A Star on the Wiltshire landscape
appeared on 7-3-2010
A new Star appears next to
the mysterious
St Martin's Chapel
(built in the 13th century) is situated on the edge of the earthwork
defences of an earlier Iron Age hill fort known
Chisbury Camp.
The 5-pointed star has long been connected to
Venus, Jesus, Satan, and the Mayan connection to the year 2012. Read
article above.
It is also connected to the stars pictured below.
MY PLANET IS COMING....and other wisdom from a three year
I wanted to share a daily experience I have, being a father.
Now, for those of you who have children, you know that at
any point, you could be privy to just about anything coming
out of there mouths.
The situation with my children is a little different. People
have all kinds of names for them. I don't subscribe to
"Indigo Children", "Crystal Children", etc. Labels limit the
I am blessed with not one, but 4 of these beings. All of
them having something to say about why they are here and
what is going to soon happen to the planet. Protecting them
became a priority, so they have been homeschooled, and
taught the ancient way. They are a precious gift.
Each one, starting as soon as they could talk, around age
1, started describing where they come from and what they are
here for, and what is going to happen. Imagine your 2 year
old telling you the planet will turn over, that the
volcanoes will erupt all over the place, that the "people
will all fall down", and that everything will change very
soon. They talk of ships coming to the earth to take people
to a safe place. And now my second son, now 3, has been
telling us for a year, "My planet is coming!"
For those of you paying attention. You can see it on Google
Sky. You can see it on Nasa's SOHO and Stereo pics. You can
see it's effects on the magnetosphere on a daily basis as it
twist the earth's field (it never used to do that).
Every day he tells me, "My planet is coming!"
what color is it? "Red"
Where is it? "It's near the sun, so you can't see it very
well, but soon you can."
When? I can't get an answer, because time is not the same to
him as to us. He says sometimes, "in three minutes" for
example, so this is useless to pursue. He lives in a
different relationship with time and space. every night when
he goes to sleep he goes to his planet, and his "Population"
and makes sure everything is OK, and then comes and tells us
about it.
His POPULATION! He used this word for the first time when
he was 2 and a half. We never even use the word. He spoke it
all on his own, talking about his planet coming.
He says that when his planet comes here, it will be a good
thing, that there will be fire in the sky, everywhere, and
that the ocean will become huge waves, and many things will
change on the Earth, but the children will be safe.
"The bad people will go away," he says.
It is hard to be detached from the devastation that is
occurring all around the world. Many here on this site
clearly don't take it seriously, or take themselves or life
seriously. I am not speaking to them. I am speaking to those
who are paying attention. Who live with their hearts open,
who are looking for the clues to take them to the next
level, always. Every day, to grow, to be better people, to
love more, to live more. Time is so short. This is not the
time to quibble.
For those of you in the Gulf
of Mexico states, my heart goes out to you. I know your
lives are changing before your eyes. We all have very
difficult decisions to make in the days to come. The most
important thing we can do is to listen, to pray, to ask
where we need to be and what we need to do, to be of the
highest service, and to provide for those we love until this
acceleration takes us all through the singularity.
I can say this. At the behest of our children, we have sold
everything and moved to a safe location. Here, we can grow
food year round, have fresh air, water, and nourishment as
long as that is necessary. It is my hope that you have done
the same. If not, it is never too late.
He reminds us that all we need to do until his planet comes
is "Play". that is, for him, to be in the moment, to enjoy
life, and to love whatever he does, whether that's play in
the ocean, play in the garden, plant seeds, it doesn't
Life is precious. Let us not waste it on trivial things, the
mundane. If you knew that you had a year to live, what would
you do? Well, if you don't KNOW, or you can't accept the
inevitability of the calendar, whichever one you use,
Live as though...
It puts things into perspective. It makes you laugh more,
listen better, and enjoy the present moment, because that is
all we have. We are on holiday at the moment.
The interesting thing is what happens when seemingly random
statements and events begin to correspond.
