Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20,, 2011
Today's date August 23, 2011
page 31
I woke up in the middle of the night by a fire siren blasting in my right
ear, followed by a m an's voice yellling EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE,
i immediately thought of San Francisco because I had been told earlier this
year that I had to be out of here by November. I actually started packing
in January f this year because I had been having dreams and visions of my Father
along with a Andormedan woman dressed in a pink dress telling me to pack and
move out of here and help the Indians.
Of course, Joe who I live with wouldn't hear of it and is still resisting
moving from this house because our rent isi so cheap. I'm not complaining
abou tthat, but our house was built in 1899 and it wouldn't survive an
earthquake of any large size.
San Franciso is 100 miles west of us.
When there was an earthquake a couple years ago in San Jose, a 5.0 - about 100
miles south of us, it felt and sounded like a big tree fell on our roof, and we
have large cracks in the bathroom ceiling and in the wall of the house on the
west side. Our whole house is going to fall down around us if a larger one
Later in the moring, you probably are arleady aware of the Washington DC
earthquakek which was a 6.0. I'm surprised there wasn't more damage, but I
hear that a nuclear power plant is smoking in Mineral, Virginia.
That turned out not to be true at all.
Besides that, I heard later in the day, that this was not really an
earthquake, it was an underground explosion in Virginia near the
I was told by this same person who ad vacationed at that park several years
ago that military guards were all over that place, so who knows what really
happened below there. They say that underground military bases are all
over the place nnowadays.
This was confirmed by HAWK on the Steve Quayle Survive2thrive radio show that
it was a nuuclear attack that destroyed the underground base. In other
According the biggiess in the Federal Bank group - those guys were all in
bunkers because they KNEW it was coming.
They are expecting more of these to occur in the near future.
Let's see how close it is to the map I drew when I dreamed about the nuclear
power plant blowing on the east coast.
Obviously my map was a few miles off - maybe HAARP didn't get aimed quite
right. :-)
Just kidding.
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake just hit Mineral, VA, sending shockwaves up
and down the East Coast of the United States that evacuated the Capital
Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. With
Japan’s Fukushima
Daiichi earthquake, tsunami and ensuing nuclear disaster still fresh in
our memory — and still sending
radiation through that country — everyone is wondering how this latest
tremor will affect nuclear
power plants in the Mineral, VA area. The answer, as of now, is not much
— but there are six
nuclear reactors within 150 miles of the earthquake’s epicenter, and
a recent report by the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission says that we’re not properly prepared for a
The earthquake shook not only the nation’s capital but reached as far
north as Boston, rocking New York City
along the way. The East Coast corridor is the most densely populated area in
the US with about 50 million people living there. “It’s one of the
largest that we’ve had there,” U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy
Jones told CNN after the quake. She noted that aftershocks would probably
follow. “People should be expecting (them), especially over the next
hour or two.”
With the earthquake now appearing to have passed, it shines a brighter
light on our lack of preparedness for a earthquake-initiated nuclear
disaster. As this map
shows the East Coast of the United States has many nuclear power plants.
A government task force, commissioned by the
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, just deemed many of these to be unsafe
in the event of a Fukushima-like situation.
The group found that currently, we are in no shape to handle such an
event, but a disaster could be prevented on our country’s soil if new
regulations are written and followed. In addition to recommending the
strengthening of safety measures that should already be in place, the task
force has pointed out the necessity for designing better water flow systems,
operational vents for hydrogen release and plans for simultaneous problems
at adjacent reactors. With a fault line running right under
New York City and the Indian Point
Nuclear Power plant — and other reactors — within an arm’s length of that
major metropolitan area, we better start jumping on getting the proper
regulations in order.
+ East Coast Earthquake Coverage on Inhabitat
Read more:
5.9 Mineral, Virginia Earthquake Shakes Six Nuclear Power Plants Within 150
Miles Six Nuclear Power Plants Within 150 Miles of Mineral, Virginia Earthquake
– Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
While east coast seismic activity isn’t quite as robust as what’s seen on the
west, there is a cycle seen in earthquake activity on this side of the nation. A
study by the Earth Observatory found that a 6.0 quake hits the area about every
670 years, and a 7.0 magnitude hits about every 3,400 years.
