The Mythology of Bast
Statue representing
the goddess Bastet
c 575 BCE |
Sekhmet was judged for her crimes and buried alive, most likely by my the
side of Ptah's Mummy inside the first Pyramid...just to make sure that he
would keep an eye on her. Some fifteen years later, I, as Nefertoum, discovered
her new incarnation which was to be known as Bast, but this time her devouring
lion Spirit behaved just like a docile little pussy cat. Bast is represented
as a woman with a Cat head holding a sistrum surmounted by a Lioness head
in her right hand. So, Sekhmet and Bast were emanations of the same immortal
soul... just as stated in the Tibetan Book of the Dead....and you will find
a few prayers that speak of this Immortal Terrible Goddess..Chapter CLXIV...
"Salute! Sekhmet, Ra, Bast, Regent of the Gods, winged To who the bandages
"Ans" give the magical power, You the Goddess crowned of the both diadems
of the North and South...." "As the chief seat of learning, Memphis majored
in the worship of Ptah, who according to the Egyptians, was "The Mind of
the Universe", who created all the Gods and Men by thinking them into existence."
Memphis was known as the great Necropolis....and is most famous by its single
Cemetery "the Fayoum" which is 2 miles wide and 60 miles long and said to
contain from 40 to 50 millions corpses of Men, Woman...Pharaohs alike....buried
close together along with their favorite animals, according to the strong
Egyptian belief of the immortality of the soul (of all living
creatures)....guaranteed by the Immortal Sun-God. Also, there are two Pyramids
in Memphis...Abu Roash at the North end of the Cemetery ...and Lahun at the
South-East of the Fayum....which clearly indicate that Bast who wore the
Diadem of the North and South, was also buried along with Nefertoum at the
other end of the Fayoum! Unfortunately, Bast was assimilated with Artemis,
which is a big mistake. Also, when we read those books today, which were
written by mortals, they believe that the relationships between the Gods
and Goddesses were physical... but, they were actually only purely spiritual.
Besides, Sekhmet, was also known in India as Durga, and in many other places,
in many lives. For instance, she was very famous in Babylonia, as Ishtar,
you know the famous "Prostitute of Babylon"... that is mentioned even in
Revelation 17 and 18. The Mother of all Prostitutes and of the Abominations
of all the Earth.!!! Two features are especially common and well marked:
the first is the bloody and savage nature of the Great Mother Goddess, the
second is her power as a sorceress and a witch." Author, E. Neumann, confuses
the Terrible Mother again with Great mother Goddess. What a pity to confuse
the Profane with the Holy. He says, " Thus the devourer of the dead is the
Terrible Mother of Death" ....and eventually, "She is "repressed" and crouches
beside the judgement scales like a horror. As Erman says, she was "not a
subject that popular fancy cared to pursue."
The Goddess Bast

Bast was worshipped from the most ancient times, when her early form
was lioness-headed. It wasn't until the first millennium BC that she was
worshipped in the form of a lissom domestic cat or else as a cat-headed woman.
No life-size (or greater) representations of Bast, in any form, have
survived intact, although a great many smaller bronzes and statues have been
recovered and can now be seen in museums around the world. But this does
not necessarily mean that larger statues didn't exist. In his
'Histories', the Greek historian Herodotus tells us that a
statue of the Goddess existed in the main temple shrine at Bubastis,
but although he tells us that this statue was carried out among the people
as part of Bast's festival he gives us no detailed description of
her. In visualizations on the past of Egypt, many people who work with
Bast have picked up imagery of huge cat-headed statues, but much as
we'd like to believe these are psychic 'photographs' of history, we have
to bear in mind that these visions might only be subjective.
No anecdotal stories have survived about Bast's mythological life.
As with so many of the Egyptian Gods, we know of her characteristics but
not her exploits. We have to consider that, unlike other ancient cultures,
the Ancient Egyptians may not have placed great importance upon such legends;
the stories might not just be lost but never have existed in the first place.
In some regions, Bast was regarded as the daughter of the creator
God, Atum, in others as the daughter of the sun God, Ra. We
know that she had children - Nefertum and Mahes - and she might
have shared a husband with Sekhmet in the creator God of
Memphis, Ptah.
That Bast was a very important Goddess there is no doubt, as the remains
of her city, Bubastis, attest. Huge blocks of pink granite lie tumbled
upon the ground, and an extensive cat cemetery can still be explored. We
can only hope that the German team who want to reconstruct the ruins will
be able to do so, when we shall all be able to appreciate and enjoy an
approximation of what Bubastis was like in its hey-day.
Herodotus visited the city during the 5th century BC. He equated
Bast (or Bubastis as he refers to her) with the Greek Goddess
Artemis, and leaves us this description:
'None of the Egyptian cities , I think, was raised so much as
Bubastis, where there is a Temple of Bubastis (the Greek
Artemis) which is well worth describing. Other temples may be larger,
or have cost more to build, but none is a greater pleasure to look at. The
site of the building is almost an island, for two canals have been led from
the Nile and sweep around it, one on each side, as far as the entrance,
where they stop short without meeting; each canal is a hundred feet wide
and shaded with trees. The gateway is sixty feet high and is decorated with
remarkable carved figures some nine feet in height. The temple stands in
the centre of the city, and, since the level of the buildings everywhere
else has been raised, but the temple itself allowed to remain in its original
position, the result is that one can look down and get a fine view of it
from all round. It is surrounded by a low wall with carved figures, and within
the enclosure stands a grove of very tall trees about the actual shrine,
which is large and contains the statue of the Goddess. The whole enclosure
is a furlong square. The entrance to it is approached by a stone-paved road
about four hundred feet wide and about two thousand feet long, running eastward
through the market-place and joining the Temple of Bubastis to the
Temple of Hermes. The road is lined on both sides with immense trees
- so tall that they seem to touch the sky.'
Bast was associated with childbirth, perhaps because of the way a
mother cat cares for her kittens - and the fact that she might have continual
litters of them. During the 2nd Century AD Plutarch wrote, somewhat
mysteriously, that the Egyptian Cat gives birth first to one kitten, then
two, until the number seven is reached. He points out that this makes a total
of twenty-eight, the same as the days of the lunar month.
Nowadays, Bast has assumed a mother Goddess aspect. While there is
no doubt she has a side whose teeth and claws are bared, she is now generally
regarded as benevolent. Her rituals involve music, feasting and dancing,
when she can be petitioned to grant boons. Bast can be invoked to
help with problems concerning domestic life, work situations and success,
as well as love and good health, for the petitioner, their friends and families,
or their cats. Any visit to the Temple of Bast, through visualization,
is a time of serenity, contemplation and pleasure.
This is an extract from the chapter The Goddess Bast
The Goddess Sekhmet

Sekhmet's name means 'powerful', and like Bast, she
also has several variations of it, such as Sekhet or Sakhmet.
She too was seen as the daughter of the sun God, Ra, and myth tells
us that she was placed in the uraeus on his brow from where she would spit
flames at his enemies. Her main temple was at Memphis in the south.
She was the consort of the God, Ptah, and the mother of
Unlike Bast, Sekhmet does have a specific myth related to her,
as follows:
Ra feared that humanity was plotting against him, having come to the
conclusion that he was too old and frail to govern them any more. The other
Gods encouraged Ra to punish the ungrateful humans by unleashing the
power, or fire, of his avenging Eye upon them. Hathor, Sekhmet
and Bast were all known as the 'Eyes Of Ra'. The God sent
Hathor into Egypt to exact retribution from the people, and here she
transformed into a lioness and became Sekhmet.
The Goddess slew
everyone she came across, and the land became red with their blood. By nightfall,
she left the land to sleep, but would return the following day to finish
her bloody work. Ra realized that Sekhmet had got a taste for
blood and had become unstoppable. It was all going too far; a full-scale
massacre would take place. He needed to stop the slaughter, and devised a
plan, whereby he instructed the high priest at Heliopolis to obtain
red ochre from Elephantine and mix it with seven thousand jars of beer to
create a red liquid that looked like blood, but had rather different properties.
The priest spread the mixture over the land. In the morning, Sekhmet
returned to Egypt to finish off what remained of the people there, and lapped
up what she assumed was their blood on the ground. The beer made her drunk,
which effectively ended her rampage of bloodlust.
However, the lioness Goddess was not just seen as a war-monger and vengeful
eye of the sun God. Because she was believed to bring plagues, the priests
performed a kind of sympathetic magic to ward off and heal infections and
illness. In this role, Sekhmet was known as the 'Lady of Life',
and many of her priests were also physicians. In times of plague, they might
perform huge, large-scale rituals. During the reign of Amenhotep III,
hundreds of larger than life statues of Sekhmet were created, thirty
of which are now in the British Museum. It seems conceivable that such a
massive display of respect and veneration to the Goddess might have been
to avert and drive out a particularly virulent plague.
Sekhmet also had a male form, when she known as Sekhmet Min.
There is a representation of her in this aspect in the Temple of Khonsu
at Karnak, Luxor, which shows the king standing before her to invoke
her mighty strength in Min form.
Sekhmet seems more complex than Bast, but probably only because
more material survives about her. To the pharaohs, she was seen as a symbol
of their prowess as warriors and their ability to succeed in battle. On one
limestone fragment, she is shown apparently breathing her divine life force
into the mouth of the pharaoh Sneferu of the Fourth Dynasty.
As with the Goddess Isis, Sekhmet
seems to have been reinvented in the twentieth century. Although she is still
regarded as a powerful force, to be approached with respect and caution,
we can perceive a 'watering down' of her aspects. In Ancient Egypt she was
dangerous and ferocious, the bringer of plagues and retribution, the fire
of the sun God's eye. This was no benign figure, who could be adored and
worshipped as a gentle mother. Nowadays, many women (in particular) view
Sekhmet as a source of strength, independence and assertiveness, and
commune with her frequency when these attributes need to be augmented or
instilled. In many ways, we could say that Sekhmet has become the
symbol of the modern woman. She is still approached as a healer, bringer
of justice and as a guardian or protector, but the emphasis has shifted.
If any system is to survive, it has to move with the times and adjust itself
to suit the sensibilities of those who adhere to it. It seems a natural
progression that Sekhmet has transformed from what was almost a force
of chaos into an icon of immanent female power.
This is an extract from the chapter The Goddess Sekhmet
11-27-99 - Dream - I was seeing my cat web page and adding little
paragraphs about 'cat fact's. I then had a vision of the word CATS
and saw the outline of the shape of the goddess Sehkmet with the globe on
her head. So, I made this cute little page to go with this one.
Other Feline Deities
In addition to Bast and Sekhmet there are other feline
deities. Some of these deities are not as well known such
as Mafdet or Pakhet. Pakhet was at Beni Hasan.
There was also Bast's lion-headed son, Mahes. Mahes is on
exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
The God Bes
A Ptolematic Period
faience figurine |
Wooden cosmetic spoon
with handle decorated
with the household god
Bes. c 1,300 BC |
Dwarf lion God of luck and fortune, Bes was much favoured by women
in Ancient Egypt. He represents the banishing of disruptive forces through
the powers of dance, music and joy. A poplar domestic deity, he was especially
associated with procreation, childbirth, the protection of infants and
the home. Bes is most often shown as a dancing grotesque, with his
tongue protruding and a strange half lion, half mask-like face. He wears
a lion skin with the tail dangling down behind him, and often a tall crown
of feathers.
The Goddess Mafdet
This Goddess prevails over snakes and scorpions. She is probably one of the
earliest feline deities and was either a cheetah, a lynx or a leopard. She
was described as having plaited hair, which was said to represent the linked
bodies of the scorpions she killed. Mafdet's name has been said to
mean 'runner', which does suggest a link with the cheetah, the fastest of
The God Mahes
Lion-headed son of Bast, reputedly a God of healing. His main temple
was at Leontopolis, although he did have a shrine at Bubastis.
We have recently learned that a Californian archaeological team is excavating
the temple of Mahes at Leontopolis.
The Goddess Mut
A widely-worshipped mother Goddess, Mut is yet another deity who can
have a fully human or lioness-headed form. She was the consort of
Amun-Ra and the mother of the moon god, Khonsu. Apart from
the cat and the lion, her other sacred animal was the vulture.
The God Nefertum
A son of Sekhmet and Ptah, Nefertum is generally represented
as fully human, although some carvings show him as lion-headed. He is associated
with beauty and perfection, and was called 'the lotus blossom before the
nose of Ra'.
The Goddess Neith
A mother of the Gods, Neith was most often seen as a fully human woman,
sometimes holding a bow and arrows. However, she did have a lioness-headed
aspect. Neith is unusual in that she has a androgynous aspect, in
that she was supposed to have self-generated and to have both male and female
elements in her nature.
The Goddess Pakhet
A lioness-headed goddess, Pakhet is virtually unknown in comparison
to Bast and Sekhmet, but she was a major goddess in her own
right. As Bast's region was Lower Egypt and Sekhmet's Upper
Egypt, Pakhet was worshipped in Middle Egypt, and had a temple which
was cut out of the solid rock near the modern day village of Beni Hasan
in the eastern desert. Like Sekhmet, she was seen as something of
a ferocious Goddess, for her name means 'the tearer' or 'she who
The Goddess Tefnut
Tefnut, along with her twin brother Shu, were the first Gods
to be created by Atum or Ra. Tefnut personified moisture,
and Shu personified the sky. They had two children, Geb, the
earth, and Nut, the sky. In this way, air and moisture, earth and
sky were created in sequence. Once these elements came together the physical
world came into being. Tefnut is often depicted in human form but
also has a lioness-headed aspect. Like Sekhmet, Bast and
Hathor, she is known as an Eye of Ra.
Tefnut - "Sky-spittle (i.e., rain)" One of the two first creations of the
Self-Created One, Tem, Tefnut is twin to Shu and embodies the concept of
airborne moisture, clouds, dew, or rain (Shu embodies the concept of air,
wind or atmosphere). Tefnut is sometimes equated with Nit and Nut, and is
depicted in New Kingdom jewelry and art as a female sphinx trampling the
enemies of the Two Lands, equated with the Great Royal Wife of the king.
Tefnut is generally depicted as a woman with a lion's head, surmounted by
the sun-disk (resembling Sekhmet; however, Tefnut's ears are routinely pointed,
whereas Sekhmet's are rounded), seated on a throne. She is sometimes shown
as a full lion along with Her brother/twin Shu.
11-23-99 - BAST - The Dream -
After working on this page for a couple of hours,
I lay down to meditate on another subject of interest . . . however, I
immediately saw a brilliant sun and found myself on the first floor of a
large school in the hallway. There was a tall, blonde woman with me
and we began talking about the existence of BAST. Immediately then,
three men came in the door at the far end of the hallway and I told the
blond woman that they couldn't be BAST because they were male.
The three men went into the bathroom. Immediately then, at the far end
of the hallway, three women came in the door. The three women were
not the same size and I didn't see them clearly because they were so far
away, but I knew that was BAST!
I then saw that I was wearing gold shoes with high heels with silver tap
lifts on the heels and I began to tap dance in the hallway. I told
blonde woman. . . I just love these shoes. :-)
Represents Typhon Set/Satan
1-10-98 - DREAM - I was in process of moving my office from the center of
a large building to the front near the street. I had to have it done by Sunday
morning and it was a huge job. I man name G.W. who I used to work with at
A-C had just come back from 6 months in Canada learning the language of SCAR.
Not very many people knew the language but it was going to be necessary in
the future. He made a comment that I should decorate in French Provincial
and showed me a picture on the front of a magazine. Everything was painted
white with gold trim.
NOTE: Coincidentally, SCAR was the name of a male lion in the "Lion King"
movie. He killed his own brother, and then lay blame on the Lion King's son
who spent many years away from home feeling guilty, then finally comes home
and finds out the truth and needs to fight SCAR to take his rightful place
as King.
As I walked down the hall I was pulled aside by a worker momentarily and
shown a man who was homeless and had no extra clothes. I told her we would
get him some clothes. There was someone named Glen who hadn't been around
for awhile. He even had a nice suit, so we decided give him Glen's clothes.
Another woman said somebody she knew needed an emergency transplant. They
thought that perhaps her own mother could donate the organ. A nurse mentioned
a couple things that would have to be tested first and her perdiclars would
have to be dirty and something else would have to be clean.