For instance, what happens when anomaly after anomaly takes
place in the scientific community, within NASA, with the
magnetosphere, and of course with the earth, all
corresponding with what the children speak of--not just
mine, but many, as you may read in this thread, all over the
Obviously, you have to take the child's conditioning into
account. Not many are allowed to be "themselves" past 3
anymore, and most are subject to horrendous amounts of
conditioning even before they can talk. But that is another
subject-- conscious parenting is a lost art, and the
cultural conditioning today is not an easy thing to reckon
I would say this-- most children have more to teach adults
than adults have to teach them, if you let them.
You are not listening.
The children are here to introduce US. Not the other way
Jesus taught as much.
If you cannot be as children, if you cannot even listen to
the children, then where is the kingdom of god?
I will say this - they know more of Christ than most adults
I have encountered on this planet, and this is not a good
thing. That is why I am here.
Who are the "bad people"?
I asked this question. He said they are "people without love
in their hearts."
Listen everyone, the truth resonates at a deep level within.
That can be scary to some, I understand. You are not
resented. It is simply where you are. At a certain point,
you will cease being a mouthpiece for the conditioned world
and you will wake up to a moment of truth-- an experience of
Awe, one beyond words. Time will seem to stop. You will gasp
for air. The heart will feel as though it has stopped
beating in your breast. In that moment, may I remind you to
Separation is the source of the duality on this plane. The
duality gets stronger as the acceleration takes place. It is
in the face of adversity, of trial, of challenge, that the
truth within us takes form within our hearts and is manifest
for all to see. This is why we must
work so diligently to let go, to purify the consciousness
that suffers the dualistic state at the mercy of the ego. To
live in the "sea of tranquility" it is simply a matter of
letting go. Nature teaches this, which is why immersion in
the natural world is such a great healer.
There is no need to teach the children. They know more than
you or I. Have you not been paying attention? It is not
important to share with them what we know or think is
coming, what is going to happen, but to ask the questions.
When we speak to a child, they hear, better than most
adults. They are as a sponge. The younger they are, they
have no filters. They are wired to absorb, to learn as
quickly as possible, to emulate, to imitate. They live in an
altered state most of the time. How sensitive is this state
of being? How many parents know this, care for this?
Conscious Parenting 101. Were it a pre-requisite for
conception, this world would be a vastly different
I know this is a frightening time for many. Many feel
powerless. Alone, Stuck with no way out. But look around.
You have all found friends here, people you resonate with.
You are never alone.
Is the End coming? The Beginning? Remember, for a person
watching a birth from the outside, it is the beginning of a
new life. For a fetus, it is the end of life in the womb.
Try to step outside yourself, and gain a new perspective.
My girl is 6 and couple days ago she tells me over 3 months
all people and animals are dead.
Hi OP,
When my daughter was 3, she ran into my room one morning all
excited! She had to tell me her dream. She said she was in
heaven, and went through a turning hole. There she saw
angels dressed in white. There was a leader angel on a white
winged horse. She said He had white hair and a crown, wore
all white, and had the bluest eyes. She kept talking about
His beautiful blue eyes. Then she said for me not to worry,
they will come and save us from the lava. She said they love
us all very much.
There had been other times when she has described heaven to
me, and she has always said from a very young age, that she
was on earth to help.
My wife had a vision of she and I caring for many children
and some families aboard a craft of some kind. There was a
river inside the ship, and a waterfall that purified the air
inside, and every day at a certain time all the people
gathered to watch the river overflow or 'flush out' the
water/air/breathing system(???). She said we were caretakers
of many children on this craft which just sort of hovered at
maybe 20-30 thousand feet and slowly drifted from place to
place. The roof of the craft was a clear dome.
Then she had another vision where we were with the same
people, but now leading them through a suburban neighborhood
street, going into each house in order, scavenging for
whatever people had left when they all fled. As our group
combed the houses on the street, it was clear that the
owners had all left quickly, and none of them were around as
it was dead silence but for us. So maybe some kind of
evacuation? Anyway there were lots of useful tools,
medicines and food which we were finding and we felt very
safe and protected, according to her.
