We focus on raising consciousness, longevity and prevention of dimentia and alzheimers.
Homesteading Links
Integrated Green Building Techniques
Australian Conservation Foundation Green Building Project details the pre-construction analysis, specification, modeling and post construction performance measurement of an environmentally-designed ecologically sustainable commercial office building in Melbourne, Australia.
Bicentennial Hall at Middlebury College is a 108,000-net-square-foot science building with classroom, library, research and office space. Concern for the environment was a prime consideration in this building, which used certified sustainably-produced wood from Vermont in its interior finished woodwork.
highlights projects that are part of a program in Portland, Oregon that provides “one-stop-shopping” for area businesses to help them make their properties more energy-efficient and water-efficient and generate less waste.
C.K. Choi Institute for Asian Research, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, is a 30,000-sq- ft. office building designed with the mandate of attaining a new benchmark in sustainable design. The building is reducing impact and consumption, addressing embodied energy in construction, reducing operating energy over time and creating a livable working space.
Cusano Environmental Education Center is a new facility at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that features energy efficiency, daylighting, salvaged and sustainably-produced wood, recycled materials and a Marsh Machine on-site wastewater treatment system.
Eco-Church and Community Facility is a new church-development project in Whyalla, Australia that will incorporate the principles of sustainable development. Features include healthy building materials, natural lighting and ventilation, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, solar energy systems and waste water recycling.
Enermodal Engineering Award Winning Green Building Projects, of Ontario, Canada, profiles the "Green on the Grand" office complex, which demonstrates the successful implementation of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility in commercial construction, and "The Waterloo Region Green Home," one of the most advanced houses in the world from the viewpoint of energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental impact.
Environmental Living and Learning Center, Northland College is a 32,374-sq.-ft. environmental residence hall in Ashland, Wisconsin that provides a unique living and learning opportunity emphasizing resource efficiency and renewable energy. The building's design includes wind power, solar power, water conservation and recycled materials.
Environmental Office Building in Garston, England provides a large-scale experimental facility for evaluating environmentally advanced technologies and operations. Its architects expect the building to use 30 percent less energy than similar buildings. One of the building's innovative passive design features is its concrete floor-ceiling assembly with a sinusoidal-shaped ceiling. The building is also the first in the UK to use recycled aggregate in ready-mixed concrete.
Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington, D.C. is comprised of four separate construction projects. The renovated portions of the project reflect the reuse of significant, existing structures that support historic preservation and sustainable design objectives. By doing so, the government conserved an estimated 75,000 tons of concrete, 6,000 tons of steel, 100,000 square feet of glass, and 3,000 tons of masonry.
Four Times Square in New York, New York is a new 48-story, 1.6-million-sq.-ft. building with standards for energy efficiency, indoor ecology, sustainable materials and responsible construction, operations and maintenance procedures. The building includes an on-site fuel cell and building-integrated photovoltaics.
Gap Corporate Campus (901 Cherry) in San Bruno, California is a 191,000 sq. ft. office building designed within a conventional construction budget yet featuring daylighting, certified wood, low-toxicity finishes, green space preservation and a living roof that collects stormwater.
Lewis Center for Environmental Studies, Oberlin College is a classroom and auditorium building in Oberlin, Ohio featuring solar power, biological wastewater treatment and other strategies for building without compromising human and environmental health.
The Monastery of Christ in the Desert in Abiquiu, New Mexico is a monastery compound that was designed to include daylighting, solar electricity, solar water heating, passive solar design, sustainable building materials and a wetland.
Pennsylvania's First Model Green Building in Harrisburg is the new facility of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The building was designed with the intention of becoming the state's first "model" green building.
Prisma Mixed-Use Commercial Development, of Nuremberg, Germany, features a microclimate that has been modified by insulating generously, using the structures' heat storage capacity, orienting the buildings appropriately, shading them, ventilating naturally, regulating humidity botanically and oxygenating and cleaning their air. The buildings save some 8,000 liters of fuel oil per heating season.
Real Goods Solar Living Center is a complex of offices and a 5,000-sq.-ft. retail showroom in Hopland, California that is completely powered by sun and wind energy. The buildings are constructed of rice straw bales and feature daylighting and sustainable landscape design.
Refuge at Ocklawaha is a 52-acre eco-resort on a converted farm bordering the 4,400-acre Ocklawaha Restoration Area wetlands in Florida. The buildings feature reused materials, and the resort is designed to have a low site impact. Landscaping involves native plants and preservation of existing trees.
