NOTE FROM DEE: This quote indicates that the 12th planet
which we know as NIBIRU is being called MALDEC.
Here is what I know about Nibiru, which has already come and
This comes from an e-mail which had a channeled Angel
communication, which is archived here:
Information, known and hitherto unknown about Nibiru.
also known as Marduk, 12th planet or Planet X, first came into
the Earth's solar system far back
before recorded history -- even before the formation of the Earth itself.
If truth were to be known (and
it will be) the formation of the Earth as it is today is due to the
influence of this occasional interloper to
this solar system.
How did
Nibiru first come into this system? Though it is commonly
believed and indicated in some of
the ancient writings that it was a natural part of this system that merely
has a very long orbital path,
(more than 3600 years). In fact it was brought into this system
by a group of beings who prided
themselves, albeit arrogantly, to be the "creators and farmers of life in
the universe." These people,
who later told humans to call them Anunnaki, were at the time a race with
great power of and
supernatural means. They were not physical in the sense that
humans understand. Though they exist
in this physical dimension, they do not have what could be truly called a
physical form. Surely not the
same as your body is. They were also a people with far too much
self-importance and each of their
accomplishments fed their skewed pride until such a time as they decided to
create a whole living
planet by themselves.
solar system was the place where they choose to attempt their grand folly.
The star was constant
and established and the magnetic forces of the other gas giants, (Jupiter
and Saturn) would make for
a stable area between them and the sun where life could take hold, if there
was a planet in place.
At the
time, there were the outer planets of the Sol system. The inner
planets had not evolved past
bare rocks or molten asteroids yet and there was no life, as humans
generally understand life, in this
system. The Anunnaki believed if they could create a planet, or
bring one into the system, then they
could put it into place and then create life on it. To them,
with all their successes and with all their
pride, it was an ultimate challenge they could not resist.
In an
attempt to create an inhabitable planet in the Sol system, they attempted to
navigate a planetary
mass that they felt had the potential to bear life into the Sol system.
They did this with a mixture of
technology and supernatural powers they possessed. They started
with a moon from the other planet
Neptune. Slowly they moved it towards the center of the solar
Unfortunately, they underestimated the gradational pull of Uranus, and the
moon crashed into Uranus
with such force that it not only created a phenomenally huge crater on the
face of the planet, but the
force was sufficient to knock Uranus off its axis, and to this day it
rotates on its side, perpendicular to
all other planets in the system.
first attempt was scrapped and another moon was chosen. This
time in order to counter the pull
of Uranus and any pull from other planets, the next moon chosen was mostly
ice so its density could
be controlled by melting water as needed. Also it was made to
spin opposite of the rest of the natural
turn of the planets in the Sol system, moreover, it was moved into the solar
system in an orbit contrary
to the rest of the system.
With the
new spin, ice and orbit along with the lessons learned from the first failed
attempt, this
moon was slowly but surely navigated past the gas giants and into the inner
area of the solar system.
Once they
passed the last of the gas giants, they believed they were sure there was no
way they could
fail. They concluded that in order to be "gods" to their soon
to be creations, they would need to be
close to their new creation. So, in their arrogance, almost all
of them, enmasse, decided to transfer
their consciousnesses to the new moon, which they dared to call Nibiru
"Giver of life".
they were not physical in the sense that they needed to have physical
sustenance and provisions,
they were happy enough to live on this barren, ice covered world.
But once again their superciliousness
nature caused them grief. No one believed that they could make
such a small mistake of numbers,
and before they knew it, their beloved Nibiru was on a collision course with
a dead rock of a planet
revolving around the sun.
There was
much debate about how to avoid the collision, but it was all for naught.
