloaded the picture.) Here is my copy. Shiva/Shakti Note the color of Shivas face and that they are two as one.
5-13-00 - DREAM - I don't know where I was though it seemed similar to my 16th St. house, it wasn't exactly the same. There were several people in this dream that I knew quite well, but never in this same circumstance.
We were all wearing night clothes, pajamas or long winter-type gowns with heavy robes. I also had on heavy white garden-type gloves with a narrow black band around the thumbs. There was a scene in the kitchen and a short discussion held which I can't remember but that's okay. ~~~~~~~
It was the last scene that was so memorable. I went into the 'parlor' which is what we called this room at home. Here there was a brown old-fashioned organ, with a bench, a small table with a lamp and a couple arm chairs for others to sit on.
Someone had brought some music in a manila colored folder, like it was being studied. I was wearing these heavy white gloves and yet when I sat down to play the music which was called 'Concerto ____' or a word like 'Concerto' the sound was so incredible that all thoughts of problems or worries were gone ... only the music reverberated through the air.
The keyboard of the organ was rather short compared to a piano and for the left hand was a small gold organ that didn't have regular keys on it, there were thumb shaped tabs which when they were played the tones came out with glorious vibrato sounds in the bass level of sound.
After I was done playing the music the first time, an older man with dark hair came in and sat on the bench with my on the right side. I was never comfortable playing for other people, though I've done it numerous times, but when this man sat down to listen so closely, the music went flying off to my left on the table, a young man grabbed the gold thumb keyed organ and ran outside with it, and the main organ seemed shorter than ever.
Now when I looked at the music again I couldn't figure out which sheet of paper I had played off of and I didn't have the gold organ, but I made an attempt to play the music from memory. I could only remember the first page. It began in the key of G, with the right hand playing middle C and the upper G next to it with the right hand four times and then both hands playing an octave of Gs four times. Without the gold organ for the left hand, the music sounded so flat. I needed that vibrato gold organ for the sound to be correct.
So I got the young man back into the room with the gold organ and set it up on the organ, got the music back and again played the 'Concerto' in the key of G. It was glorious.
After I woke up, I replayed this dream in my mind numerous times. I didn't want to get up. Then I got out my Casio keyboard and played that first line of notes the best I could with the electronic vibrato in the organ sound. It doesn't compare to the dream very well ... but it sounds wonderful to my ears.
NOTE: I spent the day searching for the music. I think this is it:
Mozarts Piano Concerto No. 17 in G -
Piano concerto No.17 in G, K.453 (Reduct.) (R.J.Fisher)
1.Allegro (74k); 2.Andante
(30k); 3.Allegretto (64k).
It's the andante that sound so cool. Here is another one that seems equal to
what I needed. Vivaldi: Concerto in G -
Concerto for oboe and bassoon
in G, RV.129 (B.Traylor)
1.Andante molto (40k); 2.Largo;
3.Allegro molto (38k).
Now I need to know why I dreamed that. I meditated later in the day and saw
several visions:
Electrical Connections
Electrical Connections
Electrical Connections
NASA Electrical Connections
And then I saw a page of math that came when I heard a noise. It was kind of a
buzzing sound and the green page of math came up into my vision that was about
the math of the electrical connections. I never studied much science, nor music
theory, so I guess I need to do that now.
Music from 'Atalanta fugiens' - Alchemical Music
REIKI (musica para meditar y relajars) VIDEO
The symphony begins with two fortissimo E-flat major chords followed immediately by a simple theme constructed out of the notes from the chord. Virtually all of ...
1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord
Michael the archangel = 153
Quetzalcoatl = 153 (MLM)
three sixty = 153
360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153rd course
17 X 9 (total pyramids at the Giza complex) = 153
204 (total courses at the Great Pyramid) / 1.3333333(a 4th) = 153
The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet
all of the apostles names combined = 459 (153x3)
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153
153 + 513 = 666 6 x 6 x 6 = 216(new standard)
315 + 351 = 666 2160 miles is the diameter of the moon
135 + 531 = 666 (not the devil but astronomy)
1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord
A Song Sung
And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,... (Rev.15:3).
Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. (Det.32:1)
The Song of Moses is seen being sung before the Throne of God just as the 24 Elders on 24 Seats are around the Throne of God. The Elders appear to a marker key to understand the time relationship being pointed to in the dimensions of the New Jerusalem. If the Elders are a marker key then the Song Of Moses could be like wise.
The Song of Moses begins in Deuteronomy 32:1 which is the 5760 verse of the King James Bible. Moses tells us in Det.31:29 that these words are for the "latter days".
This term "latter days" could more properly be translated "at the latter end of the days".
The song begins with the command "to hear" just as the command is given in The Revelation to the overcomers to have "ears to hear".
Is the Song of Moses seen in Revelation 15:3 or 153 to indicate the last great gathering of The Fish during the coming Golden Age? Certainly the number 153 is suggestive of the miracle that Jesus preformed in John 21:11.
"Catch 153"
Scholars who dabble in the mysticism of numbers suggest that the number 153, mentioned in our Scripture Lesson for the morning, represents all the varieties of fish in the world, which is to say, all the varieties of people in the world, all caught and held in the net of God's Grace.