Sheraton Rittenhouse Square, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a 193-room environmentally-smart hotel. Its features include air filtered by a bamboo garden, recycled furniture and flooring, and organic sleep systems.
Southface Energy and Environmental Resource Center in Atlanta, Georgia was designed and constructed to showcase energy-efficient and green-building technologies. The building has a number of functions, including a building science learning lab, a clearinghouse for sustainable technology information and a meeting place for a variety of groups.
U.S. Postal Service Station in Fort Worth, Texas, was designed with sustainable features, including natural landscaping, rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, straw construction and recycled-content materials. The building was honored with a 1999 White House Closing the Circle award. Read more about this award.
Van Atta Design Studio is a 2500-square-foot design studio for landscape architecture located in Santa Barbara, California, built with principles of sustainable design on a reused urban site, with a healthy indoor environment using natural light. The building includes solar panels and landscaping that creates a comfortable and appealing microclimate.
Center for Regenerative Studies, California State Polytechnic University is a residential education center complex in Pomona, California that demonstrates solar energy, water reuse, sustainable food growing, waste recycling and passive solar and strawbale construction.
Chez Soleil Off-Grid House is a green home in Austin, Texas that is completely off the grid, using no utilities whatsoever. The home incorporates passive solar technology, photovoltaics, rainwater catchment, a wetlands septic system and more.
CRBT Demonstration Homes are green building demonstration projects undertaken by the NCAT Center for Resourceful Building Technology in Missoula, Montana. Projects featured on the website include ReCRAFT 90, Timber-Tech and the Northside Strawbale Project.
Ecohouse Sustainable Home is an award-winning ecohome in Wellington City, New Zealand. The website includes photos and plan sketches.
GreenHOME Construction Project is a construction project being carried out in partnership with the Washington, DC, Habitat for Humanity.
Home 2000 is an affordable, healthy home that adapts to changing lifestyles. It was built in Toronto using Healthy Housing and FlexHousing concepts in a project sponsored by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and others.
NAHB Research Center Home Park is located in Bowie, Maryland and serves as a venue for the National Association of Home Builders Research Center to demonstrate, exhibit and test different building technologies. Theme projects include the 21st Century Townhouses, featuring alternatives to dimensional lumber and innovative approaches to energy efficiency, and the Resource Conservation Research House.
Replete Residence Demonstration Home is a building project in Kansas City, Kansas. The website provides ongoing details regarding its planning and construction.
Seattle Times and AIA Homes of the Year annually honor home construction projects that utilize energy-efficiency measures and innovative planning and design aspects. This link features the co-winners for 1997, Fairview Lofts and the Scott home on Mercer Island.
The Sustainable Home/Office, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is a home/office that was constructed under the concept of "ecotecture," which focuses on natural dynamics, healthy materials, biological principles, human ergonomics, cultural respect and compassionate understanding for the planet and all living creatures.
Cascadia Resource-Efficient Home Plan is a resource-efficient affordable home plan that is available for sale, or for free to nonprofit organizations. It is designed to use 20 percent less energy per year than a comparable house built to Oregon code, both preserving the environment and saving money. Demonstrations of the plan have been built.
Emeryville Resourceful Building is a project that demonstrates that affordable housing and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive. Energy-efficient features and efficient component assemblies allowed savings in construction and operation costs that offset the use of more expensive material alternatives.
GREENHome is a Habitat for Humanity house in Washington, DC that incorporates affordable, green building features. The link includes a project profile and fact sheet.
Habitat for Humanity Sees Affordability in Energy-Efficient Homes reports on Habitat for Humanity’s efforts at incorporating energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly features in its affordable housing projects.
HUD Best Practices' Case Study Book - Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge profiles the winners and finalists in the National Excellence Awards for The City Summit (Habitat II).
Natural Habitat profiles the energy-efficiency features of a Habitat for Humanity house in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Northside Strawbale Project is a non-profit project in Missoula, Montana to develop two strawbale homes that achieve both affordability and resource efficiency.
PATH Technology Inventory provides links to a number of innovative housing projects throughout the U.S. that accomplish durability, quality, environmental performance, energy efficiency and affordability.
Portland Place is a project designed to revitalize an urban neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota by transforming substandard rentals into 52 owner-occupied homes. The project began with four homes constructed in a Habitat for Humanity blitzbuild. Homes feature energy efficiency and healthy designs.