I just happened to be walking with a doctor and his office was right there,
so he pulled out my files and showed her that my perdiclars were dirty and
laid my files out on the floor. ( I have no idea what perdiclars are) |
Nostradamus - C1:Q31
So many years the wars in France will last,
Beyond the course of the Castulon monarch,
Uncertain victory three great ones will be crowned
Eagle, Cock, Moon, Lion, Sun in marque. |
Nostradamus - C1:Q33
Near a great bridge near a spacious plain
the great lion with the Imperial forces
will cause a falling outside the austere city.
Through fear the gates will be unlocked for him. |
Nostradamus - C1:Q35
The young lion will overcome the older one,
in a field of combat in single fight:
He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage;
two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death. |
Nostradamus - C1:Q93
The Italian lands near the mountains will tremble.
The Cock and the Lion not strongly united.
In place of fear they will help each other.
Freedom alone moderates the French. |
Nostradamus - C2:Q94
Great Po, great evil will be received through Gauls,
Vain terror to the maritime Lion:
People will pass by the sea in infinite numbers,
Without a quarter of a million escaping. |
Nostradamus - C3:Q52
In Campania there will be a very long rain,
In Apulia very great drought.
The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing
poorly finished,
By the Lion will it be put into extremity.
The Lion in Century III-52 is also of much
interest. I believe it is related to "the kings
of the earth" in Revelation. In the cycle ruled
by the "harlot," which I believe is related to
Kali, the kings fornicate with the harlot and
become drunk on her wine. This seems to
refer to anger. Kali is said to evoke "tamasisk,"
meaning anger. When the New Jerusalem comes
in Rev. 21, the kings of the earth bring their
glory into it. There is no longer a need of sun
and moon for light. |
Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic nation:
By the Lion and his eagle-like phalanx,
When the old British chief Rome will have. |
When they will come to give the last rites to the
great King
Before he has entirely given up the ghost:
He who will come to grieve over him the least,
Through Lions, Eagles, cross crown sold. |
The deep entry made by the great Queen
will make the place powerful and inaccessible;
the army of the three lions will be defeated
causing within a thing hideous and terrible. |
After the victory of the Lion over the Lion,
there will be great slaughter on the mountain
of JURA;
floods and dark-coloured people of the seventh of a million,
Lyons, Ulm at the mausoleum death and the tomb. |
At the end the wolf, the lion, ox & the ass,
Timid deer will be with mastiffs:
No longer will the sweet manna fall upon them,
More vigilance & guarding for the mastiffs. |
The planetary alignments at the time in 1999
will echo the Nostradamus prophecy, he says;
and the Four Horsemen are the eagle (Scorpio),
the bull (Taurus), the fairman (Uranus) and the lion (Sun
in Leo). He thinks the King of Terror will appear
as a great war.
There was a clue in the date the Barbury Castle
Crop Circle pattern appeared, July 17, 1991.
Read Genesis 8:4, where the Ark landed on the
17th day of the 7th month. Blavatsky tells how
the Patriarchs represent Zodiac signs. For example,
Judah is Leo. In Genesis 49:9, he is called a lion's
welp, and he stoops down like a lion and lioness.
(i. e., like a Sphinx). Noah is Pisces. These are
strong clues that our Age is coming to an end, and
Aquarius is near. (if not already begun). The
Sphinx may well represent the same thing, that is,
the Ages from Leo through Pisces, and the
beginning of Aquarius. |
DREAM OF CME - In 1984, as I was praying and crying out to God, I was taken
in the Spirit to what seemed to be at the time, a different world than what
I was accustomed to knowing as Earth. Everything around me was in a state
of destruction and panic. I could hear people screaming and crying, as I
knelt between automobiles that were turned upside down and smoking as if
they had been burning. It looked as though God had set me down in the middle
of a War Zone.
As I looked toward the Heavens I could see the Sun, (which did not hurt my
eyes to look at, for all around me was darkness and yet I could see the Sun),
and two planets. The Sun was shooting off enormous explosions of fireballs,
and as I watched it, I could not understand what was happening nor could
I understand where I was or why.
At that time, I heard a noise behind me and as I turned around, I discovered
lying behind
was a very large lion, yet I wasn't afraid. Instead I felt peace and knew
it was there to protect me from the people that was running past me screaming
and crying in a state of panic.
As I looked again at the Sun, a man (which I have seen several times in visions)
walked up and knelt beside me. While I felt as though I had always known
this man, I have never met him. I then stated, "I don't understand!"
He smiled and replied, "You don't remember, do you?
I answered, "No."
As I looked back at him, he placed his hand over my eyes and said, "You will."
At that very instant, I was back on my porch at my home, left with many years
of unanswered questions. On June 1, 1999, I was driving my Aunt to the doctor,
when I saw a quick flash of the Sun that I had seen in my vision in 1984.
At that very instant the Holy Spirit said, "Remember!"
A couple of days later I found out that on June 1, 1999, there was a Coronal
Mass Ejection (CME) and the astronomers did not know for a while if it was
headed for Earth or not. If it had, we would of only had a couple of days'
notice before it would have hit Earth with Solar winds and could have possibly
caused disruptions in utilities, communications, etc. I now believe God showed
me in 1984 a major CME that would hit Earth and cause major destruction.
The lion, I believe represented The Lion of Judah, and that he would be
protecting me and all of his Children that are hearing and obeying Him. I
pray that this gives confirmation to someone that might also have heard from
God about possible event(s) that soon may happen. God never surprises His
Children. He always Warns us of what is to come.
Love and Faith, Gilda
Rev. Gilda Langston

9-28-88 - DREAM - A bunch of weeks ago I received 8 puppies and kittens in
the mail. I found them still hanging in the basement in a net sack. They
hadn't received any water or food and I felt very guilty. They weren't what
I wanted at the time and I had let them die. I cut the bag down to take it
upstairs. I noticed a sign of life in one puppy. I felt relief that I might
be able to save it. When I got it upstairs, all three were fat and sassy
and they scampered across the kitchen floor. I felt so much relief that they
were alive and well.

. 9-29-88 - DREAM - A white kitten with blue eyes was born 2 1/2 weeks
ago and it's being saved for me.
 |
10-5-88 - DREAM - I went to my 16th St. house and went up on the porch.
Big dogs and ugly brown cats were fighting outside, trying to get in, but
a German Shepherd and Collie dog were holding them at bay. A little grey
flat faced Chinese kitten hopped in over the bottom half of the door. I said
I wanted that one. I pulled some keys out of my pocket and said, "I have
12 keys", does someone want to let me in?" A woman said she had brought the
kitten special for me. |
 |
 |
 |
2-25-89 - I dreamed that my spiritual teacher showed me a notebook he wrote
in regularly. His notes showed that he had a vision that the second coming
of Jesus Christ would be soon. He had received the visions from an Ascended
Master. At the bottom of the page signed seven times in various colors of
pencil was the name "FATHER".
I woke up and instantly heard a telephone ring in my left ear. I mentally
said, "I am ready for a message." I began to see a small graveyard. It was
oval-shaped. A white arm and hand appeared and began digging a deep hole
in the soil and bringing out objects which I eventually recognized to be
the baby Jesus laying in a 'cradle' and surrounded by baby animals. I then
saw another oval ring next to it and inside that ring, a full sized lamb
and lion were laying down inside it...side by side.
9-27-89 - Dreamed I was in a huge building setting up a business. The woman
were all dressed in pale beige dresses and wearing high heeled shoes, and
I was carrying a beige lamp. The bulb had just been taken out and I was carrying
the lamp to set it down for later. I crushed the shade under my elbow and
my body because I was so pressured, but I fixed it. There was a swarthy man
getting in the way and causing havoc. I went into the basement and he was
taking over and there were signs of animals (cats, birds, etc.) everywhere.
The cat was a
huge orange male and looked rather grubby. I told the swarthy man that I
would kill the cat if it got in my way. I went through the basement to the
other end where the chubby caretaker was and asked him if he hadn't noticed
that the swarthy man was taking over. He said that he hadn't. I told him
that all we had to do yet was to establish a musical theatre and we'd be
all set to go into business.
10-24-89: Meditation: I saw a female lion
trying to jump a fence. She got only half way over. A voice said, "The Jewish
people are getting nowhere. The Lion of Judah can only get half way over
the fence."
REF: Gen: 8 - 10 - Judah, your brothers will praise you, your hand will be
on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons will bow down to you. 9:
You are a lion's cub, 1O Judah; you return from the prey, my son.
Like a lion he crouches and lies down,
like a lioness - who dares to rouse him? 10: The scepter will not depart
from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he come to
whom it belongs, and the obedience of the nations is his.
12-19-89 - DREAM - I went to the bank, driving a violet colored car. I went
inside but couldn't get waited on. There were about 10 empty check-out counters
between me and the clerk. When I got up to the counter, all I had was the
key to the car. I felt very insecure not having a purse with me, which was
blue. I asked for 5 penny wrappers which were red and white.
A grocery store was at the back of the bank and they bragged about how fast
you could buy something, but then you had to stand in line to pay for it.
The bank clerk was so busy, she never got back to me, so I left, seeing that
my standing in line had backed up hundreds of people who needed to do business
too. They opened up a new window to accommodate them.
I went back outside to my car which was parked in a special spot facing to
the right, but when I wanted to get in, it would elude me. Then my daughter
came and said that my son had taken it to empty the trash.
Then we got in it and laughed because we had eluded the lion that was prowling
around outside.
5-25-90 - MEDITATION - While I was raising my vibrations, I saw myself standing
on the ocean shore on top of a cliff, watching the waves crashing against
the shore. There was a triangular boy there. A voice said, "This is a better
place than the earth zone."
I saw a girl and a woman wearing purple dresses with colorful flowers all
over. They danced to the left, put down a black purse, then danced to the
right again.
I called T.M. A voice said, "Call John Paul!" I saw a very large group of
people who appeared to be leaving a hospital. These were very heavy set people.
A black woman came along who was very upset. She said, "What took you so
long to get here? It took you over two hours."
I asked to see the 'Rod of Power'. I saw it three times. It was held in the
right hand. It was three feet long. It had a gold circular plate at the top
with a hole in the center and out of the hole was coming a brilliant bluewhite
flame, not like a candle, but shooting out like a blowtorch. It was at least
three inches wide. There were people lining up along a sidewalk waiting for
someone to come out of a house. I saw a man, naked from the waist up, sweating
profusely, having a great deal of trouble doing something like pushups. They
were asking him why was he having so much trouble handling his problems.
I was understanding that there is a heavy price to pay for having this
responsibility also.
I saw a large white table with many herbs growing in various pots and jars.
I saw some people coming down a long hall with glass on one side like at
the airport. They were asking what would go into a time capsule.
I saw something like a calendar. It was divided into three parts. On the
left half, January was at the top with a lion laying down. On the left half
on the bottom was 'June'. The whole right half was March.
Then I saw many black people. They said, "The war is over!" They were very
7-19-90 - DREAM - I was in the livingroom of my 16th St. house. I had a baby
kitten to feed and I put down three plates...each with a three pound steak
with a hamburger on top. I realized that was way too much meat for a baby
kitten so I put two plates and two thirds of the third plate back into the
I then went upstairs and fed the kitten some other kind of food (milk?) and
the kitten turned into a beautiful tiny human baby which I held close to
1-22-90 - DREAM - I was at work, sitting at my desk. Suddenly, I became afraid
that I had not done some work that I had been assigned and had been reading
too many books. I began taking the books I had piled in the 'IN' basket and
putting them in the typewriter section of the desk. But, when I got down
to the bottom of the pile, there was no work to do and I felt relieved that
I had, in fact, done everything I was supposed to do. The last book I took
out of the "IN" basket was a green Bible. I took it over to the library shelves
to put it where it belonged, and another man went with me, but when he pulled
out a large encyclopedia volume, I saw that there was no place to put the
Bible on the shelves. It didn't fit anywhere.
I went back to my house and the man went with me. I was intending to sort
out all my clothes by type and color. The man went into the closet and began
to pull out pieces of fur, some small, some large. Most of them were light
orange and few were white. They were all soft and fluffy, but after he left,
I saw that the fur pieces were beginning to take on a form and flesh of kittens
and cats. They grew firmer and firmer, took on flesh and bones and began
to walk around and became very aggressive.
I tried to call T.M. on the phone to tell him of the miracle that had occurred
but I could only get Alice. T.M. was in a long meeting. I became more and
more anxious to tell him of the miracle that had occurred, but as I waited
I was thinking of the kittens and seeing that they were becoming more aggressive
and that the claws had developed too and that they could be considered dangerous.
10-15-90 - DREAM - I received photographs at my desk from people in California.
One was of a man with a pointed hat on. He was holding a cat.
My boss who was my mother, got upset because I was not working. She took
the photo of a man and the cat. The cat became real and began attacking her.
My mother complained about the cat. I said that I would take care of the
matter, but then the cat turned vicious and starting attacking me too. I
used a chair to fight him off, then I grabbed him and slammed him up against
the wall, until he skull was cracked open.
A doctor came and examined the cat's brain and said that the brain was deformed.
It should have had a hollow in it and it did not.
I then went back to my boss to ask her what she wanted me to do next. In
my desk drawer were some thick books about 3" thick.
12-5-91 - Voice Message - He finally played on their ego, long enough to
teach them kindness and love (?) they must really nymph what the lion has
to order.
by Joe Mason
2-6-92 - DREAM - I had been to a garage sale and picked up some craft items,
one of which was a wire shaped into a cat and had a length of crocheted lace
on it and sold for 10 cents. Everybody in the neighborhood was going there
and I wanted to go back again and see what I missed. I thought I could copy
the projects and sell them for a small income.
There were some Mexican people who came to the house and were buying our
furniture because we had too much of it. All that was left was a a set of
4 brown bentwood chairs and I didn't want to let them go, but somebody said,
"let them have them, you can always buy more." Another woman said not to
I was on Center St. with this woman and she had a drawer of magazines and
things on the outside of the building. I decided to go through the drawer
and a couple magazines that had projects in them. The woman got upset that
I was looking in the drawers and I told her what I was doing. Then at the
bottom of the drawer I found a notebook where I had written a project and
the edge of the pages had a whole row of colored rainbow ribbons of every
imaginable color. I also found two other cardboards with colored ribbons
attached to them. I and the woman talked about the project. We knew that
someone else had done something similar but not exactly the same, but I was
told that it would be a good idea to go ahead and do the project but on a
more limited basis. There was no reason not to, that our project was as good
as the other one and would sell also.
Saturday, 12/5/92 8:00 a.m.
I've been sleeping poorly all night, frequently waking up confused and
disoriented. I can't remember any other dreams before the one I'm about to
tell. This one struck me as odd, because I'm not a religious person at all,
in terms of Christianity, and I certainly don't believe the devil at all.
I was alternately watching and participating in a mission carried out by
the characters in a book I was reading, The Bannerman Effect by John Maxim.
There was a decoy delivery that was taking place. M.F., C.B. and B.M. were
all present, along with other people I didn't know. The Bad Guys showed up
shooting, and Molly was struck in the head superficially. I can't remember
much after that, except being angry that she was hurt for no reason, as this
wasn't the real drop.
The dream moved along, and came to a point at which Chris (then-current
boyfriend) and I were looking at my car. I think we were putting gas into
it, and I noticed that the caps to the air valves on the tires were off.
There were small hoses that had to be attached at two places on the tire,
but they were broken and air was rushing out of all four tires. Deciding
I shouldn't drive it, I walked to the nearest pay phone, which was near Sparrow
Hospital. There was a man in front of me, wearing very worn biker leathers
and a scraggly blond ponytail and moustache. He was very rough-looking, and
not attractive. I overheard bits of his conversation. I was frightened by
him, but not enough to deter me from using the phone to call Mom and Dad
to tell them of the tires. I had asked Chris if I could buy new parts at
a gas station, but he told me that I had to call the Honda Dealer to get
the new devices, and as it was 8:00 p.m., the dealer was closed and we were
The man finished with his call and turned to me. He handed me his pen, which
I needed. I thanked him and started to make the call. I can't remember if
I finished it or not, but I didn't have any paper and wrote something in
the bark of the tree that the pay phone was hooked up to. I had realized
during the course of his call who the man was; he had played Blaster in the
Mad Max movie "Beyond Thunderdome." The audience never sees his real face,
but he was huge like the man in the movie was.