Scripture: John 20: 1-10/ John 21: 1-14
There had been absent from the circle of disciples on that Easter-Evening one of the Apostles, Thomas. Even when told of the marvellous events at that gathering, he refused to believe, unless he had personal and sensous evidence of the truth of the report. It can scarecly have been, that Thomas did not believe in the fact that Christ's Body had quitted the Tomb, or that He had really appeared. But he held fast by what we may term the Vision-hypothesis, or, in this case, rather the spectral theory. But until this Apostle also had come to conviction of the Resurrection in the only real sense, of the identical though glorified Corporeity of the Lord, and hence of the continuity of the past with the present and future, it was impossible to re-form the Apostlic Circle, or to renew the Apostolic commission, since its primal message was testimony concerning the Risen One. This, if we may so suggest, seems the reason why the Apostles still remain in Jerusalem, instead of hastening, a directed, to meet the Master in Galilee.
A quiet week had passed, during which, and this also may be for our twofold lerning, the Apostles excluded not Thomas, [1 It must, however, be remembered that Thomas did not deny that Christ was risen, except as in the peculiar sense of the Ressurection. Had he denied the other, he would scarcely have continued in the company of the Apostles.] nor yet Thomas withdrew from the Apostles. Once more the day of days had come, the Octave of the Feast. From that Easter-Day onwards the Church must, even without special institution, have celebrated the weekly-recurring memorial of His Resurrection, as that when He breathed on the Church the breath of anew life, and consecrated it to be His Representative. Thus, it was not only the memorial of His Resurrection, but the birthday of the Church, even as Pentatecost was her baptism day. On that Octave, then, the disciples were again gathered, under circumstances precisely similar to those of Easter, but now Thomas was also with them. Once more, and it is again specially marked: 'the doors being shut' [2 Significantly, the expression 'for fear of the Jews' no longer occurs. That apprehension had for the present passed away.], the Risen Saviour appeared in the midst of the disciples with the well-known saluation. He now offered to Thomas the demanded evidence; but it was no longer either needed or southt. With a full rush of feeling he yielded himself to the blessed conviction, which once formed, must immediately have passed into act of adoration: 'My Lord and my God!' The fullest confession this hitherto made, and which truly embraced the whole outcome of the new conviction concerning the reality of Christ Resurrection. We remember how, under similar circumstances, Nathnael had been the first to utter fullest confession. [a St. John i. 45-51.] We also remember the analogous reply of the Saviour. As then, so now, He pointed to the higher: to a faith which was not the outcome of sight, and therefore limited and bounded by sight, whether of the sense or of perception by the intellect. As one has finely remarked: 'This last and greatest of the Beatitudes is the pecuilar hertiage of the later Church' [1 Canon Westcott.], and thus most aptly comes as the consecration gift of that Church.
The next scene presented to us is once again by the Lake of Galilee. The manifestation to Thomas, and, with it, the restoration of unity in the Aspostic Circle, had originally concluded the Gospel of St. John. [a St. John xx. 30, 31.] But the report which had spread in the early Church, that Disciple whom Jesus loved was not to die, led him to add to his Gospel, by way fo Appendix, and account of the events with which this wxpectancy and connected itself. It is most instructive to the critic, when challenged at every step to explain why one or another fact is not mentioned or mentioned only in one Gospel, to find that, but for the correction of a possible misapprehension in regard to the aged Apostle, the Fourth Gospel would have contained no reference to the manifestation of Christ in Galilee, nay, to the presence of the disciples there before the Ascension. Yet, for all that St. John had it in his mind. And should we not learn from this, that what appear to us strange omissions, which, when held by the side of the other Gospel-narratives, seem to involve discrepancies, may be capable of the most satisfactory explanation, if we only knew all the circumstance?
The history itself sparkles like a gem in its own peculiar setting. It is of green Galilee, and of the blue Lake, and recalls the early days and scenes of this history. As St. Matthew has it, [b ST. Matt. xxviii. 16.] 'the eleven disciples went away into Galilee', probabley immediately after that Octava of the Easter. [2 The account of St. Luke (xxiv. 44-48) is a condensed narrative, without distinction of time or place, of what occurred during all the forty days.] It can scarcely be doubted, that they made known not only the fact of the Resurrection, but the trysting which the Risen One had given them, perhaps at that Mountain where He had spoken His first 'Sermon.' And so it was, that 'some doubted,' [c St. Matt. xxviii. 17.] and that He afterwards appeared to the five hundred at once. [d 1 Cor. xv 6.] But on that morning there were by the Lake of Tiberias only seven of the disciples. Five of them only are named. They are those who most closely kept in company with Him, perhaps also they who lived nearest the Lake.
The scene is introduced by Peter's proposal to go a-fishing. It seems as if the old habits had come back to them with the old associations. Peter's companions naturally proposed to join him. [3 The word 'immediately' in St. John xxi. 3 is spurious.] All that still, clear night they were on the Lake, but caught nothing. Did not this recall to them for former event, when James and John, and Peter and Andrew were called to be Aspostles, and did it not specially recall to Peter the searching and sounding of his heart on the morning that followed? [a St. Luke v. 1. 11.] But so utterly self-unconscious were they, and, let us add, so far is this history from any trace of legendary design, [1 Yet St John must have been accquainted with this narrative, recorded as it is by all three Synoptists.] that not the slightest indication of this appears. Early morning was breaking, and under the rosy glow above the cool shadows were still lying on the pebbly 'beach.' There stood the Figure of One Whom they recognised not, nay, not even when He spake. Yet His Words were intended to bring them this knowledge. The direction to cast the net to the right side of the ship brought them, as He had said, the haul for which they had toiled all night in vain. And moer than this: such a multitude of fishes, enough for 'the disciple whom Jesus loved,' and whose heart may previously have misgiven him. He whispered it to Peter: 'It is the Lord, 'and Simon, only reverently gathering about him his fisher's upper garment, [2 This notice also seems specially indicative that the narrator is himself from the Lake of Galilee.] cast himself into the sea. Yet even so, except to be sooner bu the side of Christ, Peter seems to have gained nothing by his haste. The others, leaving the ship, and transferring themselves to a small boat, which must have been attached to it followed, rowing the short distance of about one hundred yards, [3 About 200 cubits.] and dragging after them the net, weighted with the fishes.