Then there was another vision she had where she and I were
in a hammock, peacefully watching the sunset while many
families and happy people played and enjoyed themselves.
These three visions were described by her in great detail in
the morning after we woke up or in one case she had written
it down and I read it when I came home from work. I was able
to question her about the visions and she described them in
good detail as to what the picture of her vision was. I fear
that it is all true.
I believe the OP's story because I also have had what I call
my "cosmic wanderings"; I'm a contactee. 25 years ago I was
already practicing astral projection and have recalled many
specific experiences from those journeys and countless
others since.
One involved the "saviour ships" and I remember clearly
witnessing the government- sanctioned landings, the long
rows of white tents where people were pulsed aboard the
craft. Upon entering, I.D.'s were checked, medical records
were examined and specific concerns addressed. But the line
moved steadily and without the usual human delays.
There was a military presence
surrounding the entire landing/processing area, but they
were benign and there strictly to maintain a semblance of
order. The armed soldiers seemed awkward and aware they were
there merely on display: since nearly everyone - to a child-
behaved somberly and as if in deep thought. There were also
several people who appeared to be genuinely excited, but
their attitudes changed too, as they moved closer to the
tent entrance.
All in all it was a very peaceful scene [surreal to be sure]
but generally a matter-of-fact event with little disruption.
The processing continued for several days, non-stop. I saw
no one turned away, although I noted several who did change
their minds and exit the area.
That's why I believe the OP. Or... more specifically, his
children. Could this be the celebrated "rapture" that
religinuts speak of with the slightest of provocation? Could
be... who really knows? I don't especially care one way or
BUT, I DO believe that we are in for one Hell of a very ugly
ride before those "saviour ships" start to arrive.
On 2-17-10, I had a dream about a Star named Hades.
I believe that to be the third star seen below: The last and final start
to cause the poleshift to occur:
As of 12-25-09 - the Light Beings state that the
date of May 27, 2010 has a 60% chance of a poleshift/tuning occurring
but it probably will not happen. However, on the date of December 21,
2012, there is a 98% chance of the poleshift/tuning occurring because of
the people's fear of that date.
Keep watching
http://www.greatdreams.com/2012.htm for more details as they come
A new page was put up recently about a brown star
near Pluto named Hercolubus.
On 3-28-10, I listened to Stewart Best talking
about the poleshift. The interview took place with Art Bell in 1999, and
even then he was seeing all the signs of a coming poleshift.
Here they are: Mind you, this was written by
Stewart Best in 1998:
ONE of the
primary reasons for such erratic weather in the world, along with
volcanic and earthquake activity THAT IS NOW INCREASING RAPIDLY, is the
prophecy concerning what could only be called a
with the earth realigning itself upon a whole new polar axis. This
prophecy can be found in Isaiah 24; Isaiah 13:13; and Jeremiah 50:46.
There are other references as well. This article does not debate the
MECHANICS of the event itself so much, that is, whether the shift is
CRUSTAL or the ENTIRE EARTH, or if there is another TRIGGER EVENT, such
SOMETHING ELSE, but rather with what the Bible declares is the trigger
event. What we are going to investigate is what Scripture says, and what
several other books of the ancients have to say, concerning a POLAR
SHIFT. That there is one coming is certain, according to the Bible.
Note, that one of the signs is the changing of the
Axis: this has happened twice that we've been told about: in the
earthquake/tsunami of 12/26/04 in Sumatra, and in the recent series of
serious earthquakes in Chile in 2010: where we were told that the
earth's axis changed by 3 inches and shortened time by 1.26
microseconds. That doesn't sound like a lot, but if these earthquakes
continue - the change will accumulate. At what point would it just then
flip the 30 degrees we've been told about?
(Isaiah 13:10) The stars of
heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising
sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
(Isaiah 13:12) I will make man
scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.
