The Mythology of Bast
Statue representing
the goddess Bastet
c 575 BCE |
Sekhmet was judged for her crimes and buried alive, most likely by my the
side of Ptah's Mummy inside the first Pyramid...just to make sure that he
would keep an eye on her. Some fifteen years later, I, as Nefertoum, discovered
her new incarnation which was to be known as Bast, but this time her devouring
lion Spirit behaved just like a docile little pussy cat. Bast is represented
as a woman with a Cat head holding a sistrum surmounted by a Lioness head
in her right hand. So, Sekhmet and Bast were emanations of the same immortal
soul... just as stated in the Tibetan Book of the Dead....and you will find
a few prayers that speak of this Immortal Terrible Goddess..Chapter CLXIV...
"Salute! Sekhmet, Ra, Bast, Regent of the Gods, winged To who the bandages
"Ans" give the magical power, You the Goddess crowned of the both diadems
of the North and South...." "As the chief seat of learning, Memphis majored
in the worship of Ptah, who according to the Egyptians, was "The Mind of
the Universe", who created all the Gods and Men by thinking them into existence."
Memphis was known as the great Necropolis....and is most famous by its single
Cemetery "the Fayoum" which is 2 miles wide and 60 miles long and said to
contain from 40 to 50 millions corpses of Men, Woman...Pharaohs alike....buried
close together along with their favorite animals, according to the strong
Egyptian belief of the immortality of the soul (of all living
creatures)....guaranteed by the Immortal Sun-God. Also, there are two Pyramids
in Memphis...Abu Roash at the North end of the Cemetery ...and Lahun at the
South-East of the Fayum....which clearly indicate that Bast who wore the
Diadem of the North and South, was also buried along with Nefertoum at the
other end of the Fayoum! Unfortunately, Bast was assimilated with Artemis,
which is a big mistake. Also, when we read those books today, which were
written by mortals, they believe that the relationships between the Gods
and Goddesses were physical... but, they were actually only purely spiritual.
Besides, Sekhmet, was also known in India as Durga, and in many other places,
in many lives. For instance, she was very famous in Babylonia, as Ishtar,
you know the famous "Prostitute of Babylon"... that is mentioned even in
Revelation 17 and 18. The Mother of all Prostitutes and of the Abominations
of all the Earth.!!! Two features are especially common and well marked:
the first is the bloody and savage nature of the Great Mother Goddess, the
second is her power as a sorceress and a witch." Author, E. Neumann, confuses
the Terrible Mother again with Great mother Goddess. What a pity to confuse
the Profane with the Holy. He says, " Thus the devourer of the dead is the
Terrible Mother of Death" ....and eventually, "She is "repressed" and crouches
beside the judgement scales like a horror. As Erman says, she was "not a
subject that popular fancy cared to pursue."
The Goddess Bast

Bast was worshipped from the most ancient times, when her early form
was lioness-headed. It wasn't until the first millennium BC that she was
worshipped in the form of a lissom domestic cat or else as a cat-headed woman.
No life-size (or greater) representations of Bast, in any form, have
survived intact, although a great many smaller bronzes and statues have been
recovered and can now be seen in museums around the world. But this does
not necessarily mean that larger statues didn't exist. In his
'Histories', the Greek historian Herodotus tells us that a
statue of the Goddess existed in the main temple shrine at Bubastis,
but although he tells us that this statue was carried out among the people
as part of Bast's festival he gives us no detailed description of
her. In visualizations on the past of Egypt, many people who work with
Bast have picked up imagery of huge cat-headed statues, but much as
we'd like to believe these are psychic 'photographs' of history, we have
to bear in mind that these visions might only be subjective.
No anecdotal stories have survived about Bast's mythological life.
As with so many of the Egyptian Gods, we know of her characteristics but
not her exploits. We have to consider that, unlike other ancient cultures,
the Ancient Egyptians may not have placed great importance upon such legends;
the stories might not just be lost but never have existed in the first place.
In some regions, Bast was regarded as the daughter of the creator
God, Atum, in others as the daughter of the sun God, Ra. We
know that she had children - Nefertum and Mahes - and she might
have shared a husband with Sekhmet in the creator God of
Memphis, Ptah.
That Bast was a very important Goddess there is no doubt, as the remains
of her city, Bubastis, attest. Huge blocks of pink granite lie tumbled
upon the ground, and an extensive cat cemetery can still be explored. We
can only hope that the German team who want to reconstruct the ruins will
be able to do so, when we shall all be able to appreciate and enjoy an
approximation of what Bubastis was like in its hey-day.
Herodotus visited the city during the 5th century BC. He equated
Bast (or Bubastis as he refers to her) with the Greek Goddess
Artemis, and leaves us this description:
'None of the Egyptian cities , I think, was raised so much as
Bubastis, where there is a Temple of Bubastis (the Greek
Artemis) which is well worth describing. Other temples may be larger,
or have cost more to build, but none is a greater pleasure to look at. The
site of the building is almost an island, for two canals have been led from
the Nile and sweep around it, one on each side, as far as the entrance,
where they stop short without meeting; each canal is a hundred feet wide
and shaded with trees. The gateway is sixty feet high and is decorated with
remarkable carved figures some nine feet in height. The temple stands in
the centre of the city, and, since the level of the buildings everywhere
else has been raised, but the temple itself allowed to remain in its original
position, the result is that one can look down and get a fine view of it
from all round. It is surrounded by a low wall with carved figures, and within
the enclosure stands a grove of very tall trees about the actual shrine,
which is large and contains the statue of the Goddess. The whole enclosure
is a furlong square. The entrance to it is approached by a stone-paved road
about four hundred feet wide and about two thousand feet long, running eastward
through the market-place and joining the Temple of Bubastis to the
Temple of Hermes. The road is lined on both sides with immense trees
- so tall that they seem to touch the sky.'
Bast was associated with childbirth, perhaps because of the way a
mother cat cares for her kittens - and the fact that she might have continual
litters of them. During the 2nd Century AD Plutarch wrote, somewhat
mysteriously, that the Egyptian Cat gives birth first to one kitten, then
two, until the number seven is reached. He points out that this makes a total
of twenty-eight, the same as the days of the lunar month.
Nowadays, Bast has assumed a mother Goddess aspect. While there is
no doubt she has a side whose teeth and claws are bared, she is now generally
regarded as benevolent. Her rituals involve music, feasting and dancing,
when she can be petitioned to grant boons. Bast can be invoked to
help with problems concerning domestic life, work situations and success,
as well as love and good health, for the petitioner, their friends and families,
or their cats. Any visit to the Temple of Bast, through visualization,
is a time of serenity, contemplation and pleasure.
This is an extract from the chapter The Goddess Bast
The Goddess Sekhmet

Sekhmet's name means 'powerful', and like Bast, she
also has several variations of it, such as Sekhet or Sakhmet.
She too was seen as the daughter of the sun God, Ra, and myth tells
us that she was placed in the uraeus on his brow from where she would spit
flames at his enemies. Her main temple was at Memphis in the south.
She was the consort of the God, Ptah, and the mother of
Unlike Bast, Sekhmet does have a specific myth related to her,
as follows:
Ra feared that humanity was plotting against him, having come to the
conclusion that he was too old and frail to govern them any more. The other
Gods encouraged Ra to punish the ungrateful humans by unleashing the
power, or fire, of his avenging Eye upon them. Hathor, Sekhmet
and Bast were all known as the 'Eyes Of Ra'. The God sent
Hathor into Egypt to exact retribution from the people, and here she
transformed into a lioness and became Sekhmet.
The Goddess slew
everyone she came across, and the land became red with their blood. By nightfall,
she left the land to sleep, but would return the following day to finish
her bloody work. Ra realized that Sekhmet had got a taste for
blood and had become unstoppable. It was all going too far; a full-scale
massacre would take place. He needed to stop the slaughter, and devised a
plan, whereby he instructed the high priest at Heliopolis to obtain
red ochre from Elephantine and mix it with seven thousand jars of beer to
create a red liquid that looked like blood, but had rather different properties.
The priest spread the mixture over the land. In the morning, Sekhmet
returned to Egypt to finish off what remained of the people there, and lapped
up what she assumed was their blood on the ground. The beer made her drunk,
which effectively ended her rampage of bloodlust.
However, the lioness Goddess was not just seen as a war-monger and vengeful
eye of the sun God. Because she was believed to bring plagues, the priests
performed a kind of sympathetic magic to ward off and heal infections and
illness. In this role, Sekhmet was known as the 'Lady of Life',
and many of her priests were also physicians. In times of plague, they might
perform huge, large-scale rituals. During the reign of Amenhotep III,
hundreds of larger than life statues of Sekhmet were created, thirty
of which are now in the British Museum. It seems conceivable that such a
massive display of respect and veneration to the Goddess might have been
to avert and drive out a particularly virulent plague.
Sekhmet also had a male form, when she known as Sekhmet Min.
There is a representation of her in this aspect in the Temple of Khonsu
at Karnak, Luxor, which shows the king standing before her to invoke
her mighty strength in Min form.
Sekhmet seems more complex than Bast, but probably only because
more material survives about her. To the pharaohs, she was seen as a symbol
of their prowess as warriors and their ability to succeed in battle. On one
limestone fragment, she is shown apparently breathing her divine life force
into the mouth of the pharaoh Sneferu of the Fourth Dynasty.
As with the Goddess Isis, Sekhmet
seems to have been reinvented in the twentieth century. Although she is still
regarded as a powerful force, to be approached with respect and caution,
we can perceive a 'watering down' of her aspects. In Ancient Egypt she was
dangerous and ferocious, the bringer of plagues and retribution, the fire
of the sun God's eye. This was no benign figure, who could be adored and
worshipped as a gentle mother. Nowadays, many women (in particular) view
Sekhmet as a source of strength, independence and assertiveness, and
commune with her frequency when these attributes need to be augmented or
instilled. In many ways, we could say that Sekhmet has become the
symbol of the modern woman. She is still approached as a healer, bringer
of justice and as a guardian or protector, but the emphasis has shifted.
