Dee Finney's blog
Start date July 30, 3022
Today's date August 14, 2022
page 25
8-14-11 - This dream is not in my current reality, but it could have been in
another timeline.
The dream takes lace in Wisconsin where I used to live many years ago.
I left Wisconsin in 1997. In the dream, I was living in a house I left
back when I was 18 years old, which was in 1958. That particular house was
torn down in the late 1990's and replaced by another one which stands today.
I was living in my Father's house making dinner which was not ready yet for
when my husband was to come home from work.
I was in th kitchen and the back hall door was open where there was a small
window open letting in a nice breeze. Since dinner wasn't quite ready yet
and still cooking, I went to the window in the hallway and looked out.
While looking out the window, I saw a silver-white UFO fly across the sky
heading towards the northwest.
That fact didn't surprise me too much since I knew UFO's existed. but it was
rather exciting to see one in the daytime. They were usually spotted only
at night by people who were going from one place to another for whatever
reasons. That was unusual to see them in daytime.
I walked back into the kitchen where my sister-in-law walked in from the
front room of the house. The phone rang just then. It was a long distance
call from another sister-in-law so I gave over the phone so the two sisters
could converse about family matters - one sister to another. I heard her mention
that the other sister had to make a trip to Superior which was farther north in
My sister-in-law made a comment about being able to manipulate people and I
agreed she was good at that and smiled and walked back to finish making dinner.
My husband walked in from work, and I apologized that dinner wasn't quite
done, and we decided to take a pan f hot food with us to go pick up other young
relatives who were supposed to be coming in from some kind of basketball
I packed the hot pan of rice with tomatoes and chicken parts on top of it and
we packed it into another container and took with us on a bus my husband drove.
We had to drive south through a canyon to another town where the family members
were coming in on a tour bus from a more northern part of the state.
We started off on this road - a two lane road that went through a canyon
which was rather pretty if still rustic. There were lots of trees on top
of the cliffs, and smaller trees on the sides of the canyon and a nice stream of
water on one side of the roadway.
As we drove along, I noticed that there was no traffic coming towards us and
there were rocks strewn here and there like no one had been this way in awhile
to clean up the road.
The farther we went the more rocks were in the roadway, but since we were in
a large bus which was sturdy, my husband decided to keep going which got worse
and worse, and when we came to a large rock fall, he decided to keep driving on
the rocks instead of stopping and backing up. There was no place to turn
It was evident that a flood had come through this canyon and the road was no
longer pavement, it was all rocks. Since our bus could drive over the
rocks with no problem, my husband kept going, hoping the road would reappear at
some point, but he was wrong.
We finally came to a place where the rock fall was even worse and a huge rock
was right in the middle of the road and there was no way to go around it.
By now we couldn't back up either. There were too many rocks in the roadway.
My husband stopped the bus at that point and we decided to get out of the bus
and look ahead to see how bad it was. Evidently, the rock fall had
happened some time back because ahead of us were hovels built on the rock fall
by other people who had been this way and were no longer there.
The hovels were round - about 8 feet tall, made of canvas and sticks, each
one different from the other, but it was evident that people had lived there for
a time. I couldn't imagine why the people hadn't just walked back out the
way they had come like we were going to have to do.
I decided that we might as well eat some of the dinner I had brought with us
because it was still warm, and the rice and chicken looked really appetizing
about now.
I offered some of the food to my husband and we were just going to sit down
and enjoy it when we heard a car coming up behind us who also had to have
driven over the rocks to get that far.
I decided to hide what was ion the food pan rather than inviting whoever was
in that car to join us, but we had to get out of the bus and go see who was
coming towards us. At that point I couldn't see who it was - but I didn't
think it was a good idea to show him or them that we had food with us - not
until we knew who they were.
. We didn't yet know who lived in those hovels either.
NOTE FROM DEE: They say that dreams are all about the self, and many of
them are, but that does not mean there is no reality to them.
I have to admit that I am totally shocked about this news article,
havingt identified the hovels in the canyon as Serrano right from my own
Native American web page: This is about flash flood warnings to
the Serrano Indians: They live in the Grand canyon.
Published: December 25, 2008
Two flash-flood-warning gauges have been installed in Havasu
Creek to provide early alerts to hikers, campers and members of the
Havasupai tribe whose remote village, Supai, at the bottom of the
Grand Canyon has been subjected to repeated and dangerous flash
floods. The Arizona Department of Water Resources led a multiagency
effort to install the $60,000 worth of gauges after a flash flood on
Aug. 15 forced the emergency evacuation of several hundred tribal
members and tourists camping near the spectacular Havasu Falls. The
flood destroyed hiking trails and a campground. Gov. Janet
Napolitano signed the Havasupai Reservation Declaration in October,
directing state agencies with available resources to assist the
tribe, whose economy depends on tourism. The tribe has also received
a $1 million donation from the San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission
Indians, near Highland, Calif., to help rebuild the campground, foot
bridges and hiking trails. The tribe expects to reopen the
campground by May 1.
This dream, is in fact about me and a problem I am facing with IRS - is the big
rock in the road. It's all about me creating the community in Arizona,
which is evident in the other clues.
However, rocks can be picked up and moved, or driven
over - as in the smaller ones - but as in the first scene of the UFO, that
is indeed reality and part of my own reality as well as billions of other people
on earth. Disclosure is coming country by country. China is
expected to be the next one to disclose their UFO files.
There is plenty of evidence of UFO's existence in our past if one is willing
to accept what has been written throughout history. It's even in the
Bible as well as in Hindu history - where they were called Vimanas.
UFO is a term that was coined in America in the 1940'ss right before the Roswell
incident, which is still being investigated vigorously today.
Here a re ufo and alien topics I've written about earlier:
ANUNNAKIS -,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d674beae9fb3039b&biw=985&bih=678
NEPHILIM -,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d674beae9fb3039b&biw=985&bih=678
GIANTS -,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d674beae9fb3039b&biw=985&bih=678
UFOS =,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d674beae9fb3039b&biw=985&bih=678
Flying machines are sometimes
mentioned in ancient texts; one example is the Vimanas,
flying machines found in the Sanskrit epics of India. ...
by BM Wheeler -
Related articles
These accounts coincide with some
of Zechariah Sitchin's speculations and the urological theories
concerning the ancient Indian vimanas.
NOTE FROM DEE: In the dream, there was a woman I identified as my
sister-ion-law who admitted she was a manipulator. She had dark hair and
stood in front of the piano which could stand for disharmony, but I can't really
identify this woman as I don't have a sister-in-law or any other relative like
that. She may appear in the future though, and I'll remember the dream if
she appears.
The rocks represent obstacles, which we managed to drive over since we were
driving a large bus to pick up other relatives who were at a basketball
tournament. The other relatives could represent the other people we are
inviting to come live with us in our planned community who are off playing life
games. That's the closet I can come to identifying them.
I knew immediately what the big rock in the road was IRS - which
is my biggest stumbling block. they want a lot of money to file the
paperwork in order to become a non-profit educational organization. See:
I hid it he food in the bus so the car behind us didn't know we had it -
I can't identify who that might be yet, but the person (s) are coming in the
The food sounded appetizing to me, rice with tomatoes and chicken - one of my
favorite foods.
I have not identified the three hovels near the big rock. They looked
like ancient Indian type homes, so that might be related. There was no one
in them. In my plan for the community, I planned to put an Indian museum
with dwelling replicas. See this page: There are
examples on that page that match what I saw in the dream. Sticks in the
ground, in a circle with a covering over them.
What I found interesting was the connection between the reality of the UFOS
to the problems that came later, since I've been working on the basis of dreams
that started coming to me in 1991 to create a community. The stumbling
blocks (rocks) of which there have been many, many of them over the years, and I
managed to conquer them all eventually except this last one the IRS
paperwork and money they demand to file it.
I'll get it done. One step at a time, even with little or no help.
If its meant to be, it will happen.
EXAMPLES OF REALITY,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d674beae9fb3039b&biw=967&bih=678
NOTE FROM DEE: I had a dream about the PROPHECY KEEPERS a couple
months ago. yOU MIGHT WANT TO READ THIS PAGE. - Ancient Cherokee Origins - Cherokee Phoenician
Prophecykeepers also hosts all of the late Dr Robert
Ghost Wolf's websites, in particular: - Hopi Blue Star
Prophecy Fulfilled