Green Residential Developments
Cambridge Cohousing is a project that built 41 infill residential units on a 1.5-acre site in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The project requires a minimum of operating energy and minimizes automobile use.
Coffee Creek Center is a 640-acre project in Chesterton, Indiana, which is now in the master planning stage and which was designed to provide the qualities of a healthy small town in a design where the relationship between the built and natural environments is fundamental. The project incorporates environmental design, urban planning and landscape ecology.
Civano Sustainable Community Project is being developed in Tucson, Arizona. The project will employ a development pattern that allows residents to meet their economic needs while maintaining social values and ecological harmony. Its components include land-use planning, efficient transportation design, green buildings and resource efficiency.
East Lake Commons is an 18-acre conservation community in Atlanta, Georgia that is pedestrian-oriented and uses cluster development. Its design allows nine acres to be preserved as an open space that includes a 6-acre garden for residents as well as woods with nature trails.
EcoVillage of Loudon County, Virginia is a 180-acre cohousing community in northern Virginia. The development preserves open space and uses passive solar and environmentally sensitive technologies for water and energy conservation. Two 25-lot cohousing communities are being developed on 15 percent of the former farm site.
The FRoG Co-housing Cooperative, of Ithaca, New York, is the first cohousing neighborhood to be developed as part of the larger EcoVillage at Ithaca project. This 30-unit development includes a common house, communal park/pond, composting stations and the use of a variety of sustainable technologies including passive solar, superinsulation and graywater recycling.
Gaviotas Self-Sufficiency Project is a town of 200 occupants situated in Colombia's barren eastern plains that was originally started as a 1971 scientific experiment of self-sufficiency. It continues to thrive, utilizing renewable energies such as wind and solar, and has developed its own technologies in water purification and hydroponic agriculture.
Hidden Springs is a new residential community in Idaho and is based upon eight principles that aim to protect the natural environment, preserve rural character and farming traditions, preserve quality of life, increase diversity and achieve traditional design for its neighborhoods and homes.
Marsh Commons CoHousing is a cohousing community in Arcata, California that employs appropriate technology to reduce resource consumption and dependence on cars.. The development is built on a reused industrial site adjoining a wildlife refuge on a marsh. Its buildings feature salvaged wood, certified lumber and recycled paint.
Olympic Village is a 94-hectare development with 650 permanent buildings and up to 500 modular homes that was constructed as athlete housing for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. The development reduces demand on non-renewable energy sources, uses an integrated environmental design process and minimizes water use in buildings and landscaping.
The Quarries ecoVillage is a 750-acre eco-village in Schuyler, Virginia that focuses on sustainable design. The project features a straw-bale community building, public greenspace, environmentally sensitive siting, solar energy, energy efficiency and healthy building materials.
Residential Community Development Project is a residential community of 750 housing units in Soest, Netherlands, which was developed in a way that preserves pasture lands and utilizes planning techniques that maximize solar potential and create pedestrian friendly places. The houses themselves are highly energy-efficient, utilizing passive solar design and incorporating alternative water-collection systems.
Sun Rivers Resort Community, in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, is a golf resort community with a number of sustainable design elements, including mixed uses, compact design, environmentally-responsive siting and more.
Ecolonia, Netherlands is an urban development designed by the Belgian town planning expert Lucien Kroll. It incorporates technologies including solar energy utilization, superinsulation, recycled content materials, reduced water consumption and organic architecture.
Windsong Cohousing Community, in Langley, British Columbia, Canada, is a development of 34 housing units clustered on 2.2 acres of a 6-acre site. The site includes a communal organic garden and is within walking distance of many amenities. Its unique wing-shape design provides passive solar gain while providing a pleasant interior street for residents.
Arbor House is an environmental inn in Madison, Wisconsin that emphasizes urban ecology. The renovated historic building has a matching modern annex and features sustainably harvested wood, efficient appliances, water conservation and native landscaping.
City Environmental Services Department Headquarters, Ridgehaven Renovation is a renovation project that places the Ridgehaven building among the most energy-efficient buildings in San Diego, California.
Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, a new complex located in Washington, D.C., is comprised of four separate construction projects. The renovated portions of the project reflect the reuse of significant, existing structures that support historic preservation and sustainable design objectives. By doing so, the government conserved an estimated 75,000 tons of concrete, 6,000 tons of steel, 100,000 square feet of glass and 3,000 tons of masonry.