There was a large,
charcoal grey fox there now, which seemed to be very mean. He snapped at
anyone who got close to him. I was very nervous now, with this fox and the
large man so nearby. I wondered how to walk away and get by the fox without
being bitten. The fox soon disappeared, and I didn't think of it again. As
I called, the man sat down on a bench, presumably waiting for the return
of his pen. As I turned from the pay phone, I gave him back, his pen and
stated that I recognized him.
He offered me his hand, which I clasped in both of mine in a way which I
thought to be the "biker way" of shaking hands. He turned out to be very
nice, and started walking with me and discussing the movie he was in. A young
black boy, maybe ten years old, walked by and took my other hand (the biker
was still holding my right hand) and we started back to my car. Since this
wasn't a very good neighborhood, they wanted to see me arrive safely.
Blaster at this point turned into a large black man, maybe in his twenties,
and continued walking with me and holding my hand. I had trouble remembering
where I had left my car. I knew it was behind Sparrow Hospital, but we had
walked two blocks too far to the west, and I had lost track of where exactly
we were. I knew the general direction of the hospital, though, and turned
towards it.
It seems that by now, the two people I had been with had turned into a small
group of friends, whose faces I don't remember knowing, and the neighborhood
had turned into a middle-class one, with two-story houses typical of downtown
Mason. There was a huge church to the east, and I could see Sparrow Hospital
beyond it. I turned towards the hospital, but by now, walking was becoming
tedious. I left my friends behind and started flying down the streets.
Somewhere along the way, the scope of the dream changed. The car forgotten,
I turned into an alley that ran next to the church. It was a gothic-type
church with dark gray stone walls and ornate windows. As I floated down the
alley towards an immense courtyard, I felt a distinctly wrong atmosphere.
This sort of feeling usually accompanies my nightmares, but it was much stronger
this time. The air pressure was heavy, sort of vibrating. I'm not sure now
who I was supposed to be at this point, but I feel I wasn't myself. I looked
down into a stairway that led to a basement door of the church and an old
woman sat midway down them. I couldn't see her face, as she was looking down
at her hands in her lap, but her stockinged legs appeared scabbed and rotted.
She had graying blonde hair and a small round hat. She was humming to herself
and playing with her hands. She never looked up. I knew immediately she was
a sign of evil, a symbol of the devil as in horror movies.
I floated past her into the courtyard. The church surrounded me on three
sides, and the one opposite me, to the west, had a huge arched exit. The
pressure was still oppressive; I could see the church itself was being squeezed
thinner (sideways) by it. The building seemed to quiver and looked almost
like a mirage.
I rose and looked around. People came out of the church, worried and afraid.
The sense of doom was actually audible. The outside gradually turned into
a huge inner chamber of the church as the next few events occurred. I kept
rising, and watched the people.
There had apparently been a murder on the church grounds. There were bloodstains
on some sacred objects or the alter, or some such place, but there was no
body to be found, and they were looking for it. I was at the ceiling now.
A very young woman pointed up towards me and asked what was on the ceiling
or noticed what was on the ceiling, I can't remember exactly what. She couldn't
see clearly, because the ceiling was so high, it was difficult to make out
details that far away. As everyone looked, it was decided, much to their
horror, that the body had been crucified on top of a crucifix that was engraved
in the ceiling's stone. I discovered, much to my own surprise, that I was
the dead man they had pointed to, and I was in fact crucified on the ceiling.
The people were shocked. A large stone crucifix on the east wall crossed
itself. I was released from the body, and floated around as the spirit of
the man. No one could see me. I decided to try and warn the people of their
imminent danger; it seems now that Satan was close by, and planning great
harm to the church and everyone in it.
The walls of the church were a cream-colored stone that had portraits of
Christ and other appropriate figures carved into it. I concentrated my will
on one portrait, and it glowed as if someone had opened a windowshade and
the sun were shining on it. I waved my fingers and bloodstains appeared on
it. This was apparently the sort of warning I was looking for, because I
continued doing so on the ceiling and walls for awhile. I rose up to the
ceiling again, which also had many carvings, both portraits and designs.
As I reached the ceiling, I must have become someone else, because I watched
the form of the man's spirit fly nearly through me. He had the wings and
dress of an angel, but looked more like a shadow, because he was entirely
dark, and I couldn't see features, just silhouettes. I can't remember how
the dream flowed to the next part, but I had to hold onto the ceiling because
I could no longer fly. There were carvings that hung down and had flared
edges on them, so I could hold on and move towards the wall. I was very afraid
of falling, because I couldn't get a good grip and the ceiling was at least
fifty feet high. The warnings I had left were still there, but now they seemed
dangerous and evil.
As I made my way towards the wall to climb down, I noticed a black Persian
kitten sitting up in a carving that had blood on it. It seemed to be stranded,
but didn't look concerned. I made my way towards the kitten so I could rescue
it, and I had almost reached it when I felt something over my shoulder and
turned. As soon as I saw what it was, I screamed and woke myself up. I can't
remember what it looked like exactly; I have the distinct feeling it was
the devil, but I can't remember what form exactly he had. He was vaguely
dragonish, with ragged wings and tufts of fur around his head. I seem to
remember vicious hissing as well, just as I woke up.
by anonymous
11-28-93 - DREAM - I was in an apartment. Becky was in the next room. I could
hear babies crying in the apartments on both sides of me. I wondered how
their neighbors like the crying babies because we never had infants in the
building before. I went next door where a doctor lived to see why his baby
was crying so much. The babies clothes were wet up to his neck and his diaper
hadn't been changed in a long time.
I had two diapers and I donated them to the care of the baby and when the
doctor came in I gave him a bad time about the care of his baby.
Becky said she needed something to eat. I volunteered to get her something
which meant I had to go out in the cold dark night to the store. My ex-husband
Jim volunteered to take me and I accepted his offer. We rushed to the store
in the car. I was grateful for the ride but in my hurry, I forgot to take
my wallet or checkbook to pay for the food and more diapers.
I found a $20 bill in my purse and offered it to Jim to pay for the goods.
He took it reluctantly because it was way more than the cost of the items
I bought.
We left the store then. Outside, we met a woman with white hair, wearing
a pink dress. She was older than I, spoke with an English accent. She said
she was going to her church for a special service and poetry reading and
asked if we'd like to go along. I agreed reluctantly.
We came to an old dilapidated building. We went in a narrow door and climbed
some incredibly narrow, steep steps with great difficulty. We finally came
out on top in what I thought was the balcony. I had been hearing the congregation
singing Christian songs all the time.
We came out at the back of the church which sloped down steeply towards the
front. The minister was just beginning to preach when we came in and he waited
for us to be seated before he started.
I tried to follow my ex-husband's lead but he couldn't find two seats together.
All the while he was hunting for a place to sit down, he was hollering at
the preacher that he better not tell him that he was the world's greatest
Meanwhile, while my ex-husband found a seat on the left towards the back,
the only seat that I fit in was way down front on the right all by myself.
The preacher was amused at my husband's denial of sin and the preacher told
my husband that he was the "Keeper of the Last Trump" that loosed the sky
that caused a great flood to roll over a third of the earth.
I sat there waiting for the preacher to ask if I was saved and I planned
to raise my hand towards Heaven and say, "Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, I
am saved!"
So, when he
turned towards me after the pronouncement of what my ex-husband was, I had
a Cheshire cat grin on my face, waiting for the preacher's big question.
And he said, "And for you, Missy, the great mystical psychic.... "
I was pleased that he realized who I was and grinned more.
He went on, "...you're a lover of food for your pleasure."
I knew he was right and waiting for him to pronounce more of my sins.
I had had a vision
of the sky falling, washing over a single white dove in the sky and washing
floods of red blood ahead of it as the preacher had spoken. And now he announced
to everyone, "You are the keeper of the 7 Trumpets."
Knowing this was in the book of Revelation, I was shocked and my mind rushed
through my memory of what the 7 Trumpets were and realized that the first
one had not yet been blown.
And I woke up.
1-8-94 - DREAM
- I was in an apartment building. I was offered my old job back by _____
from ______ (names withheld). I moved into a room that was blue. I told her
I chose that room because I like the vibes of the person who had lived there
before. The room was swarming with people. I asked them all to leave so I
could settle in. They left behind a whole lot of black and white puppies
and kittens. I told the puppies and kittens that they could stay if they
wanted to know a lot of work was ahead of me if they did. Then I closed the
door to be alone.
08/11/96 While looking through the classifieds, I found an add for a job.
A local pet shop wanted someone to come in and amuse their kittens. This
sounded like the perfect job for me. I wondered if they would hire me, and
if one could actually make a living entertaining kittens. These questions
were never answered, because the scene faded immediately.Now I found myself
in the ladies room at Walmart. Not only was it filthy - one of the toilets
was overflowing, and the floor was under two inches of water. I went out
to the customer service desk to get someone to fix it., but the lady there
said all the employees were afraid to go in, because it was haunted. I was
highly annoyed (I really had to go), but they wouldn't be swayed."I don't
believe in ghosts", I said."We do!" she answered.Finally a woman and a male
employee (who looked and acted a lot like "Lurch" from the "Addams Family")
went into the bathroom. Immediately they came back. The woman was unconscious
and Lurch had to carry her out. Both were disheveled and bloody. The ghost
had attacked them. Evidently, I had been wrong - although the ghost hadn't
done anything to me. Then I went home (to an apartment house I don't live
in). A neighbor's door was open. She was on the phone with a friend. She
looked a lot like Crystal Gayle, and was a medium or spiritualist who had
written couple of books about her experiences with the spirit world. A group
of her friends, all writers, had written an anthology about the subject as
well. Their book was in my hand, but for some reason I had no time to do
more than skim through it. One of the writers was very upset, telling the
woman on the phone that there were at least thirteen entities in her apartment,
which distressed her because it was a small apartment and was very crowded.
I was able to see her spirit visitors too - people from several different
time periods and cultures. The lady was also very agitated because she thought
that all this spirit activity foretold approaching disaster.Then I was out
in a parking lot in front of the building. A friend, his 11 year old daughter,
a younger girl, a man who was supposed to be my grandfather and I were all
sitting on the running board of a rusty 30's vintage sedan. My friend's daughter
had heard that smoke kept away evil spirits, and wanted a cigarette. I lit
one for her,and the looked to see a tornado ripping up the town a mile or
so away. It was followed by a second one -and then a third, much closer.I
pointed to it, and said to my grandfather, "Papa, look at that!""Everybody
get inside!" he said.Since the tornado was very close now, that seemed like
a good idea. I picked up the young child, and we all ran to the building.
Cars were flying into the air, just like in the movies. As we ran into the
house, and I pulled the door shut, I wondered if going up to the second floor
was such a good idea. I thought that we might be better off braking into
the cellar instead. Then, I woke up.
by anonymous
I feel blessed to get this one. Dream is from 1996.
Hi Dee,
Been reading through your dreams and my instincts are kicking in that I have
tuned into something dear to my heart,(soul) 2 years ago I dreamed that I
was calmly following a female gold lioness.She was BEAUTIFUL. So physical
but yet ethereal and Powerful. She showed me her paw. On a nail was the most
beautiful ring I had ever seen It was composed of all jewels and some I had
never seen and the band was jeweled also but the whole thing was moving,
liquefied,shimmering. As I would reach for it she would stand up,open her
mouth and take my head in it. I could feel one tooth penetrate my crown center
and the bottom tooth enter my throat center. It did hurt,lasting for about
10 seconds. She would then calmly get down and start walking away. I would
watch her and the moment I decided to take a step forward (because I simply
had to have that ring at all costs),she would slowly walk back to me and
stand up. I would lower my head and she would bite again. I would endure
it and this kept happening maybe 4-5 times.
The following day I went into a store and saw a poster that shocked me. It
was of the male lion of the tribe of Judah with a chain with 2 keys hanging
from his mouth.He was wearing a crown and also his right front leg was extended
forward with a jeweled bracelet on it !!! Below was written,""Fear not: I
am the first and the last: I am He that lives, and was dead; and behold,
I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelations: 1:17:18"
But this was not the end. I went to Philadelphia to visit my Bishop for a
weekend. I told her nothing of this. After she said mass I was spinning and
slightly dizzy with a burning crown chakra. I then told her of the "ring"
but not the poster. Minutes later she informed me , "no dear, it's not a
ring, it's your crown!!!"I then recalled that at the beginning of the mass
after invoking the archangels Michael,Gabriel,Auriel and Raphael that she
invoked Auriel(and another).
I looked it up and Auriel = lion angel and also the antique name for Jerusalem,,
and also means altar hearth.
More Light.
Rev. Maureen Heffernan
The picture at the top of the page is from Maureen
Age: 14 -- 11/06/96
This nightmare has been recurring since I was six. Me and a blonde girl (I'm
a brunette) (always a real person though her identity keeps changing as I
age, earliest she was my elder sister ( a step), then my best friend) are
shown to the top floor of a very tall building to see my "uncle" (who does
not exist in my conscious world) (I mention step, because he is my uncle
only, my companion is always a guest) We are given gifts and a meal and settle
down to watch a program on tv. (it's I think supposed to be "The Red Balloon",
because the protagonist is a young man, also blonde) who, aside from the
red balloon, has all of the
gifts that
we've been given, including two kittens, one black, the other white.Both
are purring happily But having to carry all of his treasures, his hands are
quite full, and when a sudden gust of wind blows the balloon out of his hands,
he loses his balance and the objects scatter and disappear (poof! disappear
not just off the screen). Simultaneously, the lights in the room flicker
and the my companion and the white kitten disappear. The black kitten, whom
I am holding, bites me and draws blood. I drop her and she disappears too.
I ask my uncle in despair where they have gone. He replies in a voice both
sad and remote, "To the basement," and I am stricken with fear. But nonetheless,
I am sent to retrieve them. The elevator ride down is a long one and when
the doors open, I first get a sense of the surroundings. It is very
stereotypically hellish, but in a way that does not contradict with the rest
of the dream. I look out into a long dark hallway whose wall paper is that
musty red textured stuff one sees in a depiction of a victorian bordello,
lit dimly by dust-covered gaslamps (of course) I am about to step out into
this when a gust of something (heat, smell) overwhelms me and I faint back
into the elevator. Then I wake up. A rag-bag of over-the-top cliche I am
well aware it is and sounds, but I swear that this is real. The juxtaposition
between heaven and hell is also overtly obvious, but as to what that means
for me, I am at a loss. I'm not overly religious (not really religious at
all), or I would say it's some sort of original sin thing.
1-25-97 - DREAM
- I was in New Berlin. The family had an orange cat which was only nibbling
on dry food and not eating enough to live on. I went to the pantry to find
something the cat would like which would provide a lot of nutrients. I found
a can of "AYL" which I thought was alewives (fish) That cat walked out into
the kitchen and said loudly,
"Yes!" I remarked to a woman there and said the can can say, "Yes!" and the
cat repeated, "Yes! Yes!" as it left the room.
9-5-97 - Dream - I was in an apartment building. I was wearing a pink nightie
that had two layers and one layer was longer than the other. I was trying
to suck in my fat stomach because I had to walk past some men to get to my
apartment. I went into my apartment to get dressed. My bedroom was on two
levels, one higher and one lower. On the higher level, a young woman brought
me a large water ball with a white scene in it. (I have one just like it
with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in it.) This one seemed to have some trees
in it. The waterball morphed into a round fish bowl with two fish in it.
I took it to the kitchen to do something with the water. The bowl fell on
the floor and all the water spilled out and their were many female guppies
flopping on the floor. I thought about scooping the fish back into the bowl
but was afraid I'd injure their scales. There was a man to my left behind
me. I thought maybe he could do it better. Then a big orange cat appeared
and towered
the flopping fish. I looked on the kitchen counter and saw a fake mouse toy
I could have distracted the cat with, but decided to let the cat have the
fish so I wouldn't have to clean it up. (I felt guilty for doing that after
I woke up)
1997 - DREAM - I was in the apartment with a man I loved. He wasn't certain
about his fatherhood skills. I was holding his daughter then and cared for
her like she was my own.
The man kept his valuable information in a secret place. First it was a gun
case which seemed to morph into a Lion's body which was alive. The Lion rolled
over on it's back and I could see the inside of the Lion's body, all the
way up the spine into the mouth. There seemed to be no internal organs yet
the Lion lived and I assumed they had been surgically placed differently
to give the Lion the hollow appearance.