They stepped on the beach, hallowed by His Presence, in silence, as if they had entered Church or Temple. They dared not even dispose of the netful of fishes which they had dragged on shore, until He directed them what to do. This only they notice, that some unseen hand had prepared the morning meal, which, when asked by the Master, they had admitted they had not of their own. And now Jesus directed them to bring the fish they had caught. When Peter dragged up the weight net, it was found full of great fishes, not less than a hundred and fifty-three in number. There is no need to attach any symbolic import to that number, as the Fathers and later writers have done. We can quite understand, nay, it seems almost natural, that, in the peculiar circumstances, they should have counted the large fishes in that miraculous draught that still left the net unbroken. [1 Canon Westcott gives, from St. Augustine, the points sof differecnc between this and the miarculous draught of fishes on the former occasion (St. Luke v.). These are very interesting. Fathers about the symbolic meaning of the number 153.] It may have been, that they were told to count the fishes, partly, also, to show the reality of what had taken place. But on the fire the coals there seems to have been only one fish, and beside it only one bread. [2 This seems implied in the absence of the article in St. John xxi. 9.] To this meal He now bade them, for they seem still to have hung back in reverent awe, nor durst they ask him, Who He was, well knowing it was the Lord. This, as St. John notes, was the third appearance of Christ to the disciples as a body. [3 St. John could not have meant His third appearance in general, since himself had recorded three previous manifestations.]
And still this morning of blessing was not ended. The frugal meal was past, with all its significant teaching of just sufficient provision for His servants, and abundant supply in the unbroken net beside them. But some special teaching was needed, more even that that to Thomas, for him whose work was to be so prominent among the Apostles, whose love was so ardent, and yet in its very ardour so full of danger to himself. For, our dangers spring not only from deficiency, but it may be from excess of feeling, when that feeling is not commensurate with inward strength. Had Peter not confessed, quite honestly, yet, as the event proved, mistakingly, that his love to Christ would endure even an ordeal that would disperse all the others? [a St. Matt. xxvi. 33; St. John xiii. 37.] And had he not, almost immediately afterwards, and though prophetically warned of it, thrice denied his Lord? Jesus had, indeed, since then appeared specially to Peter as the Risen One. But this threefold denial still, stood, as it were, uncancelled before the other disciples, nay, before Peter himself. It was to this that the threefold question to the Risen Lord now referred. Turning to Peter, with pointed though most gentle allusion to be danger of self-confidence, a confidence springing from only a sense of personal affection, even though genuine, He asked: 'Simon, son of Jona', as it were with fullest reference to what he was naturally, 'lovest thou Me more than these?' Peter understood it all. No longer with confidence in self, avoiding the former reference to the others, and even with marked choice of a different word to express his affection [4 Christ asks: and Peter answer:.] from that which the Saviour had used, he replied, appealing rather to his Lord's, than to his own consciousness: 'Yea, Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee.' And even here the answer of Christ is characteristic. it was to set him first the humblest work, that which needed most tender care and patience: 'Feed [provide with food] May Lambs.'
Yet a second time came the same question, although now without the reference to the others,a nd, with the same answer by Peter, the now varied and enlarged commission: 'Feed [shepherd] My Sheep.' Yet a third time did Jesus repeat the same question, now adopting in it the very word which Peter had used to express his affection. Peter was grieved at this threefold repetition. It recalled only to bitterly his threefold denial. And yet the Lord was not doubtful of Peter's love, for each time He followed up His question with a fresh Apostle commision; but now that He put it for the third time, Peter would have the Lord send down the sounding-line quite into the lowest deep of this heart: 'Lord, Thou knowest all things, Thou perceivest that I love Thee!' And now the Saviour spake it: 'Feed [provide food for] My sheep.' His Lamb, His Sheep, to be provided for, to be tended as such! And only love can do such service.
Yes, and Peter did love the Lord Jesus. He had loved Him when he said it, only to confident in the strength of his feelings, that he would follow the Master even unto death. And Jesus saw it all, yea, and how this love of the ardent temperament which had once made him rove at wild liberty, would give place to patient work of love, and be crowed with that martyrdom which, when the beloved disciple wrote, was already matter of the past. And the very manner of death by which he was to glorify God was indicated in the words of Jesus.
As He spake them, He joined the symbolic action to His 'Follow Me.' This command, and the encourgement of being in death literally made like Him, following Him, were Peter's best strength. He obeyed; but as he turned to do so, he saw another following. As St. John himself puts it, it seems almost to convey that he had longed to share Peter's call, with all that it implied. For, St. John speak of himself as the disciple whom Jesus loves, and he reminds us that in that night of betrayal he had been specially a sharer with Peter, nay, had spoken what the other had silently asked of him. Was it impatience, was it a touch of the old Peter, or was it a simple inquiry of brotherly interest which prompted the question, as he pointed to John: 'Lord, and this man, what?' Whatever had been the motive, to him, as to us all, when perplexed about those who seem to follow Christ, we ask it, sometines is bigoted narrowness, sometines in igornace, folly, or jealousy, is this answer: 'What is that to thee? follow thou Me.' For John also had his life-work for Christ. It was to 'tarry' while He was coming [1 So Canon Westcott renders teh meaning. The 'coming' might refer to the second Coming, to the destruction of Jersualem, or even to the firm establisment of the Church. The tradition that St. John only slept in the grave at Ephesus is mentioned even by St. Augustine.], to tarry those many years in patient labour, while Christ was coming.