Pennsylvania Cable and Telecommunications Association Headquarters is a renovated building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which was designed to use less energy and create less pollution as an example of environmentally sound practices, economic efficiency and historical preservation. It includes reuse of an old building, use of recycled materials, natural light, triple-paned windows and energy-efficient HVAC systems.
S.T. Dana Building, University of Michigan is a 1903 building that was renovated for the School of Natural Resources and Environment in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phase I created new space in a courtyard infill. The ongoing Phase II incorporates environmental considerations in remodeling spaces in the existing portion of the building.
Thoreau Center for Sustainability is an historic, San Francisco, California, landmark site that was renovated into a 75,000-sq.- ft. office complex for non-profit organizations focused on environmental and sustainable development issues. The redesign includes natural ventilation, efficient lighting and less-toxic materials, all accomplished on a modest budget.
Alliance to Save Energy offers an online tour of the energy-efficient features of the organization's Washington, DC, office, showcasing efficient lighting, appliances, and office equipment.
Burnet Park Zoo, in Syracuse, New York, has incorporated energy efficiency features into its new zoo buildings, including daylighting and passive solar strategies that allow downsized air conditioning.
CARB Case Study describes an energy-efficient adaptation of a popular home plan at Del Webb's Sun City Grand. The model, located in Surprise, Arizona, uses less energy to cool, requires 22 percent less energy overall and costs less to build than the standard version.
Durant Road Middle School was designed to result in a healthy and productive learning environment combining energy efficiency and cost effectiveness in Wake County, North Carolina. The building includes daylighting, efficient equipment and an energy management system.
Environmental Office Building in Garston, England provides a large-scale experimental facility for evaluating environmentally advanced technologies and operations. Its architects expect the building to use 30 percent less energy than similar buildings.
Four Times Square is a new 48-story, 1.6-million-sq.-ft. building in New York City with standards for energy efficiency; indoor ecology; sustainable materials; and responsible construction, operations and maintenance procedures. The building includes an on-site fuel cell and building-integrated photovoltaics.
Geothermal Heat Pump Project is a new heat pump system installed at Feather River College in Quincy, California, which is saving some $50,000 and 421,000 kilowatt-hours each year.
Geothermal Heating Projects provides links to a number of buildings projects utilizing geothermal heat pump systems in Minnesota.
King Street Center, home to the offices of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Transportation of Seattle, Washington, incorporates sustainable building practices in design, construction and operation, while harmonizing with historic architectural style. The building includes energy-efficient lighting, job-site recycling and water collection.
Prisma, of Nuremberg, Germany, is a mixed-use commercial development. The building's microclimate has been modified by insulating generously, using the structure's heat storage capacity, orienting the building appropriately, shading it, ventilating naturally, regulating humidity botanically and oxygenating and cleaning its air. The building saves some 8,000 liters of fuel oil per heating season.
Oak Park Library Project is a joint-use public and high school library in Ventura, California with a state-of-the-art, energy-conserving design that includes daylighting, reduced cooling energy, reduced material use and energy-efficient windows.
Oakes Hall, Vermont Law School, in South Royalton, Vermont, is a building with 23,500-sq.-ft. of classroom space, demonstrating environmentally sound construction and operation. It uses an enthalpic energy recovery wheel, energy efficient systems and less-toxic materials.
Outdoor Lighting Standards is an initiative in Chittendon County, Vermont, which is developing outdoor-lighting standards for three case-study communities.
Project Harambee Community Energy and Water Conservation is a grassroots effort in Atlanta, Georgia in which free ultra-low-flush toilets, low-flow shower heads and energy conservation information was distributed to low-income households in an effort to reduce water and energy consumption.
Recreational Equipment Inc. Commercial Building is a commercial store project in Seattle, Washington in which some 75 percent of the demolition debris was reused in the new building, recycled or sold for salvage. The success of its energy conservation program has qualified the building for several Washington state rebates.
Sainsbury Millennium Store is a Greenwich, UK supermarket that aims to be 50-percent more efficient than standard stores by using natural ventilation, daylighting from skylights and heat reclaimed from the refrigeration system. The project also showcases renewable energy use.
Utah Energy Office Building in Salt Lake City, the new Utah Department
of Natural Resources building, is said to be the most energy-efficient building
in the state.
Reader, available free from Adobe, is needed to read this
PDF file.
