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Integrated Green Building Techniques

Commercial Projects:

Australian Conservation Foundation Green Building Project details the pre-construction analysis, specification, modeling and post construction performance measurement of an environmentally-designed ecologically sustainable commercial office building in Melbourne, Australia.

Bicentennial Hall at Middlebury College is a 108,000-net-square-foot science building with classroom, library, research and office space. Concern for the environment was a prime consideration in this building, which used certified sustainably-produced wood from Vermont in its interior finished woodwork.

highlights projects that are part of a program in Portland, Oregon that provides “one-stop-shopping” for area businesses to help them make their properties more energy-efficient and water-efficient and generate less waste.

C.K. Choi Institute for Asian Research, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, is a 30,000-sq- ft. office building designed with the mandate of attaining a new benchmark in sustainable design. The building is reducing impact and consumption, addressing embodied energy in construction, reducing operating energy over time and creating a livable working space.

Cusano Environmental Education Center is a new facility at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that features energy efficiency, daylighting, salvaged and sustainably-produced wood, recycled materials and a Marsh Machine on-site wastewater treatment system.

Eco-Church and Community Facility is a new church-development project in Whyalla, Australia that will incorporate the principles of sustainable development. Features include healthy building materials, natural lighting and ventilation, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, solar energy systems and waste water recycling.

Enermodal Engineering Award Winning Green Building Projects, of Ontario, Canada, profiles the "Green on the Grand" office complex, which demonstrates the successful implementation of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility in commercial construction, and "The Waterloo Region Green Home," one of the most advanced houses in the world from the viewpoint of energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental impact. 

Environmental Living and Learning Center, Northland College is a 32,374-sq.-ft. environmental residence hall in Ashland, Wisconsin that provides a unique living and learning opportunity emphasizing resource efficiency and renewable energy. The building's design includes wind power, solar power, water conservation and recycled materials.

Environmental Office Building in Garston, England provides a large-scale experimental facility for evaluating environmentally advanced technologies and operations. Its architects expect the building to use 30 percent less energy than similar buildings. One of the building's innovative passive design features is its concrete floor-ceiling assembly with a sinusoidal-shaped ceiling. The building is also the first in the UK to use recycled aggregate in ready-mixed concrete.

Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington, D.C. is comprised of four separate construction projects. The renovated portions of the project reflect the reuse of significant, existing structures that support historic preservation and sustainable design objectives. By doing so, the government conserved an estimated 75,000 tons of concrete, 6,000 tons of steel, 100,000 square feet of glass, and 3,000 tons of masonry.

Four Times Square in New York, New York is a new 48-story, 1.6-million-sq.-ft. building with standards for energy efficiency, indoor ecology, sustainable materials and responsible construction, operations and maintenance procedures. The building includes an on-site fuel cell and building-integrated photovoltaics.

Gap Corporate Campus (901 Cherry) in San Bruno, California is a 191,000 sq. ft. office building designed within a conventional construction budget yet featuring daylighting, certified wood, low-toxicity finishes, green space preservation and a living roof that collects stormwater.

Lewis Center for Environmental Studies, Oberlin College is a classroom and auditorium building in Oberlin, Ohio featuring solar power, biological wastewater treatment and other strategies for building without compromising human and environmental health.

The Monastery of Christ in the Desert in Abiquiu, New Mexico is a monastery compound that was designed to include daylighting, solar electricity, solar water heating, passive solar design, sustainable building materials and a wetland.

Pennsylvania's First Model Green Building in Harrisburg is the new facility of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The building was designed with the intention of becoming the state's first "model" green building.

Prisma Mixed-Use Commercial Development, of Nuremberg, Germany, features a microclimate that has been modified by insulating generously, using the structures' heat storage capacity, orienting the buildings appropriately, shading them, ventilating naturally, regulating humidity botanically and oxygenating and cleaning their air. The buildings save some 8,000 liters of fuel oil per heating season.

Real Goods Solar Living Center is a complex of offices and a 5,000-sq.-ft. retail showroom in Hopland, California that is completely powered by sun and wind energy. The buildings are constructed of rice straw bales and feature daylighting and sustainable landscape design.

Refuge at Ocklawaha is a 52-acre eco-resort on a converted farm bordering the 4,400-acre Ocklawaha Restoration Area wetlands in Florida. The buildings feature reused materials, and the resort is designed to have a low site impact. Landscaping involves native plants and preservation of existing trees.

Sheraton Rittenhouse Square, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a 193-room environmentally-smart hotel. Its features include air filtered by a bamboo garden, recycled furniture and flooring, and organic sleep systems.

Southface Energy and Environmental Resource Center in Atlanta, Georgia was designed and constructed to showcase energy-efficient and green-building technologies. The building has a number of functions, including a building science learning lab, a clearinghouse for sustainable technology information and a meeting place for a variety of groups.

U.S. Postal Service Station in Fort Worth, Texas, was designed with sustainable features, including natural landscaping, rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, straw construction and recycled-content materials. The building was honored with a 1999 White House Closing the Circle award. Read more about this award.

Van Atta Design Studio is a 2500-square-foot design studio for landscape architecture located in Santa Barbara, California, built with principles of sustainable design on a reused urban site, with a healthy indoor environment using natural light. The building includes solar panels and landscaping that creates a comfortable and appealing microclimate.

Residential Projects:


Center for Regenerative Studies, California State Polytechnic University is a residential education center complex in Pomona, California that demonstrates solar energy, water reuse, sustainable food growing, waste recycling and passive solar and strawbale construction.

Chez Soleil Off-Grid House is a green home in Austin, Texas that is completely off the grid, using no utilities whatsoever. The home incorporates passive solar technology, photovoltaics, rainwater catchment, a wetlands septic system and more.

CRBT Demonstration Homes are green building demonstration projects undertaken by the NCAT Center for Resourceful Building Technology in Missoula, Montana. Projects featured on the website include ReCRAFT 90, Timber-Tech and the Northside Strawbale Project. 

Ecohouse Sustainable Home is an award-winning ecohome in Wellington City, New Zealand. The website includes photos and plan sketches. 

GreenHOME Construction Project is a construction project being carried out in partnership with the Washington, DC, Habitat for Humanity.

Home 2000 is an affordable, healthy home that adapts to changing lifestyles. It was built in Toronto using Healthy Housing and FlexHousing concepts in a project sponsored by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and others.

NAHB Research Center Home Park is located in Bowie, Maryland and serves as a venue for the National Association of Home Builders Research Center to demonstrate, exhibit and test different building technologies. Theme projects include the 21st Century Townhouses, featuring alternatives to dimensional lumber and innovative approaches to energy efficiency, and the Resource Conservation Research House.

Replete Residence Demonstration Home is a building project in Kansas City, Kansas. The website provides ongoing details regarding its planning and construction.

Seattle Times and AIA Homes of the Year annually honor home construction projects that utilize energy-efficiency measures and innovative planning and design aspects. This link features the co-winners for 1997, Fairview Lofts and the Scott home on Mercer Island.

The Sustainable Home/Office, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is a home/office that was constructed under the concept of "ecotecture," which focuses on natural dynamics, healthy materials, biological principles, human ergonomics, cultural respect and compassionate understanding for the planet and all living creatures.


Affordable Green Building 

Cascadia Resource-Efficient Home Plan is a resource-efficient affordable home plan that is available for sale, or for free to nonprofit organizations. It is designed to use 20 percent less energy per year than a comparable house built to Oregon code, both preserving the environment and saving money. Demonstrations of the plan have been built.

Emeryville Resourceful Building is a project that demonstrates that affordable housing and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive. Energy-efficient features and efficient component assemblies allowed savings in construction and operation costs that offset the use of more expensive material alternatives.

GREENHome is a Habitat for Humanity house in Washington, DC that incorporates affordable, green building features. The link includes a project profile and fact sheet.

Habitat for Humanity Sees Affordability in Energy-Efficient Homes reports on Habitat for Humanity’s efforts at incorporating energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly features in its affordable housing projects.

HUD Best Practices' Case Study Book - Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge profiles the winners and finalists in the National Excellence Awards for The City Summit (Habitat II). 

Natural Habitat profiles the energy-efficiency features of a Habitat for Humanity house in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Northside Strawbale Project is a non-profit project in Missoula, Montana to develop two strawbale homes that achieve both affordability and resource efficiency.

PATH Technology Inventory provides links to a number of innovative housing projects throughout the U.S. that accomplish durability, quality, environmental performance, energy efficiency and affordability.

Portland Place is a project designed to revitalize an urban neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota by transforming substandard rentals into 52 owner-occupied homes. The project began with four homes constructed in a Habitat for Humanity blitzbuild. Homes feature energy efficiency and healthy designs.


Green Residential Developments 

Cambridge Cohousing is a project that built 41 infill residential units on a 1.5-acre site in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The project requires a minimum of operating energy and minimizes automobile use.

Coffee Creek Center is a 640-acre project in Chesterton, Indiana, which is now in the master planning stage and which was designed to provide the qualities of a healthy small town in a design where the relationship between the built and natural environments is fundamental. The project incorporates environmental design, urban planning and landscape ecology.

Civano Sustainable Community Project is being developed in Tucson, Arizona. The project will employ a development pattern that allows residents to meet their economic needs while maintaining social values and ecological harmony.  Its components include land-use planning, efficient transportation design, green buildings and resource efficiency.

East Lake Commons is an 18-acre conservation community in Atlanta, Georgia that is pedestrian-oriented and uses cluster development. Its design allows nine acres to be preserved as an open space that includes a 6-acre garden for residents as well as woods with nature trails.

EcoVillage of Loudon County, Virginia is a 180-acre cohousing community in northern Virginia. The development preserves open space and uses passive solar and environmentally sensitive technologies for water and energy conservation. Two 25-lot cohousing communities are being developed on 15 percent of the former farm site.  

The FRoG Co-housing Cooperative, of Ithaca, New York, is the first cohousing neighborhood to be developed as part of the larger EcoVillage at Ithaca project. This 30-unit development includes a common house, communal park/pond, composting stations and the use of a variety of sustainable technologies including passive solar, superinsulation and graywater recycling.

Gaviotas Self-Sufficiency Project is a town of 200 occupants situated in Colombia's barren eastern plains that was originally started as a 1971 scientific experiment of self-sufficiency. It continues to thrive, utilizing renewable energies such as wind and solar, and has developed its own technologies in water purification and hydroponic agriculture.

Hidden Springs is a new residential community in Idaho and is based upon eight principles that aim to protect the natural environment, preserve rural character and farming traditions, preserve quality of life, increase diversity and achieve traditional design for its neighborhoods and homes.

Marsh Commons CoHousing is a cohousing community in Arcata, California that employs appropriate technology to reduce resource consumption and dependence on cars.. The development is built on a reused industrial site adjoining a wildlife refuge on a marsh. Its buildings feature salvaged wood, certified lumber and recycled paint.

Olympic Village is a 94-hectare development with 650 permanent buildings and up to 500 modular homes that was constructed as athlete housing for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. The development reduces demand on non-renewable energy sources, uses an integrated environmental design process and minimizes water use in buildings and landscaping.

The Quarries ecoVillage is a 750-acre eco-village in Schuyler, Virginia that focuses on sustainable design. The project features a straw-bale community building, public greenspace, environmentally sensitive siting, solar energy, energy efficiency and healthy building materials.

Residential Community Development Project is a residential community of 750 housing units in Soest, Netherlands, which was developed in a way that preserves pasture lands and utilizes planning techniques that maximize solar potential and create pedestrian friendly places. The houses themselves are highly energy-efficient, utilizing passive solar design and incorporating alternative water-collection systems.

Sun Rivers Resort Community, in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, is a golf resort community with a number of sustainable design elements, including mixed uses, compact design, environmentally-responsive siting and more.

Ecolonia, Netherlands is an urban development designed by the Belgian town planning expert Lucien Kroll. It incorporates technologies including solar energy utilization, superinsulation, recycled content materials, reduced water consumption and organic architecture.

Windsong Cohousing Community, in Langley, British Columbia, Canada, is a development of 34 housing units clustered on 2.2 acres of a 6-acre site. The site includes a communal organic garden and is within walking distance of many amenities. Its unique wing-shape design provides passive solar gain while providing a pleasant interior street for residents.


