
Hello everysoul!

I just don't know where to begin with as far as introducing this 152 pages compilation as there is just so much in it. There are an interesting thoughts following a critical comment about Mike Quinsey's channeling work. There is a new inspiring message from Matthew and more from Hatonn on the announced official disclosure of outer space civilizations' existence, something which would definitely be a major game-changing event. There are news about the fragility of the world economy. There is lots of stuff about what has been billed the 'Climategate' as well as the upcoming Copenhagen efforts to mitigate the unfolding disaster - if one believes there is one indeed. There is - inevitably - another update on the Swine Flu Scam and the mounting concerns over a mutant virus now manifesting itself in many new locations. There are many inspiring videos and initiatives to discover, as well as a smorgasborg of various others news. In short, there is plenty to keep you busy for a while, just as I've been while reviewing and compiling all this material for you. And as usual, you'll find the "NOTE from Jean" blurbs interspersed throughout this compilation

Thank YOU for staying aboard for this incredible journey into our co-created future.

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
NOTE: A new Meditation Focus will be issued this Saturday evening.
Free subscription to a large weekly Earth Rainbow Network compilation by simply sending a blank email to

This compilation is archived at
STATS for this compilation: over 55,000 words and 280 links provided.

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
- Nelson Mandela -- More quotes from him through this LINK such as "It always seems impossible until its done."

"We will tell you that your future is in the higher dimensions, and that is where your true home is amongst the stars. In us you will see yourselves, and we will encourage you to emulate what we do in service to you. It is a most enjoyable and rewarding existence, which even for us is increasing our level of consciousness. You will find that you never stop learning, and every permutation of whatever you could think exists is there in reality. There are millions upon millions of planets, and all are at some dimensional level that supports intelligent life forms. Many will be non-human but they are nevertheless just like you, born of the Source that you know as the Creator. Wonders never cease to astound us, and life is astonishing inasmuch it can be found to exist in the most unusual circumstances, but as you are aware not all are like your Earth conditions. This is evident in your own solar system, where there is a vast difference in other planetary conditions compared to yours."

- SaLuSa  -- Taken from his November 25, 2009 message
"What the darkness had not reckoned with was your reawakening and reclaiming your god and goddess powers that let you shake loose from its control. This triumph for you is doom for the darkness, but even with all the evidence that their end is inevitable, the puppets of the dark forces will not accept defeat as long as they can arouse fear and panic. We know that many enlightened souls often ponder how best to serve the light. We say, hold your light steady and send forth beams of unconditional love to Earth-the energy of love, which is the same energy as light expressed differently, is far more powerful than the energy of fear! We understand that when you see your world in turmoil with so many enduring sorrow, hunger, disease and poverty-and those are the focus of news reports-it is difficult to always see the love, beauty and goodness that is even more prevalent in your world. It always is surrounding you in abundance, much of it unseen with your eyes, but so close to you in spirit. When headlines "are too much with you," visualize the world of peace and love that you know awaits in your timing and already is manifested in universal timing. Allow feelings of joy and love to flow into and from your heart-love is inestimable in its capacity to uplift you and all who are around you, and this energy is so powerful that it radiates into distant lands.  (...) Evolving from third density into fourth does not happen simply because you're on the planet and the planet is ascending. Your evolution comes with heeding conscience and intuition and the other wisdom your soul is giving to guide you in alignment with your contract. It comes with self-introspection, acting with honor, respecting all of Nature's life forms, discerning truth from falsity, emulating but not copying persons whom you greatly respect, and not judging others. It comes with recognizing and feeling grateful for the blessings in your life, with forgiving yourself and others for perceived injustices.  It comes with living from your heart, the seat of your soul.  Never are you alone in your journey of self-discovery and evolution! Always the infinite arms of God-angels, spirit guides and free spirits, beloved souls in Nirvana, souls from spiritually advanced civilizations, and the energy of Christ consciousness manifested as love and light and unsurpassed in its powers-are with you."

- Matthew - Taken from his latest message below which is one of his most important ones in many years. Also included is an important confirmation by intergalactic fleet commander Hatonn about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

"We recognize that both the shadow and the light are valuable parts of the divine unfolding. We understand that the outer reflects the inner, that somehow we are all responsible for everything that happens in our lives and world. Together, as we lift the veils of illusion for ourselves and those around us, we are playing key roles in transforming our lives and world to a place filled with ever more love and joy. We want to expand our awareness and capacity to love. We want to transform the shadows outside and within us. And we want to invite others to join us in this exciting transformation. When we truly treat all people as manifestations of the divine -- even the power elite of the world -- I know that transformation and miracles will blossom even more than they are now. I invite you to join me in being a powerful call and reminder to those around you that we are all in this together. I invite you to join me in building bridges which bring us all together. Let us work together helping any and all who are ready to see that we are all one family, one divine being exploring itself through countless sets of eyes. To any and all, we invite you to join in the glorious flow and dance of those of us who are consciously joining our energies in service of all of us and all beings. When we come together in groups around this shared intention, magic and miracles abound!!!"

- Fred Burks ( - -- Excerpted from his November 27 message of thanksgiving and invitation to power up



1. Quantum message
2. Comment on Mike Quinsey
3. Matthew and Hatonn November 19 message
4. What Obama Is Up Against
5. The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain
6. No Logo Turns Ten, A New Movement Brewing + Copenhagen: Seattle Grows Up + MOBILIZE! - NOVEMBER 30, 2009 + Climate Rage
7. Global temperatures 'could rise 6C'
8. Climate 'tipping points' near
9. Climategate Exposes the Alarmist Machine
10. Cooking the climate change books
11. The Road to Copenhagen part III: A "Planetary Regime" in the Making
12. China unveils carbon target for Copenhagen deal
13. Unhappy Thanksgiving
14. Our Evolving Solar System: Plasma, Polar Reversals, and 2012
15. Global Initiation and Multiple Dimensions
16. France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying
17. Brain Scan Finds Man Was Not in a Coma-23 Years Later



Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa - ABSOLUTELY STUNNING DISCOVERY - TAKE A LOOK!!
They have always been there. People noticed them before. But no one could remember who made them -- or why? Until just recently, no one even knew how many there were. Now they are everywhere -- thousands -- no, hundreds of thousands of them! And the story they tell is the most important story of humanity. But it's one we might not be prepared to hear. Something amazing has been discovered in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. It's part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles and appears to have been constructed -- are you ready -- from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE! The image [top of page] is a close-up view of just a few hundred meters of the landscape taken from google-earth. The region is somewhat remote and the "circles" have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were. (...) These circular ruins are spread over a huge area. They can only truly be appreciated from the air or through modern satellite images. Many of them have almost completely eroded or have been covered by the movement of soil from farming and the weather. Some have survived well enough to reveal their great size [see above] with some original walls standing almost 5 feet high and over a meter wide in places. Looking at the entire metropolis, it becomes obvious that this was a well planned community, developed by a highly evolved civilization. The number of ancient gold mines suggests the reason for the community being in this location. We find roads -- some extending a hundred miles -- that connected the community and terraced agriculture, closely resembling those found in the Inca settlements in Peru. CLIP MAKE SURE TO CONTINUE IN Dating the site - Who made the metropolis? Why? - The origin of modern humans AND CHECK THIS FASCINATING, MUST WATCH VIDEO Adam's Calendar Michael Tellinger, author of "Slave Species of god" talks about the discovery of the oldest man-made structure on Earth, around 75,000 years old. A new book by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger outlines the events that led to this discovery in South Africa by explorer/pilot Johan Heine. AND THEN AS A COMPLEMENT WATCH Pyramids of China Ancient pyramids of China on Google Earth; the first is over 300 meters in length -  which are explained in this WIKIPEDIA entry. CHECK ALSO THE SIMILAR VIDEOS. FINALLY read The World's Top 50 Mysterious Places an article about 50 mysterious places, including the tomb of the 1st Emperor.

Practice Aloha
Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey explains the Hawaiian meaning of Aloha. Many short and enlightening Aloha stories are featured at such as this one from Piero Resta: "Aloha is the welcoming of breath; wishing our friends to partake in the gift of life. Breathing into each other, sharing a precious moment of personal attention where nothing else exists but the sharing." Recommended by Robert Stone (stoneman@maui.netp) who wanted to "share a wonderful video about Aloha - the Hawaiian practice of Love, Sharing, Making things right (Pono)." You can listen to this inspiring song - starting right after the invocation by Clifford Nae'ole - at

10 Days to Touch 10 Million
Every 40 seconds another person commits suicide - you never know who in your life is in pain, and this will reach them at just the right time. The World Needs You!
Permanent link for this video:

Wisdom of the World - sample (11 November 2009)
It is a new concept in media, combining: Authentic Spoken Wisdom Inspiring Music and Compelling Images

ONE person can make a difference...what are YOU waiting for?
We become architects of eternity when we live the present moment well-- using unselfish hands to share lasting values and to create timeless memories. Some of life's most enduring and inspiring gifts will forever bless the lives of others if we will simply remember to pass them on. It's as easy as giving a hug, a smile, a helping hand. YOU can make a difference... what are you waiting for?

Great Awakening II - THE SHIFT
2012 and the grand alignment continues. What does this mean to us in our every day life? This video touches on this question of what we can do to prepare ourselves for this cosmic event that is unfolding. Sharing Hopi wisdom and using imagery and music to set the tone for our awakening. Let's dance ourselves awake!!

Her name is Green. She is alone in a world that doesn't belong to her. She is a female orangutan, victim of deforestation and resource exploitation. This film is an emotional journey with Green's final days. It is a visual ride presenting the treasures of rainforest biodiversity and the devastating impacts of logging and land clearing for palm oil plantations. Recommended by Suzanne Ingleton ( who wrote: "May I draw attention to this amazing film, 'GREEN', a free download [-bless the internet] from a French documentary film maker. Watch, weep and change your life. Note from Jean: It is nearly impossible to remain unmoved while watching this visually compelling plea for action to put a stop to the wholesale slaughter of nature and millions of uniquely precious lifeforms that unrelentingly goes on around the world while our complacent, greed driven civilization pursues its headlong rush towards global ecoblivion. It is doubtful that political leaders who will soon gather in Copenhagen to try to tackle the global warming crisis (in large part due to human carelessness) will be in any way aware of the stunning loss of so much natural grace and beauty. Please do whatever you can to bring this awareness to others through encouraging them to watch this video and hold the vision that soon this foolish destruction will come to an end and global environmental regeneration will be allowed to begin. -- If you read through the long, long, very long list (at under DEFORESTATION OF INDONESIA IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE COMPANIES BEHIND THE WOOD INDUSTRY, you will see it ends with "AND OUR PASSIVITY"... Check also 33rd International Wildlife Film Festival - Media & the Message: Wildlife Filmmaking in the 21st Century - May 8-15, 2010

NO MORE FAL$E $OLUTION$ - CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! Climate Change Convention meets in Copenhagen
VERY COMPREHENSIVE! From the World Rainforest Movement Check also their November newsletter (to be archived soon) - especially Greenwashing the green desert in Copenhagen: It seems increasingly likely that no binding deal will come out of Copenhagen and that the North will attempt to scrap the Kyoto Protocol. It also seems likely that some sort of deal will be pushed through on reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). There is a serious danger that REDD will act as greenwash for the North's failure to reduce emissions dramatically. REDD could generate a massive land grab, it could pour money into some of the most corrupt governments and forestry ministries in the world, it could trample on indigenous peoples' and local communities' rights, it could accelerate conversion of forests to plantations and it could create a massive loophole allowing pollution in the North to continue. All the while allowing deforestation to continue. But with or without a REDD deal, the UN climate negotiations have already caused serious problems for people and forests, through the Clean Development Mechanism's support of industrial tree plantations. "CDM fraud at its worst," as WRM described it in August 2009. CLIP

"Farmed Salmon Exposed" - Intro/Excerpt (4 November 2009) Farmed Salmon Cause Wild Fish Decline
This is an excerpt from a new film by Canadian documentarian Damien Gillis that visually portrays the damage caused by open-net salmon farms to marine ecosystems worldwide. The film features firsthand accounts of the environmental, socioeconomic and cultural problems linked to global salmon farms. FIND OUT MORE AND TAKE ACTION THROUGH "Currently, it takes the equivalent of five pounds of fish from the world's oceans to make one pound of farmed salmon. This is unacceptable! Salmon can be farmed safely and with minimal ecological damage, if the industry adopts standards that protect the environment, consumers and local communities."

A Jane Goodall Thanksgiving (26 November 2009)
(...) In 1986, after two and a half decades of quiet research in the African forest, Goodall's career took a dramatic turn at a conference of scientists studying chimpanzees. During a session on conservation, she said that it was "shocking" to learn that across Africa, because of deforestation, the explosion of human population and commercial hunting of animals for food, the chimpanzee population had "plummeted from somewhere between one and two million at the turn of the last century to, at that time, about 400,000. So I came out - I couldn't go back to that old, beautiful, wonderful life."She now spends more than 300 days out of the year traveling, speaking out, rallying people to see ourselves as caretakers of the natural world, and inspiring us with word that all is not yet lost. Her Jane Goodall Institute works ceaselessly for the worldwide protection of habitat, and her program "Roots and Shoots" now has chapters in 114 countries, working to make young people more environmentally aware. "I could kill myself trying to save chimps and forests," she said to Bill Moyers. "But if we're not raising new generations to be better stewards than we've been, then we might as well give up."The worldwide chimp population is down to fewer than 300,000 now, spread across isolated fragments of forest, Goodall says, in 21 African nations. Moyers asked, what do we lose if the last chimp goes? "We lose one window into learning about our long course of evolution," she replied."I've spent so long looking into these minds that are fascinating, because they're so like us. And yet they're in another world. And I think the magic is, I will never know what they're thinking ... And so, it's like elephants and gorillas, and all the different animals that we are pushing toward extinction ... There's a saying, 'We haven't inherited this planet from our parents, we've borrowed it from our children.' When you borrow, you plan to pay back. We've been stealing and stealing and stealing. And it's about time we got together and started paying back." That's as good a Thanksgiving wish as I can imagine.

Kevin Richardson - The Lion Whisperer
Kevin Richardson, zoologist and animal behaviouralist, raises and trains some of the most dangerous animals known to man. To do this he does not use the common methods of breaking the animal's spirit with sticks and chains, instead he uses love, understanding and trust. With this unusual method of training he has developed some exceptionally personal bonds with his students. He sleeps with lions, cuddles newborn hyenas, swims with lionesses. Kevin can confidently look into their eyes, crouch to the their level and even lie down with them - all taboos in the normal world of wild animal handling - yet he has never been mauled or attacked. Some call him crazy; others shake their heads at his unique method of interacting with the animals. And Kevin's secret - get to know the particular personality of each animal, what makes them angry, happy, upset, irritated - just like a mother with a child.

Italian MEP on Bilderberg and Trilateral nominations for EU President and foreign minister
Mario Borghezio, Lega Nord (ITALY), Member of the European Parliament with the group 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy', questions the nominations of Bilderberg and Trilateral attendees for the posts of EU President and EU foreign minister.

Croatian Sea Organ

Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does - HILARIOUS

Bulgarian Academy Scientists Reported to Be in Touch with Aliens
(...) The Bulgarian Novinar Daily has reported that the Bulgarian scientists are currently working on deciphering pictograms which are said to have come in the form of the so called "crop circles" with which the aliens answered 30 questions posed by the BAS researchers. "They are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time. They are not hostile towards us; rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them. They are ready to help us but we don't know what to request from them in case of contact,” said Lachezar Filipov, Deputy Director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as quoted by the Novinar Daily. Filipov has said that even the Vatican had agreed that aliens existed. In his words, the humans are not going to be able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves but through the power of thought. He has stated that the human race was certainly going to have direct contact with the aliens in the next 10-15 years. CLIP

Huge UFO Close Up with Sonic Booms

Arizona governor admits on CNN seeing the famous Phoenix UFO

Mothership Causing Blackout in Argentina? (11-27-9)
(...) This morning we received an urgent call from Tony, saying that the transit of a "flying cigar" overhead with flashing intermittent lights and a red beacon on its structure, had caused an enormous BLACKOUT in the town of Joaquin V. Gonzalez, where he lives, as well as in adjacent communities, some 20 minutes after having appeared. Practically the entire department of Anta had "collapsed" as far as its power grid was concerned. CLIP Check also Argentina - Giant UFO Causes Huge Commotion

Ufo Landing - Amateur Close Up Video ;-)

Crop Circles - Crossover From Another Dimension - cd1 pt. 1 of 2 Awesome videos on crop circles
Part 1 : - 38 min.
Part 2 : - 37 min.
Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation.Includes spectacular cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world today. Packed with bonus features, expert analyses and an exclusive cinematic archive of the latest and greatest Crop Circle formations ever captured on film.

Scholars Suggest ET-Like DNA Fractals Floating in Human Gene Pool

The Secret Political Reach of 'The Family"--Audio
Interview of Jeff Sharlet, author of The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power - Very disturbing details of this demented and powerful fundamentalist religious organization's grip on American (and international) politics. These admirers of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao believe Jesus's message was not of love, but of power and that power is to be dispensed by God-appointed elites. They preach the "totalitarianism of Christ". Many prominent US politicians are their devotees. Even the Christian right magazine, "The World", has exposed them. A most comprehensive look into the influence Evangelicals have in the corporate and political halls of power.

Make a Wish for 2010

IKEA Commercial - Time to leave home

Challenging Bush-Bama on 9/11
The Iraq War? Swine Flu? Katrina? The Bush-Bama administration doesn't seem interested in investigating any of them. Charlie Sheen is keeping up the pressure on what may be the biggest lie and an era of epic lying: 9/11

UN calls for the ending of violence against women - 25 Nov 09 (Al Jazeera's 7 min report)
Ban Ki-Moon, the secretargy general of the United Nations, has called on men and boys around the world to help end violence against women. To mark the 10th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Ban Ki -Moon unveiled a newly created network of men to execute his plan. He wants prominent male leaders to act as role models, to get more men to condemn violence against women. The UN also revealed figures from South Africa which say that a woman is killed every six hours by her husband or partner. In India, at least 22 women were killed every day over arguments about wedding dowries in 2007. Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous places to be a woman, almost 90 percent are believed to suffer from domestic abuse. And in Jordan, the UN says 43 per cent of women are victims of abuse. Al Jazeera's Nisreen El-Shamayleh met some of them. Also providing her views on the issue was Hibaaq Osman, the chairwoman of Karama, a women's rights organisation based in Cairo, the Egyptian capital. Osman says the reason women have become victims of such abuse is due to their role in the family, which has remained a private issue most especially in Arab world. MORE RELATED NEWS REPORTS THROUGH THIS LINK




1. Jon Rappoport Interviews a Retired Vaccine Researcher
2. Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

À noter : Je recommande aux francophones de se tenir au courant des derniers développements, surtout concernant le virus mutant qui se répand présentement sur la planète et pour lequel le vaccin actuel contre le H1N1 n'offre aucune protection, en visitant régulièrement l'excellent site MÉFAITS DU VACCIN H1N1 au



Major Victory with Swine Flu Scandal (November 19 2009)
European scientists and health authorities are facing angry questions about why H1N1 flu has not caused death and destruction on the scale first feared, and they need to respond deftly to ensure public support. Accusations are flying in British and French media that the pandemic has been "hyped" by medical researchers to further their own cause, boost research grants and line the pockets of drug companies. Britain's Independent newspaper this week asked "Pandemic? What Pandemic?" France's Le Parisien newspaper ran the headline: "Swine flu: why the French distrust the vaccine" and noted a gap between the predicted impact of H1N1 and the less dramatic reality."Although some 30-odd people have died....the disease is not really frightening," it said. "Dangerous liaisons between certain experts, the labs and the government, the obscurity of the contracts between the state and the pharma firms have added to the doubt." In response, scientists are walking a fine line. They say that although the virus is mild, it can still kill, and that the relatively low fatalities in Europe are in part, the result of official response to their advice. However, in Britain, health authorities' original worst-case scenario -- which said as many as 65,000 could die from H1N1 -- has twice been revised down and the prediction is now for around 1,000 deaths, way below the average annual toll of 4,000 to 8,000 deaths from seasonal winter flu. - SOURCE: Swine flu skepticism demands deft response (Nov 12, 2009) Dr. Mercola's Comments: There is plenty to be optimistic about as it seems the tide may be slowly turning on this swine flu debacle, showing it for the hoax it really is. European scientists are now demanding answers to the growing inconsistencies.And, while many so-called scientific experts have criticized me and others who have spoken out about this senseless mass-vaccination campaign, more of the scientific community is now coming to the same conclusions we've been talking about for months.It looks as though the swine flu pandemic of 2009 will go down as one of the biggest government and pharmaceutical scams ever, renewing a healthy, and necessary, skepticism about the swine flu vaccine and the dubious dealings behind the implementation of worldwide mass-vaccination programs. On the upside, it has also created a more open debate about vaccinations in general.The childhood vaccination schedule is in dire need of an overhaul, and the swine flu hysteria has actually opened many people's eyes to the unhealthy practices behind our vaccine policies. The public is finally starting to wonder and question, en masse, what's being injected into them and their children. Prominent Doctor and Health Minister Blast Swine Flu Vaccine and Manufacturers - These healthy signs are starting to crop up everywhere. CLIP


Almost 400 Schools Closed in France as Swine Flu Hysteria Grips Government

0.47% of the French Population Vaccinated as of November 21

Man dies in Sweden from the "swine flu" shot - now 9 official deaths

Will We Ever Know How Many People Have Died After Taking Arepandrix in Canada?



Swine Flu Propaganda Machine Falls Apart in Germany
(...) More and more people are waking up to the fact that the mainstream media is being used as an instrument by corporations to drive them to actions that are not in their own interests but in the interests of those corporations. Making the jabs compulsory in Germany would meet with huge resistance according to a recent poll by Bild. 90 % of Germans are against forced swine flu jabs.

CHECK ALSO THE H1N1 SWINE FLU PANDEMIC section on the Global research website

Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert! (13 November 2009)
Dr. Roby Mitchell, M.D. ( issues a retraction to nurses he originally advised to get the H1N1 flu vaccination. After reading the insert of the vaccine, he retracted his advice. This video exposes what is actually IN the vaccine our government is so eager to inject into our population. For more information, please visit the following websites below: - - - - - - -  - In response to some of the comments, I have supplied links over here since they won't post comments with links.
Live H1N1 Virus in Nasal Spray Vaccination:
Swine Flu Vaccine Makers Granted Legal Immunity:

Swine Flu Vaccine - Adverse Reactions Roll In Toronto - From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
B.C. sees spike in severe reactions to flu shot - As Canadian health officials assured the public that the pandemic H1N1 vaccine is as safe as the seasonal flu shot, at least one province is reporting almost double the rate of severe allergic reactions. CLIP

Swine Flu RECALL: H1N1 Vaccine Pulled In Canada (11/24/09)
LONDON - Canadian doctors have been advised not to use a batch of 170,000 swine flu vaccines after six reports of serious allergic reactions among recipients, but there are no similar reports from other countries, pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Tuesday.Authorities routinely monitor vaccines for any signals of problems, such as the allergic reactions that do occur, rarely, every year. Company spokeswoman Gwenan White said that GlaxoSmithKline advised medical staff in Canada ast week to refrain from using one batch of the vaccine while they look into reports that that it might have caused more allergic reactions than normal.

Canada: The Killer H1N1 Vaccine (November 20, 2009)
Whereas health officials are pushing for an acceleration of the vaccination program,  there is evidence of  so-called "unusual adverse reactions" including three recently recorded deaths directly resulting from the vaccine.In the meantime, health authorities have called for the withdrawal of 170,000 (higher risk) doses of the vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline. The initiative, of which the importance is being downplayed, is said to have come from the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, which expressed concern on higher than normal adverse reactions to the vaccine.  CLIP


World Health Organization 'Manufactured' The Global Swine Flu Scare - Suspected Of Corruption (November 26, 2009)
The Swine Flu Pandemic which Novye Izvestija has written about many times, may be the most ambitious scam and corruption of our time. In any case, the enormous commercial aspect of the "swine flu scare" is already evident. The same conclusion was reached by Danish journalists who expertly examined the links between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, who gained wealth by selling drugs to counter the disease. It turns out, for example, that many scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, carefully concealed the fact that they receive money from the giant pharmaceutical companies of the world. (...) "It is disturbing that many of the scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, are presented as 'independent experts', but they carefully conceal the fact that they receive money from pharmaceutical companies", Professor of epidemiology, Tom Jefferson, who works at the Cochrane Center in Rome, told reporters. WHO announced the swine flu pandemic under pressure from a panel of advisers, headed by a Dutch doctor, Albert Ostenhaus, nicknamed 'Dr. Flu' (from the name 'Tamiflu') because he was active in promoting mass vaccination of the population through WHO and the Western media. Now the government of the Netherlands is conducting an emergency investigation into the activities of 'Doctor Flu', as it became known that he receives a salary from several vaccine manufacturing companies. Many other WHO advisers sit 'on two chairs' (conflict of interest) like Ostenhaus, and while dealing with the swine flu pandemic on behalf of WHO, they do not like to advertise that they are paid advisers to pharmaceutical giants Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline and Beecham Glaxo Wellcome, who have received the lion's share of orders for manufacturing of vaccines. The result of pressure from these experts was the resolution of WHO on 7th July this year, which called for an unprecedented campaign of mass vaccination. "The WHO is biased in their recommendations - says Professor Tom Jefferson. - Normal hygiene measures provide much greater effect than these little-studied vaccines, and at the same time WHO refers to the use of masks and hand-washing as a means to combat swine flu only twice in their documents. Vaccines and other medications are referred to 42 times!" Dr. Jefferson and several of his colleagues believe that paid advisers of the pharmaceutical companies should be removed from their positions and not allowed to give recommendations to the WHO, but the organization itself is in no hurry to carry out such a reform. WHO spokesperson, Gregory Hertl, commenting on the article in 'Information' (Danish newspaper) said it is impossible to deny the services of the world's leading experts on the sole ground that they have a financial interest in the promotion of a strategy to combat various diseases. It should be noted that this is not the first year that 'scope for corruption' in pharmacology has been the focus of the Western media. The New England Journal of Medicine published 'The Whistleblower' several years ago. In a series of articles the Whistleblower showed the inside life of the 'medical mafia'. According to them, only 11-14% of pharmaceutical companies budgets are spent on research, but 36% of funds are spent on PR. Much of the money ends up in the pockets of doctors, scientists, and the accounts of various organizations working in health care.

Iowa and North Carolina Reports Raise Fears H1N1 Mutations Have Reached United States (November 25, 2009)
New reports from Iowa and North Carolina are raising concerns that the deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations that have been confirmed by the WHO in Ukraine, Norway and elsewhere have already reached the United States.  In Iowa, a report that doctors are seeing "very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them" in H1N1 patients is creating concerns among health experts that the deadly Ukraine H1N1 has already spread there.  In addition, a report of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 swine flu in North Carolina is raising questions about the ability of medical authorities to combat H1N1 if thousands of people do start dying.  If deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations have already reached the United States, what does that mean?  Doctors in Ukraine have been reporting that victims of H1N1 there are experiencing violent hemorrhaging in their lungs. As the patients near death, their lungs reportedly become as "black as charcoal" and literally begin to disintegrate.  Will this start happening soon inside the U.S.? (...) Meanwhile the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that swine flu deaths in Europe are doubling every two weeks. Swine flu deaths in Europe are doubling every two weeks?Perhaps the mainstream media should start paying attention to this. Posted below is one of the very few mainstream media video reports we have about the "black lung" flu that is ravaging UkraineŠ.. CLIP

Ukraine Black Lungs: Fears unknown flu-strain to spread (17 November 2009)
There are fears that H1N1 has now mutated and resembles the Spanish flu virus that killed more than 50 million people at the beginning of the 20th century. Ukrainian doctors say the victims lungs are as black as charcoal. This prompts fresh concern that the swine flu virus has taken a deadly new form.