Zero-Energy Council Offices, in Hyndburn, Lancashire, UK, is the country's first public "zero-energy" building, which is powered and heated by renewable sources. The building includes daylighting; passive solar design; thermal stack effect; and photovoltaic, wind and water power. (Note: to access this story, click on the above link, then scroll down to "First Public Zero-Energy Building.")
Zion National Park Visitor Transit Center, in Springdale, Utah, is an 11,4000-sq.-ft. building now under construction. The building size was reduced by using outdoor spaces, and energy use is reduced by passive conditioning with an evaporative cooling system and thermal massing.
Building Construction Case Study documents the results of a Melbourne, Australia waste-minimisation program tested by Fletcher Construction Australia. Construction practices and materials chosen resulted in a total waste volume reduction of 15 percent, use of 43 percent less landfill space and financial savings of 55 percent. One-third of total waste volume was recycled.
Community Ecodesign Network Greenhouse is a 360-sq.-ft. greenhouse in Duluth, Minnesota, designed as an alternative graywater treatment facility for an adjacent home. The greenhouse features strawbale wall insulation, solar orientation and a rainwater catchment system, in addition to treating the home's wastewater.
The Green Institute, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, profiles nonprofit operations called The ReUse Center and DeConstruction Services, which dismantle buildings and sell used building materials as part of efforts to divert reusable construction materials from the waste stream and create job opportunities.
Mercury House of Prescott, Arizona was built by a student in sustainable development and features rooftop water catchment, constructed wetland wastewater treatment, solar hot water and solar electricty. The structure uses straw bale and cast earth construction as well as certified sustainably harvested wood and local salvage wood.
The Presidio of San Francisco, California is home to a project in which two wood-frame buildings are being deconstructed. The link includes detailed analysis of the building materials recovered for reuse.
Recreational Equipment Inc. Commercial Building is a new commercial store project in Seattle, Washington, in which some 75 percent of the demolition debris was reused in the new building, recycled or sold for salvage. The success of its energy conservation program has qualified the building for several Washington state rebates.
Resource-Efficient, Affordable Homes Project is a non-profit project in Missoula, Montana to develop two strawbale homes that achieve both affordability and resource efficiency.
Salvaged Building Materials Program explains Resource 2000, a program started by the Boulder, Colorado Energy Conservation Center to sell recycled building materials; and the Recycling Development Incubator, which facilitates economic development for recycling businesses in Colorado.
Vashon Transfer/Recycling Station is a solid waste and recyclable collection and transfer center in Vashon, Washington. Recycled flooring, insulation and paint were used to construct the center. Website includes information on King County's Environmental Purchasing Program.
Zion National Park Visitor Transit Center is an 11,4000-sq.-ft. building now under construction in Springdale, Utah. The building size was reduced by using outdoor spaces, and energy use is reduced by passive conditioning with an evaporative cooling system and thermal massing.
Collections of Green Building Success Stories
AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects are selected annually by The American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment. Selection is based on criteria of energy and resource use, site design and community connection. Winning projects are profiled online.
Architecture + Energy Award Winners from 1997-2000 are profiled. Winning projects include buildings throughout the Northwest that integrate design with energy and resource conservation. Projects feature energy performance, daylighting and climate-appropriate design.
Build a Better Kitsap Model Projects, which feature commercial, residential and institutional buildings using recycled and resource-efficient materials, are highlighted.
Ecotecture Case Studies, spotlighting environmental building and development, are compiled by the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University.
Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Showcase Winners provides links to winners of FEMP’s annual award program for energy savings projects in federal buildings.
PATH Best Practice Inventory links to a number of innovative housing projects throughout the U.S. that accomplish durability, quality, environmental performance, energy efficiency and affordability.
Renewable Energy Case Studies links to a variety of case studies involving renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind power, small hydro, biomass and geothermal.
Provides links to success stories on a wide variety of sustainable development
topics, including Green Buildings.
for Sustainable Communities
Albuquerque's Environmental Story: Toward a Sustainable Community was created to help students in Albuquerque, New Mexico relate compassionately to their local natural and human environment. A primary objective of the document is to foster a mindset in Albuquerque's future citizens which can lead to a sustainable future for their community. Its hands-on interpretive approach is designed to heighten students' awareness, enhance their capacity to enjoy the beauty surrounding them and develop a sense of social and environmental stewardship.
Civano: Planning a Sustainable Community.
