Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date January 4, 2014
page 623
Who 'Parked' the Moon in Perfect Circular Orbit
Around Earth?
NOTE: I and thousands of others have studied photos
of the moon, and a few brave souls actually went up
there and looked at it for themselves, despite
groaners and moaners who deny we ever did.
I've already got 1,450 pages on the web about the
moon, but never talked about this question before.
So this is a new angle to take a look at.
Despite six
announced visits by
U.S. astronauts between 1969 and 1972, the Moon
remains a riddle to scientists in many regards.
The solutions to these riddles could indicate an
alien aspect of our familiar Moon.Called “the Rosetta Stone of the planets” by Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first chairman of NASA’s Lunar Exploration Committee, scientists had hoped by studying the composition of the Moon, to resolve some of the mysteries of how our planet and solar system came into existence.
However, six Moon landings later, science writer Earl Ubell declared, “... the lunar Rosetta Stone remains a mystery. The Moon is more complicated than anyone expected; it is not simply a kind of billiard ball frozen in space and time, as many scientists had believed. Few of the fundamental questions have been answered, but the Apollo rocks and recordings have spawned a score of mysteries, a few truly breath-stopping.”
Among these “breath-stopping” mysteries or anomalies as scientists prefer to call them is the fact that the Moon is far older than previously imagined, perhaps even much older than the Earth and Sun. By examining tracks burned into Moon rocks by cosmic rays, scientists have dated them as billions of years old. Some have been dated back 4.5 billion years, far older than the Earth and nearly as old as the solar system.
The Moon has at least three distinct layers of rocks. Contrary to the idea that heavier objects sink, the heavier rocks are found on the surface. And there is a definite disparity in the distribution of minerals.
Ubell asked:
“If the Earth and Moon were created at the same time, near each other, why has one body got all the iron [the Earth] and the other [the Moon] not much?The Moon is extremely dry and does not appear to have ever had water in any substantial amounts. None of the Moon rocks, regardless of where they were found, contained free water or even water molecules bound into the minerals. Yet Apollo 16 astronauts found Moon rocks that contained bits of rusted iron. Since oxidation requires oxygen and free hydrogen, this rust indicates there must be water somewhere on the Moon.
The differences suggest that Earth and Moon came into being far from each other, an idea that stumbles over the inability of astrophysicists to explain how exactly the Moon became a satellite of the Earth.”
Furthermore, instruments left behind by Apollo missions sent a signal to Earth on March 7, 1971, indicating a “wind” of water had crossed the Moon’s surface. Since any water on the airless Moon surface vaporizes and behaves like the wind on Earth, the question became where did this water originate?
The vapor cloud eruptions lasted 14 hours and covered an area of some 100 square miles, prompting Rice University physicists Dr. John Freeman, Jr. and Dr. H. Ken Hills to pronounce the event one of “the most exciting discoveries yet” indicating water within the Moon. The two physicists claimed the water vapor came from deep inside the Moon, apparently released during a moonquake.
NASA officials offered a more mundane, and questionable, explanation. They speculated that two tanks on Apollo descent stages containing between 60 and 100 pounds of water became stressed and ruptured, releasing their contents.
Freeman and Hills declined to accept this explanation, pointing out that the two tanks — from Apollo 12 and 14 — were some 180 kilometers apart yet the water vapor was detected with the same flux at both sites although the instruments faced in opposite directions. Skeptics also have understandably questioned the odds of two separate tanks breaking simultaneously and how such a small quantity of water could produce 100 square miles of vapor.
Moon rocks were found to be magnetized — not strong enough to pick up a paper clip, but magnetic nevertheless. However, there is no magnetic field on the Moon itself. So where did the magnetism come from?
The presence of maria, or large seas of smooth solidified molten rock, also presented a mystery. These maria indicate nothing less than a vast outpouring of lava at some distant time. It has now been confirmed that some of the Moon’s craters are of internal origin. Yet there is no indication that the Moon has ever been hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.
Another puzzle is that almost all — four-fifths — of the maria are located on the Moon’s Earthside hemisphere. Few maria mark the far side of the Moon, often erroneously referred to as the “dark side.” Yet the far side contains many more craters and mountainous areas.
In comparison to the rest of the Moon, the maria are relatively free of craters suggesting that craters were covered by lava flow. Adding to this mystery are the mascons — large dense circular masses lying 20 to 40 miles below the center of the Moon’s maria.
The mascons were discovered because their denseness distorted the orbits of our spacecraft flying over or near them. One scientist proposed that the mascons are heavy iron meteorites that plunged deep into the Moon while it was in a soft, formable stage. This theory has been discounted since meteorites strike with such high velocities, they would vaporize on contact.
Another mundane explanation is that the mascons are nothing more than lava-filled caverns, but skeptics say there isn’t enough lava present to accomplish this. It would seem these mascons are huge disk-shaped objects possibly of artificial construction. It is unlikely that large circular disks located directly under the center of the maria like a giant bulls-eye happened by accident or coincidence.
Between 1969 and 1977, Apollo mission seismographic equipment registered up to 3,000 “moonquakes” each year of operation. Most of the vibrations were quite small and were caused by meteorite strikes or falling booster rockets. But many other quakes were detected deep inside the Moon. This internal creaking is believed to be caused by the gravitational pull of our planet as most moonquakes occur when the Moon is closest to the Earth.
An event occurred in 1958 in the Moon’s Alphonsus crater, which shook the idea that all internal moonquake activity was simply settling rocks. In November of that year, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory startled the scientific world by photographing the first recorded gaseous eruption on the Moon near the crater’s peak.
Kozyrev attributed this to escaping fluorescent gases. He also detected a reddish glow characteristic of carbon compounds, which “seemed to move and disappeared after an hour.”
Some scientists refused to accept Kozyrev’s findings until astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region in 1963. Days later, colored lights on the Moon lasting more than an hour were reported at two separate observatories.
Something was going on inside the volcanically dead Moon. And whatever it is, it occurs the same way at the same time. As the Moon moves closer to the Earth, seismic signals from different stations on the lunar surface detect identical vibrations. It is difficult to accept this movement as a natural phenomenon. For example, a broken artificial hull plate could shift exactly the same way each time the Moon passed near the Earth.
There is evidence to indicate the Moon may be hollow. Studies of Moon rocks indicate that the Moon’s interior differs from the Earth’s mantle in ways suggesting a very small, or even nonexistent, core.
As far back as 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, “If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon be less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, while scoffing at the possibility of a hollow moon, nevertheless admitted that since heavier materials were on the surface, it is quite possible that giant caverns exist within the Moon.
MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote:
“The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”The most startling evidence that the Moon could be hollow came on November 20, 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module (LM) ascent stage crashing back onto the Moon creating an artificial moonquake. The LM struck the surface about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site where ultra-sensitive seismic equipment recorded something both unexpected and astounding—the Moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.
Why frightening? The significance was stated by astronomer Carl Sagan way back in his 1966 work Intelligent Life in the Universe, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”
The vibration wave took almost eight minutes to reach a peak, and then decreased in intensity. At a news conference that day, one of the co-directors of the seismic experiment, Maurice Ewing, told reporters that scientists were at a loss to explain the ringing.
“As for the meaning of it, I’d rather not make an interpretation right now. But it is as though someone had struck a bell, say, in the belfry of a church a single blow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes.”It was later established that small vibrations had continued on the Moon for more than an hour. The phenomenon was repeated when the Apollo 13’s third stage was sent crashing onto the Moon by radio command, striking with the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT. According to NASA, this time the Moon “reacted like a gong.” Although seismic equipment was more than 108 miles from the crash site, recordings showed reverberations lasted for three hours and 20 minutes and traveled to a depth of 22 to 25 miles.
Subsequent studies of man-made crashes on the Moon yielded similar results. After one impact the Moon reverberated for four hours. This ringing coupled with the density problem on the Moon reinforces the idea of a hollow moon. Scientists hoped to record the impact of a meteor large enough to send shock waves to the Moon’s core and back and settle the issue.
That opportunity came on May 13, 1972, when a large meteor stuck the Moon with the equivalent force of 200 tons of TNT. After sending shock waves deep into the interior of the Moon, scientists were baffled to find that none returned, confirming that there is something unusual about the Moon’s core, or lack thereof.
Dr. Farouk El Baz was quoted as saying, “There are many undiscovered caverns suspected to exist beneath the surface of the Moon. Several experiments have been flown to the Moon to see if there actually were such caverns.” The results of these experiments have not been made public.
It seems apparent that the Moon has a tough, hard outer shell and a light or nonexistent interior. The Moon’s shell contains dense minerals such as titanium, used on Earth in the construction of aircraft and space vehicles.
Many people still recall watching our astronauts on TV as they vainly tried to drill through the crust of a Moon maria. Their specially designed drills could only penetrate a few inches. The puzzle of the Moon’s hard surface was compounded by the discovery of what appeared to be processed metals.