NIH Whistleblower Alexander S. Jones: Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine (November 18, 2009)
Alexander S. Jones is a former genetic analyst with the National Institute for Health (NIH) and has been a member of Dr. Bill Deagle's research team for many months.  (...) I am not fond of the World Health Organization. In my opinion, it is a tool of corrupt billionaire international financiers with which to achieve their dark global geopolitical objectives in the area of public health. These objectives are rarely in the public interest. We could spend paragraphs discussing deep corruption at WHO. One important point to remember is their obvious complicity and criminal cover-up regarding MMR vaccine contamination with Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) , which may induce cancer.The point here regarding WHO and the potential outbreak Ukraine is several:-WHO has yet to release the gene sequences of the Ukrainian flu, despite possessing them for almost two weeks. They have also had a "team" on the ground in Lviv for a similar period of time. Where are the flipping gene sequences? The WHO has claimed there are no "big" mutations in the flu strain (apparently ruling out a viral reassortant), but has so far refused to release the Ukrainian flu gene sequences to the Internet community for analysis. This is reprehensible. What are these people doing? The world could know very quickly what we were dealing with if this genetic data was published, but instead it's being kept secret for whatever ulterior motives the WHO is operating under.-WHO issued a press release on Friday which contained the following astonishing quote, bordering on deception."Because of a sharp rise in pandemic influenza cases one week ago in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health requested assistance from WHO European Regional Office to evaluate and respond. The initial analysis of information indicates that the numbers of severe cases do not appear to be excessive when compared to the experience of other countries and do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus."Okay, let's see: Ukraine asked WHO to respond. WHO sent a team to Lviv. So far so good, despite the missing gene sequences. Now wait, what? The WHO publishes their all-star analysisŠ "The number of severe cases do not appear to be excessive"? Are you kidding me? Please explain how 75,000 hospitalizations in two weeks is not 'excessive'? And how all the pharmacies sold out of antivirals? And how Ukraine is under de-facto martial law? And that Yushenko gave a prime-time speech more or less threatening political dissidents if they don't follow government orders? Or that school in Ukraine is canceled for three weeks? Half the country under quarantine? Hospitals seeing a surge of viral pneumonia patients? What gives? Are these people at WHO retarded or are they criminals?Oh and of course the gem of this press release by WHO: That "[ the numbers of severe cases ] do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus." Hahahaa! You are going to tell me that Ukraine went from two cases to 1.3 million cases in 14 days , and that doesn't represent any change in transmission? Is this supposed to be a joke? These pharmaceutical crooks damn well better explain themselves if you are going to make claims so obviously contrary to reality. Does the WHO contend the Ukrainian government just pulling these figures out of the air? What of the case reports of rapidly deteriorating viral pneumonia in Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania? What is causing this? What about the statements from Ukrainian health officials that we have a new flu strain? On what data are WHO basing these preposterous claims, which fly in the face of reality and common sense? Why not release the Ukrainian gene sequences? There is an obvious spike in mortality and pneumonia - why? Does WHO contend this is another pathogen besides influenza? If so, what? Honestly, this statement issued Friday November 13th from WHO is so obviously full of lies I really don't even have to comment; anyone with a brain can see they are not telling us the truth. CLIP - MUCH MUCH MORE REVELING INFO THERE WITH MANY GRAPHS

Ukraine Dead Approach 400 (November 24, 2009)

ALL FATAL UKRAINE CASES AT GISAID HAVE RBD D225G~LINK - UKRAINE PLAGUE SPREADING TO POLAND?~LINK - OFFICIAL NUMBERS OF UKRAINE FOR 11/19/09: 1,540,514 SICK - 88,744 HOSPITALIZED -  354 DEAD - 58,143 RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL -- Note from Jean: For some perspective here, let us consider that although the situation in Ukraine looks worrisome and lots of allegations are flying around, the official number of deaths (354) is still within the acceptable margin and relatively small (remember on average, every year between 250,000 and 500,000 people die worldwide from the seasonal flu - depending if 354 is the true number of course - but the flu bug they have there seems to be more contagious than elsewhere indeed as 1.5 million people got infected - or believed they are - in about 2 weeks out of a total population of 46 million people... so it is not the end of the world... There are far more (4000) H1N1 related deaths in the US (and 52 in Canada) as of Nov 19... And so far (Nov 19) the H1N1 virus is known to have killed 6,250 people worldwide since emerging in North America last April, according to the WHO. More details HERE

Gripes about swine flu vaccine abound
(...) The new swine flu, also called 2009 H1N1, has not turned out to be the deadly global disaster that experts have long feared. But it has sickened an estimated 22 million Americans, hospitalized about 98,000 and killed 4,000. It has proved to be similar to seasonal flu but a much bigger threat to children and young adults. CLIP

The report lasts 26 seconds. They say 3 viruses mutated into a single plague.

Could WHO announce the "return" of the Spanish Flu any day? (November 18, 2009)
WHO has said that there are not enough samples of the Ukrainian pandemic virus to make an identification, according to a report in the Daily Express. However, many observers expect WHO to  announce soon that the swine flu has mutated into the more virulent strain of the Spanish Flu of 1918 in the Ukraine.Professor Victor Bachinsky from the Ukraine has reported that the plague is not responsible for the many deaths seen there recently, but a virus strain that is "very toxic, and, if the immune system of the sick is low, it creates a bleeding in the lungs.""Thus, once the virus enters the lungs, hemorrhage begins immediately. oxygen circulates in no more normally in the pulmonary alveoli, which creates a insufficient cardio-pulmonary and does involve a shock response, and then the death," he reports. The German news magazine Der Spiegel reported in 2005 that US bioweapons researchers led by Jeffrey Taubenberger had reconstructed the Spanish Flu virus from genetic material extracted from the lung of victim found preserved in Alaska's permafrost in 1995. CLIP

Patent: "Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof" Document at 2 min. 37 sec.

Ukraine plagues and now heavy supply and personnel movement in and out of US Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) (November 18, 2009)
[I have a vast number of photographs posts and related links pertaining to DUMBs which I plan to include here on this site very soon. For those who do not know, there exists worldwide an interconnected network of underground military bases, some more than two miles deep into the ground, connected by vacuum-tube mag-lev highspeed german-made train systems, called TerraNet. Some of these locations are veritable underground cities, the largest of which in the US is underground just east of Colorado Springs. Much of the missing 2.3 trillion announced by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11 has gone into building these bases, along with much of the black-op DOD congressional budget. This is where the so-called "shadow government" is headquartered, and underground at Falcon, Colorado is located the Cray-5 Artificially Intelligent supercomputer array connected by very thick ultraviolet fiberoptic cable called "The Beast" which went online in 2003 and has ever since been grabbing every piece of available data from every available source and building a giant TIA database on every human being on the planet ever since. More on this later. -ed] CLIP

For the NON believer in tunneling technologyŠ
Pictured in the photo at the above website (unannounced to it's author) is from a late 1950? Jane's publication. There are other photos floating around from this rare publishing of these machines, ALL with U.S. Air Force markings. Just because the UFO crowd got a hold of them don't think for a second this technology doesn't exist and isn't being used.Note the U.S. Airforce markings. These early atomic tunneling machines were used to facilitate N.O.R.A.D in it's early construction phase.Note: These 'early' machines as impressive as they were are outdated today, never the less you will NEVER see them being used in 'commercial' applications, i.e. the Big Dig. Which really wasn't that big compared to 'black op' military projects over the years. Also, SOME training of 'NEW' personnel takes place from time to time for maintaining and improving these underground facilities at the Colorado School Of Mines in Golden, Colorado.

Protect Yourself From Death By "Cytokine Storm" and Gross Criminal Negligence - Treating Cytokine Storms
(...) People with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), SARS, and cytokine storms, do best when treated with a variety of antioxidants. Nathens et al showed that critically ill patients treated with vitamin C and E antioxidants suffered fewer multi-organ failures than others treated without these vitamins. According to Heyland et al, antioxidants, particularly selenium, lowered death rates among critical care patients. DeFlora et al., showed that nutritional supplementation with N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione, significantly reduced flu patients'symptoms. Lock and other medical doctors published that acetaminophen or paracetamol (Tylenol, Panadol) depletes glutathione in the body, while ibuprofen (motrin) does not. Taking fish oil containing Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (and gamma-linolenic acid [GLA]), is a powerful immune suppressant that can reduce vaccine-adjuvant-triggered cytokine storms. These oils are recommended by vaccination intoxication expert and neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock.High doses of EPA make you more susceptible to infections, but because it is a natural immune suppressant, it can tame a deadly adjuvant reaction or cytokine storm. Pontes-Arruda et al showed that death rates, organ failure, need for mechanical ventilation, and length of stay in intensive care units was reduced in patients given a diet high in EPA and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), compared to those who were not supported this way. Coupling EPA and NAC nutritional supplementation with flavonoids along with silver hydrosols can dramatically reduce the risk of infections and cytokine storms. CLIP

The Swine Flu Conspiracy
This 11-minute video is a pretty good compilation of media clips on the flu, including some 1976 ones, and some of the most blatantly propagandistic current ones. In the last part, they show army and national guard soldiers being trained to assist civilian authorities in crowd control, in case people become so eager to get a flu shot that they turn violent, they say!!!

Croatian Priest Says Vaccine for Destruction of Humanity
Controversy in Croatia after famous Croatian priest Miroslav Bustruk appealed to Croatians not to get vaccinated against the Swine flu vaccine. In a church ceremony dedicated to St Martin, father's Bustruk statement caused an avalanche of reactions in Croatia. What is it that he said? "I appeal to you, to not get vaccinated for the so called Swine Flu under any circumstance. There is a plan for massive destruction of humanity worldwide. For this purpose we will see new diseases springing up everywhere" reports Croatian daily "Jutarnji List", quoting father Bustruk. "The H1N1 vaccine itself is a very sophisticated weapon whose implanted microchip will control the health of the human being" added the Croatian priest which prompted a great deal of disagreement by Croatian officials. In defense of his colleague stood Don Jure Zubovik who said father Bustruk's statement only defended the Church, adding - "certain people who have spoken out or warned against the vaccine are already in jail". More will be known in few weeks when the Vatican is expected to issue a press release addressing all World's Governments.

US Air Force Set To Inject Untested Swine Flu Vaccine Into 25,000 Children Without Consent
About 25,000 children in on-base Air Force daycare centers will be forced to receive the H1N1 vaccine or face being barred from school, Truthout has learned following reports from concerned parents. When a number of Air Force parents opened the November Child Development Center newsletter, they were outraged to learn that their children must receive the H1N1 vaccine. A parent at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL, speaking on condition of anonymity out of concern for reprisal against herself and her husband, was disturbed by the complete lack of confidence and answers from the center's administrators. Dr. Meryl Nass, a vaccine expert at Mount Desert Island Hospital in Bar Harbor, Maine, who is critical of the development of the H1N1 vaccine and its surrounding policies, said that although "soldiers are subject to mandatory vaccinations, mandatory medical examinations and potentially even mandatory medical procedures - their families did not sign up for this!

Strong lobbying behind the WHO resolution on mass vaccination (15 November 2009)
Several of the WHO's influenza advisers are paid by the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, with the industry to influence the decision that influenza A is a pandemic - and that the vaccine is necessary. Since the same companies received vaccine orders for up to 55 billion kronor -- On 11 June 2009 stated WHO Director General Margaret Chan, swine influenza, a pandemic. It meant a huge economic benefit for the pharmaceutical industry. Many member countries - including Denmark - have for contracts with major pharmaceutical companies and are therefore obligated to purchase vaccines in the event of a pandemic. Investment bank JP Morgan estimates that the pharmaceutical industry this year will receive the vaccine orders for up to 55 billion kroner. Much of the turnover is due to the WHO's decision. Many of the apparently impartial researchers, the WHO uses, however, are paid by the companies that produce vaccines.The many double roles are problematic, believes Professor Tom Jefferson, who is epidemiologist at the Cochrane Center in Rome:"It is worrying that many members of WHO committees, signing himself with other titles, although they actually represent the pharmaceutical industry," he said to Information. One of the experts in the WHO H1N1-specific advisory group, Dr. Albert Ostenhaus, has just been a point on the Dutch government's agenda. The Government has convened a crisis meeting because of an article in Science has emerged that Albert Ostenhaus have economic interests in several pharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile, Dr. Albert Ostenhaus in the Netherlands known as' Dr Flu 'vaccine because he promotes as the solution to epidemics.Dr. Frederick Hayden is outside expert in WHO's advice SAGE (strategize Advisory Group of Experts), which advises WHO on vaccines. He appears in the official papers as flu-research coordinator from the anonymous-sounding 'The Welcome Trust in London.But in a Google search shows that Dr. Hayden has many other employers. He has particular 'paid adviser' for pharmaceutical companies Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome.Dr. Arnold Monto, who also appears as invited expert on SAGE's member list paid consultant in firms MedImmune, which produces inhalable flu vaccine, Glaxo Wellcome and ViroPharma. At SAGE 's list says he is only listed as the head of a department at the University of Michigan. Besides the experts in SAGE sits at more of the major vaccine manufacturers as GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Baxter with as 'observers' when SAGE meeting in WHO: "It is a Lord's meeting people," says specialist in community medicine, and former employee at the university Mauri Johansson." There are more pharmaceutical industry people in the room than there are makers. It shows everything about the confusion going on. They are called 'observers'. But one can wonder that they are supposed to be here, "says Mauri Johansson.He believes that it makes it hard to see through what is up and down:'There is a quilt of the pharmaceutical lobby in the WHO, and it has run so long. It is hard to see through what is the industry's interest and what is factual information, he says. The minutes from the SAGE meeting, held on 7 July, stipulates inter alia that: "It will probably be necessary to give two doses of vaccine to ensure protection," although several researchers have pointed out that a single vaccine should be enough. The minutes also recommends that all health professionals and all pregnant women be vaccinated. Furthermore field, there is a need for "a better understanding of the global vaccine demand 'and member' is invited to consider the use of vaccine as part of their pandemic preparedness." CLIP

Homeostasis Model of Autism Causation - Is Autism Triggered By Glutamite and Glycine Imbalance? (Nov 19 2009)
In a press release from PR Newswire, a New Jersey based business oriented think tank, The Center for Modeling Optimal Outcomes® LLC, outlines what it believes is a model of autism causation discovered while researching neuroscientific principles in business. (...) "According to The Center's founder, William McFaul, a retired business person and not a member of the scientific community, "Because of its universal applicability, our Life Sciences group has already used the model as a tool to identify highly probable causal paths for several illnesses and disease entities. Autism was one of most difficult illnesses The Center had attempted to analyze. If it hadn't been for so many parents insisting that vaccines were responsible for the condition, we might never have found the fact that the stabilizer in MMR and a few other vaccines is hydrolyzed gelatin; a substance that is approximately 21% glycine. It appears that, based on readily verifiable science, the use of that form of glycine triggers an imbalance between the amino acid neurotransmitters responsible for the absorption rate of certain classes of cells throughout the body. It is that wide-spread disruption that apparently results in the systemic problems that encompass the mind and the body characterized in today's 'classic' autism." He also added, "The use of our model indicates each of the disorders within Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is attributable to different disruptions in homeostasis. We look forward to sharing our findings relative to each disorder with the scientific community." (...) The homeostasis model looks interesting. Hopefully it will be considered seriously by researchers actually trying to discover causes of, and cures for, autism disorders before it gets trashed by the Vaccine Cult defenders who have declared vaccines off limits for scientific inquiry as possible causes of autism disorders.

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Jon Rappoport Interviews a Retired Vaccine Researcher

Q: In your years working in the vaccine establishment, how many doctors did you encounter who admitted that vaccines were a problem?

A: None. There were a few who privately questioned what they were doing. But they would never go public, even within their companies.

Q: What was the turning point for you?

A: I had a friend whose baby died after a DPT shot.

Q: Did you investigate?

A: Yes, informally. I found that this baby was completely healthy before the vaccination. There was no reason for his death, except the vaccine. That started my doubts. Of course, I wanted to believe that the baby had gotten a bad shot from a bad lot. But as I looked into this further, I found that was not the case in this instance. I was being drawn into a spiral of doubt that increased over time. I continued to investigate. I found that, contrary to what I thought, vaccines are not tested in a scientific way.

Q: What do you mean?

A: For example, no long-term studies are done on any vaccines. Long-term follow-up is not done in any careful way. Why? Because, again, the assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems. So why should anyone check? On top of that, a vaccine reaction is defined so that all bad reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But that does not make sense.

Q: Why doesn't it make sense?

A: Because the vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time after it is given. A reaction can be gradual. Deterioration can be gradual. Neurological problems can develop over time. They do in various conditions, even according to a conventional analysis. So why couldn't that be the case with vaccines? If chemical poisoning can occur gradually, why couldn't that be the case with a vaccine which contains mercury?

Q: And that is what you found?

A: Yes. You are dealing with correlations, most of the time.Correlations are not perfect. But if you get 500 parents whose children have suffered neurological damage during a one-year period after having a vaccine, this should be sufficient to spark off an intense investigation.

Q: Has it been enough?

A: No. Never. This tells you something right away.

Q: Which is?

A: The people doing the investigation are not really interested in looking at the facts. They assume that the vaccines are safe. So, when they do investigate, they invariably come up with exonerations of the vaccines. They say, "This vaccine is safe." But what do they base those judgments on? They base them on definitions and ideas which automatically rule out a condemnation of the vaccine.

Q: There are numerous cases where a vaccine campaign has failed. Where people have come down with the disease against which they were vaccinated.

A: Yes, there are many such instances. And there the evidence is simply ignored. It's discounted. The experts say, if they say anything at all, that this is just an isolated situation, but overall the vaccine has been shown to be safe. But if you add up all the vaccine campaigns where damage and disease have occurred, you realize that these are NOT isolated situations.

Q: Did you ever discuss what we are talking about here with colleagues, when you were still working in the vaccine establishment?

A: Yes I did.

Q: What happened?

A: Several times I was told to keep quiet. It was made clear that I should go back to work and forget my misgivings. On a few occasions, I encountered fear. Colleagues tried to avoid me. They felt they could be labeled with "guilt by association." All in all, though, I behaved myself.I made sure I didn't create problems for myself.

Q: If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given?

A: First of all, there is no "if." They do harm. It becomes a more difficult question to decide whether they do harm in those people who seem to show no harm. Then you are dealing with the kind of research which should be done, but isn't. Researchers should be probing to discover a kind of map, or flow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the moment they enter. This research has not been done. As to why they are given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons. As you've said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives. Money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige, awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests. There is an underground, shall we say, in Africa, made up of various officials who are earnestly trying to change the lot of the poor. This network of people knows what is going on. They know that vaccines have been used, and are being used, to destroy their countries, to make them ripe for takeover by globalist powers. I have had the opportunity to speak with several of these people from this network.

CLIP - please go at to read this whole interview.

Pour la traduction française de cette entrevue:

Vaccins : témoignage d'un repenti

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Forwarded by Mark Graffis ( on 16 Nov 2009


Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

August 24, 2009

The Engineering of "Pandemics"

The year was 1921. America was entering a decade of robust prosperity. Later called "The Roaring Twenties", it was a time of unparalleled economic expansion. Debt money from Wall Street banks was plentiful and easy to obtain. The "Great War" was over. America was flexing her industrial muscles. Factories were being built and expanded in every major city. Automobiles began rolling off Detroit assembly lines in record numbers. The stock market began making millionaires. People were HEALTHY and HAPPY - largely because the dreaded "world mystery disease" (which decades later became known as the "1918 Flu Pandemic") had disappeared. Two entire years had passed with no dreaded "mystery deaths" being reported. America had cause to celebrate, and celebrate they did!

As a matter of fact, the American Public in general was so optimistic and HAPPY in 1921, that relatively few people were unhealthy as well. For the first time in decades, hospital beds were empty. The fledgling American Medical Association, formed by John D. Rockefeller just a few years earlier, was worried. Business was sagging. Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling. Something had to be done, and done immediately. False, faux epidemics of smallpox were created to solve the problem, and keep the Medical Mafia's cash registers ringing.
We know this dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a citizen's WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City, Missouri named "The Advertiser's Protective Bureau", who filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal charges against the Missouri state chapter of the AMA - the Jackson Medical Society. The 'Protective Bureau's" official report of this cold-blooded plot reads as follows:
"In the Fall of 1921, the health of the city was unusually good, but slow for the doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city. According to the minutes of this meeting: 'MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED, THAT A RECOMMENDATION BE MADE BY THE COMMITTEE, TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH, THAT AN EPIDEMIC OF SMALLPOX BE DECLARED IN THE CITY. (Investigation later revealed that there was NO SIGN OF AN EPIDEMIC at the time, in the city, or anywhere in the state or region!)
'It was moved and seconded that a day be set aside, termed VACCINATION DAY, on which physicians would be stationed at ALL SCHOOLS, clinics, public buildings and hospitals to vaccinate "free of charge". (Vaccinations are never "free". The taxpayers are always forced to pay for every one of the "free" vaccines.)
The Protective Bureau proved in court that there WAS NO EPIDEMIC before the vaccinations!! The court records show that the Medical Society manufactured vast amounts of posters, fliers, newspaper stories and ads featuring horrific and lurid pictures of diseased children covered with massive smallpox sores and open wounds. Some pictures actually showed children's corpses covered with the same ugly sores. The PANIC-DRIVEN message was clear --- VACCINATE EVERYONE, or face a deadly public disease. There was a "sweeping epidemic" in the city; the disease was "highly contagious" and would "strike anyone who was not vaccinated" was the bill of goods sold! (Does this sound at all familiar today - 88 years later??)
The Medical Mafia's propaganda blitz was successful, and over a million previously healthy and happy American citizens were hypnotized and terrorized into placing the vaccine toxins into their bloodstreams. All public school children in the region were vaccinated while at school! Parents who dared question the vaccination of their children were ostracized and publicly vilified.
THE COURT RECORD ON THIS CASE IS VERY CLEAR. In the weeks and months following the "mass vaccinations" - the area's hospital beds were filled to over-flowing with VACCINE-INDUCED SMALLPOX CASES! Tens of thousands of people became ill, and many hundreds of innocents died, and many more were permanently crippled! Of course, THE NEWSPAPERS THEN TRUMPETED HOW WISE THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT WAS TO PROMOTE THE VACCINES - stating how much worse the death toll would have been without the vaccination campaign!! Untold MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of profit was generated by this massive "medical" fraud.

Thanks to the ADVERTISER'S PROTECTIVE BUREAU, however; the massive fraud was exposed and criminally prosecuted to a successful conviction. During the trial, three amazing facts were proven beyond any "reasonable doubt".
Fact 1: The poster and advertising pictures showing the diseased and dying children used so successfully by the "doctors", WERE NOT EVEN CASES OF LOCAL SMALLPOX CASES AS THEY WERE BILLED TO BE! The Protective Bureau documented that they were pictures of ENGLISH CHILDREN who were victims of "court-proven" cases of SMALLPOX VACCINE POISONING!! One of the pictures was of a 5-week-old baby named Mona Stevenson, of Humphrey Street, Burnley, England. A previously healthy and happy baby, Little Mona had been vaccinated for smallpox at 5 weeks of age. Four weeks later, her pox-ridden little body was placed in a tiny coffin and buried. The horrific photos of Little Mona and others in England had previously been published in British newspapers where details of the resulting CRIMINAL TRIALS were also given. The full details of the trials, as well as the pictures, were also included in a comprehensively large medical boot titled "THE HISTORY AND PATHOLOGY OF VACCINATION" by Edgar M Crookshank, MD - professor of Bacteriology at the ultra-elite Kings College, London England.

Fact 2: Vaccines containing LIVE VIRUSES, weakened (i.e. attenuated) or otherwise universally causes more diseases than the vaccine ever could prevent.
Fact 3: Vaccine-Induced-Disease (VID) is an extremely effective socio-economic tool. It has the potential to generate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF WINDFALL PROFITS, while permanently changing the social structures of large groups of people.
While the Protective Bureau won the criminal court case - the American People lost. The case should have made front-page headlines around the nation, showing the Modus Operandi of certain corrupt "medical practitioners". How, by means of fraud, treachery, and trickery, they made millions of dollars in windfall profits while thousands of innocent, trusting, and naïve Americans suffered and died. The entire sordid affair, with all its damning details, was kept out of the American Press. John D. Rockefeller's AMA, with its millions of dollars of influence - made sure of that!
Amazingly, even though thousands of people had died or become crippled by this managed manslaughter, the doctors involved were only given a light penalty in the form of a token fine. The medical establishment as a whole was not upset in the least by the exposure - and has continued on unabated perpetuating the same crimes against humanity - creating vaccine-induced-diseases while fleecing the people continually until this present day.
It is a proven (albeit little-known) fact, EPIDEMIC/PANDEMIC MANUFACTURING IS STANDARD PRACTICE with the world-wide "Medical Mafia" circles. In order to maximize profits and re-shape geographical regions, they often manufacture a false-flag "emergency". If there is an outbreak of mild seasonal virus, they call it an influenza pandemic, give it a fancy new name, and then actually CREATE THE PANDEMIC by means of mass vaccinations using ATTENUATED, or LIVE VIRUSES!! Remember the shocking words of the AMA's Dr. Simon Louis Katzoff who said: " DOCTORS LIVE BY DISEASE, SO THE PUBLIC CAN EXPECT THE SUPPLY OF DISEASE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION."
OTHER DOCUMENTED CASES OF V.I.D.E.O.s (Vaccine Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks.)
Case 1: Following the lead of their colleagues in Kansas City, the exact same events occurred in Pittsburgh, PA under the direction of Pittsburgh's "Health Director", Dr. C.J. Voux in the autumn of 1924. As in Kansas City, a group of public watchdogs brought suit against Voux and his vaccine-promoters. As in Kansas City, the vaccine promoters were found guilty. The case documented that over 1,000,000 vaccine shots were "sold" to the residents of Pennsylvania, even though there had been ZERO documented cases of smallpox in the region. It was successfully proven that ONLY AFTER the million shots had been given, that a smallpox epidemic began. This vaccine-induced, manmade "epidemic" resulted in 330 deaths and at least 1,680 cases of severe smallpox that caused permanent, crippling damage to the survivors. Moreover, it cost the city a total monetary loss of $3,069,616; although Dr. Voux and his accomplices had collected more than $10 million in hospital and related care revenues - they were not forced to pay for damages or reparations. As in the Kansas City trial, a small, insignificant fine was levied, and the case was not widely publicized.

Case 2: The initial batches of Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine produced thousands of cases of poliomyelitis in vaccinated individuals. (One such case was Franklin D. Roosevelt - who was stricken weeks after receiving a vaccine.) This was due to an unsafe amount of LIVE VIRUSES in the vaccine itself. Dr. Sabin then introduced his "improved" vaccine with "attenuated" or "weakened' live viruses in 1958, and the following year his vaccine was made to be compulsory (mandatory) in all school-age children in a number of states. As a result, polio increased a whopping 300% in these states. For example, Tennessee reported 119 polio cases in 1958, after "vaccination" this total increased to 386 cases in 1959, Ohio - 17 cases in 1958, 52 cases in 1959, Connecticut - 45 cases in 1958, 123 cases in 1959, and North Carolina: 78 cases in 1958 compared to 312 cases in 1959 AFTER forcing compulsory shots in school children. The modern record is equally damning. The ONLY cases of recorded polio in the modern era is immediately following vaccinations. Poliomyelitis, you see, is a water-borne virus and is caused by drinking contaminated water. During the early 60's, water-treatment facilities became standardized across America - small amounts of CHLORINATION effectively wiped out polio viruses. The conquering of polio had NOTHING TO DO with the vaccine needles and swallowing sugar cubes. In fact, as author Ed Haslem documents so well in his book, HYPERLINK "" Dr. Mary's Monkey, the Sabin vaccines were actually contaminated with mutated GREEN MONKEY VIRUSES (SV-40 viruses to be specific) which has caused untold millions of SOFT-TISSUE CANCERS and deaths worldwide. (The cancer "industry" has reaped BILLIONS of dollars from this "contamination" over the years, of course.) HYPERLINK "" Dr. Maurice Hilleman has actually confessed as being a part of this very activity.

Case 3: Knowingly added to "hepatitis" vaccines, HIV viruses were inoculated into thousands of homosexual men and intravenous drug users in America's inner cities resulting in the "AIDS epidemic" in the 80's. Purposefully placed in SMALLPOX VACCINE SYRINGES, HIV was also introduced into African nations as a tool of ethnic cleansing and GENOCIDE. The covert development and weaponization of the HIV/AIDS virus and its monkey-virus origins, along with the amazing story of how the scientists involved are tied to President Kennedy's assassination is well documented in Dr. Mary's Monkey. The covert biological experimentation labs responsible for this mayhem are today consolidated into the NIH, the NAIDS, the National Cancer Institute, and Ft. Detrick, Maryland. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta became the centralized hub of pandemic and epidemic creations and propagation.

Case 4: The 1976 "Swine Flu" Fiasco and Fraud is perpetrated. A solitary soldier at Ft. Dix collapses and dies following a reaction to an "experimental" vaccine while completing an intense physical "forced march" exercise at Ft. Dix. Immediately, the CDC swings into action, declaring a nationwide SWINE FLU PANDEMIC is pending. Providentially, of course, the CDC just happens to have 200+MILLION DOSES of Swine Flu vaccine already stockpiled, prepared with ATTENUATED (live, yet weakened) viruses and experimental ADJUVANTS. President Gerald Ford, (with proven ties to Big Pharma and Nixon's covert viral weapons labs - also a key member of the "Warren Commission's" obfuscation of the JFK murder) rolls up his sleeves on national TV and dutifully takes the vaccine. 40 million vaccines are given to naïve American human guinea pigs. A rash of auto-immune disorders (Guillan-Barre Syndrome GBS, and lupus) as well as a large number of deaths is immediately attributed to the vaccine, and the mass vaccination campaign is halted. (What happened to the other 140 million vaccines, one may ask?) In 1979, the television news magazine 60 Minutes did a documentary investigation on this travesty-for-money scandal. Against all odds and the threats of Big Pharma, the OBJECTIVELY FAIR 60 Minutes program aired ONE TIME. There was no follow-up story, No criminal indictments were ever issued. There was no MASS- MURDER-FOR-HIRE trial. As a result, America has largely forgotten the 1976 SWINE FLU SCANDAL! Click here for HYPERLINK "" Part I of the 60 Minutes story; and HYPERLINK "" Part II.

Case 5: During the first Gulf War - Operation Desert Storm, an experimental anthrax vaccine was forcibly given to 140,000 rear-echelon support troops. This experimental vaccine included an oil-in-water adjuvant called squalene (aka MF-59 made by NOVARTIS). Despite voluminous studies showing dangerous toxicity factors conducted on "oil-in-water" adjuvants at such prestigious research labs as UCLA - the U.S. Military brass consented to the experimental injections. As a result, ALL 140,000 troops developed a condition subsequently named "Gulf War Syndrome". This sordid tale is explained in a very honest and credible book by HYPERLINK "" Gary Matsumoto, called, Vaccine-A.
As this author has repeatedly declared during many public radio interviews, the deadly 1918 Influenza Pandemic was the direct result of live-virus-contaminated Typhus Fever Vaccines mandatorily given to U.S. and Allied military personnel during World War I. During that era, viruses were not yet discovered and diseases were thought to be bacterial only. These deadly typhus fever vaccines were manufactured by John D. Rockefeller's research labs and Chinese pharma factories. The vaccine "seed stock" consisted of viruses harvested from human typhoid fever patients, cross-injected into swine herds to create increased "seed stock", and then injected into chicken and turkey eggs for further incubation of the pathogens. The final, harvested "vaccine material" then was injected into HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF HUMAN VEINS. The result was a massive 'pandemic' that claimed the lives of as many as 50 million people worldwide.

In 1918, the viral pandemic was an honest mistake - the result of a combination of a very bad vaccine and gross ignorance about viruses and the diseases they cause. However, the continued denial of these FACTS, and the subsequent REVERSE ENGINEERING OF THE KILLER VIRUS in Ft. Detrick labs (1997-2003) is inexcusable and constitutes a veritable crime against humanity.
Moreover, the ONLY WAY a modern "SWINE FLU PANDEMIC" can actually materialize is by injection of certain LIVE VIRUSES via vaccine needles. Make no mistake, the world is NOT experiencing a true pandemic explosion at this time - but it most assuredly WILL when and if the planned mass influenza vaccinations are completed worldwide.