But what did it mean? The saying went aboard among the brethren that John was not to die, but to tarry till Jesus came again to regin, when death would be swallowed up in victory. But jesus had not so said, only: 'If I will that he tarry while I am coming.' What that 'Coming' was, Jesus had not said, and John knwe not. So, then, there are things, and connected with His Coming, on which Jesus has left the evil, only to be lifted by His own Hand, which He means us not to know at present, and which we should be content to leave as He has left them.
Beyond this narrative we have only briefest notices: by St. Paul, of Christ manifesting Himself to James, which probably finally decided him for Christ, and the Eleven meeting Him at the mountain, where He had appointed them; by St. Luke, of the teaching in the Scriptures during the forty days of communication between the Risen Christ and the disciples.
But this twofold testimony comes to us from St. Matthew and St. Mark, that then the worshipping disciples were once more formed into the Apostic Circle, Apostles, now, of the Risen Christ. And this was the warrent of their new commission: 'All power (authority) has been given to Me in heaveb and on earth.' And this was their new commission: 'God ye, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.' And this was their work: 'Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you.' And this is His final and sure promise: 'And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.'
We are once more in Jersualem, whither He had bidden them go to tarry for the fulfilment of the great promise. The Pentecost was drawing nigh. And on that last, day the day of His Ascension, He led them forth to the well-remembered Bethany. From where He had made His last triumphal Entry into Jersualem before His Crucifixion, would He make His truimphant Entry visibly into Heaven. Once more would they have asked Him about that whic seemed to them the final consummation, the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel. But such questions became them not. Theirs was to be work, not rest; suffering, not triumph. The great promise before them was of spiriutal, not outward, power: of the Holy Ghost, and their call not yet to regin with Him, but to bear witness for Him. And, as He so spake, He lifed His Hands in blessing upon them, and, as He was visbly taken up, a cloud received Him. And still they gazed, with upturned faces, on that luminous cloud which had received Him, and two Angels spake to them this last message from him, that He should so come in like manner, as they had beheld Him giong into heaven.
And so their last question to Him, ere He had parted from them, was also answered, and with blessed assurance. Reverently they worshipped Him; then, with great joy, returned to Jersualem. So it was all true, all real, and Christ 'sat down at the Right Hand of God!' Henceforth, neither doubting, ashamed, nor yet afraid, they 'were continually in the Temple, blessing God,' 'And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that follows. Amen.'
The riddle of the 153 fish (John 21:1-14)
1 After this, Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples upon the sea of Tiberias ...
He revealed himself in this way ...
2 Together were Simon Peter, and Thomas called Twin, and Nathaniel from Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
3 Simon Peter said to them ... I am going fishing ... They said to him ... We also will come with you.
They went forth and embarked in the boat and they caught nothing that night.
4 But now having become early morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
5 Says therefore to them the Jesus ... Children, not any fish have you? ... They-answered him ... No!
6 And he said to them ... Cast the net to the right side of the boat and you will find.
They-cast-it therefore, and no longer were-they-strong to-draw it because of the multitude of the fish.
7 Says therefore the one disciple, whom the Jesus was loving, to Peter ... “It is the Lord!”
Therefore Simon Peter, having heard that it-is the Lord ... tied-around-himself the outer-garment ... (for he was naked) ... and cast himself into the sea.
8 But the other disciples came in the boat ... for they were not far from the land ... only about two-hundred cubits ... dragging the net of the fish.
9 Like then ... they turn out on the land ... they see a charcoal fire lying ... and fish lying on it ... and bread.
10 Says to them the Jesus ... Bring from the fish you just caught.
11 Simon Peter therefore went up and dragged the net onto the land full of large fish ... a hundred-and-fifty-three ... and being so many did not split the net.
12 Says to them the Jesus ... Come, eat breakfast.
Now not one of the disciples was daring to ask him ... Who are you? ... having known that it is the Lord.
13 Jesus comes and takes the bread and gives it to them ... and the fish likewise.
14 This now the third time Jesus was revealed to the disciples having been raised from the dead.
Why there should have been exactly 153 fishes in the net is a question which has puzzled commentators from the earliest time. Obviously the number had an esoteric significance, and by reference to the sacred canon of number and geometry this may be discovered. The parables and many of the episodes in the New Testament form the literary expressions of geometrical processes. This is particularly clear in the case of the 153 fishes. The key is the number 1224, which is the value by gematria of both to dikton, the net, and icthys, fishes.". 1224 is equal to 8 times 153, and 153 is the sum of the numbers 1-17.The Literary Canon: 153 Fishes in the Net
1. Seven disciples are on the shore of Tiberias. Simon Peter enters a boat to go fishing; the others foIlow. The number of Simon Petros, Simon Peter, is 1925.
'Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three' (John 21: 11).
A circle is therefore drawn with circumference 1925 represent Peter, and six more circles are placed so that the circumference of each passes through the center of the first circle and also through the centres of the two on either side. A larger circle contains them all. In this most economical fashion the seven disciples are packed into 11 the circular boat, like the coracle of the Celtic saints, which, since the circumference of the lesser circles is 1925, will be found to have a diameter of 1224.