I assured the man that everything would turn out all right and he appeared
to accept my words as truth.
8-29-97 - Dream - The dream was all black and white computer pages. I was
seeing crop circles and glyphs all relating to sexuality, and all the sign
for Leo The Lion astrological sign.
I went to the hotel I was going to manage. There didn't seem to be any bosses
to ask questions of, but there were lots of people with needs and who needed
help. Nobody was being fed to start with. I went to the kitchen and found
meat half ground up for sausage, but the machine was dirty, the sausage half
dried up.
I cranked the handle once and it was a mess, the old dried up meat was mixed
with the new meat. I knew I'd have to throw out all the old meat and start
over fresh.
For every task that needed a machine, I saw 100 machines standing there waiting
to be used to do the job, but there was nobody doing the jobs and the machines
were old and antiquated and not up to the task of the modern day life style.
Every time someone came up to me, I had to find a solution to the problem,
find a machine to do the job and find a person who could do the job. This
went on for hours and hours and I saw hundreds and hundreds of types of machines.
They were all white and all lined up waiting for workers to turn them on
to do their job.
I went upstairs and looked out the window where the sun was shining brilliantly.
I felt like I had been asleep for years. I heard water running in the bathroom.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30 a.m. and my mother was in
the bathroom getting washed up to start the day and she had needs to be taken
care of.
I went back downstairs feeling quite naked and undressed for work. A woman
brought me a beautiful heavy brocade, multicolored robe to put on that one
of her ancestors had worn. It was really heavy but when I put it on, it fit
perfectly like it was made for me, and it felt wonderful to wear it.
Three women came up to me. One of them was black. They began to sing a song
about God and how God had said he would provide a wagon for every task that
needed doing. In my mind I knew that I had had a dream earlier in the night
about a wagon my children had brought me full of books and I knew that if
I looked in the Concordance to the Bible I'd find the answers to my dreams
in that way because the symbolism was in the Bible.
I took the black woman by the hand, and she in turn took the hand of the
next woman, and that woman in turn took the hand of the next woman. They
continued singing about God, and I led them to the next room where my baby
was being cared for.
I went into the room where my baby was and asked for the baby. The woman
caring for the baby had him wrapped in a black towel. I took the baby from
her to hold him. She started to hand me all kinds of other things to care
for him, a pink diaper bag and hundreds of bottles of formula. I said, "No!
You can keep all those things and throw away all the old formula, I will
be feeding the baby from my own breast and nurse him back to health.
I told the singers to stand there and keep singing their songs and carried
the baby with me to the kitchen where people were lining up to be fed.
There were workers appearing now also, and I gave each one a small task to
do and overall the first step towards feeding the people would get done.
I heard a lion roar out the window and saw a magnificent lion roaring, sensing
danger over the hill which was quite near. I knew there wasn't much time
to get done what had to be done because something was on the other side of
that hill coming towards us that we needed to be prepared for.
A man came and asked me for help. He said he needed a train engine to perform
a particular task. I told him that all the trains we had were too old for
the task, but I'd get him a new modern engine to handle the job.
At that moment, I knew why I had spent the last 11 years learning how to
problem solve, because no matter what the problem was, I knew how to find
the solution to it. I asked the man to bring me the yellow pages from the
phone book, intending to find a train engine manufacturer, to make a new
engine for the man.
Then I asked another person where the light switch was for the hotel and
I went over and pushed the button and all the lights came on. We were now
ready to start the day's work.
10-13-97 - DREAM - I went down into the basement where work was going on.
A man asked for some special tape and I told him which storage closet it
was in. I saw a little tiny orange kitten on the floor and then someone came
by with a rectangular fishtank with amniotic fluid in it with several other
stages of pre-born kitten embryos in it.
I went up to the second floor where a package was delivered that had a new
blue sewing machine in it, and from there I went to my own rom and modeled
some new blue clothes and a french beret on my head.. I looked incredibly
I went down to the first floor where I worked. The phone rang so I answered
it. I didn't know the man they asked for. His name was Cabot. I went into
the bosses office where a meeting was going on. It looked more like a wedding
ceremony where many, many people were standing around a large rectangle table
wearing beautiful pastel clothes. Nobody responded to the name when I asked
if Mr. Cabot was there. I went into the next meeting room which was all men
covered with dark blue and dark green sheets. Nobody there responded to the
name Cabot either. I went back to the telephone to tell the woman I couldn't
find Mr. Cabot. The woman on the phone said her name was Mere and she wanted
to speak to Susan (from the previous dream.) I went upstairs to ask about
her and was told I wasn't even allowed to know if she was there or not. I
went downstairs to look for Susan but when I walked through sand, my shoe
prints were wide going in one direction (left) and narrow going in the other
direction, (right) I looked at it myself and even tried walking through the
sand again and couldn't figure it out. I went back to the phone and the phone
was already hung up.
I went outside then and all those people form the meetings came outside too
like they were tourists. We were on 13th and Wisconsin Ave. A tall fountain
was spraying water on the sidewalk and we were ducking so as not to get wet.
The people started stripping off their clothes and reveling in the sunshine
like they had never seen the sun before.
Tourists came from the left from foreign countries. They were all in 3's
and each country had a different type outfit on (like you see in the Olympic
We went a little further over where it became more crowded and a big, heavy
women were pushing huge puppet theatres around to put on shows for the public.
10-27-97 - VISION - I saw a web page of dream definitions about animals.
it showed me LION = GOD. Then it went to a page that said, GILGAMESH = GOD.
So, I went to the keyboard to the page where Gilgamesh was typed and adjusted
it to read: GILGAMESH = LION = GOD. I tried real hard to see the url of the
page but it was so dark blue, I couldn't read it.
1-15-98 - DREAM - I was working in the 2nd story of a church-like place.
there was a section like a jewelry store where hundreds of crystals were
setting on counters and hanging from jewelry trees. My little daughter was
there admiring them and she said,"I went downtown with A.O. to the jewelry
store and we looked at everything, but I came home empty handed." I felt
kind of proud of herr.
I was standing by a desk where people bought tickets to something and the
woman who was in charge of that hadn't yet done the book work for 1998 so
no work could be done yet.
I went outside and found out that B.G. was leaving town. I had a chariot
which was red leather upholstered for him to use but someone had dumped tomatoes
all over it and I had to clean it up. I began wiping it off and it was pretty
gross, then I had to take the rag upstairs, wash it out, then come back down
and wipe it off one more time.
B.G. was wearing a yellow sweater and was going around saying goodbye to
people so I rushed back upstairs to wash the rag. There were a lot of famous
church people up there...all really tall and thin, these were all people
from television. One kind of looked like Princess Di. There was also a very
swarthy man up there and was questioning people about some oil stealing scandal.
I was looking for B.G. at this point because I didn't want to miss saying
goodbye to him. I finally spotted him leaning up against the wall at the
bottom of the stairway where 3 ministers were having a discussion. He was
either listening to the conversation or talking to them, I couldn't tell.
I spotted his yellow sweater and went down the steps.
I went to hug him goodbye and we both morphed into gold robotic figures.
I was the Lion and he was the Tin man from the wizard of Oz but we were both
golden colored and sat down side by side on golden thrones. I was on the
right and he was on the left.
Date: 2/7/98
I had a vivid dream last week about being on a mountain with the Holy Spirit
and He was showing me different manuals as I was looking thru and studying
the manuals I noticed a large round lens on a table. Within the lens I could
see downward toward the earth from a great height.
It was as if I was looking from an ariel view and the landscape was the western
part of the U.S. The view was swiftly moving to the North West toward Washington
or Oregon. As I watched I heard tympanni drums and a trumpet sounding with
maybe an bland A note.
Finally I saw 2 spherical rocks fall through the clouds but the view was
obscured and to far up to see the ground. Then I walked over to another table
and began to converse with a person about asteroids. I said, we are entering
a time of asteroid activity which will last for a time and then change again.
Oblivious to my reasoning the guy looked at me and said, "Santana is coming
to Knoxville", and then again he said, "Saaantana", and I was puzzled why
he did not keep to the subject.
I looked around and what I had known to be the Holy Spirit was standing behind
me with a smile. He began to disappear until all that was left was a cheshire
cat smile 
and then I heard a small blink sound when the smile disappeared and I woke
I know, very strange but I awoke knowing that God was speaking to me about
an asteroid impact. I just wonder if the sign for it is Satana coming to
I do believe there will be a multitude of impacts throughout the world in
a very short period of time and this may be the first most significant one.
One important thing, when I watched the asteroids fall I felt within me that
every even I was watching had the unique precision of perfection in it and
was all by mathematical logical design to happen the way that it will happen.
go figure
by anonymous
2-15-98 - DREAM - I was watching people in canoes floating down river. They
came to a city and went into a theatre. Inside the theatre was a game show
going on. The theatre and the audience was really large. It was impossible
to finish the game show all in one day, so I was asked to make an announcement
to the people to get them to stay overnight and finish the game the next
day. They gave me a deck of blue playing cards. There were 57 cards and each
one represented a prize. There were many more than 57 people in the audience,
but I fanned out the card in front of them to entice them to stay until the
next day and win a prize. Each of the 57 chosen people would be able to pick
their own card from the deck, but nobody knew which people would be chosen,
and nobody would know what the prize was until after it was revealed later
on. Nobody got up to leave.
The scene changed when I walked into another room in the theatre building.
There was a long brown table in the room. I sat at the end of the table.
There were other people in the room, both men and women. An old, old, black
woman came into the room carrying a little black girl child about a year
old, who in turn was carrying an infant black girl child clutched in her
arms. One of the women in the room tried to take the child out of the arms
of the old black woman, but the child refused to go to her.
The old black woman sat down to my right around the corner of the table and
offered the child to me to hold. The child was terrified and clutched tightly
to her own little child. We placed a child's sized rocker on top of the table
in front of us and eased the child onto the rocking chair. She was held onto
the chair with a brown seat belt. The old black woman and I both had our
hands on the child to hold her safely and securely. I was rocking the chair
gently with my foot somehow to soothe the child. The old woman and I were
both talking to the child softly and telling her she was going to be okay
and she was safe and we pointed out that she couldn't fall out of the chair
because of the seat belt. We had to do this in order to make the change from
the old black woman to me.
The child gradually became more calm and we could see the fear leave the
child's eyes. Gradually then, the old black woman removed her hands from
the child while mine continued to hold her securely on the chair. Then, right
in front of us, the old woman fell over on the floor and died.
I was as shocked at anyone to see the old woman die, but we turned the child's
rocker around so she couldn't see the old woman's dead body and some of the
men in the room prepared a schoolroom type event at the other end of the
long table where they had glass enclosed cages filled with little white baby
animals. They were the babies of every species imaginable.
All the babies were jumping around like baby animals do. They were really
cute. The test was going to be for the girl child now to name the animals
one by one.
Because there were so many animals, we removed the larger common ones like
the puppy, kitten, and bunny rabbit, because they were so common and were
also the largest and blocked the view of the others. I wiped the glass clean
so the child could see the animals clearly, and I took up a long pointer
stick to point to each animal so she could name them.
by Dee - 2-15-98
Joe's Interpretation of Dee's "End of the Age" Dream
Dee told me this dream right after we woke up this morning (2-15-98).
My first reaction was that it was about the end of the age, because I recognized
symbols that are similar to other dreams which I believe are related to certain
myths and religions.
The most outstanding feature to me is the death of the black woman. I believe
she represents the eastern goddess Kali, who is often depicted as black or
dark blue. I and several other people have had dreams of a black woman. They
seem to be important dreams and do not fit with the daily life circumstances.
One woman, for example, dreamed of a dead black woman in her bath tub.
In the eastern religions we are said to be in the Kali-Yuga, the Age of Iron.
According to H. P. Blavatsky, we rid ourselves of Kali at the end of the
In my theory, the harlot of Revelation 17 has the same meaning as Kali. The
age that is near its end is a karmic cycle. Kali is depicted with a girdle
of severed human hands. As the instruments of our works, this indicates the
karmic function. Personally, I feel that the traditional interpretation of
karma is not quite right. It seems to be more of a learning experience, rather
than a reward-punishment system. The game show, the deck of cards, and the
prizes in Dee's dream may suggest karma.
The men in the room preparing a schoolroom type event may suggest the learning
Some of my dreams seemed to suggest that the goddess symbolism represents
a type of energy, similar to a generator. The earth is like a motor being
powered by the generator-goddess. The goddess is replaced by another in the
new cycle, like a new energy becoming manifest. Kali, and other goddesses
in the eastern systems are the aspects of the One Goddess, Sakti.
Kali is a destroyer goddess. This is called "death or destruction creation,"
and equated to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the
process of the plants growth. In other words, in the overall, it is positive.
I believe this is the context of "the end of the world." The way of living
and being in the time cycle is the "seed" that is destroyed, but the new
"plant" will replace it.
In our system we are in the Age of Pisces. This is often associated with
water. The people in Dee's dream are floating down a river in canoes. Blavatsky
also said that the story of Noah's Ark represents the Age of Pisces. So,
the canoes, the water, and the animals in Dee's dream may suggest this.
Dreams of babies are common. They are often associated with goddess figures,
such as the Woman With Child in Revelation 12, the pregnant earth goddess
"Serpent Skirt" in the Aztec myth, and little Horus setting on his mother,
Isis' lap. I believe this is saying something about mankind.
Babies are often said to represent new ideas and ways, like "birthing" a
new idea.
Dee's dream is unique, I believe, in that the year-old girl child is carrying
an infant. My guess is that the year-old child represents an aspect of humanity,
and the infant symbolizes ideas/beliefs that are in their infancy.
The fear and refusal of the child to let go seems to indicate humanity clinging
to old ways because of the fear of change. Other dreams, I think, are similar,
such as clinging to a tree limb and being blown off by the wind.
A combination of various people's dreams led me to a theory about the Noah
story. In one of Jeff's dreams, many animals came to his front porch because
they felt warmth there. My son, Mike, had a recurring dream when he was a
child, of going down to his grammar school playground at night, where he
spoke to all the animals.
The idea is that the Ark represents mankind's dream "voyage" during the Age
of Pisces. All the animals must be brought aboard because they represent
the dream symbols.
Naming the animals, such as in the story of Adam, would indicate the
interpretations given to the (animals) symbols. In Dee's dream the animals
are white babies. White, I believe, is a symbol of purity or truth. The "test"
would indicate our ability to interpret the dream symbols correctly.
To me, this fits with various symbols indicating that the truth will come
at the end of the cycle. For example, in the Aztec myth the earth goddess
is impregnated by feathers from Heaven. The Egyptians used the feather to
symbolize truth, because it can be so easily blown away. Another example
is the Hopi creation myth of Spider Grandmother.
After three stages underground, she comes again, this time assisted by birds.
Birds are said to represent the descent of the Deity or messengers thereof
into the field of time. And, of course, they are covered by feathers.
I believe there is a hint of this in Revelation 1:12-16, where the sharp
two-edged sword issues from the mouth of the son of man. He speaks with a
voice like the sound of many waters. In Rev. 17:15 "waters" are said to be
peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. This seems to indicate that
the truth that will cut through the old beliefs and ways will be spoken by
Interestingly, Jeff had a dream where he and his oriental partner were chased
around in a house by a huge man, as another huge man guarded the door with
a knife. Then, the man at the door said they would be let out. Instantly,
the knife turned into a feather. When Jeff told me the dream in 1991, neither
one of us knew that the feather represented "truth."
This part of the dream reminded me of something I read in a crop circle journals
several years ago. It quoted the Mayan shaman, Hunbatz Men, as saying that
in the world change, the sacred symbols will be newly understood.
Dee explained to me that the animals were not full sized, so the relative
sizes of the animals did not match real life. The common ones like the puppy,
kitten, and bunny rabbit, were larger than the others, and blocked the view,
perhaps meaning they are more common dream symbols that make interpretation
more difficult, especially on the collective level.
Wiping the glass clean and pointing with the stick, I figure, indicates Dee's
work helping people with their dreams. In one of Jeff's dreams he was dressed
all in white, and saw a pregnant oriental woman in the back courtyard of
a restaurant. Later he saw oriental children in a van with dirty windows.
The dream ended with Jeff cleaning the windows of the van.
Some say that men and women in dreams can represent aspects of the self.