Read: Why NASA Never Went Back to the Moon;
Experts were surprised to find lunar rocks bearing brass, mica and amphibole in addition to the near-pure titanium. Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 — elements not previously found in nature — were discovered in Moon rocks, according to the Argone National Laboratory. While still trying to explain the presence of these materials, scientists were further startled to learn of rust-proof iron particles in a soil sample from the Sea of Crisis.
In 1976, the Associated Press reported that the Soviets had announced the discovery of iron particles that “do not rust” in samples brought back by an unmanned Moon mission in 1970. Iron that does not rust is unknown in nature and well beyond present Earth technology.
Undoubtedly the greatest mystery concerning our Moon is how it came to be there in the first place. Prior to the Apollo missions, one serious theory as to the Moon’s origin was that it broke off of the Earth eons ago.
Although no one could positively locate where on Earth it originated, many speculated the loss of material explained the huge gouge in the Earth, which forms the Pacific Ocean. However, this idea was discarded when it was found that there is little similarity between the composition of our world and the Moon.
A more recent theory had the Moon created out of space debris left over from the creation of the Earth. This concept proved untenable in light of current gravitational theory, which indicates that one large object will accumulate all loose material, leaving none for the formation of another large body. It is now generally accepted that the Moon originated elsewhere and entered the Earth’s gravitational field at some point in the distant past.
Here theories diverge — one stating that the Moon was originally a planet which collided with the Earth creating debris which combined forming the Moon while another states the Moon, while wandering through our solar system, was captured and pulled into orbit by Earth’s gravity.
Neither of these theories are especially compelling because of the lack of evidence that neither the Earth nor the Moon seem to have been physically disrupted by a past close encounter. There is no debris in space indicating a past collision and it does not appear that the Earth and the Moon developed during the same time period.
As for the “capture” theory, even scientist Isaac Asimov, well known for his works of fiction, has written:
“It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.”Asimov was right to consider the Moon’s orbit — it is not only nearly a perfect circle, but stationary, one side always facing the Earth with only the slightest variation. As far as we know, it’s the only natural satellite with such an orbit.
This circular orbit is especially odd considering that the Moon’s center of mass lies more than a mile closer to the Earth than its geometric center. This fact alone should produce an unstable, wobbly orbit, much as a ball with its mass off center will not roll in a straight line. Additionally, almost all of the other satellites in our solar system orbit in the plane of their planet’s equator.
Not so the Moon, whose orbit lies strangely nearer the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or inclined to the Earth’s ecliptic by more than five degrees. Add to this the fact that the Moon’s bulge — located on the side facing away from Earth — thus negating the idea that it was caused by the Earth’s gravitational pull — makes for an off-balanced world.
It seems impossible that such an oddity could naturally fall into such a precise and circular orbit. It is a fascinating conundrum as articulated by science writer William Roy Shelton, who wrote, “It is important to remember that something had to put the Moon at or near its present circular pattern around the Earth.
Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling the Earth every 90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly 18,000 miles per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the Moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude...
The point — and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the Moon — is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit. ‘Something’ had to put the Moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed. The question is: what was that ‘something’?”
If the precise and stationary orbit of the Moon is seen as sheer coincidence, is it also coincidence that the Moon is at just the right distance from the Earth to completely cover the Sun during an eclipse?
While the diameter of the Moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the Sun’s gigantic 864,000 miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but the Sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the Sun and the Earth.
Asimov explained:
“There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”Is it merely coincidence? How does one explain this and many other Moon mysteries?
In July 1970, two Russian scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” They advanced the theory that the Moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours.
Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon, spewing the molten refuse onto the surface. Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around the Earth.
In their article Vasin and Shcherbakov wrote, “Abandoning the traditional paths of ‘common sense,’ we have plunged into what may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy.
But the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our supposition. Not only that, but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis.”
Outrageous as the spaceship moon theory might first appear, consider how this model reconciles all of the mysteries of the Moon.
It would explain why the Moon gives evidence of being much older than the Earth and perhaps even our solar system and why there are three distinct layers within the Moon, with the densest materials in the outside layer, exactly as one would expect of the “hull” of a spacecraft. It could also explain why no sign of water has been found on the Moon’s surface, yet there is evidence it exists deep inside.
This theory also would explain the strange maria and mascons, perhaps the remnants of the machinery used to hollow out the Moon. The idea of an artificial satellite could explain the odd, rhythmic “moonquakes” as artificial constructs reacting the same way during periods of stress from the Earth’s pull. And artificial equipment beneath the Moon’s surface might be the source of the gas clouds that have been observed.
Intelligent “terraforming” of the Moon could prove the solution to the argument between “hot moon” and “cold moon” scientists — they are both right! The Moon originally was a cold world, which was transformed into a spacecraft by artificially heating and expelling vast quantities of its interior.
This theory also could explain the seeming contradictions over the question of a hollow moon. If the Moon originally was a solid world which was artificially hollowed out, there would be evidence of both phases—exactly what we have with current Moon knowledge.
An artificially hollowed-out Moon would explain why the satellite rings like a bell for hours after struck and why specimens of tough, refractory metals such as titanium, chromium and circonium; “rust-proof” iron; Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 have been found there.
In fact, the spaceship moon theory may come closer than any other in reconciling the questions over the origin and amazing orbit of the Moon.
But we are not supposed to consider this thesis. The circular logic of modern science regarding the origins of the Moon runs something like this: We know that extraterrestrials don’t exist but we do know that the Moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history.
We, humans, did not create it or place it in Earth’s orbit, so it must have been done by extraterrestrials. But since we know they don’t exist, we will simply call it an anomaly and will not publicly say anything more about this.
Source: Hidden Truth
Space Force - Why do we need it?
Former Alaska Senator, Mike Gravel, told us during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club, “We have a space force in existence and it has been written about extensively.”
have confirmation from a Senator the US has a Space
Force that apparently is designed to fight off alien
intruders? Perhaps the Star Wars program was real
and ultimately successful?
You’ll need to go back to the words of President George H.W. Bush in June of 2001 to discover US plans to build a military base on the moon!
Does our President know about the alien presence? According to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group, he likely does. Bassett claims that John Podesta one of Obama’s advisors was his transition appointee and is now a newly hired Obama consultant is an acknowledged X-Files buff, who encouraged full disclosure of UFO files at the National Press Club.
The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as Star Wars, was a program first initiated on March 23, 1983 under President Ronald Reagan. The intent of this program was to develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, specifically the Soviet Union. The nickname “Star Wars” was attached to the program for some of its abstract and science fiction ideas, many of which included lasers, subatomic particle beams, and computer-guided projectiles fired by electromagnetic rail guns—all under the central control of a supercomputer system.” By using these systems, the United States planned to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles and perhaps UFOs while they still flew high above the Earth. One interesting point was that President Reagan publicly offered the Star Wars system to the Soviet Union and spoke about the nations of Earth joining to fight an extraterrestrial force. It became the most expensive weapons system in the history.
Reagan had lunch with 5 top space scientists and he wrote, “I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”
Reagan’s comment was revealing since the Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Five times eight is forty, suggesting 260 others could be in space. Was Reagan revealing the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit? Thirty years later it likely exists and Russian and American astronauts are in space together.
By the end of SDI, the primary focus of the weapons design group was focused on “land based kinetic energy weapons.” These weapons were essentially guided missile projectiles. At the end of the Strategic Defense Initiative, thirty billion dollars had been invested in the program.
The original Star Wars
System as changed according to prime contractor TRW:
Working in pairs for stereoscopic viewing, the SMTS
is the low earth satellite
component of the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS
shown here).
Its unique capability to track missiles throughout
their trajectory allows the system to effectively
cue missile defense systems with accurate targeting
The satellites developed precise location, velocity and acceleration data on the enemy vehicles. The planned interceptors can engage threats at ranges beyond the capabilities of their associated radars. Using data generated by SMTS, these interceptors can use that excess capability to negate attacking missiles far from friendly forces and population centers. This shoot-look-shoot option reduces interceptor inventory requirements. Early intercepts made possible by SMTS extend the boundaries of the defended area some three to five times.
SMTS can precisely cue ground radars; allowing them to limit operations until a hostile missile is within their range. This reduces the threat from homing anti-radiation missiles -- likely players on modern battlefields. The constellation provides global surveillance for ballistic missile launches within seconds.
by Dee Finney
(Updated 2-9-04)
(Updated 9-3-06) Smart
1 lands on the moon
Updated 9-23-06 - See Ukert Triangle
been to the Moon, which is a world with a land area
the size of Africa.