He continues:
1. Seven disciples are on the shore of Tiberias. Simon Peter enters a boat to go fishing; the others follow.
On page 116 he writes:
Numerology of 1224
(1224 = dikton, the net = icthys, fishes)
Like all the important cabalistic numbers, 1224 has correspondences both in gematria and in the ratios of metrology. The significance of this number as a symbol of the perfect creation may be inferred from the following examples:
1224 = Ho Kurios Ho Theos, the Lord God.
1224 = Δημιουργία Θεού, God's creation.
1224 = η φυτεία the Plantation, an early Christian synonym of Paradise (see J. Danielou,Primitive Christian Symbols, Chapter 2).
1225 = Παράδεισος Θεού , God's paradise.
1225 = Ένα σύνολο, literally One Whole of Wholes, Plato's phrase in Timaeus for the one, unique cosmic sphere embracing all its parts.
In Revelation 21, the total values of the names of the twelve foundation stones is three short of 12,240. The phrase οι δώδεκα πέτρες ιδρύματος , the twelve foundation stones, has the value 1222.
1225 is the sum of all the first 49 numerals, and is therefore the number of the magic square of Venus, which consists of the numbers 1-49 arranged on a square block 7 x 7, each line, column and diagonal amounting to 175. The number 153 has a similar property, being the sum of the numbers 1-17. In common with all the principal numbers of the cosmic temple, 1224 is divisible by both 6 and 9, and 1224 or 1225 may be divided by all the first 10 numerals.
The goddess who is Lucifer, Venus or Aphrodite is 2448.
The number 1224 and its multiple 2448 have the following properties in the numerology of measures.
Kins Days Hours "Mayan Minutes"
17 = 17 = 408 = 2448(In other words, there are 408 hours in 17 days, and 24480 minutes. 6.8 x 60 = 408.
2448 / 306 = 8. 306 / 2 = 153. 2448 / 2 = 1224
As an astronomical number, 12,240 is the number of miles in the earth's diameter together with two diameters of the moon (7920 + 2160 + 2160). It is therefore the width of the cosmological city.
He continues on page 115:
3. 'Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him (for he was naked), and did cast himself into the sea.'
The arc of a third circle is drawn to the left of the boat, and Simon Peter is moved from the centre of the boat into the sea between the boat and the shore. The vesica that contains him represents the fisher's coat, for the Greek word is Ελληνικά 1060, and since the width of this vesica is 612, its height is 1060.
'And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net with fishes.' In the net were 153 great fishes.
The net, 1224, with fishes, 1224, together number 2448, and 2448 is the measure, round the perimeter of the 'fish' in the net. This great fish is divided into sixteen equal parts, forming the tetraktys of the Pythagoreans. The number 153 is brought out in two ways. First, the width of each of the sixteen lesser fish is 153; then there are sixteen smaller making up one greater fish, seventeen in all, and 153 is the sum of the numbers 1-17.
The disciples are said to be 200 cubits from land. The Greek cubit or ell, made up of 25 digits, was a length of about 18 1/4 inches, which may be 1.52 or 1.53 feet. 200 cubits is therefore equal to about 306 feet, and 306 is the radius or distance from centre to circumference of the circles that represent the disciples.
Stories such as this were composed to illustrate a secret doctrine, orally transmitted, to which we no longer have direct access, but which may to some extent be inferred through the contemplation of its symbols. The three intersecting circles produce the diagram of Hebrew mysticism, the Tree of Life, δέντρο της ζωής , 1625, identified by its number with the tetraktys, 1626, the corresponding symbol in the Greek system. In the final episode of the 153 fishes, the disciples come to land and there is Jesus with a fire of coals and a fish laid upon it and bread. Fire, fish and bread represent the three worlds united in the cabalistic tree, the creative essences of the upper world and the material body of the lower being linked by the mercurial spirit of the fish.
The Bible uses Numbers chapter 2 as a basis for the layout of the camp (temple/tree), and it goes on to define the astronomical positions of the tribes in Genesis 49. The special significance of Ephraim as Coma (an ox) is given in Hosea 10: 11, which reads:
And Ephraim is an heifer that is taught, and loveth to tread out the corn (wisdom)...
The more intricate details of the measures for the building of the cosmic temple are then set out in numerous other scriptures. These are the purpose of and fundamental reason for the existence of the Bible.
The above material is of a highly specialized nature. Hence I have provided two appendices with further evidence from Ivan Panin.
3. "Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the
he girt his fisher´s coat unto him (for he was naked), and and did cast himseIf
into the sea."
The arc of a third circle is drawn to the left of the boat, and Simon Peter is
moved from the centre of the boat into the sea between the boat and the shore.
The vesica that contains him represents the fisher´s coat, for the Greek word is
h epeudutes ,1060, since the width of this vesica is 612 height is 1060.
"And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for
they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net
with fishes” In the net were 153 great fishes.
The net, 1224. with fishes, 1224, together number 2448 and 2448 is the measure
round the perimeter of "fish" in the net. This great fish is divided into
sixteen fequal parts. forming the tetraktys of the Pythagoreans.
The number 153 is brought out in two ways; First, the width of each of the
sixteen 1esser fish is 153; then there are sixteen smaller making up one greater
fish: seventeen in all, and 153 is the sum of the numbers 1-17. The disciples
are said to be 200 cubits from land. The Greek cubit or ell made up of 25 digits
was a length of about 18, 1/4 inches which may be 1.52 or
153 feet. 200 cubits is therefore equal to about 306 feet, and 306 is radius or
distance from centre to circumference of the circles thatrepresents the
Stories such as this were composed to illustrate a secret doctrine, orally
transmitted, to which we no longer have direct access, but which may to some
extent be inferred trough the contemplation of its symbols. The three
intersecting circles produce the diagram of Hebrew mysticism of the Tree of
Life. xuvlou zwh´", 1625, identified its number with the tetraktys,1626. the
corresponding symbol in the Greek system. In the fina1 episode of the 153 fishes
the disciples come to land and there is Jesus with a fire of coals and a fish
laid upon it and bread. Fire, fish and bread represent the three worlds : united
in the cabalistic tree, the creative essences of the upper wor1d and the
materia1 body of the lower being linked by the mercurial spirit of the fish.