I believe the female images are often indicating the dreaming, night time,
inspirational, right-brain, intuitive side, and that the males are the rational,
day time, left-brain side. One theory is that Adam and Eve are one person
with a much larger male-rational aspect, with only a rib-sized portion of
the female-dreaming aspect. Eve, then, takes the fruit from the dream-tree
first, and then gives it to Adam. Perhaps misinterpretations caused "the
This is interesting in regard to the part of Dee's dream where she helped
the child feel safe . . . that she would not fall out of the chair.
In my dream symbols, black can sometimes mean "invisible." If this holds
true with Dee's dream, the black females would suggest invisible spiritual
entities and/or forces.
The idea that the events in the dream took place in a theater fits with many
other dreams. I believe some of them are suggesting that the world is like
a stage play or film. Several such dreams are on this site. They can be found
by clicking on the link labeled
"The Movie Theater"
in the Featured Dreams section on the main page.
3-11-98 - VISION - I saw my web page for Positive co-creation
VISION: I saw white kittens playing.
VOICE: "Everyone should try this."
VISION: I saw a kitten with a ball of white string and rolling around with
VOICE: "It is a joy."
VISION: I saw a mother white cat holding and hugging her little white kitten
on her lap with love.
VOICE: "It is a joy".
4-18-98 - VISION
- I saw myself in the bathroom and a white cat jumped up on the top of the
toilet seat.
Some people started talking to me but the language was unintelligible.
(This is a foreign white Siamese cat with blue eyes)
I saw the Green Bay Packers team all gathered together on the field. They
were all clapping their hands together and cheering.
NOTE: I'd been willing to think that the Packers are going to be Champions
again. :-)
NOTE #2 - THEY WERE!!!! GO PACKERS!!!! :-)
4-25-98 - DREAM - I was in a house that seemed to change from one house to
another depending on what room I was in. At the end I was watching a television
set with a grey screen of UFOs and ETs. That screen moved off to the left.
I tried to get it back with the remote by changing channels, but I couldn't
get it to come back.
I ended up using the remote control like a mouse and dragged some cartoon
characters of a lion standing on his two hind feet around the screen instead.
4-25-98 - DREAM - I was in New Berlin but it seemed some rooms in the house
were in other houses I lived in too.
I can't remember exactly how it started but we met three young men from Canada.
They seemed to be 16 or 17 years old. They seemed like nice boys and I became
particularly fond of the shorter blonde boy. My husband took him to where
he worked and he was offered a job in two seconds. I asked him where they
planned to stay that night. He said a word that sounded like "ceremony" but
I knew he meant a place where people stay who have no home. Even though we
didn't know these boys we offered to let them spend the night. The blonde
boy said it would be up to the oldest boy what they did and it seems like
he said the boys name was "Terra Cotta" or something like that.
The two darker haired boys went off downtown, but the blonde one stayed with
us and when I told my kids it was time to start cleaning up, the blonde boy
pitched in and worked harder than my own kids did. (My kids were sitting
out on the lawn and not participating. I said to them, "It appears you don't
appreciate what you have.")
I was standing in the kitchen and my youngest son Bill came in and his feet
were covered with strawberries from walking in the strawberry beds. I carried
him over to the sink and washed off his feet and called him a pig. He denied
walking in the strawberry beds but the evidence was clear enough.
The blonde boy continued to help me clean the kitchen and then we went down
in the basement and we cleaned the basement too.
I went up into the livingroom and saw that it was clean but a long low table
blocked the doorway and the orange/red carpeting had round circles impressed
in it like crop circles so I knew the livingroom needed more work yet.
I went back down to the kitchen and I saw my husband and all my kids coming
down the steps. Mike, Ken, and Tom were wearing white tuxedos, the others
were dressed normally. My daughter was wearing a purple/blue dress.
I asked where they were going. My husband said they were going to a wedding.
I asked who was getting married. He said, "Louis ____" a friend of my father.
(long deceased)
The man's male relatives were there and asked if I was coming too. I said,
"It seemed I wasn't invited, my husband deemed it that way by not telling
me about it.
They all left and I and the blonde boy continued to clean and guest started
to arrive from the neighborhood. Some of the guests needed to use the bathroom
and they had 5 toothbrushes and didn't know where to put them. I laughed
and said, "I have cabinets that don't have anything in them. I opened up
the upper cabinet which was empty and laid the 5 toothbrushes on the shelf.
This included a disabled woman we had to set up the TV set special for her.
I turned on the TV set and I saw a pale green screen with a UFO hovering
on it. Then the screen switched to a map of Wisconsin and the picture was
still pale green. This whole thing slid over to the left and the picture
was of some animal characters, a lion and some others. They were cartoonish.
I was able to drag the characters around the screen with the clicker thing
like it was a computer mouse, but I could get Wisconsin and the UFO back.
I tried changing the channel but nothing worked, so I let the disabled woman
watch the lion and the other animals play acting.
I then turned my attention back to the blonde boy and was asking him about
his family life and how his mother felt about him leaving Canada to seek
his fortune. He said he didn't have a mother and got real sad. So I asked
him about her and he said she had left the family many years before and he
didn't have any contact with her. I felt real bad for him and kissed him
on the cheek and wondered if he'd like me to be his surrogate mother. I felt
I had more love to give than I was using raising my own kids.
He seemed appreciative to have the attention and the love.
The other two darker boys came by then and Terra Cotta decided they couldn't
stay the night and they'd go downtown and stay at the men's shelter.
I asked the blond boy if he was going to work the next day and he said, "Yes!"
and I offered to help the other two boys as well.
I said, "Don't forget about us now, please. You know where we live," and
at that point I knew our address was on 84th St. (I never lived on 84th St.)
6-1-98 - VISIONS - (I was laying behind Joe who was sitting on the edge of
the bed reading a book) Dee heard, "Let us teach her the basics of lion
Dee went into a dream and found herself standing in the hallway of her old
apartment building between apartments 111 and 105 which were across the hall
from each other. A man came into the hallway, and went into apartment 111,
to talk to Bob, the painter, (Bob is always dressed in white) The man started
to tell Bob about an apartment in another building where people had just
moved out. He told Bob about all the holes in the walls, and how badly it
was trashed. He asked bob for an estimate of the cost to repair it and paint
it white. When Dee realized what the man was there for, she opened the door
to 105 and walked in, then woke up.
NOTE: Joe mentioned that the number 111 is one of the numbers associated
with Helios, the Sun from the "Magic square", based on the number 6. Dee
realized that apartment 105 = 6.
5-9-98 I read the prophecy on your web site by Hayda on the Prophecies of
the North. I have been having recurring dreams for over two years now involving
water. Everything from tidal waves, rivers, lakes, ponds, bays, water gushing
out of a wall and water gushing out of solid rock.
About half of these water dreams involve fish of gigantic proportions. Several
months ago they involved orcas. In one dream they were in a large pool. In
another dream one popped its head out of a narrow gorge of water along the
bank and flipped my cat into the water.
Last night I dreamed of a huge multicolored fish hundreds of feet long swimming
in the sky with a smaller fish in front of it and a still smaller fish in
the lead. The big fish ate both of the small fish and in the air I saw the
blood gush out of the big fishes mouth .
I don't know how to stop these dreams. I don't know what they mean either.
For a while I went to a psychiatrist about them and all he did was heavily
medicate me so I wouldn't have them. I quit taking the medicine and just
accept the dreams for what they are. I just wish I understood why I keep
having them.
Maybe you could share my dream with the old lady if she still lives or someone
who might be able to interpret it.
One last thing. Since I was a child I've occasionally had dreams of walking
or hiking for several hundred miles. In my dreams I always hike to the North
as if this was a safe place. Although I live in Florida I am not talking
of North as in Indiana or New York. I sense that the far Northern parts of
Canada are somehow a safe haven for earth changes.
by anonymous
6-3-98 - VISION - I was in my livingroom.
Suddenly there appeared a huge male lion, standing in the doorway with water
running off its belly like it had just come up out of deep water."
6-3-98 - DREAM - I was in my livingroom and a huge male tiger appeared in
the doorway
with water running off it's
belly like it had just come up out of deep water.
I screamed and ran around a corner into the bedroom and got on top of a tall
5 drawer dresser, then stepped around the corner into an alcove into a baby
I heard my daughter-in-law Lorna holler, "It's okay! He's dead. It's okay!
He's dead!"
I went back out into the other room and the tiger had changed into a lion,
and Lorna was sitting on the couch with the lion cuddled in her lap like
a big baby.
I was still scared, however, and ran out into the hall and slammed the door.
Excerpted from Dream Network Journal -
Vol. 19 No. 1
with Permission
"I am out in redrock country with my daughter Cydney, hiking. She and I have
no exchanges; it is if she is 'witness' in the early part of the dream, then
fades out.
We climb up onto a ledge about 3' - 4' wide and immediately, a LION jumps
up onto the ledge behind me. As I turn and see him, I immediately 'think'
"I must not feel fear, or he will sense it and we are in danger."
Succeeding at putting fear in check, the Lion walks up to me, stands on his
hind legs and puts his front paws upon my shoulders.
We are face-to-face ... and I stare at him, overwhelmed with the beauty and
magnificence of this creature!
Then he trembles ... and transforms into a very handsome man. Looking me
straight in the eye for an extended time, he opens his arms and embraces,
then kisses me. It was an encounter and exchange of Compassion, rather than
There is a 'call' from a distance and he releases me, backs away and (check
this!) reaches into his pocket, withdraws a handful of money, hands it to
me, trembles, transforms into a Lion once again and runs off in the direction
of the 'call.' |
6-3-98 - DREAM - I was in a situation where I had to feed some people and
all I could find was little plastic cups with cat food in them which was
made of the cheapest parts of the meat and even the cats didn't want to eat
I spent a long time searching for the best meat possible to serve to the
people. The last scene was of a tall radiator with a pure silver sheet of
foil under it and I knew that the lesson we had just learned brought us one
step closer to the end.
6-3-98 - DREAM - I had two dreams within a dream. Inner Dream #1 - I needed
to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall and saw the door was closed.
I knocked once and opened the door because I couldn't see anyone through
the crack in the door. I opened the door and saw my son Bill and two of his
friends, kneeling around the oval-shaped bathtub which was more over towards
the center of the room. They had stopped up the tub with numerous colored
rags and towels and were running the water into the tub, pretending to drown
numerous toy people. I started to holler at them. "Haven't I told you not
to do that before? I believe this is the third time. You know that three
times is all you get so now you have to be punished."
I let all the water out of the tub and removed and rags, towels and toy people.
I went into their bedroom and got up on their bed, preparing to jump off
the bed onto their toys and destroy them. I started to count down,
4...3...2...1.. and woke up from the dream, but I was still in MY dream.
In the second inner dream, it was not so clear, but in that dream, I was
counting UP alphabetically and got up to the letter "P" which I thought was
very significant. I woke up in the dream, but was STILL dreaming.
(This dream has a lot of details in it, so I'm not positive I am remembering
them all in sequence) There were several themes in the dream.
I was moving from one side of the street to the other side of the street
in the 2500 block of North 16th St. I was taking care of an apartment
building/house for another woman. I had to go to the bathroom really bad.
My husband volunteered me to give a lecture on dreams which I was totally
unprepared for. I was doing all these things at the same time.
I decided to tell the two 'inner dreams' to the lecture group because they
were fresh in my mind. With that decision made, I decided to run across the
street and look at my new house. Unfortunately, the 7 silver keys I had for
the front door, I left behind at the old house and I couldn't get in the
door without them, so I needed to go back home and get the keys.
This was yet early in the morning, about 8:30 a.m. The children were gathering
on the sidewalk to wait for the schoolbus.
Meanwhile, my neighbor asked me to take care of the building while she was
out on an errand. I agree to do this.
She said she would show me how to use the black telephone, which also monitored
the lobby for guests and visitors. #333 was to speak to people in the lobby.
#777 was to listen to what they had to say. I pressed #777 and there was
no one there except those children getting ready to go to school. I could
hear them talking in the background.
She had a candy exchange program for the kids in the morning. She provided
a series of black containers with candy in them and the children would come
in with a handful of candy in exchange. The children who came in while I
was standing there were coming in with handfuls of candy that looked like
silver people (the same kind my son was trying to drown in the bathtub in
the inner dream) The kids didn't want this woman's candy in the little black
containers, they were exchanging "people" candy with each other by the handfuls.
These kids were so happy to be able to do this.
Meanwhile I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I found three bathrooms
in the house/apartment but there was a child in each one and each child was
sitting inside the toilet bowl which was devoid of water, and they were playing
with the little silver candy 'people'.
I had dressed in a brown dress to go across the street to look at my house
and felt that was not an appropriate color to give the dream lecture in,
so I had to change clothes too.
I went to a room where I started to change clothes and as as soon as I was
sitting there with no pants on, several young men came to a counter-like
area with a window and demanded to be helped with some problems. After making
some lame excuses, I eventually had to tell them that I didn't have any pants
on and couldn't stand up in front of them. They left me alone long enough
to get dressed then.
Finally, one of the bathrooms emptied out and I ran to the bathroom to do
what I needed to do. No sooner had I sat down, my husband brought in all
the people who wanted to hear my dream lecture while I was sitting on the
toilet. I told them the two 'inner dreams' about the letting out the water
from the tub, the counting down to 1, the punishment, and the counting up
to the letter "P" and that it related to the coming earthchanges and how
soon it would be.
The people all left then, and I was standing in the doorway when the door
of the apartment across the hallway opened up. A huge man appeared, with
a dark, 1/2 grown out stubble of a beard, wearing a sleeveless T shirt and
trousers with suspenders. I soon got the idea that he was in charge of the
whole thing. He came over, held out his hand to shake mine and said,
"Congratulations! You have done well and I hope you will be happy here.!"
I shook his hand and thanked him.
I woke up and instantly heard a telephone ring in my left ear. I mentally
said, "I am ready for a message."
I began to see a small graveyard. It was oval-shaped. A white arm and hand
appeared and began digging a deep hole in the soil and bringing out objects
which I eventually recognized to be the baby Jesus laying in a 'cradle' and
surrounded by baby animals. I then saw another oval ring next to it and inside
that ring, a full sized lamb and lion were laying down inside it...side by
6-24-98 - DREAM - I was living in a house with a bunch of other people. B.G.
the painter came to visit, so I started telling him the dream I had about
him earlier this year about how he was leaving. In the dream I told him that
I had a red "Excalibur" leather upholstered to give him. (It had been a chariot)
I told him in the upper church Princess Diana, Jacqueline Kennedy O'Nassis
and the actor "Neils"sp was there. (J.K.O. was not there) and I told him
that when I hugged him goodbye that I had turned into the Lion King and he
had turned into the Queen of Diamonds. (He was the Tin Man from the Wizard
of Oz and I had become the Lion and we had sat down on golden thrones) B.G.
was all disappointed that he was the Queen of Diamonds. After he left, I
remembered that it actually was the Knight of Diamonds and visualized the
horse figure on a chess board game.
In the next part of the dream, I was talking with the other women about our
responsibilities in taking care of the house. We each were responsible to
take care of the part we lived in. W.G. came in and told us that her car
was all messed up and I explained the deal, how we were all responsible for
our own little area we lived in. And I said, "And who is responsible for
your car?" She looked around wildly looking for someone to blame. I asked
her again, "And who is responsible for YOUR car?" emphasizing the word Your.
She again looked around for someone to blame, so I said it again, "WHO is
responsible for YOUR car?" and then she finally got it that she was responsible
for her own car.
Then a young black girl was telling one of the other women how she had looked
in the door of another woman's room and the floor was all dirty. I started
to feel guilty about my house being a mess and ought to spend some time cleaning
8-8-98 - DREAM - I was in a large building where a television show was going
to be put on to interview some people. The woman interviewer walked up to
where the panel was sitting and got down on her haunches to talk to them.
Soon she was laying down, the covered with a sheet. Then the audience began
imitating her and they all laid down and covered with sheets. The people
in the audience, being covered with sheets got their hair all messed up and
frizzed out and the moderator would count to 9 and everyone would stand up
at once and then get back down under the sheet. Now this sheet covered the
whole audience. She counted up to 9 and everyone stood up and then got back
down under the sheet except one woman. She looked around, trying to figure
out what was going on, then realizing she was out of sync with the other,
got down under the sheet too.
