7-19-08 This topic came to my attention when Andrew Collins came on
unknowncountry.com, interviewed by William Henry. They began to talk about
beams of energy coming from
Cygnus X 3.
I had to see what I had written about this constellation in the past
and found that I had mentioned it 21 times previously. On one page,
I had talked about a being named "Blue" who communicates with Raphiem - a
good friend of mine for some years. That particular page was done before
the special date of 10-17-06 - almost two years ago, and blue talked about
a beam of energy coming from Cygnus way back then, so this is not a new
aspect right now.
The interview on unknowncountry.com
Cygnus X-3 Stunner
July 19, 2008
Andrew Collins's report
about the ancient importance of the constellation Cygnus led to the
"Cygnus Meditation" and has become one of our most listened-to archival
Now, not only is Cygnus X-3 emitting a new and more powerful
stream of material toward Earth, just as Andrew predicted, he's back
with us to talk about ancient beliefs that emissions from Cygnus have a
profound effect on the human mind and human
As the interview progress, it became apparent that
Andrew Collins book came out in 2006. It was a good interview which will
be available to listen to on unknowncountry.com to the general public for
some weeks to come.
The book is:
Mystery: Unlocking the Ancient Secret of Life's Origins in the Cosmos
He sells it on his own website. Amazon.com has
a couple used copies at outrageous prices, but Barnes & Noble has both new
and used copies at reasonable prices.
His website is:

A Protected Night Sky Over Flagstaff
Credit and Copyright:
Dan &
Cindy Duriscoe,
FDSC, Lowell Obs.,
Explanation: This sky is protected. Yesterday marked the
50 year anniversary of the
first lighting
ordinance ever enacted, which restricted
advertisements from sweeping the night skies above
USA. Flagstaff now enjoys the status of being the first
International Dark Sky City, and maintains a lighting code
that limits lights from polluting this
majestic nighttime view. The current dark skies over
Flagstaff not only
enable local astronomers to
the universe but allow local
enthusiasts to see and enjoy a tapestry contemplated
previously by every human generation. The above image, pointing
just east of north, was taken two weeks ago at 3 am from Fort
Valley, only 10 kilometers from central Flagstaff. Visible in
the above spectacular panorama are the
Francisco Peaks caped by a
cloud. Far in the distance, the
of the
Milky Way Galaxy arcs diagonally from the lower left to the
upper right, highlighted by the constellations of
Cepheus, and
Cygnus. On the far right, the
America Nebula is visible just under the very bright star
One has to wonder why the government doesn't want the rest
of us to see the sky during the day or at night. These days we
have white skies, not blue - and at night? you can even see
chemtrails crossing the sky at night - even worse at dawn.
On March 13, 2005, I wrote a web page about the star Vega, because
of a dream I had. There are great details on this page of the

Cygnus, the Swan (the Northern Cross)
Cygnus (SIG-nuss)
is the constellation (FCPS Starfinder,
No. 14, Southern Sky) in the northernmost corner of the
asterism known as the Summer Triangle. Three bright stars form
the Summer Triangle: Deneb, Vega, and Altair (Deneb,

Cygnus X-1
From Wikipedia

Cygnus X-1 (abbreviated Cyg X-1)[11]
is a celebrated galactic
X-ray source in the
Cygnus. It was discovered in 1964 during a
rocket flight and is one of the strongest X-ray
sources seen from Earth, producing a peak X-ray flux of
2.3×10−23 Wm−2Hz-1.[12]
Cygnus X-1 was the first X-ray source widely accepted to
be a
black hole candidate and it remains among the most
astronomical objects in its class. It is now estimated
to have a mass about 8.7 times the
mass of the Sun[6]
and has been shown to be too compact to be any known kind
of normal star or other likely object besides a black
hole. If so, the radius of its
event horizon is probably about 26 km.[13]
Cygnus X-1 belongs to a
high-mass X-ray binary system about 6000 light
years from the
that includes a blue
variable star designated HDE 226868. A
stellar wind from the star provides material for an
accretion disk around the X-ray source.[14]
Matter in the inner disk is heated to millions of
kelvin (K), generating the observed X-rays.[15][16]
A pair of
jets, arranged
perpendicular to the disk, are carrying part of the
infalling material away into interstellar space.[17]
This system may belong to a
stellar association called Cygnus OB3, which would
mean that Cygnus X-1 is about five million years old and
formed from a
progenitor star that had more than 40 solar
masses. The majority of the star's mass was shed, most
likely as a stellar wind. If this star had then exploded
as a
supernova, the resulting force would most likely have
ejected the remnant from the system. Hence the star may
have instead collapsed directly into a black hole.[10]
Cygnus X-1 was the subject of a friendly
scientific wager between physicists
Stephen Hawking and
Kip Thorne in 1974, with Professor Hawking betting
that it was not a black hole. He conceded the bet in 1990
after observational data had strengthened the case for a
gravitational singularity in the system.[18]
Nature 222, 863 - 864 (31 May 1969);
doi:10.1038/222863a0 |
Radio Emission of Cygnus X-2
for Research in Experimental Space Science, York University,
Radio and Electrical Engineering Division, National Research
Council, Ottawa.