Prime Numbers Show God's
Watch This! The 7th prime is 17. The 12th prime is 37. The 21st prime is 73. The Hebrew Torah's first seven words are shown to cumulate at 2701 in the book "Theomatics" by Jerry Lucas and Del Washburn. 37 x 73 = 2701, and the cumulate of 1+ 2 + 3 + etc thru + 73 also cumulates at 2701. In all of this, Jesus claims to be The Alpha And Omega in it all. The triangle number at the 7th prime is 153. Theomatics says much about "153 FISHES in THE NET. The triangle number at the 12th prime is 703. The triangle number at the 21st prime is 2701.
It seems reasonable to me that when "Theomatics" shows the Greek spelling of both FISHES and THE NET to cumulated at 1224, they are on to something significant. 1224 = 153 x 8, and 153 is the cumulate of real numbers from 1 thru the 7th prime, or 153. Abraham is the 21st person in the genealogy of Jesus, and the 12 tribes of Israel are from the loins of Abraham. The 12th prime cumulates at 703, and the 21st prime cumulates at 2701. This should cause a few eyebrows to be raised in the Jewish community. There were three groups of 7 generations each before #021 Abraham (ref St. Matt 1 : 17). By the way verse #17 of St. Matthew's gospel is the 7th prime verse in that chapter which ends with the name of Jesus, bottom line.
Exerpted from:
We have here seen unequivocal evidence that the Bible is primarily cabala, which makes its Essene origins certain. That this numerology should, through geometry, produce the tree of life makes our argument complete and unassailable. On these principles alone, we have to accept that the individual in the Scrolls who reveals mysteries must reveal these types of mysteries, and do so at the end rather than the beginning of our age. It may well be argued that the existence of this numerology is evidence of the Bible's divine inspiration. In this case we need accept that the Creator is philosophically cabalistic and His sympathies must lie with paganism. Furthermore, if this is the case then we must think of the Dead Sea Scrolls as equally divinely inspired, and there is no question as to their pagan origin.
This material conclusively proves our modern world religions bankrupt. In hindsight, it is interesting to note that for some, even the system of codification (numerology) was thought to prove the accuracy of their concocted beliefs. God is pure spirit; His book speaks only to the spirit. It reveals, as should be expected, the mysteries of hidden realms. In fulfilment of the prophecy, the wise have within them a spirit of truth, and they understand. The wicked have a spirit of perversity and do not hear the voice of God. This is the two-edged sword which the Teacher will bring into the world.
It is abundantly clear that whatever has been practiced by Judaism and Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible. If that book should now be taken up and claimed by the pagan heretics that the Church has tried to destroy, there should, in theory, be no grounds for complaint. The simple process by which the true claimants take up their heritage will be an act by which traditional scholarship will be shown to be empty and vain.. It is then that we shall see why the biblical Jesus regards these Scribes and Pharisees with such disdain. From what I have seen, these self-proclaimed authorities have laboured diligently and craftily to earn this abuse, and will be recompensed in full.
Finally, inasmuch as this evidence conclusively links the Bible to the Scrolls community, it proves beyond doubt that Jesus and the Teacher are one and the same. Not to my credit, but to the shame of the official body of academics working on the Qumran documents since shortly after their discovery, we have achieved our objective with relative simplicity.
Professor Thompson's discovery that there was no first Temple means, as we now see, that the first Temple period in Scripture is now the second. The second Temple period then becomes the time immediately preceding the New Jerusalem. This fully harmonizes with my argument.
Ultimately, as has been demonstrated, the primary role of 'Jesus Christ' lay in his name, for it enshrined the number 2368, which is primary in measuring the temple. While Jesus Christ lived in idolatrous hearts, the measure of the temple was secure.
Date: 01/04/03
In the 1920's it was discovered that quartz crystals resonate at 32,768 khz. Seeing that the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops Pyramid, is made mostly of limestone, which stone crystal matrix is mostly quartz, I developed a premise that the whole pyramid was set to resonance with some unique technique I named in the file
Multiples of 2 are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192,
16384, 32768, the fractal frequency of quartz.
So we might conclude that quartz resonates as a binary crystal, meaning that its resonant frequency is a multiple of its base 2.
Lets look at these multiples and at what they might represent:
First Interpretation
Frequency 22.15 - 10 - Tendovaginatis [AT]
2.06 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column)
2.30 Associated with genitals [TOS]
2.5 - pain relief, relaxation [MB]; production of endogenous opiates. [EQ]; Use
for sedative effect [ESP]; Sedative effect - reported use on bleeding, bruises,
insomnia, and sinusitis. [RS]
2.57 Associated with bladder [TOS]
2.67 Associated with intestines [TOS]
Frequency 4
4-6 - attitude & behavior change [MH]
4-7 - Theta Range : recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming,
switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness; Access to subconscious images,
deep meditation, reduced blood pressure, said to cure addictions [SS]; Reset the
brain's sodium potassium levels, which cuts down on mental fatigue [INT];
Increases sex drive [INT] ; Meditation, Intuitive Augmentation [NEU]; Near Sleep
brainwaves, conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming
unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of
life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities, &
retrieving unconscious material. [PWB]; bursts of inspiration, twilight sleep
learning, deep relaxation, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental
imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states [NSS via DW];
* Some disagreement over the theta range - [NEU] lists it as 3.0 to 8.0 HZ.