Isaiah 13:13) Therefore I will
make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the
wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger.
(Isaiah 24)
24:1 Behold,
the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it
upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with
the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the
maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller;
as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of
usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and
utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word.
4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world
languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do
5 The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth,
and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants
of the earth are burned, and few men left.
7 The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth,
all the merryhearted do sigh.
8 The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of
them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth.
9 They shall not drink wine with a song; strong
drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.
10 The city of confusion is broken down: every
house is shut up, that no man may come in.
11 There is a crying for wine in the streets;
all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone.
12 In the city is left desolation, and the gate
is smitten with destruction.
13 When thus it shall be in the midst of the
land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive
tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.
14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall
sing for the majesty of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea.
15 Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires,
even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea.
16 From the uttermost part of the earth have we
heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness,
my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt
treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very
17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon
thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
18 And it shall come to pass, that he who
fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he
that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the
snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of
the earth do shake.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth
is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression
thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high,
and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as
prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the
prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the
sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and
in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.
Jeremiah 4:24
Listen to this passage
looked on the mountains, and behold, they were quaking,
And all the hills moved to and fro.
Jeremiah 50:46
Listen to this passage
the shout, "Babylon has been seized!" the earth is shaken,
and an outcry is heard among the nations.
More and great earthquakes: (See
http://www.greatdreams.com/earth.htm )
Stewart Best's poleshift is greater than the
lightbeings are predicting, but even 30% is a lot:
Stewart Best is predicting 90% or greater.
VISION - 9-11-09 - A comet, a star,
and the sun - all in one picture.

This information confirms the Mayan and the Hopi
prophecies of which only half have been released.
The Mayan and Hopi who are related tribes have
predicted the Blue Star Kachina (See Comet Holmes), a red star (which
has not happened yet) and changes in the magnetism of the earth - and
our sun has had almost no sunspots in over a year - and the ones that
have appeared have been very small and disappeared quite quickly. See:
Drunvalo Melchizedek was interviewed on
coasttocoasstam.com late last evening and he told the audience that the
Mayans and the Hopis have not even told him about the devastation of the
coming pole shift because they want to announce it themselves at the
proper time.
Drunvalo also said that no amount of stored food in
your pantry cannot save you.
I don't personally agree with that, but there is
more information you need to know.
Russia studied their cosmonauts and they discovered
that when the cosmonauts were deprived of magnetism, their brains
stopped functioning, and within 14 days, they had no memories left. They
didn't die, but they were back to primitive human beings with no skills
whatsoever. They went from brilliant men to children within 14 days.
That is what can happen to us. There won't be a need for cars, gas, oil,
airplanes, cities, etc. if we can't even feed ourselves. With no
memories, you can only imagine how dysfunctional this world can become.
The Hopis who were once Mayans themselves, state
Comet Holmes was the sign that the end of time has begun. That was
on October 24, 2007. No poleshift happens in just one day, but at some
point between that date and 2015, the earth will lose its magnetism and
we will begin to shift the poles. This span of time is called a 'window
of time, so there is no set date we can point to. The megentism field of
the earth has been diminishing for 2,000 years, but in the last 40
years, the magnetic fields are changing wildly, and animals which depend
on this magnetism are getting lost. You can see how far it will go in
the information below.
The last poleshift occurred 13,000 years ago, and
some people survived, but archaeologists know that great civilizations
were on earth prior to that, and we are just now discovering where they
were. We are actually in the 5th civilization now - and it won't be long
and the surviving humans will start the 6th civilization- from scratch.

From a 9-9-05 dream - click link

COMET 17 P HOLMES appeared on
October 24, 2007
This photo was taken November 11,
2007 after the tail of Comet 17 P Holmes lost its tail.
The comet burst and expanded so large, it was larger than the sun.
ABOUT 2012
PART 1 -
- PART 3
4 -
PART 5 -
- PART 8
9 -
PART 10 -
- PART 12
- PART 13