But we’ve only visited six spots, and the farthest
we’ve roamed was maybe 3 or 4 miles
(5 or 6 kilometers),"
Subject: [Paranormal_Research]
World's biggest telescope to prove
Americans really walked on Moon
I wonder if they recently sent a prop to the moon so they can probe they really were there, in the Hollywood studio, "oh" I mean on the moon:) _____________________________________________
World's biggest
telescope to prove Americans really
walked on Moon
By Robert Matthews, Science Correspondent (Filed: 24/11/2002) Conspiracy theorists, you have a problem. In an effort to silence claims that the Apollo Moon landings were faked, European scientists are to use the world's newest and largest telescope to see whether remains of the spacecraft are still on the lunar surface. For years, doubters have claimed that Nasa, the US space agency, spent billions of dollars faking the landings to convince the world that it had beaten the Soviet Union to the Moon. A host of supposed evidence has been put forward, ranging from the absence of stars on any photographs taken by the astronauts to the fact that the Stars and Stripes they planted seemed to flutter in a vacuum. Earlier this month, Nasa tried to put an end to the controversy by commissioning a definitive account of the evidence for the landings. Days later, it dropped the idea after criticism that it was wasting money by taking on the lunatic fringe: naturally, this only boosted claims that the space agency was trying to hide something. The row even boiled over into personal conflict in September when police in Beverly Hills were called in to investigate claims that Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin - the second man on the Moon - punched a conspiracy theorist who accused him of lying about the landings. Now astronomers hope to kill off the conspiracy theory once and for all by using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) - by far the most powerful telescope in the world - to spot the Apollo lunar landers. Operated by European astronomers in the Chilean Andes, the VLT consists of four mirrors 27ft across linked by optical fibres. It can see a single human hair at a distance of 10 miles. Trained on the Moon, such astonishing resolution should enable it to see the base of one or more of the six lunar modules which Nasa insists landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972. Any images of the modules would be the first not to have been taken from space by Nasa. Dr Richard West, an astronomer at the VLT, confirmed that his team was aiming to achieve "a high-resolution image of one of the Apollo landing sites". The first attempt to spot the spacecraft will be made using only one of the VLT's four telescope mirrors, which are fitted with special "adaptive optics" to cancel the distorting effect of the Earth's atmosphere. A trial run of the equipment this summer produced the sharpest image of the Moon taken from the Earth, showing details 400ft across from a distance of 238,000 miles. The VLT team hopes to improve on this, with the aim of detecting clear evidence for the presence of the landers. The base of the lunar modules measured about 10ft across, but would cast a much longer shadow under ideal conditions. Dr West said that the challenge pushed the optical abilities of one VLT mirror to its limits: if this attempt failed, the team planned to use the power of all four mirrors. "They would most probably be sufficiently sharp to show something at the sites," he said. Dr West insisted, however, that the decision to examine the landing sites was not driven by the conspiracy theory. "We do not question the reality of the landings," he said. "It is more for instrument-testing purposes." Supporters of the conspiracy theory welcomed the news that astronomers are to photograph the landing sites. Marcus Allen, UK publisher of Nexus magazine and a long-time advocate of the theory, said: "I would be the first to accept what they find as powerful evidence that something was placed on the Moon by man." He added, however, that photographs of the lander would not prove that America put men on the Moon. "Getting to the Moon really isn't much of a problem - the Russians did that in 1959," said Mr Allen. "The big problem is getting people there." According to Mr Allen, Nasa was forced to send robots to the Moon and faked the manned missions because radiation levels in space were lethal to humans. "We know that no lead shielding was carried on Apollo, so how were 27 astronauts able to survive a journey of several days to and from the Moon?" Dr Duncan Steel, a space scientist at Salford University, said that the supposed radiation hazard is a myth spread by conspiracy theorists. Dr Robert Massey, an astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, said that the conspiracy theorists are unlikely to be deterred by photographic evidence. "Even if the VLT does see something, I suspect it won't silence them. In science we can never totally prove anything - but we can prove things beyond reasonable doubt." ROYAL OBSERVATORY GREENWICH **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
Enlarged photo of 7,000
ft high structure centered in the basin of
Tycho |
4-6-2001 - I've been almost obsessed by question as to whether we've been to the moon. I already did a page on Apollo 11 as that is the big question ... Did we really go to the moon? So, I've been meditating on the question, reading books about it, written by people who say emphatically, 'YES!'. This is not the first time I've been involved with the astronauts, not that I've met any of them personally, but. I've dreamed of them before.
I've been emotionally involved with them, particularly Apollo 1 and the Challenger explosion. I was right there at my television set when this all happened. It had a great impact on me, and still does. I've received e-mails from people who've worked on the Apollo program. I could not just sit around and let this thought die ... that we spent all those millions of dollars ... and then faked going to moon just to win the cold war with Russia. No! This is too big a program to mess with that, even though there are other questions remaining which are discussed endlessly by researchers. What did we find when we went to the moon? That's the question I need to have answered. That's the answer I'm going to get ... one way or another. 4-6-01 - I went to sleep begging spirit to tell me who or what was on the back side of the moon. The first part of the dream was quite lucid, then I slipped into a dream. DREAM - I was flying through space with someone who was on my left. We came down towards what looked like a big dome-shaped pod on the ground or that was hovering in the air. It was too dark to tell. It's shape was something like a white watermelon but a little flattened on the bottom. It looked like it was white at first, but then it seemed I could see through the top and was told to me was a school. None of the rooms were the same size now, though they used to be in the beginning. This was a school for kids who really wanted to be here. Twice as many kids were trying to get into the school than there was room for. You had to take tests to get into it, and tests to stay in it. Once you were in the school, and you tested well, you could have a larger room to stay in. The new kids got the small rooms. If you didn't pass your tests, you had to leave, so the competition was fierce to stay in this school. (In a later meditation, a man's voice told me that kids had to be 13 before they could qualify) I didn't get to meet any of the kids, but I was taken to the kitchen, in which huge pots of food were cooked. I don't know if these women were the mothers of the kids or volunteers like myself, but there were massive amounts of dishes to wash from feeding the kids. There was no lack of food, and no end to the dishes either. The kitchen had more than one sink, some regular sinks, some deep sinks to wash the piles of plates, and kettles in which I volunteered to wash after I did the smaller pieces of china. The water didn't seem to be clear as it came from the faucet, rather more whitish. That could have been because of air in the water, or something else in the water, I don't know. I was too busy working to question about that. There were 4 or 5 other women working with me in the kitchen, none of whom I knew. Before I came home, I was in a car with someone else who was driving. There seemed to be some kind of competition for space on the road as well. A dark blue car which was next to us at first, insisted he had to be in front of us at any cost, and he didn't care who else got hurt in the process. Finally, the cars up ahead had to stop for a red light and we couldn't stop in time, and ahead of us I could see a 5 or 6 car pileup and we crunched into the last car in front of us though I don't think anyone hit us from behind. But there was a guy up front, whose entire car came apart. He was delivering mussels from the seashore to restaurants. The drivers were all sorry for him, because his entire catch of mussels was all over the street. I woke up and can't get that song out of my head, 'Singing cockles, and mussels, alive, alive O'. 4-7-2001 - I meditated on the topic of the dark side of the moon. What I saw resembled a helicopter and it was labeled 'Snoopy'! At the time I didn't know what that meant. Then I went on the internet and read about Apollo 10: Apollo 10 was a dress rehearsal for a lunar landing mission and was conducted in lunar orbit, but it excluded the actual landing. Launched on May 18, 1969, the spacecraft Charlie Brown (CSM) and Snoopy (LM) spent over two days and 31 revolutions in lunar orbit. The crew of Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young, and Eugene Andrew Cernan conducted all propulsive maneuvers required for a lunar landing mission. During lunar orbit, Stafford and Cernan descended in the LM to less than 10 miles of the lunar surface before completing the first lunar orbit rendezvous with the CSM. This eight-day mission was recovered in the Pacific Ocean and was completed less than two months prior to the planned launch of the first lunar landing mission. However, Apollo 8, with three astronauts, Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., and William A. Anders, aboard, made man's first moon orbit, at an altitude of about 60 miles above its surface, the first time the hidden face of the moon had ever been seen by man himself. This first moon mission lasted from December 21-27, 1968. Because Walter Shirra aboard Mercury 8, was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules, when James Lovell, Jr. on board Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the dark side of the moon and said for everyone to hear, "We have been informed that Santa Claus does exist!", many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words that were not difficult to decipher. The Gemini flights prior to the Apollo program apparently were the first to photograph unidentified flying objects. James McDivitt, on Mercury 4, Frank Borman and James Lovell on Gemini 7, and James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin in Gemini 12 all took photographs of UFOs. Apollo 8 had a similar experience, and so did Apollo 10, both during the orbit around the moon and on the homeward flight. Mission Objective:
Edwin Aldrin took photographs of two UFOs hovering overhead as Armstrong was heading down the ladder to set foot on the moon. The magazine Modern People published these pictures in 1975 without divulging who their source was. They hinted it was from the Japanese. |
Space Research Reveals The Probability of a
Lunar Gravity Variable up to 64% Of the
Earth's Gravity, and NOT the 16% Previously
Theorized How this works: Prior to going into space, scientists estimated that the neutral gravity point - the location between the earth and moon, where the moon's and the earth's gravitational pull is zero or neutral - was approximately 23,900 miles above the lunar surface. Based on this estimate, the theory of 1/6 lunar gravity was rationalized. However, this is not accurate because the actual neutral point is located approximately 43,495 from the moon. Using the actual distance equates to a much higher lunar gravity. ANOMALIES SEEN ON THE MOON FROM EARTH Excerpts from NASA's own publication
(N6624927), released in 1966,
chronologically lists recorded lunar
observations and activities: From 1871 to 1896, 40 members of England's Royal Astronomical Society reported observing various geometrical shaped light patterns on the moon. In the following years, came confirmed sightings of a moving 50 wide opaque object, great white domes and long bridge like structures on the Plane of Mare Crisium. In 1958 , both US and Soviet scientists collectively observed a huge glowing oval object upon the lunar surface. Washington Daily News 1968 Commander Young, Apollo 10, "Boy, I
never saw anything like that, it seems the
colors are different on the backside; they
seem lighter, primarily because of the
miara. They're shades of white, black and
brown." Lighting Constraints on Lunar Surface
Operations, Dean Eppler, NASA Technical
Memorandum 4271, May 1991.