[AWI] lists it as 4.0 to 8.0 HZ. [RA] & [PWB] both have it as 4.0 to
7.0. [DW] divides it into two ranges, Theta1 (3.0-5.5 hz) & Theta2 (5.5-8.0 hz).
4.0 - 8.0 HZ Theta State according to [AWI]+[VUG via DW] - present in dreaming
sleep, deep meditation, storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual
connection, subconscious mind [AWI]; creative insight, twilight ("sleep")
learning, vivid mental imagery. Found in advanced
Frequency 8
8-8.6 Reduced Stress/Anxiety [SS]
8.0-10.0 learning new information [MH]; Alpha - Rapid Refreshment 15 min [NEU]
8.0-12.0 - Alpha range (per NEU, RA, PWM & NSS) - light relaxation, "super
learning", positive thinking. [NEU]; Slower brain waves that are conducive to
creative problem solving, accelerated learning, mood elevation, stress
reduction, etc., characterized by intuitive insights, creative "juice",
inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert [PWM via DW];
Associated with calm, relaxed, unfocused (not concentrating), lucid mental
states, dream sleep & pleasant drifting feelings or emotions. [NSS via DW]
8-13 - Alpha range - Non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness,
primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration. ; Amplifies
dowsing, empty-mind states, detachment, daydreams, mind/body integration. (can
cause) epileptic seizures [SS];
* Note : [NEU], [RA], [PWM] & [NSS] consider the alpha range to be
8.0-12.0. [AWI] considers it 9.0-14.0. [VUG] has it as 9.0-13.0.
8-14 - Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine [QG]
8.0 - Past life regression [x]; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair (RAD-6) [SS];
Associated with Base/Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts =Adrenals, Spinal
Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will to live)(Note=C) [OML]
8.22 Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity) [TOS]
8.3 - Pick up visual images of mental objects [??]; clairvoyance [SS]; "Monroe
Focus 12?" [NEU]
Frequency 16
15.4 - Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) [TOS]
16.0 - bottom limit of normal hearing [MP2]; Release oxygen & calcium into cells
"An engineer named Tom Danley who has an interest in sonic phenomena made some intriguing discoveries relating to the great pyramid, especially the Kings Chamber. He measured its dimensions and those of five rooms, (the so called relieving chambers) located above the Kings Chamber. He then installed powerful amplifiers and speakers inside the Kings Chamber, created sounds and measured the resulting standing frequencies generated within the five chambers. The frequency measured within the rooms was
16Hz, which is below the range of human hearing; from this he created a fascinating theory. This was: the dimensions of the pyramid, plus the materials from which it is made, combined with the empty sarcophagus within the kings chamber were designed for one specific purpose. This was to amplify whatever sounds were made within the Kings Chamber....Tom detected a distinct pattern to the frequencies; this pattern was identical to the tonal structure of the F-sharp chord. The ancient Egyptians in their texts tell us that they believed F-sharp to be the harmonic frequency of our planet. ."9,11,16 documented calcium ion migration (brain
14-16 Associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep."
16 Bottom limit of normal hearing.
16 Release oxygen and calcium into the cells.
16.4 Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence).
526 - Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence)
(higher octave of 16.4 HZ); Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity)
(higher octave of 8.22 HZ).
1052 - Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence)
(higher octave of 16.4 HZ).
Frequency 32
32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigour & alertness [MB]
33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside) ; Schumann
Frequency 64
63 Astral projection [x]
65.8 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column)
(higher octave of 2.06 HZ) [TOS]
Frequency 128
126.22 - Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year [HC]; The Frequency Of The Sun ( Note=C) (Color=Green) (Tempo=118.3 BPM) (Chakra=Manipura, also called Hara {associated with Navel & 3rd lumbar vertebrae}) (Effects=advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental) [ HC/Planetware website]
* There seems to be a little disagreement between [HC] & [HC/Planetware] over what exactly this is the frequency of - [HC] ties this into the period it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, while [HC/Planetware] says this is the frequency it would take an imaginary planet to orbit the outside edge of the sun. My money is on the second, since there is another frequency that is given for the Earth year. (136.1 HZ)
* This is tricky to paraphrase, so here it is as it appeared on the Planetware website : "Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you."