Moffet and Berge1 recently reported an attempt to
detect radio emission from the X-ray source Cygnus X-2.
They observed with an interferometer at a wavelength of 3.12
cm and found evidence of a radio source of flux density 0.05
0.03 flux units (1 flux unit = 10-26 W m-2
Hz-1). Although the signal-to-noise ratio was low,
the phase of the interferometer output agreed well with that
expected. Also, observations at 10.6 cm showed compatible,
though inconclusive, results. They therefore suggested that
there might be a faint radio source at the position of the
X-ray object, although they recognized that the source could
be spurious |
Finding other constellations using the Big Dipper
Finding of the big dipper in the sky, gives you the starting point
for identifying many other stars. Use it as a skymark for the following
The Pointers: The two stars forming the pouring edge of the Big
Dipper's bowl (on the side away from the handle) point to Polaris, the
north star, in the constellation
Ursa Minor, Little Bear. Polaris is a rather faint star about five
times farther away than the distance between the pointers themselves.
- No matter where you are in the northern hemisphere, when you face
Polaris you will be facing north.
- Polaris marks north more accurately than a magnetic compass.
- The angle between your horizon and Polaris is equal to your
latitude on earth (can you prove this geometrically?).
Continuing on this line from the Pointers on past Polaris, at an
equal distance opposite the big dipper, you intersect
Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia, is a W-shaped constellation
reclining in the starry band of the Milky Way. Cassiopeia is circumpolar,
like the Big Dipper, visible no matter what the season of time of night
from most of the United States. Cassiopeia may also be found by tracing a
line from Epsilon (the first star of the Big Dipper's handle) through
Tracing a line from the Pointers of the Big Dipper to Polaris and
past Cassiopeia, you come to a large, nearly perfect square of four stars
(almost directly overhead in autumn) called the Great Square of
Pegasus (Pegasus was a flying horse). One corner of the Square of
Pegasus is
Andromeda (daughter of Cassiopeia). The constellation Andromeda
contains the Andromeda galaxy, also known as
M31. The Andromeda galaxy is relatively close to the
Milky Way, and is a bit larger than our own galaxy.
"Arc to Arcturus." Follow the curve of the Big Dipper's handle away
from the bowl to the
fourth brightest star in the earth's sky, Arcturus, of the ancient
Boötes (pronounced "boo-oh-tees"). Boötes is a herdsman, or
shepherd, and is found in cave paintings commemorating successful
hunts of gazelles, zebras, and giraffes in the Sahara--this constellation
was named before the Sahara became a desert. Arcturus is best seen in late
Continuing past Arcturus on the same curve away from the Dipper's
handle. Going the same distance again as it took to reach Arcturus, you
come to a bright star of the constellation
Virgo called Spica (spy-ka). "Speed on to Spica!" Alternatively, the
phrase "Spike to Spica" refers to Spica's usual location near the horizon.
Spica lies nearly on the ecliptic--the path the Sun follows across the
sky. Occasionally, Spica may have a bright visitor nearby--a planet
A line running through the two stars nearest the handle points of
the Dipper go almost directly to two other notable stars. Pointing down
beneath the bottom of the Dipper bowl the line takes you to Regulus, the
brightest star in the constellation
Leo (a lion, whose mane looks like a backward question mark--Regulus
is the "dot" at the bottom of the mark).
In the other direction, pointing above the open bowl, the line runs
to Deneb, in the constellation
Cygnus (the Swan, which looks like a cross). Deneb is the tail of the
swan, which is flying south for the winter along the Milky Way. Deneb,
together with two other stars (Vega and Altair) form the
summer triangle, an
asterism which dominates the night sky all summer long.
The second star is actually two stars, which have been called the
Horse and Rider. According to the Greeks, the second star is one of the
Pleiades sisters, who left her six sisters over in
Taurus when she married. Mizar, the brightest of the two, resolves
into a double star (A & B) in a large telescope. Interestingly, from
spectroscopic evidence it is known that Mizar A and Mizar B are each
double stars as well, although these pairs cannot be seen as such by our
existing telescopes.