The two heavenly
bodies collided in a fury.
the small rock world (earth) was rotating with the proper rotation of the
center sun, and was
also orbiting in the proper magnetic direction, its gradational pull
overpowered that of the interloping
moon whose rotation and orbit were contrary to the established norm. When
the dust settled, so to
speak, Nibiru was far smaller, as the material that made it up, particularly
the ice, super heated in the
collision and remained with the small rock world. Thus, water came to the
collision caused many things to happen. The sheer force of the
impact so close to the gravitational
and magnetic center of a solar system did not simply destroy one object and
knock the other off track
as it had in the outer reaches of the solar system with their first attempt.
The force was so great, the
gravitational influences so strong, and coupled with the intense psychic
energies the Anunnaki were
exerting, the results were astounding. Nibiru was instantly
thrown into an orbital abnormality that
not only sent it plummeting through space, but also through dimension.
Anunnaki, along with their dear creation, Nibiru, were sent on an incredible
elliptical journey that
takes them through space, time, dimensions and realities.
for the Anunnaki, they are beings who can exist in the type of environment
created by such a
journey - that being no heat, sunlight, water etc. Also,
because of their non-physical status, Anunnaki
are very long-lived beings. Their lifespan is many, many hundred times
longer than a human beings'.
This is a good thing because with an orbital path as long as they one
they are on, it gives them some
inkling of continuity.
time, Nibiru has returned in its journey around our sun.
Sometimes when it has passed planet
Earth, Anunnaki have "jumped off", if you will, and visited the Earth.
Sometimes they make short
visits while their planet is in the area. Sometimes they stay
for whole revolutions. Some are here right
confusing part comes into play because Nibiru is still traveling through
dimensions, time and space
as it rotates around the sun. Sometimes when it has passed
Earth, although it was close by, perhaps
even passing through, it has been in an alternate dimension and was not
seen, felt or even suspected.
The only proof that it could have been near, would be, if you looked,
a jump in the ideas, technology
or consciousness of man, caused by Anunnaki visitors interactions and
times, it has come by and been in this dimension, or one close enough that
its bizarre course
through the solar system cased problems that effected the world in a
physical way, just as any solid
body passing so close would.
The orbit
is about 3669 years, but because in other dimensions it can move quicker or
slower, this is
extremely subject to change. In general it is within 200 years
of this time. Nevertheless, because it
can make this orbit totally unseen by the earth due to its location in
dimension or realm at the time
of its passing, it will often only be known by those who can see into these
other dimensions.
This pass
will not be in this dimension. Even though Nibiru may show up
in close dimensions as it
approaches, so that sometimes it can be seen on photographs, it has been
concluded that it will not
be in a position to show (be seen) or even to cause problems with the earth
until it passes again in
about 7400 years from now.
said, it must be noted that when it does get close enough for the next wave
of Anunnaki to
"jump over" to the Earth, be sure they will. And with that will
come great change.
I hope
this helps clarify some of your questions.
Information, known and hitherto unknown about Nibiru. Nibiru,
also known as Marduk, 12th planet or Planet X, first came into the
Earth's ...
Maldek and modern science
Was the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter a Planet
destroyed in an atomic explosion over 18,000,000 years ago? In a message
given on April 7th, 1960, through Dr. George King, an elevated
extraterrestrial being known as Mars Sector Six Said that is was and
described the greatest of all crimes – the destruction of this planet, known
as Maldek, by the human race
In 1766, Titius of Wittenberg discovered a startling
relationship in the spacing of the first seven Planets, which points to the
former existence of Maldek. In 1772, this was published by the director of
the Berlin Observatory, Johann Bode, and is known as Bode's Law.
Here is how it works: write the number sequence 0, 3, 6,
12, 24, 48, 96 and 192. Notice that after the 0, each number is doubled to
give the next. Now add 4 to each number and divide by 10. The results are:
.4, .7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10.0 and 19.6. These are, within a few percent,
the exact number of astronomical units (AU) each Planet is from the Sun!
(One AU equals the distance Earth is from the Sun – about 93,000,000 miles.)