Frequency 256
Root Chakra (1: 1) (Note=C+)
Second Interpretation
In this string of multiples 32,768 is khz so when we arrive at 2 it should represent 2000 khz so lets reduce 2000 khz to lower frequency, i.e, 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5, 31.25, 15.625, 7.8125, 3.9. These are all in khz but notice that 7.8125 is resonant with earth resonance. Now lets see what these frequencies are associated with. We might begin with
Frequency 3.9
3.9 (a remedy for) unsociable behavior [ESR]; Theta/Delta brainwave range - crystal clear meditation, lucid dreams, enhanced inner awareness, "facilitates easy access to inner resources & creates space for inner peace + self-renewal". [SED]
Frequency 7.8125
7.69 Associated with shoulders (Effects=strength of the
arms, expansion, teaching) [TOS]
7.8 Schumann Resonance (see 7.83 HZ), ESP activation [DIV]; Doyere's group
(1993), found that short high frequency bursts at
7.7 Hz induced LTP in prefrontal cortex, though only for one day. [AA via DW]
7.8-8 Stimulates ESP, paranormal [SS]
7.83 - Earth Resonance, grounding [x], "Schumann Resonance." [TS, ESR+HSW, MAG];
anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance [SS]; psychic healing
experiments [ESR]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps
develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Earth
Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in
the country.' [PWM via DW]; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning -
"the earth's natural brainwave" [MAG]
* [HSW] note
s that overtones of the Schumann Resonance can also stimulate the pituitary inFrequency 15.625
15.0-18.0 Beta (mid) - increased mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ [NEU] 15-24 Euphoria [SS]
* I will vouch for this one - I find binaurally produced tones between 18 HZ
& 21 HZ have very pleasant results, in a jogger's high sort of way. This effect
seems the strongest around 20 HZ. While other sources equate this frequency
range with stress, I'm thinking it might be like the roar of a car engine - in
small doses, it can be quite a rush, but too much of it can lead to a headache.
The serotonin system is funny like that. [MPT]
15 - chronic pain [MB]; Sound which bypasses the ears for sublimination
(auditory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Crown/Sahasrara chakra (Color
=Violet/White) (Body Parts=Pineal, Upper Brain, Right Eye)(Effects =Integration
of personality & spirituality.)(Note=B) [OML]
15.4 - Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) [TOS]
Frequency 31.25
31.32 Schumann Resonance (5th frequency of 7) - pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]
* [HSW] is a bit off from the other sources on the exact value of this
overtone of the Schumann Resonance.
32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigour & alertness [MB]
33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside) ; Schumann
Resonance (5th frequency of 7) [TS]
* Funky coincidence it lines up with the Christ Consciousness & Pyramid frequency, eh? I've had some interesting results with this one -- particularly when I overlap waves at 9.0 HZ (pyramid outside frequency). The mind tends to wander in funny ways.
Frequency 62.5
62.64 - Useful for "weird effects". (use with 46.98 HZ and 70.47 HZ) [TB]
63 Astral projection [x]
65.8 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column)
Frequency 125
125 Graham potentializer; Stimulation [MH]; (used
on) sinusitis [RS]
126.22 - Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year [HC]; The Frequency Of The Sun ( Note=C)
(Color=Green) (Tempo=118.3 BPM) (Chakra=Manipura, also called Hara {associated
with Navel & 3rd lumbar vertebrae}) (Effects=advances the feeling of centering
of magic & of the transcendental) [ HC/Planetware website]
* There seems to be a little disagreement between [HC] & [HC/Planetware] over what exactly this is the frequency of - [HC] ties this into the period it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, while [HC/Planetware] says this is the frequency it would take an imaginary planet to orbit the outside edge of the sun. My money is on the second, since there is another frequency that is given for the Earth year. (136.1 HZ)
* This is tricky to paraphrase, so here it is as it appeared on the Planetware website : "Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin,
Frequency 250
250.0 Elevate and revitalize
Frequency 500
497.1 - Frequency associated with spin of Sun. (Note=B) [BH2]
500.0 - (used to treat) Anthrax (medium=tube) [JB]
* Disclaimer!! - If you legitimately think you have anthrax, do NOT rely on my stupid frequency chart. Go see a doctor. However, if you do want to tinker around, this frequency was used as an EM field, not a sound. I'm not sure if it would work as a sound. Use at your own risk. (That goes for the other anthrax/smallpox frequencies too.)
Frequency 1000
1000 - Cerebral neurons
Frequency 2000
No available frequency
© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2002 Restrictions on Use of The Giza Communications / Synchronizing Device Theory. .
from: Dee Finney's blog page 59 TOPIC: JACOB'S LADDER - THE LOST NOTES IS IT EVIL TO PLAY A NOTE ON A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT THAT ISN'T ON THE LADDER? ARE WE USING THE CORRECT FREQUENCY IN OUR MUSIC? NOTE FROM DEE: This topic was brought to my attention by a discussion between two friends of mine who shall remain anonymous. One likes Hindu music played by Sitar similar to Ravi Shakar and the other won't play such music, considering it evil because Hindu music contains more notes than Western music. I am aware of another problem neither one of them know about is that the note with the frequency of 440 Hz, should actually be played at 432 Hz, which means all other notes are obviously off frequency as well. I will give a link to that discussion below. SEE: and So, one needs to ponder whether arguing about this issue at this point is worth getting hot and bothered about when the basic frequency of the notes themselves is under debate? Since the topic of Jacob's ladder was brought in question, below you will see a variety of opinion brought forth from various groups of belief. The reader can make up their own minds which one to accept or reject. If the reader would like to comment on this page, please feel free to e-mail me at GrailLdy . I will use that address for this page so as not to lose the e-mails amongst the thousands I'm already behind on reading. Dee Jacob's Ladder
Portions 9f this page are from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jacob's Ladder (Hebrew: Sulam Yaakov סולם יעקב) is a ladder to heaven, described in the Book of Genesis, that the biblical patriarch Jacob dreams about during his flight from his brother Esau. The Description of Jacob's ladder appears in the Book of Genesis (28:10–19):
Afterwards, Jacob names the place, "Bethel" (literally, "House of God"). Jewish traditions Jacob's Ladder William Blake ![]() The Jewish Biblical philosopher Philo (d. ca. 50 CE) presents his allegorical interpretation of the ladder in the first book of his De somniis. There he gives four interpretations, which are not mutually exclusive:[1]
The classic Torah commentaries offer several interpretations of
Jacob's ladder:
Apocalyptic literature
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