Hidden Springs is a new residential community in Idaho that is based upon eight principles that aim to protect the natural environment, preserve rural character and farming traditions, preserve quality of life, increase diversity and achieve traditional design for its neighborhoods and homes.
Manatee County "Rediscovers" Its Early Vision of Sustainability sets forth both a remarkable history of planning in Manatee County, Florida that teaches by example, as well as offers a clear plan for a sustainable future.
One City, One Future City Sustainability Plan discusses the plans of a "built-out" beach community in Clearwater, Florida to put a sustainable future back into place.
Plan 2020: Comprehensive Planning for Sustainability discusses the process and final products of the creation of Flagstaff, Arizona’s vision of the future, including intensive citizen involvement.
Santa Monica Sustainable City Progam was adopted by this Californian city on September 20, 1994. The program includes policy guidelines and ordinances for the following areas: Community and Economic Development, Construction and Development, Education, Energy, Hazardous Materials, Housing, Purchasing, Solid Waste, Stormwater & Wastewater, Transportation and Water.
Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco was developed by a group of more than 350 San Franciscans–community activists and people representing many city government agencies, over 100 businesses, and academia. They gathered in working groups in 1996 to draft the "rough game plan that is necessary for a concerted effort to achieve a sustainable society." In July 1997, the goals and objectives of the sustainability plan became policy of the City and County of San Francisco, California.
Sustainable Communities Initiative serves as a formal vehicle to bring together diverse views to plan for the needs of today and tomorrow throughout the entire Austin, Texas region. It is designed to link Austin's existing programs and to reinforce additional sustainable development initiatives.
Environmental Protection and Economic Revitalization
Bronx Community Paper Company is a planned paper-manufacturing facility to be built on the site of an abandoned railyard in the Bronx, New York. The facility will utilize 100 percent post-consumer waste paper.
Chattanooga's Adventure in Revitalization illustrates the attitudes and projects that have changed Chattanooga, Tennessee from the "dirtiest city in America" to one of the most talked about success stories in sustainability.
Sustainable Agriculture
Success Stories
Action 21 Environmental Success Stories provides links to Canadian environmental success stories in the areas of atmospheric change, biodiversity, ecosystems and toxic substances. Click on “List of Projects Funded to Date” for a comprehensive listing of projects.
Alliance for National Renewal’s Community Stories Index offers links to a variety of community renewal success stories, focusing on community economic development, quality of life, environment, education, community diversity and other topics.
Alliance for Redesigning Government, of the National Academy of Public Administration, features case studies focusing on topics such as community development, economic development, rural development and the environment.
Best Practices Database profiles project initiatives that address sustainability issues, such as poverty eradication, economic development, social services, environmental protection, infrastructure, housing and land use, urban and regional planning processes and disaster and emergency preparedness.
Case Studies of BEST Winners provides a host of links to success stories about Portland, Oregon businesses that have won awards for notable energy and environmental accomplishments. Topics include energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and recycling and clean and efficient transportation.
HORIZON Solutions Site links to a number of international projects focusing on areas such as agriculture, air pollution, biodiversity, energy, industry, transportation and waste management.
HUD Best Practices provides links to a variety of success stories in America’s communities, including housing an economic development, affordable housing and special needs populations.
HUD Best Practices' Case Study Book - Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge profiles the winners and finalists in the National Excellence Awards for The City Summit (Habitat II).
HUD’s Beyond Shelter: Building Communities of Opportunity – The United States Report for Habitat II profiles a number of sustainability success stories in land use, community revitalization, affordable housing and brownfield reclamation.
ICLEI Project Summaries and Case Studies offers the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) collection of project summaries (abstracts of full case studies). Ordering information for case studies is also available on this site.
Innovations Awards Winners provides links to a variety of success stories in the areas of community services, social services, protective services, human services, capital and environmental services and management and governance.
Ontario Round Table on Environment and Economics: Success Stories provides links to a variety of sustainable community development projects in Canada.
Public Technology, Inc. Technology Achievement Awards were awarded to 17 U.S. local governments for 22 initiatives that use the power of technology to improve service to citizens, cut costs and boost revenues.
Reinvesting in America: Model Programs summarizes a number of the nation’s best grassroots programs focusing on hunger and nutrition; homelessness; low-cost housing; welfare, children, and family support; community organizing and advocacy; job training and community economic development.
