Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
page 651
I put this together while listening to one of John B. Wells new radio show which is posted on
This is an interview about the CFR by a man who was educated in Cuba.
CFR President: We Could Well Be Looking at 'Prolonged Russian Control of Crimea'
ABC News (blog)
This week we asked the Council on Foreign
Relations President Richard
Haass to answer three questions on the situation in Ukraine.
(as of March 09, 2014)
Download the print version of the membership roster as it appears in the 2013 Annual Report.
David L. Aaron
C. Spencer Abbot
Steve Abbot
Laura W. Abbot
Kimberly M. Abbott
A. Robert Abboud
Labeeb M. Abboud
Alyce N. Abdalla
Keith W. Abell
Gina K. Abercrombie-Winstanley
Robert John Abernethy
Penny Abeywardena
John P. Abizaid
Mona Aboelnaga Kanaan
Tara B. Abrahams
Max Abrahms
Michael J. Abramowitz
Morton I. Abramowitz
Elliott Abrams
Stacey Y. Abrams
William M. Abrams
David M. Abshire
Niso Abuaf
Odeh F. Aburdene
Nish Acharya
Elliot L. Ackerman
Peter Ackerman
Xanthe Ackerman
Gordon M. Adams
Jacqueline Adams
Marjorie A. Adams
Michael F. Adams
Robert McCormick Adams
Tim Adams
Clara L. Adams-Ender
Beth Addonizio
Carol C. Adelman
David Adelman
Richard C. Adkerson
Allen R. Adler
Stephen J. Adler
Amir Afkhami
Sara R. Agarwal
Sumit Agarwal
Vinnie Aggarwal
Robert F. Agostinelli
Eric Aguiar
David B. Agus
Stephanie Ahern
Salman S. Ahmed
Sanjiv Ahuja
M. Bernard Aidinoff
Negar Akhavi
Alice P. Albright
Madeleine K. Albright
Michael H. Alderman
George H. Aldrich
Aileen K. Alexander
John Alexander
Margo N. Alexander
Rafael Alfonzo
William P. Alford
Paul A. Allaire
Dan Allen
Michael Allen
Jodie T. Allen
John R. Allen
Jonathan Allen
Richard V. Allen
Thad Allen
Faheen Allibhoy
Graham T. Allison
Michael A. Almond
Anne Alonzo
Avery M. Alpha
Jonathan H. Alter
Karen J. Alter
Jon B. Alterman
Daniel Altman
Drew Altman
Roger C. Altman
William C. Altman
David Altshuler
Jose E. Alvarez
Amy E. Alving
Cyrus Amir-Mokri
Rina Amiri
Marvin Ammori
Deborah S. Amos
Manpreet S. Anand
David A. Andelman
Harold W. Andersen
Craig B. Anderson
Desaix Anderson
Edward G. Anderson III
Gloria B. Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Mark A. Anderson
Paul F. Anderson
Wendy R. Anderson
Terry L. Andreas
Brian Andrews
David R. Andrews
Michael A. Andrews
Mark Angelson
M. Michael Ansour
John Duke Anthony
Nancy A. Aossey
David P. Apgar
Mari Carmen Aponte
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Anne E. Applebaum
Francis J. Aquila
Daniel J. Arbess
Cresencio S. Arcos
Anthony Clark Arend
Gideon Argov
Stanley S. Arkin
Michael H. Armacost
Mike Armstrong
Lloyd Armstrong Jr.
Nicole Arnaboldi
Henry H. Arnhold
Adam M. Aron
Melinda Arons
Bernard W. Aronson
Jonathan David Aronson
Gabo Arora
Deana Arsenian
Adrienne Arsht
Robert J. Art
Alberta Arthurs
Carole Artigiani
Ramin Asgard
George E. Assousa
Bama Athreya
Rebecca Atkin
Betsy S. Atkins
Caroline Atkinson
Holly G. Atkinson
J. Brian Atwood
James E. Auer
Paul Auerbach
David D. Aufhauser
Byron Auguste
Norman R. Augustine
Josiah Lee Auspitz
Lloyd J. Austin III
Jesse H. Ausubel
John F. Avedon
John E. Avery
Ronit Avni
Patrick G. Awuah Jr.