Green Rehab Projects 

Arbor House is an environmental inn in Madison, Wisconsin that emphasizes urban ecology. The renovated historic building has a matching modern annex and features sustainably harvested wood, efficient appliances, water conservation and native landscaping.

City Environmental Services Department Headquarters, Ridgehaven Renovation is a renovation project that places the Ridgehaven building among the most energy-efficient buildings in San Diego, California. 

Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, a new complex located in Washington, D.C., is comprised of four separate construction projects. The renovated portions of the project reflect the reuse of significant, existing structures that support historic preservation and sustainable design objectives. By doing so, the government conserved an estimated 75,000 tons of concrete, 6,000 tons of steel, 100,000 square feet of glass and 3,000 tons of masonry.

Pennsylvania Cable and Telecommunications Association Headquarters is a renovated building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which was designed to use less energy and create less pollution as an example of environmentally sound practices, economic efficiency and historical preservation. It includes reuse of an old building, use of recycled materials, natural light, triple-paned windows and energy-efficient HVAC systems.

S.T. Dana Building, University of Michigan is a 1903 building that was renovated for the School of Natural Resources and Environment in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phase I created new space in a courtyard infill. The ongoing Phase II incorporates environmental considerations in remodeling spaces in the existing portion of the building.

Thoreau Center for Sustainability is an historic, San Francisco, California, landmark site that was renovated into a 75,000-sq.- ft. office complex for non-profit organizations focused on environmental and sustainable development issues. The redesign includes natural ventilation, efficient lighting and less-toxic materials, all accomplished on a modest budget.


Energy Efficiency 

Alliance to Save Energy offers an online tour of the energy-efficient features of the organization's Washington, DC, office, showcasing efficient lighting, appliances, and office equipment.

Burnet Park Zoo, in Syracuse, New York, has incorporated energy efficiency features into its new zoo buildings, including daylighting and passive solar strategies that allow downsized air conditioning.

CARB Case Study describes an energy-efficient adaptation of a popular home plan at Del Webb's Sun City Grand. The model, located in Surprise, Arizona, uses less energy to cool, requires 22 percent less energy overall and costs less to build than the standard version.

Durant Road Middle School was designed to result in a healthy and productive learning environment combining energy efficiency and cost effectiveness in Wake County, North Carolina. The building includes daylighting, efficient equipment and an energy management system.

Environmental Office Building in Garston, England provides a large-scale experimental facility for evaluating environmentally advanced technologies and operations. Its architects expect the building to use 30 percent less energy than similar buildings.

Four Times Square is a new 48-story, 1.6-million-sq.-ft. building in New York City with standards for energy efficiency; indoor ecology; sustainable materials; and responsible construction, operations and maintenance procedures. The building includes an on-site fuel cell and building-integrated photovoltaics.

Geothermal Heat Pump Project is a new heat pump system installed at Feather River College in Quincy, California, which is saving some $50,000 and 421,000 kilowatt-hours each year.

Geothermal Heating Projects provides links to a number of buildings projects utilizing geothermal heat pump systems in Minnesota. 

King Street Center, home to the offices of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Transportation of Seattle, Washington, incorporates sustainable building practices in design, construction and operation, while harmonizing with historic architectural style. The building includes energy-efficient lighting, job-site recycling and water collection.

Prisma, of Nuremberg, Germany, is a mixed-use commercial development. The building's microclimate has been modified by insulating generously, using the structure's heat storage capacity, orienting the building appropriately, shading it, ventilating naturally, regulating humidity botanically and oxygenating and cleaning its air. The building saves some 8,000 liters of fuel oil per heating season.

Oak Park Library Project is a joint-use public and high school library in Ventura, California with a state-of-the-art, energy-conserving design that includes daylighting, reduced cooling energy, reduced material use and energy-efficient windows.

Oakes Hall, Vermont Law School, in South Royalton, Vermont, is a building with 23,500-sq.-ft. of classroom space, demonstrating environmentally sound construction and operation. It uses an enthalpic energy recovery wheel, energy efficient systems and less-toxic materials.

Outdoor Lighting Standards is an initiative in Chittendon County, Vermont, which is developing outdoor-lighting standards for three case-study communities. 

Project Harambee Community Energy and Water Conservation is a grassroots effort in Atlanta, Georgia in which free ultra-low-flush toilets, low-flow shower heads and energy conservation information was distributed to low-income households in an effort to reduce water and energy consumption. 

Recreational Equipment Inc. Commercial Building is a commercial store project in Seattle, Washington in which some 75 percent of the demolition debris was reused in the new building, recycled or sold for salvage. The success of its energy conservation program has qualified the building for several Washington state rebates.

Sainsbury Millennium Store is a Greenwich, UK supermarket that aims to be 50-percent more efficient than standard stores by using natural ventilation, daylighting from skylights and heat reclaimed from the refrigeration system. The project also showcases renewable energy use.

Utah Energy Office Building in Salt Lake City, the new Utah Department of Natural Resources building, is said to be the most energy-efficient building in the state. 
Note: Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe, is needed to read this PDF file. 

Zero-Energy Council Offices, in Hyndburn, Lancashire, UK, is the country's first public "zero-energy" building, which is powered and heated by renewable sources. The building includes daylighting; passive solar design; thermal stack effect; and photovoltaic, wind and water power. (Note: to access this story, click on the above link, then scroll down to "First Public Zero-Energy Building.")

Zion National Park Visitor Transit Center, in Springdale, Utah, is an 11,4000-sq.-ft. building now under construction. The building size was reduced by using outdoor spaces, and energy use is reduced by passive conditioning with an evaporative cooling system and thermal massing.


Materials/Water Conservation 

Building Construction Case Study documents the results of a Melbourne, Australia waste-minimisation program tested by Fletcher Construction Australia. Construction practices and materials chosen resulted in a total waste volume reduction of 15 percent, use of 43 percent less landfill space and financial savings of 55 percent. One-third of total waste volume was recycled.

Community Ecodesign Network Greenhouse is a 360-sq.-ft. greenhouse in Duluth, Minnesota, designed as an alternative graywater treatment facility for an adjacent home. The greenhouse features strawbale wall insulation, solar orientation and a rainwater catchment system, in addition to treating the home's wastewater.

The Green Institute, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, profiles nonprofit operations called The ReUse Center and DeConstruction Services, which dismantle buildings and sell used building materials as part of efforts to divert reusable construction materials from the waste stream and create job opportunities.

Mercury House of Prescott, Arizona was built by a student in sustainable development and features rooftop water catchment, constructed wetland wastewater treatment, solar hot water and solar electricty. The structure uses straw bale and cast earth construction as well as certified sustainably harvested wood and local salvage wood.

The Presidio of San Francisco, California is home to a project in which two wood-frame buildings are being deconstructed. The link includes detailed analysis of the building materials recovered for reuse.

Recreational Equipment Inc. Commercial Building is a new commercial store project in Seattle, Washington, in which some 75 percent of the demolition debris was reused in the new building, recycled or sold for salvage. The success of its energy conservation program has qualified the building for several Washington state rebates.

Resource-Efficient, Affordable Homes Project is a non-profit project in Missoula, Montana to develop two strawbale homes that achieve both affordability and resource efficiency.

Salvaged Building Materials Program explains Resource 2000, a program started by the Boulder, Colorado Energy Conservation Center to sell recycled building materials; and the Recycling Development Incubator, which facilitates economic development for recycling businesses in Colorado.

Vashon Transfer/Recycling Station is a solid waste and recyclable collection and transfer center in Vashon, Washington. Recycled flooring, insulation and paint were used to construct the center. Website includes information on King County's Environmental Purchasing Program.

Zion National Park Visitor Transit Center is an 11,4000-sq.-ft. building now under construction in Springdale, Utah. The building size was reduced by using outdoor spaces, and energy use is reduced by passive conditioning with an evaporative cooling system and thermal massing.


Collections of Green Building Success Stories 

AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects are selected annually by The American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment. Selection is based on criteria of energy and resource use, site design and community connection. Winning projects are profiled online.

Architecture + Energy Award Winners from 1997-2000 are profiled. Winning projects include buildings throughout the Northwest that integrate design with energy and resource conservation. Projects feature energy performance, daylighting and climate-appropriate design.

Build a Better Kitsap Model Projects, which feature commercial, residential and institutional buildings using recycled and resource-efficient materials, are highlighted.

Ecotecture Case Studies, spotlighting environmental building and development, are compiled by the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University.

Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Showcase Winners provides links to winners of FEMP’s annual award program for energy savings projects in federal buildings. 

PATH Best Practice Inventory links to a number of innovative housing projects throughout the U.S. that accomplish durability, quality, environmental performance, energy efficiency and affordability.

Renewable Energy Case Studies links to a variety of case studies involving renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind power, small hydro, biomass and geothermal. 

Provides links to success stories on a wide variety of sustainable development topics, including Green Buildings.

for Sustainable Communities 

Albuquerque's Environmental Story: Toward a Sustainable Community was created to help students in Albuquerque, New Mexico relate compassionately to their local natural and human environment. A primary objective of the document is to foster a mindset in Albuquerque's future citizens which can lead to a sustainable future for their community. Its hands-on interpretive approach is designed to heighten students' awareness, enhance their capacity to enjoy the beauty surrounding them and develop a sense of social and environmental stewardship. 

Civano: Planning a  Sustainable Community.

Hidden Springs is a new residential community in Idaho that is based upon eight principles that aim to protect the natural environment, preserve rural character and farming traditions, preserve quality of life, increase diversity and achieve traditional design for its neighborhoods and homes.

Manatee County "Rediscovers" Its Early Vision of Sustainability sets forth both a remarkable history of planning in Manatee County, Florida that teaches by example, as well as offers a clear plan for a sustainable future.

One City, One Future City Sustainability Plan discusses the plans of a "built-out" beach community in Clearwater, Florida to put a sustainable future back into place. 

Plan 2020: Comprehensive Planning for Sustainability discusses the process and final products of the creation of Flagstaff, Arizona’s vision of the future, including intensive citizen involvement. 

Santa Monica Sustainable City Progam was adopted by this Californian city on September 20, 1994. The program includes policy guidelines and ordinances for the following areas: Community and Economic Development, Construction and Development, Education, Energy, Hazardous Materials, Housing, Purchasing, Solid Waste, Stormwater & Wastewater, Transportation and Water.

Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco was developed by a group of more than 350 San Franciscans–community activists and people representing many city government agencies, over 100 businesses, and academia. They gathered in working groups in 1996 to draft the "rough game plan that is necessary for a concerted effort to achieve a sustainable society." In July 1997, the goals and objectives of the sustainability plan became policy of the City and County of San Francisco, California.

Sustainable Communities Initiative serves as a formal vehicle to bring together diverse views to plan for the needs of today and tomorrow throughout the entire Austin, Texas region. It is designed to link Austin's existing programs and to reinforce additional sustainable development initiatives.

Environmental Protection and Economic Revitalization  

Bronx Community Paper Company is a planned paper-manufacturing facility to be built on the site of an abandoned railyard in the Bronx, New York. The facility will utilize 100 percent post-consumer waste paper. 

Chattanooga's Adventure in Revitalization illustrates the attitudes and projects that have changed Chattanooga, Tennessee from the "dirtiest city in America" to one of the most talked about success stories in sustainability. 

  Sustainable Agriculture 

Success Stories

Action 21 Environmental Success Stories provides links to Canadian environmental success stories in the areas of atmospheric change, biodiversity, ecosystems and toxic substances. Click on “List of Projects Funded to Date” for a comprehensive listing of projects. 

Alliance for National Renewal’s Community Stories Index offers links to a variety of community renewal success stories, focusing on community economic development, quality of life, environment, education, community diversity and other topics. 

Alliance for Redesigning Government, of the National Academy of Public Administration, features case studies focusing on topics such as community development, economic development, rural development and the environment.

Best Practices Database profiles project initiatives that address sustainability issues, such as poverty eradication, economic development, social services, environmental protection, infrastructure, housing and land use, urban and regional planning processes and disaster and emergency preparedness. 