Renewable Energy Case Studies provides links to a variety of case studies involving renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal, photo voltaic, wind power, small hydro, biomass and geothermal.
Sustainability in Action Case Study Profiles, a publication that can be downloaded from the above link, profiles outstanding sustainable community initiatives from across the U.S.
Calling All Cobber's!
Earthfriendly and Self-Sufficient Architectures at the University of Colorado. Interested in Earth Friendly Architecture? Sign up for the ESSA list serv today! We routinely hold discussions about Earthships, Straw Bale, Cob, Rammed Earth, and other sustainable natural building techniques. ESSA is one of many sites supporting architecture for sustainable living. They embrace discussions of alternative, natural or local sourced building materials such as strawbale, adobe, and recycled tires, wood, steel, ... , sustainably harvested timber as well discussions of permaculture.
making a house from recycled tires and earth
for restoration trade products, suppliers
a construction trades link list of about 200 magazines
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FAQs, tips and repair
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Pegasus Originals, Inc. - needlework
Don't Panic, Eat Organic - an organic grower's page
Plants for a Future Database Search - flora species lookup
Virtual Garden - Plant Encyclopedia searchable
GardenGuides -- Come Garden With Us!
Ecological Agriculture (Internet Links)
Beekeeping: The Beekeeper's Home Page
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Magazines: Woodworking, Gardening, Cooking
Black Cat Cooperative (Kansas, United States) Forming
Ecovillage Yahoo group:Yahoo group for online discussion about
the community
(Maryland, United States)
I am a consciously ascending human and to me, this year of 2005 is
the year of the White Elephant, the bearer of Compassion. And what
that also means, this is the year of community building! Much...
(Maryland, United States)
SPRING CATHOLIC WORKER 15405 Short Ridge Ct Silver Spring, Md.
20906 (301) 598-5427
The Silver Spring Catholic Worker gives hospitality on a...
(Maryland, United States)
Please check out our full-page ad! Our five-level, 16-bedroom
communal home will be THE MOST environmentally friendly and yet
fully-featured home you'll ever hope to find in a community:...
(Maryland, United States)
Eastern Village is a 56-unit cohousing community in downtown
Silver Spring, Maryland, just a few blocks from the Silver Spring
metro. EVC is a developer-driven project organized by...
(Maryland, United States)
Brunswick, Maryland Community forming Seeking singles, couples and
small families looking to found a cooperative or co-housing
community aimed at working-class people who want to own in a...
(Maryland, United States)
The adults and children of Heathcote Community strive to live in a
healthy, loving, and sustainable manner. We are located on 112
acres of wooded stream valley which is part of the School of
(Maryland, United States)
Liberty Village is a rural cohousing community for all ages,
accessible to metropolitan Washington and Baltimore. We have 18
homes complete of a planned 38. Due to unexpected County sewer...
(Maryland, United States)
Woodburn Hill Farm was founded on a formerly Amish farm in 1975.
At present, we are a co-op model with family units more
independent, with 14 adults and 2 teens on our 128 acres. The
place is...
(Maryland, United States)
(Maryland, United States)
There are 6 of us now, all wonderful people, and we have an
inquiry from a possible seventh. In 2004 we completed our
Labyrinth food garden. It has not only become a source of food for
(Ware, Massachusetts, United States)
Farm (East Falmouth, Massachusetts, United
Buddhist Shim Gum Do Association (Brighton,
Massachusetts, United States)
of Cape Cod (West Barnstable,
Massachusetts, United States)
Hill Friends House (Boston, Massachusetts,
United States)
Community Cooperatives (Somerville,
Massachusetts, United States)
Cohousing (Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States)
Cohousing (Berlin, Massachusetts, United
States) Forming
On A Cloud (Clinton, Massachusetts, United
States) Forming
A Go-Go (Worcester, Massachusetts, United
States) Forming
Hearth Cohousing (Boston, Massachusetts,
United States) Forming
in Plymouth (Plymouth, Massachusetts,
United States) Forming
Village Cohousing (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States) Forming
Mill Ecovillage (Lawrence, Massachusetts,
United States)
(Petersham, Massachusetts, United States)
Hachaim (Sunderland, Massachusetts, United
Community (Jamaica Plain, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States)
Grace Sanctuary (Shelburne Falls,
Massachusetts, United States) Forming
Collective, The (Boston, Massachusetts,
United States)
Cohousing (West Tisbury, Massachusetts,
United States)
Plain Cohousing (Boston, Massachusetts,
United States)
(Gersau, Switzerland) (Cologne, Germany) (Gottmadingen,
Germany) (Vienna, Austria) (Zagreb, Croatia) (Skopje, Macedonia,
The Former Yugoslav Republic of) (Ohrid, Macedonia, The Former
Yugoslav Republic of) (Brighton, United Kingdom) (Novi Beograd,
Serbia and Montenegro) (Limerick, Ireland) (Sliema, Malta) (HR