I'm not writing this page to prove that extraterrestrials exist. If you need proof of that, you can look elsewhere, this paper is presenting facts as I know them to be true. This paper will tell it like it is, you can believe it or not. That is up to the reader. I KNOW it's true. I've seen UFOs, and I've seen ETs. I KNOW there are multiple type of ETs as I've seen them for myself. Scientific Proof? It doesn't exist except in government files and warehouses. However, you can see the evidence of the scientific proof all around you these days. You think we went from bicycle parts and balsa wood wings to stealth bombers in less than 60 years? Not! You think we went from vacuum tube radios to solid state components overnight in the 60's? Not!. You think we went from clunky old gear computers as large as a house to do math to computers that fit in the palm of your hand all by ourselves in just 20 years? Not! You think we developed lasers for everything from micro-surgery to weapons that take down airplanes in less than 20 years? Not! I don't expect anyone to take my word for it. You can take the facts or leave them. I really don't care. These are the facts. The original members of the Majestic12 are as follows:
Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Secretary of Defense Forrestal Objects to Alien Secrecy Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy since he was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. President Truman asked him to resign his position for divulging to leaders of the opposition party and to leaders of the Congress the alien problem. He expressed his fears to many other people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. His actions were interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital. In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death becoming one of the first victims of a cover-up. As a permanent replacement Walter B. Smith was appointed to Forrestal's job.
don't see any written evidence that we in
the U.S. were being 'attacked' by UFOs in
the 40's, but I do see evidence that we were
afraid of them. Later evidence shows
that Germany had knowledge of UFOs way
before we did in the U.S. Germany was
way ahead of the U.S. in shooting down UFOs
and using the technology to try to win
WWII. I have yet to see any evidence of the reason why so many UFOs were crashing. It seems rather iffy to think that UFOs flew to earth and then couldn't handle flying in the air for whatever reason. Films/videos show too much evidence that they have excellent control over their vehicles, and their vehicles weren't of the caliber of our first meager efforts to fly in planes made of bicycle parts and balsa wood.. Their vehicles were made of such technology that we couldn't even figure out what they were made of, nor how they were flown. The evidence shows that they were caught in lightening storms and were shot down by the military in Germany and the U.S. The Apollo program was instituted because of the fear that a military base was going to be established on the far side of the moon and whoever got there first, whether human (Russia) or the extraterrestrials, who we were in dire fear of, would be in control of earth. No matter what the cost, either in dollars or lives, the U.S. had to win that race to the dark side of the moon. By then, Germany had lost WWII and we were now on even footing with Russia as far as brains go. At the end of WWII, Russia got half of the brains out of Germany, and the U.S. got the other half. Perhaps knowing what we know now, we should have demanded all the brains, but we didn't. Through what we called Operation Paperclip, we got some characters (Nazi's if you will) who were responsible for killing millions of people. That was the level of our desperation. The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi
scientists and brought them to America. It
had originally intended merely to debrief
them and send them back to Germany. But when
it realized the extent of the scientists
knowledge and expertise, the War Department
decided it would be a waste to send the
scientists home. Following the discovery of
flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser
beam weaponry in German military bases, the
War Department decided that NASA and the CIA
must control this technology, and the Nazi
engineers that had worked on this
RUFF; Wernher Von Braun was one of the world's first and foremost rocket engineers and a leading authority on space travel. His will to expand man's knowledge through the exploration of space led to the development of the Explorer satellites, the Jupiter and Jupiter-C rockets, Pershing, the Redstone rocket, Saturn rockets, and Skylab, the world's first space station. Additionally, his determination to "go where no man has gone before" led to mankind setting foot on the moon. Living in Huntsville, Alabama from 1950 to 1970, Dr. von Braun first directed the technical development of the U.S. Army's ballistic missile program at Redstone Arsenal, and later served as Director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. When he transferred to Washington, D.C., he left Huntsville with a rich legacy: the research institutions at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the Alabama Space and Rocket Center, and the Von Braun Civic Center. He enrolled at the Berlin Institute of Technology in 1930. In 1932, at the age of 20, he received his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, and was offered a grant to conduct and develop scientific investigations on liquid-fueled rocket engines. Two years later, Wernher received his PhD in physics from the University of Berlin. During the 30's the German military was searching for a weapon which would not violate the Versailles Treaty of World War I, and at the same time defend Germany. By 1934 von Braun and Walter Dornberger had a team of 80 engineers building rockets in Kummersdorf, about 60 miles south of Berlin. Von Braun's natural talents as a leader shone, as well as his ability to assimilate great quantities of data while keeping in mind the big picture. With the successful launch of two rockets, Max and Moritz, in 1934, von Braun's proposal to work on a jet-assisted take-off device for heavy bombers and all-rocket fighters was granted. However, Kummersdorf was too small for the task, so a new facility had to be built. By now Hitler had taken over Germany and Herman Goering ruled the Luftwaffe. Dornberger held a public test of the A-2 which was greatly successful. Funding continued to flow to von Braun's team, developing the A-3 and finally the A-4. 1934 - First treaty with Greys aboard
U.S. naval ship off Balboa. Hitler evokes
"Law for Removing the Distress of People and
Nation"; which overnight, eliminates power
of Political Parties, State Institutions and
Trade Unions while also Hitler invades Austria and claims
Spear of Longinus. Adolph Hitler views Spear
of Longinus; believed to be the same spear In 1943 Hitler decided to use the A-4 as a "vengeance weapon," and the group found themselves developing the A-4 to rain explosives on London. Fourteen months after Hitler ordered it into production, the first combat A-4, now called the V-2, was launched toward western Europe on September 7, 1944. When the first V-2 hit London von Braun remarked to his colleagues, "The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet." The SS and the Gestapo arrested von Braun for crimes against the state because he persisted in talking about building rockets which would go into orbit around the Earth and perhaps go to the Moon. His crime was indulging in frivolous dreams when he should have been concentrating on building bigger rocket bombs for the Nazi war machine. Dornberger convinced the SS and the Gestapo to release von Braun because without him there would be no V-2 and Hitler would have them all shot. On arriving back at Peenemunde, von Braun immediately assembled his planning staff and asked them to decide how and to whom they should surrender. Most of the scientists were frightened of the Russians, they felt the French would treat them like slaves, and the British did not have enough money to afford a rocket program. That left the Americans. After stealing a train with forged papers, von Braun led 500 people through war-torn Germany to surrender to the Americans. The SS were issued orders to kill the German engineers, who hid their notes in a mine shaft and evaded their own army while searching for the Americans. Finally, the team found an American private and surrendered to him. Realizing the importance of these engineers, the Americans immediately went to Peenemunde and Nordhausen and captured all of the remaining V-2's and V-2 parts, then destroyed both places with explosives. The Americans brought over 300 train car loads of spare V-2 parts to the United States. Much of von Braun's production team was captured by the Russians. On June 20, 1945, U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull approved the transfer of von Braun's German rocket specialists. This transfer was known as Operation Paperclip because, of the large number of Germans stationed at Army Ordnance, the paperwork of those selected to come to the United States were indicated by paperclips. They arrived in the United States at New Castle Army Air Base, just south of Wilmington, DE. Afterwards, they were flown to Boston, and then taken by boat to an Army Intelligence Service post at Fort Strong in Boston Harbor. Later, with the exception of von Braun, the men were transferred to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland to sort out the Peenemunde documents. Those documents would enable the scientists to continue their rocketry experiments where they had left off. Finally, von Braun and the 126 Peenemunders were transferred to their new home at Fort Bliss, Texas, a large Army installation just north of El Paso, under the command of Major James P. Hamill. They found themselves in a strange situation as they began their new lives in America. Because they could not leave Fort Bliss without a military escort, they sometimes referred to themselves as "PoPs", Prisoners of Peace. While at Fort Bliss, they were tasked to train military, industrial, and university personnel in the intricacies of rockets and guided missiles and to help refurbish, assemble, and launch a number of V-2's that had been shipped from Germany to the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico. Further, they were to study the future potential of rockets for military and research applications.