Case Studies of BEST Winners provides a host of links to success stories about Portland, Oregon businesses that have won awards for notable energy and environmental accomplishments.  Topics include energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and recycling and clean and efficient transportation. 

HORIZON Solutions Site links to a number of international projects focusing on areas such as agriculture, air pollution, biodiversity, energy, industry, transportation and waste management.

HUD Best Practices provides links to a variety of success stories in America’s communities, including housing an economic development, affordable housing and special needs populations.

HUD Best Practices' Case Study Book - Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge profiles the winners and finalists in the National Excellence Awards for The City Summit (Habitat II). 

HUD’s Beyond Shelter:  Building Communities of Opportunity – The United States Report for Habitat II profiles a number of sustainability success stories in land use, community revitalization, affordable housing and brownfield reclamation. 

ICLEI Project Summaries and Case Studies offers the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) collection of project summaries (abstracts of full case studies). Ordering information for case studies is also available on this site.   

Innovations Awards Winners provides links to a variety of success stories in the areas of community services, social services, protective services, human services, capital and environmental services and management and governance. 

Ontario Round Table on Environment and Economics: Success Stories provides links to a variety of sustainable community development projects in Canada. 

Public Technology, Inc. Technology Achievement Awards were awarded to 17 U.S. local governments for 22 initiatives that use the power of technology to improve service to citizens, cut costs and boost revenues. 

Reinvesting in America: Model Programs summarizes a number of the nation’s best grassroots programs focusing on hunger and nutrition; homelessness; low-cost housing; welfare, children, and family support; community organizing and advocacy; job training and community economic development. 

Renewable Energy Case Studies provides links to a variety of case studies involving renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal, photo voltaic, wind power, small hydro, biomass and geothermal. 

Sustainability in Action Case Study Profiles, a publication that can be downloaded from the above link, profiles outstanding sustainable community initiatives from across the U.S.

Solar Home(s) for Sale

Cordwood Masonry

Calling All Cobber's!