I stood up with the others, but when the others got under the big sheet,
I left and went elsewhere in the building.
I went down the hall into a room where there was a big round table and two
men. I cannot recall why we did this, but we got down under the table and
I saw that the round table had lion's paws on it's legs. (I used to own one
like this. I had it in my kitchen. The table stood on one pedestal with 4
lion's feet sticking out for stability and a wheel was under each paw to
help move it around easily.)
Anyway, we were under the table and one of the men started turning into a
lion and slid backwards into a hole in the ground and fell asleep. I didn't
understand this, but when the man turned into a lion, I became afraid. He
was holding my hand at that time and because of my fear, I began pulling
my hand away very slowly. I managed to back up away from him, I began to
stand up and there, standing up on top of the table was a full size male
8-27-98 - DREAM - I was managing an apartment building on the east side of
Milwaukee. There were people everywhere I went. I looked out the window and
the whole street was full of huge blue and white moving vans. One of the
vans was moved to make way for a big delivery van.
A workman came in and asked me if I might have a spare letter for a sign
he was making. I said, "These letters all come in sets. I probably do. I'll
have to look."
I began searching through drawers and finding odd clothes stacked everywhere.
In one dresser I found an orange cat in every drawer, sleeping. I was concerned
that I had too many cats, but I remembered a law that stated you could have
one cat per bedroom and I had 4 bedrooms, so I was okay. Then I saw an orange
kitten come sneaking in the patio door which had one hind leg and his tail
missing. I felt really sorry for it and let it go where it wanted.
On top of the highest shelf, I found some new clothes and decided I needed
to change out of my stained clothes because my lover was coming to visit
so I quickly changed clothes and decided I may as well give away all my old
clothes I was saving because at my age, I didn't need to save everything
for year...just in case of need, I could just go out and buy new stuff and
other needy people could use what I had.
Note: The next day a news broadcast said that they were collecting clothing
for Russian Christian missions so my dream was right on target.
I went back to the workman and told him I couldn't find the letters, but
I would continue to look and would let him know.
One of the moving van guys came in and said he needed a key to the basement
locker room. I said, "Okay!" but didn't want to go to the basement and didn't
know where the key to the basement was.
At this point, there were people all over the building trying to get to different
floors and I could see there was a problem. I went to the elevator and it
was full of tall people about 7 feet tall. I decided to go down the stairs
instead. At this point I realized I was barefoot. I reached the basement
level and saw that the heavy brown metal door to the basement hallway was
locked from the other side so I refused to open it and go through that door
as I didn't have the key to get back into the building.
I turned to go up a different stairway and the stairs were spongy and wouldn't
hold my weight. There were workmen standing right there so to show my authority
as manager, I commanded the workman to repair the steps so I could ascend
the stairs.
He got a really mean gleam in his eye because I had commanded him instead
of asking nicely, so he came over and removed the stairs completely, blocking
them up with a white board on a slant.
However, when he removed the spongy stairs, he opened a door to a hidden
hallway through which we could go to another hidden stairway.
I opened the doors and showed all the waiting people where to ascend the
stairs to the upper levels. I then ascended the hidden staircase myself and
came to a room that was full of antiques of every imaginable kind.
The people were choosing what they wanted and taking them to their apartments.
Instead of being angry at them for taking these museum pieces to their
apartments, I looked to see what I could take to my own apartment.
My eyes spotted a huge rose and white teapot shaped clock with strawberries
all over it. It was so cute, but so big, it was impractical. I saw little
brooches with enameled paintings of medieval women, everything one could
think of was there including flower vases.
I thought to myself, instead of taking something to my apartment, I should
be bringing things from my apartment to here to share with others.
I then went to a narrow, hidden staircase and ascended to the 3rd floor.
I went through a quiet hallway which was dimly lit and then descended another
stairway back to my own apartment.
When I walked in, my apartment was full of people, my whole family, all of
the friends I had ever known, and many people I didn't know. It was my birthday
it seemed and all of these people had brought gifts for me.
Everyone was sitting on the floor in seeming lotus position or Indian fashion
except my son Bill who sat on a stool in the center of the room.
My daughter-in-law Becky hollered at me, "Where have you been? We've all
been waiting here for you.""
It was too long a story to tell, so I didn't even try. I just couldn't believe
all these people had brought me gifts. Just as I had thought about giving
away all my stored things to others, all these people brought me more.
I woke up in surprise and saw the words, 'TRUTH = HYPATANUSE"
Aug. 98 - DREAM - Once I saw Amityville Horror the possession at the movies
and I slept with a bible after that until I was in college. I don't know
why a bible - I guess I thought it would ward off evil (I am not "religious"
but consider myself spiritual). This dream coincides with me trying to learn
to sleep in a dark room without a nightlight, and keep in mind that I was
18 years old and away at college.
Early one morning, I am guessing about 5 am, I dreamed that I was at home,
was going in the door with a friend (I forget who it was). I opened the door
and my cat was acting very weird. It was literally scared of me. I realized
something was wrong and kept asking my friend what was wrong with me. They
either didn't know or wouldn't tell me. Then, out of no where, my room mate
at the time became possessed with the devil. She grabbed me tightly on the
wrist - I remember it hurt - and told me "you are mine." I said no I wasn't
and got away somehow. The room was the same, but I remember a yellow couch
barring the bathroom door. Weird. This dream is also weird to me now because
I dont' believe in "the devil" as an entity anymore. But this dream was very
real and scared me so much that I awoke almost immediately and thought there
was a presence with me in the room for quite some time. I couldn't sleep
well for days.
by Nicole
9-15-98 - DREAM - I was in a lunchroom like in a hospital cafeteria and the
woman serving the food looked like the nurse in the hospital dream. She said,
"Sorry I'm late. I've been doing a lot of driving today." She pointed at
a computer to my left. On the screen to my left was a picture of Joe. She
said, "You know I've looked at your program and I've never seen a picture
of you two together.' I said, "Oh! I can show you where our pictures are
side by side. As soon as you come back in, I'll show you." She said, "You
know something? I've never seen a relationship like that work out." I said,
"We've been together a whole year and we're very happy together." She said,
"Well! I'll be back."
I didn't see her again and I got up to go home.
NOTE: On 9-16-98 a woman reporter from the New York Times approached us by
e-mail and said she wanted to quote from our web site. It turned out that
she wanted to quote from our positive co-creation page and the New York Times
wanted a photographer to come out to the house to take photos of Joe and
I together for the article. Kind of amazing, huh?
(continuing dream) I was standing on the lawn then at my 16th St. house and
saw a grey/silver car coming down the alley. I thought that it was Joe coming
home. But the car parked in the alley across from where I was standing. Nobody
got out of it. The car was very small. I saw too, there was a very small
garage door under the porch. Then I saw a sports car coming. It was even
smaller than the 1st car. The driver wanted to get into the little garage
and smashed into the little grey/silver car and pushed it forward out of
the way. The little garage door slid upward then and the sports car slid
inside a white "elevator"? and then the grey/silver car slid in also and
the garage door closed.
I decided to go home then, because I saw a clock on the wall and it was 4:30
p.m. and I really needed to get home, but as I walked around the house, I
was now at my Jackson St. apartment and I couldn't remember what my apartment
number was. I knew it was an apartment I had lived in before but I had lived
in several apartments over the years. Also, the apartments seemed to be arranged
I was still wearing my green nightgown so I didn't want too many people to
see me either. I started at #111 which was now the office. The boss was there,
so I quickly sneaked back out and scooted over to the elevator. I managed
to get the door closed before the boss got to the door. I got off on the
3rd floor. I used to live in #311 but the apartment wasn't in the same place
as #111 above it like it should have.
I started walking up the hallway and a girl came from behind me and asked
me if I knew where G. Fee lived. I said, "No!" I knew everyone who lived
here before so I said, "It must be someone who just moved in." She rushed
on and met someone in the hall who must have been G. Fee. The woman gave
her a small cat in a cage and she hurried back towards the elevator with
the cat in the cage.
I went a little further and came to a woman who was pushing a huge cat cage
towards me. I could barely get past it in the hallway. After I passed the
cat cage, I now realized I was carrying an infant kitten in my arms. It was
similar to one which had just gotten killed at our home in Waterford. It
was starting to squirm because it was tired of being carried. I would have
preferred to be scampering along the hallway but I couldn't allow that to
I was still looking for #311. I seemed to be nearing #315 which was in the
corner. All the apartment doors were open along the hall. I asked the man
in the apartment where I was if he knew what apartment I live in. He was
in an apartment with double doors and was sitting in an all blue and white
apartment. The table he sat at was round and was about 15 feet across or
more and a matching blue and white couch and chair was behind him along the
wall. The table cover was the same blue and white.
He suggested that I go back along the hall and go into every apartment I
had ever been in and maybe I would recognize my own apartment.
I had lived on the second floor in #209 as well, but I had to start somewhere.
I started back along the hallway and ended up in apartment #308. I tried
to find my way out but none of the doors were where they used to be. All
of the carpeting in these apartments had ugly light green carpet and I knew
I never lived in one like that. In this particular one Sally ____ lived.
She saw me and said that while I was there I should look at a stack of books
she had just got form someone named Sherri. She said she had taken them but
didn't have time to read them and I should just help myself to whatever I
I looked at the two stacks of books and got all excited. But the top few
books were all cook books for stuff I couldn't eat because of my allergies...like
pasta. Some others were cheap paperback novels and a set of small books that
were shaped like a cumulus cloud. Each one of the books was about a particular
star constellation, showed a picture of it and gave the mythological history
of it and gave the names of the stars. So, I asked her if I could have the
whole set and she said, "Yes!"
So, now I was carrying the books instead of the kitten. I don't remember
setting the kitten down, but I probably did. I thanked her for the books
excitedly made my way further along through the adjoined apartments because
now I couldn't find the hallway. Every door I came to went somewhere else
that didn't exist in real life. One went down some stairs to an outdoor balcony
through a hidden staircase. I was really lost and never found my apartment
and finally woke up.
NOTE: Because of several other dreams about star constellations, I intend
to use this dream of finding these specific books to create a website about
that subject.
9-13-98 - DREAM - The dream started out with a vision of a clock-like symbol
which resembled a rounded diamond-like shape with the largest point up, down,
and to both sides. These points all had feminine names. There was a dark
man involved also to prevent us from getting all the way around the Zodiac
I woke up and went back into a dream in which I was at home at my 16th St.
house. It was going to rain and I rushed inside the house to get a gauge
to hang up to measure the rain because the prediction was for 71 inches of
I hung up the first part of the gauge which was a rectangle-like block plaque
with a slot on it on which I balanced what looked like a small book which
looked like a diary to keep records in. There was a name written on the book.
(I can't remember what it was) A strong mist began to fall as I rushed back
to the house to get the gauge tube and my mother held open the door for me
because I had to hurry if I was going to catch all of the rain which I knew
was going to get a lot heavier.
Inside the house, the orange-red cat needed to get fed, and I hurriedly gave
him 2 pounds of raw hamburger (reddish) and an egg fell out of the refrigerator
with it. It fell down on the floor between two other things so it could hardly
be seen, but the cat could smell it and get to it.
I ran outside into the rain with the measuring tube and when I got back,
my friend Monica, not seeing the meat on the floor, had given the cat 10
pounds of raw hamburger inside of a tall brown bag with a note of admonishment
to me written inside the bag about not feeding the cat. I covered the note
with the hamburger because I knew the cat would never get to the meat in
the tall brown bag; he was busy eating what was on the floor.
9-10-98 - DREAM - I was in my apartment, seemingly on Jackson St., in Milwaukee.
My son Tom came to visit for the day and asked if he could bring a couple
psychic friends over. I thought that was pretty exciting and would be fun
so I said, "Okay!"
First a young blonde woman came in and we started to converse, but I wasn't
hearing what she was saying because the radio was on, so I went to turn off
the radio which was on the other side of the room. I came back and sat down
and as soon as she started to talk, the radio was back on, so I had to shut
it off again. As soon as I came back and she said two words, again the radio
was playing. This time the radio next to my right shoulder was playing. I
shut that one off and that ended the problem.
By now, Tom had brought several more people in. Two guys were over 7 feet
tall. Tom is 6'6" tall and these two guys were way taller than Tom.
Two of the women also came in who were psychics and Tom explained that he
had wanted the older women psychics to examine the two guys who were seemingly
telepathic with each other.
The older women started with the younger girl. They went to stand in front
of a large mirror and the younger girl started talking like a young child.
I could barely understand what the child was saying. (Cannot remember either)
Then she started speaking like an older man with a foreign accent. (Cannot
remember the words) By now I was wondering if she was going to examine me
Meanwhile, one of the tall guys was writing on my wall in blue chalk. There
was a date of March 1, 1996. He wrote under the date, "When you had the dream
of the baby on this date, did you become more psychic?"
I knew I was going to have to check my dream journal and see what I dreamed
that day.
Then I noticed that the same guy had drawn the outline of a huge mural on
the wall in my livingroom. It was huge and covered the whole wall. In the
background was a huge oriental temple and in the foreground were trees and
flowers and in the center were 3 different beasts of burden. I was hoping
it could all be painted in.
I was really excited by now, but I had to go to the bathroom. I went down
the hallway, but one of the guys was already in the bathroom, so I started
searching for another bathroom. I remembered I had a second bathroom inside
the bedroom. When I got there, a young blonde woman was in there and just
about to come out, but when I indicated I needed to close the door she moved
aside but on the inside of the door, so that when the door closed, she was
still inside the room. I was thinking to myself how stupid that was and I
opened the door again and had to physically grab the woman by the arm and
steer her out the door. Then I noticed that when I grabbed her arm, the girl
had no lower arms or hands. I tried not to cringe when I touched her and
hurt her feelings, but it was hard not to cringe.
I went outside then and an orange cat came along with a big yellow tropical
fish in his mouth, like a triangle with a black stripe on it. The cat wanted
to go into the building so I opened the door for it. I knew that was a mistake
right away because the cat ran up the stairs and began eating the fish and
immediately the fish oil began dripping through the ceiling onto the floor
where I was standing and seeping through the wall.
The stairs and walls were all brown wood and I started climbing the stairs
to get the cat and when I got half way up the stairs, the stairs disappeared
and there I was, standing in the air against the wall way up high. I started
freaking out and sliding back down the wall, but I mentally remembered where
the stairs were and again started climbing them because I believed they were
When I got upstairs, I was seemingly back in my apartment but there was no
furniture and no people and it was all brown wood. The room started flipping
back and forth from real looking to cartoon looking, to real, to cartoon,
back and forth. I knew it was time to get out of there and woke up.
by Dee
9-17-98 - DREAM - I was in a large building which was like an office building,
but it could have been a school. I was in a large room with some other people
and there were a lot of brown parrots in it. I was told I shouldn't be afraid
of the parrots and that if they came and sat on you and tried to peck you,
it meant they liked you. One of the parrots came down from a high file cabinet
and tried to sit on me and started to peck at me, but I didn't like it and
shooed it off. I just wasn't buying that one.
A woman came into the room with a green vining plant which was quite unique.
I had never seen one like it before. I had two different branches on it.
One of the branches looked like it was going to break off and I did some
fast talking and convinced her that I would take good care of it and we watched
it as it bounced up and down a couple times and broke off. I took it in my
hands and it felt soft and I could see it had no roots but it was formed
like if I planted it in good soil, it would form roots and grow.
But it suddenly became a tiny red kitten in my hands when I wasn't looking
and I became all distressed for losing the green plant. I didn't understand
how it could have changed form a green plant to a red kitten.
NOTE: It was formed like a succulent type vine and didn't really have separate
leaves like an ivy would have. See Gospel of Thomas... quote of Jesus about
the sick vine being planted away from the others.
by Dee
10-15- 98 - DREAM - A professor-type guy (the same one I think) came
into the rom and held out a golden lion figure made of 5 pointed stars. It
was in a striding mode rather than a standing mode. It's left foot was forward.
10-26-98 - DREAM - I seemed to be in a school of some type, one where I lived
as well as learned, one where I also taught people and children younger than
There was work going on out in the yard and our laundry was hanging on the
lines, large items like sheets and blankets. The workmen need the space to
work in and shoved out laundry aside, but there was still a white bed coverlet
that needed to go out on the line. It was folded in quarters when I found
it laying on the ground between two buildings. I had to think about how to
hang it up because I had no clothespin so I hung it over the line with half
on each side and knew I would have to watch it so the wind wound't blow it
away. I sat in the livingroom watching the shadow of the sheet on the wall,
blowing in the wind outside in the sunlight.