Robert M. Axelrod
H. Brandt Ayers
David R. Ayón
Alyssa Ayres
Balan Ayyar
Khalid Azim
Shad Azimi
For more information, please contact Membership at or +1.212.434.9456.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization, publisher, and think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. The CFR is considered to be the nation's "most influential foreign-policy think tank". Its membership has included senior politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.
The CFR regularly convenes meetings at which government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence/foreign-policy community discuss major international issues. The council also publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, and runs a think tank called the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and authoring books, reports, articles, and op-eds on foreign policy issues.
The CFR was founded in 1921 and is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office inWashington, D.C..
“[T]he common interests very largely elude public opinion entirely, and can be managed only by a specialized class whose personal interests reach beyond the locality.”
Towards the end of World War I, a working fellowship of about 150 scholars called "The Inquiry" was tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated. Through 1917–1918, this academic band, including Wilson's closest adviser and long-time friend "Colonel"Edward M. House, as well as Walter Lippmann, gathered at the Harold Pratt House in New York City, to assemble the strategy for the postwar world. The team produced more than 2,000 documents detailing and analyzing the political, economic, and social facts globally that would be helpful for Wilson in the peace talks. Their reports formed the basis for the Fourteen Points, which outlined Wilson's strategy for peace after war's end. These scholars then traveled to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 and participated in the discussions there.
As a result of discussions they had at the Peace Conference, a small group of British and American diplomats and scholars met on May 30, 1919 at the Hotel Majestic in Paris and decided to create an Anglo-American organization called The Institute of International Affairs, which would have offices in London and New York. However, due to the isolationist views that were prevalent in American society at the time, the scholars had difficulty gaining traction with their plan, and turned their focus instead to a set of discrete meetings that had been taking place since June 1918 in New York City, under the name Council on Foreign Relations. The meetings were headed by the corporate lawyer Elihu Root, who had served as Secretary of State under President Theodore Roosevelt, and attended by 108 “high-ranking officers of banking, manufacturing, trading and finance companies, together with many lawyers.” The members were proponents of Wilson's internationalism, but were particularly concerned about "the effect that the war and the treaty of peace might have on postwar business." The scholars from the inquiry saw an opportunity here to create an organization that brought diplomats, high-level government officials and academics together with lawyers, bankers, and industrialists to engineer government policy. On July 29, 1921 they filed a certification ofincorporation, officially forming the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1922 Edwin F. Gay, former dean of theHarvard Business School and director of the Shipping Board during the war, spearheaded the Council's efforts to begin publication of a magazine that would be the "authoritative" source on foreign policy. He gathered $125,000 from the wealthy members on the council, and via sending letters soliciting funds to "the thousand richest Americans". Using these funds, the first issue of Foreign Affairs was published in September 1922, and within a few years had a gained a reputation as the "most authoritative American review dealing with international relations".
In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council. In 1938 they created various Committees on Foreign Relations[ throughout the country, funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. Influential men were to be chosen in a number of cities, and would then be brought together for discussions in their own communities as well as participating in an annual conference in New York. These local committees served to influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support for the Council's policies, while also acting as "useful listening posts" through which the Council and U.S. government could "sense the mood of the country".
Beginning in 1939 and lasting for five years, the Council achieved much greater prominence within the government and the State Department when it established the strictly confidential War and Peace Studies, funded entirely by the Rockefeller Foundation. The secrecy surrounding this group was such that the Council members who were not involved in its deliberations were completely unaware of the study group's existence. It was divided into four functional topic groups: economic and financial, security and armaments, territorial, and political. The security and armaments group was headed by Allen Welsh Dulles who later became a pivotal figure in the CIA's predecessor, the OSS. It ultimately produced 682 memoranda for the State Department, marked classified and circulated among the appropriate government departments.
A critical study found that of 502 government
officials surveyed from 1945 to 1972, more than half were members of the
Council. During the Eisenhower
administration 40% of the top U.S. foreign policy officials were Council
members (Eisenhower himself had been a council member); under Truman 42% of
the top posts were filled by council members. During the Kennedy
administration, this number rose to 51%, and finally peaked at 57% under the
Johnson administration.
In an anonymous
piece called "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" that appeared in Foreign
Affairs in 1947, CFR study group
member George
Kennancoined the term "containment." The essay would prove to be highly
influential in US foreign policy for seven upcoming presidential
administrations. 40 years later, Kennan explained that he had never
suspected the Russians of any desire to launch an attack on America; he
thought that was obvious enough he didn't need to explain it in his essay. William
Bundy credited the CFR's
study groups with helping to lay the framework of thinking that led to the Marshall
Plan and NATO.
Due to new interest in the group, membership grew towards 1,000.
Dwight D. Eisenhower chaired
a CFR study group while he served as President of Columbia
University. One member later said, "whatever General Eisenhower knows
about economics, he has learned at the study group meetings."[15] The
CFR study group devised an expanded study group called "Americans for
Eisenhower" to increase his chances for the presidency. Eisenhower would
later draw many Cabinet members from CFR ranks and become a CFR member
himself. His primary CFR appointment was Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles. Dulles gave a public address at the Harold Pratt House in
which he announced a new direction for Eisenhower's foreign policy: "There
is no local defense which alone will contain the mighty land power of the
communist world. Local defenses must be reinforced by the further deterrent
of massive retaliatory power." After this speech, the council convened a
session on "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" and chose Henry
Kissinger to head it.
Kissinger spent the following academic year working on the project at
Council headquarters. The book of the same name that he published from his
research in 1957 gave him national recognition, topping the national
bestseller lists.
On November 24,
1953, a study group heard a report from political scientist William
Henderson regarding the ongoing conflict between France and
Vietnamese Communist leader Ho
Chi Minh's Viet
Minh forces, a struggle that
would later become known as the First
Indochina War. Henderson argued that Ho's cause was primarily nationalist in
nature and that Marxism had "little to do with the current revolution."
Further, the report said, the United States could work with Ho to guide his
movement away from Communism. State Department officials, however, expressed
skepticism about direct American intervention in Vietnam and the idea was
tabled. Over the next twenty years, the United States would find itself
allied with anti-Communist South
Vietnam and against Ho and
his supporters in the Vietnam
The Council
served as a "breeding ground" for important American policies such as mutual
deterrence, arms control, and nuclear non-proliferation.
In 1962 the group
began a program of bringing select Air Force officers to the Harold Pratt
House to study alongside its scholars. The Army, Navy and Marine Corps
requested they start similar programs for their own officers.
A four-year long
study of relations between America and China was conducted by the Council
between 1964 and 1968. One study published in 1966 concluded that American
citizens were more open to talks with China than their elected leaders.
Kissinger had continued to publish in Foreign
Affairsand was appointed by President
Nixon to serve as National
Security Adviser in 1969. In 1971, he embarked on a secret trip to Beijing
to broach talks with Chinese leaders. Nixon went to China in 1972, and
diplomatic relations were completely normalized by President
Carter's Secretary of State, another Council member, Cyrus
Vietnam created a
rift within the organization. When Hamilton
Fish Armstrong announced in
1970 that he would be leaving the helm of Foreign
Affairsafter 45 years, new chairman David
Rockefeller approached a
family friend, William
Bundy, to take over the position. Anti-war advocates within the Council
rose in protest against this appointment, claiming that Bundy's hawkish
record in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA precluded him from
taking over an independent journal. Some considered Bundy a war criminal for
his prior actions.
In November 1979, while chairman of the CFR, David Rockefeller became embroiled in an international incident when he and Henry Kissinger, along with John J. McCloy and Rockefeller aides, persuaded President Jimmy Carter through the State Department to admit the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into the US for hospital treatment for lymphoma. This action directly precipitated what is known as the Iran hostage crisis and placed Rockefeller under intense media scrutiny (particularly from The New York Times) for the first time in his public life. In his book White House Diary, Carter wrote of the affair, "April 9 [1979] David Rockefeller came in, apparently to induce me to let the shah come to the United States. Rockefeller, Kissinger, and Brzezinski seem to be adopting this as a joint project..."
As stated on its website, the CFR's mission is
to be "a resource for its members, government
officials, business
executives, journalists, educators andstudents,
civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help
them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the
United States and other countries". The CFR promotes globalization, free
trade, reducing financial regulations on transnational
corporations, and economic consolidation into regional blocs such as NAFTA or
the European
Union, and develops policy recommendations that reflect these goals.
It convenes meetings at which government officials, global leaders and prominent members of the foreign policy community discuss major international issues. Its think tank, the David Rockefeller Studies Program, is composed of about fifty adjunct and full-time scholars, as well as ten in-residence recipients of year-long fellowships, who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today's international agenda. These scholars contribute to the foreign policy debate by making recommendations to the presidential administration, testifying before Congress, serving as a resource to the diplomatic community, interacting with the media, authoring books, reports, articles, and op-eds on foreign policy issues.
There are two types of membership: life, and term membership, which lasts for 5 years and is available to those between 30 and 36. Only U.S. citizens (native born or naturalized) and permanent residents who have applied for U.S. citizenship are eligible. A candidate for life membership must be nominated in writing by one Council member and seconded by a minimum of three others. Visiting fellows are prohibited from applying for membership until they have completed their fellowship tenure.
Corporate membership (250 in total) is divided into "Associates", "Affiliates" ($30,000+), "President's Circle" ($60,000+) and "Founders" (100,000+). All corporate executive members have opportunities to hear distinguished speakers, such as overseas presidents and prime ministers, chairmen and CEOs of multinational corporations, and U.S. officials and Congressmen. President and premium members are also entitled to other benefits, including attendance at small, private dinners or receptions with senior American officials and world leaders.[24]
The CFR started a program in 2008 to last for 5
years and funded by a grant from the Robina Foundation called "International
Institutions and Global Governance" which aims to identify the institutional
requirements for effective multilateral cooperation in the 21st century.
The CFR's Maurice
C. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, directed by scholar and authorSebastian
Mallaby, works to promote a better understanding among policymakers,
academic specialists, and the interested public of how economic and
political forces interact to influence world affairs.
The CFR's Center for Preventive Action (CPA) seeks to help prevent, defuse, or resolve deadly conflicts around the world and to expand the body of knowledge on conflict prevention. It does so by creating a forum in which representatives of governments, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, corporations, and civil society can gather to develop operational and timely strategies for promoting peace in specific conflict situations.
The council publishes Foreign Affairs, "the preeminent journal of international affairs and U.S. foreign policy". It also establishes independent task forces, which bring together experts with diverse backgrounds and expertise to work together to produce reports offering both findings and policy prescriptions on important foreign policy topics. The CFR has sponsored more than fifty reports, e.g. the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America that published report No, 53, titled Building a North American Community, in May 2005.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Let's start with the smoke and mirrors furnished by the CFR in several of their Annual Reports. Then we will provide the ... - Similarto Initial List of Rhodes Scholars - Dreams of the Great Earth ...
C. S. Abbott RS 1967 Charles David Abbott RS24 1972 Morris Berthod Abram CFR/RS Luton Ackerson RS16 Ernest Tolbert Adams RS11 W. B. Adams RS 1947 ... - Similarto Trilateral Commission
It shows Brzezinski to be a classic CFR man - a globalist more than lenient toward Communism. He declared that 'National sovereignty is no longer a viable ... - Similarto NEW WORLD ORDER - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
160+ items - Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order
The trend of this change will be to ... | |
Pat Robertson, in The New World ... | | - Similarto WHO RUNS THEE WORLD - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
What Estulin's book makes clear is that the group, along with the CFR and TC, has become a shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty ...
In this context, I define the Elite as anyone who is now, or who has ever been a member of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and/or ... - Similarto TAX DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order ..... was declared unconstitutional in 1895 by the Supreme Court, ... - ... - Similarto ILLUMINATI - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Illuminati organizations include the ACL, the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the .
Dec 20, 2011 ... This CFR Task Force report identifies three elements of an internationally coordinated response to the threat posed by North Korea: first, ... - Similarto THE NEW WORLD ORDER -WHAT IS IT?
utnwo5a.txt -THE CFR IN THE MEDIA utnwo5b.txt - HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER, CALLS THE TUNE utnwo6.txt -BY WHAT AUTHORITY IS THE CFR MAKING ... - Similarto NEW WORLD ORDER - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Dec 12, 2004 ... Former Congressman John Rarick 1971; "The directors of the CFR(Council on Foreign Relations) make up a sort of Presidium for that part of ... - Similarto FOOD AND DEPOPULATION - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Members of We Are Change Colorado caught up with globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger andCFR president Richard N. Haass during the RNC proceedings in ... - Similarto THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A GOOD THING?
Sep 25, 2001 ... April, 1974 -- Former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner's article The Hard Road to World ...
What Estulin's book makes clear is that the group, along with the CFR and TC, has become a shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty ... - Similarto ET EARTH BASE; SECRET SPACE STATION
Shortly after establishing itself, the Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body devoted to ...
Aug 5, 2011 ... Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, New World Order by William Blase. Rockefeller, ... In this context, I define the Elite as anyone who is now, .
May 7, 2013 ... Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and ... - Similarto POLITICAL INTRIGUE
RHODES SCHOLARS AND CFR MEMBERSHIP LISTS · THE REPO-MAN - PRESIDENT CLINTON · MICHAEL MOORE'S ACTION GUIDE. updated - 9-14-04 ... - Similarto the hierarchy of secret socieite - Dreams of the Great Earth ...
The Trilateral Commission controls through the CFR members (see below) the whole U.S. economy, politics, military, oil, energy and media lobbies.
Institute of International Education (founded in 1919, in the same time-frame of the League of Nations and the C.F.R.) (Richard M. Krasno). One of the world's ...
Dec 2, 2013 ... Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, New World Order by William Blase. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Money Trust One World Order CFR Control. - Similarto 8-24-08 - OF CAPTAINS AND KINGS
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonpartisan foreign policymembership organization founded in 1921 and based at 58 East 68th Street ... - Similarto - The Alien Presence On Earth.
The CFR and the Trilateral Commisson are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation's economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the ... - Similarto Dee Finney's blog October 11, 2012 page 332 THE SECRETS OF ...
Oct 11, 2012 ... "I was definitely being recruited," says Aaron. Apparently Aaron was well aware of the true intentions of the inner-core of the CFR. He answered ... - Similarto UNCED - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
... trustee American Institute for Contemporary German Studies; Atlantic Council of the United States; National Security Planning Group; Bohemian Grove; CFR; ... - Similarto BOHEMIAN CLUB - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
The Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre virgin redwood grove in Northern California , 75 miles north of San Francisco (map), where the rich, the powerful, and their ...
Jan 23, 2013 ... Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order. www.greatdreams. com/cfr2.htm - Similarto Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ... - Similarto AUSTRALIA DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes POPE PREPARES FOR DEATH In Australia, home to about five million Catholics, people gathered across the country, including ... - Similarto HAVE YOUR WATER TESTED - CHROMIUM 6
The current PEL in general industries is found in 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z and is a ceiling value of 100 ug/m(3) for "Chromic acid and chromates (as CrO3).
Mar 27, 2012 ... The handbook is organized with an overview of the 36 CFR 9B regulations and permitting process, information requirements for each type of oil ...
Oct 7, 2013 ... Two CFR members, Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow, supposedly listened to all of President John F. Kennedy audio tapes and wrote this ... - Similarto THE BANKSTERS OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE
Nov 12, 2008 ... The real head of the CFR is ArchBishop Edward Cardinal Eagen who sat between John McCain and Barack Obama at the Al Smith dinner in ... - Similarto CORNPLANTER - U.S. NATIVE AMERICAN POLICY
Mar 29, 2002 ... Updated (Full Text of the 43 CFR Part 10 regulation as amended January 13, 1997 and August 1, 1997 and published in the Code of Federal ... - Similarto THE PUPPETMASTER - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Illuminati organizations include the ACL, the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the ... - Similarto FIREFIGHTERS UFO MANUAL - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
His interest in UFOs was greatly heightened when Congress in 1969 adopted a law (14CFR Ch. V Part 1211--Extraterrestrial Exposure) which gave the NASA ... - Similarto HOW THE GOVERNMENT BLEW UP MANHATTAN - 9-11-2001
Sep 11, 2001 ... (Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, ... - Similarto JAPAN DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
created by David Rockefeller and CFR member Zbigniew Brezinski with the goal of economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States, .
Jun 4, 2012 ... FAA Federal Aviation Regulations (FARS, 14 CFR) Section 3 - Rules applicable to operations subject to this part. section 135.2 | section 135.7. - Similarto DRUG INFORMATION DATABASE
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order .... concerns (many Rockefeller owned or controlled) are the main ... ...
Oct 7, 2005 ... The headquarters for the CFR is The Harold Pratt House located at 58 East 68th. Street in New York City, New York 10021. Oddly enough, this ... - Similarto IRAN - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
... Syria or Iran . . . then one has to be candid. ... Jimmy Carter and the CFR cabal who ran his Administration, Iran ... - ... - Similarto HAARP DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order. HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an ... - Similarto COINCIDENCES - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order ..... national debt rose from $1 billion to $25 billion. ... - 73k - Cached ... - Similarto INDIA - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) ... South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, and the United States. ... THE DREAM AND THE REALITY. - Similarto THE LADY IN GREY - DEATH IN THE OFFICE!!!!
of the CFR affiliate, Skull And Bones Society. ... trade_day7.htm. BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE ... - Similarto A WARNING OF TERRORISM - UPS TRUCKS
Aug 1, 2004 ... The Omega truck is big. It's just over 6 tons, about the size of the largest UPS or FedEx delivery trucks. The exterior panels can be quickly ... - Similarto DOES THE CHURCH TURN A BLIND EYE TO U.S. POLITICS?
Institute of International Education (founded in 1919, in the same time-frame of the League of Nations and the C.F.R.) (Richard M. Krasno). One of the world's ... - Similarto BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE 7
Sep 11, 2001 ... ADD: And when you look at the full list of members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, and when you find that not only media but military ... - Similarto AFRICA - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oct 3, 2005 ... COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) ... nations: Britain, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, ... ...
Sep 3, 2012 ... COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR). You +1'd this publicly. Undo. The Crash paved the way for the ...
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing ... - Similarto CABAL OF CABALA - PART I - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
a CFR member, a Trilateral Commission member and a Bilderberger participant. . .. THE NEW WORLD ORDER -WHAT ... - Similarto THE COMING DARKNESS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Why have multiple references to Novus Ordo Seclorum by Congress members, CFRmembers, U.S. Presidents, international bankers - all these other Illuminatis, ... - Similarto THE UNITED NATIONS FOOD PROGRAM
Colonel Edward M. House, the founder of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR ), was President Woodrow Wilson's top foreign policy advisor. Col. House was ... - Similarto Thoth Identity - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
30. Men in Black have been on Earth since 1600AD = Illuminati (Orion). They are intrenched in the Round Table of Nine Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) U.N - Similarto CABAL OF CABALA - PART III - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
May 30, 2004 ... But to President Jimmy Carter and the CFR cabal who ran his Administration, Iran was to be the starting domino in a chain reaction designed to ... - Similarto the federalist papers - the war of 1812 - constitutional ...
Feb 26, 2001 ... Also a Skull & Bones member, and of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), and The Trilateral ...
May 10, 2012 ... The FCC's policies on RF exposure and categorical exclusion can be found in Section 1.1307(b) of the FCC's Rules and Regulations [(47 CFR ... - Similarto List of 2006 Bilderberg Attendees
... National Security Council; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs; member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); USA. - Similarto THE ULTIMATE DREAM - THE ELECTION AND MIND CONTROL
Nov 26, 2000 ... THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNSEL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS By MYRON FAGAN (A Transcript) The Illuminati and CFR ABOUT THE ... - Similarto WAR WITH IRAN - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Anticipating Cheney, he asserted at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) forum last week that "we would all like the Israelis to take care of this problem, (but) ... - Similarto THE REPTILIANS - WHO ARE THEY REALLY?
Jul 12, 2004 ... THE FEDERALIST PAPERS - THE WAR OF 1812 - CONSTITUTIONAL ... ... Sworn in on the same Masonic ...
May 27, 2012 ... They are intrenched in the Round Table of Nine Council of Foreign Relations ( CFR) ... - ... KNITTING A ... - Similarto THE SUPERHIGHWAY FACTS - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
World Order" which appeared in Foreign Affairs magazine, published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In the article he wrote: "In short, the 'house of ... - Similarto BILL CLINTON - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Sep 3, 2004 ... COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) ... the goals of the investment bankers who control central banks ... ... - Similarto CHINA AT WAR WITH AMERICA - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
He provided them with a list of 10,000 people associated with the Illuminati, mainly members of the Bilderberg, CFR and Skull and Bones. Neo Cons are also ... - Similarto THE BLACK SERPENT - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Feb 13, 2006... Powell obviously didn't pay heed, or care. However, Powell and his CFRbackers must have given Spain still another assignment...Libya. **.
Brent Scowcroft, a CFR member and former aide to Henry Kissinger, who was the National Security Advisor to Bush, was interviewed by Charles Bierbauer of ... - Similarto HAITI EARTHQUAKE 1-12-2010 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Jan 12, 2010... Consortium (technological dictatorship arm of Bilderberg/CSIS/CFR) and the AFCEA (military dictatorship arm of Bilderberg/CSIS/CFR).
Nov 16, 2012 ... Why have multiple references to Novus Ordo Seclorum by Congress members, CFR members, U.S. Presidents, international bankers - all these ... - Similarto ANOTHER ANTI-CHRIST? - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Mar 1, 2006 ... Thus, in keeping with the Dialectic Process, the Illuminati has established two special groups to further their plans: the CFR and the CNP ...
Jun 27, 2012... Atlantic Council of the United States; National Security Planning Group; Bohemian Grove; CFR; Carlyle; advisor George W. Bush in his 2000 ... - Similarto CONCENTRATION CAMP PLANS FOR U.S. CITIZENS
Aug 26, 2007 ... Other far-flung delusions may involve the United Nations, "black helicopters," concentration camps, or the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Jan 18, 2014 ... Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order. www.greatdreams. com/cfr2.htm. That day came in 1929, with the Stock Market ... - Similarto ISRAEL DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & the New World Order ... Lazard Bros: Paris ; Israel Seiff: Italy; Kuhn-Loeb Company: Germany; Warburg: Hamburg and ... - Similarto Dee Finney's blog August 3, 2012 page 264 SURVIVING IN WINTER
Aug 3, 2012 ... USGS Geospatial Data & Information Products · Programs, Research and Projects -- Maps and GIS · Available CFR Titles on GPO Access
THE DEATH OF THE ECONOMY. THE BLUE FROGS. The frog evaporated, because it wasn't there in the first place. It was there even though it wasn't there, ...
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