If any system is to survive, it has to move with the times and adjust itself
to suit the sensibilities of those who adhere to it. It seems a natural
progression that Sekhmet has transformed from what was almost a force
of chaos into an icon of immanent female power.
This is an extract from the chapter The Goddess Sekhmet
Other Feline Deities
In addition to Bast and Sekhmet there are other feline
deities. Some of these deities are not as well known such
as Mafdet or Pakhet. Pakhet was at Beni Hasan.
There was also Bast's lion-headed son, Mahes. Mahes is on
exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
The God Bes
A Ptolematic Period
faience figurine |
Wooden cosmetic spoon
with handle decorated
with the household god
Bes. c 1,300 BC |
Dwarf lion God of luck and fortune, Bes was much favoured by women
in Ancient Egypt. He represents the banishing of disruptive forces through
the powers of dance, music and joy. A poplar domestic deity, he was especially
associated with procreation, childbirth, the protection of infants and
the home. Bes is most often shown as a dancing grotesque, with his
tongue protruding and a strange half lion, half mask-like face. He wears
a lion skin with the tail dangling down behind him, and often a tall crown
of feathers.
The Goddess Mafdet
This Goddess prevails over snakes and scorpions. She is probably one of the
earliest feline deities and was either a cheetah, a lynx or a leopard. She
was described as having plaited hair, which was said to represent the linked
bodies of the scorpions she killed. Mafdet's name has been said to
mean 'runner', which does suggest a link with the cheetah, the fastest of
The God Mahes
Lion-headed son of Bast, reputedly a God of healing. His main temple
was at Leontopolis, although he did have a shrine at Bubastis.
We have recently learned that a Californian archaeological team is excavating
the temple of Mahes at Leontopolis.
The Goddess Mut
A widely-worshipped mother Goddess, Mut is yet another deity who can
have a fully human or lioness-headed form. She was the consort of
Amun-Ra and the mother of the moon god, Khonsu. Apart from
the cat and the lion, her other sacred animal was the vulture.
The God Nefertum
A son of Sekhmet and Ptah, Nefertum is generally represented
as fully human, although some carvings show him as lion-headed. He is associated
with beauty and perfection, and was called 'the lotus blossom before the
nose of Ra'.
The Goddess Neith
A mother of the Gods, Neith was most often seen as a fully human woman,
sometimes holding a bow and arrows. However, she did have a lioness-headed
aspect. Neith is unusual in that she has a androgynous aspect, in
that she was supposed to have self-generated and to have both male and female
elements in her nature.
The Goddess Pakhet
A lioness-headed goddess, Pakhet is virtually unknown in comparison
to Bast and Sekhmet, but she was a major goddess in her own
right. As Bast's region was Lower Egypt and Sekhmet's Upper
Egypt, Pakhet was worshipped in Middle Egypt, and had a temple which
was cut out of the solid rock near the modern day village of Beni Hasan
in the eastern desert. Like Sekhmet, she was seen as something of
a ferocious Goddess, for her name means 'the tearer' or 'she who
The Goddess Tefnut
Tefnut, along with her twin brother Shu, were the first Gods
to be created by Atum or Ra. Tefnut personified moisture,
and Shu personified the sky. They had two children, Geb, the
earth, and Nut, the sky. In this way, air and moisture, earth and
sky were created in sequence. Once these elements came together the physical
world came into being. Tefnut is often depicted in human form but
also has a lioness-headed aspect. Like Sekhmet, Bast and
Hathor, she is known as an Eye of Ra.
Tefnut - "Sky-spittle (i.e., rain)" One of the two first creations of the
Self-Created One, Tem, Tefnut is twin to Shu and embodies the concept of
airborne moisture, clouds, dew, or rain (Shu embodies the concept of air,
wind or atmosphere). Tefnut is sometimes equated with Nit and Nut, and is
depicted in New Kingdom jewelry and art as a female sphinx trampling the
enemies of the Two Lands, equated with the Great Royal Wife of the king.
Tefnut is generally depicted as a woman with a lion's head, surmounted by
the sun-disk (resembling Sekhmet; however, Tefnut's ears are routinely pointed,
whereas Sekhmet's are rounded), seated on a throne. She is sometimes shown
as a full lion along with Her brother/twin Shu.
11-23-99 - BAST - The Dream -
After working on this page for a couple of hours,
I lay down to meditate on another subject of interest . . . however, I
immediately saw a brilliant sun and found myself on the first floor of a
large school in the hallway. There was a tall, blonde woman with me
and we began talking about the existence of BAST. Immediately then,
three men came in the door at the far end of the hallway and I told the
blond woman that they couldn't be BAST because they were male.
The three men went into the bathroom. Immediately then, at the far end
of the hallway, three women came in the door. The three women were
not the same size and I didn't see them clearly because they were so far
away, but I knew that was BAST!
I then saw that I was wearing gold shoes with high heels with silver tap
lifts on the heels and I began to tap dance in the hallway. I told
blonde woman. . . I just love these shoes. :-)
Represents Typhon Set/Satan
1-10-98 - DREAM - I was in process of moving my office from the center of
a large building to the front near the street. I had to have it done by Sunday
morning and it was a huge job. I man name G.W. who I used to work with at
A-C had just come back from 6 months in Canada learning the language of SCAR.
Not very many people knew the language but it was going to be necessary in
the future. He made a comment that I should decorate in French Provincial
and showed me a picture on the front of a magazine. Everything was painted
white with gold trim.
NOTE: Coincidentally, SCAR was the name of a male lion in the "Lion King"
movie. He killed his own brother, and then lay blame on the Lion King's son
who spent many years away from home feeling guilty, then finally comes home
and finds out the truth and needs to fight SCAR to take his rightful place
as King.
As I walked down the hall I was pulled aside by a worker momentarily and
shown a man who was homeless and had no extra clothes. I told her we would
get him some clothes. There was someone named Glen who hadn't been around
for awhile. He even had a nice suit, so we decided give him Glen's clothes.
Another woman said somebody she knew needed an emergency transplant. They
thought that perhaps her own mother could donate the organ. A nurse mentioned
a couple things that would have to be tested first and her perdiclars would
have to be dirty and something else would have to be clean.
I just happened to be walking with a doctor and his office was right there,
so he pulled out my files and showed her that my perdiclars were dirty and
laid my files out on the floor. ( I have no idea what perdiclars are) |
10-24-89: Meditation: I saw a female lion trying to jump a fence. She got
only half way over. A voice said, "The Jewish people are getting nowhere.
The Lion of Judah can only get half way over the fence."
REF: Gen: 8 - 10 - Judah, your brothers will praise you, your hand will be
on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons will bow down to you. 9:
You are a lion's cub, 1O Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a
lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness - who dares to rouse him?
10: The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between
his feet, until he come to whom it belongs, and the obedience of the nations
is his.
12-19-89 - DREAM - I went to the bank, driving a violet colored car. I went
inside but couldn't get waited on. There were about 10 empty check-out counters
between me and the clerk. When I got up to the counter, all I had was the
key to the car. I felt very insecure not having a purse with me, which was
blue. I asked for 5 penny wrappers which were red and white.
A grocery store was at the back of the bank and they bragged about how fast
you could buy something, but then you had to stand in line to pay for it.
The bank clerk was so busy, she never got back to me, so I left, seeing that
my standing inline had backed up hundreds of people who needed to do business
too. They opened up a new window to accommodate them.
I went back outside to my car which was parked in a special spot facing to
the right, but when I wanted to get in, it would elude me. Then my daughter
came and said that my son had taken it to empty the trash.
Then we got in it and laughed because we had eluded the lion that was prowling
around outside.
5-25-90 - MEDITATION - While I was raising my vibrations, I saw myself standing
on the ocean shore on top of a cliff, watching the waves crashing against
the shore. There was a triangular boy there. A voice said, "This is a better
place than the earth zone."
I saw a girl and a woman wearing purple dresses with colorful flowers all
over. They danced to the left, put down a black purse, then danced to the
right again.
I called T.M. A voice said, "Call John Paul!" I saw a very large group of
people who appeared to be leaving a hospital. These were very heavy set people.
A black woman came along who was very upset. She said, "What took you so
long to get here? It took you over two hours."
I asked to see the 'Rod of Power'. I saw it three times. It was held in the
right hand. It was three feet long. It had a gold circular plate at the top
with a hole in the center and out of the hole was coming a brilliant bluewhite
flame, not like a candle, but shooting out like a blowtorch. It was at least
three inches wide. There were people lining up along a sidewalk waiting for
someone to come out of a house. I saw a man, naked from the waist up, sweating
profusely, having a great deal of trouble doing something like pushups. They
were asking him why was he having so much trouble handling his problems.
I was understanding that there is a heavy price to pay for having this
responsibility also.
I saw a large white table with many herbs growing in various pots and jars.
I saw some people coming down a long hall with glass on one side like at
the airport. They were asking what would go into a time capsule.
I saw something like a calendar. It was divided into three parts. On the
left half, January was at the top with a lion laying down. On the left half
on the bottom was 'June'. The whole right half was March.
Then I saw many black people. They said, "The war is over!" They were very
8-15-97 - Dream - I was walking down a sidewalk and holding in my hand, a
light brown notepad type thing with squares on it. In each square was a letter
of the alphabet. I was pointing my finger at the letters and attempting to
read while walking. Some girls came up the sidewalk and said they wanted
what I had, but when I looked up, they wanted to SELL me some Christian material.
I told them that God's Word should not be sold, it should be given away freely.
An ugly man came along then and said he wanted what I had also and tried
to grab it away from me. He had scraggly teeth when he smiled and when he
put his fingers on my notepad, I grabbed his fingers and began to bite them
so he let go. I did this several times. He left then, going down a sidewalk
to the left where they were going to be taming the lions.
I was in a large house getting reading to do something important. My baby
was very young, just a few months old. His diaper was wet, so I stripped
him to change his diaper. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. My daughter opened
the door and several people from high school came in.
Ronald Faisch showed me a stereoscope. He said, "Remember this?" The one
he showed me was red. I knew I had not used the red one, but I knew that
it makes two images into one. His other friends were bringing all kinds of
food into the house and cooking in inappropriate places like on the able
and on the hardwood floors. There was so much going on, it was hard to keep
track of it all, so I just concentrated on the baby. I went to get the baby
from the toilet and found him already dressed in green pajamas and tucked
into the bassinet which he had already grown out of and needed a bigger crib.
I ignored my old school mates and just let them do what they wanted. Suddenly,
they were gone. They had left all the uneaten food behind, green salads,
orange pumpkins, golden breaded cooked chicken that was deboned, other salads.
There were two refrigerators full. They also left buckets of potato chips
with little party hats and paper plates and cups that were blue with star
designs. While I was trying to figure out what to do next, a small dark woman
came in to work with me. I didn't get her name, but she said she lived on
highway "A". Then Joe came into the room and we began kissing and he sat
on my lap facing me and put both hands inside my blouse and caressed my breasts.
I felt like I was in Heaven.
8-29-97 - Dream - The dream was all black and white computer pages. I was
seeing crop circles and glyphs all relating to sexuality, and all the sign
for Leo The Lion astrological sign.
10-7-97 - DREAM - I was in the apartment with a man I loved. He wasn't certain
about his fatherhood skills. I was holding the daughter then and cared for
her like she was my own.
The man kept his valuable information in a secret place. First it was a gun
case which seemed to morph into a Lion's body which was alive. The Lion rolled
over on it's back and I could see the inside of the Lion's body, all the
way up the spine into the mouth. There seemed to be no internal organs yet
the Lion lived and I assumed they had been surgically placed differently
to give the Lion the hollow appearance.
I assured the man that everything wold turn out all right and he appeared
to accept my words as truth.
10-27-97 - VISION - I saw a web page of dream definitions about animals. it
showed me LION = GOD. Then it went to a page that said, GILGAMESH = GOD. So, I
went to the keyboard to the page where Gilgamesh was typed and adjusted it to
read: GILGAMESH = LION = GOD. I tried real hard to see the url of the page but
it was so dark blue, I couldn't read it.
1-10-98 - DREAM - I was in process of moving my office from the center of
a large building to the front near the street. I had to have it done by Sunday
morning and it was a huge job. I man name G.W. who I used to work with at
A-C had just come back from 6 months in Canada learning the language of SCAR.
Not very many people knew the language but it was going to be necessary in
the future. He made a comment that I should decorate in French Provincial
and showed me a picture on the front of a magazine. Everything was painted
white with gold trim.
NOTE: Coincidentally, SCAR was the name of a male lion in the "Lion King"
movie. He killed his own brother, and then lay blame on the Lion King's son
who spent many years away from home feeling guilty, then finally comes home
and finds out the truth and needs to fight SCAR to take his rightful place
as King.
As I walked down the hall I was pulled aside by a worker momentarily and
shown a man who was homeless and had no extra clothes. I told her we would
get him some clothes. There was someone named Glen who hadn't been around
for awhile. He even had a nice suit, so we decided give him Glen's clothes.
Another woman said somebody she knew needed an emergency transplant. They
thought that perhaps her own mother could donate the organ. A nurse mentioned
a couple things that would have to be tested first and her perdiclars would
have to be dirty and something else would have to be clean.
I just happened to be walking with a doctor and his office was right there,
so he pulled out my files and showed her that my perdiclars were dirty and
laid my files out on the floor. ( I have no idea what perdiclars are)
1-15-98 - DREAM - I was working in the 2nd story of a church-like place.
there was a section like a jewelry store where hundreds of crystals were
setting on counters and hanging from jewelry trees. My little daughter was
there admiring them and she said,"I went downtown with A.O. to the jewelry
store and we looked at everything, but I came home empty handed." I
felt kind of proud of her.
I was standing by a desk where people bought tickets to something and the
woman who was in charge of that hadn't yet done the book work for 1998 so
no work could be done yet.
I went outside and found out that B.G. was leaving town. I had a chariot
which was red leather upholstered for him to use but someone had dumped tomatoes
all over it and I had to clean it up.
I began wiping it off and it was pretty gross, then I had to take the rag
upstairs, wash it out, then come back down and wipe it off one more time.
B.G. was wearing a yellow sweater and was going around saying goodbye to
people so I rushed back upstairs to wash the rag. There were a lot of famous
church people up there...all really tall and thin, these were all people
from television. One kind of looked like Princess Di. There was also a very
swarthy man up there and was questioning people about some oil stealing scandal.
I was looking for B.G. at this point because I didn't want to miss saying
goodbye to him. I finally spotted him leaning up against the wall at the
bottom of the stairway where 3 ministers were having a discussion. He was
either listening to the conversation or talking to them, I couldn't tell.
I spotted his yellow sweater and went down the steps.
I went to hug him goodbye and we both morphed into gold robotic figures.
I was the Lion and he was the Tin man from the wizard of Oz but we were both
golden colored and sat down side by side on golden thrones. I was on the
right and he was on the left.
4-25-98 - DREAM - I was in a house that seemed to change from one house to
another depending on what room I was in. At the end I was watching a television
set with a grey screen of UFOs and ETs. That screen moved off to the left.
I tried to get it back with the remote by changing channels, but I couldn't
get it to come back. I ended up using the remote control like a mouse
and dragged some cartoon characters of a lion standing on his two hind feet
around the screen instead.
4-25-98 - DREAM - I was in New Berlin but it seemed some rooms in the house
were in other houses I lived in too.
I can't remember exactly how it started but we met three young men from Canada.
They seemed to be 16 or 17 years old. They seemed like nice boys and I became
particularly fond of the shorter blonde boy. My husband took him to where
he worked and he was offered a job in two seconds. I asked him where they
planned to stay that night. He said a word that sounded like "ceremony" but
I knew he meant a place where people stay who have no home. Even though we
didn't know these boys we offered to let them spend the night. The blonde
boy said it would be up to the oldest boy what they did and it seems like
he said the boys name was "Terra Cotta" or something like that.
The two darker haired boys went off downtown, but the blonde one stayed with
us and when I told my kids it was time to start cleaning up, the blonde boy
pitched in and worked harder than my own kids did. (My kids were sitting
out on the lawn and not participating. I said to them, "It appears you don't
appreciate what you have.")
I was standing in the kitchen and my youngest son Bill came in and his feet
were covered with strawberries from walking in the strawberry beds. I carried
him over to the sink and washed off his feet and called him a pig. He denied
walking in the strawberry beds but the evidence was clear enough.
The blonde boy continued to help me clean the kitchen and then we went down
in the basement and we cleaned the basement too.
I went up into the livingroom and saw that it was clean but a long low table
blocked the doorway and the orange/red carpeting had round circles impressed
in it like crop circles so I knew the livingroom needed more work yet.
I went back down to the kitchen and I saw my husband and all my kids coming
down the steps. Mike, Ken, and Tom were wearing white tuxedos, the others
were dressed normally. My daughter was wearing a purple/blue dress.
I asked where they were going. My husband said they were going to a wedding.
I asked who was getting married. He said, "Louis ____" a friend of my father.
(long deceased)
The man's male relatives were there and asked if I was coming too. I said,
"It seemed I wasn't invited, my husband deemed it that way by not telling
me about it.
They all left and I and the blonde boy continued to clean and guest started
to arrive from the neighborhood. Some of the guests needed to use the bathroom
and they had 5 toothbrushes and didn't know where to put them. I laughed
and said, "I have cabinets that don't have anything in them. I opened up
the upper cabinet which was empty and laid the 5 toothbrushes on the shelf.
This included a disabled woman we had to set up the TV set special for her.
I turned on the TV set and I saw a pale green screen with a UFO hovering
on it. Then the screen switched to a map of Wisconsin and the picture was
still pale green. This whole thing slid over to the left and the picture
was of some animal characters, a lion and some others. They were cartoonish.
I was able to drag the characters around the screen with the clicker thing
like it was a computer mouse, but I could get Wisconsin and the UFO back.
I tried changing the channel but nothing worked, so I let the disabled woman
watch the lion and the other animals play acting.
I then turned my attention back to the blonde boy and was asking him about
his family life and how his mother felt about him leaving Canada to seek
his fortune. He said he didn't have a mother and got real sad. So I asked
him about her and he said she had left the family many years before and he
didn't have any contact with her. I felt real bad for him and kissed him
on the cheek and wondered if he'd like me to be his surrogate mother. I felt
I had more love to give than I was using raising my own kids.
He seemed appreciative to have the attention and the love.
The other two darker boys came by then and Terra Cotta decided they couldn't
stay the night and they'd go downtown and stay at the men's shelter.
I asked the blond boy if he was going to work the next day and he said, "Yes!"
and I offered to help the other two boys as well.
I said, "Don't forget about us now, please. You know where we live," and
at that point I knew our address was on 84th St. (I never lived on 84th St.)
6-1-98 - VISIONS - (I was laying behind Joe who was sitting on the edge of
the bed reading a book) Dee heard, "Let us teach her the basics of lion
I went into a dream and found myself standing in the hallway of her old apartment
building between apartments 111 and 105 which were across the hall from each
other. A man came into the hallway, and went into apartment 111, to talk
to Bob, the painter, (Bob is always dressed in white) The man started to
tell Bob about an apartment in another building where people had just moved
out. He told Bob about all the holes in the walls, and how badly it was trashed.
He asked bob for an estimate of the cost to repair it and paint it white.
When I realized what the man was there for, I opened the door to 105 and
walked in, then woke up.
NOTE: Joe mentioned that the number 111 is one of the numbers associated
with Helios, the Sun from the "Magic square", based on the number 6. Dee
realized that apartment 105 = 6.
I then heard voice say, "I wonder how Richard L Lewis is feeling? and something
about this grandmother. I saw an accounting page. I held it in my hand. The
5th line down said, "You are authorized to Angelfire". After this I heard
a song, end of the line of verse was about Babylon."
6-3-98 - VISION - I was in my livingroom. Suddenly there appeared a huge
male lion, standing in the doorway with water running off its belly like
it had just come up out of deep water."
6-3-98 - DREAM - I was in my livingroom and a huge male tiger appeared in
the doorway with water running off it's belly like it had just come up out
of deep water.
I screamed and ran around a corner into the bedroom and got on top of a tall
5 drawer dresser, then stepped around the corner into an alcove into a baby
I heard my daughter-in-law Lorna holler, "It's okay! He's dead. It's okay!
He's dead!"
I went back out into the other room and the tiger had changed into a lion,
and Lorna was sitting on the couch with the lion cuddled in her lap like
a big baby.
I was still scared, however, and ran out into the hall and slammed the door.
6-3-98 - DREAM - I had two dreams within a dream. Inner Dream #1 - I needed
to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall and saw the door was closed.
I knocked once and opened the door because I couldn't see anyone through
the crack in the door. I opened the door and saw my son Bill and two of his
friends, kneeling around the oval-shaped bathtub which was more over towards
the center of the room. They had stopped up the tub with numerous colored
rags and towels and were running the water into the tub, pretending to drown
numerous toy people. I started to holler at them. "Haven't I told you not
to do that before? I believe this is the third time. You know that three
times is all you get so now you have to be punished."
I let all the water out of the tub and removed and rags, towels and toy people.
I went into their bedroom and got up on their bed, preparing to jump off
the bed onto their toys and destroy them. I started to count down, 4... 3...
2... 1... and woke up from the dream, but I was still in MY dream.
In the second inner dream, it was not so clear, but in that dream, I was
counting UP alphabetically and got up to the letter "P" which I thought was
very significant. I woke up in the dream, but was STILL dreaming.
(This dream has a lot of details in it, so I'm not positive I am remembering
them all in sequence) There were several themes in the dream.
I was moving from one side of the street to the other side of the street
in the 2500 block of North 16th St. I was taking care of an apartment
building/house for another woman. I had to go to the bathroom really bad.
My husband volunteered me to give a lecture on dreams which I was totally
unprepared for. I was doing all these things at the same time.
I decided to tell the two 'inner dreams' to the lecture group because they
were fresh in my mind. With that decision made, I decided to run across the
street and look at my new house. Unfortunately, the 7 silver keys I had for
the front door, I left behind at the old house and I couldn't get in the
door without them, so I needed to go back home and get the keys.
This was yet early in the morning, about 8:30 a.m. The children were gathering
on the sidewalk to wait for the schoolbus.
Meanwhile, my neighbor asked me to take care of the building while she was
out on an errand. I agree to do this.
She said she would show me how to use the black telephone, which also monitored
the lobby for guests and visitors. #333 was to speak to people in the lobby.
#777 was to listen to what they had to say. I pressed #777 and there was
no one there except those children getting ready to go to school. I could
hear them talking in the background.
She had a candy exchange program for the kids in the morning. She provided
a series of black containers with candy in them and the children would come
in with a handful of candy in exchange. The children who came in while I
was standing there were coming in with handfuls of candy that looked like
silver people (the same kind my son was trying to drown in the bathtub in
the inner dream) The kids didn't want this woman's candy in the little black
containers, they were exchanging "people" candy with each other by the handfuls.
These kids were so happy to be able to do this.
Meanwhile I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I found three bathrooms
in the house/apartment but there was a child in each one and each child was
sitting inside the toilet bowl which was devoid of water, and they were playing
with the little silver candy 'people'.
I had dressed in a brown dress to go across the street to look at my house
and felt that was not an appropriate color to give the dream lecture in,
so I had to change clothes too.
I went to a room where I started to change clothes and as as soon as I was
sitting there with no pants on, several young men came to a counter-like
area with a window and demanded to be helped with some problems. After making
some lame excuses, I eventually had to tell them that I didn't have any pants
on and couldn't stand up in front of them. They left me alone long enough
to get dressed then.
Finally, one of the bathrooms emptied out and I ran to the bathroom to do
what I needed to do. No sooner had I sat down, my husband brought in all
the people who wanted to hear my dream lecture while I was sitting on the
toilet. I told them the two 'inner dreams' about the letting out the water
from the tub, the counting down to 1, the punishment, and the counting up
to the letter "P" and that it related to the coming earthchanges and how
soon it would be.
The people all left then, and I was standing in the doorway when the door
of the apartment across the hallway opened up. A huge man appeared, with
a dark, 1/2 grown out stubble of a beard, wearing a sleeveless T shirt and
trousers with suspenders. I soon got the idea that he was in charge of the
whole thing. He came over, held out his hand to shake mine and said,
"Congratulations! You have done well and I hope you will be happy here.!"
I shook his hand and thanked him.
I woke up and instantly heard a telephone ring in my left ear. I mentally
said, "I am ready for a message."
I began to see a small graveyard. It was oval-shaped. A white arm and hand
appeared and began digging a deep hole in the soil and bringing out objects
which I eventually recognized to be the baby Jesus laying in a 'cradle' and
surrounded by baby animals. I then saw another oval ring next to it and inside
that ring, a full sized lamb and lion were laying down inside it...side by
6-24-98 - DREAM - I was living in a house with a bunch of other people. B.G.
the painter came to visit, so I started telling him the dream I had about
him earlier this year about how he was leaving. In the dream I told him that
I had a red "Excalibur" leather upholstered to give him. (It had been a chariot)
I told him in the upper church Princess Diana, Jacqueline Kennedy O'Nassis
and the actor "Neils"(sp) was there. (J.K.O. was not there) and I told him
that when I hugged him goodbye that I had turned into the Lion King and he
had turned into the Queen of Diamonds. (He was the Tin Man from the Wizard
of Oz and I had become the Lion and we had sat down on golden thrones) B.G.
was all disappointed that he was the Queen of Diamonds. After he left, I
remembered that it actually was the Knight of Diamonds and visualized the
horse figure on a chess board game.
In the next part of the dream, I was talking with the other women about our
responsibilities in taking care of the house. We each were responsible to
take care of the part we lived in. W.G. came in and told us that her car
was all messed up and I explained the deal, how we were all responsible for
our own little area we lived in. And I said, "And who is responsible for
your car?" She looked around wildly looking for someone to blame. I asked
her again, "And who is responsible for YOUR car?" emphasizing the word Your.
She again looked around for someone to blame, so I said it again, "WHO is
responsible for YOUR car?" and then she finally got it that she was responsible
for her own car.
Then a young black girl was telling one of the other women how she had looked
in the door of another woman's room and the floor was all dirty. I started
to feel guilty about my house being a mess and ought to spend some time cleaning
8-8-98 - DREAM - I was in a large building where a television show was going
to be put on to interview some people. The woman interviewer walked up to
where the panel was sitting and got down on her haunches to talk to them.
Soon she was laying down, the covered with a sheet. Then the audience began
imitating her and they all laid down and covered with sheets. The people
in the audience, being covered with sheets got their hair all messed up and
frizzed out and the moderator would count to 9 and everyone would stand up
at once and then get back down under the sheet. Now this sheet covered the
whole audience. She counted up to 9 and everyone stood up and then got back
down under the sheet except one woman. She looked around, trying to figure
out what was going on, then realizing she was out of sync with the other,
got down under the sheet too.
I stood up with the others, but when the others got under the big sheet,
I left and went elsewhere in the building.
I went down the hall into a room where there was a big round table and two
men. I cannot recall why we did this, but we got down under the table and
I saw that the round table had lion's paws on it's legs. (I used to own one
like this. I had it in my kitchen. The table stood on one pedestal with 4
lion's feet sticking out for stability and a wheel was under each paw to
help move it around easily.)
Anyway, we were under the table and one of the men started turning into a
lion and slid backwards into a hole in the ground and fell asleep. I didn't
understand this, but when the man turned into a lion, I became afraid. He
was holding my hand at that time and because of my fear, I began pulling
my hand away very slowly. I managed to back up away from him, I began to
stand up and there, standing up on top of the table was a full size male
9-18-98 - DREAM - I was in the country sitting by a barn and I started to
hear what sounded like flies buzzing and I looked and blackbirds were coming
up from the grass and flocking onto a trellis or grid-like structure on the
side of the barn. They flapped their wings and fluttered around until they
formed a big symbol like ^ then three young teens came and got on each other's
shoulders and they walked into the barn like one tall person but it was 3
in 1.
NOTE: (The Trinity?) The ^ symbol is the male sign (similar to a unicorn
horn). The V sign is feminine sign. Together they form an X which is the
sign of the Templars, which was about the Holy Grail.
Then it seemed like the side of the barn turned into a movie screen and a
musical commercial came on and all the people there were many had the faces
of lions and striped tigers but were wearing like blue work clothes. Then
the commercial changed into written instructions which I was trying to make
out. Joe had come back home and his black car was parked behind me and I
kept asking him, "What does that say?" over and over because I could quite
make it out. I was about writing something and I think it said something
about expurging something. I couldn't see it clearly enough to know for sure.
I turned around to ask him again and Joe was gone and it sounded like he
picked up his alarm clock and took it to work with him.
10-5-98 - Meditation - A professor-type guy (the same one I think) came into
the rom and held out a golden lion figure made of 5 pointed stars. It was
in a striding mode rather than a standing mode. It's left foot was forward.
Rare white lions born in South Africa
Saturday, March 3, 2001
Alex Larenty holds triplet cubs, including two rare white lions, born at
The Lion Park
near Johannesburg, South Africa.
A lion park near Johannesburg is celebrating the rare birth of two white
"There are no complete records of the number of white lions, but I doubt
if they
number more than 100 worldwide," Ian Melass, manager of The Lion Park,
said Friday. One official at the Johannesburg Zoo said the number may be
as few as 30.
The cubs, a male and female that are just over a week old, could be worth
as much as
300,000 rand ($38,750) each if sold to another safari park or zoo.
Their distinctive features stand out alongside their brother from the same
litter, who
has all the usual tawny and dark markings associated with the species.
White lions are not albinos but are the product of a recessive gene, similar
to the one
that produces "king cheetahs" which have striking black horizontal stripes
along their
back instead of spots.
Melass, who has more than 70 lions at his park, plans to keep the male and
give the
female to the Johannesburg Zoo, which has its own white lion program and
which has
provided most of the genetic material for white lions around the world.
Reuters |
10-26-98 - DREAM - I seemed to be in a school of some type, one where I lived
as well as learned, one where I also taught people and children younger than
There was work going on out in the yard and our laundry was hanging on the
lines, large items like sheets and blankets. The workmen need the space to
work in and shoved out laundry aside, but there was still a white bed coverlet
that needed to go out on the line. It was folded in quarters when I found
it laying on the ground between two buildings. I had to think about how to
hang it up because I had no clothespin so I hung it over the line with half
on each side and knew I would have to watch it so the wind wound't blow it
away. I sat in the livingroom watching the shadow of the sheet on the wall,
blowing in the wind outside in the sunlight.
As I sat there, I saw a little orange kitten come out from under a large
livingroom chair. As I watched, 5 more came out, one at a time until there
were 6, and then the mother appeared to care for them.
As soon as the cat and the kittens were walking into the next room of the
house, a baby golden lion cub came tumbling out from under the same chair
I knew it was a lion cub rather than an ordinary cat because of his rounded
ears and he was chubbier.
As I watched, another golden lion cub appeared one by one until there were
6. They were very small but I knew they grew to adult size in two months
and I knew the mother lion would appear in a moment to care for them in her
I noticed then that school was done for the day. I walked out into the lobby
and saw some hand drawn pictures done by the students, hanging on the wall
up by the ceiling.
I went outside and saw the students going every which direction to go home.
But there were 3 boys who looked like brothers who stood closely together
and they were waiting for a bus. I saw them originally standing on the main
street on the other side of the intersection, but no bus came, so they came
over towards where I was standing to wait for a bus.
A huge, oversized - silver bus came along and pulled up to the curb where
I stood. He opened the door and waited for the 3 boys to get on. But the
boys were hesitant to get on the bus by themselves and I walked over to help
them. The bus driver got off the bus to help too and I told him that the
boys shouldn't get on the bus without their parents.
While we were standing there, the bus driver came over to talk to me until
the boys parents showed up. We went back into the building then and I was
telling the bus driver the story of the 3 gods, then of the kittens, followed
by the lions. The bus driver was so enthralled by the story, he kept getting
closer and closer to me. It wasn't until then I noticed how huge this guy
was ad that he was wearing a red and white striped polo shirt instead of
a green bus driver's uniform. I got concerned about the bus and said, "Don't
you have a bus to drive?" He got closer to me and said, "I'm just a student!"
I was very uncomfortable having him be that close and expected him to go
back out and drive the bus.
Meanwhile, I walked back into my livingroom. There, on a table were three
packets of jewelry belonging to three young girls. They didn't seem to be
interested in having the jewels once they got them and just let them lay
around on the table. So, I began to put the jewelry back into the cases into
the pockets where they belonged. I decided I would keep them myself if the
girls didn't come back to get them.
12-19-98 - DREAM - I remembered that I forgot to put the list of evil things
on the web pages and I was busily inserting them and came to one and clicked
on it and it went to the "Lion King" page.
In the dream, I was carrying a bear cub...a black one. It was cute but needed
to be caged and I was at a railway station. I went to an area where I could
close two sets of glass doors and slammed them shut and clicked the locks
together sideways and made a glass cage for the bear cub.
Two young women were there who though the bear cub was so cut but didn't
know how dangerous he could become.
I was with someone and suggested what a great idea it would be to jump on
a train and to go just a short distance to the next town and come back just
so I could say I had been on a train. The train came by and ran over my foot
as it went by.
NOTE: On 12-20-98 - there was a train crash which killed many people after
having hit and killed an old woman several miles before it crashed.
3-3-99 - DREAM - There might have been a dream before this, but if there
was I have no memory.
I found myself on the corner of 12th and State sts. after school left out.
It wasn't too far to walk to 16th and Center St where I lived so I began
to cross State St. and walk north on 12th St. but when I did, I saw that
there were no street lights on and the sky was pitch black. That made me
nervous and frightened so I turned around and looked south on 12th St. and
saw that there was a telephone booth with a light over it on the corner one
block south and I would call my Father to come and get me. I didn't know
how to call him though because I didn't have any money with me.
When I got down to that corner, I found myself on the ground of a huge zoo
where they were giving demonstrations. The animals were all lined up in a
row and on command would do whatever they were trained to do, then return
to their cage to eat. The animals had human-like expressions on their faces
so it was easy to see how they felt about what they were doing.
These animals were not normal size, they were at least twice normal size
if not bigger. They actually looked more nervous than I was but they were
huge. The zookeeper was introducing the animals one by one to the people.
Just as I got there, the zookeeper had introduced the lions to the people
and offered a lion cub to the people. It seemed my Father was there and he
said, "I don't think we'll need one of your lion cubs, it looks like we're
going to have one of our own." I looked across the yard and saw three full
grown lions laying at his feet.
Next, I was supposed to be introduced to the camels and elephants. There
were many of them. They were all really shy and had backed up and wanted
to go into their cage and eat, but the zookeeper was in full control of them
and was going to call them back into line.
I wanted no part of it, so I took off running for the nearest door to the
zoo house where people could go inside and view the animals inside their
cages. But when I was getting near the door I could see huge hippopotamus
was in there and I'd probably meet him face to face if I continued that direction
and I could see how huge one leg was so I headed towards the second door
as fast as I could. I dashed inside just as the camels got lined up behind
I was now in a hallways and a woman ahead of me had applied for a job at
the zoo. The personnel guy was kind of yelling at her, "Do you think I can't
tell when you're not qualified and have been kicked out of your last job?"
She looked really embarrassed. The personnel guy said, "I give you Guru Al
Gordon." He pointed next to me and there was a medium sized skinny guy with
a dark mustache and dark hair. The skinny guy looked so embarrassed as the
woman had and startled to be pointed out and I woke up.
11-21-99 - DREAM - I was at my New Berlin house. I hadn't been there for
awhile. Several of my kids were there, but not in the correct ages to each
other - nor current age.
I had a small hand-held organ gadget. Instead of having keys like a piano,
it had little buttons with letters: A..B..C..D..E..F..G.. in a keypad type
arrangement rather like a telephone keypad arrangement. The A note stuck
down on the upper left edge when the lid was closed so I had to make a tiny
duct tape -like repair of the box where the sound came from with a piece
of tape that was about 1/2 by 2 inches. When I repaired it, I put it in my
purse. I noted that this had been repaired numerous times in the past.
When this was done, it allowed me the freedom to go across the street and
paint the number sign for the street with red paint. It was 121. I knew I
could go down the street and paint the next one also but chose not to. I
just wanted the freedom to do so if I wanted to.
I went back to the house and found that the furniture was not where it belonged.
In the kitchen, there was a large empty space in the corner where the stove
and refrigerator were gone. (not a normal placement for that house) The large
table in the center of the room was missing also and been substituted with
a tiny rectangle table 1 foot x 2 feet high by 2 feet wide. I had a big plant
on top of it. The kitchen was huge but useless without the stove, refrigerator
and table. (My real table was round with a big pedestal with lion paw feet
on it)
One of my sons brought in a man who said he was from pest control. (He had
a booming low pitched voice) I didn't know this man. He had a big whitish
colored spider on a long string which he guided around the floor.
I said, "What are you looking for?" He said, "Moths!"
I knew he wouldn't find any because we had sprayed . However I had recollection
just before he told me that of a huge slant-eyed creature like a giant bug
out of the corner of my eye that was as big as me.
I decided to leave him to his job and turned to go upstairs and look for
the table and put it where it belonged. In front of the stairs was a big
lounge chair and a small child size lounge chair with toys al over the floor
behind them.
I went up to the next level, but there was another level above that. I saw
the big piano in the livingroom with a cover over it.
There was a grate in the ceiling and I yelled up through it, "Where is the
kitchen table?" A girl who identified herself as Laurie said, "It's up here."
I then heard my son Ken say, "It's being HEROED!" That meant they were
refinishing the top and I saw that the foot railing .. a huge ornate turning
of wood on the Master bed needed to be done also. That was a good thing.
I went to the bathroom which was huge and had numerous unknown people in
it. I headed to the toilet and my son Bill came in about age 3 1/2. He said,
"My teacher says I need new underwear. I'm wearing size 4 blue jeans and
the piece of paper on my underwear says 1-2-3."
I wanted to say, "I'd just go without them then," but he needed them so I
just said, "Okay!" and woke up. (While Joe and I were talking about this,
he said people admire the Lion because they are the king of the jungle. The
Hero of the bible is Zerubbabel, the reason being the connection to the 11:11
where the two trees stand up after 3 1/2 days refers back to Zechariah 4
where the two olive trees stand on each side of the lamp stand with the 7
lamps. known as the Menorah. These are the two anointed - Joshua the high
priest and Zerubbabel the Governor - A king in the bloodline of Jesus.
In Haggai, it says that Zerubbabel is the Signet Ring of the Lord, which
is related to the mark on the forehead.
While we talked about this, a commercial came on where the God Mercury delivers
the flowers and it sings - "BE A HERO!"
12-2-99 - DREAM - I went with a male friend to a large house where there
was a very large man living. He was supposed to be an ET. The deal was made
to buy a car from him for $300.
My friend had to leave the room and left his check book on the long diningroom
table and I ended up signing my name in the check book for the car because
we couldn't wait for my friend to return. I saw that I had a very large amount
of money in an envelope at that time also. I told nobody that I had this
The man turned out to be a 7 foot tall Chinese man and when my friend left,
he took it upon himself to think that he was going to be able to make love
to me . . . and I let him in no uncertain terms that this was NOT going to
happen and told him off. He had actually grabbed me by the legs and pulled
me on the floor.
I was very afraid at that moment and went outside to wait for my friend.
Outside in the alley way, there was a couple of items that had been thrown
away. One was a bunch of red fireworks type things that were tied together.
. . about 3 feet long... and I saw a mirror-like thing on the end of a large
barrel that was laying on its side and I was able to pry it loose and stand
it up against the building. The mirror grew in size when I stood it up. It
was at tall as I was. When I did that, I saw that there was a pink web-like
covering over it and I was able to get this off by pulling upward on it.
When I did, the mirror was incredible... it was so clear... yet it made
everything in it very small...rather like a fun-house mirror. So, when you
were standing in front of it... a 6 foot person looked 6 inches tall and
very far away.
I saw some people coming down the street and began to laugh how little they
were in the mirror. It also then appeared that people acted like their real
selves in the mirror... and one of the adults actually got down on the floor
and acted like a snake-type creature.
The original tall 7 foot man came out of the house and he was now 7 inches
tall and he wasn't so obnoxious when he saw how little he was.
A man there showed me a book that was red and it was full of secrets about
the Chinese man and his people. He was anxious to tell these secrets but
couldn't and I agreed to keep the book for him. He left me with the book.
Even the pages inside were all red. I could see no writing, but the secrets
were there... hidden.
I then went to a house. . . which looked inside like the layout of my New
Berlin house, but this was a little different. A home decorator came in to
make recommendations for the remodeling ... color changes, etc. At first
it looked like a simple matter of adding a contrasting color to a sofa pillow.
The pillow and couch were all green, so I told her it would be nice to put
a yellow or orange fringe on the pillow and she agreed. However, then we
saw how much remodeling really had to be done. The backs of chairs looked
like they were shredded by a large cat ... or lion. Huge shreds. The walls
looked like wallpaper and were also green and had imprints in them like the
owner had used a hot iron on them and burned the outline right on the walls
and floor. I noticed that the ceiling of the diningroom had rounded angles
at each corner... like you might see on a second floor room because of the
roof coming down in the corners... but this was a first floor room and I
knew there was a bedroom with a flat floor above it. The decorator lamented
that the ceiling was 18 feet high. I assured her that the bedrooms above
it were only 8 feet.
12-3-99 - DREAM - (Two dreams that go together) I was in a room and a dark
man or being said the words "Hunza Matata" and showed me a list of things
that were dated January, 1999 which had not occurred because they had been
put off. I was then shown that things cannot be put off forever because
everything would have to be put off forever and that can't happen. I was
then shown that all these things would now happen in January of the year
2,000 and all get crammed into a small space because they had to happen.
#2 - I was searching for the meaning of "Hunza Matata" and nobody knew. I
knew that part of this was in the movie The Lion King, so I found a record
with the music on it. First I had to fix the stereo and put on a 33 1/3 size
record on the player. There was a woman singing at first, so I went in another
room where some other women were sitting and asked them what "Hunza Matata"
meant. One woman wrote down the words from the song in Spanish on a piece
of paper. The only thing she could decipher was "In America".
NOTE: I woke up with a fire in my belly to find the meaning of the words
Hunza Matata.
The words in the Lion King are 'Hakuna Matata' but that's not quite the same.
Matata turns out to be the word ' worries' or 'problems'. Hakuna means "No"
so the Lion King song means "No worries" or "No problems". However, Hunza
is a place in Pakistan in the beautiful mountains with sacred stones and
places. Hunza is where the movie "Shangrila" was made and is considered a
place of 'peace'. So, "Hunza Matata" seems to mean "Peace Problems".
This is a guess on my part, but I don't think I'm wrong considering that
everything I dream about seems to have dire consequences in the long run.
12-5-99 - (Joe and I watched the cartoon movie "The Lion King" and I got
really tired towards the end, so I went to lay down and take a nap. )
VISION: As I lay there with my eyes closed, I was seeing the negative image
of a male and female lion against a black background. I was hearing the music
from the movie 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight?' and the lion images were
alternately changing color in a rolling color change from light brown to
light purple and back, over and over. The color was rolling upward.
DREAM - I was living in a large apartment building. I received a phone call
from a woman who lived upstairs. She said, "I know you are really busy and
I'm putting you out, but I need to ask you a question." Instead of sitting
there and asking her what she wanted, I said, " Let me come up there." She
said "Okay!" While I was going up there, I was rehearsing in my mind what
I was going to tell her face to face. I needed to ask her to pay me for my
time, even though she couldn't afford what my time was really worth, and
I would be giving up more time than I could afford, I could no longer answer
questions for nothing. I knew she might offer to give me some goodies 'in
kind' like cookies or cake or something that was of value, but I couldn't
do that, since if I took things ' in kind' my family at home who was depending
on me earning a living probably wouldn't appreciate what I brought home since
they didn't eat cookies or cake especially the kind that other people made.
I needed to ask her for cash payment, but I didn't want to make her feel
bad that I was singling her out for a donation for a specific question. What
I needed to ask is whether she would be willing to be my sponsor for a small
fee and for that she could ask me one question a month, whatever she needed.
I got to her apartment and knocked on the door. She was taller than I, and
I could see she was standing right on the other side of the door. She was
wearing a light blue caftan type of outfit. I was dressed in my light green
and white bathrobe with nothing under it. I was careful to hold it closed
so nobody would see that I was naked. I knocked gently three separate times
before she answered the door.
When she opened the door, I could see she had two other women in her apartment,
one sitting on each couch which had blue flowered covers on them. Then I
knew the question she was going to ask wasn't just for herself, but for them.
My request for a sponsoring fee was therefore even more valid. I was going
to ask for a donation of $5 per month.
As I turned to close the door, a female lion-type looking dog was walking
behind me and I had to hold her outside when I entered the apartment.
I can't remember what occurred inside the apartment, but as I woke up, I
recall that she and I were both female lions and we were rolling over and
over to see which one of us would end up on top.
12-24-99 - DREAM - I was with two other women. We were inside a long vehicle
like a limousine but without seats. I can't recall where we were going, but
we needed the help of three animals to get there, the turtle, the squirrel,
and one other which I didn't see. In my mind I keep thinking it the lion,
but I didn't see it. These animals were inside the vehicle coming up out
of holes in the bottom. The turtle would turn into the squirrel which would
in turn change into the lion. The numbers were 13, 16, and 19 in Egyptian
There was blue water beginning to flood the area which was wooded, kind of
like a jungle... very green.
I had to go from one area to another without being seen and without leaving
tracks. I found some old insulation material folded over in quarters. I planned
to use that to walk on. A man was with me at that point and there were two
maintenance workers standing by the door.
I don't recall the rest of the dream.
1-19-00 - - DREAM - I was working on a web page and links were scrolling
down. I asked to see the original time line. Then I attempted to save it
as a file.
The dream then turned to a people dream and it was early morning, and I decided
to go to the mall and be the first one there so I could get what I needed
and get on with my day.
When I arrived, there was very little traffic on the road, and it was snowing,
so when I made my right turn into the mall parking lot, there were no cars
ahead of me and I actually slid past the entrance where a female guard stood.
We talked a moment and she told me that there would be no problem if I made
the first track through the snow. I preferred to wait and follow the first
person since I didnt' really know the best way to go myself.
When I got to the mall itself, I seemed to be the presenter of a long line
of people who were to get a doctor's checkup before they were allowed to
continue their day and attend classes.
I spoke to the first woman in line, who came dressed in a light blue satin
ball gown. Since she and I were going to attend classes together and were
coming from the same direction, I asked for her phone number. It was 306-1030.
She said she was reluctant to give it out but understood I might need it.
After that she made a comment to someone that she was going to be hanging
out in the hallway with the others and I knew she would probably give her
number out to everyone she met.
One of the other women who was standing in line was wearing a light purple
satin cat suit. She wanted to be different. All the men wore black tuxedos
and lined up near the forest edge. They would be presented after all the
women went first. All the other women were wearing voluminous ball gowns
and lined up alone a circus tent like building. It was funny because there
were other people inside the tent making it hard for the women to stand in
line to be presented.
They were like jostling them as they tried to stand still and wait their
I then went into a cage-like room where we all sat in round backed chairs
waiting to see the doctor who was to examine all these people to make sure
they were fit. He thought I was one of the patients but I told him I was
just the presenter. He was a young, blonde, blue eyed man. Since I was the
presenter, his first patient was then a tall, blue eyed, blonde male student.
Once I got established what was going on, one of the other women said that
I must really know a lot of people in order to get this all together. I really
didn't know how these people were chosen to be first so I asked the first
woman in line who was a tall, masculinish type person. She was sitting next
to me at that point. She said she had bought a ticket for $25 for 2 hours.
That made more sense to me.
After I woke up, I again was told that I would see the first time line. A
lion-man type creature appeared and said his name was 890 Lion. His suit
was rather handmade ... not a real lion... I could tell there was a person
inside a costume. His suit was golden brown fur where the long fur was and
short yellow fur in between like on the belly.
He then said his name in a rather like roar, "My name is 890 OLiono".
NOTE: I meditated on the 890 and a voice said, "F sharp".
There was also something about 7 colors but I can't remember the details.
I looked up 890 on the internet and found out that the Dewey Decimal System
of Library filing is that it is about Literatures of other Languages, followed
by Africa. Lions come from Africa.
I then looked up "f sharp" and pyramid and came up with this:
It's about the Giza Power Plant and we have that book.
It also seems that my visions about the K pages from the other day are probably
related to an e-mail we received yesterday about a K field and some information
we are going to be looking at relating to the pyramid.
NOTE: I had all the dreams and visions BEFORE we received the e-mail and
two days before I saw the e-mail and read what it was about.
1-29-00 - VISION - I saw a tower similar to a totem pole made of at least
two round circles, topped with the Egyptian winged God symbol. Where the
central circle is had an animated roaring lion like the MGM symbol.
4-1-00 - DREAM - APRIL FOOLS - This dream started out at work where I met
a man I liked. I decided to take him home with me and have a relationship.
When we got there, we went up to my apartment and went in and I discovered
that each bedroom had another man in there I had done the same thing with.
None had any idea of the others because they were asleep. The one I had just
brought home went into a bedroom I took him to and because I didn't want
to be discovered, I left him there and went back to work. I figured this
one would fall asleep just like the others. There was a total of three bedrooms
and three men.
On the way back to the office, I met a man who told me and some other women
a horrible tale about his daughter's bad luck. The woman had 8 children,
including two sets of girl triplets, and she had just lost her life in a
car accident. This left the man to care for all these children himself and
he just couldn't do it. He was trying to figure out what to do with the 3
youngest babies, the second set of triplets who were all girls. He knew he
was going to have to find a home for them.
I got the brilliant idea that I could adopt them and the idea sounded so
great, I got all excited and decided to go back to my apartment and tell
each of the men that I wanted to adopt these triplet babies and which ever
guy liked the idea would stay and the others would have to go. I would use
this as a test to see which guy was worthy of my time and efforts.
I also met the grandmother of these children and she was from Illinois, somewhere
in the middle of the state. The town started with a "W". I had never heard
of the town but told the woman that I went to Illinois every week for a meeting
and I'd be able to bring the children so she could see them. She was too
old to care for the babies herself. I didn't tell the woman my idea about
adopting the babies, but she liked the idea that I would visit her.
So, I headed back to my apartment, skirting the outside entrance of the building
where there was a fountain without getting too wet. Others got wet because
the water changed directions like a swirling water sprinkler. I managed to
run and stay at the appropriate moments so I didn't get wet.
When I got back to the apartment, I discovered that I didn't have my key
to the building or my purse. There was a young woman ahead of me and I managed
to get into the outer locked door of the building when she went inside and
let the door slowly swing closed behind her. However, I didn't move fast
enough to get through the inner glass door behind her and the door shut in
my face.
However, there was a man standing inside, like the maintenance man so I knocked
on the glass, hoping he would let me in. That is a big 'no no' in apartment
buildings. One never lets another person in whom they don't know... it's
not safe, but I was hoping he would disobey the rule.
When I knocked, he opened the door and let me in, calling me by name like
he knew me. He looked rather familiar like a young Roy Rogers and his voice
sounded like Roy Rogers. He let me in and we started to talk small-talk and
another man butted in and started to make a fuss about our conversation.
The other man was taller, dressed all in black. The Roy Rogers character
rebuffed the other guy to save me from the embarrassment of having to deal
with him. I don't know if he was drunk or just a bad/evil man, but he continued
to have grievance against our original conversation and that we were friends.
While the Roy Rogers guy continued to stay between me and the other guy who
was making trouble, I slowly walked away and climbed the stairs to get away
from him. The Roy Rogers guy finally broke away from the other man though
he continued to follow making the same arguments why the Roy Rogers guy and
I shouldn't have been discussing what we were discussing which I couldn't
even remember by then.
By now I couldn't remember how to get to my apartment because I had only
been there a couple times since I moved in. It was on an upper floor, but
I didn't even remember the number of the apartment. I was really upset. I
knew I'd know it when I saw it, but first I had to get there.
The Roy Rogers guy told me to run ahead of him while he waylaid the other
guy so I did. I ran up the stairs and discovered they branched off in several
other directions to various wings of the building. I chose the wrong one
and it turned out to be the kind of stairway that only went to every other
floor and it went to the wrong floor from where I belonged.
The Roy Rogers guy caught up to me and I desperately asked how to get to
the other floor. He showed me a door that went to another stairway that went
both up and down which should have gotten me to the right floor. He told
me to go down one half flight and I'd be on the floor below mine and I could
next door to the stairway that would take me up one whole flight to the right
However, I knew that was wrong and if I went down, I'd run into the other
guy, so I chose to go up one half flight.
When I got up to the top of the stairway, it came out on a deck-like area
which overlooked a courtyard several floors below and there were penthouse
apartments on the other end of the deck. This seemed rather familiar because
one could see the entire building from here.
The only problem was that on the opposite end of the deck where I was, there
was a huge lion-like creature standing ... guarding the deck and the portal
behind him. He was standing in a dark alcove behind two pillars. At first
I didn't see any other people up here but then another man showed up and
the guard animal fixed his eyes on that guy so I scooted over towards the
right and walked along in the sight of a pillar which hid me from the direct
sight of the lion-like creature. As I walked slowly along, I saw more and
more people and began to relax about being up here. When I rounded the corner
of the deck towards the right, I discovered that there were many people up
here, ... I couldn't say sunning themselves because there was no sunlight,
but perhaps airing themselves or something. I actually had to squeeze between
people it got so crowded as I walked along.
I finally made it to the other end of the deck and went into the building
where the penthouse apartments were. None of these apartments looked like
mine, but I thought I was on the right end of the building at least and started
to go down a stairway hoping that it was the right one to my apartment.
I went down one floor and came out into a lobby-like area where a man was,
standing there in a costume. All around the walls of this area, were shelves
with hats of every imaginable kind and if one put on a hat, you could play
the part of the person the hat represented. Other people were doing this
and it looked like fun. One could be anyone one wanted just by putting on
a hat. One of the hats was tall, red and white - like the Fool of the Tarot
I started thinking about putting on the hat of a dancer, one with feathers
on top like a crown and I looked for the feathered hat so I could be a dancer
... and as I was waking up I was rather singing, "I want to be a dancer,
I want to be a dancer."
NOTE: Roy Rogers name means 'the tall straight King'
The tall man dressed in black is probably
the opponent force
of mankind. In other words - Satan!
The lion is a portal guardian from the palace of Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrud,
Assyria, 833-859 BC. The lion is also prominent in the tales of the Bible.
NOTE: FOOL (Aleph) The Heart of the Knight-King. The all-pervasive, free-ranging
Spirit. It unifies every atom of consciousness/life into One Gestalt
Consciousness/Life. The underlying spiritual connection that exists between
all things. The magnetic field of Love that permeates and coheres the Creation.
POWER: Spontaneous right action (Tao), Oneness, Love, Fearlessness.
6-23-00 - DREAM - I was with my husband somewhere and I saw something on
his leg above the knee. I brushed it off onto the floor and it was a white
skinny worm. I looked again and there were more, so I brushed them off too
and his whole leg was turning into maggots and long skinny white worms. It
was really disgusting.
Then I had to kill the worms and I saw that there was a large puddle of strong
smelling urine on the floor in the corner. I knew it was from the cats. We
had several cats but I didn't know where they were.
Before I could mop up the pee, I had to sweep the floor and pick up all the
toys. There were toys and junk all over the place and while I swept, they
got all full of pee too. This was a big job. It seemed like I had to clean
the whole house ... every room had a puddle by now and I still hadn't seen
the cats.
A tall thin dark haired woman came to the door. As soon as I touched the
doorknob, the whole front wall turned to glass and she walked right through
it. She brought her two babies with her who were in children's walker-type
seats which she put against the wall with all their toys. She had come to
borrow a book which she said I had. I had no idea where it was.
While she was looking, all sorts of magical things were happening to the
babies. It was happening so fast, I couldn't even make out what was actually
going on with them.
There were toys all over the floor and I got them picked up and I told the
children that there was no reason why they couldn't pick up their own toys.
And by now they had all the pots, pans, and cookie trays out all over the
floor as well.
I needed to get back to mopping the floor of the urine. It was just more
and more and smelled so strong.
Another woman came through the glass wall in the front of the house while
I was trying to mop the floors. There was no way to stop her. the wall was
wide open now. I couldn't say anything about that. I had come into the house
the same way.
I was making progress. I noted that there was so much urine, it was running
down the stairs of the school all the way from the third floor to the basement.
I was going to have to clean ALL that too.
Two rough looking men came from a back room; friends of my husband. I don't
know why they were there, but they were going to go out the side door which
was closed, when a huge mountain lion came out of the kitchen and went right
to the door and squeezed out through a tiny crack at the side of the door.
Right behind it went all my cats too. I couldn't believe what a small crack
they could get through. That had to have been how they got in in the first
place. I was amazed.
I didn't know how I was going to block it, but at least it was gone and I
could get the urine mopped up and be done.
8-15-00 - DREAM - I was living in a house that had several kitchens side
by side as well as extra sections of house that I've been in before. Kimber
was in one of the small kitchens, showing a woman the design of the plate
that held the 5 bladed ceiling fan to the ceiling. It was a 4 short armed
cross with some fancy designs on it.
I pointed out to them as well as some others that this house had incredible
symbolism built into it. I pointed at the woodwork in the corners which were
like fleur de lis and other things around the room that were designed with
fancy woodwork.
In the middle of the wall was a niche, almost like a fireplace except that
there was a pure white lion in it laying down. I saw that the lion started
to move as though he were alive ... then more and more and finally the lion
stood up. Behind the lion, I then saw Bob the painter, dressed all in white.
He put a leash on the lion and led him away through a room behind the niche
in the wall.
I noted when I looked into a mirror that the hair on the top of my head was
gone and I had male pattern baldness like my father had. I wondered if I
needed to take some hormones, if that would make my hair grow back in. It
didn't look bad, but I looked like my father from that direction.
I had inspected this house when I moved in three weeks ago and made a list
of repairs that the house needed as well as things that needed cleaning up.
The other people were just sitting around doing nothing and there was a lot
to do, so I suggested that I show everyone the list and perhaps each person
could choose one thing off the list and be responsible for repairing or cleaning.
Some of the men in the house were carpenters and electricians and painters.
No one had any objection to that so I said I would bring out the list.
I had to go to the bathroom and when I went to look of a bathroom where I
thought it was, I found other kitchens. While I was looking, I was calling
my daughter Jeanne. Other children were answering, but Jeanne did not. Finally,
I discovered another larger white door that was almost closed and when I
opened it all the way, I called my daughter and she came out of a room behind
that door.
I asked Jeanne if she remembered what happened to the pinkish goldfish I
had given to her to carry. She said that she had taken them out of her purse
to carry and I recalled then at the same time that the plastic bag full of
water and the three pink goldfish had come undone on a small children's table
and died.
I then noted that there were some other women in this section of the house
that were acting like lesbians and kissing each other. I knew there were
more sections to this house I had been in before and I asked these women
if they would like to go on a tour. I was certain they would like this house
and the secret rooms it hid.
From: anonymous
Good to see you are still here, thanks for replying.
It was only short I think I just layed down for 10 mins and drifted of, I
remember a lot of my dreams but this was not like the rest.
Here goes.
I'm watching everything from a 3rd person perspective floating in mid air
above nothing, I'm just in the air surrounded by absolutely nothing. Then
in front of me I see what I'd describe as a plateau, in fact the best way
to describe it would be to compare it to a plant that has been pulled
out of the ground, if you can imagine the earth that clings to the
roots of the plant with alot of earth at the surface and degrading into a
kind of cone shape, well thats how the plateau was accept it was just solid
brown rock with jagged edges. Just a piece of the earth that appeared to
have been litrelaly pulled out ad was floating in this void.
On the surface I saw lions there were alot of these and they where the only
animal on the plateau they appear to be content just strolling around doing
their thing. Sundenly I saw a dragon appear to my right closely followed
by another of similar shape and size but of a different colour (unfortunatly
I can not remember the colours but they were both different colours) I then
watched as these 2 dragons mounted an attack on the lions One swooping down
and grabbing them by its claws then dropping them of the edge of the plateau
where they just fell into the nothing. and the other one swooping down and
breathing fire on them the results of both attacks where killing the lions
who where helpless against the onslaught. in the centre of the plateau suddenly
from the ground a perfectly circular tower began to imerge the top was perfectly
flat, the sides were perfect smooth and it was circular and its colour was
pure white as it rose I saw that at the top of the tower it had a face with
very plain features, it just rose out of the ground and came to a halt after
rising high above the plateau. the minute that the tower began to rise the
dragons stoped attacking the lions and focused there attack on the tower
but it had no effect whatsoever, suddenly another animal appeared from the
sky this was a massive winged lion twice the size of the dragons, the moment
that this winged lion appeared the dragons turnt away from the tower too
join the winged lion, as it flew in the dragons both took position under
the lion one on each side so that they were now flying towards the tower
in a pyramid formation.
As they got closer the dragon continue to breath fire at the tower then the
winged lion open its mouth and a bolt allmost like a laser shot out of its
mouth in a continuous stream that expanded the further it went aimed directly
at the tower, but before this hit the tower it suddenly opened its mouth
and spoke (I wish I could remember what it said) the instant that it spoke
the whole place filled with light that took over and wiped out the whole
picture and I woke up immediately.
God bless |
1-3-2001 - DREAM - I had three short dreams where people were preparing for
the 'Ceremony of the Golden Lion'.
The lions that I saw in these rehearsals were not the real lions, but similar
to stuffed lions in outline and blueprint.
I was standing in the hallway between two elevators. The drycleaner
had just come and hung the men's pants like banners on a rod that was across
the elevator door on the end of the hallway.
One of the men in the building went past to go up the other elevator and
we talked about the drycleaning hanging on the rod. One of them was so long,
I only came up to the knees on the pants. The man would have had to have
been at least 24 or 25 feet tall I estimated. They were maroon corduroy.
I decided I would do the men a favor and deliver the drycleaning to the men
who lived upstairs, so I got on the elevator which was all maroon plush carpeted.
To my surprise, because I didn't press any buttons, the elevator only went
up one floor. I had already been on the 12th floor and got off the elevator
on the 13th floor. (I don't know how many floors there were)
But, when I got off the elevator, I realized that the drycleaning had been
hanging on the rod and it stayed on the 12th floor and I didn't have it with
me. I also realized that I didn't know which pair of pants went to which
man. They would have to pick them up themselves on the 12th floor.
On the 13th floor, a whole bunch of people were coming out of various apartments.
They were talking about going on a journey. The cars were already packed
and all they wanted to do was to stop and do a little Christmas shopping
before they got into the car.
These people looked rather familiar but I didn't know their names. I didn't
see any apartment numbers on the doors either.
Some of the people were going down the elevator, and some were walking down.
I was wearing high heeled shoes but decided I would walk down. The only other
problem was that the stairway went to an emergency exit and it was the type
of exit that had no key to go back in so I had to go around to the front
of the building again to get back in the building. I didn't have my
keys with me and hoped someone would recognize me and let me back into the
I got out the emergency door and saw that it was pouring rain. I had a large,
heavy white umbrella rolled up in my right hand, but didn't open it to walk
around to the front of the building. It was raining but it wasn't raining
on me. It didn't seem to be raining on the other people going on the journey
NOTE: After the death of the fifth patriarch, Tsung-mi, in 841, Hua-yen
declined during the general suppression of Buddhism that ensued in China.
But it greatly influenced the development of Neo-Confucianism (a significant
movement in Chinese thought beginning in the 11th century) and is regarded
by many as the most highly developed form of Chinese Buddhist thought. It
was brought into Japan by pupils of Fa-tsang and an Avatamsaka missionary
from central India during the period from about 725 to 740 and began a vital
and important development there that has continued down to the present day.
The most significant doctrine associated with this school is the theory of
causation by dharma-dhatu--i.e., that all of the elements arise simultaneously,
that the whole of things creates itself, that ultimate principles and concrete
manifestations are interfused, and that the manifestations are mutually
identical. Thus, in Fa-tsang's example of the golden lion in the imperial
palace, gold is the essential nature or principle (li) and lion is the particular
manifestation or form (shih); moreover, as gold, each part or particle expresses
the whole lion and is identical with every other part or particle. When this
model is applied to the universe, it suggests that all phenomena are the
expressions of the ultimate suchness or voidness, while at the same time
they retain their phenomenal character; each phenomenon is both "all" and
"one." All the constituents of the world (the dharmas) are interdependent,
cannot exist independently, and each of them possesses a sixfold nature:
universality, speciality, similarity, diversity, integration, and
1-3-2001 - I got really tired while researching the above references to the
golden lion ceremony, so went to bed and had this dream:
DREAM - I was sitting in a lawn chair on the porch of my house at a big
intersection where there was lots of traffic It was on the northwest
corner of Teutonia and Center Sts.. I was watching the people go by and talking
with my children.
A man named David came along (I used to work with him at AC in the 70's)
I started to tell him my dream about the ceremony of the golden lion and
that it was probably connected either to Buddhism or the Templars, but it
was probably the Templars. He agreed that it was probably the Templars.
I realized that I was wearing my green and white bathrobe and had a hideous
scarf on my head and didn't want to walk down the sidewalk to my apartment
like that, so I took off my robe, looking down to make sure I was fully dressed.
I was wearing a red long sleeved sweater and light brown pants. I had socks
on I think but didn't look that far.
I stood up and took off my bathrobe to carry it with me, and David followed
me, carrying some research books, one of which looked like a large black
Bible. I picked up my children's socks, and the children, David and
I went behind the corner house to my apartment building on Teutonia Ave.
I wanted to pick up my mail before I went into the apartment. I took out
my keys and found the little 't' shaped mailbox key. Instead of opening the
closed mailboxes below, I opened a mailbox on the top which had a fancy black
grill over the front. I saw inside that there were post-it notes people had
left for me, a small rolodex full of names and addresses, and someone had
left a nasty old car ashtray full of nasty crumpled smoked cigarette butts
and matchbooks that were white with black writing. I didn't look at
what the matches or the notes or rolodex said.
I took the ashtray and set it aside, remarking, "Who would leave such a nasty
thing in my mailbox?" I took all the rest with me to the door of the
I then opened my apartment door, remembering rumours I had heard about David,
that he would go and stay anywhere that people would feed him. I thought
about that while I was taking the scarf off my head and looking in the mirror
while combing my hair with a small 3 toothed comb. My hair was getting lighter
as I combed ... from black at the beginning to almost blonde when I was done.
I said to myself, "I'm beginning to look almost human."
David was in the background, it seemed that he was getting ready to help
me do the research on the ceremony of the golden lion. I was going to go
on the internet and look again for 'ceremony golden lion Templars.'
I knew I'd find what I needed there. I also decided to do it on Alta
Vista so I could eliminate terms I didn't want to wade through.
At the same time I was remembering a place I had been to the day before and
wondered if I could find it again. (I think I probably dreamed it and forgot
the dream) While I was thinking about this, I saw that David had opened
3 windows half way and the curtains and shades were pulled half way. The
shades were light brown with fleur de lis on them. I saw through the
bottom half of the window that there was a huge expanse of green lawn outside
and this was jogging my memory of where I had been ... in the country ...
seemingly up a mountainside or at least on some high hills ... on a winding
road until I came to a lake with a castle-like building. This is where the
ceremony had been held. It was most likely France.
I then closed the left-most window, and left the right-most window and the
center window open because they had screens on them and I didn't have to
worry about the kids or myself falling out of them.
I opened my eyes in the real world, surprised to find myself there, and thinking
about the place in France I had been just yesterday and if I could find it