As I sat there, I saw a little orange kitten come out from under a large
livingroom chair. As I watched, 5 more came out, one at a time until there
were 6, and then the mother appeared to care for them.
As soon as the cat and the kittens were walking into the next room of the
house, a baby golden lion cub came tumbling out from under the same chair
I knew it was a lion cub rather than an ordinary cat because of his rounded
ears and he was chubbier.
As I watched, another golden lion cub appeared one by one until there were
6. They were very small but I knew they grew to adult size in two months
and I knew the mother lion would appear in a moment to care for them in her
I noticed then that school was done for the day. I walked out into the lobby
and saw some hand drawn pictures done by the students, hanging on the wall
up by the ceiling.
I went outside and saw the students going every which direction to go home.
But there were 3 boys who looked like brothers who stood closely together
and they were waiting for a bus. I saw them originally standing on the main
street on the other side of the intersection, but no bus came, so they came
over towards where I was standing to wait for a bus.
A huge, oversized - silver bus came along and pulled up to the curb where
I stood. He opened the door and waited for the 3 boys to get on. But the
boys were hesitant to get on the bus by themselves and I walked over to help
them. The bus driver got off the bus to help too and I told him that the
boys shouldn't get on the bus without their parents.
While we were standing there, the bus driver came over to talk to me until
the boys parents showed up. We went back into the building then and I was
telling the bus driver the story of the 3 gods, then of the kittens, followed
by the lions. The bus driver was so enthralled by the story, he kept getting
closer and closer to me. It wasn't until then I noticed how huge this guy
was and that he was wearing a red and white striped polo shirt instead of
a green bus driver's uniform. I got concerned about the bus and said, "Don't
you have a bus to drive?" He got closer to me and said, "I'm just a student!"
I was very uncomfortable having him be that close and expected him to go
back out and drive the bus.
Meanwhile, I walked back into my livingroom. There, on a table were three
packets of jewelry belonging to three young girls. They didn't seem to be
interested in having the jewels once they got them and just let them lay
around on the table. So, I began to put the jewelry back into the cases into
the pockets where they belonged. I decided I would keep them myself if the
girls didn't come back to get them.
10-7-98 - DREAM - I had a new job as an apartment manager. It seemed like
Milwaukee, but seemed that all the customers were men who had just left their
marriages. Some had young children, some didn't. I told one man who said
he wanted to get a kitten for his young daughter that he should just go ahead
and help himself to one of mine because I had several. He wanted to pay,
but I assured him it was fine to take it for free.
Another man came in needing an apartment and rental furniture. I had a rental
TV set in my apartment - a 56" inches. It was immense. I started describing
to him the various furniture packages that was available. He said, "Who ARE
I told him I was the building manager and described the various buildings
I've managed in the past, how big they were, etc. He was amazed.
He told me not to manage an old age home where people only left when they
died. He named some people who used to be neighbors of mine from 16th St.
It was sad to be reminded that they were all gone now.
11-3-98 - DREAM - I was in an apartment building with a bunch of women. One
woman was out of control emotionally and would slam the doors when she was
angry. She slammed the refrigerator door and broke out the plastic inserts
inside.(light blue) I had to calm her down and we women decided to fix it
ourselves rather than bother the men because they were so busy with their
football and car discussions.
I then had to clean up after the man. They began to leave the building and
I started cleaning up the trash paper they left behind. One little short
guy remained behind and insisted on grabbing onto my white dress and hold
on. I asked him nicely to let go, but he wouldn't and I told him it was against
the law but he didn't care and hung on even tighter. I finally decided I
had to prove a point to him and hollered, "Help!" He quickly came to his
senses and let go.
I left the building myself then and was walking up the street with my son
Tom. I was cleaning what looked like moist cat food of of a bush and I had
no water to do it with.
A man passed by going the other way and told us it was dangerous to use fireworks
on the 4th of July. We promised we wouldn't use any and I woke up.
11-29-98 - DREAM - I was on tan attic stairway and found a grey and white
kitten like my own. A woman came along who liked my kitten and she had a
tiny Chihauhau puppy, so we traded.
1-14-99 - DREAM - I was outside and I saw a lost tiny grey kitten coming
my way. I called to see it and it came running to me. I got all excited because
none of my other lost cats will come near me, only expect to be fed and then
run off.
But this little fluffy kitty came into the house with me and I gave it a
dish of milk which it eagerly ate and he let me pet it and I saw that he
was under a sheet of newspaper and I couldn't pet him with the newspaper
over him.
1-16-99 - DREAM - I seemed to need to know the name of an animal...a type
of cat. There were supposed to be three of them. At the end of the dream,
I was crossing the street to go home, which was the second time I had done
this. Someone had turned on a sprinkler and the water was rising gradually
in the street, not draining off. I met a woman on the street. She ignored
me but then went across the street, saw a boy on the porch and asked the
woman if she could go into her house. I went up on my porch and found a cloth
flowered knitting bag on my porch. I didn't have the key to this house, but
I turned the knob, it opened and I went in. I made sure the door was locked
so the woman couldn't come in. I was cleaning the house but there were so
many stools and chairs in the way, I couldn't actually put anything away.
I couldn't only get it "close" to where it belonged.
I woke up knowing I still was missing the name of the cat I needed to do
1-27-99 - DREAM - I was in a house and got some visitors, two men and a boy.
I had a oak pedestal table in the middle of the table with a large square
flat box that was gold on the outside and white on the inside. This box was
seemingly a dishwasher that held liquid, and a salt and pepper shaker full
of pepper. A voice told me, "If you want to see how good a dishwasher this
is, close the lid and turn the box upsidedown and see how the pepper gets
cleaned out."
In my mind's eye and imagination I could see the pepper swishing all over
inside the box and didn't trust the box to be that self-cleaning, so I didn't
do it.
I didn't see the men anymore and the dream became lucid and I was only concerned
about the inside of the box and I was looking at the inside of the box with
a tissue in my hand to make sure it was perfectly clean inside. I was concerned
about the kittens outside the box and wanted to clean up after them but I
couldn't seem to take my focus off the box which was more important.
The box scene now became a web page fully expanded and I wanted to minimize
the screen so that I could clean up after the kittens outside the box but
I couldn't do that and I started to get frustrated because I knew it wasn't
enough to just focus on the box and I made myself wake up because I couldn't
minimize the web page and do what I wanted to do.
2-16-99 - DREAM - I was in a house with a scraggly reddish kitten. I knew
it belonged to someone else and it kept hiding so we couldn't find it. Finally
it appeared in the middle of the kitchen floor, laying on a white pillow.
It was all dry and pretty. The woman who owned it appeared and said that
we should keep it. It was now ours.
2-21-99 - DREAM- I was in a house and I wanted to do a past life reading
and was having trouble. I was in the kitchen taking names down off a wall
that were on with sticky tape. I was doing it from long distance. I asked
myself, "Why don't you go you to it closer?" I walked over closer and there
was a shiny blackboard over the space that could be written on with white
A woman came in to ask questions I can't remember.
I went to the door and looked outside where there was a board, but I couldn't
see it because I couldn't get the right perspective. I saw on the table by
the door that a little grey and white kitten was looking for water to drink
in a tall reddish flower pot holder so I went to get him water and poured
it in. It was then I noticed that the pot was full of decorative holes and
water flooded all over the table. Instead of getting upset, I just went to
get a towel to wipe up the water from the table top. I saw a board there
too which was also dirty. It had a brilliant sunset on it so I wiped that
clean too.
My little daughter was there and needed her undies changed because she had
peed in them, as I took her over to the bedroom. I was carrying her and patting
her bare butt. She didn't appreciate it very much because I did it too hard.
I set her down on the floor to look for clean undies for her. In the bottom
drawer I only found unopened new undies and stockings for myself.
While I was doing that, she said, "I went into my neighbors pool!" I understood
her, but wanted to question the statement and said, "What?" She repeated
it. "I went into my neighbor's pool!" I looked at her and her lips were pure
white colored and woke up.
3-3-99 - DREAM - I found myself on the corner of 12th and State sts. after
school left out. It wasn't too far to walk to 16th and Center St where I
lived so I began to cross State St. and walk north on 12th St. but when I
did, I saw that there were no street lights on and the sky was pitch black.
That made me nervous and frightened so I turned around and looked south on
12th St. and saw that there was a telephone booth with a light over it on
the corner one block south and I would call my Father to come and get me.
I didn't know how to call him though because I didn't have any money with
When I got down
to that corner, I found myself on the grounds of a huge zoo where they were
giving demonstrations. The elephants were all lined up in a row and on command
would do whatever they were trained to do, then return to their cage to eat.
The animals had human-like expressions on their faces so it was easy to see
how they felt about what they were doing.
These animals were not normal size, they were at least twice normal size
if not bigger. They actually looked more nervous than I was but they were
huge. The zookeeper was introducing the animals one by one to the people.
Just as I got there, the zookeeper had introduced the lions to the people
and offered a lion cub to the people. It seemed my Father was there and he
said, "I don't think we'll need one of your lion cubs, it looks like we're
going to have one of our own." I looked across the yard and saw three full
grown lions laying at his feet.
Next, I was supposed
to be introduced to the camels and elephants. There were many of them. They
were all really shy and had backed up and wanted to go into their cage and
eat, but the zookeeper was in full control of them and was going to call
them back into line.
 |
Taweret, the goddess of
childbirth, as a
hippopotamus. From
Karnak, 20th Dynasty,
reign of Psamtik I
(664-610 BCE) |
I wanted no part of it, so I took off running for the nearest door to the
zoo house where people could go inside and view the animals inside their
cages. But when I was getting near the door I could see huge hippopotamus
was in there and I'd probably meet him face to face if I continued that direction
and I could see how huge one leg was so I headed towards the second door
as fast as I could. I dashed inside just as the camels got lined up behind
I was now in a hallways and a woman ahead of me had applied for a job at
the zoo. The personnel guy was kind of yelling at her, "Do you think I can't
tell when you're not qualified and have been kicked out of your last job?"
She looked really embarrassed. The personnel guy said, "I give you Guru Al
Gordon." He pointed next to me and there was a medium sized skinny guy with
a dark mustache and dark hair. The skinny guy looked so embarrassed as the
woman had and startled to be pointed out and I woke up.
No Date Known - Dreamed I was with a tribe living very close to the Earth
in a jungle like setting. A beautiful woman was leading me to a place where
there were great lions. It was as if she was presenting me to someone she
admired to get approval. My intentions were of the highest, my heart was
pure; therefore I had nothing to fear. A large lion appeared which was not
male or female. It seemed to represent power but was confused as to its
sexuality. There was a polarization there which seemed to be against men.
The lion saw that I could see that love and unity were not present and power
over rather than empowering the individual was more the case. This beast
called upon power because of fear, refusing to face its own wounded nature.
It used that power to control the gathering of other wounded souls of like
mind. The lion lashed out at my genitals and slashed me there. I fell to
the ground and was brought back to the camp. There I saw a long row of other
men who were brought to face the lion, laid out across a great log. I could
see very clearly that many groups are polarized, imbalanced and the leaders
are often the most wounded. I was told that we must heal our own imbalances,
own our own masculine and feminine nature, our subjective and objective sides
to become whole and focus on love, joy, peace, equality and individual freedom.
by anonymous
3-6-99 - DREAM
- I was sitting on a couch with Joe and bunch of little kids about 4 years
old and younger. A Siamese cat, full grown came into the room and climbed
up on the couch. I said to Joe, "See! That's the color of the puppy I dreamed
about." The siamese cat was now a dog and came walking across the couch towards
me. I could see his intention was to snuggle up to me and I already was holding
a young boy child on my lap and chest who was sleeping. I told the dog to
"Sit!" and he dropped instantly.
On the couch, a yong sturdy boy about 4 years old said he had been working
on the roof. I was amazed. He was making his own lunch. He had 1/4 orange
squash, and riced some potatoes into it and then placed something on top
of it. I'm thinking 'cheese' because that sounds good to me, but it may have
been something else. He then sat on the floor with it and was floating it
in a box full of water. Nobody could understand why he was floating it in
water. Me either.
3-18-99 - DREAM - I was living in an apartment building on Port Washington
and Hampton which I managed. I was standing out on the front sidewalk on
the NE side of the street. It had snowed, been shoveled and had snowed again
and was melting on the sidewalk to slush. I need to ask the maintenance man
to shovel again and I knew he wouldn't be happy about it, but it needed to
be done.
A young woman came running up to me, wanting to know where she was supposed
to park her car. She resembled Monica Lewinski and I had just rented an apartment
to her. Another girl who parked in the Hampton Ave. garage overheard her
and pointed to the garage door. I quickly said, "No! I assigned her to the
Port Washington Ave. garage. The other girl didn't know that the garage existed
or thought it was all one garage. (This is a true situation) The Monica-type
girl was so excited and happy. She was a delight to see.
I now went across the street on the SW corner of the same two streets. (In
reality it is a parkway with a river on that side)
This was a large office building and it seemed I was very well know by everyone.
I went up the elevator to my office where I had been assigned a new phone
number 2310. There was some kind of mixup with the lines, because a girl
wanted to listen in on my conversation from an extension but I was the only
one who could hear on this phone. They were trying to figure that out when
I went to lunch.
Back down in the lobby, some women had a perfume display on a small round
table. There were numerous bottles of various shapes. They were accosting
all the women, giving them pretty blue brochures and trying to sell the perfume.
One of the salesladies grabbed my arm and asked me if I had seen the perfume
yet and I said, "No!" We got over to the table and she said, "They are only
$95.00." I knew I would never pay that much money for perfume. She started
naming perfumes which I can't remember. I asked her if she had Lantude. She
handed me a huge spray bottle 8 times the size of the others named Prondoin.
I aimed the sprayer at my throat and it sprayed right on my nose and went
up my nose. It was such a delicate scent. I loved it and was going to spray
some on both wrists as well when they handed me a letter in duplicate with
a bill for the charges of the spray of perfume. The perfume itself was $3.75
but there were so many other handling charges of various kinds, the whole
bill came to $78.75. I was astonished. They commented that they had my address
wrong so they couldn't send the bill in the mail. They had me at JOYSTAR
AVE. so I took the letter, gave them back the top white copy and told them
I'd keep the pink copy for record and walked away. They didn't follow me,
just went about accosting other women.
I went back to the elevator and was telling some other women about this
outrageous charge and wanted to show them the pink copy of the bill, but
couldn't find it. I assumed I dropped it on the street so went back outside
to find it.
I didn't see the pink piece of paper on the street but as I was walking along
the sidewalk I saw that a pool of some kind was being constructed in the
road. Alongside the pool was a plastic tarpaulin and I could hear sounds
like kittens mewing or babies cooing. I looked under the tarp and saw 5 different
sizes of green turtles and numerous smaller frogs. There was a cacophony
of sound under the tarp, all these little creatures, anxious to jump into
the pool as soon as it was ready.
A young man who worked for me came up to me and showed a small silver post
with a screw slot in it, the kind one holds report books together. First
he asked if it was the right kind and I said, "Yes!", then he said that it
wasn't long enough any longer, so I told him he could use a longer one and
that he could use anything in the office he desired. He thanked me and as
he turned to walk away, I saw that his left arm was amputated at the shoulder
like it had been wrenched off. It wrenched my heart to see it.
I turned and went back towards the office and a woman asked if I would heal
her daughter. Her daughter seemed retarded, a rather slow learner. I stroked
the girl's belly gently and the girl grew right in front of our eyes into
a woman with dark curly hair. There was no resemblance at all to the retarded
girl. They went away happy.
Then all kinds of people came along to ask me to go to lunch with them. There
were factions though so if you went with one you were automatically the enemy
of all the others so I decided not to choose any of them and went by myself.
As I was waking up, I saw three men sitting close together, crying for who
would get to hear my prophecies.
I fell back asleep and found myself walking across the lawn to the street.
I had an empty laundry basket in one hand. As I neared the sidewalk, I saw
a green laundry basket. It was quite large and square.
Inside the laundry basket was a puppy. I looked again and tears came to my
eyes because I had told the universe that I wanted a puppy but it would have
to appear at my doorstep on it's own.