A 1947 photo of the German team at Fort Bliss, Texas. Dr. von Braun, inset, is in the front row, seventh from right. Operation Paperclip came to a fitting conclusion with the naturalization of the first group of more than 50 German scientists and technicians on November 11, 1954, in Birmingham, Alabama.
Other sketches of wanna-be man-made
flying saucers. Besides the official AVRO
project, there were tens of inventors with
plans of fantastic flying machines, often
related to revolutionary discoveries with
anti-gravity. 1945 - World War 2 ends with
geographic defeat of Axis powers and panic
exodus of high proportion of remaining Jews
from continent. A crew-carrying the
"Kugelblitz" flies from Thuringia.
Kugelblitz engines were extracted and ship
destroyed by SS. Scientists, plans and
engines were shipped to Antarctica, whereFourth
Reich White Wolves regroup. |
"THE RESORT" THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION Even before the first announced Soviet spaceman blasted off in 1961, rumors reached the West about the existence of secret graves of anonymous dead cosmonauts, killed on unannounced missions. Moscow vigorously denied them all, to no effect. Lists of dozens of dead cosmonauts circulated in the Western press for many years. The Soviets denounced the originators of such material as "enemies." (Dead and Missing Cosmonauts) From: The material here has been reported by real people. The government, of course, would deny it. If you do believe that the concepts represented here may be possible, then you may learn a great deal in the following lines of text. If you are a person who believes that this information is not possible because the government has not agreed to it, or because the government disagrees with it, then this material is not intended for you. It is intended for those who already know that the government has much to lose by admitting any of this information, or at least they feel that they have something to lose. So don't expect government confirmation of this, expect them to disagree totally with everything here. It's to their advantage to disagree, and keep trying to maintain their secrecy. U.S. CITIZENRY TOTALLY EXPENDABLE In the book *Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security* General George Keegan tells of the Russian civil defense shelters. He found that every factory in Russia had a shelter. The city of Moscow had 75 underground command post/shelters, each one the size of the Pentagon. Yes, that's what he said. They were each covered with 100 feet of reinforced concrete and four hundred feet of dirt. He said they were each 2 or 3 times as strong as Hoover Dam. There are currently 96 Government (mostly FEMA) underground bases, and 129 Deep Underground military bases in the U.S.A. (See above link for map) Listed are underground bases in other countries, as well. (If you are squeamish, you might not want to read that page) I'd like to know where is my pass to get in one. Where is your pass? If you had 20 minutes warning that hydrogen bombs were about to be dropped all across America, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I know what many of you will say. "I don't worry about it, whatever is God's will, will be." That type of brainwashing has gotten us into this mess. God's will, is for us to have free will. If you want to step in front of a railroad train, God will let you. He will not stop you! And if you do nothing about the mess you/we are in, God will let you die! If the Russians want to attack this country, or if we want to attack them, God will allow it - He allows free will to all sides! Excerpted from "The Day After Roswell"
by Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret.)
(Unfortunately, also now deceased) Page 316 - "So if the Soviets have something that can take out missile warheads through an atomic cloud and are using devices that may have come from an alien technology, we have something to worry about," the general said. Included in the long list of secret bases is: Map of Moon with Points located Lunar Locator: Want to buy Property? I'm assuming this in tongue in cheek. Russian bases on the Near side of the Moon:
Russian bases on the Far side of the Moon:
Functions: Living spaces, mining, strategic
bases, particle beam research. Functions: Living
facilities for German/Japanese base Two Russian scientists, Michael Vasin
and Alexander Shcherbakov advanced an
amazing theory in relation to the origin of
the moon, in an article published in the
Soviet journal Sputnik, in 1970. In
the article entitled, ‘Is the Moon the
Creation of Alien Intelligence?’ they
theorise that the moon is not a completely
natural world but a planetoid that was
hollowed out by the technology of
intelligent beings who directed it through
the cosmos and placed it in precise orbit
around the earth. In their
extraordinary article the Soviet scientists
Then along comes ALTERNATIVE THREE, which
suggested that the world was going to be
destroyed, and that if the elite wanted to
save themselves and a few hand-picked
members of the human race, they must
establish self supporting colonies on the
moon and Mars, and then come back to earth
to repopulate after the EARTH CHANGES are
completed and the world has settled down.
Hence we have what were called BATCH
ASSIGNMENTS, in which large groups of people
were simply ABDUCTED, taken to special
camps, had their personalities and will
DESTROYED, and were made into robotics
slaves to carry out the work of colony
establishment. That there are reports of
large groups of people that have simply
vanished during the TIMELINE of Alternative
Three should be of no concern, should it? Of course Alternative Three was declared a hoax, as were the Protocols. ALTERNATIVE THREE was declared to be a hoax, but ALTERNATIVE TWO, the digging of huge underground cities and a tunnel complex has been accomplished. Numerous reports of huge underground cities and underground highways have been given by eyewitnesses. Yet it is all declared a hoax!! Have the space colonies been established? If so, that requires advanced technology and space vehicles capable of high speed travel to be used as shuttle and transportation craft. Was Nazi technology used to establish ALTERNATIVE THREE? Are the numerous UFO sightings of "mother ships" actually ALTERNATIVE THREE VEHICLES? The Bible implies that ALTERNATIVE THREE IS AN ACTUAL REALITY, and points directly to America-Babylon as the chief instigator. It is also interesting that many of the moon mission photos that were given to the public as authentic have problems with "lighting" and the shadows don't fall correctly. The movie CAPRICORN ONE was about this very thing. Could it be that the general public was shown fake pictures because of activity on the moon would have been revealed? Or is "Alternative Three" more disinformation?
Dr. Peter Bater, a top intelligence
operative in the CIA and NSA claimed we had
colonies on the moon and Mars, and he said
that YEARS AGO. He also claimed that the
claimed that we had a WAR out there as well,
called the WAR
Bater is dead now, so no one knows. The
ENIGMA continues!!! Alternative Three
Alternative One -
elimination of a huge portion of world
population. "Alternative One" was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the Stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space. Change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due to the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the Nuclear explosions would themselves create. "Alternative Two" was to build a a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race. The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet. "Alternative Three" was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to either confirm or deny the existence of "Batch Consignments" of human slaves, which would be used for the manual labor in the effort as a part of the plan. The Moon, code named "Adam," would be the object of primary interest followed by the planet Mars, code named "Eve." During Eisenhower's first year in
office, 1953, at least 10 more crashed discs
were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live
aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona,
2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana,
1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There
were hundreds of sightings. Eisenhower knew
that he had to wrestle and beat the alien
problem. He knew that he could not do it by
revealing the secret to the Congress. Early
in 1953 the new President turned to his
friend and fellow member of the Council on
Foreign Relations Nelson Rockefeller for
help with the alien problem. Eisenhower and
Rockefeller began planning the secret
structure of alien task supervision which
was to become a reality within 1 year. The
idea for MJ-12 was thus born. n 1953
Astronomers discovered large objects in
space which were moving toward the Earth. It
was first believed that they were asteroids.
Later evidence proved that the objects could
only be Spaceships. Project Sigma
intercepted alien radio communications. When
the objects reached the Earth they took up a
very high orbit around the Equator. There
were several huge ships, and their actual
intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new
project, Plato, through radio communications
using the computer binary language, was able
to arrange a landing that resulted in face
to face contact with alien beings from
another planet. Project Plato was tasked
with establishing diplomatic relations with
this race of space aliens. In the meantime a
race of human looking aliens contacted the
U.S. Government. This alien group warned us
against the aliens that were orbiting the
Equator and offered to help us with our
spiritual development. They demanded that we
dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as
the major condition. They refused to
exchange technology citing that we were
spiritually unable to handle the technology
which we then possessed. They believed that
we would use any new technology to destroy
each other. This race stated that we were on
a path of self destruction and we must stop
killing each other, stop polluting the
Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural
resources, and learn to live in harmony.
These terms were met with extreme suspicion,
especially the major condition of nuclear
disarmament. It was believed that meeting
that condition would leave us helpless in
the face of an obvious alien threat. We also
had nothing in history to help with the
decision. Nuclear disarmament was not
considered to be within the best interest of
the United States. The overtures were
rejected. In 1959, the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the Symposium report, machines are pictured and described which could bore a tunnel 45 feet in diameter at the rate of five feet per hour. It also displays pictures of huge tunnels and underground vaults containing what appear to be complex facilities and possibly even cities. It appears that the previous five years of all-out underground construction had made significant progress by that time. |
STRANGE THINGS ON THE MOON NASA was originally established with a charter that encouraged full public access for all information received. However, a BROOKINGS INSTITUTE report that was written shortly after its inception warned that alien "artifacts" discovered by the space program may shatter the social balance, frighten "religious fanatics", and upset scientific and engineering establishments, and therefore such discoveries should be kept hidden from the public. In short, keep the masses in the playpen and don't let them 'see' what's going on 'out there', for they are not mature enough to handle the truth without going into a panic; The closest point of the lunar surface to earth -- and the exact center of the lunar disc as seen from earth -- is near the crater UKERT, which just so happens to contain a remarkable and seemingly perfect TRIANGLAR or TETRAHEDRON like design fit perfectly into the 'circle' of the crater. The Tetrahedron geometry is very similar to the mathematical layout of the 'Monuments' in the Cydonia region of Mars, which in turn is based on the exact mathematical and geometric formulas as the pyramids of GIZA in Egypt.