Den Haag, Netherlands) (Bowral, Australia) (Beverly,
Massachusetts, United States)
(Massachusetts, United States) Forming
Dog Farm and CSA (Gill, Massachusetts,
United States) Forming
Valley CoHousing (Amesbury, Massachusetts,
United States)
Co-op (Somerville, Massachusetts, United
Light (Worcester, Massachusetts, United
States) Forming
Commons (Berlin, Massachusetts, United
View Cohousing (Acton, Massachusetts,
United States)
CoHousing (Florence, Massachusetts, United
at M.I.T. (Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States)
Street (Amherst, Massachusetts, United
Valley (Amherst, Massachusetts, United
Hill Community (Cummington, Massachusetts,
United States) Forming
Hill Cohousing (Northhampton,
Massachusetts, United States)
Camp & Conference Center (Rowe,
Massachusetts, United States)
Francis & Therese Catholic Worker House (Worcester,
Massachusetts, United States)
Community (Shutesbury, Massachusetts,
United States)
Community (Savoy, Massachusetts, United
States) Forming
Tribes Community in Boston (Dorchester,
Massachusetts, United States)
Tribes Community in Hyannis (Hyannis,
Massachusetts, United States)
Peacemaker Circle (Montague,
Massachusetts, United States)
Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan,
United States)
Elk House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
House (East Lansing, Michigan, United
Society of Compassionate Wisdom (Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Center of Light Spirituality Center (Oxford, Michigan) (Oxford,
Michigan, United States) Forming
of the Sacred Path (Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States) Forming
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Cohousing (Detroit, Michigan, United
States) Forming
ForestFarm (Mancelona, Michigan, United
Detroit (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
Farm (Manchester, Michigan, United States)
Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan,
United States)
House (East Lansing, Michigan, United
Garden Cohousing (Lansing, Michigan,
United States)
Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable Aid Foundation (Detroit,
Michigan, United States)
Oak Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
Cooperative (Grand Rapids, Michigan,
United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Wa House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
Cooperative House (Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States)
SOLUTIONS (Detroit area, Michigan, United
States) Forming
Council (ICC-Michigan) (Ann Arbor,
Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Village (KALAMAZOO, Michigan, United
Land Stewardship Center (Columbiaville,
Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Rock Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan,
United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Arbor Ecovillage (Kalamazoo, Michigan,
United States) Forming
Fox Community (Grand Rapids, Michigan,
United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
State University Student Housing Corporation (Lansing,
Michigan, United States)
Womyn's Music Festival (Walhalla,
Michigan, United States)
Rehtle (Big Rapids, Michigan, United
States) Forming
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Lansing, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Community Cooperative (East Lansing,
Michigan, United States)
Place: a Grand Rapids Cohousing Community (Grand
Rapids, Michigan, United States) Forming
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
EARTH 11 (Traverse City, Michigan, United
States) Forming
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Truth House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
of the Morning (Vanderbilt, Michigan,
United States)
Co-op (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
States) Forming
House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Monastery and Retreat Center (Fennville,
Michigan, United States)
Retreat Center (Stanchfield, Minnesota,
United States)
Co-op (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
Village Minnesota, Inc. (Sauk Centre,
Minnesota, United States)
Student Housing Cooperative (Minnesota,
United States)
Creek House (Duluth, Minnesota, United
of One - "Minnesota" (Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States)
House (Saint Paul, Minnesota, United
States) Forming
Christian Community (Mountain Lake,
Minnesota, United States)
Student Housing Cooperative (Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States)
Cohousing (Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States) Forming
Kuliana Group (Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States)
Cohousing (Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States)
House (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
of Saint Benedict (Collegeville,
Minnesota, United States) (Rome, Italy)
North Fellowship (Minnesota, United
States) Forming
Community Housing (Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States)
of Minnesota Students' Cooperative (Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States)
Valley Community Land Cooperative (Winona,
Minnesota, United States)
Valley Community Co-op (Rushford,
Minnesota, United States)
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