There are several fault lines in New York’s metro area, including one along
125th Street, a fault line on Dyckman Street in Inwood, and another in Dobbs
Ferry in Westchester County. The New York City
Area Consortium for Earthquake Loss Mitigation rates the chance of an
earthquake hitting the city as moderate. In the event of an earthquake of 5.0
seismologist believe that the city would likely sit fairly sound. While there
would undoubtedly be costly damage in the millions to billions of dollars,
particularly to buildings of older construction, skyscrapers would would not
Where subways, bicycles and foot are the dominant forms of transportation,
On Friday 88-25-11 - evacuations are beinng ordered all along the
coast. 250,,000 people in lower Manhattan are especially in danger and
will be made to evacuate as well.
Read more:
5.9 Earthquake Shakes East Coast From Virginia to New York City | Inhabitat New
York City
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Two nuclear reactors at the North Anna power plant
outside Richmond, Va. have shut down as a result of the earthquake Tuesday, the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission said.
Twelve other nuclear power plants in New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania and
Maryland have also declared unusual events but have not shut down, the NRC said.
The shutdown at the North Anna facility was automatic, an NRC spokeswoman
said, triggered by a 5.9 magnitude earthquake. The plant is located just seven
miles northeast of the quake's epicenter in Mineral, Va. It is 40 miles from
Richmond, Va. and 70 miles from Washington, D.C.
Two other plants are located within 100 miles of the epicenter -- Calvert
Cliffs near Lusby, Md., and Surry near Williamsburg, Va. Those plants have not
reported any problems.
The reactors at North Anna are now relying on power from four back-up diesel
generators to run basic plant functions, the NRC spokeswoman said. Those
functions include running pumps that keep spent nuclear fuel stored at the plant
The power plant is shut down and in a safe condition, a Dominion Resources (D,
Fortune 500) official and the Louisa County public information office told
CNN. There has been no release of nuclear material, Louisa County spokeswoman
Amanda Reidelbach said.
A disruption of offsite power, not an unheard of event, is one of the biggest
fears for critics of nuclear power. Power is needed to circulate water that both
cools the rector core and the
spent fuel, which lies near the reactor in specially-designed pools.
Dominion’s North Anna Nuclear Plant Loses Power After
August 23, 2011, 4:33 PM EDT

By Julie Johnsson
(Updates with comment from analyst in seventh paragraph.)
Aug. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Dominion Resources Inc. lost all
offsite power at its North Anna nuclear power plant in Virginia and began
using backup diesel generators after a 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck
One of the four diesel generators stopped working after
startup, David McIntyre, a spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, said in an e-mail today. There were no reports of damage at the
plant, he said. North Anna is about 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the
earthquake’s epicenter in Mineral, Virginia, according to Bloomberg data.
The earthquake was felt from Richmond, Virginia to
Toronto and as far west as Columbus, Ohio. Eight nuclear plants in Region 1,
which stretches from Maryland to Maine, declared “unusual events,” the
lowest of the four emergency designations classified by the commission, said
Beth Hayden, a spokeswoman for the nuclear agency.
“I suspect we’ll see other plants declaring unusual
events,” Hayden said in a telephone interview.
U.S. nuclear plants are required to have batteries
capable of powering a plant for four hours and diesel generators protected
by a hardened structure. The power is necessary to keep fuel cool at the
site, preventing a meltdown and a radioactive release.
Japan’s Fukushima reactors lost offsite power after a
magnitude 9 earthquake struck in March. The tsunami that followed the quake
wiped out its diesel generators, leading to a meltdown and the worst nuclear
accident since Chernobyl.
Cool the Core
“The reactors need power to cool the operating cores and
spent fuel,” Chris Gadomski, a nuclear analyst for Bloomberg New Energy
Finance, said in an e-mail. “If we lose the backup diesel generators at
North Anna, you can have a similar situation as Fukushima developing there.
Virginia Power should try to restore offsite power as soon as possible.”
Non-emergency workers were evacuated from North Anna,
said Amanda Reidelbach, a spokeswoman for the Louisa County sheriff’s
Constellation Energy Group Inc. declared an unusual event
at its Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant in Maryland, about 45 miles east
of Washington. Both units continued to operate, according to an e-mail from
Mark Sullivan, a company spokesman.
PPL Corp. also declared an unusual event at its
Susquehanna reactors in Pennsylvania. Unit 1 is operating at full power and
Unit 2’s return to full output is being delayed “as a precautionary
measure,” according to a company statement.
The Indian Point nuclear plant located outside New York
City, is operating normally, said Jerry Nappi, a spokesman for plant owner
Entergy Corp.
--With assistance from Zachary Mider in Chicago, Aaron Clark and
Christine Buurma in New York, Mike Lee in Dallas and Brian Wingfield and
Richard Heidorn in Washington. Editors: Tina Davis, Jasmina Kelemen
To contact the reporter on this story: Julie Johnsson in Chicago at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Susan Warren at
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1. Does the plant need 4 generators or is the one that is now broken a redundancy?
2. Is there enough fuel on hand to out last Hurricane Irene if need be, whose current forecast track passes within only a few miles of North Anna - as close as Katrina hit to New Orleans?
I live within a couple miles of the plant, I saw the black start up smoke of the back up generators within a minute or so of the quake. There should be plenty of fuel to keep
em running and I'd hope that some tankers with tested fuel are on the way.
I used to work there (purchasing) and I was called in to handle parts supply situations
It's was well run plant but as always, nothing is perfect. But I don't think they should
be building a 3 reactor here - the cooling lake already goes over a 100f - plant discharge
sometimes reach 105f.
The water level on the hot side has dropped by about 8 inches since the quake - and
there has not been any info on the dam that forms this lake.
Va Power has not kept any of us locals informed about whats going on, and the dam is
crucial to cooling.
I've been telling neighbors that they are not running the pumps that cool that condense the steam
after going through the turbines. I hope I am right
U.S. Nuclear Industry Tested by Twin Threats
U.S. Nuclear Industry Tested by Twin Threats
Dominion Resources/via Bloomberg News
Dominion Resources Inc.'s nuclear-reactor powered North Anna Power Station, near Mineral, Virginia, is pictured in this undated company photo.
Dominion Resources Inc.'s nuclear-reactor powered North Anna Power Station, near Mineral, Virginia, is pictured in this undated company photo. Source: Dominion Resources/via Bloomberg News
U.S. nuclear plants face the first post-Fukushima test of their ability to withstand multiple natural disasters as Hurricane Irene bears down on an area shaken by a 5.8-magnitude earthquake.
The temblor yesterday knocked out power to Dominion Resources Inc.’s North Anna nuclear plant in Virginia and prompted 12 stations from North Carolina to Michigan to declare“unusual events,” the lowest-level emergency designated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
North Anna’s twin reactors were being cooled by backup diesel generators yesterday after automatically shutting down during the earthquake, whose epicenter was less than 15 miles (24 kilometers) from the plant, about 85 miles southwest ofWashington, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
One of the plant’s four diesel generators, which power the reactors’ cooling systems during the blackout, stopped working as a result of a coolant leak, Roger Hannah, a spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said in an interview. Dominion Resources called a fifth standby generator into service to replace the broken unit, Ryan Frazier, a spokesman for the Richmond, Virginia-based company, said in an e-mail.
“It’s not critical at this point,” Hanah said. “They are able to operate all safety systems off the generators they have.”
Hurricane Irene Expected
As East Coast nuclear operators recover from the earthquake, they’re reviewing emergency plans in advance of Hurricane Irene’s expected arrival later this week. The storm’s current track set by the National Hurricane Center estimates Irene will go ashore in North Carolina on Aug. 27 before moving up the East Coast, possibly threatening New York and New England.
The double threat from the earthquake and hurricane is providing a test of the U.S. nuclear industry’s disaster preparation at a time when regulators and industry operators are studying the lessons of the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in March.
The Fukushima reactors lost power after a magnitude 9 earthquake struck in March. The tsunami that followed the quake swamped the plant’s diesel generators, leading to a meltdown and the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.
“Based on all information we have thus far, the systems at every U.S. nuclear energy facility where the earthquake’s effects were felt responded as designed,” Tony Pietrangelo, senior vice president and chief nuclear officer at the Nuclear Energy Institute, a Washington-based industry group, said in a statement yesterday.
Assessing Damage
Workers at North Anna were trying to determine whether the generator was damaged during the earthquake or as the result of a mechanical failure, Hanah said.
North Anna, which generates 1,806 megawatts of power, enough to supply 450,000 homes, is designed to withstand a 6.2 earthquake, William Hall, another Dominion spokesman, said in an interview. Following yesterday’s temblor, the station declared an “alert,” the second-lowest of four emergency classifications set by the nuclear oversight agency.
Hall said a damage inspection was still underway at 6 p.m.New York time yesterday. He said he didn’t know when the plant would restart.
“We will be conservative,” he said.
12 ‘Unusual Events’
The earthquake was felt from Richmond to Toronto and as far west as Columbus, Ohio, and prompted power companies across the region to inspect pumps, motors and valves for damage. Twelve nuclear plants, including two as far west as Michigan, declared“unusual events,” the lowest of the four emergency designations set by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said Joey Ledford, a spokesman for the nuclear agency.
The quake shows why the industry shouldn’t wait to implement safety measures to guard against such events, said Bob Alvarez, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, a group that pushes for tighter regulation on nuclear power.
“We don’t need to wait for earthquakes to fix safety weaknesses that have been lingering for several years,” Alvarez, 64, said.
After four Exelon Corp. (EXC) nuclear plants in Pennsylvania andNew Jersey declared unusual events, operators were performing“walk-downs” to scout for damage from the seismic activity, Chicago-based Exelon said in a statement.
Local Outages
PJM Interconnection LLC, which manages the electric grid for all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, said about 2,700 megawatts of power generation was lost in Virginia and another 500 megawatts were lost in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
“There were outages, but they are local outages,” said Ray Dotter, spokesman for PJM, based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, in a telephone interview. “It wasn’t because the grid was unstable.”
U.S. nuclear plants are required to have batteries capable of powering a plant for four hours and diesel generators protected by a hardened structure. The power is necessary to keep nuclear fuel cool at the site, preventing a meltdown and a release of radiation.
“If we lose the backup diesel generators at North Anna, you can have a similar situation as Fukushima developing there,” Chris Gadomski, a nuclear analyst for Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said in an e-mail. “Virginia Power should try to restore off-site power as soon as possible.”
Plenty of Fuel
North Anna has a seven-day supply of diesel fuel on site and more can be brought in, Dominion’s Frazier said in an e-mail. The backup generators “can cool the reactor indefinitely,”said the nuclear agency’s Ledford.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspected North Anna earlier this year to evaluate whether it’s prepared to withstand disasters and blackouts as part of a survey conducted in Fukushima’s aftermath at all 104 nuclear plants in the U.S.
In a May 13 letter to David Heacock, president and chief nuclear officer of Dominion subsidiary Virginia Electric and Power Co., the nuclear agency said its inspector hadn’t identified “any significant issues” with the station blackout diesel generator room and related equipment.
However, the agency noted that a study by North Anna of the plant’s fire and flood protection structures had identified vulnerable areas that were “not seismically designed.”
“The licensee will evaluate the issues above in order to determine if additional mitigation strategies are required,”the letter stated.
North Anna’s two reactors were licensed for commercial operation in 1978 and 1980. At that time, some of the systems weren’t required to be designed to seismic standards, Hall said.
“We will do everything that needs to be done,” he said.
August 25, 2011