Slides of lunar photographs, some which were public domain and others which were previously suppressed from the public yet obtained through good fortune and ingenuity,. include multiple views of an area west of UKERT where there isolated a 'shard' which rises a mile and a half above the horizon and widening out from a narrower base.
Photo taken by the
Lunar Orbiter Lunar Orbiter, February 1967 The original negative from National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD: III-84M of "Shard" and "Tower" on southwest side of Sinus Medii from 30 miles altitude, taken by 3" camera objective (film developed on board satellite; scanned with 6.5 mu dot scanner; images transmitted, reconstructed, and reassembled at NASA). Horizon at 256 miles; "Shard" and "Tower" about 230 and 200 miles distance from camera, respectively; resolution of Shard and Tower calculated at about 70 and 60 meters, respectively. Orientation of this photograph 45 degrees to south of Apollo 10 photographs AS10-32-4854, AS10-32-4855, and AS10-32-4856. THE SHARD The Shard is an obvious structure which rises above the Moon's surface by more than a mile. Its overall irregular spindly shape (containing a regular geometric pattern) with constricted nodes and swollen internodes, if natural, has got to be a wonder of the Universe. No known natural process can explain such a structure. Computer enhancement with about 190 feet (60 meters) resolution shows an irregular outline with more reflective and less reflective surfaces. The amount of sunlight reflecting from parts of the Shard indicate a composition inconsistent with that of most natural substances. Only crystal facets and glass can reflect that much light (polished metallic surfaces are unnatural). Single crystals the size of city blocks are currently unknown. The Shard may be a highly eroded remnant of some sort of artificial structure made of glass-like material. Other larger structures and their reflectivity in the area support this theory.
The Ukert Crater. The
Ukert crater, located near the center of the
moon as it is viewed from the Earth, UKERT Ukert is a crater-like
feature that displays a circumscribed
equilateral triangle at full Moon (Noon
local time) in its center. I agree with
Hoagland's interpretation that this triangle
is not natural, because the sides of the
"crater" are much brighter only opposite the
sides of this triangle. The apices or angles
of the triangle intersect the darkest three
areas of the "crater" rim, while the
brightest three areas of the rim are
opposite the sides of the triangle. In
addition, the brightest parts of the rim are
midway between the apices of the triangle,
and are at 120 degrees orientation from one
another. If a line is drawn from the centers
of each bright area across the triange to
the opposing angle, the lines will exactly
bisect each angle. Such regular geometry is
not a natural Beyond and to the left of this 'shard' is another huge 6-7 MILE HIGH tower with a tripodal base and a cubical array atop which is over a mile in diameter. Appearing like a huge air traffic [or space traffic?] control tower, this crystalline structure appears to be suspending a huge "dome" with an enormous geometric web-like grid-system, although the dome and the 'twin towers' themselves appear to be partially smashed and twisted by either meteoric bombardment or possibly even an ancient nuclear attack. These structures are clearly visible in computer-enhanced photographs. THE TOWER The Tower represents an
enigma of the highest magnitude, because it
rises more than five miles above the surface
of the Moon, and has been photographed from
five different angles and two different
altitudes (from 30 miles altitude, and from
70 miles altitude at three different
distances). In all four photographs the same
structure is visible, and can be viewed from
two different sides. The Tower exists in
front of and to the left of the Shard in the
Lunar Orbiter III-84M photograph. The
distance from the Tower and the camera is
estimated at about 200 miles, while the
distance of the Shard beyond the Tower is
estimated at about 230 miles. The top of the
Tower has a very ordered cubic geometry, and
appears to be composed of regular cubes
(similar in size) joined together to form a
very large cube with an estimated width of
over one mile! There is apparent damage to
the outline and surface of this megacube,
because many cubic spaces or indentations
occur over its surface (these spaces are
50-60 times larger than pixel size, and
their shapes are
THE CUBE To the left of the shard, a faint anomaly was photographed. After printing the negative over and over again at different exposure levels, and analysing the results with various computer imaging processes, the anomaly was found to be a massive "tower/cube" hanging more than seven miles above the Moon! Note the highly reflective "debris" surrounding this structure seemingly embedded in a darker material. This looks very much like reflective crystalline material being held miles above the lunar surface by a framework or matrix of "rebar" (reinforcing bars).
Surrounding the
Tower are faint indications of additional
light-reflective material. The amount of
light coming from this material is very
small compared with the amount of light
reflected off the lunar surface. In order to
make it visible, the surface of the Moon has
to be over-exposed on the photograph. The
pattern that becomes visible above the
Moon's surface is not caused by the scan
lines that make up the Lunar Orbiter
photography. The scan lines can be seen
clearly, and are oriented at different
angles from the orientation of patterns in
the sky. The regular cubic and/or
rectangular nature of this pattern, and
indications of radiating structures that
connect the Tower with the surface indicate
that material of low light reflectivity
exists above the Moon's surface over a large
area measured in hundreds of miles. The
irregular splotchy reflection from some of
this One tower in the same region nicknamed the "castle" reaches an incredible 30 MILES into the air from the 1/6th earth gravity environment of the lunar surface.
The Castle. This
strange object, photographed during an
Apollo mission, has been named "the castle" One formerly suppressed Apollo 10 photo, #4822, showed an incredible array of artificial lunar constructions.
Soviet example of a
"lunar dome"? This photo, taken FASTWALKERS
Strange things have been seen on the moon for centuries -- usually flashes of light or color, or lights that appear to move across the lunar surface. These are known as transient lunar phenomena (TLP), and many of the reports, dating from 1540 to 1969, have been cataloged by NASA. But perhaps the best source for this kind of information is The Lunascan Project, an organized effort by amateur astronomers to record and document TLPs. Such flashes of light and color could be attributed to meteor impacts or perhaps some kind of gaseous emissions, but harder to explain are the "fastwalkers" that have been videotaped by several amateur observers. This one, from the Lunascan Project, is a capture from a video taken by an amateur Japanese astronomer several years ago. What could account for this anomaly? A satellite orbiting the moon? (It would have to be enormous to show up like this.) A satellite orbiting the Earth that happened to cross the the observer's field of view as he or she was videotaping the moon? (Steve Davis at Lunascan puts this idea in doubt, too.) So what could the unexplained object be?
speculative book entitled Alternative 3,
author Leslie Watkins proposes that
scientist have become concerned with the
state of the Earth's atmosphere, a scenario
that is much easier to accept these days.
Secret meetings between scientist produce
three alternatives for handling the imminent
danger. The Atomic Energy
Commission initiated Project Plowshare in
1957 to develop peaceful uses of nuclear
explosives. It has explored the use of
nuclear blasts to build harbors, dams,
highway cuts, and canals, and to stimulate
oil and natural gas production by following
up the widely used practice of detonating
ordinary chemical explosions in oil- and
gas-bearing strata. The first test of this
technique, known as Project Gasbuggy, took
place 4,240 feet below ground in a desolate
area of New Mexico know as the San Juan
Basin, on December 10, 1967, where a
26-kiloton nuclear "device" was exploded in
a sealed well.
Black helicopters
have been sighted around Boynton and Secret
Canyon near Sedona, Arizona. A man living in
Long Canyon has sighted a lot of strange
things in the canyon areas, and residents
suspect a secret government installation has
been established in, of all places, Secret
Mountain! |
Apollo 11
Walking on the lunar surface was not difficult, but took a little practice. Despite the fact that the backpacks and astronauts only weighed 1/6 on their 350 pound Earth weight, their center of gravity was shifted so they had to lean slightly forward to balance, and they still had to overcome the inertia of all that mass, so stopping usually took a few steps.