The exception is at 2.8 AU, where we find the asteroid belt exactly where
Bode's Law predicted a Planet. However, the Law doesn't apply to Neptune or
By 1960, however, the majority of astronomers believed
that the asteroids were debris from the formation of the Solar System 4
billion years ago.
Enter Professor Michael Ovenden, astronomer of the
Department of Geophysics and Astronomy, and The Institute of Astronomy and
Space Science at The University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada. He
worked for 25 years to build a powerful case for the fact that the asteroid
belt was a Planet which exploded millions of years ago!
His theory, The Principle of Least Interaction Action,
correctly predicts the orbits of the major Moons of Uranus and Jupiter, and,
to within 1 percent, the orbits of all the Planets from Mercury to Neptune.
But only, in his view, if a large Planet existed in place of the asteroid
belt approximately 16 million years ago when it was suddenly ‘dissipated'.
The following is further evidence for this:
1) Meteorites, many of which are stray asteroids, often
show a complicated crystalline structure that could have formed only if it
had cooled slowly over millions of years. For a small meteorite from the
asteroid belt to have cooled so slowly, it must have been part of a larger
body, hundreds if not thousands of miles across.
2) Many meteorites are magnetised as if they had cooled
in the magnetic field of a large rotating Planet.
3) Most iron meteorites show more than ten times the
exposure to cosmic ray particles than other meteorites–commensurate with
being parts of a Planet destroyed by a thermonuclear explosion. Cosmic rays
originate in supernovas (exploding stars) and other apparently violent
cosmic events.
4) Some scientists believe that tektites come from the
asteroid belt. Certain Russian scientists say that only a thermonuclear
explosion could have created the heat to form these glassy, molten rock and
metal spheres that are found in a few areas on Earth, and that
‘intelligence' must have caused the explosion of a Planet.
At the end of the introduction to one of his papers,
Professor Ovenden wrote: "Here then is a problem for modern science. Why are
the orbits of the Planets ‘harmonious' in the Pythagorean sense?".
Pythagoras sought union with the Divine through the study
of Cosmic Order. He gave us many principles which form the basis of our
mathematics, physics and music. To him, reality was mathematical in nature
and vibrations connected all things to each other and to the Divine. His
doctrine of numbers is still used in numerology.
Surely Pythagoras would be pleased to see how a simple
numerical formula could reveal the relationship of the first seven, and at
one time eight, Planets in our Solar System – another reflection of the
unseen Harmony of the Universe.
David Capraro
Mean radius |
69,911 ± 6 km |
543,048 km
According to Sitchin in his book The 12th Planet,
the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials related to the Biblical Nephilim. He
claims that they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago,
looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in
Africa. According to Sitchin, the "gods" of the Anunnaki were the rank
and file workers of the colonial expedition to earth from the 12th
planet, also known later, through the Babylonians, as Marduk. Sitchin
claims that ancient records report that a human civilization in Sumer of
Mesopotamia was set up under the tutelage of these "gods" and human
kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations
answering to the
Anunnaki. The Nephilim "gods" were the commanders of the operation.
The Anunnaki performed the menial labor, mining ores and building bases,
while the Nephilim issued the orders setting these tasks into motion. It
was only due to an uprising by the Anunnaki against the Nephilim in
protest of these conditions that the Anunnaki 'workers' revolted against
their overseers. Because of this the Nephilim and Anunnaki came together
in a project to blend the DNA of Homo erectus with that of their
own, thus giving rise to the Homo sapiens. He proposes that
fallout from the nuclear weapons used during this struggle was the "evil
wind" that destroyed Ur c. 2000 BCE, as recorded in the Lament for Ur
Planet X in Myth
The Sumerian scholar,
Zechariah Sitchin, in his book The 12th Planet discusses the planet
Nibiru on a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system
every 3600 years and causing pole shifts and various other dramatic
earth changes. From his knowledge of
Sumer, the Semitic and other ancient languages and his research and
study of the archaeological and Biblical data which has been acquired
over the last one hundred and fifty years he put forth his thesis that
the transcultural gods known to all the ancient cultures were not
mythological but real flesh and blood humanoid aliens, very much like
humans, who had come here from the tenth planet in our solar system,
Planet X in the popular press, called
Nibiru by the Sumerians. According to Sitchin they subsequently
genetically engineered our species, originally as slave animals to work
in their gold mines, by crossing their genes with those of
Homo erectus.