"Modern Medical Practitioners", including some well-meaning "osteopaths", would have the world believe the MYTH that vaccines containing attenuated (weakened) live viruses cannot cause the viral disease conditions they are targeting. This is a most dangerous misconception for the following SCIENTIFIC reasons.
Traditional "common" vaccines targeting measles, mumps and rubella for instance, contain small amounts of "attenuated" live viruses which have been "weakened" but not 100% killed outright. Research has shown that these weakened "live" viruses create a very mild form of the disease in the human that has been vaccinated, which in turn creates a cellular immunity from that pathogen. The science behind this is correct, and valid for the most part. To keep the targeted viral pathogen in a perpetually weakened state, specific amounts of formaldehyde and ether are typically added, and in some formulations, mercury in the form of thimerasol is added as a preservative to keep the egg albumin cells from decaying and dying prematurely. The established theory behind all of this 'vaccination' is the "protect the herd" theory which originated with Pasteur in the late 19th century. As in all vaccines, a certain small percentage of the herd will develop severe, 'full blown' disease states CAUSED by the attenuated viruses in the vaccine itself, and another percentage will exhibit side effects from the chemicals added to the vaccine - but if the vast majority of the herd is "protected" from the disease condition - the vaccine is approved and stamped "safe and effective".
Science has also proven that each viral pathogen has its own unique characteristics that produce its own set of symptoms in the human hosts. Thus, each viral pathogen has its own unique fingerprints of replication and reproduction as well. Each virus also has a different level of effectiveness in its attenuated (weakened) state. Moreover, some viruses have shown the ability to "drift" and acquire additional genetic alterations over time. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE SO-CALLED "NOVEL" RECOMBINATION VIRUSES that have been "reverse engineered" in the world's weapons laboratories! When the RNA of the virus is spliced with other viral genes, the resulting "Franken-virus" is very unpredictable. Studies conducted (yet currently unpublished) by Terrence Tumpey, Jeffrey Taubenberger, and others at the NIH and CDC show that these 'resurrected pandemic viruses' do not exhibit the NORMAL tendencies of traditional, NATURAL influenza viruses such as seasonal H3N2 human strains. They are best described as "Viral Wild Cards".

This is just one problem with the headlong, mad rush to vaccinate Americans with a series of reverse-engineered lab-created viruses, attenuated or otherwise, in an UNTESTED, UNTRIED, EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that has not been subjected to LONG-TERM CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETERMINE THE LEVELS OF "DRIFT" or even ATTENUATED TENDENCIES OVER TIME.
To supposedly minimize this "safety" issue, the CDC is now recommending a DUPLEX vaccination, of all things. A "duplex" vaccination basically involves a two-shot series. The first shot consists of a VERY WEAK, HIGHLY ATTENUTATED dose of the live virus. This is intended to create an initial immune response patterning the specific virus injected. Within a couple of weeks of the 1st shot, a BOOSTER SHOT is given. The booster shot has only lightly attenuated, or even FULL STRENGTH VIRUSES in the injection. This 2nd shot is then intended to create a full-strength immune system response in the human subject.

This is, at the very least, BAD SCIENCE and borders on insanity for self-evident and fairly obvious reasons. By their own admissions, the NIH scientists in their various writings have declared that the level of potency of these REVERSE ENGINEERED VIRUSES show abnormal, almost RANDOM tendencies in their attenuated states. Nobody really knows what will happen over time as the inevitable "genetic drifts" occur. It is a literal crap shoot. It is highly probable that even the HIGHLY ATTENUATED FRANKEN-VIRUSES can swiftly regain their FULL POTENCY even in the presence of ether and formaldehyde. (See Addendum Below) Secondly, the full-strength BOOSTER shot viruses could just as easily "DRIFT" into something much more deadly than the "original' recombinant virus that it is targeting.
I submit that the scientists responsible for this "pandemic" are not stupid. They have to know these facts as well as I do.
Therefore, I can only conclude that this entire affair is following the Modus Operandi of the medical elite since the 1920 engineered smallpox epidemics. It is all being ORCHESTRATED first and foremost for MONEY, and secondly, for social and geographical restructuring of the "human herd".
Also, it must be understood that this "Novel 2009 Influenza" is not easily nor readily transmissible between humans. (See published study in the addendum). If this report is accurate, how then did the "Pandemic" begin, and why the need for mass vaccinations at all?? Like the "study" shows, the only way the test ferrets could contract or transmit the 2009 "Novel Swine Flu" was by and through INOCULATION OF THE DISEASE!! Humanity demands an answer, and demands it NOW!!!



Diplomats: Iran censured at UN nuclear meeting (November 27, 2009) IRAN AND MUCH OF THE WORLD ARE ON A COLLISION COURSE WHICH COULD LEAD TO DIRE CONSEQUENCES...
The U.N. nuclear watchdog's board censured Iran on Friday, with 25 nations backing a resolution demanding that Tehran immediately freeze construction of its newly revealed nuclear facility and heed Security Council resolutions to stop uranium enrichment.Iran remained defiant, with its chief representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency declaring that his country would resist "pressure, resolutions, sanction(s) and threat of military attack."Delegate Ali Asghar Soltanieh of Iran shrugged off the vote."Neither resolutions of the board of governors nor those of the United Nations Security Council ... neither sanctions nor the threat of military attacks can interrupt peaceful nuclear activities in Iran, even a second," he told the closed-door meeting, in remarks made available to reporters.Iran argues that its nuclear program is aimed at creating a peaceful nuclear energy network to serve its growing population. The United States and other nations believe Iran's nuclear program has the goal of creating nuclear weapons. The IAEA resolution criticized Iran for defying a U.N. Security Council ban on uranium enrichment - the source of both nuclear fuel and the fissile core of warheads.It also censured Iran for secretly building a uranium enrichment facility and demanded that it immediately suspend further construction. It noted that IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei cannot confirm that Tehran's nuclear program is exclusively geared toward peaceful uses, and expressed "serious concern" that Iran's stonewalling of an IAEA probe means "the possibility of military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program" cannot be excluded.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called the resolution "the strongest and most definitive statement yet made by the countries who are very worried about nuclear ambitions on the part of Iran."Nations were "absolutely clear that Iran has misled the international community," Brown said at a Commonwealth summit in Trinidad. "(They are) sending the clearest possible signal to Iran that they should desist from their nuclear plans, that the world knows what they are doing and trying to do, and that they should accept the offers that have been made."The resolution - and the resulting vote of the IAEA's 35-nation decision-making board - were significant on several counts.The resolution was endorsed by six world powers - the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany - reflecting a rare measure of unity on Iran. Previously, Moscow and Beijing have acted as a traditional drag on efforts to punish Iran for its nuclear defiance, either preventing new U.N. Security Council sanctions or watering down their potency. CLIP

Iran 'expects Russian missiles within 2 months'
Iran expects Russia to deliver powerful S-300 air-defence missile systems within two months despite fierce objections from the United States and Israel, Tehran's ambassador to Moscow has said. Moscow missed its initial deadline to deliver the S-300s, which could defend Iranian nuclear facilities against an Israeli strike, but has reassured Tehran that they will arrive soon, Ambassador Mahmoud Reza Sajadi said. (...) The truck-mounted S-300PMU1, known in the West as the SA-20, can shoot down cruise missiles and aircraft. It can fire at targets up to 150 km (90 miles) away. Analysts say it could seriously disrupt an Israeli air strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.  CLIP

Iran army to hold air defence drills (21 Nov 2009)
Iran plans to hold air defence manoeuvres involving both its elite Revolutionary Guards and the regular armed forces, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday. It said the war games would be staged during the Iranian week that started on Saturday but did not give any further details.Iran often holds defence drills and announces advances in military capabilities in a bid to show its readiness to counter any military threats over its disputed nuclear programme. The United States and Israel - Iran's arch enemies - have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the row over nuclear work that the West suspects is aimed at making bombs. Iran, which says its nuclear programme is a peaceful drive to generate electricity, has threatened to hit back at Israel and US bases in the Gulf if it were attacked.

Afghan women will be forgotten when troops withdraw (November 28, 2009)
(...) Yes, atrocious acts of war have killed innocent civilians. The cluster bombings in Farah province in May massacred at least 150, mostly women and children. It was a shocking act - for which the US later apologised. But women are dying across Afghanistan in much bigger numbers from basic neglect. They're dying because there is no government system that provides basic care and protection to help them when they're sick, when they're beaten, abused, or even when they're hungry.The Karzai Government is criminally negligent in its failure to support its people. The UN's 2009 Human Development Index ranks Afghanistan at 181 out of 182 countries: almost the worst place in the world in which to live. By the time you've finished reading today's newspaper, another woman will have died from reproductive complications, due to a lack of health care. One dies every 30 minutes; that's 17,376 women a year. According to the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, 80 percent of those deaths are preventable. This is a human rights scandal, and yet the Karzai Government has not built a single hospital for women.More than 70 percent of women submit to forced marriages, and according to UNIFEM more than half the female population marry before the legal age of 16. Female depression is widespread and the rate of self immolation has skyrocketed. Domestic violence is endemic, with one UK report suggesting it affects 80 percent of households. Yet the Karzai Government has not built a single shelter or welfare centre for women. (...) Loosely networked, there is a plethora of small internationally supported women's advocacy groups doing vital work across Afghanistan. Should foreign troops withdraw, even Malalai Joya has conceded there will be civil war, before a new regime is established. With such instability and lack of security, it's most doubtful international NGOs and donors will stay the course. As the world pulls away from Afghanistan, the support funds will dry up. Then, as history has proven, the women of Afghanistan will be forgotten - again. MUCH MORE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS THROUGH THIS LINK

UN Says Violence Against Women 'Most Pervasive' Rights Violation (11/26/09)
November 25 marked the UN-sponsored International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women -- a reminder of a problem that the UN says has reached pandemic proportions. The UN Development Fund for Women estimates that one in three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused. It describes domestic violence against women as perhaps the most pervasive human rights violation known today. Women are more at risk of death or disability from violence than from cancer, road accidents, war, or malaria.And there is a growing link between such violence and the spread of HIV/AIDS. A survey conducted in South Africa revealed that women who are beaten by their partners are 48 percent more likely to be infected with HIV than those who are not. (...) One way to focus attention on the problem of domestic violence is the international White Ribbon Campaign, which urges men to wear a white ribbon on their lapel to show that they oppose violence against women and children.Started in Canada, the campaign has spread to 50 countries, including Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Campaign organizers are particularly eager to recruit the support of leading athletes from such "macho" sports as rugby, on the grounds that they can set a positive example for young men to follow.In comments marking the day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the masculine side of society must learn that a true man does not oppress women and children.Coinciding with the day against violence, the London-based human rights organization Amnesty International has issued a report on the plight of women in Tajikistan.Amnesty expert Andrea Strasser-Camagni says women in Tajikistan are beaten, abused, and raped within the family, even as Tajik authorities take the attitude that the woman is to blame for domestic violence.She says married women are treated like servants or as the property of their in-laws, and the violence and humiliation they suffer drive many to suicide. CLIP

UN peace mission fuelling violence in Congo, report say (25 November 2009)
Security force costing $1bn a year has not defeated Rwandan Hutu rebels or halted plunder of lucrative minerals, experts fin -- The world's biggest UN peacekeeping mission has been branded a failure by experts who say it is fuelling a surge of murders and rapes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.The UN security force of 25,000, estimated to cost more than $1bn a year, has proved unable to defeat Rwandan Hutu rebels or to halt the plunder of lucrative minerals in the east of the country, according to a scathing report.Among the most damning findings of the UN-mandated Group of Experts is the free rein given to a military commander and war crimes suspect known as "The Terminator", which the UN mission has previously denied. (...) This month the UN suspended its support to army units it believed were responsible for killing about 60 civilians in operations. The group of experts suggested this may not be enough. "The Group Š underlines the possible contradiction within Monuc's mandate to protect civilians on a priority basis, and that of providing logistic support to the [army], while the latter continues to commit abuses against the civilian population," the report said.The findings support the claims of NGOs that the UN military operations have inflamed the violence in eastern Congo, resulting in the displacement of 1 million villagers. This month Human Rights Watch said it had documented the deliberate killing by Congolese soldiers of at least 270 civilians in one area - mostly women, children and the elderly. They were decapitated, chopped to death by machete, beaten to death with clubs or shot as they tried to flee. Human Rights Watch called on the UN to suspend its support to the military operation or risk being implicated in further atrocities.

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Announces US$10.5 Million in Grants for 13 Projects in 18 Countries (24 November 2009)
United Nations, New York - The United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) will award nearly US$10.5 million in 2009 to 13 projects and initiatives that are addressing gender-based violence in 18 countries. Resources for the UN Trust Fund fell drastically short to meet the vast demand. A total of 1,643 concept notes were received with grant requests totalling US$857 million. These figures reflect a sharp increase from previous years, both in terms of the number of applications received and the amount of funding requested. However, only 1.2 percent of the record amount requested could be met. CLIP

NY Times Blows The Whistle On Drug Industry's Dirty Tricks (November 26 2009)
As a sobering example of how members of Congress can be spoon-fed the views and even the exact words of high-powered lobbying firms, consider remarks inserted into the Congressional Record after the debate and vote on health care reform in the House. Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech, one of the world's largest biotechnology companies.E-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that the lobbyists drafted one statement for Democrats and another for Republicans. The lobbyists, employed by Genentech and by two Washington law firms, were remarkably successful in getting the statements printed in the Congressional Record under the names of different members of Congress.The apparent goal was to show that, even though there were sharp divisions between the parties on the overall reform bill (only one Republican voted for it), there was bipartisan support for provisions relating to drugs produced by the biotechnology industry. One provision, for example, would allow generic competition to expensive biological drugs but only after the original manufacturer had enjoyed 12 years of exclusive use, a generous period by anyone's standards.Asked about the Congressional statements, a lobbyist close to Genentech said: "This happens all the time. There was nothing nefarious about it." -- In House, Many Spoke With One Voice: Lobbyists' (November 14, 2009) - Puppets in Congress (November 16, 2009) -- The two New York Times' articles above provide a powerful commentary about health care "reform," and the true power behind the US health care system in general. They document the level of influence, corruption, and conflict of interest that affects your health.There should be no doubt about the power the drug industry wields in shaping the US health care system.Big pharma has been the driving force behind conventional medicine, and the beneficiaries of exploding health care costs for well over a century, and there are no signs that the current health care reform will change any of this.

Ron Paul: The Fed Will Self Destruct When It Destroys the Dollar (with a video)
Congressman Ron Paul's quest to bring down the Federal Reserve continues. In a CNBC interview this morning he reiterated again his firm position against the activities of the Federal Reserve being conducted in secret. Paul believes there are many questions which Fed legitimately needs to answer on its activities. He thinks the public should have the right to know how, when, and to whom the nation's central bank lends its money. According to Paul, whose basic premise in his fight against the Fed is Einstein's "Don't expect the people who caused a problem to solve it," 75% of people want to see the Fed audited. "The Fed will self destruct when it destroys the dollar", Paul said. Last week a key House panel approved the Paul-Grayson Amendment by an overwhelming 43-26, giving watchdogs new authority to audit the Federal Reserve. Paul insists that accusation that proposal would politicize Fed is wrong.

A paradox of plenty - hunger in America (November 24th, 2009)
Call it a paradox of plenty. In the world's wealthiest country, home to more obese people than anywhere else on earth, almost 50 million Americans struggled to feed themselves and their children in 2008. That's one in six of the population. Millions went hungry, at least some of the time. Things are bound to get worse.This the bleak picture drawn from an annual survey on "household food security" compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and released in mid-November. It showed the highest level of food insecurity since the government started the survey, in 1995, and provided a graphic illustration of the effect of sharply rising unemployment.This year's picture will be even bleaker - the unemployment rate more than doubled from the beginning of 2008 to now, at 10.2 percent the highest in a quarter century. It is still climbing, and for many the distance between losing a job and lack of food security is very short. (...) Vicki Escarra, head of Feeding America, a hunger relief charity that runs 200 food banks in the U.S., has likened the growing difficulties of those on the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder to conditions in the Third World. She is right in more ways than one.The USDA report reflects inequality of Third World proportions. While the Great Recession has culled the ranks of American millionaires - by 22 percent according to a September study by the Boston Consulting Group - the gap between rich and poor is not shrinking.Last year, according to a report by the census bureau, the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans made 11.4 times more than those living on the poverty line. The year before, the ratio was 11.2. At the far end of the economic scale, America's six largest bank holdings have set aside $112 billion in salaries and bonuses during the first nine months of the year. By year's end, bonuses might exceed the almost $164 billion paid in 2007, before the credit bubble banks had helped to inflate burst and millions of Americans lost their jobs and savings. CLIP

Mankind Destroys Food (12.11.2009)
In Russia, about 44 percent of citizens throw their food out after it becomes too late to eat it. About 37 percent feed excessive food to pets, ten percent try to eat bad food anyway, and about two percent of Russians give away the food that they don't need to those in need.  Moscow annually produces up to eight million tons of domestic refuse. According to Greenpeace, edible wastes make about 40 percent of domestic refuse. It just so happens that Muscovites throw out about 2.7 million tons of food annually.Moscow's Food Resources Department said that the daily consumption of food in the city in 2008 was measured at 32,500 tons, which made 11.68 million tons a year. Therefore, about a quarter of the purchased food finds itself in garbage bags in Russia's capital - over 23 percent.In Britain, the situation is similar. About 5.3 million tons of food evaluated at 12 billion pounds sterling ($20 billion) is utilized in Britain annually, The Guardian wrote with reference to a new report from Wrap agency.Liquid food - milk, soups, soft drinks - make most of food garbage. A British family throws out 480 pounds every year, and the figure grows to 680 pounds a year in case there are children in a family. Wrap's experts previously said that one-tenth of all discharged foodstuffs is quite edible. People do not even unpack about 60 percent of the food that they throw out as garbage. The food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said that the number of undernourished people in the world had increased to 1 billion by October of the outgoing year. Most of these people live in developing states. The production of food has to be increased by 70 percent by 2050 to feed the planet's population. Otherwise, the UN said, mankind will have to face massive hunger.

Giving Thanks for America's Good Food Movement (26 November 2009)
What better day than Thanksgiving to celebrate our country's food rebels!I'm talking about the growing movement of small farmers, food artisans, local retailers, co-ops, community organizers, restaurateurs, environmentalists, consumers and others -- perhaps including you. This movement has spread the rich ideas of sustainability, organic, local control and the Common Good from the fringes of our food economy into the mainstream. It began in earnest in the 1980s and 1990s as an "upchuck rebellion" -- ordinary folks rejecting the industrialized, chemicalized, corporatized and globalized food system. Farmers wanted a more natural connection to the good earth that they were working, just as consumers began demanding edibles that were not saturated with pesticides, injected with antibiotics, ripened with chemicals, dosed with artificial flavorings and otherwise tortured. These two interests began to find each other and to create an alternative way of thinking about food. Today, more than 13,000 organic farmers produce everything from wheat to meat, and organic food sales top $23 billion a year. Some 4,800 vibrant farmers' markets operate in practically every city and town across the land, linking farmers and food-makers directly to consumers in a local, supportive economy. Also, restaurants, supermarkets, food wholesalers and school districts are now buying foodstuffs that are produced sustainably and locally. No one in a position of power -- corporate or governmental -- made any of these changes happen. Instead, the movement percolated up from the grassroots, and it has become a groundswell as ordinary people inform themselves, organize locally and assert their own democratic values over those of the corporate structure. Family by family, town by town, this movement has changed not only the market, but also the culture of food. CLIP

Vatican Looks to Heavens for Signs of Alien Life (November 10, 2009) THEY ARE SO FUNNY!
Four hundred years after it locked up Galileo for challenging the view that the Earth was the center of the universe, the Vatican has called in experts to study the possibility of extraterrestrial alien life and its implication for the Catholic Church. "The questions of life's origins and of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe are very suitable and deserve serious consideration," said the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory. Funes, a Jesuit priest, presented the results ... of a five-day conference that gathered astronomers, physicists, biologists and other experts to discuss the budding field of astrobiology - the study of the origin of life and its existence elsewhere in the cosmos. The Church of Rome's views have shifted radically through the centuries since Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake as a heretic in 1600 for speculating, among other ideas, that other worlds could be inhabited. Funes told Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that believing the universe may host aliens, even intelligent ones, does not contradict a faith in God. "How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom." Funes maintained that if intelligent beings were discovered, they would also be considered "part of creation."

9/11's delayed legacy: cancer for many of the rescue workers (November 11, 2009)
A spate of recent deaths of New York police and fire officers who took part in the emergency operation at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks has heightened fears that it could be the start of a delayed epidemic of cancer-related illness. Five firefighters and police officers, all of whom were involved in the rescue and clear-up at the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, have died of cancer in the past three months, the oldest being 44. Three died last month within a four-day period. Up to 70,000 people took part in the massive operation at Ground Zero, including police, firefighters and construction workers who came to New York voluntarily from all over the US. Many worked for months amid a toxic soup of dust and chemicals. Amid the pollutants within the giant pile of 1.8m tons of debris and the surrounding air were ... about 1,000 tons of asbestos that was used in the construction of the Twin Towers, pulverised lead from computers, mercury and highly carcinogenic by-products from the burning of plastics and chlorinated chemicals. No official tally is available for the number of those who have died as a result of the 9/11 clear-up. The New York state health department has recorded 817 deaths of emergency workers. Claire Calladine, a campaigner who runs the organisation 9/11 Health Now, said the fear was that the recent rise in cancer cases was just the start. "We have only seen the tip of the iceberg. How bad will it get - that is the big question."

Support for legalizing marijuana grows rapidly around U.S. (November 23, 2009)
Approval for medical use expands alongside criticism of prohibition - The same day they rejected a gay marriage ballot measure, residents of Maine voted overwhelmingly to allow the sale of medical marijuana over the counter at state-licensed dispensaries. Later in the month, the American Medical Association reversed a longtime position and urged the federal government to remove marijuana from Schedule One of the Controlled Substances Act, which equates it with heroin. A few days later, advocates for easing marijuana laws left their biannual strategy conference with plans to press ahead on all fronts -- state law, ballot measures, and court -- in a movement that for the first time in decades appeared to be gaining ground. "This issue is breaking out in a remarkably rapid way now," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "Public opinion is changing very, very rapidly." The shift is widely described as generational. A Gallup poll in October found 44 percent of Americans favor full legalization of marijuana -- a rise of 13 points since 2000. Gallup said that if public support continues growing at a rate of 1 to 2 percent per year, "the majority of Americans could favor legalization of the drug in as little as four years." CLIP

First marijuana coffee shop opens in America  (20 Nov 2009)
The first marijuana coffee shop in the US has opened, posing an early test of the Obama administration's move to relax the policing of medical use of the drug. The Cannabis Cafe in Portland, Oregon, is the first to give people who have been prescribed marijuana by a doctor a place to get hold of the drug and smoke it, although they have to remain out of public view. CLIP

EMF-Omega-News 14. November 2009

EMF-Omega-News 28. November 2009

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From: Geraldine Helwing (
Subject: Quantum message
Date: 24 Nov 2009

Greetings, Jean!

Just thought I'd share a recent quantum intuitive message and understanding received on Monday, Nov 2, 09.
It was a combination vision, message and quantum message. I saw the "walls of Jericho" (all forms of institutionalized/ power, destruction of our planet and humanity) come tumbling down with the "trumpet of truth."  I saw how there will be a mass awakening of those who have been asleep seduced by the powers of millennia.  They will be asking themselves, "Do I really want to do this?" "How could I/we have done this? "  What can I do to atone?" "How can we prevent this from ever happening again.?" "What can I do to create a world that works for all?" The awakening will be very, very painful for many.  It will be soul-searching.  A time for personal and collective responsibility. Healing through accountability, integrity, responsibility, and compassion.  This will be necessary to heal the sins of the fathers.  It will be part of the cleansing, purging of our planet. The process is similar to what I went through when I awoke and needed to heal (it took many years) from my Collective German Shame (I was born in the US after WWII).
I also saw that the Swine flu vaccine H1N1 is the Emperor's New Clothes of the Pharmaceutical/government/medical/media symbiosis that will contribute to these walls tumbling down.  It heralds the new era as people wake up and think independently, see through the manipulations, destructive intentions and actions of organized forms of power.  It will be very difficult for those within health care who have been asleep to wake up, ask the above questions, give up ego, power, and control, and take personal and collective responsibility for true healing. The purging will be very intense. 
My heart panged, knowing full well the difficult soul journey that lay ahead for many.  I felt nauseated, wanted to vomit.  My body was remembering my recent journey with a Shaman when I wrestled with the heart of evil, purging the evil and negativity out of myself, humanity, and our Holy Earth Mother.  I knew in that experience what Christ went through in the desert when he wrested with the devil.  It was like I was on a shamanic journey for the collective on planet Earth.  The devil and evil is not what we think it is.

In my Shamanic journey, the ONLY way I made it through wrestling with the heart of evil was to repeatedly ask God for help.  I kept saying, "I cannot do this myself.  I need your help."  There were times when I felt totally helpless.  My experience was that I had 3 choices:  to die, be possessed, or victorious.   I chose to be victor.  It took all of my strength.  Over, and over during the journey I repeatedly asked God for help.  I could not have done it alone.  This was an experience that was far beyond me.
Do with this information as you choose.
In peace, transformation and healing,

Geraldine Helwing

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From: Bill Cain (
Subject: Comment on Mike Quinsey
Date: 18 Nov 2009

Why do you include messages from those like Mike Quinsey in your compilations? Mr. Quinsey has a direct connection to Blossom Goodchild, the channeler who incorrectly predicted an ET event about a year ago that was supposed to initiate UFO Disclosure. His recent message on your compilation is more of the same.
If predictions like this that never materialize aren't enough to cast doubts of credibility on those who profess them, then can those like yourself who continue to give these people a platform be trusted?
I was suckered into the Planet X scare of 2003 by a site called Zetatalk, and the channeler who compiles the garbage on that site, Nancy Leider. She and the site have since been revealed as government disinformers. Yet, there are those still gullible enough to follow what that site spews.
The best way to lose one's internet credibility is to embrace predictions that never materialize. The disinformers work 24/7.
Bill Cain


Hi Bill!

This is a good question indeed. Usually when I stop to read one of his channelings it is because a subscriber emailed it to me. Of course, I don't include everything I read in my compilations but if the material I read holds my attention to the end or seems rather important to pass on - like some recent scientific discoveries about the state of the planet or any of the many environmental crises and ills we face - then I'm inclined to include it.

In the case of channelings, much of which often stretches the "credibility" tolerance of most people, there may be elements that are hard to consider as true or even possible from a rational standpoint, while others in the same channelings have an inspirational quality - encouraging people to think positively about the future and not get discouraged by the tons of dispiriting information available on the Web - that I find appealing for the relative balance they can help bring to my compilations. So instead of cutting out the harder to believe stuff and cherry-pick only what I like, I leave the whole thing there except when I decide to just quote a short excerpt for the Quotes section.

Regarding the aspect of those annoying predictions that never seem to materialize like the whole Blossom Goodchild story - an BTW when you say that Quinsey is connected with her (which I didn't know), would that imply that anybody somehow connected to her loses all credibility by the simple fact of such a connection?... Dubious... I guess that a part of me is curious about such a possibility as I believe it will finally happen some day and so I think many others may also be curious to hear about it... I mean, if it finally happens wouldn't it be nice also to think I had been able to mention it somewhere in my compilations well ahead of it - but granted this is a trivial reason - I'm just thinking aloud here to clarify for you why I include such stuff...

It is true that I may walk on thin ice when I network that kind of stuff because there is little chance it will come true within the predicted time period... But networking it without any word from me endorsing clearly the stated predictions does not mean that I "embrace" them as you say... There is worst stuff than that to be "concerned" about anyway, for instance the material I've sometimes networked about the alleged underground bases where reptilian and grey ETs are allegedly doing horrible experiments on captive humans or about the network of concentration camps in the US, or any of the numerous top secret stuff like the idea of a shadow government being behind 9-11, that for most people is just as hard to believe in as the scenario of advanced civilizations' ships decloaking in the skies and coming to assist us in getting rid of the infamous cabal and fixing the global environment ...

Which is more far-fetched?... or so improbable that it shouldn't even be mentioned?...

Aside from that -- and it is worth reminding ourselves that millions and millions of people have seen space crafts (some of earthly origin granted), that tons of pictures and films can be seen of the web, including from recently released governmental databases... heck! even Larry king often invites people to talk about this on CNN!...  so the presence of advanced ET civilizations is quite obvious to me -- perhaps the role of such continuing predictions that never seem to materialize fully is to acclimatize people with the notion that we can indeed one day get such assistance but only when some critical conditions are met - like psychological preparedness of the population, non interference from a full fledged military attack against their decloaked ships, etc., and most importantly people being generally strong enough emotionally and psychologically to not put them on any kind of pedestal so as to interact with them in a dignified manner while retaining their freewill to make the decisions for themselves based on the best information available and not merely because someone from these civilizations said so...

Just as for the Amazonian tribes whose culture experienced a blow when they first got in touch with the rest of the world, there will be lots of adapting and up-to-speeding to do for us all when global first contact will take place. Like many of the aboriginal cultures that have managed to adapt quite well to the modern realities and to have their rights and territories respected, the same will likely happen over time for all of us regarding the new realities brought by actual global contact with space-faring civilizations offering their assistance to enable us to pass through the perilous times we are in...

In conclusion, it comes down to a matter of feeling: if my "shit detector" doesn't scream "watch out, smells fishy!" and I sense that some stuff can play some positive role in some way, then I usually decide to include it - and as you know I've included lots of wild stuff in my compilations... so why not that too?...