Apollo 12 Apollo 12 carried Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard F. Gordon, and Alan I. Bean through thunderclouds right at the start, experiencing an electrical discharge of short duration that did not hamper the flight. The mission, lasting 10 days, November 14-24, 1969, took Conrad and Bean to the Sea of Storms, right next t Surveyor 3, which had landed there two and a half years before. Some of the more important parts from Surveyor 3 were brought back in remarkably good condition. Despite the late Carl Sagan’s assurance in his 1966 book Intelligent Life in the Universe, that “a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object”, there is amazing evidence that the moon could indeed be hollow. In 1969 the crew of Apollo Twelve, in an attempt to create an artificial moonquake sent the ascent stage of the lunar module crashing back down to the moon’s surface. To everyone’s surprise the highly sensitive seismic equipment recorded something totally unexpected. For more than one hour, the moon continued to reverberate like a bell. Dr Frank Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) commented, “None of us have seen anything like this on Earth. In all our experience, it is quite an extraordinary event. That this rather small impact ... produced a signal which lasted thirty minutes is quite beyond the range of our experience” ( Marrs, p.6). Apollo 12 November 14, 1969 Conrad, Gordon, BeanOn day out on the earth moon leg of the trip the astronauts radioed Mission Control that two flashing lights had appeared off the bow . of their capsule. After rejecting the possibility that the objects could be spinning pieces of the Apollo booster rocket the capcom suggested that they could be the jettisoned protective panels. One of the astronauts replied " Gee that could be, but one of those lights just shot out of here at tremendous speed ".
Apollo 13 Apollo 13, with James Lovell, Jr., Fred W. Haise, Jr., and John L. Swigert, Jr., aboard, ran into trouble, seemingly confirming the superstition tied to the number 13. The mission which took place April 11-17, 1970, was halfway to the moon when one of the oxygen tanks exploded, knocking out some instruments. The question was no longer how to land on the moon, but how to get back to earth as soon as possible. It was decided to continue the flight to the moon, make a loop around it, and come back straight for splashdown, all the time saving as much oxygen as possible. The cause of the explosion was never determined, although several official explanations were given. There was some discussion about Apollo 13 carrying a nuclear device to the moon to be used to show seismograph recordings placed at several locations. Rumours were that the UFOs had deliberately caused the explosion on board to prevent the detonation of the atomic charge that could possibly have destroyed or endangered some moon base established by the extraterrestrials. When Apollo Thirteen’s third stage was deliberately sent hurtling into the lunar surface by radio signal, crashing with the impact of eleven tons of TNT, NASA claimed that the moon, “reacted like a gong.” Seismic equipment as distant as one hundred and seventy-three kilometres from the crash site recorded reverberations lasting for three hours and twenty minutes and travelling to a depth of thirty-five to forty kilometres. Writer Don Wilson in Secrets of our Spaceship Moon, claims that one NASA scientist had admitted that the United States government had conducted a series of experiments (without any public announcement) to determine if the moon is hollow. Nobel prize winning chemist Dr Harold Urey suggested that the reduced density of the moon was due to the fact that large areas inside the moon were “simply a cavity” and Dr Sean Solomin of MIT wrote, “the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field ... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow.” |
Apollo 14 Apollo 14, with Alan B. Shepherd, Jr., Stuart A. Roosa, and Edgar D. Mitchell aboard, went to the moon from January 31-February 9, 1971, landing in the hills of Fra Mauro, using a cart to transport the scientific instruments. In general the astronauts, nearly all military officers controlled by security regulations, have maintained a united front. However, there have been exceptions. Dr Edgar Mitchell on the Oprah Winfrey Show of July 19, 1992, suggested that all information regarding UFOs had not been released, adding, “I do believe that there is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now (and) has been for a long time.... It’s a long long story, it goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff” (Good, p.206). Colonel Gordon Cooper, in a letter to a meeting of the United Nations in 1978, to discuss UFOs, stated, “I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on Earth” (Huneeus). |
Apollo 15 Apollo 15 took David R. Scott, Alfred M. Worden, and James B. Irwin July 16-August 7, 1971, to the Appennine Mountains of the moon. It carried a 'lunar rover', an electric vehicle that made it possible for Scott and Irwin to take several trips on the moon's surface, covering nearly 20 miles. This moon 'jeep' also made it possible for people on earth to see the takeoff blast of the lunar module on live television, since the rover and its television camera and transmitter were left behind on the moon. 16 33' N, 48 51' E ...West of the Sea of Crises. - Photographs - Apollo 15 July 26 - Aug. 7, 1971. Conversation: Scott: Arrowhead really runs east to west. (Harrison Schmitt was a trained geologist and the only civilian ever to walk on the Moon) Schmidtt: I see tracks - running right up the wall of the crater. "It is very strange the way the ejecta
... from Proclus crosses Crisium. It is
almost like flying above a haze layer and
looking down through the haze ... It looks
like it is suspended over it." |
Apollo 16 Apollo 16, with Charles M. Duke, Thomas K. Mattingly, and John W. Young abord, landed in the Descartes highlands. The mission, April 16-27, 1972, brought back the most extraordinary photographs in ultraviolet light of the earth's atmosphere, interplanetary gases, and many stars, constellations, and galaxies. April 16 - 27, 1972; Duke: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a gnomon up there.
Apollo 16: Domes and Tunnels Duke: We felt it under our feet. It's a soft spot. Firmer. Where we stand, I tell you one thing. If this place had air, it'd sure be beautiful. It's beautiful with or without air. The scenery up on top of Stone Mountain, you'd have to be there to see this to believe it - those domes are incredible! |
Apollo 17 Apollo 17, with Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, and Harrison H. Schmitt aboard, flew to the moon on December 7 and returned on December 19, 1972. The landing spot was in the Taurus-Litterow Valley. This Apollo mission was the longest both in time and in distance covered and also brought back the biggest load of moon rocks. In addition, Schmitt, a geologist, was the first civilian to visit the moon, all the other astronauts having been military men. By this time in the series of missions, the population in the U.S. were rather shocked to find out how much the missions were costing, and some even complained that live television coverage of the missions were taking the place of their beloved football games.
Apollo 17 - Halo with Number One extending DMP (lunar module pilot): What are you learning? NOTE: Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and were *strictly Earth orbiters*. They never reached the Moon. NOTE from Dee: (There seems to be a difference opinion on this) Apollo 17 "Watermarks": Capcom: Roger, America, we're tracking you on the map here, watching it. Apollo 17: "Watermark" cont'd: While the Apollo 17 astronauts were discussing the "Watermarks", the sighting of the UFO occurred. The conversation them returns to the Watermarks. DMP: O.K. 96:03. Now we're getting some clear - looks like pretty clear high watermarks on this - |
Apollo 18 Apollo-Soyuz Apollo 18 and Soyuz 19 Launched: July 15, 1975 Meeting in Space: July 17, 1975 Soyuz 19 Landed: July 21, 1975 Apollo 18 Splashed Down: July 24, 1975 Duration: Apollo 18: 217 hours, 30 minutes Soyuz 19: 143 hours, 31 minutes Orbits: (Apollo 18) 136; (Soyuz 19) 96 Astronaut Crew: Thomas P. Stafford , Vance D. Brand , Donald K. "Deke" Slayton Cosmonaut Crew: Alexei Leonov , Valeri Kubasov This, the final flight of the Apollo spacecraft, was the first docking of spacecraft built by different nations and presaged the era of cooperation between the Russians and the Americans that is now such an essential part of our efforts to build a permanently occupied space station. The American crew included three-flight veteran Thomas P. Stafford, rookie Vance Brand, and the last of the original seven Mercury astronauts to make it into orbit, Donald K. "Deke" Slayton, whose heart murmur had previously kept him grounded. The Soviet crew included the first space walker, Alexei Leonov, and rookie Valeri Kubasov. While this mission is generally remembered as a political/public relations venture, it resulted in some major technological advancements necessitated by the requirement to dock the two extremely variant spacecraft, neither of which had been built for the purpose, together. The two spacecraft were launched within seven and a half hours of one another, and, three hours after they docked two days later, the Astronauts and Cosmonauts met in the middle ahd shook hands in orbit, exchanged flags and gifts (including the seeds of trees that were later planted in each others' countries) and conversed haltingly with one another in each other's native tongues. It would be six long years before another American astronaut would fly in space, this time aboard the reusable Space Shuttle. The Apollo era, an era of the greatest achievements in mankind's history, had ended. |
It has been said
that many of the astronauts felt strong and
strange sensations that something was trying
to take over their minds and experienced
visions during these flights to the moon.
Some of the astronauts became deeply
religious after their missions and others
experienced mental problems. This could be
coincidence, but with men this well trained,
coincidence isn't the most likely
Key Members of
Apollo 11 Program
THE BATTLE OF HARVEST MOON From: Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas 76133. Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is April 28, 1978, and this is my Audioletter No. 33. On a summer day in 1971, two men in space suits sat aboard an awkward looking four-wheeled vehicle that was making its way across the surface of the moon . American astronauts David Scott and James Irwin, the lunar landing crew of Apollo 15, were on their way to get a close look at the gigantic lunar canyon known as Hadley Rille. They were the first men in history to go for a ride on the lunar surface. As they bumped along, they passed the rim of a crater, which they named Earthlight Crater. Mission Control in Houston radioed back, "Arthur Clarke would be proud of you." Sixteen years earlier, in 1955, the renowned British writer Arthur C. Clarke had published a prophetic book with the title "Earthlight."; Published two years before the Space Age dawned with Sputnik One, Earthlight was about man's then future occupation of the moon; and in honor of Clarke's vision, the Apollo 15 astronauts named Earthlight Crater after the book. And very often during television coverage of the American visits to the moon, Walter Cronkite of CBS News had at his elbow none other than Arthur C. Clarke. In his book, Clarke painted a vivid picture of the great value the moon would acquire--scientifically, economically, and strategically. The climax of this book, honored so uniquely by the Apollo 15 astronauts, is called the "Battle of Pico", a hypothetical space battle centered on the moon; and while the details are quite different, Clarke's fictional Battle of Pico foreshadowed in eerie ways the real space battle that took place more than two decades later in September 1977. The Battle of the Harvest Moon has been kept a secret from the public, both by the victor (the Soviet Union), and by the vanquished (the United States of America); but it is the key to understanding the increasingly headlong retreat of the United States on all fronts under the new boldness of the Kremlin. (The U.S. doesn't like to admit it when they lose) (This entire file is available as an e-mail attachment from RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS IN SPACE Russia's space program seemed completely silent. What we didn't know was that Russia had been deploying her secret particle beam weapons in space, and on September 17, 1977, Russia started smashing our spy satellites in what was called the Battle of the Harvest Moon. They launched their *Salyut-6* Space Station into orbit on September 29, 1977, and thus began a steady stream of Russian cosmonauts back and forth into space. They even took cosmonauts from at least seven other countries including Cuba and Vietnam into space with them, while we just wrung our hands. Russia destroyed an American spy satellite on September 20, 1977, Cosmos 929 destroyed a US satellite,.and a week later put our secret Moon Base out of action. Seven months later, Russia finished destroying all our spy and early warning satellites. Since then, we have tried several times to deploy spy satellites to get targeting information to launch a nuclear war, a war we have come very close to starting several times. All we found out was the Russia had moved the targets around and we dared not launch (although some wanted to anyway). Since mid-October 1977, the Moon had been a Russian outpost. There were seven manned long-range particle beam installations on the near side and at least one large base on the far side. In the past, regular missions were flown to and from the Moon in order to resupply the bases and rotate crews, and slowly but surely, the Kremlin was inching its way toward breaking the news about its control of the Moon. They were already beginning to drop
hints about it as in the example of a
publication circulated in the U.S. called
*Soviet Life* in February, 1982. It stated:
"Today spaceships shuttle between the Earth
and the Moon with greater frequency than did
the first voyages to the New World." (#80 audioletters of Dr.Peter Beter
from June 1975 till November 1982. Connect
Scientists predict Moon base by 2007
BY MARK HENDERSON, SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT MAN could return to the Moon to set up a permanent base by 2007 at half the cost of building the International Space Station, a Nasa scientist said yesterday. A lunar space station staffed by four astronauts would offer unprecedented opportunities to advance human understanding of the Universe at an affordable price and should be a priority for Nasa and the European Space Agency, Paul Spudis told the National Astronomy Meeting in Cambridge.
Dr Spudis, from the
Lunar and Planetary Institute in
Houston, Texas, said that such a project
was already technically feasible and
could be accomplished within six years
of gaining approval from politicians and
funding bodies. It would cost an
estimated $50 billion (£35 billion) —
less in real terms than the $25 billion
spent on the Apollo Moon missions of the
1960s and 1970s.
Once established, an
international base would house powerful
telescopes to take advantage of the
Moon’s lack of atmosphere and clouds and
allow detailed surveys of the surface.
It would also provide an ideal test bed
for technology that might one day
sustain astronauts on a mission to Mars.
“There are certain
scientific goals that can only be
accomplished by sending humans into
space,” Dr Spudis said. “The experiments
require human intelligence to perform. A
return to the Moon would give us a
natural laboratory for planetary science
and a unique astronomical observing
platform on which to set up instruments.
There are few earthquakes and there is
no wind, cloud or rain. Astronomers can
examine the skies constantly and without
atmospheric interference.”
He said that the Moon
base should be situated on the rim of
Shackleton’s crater, near the “south
pole”. The location had nearby ice
deposits which could be mined as a
source of water and oxygen; it also had
a stable, if cold (-50C) temperature,
and a long, sunlit day allowing the
prolonged use of solar panels.
The first team of
four astronauts, who would stay for an
initial 45 days, would set up a
permanent living module buried under the
Moon’s surface to shield from solar
radiation. That could then be used by
future missions, which would take new
modules and experiments to expand the
Scientists would use
the base to build on the knowledge
gleaned from the Apollo missions, the
last of which landed on the Moon in
1972. A base would pave the way for a
future manned mission to Mars. “The
lessons we learn through life on the
Moon would be invaluable,” Dr Spudis
Ian Crawford, an
astronomer at University College London,
agreed that a return to the Moon should
be a priority, but Andrew Coates, of the
Mullard Space Science Laboratory at
University College, said that money
would be better invested in robotic
probes. “I would love to send people,
but I am worried about the cost and
about whether they would survive,” he
said. He thought that $50 billion was a
“huge underestimate” and was concerned
about the effects of cosmic radiation.
NOTE: I guess these guys aren't in
on the "KNOW'!
Tuesday April 10, 2001 Future Moon Base Sited! By Leonard David Senior Science Writer, Fresh looks at data from the Pentagon’s Clementine spacecraft that circled the Moon for the first half of 1994 is supportive of the view that the lunar south pole is an ideal locale for a future human-tended outpost. "Shackleton crater has turned out to be a very interesting," said Stuart Nozette of the Naval Research Laboratory’s Center for Space Technology in Washington, D.C.
Nozette said that new work using
Clementine data, along with ground based
radar, as well as results from NASA’s
Lunar Prospector, all converge to show
one area inside Shackleton crater to
hold a resource of hydrogen, likely in
the form of water ice, ammonia, and
other materials. |
Friday March
30, 2001 Scientists Press NASA To Reconsider Luna
weighing just over 800lbs. Picture: AFP/Getty Images Astronomers over the Moon as probe crashes on surface
EUROPE'S first lunar mission ended its three years in space yesterday with a controlled and spectacular crash on the Moon, slamming into the planet's surface at 4,500mph and creating a flash visible to astronomers on Earth. The SMART-1 probe, roughly the size of a washing machine and weighing just over 800lb, struck a volcanic plain called the Lake of Excellence at 6:42am yesterday, at a glancing angle of between five and ten degrees. Applause broke out in the European Space Agency (ESA) control centre in Darmstadt, Germany, as Octavio Camino, the head of operations, declared: "That's it - we are in the Lake of Excellence. We have landed." The impact scattered debris over an area estimated at 30 square miles and scientists hope the dust plume kicked up will be studied by telescopes on earth to yield more clues about the origins of the Moon. One theory ESA hopes SMART-1 may shed light on is the possibility that the Moon was formed from the impact of a massive asteroid with the Earth 4.5 billion years ago. The moment of the SMART-1 impact was captured by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mount Kea, in Hawaii. However, professional and amateur astronomers from South Africa, the Canary Islands, South America and the US mainland were also hoping to witness the collision. The Moon crash-landing was the last stage of the 16-month phase in which SMART-1 had been producing detailed maps of the Moon's composition, analysing craters and studying the volcanic processes that formed the planet. While astronauts have explored several areas of the Moon, ESA believes the information collated by its craft will create a more comprehensive picture. ESA officials said they will study all the data received over the coming days and publish results "as soon as possible". The spacecraft also tested new technologies for communication and navigation. On board the SMART-1 were a miniaturised imaging camera, an X-ray telescope, an infrared spectrometer to study minerals and an X-ray solar monitor. However, the main mission of the craft, flanked by 45ft solar panels, was to test a new ion propulsion system officials hope to use on future interplanetary missions. SMART-1 - short for Small Mission for Advanced Research and Technology - was launched into Earth orbit by an Ariane-5 booster rocket from Kourou, French Guiana, in September 2003. The craft used its ion engine to slowly raise its orbit over 14 months until the moon's gravity came to bear. The engine, which uses electricity from the craft's solar panels to produce a stream of charged particles - the ions - generates only small amounts of thrust but required just 176 pounds of fuel. Ground controllers learned to adjust to the slow but continuous acceleration from the ion engine, requiring them to check the craft's course more often than with the "one-time" push from a rocket. US astronauts on Apollo missions flew to the moon in just three days, launched by giant Saturn-V rockets. The final descent on Saturday involved mission controllers raising the craft's orbit by 2,000ft using its positioning thrusters to avoid hitting a crater rim on final approach. Had the orbit not been raised, the craft would have crashed one orbit too soon, making the impact difficult or impossible to observe from earth. Built by a European consortium led by the Swedish Space Corporation, SMART-1 took the long way to the moon, travelling 62 million miles rather than the direct route of 250,000 miles. However, ESA said the cost of the mission was a relatively economical £73 million. Professor David Southwood, the ESA's director of science, said : "Future scientific missions will greatly benefit from the technological and operational experience gained thanks to this small spacecraft." NASA, the American space agency, is planning a manned mission to the moon by 2020. |