The events involving the “gods” of ancient times and the
technology attributed to them, has been considered myth and naive legend
for most of human history, and this continues to be the mainstream view.
Sitchin and others however claim confirmation for their theories from
artifacts and documents from the great library of Ashurbanipal at
Nineveh and other sources, claiming they show technology and advanced
scientific knowledge out of place for their time period. Sitchin claims
that these ancient records report that a human civilization in Sumer of
Mesopotamia was set up under the tutelage of these "gods" and human
kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations
answering to the
Anunnaki. It should be noted that the ancient civilizations
partially edited some material below to fit with truth.
id not call the Anunnaki “gods” but rather they referred to them as
masters, lords, in the sense of rulers.
The return of Planet X is still considered pseudoscience by
mainstream scientists and historians although theories of
Apocalypse and/or Spiritual Transformation which are said to mark
the passage remain popular. The PX bandwagon gathered momentum in the
mid 1990s when Nancy Lieder, a retired lady in Wisconsin, USA claiming
to be a contactee of aliens named the 'Zetas', launched a web site
called ZetaTalk. The site warned of a Planet X passage in May 2003.
(That was correct according to the Angel named Alex ) (see above)
The proposed passage would induce a pole shift, causing worldwide
cataclysms. A slow pole shift has begun, but it will get worse.
See: for the timing.
The dates most talked about are October 28, 2011 (now past) and
marks the end of the
Maya calendar. Also interpreted as a change in human consciousness:
the end of the world as we know it but the start of a new one. The
Angel Alex has said that both dates were wrong and the end of the Mayan
calendar has already gone by several years ago. Watch the video on
the 2012 link.
While most astronomers consider comets to be passive "snow-balls" in
space, one physicist named
James McCanney openly opposes
NASA's traditional view advancing his own scientific theory about
the electrical nature of comets and their perturbing effects on our
Solar System.
A massive red comet that orbits our Sun, called "The Destroyer"
(NIBIRU) is said to have precipitated the flood referred to in Genesis.
In addition to providing a detailed description of a massive cataclysmic
event from long ago, (it is in the story of Gilgamesh of the Sumerians)
The Sumerians named it Nibiru; the Babylonians renamed it Marduk
in honor of their ... Here is some "Sitchin Memorabilia" news:
The long appreciated video "An Evening With ...
Sitchin's theory proposes the planets Tiamat and Nibiru. Tiamat
supposedly existed between
Mars and
He postulated that it was a thriving world in a very different solar system,
with jungles and oceans, whose orbit was disrupted by the arrival of a large
planet or very small star (less than twenty times the size of Jupiter) which
passed through the solar system between 65 million and four billion years
ago. The new orbits caused Tiamat to collide with one of the moons of this
object, which is known as Nibiru. The debris from this collision are
thought by the theory's proponents to have variously formed the
asteroid belt, the
Moon, and the
current inclination of the planet Earth.
Sitchin claims that the
Babylonians associated
Nibiru with the god
Marduk. The
word is
Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Sitchin hypothesized it as a
planet in a highly
elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a
perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed
orbital period of about 3,750 years; he also claimed it was the home of
a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the
who apparently visited Earth in search of gold. These beings eventually
created humanity by genetically crossing themselves with extant primates,
and thus became the first gods.
Nibiru and "Planet
X" is a
dwarf currently within our planetary system, soon to pass relatively
close to Earth. Sitchin disagreed with the timing of passage.
Sitchin also postulated that
Pluto began
life as
Gaga, a satellite of Saturn which, due to gravitational disruption
caused by Nibiru's passing, was flung into orbit beyond Neptune.
WORMWOOD - BARNARD I - 2003 – UB – 313 -
Nemesis - Hubarkko - the Gods Planet, the Planet of the Empire, the Planet
of the Cross
Many cultures have named these space objects. They might all be the same
object, but probably not.
I can only think of a group of people who might know and they aren't human
and we don't particularly want t go into that topic on this page any more
than we already have. They are the only ones with access to the
space those objects reside in.
Even NASA doesn't know and if they see them, which I know they have, they
would call them something else altogether.
Apparently, Planet X (a.k.a. Nibiru) was spotted by astronomers in the
early 1980's in the outermost reaches of the Solar System. It has been
tracked by infrared observatories; seen lurking around in the Kuiper Belt
and now it is speeding right toward us and will enter the inner Solar System
in 2012. So what does this mean to us? Well, the effects of the approach of
Planet X on our planet will be biblical, and what’s more the effects are
being felt right now. Millions, even billions of people will die, global
warming will increase; earthquakes, drought, famine, wars, social collapse,
even killer solar flares will be caused by Nibiru blasting through the core
of the Solar System. All of this will happen in 2012, and we must begin
preparing for our demise right now…
As investigated in my previous article “No
Doomsday in 2012“, a lot of weight had been placed on the end of an
ancient Mayan calendar, the “Long Count”. According to this calendar and
Mayan myth, something is going to happen on December 21st, 2012.
Now the world’s Planet X supporters seem to have calculated that this
hypothetical, deadly planet will arrive from a highly eccentric orbit to
wreak gravitational havoc on
Earth, sparking
Related 2012 articles:
I’m sorry, but the “facts” behind the Planet X/Nibiru myth simply do not
add up. Don’t worry, Planet X will not be knocking on our door in
2012 and here’s why…
Nibiru and Planet X

In 1843, John Couch Adams (a British mathematician and astronomer)
studied the orbital perturbations of Uranus and deduced that through
gravitational interactions, there must be an eighth planet, tugging at the
gas giant. This led to the discovery of Neptune, orbiting at a distance of
30AU from the
Sun. There have been numerous occasions where this method has been used
to deduce the existence of other bodies in the Solar System before they were
directly observed.
Neptune was also experiencing orbital perturbations, and on the discovery
of Pluto in 1930, it was thought that the aptly named “Planet X” had been
discovered. Alas, Pluto’s mass was tiny, and once the orbit of Charon
(Pluto’s moon) was analysed it was found that the mass of the Pluto-Charon
system was far too small to affect the orbit of Neptune. The hunt for Planet
X continued…
After years of speculation and historic research, it was believed that a
huge body astronomers were looking for was a huge planet or a small
star, possibly a
companion to our Sun
(making the Solar System a binary system). The name “Nibiru” was unearthed
by the author Zecharia Sitchin, on researching the possible intervention of
extraterrestrials in the early history of mankind. Nibiru is a hypothetical
planet as taught in ancient Sumerian culture (the Sumerians existed from
around 6,000BC to 3,000BC, predating Babylon, in the current geographic
location of Iraq). There is very little archaeological evidence to suggest
this mythical planet has anything to do with Planet X. But since this
dubious connection, Planet X and Nibiru are now thought by doomsayers to be
the same thing, an ancient astronomical body that has returned after a long
orbit beyond the Solar System.
OK, so the Nibiru/Planet X connection might be a bit ropey already, but
is there any solid evidence for the modern-day Planet X?
Infrared observations = Planet X

There is much emphasis placed on the 1983 “discovery” of a mysterious
heavenly body by
NASA’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) on the outskirts of the
Solar system, some 50 billion miles (540 AU) away. Naturally the world’s
media will have been very excited by such a discovery and began making
noises that perhaps this was Planet X (the most popular accessible resources
for Planet X advocates is the Washington Post article published on December
31st 1983 titled “Mystery
Heavenly Body Discovered“). In actuality, astronomers weren’t sure what
the infrared object was (the clue is in the word “mystery”). Initial media
reports postulated that it could be a long-period
comet, or a planet, or a far-off young
galaxy or a protostar (i.e. a brown dwarf). As soon as the
last possibility is mentioned, suddenly this became the “discovery” that
Planet X was in fact a brown dwarf orbiting in the outer reaches of our
Solar System.
“So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know
if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got
hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still
in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in
dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.” –
Thomas O’Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer, December 30th 1983 (from
text on the Planet
X and Pole Shift website)
So where did the Washington Post get its story? The story was published
in response to the research printed a paper titled “Unidentified
point sources in the IRAS minisurvey” (by Houck et al, published in
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 278:L63, 1984). Dr. Gerry
Neugebauer, co-investigator in the IRAS project, was interviewed and
strongly stated that what IRAS had seen was not “incoming mail” (i.e. the
results did not suggest there was an object approaching Earth). On
reading this interesting research, I was especially drawn to the paper’s
“A number of candidate identifications have been considered
including near-solar system, galactic, and extragalactic objects.
Further observations at infrared and other wavelengths may provide
additional information in support of one of these conjectures, or
perhaps these objects will require entirely different
interpretations.” –
Houck et al,
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 278:L63, 1984.
Although these IRAS observations were seeing mysterious objects, at this
stage, there was no indication that there was an object (let alone a brown
dwarf) powering its way toward us. But the rumours had already begun to
flow. When follow-up papers were published in 1985 (Unidentified
IRAS sources – Ultrahigh-luminosity galaxies, Houck et al.,
1985) and 1987 (The
IRAS View of the Extragalactic Sky, Soifer et al., 1987),
there was little if any media interest in their findings. According to these
publications, most of the IRAS observations in the 1984 paper were distant,
ultra-luminous young galaxies and one was a filamentary structure known as
“infrared cirrus” floating in intergalactic space. IRAS never
observed any astronomical body in the outer reaches of the Solar System.
Orbital perturbations = Planet X

In addition to the 1983 “discovery” of the Planet X brown dwarf, the
Planet X claim goes something like this: “Unexplained deviations in
the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of
4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from
the sun,” – text from an un-cited NASA source on the “Planet
X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide” video.
Pulling up the discovery of planets using orbital perturbation
measurements, Planet X advocates point to a NASA announcement that in 1992,
there were indirect measurements of a planet some 7 billion miles from
Earth. Alas, I cannot find the original source for this claim. The only huge
discovery NASA announced along these lines was the discovery of the first
trans-Neptunian object (TNO) called 1992 QB1 (full details of
the discovery of this “cubewano-class” object can be found in the
original announcement transcript). It has a diameter of 200km and is
confined to the Kuiper Belt, a zone of minor planets (where Pluto lives) and
asteroids from 30AU to 55AU, just outside Neptune’s orbit. Some of these
bodies (like Pluto) cross the path of Neptune’s orbit and there therefore
designated as a TNO. These TNO’s pose no threat to the Earth (in as much as
they wont be leaving the Kuiper Belt to pay us a visit in 2012).
Since then, any Neptune orbital perturbations have been put down to
observational error and have since not been observed… so there doesn’t
appear to be any obvious object any bigger than the largest Kuiper Belt
objects out there. Still, to keep an open mind, there could be more large
bodies to be discovered (that
might explain why there is such a steep drop-off of Kuiper Belt objects
at the “Kuiper Cliff”, the jury is out on that idea), but there is no
evidence for a massive body approaching from the vicinity of the Kuiper
Belt. Even the strange
Pioneer anomaly that the Pioneer and Voyager probes are experiencing
cannot be attributed to Planet X. This anomaly appears to be a Sun-ward
acceleration, if there was a massive planet out there, there should be some
gravitational effect beyond what has been predicted by the other known
objects in the Solar System.
4-8 Earth masses = a brown dwarf? It must be Planet X.

Probably the most glaring inconsistency in the Planet X hypothesis is the
Planet X advocates assertion that the 1984 IRAS object and the 1992 body are
one of the same thing. As announced on many websites and
online videos about
Planet X, the 1984 IRAS observation saw Planet X at 50 billion miles
from Earth. The 1992 NASA “announcement” put Planet X at a distance of about
7 billion miles from Earth. Therefore, the logic goes, Planet X had
travelled 43 billion miles in the course of only eight years (from 1984 to
1992). After some dubious mathematics, Planet X is therefore expected to
reach the core of the Solar System in 2012. (Although many believed it
should arrive in 2003… they were obviously wrong about that prediction.)
Well, I think we might be clutching at straws here. For starters, for the
1984 object to be the same as the 1992 object, surely they should be the
same mass? If Planet X was a brown dwarf (as we are led to believe in the
IRAS observations), how can it possibly weigh in at only 4 to 8 Earth masses
eight years later? Brown dwarfs have a
mass of around 15-80 Jupiter masses. As Jupiter is about 318
Earth masses, surely the object hurtling toward us should have a mass of
somewhere between 4,770 and 25,440 Earth masses? So I am going to go out on
a limb here and say that I reckon the 1984 object and the 1992 object (if
either object actually existed that is) are not
the same thing. Not by a very long shot.
If there is no evidence supporting Planet X, it must be
a conspiracy
If it can be this easy to cast the fundamental “scientific” theory behind
Planet X into doubt, I see little point in discussing the historical reasons
(mass extinctions, volcanic activity, earthquakes etc.) as to why the
doomsayers believe Planet X should exist. If there is no renegade planet out
there of significant mass, how can Nibiru be a threat to us in 2012?
They will have us believe there is a global conspiracy of international
governments hiding the facts from us. NASA is involved in the cover-up,
hence the lack of evidence. In my opinion, simply because there is no
evidence, doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy to hide the truth from the
public. So why would governments want to hide a “discovery” as historic as a
doomsday planet approaching the inner Solar System anyway? To avoid mass
panic and pursue their own, greedy agendas (obviously).
As it turns out, this is the only strength behind the Planet X myth. When
confronted with scientific facts, the Planet X advocates reply with
“…governments are sending out disinformation and covering up the true
observations of Nibiru.” Although I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, I will
not support anything in the name of Planet X. If the basic science behind
what we are led to believe are the foundation of Planet X existing is wrong,
it seems a poor argument to say “the government did it”.
Therefore, the story that Planet X will arrive in
2012-21-December is, in my view, total bunkum (but it helps to sell
doomsday books and DVDs by scaring people). Nibiru will remain in the realms
of Sumerian myth.
No Tenth Planet Yet From IRAS,
Surviving 2012 and
Planet X (Video), The SAO/NASA
Astrophysics Data System,
New Scientist,
Planet X and Pole Shift
Here’s information on the
2012 comet,
Leading image credits:
MIT (supernova simulation),
(extrasolar planet). Effects and editing: myself.

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out my radio show: Astroengine Live!]Hello! My name is Ian
O'Neill and I've been writing for the Universe Today since December
2007. I am a solar physics doctor, but my space interests are
wide-ranging. Since becoming a science writer I have been drawn to the
more extreme astrophysics concepts (like black hole dynamics),
high energy physics (getting excited about the LHC!) and general space
colonization efforts. I am also heavily involved with the Mars Homestead
project (run by the Mars Foundation), an international organization to
advance our settlement concepts on Mars. I also run my own space physics
blog:, be sure
to check it out!