But in the end the choice and variety of views and material offered in my compilations is so vast that every subscriber gets a chance to exercise his/her own discernment ability and make up his/her own mind as to what to trust or not... and that too is important... as this is not about trusting me or anyone else about anything. What matters is what resonates or not as true for each one of us, and that is the only litmus test that needs to be passed in that regard.

Concerning the Planet X scare your mention, I just googled the ERN archives and see that it comes up 19 times in my compilations, the first one in 2001 being a quote from a letter debunking the rumors of an alleged "Planet X"... but I'm sure that through the lot you'll find stuff that is questionable in retrospect and should not have been included...

I can also understand that because of you feel you've been suckered into this hoax, you now have a kind of allergic reaction to all other similar stuff such as Quinsey's risky predictions. I would probably feel just the same...

Finally, although it is clear to me as well that there is much disinformation going around, I fail to see who in the shadowy figures of this world could benefit from the generally spiritually uplifting information Mike Quinsey writes about in the messages he claims to receive. To me it all seems pretty innocuous. For this to be disinformation there has to be stealthy reasons for spreading such claims. One of the possible goals that I can think of regarding this disinformation source you seem to say he is could be to maintain its readers in a demobilizing wait-and-see stance because there would seem to be no need to do anything to save ourselves from our own mess since ET saviors will soon come to make everything right for us... But frankly I  doubt anyone is holding his/her breath about such ET intervention... It is nice to know about such a possibility but to me and to any reasonably sane person it is clear that, if any such hypothetical help is overtly extended - and I'm thoroughly convinced it has already been covertly extended a great numbers of times since the beginning of the nuclear age, notably to prevent an accidental full-scale nuclear war - we must be somehow prove ourselves worthy of it and thus do our utmost best to help shift the world towards peaceful coexistence - and I'd say we are gradually getting there - environmental sustainability - we still have a long way to go but we have made huge progress as compared to a mere decade ago - and spiritual maturity as well as emotional balance - this is hard to objectively gage but my gut feeling is that we are also making significant progress there as well.

So I hope that more or less answers your question on this.

One more thing! I'd like in conclusion to quote SaluSa through Mike Quinsey's latest (Now 18) message...

"You all have a lot to thank each other for as nothing is really happening by chance. Therefore, think carefully of the responsibility you have undertaken, and always try to see a situation from all angles. Do not judge another soul who crosses your path, as you know no more about their level of consciousness or life plan, than they know about yours. Do what is necessary to help anyone in need and you will gain through such acts. Compassion is vital regardless as to who requires your help, and do not let an opportunity go by where you can express your own Light and Love. Evolution comes with finding your spiritual self and exercising your love for all other life."

I totally concur with this as I do with most of what Mike disseminates... I think he is doing a great job and is providing a useful service like so many other souls selflessly serving the highest good of all...

Have a great day Bill ;-)



NOTE pour les abonné-e-s francophones. Ce nouveau message ci-dessous est déjà disponible en français au - les autres messages précédents sont disponibles via le


Message from Matthew and Hatonn - November 19, 2009

Energy of anticipation; ET disclosure TV program, background; "V," "2012" and other fear tactics; illness in Ukraine; power of love; god/goddess soul essence; children's bodies 3D to 4D; intuition, thoughts; duality's challenges; soul contract, pre-birth agreement

This is Matthew to extend loving greetings from all souls at this station and to share with you our observations. In this moment "anticipatory" may be the best word to describe the collective feelings of enlightened souls-not exclusively pertaining to an announcement of our universal family's presence, but that is where a great deal of anticipation energy is being directed. Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of "get this show on the road" impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by "show me" doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.

Hatonn has agreed to speak about what is happening behind the scenes pertaining to the public announcement, and we turn over this forum to him.

HATONN:  Thank you, Matthew, my friend. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Official recognition can't be further delayed because much has to be accomplished during this phase of universal activity. It's essential to repair the severe damage that has been done to Earth so she can regain her health and restore well being to her inhabitants, and there's no time to waste. We're here by Earth's request and God's authorization because we have the capacity and desire to help you, but your representatives are responsible for making decisions because this is your world.

The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash. There's formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say "security," I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety-we have that well in hand.

The program can't be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it's ho-hum, they're back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that's where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here. Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don't want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who's willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.  

This is an international action and it's important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won't feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there's no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it's compiled. Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they've been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing. Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands-not all of us look like you. Others say it's necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren't from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.

What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it? Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth? To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life? Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the "little grays" that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?

There are differing opinions about when to air it. The United States government, once the most vocal in denying our existence, now favors the most extensive disclosure with maximum speed. A few of your representatives want more polls and strategic interviews to determine how much information your world is ready for. Some in both camps want every national leader to be personally told what will be in the program prior to show time and others think sending each one the program outline is enough diplomatic courtesy.  

This vital decision-making process that started off slowly a year ago has reached the point that within a couple of months at the outside, this "Earth-awakening" program will be on the air. The movers and shakers with integrity, wisdom and spiritual conviction will not be swayed by threats, bribes, even assassination attempts by the ones who oppose them. You can call them Illuminati or the Elite, the cabal, New World Government or Secret Government, New World Order or the darkness, it's all the same. It's the disparate groups that are operating under the heavy influence of the dark forces, that vast force field of negative thought forms. That is too esoteric to give out on the program, but the full truth about this vast populated universe will be revealed as Earth progresses into higher energy planes.       

I think that covers everything. Thank you, Matthew.   

MATTHEW: Thank you, Hatonn. This is a good place for timely questions that are combined as, Will proof of extraterrestrial life make it easier for all of humanity to awaken spiritually to the Oneness of All with God? As greatly as we wish this for all Earth's peoples, we have to say that it is not likely. Proof of intelligent life beyond Earth does not automatically impart spiritual clarity to a third density civilization, and the majority of your world's population still is at that level. Of the many other long-hidden truths that will be revealed, the most difficult for many to accept is the origin and purpose of religions, and there will be strong resistance to accepting that truth regardless of how solid the evidence is. Without understanding that greedy, power-hungry individuals devised religious dogmas to control and divide the masses, to make God a fearful supreme being whose rules must be obeyed and that those self-serving individuals themselves made those rules, and that much of the information given by God's true messengers was distorted or omitted in religious books, there can be no spiritual clarity or growth of the soul.
Hatonn spoke of the formidable opposition to acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life. This includes creating fear about the motives of other civilizations, and the dark ones have been doing that through entertainment venues. While it may appear that the television show "V" was strategically planned after initial discussions a year or so back about officially recognizing other civilizations, producing that kind of viewing is just another means whereby seeds of fear have been planted throughout the ages. The same is true of the movie "2012," designed to evoke fearful thoughts that the world really may come to the kind of end that some fundamentalist religions are expecting. With "entertainment" catering to that belief and refreshing the fear about aliens, not to mention the many other popular entertainment forms based in violence, you can see why all aspects of the announcement program must be so carefully considered.

Fear is the dark ones' most powerful weapon against the light because the energy of fear not only forms a barrier between the consciousness and the soul, it refuels the darkness to keep it thriving. Another means of achieving that two-way objective as well as reducing the world's population was developing various strains of "flu" viruses. An important part of this diabolical scheme to create plagues, which during your history have caused massive fear and death tolls, was the conditioning of Earth's peoples to regard death as the ultimate in fear.

The mysterious illness striking in the Ukraine and spreading beyond its borders is a continuation of the dark ones' biowarfare. After failure to produce the intended global fear and death toll with the SARS, avian flu, and swine flu/N1H1 viruses, which were neutralized by our space family's technology, the darkly-inclined ones developed a combination of strains whose virulence cannot be destroyed with the same high degree of success as with those three lesser toxic laboratory-designed viruses.

The intended pandemic and death toll will not happen, but not all who become sick will recover. While some souls are dying in accordance with the longevity part of pre-birth agreements, others are leaving prior to contract fulfillment. In Nirvana those souls will find that completing their chosen third density karmic lessons is easier than in a physical lifetime because all learning-it is not learning new information, it is remembering what you know at soul level-is facilitated by the powerful love energy in Earth's spirit world. This is true of all souls who left or will leave prior to contract completion or whose petition to amend the original terms was or will be honored.

Another widespread fear is lack of the essentials that sustain life-clean air, food, and water-and the dark ones have been relentless in their efforts to befoul Earth's natural elements as well as deny billions of her residents even subsistence living conditions. Through long ages of instilling fear through mental conditioning and devising circumstances that engender fright, illness, suffering and death, the darkness has controlled Earth's peoples. 

I want to address my statement in a previous message that several readers interpreted as my saying that genetically modified foods are not harmful. No, I was not saying that. I was giving those foods and one-season seeds as examples of the many ways the darkness conceives to adversely impact your lives and keep fear flourishing. Mother, please copy the part I am referring to.   

"Other information in circulation also is designed specifically to create fear. For example, grains, fruits and vegetables produced by grafting have been consumed for decades with no adverse health effects, so from whence came the idea that "genetically modified foods" are harmful? The more recent production of seeds that cannot produce future crops is another matter-like other developments devised with dark intent, it also will be short-lived. Time is fast running out for anything and everything born of darkness!"

Thank you. In retrospect I see that my words did not clearly convey that genetically modified foods and non-reproductive seeds come from dark intent to create fear, but since my mother understood my meaning, neither of us realized that it should have been stated more clearly. I shall repeat that excerpt's last sentence, which has no ambiguity whatsoever: Time is fast running out for anything and everything born of darkness!

What the darkness had not reckoned with was your reawakening and reclaiming your god and goddess powers that let you shake loose from its control. This triumph for you is doom for the darkness, but even with all the evidence that their end is inevitable, the puppets of the dark forces will not accept defeat as long as they can arouse fear and panic. We know that many enlightened souls often ponder how best to serve the light. We say, hold your light steady and send forth beams of unconditional love to Earth-the energy of love, which is the same energy as light expressed differently, is far more powerful than the energy of fear!

We understand that when you see your world in turmoil with so many enduring sorrow, hunger, disease and poverty-and those are the focus of news reports-it is difficult to always see the love, beauty and goodness that is even more prevalent in your world. It always is surrounding you in abundance, much of it unseen with your eyes, but so close to you in spirit. When headlines "are too much with you," visualize the world of peace and love that you know awaits in your timing and already is manifested in universal timing. Allow feelings of joy and love to flow into and from your heart-love is inestimable in its capacity to uplift you and all who are around you, and this energy is so powerful that it radiates into distant lands.

Yet not everyone will choose to embrace this energy because it entails opening minds to many truths, and paramount among them is the Oneness of All, the inseparability of all souls with God and Creator. Please do not be saddened if persons very dear to you cannot "see the light," and please do not feel it is your responsibility to urge them. Everyone will awaken in his or her own timing-if not in this lifetime, then in another with the same opportunities to grow spiritually. At whatever station you and souls you love may be, eternal love bonds forever unite you-life is eternal, the soul is immortal!

If I'm having trouble seeing myself or anyone else as a god or goddess, will this reduce my chances of ascending with Earth? Anyone whose self-identity is based on a perception of a "godly" appearance is looking outside instead of knowing inside. According to the gender each of you chose for this lifetime, you are designated as either a god or a goddess, but that differentiation is not important-knowing that every one of you is a part of God IS! God is androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and those have nothing at all to do with gender, but rather soul essence.

It could be helpful and equally accurate to think of humanity as that essence instead of individual gods or goddesses, which only signifies the gender choice of each soul for this lifetime. Because this could give rise to questions about transsexual persons, I repeat that it is essence-not form and features or sexuality or gender-that constitutes a soul. It is the choices each of you makes in using that essence that constitutes living in "godly" ways or not. Everything in our universe is eternally interconnected with and inseparable from God, by whatever name, and every soul is a part of that Oneness. Knowing this, feeling this, is part of the spiritual growth that enables ascending into higher densities.

Will babies and children make the ascension journey with Earth? Unless these souls chose very short incarnations to benefit themselves and all others in the pre-birth agreement, yes, indeed they will go along with Earth.

What physical changes will children undergo as they shift into 4D bodies? Some souls who recently came in have bodies with crystalline cellular structure, and those who don't will experience less upsetting physical and emotional symptoms than adults whose bodies also are changing from carbon-based to crystalline. Part of adults' adjustment is the uprooting and discarding of thought patterns that form belief systems and behavior patterns burdened by cellular memory. Children simply have not lived long enough to be as heavily indoctrinated and they respond more quickly and positively to the higher vibrations than most adults. Many souls who embodied during the past few years consciously know their God connection and are aware of their rightful place in our universal family-that innate knowledge did not get "lost" in their third density bodies. It is devoutly hoped that the parents chosen by these infants and youngsters will preserve rather than thwart their children's unusual degree of curiosity that is born of ancient wisdom.   

How can we know what is intuition and what is our own thoughts? Intuition is an instantaneous reaction to a new situation or new information and is a sensation more than a "full blown" thought. What you call a "fleeting thought" may be intuition, but if your impression of the situation or information comes after a pause and has clear mental focus, then it is a thought. Pondering or analyzing any issue is your own thoughts about it. You could think of intuition as the signal that motivates you to take instant action in accordance with your spontaneous reaction or to seriously think about why you had that reaction-perhaps a lifesaving measure or a job change, respectively.

"We seem to be confronted more than ever with our 'dark' issues. Is there a 'deadline' on dealing with those feelings, attitudes, emotions, addictions, etc. or should we just acknowledge them and we will simply outgrow them as we evolve into 4D existence?" This contemplation goes directly to the core of third density's duality-the spectrum of human emotions, characteristics and behavior-and souls' multiple lifetimes to experience and overcome duality's pitfalls.

Although you could say there is the deadline of mortality for completion of chosen experiencing in each incarnation, there is no such deadline within the timeless continuum where multiple lifetimes-the soul's experiencing personages, each its own independent and inviolate self-are happening simultaneously. It is difficult to comprehend something that cannot be remembered as personally experienced and for which there is no conscious frame of reference, like life without linear time and a soul comprising many independent soul-personages, but we shall do our best to explain what you do know at soul level.

In your galaxy, Earth is one of the best schoolhouses for learning to deal with duality-that's why you are there. Graduation, so to speak, is mastering duality's many challenges and evolving into fourth density, where duality doesn't exist. It may require only a few lifetimes or many hundreds for a soul's personages to have thoughts, emotions, motives and activities with positive, or light, vibrations rather than those with negative, or dark, vibrations.

Each lifetime in Earth's spirit world is in preparation for the next incarnation, the soul's next personage. The soul reviews its most recent physical life and in the process, not only sees every moment throughout the lifetime, but feels all of its own emotions and the emotions of everyone with whom it interacted. Depending on how closely the soul adhered to its pre-birth agreement with the other souls who participated in the lifetime, you could say that this review process is the "heaven" and "hell" of religions.    

However, the review, like karma, is neither reward nor punishment. It is evaluating the immediate past lifetime in the context of all personage lifetimes and determining what is needed to fill gaps or strengthen weaknesses in the collective experiencing. Because the goal of every soul is spiritual evolvement, one who is lagging may request advice from an "old soul" with advanced awareness, and a soul whose life review was lax will be guided by more experienced souls in selecting what it needs in its next personage life.

In spirit worlds the Oneness of All is known, and advice and guidance are given with unconditional love. That also is the basis on which souls agree to share a lifetime, including those who accept the "heavy" roles that give others the chance to experience what they need for spiritual growth. Because souls are inseparable yet function independently as personages, the evolution of one contributes to all. The reverse, devolvement, is just as true, so it is in all souls' best interests to assist each other. That "motivation" explanation is only to show souls' willing cooperation, because unconditional love is much more than the basis for pre-birth agreements and guidance, it is the very makeup of the soul.  

With love abounding, it is logical to wonder how any soul can become dark. It is by being weak-willed and giving over godself's powers to an entity that holds forth rewards of fortunes and control in return for greedy, ruthless, dishonorable, dictatorial actions. That entity is known as the dark forces, the vast force field of negative thought forms, and a soul who is lured by those rewards aligns itself and its actions with those thought forms, drops from its Beginnings in the light, and sinks into darkness.      

Now then, a soul's selection for each physical lifetime starts with parents for genetic, cultural and environmental reasons and it chooses specific skills, talents, interests, personality traits-everything that makes an individual unique. That composite along with intended interactions with all who will be sharing the lifetime becomes the new personage's soul contract, its part of the pre-birth agreement.

A newborn has full awareness of the contract provisions, but they fade as the baby adjusts to the needs of a dense body and to parental conditioning. As the child grows, influence from peers, teachers and other authority figures comes into the lifetime. Not only has everything in the soul contract been forgotten, but there is pressure to conform to others' standards and expectations. The soul keeps in touch with its personage through conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspirations to "nudge" the personage along the course of the contract. But the desire to express one's free will is strong indeed and therein lie duality's challenges: To which end of the spectrum are the personage's interests, desires and goals heading, into the light or the darkness?      

Now let us put all of you and all of that background into this moment that is unprecedented on Earth, indeed in the universe. In brief-because this has been extensively covered in various previous messages-Earth chose to leave third density, but because she was too weakened by negativity to do it alone, she asked for help. One form of assistance is the in-pouring of feminine, or goddess, energy to balance the long-dominant masculine energy that was the source of negativity. The "mingled" energy is magnifying all emotions and characteristics, and the differences between light and dark tendencies are increasingly noticeable. This "wheat and chaff" situation lets you more clearly see yourself -the conduct of others provides a mirror for you.

There is a universal "window" for Earth's ascension and the linear clock is ticking. She is assured of reaching her destination in good time, but if you want to physically go along, you must wind up third density karmic lessons, just as you chose in your soul contract. Remembering that the soul nudges your consciousness in accordance with that contract, uncomfortable feelings about self are important messages. So far from this being a time of merely acknowledging discomfort with your attitudes or behavior, it is an opportunity with time limits to change them.

Evolving from third density into fourth does not happen simply because you're on the planet and the planet is ascending. Your evolution comes with heeding conscience and intuition and the other wisdom your soul is giving to guide you in alignment with your contract. It comes with self-introspection, acting with honor, respecting all of Nature's life forms, discerning truth from falsity, emulating but not copying persons whom you greatly respect, and not judging others. It comes with recognizing and feeling grateful for the blessings in your life, with forgiving yourself and others for perceived injustices.  It comes with living from your heart, the seat of your soul.

Never are you alone in your journey of self-discovery and evolution!  Always the infinite arms of God-angels, spirit guides and free spirits, beloved souls in Nirvana, souls from spiritually advanced civilizations, and the energy of Christ consciousness manifested as love and light and unsurpassed in its powers-are with you.


Received through Suzy Ward. For more details about Matthew (his books and other messages), please go at and to find out translations in several languages of many of his recent messages, go at

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Recommended by Suzy Ward ( who wrote: "Emails from readers in other countries are filled with praise for Obama, and I can only wonder about the folks here who are so critical of him -- who else do they think could do a better job as our president with the same formidable foes anyone in the White House is up against? I'm a Kucinich loyalist, but I don't think he could have managed everything that Obama has."


What Obama Is Up Against

by Russ Baker truthout News Analysis - November 2, 2009

The first anniversary of Barack Obama's historic election finds many of his supporters already grousing. Fair enough: Obama has been more vigorous in some areas than others. But one essential question goes unasked: How much can any president accomplish against the wishes of recalcitrant power centers within his own government?

We Americans harbor a quaint belief that a new president takes charge of a government that eagerly awaits his next command. Like an orchestra conductor or perhaps a football coach, he can inspire or bludgeon and get what he wants. But that's not how things work at the top, especially where "national security" is concerned. The Pentagon and CIA are powerful and independent fiefdoms characterized by entrenched agendas and constant intrigue. They are full of lifers, who see an elected president largely as an annoyance, and have ways of dealing with those who won't come to heel.

Compound that with the Bush-Cheney administration's aggressive seeding of its staunch loyalists throughout the bureaucracy, and you have a pretty tough situation. Obama, then, has to contend not only with the big donors and corporate lobbies. His biggest problem resides right inside his "team."

The internal battles between American presidents and their national security establishments are not much reported. But if it is an invisible game; it is also a devious and even deadly one. Our civilian leaders end up mirroring the chronically nervous chiefs of state of the fragile democracies to our south.

Those who do not kowtow to the spies and generals have had a bumpy ride. FDR and Truman both faced insubordination. Dwight Eisenhower, who had served as chief of staff of the US Army, left the White House warning darkly about the "military industrial complex." (He of all presidents had reasons to know.) John Kennedy was repeatedly countermanded and double-crossed by his own supposed subordinates. The Joint Chiefs baited him; Allen Dulles despised him (more so after JFK fired him over the Bay of Pigs fiasco), and Henry Cabot Lodge, his ambassador to South Vietnam, deliberately undermined Kennedy's agenda. Kennedy called the trigger-happy generals "mad" and spoke angrily to aides of "scattering the CIA to the wind." The evidence is growing that he suffered the consequences.

In the 1950s, the late Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, a high-ranking Pentagon official, was assigned by CIA Director Allen Dulles to help place Dulles's officers under military cover throughout the federal government. As a result, Dulles not only knew what was happening before the president did, but had essentially infiltrated every corner of the president's domain. One Nixon-era Republican Party official told me that in the early 1970s, there were intelligence officers everywhere, including the White House. Nixon was unaware of the true background of many of his trusted aides, particularly those who helped drive him from office. Remember Alexander Butterfield, the so-called "military liaison," who told Congress about the White House taping system? Years later, Butterfield admitted to CIA connections.

In December 1971, Nixon learned of a military spy ring, the so-called Moorer-Radford operation, that was piping White House documents back to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Chiefs were wary of secret negotiations the president and Henry Kissinger were conducting with America's enemies, including North Vietnam, China and the USSR, and decided to keep tabs on this intrusion upon their domain. Jimmy Carter came into office as revelations of CIA abuses made headlines. He tried to dismantle the agency's dirty tricks office, but wound up instead a victim of it - and a one-term president.

Those who avoided problems - Johnson, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr. - were chief executives that made no problems for the Pentagon and intelligence chiefs. All embraced military and covert operations, expanded wars or launched their own. The agile Bill Clinton was a special case - no babe in the woods, he focused on domestic gains and pretty much steered clear of the hornets' nest.

As for the Bushes, their ascension represented a seizure of power by the national security state itself. Their family had profited from arms manufacturing for decades. The patriarch, Prescott Bush, monitored US assassination plots against foreign leaders as a senator; and records indicate that the elder George Bush had been a secret agency operative for decades before he became CIA director - and then, 12 years later, president.

Obama seems to understand his narrow range of movement, and to be carefully picking his fights. He retained many of Bush's top military brass, and even Bush's Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who himself had served as a CIA director for Bush's father. He has trod very carefully with the spy agency, and has declined to aggressively investigate Bush administration wrongdoing on torture and wiretapping. Obama's campaign rhetoric about disengaging from Iraq seems a long time ago, and the war in Afghanistan is taking on the hues of permanency.

The old boys' network is very much in place, and it is hard at work to force Obama's hand, a la Vietnam. Witness the leaking of Gen. Stanley McChrystal's supposedly "confidential report" calling for escalation in Afghanistan. The leak was, not surprisingly, to the reliable Bob Woodward. The reporter was himself in Naval Intelligence shortly before he went to work at the Washington Post, where he soon built a career around leaks from the military and spy establishment. The White House was furious at the McChrystal release. But what could it do? Presidents come and go, and the security folks have ways to hasten the latter.

Covert alliances and payments to corrupt foreign allies continue, making creative diplomacy more difficult. In late October came a front-page story that the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, suspected of being a major figure in that country's opium trade, has been on the CIA's payroll for eight years. Anyone who finds this shocking should go back and read about the CIA and the drug trade in Southeast Asia.

Throughout its six-decade history, the CIA has resisted accountability, with even some of its own nonspook directors kept in the dark about the agency's most troubling activities. As for the public's elected representatives, Nancy Pelosi is the most recent in a long line of legislators to accuse the CIA of deliberately misleading Congressional overseers.

None of this is likely to change soon, and not without a huge fight. Half a century after Ike's famous admonition, conflict and intrigue remain the engine of our economy, and everyone from private equity firms to missile makers to car and truck manufacturers count on that to continue. The homeland security industry, the most recent head to grow on this hydra, is now seeking permanency.

So Barack Obama is boxed in. But so are the American people, and so, really, is democracy itself. Bringing this inconvenient truth out in the open is the essential first step toward taking back control of our government - and our future. For all the reasons laid out here, Obama will need help. He may, in the rote formulation, hold "the most powerful office in the world." However, the extent to which he controls the government he heads, is another matter.


Russ Baker is an investigative journalist and founder of the nonprofit reporting web site His latest book, "Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years," now available in hardcover, will be published in paperback November 10. Gore Vidal calls it "one of the most important books of the past ten years."


Related articles:

Psy-ops and the fascist takeover (Nov 21, 2009)
The fascist takeover is being facilitated by a particular psy-ops strategy. The right-wing is being hyped up with all sorts of nonsense about Obama being a socialist, along with other disinformation, and so we have one segment of society that hates Obama, and opposes his programs, for all the wrong reasons. Simultaneously, we have what appears to be a strong conservative resistance in Congress to Obama's legislative agendas.  Meanwhile the left, those at whom the mainstream propaganda is aimed, are presented with an ongoing snow job regarding Obama, portraying him as a modern saint, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, spreading reconciliation and sober wisdom everywhere he goes. Those on the left look at the right, and they see a reactionary force, a popular constituency plus conservative representatives who are together preventing Obama from realizing his visions. They see a battle between good and evil, between wisdom and ignoranceŠ Obama may not be perfect, and his agendas may be flawed, but he is clearly our standard bearer in this battle. Without him on the front lines, we'd be deluged by a conservative backlash. Reality, on the other hand, is quite different than either of the propaganda lines. For example, there is no battle happening on Capital Hill over healthcare. The healthcare bill was finalized long ago by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and we're simply being presented with theater, whose final act will be the unveiling of thatbill, and whose purpose is to make us think that is the best we could get. More generally, the perceived battle between good and evil, a perception created by the effect of the psy-op campaigns aimed at left and right, is itself just theater, the final act of which will be outright fascism, and whose purpose is to distract us from the real course of events. To the extent those on the left blame the right, or those on the right blame the left, they are participating in that theater, and thereby being herded like sheep toward fascism. Obama has been groomed over the years for one particular job, he has embraced that job, and he is carrying it out with enthusiasm and skill. That job is to be the point man for ushering in global fascism, to play a key role in the transition to a world government controlled by the global financial mafia, the same folks who funded Hitler and Mussolini. His role is to project a persona of global leadership, a wise, friendly face that can make the establishment of global tyranny appear to be the onset of global harmony and reconciliation. A bit like Woodrow Wilson, whose job was to usher in the Federal Reserve, and make it appear to be to be the onset of financial stability. -- Check the 18 tenets at What is COTO?

Obama's Plans to Increase Afghanistan Troop Levels Would Leave US With No Reserve (24 November 2009)
President Barack Obama intends to announce next week that he will deploy tens of thousands of additional US troops to Afghanistan, according to numerous published reports citing unnamed administration officials, to fight an eight-year-old war that a majority of Americans do not support and numerous Democratic lawmakers say is no longer worth waging.Leaks coming out of the White House following Obama's final meeting Monday evening with top military officials, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, National Security Adviser Jim Jones, US. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry and 12 other senior members of his administration, indicate that the president will send 34,000 additional troops to the region over the next nine months, far short of the 80,000 troops Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal recommended last August. Still, the surge would bring the total number of US soldiers in Afghanistan to about 100,000 and would severely strain an already stretched military.Indeed, as Spencer Ackerman noted last week in an investigative report published in The Washington Independent, "If President Obama orders an additional 30,000 to 40,000 troops to Afghanistan, he will be deploying practically every available US Army brigade to war, leaving few units in reserve in case of an unforeseen emergency and further stressing a force that has seen repeated combat deployments since 2002. CLIP

Obama's Profile in Courage, or Cave-In? (27 November 2009)
"It took a lot of courage on Kennedy's part to defy the Pentagon, defy the military - and do the right thing," (...) The good news for today comes from press reporting that top officials of the Obama administration, including the President, have read Goldstein's book. Applying Kennedy's challenge on Vietnam to Obama's on Afghanistan, a Wall Street Journal report of Oct. 7 noted, "For opponents of a major troop increase Š 'Lessons in Disaster' encapsulates their concerns about accepting military advice unchallenged." Obama Must Decide - There are hints that Obama is more Chicago than Harvard - and that, like Kennedy, he carries casualty figures around in his conscience. His late-night, early-morning appearance at Dover Air Force Base to salute what the Washington Post calls "transfer cases" coming home from the war is, I believe, a telling sign. Obama knows they are not just "transfer cases." This young President, too, is a "clever lad;" he is also a politician. Intellectually, he is surely equipped to understand the March of Folly that would be involved, were he to send substantial additional forces to Afghanistan. Moreover, Obama is surely aware that the majority of Americans are no longer deceived by the pundits at Fox News. Recent polls show broader and broader popular opposition to sending more troops. The choice, in my view, is between courage anchored in a determination to do the right thing and cowardice cloaked in the politics of the possible. Let me guess what you're thinking - "But that's asking too much of a young President; cowardice is too strong a word; Obama cannot possibly face down the entire military establishment."John Kennedy did. So the question is whether Barack Obama is "no Jack Kennedy," or whether he will summon the courage to stand up to the misguided military brass of today. We are talking, after all, about thousands more being killed - and for what? CLIP



The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain

November 24, 2009

From Porter Stansberry in the S&A Digest:

It's one of those numbers that's so unbelievable you have to actually think about it for a while... Within the next 12 months, the U.S. Treasury will have to refinance $2 trillion in short-term debt. And that's not counting any additional deficit spending, which is estimated to be around $1.5 trillion. Put the two numbers together. Then ask yourself, how in the world can the Treasury borrow $3.5 trillion in only one year? That's an amount equal to nearly 30% of our entire GDP. And we're the world's biggest economy. Where will the money come from?

How did we end up with so much short-term debt? Like most entities that have far too much debt - whether subprime borrowers, GM, Fannie, or GE - the U.S. Treasury has tried to minimize its interest burden by borrowing for short durations and then "rolling over" the loans when they come due. As they say on Wall Street, "a rolling debt collects no moss." What they mean is, as long as you can extend the debt, you have no problem. Unfortunately, that leads folks to take on ever greater amounts of debtŠ at ever shorter durationsŠ at ever lower interest rates. Sooner or later, the creditors wake up and ask themselves: What are the chances I will ever actually be repaid? And that's when the trouble starts. Interest rates go up dramatically. Funding costs soar. The party is over. Bankruptcy is next.

When governments go bankrupt it's called "a default." Currency speculators figured out how to accurately predict when a country would default. Two well-known economists - Alan Greenspan and Pablo Guidotti - published the secret formula in a 1999 academic paper. That's why the formula is called the Greenspan-Guidotti rule. The rule states: To avoid a default, countries should maintain hard currency reserves equal to at least 100% of their short-term foreign debt maturities. The world's largest money management firm, PIMCO, explains the rule this way: "The minimum benchmark of reserves equal to at least 100% of short-term external debt is known as the Greenspan-Guidotti rule. Greenspan-Guidotti is perhaps the single concept of reserve adequacy that has the most adherents and empirical support."

The principle behind the rule is simple. If you can't pay off all of your foreign debts in the next 12 months, you're a terrible credit risk. Speculators are going to target your bonds and your currency, making it impossible to refinance your debts. A default is assured.

So how does America rank on the Greenspan-Guidotti scale? It's a guaranteed default. The U.S. holds gold, oil, and foreign currency in reserve. The U.S. has 8,133.5 metric tonnes of gold (it is the world's largest holder). That's 16,267,000 pounds. At current dollar values, it's worth around $300 billion. The U.S. strategic petroleum reserve shows a current total position of 725 million barrels. At current dollar prices, that's roughly $58 billion worth of oil. And according to the IMF, the U.S. has $136 billion in foreign currency reserves. So altogether... that's around $500 billion of reserves. Our short-term foreign debts are far bigger.

According to the U.S. Treasury, $2 trillion worth of debt will mature in the next 12 months. So looking only at short-term debt, we know the Treasury will have to finance at least $2 trillion worth of maturing debt in the next 12 months. That might not cause a crisis if we were still funding our national debt internally. But since 1985, we've been a net debtor to the world. Today, foreigners own 44% of all our debts, which means we owe foreign creditors at least $880 billion in the next 12 months - an amount far larger than our reserves.

Keep in mind, this only covers our existing debts. The Office of Management and Budget is predicting a $1.5 trillion budget deficit over the next year. That puts our total funding requirements on the order of $3.5 trillion over the next 12 months.

SoŠ where will the money come from? Total domestic savings in the U.S. are only around $600 billion annually. Even if we all put every penny of our savings into U.S. Treasury debt, we're still going to come up nearly $3 trillion short. That's an annual funding requirement equal to roughly 40% of GDP. Where is the money going to come from? From our foreign creditors? Not according to Greenspan-Guidotti. And not according to the Indian or the Russian central bank, which have stopped buying Treasury bills and begun to buy enormous amounts of gold. The Indians bought 200 metric tonnes this month. Sources in Russia say the central bank there will double its gold reserves.

So where will the money come from? The printing press. The Federal Reserve has already monetized nearly $2 trillion worth of Treasury debt and mortgage debt. This weakens the value of the dollar and devalues our existing Treasury bonds. Sooner or later, our creditors will face a stark choice: Hold our bonds and continue to see the value diminish slowly, or try to escape to gold and see the value of their U.S. bonds plummet.

One thing they're not going to do is buy more of our debt. Which central banks will abandon the dollar next? Brazil, Korea, and Chile. These are the three largest central banks that own the least amount of gold. None own even 1% of their total reserves in gold.

I examined these issues in much greater detail in the most recent issue of my newsletter, Porter Stansberry's Investment Advisory, which we published last Friday. Coincidentally, the New York Times repeated our warnings - nearly word for word - in its paper today. (They didn't mention Greenspan-Guidotti, however... It's a real secret of international speculators.)


Related articles:

U.S. bankruptcies rise 33 percent in third quarter (Nov 25, 2009)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. bankruptcy filings rose 33 percent in the third quarter to the highest number since 2005, government data show, as rising unemployment and tight credit made it more difficult for consumers and businesses to stay current on their debts."With unemployment surpassing 10 percent and credit to businesses remaining tight, consumers and businesses are increasingly turning to the financial relief of bankruptcy," said Samuel Gerdano, executive director of the nonpartisan American Bankruptcy Institute, in a statement.There were 388,485 filings in the July-to-September period, up from 292,291 a year earlier and up 2 percent from the second quarter's 381,073, according to data released Wednesday by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.Consumer filings rose 33 percent to 373,308 from 280,787 a year earlier, while business filings increased 32 percent to 15,177 from 11,504.For the first nine months of 2009, there were 1,100,035 bankruptcy filings, up 35 percent from a year earlier. The 45,510 business bankruptcies in that period surpass the 43,546 total for the entire 2008 year. CLIP

This time, the gold bugs might be right (Nov. 26, 2009)
(...) The dollar printing presses are running flat out, increasing the buck glut like never before. The so-called M1 supply - cash in circulation and banks' transaction deposits - is almost $2-trillion, about double the level of early 2008. A graph comparing gold prices with M1 would show the two roughly track each other and both have gone nearly straight up this year. If you think the money supply in the United States, Europe, Russia, China and Japan will soon contract, gold might not be the best investment. There is no indication this will happen in the near future. Gold buyers seem convinced that the soaring levels of debt in the United States, the record fiscal and monetary stimulus, the rock-bottom interest rates and the tsunami waves of government bond sales will help to push the dollar ever lower, making gold increasingly attractive. In the United States, total gross public debt as a percentage of GDP will exceed 97 per cent next year, up from about 61 per cent in 2006. Total consolidated debt (government, corporate and personal), excluding the liabilities of the financial sector, are 350 per cent. This is not a healthy balance sheet. Deficits are more likely to rise than fall, because politicians are under pressure to keep the stimulus taps open as unemployment rates rise. Low bond yields make the spending all the more attractive. The big industrialized countries will need to sell more than $12-trillion worth of government bonds this year and next to fund the fiscal spending, the Financial Times reported.Governments may try to inflate the debt away. If it doesn't work, they will have only two choices - service the debt or default. The chances of a default are very slim, of course. But note that the volume of credit default swaps linked to the United States, Japan and Britain, which measure the cost of insuring against bond defaults in those countries, has doubled in the past year. Defaults, real or potential, are not kind to currencies. The rise in gold prices may be just getting started.

How to predict the price of gold (November 25, 2009)
Long-term readers know that gold moves inversely to the dollar, meaning if the dollar drops, gold tends to rise (and vice versa). This happens with about 80% regularity. But what many gold writers haven't acknowledged is the leveraged movement our favorite metal has demonstrated this year to the world's reserve currency. The U.S. dollar index, a six-currency gauge of the greenback's value, has dropped 7.1% so far this year. Meanwhile, gold is up 34% year-to-date. In other words, for every 1% drop in the dollar index, gold has risen 4.7%. If that approximate percentage holds over time, one can begin to estimate what the gold price might be if you know what the dollar might do. CLIP

Is this bye-bye Dubai? (27 Nov 2009) BIG DOMINO ABOUT TO FALL...
Dubai dazzled the world with its extravagance and excess. Now it wants to defer its debts. What went wrong, asks Richard Spencer. (...) In a nutshell, the government was asking banks to let two of Dubai's most famous companies hold off on their mortgage payments. Since they are state-owned, the announcement suggested the city itself was in trouble: governments aren't supposed to default on their debts, and when they do - as Argentina did in 2001 - it causes chaos around the world.Yesterday, the creditors didn't know whether to laugh or cry. On the one hand, this is an undoubtedly serious situation. Western banks, and the construction firms that built those castles in the sand, are exposed to serious amounts of money. Dubai's total government owings are officially $80 billion, unofficially twice that, and the cash flow to pay that back is a mystery. More to the point, confidence had returned to the city's dealings, its companies were rehiring, precisely on the same assumptions that have seen rising property prices in London and rising stock markets everywhere. The crisis was over, meltdown averted, and growth was back.But if Dubai's revival turns out to be fake, perhaps the rest is, too? Yesterday, share prices around the world fell as the news was absorbed. One analyst asked whether this was the "new Lehman brothers". CLIP

Dubai debt worries grip financial markets (27 Nov 2009)
Asian shares slumped on Friday and government bond prices jumped as fears that Dubai could default on its debt gripped investors. Markets across the world have been rattled since Dubai World, the government investment company behind some of the emirate's most ambitious projects, said on Wednesday it was seeking to delay repayment on a tranche of its debt. (...) Traders feared that the request for a six-month standstill was a sign that the Dubai Government was struggling with its other debts - and that the full impact of the financial crisis globally may not yet be over. (...) Dubai has been among the most dramatic victims of the credit crunch, with property prices halving from their highs in September 2008, leaving a huge overhang of debt. Dubai borrowed $80bn in a four-year construction spree designed to turn its economy into a Middle Eastern powerhouse of finance and tourism. CLIP MANY MORE RELATED STORIES THROUGH THIS LINK

Stocks slide on concerns about Dubai debt fallout (November 27, 2009)
Stocks skidded Friday as concern swept world markets that financial trouble in the Middle Eastern city-state of Dubai will upend a global economic recovery.

Dubai crisis: European stocks dip most in 7 months (27 November 2009)
European stocks plummeted the most in seven months amid concern Dubai's proposal to delay debt payments may trigger the biggest sovereign default since Argentina in 2001.  (...) The cost of protecting government notes from Qatar to Saudi Arabia rose the most since June as Dubai World, with $59 billion of liabilities, sought a "standstill" agreement from creditors. Dubai borrowed $80 billion in a four-year construction boom that reduced its reliance on falling oil supplies and created the region's tourism and financial hub.  (...) World's more than 70 creditors face the prospect of writedowns on as much as $60 billion of debt if they haven't unloaded their holdings and the state-owned company fails to win additional support from Abu Dhabi. Lenders include Credit Suisse Group AG, HSBC Holdings Plc, Barclays Plc, Lloyds Banking Group Plc and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, according to a person familiar with the situation.

Skiing in Dubai

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Forwarded by Zackoree Harrison ( who wrote: "Naomi has a few things to say about the upcoming United Nations summit on climate change in Copenhagen. I think the thing that comes to mind is that "the people united will never be defeated". I can see people all over the world "Standing in their Light" as this summit convenes, with the intention that that light will be overarching those who are on the front lines of Planetary change."

Listen to Naomi Klein who was on on The Hour last Nov 25. 09 (jump at 5 min 15 sec where it begins)

From: Naomi Klein's Newsletter (
Date: Nov 16, 2009
Subject: No Logo Turns Ten, A New Movement Brewing

Revisiting No Logo: A message from Naomi

Ten years ago, on November 30, 1999, tens of thousands of protestors shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. The activists were not against trade or globalization, despite the many misleading claims in the mainstream media. They were against a system of deregulated capitalism that was spreading around the world.

At the time of the Seattle protests, my first book, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, was at the printer. The book tracked the ascendency of the "superbrands" as well as the first signs of a new fight back against corporate power. It was good timing for an author-activist: I had the rare privilege of watching my book become useful to a movement I believed could change the world.

On the ten-year anniversary of the Seattle protests, with anger mounting at the open collusion between corporations and governments, I am rereleasing No Logo with an extended new introduction. Among other developments, the new essay looks at the unprecedented bailout of Wall Street, as well as the rise of the Obama Brand (the most powerful brand in the world right now) and examines the troubling gaps between its marketing and reality.

But I don't think this is a time for nostalgia. A new wave of exciting "climate justice" activism is underway in the lead up to the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, one that builds on many of the networks born in Seattle. As I write in Rolling Stone (full article below), for activists, Copenhagen "represents a chance to seize the political terrain back from business-friendly half-measures, such as carbon offsets and emissions trading, and introduce some effective, common-sense proposals-ideas that have less to do with creating complex new markets for pollution and more to do with keeping coal and oil in the ground."

Please take a look at the articles below, as well as a "from the archives" op-ed on Seattle, and follow the links to the many incredible climate action campaigns underway.

Happy Anniversary!


The 10th Anniversary edition of No Logo will be available in the US and Canada on mid-November and in the UK in January. You can pre-order your copy.

Scroll to the end of this newsletter for more updates including: a documentary from the streets of Honduras, filmed only days after Zelaya smuggled himself back into the country.



Copenhagen: Seattle Grows Up
By Naomi Klein, The Nation, November 12, 2009

The other day I received a pre-publication copy of
The Battle of the Story of the Battle of Seattle, by David Solnit and Rebecca Solnit. It's set to come out ten years after a historic coalition of activists shut down the World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, the spark that ignited a global anticorporate movement.

The book is a fascinating account of what really happened in Seattle, but when I spoke to David Solnit, the direct-action guru who helped engineer the shutdown, I found him less interested in reminiscing about 1999 than in talking about the upcoming United Nations climate change summit in Copenhagen and the "climate justice" actions he is helping to organize across the United States on
November 30
. "This is definitely a Seattle-type moment," Solnit told me. "People are ready to throw down."

There is certainly a Seattle quality to the Copenhagen mobilization: the
huge range of groups that will be there; the diverse tactics that will be on display; and the developing-country governments ready to bring activist demands into the summit. But Copenhagen is not merely a Seattle do-over. It feels, instead, as though the progressive tectonic plates are shifting, creating a movement that builds on the strengths of an earlier era but also learns from its mistakes.

The big criticism of the movement the media insisted on calling "anti-globalization" was always that it had a laundry list of grievances and few concrete alternatives. The movement converging on Copenhagen, in contrast, is about a single issue-climate change-but it weaves a coherent narrative about its cause, and its cures, that incorporates virtually every issue on the planet. In this narrative, our climate is changing not simply because of particular polluting practices but because of the underlying logic of capitalism, which values short-term profit and perpetual growth above all else. Our governments would have us believe that the same logic can now be harnessed to solve the climate crisis-by creating a tradable commodity called "carbon" and by transforming forests and farmland into "sinks" that will supposedly offset our runaway emissions.

Climate-justice activists in Copenhagen will argue that, far from solving the climate crisis, carbon-trading represents an unprecedented privatization of the atmosphere, and that offsets and sinks threaten to become a resource grab of colonial proportions. Not only will these "market-based solutions" fail to solve the climate crisis, but this failure will dramatically deepen poverty and inequality, because the poorest and most vulnerable people are the primary victims of climate change-as well as the primary guinea pigs for these emissions-trading schemes.

But activists in Copenhagen won't simply say no to all this. They will aggressively advance solutions that simultaneously reduce emissions and narrow inequality. Unlike at previous summits, where alternatives seemed like an afterthought, in Copenhagen the alternatives will take center stage. For instance, the direct-action coalition
Climate Justice Action has called on activists to storm the conference center on December 16. Many will do this as part of the "bike bloc," riding together on an as yet unrevealed "irresistible new machine of resistance" made up of hundreds of old bicycles. The goal of the action is not to shut down the summit, Seattle-style, but to open it up, transforming it into "a space to talk about our agenda, an agenda from below, an agenda of climate justice, of real solutions against their false onesŠ. This day will be ours."

Some of the solutions on offer from the activist camp are the same ones the global justice movement has been championing for years: local, sustainable agriculture; smaller, decentralized power projects; respect for indigenous land rights; leaving fossil fuels in the ground; loosening protections on green technology; and paying for these transformations by taxing financial transactions and canceling foreign debts. Some solutions are new, like the mounting demand that rich countries pay
"climate debt" reparations to the poor. These are tall orders, but we have all just seen the kind of resources our governments can marshal when it comes to saving the elites. As one pre-Copenhagen slogan puts it: "If the climate were a bank, it would have been saved"-not abandoned to the brutality of the market.

In addition to the coherent narrative and the focus on alternatives, there are plenty of other changes too: a more thoughtful approach to direct action, one that recognizes the urgency to do more than just talk but is determined not to play into the tired scripts of cops-versus-protesters. "Our action is one of civil disobedience," say the organizers of the December 16 action. "We will overcome any physical barriers that stand in our way-but we will not respond with violence if the police to escalate the situation." (That said, there is no way the two week summit will not include a few running battles between cops and kids in black; this is Europe, after all.)

A decade ago, in an op-ed in the New York Times published after Seattle was shut down, I wrote that a new movement advocating a radically different form of globalization "just had its coming-out party." What will be the significance of Copenhagen? I put that question to John Jordan, whose prediction of what eventually happened in Seattle I quoted in my book
No Logo. He replied: "If Seattle was the movement of movements' coming-out party, then maybe Copenhagen will be a celebration of our coming of age."

He cautions, however, that growing up doesn't mean playing it safe, eschewing civil disobedience in favor of staid meetings. "I hope we have grown up to become much more disobedient," Jordan said, "because life on this world of ours may well be terminated because of too many acts of obedience."


Related article:

Rebels in Search of Rules
Read Naomi's original op-ed about the WTO Shutdown in Seattle in 1999, published in the New York Times, December 2, 1999


Seattle+10 = Copenhagen
The Mobilization for Climate Justice invites communities, organizations and activists across North America to join them in organizing mass action on climate change on November 30, 2009 (N30). N30 is significant because it both immediately precedes the upcoming UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen (COP-15) and is the ten-year anniversary of the successful shut down of the WTO in Seattle, when activists worldwide came together to demonstrate the power of collective action. The Copenhagen climate meetings will be a major focus for international mass actions this November and December. If you want to learn more about the N30 activist campaign, about the anniversary of Seattle and linking it to Copenhagen, please see the links on Climate Justice Action's website.



As the world's biggest companies and their friends in government continue to fight a transition to more just and sustainable ways of living, climate change threatens to turn our world upside down with water shortages, crop failures, sea level rise and ecosystem collapse.  A million species face extinction by the end of the century, and the people who have contributed least to the problem will continue to be the hardest hit.  What can be done at this critical juncture, with our future at stake?

Throughout history, social change has come about when regular people get fed up with business as usual, get organized, and take to the streets.  If we leave climate solutions up to politicians and corporations, then we will lose - not just a political battle, but the life-support systems of the planet. Time is running out to avert the worst impacts of climate change: the time to act is now.

A broad coalition of organizations working for social, ecological, racial and economic justice has come together under the banner of the Mobilization for Climate Justice. Join us as we organize mass action on climate change on November 30, 2009! November 30 (N30) is significant both because it immediately precedes the upcoming UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen and is the ten-year anniversary of the protests that shut down of the World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle, demonstrating the incredible power of collective action.

Every indication is that any agreement that emerges from Copenhagen will be nothing more than business as usual-sacrificing real emissions reductions in favor of market-based approaches that enhance corporate profits while delaying a transition away from fossil fuels. The current approach to climate change in the UN, and in the US Congress, is based on the creation of a new market in carbon emissions.  Carbon trading (aka "cap and trade") and carbon offsets do not address the root causes of global warming, nor do they reduce emissions. They are designed by and for corporations, and are a dangerous distraction that should be abandoned.

We urgently need to implement real solutions like ending excessive consumption, keeping fossil fuels in the ground, re-localizing production and consumption, and drastically reducing greenhouse emissions.  We must also protect the rights of workers, displaced peoples, and others affected by the transition.

In recent months, people of the world have taken valiant action for climate solutions. On Oct. 24th, people in 181 countries staged over 5,200 actions calling for global action on climate change. And on November 4, African delegates walked out of pre-Copenhagen negotiations in Barcelona - demanding that rich countries commit to deeper and faster emissions cuts - while European activists used civil disobedience to disrupt the talks.

And now, we're asking you to join us in taking the next step - a global day of action for climate justice on Monday, November 30, 2009. Take the day off, get together with friends, and take a stand for real, just and effective solutions to the climate crisis!


CLIP - please go at to see what you can do.



Climate Rage

By Naomi Klein, November 11, 2009

The only way to stop global warming is for rich nations to pay for the damage they've done - or face the consequences.

One last chance to save the world-for months, that's how the United Nations summit on climate change in Copenhagen, which starts in early December, was being hyped. Officials from 192 countries were finally going to make a deal to keep global temperatures below catastrophic levels. The summit called for "that old comic-book sensibility of uniting in the face of a common danger threatening the Earth," said Todd Stern, President Obama's chief envoy on climate issues. "It's not a meteor or a space invader, but the damage to our planet, to our community, to our children and their children will be just as great."

That was back in March. Since then, the endless battle over health care reform has robbed much of the president's momentum on climate change. With Copenhagen now likely to begin before Congress has passed even a weak-ass climate bill co-authored by the coal lobby, U.S. politicians have dropped the superhero metaphors and are scrambling to lower expectations for achieving a serious deal at the climate summit. It's just one meeting, says U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, not "the be-all and end-all."

As faith in government action dwindles, however, climate activists are treating Copenhagen as an opportunity of a different kind. On track to be the largest environmental gathering in history, the summit represents a chance to seize the political terrain back from business-friendly half-measures, such as carbon offsets and emissions trading, and introduce some effective, common-sense proposals- ideas that have less to do with creating complex new markets for pollution and more to do with keeping coal and oil in the ground.

Among the smartest and most promising-not to mention controversial-proposals is "climate debt," the idea that rich countries should pay reparations to poor countries for the climate crisis. In the world of climate-change activism, this marks a dramatic shift in both tone and content. American environmentalism tends to treat global warming as a force that transcends difference: We all share this fragile blue planet, so we all need to work together to save it. But the coalition of Latin American and African governments making the case for climate debt actually stresses difference, zeroing in on the cruel contrast between those who caused the climate crisis (the developed world) and those who are suffering its worst effects (the developing world). Justin Lin, chief economist at the World Bank, puts the equation bluntly: "About 75 to 80 percent" of the damages caused by global warming "will be suffered by developing countries, although they only contribute about one-third of greenhouse gases."

Climate debt is about who will pick up the bill. The grass-roots movement behind the proposal argues that all the costs associated with adapting to a more hostile ecology-everything from building stronger sea walls to switching to cleaner, more expensive technologies-are the responsibility of the countries that created the crisis. "What we need is not something we should be begging for but something that is owed to us, because we are dealing with a crisis not of our making," says Lidy Nacpil, one of the coordinators of Jubilee South, an international organization that has staged demonstrations to promote climate reparations. "Climate debt is not a matter of charity."

Sharon Looremeta, an advocate for Maasai tribespeople in Kenya who have lost at least 5 million cattle to drought in recent years, puts it in even sharper terms. "The Maasai community does not drive 4x4s or fly off on holidays in airplanes," she says. "We have not caused climate change, yet we are the ones suffering. This is an injustice and should be stopped right now."

The case for climate debt begins like most discussions of climate change: with the science. Before the Industrial Revolution, the density of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere-the key cause of global warming-was about 280 parts per million. Today, it has reached 387 ppm-far above safe limits-and it's still rising. Developed countries, which represent less than 20 percent of the world's population, have emitted almost 75 percent of all greenhouse-gas pollution that is now destabilizing the climate. (The U.S. alone, which comprises barely five percent of the global population, contributes 25 percent of all carbon emissions.) And while developing countries like China and India have also begun to spew large amounts of carbon dioxide, the reasoning goes, they are not equally responsible for the cost of the cleanup, because they have contributed only a small fraction of the 200 years of cumulative pollution that has caused the crisis.

In Latin America, left-wing economists have long argued that Western powers owe a vaguely defined "ecological debt" to the continent for centuries of colonial land-grabs and resource extraction. But the emerging argument for climate debt is far more concrete, thanks to a relatively new body of research putting precise figures on who emitted what and when. "What is exciting," says Antonio Hill, senior climate adviser at Oxfam, "is you can really put numbers on it. We can measure it in tons of CO2 and come up with a cost."

Equally important, the idea is supported by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change-ratified by 192 countries, including the United States. The framework not only asserts that "the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated in developed countries," it clearly states that actions taken to fix the problem should be made "on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities."

The reparations movement has brought together a diverse coalition of big international organizations, from Friends of the Earth to the World Council of Churches, that have joined up with climate scientists and political economists, many of them linked to the influential Third World Network, which has been leading the call. Until recently, however, there was no government pushing for climate debt to be included in the Copenhagen agreement. That changed in June, when Angelica Navarro, the chief climate negotiator for Bolivia, took the podium at a U.N. climate negotiation in Bonn, Germany. Only 36 and dressed casually in a black sweater, Navarro looked more like the hippies outside than the bureaucrats and civil servants inside the session. Mixing the latest emissions science with accounts of how melting glaciers were threatening the water supply in two major Bolivian cities, Navarro made the case for why developing countries are owed massive compensation for the climate crisis.

"Millions of people-in small islands, least-developed countries, landlocked countries as well as vulnerable communities in Brazil, India and China, and all around the world-are suffering from the effects of a problem to which they did not contribute," Navarro told the packed room. In addition to facing an increasingly hostile climate, she added, countries like Bolivia cannot fuel economic growth with cheap and dirty energy, as the rich countries did, since that would only add to the climate crisis-yet they cannot afford the heavy upfront costs of switching to renewable energies like wind and solar.

The solution, Navarro argued, is three-fold. Rich countries need to pay the costs associated with adapting to a changing climate, make deep cuts to their own emission levels "to make atmospheric space available" for the developing world, and pay Third World countries to leapfrog over fossil fuels and go straight to cleaner alternatives. "We cannot and will not give up our rightful claim to a fair share of atmospheric space on the promise that, at some future stage, technology will be provided to us," she said.

The speech galvanized activists across the world. In recent months, the governments of Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Paraguay and Malaysia have endorsed the concept of climate debt. More than 240 environmental and development organizations have signed a statement calling for wealthy nations to pay their climate debt, and 49 of the world's least-developed countries will take the demand to Copenhagen as a negotiating bloc.

"If we are to curb emissions in the next decade, we need a massive mobilization larger than any in history," Navarro declared at the end of her talk. "We need a Marshall Plan for the Earth. This plan must mobilize financing and technology transfer on scales never seen before. It must get technology onto the ground in every country to ensure we reduce emissions while raising people's quality of life. We have only a decade."

A very expensive decade. The World Bank puts the cost that developing countries face from climate change-everything from crops destroyed by drought and floods to malaria spread by mosquito-infested waters-as high as $100 billion a year. And shifting to renewable energy, according to a team of United Nations researchers, will raise the cost far more: to as much as $600 billion a year over the next decade.

Unlike the recent bank bailouts, however, which simply transferred public wealth to the world's richest financial institutions, the money spent on climate debt would fuel a global environmental transformation essential to saving the entire planet. The most exciting example of what could be accomplished is the ongoing effort to protect Ecuador's Yasuní National Park. This extraordinary swath of Amazonian rainforest, which is home to several indigenous tribes and a surreal number of rare and exotic animals, contains nearly as many species of trees in 2.5 acres as exist in all of North America. The catch is that underneath that riot of life sits an estimated 850 million barrels of crude oil, worth about $7 billion. Burning that oil-and logging the rainforest to get it- would add another 547 million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Two years ago, Ecuador's center-left president, Rafael Correa, said something very rare for the leader of an oil-exporting nation: He wanted to leave the oil in the ground. But, he argued, wealthy countries should pay Ecuador-where half the population lives in poverty-not to release that carbon into the atmosphere, as "compensation for the damages caused by the out-of-proportion amount of historical and current emissions of greenhouse gases." He didn't ask for the entire amount; just half. And he committed to spending much of the money to move Ecuador to alternative energy sources like solar and geothermal.

Largely because of the beauty of the Yasuní, the plan has generated widespread international support. Germany has already offered $70 million a year for 13 years, and several other European governments have expressed interest in participating. If Yasuní is saved, it will demonstrate that climate debt isn't just a disguised ploy for more aid-it's a far more credible solution to the climate crisis than the ones we have now. "This initiative needs to succeed," says Atossa Soltani, executive director of Amazon Watch. "I think we can set a model for other countries."

Activists point to a huge range of other green initiatives that would become possible if wealthy countries paid their climate debts. In India, mini power plants that run on biomass and solar power could bring low-carbon electricity to many of the 400 million Indians currently living without a light bulb. In cities from Cairo to Manila, financial support could be given to the armies of impoverished "trash pickers" who save as much as 80 percent of municipal waste in some areas from winding up in garbage dumps and trash incinerators that release planet-warming pollution. And on a much larger scale, coal-fired power plants across the developing world could be converted into more efficient facilities using existing technology, cutting their emissions by more than a third.

But to ensure that climate reparations are real, advocates insist, they must be independent of the current system of international aid. Climate money cannot simply be diverted from existing aid programs, such as primary education or HIV prevention. What's more, the funds must be provided as grants, not loans, since the last thing developing countries need is more debt. Furthermore, the money should not be administered by the usual suspects like the World Bank and USAID, which too often push pet projects based on Western agendas, but must be controlled by the United Nations climate convention, where developing countries would have a direct say in how the money is spent.

Without such guarantees, reparations will be meaningless-and without reparations, the climate talks in Copenhagen will likely collapse. As it stands, the U.S. and other Western nations are engaged in a lose-lose game of chicken with developing nations like India and China: We refuse to lower our emissions unless they cut theirs and submit to international monitoring, and they refuse to budge unless wealthy nations cut first and cough up serious funding to help them adapt to climate change and switch to clean energy. "No money, no deal," is how one of South Africa's top environmental officials put it. "If need be," says Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, speaking on behalf of the African Union, "we are prepared to walk out."

In the past, President Obama has recognized the principle on which climate debt rests. "Yes, the developed nations that caused much of the damage to our climate over the last century still have a responsibility to lead," he acknowledged in his September speech at the United Nations. "We have a responsibility to provide the financial and technical assistance needed to help these nations adapt to the impacts of climate change and pursue low-carbon development."

Yet as Copenhagen draws near, the U.S. negotiating position appears to be to pretend that 200 years of over-emissions never happened. Todd Stern, the chief U.S. climate negotiator, has scoffed at a Chinese and African proposal that developed countries pay as much as $400 billion a year in climate financing as "wildly unrealistic" and "untethered to reality." Yet he put no alternative number on the table-unlike the European Union, which has offered to kick in up to $22 billion. U.S. negotiators have even suggested that countries could fund climate debt by holding periodic "pledge parties," making it clear that they see covering the costs of climate change as a matter of whimsy, not duty.

But shunning the high price of climate change carries a cost of its own. U.S. military and intelligence agencies now consider global warming a leading threat to national security. As sea levels rise and droughts spread, competition for food and water will only increase in many of the world's poorest nations. These regions will become "breeding grounds for instability, for insurgencies, for warlords," according to a 2007 study for the Center for Naval Analyses led by Gen. Anthony Zinni, the former Centcom commander. To keep out millions of climate refugees fleeing hunger and conflict, a report commissioned by the Pentagon in 2003 predicted that the U.S. and other rich nations would likely decide to "build defensive fortresses around their countries."

Setting aside the morality of building high-tech fortresses to protect ourselves from a crisis we inflicted on the world, those enclaves and resource wars won't come cheap. And unless we pay our climate debt, and quickly, we may well find ourselves living in a world of climate rage. "Privately, we already hear the simmering resentment of diplomats whose countries bear the costs of our emissions," Sen. John Kerry observed recently. "I can tell you from my own experience: It is real, and it is prevalent. It's not hard to see how this could crystallize into a virulent, dangerous, public anti-Americanism. That's a threat too. Remember: The very places least responsible for climate change-and least equipped to deal with its impacts-will be among the very worst affected."

That, in a nutshell, is the argument for climate debt. The developing world has always had plenty of reasons to be pissed off with their northern neighbors, with our tendency to overthrow their governments, invade their countries and pillage their natural resources. But never before has there been an issue so politically inflammatory as the refusal of people living in the rich world to make even small sacrifices to avert a potential climate catastrophe. In Bangladesh, the Maldives, Bolivia, the Arctic, our climate pollution is directly responsible for destroying entire ways of life-yet we keep doing it.

From outside our borders, the climate crisis doesn't look anything like the meteors or space invaders that Todd Stern imagined hurtling toward Earth. It looks, instead, like a long and silent war waged by the rich against the poor. And for that, regardless of what happens in Copenhagen, the poor will continue to demand their rightful reparations. "This is about the rich world taking responsibility for the damage done," says Ilana Solomon, policy analyst for ActionAid USA, one of the groups recently converted to the cause. "This money belongs to poor communities affected by climate change. It is their compensation."

And if you missed Naomi's October column in The Nation, it's here: "Obama's Bad Influence," in which she deconstructs the myth that America has embarked on a new era of enlightened multilateralism.

Note from Jean: Among the many comments posted there, two stood out to me:

"An interesting article, but how do we calculate how much we owe, and how do we value the contributions the developed world has made to the undeveloped world (see kmalloy's comments, preceding). And reading the preceding comments, one can see the difficult politics that would be involved with paying reparations. And if we paid reparations, how would we insure that the money wouldn't just go into the plutocrat's pockets? A much better use of the money is to utilize what got us into this mess to get us out of it: technology. Capturing and sequestrating CO2 at power plants, and scrubbing it out of the atmosphere are technologies that could be developed with the 100's of billions of dollars mentioned in this article. See for an overview article.  And as for that $7 billion dollars of oil beneath the park in Ecuador? It's only worth $7 billion if the price of oil is high. Cheap solar energy could change that and make the world a better place, while allowing us to thumb our noses at the oil barons of the Middle East. Development of these technologies is how we should pay reparations to the undeveloped world."

"Retrofitting coal plants is a waste of time and energy - just shut them down and use the reparation aid to finance the construction of solar and wind power, sustainable local biofuel/biomaterial projects that would complement food production (hedgerows, etc), water systems that don't rely on fossil fuels, and so on. What Naomi Klein leaves out here, in her otherwise excellent piece, is the ability of large-scale renewable energy projects to provide demand for communities as big as Nairobi and Mexico City - as well as all of Europe.You might view these as exploitative megaprojects ill suited to local needs - but for many regions, it's a great option. It requires something new, though - cooperation between environmentalists and renewable energy industrialists."

Watch Avi Lewis's Documentary on the Crisis in Honduras

Avi Lewis traveled to Honduras only days after Zelaya smuggled himself into the country and only 100 days after the country experienced only the second coup in Central America since the end of the Cold War. In this Fault Lines program for Al Jazeera English, he chronicles how social movements are mobilizing in the streets, standing up to repression not just to bring their president back, but to re-found their nation on more equal terms. You can watch the show on YouTube: Part I and Part 2.

To subscribe to this newsletter, visit Naomi is also on Facebook.

Note from Jean: I checked some of her many Facebook entries and discovered this most interesting video interview of her...

Naomi on The Rachel Maddow Show

Check also:

Pap and Naomi Klein on Climate Debt (Nov 12, 2009)
While industrialized countries like the United States, China, and India continue to argue over the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, small, underdeveloped countries are already starting to feel the effects of global climate change. The worst part is that these countries have done very little to contribute to the problem, yet they're the ones who are paying the price. Ring of Fires next guest says that the US and other carbon emitting countries need to be footing the bill to protect these areas, by what's known as climate debt. Mike Papantonio talks about this concept with Naomi Klein, author of the best-selling book "The Shock Doctrine."

Many other videos with Naomi Klein HERE


Related articles:

U.S., China revive hopes of deal at climate talks (Nov 18, 2009)
Hu, Obama for pact that will include binding emission cuts for developed countries, mitigation activities for others -- BEIJING: The United States and China have lent their support to achieving a legally-binding agreement at the Copenhagen climate talks next month, reviving hopes of a deal being reached. After talks between U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, the two countries said in a joint statement they would support a deal that would include binding reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions for developed countries, and "nationally appropriate" mitigation activities for developing countries."Our aim there... is not a partial accord or a political declaration, but rather an accord that covers all of the issues in the negotiations and one that has immediate operational effect," Mr. Obama said.Chances of reaching a deal that will impose binding emission targets appear to have receded in recent weeks. Lowering expectations, many countries have suggested that a political statement, and not a binding agreement, was the more likely outcome. On Sunday, leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Singapore, including Mr. Obama and Mr. Hu, played down chances of a deal. But the two leaders on Tuesday struck a different note, voicing strong support for a "comprehensive" agreement that would "rally the world." CLIP

Africa agrees on secret climate damages demand (Nov 17, 2009)
ADDIS ABABA, Nov 17 (Reuters) - African leaders agreed on Tuesday on how much cash to demand from the rich world to compensate for the impact of climate change on the continent but kept the figure secret ahead of next month's Copenhagen talks. The United Nations summit in Denmark will try to agree on how to counter climate change and come up with a post-Kyoto treaty protocol to curb emissions. "We have set a minimum beyond which we will not go," Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who will represent Africa at the talks, told reporters. "But I am not in a position to tell you what that minimum figure will be."Exhaustive preparatory talks since 2007 have failed to solve splits between rich and poor countries or find extra funds to help developing nations to pay for expensive technology to ensure they do not over pollute as their economies grow." There are many calculations including up to the $100 billion (a year) mark that has been set by some experts. We will be very flexible," Meles said.Poor nations want rich countries to cut emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. But some in the West complain that such cuts are not realistic, especially so soon after the global economic downturn. So far, promises by the rich fall short, at cuts of about 11 to 15 percent. THREATENED WALKOUT -- Fearing that the talks may fail, Denmark last week said it would ask world leaders to come for the final two days of the Dec. 7-18 conference to push for a deal at the meeting, originally meant for environment ministers. Meles -- who has threatened a walkout of the 52 African nations he will represent -- said his priorities at the talks would be to ensure carbon emissions are reduced and to secure a fair yearly compensation amount for Africa.The Ethiopian leader was speaking in Addis Ababa at a meeting of an African Union (AU) committee of 10 nations charged with agreeing a common position.Aid workers say a five-year drought, worsened by climate change, is afflicting 23 million people in east Africa, with Ethiopia worst affected.Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni also attended the last session the AU group will have before next month's talks. Meles said Africa wanted a treaty to be agreed in Copenhagen but could accept a "binding political agreement" as a steppingstone to a treaty being agreed later. The Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum says poor nations bear more than nine-tenths of the human and economic burden of climate change. The 50 poorest countries, however, contribute less than 1 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions that scientists say are threatening the planet, it says.

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Global temperatures 'could rise 6C'

NOVEMBER 18, 2009

Scientists have warned that global temperatures could rise by six degrees Celsius by the end of the century, four degrees higher than previously predicted and at a level that could wipe out species and cause widespread natural disasters.

In addition, the study by the Global Carbon Project (GCP) said on Wednesday, that the ability of the world's forests and oceans to absorb carbon emissions was declining.

The paper, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, comes in the run up to UN talks in Copenhagen, Denmark, aimed at crafting a pact to combat climate change from 2013.

It said pollution "continued to track the average of the most carbon-intensive family of scenarios" put forward by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Extreme scenario

Professor Corinne Le Quéré, the lead author of the study from the British Antarctic Survey, said: "The projections of climate that have been made before are always based on scenarios of climate change, so they tell that if the emissions are such and such you get 2C, if they are such and such you get six or seven.

"What our study is doing is identifying that the trend in the CO2 emissions, particularly from fossil fuels in the past decades, is so large it is at the higher end of the emissions scenario and this is why I am saying that we are on the scenario for a 6C warming," she told Al Jazeera.

Under the IPCC's most extreme scenario, the Earth's surface will warm by around four degrees Celsius by 2100 compared with 2000 - a rise consistent with a wipeout of species, widespread hunger, flooding, drought and homelessness.

The new report highlighted the situation in emerging economies, such as China and India, where emissions have more than doubled since 1990 and now emit more greenhouse gases than developed countries.

"The emerging economies in developing countries are getting out of poverty and that is associated with more CO2 emissions," Le Quéré said.

"We have also analysed why that is the case and of their growth one quarter of it is due to the production and international trade of goods that are consumed in the West.

"There is an issue of equity. The actual emissions that have been put in the atmosphere, 80 per cent of them are from rich countries, but if other countries are allowed to emit as much CO2 as the rich countries have in the past we are going to go to this six degrees warming.

Emissions commitments

Sarah Clifton of Friends of the Earth told Al Jazeera: "This is yet more evidence, if any more was needed, of a strong and fair deal at Copenhagen in December in order to help us reduce emissions and avoid catastrophic climate change.

"Politicians are hiding behind each other, no one wants to step up and take the action, and what we actually need to see is political leadership by the rich countries. We need emission reductions, commitments from the the rich countries of at least 40 per cent by 2020.

"We also need to see the rich countries committing the finance to developing countries so they can grow cleanly, tackle emissions and adapt to the challenges of climate change."

Le Quéré's team of researchers also warned that the world's natural carbon absorbing "sinks" - the oceans and forests - were failing to keep up with the amount of emissions being pumped into the atmosphere. In the last 50 years, the proportion of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere that remains there has risen from about 40 to 45 per cent, fuelling the greenhouse effect.

"This is of concern, as it indicates the vulnerability of the sinks to increasing emissions and climate change, making natural sinks less efficient 'cleaners' of human carbon pollution," Pep Canadell, GCP Executive Director, said.

C02 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels increased by 29 per cent from 2000 to 2008, and 41 per cent between 1990 and 2008, the GCP said. It added that despite the global economic downturn, emissions increased by two per cent during 2008.


Related articles and video:

NOTE from Jean: What is now happening in Haiti, Kenya, Bangladesh and Kazakhstan (see below) and scores of others environmentally stressed areas on Earth is a mere foretaste of what is soon coming for much of the rest of the planet if governments don't act quickly to stop the global environmental train wreck we have all contributed to set in motion. Despite their many statements admitting to the enormity of the problem and their commitment to do something, they are still being hold back by powerful oil and coal lobbies - to name just those - and by the knee jerk reaction of most everyone against any kind of stringent measures that would cost them something or force them to change some of their unsustainable bad habits -- despite some significant progress in acquiring saner recycling habits, excessive consumption by the privilege few of this world continues to drive us all down the ecosuicidal drain. And of course, most media don't help much with their obsessive focus on GDP growth and their business-as-usual economic and political reporting. In short, and considering the dim hopes that anything significant can be accomplished in Copenhagen this December with political posturing being the order of the day so far, it can be said that our global political class is fiddling around aimlessly while our planet burns and millions are dying, with billions more soon to be in the grip of a global catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions. This is not the time to circle the wagons and try to save only oneself. Everyone on Earth must wake up for real to the ominous threats hanging over our heads, stop listening to the dimwit deniers, and unite to not only get - through forceful means if necessary - that a serious course correction is swiftly implemented, doing whatever it takes to make it happen through loophole-proof global binding agreements, much stricter environmental regulations, and a complete reorientation of human ingenuity and financial resources away from all forms of military spending and taxpayer's propping up of the usual cast of villains chiefly responsible for the mess we are in, and towards retooling our energy production, transportation means, and usage of all environmental commons in a manner that is truly sustainable and respectful of the rights of future generations to inherit from us a planet that is back to its previous state of balance, rejuvenated and fully alive, for the highest good of all.

Haitians face climate despair (OCTOBER 17, 2009) INCLUDES A DISHEARTENING VIDEO
The people of Haiti have reason to fear the hurricane season; every time such a powerful weather system strikes their island, it leaves death and devastation in its wake.Their fears have been compounded by extreme poverty and massive deforestation which have left the population vulnerable to strong winds, mudslides and flooding.Last year, the city of Gonaives was hit by four consecutive tropical storms that killed some 800 people and caused $1bn of damage.The city was completely under water because the deforested mountains no longer acted as a natural barrier to severe rain water flowing down. Thousands of Haitians were left seeking refuge on their rooftops."We are afraid because the area gets completely submerged in water. The mudslides collapsed on top of our houses and there wasn't much we could do," a woman from Gonaives tells Al Jazeera. Experts say that the situation is likely to worsen as hurricanes strengthen and ocean temperatures rise due to global warming.Haiti is the western hemisphere's poorest country with nearly 80 per cent of the population living in poverty and the government unable to deal with the chaos caused by natural disasters.United Nations peacekeeping troops are in charge of maintaining security after years of violence but they will not be there forever."The hurricanes and floods... put pressure on the population and institutions," says Mark Schneider, senior vice-president of the International Crisis Group and an expert on Haiti. "The continued removal of trees complicates the situation more. Even when there are mild storms, Haiti is exposed to major flooding. People get frustrated because they don't have resources to respond."Formerly known as the "Pearl of the Carribean" because of its natural resources - chiefly sugar cane and wood - Haiti's deforestation began during the colonial era and only two per cent of its trees now remain.These days Haitians, most of whom have no access to electricity or gas, use the few remaining trees as charcoal. (...) Haiti is heavily dependent on international aid; donor countries have vowed to contribute $320m but, so far, Haiti has received only a small percentage of what was promised and the global financial crisis has further hindered aid distribution. Many donor nations have also grown frustrated by the failure of aid money to reach those who need it most; while billions of dollars have been poured into the country over the years, most of the population continue to live on a dollar a day, and widespread corruption and mismanagement is considered to be partly to blame. CLIP

Kenya drought 'has spared no one' (OCTOBER 14, 2009 )
(...) The relentless drought across East Africa is worsening because of global climate change and the continued destruction of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other critical ecosystems, the United Nation's Environment Programme (UNEP) is warning. The Kenyan government says nearly four million people are now close to starvation after the rains have failed for three straight years.Aid appealMwai Kibaki, the Kenyan president, has declared the drought a national disaster and appealed for $150 million to feed the hungry.Rural areas like northern Kenya, which have suffered decades of neglect and under-development, are most affected, with livestock herders particularly at risk. These are areas with little access to education, healthcare, water and sanitation - making them even more vulnerable.Cattle and goats - the weakest of the livestock species reared here, began dying a long time ago. In some places, livestock grazers have already lost entire herds to drought and disease.  (...) A group of women driving a donkey laden with containers of water told us they had been on the road for more than 15 hours in search of water."We have weak livestock at home. We are forced to provide them with water by such means. We will have to come back again after a few hours rest," they said. The drought situation is so bad in northern Kenya that the herdsmen have been forced to share what little food they receive from aid agencies with their weak animals. (...) But people here don't understand climate change - the cause of their predicament. "How can man change the climate or stop rain? It is God's will that we are facing a drought. And we pray to him to alleviate our suffering."  Halima Hassan, a 30-year-old mother of three whose livestock was wiped out by the drought, tells us.As conditions worsen, conflict is breaking out between human beings and wildlife. Wild animals often come to settlements in search of water and attack herdsmen villages on an almost daily basis.Frequent fights by nomads over dwindling resources have caused much destruction in this desolate region.Yet there is little respite in sight for these people. Weather experts are predicting that floods caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon will follow the drought.If that occurs the suffering we are now witnessing will pale in comparison to what will come.

The 'ground zero' of climate change (OCTOBER 10, 2009 )
In the middle of the world's largest delta, an island is disappearing. Bhola Island is the "ground zero" of climate change, and home to what have been called the world's first climate refugees. Bangladesh's largest island is located where one of the country's mightiest rivers, the Meghna, meets the Indian ocean at the Bay of Bengal.Caught between rising sea levels and the increased water pressure of the river, which has its source in the melting Himalayan glaciers, the island is rapidly being eroded. (...) "As climate change intensifies, part of the coastal area will be inundated with salt water, and therefore we will lose agricultural land. If action is not taken to reverse the effects of climate change, up to 30 per cent of agricultural productivity may be lost in South Asia."Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries on earth, and food security is already precarious. (...) With a sense of impending doom, Bangladeshis are adamant that something must be done to reverse the climate change which threatens to swallow the country's islands and shoreline, irrevocably changing the lives of the millions who have their homes there.

Central Asian lake under threat (SEPTEMBER 02, 2009 )
Balkhash is partially saline and comparatively shallow at around six metres deep on average. Given its large surface area of 18,000sq km, it is extremely sensitive to reduced inflow of fresh water which is vital to balance the effects of evaporation. Stretching for over 500km in an east-west arc, the lake is home to hundreds of bird and fish species. Upstream extraction -- Balkhash belongs to a string of lakes which play an important role in helping to regulate Kazakhstan's largely arid climate. It is the end point of a river system known as the Ile Balkhash Basin that is home to more than three million people. The Ile river is fed by rainfall, snow and glacial melt from the mountain ranges which straddle China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Without Balkhash, warns Renato Salo from the Laboratory of Geoarchaelogy in Almaty, desertification could follow. "This water is moisturising the climate, so the climate would change of course," Sala says. (...) A legal specialist who consults with the Chinese and the Kazakhs - but who asked not to be named - criticised the lack of binding agreements, despite regular consultations between both sides. "There's a need to introduce an integrated river basin water management which requires a much higher degree of collaboration between all interested parties. It's not clear at the moment whether there has been any progress in terms of attaining these overall objectives," the legal specialist said.Central Asia has already experienced catastrophic loss of a water system. The Aral Sea is considered one of the greatest environmental tragedies of the 20th Century. Soviet irrigation led to its irreversible decline. Even today, vast quantities of water are drawn from the rivers that feed it and used for cotton cultivation by Kazakhstan and its neighbours, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Aral Sea is now a tenth of its original size. Where there was once water, there is now desert. Fertiliser and pesticide residues have contaminated the local population, and salt particles are believed to accelerate glacial melting in mountains thousands of kilometres away. Scientific evidence looks certain to demonstrate that the same conditions of unsustainable water use that destroyed the Aral now threaten Balkhash. What is less clear is whether it will be enough to persuade the Chinese and the Kazakhs to co-operate and compromise in order to ensure the lake's survival. CLIP

UN Warns of Environmental Train Wreck (10/26/2007),1518,513815,00.html
Dangerously declining amounts of drinking water, over-fished lakes and seas, a warming planet, plus a rising population: A large-scale report by the UN says the world is living beyond its environmental means. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) released its first environmental report card in 20 years on Thursday, and the grades are jarring: Despite some praise for certain treaties and reductions, the report blasts the world community for "woefully inadequate" measures and "a remarkable lack of urgency." In particular, the 550-page report entitled "Global Environment Outlook" (GEO-4) warned that climate change, species extinction, dwindling fresh water supplies and other threats will drastically -- and irreversibly -- alter life on Earth, if global action is not taken. The program's Executive Director Achim Steiner praised some government and NGO action so far as "courageous and inspiring." But he also said most nations had failed to "recognize the magnitude of the challenges facing the people and the environment of the planet." He summarized the report by saying the world had seen a rise in demand for natural resources over the past twenty years -- coupled with a dramatic loss of them. "That equation cannot hold for much longer," he said. "Indeed, in parts of the world it is no longer holding." A Tipping Point in Awareness? The report took five years and 388 scientists to produce and comes 20 years after the last report in 1987.  CLIP


Peter Taylor - Climate Change Or Climate Confusion? (10/12/2008)
Former UN Environmental Advisor, Peter Taylor, talks about the conflicting science regarding climate change and the ensuing confusion.Filmed at the Alternative View Conference in Totnes, May 2008.

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Climate 'tipping points' near

23 November 2009

The world is dangerously close to reaching temperature thresholds - or 'tipping points' - that can unleash devastating environmental, social and economic changes, according to a new report released by WWF and Allianz. It highlights the urgent need for world leaders to agree ambitious targets to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that fuel global warming.

WWF's head of climate change, Keith Allott, says: "Our new Tipping Points report shows how quickly the world is approaching dangerous and irreversible levels of global warming.

"Reaching a tipping point means losing something forever. Global leaders need to recognise how close we are to tipping the scales toward climate disaster, and take immediate steps to ensure we get a strong and binding climate deal in Copenhagen in December."

Economic risks of climate change

Hurricanes like Andrew (1992), Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) have shown the potential cost of natural disasters, which are likely to increase due to climate change.

"The economic consequences of passing the climate tipping points are absolutely overwhelming," says Keith Allott.

The new research, carried out for us by the Tyndall Centre, reveals the consequences may affect hundreds of millions of people and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. These include:
* a more arid climate in California - wildfire damage could be ten times today's costs, up to $2.5 billion per year by 2050

* changes to summer monsoon in India and Nepal - 70% of the working population in India may be at risk from droughts, the costs of which are likely to rise to $40 billion per decade

* drying and dieback of the Amazon rainforest - up to 70% by 2100, with drastic loss of biodiversity and massive carbon release. Costs could reach $9,000 billion.

Global emissions still rising

Another new and authoritative report released this week, from the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and ClimateWorks (with analysis by McKinsey and Co), concludes that current global policies don't show any prospect of controlling emissions.

In fact, according to their calculations, global emissions will still be rising in 2020 - which means the world is heading for a temperature rise of at least 3°C, and potentially far more.

Keith Allot says: "The EU urgently needs to rediscover its leadership on climate change. Ed Miliband and other environment ministers need to accept that the current EU target to reduce emissions by 20% by 2020 is embarrassingly weak.

"The EU needs to step up to a 40% reduction - this is necessary and achievable, and would be the key to unlocking international gridlock."

You canŠ

read the full report - 'Major Tipping Points in the Earth's Climate System and Consequences for the Insurance Sector'
read the executive summary of the report
see a map of the world's tipping point hotspots
Vote Earth - join our call for a strong, fair global climate deal
come to The Wave - the UK's biggest climate awareness event on 5 December


Related initiatives and articles:

Earth Hour lights the way... (with video)
The impact of WWF's Earth Hour has been acknowledged by world leaders meeting for crucial climate talks this year. On Saturday 28 March 2009, hundreds of millions of people across the planet switched off lights for one hour to send a visual and symbolic message to all those in power. Earth Hour was a stunning start to our campaign to persuade global governments to agree on drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, to minimise the effects of climate change - while there's still a chance.During Earth Hour, iconic international landmarks like Sydney Opera House, the Acropolis, the Bird's Nest stadium in China, the pyramids of Giza, the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building and Big Ben were all plunged into darkness for 60 minutes as part of the largest global action of its kind ever. CLIP

40 leading scientists call for 40% emissions cuts (17 September 2009)
Forty of the world's leading climate scientists have got together to demand global leaders take bolder action against climate change. -- The joint statement - initiated by WWF and endorsed by recognised climate luminaries such as Sir John Houghton, former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - calls for industrialised countries to make a commitment, at the UN Climate summit in Copenhagen, to cut carbon emissions by at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. Read the full statement Saleem Huq, one of the signatories, IPCC author and Senior Fellow in Climate Change at the International Institute for Environment and Development, says: "The scientific evidence now indicates that even a rise in temperature of 2°C will entail considerable hardships for poor and vulnerable people around the world, especially those living on low-lying islands and coasts. "So a 40% reduction in emissions is the very least required to provide a better chance of avoiding devastation for these countries and communities."  CLIP

Sea level rise could cost port cities $28 trillion (November 23, 2009)
London, England (CNN) -- A possible rise in sea levels by 0.5 meters by 2050 could put at risk more than $28 trillion worth of assets in the world's largest coastal cities, according to a report compiled for the insurance industry. The value of infrastructure exposed in so-called "port mega-cities," urban conurbations with more than 10 million people, is just $3 trillion at present. The rise in potential losses would be a result of expected greater urbanization and increased exposure of this greater population to catastrophic surge events occurring once every 100 years caused by rising sea levels and higher temperatures. The report, released on Monday by WWF and financial services Allianz, concludes that the world's diverse regions and ecosystems are close to temperature thresholds -- or "tipping points."

Climate Change Puts Trillions of Dollars in Assets at Risk Along U.S. Coasts (23 NOVEMBER 2009)
WASHINGTON, DC--(ENEWSPF)--November 23, 2009 - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the leading insurer Allianz SE released a report today warning that sea level rise could dramatically increase risks to buildings, transportation infrastructure and other assets exposed to severe storm surges in coastal areas of the U.S. The study estimates that current assets at risk to a 1-in-100-year storm surge amount to $1.4 trillion. A mid-century global sea level rise of 0.5 meters (20 inches), with an additional 0.15 meter (6 inches) localized rise along the northeast U.S. coast, could jeopardize assets worth close to $7.4 trillion."With each new study, the alarm bells become deafeningly clear that climate change will have devastating consequences for our economy and way of life," said David Reed, senior vice president of policy at WWF.  "Time to address this issue is growing short.  Recognizing the increased threats this report raises for our domestic economy, the President must go to Copenhagen in December to unite with the rest of the world and avert the worst consequences of climate change."Among the U.S. cities with the greatest risk exposure in mid-century are Miami ($2.8 trillion), New York-Newark ($1.8 trillion), New Orleans ($753 billion), Boston ($463 billion), Virginia Beach ($462 billion) and Tampa-St Petersburg ($414 billion).The report examined more closely the potential costs of a Category 4 hurricane landfall for New York City. In a comprehensive analysis that included more than just storm surge impacts, the authors estimated current assets at risk from a strong hurricane at $1 trillion.  With sea-level rise and further development in the region, this could exceed $5 trillion by mid-century. CLIP

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NOW HERE IS A STUNNING DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL CERTAINLY REINVIGORATE THE SKEPTICISM OF THOSE WHO ADAMANTLY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS FOR REAL... BUT IS IN FACT YET ANOTHER SCHEME HATCHED TO RIP OFF TRILLIONS OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY FOR THE BENEFIT OF A SMALL CLIQUE OF GLOBAL CROOKS. THIS STORY IS FOR REAL - IT IS ALL OVER THE NEWS - AS YOU CAN VERIFY FOR INSTANCE IN THIS NOVEMBER 26 ARTICLE FROM THE GUARDIAN ... Climate scientists' hacked emails damage global warming case .WHERE THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT POINT IS MADE: "As a meteorologist, I am saddened by the damage inflicted by the release of illegally accessed emails between climate scientists. But it is the arrogance and lack of understanding of communication among some scientists which is to blame. The illegally obtained emails provided the media with a bowling ball to knock down the climate change "celebrity", doing great damage to climate science for years to come. Many already confused members of the public will now have strong evidence not to believe climate scientists, despite evidence to the contrary."


Climategate Exposes the Alarmist Machine
James Corbett - The Corbett Report - 24 November, 2009

In 2006, just as global cooling was beginning to make things uncomfortable for people who believed that manmade CO2 was warming the earth, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ran a documentary that was meant to bring an increasingly skeptical public back on board with the idea of manmade global warming. Airing on The Fifth Estate, an influential and respected investigative journalism program, "
The Denial Machine" attempted to throw mud at any scientist who dared to question the so-called 'consensus' on manmade global warming by implying all such scientists were secretly funded by oil companies.

As the recent exposure of the UK's Climate Research Unit (CRU) and its decidedly unscientific research demonstrates, the truth is almost exactly the opposite. Rather than a vast, oil company-funded conspiracy, skepticism about climate fearmongering appears to have been quite correct: the CRU's bluster was hiding the fact that even they couldn't understand their own climate models or data. However, as their internal documents show, they were being well-funded for making up scare stories about the CO2-induced end of the world. This was part of a process where public grants would routinely go to the researcher with the most dire predictions about the ravages of global warming. Call it The Alarmist Machine.
The archive of emails and documents leaked out from behind the academic Berlin wall of the highly-secretive CRU sheds light on the vast sums of money these researchers were playing with. As this hacked spreadsheet demonstrates CRU Director Phil Jones himself received a mind-boggling 22 million dollars in grants for his work over the past 20 years. Sadly, the leaked data also shows just how willing these scientists were to lie and cheat in the pursuit of those funds.

One of the most outrageous emails (1056478635) features one CRU scientist openly advising a colleague to cook the books from their last research grant in order to receive more money from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration):


NOAA want to give us more money for the El Nino work with IGCN.

How much do we have left from the last budget? I reckon most has been spent but we need to show some left to cover the costs of the trip Roger didn't make and also the fees/equipment/computer money we haven't spent otherwise NOAA will be suspicious. Politically this money may have to go through Simon's institute but there overhead rate is high so maybe not!

Best wishes


The contempt shown for the taxpayers who are funding and supporting these research efforts through institutions like the NOAA is appalling. Certainly any researchers who are found to have participated in such duplicity should never receive another cent of taxpayer money again.

