
This is an example of a Monolithic Dome Home


Dee Finney's blog

starting date  7-20-11

updated 1-23-2013

TODAY'S DATE 7-21-11


I promised mysyelf I wouldn't be so long-winded today, but let's see what happens.  It depends on what happens in my brain as I progress here.

Since page 1 was about my anxiety about religion, fear of death, and becoming anti-religion, it's only fair to tell you what is going on in my dream life that tells me something else is going on there.

I have dreamed multiple times about churches, both pro and con, and even more importantly, I've been told four times
 to start my own church.

The first one was  Church of the Holy Grail, which ended up as a website whehere I collect my relgious/biblical dreams and research.


The second time was in the year 2010 after I started the new set of community dreams in April.  The second church was told to me to be called ILLUMINATION and was to be all about positive thinking.    I haven't had time to do that yet, because I've been busy designing the new community which will be near Sonora, CA, but the original was planned for near Scottsdale, AZ.  In 2011, we were told not to go there - that it was too late.

Much of the design work has been shown in my dreams and visions, but I still had to put it on paper.  It's going to be of Monolithic concrete dome construction.

Here is the page of some great design work others have done.

Since we will be doing a variety of things in our community, there will be a wide variety of sizes of buildings - all the way from small shops for people to sell crafts in, to a huge spiritual center like a church, seating 350 plus people with an attached meeting room, offices and book store.

The communnity center will have two restaurants and a separate bar used for games and coffee during the day, 7 days a week, to various types of live musics bands, karioke, and musical try outs in the evenings. Next to that will be a small pool hall and shop, and across the hall will be a meeting hall that holds 350 people, where we will play bingo when not holding seminars. At the far end of this buildings will be an Olympic size pool for diving and playing for all ages with cabanas on one side and showers to wash off afterward.

The health center will house all manner of exercise rooms,  feature massage and a variety of energy healing modalities, a sound healing chamber, a color healing room, a meditation room full of crystals, two saunas, and three pools, one of which will be an Olympic size exercise pool.  In the lobby of this building, we will provide all manner of health products and herbs to enable people to have better health and longevity. 

Increasing people's health and longevity is our main goal for this project, and we will keep records on all participants so they know what changes they need to make to achieve the best health and longevity possible.  That is why we are called a 'research center'.

On the same acreage with the health center will be two 4 bedroom houses, one for men and one for women where we will hold classes, and treatments to detoxify people and teach them new ways of eating, doing all the work for them.  We will include training for them as well. We will also do colonics if necessary.  We will do two-week programs there with people living with us for that time period.  They will get full 24 hour support for the program and we will send them home with books of after care and recipes to keep up their new  way of eating. 

We will be doing longevity research in this venue for people willing to sign up and fill out medical histories for them and their families. People in the longevity research program will get full support to help them live longer than they would otherwise without assistance.

We will have a charter school, starting with accelerated learning at age 6 months, maybe younger if parents are interested.  Believe it or not, teaching children to swim and how to crawl helps their brain develop better.  We will take all students up to grade 6 to begin with, some will qualify for free tuition according to the grants coming in.  I'd really like to specialize in the kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD but we are against using drugs, so we will have to work with state law on that issue.  

We have decided that our 'give back to society program' will be to invite handicapped children with their parents to use our facilities free of charge on certain days during every month, whenever they are available to do so.

The school will have lots of activities besides a nice playground, with tennis courts, golf practice and lots of lessons such as Martial Arts, dancing, swimming, how to grow gardens and eat well and healthy - a full range program - not just classroom learning by rote.  Children  will also have interaction with live animals in the farm area including riding lessons. 

To be honest, when I went to school, history and social study books were full of lies, and I won't teach lies to kids.  Those days are done. Kids deserve to know the truth, especially about Native Americans, and slavery in early America.   Even our early presidents had slaves and fathered children with them.  Did you ever read that in your history books?  Oh yes!  Things will change in your mind when you learn the real truth about early America. Columbus really did NOT discover America either.

Another building we plan to have is a Planetarium, where we will teach both astrononmy and astrology because they go together as the Bible shows us.  There is a lot of hidden knowledge in those topics as well.

Outside the planetarium will be a good size telescrope where people cvan observe the planets, moon, and sun .  That pllantarium  is for everyone, but we will have visiting groups of students come in from other schools to study with us too to expand their knowledge base.

We wil have special gardens on both sides of the spiritual center.  One side will be a large labyrinth where people can do walking meditations, or just walk amongst the flowers and trees.  We will hold meetings after dark there as well and call in spirits, angels, and religious figures and we can photograph them when they appear.

If you haven't tried photogoraphing spirits yet, see this page:


Scroll to the right if necessary.  These photos are full size so as not to lose any details in the orbs.  They were photographed in our own front yard.

Our newest orb page is:

Many of these orbs are found in the tall pine tree, which may tell us that these orbs belong to Native Americans because many Indians were massacred near our house and Native American tradition in many tribes is that the spirits live in the pine trees after death.

Another venue on the other side of the spiritual center will be the Native American garden where we wil have drumming ceremonies at appropriate times.

Behind that area we are planning to have a Native American Museum park on which we will construct life size Native American structures such that were used by many tribes in the past.  We hope that members of those tribes will want to participate in the community help educate people.

Here are some examples:

I've had Native american spirit guides for a long time. Here is one example:

We also provide educational links for kids and teachers all over the country:

That may sound like a lot, but there is more.  Besides all these features will be fruit and nut orchards, and herb gardens in a park-like area, and 75 residences are on the drawing boards right now, and we can add more if needed according to land available, plus behind the buildings will be a full farm with animals such as chickens, ducks, peacocks, horses, alpacas, goats, sheep, and at least one cow or possibly more depending on interest in organic fresh milk.  The goats, sheep, and alpacas, perhaps angora rabbits will be used for wool for knitting and weaving classes which we will teach in the craft shops.

If you haven't seen anything that excites you so far, let me know what else you'd like to see us feature.  You can e-mail me at

If you want to live with us in Sonora, CA, take part in the longevity program, or apply for a job in the community, be one of our bands, sing in the choir, take care of animals, farm, grow organic food, work in the restaurant, be a cook or be a teacher in our school, e-mail me at the same e-mail address above.




JAN, FEB, MAR, APR  2012



JAN, FEB, MAR, APR. 2013