I got closer and saw it was a black cocker spaniel. That's not my favorite
type of dog but I thought to myself, "I can love a dog like this just the
However, as I approached the basket, the puppy got scared, split into three
parts and jumped backwards out of the basket and hung on for dear life with
it's paws on the edge of the basket. Finally, one part made it back into
the basket. It looked like a white rat. I was rather disgusted but then saw
that it was a white Chihuahua with a white coat and rainbow colored booties
on it's feet.
I could watch it any long as the 2nd part came over the edge of the basket.
This part was just a smaller puppy...coal black in color, but it wasn't done.
The third part came over the edge like a rolled up bathrobe.
I wasn't really interested but the bathrobe opened up and stood up and I
saw Becky (my daughter-in-law) She said, "Watch this when it turns inside
out." The robe flipped over and became a white chenille robe with lace over
it like a wedding veil. She said, "Look at the pattern." The pattern was
one of numerous Fleur de lis in many, many squares with lines separating
them. She said, "Look at the bottom!" The one right in the center was embroidered
or painted in rainbow colors and it began to expand until all I saw was white
lace with a rainbow in the center.
4-14-99 WEIRD DREAM- At the end I was Mulder of the X-files.
It started that I was with YOU,(Dee), Paul (husband) and Kayla (daughter)
We were in some kind of mall or store and we walked across the street to
a school. It had a big plate glass window and we were looking out and a thin
pencil-like rocket came flying across the sky and split open into 4 pieces
and they were each individual rockets.. and I screamed.. LOOK AN ICBM~!!
Then Paul said.. at least the warheads are going that way.. towards Boston..
we should be far enough away. So Paul said.. that's like 50 miles we should
be safe. You (Dee) said.. unless one of those things opened up 50 miles that
way and its missiles are coming here and you pointed. Then I kind of gulped
hard.. like I could feel you were right.
I left there and drove my new car (The Camry) and I stopped at the top of
the next street over.. called Bunker Hill and suddenly my car was gone..
and I was standing there.
You (Dee) were there and you had a small cat with you.. and I looked at you
then walked away down the hill and when I got to the bottom of the hill..
I looked up and you were there.. and then a DAMN ICBM flew over head again
and I said.. SHIT.. I'm STILL IN THE OTHER DREAM!!! And I started to panic.
Then there was a flash of light and I heard someone saying that the bomb
went off and killed some people but other people it just messed her souls
up like put their souls in the wrong places.. and some people turned back
into infants.
I heard this as my eyes start to focus..and I see this big fat almost bald
guy with a mustache telling this to Agent Skully and I discover I'm suddenly
in the body of Fox Mulder.. only I'm an infant! And I realized that I know
that the guy knows who I am. And I know who I am..but Skully think's I'm
this guy's baby so she's not paying attention to me and he's talking about
the ICBMs and what they are doing and I'm trying to make Skully know it's
me, Mulder.
It was like I had all his memories like I was me.. but I was Mulder too and
I couldn't talk cause my body was too young and I couldn't walk.. I was laying
on the ground under a kitchen chair.. I had ONE tooth. and I tried to use
it to bite into the wood of the chair.. HELP ME SKULLY but I couldn't get
the strength to do it and she walked away.. and I knew I was doomed and then
I woke up
by Michelle
4-27-99 - DREAM - I was floating in what seemed like outer space among typed
files (in white) about kittens. The files hung in space, floating gently
unless one flew too close to too fast and then they would spin. This seemed
to go on a long time.
I woke up and went right back to sleep and was in a place where there was
a tall piano and someone told me a hinge was coming undone because a screw
had come undone.
Men seemed to think they were the only ones who could fix things and I was
going to prove that women could do it themselves, so I took the loose screw
and placed it where it belonged, then holding the electric drill exactly
where the bit should go, I pressed the trigger and the exact moment the drill
bit began to turn the alarm clock went off with the same sound.
4-28-99 - DREAM - I was living in a house that was so full of stuff we could
hardly walk around without walking on something. I was sorting out laundry.
These were little boy shirts hanging on hangars that were too small for anyone
in the house. I took them off the hangars and put them on a shelf in the
Then I found a shirt I hadn't folded yet that still had wet pillow case that
hadn't even dried
yet. I planned
to hang them up over the shower rod in the bathroom. I went in another room
where laundry was piled on a chair. I was going to move it when a little
black and white kitten ran out from under the chair. I grabbed a metal bowl
of cat food for it and it only ate one piece. Suddenly 3 more identical kittens
appeared, ate one piece of food and ran off again. I was shocked because
I thought there was only one kitten. I couldn't imagine why they had only
taken one piece of food and looked in the bowl and saw it was full of water
and the food was swimming at the bottom like fish. I decided to water a tree
growing in a pot with the water. It was under a table and I knew that I'd
have to move the tree next. But when I stood up, my son tom came into the
room naked. He looked a little strange but I couldn't figure out why. Then
I noticed that where most people are white in summer where their underwear
usually is, he was super tanned and worse that that he had no penis. That
was worse than no belly button. I was so shocked, I said, "What happened
to your penis? Where is it?" He held up his right foot and there it was...in
place of his middle toe. Now I was even more shocked. I said, "Let me see
it!" He was reluctant but he held up his right foot so I could see this little
penis on his right foot. I was so shocked, I wanted someone else to see this
too. I looked around the room to see who else was there. His other brothers
were too young, so I grabbed his uncle by the hand and yanked him and Tom
into the other room. I wanted another witness to see this penis transplant.
NOTE: There are several mythological stories about penises and toes.
4-29-99 - DREAM - I was in my 16th St. house with my sons. I unfolded a large
map for them to study. I told them to study it well because they would be
quizzed about it. The map was of a huge airport with runways. It was General
Billy Mitchel Field in Milwaukee (now called Milwaukee International Airport).
I showed them the map and its name, then showed them a big picture of its
perimeter fences. They were a brilliant blue color on the outer fences and
silver white inside. I so proud of it, I considered it... MY...airport.
I was then getting ready for work. I had to leave for work at 11 p.m. I knew
I worked somewhere west of 16th St., perhaps 36th St. I was dark out and
I planned to go out to the garage and drive straight there.The kitchen was
all cleaned and I floated a single yellow mum in a white cup and placed it
on the table. I was ready to go then and put on a gorgeous brown mink coat
and began to walk out the back door with my old boss Brian who decided he
would drive me to work so I'd be safe.
The next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair in the parlor wearing white
socks, and no
shoes and couldn't
remember how I'd gotten there. I got up from the chair and went into the
kitchen. It was daylight out and I saw Brian walking to the garage out in
the yard wearing a blue work shirt. I ran outside and called his name but
he didn't respond nor turn around. Then I noticed he was following a huge
black and white cat along a hedge. The cat could easily walk the fence by
the hedge but he couldn't. I called him back and asked him what happened
because I couldn't remember anything past walking out the back door.
He then showed me a big golden colored brochure of the inside of a sumptuous
restaurant where he had taken me. He said we had done that three nights in
a row, none of which I remembered. He said he couldn't handle it anymore.
5-27-99 - DREAM - I was on Jackson St. in the front lobby. I went to greet
someone at the door and saw Cary Loose go past me real fast without saying
anything to me. (She is a good friend who is a psychiatrist)
I then went upstairs to my apartment #311 and discovered that Cary had dropped
off a whole bunch of different colored kittens. Two orange, two white siamese
and two that looked like little blue bunnies.
The little blue bunnies were so cute I wanted to take them downstairs and
show them to everyone. I went to pick them up and they had already grown
to twice their size and I saw that the blue bunnies were actually little
girl babies in blue pajama suits. They were so cute, I still waned to show
them off. I went to pick them up and they were again twice their size. .
. almost too big to carry one in each arm. By the time I got my arms around
them, they were now full grown girls, almost teens. I hugged them and made
them welcome. I took them with me into the elevator and as we descended,
I whispered in the ear of the one closest to me, "What did you say your name
was?" She whispered back, "Nada!"
NOTE: I didn't know it at the time, but Nada is an Ascended female Master.
The Master Lady Nada offers assistance to those seeking to heighten the level
of the Spiritual Self.
This Master emphasizes the benefits of being non-judgmental in one's attitudes
and is ever willing to help those who are inclined to be over-critical, even
of themselves, and will manifest a more evenly balanced attitude within.
Her Love works with you.
5-27-99 - VISIONS - I was calling Lady Nada. Other people were coming through.
Two men. Then I fell asleep and a tall woman came in. First it seemed her
skin was blue and white on her arms, then I looked up at the woman. She was
7 feet tall, dark hair, little freckles around her nose and under her eyes.
She had a pretty face which I would call handsome. She was not made up with
makeup. She didn't say anything to me, just gazed into my eyes.
I took her by the hand to say, "Hello!" I said "Does the name Nada
mean anything to you?" She didn't say anything, but there was a light
blue light light ribbon just below her collar that reacted by shifting in
size. I said, "Oh! It's really you!"
She smiled and then moved to leave the room. I was holding her hand firmly.
I said, "Please let me walk you to the door." I reached for the door
knob behind me with my other hand and opened the door for her. She walked
through the door and just vanished as I let go of her hand. I closed the
door and slumped to the floor almost in a swoon. All of a sudden, there was
a sweet baby sitting on the floor. I leaned it back and cradled it in my
arms and rocked it gently, looking into it's dark eyes.
As I woke up, I heard a bell in my left forehead. I waited in silence and
then beautiful chimes rang in an upward crescendo. . . like tinkling.
I almost passed out with delight.
The Ascended Masters
5-27-99 - VOICE - The voice said, "You want to meet Dorothy Peck!"
(Maybe that's who she is in real life now. I didn't find her on the internet.)
.
by Dee Finney
7-24-99 - Joe and I were working in the house. I heard a big cat growling
outside, but as it growled, it was singing/humming a tune. It was a song
I remembered the words to about having something that the world can't take
away, and that we could have it.
I looked out the window and our own cats were all sitting at or laying near
the back door where I feed them, but it didn't appear that any of them were
making any noise at all.
I saw a movement
then, and a black panther came into view from behind one of my cats. (I have
7 cats...3 black, 3 grey/brown, and one grey and white) The black panther
was in a low slung crouching stance and moving fast once his singing was
All of a sudden a man appeared out in the parking lot. He grabbed the panther
behind the neck with both hands and subdued the cat. He picked the panther
up with his hands on the cat's neck and the cat remained in that crouched
position even while he was up in the air.
I asked the man if he needed any help. He said he didn't just as the cat
peed on him. The pee flew up into the air as the man deflected it away from
his clothing. It was rather amusing, but I didn't laugh out loud.
The man got a firmer grip on the panther's neck and put it inside a pink
psychedelic van that had blue flames painted on it in a sort of speed stripe.
We made an agreement to help each other with future problems but I can't
remember the details. It was a general agreement.
8-7-99 - Dreamed there were a lot of shacks made out of debris from the great
winds. There were people there who once were very affluent. Some even wore
mink stoles and were scrounging for food and things out of the debris they
could use. They were happier and more centered than before with all the material
things. They asked me to help them find food and protect them from a beast
which visited them frequently. It was a large sabertooth lion. I saw it and
had a gun with which I could have killed it. The thought came to me that
it was their lesson and was unfinished. It had to do with preying upon others.
Just then the lion ascended into the sky and turned into an angel.
by anonymous
8-16-99 - DREAM - I was cleaning my New Berlin house. I had a little toddler
sized boy and he came into the bedroom and threw colored blocks on the floor.
I made him pick them up himself. In the kitchen there was a little white
kitten sitting on the corner of the sink. I didn't think that was so bad,
but when I picked him up there was a little yellow pee spot. I didn't think
that was so bad either but when I scrubbed the sink, it stunk really bad.
I was surprised.
9-17-99 - GROSS DREAM - I was living in my 16th St. house. I cooked an animal
a human being living in America normally doesn't eat. I think it was a cat.
I didn't want anyone to know I did this, so I took it with me down the street,
on a plate, hidden under something of my own. . . like clothing, and began
to eat it while going through the passageway between a couple of houses.
It was like raw, the body colored dead dark grey, and I bit the head off
and was grossing myself out because the guts were still in the animal. I
didn't want it anymore, but I couldn't just leave it there either. I wanted
to put it in the garbage, but I couldn't put it in my neighbor's garbage
because someone might see it. I couldn't go through her yard either because
there was someone in the back, so I took a shortcut through her house. Inside
her house, which wasn't locked, there was some stuff on a chair that looked
like her garbage, so I placed my garbage which was on a plate on top of her
garbage, put a blue printed scarf of my own over it, clutched the whole thing
to my chest and headed for the back door which was partly ajar. Her grey
striped cat was in the house and I knew she wouldn't want it outside, but
I couldn't handle all the garbage I was hiding and prevent her cat from going
out the door too, so the cat went out with me. When I got into the back hall,
a woman from upstairs came down, hollering as she came down, "I have mail
for the mailbox." She hollered this a couple times, and when she got down
where I was, she wanted to know where she should put her outgoing mail. I
was going to tell her, but the mail delivery person (female) was right there
and she started showing her where it went when it was outgoing. I was relieved
I didn't have to stop and talk to her.
I kept going, hiding my dead animal against my chest with the other garbage,
and decided to head for home, taking a shortcut through another building
which turned out to be having a rummage sale. The Pastor's wife was there,
and grabbed my arm to show me that she had bought 1,000 tiny glass flower
pots for $106 and told me I should check it out. I wanted to really much
but I had to dump my garbage first. I got to the other door to go out, praying
the clerk wouldn't stop me and ask me what I was taking out the door without
paying for it. She didn't and when I got outside, there was a huge ice covered
puddle on the ground I had to go around before I could get to my front steps
of my own house. At the bottom of the steps was a swing out step which had
to be flapped downward in order to step on it, and it was acting weird so
I had to take a giant step up in order to avoid messing with it, and went
up into the house. Inside the house, my mother and siblings were getting
ready to go to the rummage sale because they wanted to donate some clothing
to sell. I saw an empty bag and dumped my garbage into it and covered it
over with my scarf so they wouldn't see what I was throwing away. Guilt was
overwhelming at this time. I looked at the clock and it was 5 minutes to
8 p.m. I figured the rummage sale probably closed at 8 p.m. so we really
had to hurry, but the garbage had to go out first. Suddenly, one of my siblings
said they were going to take the garbage out on the way out the door and
grabbed the bag with my garbage along with his garbage. I saw my scarf sticking
out of the bag, and said, "Wait! My scarf!" and grabbed the garbage bag back.
I pulled out the scarf and now I became confused. I wasn't sure if I had
my garbage bag or their clothing bag. I couldn't throw away their clothing
bag and I couldn't let them take my garbage bag with the dead animal in it.
The time was so short to get to the rummage sale so I had to make an instant
decision and grabbed what I hoped was the garbage bag, ran out the door with
it, hoping I got the right bag. And if I didn't?????
11-21-99 - NOTE: 15 kids killed and 23 others shot at Columbine H.S. Littleton,
CO. I was looking for the shooters website before I went to bed.
DREAM - I was in an office looking for the shooters website. I found the
page which was about drugs. The numerous pills were lined up on a diagonal
in the shape of a wide diamond shape. Each pill had a word on it which formed
a black message. I could not read what the message said. However, when I
clicked on the message it went to another website of an English baron. That
was quite strange to me and showed a vehicle of a type like from the late
I went back and forth between the sites trying to figure out the connection
but couldn't.
I then had to go to work and I managed an apartment building. I had to take
the elevator to the 4th floor. There was a problem with cats getting into
the building. In fact, a white cat was sneaking onto the elevator. We weren't
supposed to have pets, but I decided to allow the white cat to go to the
4th floor and let it roam the hall until someone took it in.
I then did whatever I was supposed to do there, then went to the basement.
In the basement I found the maintenance man had taken apart the same car
I had seen on the website belonging to the English baron. This was just the
main frame and was made of brown wood. The men had made fresh drilling points
in the wood and were going to duplicate this vehicle as a model. I told them
to stop what they were doing and get the English Baron's car put back together
before he discovered it.
I then went back outside and was talking to someone who should know that
all four buildings that we worked in had been sold to a Jew. (A well known
My Father Comes to Visit
The Lion
King Website
The Lion King Movie
The SCAR Page