Central Cygnus
Credit & Copyright: Processing -
Noel Carboni, Imaging -
Greg Parker
Explanation: Supergiant
star Gamma Cygni lies at the center of the Northern Cross, famous
asterism in the constellation
Cygnus the Swan. Known by the proper
name Sadr, the bright star also lies at the center of this gorgeous
skyscape, featuring
a complex of stars, dust clouds, and glowing nebulae along the
plane of our Milky Way galaxy. The field of view
spans over 3 degrees (six Full Moons) on the sky
and includes emission nebula IC 1318 and open star cluster NGC 6910.
Left of Gamma Cyg and shaped like two glowing cosmic wings divided by a
long dark dust lane, IC 1318's popular name is understandably the
Butterfly Nebula. Above and left of Gamma Cyg, are the young, still
grouped stars of NGC 6910. Some distance estimates for Gamma Cyg place
it at around 750 light-years while estimates for IC 1318 and
NGC 6910 range from 2,000 to 5,000 light-years.

Comet Hale-Bopp and the North America Nebula
Credit & Copyright:
Juan Carlos Casado
Comet Hale-Bopp's 1997 encounter with the inner
Solar System allowed
many breath-taking pictures.
Above, Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed crossing the constellation of
Cygnus, sporting spectacular yellow
dust and blue ion tails. Visible on the right in red is the
North America Nebula, a bright
emission nebula observable from a dark location with binoculars. The
North America Nebula is about 1500
light-years away, much farther than the comet, which was only about 8
light minutes away. Several bright blue stars from the
open cluster
M39 are visible just above the comet's
blue ion tail.
On 1-1-2002, I had a strange dream about Cygnus:
I didn't know it then, but all the symbols in the dream fit exactly into
what Cygnus is really all about, and I dreamed the symbols again later
1-1-2002 - This was part dream - part cartoon.
I was shown something and how to reconstruct it in
pieces. I was shown a large field like on a hill. There was something in
the sky and things fell from it. I ran over and saw they were like long
skinny seeds.
I grabbed one and broke it open. It looked like a
grown man curled up in a seed pod. I had to save him from being eaten by a
big goose which was strutting around the field.
Goose = Cygnus
In the cartoon I was asked if I ever saw a
Schimelfurg. It looked like a fancy letter 'A' in a circle.
If you look at a complete sky map, that would make perfect sense.
See the map above.

Cygnus X-3
taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2001.

Magnetism had long been considered a side attraction in
astronomy-hard to measure, hard to master, seemingly easy to
neglect. The basic trouble is that
the fields are invisible. To infer their presence, astronomers must
make do
with such compasses and filings as nature has haphazardly provided,
including dust grains and charged particles. By aligning dust grains
or diverting the paths
of electrons, for example, a magnetic field can effect the emission
of polarized radio waves or skew the polarization of light passing
through a region of space, rather like a weak pair of polarizing
Gradually astronomers have deduced that the Milky Way has a
magnetic field
of roughly five microgauss, generally directed along the galaxy's
spiral arms.
(By comparison, the earth's north-pointing magnetic field is about
500,000 microgauss.) If you had a compass sensitive to this field,
in our corner of the galaxy it would point toward the constellation
Cygnus. Other galaxies have similar fields.
When researchers began to look for fields in between galaxies
in the late 1980s, their expectations were low. After all, cosmic
magnetic fields are embedded in plasmas, which are much thinner in
intergalactic than in interstellar space. According to x-ray
telescopes, even the thickest intergalactic plasmas-found in the
cores of galaxy clusters-are a hundredth as dense as interstellar
So it came as a surprise in 1990 when Philipp P. Kronberg and Kwang-Tae
Kim, both then at the University of Toronto, announced the first
magnetic readings of the interstices of the Coma cluster. The
cluster's field is nearly as strong as the Milky Way's.
Subj: *Blue* Supernova Dance
Date: 7/24/2002
From: foreverblue@gmx.net
[Blue] there is approximately 9 months gestation in your
time remaining, before you, Earth, come upon the cross roads. It
would seem at this moment, in your now, you are at a point of no
return ....
[R] pls explain this no return ?
[Blue] the point of no return is the point where the energy,
pressure, focus, which is remaining is no longer sufficient, nor
adequate enough to allow a retraction, a pull out, a change in
course ... once thispoint is reached, it will be set, Earth's
destiny will be set ....
[R] you mean that if we do not, awaken and see what it is
that we are doing, the choices we make, whether personally,
locally or globally, we will be unable to change our course ...?
[Blue] look!!! you are approaching a cross-road, a
space-time event is occurring, it is a universal timing, the cogs
and notches are about to lock a gear ... once this is locked, it
will be almost impossible fromwhere you sit to change course ....
you are at a point where you have two choices .... one is to own
yourselves and stop selling your souls or to simply close your
eyes, turn a blind eye and KNOWING allow them to turn your lives,
this planet into one giant prison, physically, mentally and
spiritually ..... which ever you globally choose at the cross
road, will be set for good, it will be Earth's destiny and it will
taken great if not all universal grace to pull you out of it .....
and this grace will come at a price .....
one must make their bed and sleep in it ....
[R] what is this space-time event ?
[Blue] for us it is difficult to explain, but a SUPERNOVA
has just birthed in your Cygnus-X constellation ....... although
the light eminating from this supernova is not of the same
properties as know you light to be .... it is a light resonating
at a higher frequency and it' speed is faster than your local
system light ..... but do understand, the gravity waves unleashed
from this supernova will reach you with-in 6-9 months... your sun
is currently unstable and will become much more unstable when the
gravity waves reach your system .....
[R] pls explain what is so special about this light ...
[Blue] we will keep it simple ... normally the light will
take millions of years to reach you .... but we will tell this ...
this light will reach you in approx 10-15 yrs of your time ....
[R] this is crap ... how can light that would take millions
of light years, only take 15 years!!!
[Blue] .... we are scanning to explain it as simple as
possible .... mmm .... mmm .... think of it like this ... as your
universe(s) spiral out, they reach a point where they turn in on
themselves and begin to spiral in again ..
[R] do you mean it will contract ...
[Blue] think of it likened unto BREATHING OUT or BREATHING
IN ...... the all that is, has been breathing in, and now it is
reaching that mid-point where there is a space in-between, before
the letting out breath, contraction begins .... what happens is
when this mid-point is reached, it becomes zero-point!!! ... this
does not occur simultaneaously across all universes and
dimensions, but is much likened to a wave racing across your
space-time continuum ...
[R] but what has this got to do with the supernova??
[Blue] you are not thinking tonight .... mmm ..... when this
zero-point stillness is reached, light becomes instant!! it is
like a spark-gap .... there is no limitness, friction nor any
impedence to the light coming from all directions and sources ....
but more importantly, as we have said previously .... supernova
carry light-programs, new code ..... it will be as if no gravity,
no impedence and the new codes for a new civilasation will be set
likened unto a new program ..
[R] so the gravity waves from this supernova will reach us
you reckon within 6-9 months ....
[Blue] yes and the new light codes will be upon your within
2012-2017 ...... but with regards to the gravity waves, pls
understand this, the gravity waves will be likened unto your quick
setting cement ..... the gravity waves will set the mould of what
ever the choices you have decided, from here on once set in
motion, will be difficult to break ...
[R] but I thought we had free will and choice ..
[Blue] we have already gone over this ...... you have free
will ... but choices will depend on what is offered and available
to choose from ... and may not necessarily be the choices you wish
they be .. there is a smooth transition or a very rough
transition, it is up to you globally to say enough is enough and
articulate your actions as to what it is you want .....
personally, financially, politically, vocationally etc etc ...
there comes a point where it is no longer possible within your
physical domain to have a smooth transition and the only repair
that can be sought is to wipe the slate clean and start again ...
why is it you think the is a natural/natures way and has always
been.... all things are destroyed in your natures ecosystems and
start again ....examplers ... your floods, your volcanoes you
earthquakes etc etc ...
[R] so you are saying that the only way out is via
destruction and then renewal ? how will this be accomplished ... ?
[Blue] Within your next few years, especially next year you
will have clusters of asteroids been attracted to your sun/earth
system as your sun fluctuates at it's core .... your scientists
will not know what is upon them, they will have surprise upon
surprise as if out of the blue asteroids begin appearing on
trajectory paths ...they can not explain and will not be able to
effectively calculate passing times ... what may appear to be a
few years will become a few months and vice versa ... if so you
all conciously choose to wipe the slate clean .... then so be it
..... you will attract on collision course with earth one of these
asteroids or more, liken unto how you are now manifesting these
asteroids out of the blue .... surprise surprise ...
[R] But why is it that the slate must be wiped cleaned .....
[Blue] there comes a point where entropicity is overwhelming
and can not be held back and must take it's course and
self-consume itself ..... for the energy taken to reverse the
entrocipity far outweighs the entropicity itself ..
[R] Pls stop using big words and explain simply ..
[Blue] simply said ... the momentum is at such a great
velocity, that the energy taken to slow it or reverse it will not
suffice, and so will not achieve anything apart from draining all
the energy as well as slamming into a brick wall ... example ....
a car is travelling at a such a reckless speed, and is required to
brake ..... it sees a wall coming up fast, but no matter how much
energy is used to stop it, the brake pad will wear out before the
car has come to a stop ... and so it is at the point of no return
.... it will expend all energy to brake and will still slam into
the wall regardless ...... this is the cross-road up ahead .....
your govts, your corporations, your establishments and
institutions are all in corruption and deceiving you ....... but
still a blind eye is turned as you THINK that your are powerless
..... but you are not ..... some even say ...."oh nothing is going
on here" but as you slumber at night, deep down you know that you
are been deceived, the systems in place are deceiving you .... but
you would rather roll over and die, than be bothered to do
anything ... the frozen chosen your peoples have become ...
[R] but what does it matter to you??? if we destroy
ourselves or turn this planet into a giant prison cell, what does
it matter in the scheme of things ...??
[Blue] in the scheme of things it does not matter, for we do
not know of time and have no limits, your existence is likened
unto a drop of water in the ocean of all-that-is .... it is your
choice .....your will ... but we are you and you are us and so it
likened unto a child .... your child ... you love dearly this
child, for they are of you, and you would do anything for them,
and when you see this child of yours in a predicament, you would
step forward and offer much councelling and assistance, especially
when this child is crying out for support ..... but child for a
moment listens and then goes back to it's old habits...... and
oneday the parent sees that it can not interfere nor force it's
make upon the child, and simply must let this child learn,
develope, grow and do as it must ..... and all the parent can do
is to simply love this child unconditionally regardless of what
it's child chooses to do or become.... and so it is likened unto
this with you, oh human! We do not interfere, but we as a parent
can only look on and offer counciling when asked and much
unconditional love ... Oh child ... for we see so much of what you
are and can be and we see the potential for you to make this
quantum leap finally, to graduate, after so many setbacks and
heartaches you have endured over the aeons ... on ...and ..on ....
and so it is like a parent on graduation day ........ and should
you miss the graduation, then this is alright ..... but the next
graduation will be a long long wait for you as memory is wiped and
all must begin again the wheels within wheels, the cycles within
cycles, the awaiting of the next still-point and
in-breath/expansion .... and again we will review with you the
hall of records and re-take classes and supernova after supernova
of reprogramming we are always here, but we can not carry your
memories for you, you must carry them and should the memories be
lost, then so be it .....
[R] you said once previously that a supernova was expected
around the time of when the pope passes away .... does this mean
[Blue] .... your scientist will detect magnetic and gravity
anomalies within your universe between now and next 9 months ....
these gravity anomalies tie themselves in with gamma burst
radiation .... it is around this time ...... it will seem that
everything, all events within your earth are occurring, converging
upon this cross-roads ..... only you have the answers, but the
questions you must find and ask and choose ....you came to dance
.... making moves from a passion play .... the ties that bind you
just slip away .....the piper calls out a different rhyme ....
they crack the whip and you step in time ...... as the parade
passes by you hear a voice around you cry ... like the sound of
distant drums .... rejected and alone .... heart without a home
....... waiting as the panic grips your hand ... hearing prose
from high command .... like a million times before ........ no
dignity or grace .... it's the prize and not the race ... take
what you can", they said "Take it while you may ... but keep in
mind the penalty fits the crime .... and it deals no softened
blow." ....... remember ... you came to dance! --
February 28, 2006 Comet 73P
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 broke up and went
through the
constellations Cygnus and Pegasus
May 12,
13 and

The material from Joe Mason was posted
on the cropcircleconnector forum at:
17-Pointed Star Crop Circle Formation at Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower
Saxony), Germany, Reported 11 August 2006
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:16 am
Post subject: Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) - August
The crop circle formation that appeared at
Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), around 11 August 2006, became
one of many coincidences that seem meaningful.
Subj: [foreverblue] Cosmic Trigger Event on 17th October. Need
1-million+ people.
Date: 8/24/2006 4:25:41 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: foreverblue
On Behalf Of Mission1017
Sent: Monday, 21 August 2006 12:20 AM
Dear Mission 1017,
We apologise for the lateness of this news. A few hurdles recently had
to be overcome.
A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006. This
is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and
An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in
universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will
remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.
This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant flourescent in
nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although it resonates in this frequency
band, it is above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which
you, Earth articulate in. However due to the nature of your soul and
soul groups operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an
The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensley one
million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions
time and more.
Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it
is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million
times in strength.
What does this mean ?
Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus
on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an
accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they
normally would.
For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on
create your reality.
This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on
thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your
reality almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you
choose it to be.
Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on
positive, benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and
Humanity on this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your
choosing, but remember whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a
relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences
may almost be bordering on the miracle.
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth,
kindness, gratitiude be focused on.
This UV beam comes into full affect for 17hrs on the 17th of October
No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17am
on the 17th of October to 1:17am on the 18th October.
The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10pm) on the 17th October.
You do need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though
would be beneficial. The main key time no matter what time zone you are
in will be the peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm). Perhaps at this time if you
can find a peaceful spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the
vicinity of grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to
the ocean waves.
Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of
all Earth and HUmanity is positive thoughts of loving nature.
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway.
Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use
this cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts.
We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively
participate in this event. Please use whatever communication mediums you
have at your disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We
1-million plus people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from
separation and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness.
This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e.
Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.
This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to
your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to
participate is your choice.
Details to the Mission-1017 site and forum and how to stay updated are
About 7
weeks ago during sleep, I had less of a dream and more of an OOBE. I
was hovering way up in space looking down on the Earth. As my view
moved to up over the Earth rather than down (the Sun was behind me) I
could see a huge brilliant
lumiscent shape ultra-violet with magenta edges pulsing very far in
the distance. The shape appeared to be like a that of a cross
(3 cross-bars) with some outer edges which i could not make out
at the time.
I had
a very positive feeling from this OOBE/dream. Later the blue
voice in my head said
that this was a beam eminating
from the Cygnus star cluster region, however not in this universe but
a higher frequency in Universe2. Same space-time co-ordinates as
Cygnus but higher dimensions. Blue
kept repeating "818 gateway". A minor detail i recalled in the OOBE
was that this pulsing cross-figure8 was slightly to the right of
Jupiter in alignment with Earth, but above it. i.e. in this OOBE i
could see Earth and make out Jupiter was in line with Earth and this
"818" gateway.
weeks later, I had another dream (less OOBE and more vivid dreaming)
... In this dream I was flying over a crop field, I don't know if i
was in a helicopter, plane,
some other craft or just my body,
all I recall is that i was flying over the crop field, from high above
i could see a crop circle which looked like a figure-8 (but more
serpent-like figure) with a
cross though it. What was weird in this crop circle was that it was in
colour and appeard 3D'ish. It
wasn't like your normal boring wheat crop colour, but it was brilliant
lumiscent colour like that of my
previous OOBE. Perhaps viewing it from another level/dimension
crop circles are in colour.
drawn it up quickly here in paintbrush. In the OOBE above in space it
looked more spherical / 3D with cross-bars
intersecting the the centre i.e. 3 horizontals
and 1 vertical.
this dream, the voice was talking to me and told me this was the 818 activation
gateway, "a thought to matter amplifier".
I had heard/known of 11:11 and 12:12 etc gateways, but not 818.
The date to be was 17th Oct, 2006.
A friend in the UK,
Lui Di Martino
A friend in the UK, Lui Di Martino
who is a musician and sacred geometry researcher who has spent most of his life researching mirror universes and dimensions had taught me quiet a bit about the mirror of numbers and number gateways. In Lui's language, 1 is the mirror to 8 and visa versa. According to Lui's Mirror Maths 10/17 is also another way of saying 1/8. This matched up perfectly with 818 and 17-Oct-2006 (8-1-8)
is some more from Blue.
UV wave which your Earth will encounter on the 17th Oct, 2006 operates
on an ultra-dimensional level. In simpler terms, it operates at the
soulular / cellular level. The nexus point
between thought and matter. It is a
stellar activation occuring in universe2 that will affect the Earth
morphogenic fields as Universe1 comes into alignment with it, raising
the frequency of all matter as well as that for other planets in your
solar system for the duration of its activation.
thought particles encountering
this UV wave will be magnified 1-million
fold. In this radiation much can be transmuted. In the transmutation
comes the manifestation of
is an opportunity for humanity to take back ownership of itself. To be
creators of its own destiny from inside rather than outside.
UV wave is the first of many triggers, let us says tools for humanity
to expand its conciousness from social to super. We would like to call
them gifts. These gifts are unconditional. You can choose to open it
up, use it to any effect, be to negative or positive, as will be the
case on 10/17. Obviously we are resonating to those who read this
message for peace and love.
partake of some "thing" you must be in resonance with that "thing".
The cross roads are upon you. Choices made today will affect the
outcomes in your years to come as the choices made in your yesteryear
have brought you to the path you are
on today. This is not ot be judged but it is what it is and
where you are. Regardless, many souls are crying out, screaming out,
praying out for a change, for help, for assistance
and this is opportunistic.
will not bore you with cosmic laws, but suffice to say that a gift is
just that, "a gift", it is not interference, it is not manipulative,
it is not obligated. Simply it is unconditional. As is the 10/17 UV activation
wave. What you do with it and whether you choose to use it is
purely up to you.
Imagine a torch, a beam of light, approximately twice the size of your
Earth. As your Earth passes through the ultra-dimensional
wave, all points will experience approximately 14-17hrs touched
by the wave.
[all i see is like ocean waves washing in over Earth, so is difficult
to explain if it is a beam or a wave or maybe both]
There will be 5 other ultra-dimensional
activations occurring between now and 2016 as all 6 universes begin to
line-up and mesh, but they will be of a differing nature. This 818
activation will be the only one of its kind where you will have
an opportunity to create, change and affect your current reality in an
ACCELERATED fashion. Think of it as a one-off TURBO assisted BOOSTER
for manifestion.
Many wish analysis-paralysis of this. It
is simple. Although you do not remember, aeons ago you, yourselves set
many alarm clocks and triggers to wake you up and assist you along
your journey. Just like your alarm clock next to your bedside table,
you can choose to ignore it and go back to sleep or you can get up to
a bright new day. So many choices.
Note that the number 1017 is
associated with October 17, the same date as the 1989
baseball World Series earthquake. October 17, 2006 is the
17th anniversary of that event. The number-date of October
17 can be figured as 10 x 17 = 170, one of the primary
numbers of this thread.
Incredibly coincidental is this part of the e-mail:
We call this UV beam trigger
event, "818" gateway.
Divided by two in order to reveal:
818 / 2 = 409
This was the number of circles in the Mega Glyph of 2001.
Norma Smith of Universal Harmonics figured the English
Alphanumerics of 409 as related to the seven colors of the
spectrum. The same colors are associated with the seven
chakras of the human body:

Region to be surveyed, overlayed on MSX 8 μm image

Cygnus-X is one of the richest known
regions of star formation in the Galaxy. It contains as many as
800 distinct H II regions, a number of Wolf-Rayet and OIII stars
and several OB associations. The association near the center of
the complex, Cygnus OB2, was known to be large from optical
observations (Reddish et al 1966, Massey & Thompson 1991).
Subsequent IR observations indicated that Cygnus OB2 contains as
many as 2600±400 OB stars and ~100 O-stars, with a total stellar
mass that could be as high as 105 Msolar (Knödlseder
2000, Comerón et al. 2002; Hanson et al. 2003). Cygnus-X also
contains one of the most massive molecular complexes of the nearby
Galaxy with a total mass of 3×106 Msolar (Schneider et
al. 2006). Cygnus-X has been long argued to be the superposition
of a number of star-forming regions (Dickel et al. 1969). However,
a detailed comparison of 13CO 2 to 1 and 1 to 0
emission with MSX images led Schneider et al. (2006, 2007) to
conclude that the molecular clouds in Cygnus-X form connected
groups, and that the Cyg OB2 and OB1/OB9 associations directly
heat the molecular material in Cygnus-X.
The implication is that the majority of objects seen in this
region are located at the same distance, i.e., that of the OB2,
OB1 and OB9 associations at ~1.7 kpc. This includes sources like
DR21 and S106, formerly estimated at 3 kpc and 600 pc,
respectively, and implies that Cygnus-X is largely composed of a
single 200 pc diameter, 3×106 Msolar complex. Thus, it
has 3× the combined mass of the molecular clouds within 500 pc of
the Sun, in a region 1/5 the diameter. Given the high rate of
high-mass star formation in Cygnus-X, as demonstrated by the
existence of 40 massive protostars in regions such as DR21,
DR21(OH), W75N, and AFGL 2591, Cygnus-X is thus the most active,
rich, and massive star-forming complex within 2 kpc from the Sun.
In addition, the close association of a rich OB cluster such as
OB2 with a massive molecular complex is exceptional. We are
probably witnessing an OB association that is growing while still
embedded in its molecular complex. The mass is much larger than
other nearby molecular clouds with OB associationssuch as Orion A
(105 Msolar; Bally et al. 1987), M17 (3×105
Msolar; Elmegreen et al. 1979) or Carina (2×105 Msolar:
Schneider & Brooks 2004). Consequently, Cygnus-X appears to be
giving birth to the largest OB association within 2 kpc.
Cygnus X-3
Located 37, 000
light years away in the constellation Cygnus, which straddles the
galactic plane, is a powerful x-ray source named Cygnus X-3. Although
it is only the third brightest x-ray source in the constellation after
the famous
Cygnus X-1, it is much further away on the far side of the galaxy
and is obscured by intervening interstellar gas and dust near the
galactic plane. When this is factored in, it appears to be one of the
two or three most luminous objects in the galaxy in intrinsic
brightness. It has received attention because it is one of the few
sources of ultra-high energy
cosmic rays with energies in the 100 - 1000
TeV range. But its most unique aspect is the production of
anomalous cosmic ray events in a
proton decay detector deep in Minnesota's Soudran iron mine. These
events have defied analysis and have led to questions about whether
Cygnus X-3 is a standard
neutron star or perhaps something more exotic, like a star made of
quarks. Cygnus X-3 is a compact object in a binary system which is
pulling in a stream of gas from an ordinary star companion.
Cygnus X-3 has distinguished itself by its intense X-ray emissions
and by ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. It also made astronomical
headlines by a radio frequency outburst in September 1972 which
increased its radio frequency emissions a thousandfold. Since then it
has had periodic radio outbursts with a regular period of 367 days.
These flares are of unknown origin, but they are exceedingly violent
events. Naval Research Laboratory observations in October 1982 using
Very Large Array detected the shock wave from a flare; it was
expanding at roughly one-third the speed of light.
Cygnus X-3 has an orbital period about its companion of only 4.79
hours. Intriquing underground events in the Soudron
iron mines in October 1985 included 60 anomalous muon events in a 3ˇ
cone around Cygnus X-3 with a precise period of 4.79 hours, so they
clearly came from that source. But that requires a neutral particle
traveling at almost precisely the speed of light, and there are no
reasonable candidates for such a particle.
1) CYGNUS ARM within the Milky Way Galaxy. These CYGNUS
NEBULOSITIES -- which contain Planets DAMCO and PONTEL -- are all
located ~2,000 light-years away. Looking toward the constellation
CYGNUS, is a stunning and complex region of nebulae strewn along
the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. The bright, hot, supergiant
star DENEB and popular celestial sights such as the North America
and PELICAN emission regions, the IC 1318 "BUTTERFLY," and the
CRESCENT and VEIL NEBULAE can also be identified.
Silhouetted by the glowing interstellar clouds and crowded star
fields, the dark NORTHERN COAL SACK is also visible, part of a
series of obscuring dust clouds forming the GREAT RIFT in the
Milky Way. Along with the Sun, they lie within the ORION SPIRAL
ARM of our galaxy.
2) Constellation: CANCER, Star M44: "A BEEHIVE" OF STARS!
The BEEHIVE CLUSTER lies ~580 light-years away, and contains over
350 stars in a cluster spread out over only 10 light-years. M44 is
a prominent open cluster of stars. Nicknamed "PRAESEPE" and "The
BEEHIVE," it is one of the few open clusters visible to the
unaided eye.
M44 was thought to be a nebula until Galileo used an early
telescope to resolve the cluster's bright blue stars. These stars
in M44, which is thought to have formed about 400-730 million
years ago, is larger and older than most other open
clusters. When viewed with a powerful telescope, hundreds of
stars become visible.
~380-400 light-years from Earth and contains 3,000+ stars. The
nine (9) brightest stars are: Atlas, Pleione, Alcyone, Maia,
Asterope, Taygeta, Calaeno, Merope and Electra. Perhaps the most
famous star cluster on the sky, the PLEIADES can be seen without
binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city.
Also known as the "SEVEN SISTERS" and M45, the PLEIADES is one
of the brightest and closest open clusters. The PLEIADES contains
over 3,000 stars and is only 10-13 light years across. As viewed
through a good telescope, there are blue reflection nebulae that
surround the brighter cluster stars. Low mass, faint, brown dwarfs
have also been found in the PLEIADES.
4) Constellation: RETICULUM, Zeta Reticuli I and II, are 5th
magnitude yellow double star system, Planets SERPO, OTTO and SILUS
are 38.42 light-years away. Planet SERPO's binary suns, Zeta
Reticuli I & II; SERPO is Reticulum IV.
– Zeta Reticuli I & II are two (2) 5th magnitude yellow-orange
main sequence dwarf stars of 5.2 and 5.5 magnitude; they are not
blue. Zeta Reticuli lies 38.42 light years or 225,968,400,000,000
miles away.
– Secondly, Zeta Reticuli 1 is approx. 91% of the diameter of
our sun, and Zeta Reticuli 2 is approx. 99% of the diameter of our
– Thirdly, the distance BETWEEN the stars is 367 BILLION miles
for Zeta Reticuli I and II, or approx 100 times the Sun-Pluto
distance, as
they orbit a common center.
More from Joe Mason: The baseball earthquake symbolism came to me in 1990.
Here's an excerpt from:
Quote:Earthquake and Baseball
Some weeks went by before I read more of Ezekiel, and
came to more significant verses -
3:12 Then the Spirit lifted
me up, and as the glory of the Lord arose from its
place, I heard behind me the sound of a great
earthquake; 13it was the sound of the wings of the
living creatures as they touched one another, and the
sound of the wheels beside them, that sounded like a
great earthquake.
This also stuck me as quite coincidental. The day I
drew the diagram based on the Dali painting, in the
attempt to find the 5-4 code, the report came over the
television that it was the first anniversary of the
San Francisco earthquake of 1989. <
See also: