During the first half of the show, George Knapp was joined by Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com, for a discussion on the negative effects of processed foods. In the latter half, James Colquhoun, director of the film Food Matters, talked about how big pharma suppresses natural remedies in favor of drugs which merely eradicate symptoms rather than cure diseases.
Adams contended that the "main effect" of food consumed today is to "promote nutritional deficiencies and cause degenerative disease." While he conceded that "by and large" this is not done intentionally by the food industry, it is the end result of the over-processed nature of today's food supply. Adams used white sugar as an example of this trend, noting that raw cane is rich in minerals and nutrients, but these are taken out when the sugar is processed to make it white. Ironically, the byproduct of this process sees the positive elements of the cane end up in black molasses which goes into food for farm animals. "They feed the deficient white sugar to human beings while the farm animals get the nutrition that's missing," he lamented.
"If you're suffering from a food addiction," Adams said, "that's actually by design." To that end, he revealed that while food companies appear to have stopped using MSG, they've merely switched to a "new, hidden form" of the chemical called yeast extract. The additive is so prevalent, he said, that it can be found in "literally thousands of different products that are sold today." Ultimately, Adams encouraged people to shop locally from farmer's markets and food co-ops in order to get the most natural goods. While the cost may be higher, he stressed that, from a nutritional perspective, "organic produce is actually less expensive per gram of nutrient your getting," compared to cheaper processed foods.
notes: buy food grown locally, grow your own, nut organic foods
read labeled - if you can't pronounce it, don't eat it
I know well the labeling terms on foods. High Fructose Corn syrup causes Type 2 Diabetes and its in almost everything. Also know the various names that MSG is called now - manufacturers change the name of something that the public doesn't want to eat, but its still there, just with a different name.
Monsanto has changed many seeds so that they kill bugs OR will not reseed so you have to buy more Monsanto seeds instead of growing your own seed.
Buy seeds called "Heritage' or "heirloom' - these seeds are more expensive and the food is smaller than the GIANT sized promises of the other seed catalogues, but the food is healthier and tastes so much better.
Yeast extract is really MSG. Glutamate anything is still MSG. In case you didn't know it, MSG is an addictive drug.
Soy is not all that it claims to be either - if a seed or product is patented, you know that it is messed with. You don't want to oat that stuff either.
By the way, Monsanto is buying up some of the Heritage seed companies, so make sure when you get a catalog, know who owns the seed company.
As far as beef, milk, or any other dairy products, if it doesn't come from organic grass fed cows, it is bad to eat. Cows or beef grown on huge business farms, is full of antibiotics and added hormones which is now causing health problems especially for children.
If you buy hot dogs, sausages of various kinds, and it has chemicals in it that make it last a long time, you don't want those chemicals in your body either.
Raise your own chickens or get them from a local farmer you know well that raises them in a grass yard - not in tiny cages.
If you care about your animals, buying chemically treated dry food in bags from the store, even though they have fancy names on the bags, all that food has chemicals in it too. You can feed your animals fresh organic beef and bones and they will be very happy an d healthy.
If you think macaroni and cheese or spaghetti is a good food, think again. Unless you make your own from scratch its not healthy.
Sugar substitutes? No way. Unless it is the herb Stevia, you don't want to eat it. Diet foods are chemically treated everything. Switch to Spring water to drink. You really don't need sugar in your diet at all.
Diet related foods are actually bad for you, because they are full of chemicals. Just give up anything that says sugar or diet. Your scale and your body will love you for it........
sugar is actually better for people than any of other above.
The FDA has betrayed the American people and sides with big food companies, big pharma, and recently plans to wipe out all new diet supplements patented since 1995. The FDA can be taken off the market if they are packaged in large amount servings. The FDA wants people to not have access to be healthy - but go to doctors and get prescriptions that are put out by big pharma.
If you take drugs for Type 2 Diabetes for example, your symptoms will go away over time, but if you stop taking the drugs, the symptoms all come back which tells you that they aren't curing you, just covering u the problem - which is bad diet to begin with.
www.naturalnews.com is a good website to get information on this information.
The USDA is regulating much of what we eat also. Many of the people working there came from the FDA.
The USDA has said that "we cannot control anything put out by Monsanto". (Wondering why? Who does control Monsanto. _
Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US GovernmentMarch 22, 2013 by legitgovMonsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US Government 20 Mar 2013 Monsanto lobbyists have gone as far as to generate legislative inclusions into a new bill that puts Monsanto above the federal government. It's called the Monsanto Protection Act among activists and concerned citizens who have been following the developments on the issue, and it consists of a legislative 'rider' inside (Farmer Assurance Provision, Sec. 735) a majority-wise unrelated Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill. If this rider passes with the bill, which could be as early as this week, Monsanto would have complete immunity from federal courts when it comes to their ability to act against any new Monsanto GMO crops that are suspected to be endangering the public or the environment (or considered to be planted illegally by the USDA). [Sign petition to stop Monsanto madness.]
You can't grow food in any soil treated by Roundup. Did you know that Roundup is actually Agent Orange?
Any good food that advertises a food to be healthy (such as Blue diamond Walnuts) will be considered a DRUG because of the health claims. Cherry cures gout,, but no company can make that claim. That makes cherries a drug. So companies cannot make such claims.
If you walk through a drug store of any brand, you will see all the packaged foods and sugary stuff, and at the back of the store through all the junk food to the pharmacy where they sell the drugs to take away the symptoms of the stuff you just bought at the front of the store. Isn't that strange?
When you shop for any kind of food, you are actually supporting the people who supply that food, so the consumer actually has the power to control this. Don't buy anything that isn't healthy and you solve the problem with your purchases.
TOTAL cereal was selling a product that had blueberry and pomegranates in it and there was actually no blueberries or pomegranates in it - only fake coloring and fake taste. They were sued to take it off the market. Did they?
RAW MILK is illegal? Why?
The FDA says is unsafe because it has live organisms in it. Not all live organisms are dangerous. The truth is that fresh raw milk contains healthy bacteria, just like your body does and it digests your food.
People who get sick and die from e-coli are usually full of antibiotics and they don't have any good bacteria in their bodies to kill off the e-coli themselves.
A caller stated that Monsanto makes the chemicals that are sprayed in chemtrails.
If you haven't seen any chemtrails, see: http://www.greatdreams.com/chems.htm
Mike Adams states that hemp should be brought back because it has so many good uses and healthy to use.
Modified foods are not healthy for us, and we should not be eating them.
Eating in restaurants are even more dangerous because you don't know what's in the food. Only a restaurant that sells organic foods is good to eat at.
Look up the ingredients for silly putty - would you eat that? A lot of foods have those same chemicals in them.
Stevia is the healthiest sweetener you can use if you have to have something sweet.