Straw Bale



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We are 11 like-spirited adults and 5, now adult and gone, children. Our purpose includes harmony with our environment, nurturance, celebration of spiritual diversity, and social change. The...
(Alabama, United States)
Now forming and site will be published anytime now to give an idea of an over view of the community. Community to be located at or near Mentone, Alabama and the Little River Canyon Preserve on...
(Alabama, United States)
We are creating a community for believers to live, learn and grow in their faith and for families in transition to get a second lease on life in a safe and nuturing environment. Our Mission is...
(Alabama, United States)
L'Arche Mobile is a Christian community that provides family-like homes for people with a mental handicap and assistants who chose to live in our community homes. Our life consists of creating...
(Alabama, United States)
The original Vine & Fig Tree was formed in 1986 as a land-based community in rural Alabama, with a vision of people living “in loving Gandhian nonviolence among ourselves and with all creation.”...
Aquarian Concepts Community (Sedona, Arizona, United States)
Aquarius Nature Retreat (Vail, Arizona, United States)
Arcosanti (Cordes Lakes, Arizona, United States)
CABAL (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
Chaos In The Desert (Arizona, United States)  Forming
Cooper Street Household (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
ECLIPSE (Tucson, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Fantasia Arizona (Saint Johns, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Freedom-Universe (Ash Fork, Arizona, United States)
Living With Intent Co-Operative (Apache Junction, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Manzanita Village (Prescott, Arizona, United States)
Milagro Cohousing (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
New Horizons (Phoenix, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Niche / Tucson Community Land Trust (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
Parnassus Rising (Phoenix, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Reevis Mountain School of Self-Reliance (Roosevelt, Arizona, United States)
Sacred Mountain Ranch (Phoenix, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Shining Spirit (Tucson, Arizona, United States)  Forming
Sonora Cohousing (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
Stone Curves Cohousing (Tucson, Arizona, United States)
Terrasante Village (Tucson, Arizona, United States)  Forming
The Tribe (Paulden, Arizona, United States)
Truth Consciousness (Sacred Mountain Ashram, Boulder, Colorado, United States) (Desert Ashram, Tucson, Arizona, United States)
Wikwan Mayoksuwi (Arizona, United States)  Forming
WindSpirit Community (Winkelman, Arizona, United States)
WindTree Ranch (Douglas, Arizona, United States)
We are 2 adults looking for spiritually-minded community partners. We're situated on 7 acres with a 3 bedroom home and a cottage, on 2 live streams, in the National Forest near Mt. Ida, Arkansas....
(Arkansas, United States)
The focus of the community is living mindfully and awakening in ourselves compassion for all beings. Daily silent periods, extended silent retreats, and living mindfully with others provide an...
(Arkansas, United States)
Rev. Nazirmoreh, founder, director, and spiritual head of Nahziryah Monastic Community,and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil,(also known as "The Purple People") is our spiritual teacher and guide....
(Arkansas, United States)
Our community is a vision at this point. So far, it consists of my daughter and me. Our vision is to create a community of tolerant, like-minded individuals who seek to obtain true happiness...
(Arkansas, United States)
(Arkansas, United States)
(Arkansas, United States)
The Shiloh Community founded by E. Crosby Monroe in southwestern New York in 1942 actively followed a communal way of life since its inception. The underlying focus is developing Christian...
(Arkansas, United States)
A forming community that began as a family and will strive to always be an extended family. Our mission statement is: "To dwell in community as accepting, respecting kindred and to offer a Godly...
(Arkansas, United States)
The VOL Community is a spiritually oriented community whose emphasis is on self-realization and self-sufficiency, located on 49 acres in a secluded valley. Projected land use includes separate...
Abundant Freek (Palo Alto, California, United States)  Forming
Adidam (Middletown, California, United States)
Allelous Cohousing (Pasadena, California, United States)
Ananda Village (Nevada City, California, United States)
Apollo (Fellowship of Friends) (California, United States)
Auroville (Santa Cruz, California, United States) (Auroville, India)
Bear Creek Farms (Fall River Mills, California, United States)  Re-Forming
Berkeley Cohousing (Berkeley, California, United States)
Blackberry (near North San Juan, California, United States)
Brigid Collective (Berkeley, California, United States)
Bryant's Bend Co-op (Palo Alto, California, United States)
Buddhist CoHousing (Californiaunsited, United States) (Un sitied)  Forming
Cactus Rose (Oakland, California, United States)
Camphill Communities California (Soquel, California, United States)
co-operative effort (Chico, California, United States)  Forming
Coastal Cohousing (Ventura, California, United States)  Forming
Cohousing for San Diego! (San Diego County, California, United States)  Forming
Community of Light (San Francisco, California, United States)  Forming
The Community Planet Foundation (Santa Barbara, California, United States)
Concordia CoHousing (Concord, California, United States)
Cooperative Roots (Berkeley, California, Bay Area, United States)
The Coup (Los Angeles, California, United States)  Re-Forming
Coyote Crossing (Santa Cruz, California, United States)
Domes, The (Davis, California, United States)
Dos Pinos (Davis, California, United States)
Doyle Street (Emeryville, California, United States)
Dragonfly (Watsonville, California, United States)  Forming
East Bay Cohousing (Oakland/Berkeley, California, United States)  Re-Forming
East Ventura/West Valley CoHousing (Ventura, California, United States)  Forming
East-West House (San Francisco, California, United States)
Ecology House Two (San Francisco, California, United States)
Ecotopia Valley (Sebastopol, California, United States)
The Eden Project (Mendocino County, California, Northern California, United States)  Forming
Eleusis Project ( Lake County, California, United States)  Forming
Emerald Earth (Boonville, California, United States)
Enchanted Garden (San Diego, California, United States)
Fairview House (Berkeley, California, United States)
Flesh and Spirit Community (San Francisco, California, United States)  Re-Forming
Franciscan Workers / Companions in Community (Salinas, California, United States)  Re-Forming
FREE FOR ALL The Skills Pool (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Fresno Cohousing (a.k.a. La Querencia) (Fresno, California, United States)  Forming
Fresno Sunnyside Non-denominational Christian Community (Fresno, California, United States)  Forming
Friends and Neighbors (San Francisco, California, United States) (San Lorenzo Valley (Brookdale, Ben Lomond, etc.), California, United States) (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Frog Song (Cotati, California, United States)
Fruitvale Housing Cooperative (Oakland, California, United States)
Gantry (Oakland, California, United States)
Glen Ivy (Corona, California, United States)
Gorilla Grove (wildomar, California, United States)  Forming
Grass Valley Cohousing (Grass Valley, California, United States) (Nevada County, California, United States)  Forming
Greenplan (Berkeley, California, United States)  Re-Forming
GroovySpirit (Santa Cruz, California, United States)  Forming
the Happy Brigade community (Soquel, California, United States)  Forming
Harbin Hot Springs (Middletown, California, United States)
Heartwood Institute (Garberville, California, United States)
Hillegass House (Berkeley, California, United States)
Hollister Cohousing (Hollister, California, United States)  Forming
Humanity Rising (Chico, California, United States)  Forming
Infinite StarLight Offering Visionary Ecovillages (Sure-Would For-Rest Wild'n'Free, Santa Cruz county, California, United States) (Hawaii, Mexico, California USA, etc........., United States)  Forming
Isle of Light Jacumba (Jacumba, California, United States)  Forming
ISLOVE (Santa Cruz County, California, United States)
Jesus Christians (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) (Los Angeles, California, United States) (London, United Kingdom) (Nairobi, Kenya)
Kingman Hall (Berkeley, California, United States)
Let's build a balanced community together (near Sebastopol / Occidental / Freestone area, California, United States)  Forming
LivingTogether (Bay Area, California, United States)  Forming
Los Angeles Eco-Village (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Madre Grande Monastery (Dulzura, California, United States)  Re-Forming
Magic (Palo Alto, California, United States)
Marathon Co-op (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Mariposa Grove (Oakland, California, United States)
Marsh Commons (Arcata, California, United States)
Molino Creek Farming Collective (Davenport, California, United States)
Monan's Rill (Santa Rosa, California, United States)
Mount Madonna Center (Watsonville, California, United States)
Muir Commons (Davis, California, United States)
N Street Cohousing (Davis, California, United States)
Neo Hippie Haven (California, United States)  Forming
Nevada City Cohousing (Nevada City, California, United States)
Nevada County Rural Cohousing (Carmichael, California, United States)  Forming
Ninth Street Co-op (Berkeley, California, United States)
Northern California Community (San Francisco, California, United States)  Forming
Oak Creek Commons (Paso Robles, California, United States)  Forming
Oakland Elizabeth House (Oakland, California, United States)
Ojai Foundation (Ojai, California, United States)
One Community (Venice, California, United States)  Forming
One World Family Commune (Santa Rosa, California, United States)
Pacifica Cohousing (Pacifica, California, United States)  Forming
Parker Street Co-op (Berkeley, California, United States)
Pasadena Area Cohousing (Pasadena, California, United States)  Forming
PERCH (Mountain View, California, United States)  Forming
Pioneer Co-op (Davis, California, United States)
Pleasant Hill Cohousing (Pleasant Hill, California, United States)
Prudence Crandall House (Oakland, California, United States)
Purple Rose Collective (San Francisco, California, United States)
Regenerative Co-op of Pomona (Pomona, California, United States)
Renaissance Village (Penn Valley, California, United States)  Forming
Ridge House (Berkeley, California, United States)
Riparia (Chico, California, United States)
River Spirit Community (Mad River, California, United States)
Sacramento Cohousing (Sacramento, California, United States)  Forming
Sacramento Suburban Cohousing (Fair Oaks, California, United States)  Forming
Sacred Technologies (California, United States)
Saint John's Order (San Francisco, California, United States)  Forming
San Francisco Cohousing (San Francisco - Seeking Site, California, United States)  Forming
San Mateo Ecovillage (San Mateo, California, United States)  Forming
Santa Cruz County Cohousing (Santa Cruz, California, United States)  Forming
Santa Cruz Student Housing Cooperative (Santa Cruz, California, United States)  Forming
Santa Rosa Creek Commons (Santa Rosa, California, United States)
SBSHC: Santa Barbara Student Housing Cooperative (Isla Vista, California, United States)
Shady Grove (Penngrove, California, United States)
Shasta Village (Mt. Shasta City, California, United States)  Forming
Silicon Valley Cohousing (San Jose, California, United States)  Forming
Soma - The SOMA Project (SO CA, California, United States)  Forming
Sonoma Homestead Cohousing (Sonoma County, California, United States)  Forming
Sophia's Family (Aptos, California, United States)  Forming
South Fresno Cohousing (Fresno, California, United States)  Forming
Southside Park Cohousing (Sacramento, California, United States)
Sowing Circle (Occidental, California, United States)
Spaulding Unit (Berkeley, California, United States)
Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham (Lodi, California, United States)
St. John's Order (South San Francisco, California, United States)
Starland (Yucca Valley, California, United States)  Forming
Struggle Mountain (Los Altos Hills, California, United States)
The Sugar Shack (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Sunwise Co-op (2523 Westernesse Rd, Davis, California, United States)
SurrealEstates (Sacramento, California, United States)  Forming
Swan's Market Cohousing (Oakland, California, United States)
Synergy (Stanford, California, United States)
Temescal Commons Cohousing (Oakland, California, United States)
Temescal Creek Cohousing (Oakland, California, United States)
Three Springs (North Fork, California, United States)
Tierra Nueva Cohousing (Oceano, California, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community at the Morning Star Ranch (Valley Center, California, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Vista (Vista, California, United States)
Two Acre Wood (Sebastopol, California, United States)
University Students' Cooperative Association (Berkeley, California, United States)
Valley Oaks Village (Chico, California, United States)
Walden Two Community California (San Francisco, California, United States)  Forming
Walnut House Cooperative (Berkeley, California, United States)
Westside Community (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Whole Health Foundation (Cardiff by the Sea, California, United States)
Wormhole house (Berkeley, California, United States)
Yesss Center (Venice, California, United States)
Yohana (Santa Barbara, California, United States)  Forming
Yulupa Cohousing (Santa Rosa, California, United States)  Forming
Zen Bones Intentional Spirit (Berkeley, California, United States)  Forming
Ascension Point (Colorado, United States)  Forming
Bali (Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Casa Verde Commons (Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States)
Chrysalis Co-op (Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Denver Catholic Worker (Denver, Colorado, United States)
Denver Central Housing Cooperative (Denver, Colorado, United States)
Denver Space Center (Denver, Colorado, United States)
Denver Urban Core Cohousing Initiative (Denver, Colorado, United States)  Forming
EarthArt Village (Moffat, Colorado, United States)  Forming
East Denver- for now (Denver, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Eden Ranch Community (Paonia, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Enterinn (On hwy. 17/ 22 miles west of Antonito,Co. 28 miles northeast of Chama,N.M., Horca, United States) (Antonito, Colorado, United States)  Forming
GAIA Community (Denver, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Greyrock Commons (Fort Collins, Colorado, United States)
Harmony Village (Golden, Colorado, United States)
Hearthstone (Denver, Colorado, United States)
Heartwood Cohousing (Durango, Colorado, United States)
Highline Crossing (Littleton, Colorado, United States)
I-City (Burlington, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Lifeseed (Mancos, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Light as Color Foundation (Pagosa Springs, Colorado, United States)  Re-Forming
Lyons Valley Village (Lyons, Colorado, United States)  Forming
marysmeadowcohousing (Estes Park, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Masala Co-op (Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Nomad Cohousing (Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Nyland (Lafayette, Colorado, United States)
People House (Denver, Colorado, United States)
Phanto Bolo (Cripple Creek, Colorado, United States)  Forming
The Priorities Institute (Denver, Colorado, United States)  Forming
The Refuge (Pueblo, Colorado, United States)  Forming
River Rock Commons (Fort Collins, Colorado, United States) (Colorado, United States)
River Way (Lyons (Boulder), Colorado, United States)  Forming
Rocky Mountain Survival Group (Colorado, United States)  Forming
Silver Sage Village (Boulder, Colorado, United States)  Forming
Sunrise Ranch (Loveland, Colorado, United States)
Tara Mandala (Pagosa Springs, Colorado, United States)
Truth Consciousness (Sacred Mountain Ashram, Boulder, Colorado, United States) (Desert Ashram, Tucson, Arizona, United States)
White Buffalo Farm (Paonia, Colorado, United States)
Wild Sage Cohousing (Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Forming a group to explore the possibility of creating a cohousing community in Connecticut. The search for land will probably focus on the greater New Haven area.
(Connecticut, United States)
I'm starting a nomadic tribe, intended to both demonstrate alternatives to mainstream society and promote the widespread sharing of information on tribalism, biocentric ideas, and the threat of...
(Connecticut, United States)
St. Martin's core community is a young couple with two grade-school-age boys, an older gentlemen, and two young women. There is no boss. Our common work includes: Monday: food co-op; Tuesday:...
Amish Church (Florida, United States)  Forming
Art farm (Grand Ridge, Florida, United States)  Forming
Barking Frogs Permaculture Center (Sparr, Florida, United States)  Forming
The Blueberry Patch (Gulfport, Florida, United States)
Camp New Hope Community (Zephyrhills, Florida, United States)  Forming
Central Florida Cohousing & Florida, Central "Holistic Neighbors": An Urban Creation (Florida, Central "Holistic, Florida, United States)  Forming
Co-Op Village Foundation, Inc. (Pensacola, Florida, United States)  Forming
Collegiate Living Cooperative (Gainesville, Florida, United States)
EcoFarm Community (Plant City, Florida, United States)
Emerald Coast Village (Panhandle of Florida, Florida, Okaloosa, Walton Counties, United States)  Forming
EMPATHY (N. Miami Beach, Florida, United States)  Forming
Florida Tribal Dialogue (West Coast of Florida, Florida, United States)  Forming
Gaia Grove EcoSpiritual Community & EcoRetreat (near Gainesville, Florida, United States)  Re-Forming
Kashi Ashram (Sebastian, Florida, United States)
Ma Yoga Shakti International Mission (New York, New York, United States) (Palm Bay, Florida, United States)
Miccosukee Land Co-op (Miccosukee CPO, Florida, United States)
The Philosophical Bridge (Tampa, Florida, United States)  Forming
Precious Time Commune (Open, Florida, United States)  Forming
Pro-Fem (Pensacola, Florida, United States)  Forming
Seekers and Settlers (Wakulla Springs, Florida, United States) (Tallahassee, Florida, United States)  Forming
Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp (Cassadaga, Florida, United States)
Suncoast Cohousing (Tampa Bay, Florida, United States)
TORIC (Pompano Beach, Florida, United States)  Forming
Turtledove Pond (Jupiter, Florida, United States)  Forming
Twelve Tribes Community in Arcadia (Arcadia, Florida, United States)
The Venus Project (Venus, Florida, United States)  Forming
Alleluia (Augusta, Georgia, United States)
Amata Community (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
CIRCLE P ECOFARM/VILLAGE (brunswick, Georgia, United States)  Forming
Community of Hospitality (Decatur, Georgia, United States)
East Lake Commons (Decatur, Georgia, United States)
Enota Mountain Village (Hiawassee, Georgia, United States)
Jubilee Partners (Comer, Georgia, United States)
Kenney Ridge (Athens, Georgia, United States)
Koinonia (AMERICUS, Georgia, United States)
Lake Claire Cohousing (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
NACHO (North Atlanta CoHousing Association) (Roswell/Alpharetta, Georgia, United States)  Forming
nonameyet (Carrollton, Georgia, United States)  Forming
Orange Twin Conservation Community (Athens, Georgia, United States)  Forming
Rainbow Ridge Ecovillage (Ellijay, Georgia, United States)  Forming
The Rational Pueblo (Georgia, United States)  Forming
Salamander Springs (Milledgeville, Georgia, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Brunswick (Brunswick, Georgia, United States)  Forming
Twelve Tribes Community in Savannah (Savannah, Georgia, United States)
Udan Farm (Milledgeville, Georgia, United States)  Forming
Yonderfamily Housing and Land Trust, Inc (Jeffersonville, Georgia, United States)  Re-Forming
AinaOla (Kapoho area, Pahoa town, Puna county, Hawaii, The Big Island, United States)  Re-Forming
AlohaArt Artist's Way art village - (Kona, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Big Island Cohousing and Ecovillage (Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Earth Re-Leaf (Naalehu, Hawaii, United States)
Embassy of the Heavens (Pahoa, Hawaii, Hawaii-Kingdom, Kingdom of the Heavens, United States)  Forming
FIRETENDER (Paia, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
GaiaYoga Gardens (Pahoa, Hawaii, Big Island, United States)  Forming
Garden o' Vegan (Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, United States)
Gentle World Inc. (Kapaau, Hawaii, United States)
Ginger Ridge Farms (Pahoa, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Hedonisia Hawaii Eco-Vacation Community (Pahoa, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Kalani Oceanside Retreat (Pahoa, Hawaii, Big Island, United States)
Kulana: The Affordable Artist Sanctuary (Volcano, Hawaii, United States)
La'akea Community (Pahoa, Hawaii, United States)
Lokahi Gardens (Hilo, Hawaii, United States)
Malu 'Aina (Ola`a (Kurtistown), Hawaii, United States)
Mele Nahiku (Hana, Hawaii, United States)
New Earth Cooperative (Hawaii, United States)
Pangaia (Pahoa, Hawaii, United States)  Re-Forming
Paradise Gardens (Hilo, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Rainbow Way Station (Kurtistown, Hawaii, United States)  Forming
Shivalila (Pahoa, Hawaii, United States)
Stewardship Incorporated (Mountain View, Hawaii, United States)
Waiua Ashram Kauai (Kapaa, Hawaii, United States)
Sandpoint, Idaho, 
United States
Acme Artists Community (Chicago, Illinois, United States)  Forming
American Ideal (Golden Eagle, Illinois, United States)
Clare's House of Hospitality (Bloomington, Illinois, United States)
Community of Urbana-Champaign Cooperative Housing) (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, United States)
Greenway Park (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
HighPoint (HighPoint , Illinois, United States)  Forming
Jesus People USA (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Malkuth (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Maxworks Cooperative (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
MOSAIC Communities (Evanston, Illinois, United States)
Mothership Cooperative (Champaign, Illinois, United States)
Narrow Way Christian Community (Chapin, Illinois, United States)  Forming
Notopia (Illinois, United States)  Forming
Plow Creek (Tiskilwa, Illinois, United States)
Prairie Onion Cohousing (Chicago, Illinois, United States)  Forming
Qumbya Co-op (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Reba Place Fellowship (Evanston, Illinois, United States)
Sacred Hedonic Conspiracy, The (Illinois, United States)  Forming
Saint Francis Catholic Worker (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Saint Joseph the Worker House and Farm (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Saint Jude Catholic Worker House Community (Champaign, Illinois, United States)  Forming
Sophia Community (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Stelle Community (Stelle, Illinois, United States)
Stone Soup Cooperative (1430 West Leland Chicago, Illinois, United States) (4637 North Ashland Chicago, Illinois, United States) (3549 South Hoyne Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Su Casa Catholic Worker Community (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Ujima Place (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Vivekananda Vedanta Society (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
William Stringfellow Catholic Worker (Peoria, Illinois, United States)
Woodlawn Townhome Cooperatives (Chicago, Illinois, United States)  Forming
York Center Community Co-op (Lombard, Illinois, United States)
Attachment Parenting Village (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Hopewell Community (Lanesville, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Indiana Cohousing (Northern Indiana - near Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Indiana Self-Sufficiency (Indiana, United States)  Forming
The Kingdom of Earth Commune (COLUMBIA CITY, Indiana, United States) (Wolf Lake, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary (Bloomington, Indiana, Bedford, United States)
MIM's Place of Community (Anderson, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Monroe County Synergism Institute (subject to change) (Monroe County (Bloomington), Indiana, United States)  Forming
Padanaram Settlement (Williams, Indiana, United States)
Raccoon Creek Community (In beautiful Owen County, between Spencer and Bloomington, Indiana, United States)  Forming
Rainbow Farm (Selma, Indiana, United States)
Rise and Shine-(Community forming) (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States)  Forming
The Sudanese Chadian Community in NE Indiana (Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States)  Forming
SummerIsle CoHousing (Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States)  Forming
WildHeart (Fairmount, Indiana, United States)
(Iowa, United States)
Abundance Ecovillage - we use permaculture desgn principles - water from rain, electricty from solar and wind (grid-independent), solar hot water, "living machine" vertical flow wetland sewage...
(Iowa, United States)
Echollective Farm is a forming community in rural Eastern Iowa on 53 acres, including a forested area with a creek and 14 acres of certified organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, and hay. Group...
(Iowa, United States)
We have a commitment to establish a permanent group of 7,000 people practicing the Transcendental Meditation Program to establish world peace for the World!
(Iowa, United States)
Our collective currently consists of three large houses close enough to walk to the university or downtown. We own both houses, and are planning to buy another. We each pay a share slightly below...
(Iowa, United States)
We are a community in formation, looking to come together over the next six years. We are an intentional community of longer- and shorter-term residents who seek to live in harmony with the land...
(Iowa, United States)
Small community in very rural southwest Iowa in Catholic Worker personalist tradition; 12+ years. Organic garden, dairy goats, ecumenical Scripture study, handweaving rag rugs. Our family has been...

Black Cat Cooperative (Kansas, United States)  Forming

Community and Retreat for Mindful Living (Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States)  Forming
Delaware Street Commons (Lawrence, Kansas, United States)  Forming
Fun Family Farm (Robinson, Kansas, United States)
Kansas City Project (Kansas City, Missouri, United States) (Kansas City, Kansas, United States)  Forming
Nahziryah Monastic Community (Attn: Rev. Baba Nazirmoreh K B Kedem, Nahziryah Monastic Community, Saint Joe, Arkansas, United States)
Name Undecided At This Time (Camden, Arkansas, United States)  Forming
NWA Cohousing (Arkansas, United States)  Forming
Rainbow House (Lawrence, Kansas, United States)
Shiloh (Arkansas, United States)
Shiloh Community (Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, United States)
Society for the Promotion of Creative Interchange (Wichita, Kansas, United States)
Storybook Glen (Pettigrew, Arkansas, United States)  Forming
Sunflower House (Lawrence, Kansas, United States)


Ananda Kanan Ozark Retreat Center (Willow Springs, Missouri, United States)
BBES (Bible Belt Exodous Society) (Warrensburg, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Cave Creek (Boonville, Missouri, United States)  Forming
CoLibri Urban Housing Collective (Saint Louis, Missouri, United States)
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Dorothy Day Cohousing (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)
EarthRight Farms (osceola, Missouri, United States)  Forming
East Wind Community (Tecumseh, Missouri, United States)
Glendower (Independence, Missouri, United States)
Harvest Hills (Independence, Missouri, United States)
Hearthaven (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
Kansas City Project (Kansas City, Missouri, United States) (Kansas City, Kansas, United States)  Forming
Karen Catholic Worker House (Saint Louis, Missouri, United States)
L'Academie Ynys Wyth (Springfield, Missouri, United States)
La Familia Arbo Komunumo (Missouri, United States)  Forming
Metro Cohousing at Culver Way (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Mystic Christ Community (Missouri, United States)  Forming
Nasalam (Fair Grove, Missouri, United States)  Re-Forming
Nature's Pace Sanctuary (Hartshorn, Missouri, United States)
Oran Mór (Squires, Missouri, United States)
Ozark Avalon (Columbia, Missouri, United States) (Boonville, Missouri, United States)
Red Earth Farms (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)  Forming
The Saint's Christian Retreat (Trenton, Missouri, United States)
Sandhill Farm (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Seven Points Crossing (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)
Shepherdsfield (Fulton, Missouri, United States)
Skyhouse Community (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Spring Lane Farms (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Sugar Mountain (Missouri, United States)
Sunnyside Farm (Mokane, Missouri, United States)
Sweetwater Community Land Trust (Mansfield, Missouri, United States)
Terra Nova (Columbia, Missouri, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community At Stepping Stone Farm (Weaubleau, Missouri, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community on the Lake of the Ozarks (Warsaw, Missouri, United States)
Upper Applegate Community (Couch, Missouri, United States)  Re-Forming
Westport Kingdom House (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
(Kentucky, United States)
Berea College Ecovillage
An ecologically- and socially-sustainable residential and learning complex designed to meet the housing needs of Berea College students, principally those who are married or single parents, in a...
(Kentucky, United States)
(West Virginia, United States)
A Better Way
We are a group that is forming an intentional living community in the KY/WV area. We share no spiritual paths and are mostly interested in escaping from the historical ways things are done in this...
(Kentucky, United States)
Cedar Hollow Community
The community of the Cedar Hollow Community, the Center for Ecological Design and Restoration (CEDAR), resides in a permaculture demonstration site and homestead. Established in 1983, CEDAR--part...
(Kentucky, United States)
The Douglass Mansion
The Douglass Mansion is currently a cooperative group of twentysomethings working together to create a living space that is beneficial to its inhabitants and the world around us. Our aim is to...
(Kentucky, United States)
Egrets' Cove
Egret’s Cove is looking for two adventurous households to join the four current ones. We live on 15 wooded acres in the hills, across from a small lake near Berea, Kentucky. We are using...
(Kentucky, United States)
Utopian Visions
Oceanic Ecovillage (c)
United States
(no physical address at present.)
The Bangarang Collective (Lewiston, Maine, United States)
Colonial Living (Maine, United States)  Forming
Commonterra (Monroe, Maine, United States)
Downeast Cohousing Community (Gouldsboro, Maine, United States)  Forming
Downeast Friends Community (Bar Harbor, Maine, United States)
Dragonvale (Lisbon Falls, Maine, United States)  Forming
Fare Share Farm (Canton, Maine, United States)  Forming
Firefly Farm (Surry, Maine, United States)  Forming
Forming Community (Lubec, Maine, United States)  Forming
The Glenwood House in Portland, Maine (Portland, Maine, United States)
Haushaben Christian Community (Bangor, Maine, United States)  Re-Forming
Heartsong (Orono, Maine, United States)  Forming
Midcoast Cohousing Community (Edgecomb, Maine, United States)
Midcoast Intentional Community (Midcoast area, Maine, United States)  Forming
Open Gate Farm & Retreat (West Chapman, Maine, United States)  Forming
SEADS of Truth, Inc. (Harrington, Maine, United States)  Forming
seven russell (Portland, Maine, United States)
Spiritsong (Maine, United States)  Forming
Two Echo Cohousing (Brunswick, Maine, United States)
(Maryland, United States)
I am a consciously ascending human and to me, this year of 2005 is the year of the White Elephant, the bearer of Compassion. And what that also means, this is the year of community building! Much...
(Maryland, United States)
SPRING CATHOLIC WORKER 15405 Short Ridge Ct Silver Spring, Md. 20906 (301) 598-5427 The Silver Spring Catholic Worker gives hospitality on a...
(Maryland, United States)
(Maryland, United States)
Please check out our full-page ad! Our five-level, 16-bedroom communal home will be THE MOST environmentally friendly and yet fully-featured home you'll ever hope to find in a community:...
(Maryland, United States)
Eastern Village is a 56-unit cohousing community in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, just a few blocks from the Silver Spring metro. EVC is a developer-driven project organized by...
(Maryland, United States)
Brunswick, Maryland Community forming Seeking singles, couples and small families looking to found a cooperative or co-housing community aimed at working-class people who want to own in a...
(Maryland, United States)
The adults and children of Heathcote Community strive to live in a healthy, loving, and sustainable manner. We are located on 112 acres of wooded stream valley which is part of the School of Living...
(Maryland, United States)
Liberty Village is a rural cohousing community for all ages, accessible to metropolitan Washington and Baltimore. We have 18 homes complete of a planned 38. Due to unexpected County sewer...
(Maryland, United States)
Woodburn Hill Farm was founded on a formerly Amish farm in 1975. At present, we are a co-op model with family units more independent, with 14 adults and 2 teens on our 128 acres. The place is...
(Maryland, United States)
(Maryland, United States)
There are 6 of us now, all wonderful people, and we have an inquiry from a possible seventh. In 2004 we completed our Labyrinth food garden. It has not only become a source of food for our...
Agape (Ware, Massachusetts, United States)
Alchemy Farm (East Falmouth, Massachusetts, United States)
American Buddhist Shim Gum Do Association (Brighton, Massachusetts, United States)
Amity of Cape Cod (West Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States)
Beacon Hill Friends House (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Boston Community Cooperatives (Somerville, Massachusetts, United States)
Cambridge Cohousing (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
Camelot Cohousing (Berlin, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Castle On A Cloud (Clinton, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Collective A Go-Go (Worcester, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Common Hearth Cohousing (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Community in Plymouth (Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Cornerstone Village Cohousing (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Duck Mill Ecovillage (Lawrence, Massachusetts, United States)
Earthlands (Petersham, Massachusetts, United States)
Eretz Hachaim (Sunderland, Massachusetts, United States)
Greenhaus Community (Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Healing Grace Sanctuary (Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Homeport Collective, The (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Island Cohousing (West Tisbury, Massachusetts, United States)
Jamaica Plain Cohousing (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Komaja (Gersau, Switzerland) (Cologne, Germany) (Gottmadingen, Germany) (Vienna, Austria) (Zagreb, Croatia) (Skopje, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of) (Ohrid, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of) (Brighton, United Kingdom) (Novi Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro) (Limerick, Ireland) (Sliema, Malta) (HR Den Haag, Netherlands) (Bowral, Australia) (Beverly, Massachusetts, United States)
LandARC (Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Laughing Dog Farm and CSA (Gill, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Merrimac Valley CoHousing (Amesbury, Massachusetts, United States)
Millstone Co-op (Somerville, Massachusetts, United States)
Morning Light (Worcester, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Mosaic Commons (Berlin, Massachusetts, United States)
New View Cohousing (Acton, Massachusetts, United States)
Pathways CoHousing (Florence, Massachusetts, United States)
Pika at M.I.T. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
Pine Street (Amherst, Massachusetts, United States)
Pioneer Valley (Amherst, Massachusetts, United States)
Potash Hill Community (Cummington, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Rocky Hill Cohousing (Northhampton, Massachusetts, United States)
Rowe Camp & Conference Center (Rowe, Massachusetts, United States)
Saint Francis & Therese Catholic Worker House (Worcester, Massachusetts, United States)
Sirius Community (Shutesbury, Massachusetts, United States)
Starseed Community (Savoy, Massachusetts, United States)  Forming
Twelve Tribes Community in Boston (Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Hyannis (Hyannis, Massachusetts, United States)
Zen Peacemaker Circle (Montague, Massachusetts, United States)
Beal Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Black Elk House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Bower House (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Buddhist Society of Compassionate Wisdom (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
The Center of Light Spirituality Center (Oxford, Michigan) (Oxford, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Circle of the Sacred Path (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Debs House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Detroit Cohousing (Detroit, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Echo ForestFarm (Mancelona, Michigan, United States)
EcoVillage Detroit (Detroit, Michigan, United States)  Forming
ElderWood Farm (Manchester, Michigan, United States)
Elsworth Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Ferency House (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Genesee Garden Cohousing (Lansing, Michigan, United States)
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable Aid Foundation (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
Great Oak Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Greenhouse Cooperative (Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States)
Gregory House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Hei Wa House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Henderson Cooperative House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
IDENTITY SOLUTIONS (Detroit area, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC-Michigan) (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Jones House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
King House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Lake Village (KALAMAZOO, Michigan, United States)
The Land Stewardship Center (Columbiaville, Michigan, United States)
Lester House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Linder House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Living Rock Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Luther House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Manitou Arbor Ecovillage (Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Merry Fox Community (Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States)
Michigan House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Michigan State University Student Housing Corporation (Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Michigan Womyn's Music Festival (Walhalla, Michigan, United States)
Mikeco Rehtle (Big Rapids, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Minnie's House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Montie House (Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Nakamura House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
New Community Cooperative (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
Newberry Place: a Grand Rapids Cohousing Community (Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States)  Forming
O'Keeffe House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Osterweil House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Owen House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
PLANET EARTH 11 (Traverse City, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Quaker House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Renaissance House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Ruths' House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Sojourner Truth House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Song of the Morning (Vanderbilt, Michigan, United States)
Sunhouse Co-op (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Sunward Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Touchstone Cohousing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)  Forming
Vail House (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Vivekananda Monastery and Retreat Center (Fennville, Michigan, United States)
ARC Retreat Center (Stanchfield, Minnesota, United States)
Bosch Co-op (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Camphill Village Minnesota, Inc. (Sauk Centre, Minnesota, United States)
Chateau Student Housing Cooperative (Minnesota, United States)
Chester Creek House (Duluth, Minnesota, United States)
Community of One - "Minnesota" (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Dayton House (Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States)  Forming
Elmendorf Christian Community (Mountain Lake, Minnesota, United States)
Franklin Student Housing Cooperative (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Homewood Cohousing (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)  Forming
The Kuliana Group (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Monterey Cohousing (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Omega House (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Order of Saint Benedict (Collegeville, Minnesota, United States) (Rome, Italy)
Orenda North Fellowship (Minnesota, United States)  Forming
Riverton Community Housing (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
University of Minnesota Students' Cooperative (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States)
Wiscoy Valley Community Land Cooperative (Winona, Minnesota, United States)
Zephyr Valley Community Co-op (Rushford, Minnesota, United States)
(Mississippi, United States)
We welcome groups/indiviuals rental for retreat and gatherings. We have a bunkhouse and 7 small cabins, RV hook-upsand 120 acres of tent space!. We welcome visitors/volunteers for $15 to $25 per...
(Mississippi, United States)
"Putting the vision back in subdivision" TM Seeking members who are interested in forming a co-community in North Mississippi. Topics to be discussed include procurement of land, organic and...
Ananda Kanan Ozark Retreat Center (Willow Springs, Missouri, United States)
BBES (Bible Belt Exodous Society) (Warrensburg, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Cave Creek (Boonville, Missouri, United States)  Forming
CoLibri Urban Housing Collective (Saint Louis, Missouri, United States)
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Dorothy Day Cohousing (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)
EarthRight Farms (osceola, Missouri, United States)  Forming
East Wind Community (Tecumseh, Missouri, United States)
Glendower (Independence, Missouri, United States)
Harvest Hills (Independence, Missouri, United States)
Hearthaven (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
Kansas City Project (Kansas City, Missouri, United States) (Kansas City, Kansas, United States)  Forming
Karen Catholic Worker House (Saint Louis, Missouri, United States)
L'Academie Ynys Wyth (Springfield, Missouri, United States)
La Familia Arbo Komunumo (Missouri, United States)  Forming
Metro Cohousing at Culver Way (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Mystic Christ Community (Missouri, United States)  Forming
Nasalam (Fair Grove, Missouri, United States)  Re-Forming
Nature's Pace Sanctuary (Hartshorn, Missouri, United States)
Oran Mór (Squires, Missouri, United States)
Ozark Avalon (Columbia, Missouri, United States) (Boonville, Missouri, United States)
Red Earth Farms (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)  Forming
The Saint's Christian Retreat (Trenton, Missouri, United States)
Sandhill Farm (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Seven Points Crossing (St. Louis, Missouri, United States)
Shepherdsfield (Fulton, Missouri, United States)
Skyhouse Community (Rutledge, Missouri, United States)
Spring Lane Farms (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)  Forming
Sugar Mountain (Missouri, United States)
Sunnyside Farm (Mokane, Missouri, United States)
Sweetwater Community Land Trust (Mansfield, Missouri, United States)
Terra Nova (Columbia, Missouri, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community At Stepping Stone Farm (Weaubleau, Missouri, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community on the Lake of the Ozarks (Warsaw, Missouri, United States)
Upper Applegate Community (Couch, Missouri, United States)  Re-Forming
Westport Kingdom House (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
(Montana, United States)
(Montana, United States)
The Montana Center of the Divine Unity Foundation is presently forming. We are a strongly spiritual group, with an equally strong dedication to full stewardship of the environment. We do a lot of...
(Montana, United States)
Our vision of "Hidden Valley": An ecologically self-sufficient multicultural mountain intentional community held in a land trust. There would be shared income; experiential homeschooling; community...
(Montana, United States)
Our community has existed for over 20 years as a group of good neighbors who treasure our rural lifestyle and appreciate the grandeur of our surroundings. By owning expensive equipment as a group...
(Montana, United States)
The Problem: The earth can no longer bear the true cost of our agriculture, shelter systems, and land use ethics. The Solution is to create human living systems that are ecologically sound and...
Pioneer Trails Institute is established for the purpose of providing a facility that will serve as a center for the research, development, and implementation of affordable, efficient, and...
(Nebraska, United States)
Solstice Dawn is so called for the returning of Light after the long night. We work for a fully sustainable world in which competition has given way to cooperation and every part of the system...
We are a traditional Native American community. We live much the same way as our ancestors did as tribes and bands. We live in harmony with all nature. Respect for all things that have life is...
(Nevada, United States)
(Oregon, United States)
This is a virtual IC, allowing people to roleplay themselves and explore IC issues. Though virtual and focused mainly on pagans, there will be no simulations of how well or ill any prayers,...
(Nevada, United States)
Sage Valley, located in the high desert of central Nevada, is a Solar Powered Community. Everyone will own their own land within a community association based on the Peace Principles, sustainable...
We are a small community in a very quiet, secluded, rural location. There are presently two member families. We have a mixture of community-owned and private lands totaling 220 acres. We adjoin the...
(New Hampshire, United States)
Burch House is a residential community that serves people in emotional distress. People live here to do extensive psychotherapy. All community members share in the upkeep of the household,...
(New Hampshire, United States)
Formed in May, 2000, Cold Pond Community Land Trust (CPCLT) is an organization in which the resources of our forest and farmland, watershed, wildlife habitat and open space are made available to...
(New Hampshire, United States)
D Acres of NH is a non-profit organic farm and homestead. The mission of the organization is to function as an educational center that researches, applies and teaches skills of sustainable living...
(New Hampshire, United States)
We are co-creating a rural ecovillage of small cabins and sharing life day to day. We advocate living a simple and sustainable life in full harmony with the Earth. A community land trust holds the...
(New Hampshire, United States)
We see intentional community as a focused spiritual practice (not at all religious). The "reason for being" in circle is to perfect one's loving capacity inside wisdom, trust, respect, open...
(New Hampshire, United States)
At The Nature School we believe that education was meant to provide a community supported environment where respect for all life and an understanding of our individual passions and contributions to...
(New Hampshire, United States)
Much of what we believe now about the world around us was influenced by the works of Jarred Diamond (Guns, Germs & Steele), Joseph Campbell (Power of Myth), Daniel Quinn (Ishmael, Story of B,...
(New Hampshire, United States)
Tucked away in the heart of the beautiful White Mountains of northern New Hampshire, you will find a cozy little town – Lancaster! Here within this small town of about 2,000 people you’ll find us –...
(New Jersey, United States)
We are a group of people working to build a residential community in North Central NJ. We are a group of families with children, single people and couples. Our goal is a supportive friendly,...
(New Jersey, United States)
A luxurious living and working environment where the individuals share in ownership. Community is composed exclusively of industrious, competent and versatile individuals.
(New Jersey, United States)
The city can be a good place to grow old, and many people are interested in moving back to urban centers, as long as they are safe and affordable. Lower crime rates have made downtowns more...
(New Jersey, United States)
The Sphere of Light Community is here to be a center of peace, love, and positivity for all of creation. _World transformation via inspiration!_ Think loving, healthy, spiritually fun relations...
(New Jersey, United States)
The Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center (TBLC), Labsum Shedrub Ling, was founded through the great efforts of Geshe Wangyal, a Kalmyk-Mongolian lama who received his Buddhist training in Kalmykia and...
(New Jersey, United States)
(New Jersey, United States)
"Community is the spirit, the guiding light, whereby people come together to fulfill a purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another." The Zen Society is a...
Agape Lay Apostolate Community (Deming, New Mexico, United States)
Albuquerque Urban Ecovillage (Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Aspenwood (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)
City of the Sun Foundation, Inc. (Columbus, New Mexico, Luna County, United States)
Commons on the Alameda (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)
Greater World Community (Taos, New Mexico, United States)
Harmonious Earth Community (Belen, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Hummingbird Community (Mora, New Mexico, United States)
Jubilados (Tesuque, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Lama Foundation (San Cristobal, New Mexico, United States)
Land Lifeways Farm (Pinehill, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Piñon Ecovillage (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Southwest Sufi Community (Silver City, New Mexico, United States)
Stone Grail Theatre Community (Embudo, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
SunToads Farm of New Mexico USA (Elida, New Mexico, United States)
Sweet Medicine Women's Center & Earthen Spirituality Project (Reserve, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Tao Bear Recovery Community (Silver City, New Mexico, United States)  Forming
Tonantzin Land Institute (Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States)
Tres Placitas del Rio (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)
Village of Harmony (Veguita, New Mexico, United States) (Bosque, New Mexico, United States)
Zuni Mountain Sanctuary (Ramah, New Mexico, United States)
Abbey of the Genesee (Piffard, New York, United States)
Abode of the Message (New Lebanon, New York, United States)
Adahy Wakiza Eco-Village Project (Brooklyn, New York, United States)
Adirondack Herbs (Galway, New York, United States)
angels valley (Harrisville, New York, United States)  Forming
Ant Hill Cooperative (Rochester, New York, United States)  Forming
Ash Grove Community Farm (Corning, New York, United States)
Ayurveda Holistic Community (New York, United States)  Re-Forming
Beaver Creek (Winthrop, New York, United States)  Forming
Bellvale Bruderhof (Chester, New York, United States)
Birdsfoot Farm (Canton, New York, United States)
Camphill Village USA, Inc. (Copake, New York, Columbia County, United States)
Cantine's Island Cohousing (Saugerties, New York, United States)
Carrowmore Community (Petersburgh, New York, United States)  Forming
Catskill Bruderhof (Elka Park, New York, United States)
Common Place Land Cooperative (Truxton, New York, United States)
Common Wheel (Truxton, New York, United States)
Community for Spirituality, Creativity and Radical Praxis (Brooklyn, New York, United States)  Forming
Council of New York Cooperatives (New York, United States)
Covenant House Faith Community (New York, New York, United States)
EcoVillage at Ithaca (Ithaca, New York, United States)
Emmaus House (New York, New York, United States)
Fellowship Community (Spring Valley, New York, United States)
Fox Hill Bruderhof (Walden, New York, United States)
Ganas (Staten Island, New York, United States)
Grace (Woodstock, New York, United States)  Forming
The Grail Center at Cornwall (Cornwall on Hudson, New York, United States)  Re-Forming
Green River Community Land Trust (Hillsdale, New York, United States)  Forming
Hudson Valley Ecovillage (Hudson Valley, New York, United States)  Forming
Jesus Christ's Community at Hebron (Jefferson, New York, United States)
Kanatsiohareke (Ga na jo ha lay gay) (Fonda, New York, United States)
Lake City Cohousing (Plattsburgh, NY) (Plattsburgh, New York, United States)  Forming
Ma Yoga Shakti International Mission (New York, New York, United States) (Palm Bay, Florida, United States)
Maple Ridge Bruderhof (Ulster Park, New York, United States)
Ness (Hermon, New York, United States)  Forming
New Environment Association (Syracuse, New York, United States)
The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies (Rhinebeck, New York, United States)
Panterra (Westfield, New York, United States)
Penington Friends House (New York, New York, United States)
The Point of Infinity Retreat Center and Community (Greenfield Park, New York, United States)  Forming
Pumpkin Hollow Farm (Craryville, New York, United States)
Rapha Community (Syracuse, New York, United States)
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch (Woodbourne, New York, United States)
Stewart Little Co-op (Ithaca, New York, United States)
Triform Camphill Community (Hudson, New York, United States)
Turtles Island (Pine Hill, New York, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Cambridge (Cambridge, New York, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Coxsackie (Coxsackie, New York, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Hamburg (Lake View, New York, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Ithaca (Ithaca, New York, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Oak Hill (Oak Hill, New York, United States)
The United Peace Foundation (Niagara Falls, New York, United States)  Forming
Unity Kitchen Community of the CW (Syracuse, New York, United States)
Unknown Truth Fellowship Workers (Warrensburg, New York, United States)  Forming
Von Cramm Co-op (Ithaca, New York, United States)
Watermargin Cooperative (Ithaca, New York, United States)
White Hawk (Ithaca, NY, New York, United States)  Forming
White Hawk (Ithaca, New York, United States)  Forming
Wise Woman Center / Laughing Rock Farm (Woodstock, New York, United States)  Forming
Women's Art Colony Farm (Poughkeepsie, New York, United States)
Woodcrest Bruderhof (Rifton, New York, United States)
Zacchaeus House (Binghamton, New York, United States)
Abeyance (Pittsboro, North Carolina, United States)
Arcadia Cohousing (Carrboro, North Carolina, United States)
Celo Community (Burnsville, North Carolina, United States)
Center for Purposeful Living (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States)
Crowell Gardens (Ashville, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
DeerHaven Hills (North Carolina, United States)
Earthaven Ecovillage (Black Mountain, North Carolina, United States)
Embracing Simplicity Hermitage (Hendersonville, North Carolina, United States)
Eno Commons (Durham, North Carolina, United States)
Here Now (Asheville, North Carolina, United States) (West North Carolina, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Human Kindness Foundation (Mebane, North Carolina, United States)
Kipling Creek (Raleigh, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Kipling Creek Cohousing (Kipling, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
LifeShare Community (forming) (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Long Branch Environmental Education Center (Leicester, North Carolina, United States)
New Goloka (Hillsborough, North Carolina, United States)
Noah Project of Asheville (Leicester, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Pacifica (Carrboro, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Rosy Branch Farm (Black Mountain, North Carolina, United States)
Solterra (Durham, North Carolina, United States)
Spirit Cove (Murphy, North Carolina, United States) (North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Trinity Farms (Raleigh, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Twelve Tribes Community in Asheville (Asheville, North Carolina, United States)
Unahwi Ridge (Jackson County, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
Union Acres (Whittier, North Carolina, United States)
Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood (Black Mountain, North Carolina, United States)
Westwood Cohousing (Asheville, North Carolina, United States)
The Wild Human Initiative (Boone, North Carolina, United States) (Asheville, North Carolina, surrounding counties, United States)  Forming
Zim Zam (Asheville, North Carolina, United States)  Forming
African Nazarite Seminary (looking for site, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Carpenter Village (Athens, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Catholic Worker Community of Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Community House (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)  Forming
COMN Ground (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
Dayton Cohousing (Dayton, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Edges (Glouster, Ohio, United States)
Far Valley Farm (Amesville, Ohio, United States)
Followers Of Jesus Christian Community (Ohio, United States) (Ohio, United States)
FreedomTown (Ohio, United States)  Forming
Grail Ecovillage (Loveland, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Hill Top Farm (Vinton, Ohio, United States)
Hokshichankiya Community (Creola, Ohio, United States)
The Homestead at Denison University (Granville, Ohio, United States)
House of Peace Catholic Worker (Akron, Ohio, United States)  Forming
ic-neo (Northeast Ohio, Ohio, United States)  Forming
IC-NEO (Intentional Communities of NE Ohio) (Akron/Canton/Wooster, Ohio, United States)  Re-Forming
Knowledge Farm (Ohio, United States)  Forming
New Jerusalem Community (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
Oberlin Student Cooperative Association (OSCA) (Oberlin, Ohio, United States)
Ohio Bio-Enviro Settlements, Inc. (Canton, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Raven Rocks (Beallsville, Ohio, United States)
Sharing Community (South Bloomingville, Ohio, United States)
Storybook Shire (Pickerington, Ohio, United States)  Forming
Student Cooperative Organization (SCO) (Athens, Ohio, United States)
Susan B. Anthony Women's Land Trust (Athens, Ohio, United States)
The Vale (Yellow Springs, Ohio, United States)
Wildflower Christian Community (Ohio, United States)
Wisteria (Miegs County, Ohio, United States)
(Oklahoma, United States)
An alternative to the restrictions and controls and dangers of cities. Healthier and less stressful and friendlier lifestyle for families. A haven from economic collapse and other problems. How...
(Oklahoma, United States)
Christ centered, ecology minded, nonexploitive, self-reliant, caring, rural.
(Oklahoma, United States)
(Oklahoma, United States)
FarmShareAcres is more of a sustainable housing development centered around a working farm. The concept which is still evolving is to attract people who want to live more sustainably to rent one of...
(Oklahoma, United States)
Note:I am contacting other forming communities to see if we can combine our efforts to build a community. Although the community described below is my concept, it will be a group decision as to...
(Oklahoma, United States)
Osagewood aspires to become a vital intentional eco-community in central Oklahoma. We are located about 25 minutes in-between Oklahoma City, Norman and Shawnee, and sited on approximately 80 acres...
(Oklahoma, United States)
Pagan Intentional Community (PIC) is a growing group of Earth-centered families, working toward forming our dream village in the tropics. We will live by sustainable farming and fishing in a rural...
(Oklahoma, United States)
Sparrow Hawk Village, an intentional spiritual community, was established in 1981. We are nestled among 440 acres of gently rolling Ozark forest filled with abundant wildlife and natural, serene...
Aeirous / YewWood (Deadwood, Oregon, United States)
Alpha Farm (Deadwood, Oregon, United States)
Aprovecho Research Center (Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States)
Beaver Lodge (Corvallis, Oregon, United States)
Breitenbush Hot Springs (Detroit, Oregon, United States)
Cascadia Commons (Portland, Oregon, United States)
CedarSanctum (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Cerro Gordo Community (Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States)
Citizens Micro Economy (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
CoHo Cohousing (Corvallis, Oregon, United States)  Forming
The Community in Ashland (Ashland, Oregon, United States)
Du-má (Eugene, Oregon, United States)
EarthSky Tribe (Independence, Oregon, United States)  Re-Forming
Earthswell Farm (McMinnville, Oregon, United States)  Forming
East Portland Cohousing Group (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Essene Cooperative (La Grande, Oregon, United States)
Eugene Downtown Cohousing (Eugene, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Fordyce Street Cohousing (Ashland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Friends and Neighbors (San Francisco, California, United States) (San Lorenzo Valley (Brookdale, Ben Lomond, etc.), California, United States) (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
HeartLight (Ashland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Higher Ground Cohousing (Bend, Oregon, United States)
International Puppydogs Movement (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Jesuit Volunteer Corps NW (Portland, Oregon, United States)
Lichen (Wolf Creek, Oregon, United States)
Lost Valley Educational Center (Dexter, Oregon, United States)
Mountain Home (Coquille, Oregon, United States)
Nanish Shontie (Blachly, Oregon, United States)
Nature Retreat (Chiloquin, Oregon, United States)
Network for a New Culture (Philomath, Oregon, United States)
Networking For Peace Multicultural Cohousing Resource Neighborhood (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Nomenus Radical Faerie Sanctuary (Wolf Creek, Oregon, United States)
Owl Farm (Roseburg, Oregon, United States)
Pagano (Sparks, Nevada, United States) (Pagano, Oregon, United States)
Peninsula Park Commons (Portland, Oregon, United States)
The Sacred Oak Community (Selma, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Southern Oregon Women's Network (Wolf Creek, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Students' Cooperative Association (Eugene, Oregon, United States)
Sunrise Cohousing (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Trillium Farm Community (Jacksonville, Oregon, United States)  Re-Forming
Trillium Hollow (Portland, Oregon, United States)
Varsity House (Corvallis, Oregon, United States)
Walnut Street Co-op (Eugene, Oregon, United States)
We'Moon Land (Estacada, Oregon, United States)
Wholesome House (Portland, Oregon, United States)  Forming
Womanshare (Grants Pass, Oregon, United States)
Almidety (Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Altair Cohousing (Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, United States)
Bryn Gweled Homesteads (Southampton, Pennsylvania, United States)
Camphill Soltane (Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, United States)
Camphill Special School (Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, United States)
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (Kimberton, Pennsylvania, United States)
Casa Amistad (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Concord Village (southern Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Empty Nest Cohos (Near or in town west of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Eternal Cause Society (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement (Gladwyne, Pennsylvania, United States)
Foulkeways at Gwynedd (Gwynedd, Pennsylvania, United States)
Greening Life Community (Shermans Dale, Pennsylvania, United States)
Greenwood (Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
The Hermitage (Pitman, Pennsylvania, United States)
Himalayan Institute (Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States)
Hundredfold Farm (Gettysburg area, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Independant Pilgrim Amish Church (Ephrata, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Julian Woods Community (Julian, Pennsylvania, United States)
Life Center Association (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
New Meadow Run Bruderhof (Farmington, Pennsylvania, United States)
Spring Valley Bruderhof (Farmington, Pennsylvania, United States)
Tanguy Homesteads (Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, United States)
Vessels of Christ Covenant (East Fallowfield, Pennsylvania, United States)
Wellness Center (sharpsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
Yogoda Community Project (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)  Forming
(Rhode Island, United States)
The Brown Association for Cooperative Housing (BACH) is a nonprofit student-run housing cooperative in Providence, Rhode Island. Since 1971 it has dedicated itself to providing affordable housing...
(Rhode Island, United States)
the focus of new world rising is to develop networks of cooperative consciousness, communications, connections and communities. our primary focus is developing a national and international network
(South Carolina, United States)
Health & Wholeness Cohousing is building a Health and Wholeness Community on 25 rural acres, adjoining a Gopher Tortoise “Heritage Nature Preserve”. We welcome proactive individuals and...
(South Carolina, United States)
(South Carolina, United States)
A sustainable community in Upstate South Carolina, near the Appalachians. We are focused on art, music and theater and hope to eventually built an outdoor stage and grounds for annual music...
(South Dakota, United States)
Im looking for a limited investment from 11 other people or less. it can be families ,singles, couples of all types etc. very open minded but hard working group of thinkers wanted. All skills will...
(South Dakota, United States)
Seeking to form a community of dedicated animal rights activists committed to advancing a change in the human paradigm. Specifically, ending humanity's self-serving notion that exploitation of...
3Circles Community (Shelbyville, Tennessee, United States) (Anywhere, USA or Canada)  Forming
Agape Community (Liberty, Tennessee, United States)
Dunmire Hollow Community (Waynesboro, Tennessee, United States)
The Farm (Summertown, Tennessee, United States)
Haven (Tennessee, United States)  Forming
Heartsease (Tennessee, United States)  Forming
IDA (Dowelltown, Tennessee, United States)
Jump Off Community Land Trust (Sewanee, Tennessee, United States)
Knoxville Ecovillage Project (Knoxville, Tennessee, United States)  Forming
Moonshadow (Whitwell, Tennessee, United States)
Obed River Homestead (forming) (Lancing, Tennessee, United States)  Forming
Paradise Village (Whites Creek, Tennessee, United States)
People of the Living God (McMinnville, Tennessee, United States)
Pumpkin Hollow Community (Liberty, Tennessee, United States)  Re-Forming
Refuge (Greeneville, Tennessee, United States)
Rose Creek Village (Selmer, Tennessee, United States)
Short Mountain Sanctuary, Inc. (Liberty, Tennessee, United States)
Southeastern Compassion (SEC) (Memphis, Tennessee, United States)  Forming
Adelphi (Quinlan, Texas, United States)
Alpha Omega Christian Communities For The Chemically Injured (San Antonio area, Texas, United States)  Forming
Central Austin Cohousing (Austin, Texas, United States)  Forming
Christ of the Hills Monastery (Blanco, Texas, United States)
Congregation Of The Firstborn (Grapeland, Texas, United States)
Houston Cohousing (Houston, Texas, United States)  Forming
IC Houston (Houston, Texas, United States)  Forming
Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC-Texas) (Austin, Texas, United States)
Jonah House (Dallas, Texas, United States)
Kaleidoscope Village (Austin, Texas, United States)
LifeWay Covenant Community (Hungerford, Texas, United States)
Mariposa Group (Bivins, Texas, United States)  Re-Forming
Oak Village Commons (Austin, Texas, United States)
Order of Christian Workers (Tyler, Texas, United States)
Peace Farm (Panhandle, Texas, United States)
Rainbow Hearth Sanctuary and Retreat Center (Burnet, Texas, United States)
Rainbow Valley Agricultural Cooperative (Sanger, Texas, United States)
RanchHome (Austin Area (Caldwell, Guadalupe, Bastrop Counties), Texas, United States)  Forming
San Antonio Cohousing (San Antonio, Texas, United States)  Forming
Seneca Falls Co-op (Austin, Texas, United States)
Space Environments Ecovillage (Texas, United States)  Forming
Sunflower Co-op (Austin, Texas, United States)
Tomorrow's Bread Today (Houston, Texas, United States)  Forming
Turn Cedars (Fort Worth, Texas, United States)
Whitehall Co-op (Austin, Texas, United States)
WindHaven (Pipe Creek, Texas, United States)  Forming
(Utah, United States)
Shiloah Valley Community is a Christian community with a strong identification with Israel, particularly the tribe of Levi. Education and music are emphasized in the private K---12 school. The...
(Utah, United States)
Raw food vegan Christian eco-villiage working to establish a community off the grid in a warm sunny climate. Looking for like minded people who believe in Christ, strive to live the ten...
(Utah, United States)
Just a listing of a potential Place to start a Cummunity in West Box Elder County where currently ther are large tracts of land available cheaply. I am thinking something to developing something...
(Utah, United States)
Wasatch Commons
Blue Moon Cooperative (South Strafford, Vermont, United States)
Burlington Cohousing (Burlington, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Caer Coburn (Rockingham, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Champlain Valley Cohousing (Charlotte, Vermont, United States)
Cobb Hill (Hartland, Vermont, United States)
Earth Heart Center (Johnson, Vermont, United States)  Forming
EarthSeed (Vermont, United States)
Faerie Camp Destiny (Grafton, Vermont) (Winooski, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Goodrich Farm Cooperative (Hardwick, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Huntington Open Womyns Land (HOWL) (Huntington, Vermont, United States)
Imagine Nation (Brattleboro, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Meadowdance Community Group (Walden, Vermont, United States)
Montpelier Cohousing (Montpelier, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Quarry Hill (Rochester, Vermont, United States)
Slade Hall (Burlington, Vermont, United States)
Ten Stones (Charlotte, Vermont, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Bellows Falls (Bellows Falls, Vermont, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Island Pond (Island Pond, Vermont, United States)
Twelve Tribes Community in Rutland (Rutland, Vermont, United States)
Vermont Institute for the Traditional Arts (VITA) (Holland, Vermont, United States)  Forming
Abundant Dawn Community (Floyd, Virginia, United States)
Acorn Community (Mineral, Virginia, United States)
Aliantha (Vienna, Virginia, United States)
Ashland Vineyard Community (Ashland, Virginia, United States)
A Better Way (Williamstown, Kentucky, United States) (West Virginia, United States)  Forming
Blue Ridge Cohousing (Charlottesville, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Blueberry Hill (Vienna, Virginia, United States)
Catoctin Creek Village (Taylorstown, Virginia, United States)
Chrysalis Community (Arlington, Virginia, United States)
CHUVA (Co-Operative Housing at the University of Virginia) (Charlottesville, Virginia, United States)
Common Ground (VA) (Lexington, Virginia, United States)  Re-Forming
Dayspring Circle (Floyd, Virginia, United States)
Earth Pod (Floyd, Virginia, United States)  Forming
EcoVillage of Loudoun County (Taylorstown, Virginia, United States)  Forming
ElderSpirit Community at Trailview (Abingdon, Virginia, United States)  Forming
The Gathering (Schuyler, Virginia, United States)  Re-Forming
Genisis (West Virginia, United States)  Forming
Gesundheit! Institute (Hillsboro, West Virginia, United States)
High Flowing Community (Riner, Virginia, United States)
Horizons ecoVillage (Nellysford, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Inclusive Christians (West Virginia, United States)  Forming
Innisfree Village (Crozet, Virginia, United States)
Jupiter Hollow (Weston, West Virginia, United States)
KynHeartH (Floyd, Virginia, United States)  Forming
L.I.F.E. (Gladstone, Virginia, United States)
Learners Trek (Louisa, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Light Morning (Virginia, United States)
Light of Freedom (Willis, Virginia, United States)  Re-Forming
Little Flower Catholic Worker Farm (Louisa, Virginia, United States)
Maat Dompin (Charlottesville, Virginia, United States)  Forming
New Land (Faber, Virginia, United States)
New Vrndaban (Moundsville, West Virginia, United States)
North Mountain Community Land Trust (Lexington, Virginia, United States)
Oak Grove (Round Hill, Virginia, United States)  Forming
One Common Unity (Washington, District Of Columbia, United States) (Powhatan, Virginia, United States)  Forming
People on the Way (Brandywine, West Virginia, United States)  Forming
Pod of Dolphins (Check, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Poly, Pagan, Nudist Community (Winchester, Virginia, Winchester Area, United States)  Forming
The Quarries (Schuyler, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Sassafras Ridge Farm (Hinton, West Virginia, United States)
Shadowlake Village (Blacksburg, Virginia, United States)
Shannon Farm Community (Afton, Virginia, United States)
Springtree Community (Scottsville, Virginia, United States)
Summerglen Farm and Homestead (Floyd, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Twelve Tribes Community in Northern Virginia (Hillsboro, Virginia, United States)
Twin Oaks Community (Louisa, Virginia, United States)
The Walking Tribe (Marionville, Virginia, United States)  Forming
Woodfolk House (Charlottesville, Virginia, United States)
Yogaville / Satchidananda Ashram (Buckingham, Virginia, United States)
Zendik Farm Arts Foundation (Marlinton, West Virginia, United States)
Zephyr (Floyd, Virginia, United States)
Amazonia (Washington, United States)  Forming
Apex Belltown Co-op (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Bartimaeus Community of Meadow Wood (Bremerton (central Kitsap County), Washington, United States)
Bellingham Cohousing (Bellingham, Washington, United States)
Bob The House (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Bright Morning Star (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Cedar Village (Washington, United States)  Forming
Dapala Farm (Elk, Washington, United States)  Forming
Dearborn Commons Cohousing (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Dragon Belly Farm (Pt. Ludlow, Washington, United States)  Forming
Duwamish Cohousing (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Ekone Ranch and the Sacred Earth Foundation (Goldendale, Washington, United States)
Emma Goldman Finishing School (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Fan Lake Brethren (Elk, Washington, United States)
Goodenough Community (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Grendel's Greenbrier Farm (Tri-Cities, Washington, United States)  Forming
Holden Village (Chelan, Washington, United States)
Hutterian Brethren (Reardan, Washington, United States)
Intertribal Nation (Maple Falls, Washington, United States)  Forming
Ishayas (Stanwood, Washington, United States)
Jackson Place Cohousing (Seattle, Washington, United States)
The Love Israel Family (Kettle Falls, Washington, United States)  Forming
Maxwelton Creek Cohousing (Whidbey Island, Washington, United States)
Methow Center of Enlightenment (Twisp, Washington, United States)
Northwoods (Springdale, Washington, United States)  Forming
Olympia Eco-Village (Olympia, Washington, United States)  Forming
Olympia Housing Collective (Olympia, Washington, United States)  Forming
Open to all with love and light (Port townsend, Washington, United States)  Forming
Orca Landing (Seattle, Washington, United States)
People's Place, The (Okanogan, Washington, United States)  Forming
Ponderosa Village (Goldendale, Washington, United States)
Port Townsend EcoVillage (Port Townsend, Washington, United States)  Forming
PRAG House (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Puget Ridge Cohousing (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Rachana Retreat (Redmond, Washington, United States)
River Farm (Deming, Washington, United States)
RoseWind Cohousing (Port Townsend, Washington, United States)
Salmonberry CLT (Finney Farm) (Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States)
Salt Creek Intentional Community (Port Angeles, Washington, United States)  Forming
Seattle Group House (NE Seattle, Washington, United States)
Seattle's Intentional Community Program (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Sharingwood Cohousing (Snohomish County, Washington, United States)
She Farm (Washington, United States)
Sherwood Co-op (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Sidhefire (Rainier, Yelm, Olympia, Washington, United States)
Songaia Cohousing Community (Bothell, Washington, United States)
South Sound Cohousing (Tacoma, Washington, United States)  Forming
Sun Meadows, Inc. (Tonasket, Washington, United States)
Sunset House (Seattle, Washington, United States)
Tacoma Catholic Worker (Tacoma, Washington, United States)
Tolstoy Farm (Davenport, Washington, United States)
Unkatah (Goldendale, Washington, United States)  Forming
Vancouver, Camas, Washougal , WA co-housing (Camas, Washington, United States)  Forming
Vashon Cohousing (Vashon, Washington, United States)
Walker Creek Farm (Mount Vernon, Washington, United States)
Westmerefolc Geþéode (Walla Walla, Washington, United States)  Re-Forming
Windward (Klickitat, Washington, United States)
Winslow Cohousing Group (Bainbridge Island, Washington, United States)
Wise Acres Cooperative Association (Indianola, Washington, United States)
Woodard Lane Cohousing (Olympia, Washington, United States)  Forming
Yellow Plum Commons (Kennewick, Washington, United States)  Forming
We are a group that is forming an intentional living community in the KY/WV area. We share no spiritual paths and are mostly interested in escaping from the historical ways things are done in this...
(West Virginia, United States)
Genisis - An invitation to freedom. Genisis Community promotes local self-sufficiency, community survival, practical skills, and simple, sustainable living. Genisis Community is not...
(West Virginia, United States)
Gesundheit Institute is a group of healers, visionaries, and clowns building a healing community based on humor, compassion, generosity, and enthusiastic hard work. Much more than a hospital,...
(West Virginia, United States)
We are forming a spirit-filled Christian intentional community that is affirming of the GLBT community. We are socially, politically and ecologically minded and our dream will be shared co-housing...
(West Virginia, United States)
We began our small community in 1976 and have progressed to now, at the winter solstice of 2005, with our focus being on friendship, neighborliness, ecological awareness, and a desire for lives in...
(West Virginia, United States)
New Vrindavan, founded in 1968, is the oldest and largest Hare Krishna (2,000 acres) farm community in the West. The community serves as a place of pilgrimage for the Hindu/Vaisnava population and...
(West Virginia, United States)
We began as a homesteading couple who learned how important it is to share our lifestyle with like minded people. Our intention is to take part in the creation of a seasonal intentional community....
(West Virginia, United States)
Sasssafaras Ridge Farm, founded in 1972 by three young adults sharing an old shack, has evolved. Our intentional neighborhood, with boundaries greatly expanded by friends' purchases of adjacent...
(West Virginia, United States)
Zendik Farm is a cooperative community of artists, activists, and organic farmers committed to the survival of the human species through the practice of the Earth-saving philosophy known as...
Ambrosia Housing Cooperative (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Baton Rouge Catholic Worker (Whitewater, Wisconsin, United States)
Black Walnut Cooperative (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Casa Maria Catholic Worker Community (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States)
The Christine Center (Willard, Wisconsin, United States)
Dancing Waters Permaculture Co-op (Gays Mills, Wisconsin, United States)
Dreamtime Village (La Farge, Wisconsin, United States)
Emma Goldman's (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Friends Co-op (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
High Wind Community/Plymouth Institute (Plymouth, Wisconsin, United States)
Hypatia Housing Cooperative (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Lothlorien Co-op (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Madison Community Cooperative (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Oak Point Cohousing (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)  Forming
Ofek Shalom Co-op (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
The Phoenix Co-op (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
River Hayven (Colfax, Wisconsin, United States)
River Ridge (Prescott, Wisconsin, United States)
Sichlassenfallen (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States)
Summit Ave Cooperative (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Teaching Drum Outdoor School (Three Lakes, Wisconsin, United States)
The v2b Cooperative (Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States)  Forming
Village Cohousing (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)
Wellspring (West Bend, Wisconsin, United States)
Yahara Linden Gathering (Madison, Wisconsin, United States)




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