But the chicanery does not end there. In a well-researched article on American Thinker, Marc Sheppard points out that while the alarmists imply that the skeptics are being secretly funded, it is in fact the climate scientists who are being funded by the energy companies. The fact that CRU members received significant funding from renewable energy companies, however, and not Big Oil, presumably puts their motives beyond reproach.

Of course, this is not to say that these practices are confined to a few 'bad apples' in the scientific community. As skeptical scientists have been pointing out for years, scientific studies about doomsdays and catastrophes-no matter how unlikely the predictions or how shakey the underlying assumptions-tend to get greater funding and grant money than studies that show there is no such disaster on the horizon. This is the inherent bias toward alarmist science and the inherent danger of The Alarmist Machine: not that there is some vast, secret conspiracy funding these alarmist scientists, but that this is a natural and predictable result of the funding process itself. Even rational people can be stampeded into throwing money hand over fist at a team of scientists who are promising to save the world from disaster, especially when those rational people are blatantly misled by an unquestioning media that unproblematically reports on highly problematic science. And all the while the scientific economy is shifted until the entire process becomes one of scientists competing to come up with the most panic-inducing findings.

As someone who spent his entire scientific career fighting the alarmists-first the ones who were whipping up hysteria over the coming ice age and then the ones (sometimes the same ones) who were whipping up hysteria over global warming-Dr. Tim Ball is no stranger to the "Denial Machine" smear. In fact, he was one of the scientists singled out in the CBC documentary. He doesn't tow the global warming line, therefore he must be funded by Big Oil. It doesn't seem to bother the producers of the documentary that they offer not one shred of evidence for that assertion: the logic of the situation demands it, so it must be true.

For someone who supposedly receives secret backdoor money from the Exxon bigwigs, Dr. Ball lives a remarkably low-key life. When I met him for an interview in Victoria earlier this year, he was neither lighting cigars with Big Oil-supplied $100 bills nor driving a gas-guzzling SUV. Instead he was on foot and he took me on a walking tour of the beautiful B.C. capital, regaling me with stories about the town's history and demonstrating a genuine enthusiasm for the local tradition and culture of his adopted hometown. We passed several hours talking about the history and philosophy of science, and what strikes one about him when engaged in such a conversation is that he has read, researched, and retained a voluminous amount of material, not just on his specialty of climatology, but of scientific history generally. It is not surprise, then, that his take on the climategate scandal is one of the most thoughtful (and damning) yet:

It is still too early to say what the ultimate fallout from this scandal will be, but unless the scientists who have been implicated in this stop dismissing all criticism as out of context and start addressing the real issues raised in these documents, the backlash is likely to be massive. And as Dr. Ball points out, that backlash (rightly or wrongly) will not be merely directed at this group of researchers, but on the very scientific processes and institutions that they have so shamefully abused. From their private expressions of doubt over science that they publicly touted as unassailable to their use of data that they themselves did not seem to understand to their collusion to keep skeptics out of the peer reviewed literature, how can the public simply put blind faith in blanket statements about 'scientific consensus' and 'listening to the experts' again, especially when there are literally trillions of dollars hinging on the science skewing towards the alarmists?

"The Denial Machine" ends with the words: "Not everything in life is about politics." If only that were the case.

Related articles and video:

Global Warming With the Lid Off (NOVEMBER 24, 2009 - in the Wall Street Journal)
The emails that reveal an effort to hide the truth about climate science.

In the trenches on climate change, hostility among foes (November 22, 2009)
Stolen e-mails reveal venomous feelings toward skeptics - Electronic files that were stolen from a prominent climate research center and made public last week provide a rare glimpse into the behind-the-scenes battle to shape the public perception of global warming. While few U.S. politicians bother to question whether humans are changing the world's climate -- nearly three years ago the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded the evidence was unequivocal -- public debate persists. And the newly disclosed private exchanges among climate scientists at Britain's Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia reveal an intellectual circle that appears to feel very much under attack, and eager to punish its enemieSs. CLIP

Scientist in Climate Change 'Cover-up' Told to Quit (25th November 2009)
The scientist at the heart of the climate change scandal was under growing pressure to quit last night. George Monbiot, a leading environmentalist, said Phil Jones should resign from the Climatic Research Unit over leaked emails that appear to show researchers suppressed scientific data. More emails came to light yesterday, including one in which an American climatologist admitted it was a travesty that scientists could not explain a lack of global warming in recent years.  Leading environmentalist George Monbiot (left) has said Professor Phil Jones should resign over the e-mail debacleIn another note, UK researchers dismissed the work of scientists challenging global warming as 'crap'.Another appeared to call for pressure on the BBC after a reporter suggested that evidence for rising temperatures since 2001 was thin.In one of the most damning messages, Professor Jones appeared to respond to the death of a climate sceptic with the words 'in an odd way this is cheering news!'. The leak has been a huge embarrassment to the climate unit at the University of East Anglia, which is a global leader in its field. Although there is no hint of evidence that climate change is not real, the emails appear to show researchers manipulating raw data and discussing how to dodge Freedom of Information requests. (...) Yesterday, Professor Jones refused to quit and denied that researchers had altered evidence to bolster the case for man-made climate change. He added: 'We absolutely stand by the science we produce here at the University of East Anglia and it has been peer reviewed and published. 'Some of the emails probably had poorly chosen words and were sent in the heat of the moment, when I was frustrated. I do regret sending some of them. We've not deleted any emails or data here at CRU. CLIP

Climate Centre hacked

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to "hide" the real data on manmade climate change

Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

Concerted effort to silence dissenters revealed in Climategate messages (November 24, 2009)
Swimming against the tide is never an easy task. Scientists that disagreed with the manmade climate change theory have learned that if you're swimming against the 'consensus' of global warming, it can not only be hard, it can be a nasty business. For years those who believe other factors beyond man drive the planet's climate have said they were blocked from publication and been the target of a concerted effort to silence them. Their complaints were largely ignored but with the release of the Climategate documents and emails, the proof shows their claims were not unfounded.An analysis of the emails from a veritable who's who in climate science show that some of the world's top scientists worked directly against dissenting scientists. The scientists worked to discredit other's work, oust them from professional organizations, exerted pressure on scientific publications and went so far as to consider pushing an educational institution to review the doctorate of a scientist. The moves appear to go far beyond a scientific debate and read more like a vendetta against dissenting opinions. CLIP

Climategate: The Whitewash Begins  (27 Nov 2009)

Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
(...) The ETS is Australia's version of America's proposed Cap and Trade and the EU's various carbon reduction schemes: a way of taxing business on its CO2 output. As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia's industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia's vast reserves of coal. CLIP

Obama's Science Czar John Holdren Involved in "Climategate" Scandal (November 24, 2009)
Lift up a rock and another snake comes slithering out from the ongoing University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) scandal, now riding as "Climategate".  Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal.  In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms "a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people".CLIP

US Congress investigates Climategate e-mails: this could be the beginning of the end for AGW (November 26th, 2009)
Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore's great big AGW conspiracy - just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.  (...) The Liberal Party is in turmoil with the resignations of five frontbenchers from their portfolios this afternoon in protest against the emissions trading scheme. (...) At this most sensitive moment the whole climate scare is threatening to unravel with literally immeasurable consequences. The seriousness with which the Americans are treating this has highlighted just how pivotal the CRU at East Anglia is to the global warming hype. As American newsmen are pointing out, East Anglia claims the world's largest temperature data set and its findings and mathematical models were incorporated into the IPCC's 2007 report, which the US Environmental Protection Agency admits it "relies on most heavily" in deciding that carbon dioxide emissions must be curbed.Now these e-mails are being read on the CBS site, revealing a farcical Carry On Researching scenario at East Anglia: "Apply a very artificial correction for decline!!" "Low pass filtering at century and longer time scales never gets rid of the trend - so eventually I start to scale down the 120-yr low pass time series to mimic the effect of removing/adding longer time scales!" And so on. Codes were erratic, the baffled researchers had no idea what was going on. Joe Public is now reading this stuff, courtesy of CBS, and wondering just what the heck has been happening. Republicans will be asking Obama's people how the Environment Protection Agency came to rely on the CRU's projections. They will also be asking questions about e-mails referring to grants from the US Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to East Anglia. One of them allegedly says: "We need to show some left to cover the costs of the trip Roger didn't make and also the fees/equipment/computer money we haven't spent otherwise NOAA will be suspicious." Unless and until that e-mail is authoritatively denied (and none of them so far appear to have been), many will conclude that those sentiments encapsulate the ethos of the climate alarmist industry. Contrast, too, the speed with which American legislators have concerned themselves with this scandal and the indifference of our own parliamentarians and mainstream media. America may not have Beefeaters, historic stately homes, or the Queen; but when our Transatlantic cousins suspect they have been shafted by a bunch of wide boys in white lab coats they do not hang around. While the British public has heard only whingers from East Anglia shouting that hacking into e-mails is a crime, it is the American media that are pointing out that deleting e-mail messages to conceal them from a FOI request in the United Kingdom is also a criminal offence. Congress, seeing an opportunity of derailing Obama, Al Gore and an attempt to cripple America to the tune of countless billions of dollars, is on the case. This is global news now.Meanwhile, the CBS News website is running the George Monbiot quote: "It's no use pretending that this isn't a major blow. The e-mails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging." Too right.

Chill - A Reassessment of Global Warming Theory
Does climate change mean the world is cooling, and if so what should we do about it? -- "Do you believe the earth is warming? Think again, says Peter Taylor, a committed environmental analyst with the unusual gift of following scientific evidence ruthlessly wherever it may lead. Taylor has done groundbreaking work on issues ranging from ocean pollution and biodiversity through renewable energy. Now he turns his relentless searchlight on climate change. His work has the ring of passion and the clarity of intellectual honesty. We can be certain his conclusions are the product of a fearless, unbiased, and intelligent intellectual journey by a remarkable mind, all the marks of genuine science. Taylor challenges us to look beyond our biases to whatever conclusions the evidence may justify. Believers in global warming such as myself may not find comfort here, but they will without question find a clear challenge to examine all the evidence objectively. At the very least, Taylor raises issues and questions that must be addressed conclusively before global warming can be genuinely regarded as "truth", inconvenient or otherwise. This book is a must-read for everyone on all sides of the climate change issue." - W. Jackson Davis, professor emeritus, University of California, and author of the first draft of the Kyoto Protocol - Although the world's climate has undergone many cyclical changes, the term "climate change" has assumed a sinister meaning, implying catastrophe for humanity, ecology, and the environment. We have been told that we are responsible for the threat and that we should take immediate action to prevent it. However, the widespread scientific consensus of opinion about the causes and effects of climate change is not what it seems. Chill offers a critical survey of the subject by a committed environmentalist and scientist. Based on extensive research, the author reveals a disturbing collusion of interests responsible for creating a distorted understanding of changes in global climate. Scientific institutions, basing their work on critically flawed computer simulations and models, have gained influence and funding. In return they have allowed themselves to be directed by the needs of politicians and lobbyists for simple answers, slogans, and targets. CLIP

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade (2 July, 2009)
The well-placed and well-connected are set to make trillions off new climate bill; economic collapse about to accelerate -- The sweeping new bill which just passed the House last Friday, the Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, is ostensibly about climate change, but it is in fact a bill of staggering economic ramifications that is going to accelerate the takeover of the economy by the well-placed financiers who have already plundered the Treasury and the Fed of $12+ trillion and counting. It was rushed through the House in the tradition of such nightmarish legislation as the Patriot Act and the banker bailout of last October: hundreds of pages were added to it at the last minute and it was humanly impossible for anyone to have read it before they voted on it. This, of course, is exactly what Obama promised his administration would never allow to happen, and for good reason; bills passed in this manner are always the result of fear and panic and inevitably results in legislation that would never be passed upon sober second thought.In this case, the rush to pass this new bill was an attempt to stop any scrutiny of a plan that is going to utterly transform the American economy, further centralize control of citizens' lives in the hands of unaccountable federal bureaucrats and complete the transfer of the American economy from Main Street to Wall Street. And all of this in the name of fighting a threat which itself is a demonstrable fraud. In short, the banksters and bureaucrats are sharpening their knives, preparing to butcher what's left of the carcass of the United States, and a good portion of the public are not only willing to allow it but are actually clamoring for it.The first thing that needs to be understood about the brand new trillion dollar carbon-trading commodities market that will be brought into existence if this bill passes the Senate is that it is a ripoff designed by and for the very corporate interests the environmentalists claim to be fighting. For an historical precedent of what is being proposed under this cap-and-trade scam one can look to Enron, which immediately found ways to plunder billions of dollars from new energy market legislation passed by the Clinton Administration in 2000.

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Cooking the climate change books

by Lorne Gunter  - November 25, 2009

Last Friday it was revealed that someone as yet unknown had hacked into the computers of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Hadley, U.K. The CRU - or Hadley as it is often referred to - is the source of one of the four main temperature records used by the United Nations and environmentalists to claim that the Earth is on the verge of a global meltdown. It is also home to some of the most prominent climate researchers in the world.

Stolen and then released were over 1,000 emails and 3,000 research files that appear to show that those at the CRU and other equally well-known climate scientists around the world have been working together for years to "cook" the data about climate change. The emails seem to suggest that much of what the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims is "settled science" is based on data manipulated to confirm assertions that man is dangerously altering our climate. Recent decades may not have been exceptionally warm. The planet may not be warming as fast as these scientists have claimed publicly - and it looks as though they may have known it and tried to hide it.

If the emails are correct, CRU scientists also took glee in the death of a prominent skeptic and did their level best to keep those who disagreed with them from being published in peer-reviewed journals or invited to contribute to IPCC reports. There is even one exchange in which some of the CRU scientists and their colleagues elsewhere tried to have fired the editor of a peer-reviewed journal that dared publish contrary research.

Okay, I can see where you might not trust me to give you a full perspective on what is becoming known as Climategate. You may think I'm too biased against the concept of man-made global warming. So read, then, what George Monbiot of The Guardian newspaper published on Monday. Mr. Monbiot has been called "Britain's Al Gore." His books, with titles such as Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning, are bestsellers in Britain and sell well in North America, too. Among British journalists, he is likely the best-known global warming adherent.

"It's no use pretending this isn't a major blow," Mr. Monbiot writes. The emails "could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them.

"Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request.

"Worse still, some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate skeptics, or to keep it out of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign."

Mr. Monbiot then goes on to try and cut his movement's losses. He insist this scandal involves the reputations and work of only "three or four scientists," and only calls into question the credibility of "one or perhaps two out of several hundred lines of evidence" that a man-made climate disaster is upon us.

That is just so much backfill. He has been for years one of the most visible and vocal champions for a high-profile cause; of course he has to dismiss the revelations as ultimately meaningless. Throw three or four overboard to preserve the many.

That, unfortunately, has been the reaction of far too many other environmentalists, scientists and journalists, too.

Andrew Revkin of the New York Times - himself a highly visible mouthpiece for many of the implicated scientists - published a piece Saturday that essentially consisted of him interviewing the scientists whose emails have been intercepted and printing their reassurances that the content was harmless and had merely been misinterpreted or taken out of context. His story may as well have been titled "Nothing to see here folks, move along."

Except there is something to see.

One of the most prominent environmental icons of the past decade has been the hockey-stick graph, which claims to show a thousand years of stable temperatures (the stick), followed by a sharp upward spike in the last 100 years of industrialization (the blade). Such a graph is essential to the environmentalists' core contention that 20th century temperatures were unusual and one-directional - upwards.

Two different hockey-stick temperature records were devised by two prominent scientists in the late 1990s, Michael Mann of the U.S. and Brit Keith Briffa at Hadley.

The most frequently cited email so far released is from CRU head Phil Jones to Profs. Mann and Briffa, and others, saying that for an article in Nature magazine, "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline" in late-20th Century temperatures.

But this is not the only highly damaging one.

Just last month, Kevin Trenberth, an IPCC lead author, wrote to Mr. Mann, admitting "the fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't. ... Our observing system is inadequate."

First, these scientists never admit publicly there has been no warming for years. And second, this is essentially blaming the instruments for the lack of data supporting the theory. The warming is happening, we just can't detect it. It's the thermometers' fault.

CRU head Phil Jones on the possibility of skeptics getting possession of his files and emails back in 2005: "If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the U.K., I think I'll delete the file rather than send [it] to anyone." That note was followed last year by this one: "Can you delete any emails you have with Keith ... Keith will do likewise. Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same?... We will be getting Caspar to do likewise."

There is page upon page like this. It goes way beyond the frank and candid exchanges colleagues have when no one is listening.

Does this "drive a nail in the climate change coffin," as some skeptics have asserted? No.

But it should do two important things: raise doubt that climate science is settled and cause the public to question the need for any expensive, big-government solutions such as Copenhagen, Kyoto, cap-and-trade, carbon tax or carbon capture and sequestration.
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The Road to Copenhagen part III: A "Planetary Regime" in the Making

Jurriaan Maessen

November 22, 2009

"It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance." George H.W. Bush addressing the General Assembly of the U.N, February 1, 1992
The machine of mass media is working overdrive now that the Copenhagen summit is approaching. All major media outlets have by now obviously received their talking-points which have an strangely similar ring about them all across the board. Even a superficial comparative study in the overall reporting reveals not only a stunning disregard for national sovereignty, but a willingness to support carbon-taxes imposed by a- as John P. Holdren puts it- "planetary regime".
Oxford professor Dieter Helm: "I'm in favor of quite a low carbon tax to start with - for political economy reasons, to get it in place."

Last month experts told the Second Committee Panel Discussion of the UN General Assembly that "a new regime of governance was under way in the global financial system." The same is being said about global climate measures, global resource management and global development.

The mass media is not only setting the agenda themselves, they more often than not simply parrot the globalists that are being shoved in our face on a daily basis. Many of whom have a Ph.D. behind their name. Under the header 'Carbon Tax' is sensible, and perhaps inevitable, advocate says', the Los Angeles Times quotes Oxford professor Dieter Helm stating:

"(..) I'm in favor of quite a low carbon tax to start with - for political economy reasons, to get it in place, (Š). Across Europe, my guess is within five years everybody will have a carbon taxŠ"
This, according to Helm, will make sure that the United States will eventually be forced into the global carbon tax policy as well:

"(Š) is everybody else doing it? That's a very good protection for politicians. The answer is yes, they are."
Back in December of 2001, the Africa division of the UN Development Programme apparently already seriously considered such a tax:

"The main energy sources that would be affected by a carbon tax include coal, petroleum, kerosene and natural gas. The tax would be reflected in an increase in their price, at a level based on the capacity of each type of fuel to emit carbon dioxide."

Answering the question who would collect the taxes and enforce such a global tax policy, the UN panel was quite clear:
"The panel said a new international tax organization should be created to assume all functions performed by existing institutions. It would serve as a global intergovernmental forum for international cooperation on all tax issues. It would also help resolve conflicts between countries and help them to increase tax revenue by fostering information exchanges and measures that could reduce tax evasion on investment and personal income earned at home and abroad."

This sounds a lot like John P. Holdren doesn't it, exclaiming in Ecoscience that "a Planetary Regime- sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment" could impose global policy and enforce it. "Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime", said Holdren, "could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist."
Furthermore, the UN panel advocated in 2001:

"We thus endorse the Commission's proposal to create a global council at the highest political level to provide leadership on issues of global governance. The proposed council would be more broadly based than the G7 or the Bretton Woods institutions."

In 2007, Reuters quoted Mr. Global Warming Himself, Al Gore as saying that a global carbon trading scheme could be "quite efficient if the world's top polluters, the United States and China, fully joined." Gore also stated that a direct tax on carbon would certainly be "an even simpler and more direct measure."
It was the Bilderberg-appointed Herman Van Rompuy- the new EU-president- who stated recently that "The Climate Conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet." He also announced that 2009 would be the "first year of global governance." And he's not the first to call for such global management. All people who occupy a position of power in the infrastructure of the New World Order have called for it since its very conception shortly after World War II.

As a preface to the coming Copenhagen summit in December, the United Nations Population Fund in a recently published ' State of the Population 2009' is pushing for global reproductive health services. This means not only universal access to 'family planning' but also better access to abortion facilities. Humans, after all, are supposed to be the prime driver of climate change and therefore: less humans means honouring Mother Earth.

In the foreword, the executive director of the UNFPA, Thoraya Obaid addresses the fake global warming hype, saying that "floods, storms and rising seas" will soon envelope the planet if not for quick, decisive and global efforts to combat these calamities.

"A Copenhagen agreement that helps people to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and adapt to climate change by harnessing the insight and creativity of women and men would launch a genuinely effective long-term global strategy to deal with climate change."

Global strategy. That's the talking point we hear over and over again from all agencies, UN or otherwise, who have an interest in profiting from the deal they are proposing. Never mind that all nation-states who sign on to the Copenhagen treaty will effectively forfeit their representative systems to this global authority, deciding which taxes will be paid by which nation-state. In the end, all roads seem to lead to a "planetary regime" envisioned by the elite long before "global warming" was even heard of.

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China unveils carbon target for Copenhagen deal

Nov 26, 2009

By Emma Graham-Harrison and Chris Buckley
BEIJING (Reuters) - China unveiled its first firm target to curb greenhouse gas emissions on Thursday, a carbon intensity goal that Premier Wen Jiabao will take to a summit in Copenhagen next month hoping to aid a global climate deal.

The announcement came a day after the United States, the second biggest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China, unveiled a plan to cut emissions by 2020 and said President Barack Obama would attend the U.N.-led talks in Copenhagen.

China said Wen would go to the December 7-18 talks and pledged to cut the amount of carbon dioxide produced for each yuan of national income 40-45 percent by 2020, compared to 2005 levels.

It was hailed as a vital commitment toward rekindling talks to fix a new framework for tackling global warming, although analysts cautioned it was technically quite modest for China.

"The U.S. commitment to specific, mid-term emission cut targets and China's commitment to specific action on energy efficiency can unlock two of the last doors to a comprehensive agreement," said Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen praised Wen's decision to attend and said China was "very active and constructive."

Even so, China's emissions were still likely to double by 2020 with the new target, said Frank Jotzo, deputy director of the Australian National University Climate Change Institute.

Without a goal "under a business as usual scenario, China's emissions might increase over two and a half times," he said.

"China has taken what is universally expected to happen, and dressed it up as a new and ambitious policy decision," said Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish statistician and author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist."

The U.N. talks have run out of time to settle a legally binding deal after arguments between rich and poor nations about who should cut emissions, by how much and who should pay. But hopes are growing that a substantive political pact can be agreed at the December meeting instead.

China's target comes after big emitters Brazil and Indonesia announced tough 2020 reduction targets. Wednesday's 2020 target from the United States and Obama's attendance are also expected to help the Copenhagen talks, analysts say.

But in a reminder of the serious disputes that still shadow the summit, China's top climate envoy took aim at developed nations he said were slacking in their efforts to cut emissions and said the new Chinese target was only "domestically binding."

"So far we have not seen concrete actions and substantive commitments by the developed countries," Xie Zhenhua, deputy head of the planning body the National Development and Reform Committee, told a hastily arranged news conference in Beijing.


China's cabinet said its goal, which allows greenhouse gas emissions to grow as the economy expands, was a demanding one for the developing country. It will unveil new policies including taxes and financial steps to reach it.

The target does not include carbon sinks, Xie said, and will be calculated based on energy consumption and "production processes" -- probably industrial output. Extra cuts could therefore come from forests, which absorb carbon dioxide.

Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said the plan "shows China's highly responsible attitude toward the future of mankind."

A five-year drive to boost energy efficiency and renewables by 2010 will take Beijing around half-way to meeting the carbon intensity goal by the end of this decade.

But the country's still-rapid industrialisation, and its efforts in recent years, meant harder work for smaller gains in future, said Dai Yande, deputy head of the Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission.

"It's an arduous task for China, as everybody knows energy intensity tends to rise during industrialisation and thus it's difficult to cut down emissions," Dai said.


China said the intensity goal was a "voluntary" one that would only be binding domestically, leaving room for negotiation about what international commitments Beijing will sign up for.

"I think the question that will immediately follow this is the favorite three initials that the United States keeps talking about, M, R, and V, how China is going to measure, report and verify these cuts," said Chris Raczkowski, China managing director for Ecofys, a renewable energy consulting company.

As a developing country, China is not obliged by current treaties to accept binding caps on its emissions, and it and other poor countries have said that principle should not change in any new deal that emerges from Copenhagen.

The United States will pledge to cut its greenhouse gas emissions roughly 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, a drop of about 3 percent below the 1990 benchmark year used in U.N. treaties -- and far below the 25-40 percent cut outlined by the U.N. climate panel.

Australia's troubled carbon trade scheme was thrown into confusion on Thursday after several opposition lawmakers resigned their party positions and promised to ignore a deal to support the government's planned laws.

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Unhappy Thanksgiving

by William Rivers Pitt, 26 November 2009

The calendar has come around again to Thanksgiving, and families all over the country will be gathering around dinner tables to celebrate. Or try to, anyway. With unemployment above ten percent, and with actual unemployment closer to twenty percent, with foreclosures all over the place, with wages dropping and food prices rising, with the economy improving only for those who have lots of money, there will be millions of people without a whole hell of a lot to feel thankful for.

Ten months after the inauguration of Barack Obama, those "Yes We Can" and "Hope" slogans have begun to ring more than a little hollow. Of course, the man inherited a vast array of ongoing catastrophes from his predecessor, and it is a dead-bang certainty that ten months under a McCain administration would have left us in far worse shape than we find ourselves in today, but the realization that matters are only slightly better than they would have been under the worst-case scenario doesn't go very far anymore. Some things are better, but the fact of the matter is that some things are worse, and most things are exactly the same.

The news on Tuesday was filled with reports that Obama intends to announce his decision regarding America's ongoing war in Afghanistan on December 1, and the early word is "expansion." McClatchy News reported, "President Barack Obama met Monday evening with his national security team to finalize a plan to dispatch some 34,000 additional US troops over the next year to what he's called 'a war of necessity' in Afghanistan. Obama is expected to announce his long-awaited decision on December 1, followed by meetings on Capitol Hill aimed at winning congressional support amid opposition by some Democrats who are worried about the strain on the US Treasury and whether Afghanistan has become a quagmire, the officials said."

So, there it is. The US military is in terrible shape after two wars, and sending more troops into the Afghan conflict will only add to the damage. The cost of sending additional troops will further undermine our economy and make Obama's domestic agenda all the more difficult to achieve. The Afghan people, already deeply resentful after eight years of American occupation and warfare, will not greet a new investment of troops gladly. We can all hold hands around the Thanksgiving table and pray to whatever God may be listening that Obama will provide some sort of coherent exit policy, but the fact remains that no occupying force in more than a century has employed any effective exit strategy from Afghanistan beyond utter defeat.

Speaking of domestic policy, the much-ballyhooed push to reform America's health care system has gone completely sideways in the hands of Congress people bought off by insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and in the hands of a president who demanded change but has taken three steps back for every one step forward. The result looks to be a watered down farce of a bill that could very well make matters even worse than they already are. Economist Robert Reich recently wrote about the current state of affairs in the health care debate:

So the compromise that ended up in the House bill is to have a mere public option, open only to the 6 million Americans not otherwise covered. The Congressional Budget Office warns this shrunken public option will have no real bargaining leverage and would attract mainly people who need lots of medical care to begin with. So, it will actually cost more than it saves.

But even the House's shrunken and costly little public option is too much for private insurers, Big Pharma, Republicans and "centrists" in the Senate. So, Harry Reid has proposed an even tinier public option, which states can decide not to offer their citizens. According to the CBO, it would attract no more than four million Americans.

It's a token public option, an ersatz public option, a fleeting gesture toward the idea of a public option, so small and desiccated as to be barely worth mentioning except for the fact that it still (gasp) contains the word "public."

Our private, for-profit health insurance system, designed to fatten the profits of private health insurers and Big Pharma, is about to be turned over to ... our private, for-profit health care system. Except that now private health insurers and Big Pharma will be getting some 30 million additional customers, paid for by the rest of us.

Upbeat policy wonks and political spinners who tend to see only portions of cups that are full will point out some good things: no pre-existing conditions, insurance exchanges, 30 million more Americans covered. But in reality, the cup is 90 percent empty. Most of us will remain stuck with little or no choice - dependent on private insurers who care only about the bottom line, who deny our claims, who charge us more and more for co-payments and deductibles, who bury us in forms, who don't take our calls.
Pretty much says it all right there.

With public attention focused on the economy, Afghanistan and health care, the White House is moving in stealth to renew some of the worst Patriot Act provisions enacted by the Bush administration. Specifically, the administration seeks to renew three parts of the Act that are set to expire on December 31, according to the Inter-Press Service:

National Security Letters (NSLs)

The FBI uses NSLs to compel Internet service providers, libraries, banks, and credit reporting companies to turn over sensitive information about their customers and patrons. Using this data, the government can compile vast dossiers about innocent people.

The 'Material Support' Statute

This provision criminalizes providing "material support" to terrorists, defined as providing any tangible or intangible good, service or advice to a terrorist or designated group. As amended by the Patriot Act and other laws since Sep. 11, this section criminalizes a wide array of activities, regardless of whether they actually or intentionally further terrorist goals or organizations.

FISA Amendments Act of 2008

This past summer, Congress passed a law that permits the government to conduct warrantless and suspicion-less dragnet collection of US residents' international telephone calls and e-mails.

All we as Americans can do is work to push these elected officials away from the abyss they have us teetering over, and hope that there will be something to be thankful for next year. For now, however, just about everything before us is either worse or exactly as bad as it was before. Not much to be thankful about here.


From: Sofía Aldunate (
Date: 24 Nov 2009
Subject: Our Evolving Solar System: Plasma, Polar Reversals, and 2012

Dear Jean

I found this discoveries very interesting regarding the possible behaviour of the sun and our planetary system in 2012. It is very scientific too, these are discoveries made by a Russian scientist. I am including just part of the article, which is quite long, but I think, well worth reading. This has been taken from the website Reality Sandwich and here is the link

The following article is excerpted from The Everything Guide to 2012, released in 2009 by F+W Media, Inc.

Our Evolving Solar System: Plasma, Polar Reversals, and 2012

Plasma Changes in the Solar System
The increasing amount of plasma that has been entering our solar system over the last couple of decades has been receiving a lot of attention in the run up to 2012. A Russian team of scientists, headed by the planet physicist Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, has been following this phenomenon. Their research suggests that this influx of plasma may be responsible for some of the recent dramatic climate changes.

The Role of Plasma in Recent Solar System Changes
A team from the Siberian Russian Academy of Sciences has been investigating changes in the heliosphere, the electromagnetic envelope that surrounds our solar system. The heliosphere acts like a giant protective sheath surrounding our sun and the entire solar system as we travel through space. Normally, it functions as a giant deflector, protecting us from a potentially harmful influx of cosmic radiation and keeping conditions within the inner solar system relatively stable. However, it is now being bombarded with so much radiation that an unprecedented amount is breaking through. This is reaching our sun and all of the planets of the solar system, including our own.

What is a plasma?
A plasma is a partially ionized gas and is sometimes called the fourth state of matter. The behavior of plasma is quite unlike those of solids, liquids, and gases. In nature, plasmas are usually found in gas-like clouds, as in the case of interstellar nebulae. Other examples of plasmas include ball lightning and the phenomenon of the aurora borealis.

The increase in incoming interstellar plasma, Dmitriev suggests, is dramatically impacting the behavior of our sun and its solar system. "Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material (in) interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our solar system," Dmitriev wrote in 1997.
Changes in Interstellar Space
For much of the twentieth century, space was visualized as a near vacuum. The astronomical reality, it is now being discovered, is actually quite different. Our solar system moves through something called the Local Interstellar Space Medium (LISM).
The LISM is not uniformly empty at all, but has greater and lesser amounts of plasmic flux density created by the presence of highly charged particles. The amount of energy within empty interstellar space is actually highly variable. Scientists are now coming to realize that space has more in common with our terrestrial oceans, with their complex tides and currents, than was previously recognized.

The quantity of plasma, in the form of ionized hydrogen, helium, and hydroxyl, that we encounter in the LISM is a critical variable for what happens in the wider behavior of our solar system. This increased influx of energy is the fundamental cause of the multiple magnetic and climatic changes that have recently been observed in the sun and across all of the planets. Dmitriev even goes as far as to say the consequence of the increase in this interstellar plasmic energy is far more important, in his opinion, than human greenhouse gas emissions are in the creation of our planet's current global warming crisis.

Changes in the Heliosphere
The heliosphere itself has exhibited a dramatic change in behavior over the last ten years. The transition through this increased plasma flux has expanded the heliosphere's bow shock wave in front of the solar system more than ten-fold. Dmitriev gives an extensive catalogue of changes he claims this has caused within the solar system.

Recent Planetary Changes
-- Significant physical, chemical, and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere.
-- The first stages of atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing sodium-based atmosphere that reaches 5,500 miles in height has been detected.
-- Changes in the atmosphere of Mars, including a cloudy growth in the equatorial region and unusual growth in ozone concentration.
-- Significant melting of the Martian polar ice caps.
-- A doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter after the series of impacts from the fragments of the Shoemaker-Levy comet in 1994; also, the appearance of large auroral anomalies, excessive plasma generation, and radiation belt brightening.
-- The creation of an ionic flux tube between Jupiter and the volcanic regions of its moon, Io. This stream of plasma is millions of miles in length and is 1 million amperes in strength. It is affecting Jupiter's magnetic field and intensifying its plasma genesis.
-- Reporting of auroras and a visible increase in brightness on Saturn.
-- Abrupt large-scale growth of magnetosphere intensity and an increase in brightness on Uranus.
-- A change in light intensity and light-spot dynamics on Neptune.
-- A growth of dark spots on Pluto.
Dmitriev notes that Uranus and Neptune, which are magnetically conjugate planets, have both undergone magnetic pole shifts in recent decades. Earth is magnetically conjugate to Jupiter, so he theorizes that the dramatic changes on Jupiter could well have consequences for our planet.
The claim of a direct causal link between the increase in plasma entering the solar system and recent planetary changes is still very controversial, but Dmitriev's research is quite comprehensive and is backed up with extensive scientific references. It seems likely that the increase in this cosmic energy does have some role to play in influencing climate, but it may be one of many contributing factors, rather than a sole cause. Dmitriev himself points out that planetary changes are complex affairs with many interdependent factors. It is the total sum of all these influences that actually determines what happens.

Changes to the Sun
There have also been some recent dramatic changes to the sun. The Ulysses spacecraft sent by NASA to measure the magnetic field of the sun found the magnetic fields of the poles enormously diminished. The magnetic poles of the sun usually reverse at the end of an eleven-year sunspot cycle. At the end of the most recent cycle, the poles only moved to the sun's equator and did not completely invert. This behavior alters everything that was previously believed about the sun's magnetic field. Effectively, the sun no longer has a single north or south magnetic pole; instead, it has four poles located in the equatorial regions.
The data gathered by the Ulysses spacecraft showed that the sun's magnetic field interacts with the rest of the solar system in a much more complex fashion than previously believed. NASA scientists determined that the polar magnetic field is much weaker than previously observed and the amount of cosmic dust entering the solar system is thirty times more than expected.

X-Ray Flares
After the peak of the last eleven-year sunspot cycle in 1999, the sun has had a number of extremely large x-ray flare events. One of these, on April 2, 2001, was so large that it went off the scale completely. The previous scale ran to X-20 as the highest category, but this solar flare had to be categorized as an X-22 event. The x-ray burst was not in the direction of Earth, but a much smaller x-ray flare in 1989 was responsible for knocking out the whole Canadian power grid. If the X-22 event had hit Earth, possible consequences could have included major power outages, interruption of the Internet, damage to telecommunications and GPS satellites, and even the wiping of computer hard drives. The most powerful flare observed since then happened on November 4, 2003. It lasted eleven minutes and produced an x-ray flux of X-28.

The Carrington Event
These recent events, though very significant, are not actually the largest solar flares ever recorded. That honor goes to a flare that happened on September 1, 1859. This has become known as the Carrington event after Richard Carrington, the young English astronomer who saw the event as it happened from his private observatory.
It was a remarkable piece of luck that he happened to be observing the sun at the particular moment that the flare erupted, because the event lasted for less than five minutes. In that time, a huge knot of sunspots appeared and generated a plume that was by far the biggest observed in the 160 years records have been kept.
Before dawn on the following day, a huge firework display of auroral lights bathed Earth, reaching as far south as the Caribbean. The rainbow-hued lights were so brilliant that it was said to be possible to read by them as if it were daylight. The Carrington event also caused major disruption to the telegraph system worldwide.
Conventional astronomy suggests that a flare of this size may only happen once every 500 years or so, but even greater flares have been observed on other stars. Some of these stellar megaflares have emitted quantities of radiation that would be likely to cause major loss of life on Earth.

The Maunder Minimum
Sunspot activity has been broadly increasing since the Maunder minimum period from 1645 to 1715, when there were very few sunspots. At a typical peak of the sunspot cycle, there may be as many as 1,000 spots a year, but during the Maunder minimum the number of spots dropped as low as one or two a year for a thirty-year period. This was also the peak of what has been called the Little Ice Age. This was a period of approximately 400 years, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries, when the drop in temperature was so great that the winter mortality rate in Europe increased dramatically. In London, the river Thames froze over completely every winter. The edge of the Atlantic ice pack moved southward during the Maunder minimum and glaciers started expanding.
The Maunder minimum was named after the astronomer Edward Maunder, who measured and photographed sunspots at the Greenwich Royal Observatory. It was his studies of this unusual period in history that led to his discovery of the important eleven-year sunspot cycle.

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Cosmic Rays and Climate Change

Dmitriev is not the only scientist who thinks this influx of cosmic rays has a major part to play in the recent increases in global temperature. Henrik Svensmark is the head of Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute. In his book The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change, he suggests that when cosmic radiation, especially protons, hit Earth's atmosphere, the reaction they cause has the effect of creating clouds. The more cosmic rays there are the greater the cloud cover.
A shutdown in solar activity and a decrease in the magnetic field of the sun leave our planet more open to the influx of plasmic energy from outside the solar system. This then leads to an increase in cloud cover and the kind of climate change we are now seeing. Svensmark predicts we could be about to enter a new Maunder minimum-like period and that global temperatures are about to rapidly cool.

Dr. Nir Shaviv, an astrophysicist, also thinks cosmic rays affect our planet's climate. By reconstructing the temperature on Earth over the past 500 million years, Shaviv thinks he has found that changes in the amount of cosmic rays are responsible for more than two-thirds of Earth's temperature changes, making it the most important driver of climate change over long periods of time.

Shaviv hypothesizes that the sun's passage through the spiral arms of the Milky Way appears to have been the cause behind the major Ice Ages over the past billion years. He has correlated variations in the cosmic-ray flux to the solar system's orbit around the center of the galaxy and through its spiral arms. In the more crowded spiral arms, like our Orion arm, there is a higher density of cosmic rays. Shaviv agrees with Svensmark that the result of this increase is that Earth becomes cooler.

The study of meteorites that have hit Earth during its passage through the arms of the Milky Way have shown up to 10 percent more cosmic-ray damage than those sustained elsewhere. Shaviv believes that kind of cosmic ray variation could alter global temperatures by as much as 15 percent. This would be sufficient to turn the Ice Ages on or off.

Both Svensmark and Shaviv are considered climate skeptics who dispute the extent to which the creation of greenhouse gases is contributing to the current climate change. The year 2012 is significant in the context of research into cosmic rays because:

-- It coincides with the next predicted solar sunspot maximum, and recently discovered breaches in Earth's magnetosphere make us more vulnerable to solar-flare events.

-- The effects of increased cosmic dust and radiation entering the solar system will be likely to accelerate by this point, which coincides with 2012.

According to these scientists, whether the planet cools or heats up depends on the balance of solar activity and cosmic radiation.

It is not necessary to agree to with their views on climate change to share their conclusion that an increase of cosmic radiation may cause significant changes. Svensmark points out that it is actually well established and uncontroversial that solar activity has a direct influence on the eleven-year variation of stratospheric pressure levels found in the upper atmosphere. The electromagnetic fields of our planet are highly sensitive and respond to a range of influences from solar wind to tropical storms. A tenfold increase in cosmic radiation is likely to affect these fields and the upper and lower atmosphere of the planet in ways that may be unpredictable. The debate is to what extent and how these changes will manifest.

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The Impact of Technological Civilization on the Biosphere

One of the most important and unpredictable variables in the process of rapid magnetic change that Dmitriev reports is the effect our industrial and technological civilization is having on our planet. The extent of human impact on the biosphere is now so great that we are impacting the electromagnetic skeleton of the planet. More than 30 percent of disturbances in the magnetosphere are now caused by electricity production, transmission, or consumption.

For example, the Van Allen radiation belts over the eastern United States have moved inward from more than 200 miles above the surface of the planet to slightly more than six miles. This is caused by the massive amount of energy being transmitted between the power stations around the Great Lakes to the eastern seaboard. The transmission route runs along one of Earth's magnetic meridians, and the frequency of electricity transmission in the United States is at 60Hz, which is resonant with the ionosphere.
What are the Van Allen radiation belts?

These are two belts of plasma surrounding Earth that are held in place by the planet's magnetic field. The inner belt extends 200-6,000 miles from Earth's surface and has a high concentration of protons. The outer belt extends 12,000-26,000 miles and is made of electrons.

This is just one of the many ways in which we are changing our electromagnetic environment, potentially with unforeseen consequences. This may well dramatically complicate the changes that already appear to be happening as a result of the extra-solar energy shift. Dmitriev regards these events as irreversible and fundamental. Possible outcomes, he predicts, may include a major reorganization of life on Earth. He concludes that the combination of the manmade technological impact on the planet and the increase of magnetic saturation coming into the solar system mean we are entering a period of rapid and unstoppable geophysical change.
Changes in the Magnetic Field Affecting Nature

Some species and habitats are more sensitive than others to the effects of these changes. Unfortunately, some of those animals and insects that may be most severely affected occupy key ecological niches in the world's ecosystem.

The rapid decline in bee population, known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), may be a symptom of the change in the earth's magnetic polarity. While some scientists believe that bees find their hives by following polarized lines of light in the sky, research at National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan into magnetic reception in bees has shown the presence of magnetite. This suggests they have magnetic homing senses.
Changes in Earth's magnetic field and the influence of manmade electromagnetic pollution are possible causes of the dramatic bee decline. A survey commissioned by the Apiary Inspectors of America found losses of more than 30 percent in the bee population from CCD. Some scientists estimate that life on Earth is so dependent on bee pollination that the current human population would be unable to feed itself just eight years after the collapse of the bee colonies.

Whales may also have a biomagnetic sense, which allows them to navigate by sensing Earth's magnetic fields. Whales following magnetic field lines could beach themselves in areas where the field lines intersect with the coast. A study in the United Kingdom by Margaret Klinowska found a correlation between local magnetic field lines and sites where whales were stranded on shore. The biomagnetic theory may also explain why there are multiple-species strandings. The use of underwater sonar has also been implicated in whale beachings.

The weakened magnetosphere allows more ultraviolet light to penetrate through the atmosphere to the surface. Frogs and other moist-skinned amphibians are among the species most sensitive to these increases in ultraviolet radiation. There has been a recent sharp decline in frog and other amphibian populations in both tropical and temperate climates.

New Scientist magazine has reported research showing how human behavior is influenced by changes in Earth's magnetic field. Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia looked at activity in Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July, and the last in October. He also found that geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk.
Responding to the Electromagnetic Crisis

If the rapid increase in manmade electromagnetic emissions is left unchecked, it seems likely there will be an increase in consequences for human health and the health of the biosphere. The combination of a number of other geophysical effects converging in 2012 may mean that this impact is compounded. These effects include:

-- Weakened magnetosphere.
-- Solar maximum due in 2012.
-- Increase in interstellar plasma and cosmic rays.
-- Movement of the magnetic poles.

One possible scenario is that at the solar maximum around 2012, a massive solar eruption on the scale of the Carrington event could pass through the weakened magnetosphere of Earth. This could massively impact our global communications systems and computer networks and dramatically accelerate the changing motion of the magnetic poles. If the magnetic flux of the flare event is of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm the ring main of Earth's magnetic field, it could theoretically produce a rapid magnetic pole shift.

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Related article and video:

New Solar Cycle Prediction (May 29, 2009)
An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots."If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78," says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center. It is tempting to describe such a cycle as "weak" or "mild," but that could give the wrong impression."Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather," points out Biesecker. "The great geomagnetic storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same size we're predicting for 2013." The 1859 storm--known as the "Carrington Event" after astronomer Richard Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar flare--electrified transmission cables, set fires in telegraph offices, and produced Northern Lights so bright that people could read newspapers by their red and green glow. A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause $1 to 2 trillion in damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require four to ten years for complete recovery. For comparison, Hurricane Katrina caused "only" $80 to 125 billion in damage. CLIP

Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012
Nasa says super solar storm coming in 2012. It could knock out all electricity on the planet! *** NEW UPDATE *** NASA has revised their prediction for solar maximum to now occur around mid-May of 2013.

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Global Initiation and Multiple Dimensions

Taken from Kiara Windrider's ( latest book Journey Into Forever: Surfing into 2012 and Beyond

(...) Hypnotherapist Chet Snow has written a fascinating book called Mass Dreams of the Future. In this book, rather than regressing people into past lives, he 'progresses' them into the future, beyond the year 2012, and then catalogues what they seem to have experienced.

Interestingly, their experiences fall into three very distinct categories.  The first group was living on a devastated earth, foraging and living in hunting and gathering conditions, similar to how it must have been after the Atlantean catastrophe when humanity had to start over again from scratch.

The second group either lived off-planet in space stations, or on the surface of an inhospitable planet in future artificial environments.  The third group found themselves on a beautiful green utopian earth, completely restored and with no crime, wars, hunger, and with very little disease or even death.

Could these be examples of what we are calling Third, Fourth, and Fifth dimensional timelines? It seems that individuals might be able to choose their worlds after the Shift, in accordance with what their inner soul choices may be.

At some point, perhaps immediately for some and more distantly in the future for others, I imagine that a Sixth dimensional timeline would open up, representing the 'supramental human' living in bodies of true matter.  This would be a 'physical etheric' rather than 'physical material' density.  All this would be assisted through the supramental power of harmonization that Sri Aurobindo talks about.

If enough of us are able to ascend to this level soon enough, perhaps this power of harmonization could bring about Windrider's best case scenario, a complete and immediate collective transformation of Earth and humanity into a frequency of matter fully capable of holding the vibrations of soul! If this works, perhaps this could trigger the 'hundredth monkey' phenomenon, where we could ascend together as a planetary collective into a single supramental timeline of human consciousness!

If we are not ready for this, however, I do feel that the magnetic polar reversal will initiate a splitting of our third-dimensional spacetime coordinates into several simultaneous timelines, each one vibrating to a different dimensional frequency, and each person given a choice as to which of these timelines would best suit their continuing evolution.

Could all this happen in 2012? Although I am  not attached to a historical date, I do see that there are several pointers in this direction. Along with the Mayan calendar, Aztec, Toltec, and Cherokee calendars also use a similar end date, while Terrence McKenna's timewave theory, independently derived on the basis of his psychedelic research into the I Ching, also provides the same end date for the winding down of our current civilization.  Meanwhile, as we get closer to this date, multitudes of people, including children, are starting to have dreams, visions, and intuitions regarding this Shift of the Ages.

Most scientists that I have referred to in this book will not give specific dates for the manifestation of their respective scenarios, but do provide windows of time into which 2012 AD would comfortably fit. Given the current state of affairs, I see the upcoming Global Shift as a sign of enormous hope. Many informed people around the world intuitively feel that we simply cannot go on for another ten, twenty or fifty years without exterminating ourselves and perhaps our precious planet as well. Most have become quite pessimistic regarding our ability to turn things around in time.

The conclusions that we are making here, therefore, are not about death and destruction, which would inevitably happen anyway if we continue on our current course of self-destruction, but rather visions of hope and beauty beyond imagining. This is especially so once we discover how much power we hold within our own hands to determine our personal and collective future.


Note from Jean: Kiara has just made his excellent and thoroughly well documented latest book available on the web at - and in case you don't already know how to save a pdf document such as this one on your computer so as to read it afterwards, you simply have to use the "save as" function (under file) of your browser. You can also read the article 2012 and the Emergence of Divine Light by Kiara Windrider at


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Recommended by Marcel Thevoz (


France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying
Posted by: Dr. Mercola -- November 21 2009

France's highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as "biodegradable" and claimed it "left the soil clean." Roundup is the world's best-selling herbicide.

French environmental groups had brought the case in 2001 on the basis that glyphosate, Roundup's main ingredient, is classed as "dangerous for the environment" by the European Union.

In the latest ruling, France's Supreme Court upheld two earlier convictions against Monsanto by the Lyon criminal court in 2007, and the Lyon court of appeal in 2008, the AFP news agency reports.

Monsanto already dominates America's food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation's tactics, including ruthless legal battles against small farmers, is its decades-long history of toxic contamination.

BBC October 15, 2009

Vanity Fair May 2008

Vanity Fair June 19, 2009

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Monsanto is a very dark cloud hanging over the future of health and food safety in the United States. This powerful entity has already managed so many reprehensible acts it boggles the mind, including:

- Leading the world into a new age of potentially hazardous genetic modification of seeds.

- Patenting not only their own GMO seeds, but also a huge number of crop seeds, patenting life forms for the first time -- without a vote of the people or Congress. 

- Not allowing farmers to save their seeds to replant the next year -- a practice that has been done for generations. Instead, they aggressively seek out and sue farmers they suspect of doing so.

- Suing farmers who have not been able to prevent the inevitable drift of Monsanto's GE pollen or seed onto their land for patent infringement!

- Producing two of the most toxic substances ever known -- polychlorinated biphenyls, known as PCBs, and dioxin (Agent Orange).

Now France's highest court has confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto falsely advertised its Roundup herbicide as "biodegradable" and said it "left the soil clean" -- claims that could not be further from the truth.

The Reality about Roundup

Monsanto long used the slogans, "It's Safer than Mowing," "Biodegradable," and "Environmentally Friendly" to describe Roundup -- until the real effects of this toxic herbicide were revealed and they were forced to discontinue their deceptive advertising.

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is the most commonly reported cause of pesticide illness among landscape maintenance workers in California. Additionally:

- The surfactant ingredient in Roundup is more acutely toxic than glyphosate itself, and the combination of the two is even more toxic.

- Glyphosate is suspected of causing genetic damage.

- Glyphosate is acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance.

- Laboratory studies have identified adverse effects of glyphosate-containing products in all standard categories of toxicological testing.

In one animal study, rats given 1,000 mg/kg of glyphosate resulted in a 50 percent mortality rate, and skeletal alterations were observed in over 57 percent of fetuses!

This is very concerning because millions of pounds of Roundup are used every year on U.S. gardens, lawns and farms, especially on GM crops that are engineered to be Roundup resistant. Roundup works by inhibiting an enzyme called EPSP synthase, which is necessary for plants to grow. Without it, plants are unable to produce essential proteins so they slowly yellow and die.

Monsanto developed a cash cow when they created not only Roundup, but also their genetically modified "Roundup Ready" crops.

Roundup Ready soybean, cotton and corn crops are the world's largest group of genetically modified crops. In fact, the GM Roundup Ready gene is part of more than 75 percent of soybeans, 65 percent of cotton and 10 percent of corn grown in the United States.

This particular variety of GM crops became so popular because it allows farmers to spray Monsanto's Roundup herbicide directly onto their fields without harming the crops. Ordinarily, if you were to spray Roundup, or any other glyphosate-based herbicide, onto a plant, it would die.

Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops, however, produce an enzyme that has the same function as EPSP synthase, but is not affected by Roundup.

As you might imagine, the use of Roundup herbicide has increased dramatically since the GM Roundup Ready crops were introduced, and serious problems have been reported ever since.

Roundup Residues are Toxic

It's widely known that GM Roundup Ready crops, which are very common in the United States, contain Roundup residues. A study published earlier this year even showed, for the first time, just how toxic these residues may be to your health. 

The study found that residues of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide found in GM food and feed can cause cell damage and death, even at very low levels. The authors of the study said their research "... points to undesirable effects which are currently masked or hidden from scientific scrutiny."

Even when researchers tested formulations of Roundup that were highly diluted (up to 100,000 times or more) on human cells, the cells died within 24 hours.

They also found damage to cell membranes and DNA, along with an inhibition of cell respiration.

Further, the researchers discovered that the mixture of components used as Roundup adjuvants actually amplified the action of the glyphosate, making at least one of its metabolites even more toxic. The researchers wrote:

"This work clearly confirms that the adjuvants in Roundup formulations are not inert. Moreover, the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death around residual levels to be expected, especially in food and feed derived from Roundup formulation-treated crops."

With findings like these, you can see just how outrageous Monsanto's claims really were. Roundup is not "biodegradable," safe or in any way good for people or the environment.

Not by a long shot.

Monsanto's Sordid Past

It does not come as a surprise that Monsanto lied about Roundup, given their extremely under-handed track record. There is easily enough "dirt" on Monsanto to fill an entire book.

Perhaps their biggest assault to your food supply is what's known as terminator technology. These are seeds that have been genetically modified to "self-destruct." In other words, the seeds (and the forthcoming crops) are sterile, which means farmers must buy them again each year.

The implications that terminator seeds could have on the world's food supply are disastrous: the traits from genetically engineered crops can get passed on to other crops. Once the terminator seeds are released into a region, the trait of seed sterility could be passed to other non-genetically-engineered crops, making most or all of the seeds in the region sterile.

If allowed to continue, every farmer in the world could come to rely on Monsanto for their seed supply!

Monsanto -- the convicted liar's club -- has also worked its way into varying high-level positions in the U.S. government, ironically in positions that are meant to protect your food safety!

The New Senior Advisor for the FDA is a Former Monsanto VP!

Michael Taylor, a former vice president of public policy and chief lobbyist at Monsanto Company, is the new senior advisor for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Who is Michael Taylor? He is the person who "oversaw the creation of GMO policy," according to Jeffrey Smith, the leading spokesperson on the dangers of GM foods. Smith continues: 

"If GMOs are indeed responsible for massive sickness and death, then the individual who oversaw the FDA policy that facilitated their introduction holds a uniquely infamous role in human history. That person is Michael Taylor. He had been Monsanto's attorney before becoming policy chief at the FDA. Soon after, he became Monsanto's vice president and chief lobbyist."

The FDA policy being referred to is the 1992 GMO policy, which stated:

"The agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new methods [genetic engineering] differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way."

In reality, there was major concern among FDA scientists that GM foods were in fact different than natural foods, and that their creation could prompt unknown and unpredictable health problems.

Along with being a key player in the initial pushing of GM foods onto Americans' plates (without any required safety studies), Taylor also oversaw the policy regarding Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH/rbST).

This growth hormone, which has been banned in Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand because of cancer risks and other health concerns, was approved in the United States while Taylor was in charge at the FDA. Smith writes:

"Taylor also determined that milk from injected cows did not require any special labeling. And as a gift to his future employer Monsanto, he wrote a white paper suggesting that if companies ever had the audacity to label their products as not using rbGH, they should also include a disclaimer stating that according to the FDA, there is no difference between milk from treated and untreated cows."

Taylor's white paper, which again was untrue as even FDA scientists acknowledged differences in the rbGH milk, allowed Monsanto to sue dairies that labeled their products rbGH-free.

Unfortunately, the connections do not end there. You can find out more about all of Monsanto's key players who are now part of the Obama administration here

You Can Fight Back Against Monsanto

By boycotting all GM foods and instead supporting organic (and local) farmers who do not use Monsanto's GM seeds, you are using your wallet to make your opinions known. This means abstaining from virtually all processed food products (most are loaded with GM ingredients) and sticking to fresh, locally grown, organic foodstuffs instead.

Monsanto reported a fourth quarter loss of $233 million in October 2009, largely due to a drop in sales of its Roundup brand -- so I am confident that many are wising up to the underhanded dealings of this evil company.

If you want to help keep Monsanto from expanding their stronghold on the world's food supply, please also continue to stay informed.

Monsanto is the poster child for manipulation and corporate greed, so please, forward this article on to your circle of influence, and make the choice to boycott any product that this unethical company is associated with.
Related Links:

Why are Monsanto Insiders Now Appointed to Protect Your Food Safety?

Monsanto's Many Attempts to Destroy All Seeds but Their Own

Monsanto's Dream Bill -- HR 875

Related article:

Increase in GM Crops, Resistant Weeds Lead to Dramatic Rise in Pesticide Us (November 17, 2009)
The widespread use of genetically modified (GM) crops engineered to tolerate herbicides has led to a sharp increase in the use of agricultural chemicals in the U.S. This practice is creating herbicide-resistant "super weeds" and an increase in chemical residues in U.S. food, according to a new report released today by The Organic Center, the Union for Concerned Scientists, and the Center for Food Safety.According to the report, entitled "Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use in the United States: The First Thirteen Years," as more farmers have adopted variations of corn, soy beans, and cotton bred to tolerate weed killer in recent years, the use of herbicides has increased steadily, with herbicide use growing by 383 million pounds from 1996 to 2008, according to the report.  Forty-six percent of that increase occurred during 2007 and 2008. On the plus side, the report said the use of insecticides has actually decreased by 64 million pounds since 1996 because many genetically modified crops such as cotton and corn carry traits that make them resistant to insects. The most popular genetically modified crops are known as "Roundup Ready" for their ability to survive after being sprayed with the herbicide, Roundup. Officials with the Biotechnology Industry Organization said herbicide-resistant crops initially made it easier for farmers to manage weed problems. Over time, however, an unfortunate consequence has been a growing epidemic of herbicide-resistant weeds. CLIP

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Brain Scan Finds Man Was Not in a Coma-23 Years Later

Nov 23, 2009

Rom Houben has been trapped in a series of worst nightmares, including trying for 23 years to alert those around him that he was not in a coma. A new report suggests he's not alone in his experience.

In 1983, Belgian engineering student and martial arts enthusiast Houben, then 20, was in a car accident that was thought to have left him in a vegetative state. Doctors relied on the widely-used Glasgow Coma Scale, assessing his eyes, verbal, and motor responses. What they failed to notice was that Houben was actually conscious-but completely paralyzed.

"I screamed, but there was no one to hear," he says in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel. Three years ago, neurologist Steven Laureys used modern scanning techniques to discover that Houben's cerebral cortex was, in fact, functioning. (The doctor has only just now made Houben's story public.)

Houben, who communicates via a computer with a special keyboard activated with the slightest movement of his right hand, is now 46. He has spent more than half his life trapped in his own body, and says he only survived this excruciating existence by dreaming himself away. In the interview, this is what he typed:
I am called Rom. I am not dead. The nurses came, they patted me, they sometimes took my hand, and I heard them say "no hope." I meditated, I dreamed my life away-it was all I could do. I don't want to blame anyone-it wouldn't do any good. But I owe my life to my family. Everyone else gave up.

I studied what happened around me as if it were a tiny piece of world drama, the bizarre peculiarities of the other patients in the common room, the entry of the doctors into my room, the gossip of the nurses who were not embarrassed to speak about their boyfriends in front of "the extinct one." That made me an expert on relationships.

According to Laureys, Houben's case may be far more common than we'd like to think. The doctor, who leads the Coma Science Group and Department of Neurology at Liege University Hospital, says that while Houben's doctors were "not good," he's not sure better ones using this same coma scale would have detected brain activity either:

In Germany alone each year some 100,000 people suffer from severe traumatic brain injury. About 20,000 are followed by a coma of three weeks or longer. Some of them die, others regain health. But an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 people a year remain trapped in an intermediate stage-they go on living without ever coming back again.

In his paper, Laureys writes that in about 40 percent of "vegetative state" cases he has analyzed, current brain scanning techniques reveal signs of varying levels of consciousness. A case is being made, it seems, to stop relying on the Glasgow Coma Scale and start looking more closely at brain scanning images.


Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator